Omaha Sunday Bee. iis? oita i HE VCmTIHAFQ 3C AS I. For Nelirstt .1 -n'ra'.ly fi'r. For lows Fair, j For i;hiT rynrt paga 2. NEWS SECTION jlcss oaa to ekszt. V VOL. XXXIX NO. 44. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING, APKIL 17, 1910-SIX SF.lTIONS-F'OKTY-FOl'B PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. LEADING WOMEN AT GATHERINGS Suffragists Wind Up a Stormy Session in the National Canital. . BUSINESS KEEPS GROWING BETTER Gompcrs Taking Hand in Settling ' Big Coal Strike Will Confer with Officials of Miners and Talks with the Com paai;s. HYDE HEARING BEGINS MONDAY attitude of President Taft Eas ft Sala atory Iffict XJpcn ths Gea eral Conditions. 113 CCXCEH5S UCZLASZ WAGIS Harder Trial Positirely Will Be Called. Declares Prosecutor Virgil Conkling". t I I ? ! M I V Somber of Changes ia Eailroad Circlei Are Contemplated. M' - -"-- I - English Capital Eefrins to Encroach ! Upon American Railway Lines. EUL EOADS SHOW BIG STSPLITS Swllrhnfaa' strike Had Bad Weather Only Tlhl lies Flavian; Tendency te Retard Oaward Marrn ef ladaatry. l Compere will attend. The Philadelphia XE York. April lfi. (Special Tlejrrsm conferences relate to the settlement of the to The Bee Commencing Mjndar, when i Philadelphia street car strike, the United States supreme court ordered Fmm Philadelphia Gompers will likeiy t 'e re-arrimer.t of the American Tobacco ' go to P1tt.Jiurir, where he will eor-fer with c mpa.iy aid Standard OH ca.ies, the stock officials of the miners and later with rep irarke: commenced tj assume vteady resentatives of the steel companits and the strength. There was a relaxation in the I business hesltauon throughout the country 1 hen the announcement cume from Wash- , l.igton. This week the total buslnews of the stock market was about ICS.i'fl shares, and 4 widely distributed. There were several i contributing cnusei this week to add a brighter filing to the market. The United States Steel corporation hss , Increased the wages of ItsW.OiO men prao , ticaily per cent, which will likely fore stall any labor troubles. The coal miners ! In the western Pannsjivania district and ! skirting the Pittsburg coal belt cava an 1 advance of waire) offered them, but the ; atrike situation is by no means Improved. , President Taffs attitude against the pro 4Tjsed Investigation had a salutatory ef fect. The g:ild shipments to Europe still keep up and at the present time $12,000,000 In gold hits been sent abroad. Rallmad f haaarea Cnatrainlateil. A number of changes are contemplated ' in the railroad field. A report from Mon treal saya that Sir Thomas' Phaughnesay, premdunt of the Canadian Pacific m plan ning to resign. It Is understood at tha same tima that A. J. Earling. preKident of tha Cbicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul has 1 signified his Intention of resigning. Marvin Hugitt. president of the Chicago . North western, is-said to be contemplating ir.ent. 3. T. Harrahan's connection with tha liilno'.s Central has commenced to be lookad upon as merely nominal. These ch.-tngea will bring soma new men ta tba front. So far au tha railroad industry to cort erroed, cundltioua of tha week were en couraging. Develop ant a twniled to thow k that business la growing steadily better. EngilHh capHai haa begun to encroach on tha American railroad field to a noticeable extent. The Pearson syndicate Is now a i T heavy holder of Rock Island. Tha English syndirate la alHo accredited, with now ha.v- ing complete control of the Lehigh Valley. The Pearson clique holds JlS.fW0.000 worth of Rork Inland bond., in addition to the preferred and common stock. President Howard Elliott of the North ern Fat-iOc. who waa In New Turk several days, before leaving for St. Paul said that j which the bulls control, the strong bear conditions west of the Misaouri river were clique operating In the New York pit will higbiy favorable for a good businees year, j tender from 2W.0OO to 2D0.1IM bales on enn Ha twid that there was an increased acre-j tracts to the Paiten-Brown-Haynes-Pcfiles ae under cultivation and that the lumber ; bull pool, known as the "big f jur." industry waa undergoing a boom. The general Impression at this time is At the end of the eiirht months of tha that, so far aa the bull pool itself Is enn current Cucai year for the HU1 roads, three ; certjed. Patten personally will be cailed of the four had earned a full year's surplus upon to supply the bulk of the funds required to maintain the current dividends. ! needed to pay for the cotton the bears will The Colorado Southern has the widest j deliver. His ability to do so is not double.!. lead over surplus requirements, but the Burilngtoo could easily Increase Ita rites If the controlling lines so desired. aar De-ala la 9lh. The switchmen's strike and tba weather retarded buaines. There Is little l ke!ihood that the Oreat Northern will Increase ita dividend or make any extra distribution. The Baidwtn Loco motive company will bring out a IH.OIO.10J bond Issue. It la believed, and present Indi es tiens apparently bear crut tha jtsssfst, J the gruas earnings for Atcouson this I year mill be between SltB.CKM.iJja and SII4.- iXi 1 A cumulation today showing the earnings j -Cfcmrle- W. Pool of Tecum haa an ef tb, U!d roads at the end of the ninta ; nounced hia candidacy for the democrat.c ruuuti. "f IMS fiscal yt-ar showed an as- ! nomination for the office of secretary of gate Increase In the gross earnings amount- j state. Mr. Pool was speaker of the house Uig to nearly lOiffil.O . Of thU amount j at the lust session of the state legislature. the Denver Rio Grande contributes tha greaiest share. Next Ls the M teiiri p" cific and the least la given ny uie oi.uin BJU Tha directors of the Amaiga.nated Cop per cumpnny will meet Thuday of next week for the purpose of action on dividends. It ia exerttKl l!;er will be r.o charge in the rat. John D. Ryan, prest dent of tha Amalgamated, says tha outlook la most optimistic During the latter part of the week the saies of copper metals tn creaatd. Calumet and Hecla advanced their ptlcea fr reason. Tha reported i;j.ivements of money this week indicated a cash sain In the reserve j Of about C MX kW. r airiy largt gains iru the subireusui-y offset the amount of t:ia ' " . la iii.arters In cioi-e loucn wun m ml'fnarr fa r of the sieel corporations a rporl ays j cuttunoii stoik will be pUcsd on a 5 per i ctnt Imlusinai information from i tl:s soutiiern fli-idx , t,.e o e fle.tia, :iot no 4lij.pMltion to beiti-r . P cea. WIFE BURNS TO DEATH EEFCRE HUSBAND'S EYES Vsaag Weanaa'a Drvae falrkr Fire While HaUlac Child la Her Anna. tiLENWOOD SPRINGS. Coin.. April 14 - Her clothing catching fire while she was hul ling her baby ia Uer arms, tha youn wife or Kuy nana". ranch manager nar t.a.c ran erreanuo out or dvirs'. h., thouart the nrvce dings unusual. tuiln.v was roaxted Uj doith, but droiiptd til b.ii.y m lima to save its life. The husband me.ed tha tragedy from a dit.i-i- e. but was unable to reatn his wiTd in tune t j ht.p her. I fteatric Mre 1 ,.OiK BSATKICS. Neb., April li. Special Tel- am.) At a xpet.-:! meeting of tha city this event n the annua! lax -v r.ia.-ed ar II wl Tha nj.n- X a.un waa ui...ii to tu. NEW TORK. April !!. Sp'Cial Tele gram rr-m.iont uppers nf the a meri- mn rMl.ratlnn nf T K. r will anplk In thm city tomurrnw. Next week he may go into Pennsylvania to lend a hand In sett line the strike of the coal miners. Preuint Ccimwrj has been invited to at Ifflj conferences b'twMi the miners and opra,or' Bdt p-""" ! President Compere ia represented as sav- j ing that the United Steel corporation Is 1 I try'ng to pal!lat the laboring men by j raising traces. .Uhough the m.n evidenced no design to do so until the steel workers I had carried tlwir grievances to the ears of Prrsldent Tsft and Attorney General Wlrkersham, There will be a conference In Philadel phia Monday and another. Tuesday which. mine owners. This will be the first move I taken by the head of the American Fed--ra. tlon of Ijibor in the coal strike. Hereto fore he has allowed the necotiatlona to fall upon Mr. Lewis, president of ths United Minis Workers of America. Murdered Body of O. Fa Hamilton Found at Mullen Man Active in Unearthing Land Frauds Eeported to Have Been Killed. BROKEN BOW, Neb., April IS: (Special Telegram.) Word was received here today thaX the murdered body of O. F. Hamll- i ton. who disappeared from Mullen two years ago, was found yesterday near the stock yard at that place. Hamilton la said to have Incurred tha enmity of a. number of people by assisting secret service men In unearthing land frauds. Several Impor tant arrests, have been reported to have been made. ! Patten to Jump in Cotton Strife Bull Campaign is Said to Be Started Before Maturity of ULij Option. CHICAGO. April 11 (Special Telegram to The TW Within the next forinlfftit Amer- lca wl)1 ajvuther sensational cotton war aa the result of 2 bull campaign led by James F Patten. Mr. Patten does not deny that Be is going into the market harder than he ever has before. Before the maturity of May options. Pool Files for Secretary- of State Speaker of House at Last Session Would like the Democratic Nomination. (From a Staff Correspondent). LINCOLN, April IS. (Special Telegram.) ' MARK TWAI?i IS IMPROVING Pteysleiaa Hurra that Dlatlaaralahed Ha mart t Will Sms Be Oat mt Daaa-er. REDDING. Conn.. April IS. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twa n). who la seriously ill of angina pectoris at his country seat, Stormfield. waa better today, and Dr. Rob ert H. Haey of New York sa-d that If the i ... . ...... . ...niimia, V wmil.1 mkl entt- sider it necessary for him to r-main with the patient a great while longer. At S:29 o'clock Mr. Clemen physicians iiued the following builr-Un: "Mr. Clemens' condition today, while st 11 I serioua. Is improved and he La resting Love is Blind, but Union Station Crowds Are Not Has a man rig'tt to kiaa his wif In ths public waiting room of a ralln ad station' This Is tn question which is bothering t C. Andcrwm of Minneapolis. He trim tn ; J experiment several titnes Saturday morning , ,t t,, !.-; states, and. when stopped tinK enough t- look about h:m. found that . mit- being watched by a crowd of per- , suns i Coming tu Omaha from Minneapolla. he ' wss obilh-ed to sTtnd a couple of hours ! wa.tmg for the tram that was tj take 1 him and his new wif to bi-nv -r. took I her hand in hia and eeral oxrula: ry I iom:UBior revet.-erated tliruutin too a j tion. It did not taie long to gjil er a crowd. thl they were being watched. th rW o. paries ironj ine .1 on aad left ' beiiiod their tuag -, who-h consisted F2JECXE3, A52I0US TO BEGIN pjjyjiciaa Says He Has Faith in Jury " and Wants Thin? Over. tumors is szniorsLY hl Dr. Twyman for the State Has Acnt AppenOlClU-S. Tfl TT f"RTTTri.T C05SITIC3 SAID 10 Ei. CBITaCAJ, Hla Death la Eiseetril, Bat Even Tkaaik All WllsrMes Die, Prose eater Says Trial Will Proceed. KANSAS CTTT. April It 'The case of Dr. B. C. Hyde will positively go to trial next Monday," said Prosecutor Virsil Conklia tonight. The plan was to have the state deliver ,s opening statement In the case today. but not knowing the exact condition of Dr. G. T. Twyman, one of the state's wit nesses who waa stricken with acute ap pendicitis yesterday, the prosecution re fused to make the address. Ia the event that Dr. Twyman could not be used aa a witness, said Mr. Conkllng, certain changes would have to be made in the statement. Ha wanted to know exactly what witnesses he could depend upon, he said, before he went. Into trial. When tt was suggested that the Jury, which was chosen yesterday, be sworn, Mr. Conkling objected. This led many to believe that he might yet ask to have the Jury discharged. In the event of the Jury being sworn, nothing could stop the pro gress of the trial. Tonight, however, Mr. Conkllng set aside ail doubt aa to his In- I tention to begin the trial. "Dr. Twn.'i condition la very good, Ipdeed," he said. "He may be able to testify. I ahail proceed with, the trial even though halt of the state's witnesses be deai- Wltaeaeee far State. Frank P. Walsh, chief counsel for Dr. Hyde, will insist upon the witnesses for the state testifying In order and he will not present a witness for the defense until the last aian haa taken the stand for the prosecution. Monday probably will be given over en tirely to the making of the opening ad dresses. The state's speaker will address the Jury first. Mr. Walsfc. wll& fallow for the defense. k Dr . Hyde Is anxioujr to. go JbrlaJ He ' -hey go on a special court tram to Sera believea be baa a fair Jury and, besides '.mermg in the eaalara AJpa. Unfortunately thu onst of the ease la enormous. In the j Mr. Roosevelt's engagement tu receive the I, stenographic fees amounted to a trifle more than Su09. Dr. J. R. Hull, who Is under Indictment with Mrs. Alma Vaughn of Kirksville, Mo., Introduced himself to Dr. Hyde In the court room today." They chatted for a few min utes regarding commonplace subjects. Each expressed pleasure at meeting the other. Two more members of the Swope family Miss-s Margaret arid Lucy Lee Swope sisters of Mrs. Hyde, came to the criminal court building for the first time today. Neither spoke to Mrs. Hyde. Both an nounced they Intended to take the stand against their brother-in-law. Dr. A. M. Perdue, a local scientist, has been added to Dr. Hyde's list of medical experts. It waa announced today. Jury U Held. Pending a more detailed statement of the physician's Illness, the Jury la held with out being sworn. In the event of Dr. Twy man's death before Monday, the case would go to trial immediately. If, however, bia Illness la not fatal, but lingering, the stale may aek that the Jury be dismissed and the case continued indefinitely. Such a course will be opposed by the attorneys for Dr. Hyde, as they are desirous of their client being-given an Immediate trial. An operation was performed on Dr. Twy man this morning. Dr. Jabes Jackson diagnosed bis qase as acute diverticulitis. This, according to physicians, is even mora dangerous than appendicitis. Dr. Twyman passed through the operation successfully, it waa announced at 11 o'clock. t'e art Raoaa la Crwwdem. For the f.rsl lime since toe trial started, the court room was crowded today. It was expected that the slate would make its opening statement. One of the early arrivals was Dr. J. T. Hull of Kirksville, Mo., who la Jointly In dicted with Mrs. A'ma Vaughan for the murder by poisoning of her husband. Prof. J. T. Vautrhon. Dr. Hull greeted Dr. Hyde and was Introduced to Mrs. Hyde. He talked with them for several minutes Neither mentioned his ease. The physicians had never met before. "Dr. Hyde is a fine looking man." said Dr. Hull. i oaa very glad to meet Dr. Hull." was j Lrr Myoe s remark. j Dr Hyde ia disappointed because of ths j 'Iay In the case, but he Is philosophical about It. "It has been said that the mills of the I frod grind slowly," h- remarked after court. ' of several p arc-Is wrapped in paper. Some curious yuns-iiers came serosa Uie un- piot acted Bundies and proceeded to see hut was in them. They were playing "store" with tile contents of the Da ret Is j m hM, a r3i.n4 employe took pose)1on j of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson's property and car t i theJ belongings to the station master's office. Andersun apniard shortly afterward and aiked for his 'household goods and Arona! tffri-t." H.s houa.-hold goods curm.attd of a kn.fe, f rk. s;-oon, cup. sau cer and a Jar of prerved fruit. The couple's personal eff- ois were loo num. r ouah to mertion. After a erem- with ma Anderson was ab e to i his property cniiMiitrd of a.-d it aa turned i over to him. He had it check d to keep1 it aay from curious ca.ldre and vriu j out With hid if to r Uiiwaa. j EMPEROR MAEES SECOND CALL Francis Joseph Invites Roosevelt to Take Short Hunting; Trip. HE IS COMPELLED TO DECLESE Jaaat late Alpa Weald Iaterfere with Reeeptiaa to Asaerleaaa Coart Dlaaer aad Otera far Taalght. VIENNA. April 16 Mr. Roosevelt and Kerrnlt made an automobile excursion to day to tha famous Kreuzcnateln caatle of Count W'Jcaek, some twenty miles from Vienna. The weather waa fine. While at breakfast this morning Mr. Roosevelt received a call from Emperor Francis Joseph, who Invited him to ac company bia majesty on a capercailzie hunting expedition following the court din ner tonight. These birds are shot Just be fore dawn, and the emperor proposed that compelled him to decline this gracious in vitation. The former president had luncheon with American Ambassador Kerens and later called upon Prince and Princess Fursten berg and waa escorted by the prince, who is at the head of the management to the International Mrt1nff exhibition. The day will be concluded with the court dinner at the Schoenbrunn castle, a brief visit to the Imperial opera and the recep tion to the America t colony at the em bassy. Aliased AaaKkUt Arrested. GENEVA, April 16. It was announced here today an anarchist identified as a member of the American Black Hand was arrested on Wednesday at Chiasso, Switz erland, near the Italian frontier, on the suspicion that he had designs on Mr. Roosevelt's life. The police think the suspect, who hsV In his poMieegion several cipher telegrams from the United States, waa enroute for Venice, where he expected to find the former president. Murderer of Three Convicted GIRARD. Kan., April IS. Fred Parks, a negro, was sentenced to prison for life to day for the murder of the Bork family, near Frontenac, November St. He was taken to prison a few hours later. By an agreement made before Parks went to trial, Edward Charles, who was with Parks on the night of the murders, wl'.l now piead guilty and accept a peniteniary sentence. The murdered fainlly consisted of William Boric, bis wife and child, three years old. They were shot and killed while driving along a country road In a buggy- The motive for the crime was robbery. The habit of turn ing to the. want ad pages of The Bee Sundays to find out what U going on, is a very good habit. It is a growing habit. So many have profited by this habit Bee want ads find jobs for people. They will sell anything in the world. This is the great bargain counter. Read thera. You fee! the pulse of the ' people here. If they aho'ild whet your a pistils) to use one of these l:n!a tretsurrs, 'jihoae Dour,:.. a 23$, and a che-urful fatt will writ your for yau an.4, see that it gets proper c'.ast-ificA-tiua. i In M A VIITLE THERE'S LIFE THERE'S HOPE Church Divided by Organ Goes Into Court Factions in Conjrregatdoa at Trinity Springs, lad., to Determine Own ership of Property by Law. WASHINGTON, Ind., April 18. Failing to determine In fraternal council whether or not musical Instruments properly may be employed in the services of the Chris tian church, differing factions In its mem bership In southern Indiana decided to ask the courts to rule and they came before the Martin county circuit eourt today. The "progressiva" wing of the Christian chureh at Trinity Springs ia suing the "non-organist" wing for possession of the property, which Includes a small reed organ. It was over this organ that contention or! ir!n ally arose. " Before it was installed, at the request of a traveling evangelist, muelo In the church had consisted solely of congregational singing of hymns, with out Instrumental accompaniment. Pays Board Bill With Murder Unusual Story of Motive for Capital Crime Comes from Gary, Indiana. GART. Ind.. April 16. Killing of a third man to satisfy a bill owed by the murderer to another man la the development of the confession today said by tha local police to have been made by Dmydriule Ulemek. Ulemek. a stetl worker, was arrested a few days ago at Mononaphela, Pa., and brought back to Gary, the scene of the alleged crime. According to the police Ulemek; confessed murdering . Michael Reibrlch hera a year aS' t the request- of Samuel Wojmovich. a boarding house keeper, who had lost HO to Rebrich. The boarding house man, it Is alleged, returned home and woke up Ulemek. who owed him a bill for SIM for board. "Kill Rebrich and TU forget the board bill." Wojmovlch la quoted as saying. The police declare that Ulemek donned his clothes, seized a revolver, found Re brich and shot him. ROOSEVELT INVITED TO SPEAK Will Address the National Geographi cal woeletr- at Ita Meetlaar ?lext Jane. NEW TORK. April lfi (Special Telegram to The Bee.) The first public address of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt may be made before the National Georgraphlcal society In Washington, after his arrival In Amer ica In June. It has been the idea of the society for some time to Invite Colonel ' Roosevelt to talk upon, his travels. When' an invitation was sent to him he readily accepted it. The date of the address has not been set. Colonel Roosevelt la an honorary member of the society. How Big is Omaha? What Some People Think About It Jt ;t ...Elsie Peiter 17 Pierce J47.SMS ." Oliver Cola, 41.-st Grant i:S woe Florence Chamnuiat. i:H 8. 2Slh 1 G. W. Taibot, 2;m Manderson 114. '.i... Ci-s... l'.47... 1-.'4.M... V4.J0.. m:.".is.. 147. 2fil . . i'uim. . i.r5.. i:.; .1.1.. no u w;.2.. m. i;..;;4.. viz. j. . l.a.777.. .47 '5.. W. J. -Sa-niloui e. Klron Mildred Carlwin. Fremont L. C. Marks. J1K Lafayette F. HoOer.t'ounril boiifs E. A. Stringer. Bee Blilg H. C. lia 3. A. Waggoner, llii S. Jstn A. L. Uauter. Souui Omaha J. -A. Beenrr, Atianuc .. Hansen. Atlantic Bertha tisrton. SJZ S. Sid ...Kenneth l-avia. Genoa Haxel J. iiwtr, OgaUula Earl Austin, Kranalin it. A. Kerr. H tielinss A.. L. AuKt.o, Eenaieinan ili . A. H. VV'oulnt. Ingleside John R .bei t-xon. Ko.urese SV. L Blair, Linwood J. Barker .2 A 2.'tn ..Edeard Perains, itC Wanders.. n A V. Moore. Si. JZd 1 a ! .? Via Horn. N-.rtn Luup James i-.char It-nn mil and iacaS4n W. K. Lounsbury, Aurora Eiia J-lrgemnn, North ptstte ! l:t.757.. ll-j ilt. . 14".. L.. i..iit. . !:: . ei.. !.,!. . 14..77T B. C. W aili-. T. M. C. A. Cliarle lirr.ea. Haroings L:w. i.i. ..Joe Nnid. M.oo. n The Census Man BURLINGTON MAKES DICKER Enters Into Traffic Agreement with Eio Grande. T2ASSFE2 BUSINESS Ef LESTER Threes: Paaeeagger Tralaa May Oner ate Besweea Caiaaaw aad Coast Tar ef Yardssea ts Retard. DENVER. Colo . April 18. At a confer ence of railroad officials today the Chi cago. Burlington at Quincy railroad and the Dearer de Rio Grande and Western Pacific lines concluded traffic agreements whereby these systems will interchange business in Denver and the Gould lines will become the outlet to California for the Hill roads. President Darius Miller of tha Burlington road said after the conference that through passenger trains probably would be. op erated from Chicago by way of Denver to Saa Frapclsco. "The Burlington does not own a dollar' a worth, of stock: in. tha Denver U Rio Grande," said Mr. Miller. "Who ever bought the S4.0OS.O0O worth at par evidently wanted it quite badly. It waa not our road, however, that made that deal. I don't know whether It was Mr. Hawley or not. Better Pax for Tardaaen. George W. Holdrega of Omcha, general manager of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, said the Burlington had made a temporary contract to use the Chicago & Northwestern tracks from Shoshone. Wyo., to a Colorado A. Southern connection at J Orin Junction, pending the completion of ita own line, and that through' that ar rangement it was expected that the Colorado & Southern and the Burlington would Jointly be in a position to Inaugurate a gulf to coast service by the first of next year. Ths Burlington official also announced that they bad agreed to an Increase of 3 cents on hour in the pay of yardmen on the entire system with the exception of Denver. . , . PENSIONS FOR WAR VETERANS Mere Than Five Theaaaad Men Who Keeght far Carle Sana LlTlaa; Ahmad. WASHINGTON. April iaSpedal Tele gram to The Bee.) More 'than 5.0M men who receive pensions for service during the civil war live outside of the United States. i Some of the places to which pensions are ant are remote and far away. Last year the government paid out 1190. KC.0CO to KL000 surviving veterans and wldowa Ohio and Pennsylvania lead, each slate having 92.000 in round numbers. New York has 8X00A. Illinois tS.0( and Indiana, 57.0(0 pensioners. Cansda leads In the foreign nations, with 2,'SL Germany has 580. Ireland 4-0 and England 371. Other places to which money Is sent are the Seychelles Islands. S' Mar tins. St. Helena, Azores, Bahamas. Turkey. Greece. Liberia, Korea, Honduras, Isle of Man and Hong Kong. Three civil war veterans have attained the ages of 10S. n7 and 10 years, respec tively. 17n.n"... HI ten W. A. Ko'-ker. North Platte Lilian Kubat. South Cimana W. K. IreijLiid, Bosi.n P. J- Ryan, isi.uth (-nana Ttlie ekow. South Omaha G. Wegman. Bl je Hill ... Dave Callahan Soutn i.mnha ...Mrs. J. L I-Visel, 2" U N. r.,n Arthur Carlson. Omaha G- A. Curtis, South Oman ..W. M. htiilniifi. Council h.uiM Anna Kubat, fut)i Omtia P- W. Ionia. Kanise J- euvem. Macon. ,,. J. V. Fallon, HC2 a. Sth .... Mrs. H unit-it, iw li. Inn Mrs. J. p. Failon, iuS2 !. a-m J. O. Burner, p. (. Mrs. G It. Baker, tin A. 1'jth ii. C. Voiimrr, Webnter Charles Volimer, WtuMur . G. A. fcinir ck. he 3rd C. M. Pvigeoa, 4:i"4 Mlum: F F. Wkrfner. N. til M C. U iih. N 3iu ...E. N. !. Bi!r-vtj , J- 11 ietiswk-a, Yora .J. W. Houiler, P. fck Iind. I I. ..W. L J.iMKar. .New York Life .M.lti.n M iiinea.l. 24 kur.ic.ti, ...a. 8jnderi;ard. liiS l,1j J N. r'tlir, ; J-ul C. it- Hadier, S1 Miami I l.' .mu l!u (... liJ.T47 ; Mi.iiccj... I !;'.... j 1M .... j HVJ. jus. . . j H.'..'t... If ' 142 :tM... , lli'Jie... j 1..3. .. 1;.. i li. 'Wt... j 13 it J. .. : lu.'..T.i... I 11," aett. .. i lii J17... ! U. J it.'...".::;... I Uj. I 1 4 475. . . ' 1;LJ... l....'il... I i: u'i7... t. ..'... I hz LJ. j Ul.u7 J3 Counting Nov. SPEHrr CF PKCGSESS n S30X3 Insarjent3 in th; Organization Malta Their Influence Felt ELFETTD EISSIXG OF PRESIDENT People Believed Whea Conventioa Ends lis Work. DArGZTESS OF B.E70LUTI03 3TEXT Sterna Center la M etlaa mt Order At tenant te Mrs. Centes fram aa Imneara Scott. WASHINGTON. April 11 (Special Tele gram to The Bee.) The convention of the National Women's Suffrage association, which ended today, an dthe national con gress of Daughters of the American Revo lution, which convenes Monday, have brought more prominent women to this c.ty than sny other event which baa trans pired in the United plates. Today the na tional capital would, if a census had been taken, showed Itself the temporary abiding p ace of a ia.-ga Traction of the well known women o fthe land. As the suffrag!?ta wound up their stormy convention and clouds began to form, her alding trouble In the ranks of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, whaa their congress assemMca on Monday, de velopments have come to- pass which show the public at large that the women are rapidly becoming adept In the game of politics. The spirit of pro preys has already caused two sets of insurgents one in the Wom en's Suffrage association and the other la the Daughters of the American Revolution. The Insurgents are formidable in each or ganization. In the suffrage association they defend the huwing of President Taft and In the Daughters of the American Revolution they are fosteting the movement to oust Mrs. Matthew Scott, the president. Fear and Trembling;. Among the members of the cabinet and congress there are many who fear that to some Indirect way they must have been drawn Into the suffrage controversy, and tonight there were audible sighs of relief marking the close of the convention.. Even President Taft. whose presence gave rise to the trouble, evidenced a feeling of secret I liiv Ikat V. innvAH,t..M Y. .1 , . " - own. i uw prwaiucmi eviuvuuy leaxeo tnat the hissing incident would have soma political effect. It waa feared and openly commented that the wives and daughters of congressmen and cabinet members might be drawn Into the interesting suffrage fight, which would In turn Involve the men. For a time it waa actually feared that something might grow out of tile Taft Incident which would be construed Into a campaign matter and might be an issue In some of tha state campaigns next fail, especially In the west ern states where suffrage prevaila. Meet la the Mall. With President Taft already the center of a political storm, the new clouds which have arisen from the hlsBing Incident added to his troubles. It is said that when Presi dent Taft met Mrs. Donald McLean, honor ary president of the Daughters of Americas Revolution, in the corridor of the Arlington hotel after be had attended the convention. Captain Archibald Butt, the military aide of tha president, pushed forward and whis pered to Mrs. McLean: "Are you a suffragette?" Mrs. McLean was both puzsled and sur prised and she showed it In her manner as she replied: "Good gracious!" The president shook hands with hr and Captain Butt moved away, muttering sorneth f which sounded like: "Thunk God!" The warfare which raged In the conven tion of the suffragists was unexpected, so far as the Taft incidtnt was concerned, but It Is believed It will have a far-reaching effect. The anti-suffraglsts are led by Mrs. Eiihu Root, wife of Senator Root of New York, and will doubtless attempt to make capital of the Incident. The storm in the coming congress of th Daughters of the American Revolution haj already " been annoum.J, but of a dif ferent character. However. suspicious rumors have been heard within the last twenty-four hours. Indicating that curia. a delegates will attempt to have a resolu tion adopted f-voring suffrage. If such, a resolution ia forthcoming It will mean a new eruption. The Daughters of the American Revolution is conspicuous for Its politics, but the political struggles have been confined to the election of its own officers. After Mra. Satt. The Insurgents within the body are de termined to Imp. iii h Mrs. Scott, if possi ble, because. U ey allege, she violated the censtitution of li.a body in diucnarging some of the clerical force In haaJ.fuartera without consulting the executive commit tee. Mrs. McLean, when asked today if the const ess would be near-etui, said: "We have aiways be-i given credit for more nuine than we ever mode. I thins ma ci ming t:-0!a-re.-s will be an important one. So many vague rumors have been circu lated that real'y ii-i.u no ground for fuundaiiou. "Mrs. Scoit, the pr'sdent general, axainst who n.jionic of the so-ca:led Insurgents are working. d;e not antkira:e any trouble. I have heard nothing of an attempt to have tne cor.Kie go on riCuid aa favoring auf fratfe. Doubtless, howrv-r. a number of the members pre-mi may favor, lor sorr.e of those f t a t:.ud tha iu f a ;a iouvei.t'.oa this week are remaining over for our i-ui.Kteaa it it week." President Taft this afternoon sent a I. tter to Mrs. Frances ij i res Poller, president if the Nai A ma 1 an Su.'fraa anaoi ia tion. in r-p.y t the Ut .nr of -aoioay wi.icn he received, li par:, Pri-Mtletii. Taft aatd: "I regret the incident ahUll occurred d'.ilin gmy ape , not for per-oiial reasons, for I have no personal feel.ngs on the sub ject at all, but because mil -h siKiiricance' baa been attached t It. Ii may be u.ed in aa unfair way to embarrass the leaders of your move-iienu I thank thi organ. xa- tion for tha kind y aad cur ten - of t-i resolution subinttt'd ami that ths ii.i-ident iu wliu h ( reler may aiK.n be fr goUen." -