Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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t1V j1. r . . l
you care for Brisk
style and don't want
to risk not getting it; tllcn
you should sec 'iSam
peck Clothes,1 . Every
garment carries the
smartest style and surest
The shoulder breadth,
lapels, and all essential
points arc undeniably
well handled.
See specimens of these
fine garments here to- ;
morrow. Prices $1&00,
$20.00, $22.50 and $25.00.
Hats, shirts, neckwear.
underwear in' st r ic tly V ; (Pf'
young men's styles. , I ztt
Tcc.YoOda pfoptrs
a I AH 9 M it I
1 " ! J. I.' LTl'
1518-1520 Farnard Street
i ff !
Suffragist Convention Thank Taft for
Hii Official Welcome.
Hraolatlon Says He Is Flrat free
dot to ItecoRnlse Effort (
Women (o Irrire Com
plete Democracy,
k. ...
Ankle Strap
for Baby, Child
or Miss
This season we Uato the ankle strap slippers, in newest models,
made to fit, the foot, without gaaplng
and allowing full, natural tread to In
growing toot Light soles and heavy
soles. ' ,.'.'. . .
' Every pair Expertly Fitted.
Sizes 2 H to 6,. for ghrj
v 1 V -83.00 83.50
SUes 11 to '8, for girls .- ,
at . .. .82.50 and $3.00
Sizes 8 to 10W. for girls
of '7 7 V 31.15 nd sa.25
Shies fi to 8, for girls .
Sizes S to t, for baby j
at ..........51.00 and 81.25
fliTVlTt-rn-i -1
151S.1S20 FAltNAM BT,
WASHINGTON. April .', In expiation
of the hla.ilnir which greeted the remark
of President Tmft last night at the forty
frond annual convention of the National
American BuffrKe association, In which
he did not endorse the entire position
the ktitrrarlstii, , the - convention toda
adopted a resolution of thank and appre
elation for bis word of welcome.
The resolution dcucrlbed Mr. Taft at the
first Incumbent of hla office to recoarnlzo
officially our determination t, aecure
complete democracy, thereby testifying hi
conviction aa to Its power and growth,
and that the prenldent's seriousness, hon
esty and friendliness had "converted wha
might have been an empty form Into
official courtesy, historic alike for him and
for u."
iodays session of the convention waa
preceded by a conference on the practical
methods of work, at which Mary Hutche'
son I 'age of Massachusetts prexlded. The
subject was discussed by Mary Ware Den
hett of Massachusetts and several others,
When Rev. Anna Howard Sh&w called
the convention to 'order reports were read
from South Dakota, Orepon, Washlng-to
and Oklahoma, In which states the associa
tion has campaigns pending.
Report of Trensurer.
Harriet Taylor Upton, treasurer of th
national association, presented her report,
showing the total receipts of the year liWs
to have been OS. The disbursements
were 1,814.50.
During the year the association spent
about $11,000 on organization and acnt to
South Dakota alone, where a campaign Is
now on, 12,600. The treasurer's report 1
part was as follows:
"Miss Emily Kewland of Sherwood, N,
T., waa the largest individual contributor
during the year. The five Btates having
the largest membership arq. In their order,
New York. Massachusetts, "College lcaguo,
Maryland and Pennsylvania. The five
Btates contributing the largest amounts of
money In their order are New York
Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Louisiana
and Ohio.
"The auxiliary associations showing the
greatest gain In membership are College
Equal- Suffrage league (national), Mary
land,' Illinois, Kentucky and Connecticut.
"Virginia has organized a promising so
clety during the year and is therefore ad
mltted. Into the fold.
States showing gain In membership are
California. Connecticut, Delaware, District
of Columbia. Georgia. Illinois. . Indiana
Kentucky; Louisiana, Maine,- Maryland,
Minnesota. Mississippi, New Tork, Rhode
Island, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia and Col
lege Equal Suffrage league."
The National American Suffrage assocl
atlon will express Us regret to President
Taft because of hissing at his address
last night, by a letter from the executive
board. This action was approved by the
convention with only one dissenting Vote.
(Continued from First Page.)
Specials fcr Sakrday
1 6e Chamois .......... s..' ... . 50
85c Chamois .JJOf?
20c Chamois ..... . . . . ..... ; .10J
10c Chamois . . ... ............ .5
36c Polishing Cloths, 24 inches square,
now at ... 4 .... ,
50c Complexion Brushes .... 4 .J.)
60c full pint DlBlufectorin. for sinks,
closets, etc, at ."..'25
10c bottles Bug and Insect Destroyif,
full pints, at , ; . ', : .25
Every bottle guaranteed.
Denatured Alcohol, full pint, with bot
tle,, sale price'.,. 15
plat Witch Hasel and bottle, 10
1 pint Witch Hasel and bottle
; 1 pound Epsom Salts, for . . ; . .'.10
pint Glycerine and Rosewater and
bottle for , . , 1 20
pint Carbolic Acid and bottle, 20
1 pint Carbolic Acid and bottle 35V
26o Palmer's Rose. Soap, cage, 10
Glass Tooth Brush Holders, each, 5
25c Pond's - Extract Tooth Powder.
now at -qV
15o DeMar's Tooth Powder ...... 151
BOo June Rose Perfume, osi ' ,104
H Rubber Qlores eery one gua
FJag Flies Atom
Mount McKmicy
Fairbanks Committee Asks Govern
1 ment to Send Signal Man to
Verify Beport.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska. April 15.-the com
mittee in charge ot the Fairbanks-Mount
McKlnley ' expedition desires that the
United State government shall detail signal
service men from the point" nearest to
Mount McKlnley to maJie a trtp to the
vicinity of the mountain and report
whether an American flag la flying on the
summit. . ; .'...,
Thomas Lloyd, leader of the eroedltlon.
who knows the great mountain well, having
Hvea tne year through In -the foothills, re
peats that March is the safest month of the
year for the ascent, the snow being then
firm and thera being no avalanches. Aa
the snow begins tp malt the great erevassea
epan and there are slides of vast masses
of snow.
E. W. Griffin and Captain Barnett of
this city, will wager H00,00 with , any
responsible person who doubta the truth of
me report brought back, by the expedition.
The summer expeditions now planned will
verify, the report of Mr. Lloyd hla backers
Subsequently 'this overdraft of salary was
Charged to miscellaneous expenses
' The report charges that 1n K09, when; a
statement waa to be made to the Insurance
department of West Virginia, H. W. Hut
tig of Muscatine, la., who bad been a par
to the deal .with the company's official.
for various stocks and bonds, loaned the
company a note for S38.000. This borrowed
note, the report says, the company showed
as an asset In its December statement and
the officers took oath to that effect. The
charge 1s also made that bonds returned
by the company ' as assets in Its. sworn
statement were not owned until after the
statement waa filed
The report says that those having charge
ef the management of the company owned
but fifteen shares of stock and that was
m the name of the president Though there
was a resolution passed that directors must
be stockholders, the following dlreotors
are not shown on the books as stockholders:
M. H. Boutelle, Minneapolis, Minn.; C. H,
Burraa and Mitchell D. Follansbee, Chi
cago; II. W. Huttlg. Muscatine, la.; Frank
Knox, Salt Lake City; James II. Peabody,
Among the various charges made against
the former officers is on that real estate
in Chicago worth $16,000 was returned In
the company's statement ss worth tuO.OOO.
The property cost the company $11,600.
' T t .. . j . t . . S
.v kiil aui ai 9 ousjness Boosters.
I.'" '
gfcrlaera Start for Home.
NEW ORLKANS, Aprlt 15. The 'thirty
efxth anhuol meeting of the Ancient Arabic
Order. Nobles, of the Mystic Khrine, which
went into history last night, had its termi
nation flnalir marked by the departure of
numerous temples for their homes today.
; The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Fair, with rlslna- tem
FOR lOWAFalr and warmer.
Temperature at. Omaha yesterdayi
a&teed) per pair
Deafen Breu Go.
m 13U and Farnain Su.
P. 8. Genuine AUegretti Chocolates,
Saturday, per pound cw
Ouf location saves you
25 to 0 on Jewelry and
optical good a .
Jawelry Cora? cay
3d Floor Taxton Block,
lfjtii and Finiam St.
-'' ' Imyoi'-Fartah.
JKB1ARNET, Neb., April 15. 3pelaVfc
Fronk Lee Impey 1 and Mlaa Ina Poriah
were married at the home of the brtdo'a
parents In this city Thursday forenoon at
10 o'clock. Rev. L. C. McEwan of the rres
byterlan church 'eflclatlng. The bride la
the daughter of T. J. Parish .if this city
and has been very popular in society. The
groom la the son of Dr. Impey of Omaha.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Impey
went immediately to the station and left
for a hqheymooa .through the west.
uotetOzkth or ocxajt BTEAM33rrra.
,.. ol IrelanS..
. -AltM
. .. Kuoi.rlc
. ..Fti.ln ,
. . Niagara
$ a. m
(a. in
T a. m
$ a. m
s a. m
10 a, m
11 a. m....
If m
I p. m... ......
X p. m
S p. m
4 p. m
t p. m.. .......
p. m
7 p. m...,
.... U
.... 44
... 42
.... 41
.... 40
... 40
... 41
... 41
... 41
... 41
... 41
... 89
.... 33
... 38
Machines Prove
Sticker for Mine
Men's Conference
aimers .Have Long .Claimed Not
Enough. Tajr Eeceived for Tbii
Class of Labor.
iFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
D,9 MOINES. April 15.-t.The Joint scale
committee of the Iowa coal miners and
opeiatois reached Its first sticking point
in the discussion of the machine question
In subdlstrlct No. 1. Although the subject
bas Just been taken up, there is little pos
sibility of Its being settled for several
The machine question In the first sub
district has long been a .mooted one be
tween the operators and miners. The
miners always have contended that they
have not received enough pay for the Work
because the wage' basis was placed too
low when the machines vere flrat intro
duced Into the field. Although they have
received advances each lima the genersl
scale was Increased they still assert that
they do not receive enough for the Work.
ine question of longer or shorter school
years having become sn issue In manv
cltiee of tho atate. the State Board Af
Health passed the following resolution:
"That the physical welfare of the children
In the schools oft he state Is of paramount
Importance; that It Is necessary to eon
serve the physical Vigor-of irowltia- chil
dren by numerous rest periods and by va
cations of ample length; that we deprecate
me tendency on the part of boards of edu
cation to lengthen the terms of the school
year, thus embracing more and more of the
heated term and materially limiting the
much needed vacation period."
Prohibitionists Art Active. ,
Chairman- Hammond of the prohibition
state committee has Issued a statement
calling pon the members of that nu-tv
In Iowa to take care to observe the wi-
mary la,w. snd notlfytag them that In one
third of the counties of the state their
NPSrty is. legally recognized and is entitled
to a place on the ticket He desires th
tickets ba named In all these counties in
regular manner. The party Is entitled w
to official, recognition for congressional
matters in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Elfc-hth
and Tenth districts.
Commission Has Been Boar.
The railroad commission has issued , a
statement showing the .great amount "of
business transacted this year. Disposal has
oeen maae or 204 cases since the first nt
this year, end there- Is now pendlns? 140
cases of complaints. Some of the most Im
portant matters ever decided by the com
mission have eome before it this year.
Prosecute for Selllnar Bad Seeda.
The state pure seed department haa com
menced prosecution of JC. Preston and
L. A. ; Nelson of CrysUl. Lake for alleged
violation of the pure seed, law in-sellin
seed corn that was mixed with other grains
ana impure, F. E. Bunch .of Pleaaantvllle
Is also being prosecuteri fof selling clover
seed containing impurities. This 1s the first
of prosecutions of this nature and It tnearit
as a warning to the seedsmen of the state.
Pavklnar Hosae for Alois. 1
The Albia. Packing , .'company . has filed
articles of incorporation with $50,000 capital I
C. W. Monroe, president'! " Samuel Coopery
secretary. ' The Intention is to erect a pack
ing ptant n a small osie'"at once. r The
Glenn Voting Machine company of Cedar
Rapids increased capital t jit.X -
W. O
ih ("sy before. On Monday morning, Im
Mt-mnieiy auer press faT. a lrttr
nirr 10 tlii I'udBhy I'srklnf. c"ii,inv
notiiying thrm. that all of the shipment
wsa not No. I twf and that the hppf m
In a spoilwl corMitinn. April a Irttrr was
receive. rom thim stating that thry writ
somewhat surprised to lourn the nrf
snlppetl March 31 was tmsstlsfitctorv Thev
lurwier ststed that their record showed
that th beef m Vllled the day befor
Ii left there. They asked us to Use this
yrri ig me very test advantane
on April s a commlltre of the Grand
rmy 01 me Kopiir.uo. making an In.
spwtlon of the home. They also derlnred
the heef to be not gotxl. At noon I ordered
the beef removed from the eommlss&rv
rna me sn.lutant ImmetJtittelv hud the beef
limned to me nog lot. and deposited there.
The adjutant statra that he waa verv care,
ful to ae th!t all of this shipment was
there when It was disposed.
From the above report you will sfe that
not a pound of this beef waa served on
the table. With revard to th rmtnn
complained of will sny that my attention
Waa not Cll1 to thl Until aftar l
been served. We have kept a verv careful
watch upon all shlDmnnta roeelvel . n.i ain
contlnlio to do so. I wish to absolutely
carry out the conditions of All contrseta
in every particular. In conclusion I wlflh
to thank VOU for vnlir biml letter In
garxl t-3 this matter and I assure you we
will strictly obey your , orders. Verv truly
yours, ELI A. BARNES.
Pregram ef Sectloa Twa at Nebraska
Association Next Friday.
COLUMBUS. Neb... April 15.-(Special.)-
The bankers of this city have been making
preparations for a large attendance at the ;
annual meeting of Group Two, which meets
In this city on Arbor day, Friday, April 22.
Ths following la the program, as an-1
nounced by the officers:
10:30 a. m. Invocation, n.v winiom r
Dibble, pastor Congregational church; ad
dress of welcome, Mayor Louis Held; re
sponse, Fred Volpp, Hcrlbner Ktate bank;
prexldent's address, F. M. Weitzel, Flr.xt
National bank, Albion; report of the Beers-tary-treaeurcr,
A. R. Miller, Flrat National
bank, Columbus; address, "Bank Records,"
C. C. Goodrich of S. H H.iiuv r-n i-or
liaplds; appointment of committees.
1:30 p. -hi. "Ask Me." cnnrii-trl b V. f
Folda, of the Union Stock Yards National
bank. 8outh Omaha; discussion, "bhould
the Banker Invest In and tllve Munnort in
Insurance Comrsnlee?" F. MrKlivem nf ih.
Commercial National bank, Fremont; "The
Banker and His Loans," p. R. Easterday,
First National bank of Lincoln; "Suggested
oanKin; legislation, - ira Bants, Stroma
burg bank: "Oeneral
Johnson, National Reserve bank, Kansas
City, Mo.; unfinished business; report of
committees; election of officers.
:30 p. m. Banquet; Invocation, Rev. 3.
D, Hsrkness, First Presbyterian church;
toastmaster, E. R. Gurney, First National
bank, Fremont; "A Jungle, E. B. Lyle,
Citizens State bank, Wahoo; address,
"Western Nebraska Resources," J. W
Welpton. president Nebraska" Bankers" as
soulaoloni address, Governor Ashton C.
Shallenberger, conditioned upon being able,
to reach Columbus from an earlier engage
ment . ,
' Ths offtctrs of the group are:
Weitzel. president. Albion; F. II. Clarldse
Vies president, Blslr; A. It Mllier, serre
tary-tresaurer, Columbus.
Fifth IllatrtrT (lab Seaatoa.
ItOLDRF.or, Neb., April 16 (Special. )-
Through Mrs, James I Ithea snd Mrs. P.
A. Hundbury of this city, both officers of
the Fifth. district .organization of the State
Federation of Women's' Clubs, announce
ment haa Just been made of the meeting
which will be held In Hastings on April tl
snd 2? of this month. The various blubs
of the district promise an unusually large
attendance and an Interesting program has
been prepared. Some of the principal Hum
bers of the program will bs "Pome Public
School Problems," by Prof. 8. H. Thomp
son of Hastings, "Economy in Education,"
by Mrs. Irene Mc-Mlchael of this city;
"Iiomestlo Science," by Mi's. Mary Lyne
of Mlnden; "Is Hospitality a Lost Art?"
by Mrs. J. T. Anderson of Axtell; "The
Possibilities of the Flreless Cooker," with
a demonstration, by Mrs. F. C. Babcock of
Hastings; snd an exhibition of physical
Culture by the department of the Hastings
Club. I Two other discussions of merit will
se presented. "The Aim, of the Novelist-
Today and Yesterday," by. Mrs. Leila Jiow
of Elwood. and :The Short Story-Its De
velopment snd Its Place in Modern Lit
erature," by Mrs. J.. F. Harris of Hlldreth.
The afternoon of April Zi Governor Snellen
bsrger will be present and give the women
a talk and as that Is the forestry session of
the meeting the executive's remarks will
be on that subject'
F. M.
Rrldarport Sella Bonds.
BRIDGEPORT. Neb., -April 15. -(Special.)
The Morrill county commissioners have
sold the $15,000 lrsue of court house bonds
to the Lincoln Safe Deposit and Trust
company at par. The receipts of this sale,
together with $10,000 donated to the county
by the Llnooln Lind company, gives $25,000
in cash now In the court house fund for
the completion of Morrill county's new
court .house. The building Is now com
pleted to the first story and construction
is being carried rapidly forward and it
Is expected the. budding will be ready for
occupancy by August 1.
. .' Mall Carrlar Injured.
BEAVER C1TT, Neb., April 14,-(Special
Telegram.) F. W. Loom It, carrier on rural
free delivery route No. t, was thrown from
his mall wagon last evening and seriously
injured. The pole became disconnected
from the vehicle and it was overturned. He
sustained a terrible gash about the head
and two tteth were knocked out' He was
rescued by patrons of the route and
brought to town. - . 1
. Bee Want Ads' Are-Business Boosters.
if You Intend to Pay S25.00 for a
KoepSI2.50In Your'Pockot and Pay Only $12.50
You can do this if you cemoto TUB SKIRT STOItLi
Corner 16th and Ch cay. Tomorrow.
Tbf.reas.on for " !' -imple-that one ot the Urgent manufacturers of New York Citv overestimate hi ..
less than the
i naa
.0 B
especial halo of inilorio CD. Linen
bun iiruriri. 'i i ururnr a h a v a, .
; ,7i, , Tki. . ""re siocg or nigh grade rults and dreEses at
Th-U ,ot of fK-mts eonklsta .of French serges, diagonals, silks. g
i l. r J c . h " aiesi stjtes or the season. Your choice of this
Till 0 P. r.i,
rossos S3. 98
Cor ior Chicago
and 1Gth Gts.
"Ill Rill! f,v,i"
Payne of Story county, throuah
Congressmao HelU has extended to Speaker
Vannon an invitation to be the Fourth of
July orator at Nevada. Payne is consider
ing becoming a candidate for congress Ip
tne eistnct, making it a three-cornered
fight. He Is distinctly an anti-Taft stand-
Dates for Encampment.
Adjutant General Logan today received
ord that very probably the date for the
Joint camp of the regulars and the Iowa
guardsmen at Sparta. Wis., would be Auv
gUSt Mr-IS. V
Work of the Railroad Board.
ino lust week has been an esoeclallv
ousy one for the Iowa road board. On
April 7 the commissioners called the coal
rate case, but on request of both the rep-
resentativee of the coal dealers and the
rauroaa companies the hearing waa post
poned until May 17.
On April 8 the board had up for con.
deration, the aptlcation of Q. A, WlighX-
man for an order, defining' switching lim
its, -switching service snd switchlnsl
charges. After hearing the statements of
parties it was agreed by representative
of the Iowa State Manufacturers' associa
tion and the railroad companies that fur
ther hearing be postponed until May 1L
ii" Hearing set for April II at Mason
City in the case of the American Brick and
Tile company against the Chicego A North-
estern Railway company, st al. asklna? for
1" track connection was postponed to
April 14 st Mason City. On the same data
the board will take up the case of the
Hawkeye Oil company against the Chlcaa-o
& Northwestern Railway comnanv. t .1
account of refusal t accept oil ehlDmauta.
Hearings at Monteauma and Washington
m reference te , Y" track on Aorii u and
were cancelled.
The board fixed April 13 at iu office In
Des Moines for hearing in the case of T.
tt-eny or ceoar Rapids against the
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacifks Railway
company, application for sidetrack.
On the same date he. complaint ' of the
auman company of Waterloo against the
Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railway
company win also be heard.
flMllKlli V -I ... a . ,t. u . - I
. ... .j, liErTKn
Head of Grand Iilaas n-l.ii- .
Tlla of Meat Episode.
(From a Staff CorresDondnt
LINCOLN, April J5. (S(clal.)-Ccmmand.
ant A. Barnes o fche Soldlra' hm.
rand Island . has assured Governor
Shallenberger that ha will obey all orders
ls?Ud by hla escJlency. In the letter
which contained that Information Mr.
Hames denied that he had fed the old
foldlers on poor beef, but admitted that
the mutton complained of by Mr. Van Ness
had been served before he knew anything
about It. His letter to the governor is
iS follows: '
Bl'KKKTT, Neb., April 11, lDll.-Oovernor
A. C Hhallenbirtter. Lincoln, Neb. Dear
Governor: Your letter of April U reca.vea
and contents noted. In rt-iily to your re
'liust fur information wluh retsnl to th
n.aneis compialnrd . of by Ma Van Kesa
1 li( to aay: ,
Vv have a standing ord-r with th
Cudahy l'arklng - company for elirht
Ol al tera of bivt a week, and 5tsl pound
of pork every two wmlis and 0 pounds o.
mutton every two werka, two elilinuenta ol
h'ef blnqt limda roch werk and the ship
rmnfK of pork and mjtton aliernstlng. ' Af
a part of this slHndir.g order, thli cr.m
. vnuY on inarm 31. I'.'IOi billed u itl pounds
1 of bef. The .shipment ss imual nnivd or
eiiesy, iprn 1. ounng .Tiy ah.tenco. 00
lasio.ud liv the leiting of contracts al
Lincoln. This meat bore the uhui1 K.vrril
mor.t Inspection Th attention of
1 iiib aurseon was si once called to this rue.M
, ui,l he ai once reported to the arl Jut,ni
that In his Julim. nt the mat was unf I
! 'or Ub. Tlie adjutant at went to
j trie coinrr.lHiury and (enve Ir.BtrucUons tha;
I iioiie of this mrflt lih'iuld be l,-iiird. T'poi
the next Uuv my attention wus call-l tc
I the mailer by the adjuiant. 1 was tr
I buby vt Ul dny bwr u vf toy absence
Johnson-Danfortli Gbmpanys
Is the largest and most varied In Omaha We have two grades. '
High Grade-Medium Grade V.
Our nigh grade Includes a very large aelectlon of the celebrated ,
Racine brand made wagons, splendidly constructed and right up-to-
a In .averjr P'rtlcular. The Racine wagon are strictly A-grado, .
and. wlIJ meet the requirements of the hard usea to which wagons
tn our city are subjected. We sold 288 f them last year and we ,
can show many testimonials and have more satisfied customers than
any other concern. ; , . ;;
, -Our, iaedlum girade comprises such ' well - known wagons-aa
.Moaimi.uuer, .101 uegaj, ana .me coismbla.
"1,. .'.i ...a ' ' :;r'
I' i I T T T" 1 f t
- 'in ii aiircrencc
between clothes
that are intrinsi
cally good an cl
o t li cr clothes that
merely look good is not
always apparent on the
day of inucliaso it takes
wear to tell.
"When you buy a Dourke
tiventy-five you don't have
to guess or take chances, you
are getting the best suit, rain
coat or overcoat it is possible
to build for $25. '
We would like to sell you your
clothes this season. Drop in and ,
talk It over. 4 J
Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats,
118.00 to $40.00.
Our $3 hat, the HOUR KB
PKEFERKD, la a big trade win
ner. ...
318 S. 15th St.
r - ....Tip ... c ;
Wa are making prices on this line of work that wilt Interest you.
We have a blacksmith shop running at full blast, and we can
build jrou any kind of wagon you may want.
. Call and Inspect our product, or write for catalogue and prices.
S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Leave Your Money at :
-' - - - Horns This Means - :
v Wham Says
Dr. Branaman Co., will give their reg
ular treatment (value $5) for one month
to all sufferers from Catarrh, Asthma,
Deafness, ' Haad Noises and all chronlo
Dr. Branaman Co., have been treating
chronic diseases for 3t years In Omaha
and Nebraska. Ws know what we can do,
but you may not You want to get well
and we believe we can cure you. What
you are interested tn Is a doctor who has
faith In his own works. Ton have been
the one to take all the risk In seeking
health, now, we want you to Investi
gate eyr treatment, and to prove Its mer
its we are going to give a full month's
Medicine and Treatment rree to all who
call or write before April 20th. Remem
ber this. If we were offering you a cheap
or worthless treatment free, ws could
never hope to benefit by It Ton will gat
tne best ws have and that Is backed by
H years of experience tn treating catarrh,
deafness and head noises, asthma a"ud all
chronlo diseases.
T.sava . your money at home and call
st once. This means what It says, a
month's treatment and . medietas free.
Bring this ad with you.
. Unite 80, Continental Blook, Omaha, ,
3d rioor, Over Berg Clothing Co. '
'.'. .-. . , .
2C33 HUM ST.
JL -y
Your Spring Suit v
Style sells more clothes than quality." But you'll
get style and quality combined in the highest degree
in the well-known clothing of Browning, King & Co.
The stylish cut of our garments attracts and wins
customers. ' i
It is the sterling quality that holds them.
S15 TO S40.
The man who has been measured all oyer by a
custom tailor and then found his suit didn't fit has
, had a very common experience.
But here he tried on the finished garment, and
can wear it home if he likesj and knows just what
he buya when he buys it. .
New Furnishings
and New Hats '
yCff uuuuLA3 STREETS
IL S. WILCOX, Hauacr.
Iss !j
AatCSEMISNTS. "f . ,
; ?-t? 5
Analhcr Kg Hatch
Will wrestle to a finish at the
, , Monday Night April 18th.
Preliminaries: WilUam Uok
off and Ben Tavelka.
Reserved seat' sale opens
Thursday morning, April 14th.,
Prices: Ring-side, $1.60; Bal- 9
cony, 75c, $1.00 and 1.B0;
Arena and Boxes, 11.00; Gen
eral AamiBsion, 60c.
Zast ' dav
Klaw A Krlang
r'S lauirhlnir
""us, siomyre
ai Heath, la
Baytt 100 peo
ple. Bun. and
Mon., Chnrlaa
Han ford. Tun,
and Wed, Maude
Ad ama. ataata
How on Sale.
Mat. Tedav
Beat Beats 1
. 191S,
Woodward Stock Company, two last per.
formaaees. Slat, today, 8:16; tonight, BUS.
Starting tlunSay, Mat, and all week, t,'
new and original.
Matlnae Tooay at 3:30. Ail Beats a&a
10a CuUdiaa loo
Nest Bnnday atiOVXWa FIOT0KEB ivn
ll.I.OaiitaIl BUJIUB. All Masts so.
IVTaJCin aVDEritr.Eirjrt;,.
Day, 8:16 tTiwu, aerinuoa. b:14
Tina Yuk: Ursula 1 1' Aerial, 1,11
lna, Clauds and l-'iinriia L'alirr I it tin
my Butler. I'ralot Hlinlsn Clrgua' White
and Himiiions. Kruncman Brothers tha
Kinodroma and II. oralmiim i-.'.r,-.-.
Orchestra. Prices luc, 2uc and 6uo.
& v w ' "k M-M-so-TH
i .vice Iii.nv afl ..k, rlonlng KMdoy nlulii
LtdiM' liuui MstUas Dally at 8. IS.
r-rtlurlny The .'oi...ny In
iTHs IW'ff.KT (Val IM VlllB.
Bua. 9 ls, tuas uf tliS iatOla da i-atU