The Omaha Daily Bee EDiTORIAL BRIGHT NEW FEATURES ON OUR MAGAZINE PAGE PAGLS TO :. VOL. XXXIX NO. 250. OMAHA,' SATUKIUY MORXLWJ. APRIL 16, 1910. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Week End Candy SpEc'al Spccia liair Goods Carnation Day Here Duplicating tomorrow Inst week's great sale success, -with 10,000 fresh cut Car nations, in all colors; regular 75c per dozen kind, at m J rnir Ready to plant; all colon; SiturJay sale, at, per dozen 29 Roue American Beauty Rosea fine long item and fresh cut, worth tl dot., at 3) . Great Sale of Tumblers We sh.-.ll have 5M) boxes Bennett's Fluf feta Chocolates on pale delicious, creamy centers, worth 50c, ' for.20c Chocolate limped Caramel All frl.Uy mad for the day s;,e lally for this sale. iigh grade. 40c Quality Take a pound or two home with yon tomorrow Our ereclal in Pr. )C Natural Wary 8ni.'..uv for SG.OO S. 30 and 34 inches. Gla Tumblers Never were- cheaper None wnt C. O. I. or delivered lu.t con:e In person. 87.50 -d S 10.00 Straight Hair Switches 18-lnch, $1.00 kind. at, each. 75 Coronet Braid. 98 S1.50 S2 53.50 to Stt.00 Coronet ISiahl l"iri J5c kind for ..15 ilustrr Curls Very newest, special, each, t S3.00 Wary Hair Swiuiies 18 and 2 0-inch. at. rb S1.50 and 82 Lsrjre Auto .Vets Kor Saturday. 3 for 2T 1.000 dozen Flutod Hottora Water Tumbler; our f0c quality; r Saturday, dozen 19C Engraved Water Tumbler Our finest $1.00 quality; special for one day dcicn 50c 1. SVMMER 8TYI.K BOOK 20e. including any If J J Jj I I5 Ladles Home Journal Pattern Free. JjNjy i I ' Bennett's- Sateday Store News-An 'Entire Page of Unmislabable Bargains New Rajah Silk Tailored Suits Something distinctly pleasing are these superb suits. Made from Roger & Thompson silk Rajah, recognized as the most serviceable silk made. It's particularly well adapted for suits as these prove. Shown in smart 32-ineh coat lengths, full satin lined, with self or moire collars, full pleated skirts and finished with large pearl buttons; natural (20 Q CA grey and leather shades $udmVUo0V Wool Tailored Suits There's an indefinable charm about Bennett suits that is apparent the moment one slips them on. there's a fit to them that is woefully lacking in most inexiensive suits. Ours are designed and shaped to heighten the attractiveness of the figure. The materials are fine serges and worsteds and devoid of an overabundance of trimming. Thev are refined, genteel models worth $25 to $40; priced at Stunning New Long Coats Full length garments, in light weight diagonals, silk pongees, serges and Tussahs, in natural, navy, tan, brown, grey and cream, at $15.00, $19.50 and $25.00 Spring Jackets A very select showing of new styles, light tans, gravs, also black on sale, at $5.95, $7.95, $10.00 and $12.00 MM. Girls Wash Dresses Of best gingham; 2 a dozen lot from prominent maker, sharply underpriced; handsome plaids; : 6 to 14-year sizes; all $2.25 values, at 81.25 Girls' Reefers la all new shades and fabrics; 6 to 14 year sizes ........ S3.95 Children's Reefers 2 to C year sizes; plain and fancy styles, now at . 91.05 82.1)5 S4.05 Tailored Waist Pleated and shirt styles, with stiff eollar and cuffs, at 81.25 A oto Waists of white linen made with wide pleats or 2 clusters of seven tucks on front, at 81.75 Ltwn Dressing S a e q u e s Light or dark effect. 59 House Dresses One-piece light or dark print. $1.25 Pyrography and Picture Framing---Fourth Off The second floor art store holds out to yon .very alluring low-price in ducements Saturday. If you are a pyrography enthusiast you'll enjoy the quarter off on all wood novelties and pyro sets as well as our complete lines of art brass goods. These are new goods, all at 25 reduction. PICTURE FRAMING Tomorrow Is the last day of our fourth off offer. Whatever pictures need framing bring them In now. We have over 500 samples of frame mould ing; every wood finish, and silver and gold and bronze effects. Let ns help you to artistic effects In framing. Work guar anteed to be of highest more, at . onler Oneday 2 15? Off Sensational Sheet Ilusic Selling Ki j -.. . a r? V A The most popular songs in Omaha today. The most popular songs anywhere, including tl KEEP YOUR FOOT ON H P THE SOFT PEDAL " Ton hear in the theaters, you hear It whistled and sung everywhere. Its the season's big bit. The tune- I Us? MUdH''1 f ul melody Is catchy and you'll like First time tomorrow at 10c There are hundreds of others at he same price. MOOS MOOX MOO A. delightfully beautiful song tiftt pleased a host of music lovers laxt week Featured again to- f fj IJKi morrow, at An Orpheam Hit As sung by Amy Butler at the Orpheum this week The Mesmerizing Mendelssbon Tone incorporating the Mendelsshon Spring Song Special, at 19c 1,000 Pairs Sample Pumps and Oxfords A really wonderful sale. A bargain in shoes of recognised merit. High grade footwear, made on honor for exacting people who appreciate quality and style. We secured the entire factory sample output of Ankle Strap Pumps, Patent Colt Pumps, Gibson Ties, Oxfords, Cloth Tops, Etc.; every kind of leather; new, short vamps and high arch effect. The identical styles brought out in all the high priced auj nuii scjijuuj preiera, in any size, -MM J ft l linea. will be here Saturday See Harney street window Positively best $3.00 and $3.50 values made, at , Children's Ankle Strap Punps Attractive one and two-strap Pumps and one-eyelet Pumfs. on wide toe lasts, in patent colt, dull leather, cho colate and tan Russian Calf The smartest shoes of the year for children S2.50 DfLL LEATHER TAX SHADES PATENT COLT 1H to 5. at 75 5 to 8. at 81.50 1 V.,5' l 75e 6H to 8. at ..81.25 ,utol e! ' .-81.50 m to U, at 81.75 "1 J0''"'.;' 8 to "' at S-OO 114 to . at S2.00 4 to !. at ..2.00 11H to 2. at $2.23 3 4 to 5 4. t S2.50 2 4 to 5 4. at S2J25 2 4 to 6, at . -S2.50 Oil .-81.50 1 l. at lf ROTS AND YOUTHS' SHOES Strong, sturdy, all leather Shoes of box calf and gun calf, made on new, wide toe last; big extra value for Saturday 0 to 1. for ......81.50 nd IM o8. for 82.50 A Real Treat for Hen Another record sale day offering for men Sat urday in low shoes. Hundreds of pairs of $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes, on newest, up-to-date l&dts; dull leather, button oxfords; blucher, high toe oxfords; Russian calf bluchers; patent colt bluchers; hifh toe, etc. etc. Eight good styles all sixes and all widths .$3.50 Noteworthy Display of Women's Hats m k . x w jssw 5V mm The triumphal display of the entire Spring hcason. "We put on sale over 500 striking hats tomorrow that speak volumes for the beauty and luxurious air of Bennett millinery. There's no semblance of dowdines3 in any of these hats." The shapes are the styles of the day in horsehair. Mi lan and other braids. Some are profusely flower trimmed; others more sparingly Jbut richly adorned with velvets, ribbons, fancy wings, orna ments, etc specially priced for the day, at $5.--$7.50; S10 and $15 Not a mere handful,' but hundreds at these prices. By far the best selection -in Omaha, Come and see why the bulk of the millinery selling comes here. " ( - Just Think! Pure Silk Hosiery at 59c ;; Almost unbelievable as it seems, yon'U admit this the greatest value ever. -Most women can afford the luxury of silk hose now. We. have a large quantity of black, .all silk hose, with full lisle garter tops and lisle toe and . heel, giving; extra strength and service. Nothing so cool and attractive for summer wear. '" You know the valae of them must be considerably more. Yet you can buy all you need in any woman's else. per pair, at Women's Silk Lisle Hose as fine a 50c line as you'll see on any counter, for 3 pairs '..81.00 Imported Hosiery Black lisle, black gauze cotton and spilt foot goods; including regular and out sl2es; 35c values, 25 Women's and Children's ribbed and plain Cotton Hose; 20c quality; special for Sat urday, at i . ... . .......... . . . r 134 Women's Vnderwear Every kind of knit. garment. In spring and summer weights. 59t Ours are perfectly made goods, correctly shaped and comfortable garments, at low est possible prices Women's Cotton and Lisle Tests Low neck and sleeveless, at ' 10 150 250 S5r "d 50 Union Suits Low neck and wide- and tight knee, at . -5O0 75 81.00 Knit . Drawers Wide, lace trimmed knee, or tight knee and ankle lengths now t... 25 nd 50 'Double R. & II. Stamps tOn. Hosiery d' Underwear Saturday. Annual Silver Sale: Best of All The window dlsnlay has shown you what to expect Saturday HoUow and flat silverware; high grade, 13 and 20-year guaranteed ware, from such makers as Ho man Mfg. Co-, Van Berg, Webster 4k Rogers, at almost half, real values. By long odds our best sale. The greatest collection of silver bargains we have ever been able to make.' 13.10 quadruple plats Bread Trayi ...fXa ft. SO ' quadruple plate Tea gets Tea Pot. Sugar Bowl, Cream Pitcher. Spoon Holder ......$ f 9.00 . Quadruple plate Tea Set. four pieces as abeve. . for .a..1 . .... asso SI SO Bpoon Tray. S"11 lined $3.00 Baby Cups, quadruple plate, i a-old lined TS 7ic Napkin Bines, hand en graved 11. (0 Pickle Castors... $18 11.00 Fruit Bowls, 10-lnch gold lined ...SASH St. SO Bucsr Bowl and Creamer Satin . t lnlah. (old lined ...aiTa t. 0 Bafce Dlah. sTP' slo, for ..." 93M 13. SO Syrup Pitcher and plate 13 00 Syrup Pitcher and Plate ! 00 Butter Dlah and Glass Drip -0 J5.00 Cake Baskets for 8a.S $1 00 Cut Glass Salt and Pepper Shake. Sterllnsr silver top 15.00 Butter. Dlah and Glaaa Drip erspe aad Carastloa rat term Tea SJpoona. Ro-ers' H47 nd Roirers' A-l plate, set of six 4l.lO Rogers' 1.00 Cold . Meat Forks Rog-era II. IS Fruit Kntv for .... SLSS Boers - , II. SO Orange Spoons, for SI Rogers' 7Sc . Butter Knives for sss Rogers' ,T5C Sugar She! Is for ........... see 11.41 Child' Set for ...TSe II IS - Teaspoons, set. ...SOo X SO Dessert Spoons, set for ;.xas 12.01 Tablespoons, act $HJB 11.50 Berry Spoon's, ea..S9e 12.00 Soup Spons. ea...Te xjt oax oau, Knlves- Forka Teaspoons Tableapoeni 1 Butter KnI: 1 Sugar Shell- IH.oa value, Chamoisette Gloves 35c They come In the natural shade, and only on close Inspection can they be detected from real chamois. They are washable, too, and very durable- 50c la the pre vailing price We have a quantity for Saturday, per pair, at SILK GLOVES Look to Bennett's for tne best in silk gloves Kayser k. Fownes' goods are fea tured here, and are everywhere conceded to be the best. They fit as perfectly as a kid glove; have flouble tipped fingers, and come In large line of shades. Two-clasp Silk Gloves, In either of above makes, at Sl.OO 75 nd 50 12 and 16-button lengths Silk Gloves Kayser Fownes. at 81.50 81 75 Double S. Jt H. Stamoe On Ail Cloves Saturday. Belt Pin Special The new Chanticler Novelty and many other new and novel designs, very beautiful effects, some OC, worth to $1.00 each, at 3t New Belts Rich Persian effects. In many color combinations, with gorgeous buck--les to match; values to $1. C0 now at 3eC Hat Pins With sterling silver, long spike tops; some with stone setting; - ("ft $1.00 goods, at 3vC Hat Tins In rose and green . gold, with long spike tops; beautiful rfl $1.00 goods, at .DIC Meah Bag W shall offer tomorrow an Immense new line of the always popular mesh bags; each at a price representing a clear saving of 25 to you each, now " 81.25 85.00 to SIO.OO Berlin and Jones Box Stationery 1,000 boxes consigned to an Omaha jobbing house, who for certain rea sons refused to accept the shipment. We wired to take the whole lot at 50fo reduction and secured it It's a fine grade paper, selling f nT at 35c to 50c a box; Saturday we put it on sale at iZfC Drugs, Toilet Articles, Ca tneras, Etc. ATsenue of . Lead for spraying. lf-eunce bottle a&a Peterman's Roach Powder ISo-Sfto Pctennan's Bed Bug Destroyer. at XSe and SSe Sodium Bicarbonate, lb. .'. XOo Sassafras Bark, spring tonle, per pound ass Muta Balls, per lb a Peroxide TSc, SOc and ISe !is, tor Be, ISe aaa as Lsvell'a Honeysuckle Toilet Water for sos Iludrut'a afarveloua Cold Crft m tor &o Pond's Extract Cream SOe Epsocn Salts, per lb ..ISe Prima Via Tale., lb. box 10s Plnaud's Zaraya Powder 46s Colgate's Dental Cream SOe Bswkeye Camera, No. t stse, folds up, pictures l4xl4. for...$lUS aVrewate Kodaks. N 2-A. plc .Ir.g. post card alse pictures st Browals aTodaka, Noo. 2-A, pie- luree 2ViXV $3U0 Enamel DeveL Tray. SxT. for.SAs Rubber Print Roller, 4,-lach. . .X5e Add Hypo, S-lb. pkg. las Crysial Hypo. 1-10. pkg, Be Eastman films and Parers. 'lift BiSr'- Economical and Satisfying Clothes for Hen 5-S20-S25 Let the Bennett store be responsible for your personal appearance this spring. You can entrust this charge to us with every assnmnce that you will be fashionably and becomingly attired. You will have the further satisfaction of knowing that your suit will represent the most finished tail oring known to the craft. That's a distinction of which we are justly proud. fr it makes friendships that endure bringing men bark again and again for their apparel. There's a bountiful exhibit of swagger new clothes on the tables now, suits for men and young men, in the new all wool fabrics, and in all the wanted shadings, including blue serges. Genteel two and three-button models, either loose or semi-shaped. Made with all the grace and precision of the high priced tailor, yet at prices that are extremely mod est. The finest showing in .Omaha, at A Youn Han's Suit for $10 Don't let the low price deceive you. Ten dollars here . buys a surprisingly good suit. Just the kind to mike a tremendous appeal to the particular young fellow. Cut on the newest lines, and full of CIA snap Sizes to 0 years, at 1U Hen's 50c Neckwear at 29c Judge them by the best 50c four-ln-hands you ever knew of.- They are all silk; either plain or fancy colors;. have wide, flowing ends, . and are priced for Satur day at almost half value $Qf each, at C Imported Silk Lisle Half Hose Black only self embroidered or clocked; all new, perfect goods; purchased before the ad vance In tariff rates; a SOc , 90 article, for wC Men's Soft Shirts with Collar Cream and white madras; plain blue madras; checks and neat figure effects A All $1.00 values, at OjC New Spring Shirts Men who like neat, genteel stripes and patterns without a . suggestion of flashlness, should come , ,here Never so stocked with more pleas ing styles, at 81.00 81.50 32.00 The Correct Sett Hit These new telescope hats are here In a variety broad enough to please any man's fancy New shades, new dimensions, new modes of trimming, and best of all. at less. than usual prices, 52 82.50 S3 Bays' Hats Our hats are the prevailing atyles. with aolt brims, and selected to match the 50c v4 '''" .','13 I til -J 0 t 1 rrf I Little Boys' Suits Second Floor Just as much attention is devoted to the children's clothes as to the men's The consequence Is wc have an exception" ally well selected line of good, honest clothes honest in material and in the making. Boys' Suits in Russian, sailor blouse, Jun ior Norfolks and two-piece styles, of cas slmere, cheviot and worsted, in Ja best shades Special, at fte3u Boys' Suits; practically In same styles as above, including single and double breast ed models, but of better grade materials Sizes to 16 years $5 CO Who Wants New $2,50 Corsets for $1,35? , Grasp the opportunity while you may. Don't come your way very often. It calls for quick action for quan tity is limited. These corsets are the very newest long hip models of . light weight batiste. They have the long skirted effect ; to snugly encase the hips, improving the figure and moulding it to the desired lines without the slightest dis comfort to the wearer. There's a trim of wide embroid ery at the top and full set of garters. "We say it again $2.50 corsets; made specially for ns, at Buy a Brassiere Made of fine long cloth, lace trimmed and well made. It's a Saturday special H( sJUU or wiae emDroia- $1.35 75c kind, for. Heats, Fruit and Vegetable Harket There has bene a decline advantages. Quoting much Fresh Leaf Lard S lbs, Pig Pork Loins per pound .. Pork Chops Very young and - choice, per pound Fall Lamb Legs, per lb Lamb Roast, per lb , Veal Roast, per lb. H Veal Cbops, per lb. , Pot Roast, choice, per lb , Boiling Beef, per lb Veal Stew, per lb. . , Lamb Stew, per lb Cudahy's Rex Bacon, per lb. MorreU's Iowa Pride Ilami The grade, selectei and guaranteed- now at in prices on some lines and we give you all the lower pnees than are to be found elsewhere. 81.00 ...15c .15ic 14H lO and 9 12H 12 ...7H ;.-7H 7H lOHr? very best per lb.. -22H Fruiti, Etc Straw benits Extra fancy. f A per box 1UC Sunklat Oranges Fine, large, 45c T rt size, per dos., at JUC Orange Spoon FREE With, each dozen of our large. Juicy lemons, at, dos. . . , Leaf Lettuce Large and bunches for Large Cucumbers, each.... Green Onions, home grown, 3 Green Asparagus, 6 bunches Florida Tomatoes, lb Apples For cooking or eating, peck, flSe Sand Hill Potatoes, bushel 50 ....25c tender; 3 10 7se bunches 12s You Save In Bennett's Big Grocery Commeal. yellow or Rex Lye, I ean..S3e Ana iu Bismps. Peanut Butter, two Jars SOe And 10 Stamps. Chicken Feed. lb.... Dowbl Sunups sa bra ola tea Buss Seeds, vegetable and flower seeds, per pkg l Jello, Ice Cream Pow der, I pkga aSe And 10 eianipa. Galllard Olive OH. bottle e And SO Stamps. Macaroni. Btsr and Crescent. I pkys for Sie And 1 Stamps. De Joa French Una- tsrd. Jar S6e And Stamps. . K re tone Lye. It cans for e Stollwerck's C e a, S-ib. cane Sue And lit stamps. white, (-pound sack for .., 1SH Bennett's Best' Cof fee, I lbs II. OS And 100 8 Lam pi. Bennett's ' Best Cof fee. 1 lb Ms And SO Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Ex-, tract .r..l Ami 20 Stamps. Bennett's Tees, as sorted, per is. . .Ms And (0 Stamps. Bennett's Teas, ae- sorted. lb ".Sale And TS Stamps. Bennett's Capital rieur, per eack SL-&S And Se Stamps. Small ' Roar Plcklee. dos. st Pure Fralt Jelller. per glass 10 BetUa snaasps en nsiserlas. C. C. C. . Asparagus, tall can. 2uc else les Pels Napths Soap. for 8 So K. C. Corn Flakea. I pkga. for ...... .as And 14 Stamps. frinio American 8 o u p a, J ullrnnn. Tomato, liouiilon. ISe quart cane.. SOe SVaULna California Beedleae Rata In.. ISc quality. at..lOe Currants, 1 2c pkgs S for ....tie ?ai. ESao. Peaches. 12 He qual ity. 3 lbs tor. ..lee Jap Rice. Tc quality. S lbs. for 25 Newport Cat up, bot tle 10s And 10 Stamps. 6nlderB Salad Dress ing. Oh hi haute or Cocktail, at 15 And 10 Stamps. Snlders Catsup, bot tle aas And 10 Stampe. Rhredded Wheat Rle- cult. pkg lals Alia iu stamps. Diamond C. Soap. I tars, for ...... SSe Sterling Sliver Gloaa fctarch. C-lb. box now for COo And 10 Stamps. Gi.iette'a Mustard large )&T 15e And 10 Stampe. Queen CHr Vinegar qt. bottle ...SSe Aud 10 btamLs. Crackers, lttn's rkida and uvaser. 1-Ib. box. for SlJIo Loaf Sugar, Prenrh cut. pkt as And 10 Stamps. t'ocoanut Bars Ctx.k- les. lb Us Ken's Tourist and Orihim Crackers pkg, for lOe And ltf Stamp.