THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. APRIL 15. 1010. YiWZ M.V- .-.V 1 .. ' ..." II fowsr BEE ''iv'ANT ADS OFFERED FOR RENT Beardlae; Coatlaeed. SINGLE front room to lady or gentle men; reference. 14 U Cass SL Tel. Douglas 1474. yuUNO lady to share suite of first floor, modern housekeeping rooms. 2C77 Harney. Harney MA. NICH rooms, rood board, house modern. $4.6 per week, lbbl N. 17th. PLEASANT double ruotus and board at ISIS Capital Ave. NICE rooms and excellent board with German (Christian) family, $5. lull Capitol Ave, TWO nice rooms, ibit Harney SL 251$ Famam fit., large, well furnished front rooms for two. A -LAUGH, modern front alcove room, furnished, with board, and other rooms. Zl Douglas. .JOUNQ lady with references wishes roQmate; good board and locality. 114 N. mi NEWLY furnished rooms and board. 2222 Howard. -. ' WILL give one lady board and laundry verv reasonable for sake of company, Mrs. a. Rooney, 4702 Davenport. rw'tUaneel Raaa. SINGLE room. $5. 4 North 20th. LARGE front rooms. 3"709 Famam SL MODERN, H per month. 1432 N. loth. DUWEY Knropean tiotel. Uth Fsjuaitt. Trio, flonvrrin anrst-olasa family hoteL lUOUeOrgia Georgia, Ave. H ML rrrrnr rvTkTTnT . A J Clean. first Class 2301 A1WJ uJ u vjaacxo rooms, close In. Douglas. ELEGANT large front room In private home. 121 N. 2Stb St.. Phone D. 735L FRONT room, . modern. , furnished, for rent. &uy vapitoi Ave. FURNISHED room to young lady for company. Hanscorn Park district. 1318 8. 1st SL II. im SUITE of rooms for three gentlemen. Out ' a mam. PLEASANT room, to man or woman. private family, with two meal or privi leges of gas stove; fine neighborhood; near car. A wjb. 2K17 Pacific. - FURNISHED rooms, also modern rooms for Itgbt housekeeping. 1717 Burt. aM. B. hauls trunks. Douglas 61L DO DOB HOTEL Large outside, aad team heat In every . room; rates Djr week. UTOPIA Nice . rooms, good hoard Uth ad .Davenport. , WARM rooms, fl per week; free bath. Ogfien Hotel, Council Bluffs. FURNISHED reocns for gentle meg, lit a Uth HU. The Chatham. ELKQANT front room. Cae furniture, 22 Bl. Wth. No sUta on house. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 116 N. Ivth. STRICTLY modern rooms In brick flat, close in. reasonaele; 'phone, electrto light, gentlemen preietred. M 8. 22d SL ONE big front room, with or without board, - for two gentlemen or married couple; nice walk from cky. Addremi 2314 St. Mary's Ave. LARGE, beautifully furnished, modern room; close In; no (lpns used on home; reasonable. 19LS Caaa bt. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 1.-SJ7 Leav nworih St. LARGE front room, strictly modern, flrat clasa; Just newly furnlklied In modern fiat; large closet. 2ZK Douglas. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 101 N. Uth. FURNISHED room, south exposure; 2 furnished rooms south and east exposure; park district. 1202 8. list 8L Harney 4404. TWO elegantly furnished parlors rooms, with piano; single or euull 1818 Chicago. NICELY furnished modern front room; price reasonable. 411 N. 18th 8t- MODERN well furnished southeast front room, . with large alcove: private family; large lawn. 702 8. nh St. Harney l!3a. MODERN furnt'hed rooms for single gen tlemen. to N. tld.. NICELY furnished front rooms; close In. u 8. lS;h St. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms In a newly furnished flat. Douglas 44C2. 614 N. fcth St. LAROE room; walking distance. CU3 N. ZZd. FURNISHED room with private family. . Mth Ave. TWO nae furnished rooms, close In mod ern, fili Dewey Ave. FURNISHED rooms, fl per week. 2W4 iiarr.ey. STRICTLT modern, large front room; suitable for 2. 3 Dewey Ave. 'Phone Harney NICKLY furnished single or double rooms; also housekeeping rooms; desirable location; walking distance.. 213 S. 24th fL ELEGANTLY furnlshtd rooms for severs! young men In a newly refurnished private home. Use of phone; all modem conveni ences; walking dixlance. (33 Park Ave. til beautifully furnished room; has good plauo; no oujection to music or prat-lice of any kind; strictly modern, nice bath, not and ice water; also booth telephones; walking distance; car I block. Su Mary s Ave. ' - LARGE front parlor on first floor; mod ern. Tel. Dougias itM. t&s J-'arnam St. LARG front room, for two gentlemen, facing r-ark; U a week apiece; third floor. 410 N. 1MO. NICE, large, newly furntehed rooms, with or without board- SUV N. 20d St ; South Omaha. 'Phone 8. 1803. Reference re quired. MODICUM reams, tl 0 Pr Week; half block from ear. 104 iiurdette. .- room, t; alco one south parlor fur 13 10. -'13 LHuglas St. Lar;k front rm. suitable for two. 214 N. 17th. TWO very dealrnbl front rooms, for of flce Of sewing. ItiJ 1k.1 St. ONE nicely furnlKhed; reasonable. Dwljfe St. Phone Red 41(4. U3i ELAttuUATFLT fumlihtd front parlor. Tlw N. lth St.. third floor. NJCfc'J.Y furnished rooms, etrtrtly mo.1 em. 271A Jackson St I gentlemen preferred. SINGLE room; mitdern. 234 Farnam St HUAKANT front room on first floor; laundry privileges, call after o'clock eveo Irga. 717 X. If m St. WUIIlT modem aleepiag rooms. (11 N 17th Su . NEWLY fura'uhed rooms, all modern; good neU.'hbortiood; very detrshle; reaaon atile u N, tlet St. Tel. Red 3jl. 8"! FARNAM ST., two connecting rooms, fiirnwtiftd; t!T connecting rooms, fur ii..l; a.l ilii huukriMug. phoue llr av a OFFERED FOR RENT KaraUked Rimi atlaaed. FRONT room for rent; nicely furnished; suitable for three. 710 8. 17th St. FOUR-ROOM apartment; strictly mod em; light and telephone; furnace heat In winter. $25. 1041 park Ave. Phone Harney 2W2. FURNISHED alcove rooms for two gen tlemen. 2527 Chsrles St. TWO furnished rooms; fine location; house thoroughly modern. 14 Capitol Ave. 1 . 1 ( : I.' fmnt rnnm In nnHrn hrnlM: suitable for two. 2si4 Sherman Ave. TWO furnished rooms, ladles or gentle men. K2 N. 22d 8t.. South Omaha. TWO furnished rooms, modem, for gen tlemen, fed 8. 13th. Phone Douglas 271a. FRONT parlor, suitable for two; modem; reasonable. &14 8. lCih. Flat X FURNISHED rooms. K per month, for young men; electric light, steam heat, tele phone, running water, laundry and pressing privileges. 2w7 Harney. I.-1 V L- 1 ... f . ... . . man nnrt wife or ivq or inree Keniieirien, uu .iii.'"' front parlor, strictly modern, lli N. .'tu. i.iitr at lit kiiui. NICE furnished rooms, worth, third floor. 1817 Leaven- FRONT room, with kitchen, fj.50 per week. . 13 N. 21st St. TWO PARLORS, furnished or unfur nlnhed, nice neighborhood. 30T2 Burt. LARGE front room, furnished. oil N. 17th St. Tel. Douglas 4742. ONE or two furnished rooms In all mod ern houxe, walking distance, one block from car. 2Ti02 Franklin. Webater 3604. FURNISHED room, modern, walking dis tance. 1917 Cass St. NICELY furnished, modern parlor, elean and cool, suitable for one or two gentle men. 603 N: 18th St. MODERN rooms, private family, young lady preferred. 622 8. 27th St. NICE sleeping room for two. 191 Capi tol Ave. FINEST place In city for people em ployed. Douglas ifl. 2324 Harney. THREE nicely furnished basement rooms, modern. 2024 California. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, all modem, water In room. Juiu Webster. NICE, large room, good location. Address 507 S. 26th Ave. THREE-ROOM suite for housekeeping. 1&05 Chlcsgo St. NICELY furnished rooms with board or privilege of light housekeeping. 4u2 N. 23d BL Douglas 76SL PLEASANT front room In private family for one or two working girls; breakfast or can get their own. 1613 Maple St. TWO large front rooms, furnished for llrht housekeeping, modern, cooking (fas and private 'phone; no children. 14 S. isth St. - 1 m I ' I S. 24th St. Hamey 4J48. FURNISHED room for rent. 727 & 18th, 115. n V 17th fir . a tars front room, also single room, modern. LARGE modern front room nicely fur nished. 1713 Darenport B. 1114. FURNISHED room for rent. 211 N. 18th St, SINGLE room. 12 week. Famam. FURNISHED rooms. 120 Dodge. TWO large front rooms, newly furnished; suitable for two. 2621 Harney. THREE nicely furnished light house keeping rooms, 24-0 per week; one large room, 13.00 per week. 2011 Cass. TWO newly furninhed rooms for rent In family. Jl.Ti and 12.00. 147k & 17th. FURNISHED s-room cottage, lawn, hade; pretty home, direct from the owner; cheap to a steady tenant. Inquire lit 8. 40lh St., Leavenworth car line. PLEASANT south front room, all mod ern; walking distance. 2108 Caaa, MODERN room; young man preferred, 17 Capitol Ave. 22.50 AND UP: modem, and within walk ing distance. 1910 Capitol Are. SMALL front room; light and airy. 15; also large front room, suitable for three or four gentlemen; very reasonable, 2174 Hamey. - ONE large and one small room for gentle men In strictly modem house, 131 8. 2Cth St CLEAN rooms. Newly furnished. 303 Farnam. TWO modem housekeeping rooms. 15 Mason. Harney 414d. NICELY furnished room, private family. Gil 8. 27th St, 'Phone Hamey tOO. FRONT room for three gentlemen or man and wife. 2019 St. Mary's Ave. i FURNISHED rooms; one block from car line; reasonable price. 2711 S 2AO. EXCELLENT, modern, furnished front parior for couple or gentleman. Kitchen privileges if drairfd. Phone In house, 2574 Harney St. A nice large room on 1st floor; pleasant surroundings and with private family; suit able for two gentlemen. 723 S. 2Mb Ave. Apartasemta Ml Flats. FOUR-ROOM modem - flat. 130. U0t Nicholas bL FOUR and five-room apartnents. Streh low Terrace. "Phon Webster 4S2S. FOR RENT Six-room apartment In The rtarnard. Apply J. t llarnard, 417 N. Y. Life illdg. Tel. D. 1SS& CENTRAL, all modern 4-room flat. 2M N. 2Sd. FOUR-ROOM semi-basement flat In Dun say, loth and Pierre Sts.. steam heated.. CONRAD YOUNG. TuL Douglas 1371. 1S18 Dodge SL CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two blgh grade flats, thick brick walls, ( large cool rooms with private hall, f ne hardwood, fully mode r a. freo hot water an yer, range, shades, steam beL walking dia.ance. Sum mer, one 134. other winter 17 more. 1 xjuble ran get no better. Don't anume that you know, but see for yourself. Refer ences rauuired. tit. MIS. 4&0 Brandels. (-ROOM flat, good condition, on Park Ave., lAt uO. 'Phone Harney looC ' 4-ROOM ap&rtmenL n 3. ttA. 4 Hi Hj M strictly modem brick flat; t car lines; east of Hanscom park; choice neigh borhood. lU'i;y IK. Heaeekereplas Reeeaa. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms. modem. 230 N. 2Uiu- DE31KABLE. modern furnlnhod rooma: reasonable; In cottage, toll Webater SL Harney V1. HOUSEKEEPING! rooms; references, ta S. tin tot. Two large bright front rooms, rent-reasonable, lsl 'V' OFFERED FOR RENT Heweekeeplaa; It sss C'oatlaaed. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms; modem conveniences; good neighborhood. 2063 Dodge. TWO or three rooms furnished or unfur nished, light housekeeping; Park district; cheap rent. 1342 S. 27th Si TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; ail modem; close In and cheap. 214 North 23d St. SUITE front rooms, gas range, reason abel. 242S Dodge. Red S1S& TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete; gas for rooking and light; new building. 'Phone Ind. A-440&. 2223 Leaven worth. Two rooms, complete; gas range, water In kitchen. 1647 N. 17th St. SUITE of two housekeeping rooms, tit & 23d. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, modem, 2tJl Dodge. Furnished housekeeping rooms. 605H N. 17th St. LARGE, modern front room, with small kitchen, furnished, 13.50 per week. 20U3 Burt. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 1114 N. 24th. SUITE of rooma on first floor, for light housekeeping. Also rooms on second floor. Strictly modern. 1914 Webater. NEAT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Reasonable. 710 8. 14th St. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. CIS N. 17th St. TWO large front housekeeping rooms, modern, 240S N. 30th. B-2163. W. 3112. TWO connecting, clean, modern, fur nished rooms: no children; walking dis tance. 110.00. 3S30 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2408 Cumlnx SI. TWO housekeeping rooms, gas range. K.L0 per week. 617 N. 20th. NICELY furnished modern rooms, 1M3 Burt bu TWO or three modern rooms for house keeping, first floor. C06 N. 17th. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing: all modern and all outside rooms. 'Phone. D. 4402, 2023 Burt St. TWO furnished rooms, modem house, complete for housekeeping. Light, heat, telephone and Ice box privileges. 1041 Park Ave. Harney 3992. TWO or three modern rooms to couple without children, for light housekeeping. Private family. US 8. 24th Ave. NICE housekeeping room. 611 S. 30th. TWO rooms nicely furnished; sink in kitchen, gas range; 815 a 18th St No child rea. MODERN rooms for housekeeping and sleeping. 702 S. 17th SL I or I nice rooms, modern, flit 8. 22d. LARGE front room with alcove for house keeping. 2709 Farnam. TWO furnished room, all modern. 622 S. 2Eth St. TWO modem rooms for light housekeep ing; 12 60 per week. W3V, N. 24th. Tel. B-1929. TWO well furnished rooms ensulte. Ground floor; also other rooms. Use of laundry. 24t& Harney St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 412 N. 18th SL ONE east front light housekeeping room; two unfurnished housekeeping rooms. M 8. 29th SL FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping. Call Sunday or after C o'clock, 1K14 Charles. ONE large room for housekeeping. 2011 Casa SU TWO nice furnished outside rooms, sleep ing or housekeeping. 1701 Leavenworth. NICELY furnished modern room and al cove. .'4 N. 19th St. Douglas i292. TWO large, modem front rooms. TI0 N. Ifith, third floor. v NICE, large, clean, all modern room, with small adjoining room; private family; electric light, 'phone, etc., to desirable par Ilea 2104 Webster. TWO furnished, with refrigerator, gas range, all complete, 6 week; no children. 107 X. 25th. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. All modern. 2043 Harney St. TWO excellent completely furnished housekeeping rooms; 'phone In house. 2574 Harney SL FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 19U7 N. 17th St. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; all modern. 424 Hamey St. BEDROOM and kitchen; gas range, lilt Dodge SL TWO connecting furnished front rooms, modern. 209 N. 2uth SL MuDERN front rooms, furnished com plete for house keeping. 216 8. 2tib SL . ROOMS f jr light housekeeping; close In. Inquire 706 S. 18ih SL FURNISHED modern rooms for one or two gentlemen. 1717 Hurt Si. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2uS N. 20th St. FOUR rooms, steam heat, strictly mod em, ground floor. 7C8 N.2th 8L HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished. 1712 Jackson St. STRICTLY modern, half block from car. 1M Burdette St. Cararalesie sesna GOOD unfurnished rooms. 1S47 N. 17th. FOUR pleasant unfurnished rooms; gas and bath; on two car lines. 702 N, JOth, THREE modern unfurnished rooms, $10. MM Jackson. 252 HARNEY. 4 unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; 1st floor; modern hardwood floors. FOUR, all modem, at til North 23d BL UNFURNISHED rooms, modern, Harney Uli 14 a 2th SL FIVE-ROOM basement: water, sewer, gas, 17. Also olher rooms. 22ul N. 20th. TWO large unfurnished rooms, 110. 2S3 N. tth. l'none D. fcl. FOUR-ROOM flaL 14T0 8. lth 8t., In cluding gas range. 112. Phone Hamey I3M. TWO or three bousekeepios; rooms. 2JJS r. ism bt. THREE pltasant unfuraished rooma, modern. LH a HU. THREE unfurnished ' parlor rooms for iiKiit nouseaeepiba'. lSl N. 17th. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. 11 8. 21t St. TWO la rye housekeeping rooms; modern; close in: reference. 1137 N. lith. TWO unfurnuthe-1 rooms, modern, - HtiL airy. 2m iveniort tu OFFERED FOR RENT lafnralahed Rooms oatloaed. TWO unfumlxhed rooms to some lady In business during the day. 4240 N. 37th Ave. t ROOMS, partly modern. $11 27 Burt. MODERN south front housekeeping rooms. .1) Burt St. Faralshea Ussse. NICE cosy flat in lUwom Park dis trict for rent for $20, with furniture for sale; leaving cMv and will sacrifice If sold at once. Call at 2972 Woolworlh. H. We ruffe a nice all modern house near 27th and Pvppletoit, completely furnished, to rent t a responsible couple for two months. X. P. DODGE Sc CO. FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Call at 2510 Poppleton Ave. 'Phone Douglas JUL Bowse sbI Cettaajea. FOR RENT House. 10 rooms, modem, within one block from 2lth SL car. 2011 Pierce. Inquire 1301 a 8L FIVE ROOMS, upstairs, injdem except heat, till N. 41st Ave.' 15 ACRES NEAR FLORENCE Five-room house,- barn, well, and also some fruit trees. CREIGII, SONS & CO., 'Phono Douglas 200. , 508 Bee Bids. SIX-ROOM, modern; dose to depots. 820 Hickory SL , HOUSE Six rooms, Hsrney and Twenty ninth. $1X Apply Ilia California SL T-ROOM new modern flaL Hardwood finish througbouL . 2112 Chicago. Tel. D. 7U&. OMAHA Van A Storage Co., pack, move, store b. h. goods; storehouse, mo-24 N. Uth; office 309 S. 17 Uj SL TeL Douglas 1569. UOUSWiL Hats. Garvin Bros., lis N. Y. U. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded) ehenp freight rates; moving and storing. Kxpressman'a Delivery. Co. TeL Doug. s4 ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? LET US MAN AGE YOUR RKNTAL8. PAYNE, B03T WICK SLATi-ft. STH FL, N. Y. L1FB. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. On aha Van tt Storage Co 10 So. 17th 8L Tel. D. 16o. Ind. A-1S6. 6 EE OUR LIST "BEFORS RENTINO. Save time and money; all sixes, all priors. PAYNE. BOSTWICK a SLATKR, tin Floor, N. X Lite Bidg. (-ROOM, modem. 1 Maple 8L $17. FOR RENT. Ten-room, modern. except furaacec: barn and chicken house; fruit treess and shrubbery; well-kept lawn; located at 2111 N. 21st SL To the 'right, party moderate rent will be charged. Inquire at Rev. J. F. Schwarx. 006 Willis Ave or Louis Neese at First National bank. 10-ROOM brfclf hdtii'ias bftth. furnace, laundry, 1 grates; Ti'l Tuodem; rent $4; keys on promises.' Wl, Capitol Ave. Ilanscom Park District For Lease A very desirable, nicely decorated 8-room apartment, thoroughly modern, has highly polished, hard wood flours tbroughouL $40 to a desirable tenanL WRIGHT & LASBURY. SOt a t 6th Sl Phone D. 152. HOUSES, insurance. RingwalL Barker Blk. HOUSES " J -Prv ot the city. UVJJk3j& CreUh Suns Cu, Bee Biug, s-room brick house, all xooxera. north part of city, $28. . 4-room, x:rst tioor apartmeai. ua m. uu EL, $12.&L t pica rooma, U17 Clark SL, 13. C. M. BACHMANN. 431 Paxton Blk. Tela. R. IBM. Res, D. 6088. FOR RENT 6-room house, partly mod ern, 2118 N. 27th Ave.,- $16.00 per month. bee owner, 2116 JN. 27th Ave. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 621 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 2230 CHICAGO, t rooms, modem, $30. 2917 MVwti, 10 rooms, modern, 131.50. R1NGWALT BROS,, 306 a ISth SL IX rooms and bath. SL Louis flat; mod em; 2231 8. 16th Sl; cheap. FOR RENT-2532 Davenport. 7 rooms. $J5. RENTAL BARGAINS. 618 N. 17th SL, -r., newly papered and pointed, modern, $22. . 14th and Ohio, 6-r., newly papered and painted, $15. 14th and Ohio. 4-r., nice little cottage, only $10. 700 a 27tli, 3-r, newly papered and painted. $10. 221 Drwey Ave., 4-r.; newly papered and painted. 111. 2S23 Dewey Ave., 4-r.j- newly papered and painted. 113.50. ttr S. :14th SL. 6-r., mod. ex. heaL $3. 8419 Mason, 6-r. ex. heat, 130. tft Park Ave., 8-r., all mod., $35. at Parker St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. N. P. DODOK & CO., 15th and Harney. 6-ROOM FLAT, modern except heat, close In, wstf-r paid, 7G3 a 16th St.. fine condi tion. 132.50. Four rooms, modern, sll new nanerinir and woodwork newly - varnished, water paid, 224 N. lth St., 114. PETERS TRUST CO..' Ground Floor N. V. Ufe Bldg. Doug. S9. 3349 Hamey Street....... $10 00 Dundee house Dundee house $32.50 W. L. Selby. 436 B. of X. Bldg. 8-ROOM modem house, 2204 Howard 8 ROOMS, modern, X. 2O10 Elm SL Tel. Hamey 1510. 7-ROOM, modem house, 1011 No Sth, 1J0. Good repair. Turkington, 6U2 Bee. kter STORE ROOM. Lew building. 10th and Douvlas; good for any business; rent rea sonable Call. U Harris Real Estate. STORE ROOM, corner N. lltn and Nlcbo laa. N. Uth ha a future, mark IL See T. J. Hook. 1101 N. 18th SL. t to t o'clock. FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment. 2270. all newly decorated, new plumbing. 243 Cumli.g St. Rent $30. N. p. Dodge & Co., 15th and Hamey. OFFERED FOR SALE VarstltB. DO.VT EOHKOW KONEt ' a furniture, piano, salary, etc.. until yoa IHBJ. A. HITTONCO, . . ta4-iS Paxton Block. FOR SALE Household goods and phy sician's office fixtures. Call or phone be 0re noon. Bell. Webster 244. ilea., SUi Mlsml SL. Ginana. WILL til my office furniture and rugs; good as nea ; usrd one year. Deoka. tabes, typewriter d'k.' Giobe filing eaae, office chairs; all In fire cond.Ui'n. M, Stager, 110 Board ot Trads R.lj., umiht. TWO ruHtor. cesks. refr '-ravir. eitrints, tn range a' d soiue . ... ttuu-.-.j for sale. St ""- " OFFERED FOR SALE Faral tare (eat laaed. SOME good household furniture, reason able. Call 2219 Miami. Matial laetrasaeats. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia Orapha phone. splendid instrumenL Price 1300 and never sold for less. Will sell one, which is brand new, and In perfect condition, for 1170. Good reason for selling. Address U 140. Bee. Typewriters. SECOXD-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter ExchaVge, W07 Farnam. TrmriUeofnent ALL MAKES. H. F. Swaaaon Ult Famam SL, Omaha. MlaeUaaeeBa. GOOD second hand square piano, bargain. 1919 Spencer. GAS RANGE and lace curtains for sale. S19 N. 30th. FURNITURE of ten-room house, will sell ell or part; house rents for $; nice loca tion; 'now full ot nice . roomers. 'Phone Red 4722. SHOW case for sale at Robinson's drug store. 16th and California, FOR SALE National cash register, with tape, almost new; cheap If taken at once. Address K-8EJ. care Bee. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1S18 Farnam. SEED CORN that will grow 90 per cent or belter. Catalogue free. Aye Bros., Blair, Neb. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sill at 50c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, Bee Publishing Co. SECOND-HAND scales at 1507 Hamey. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. DertghL 181$ Farnam BL DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman as Me Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, -Neb. FOR BALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payments Bruna-wlck-Balke-Collender. 407 8. 10th SL SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sale at dlscounL Address P 600, Bee. 2D-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble cashier plate; wire wicket aboot 40 fL. odd shape; will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars 'phono Dougias 238, Bee Build ing Co. THREE quater lnen cable for sale. Apply George R, WrighL Bee Bldg. O. C. DIMOCK & SON, THE ONLY - INDEPENDENT LUMBER COMPANY IN THE TWO CITIES. 24th A H Sts. South Omaha. Tel. South IBS. ALFALFA HAT. Wagner. 801 N. 16th SL FOR SALE OR TRADE Ice box and pastry oven. Call at U. 8. RestauranL UPRIGHT piano and new set of George Eliot ' works; going away and will sell either cheap for cash. Harney 43M. NEW OAK pedestal table, oak -china closet, white enameled bed. gasoline stove. Hamey 3X1. . NEW and up-to-date furniture; half price. Tel. Har. 326L PERSONAL Hindoo Tablets win build, brace, strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. "When I came to Dr. Milen, 428 Ramge Bldg., I had been troubled with rheumatism and my' daughter .with kidney trouble, lie cured my daughter in one month. She was weak. Now, she is strong. I am well and only hope others will feel as well as I do, after taking his treat ment. "CIIAS. LIND, Minden, Neb." MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss La.Ura.ue, 1617 Dodge Sl, era, 10 a, m. 1 p. m. Basement flaL . JUNIPER and Asparagus pills for dis orders of the kidneys ami bladder. uOc box. Cermuk Pharmacy, 1266 S. 13th. MECHANO-THERAPY Is a drugless cure for lost physical vigor. Consult DR. Margarlte Halloran, 226 Neville Bldg. Tel. Douglas 776L Under supervision of M. D. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents j MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage, ltkJ6 Dodge St., oppo site postofflco. Id floor.- 'Phone Doug. 76u. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores; price, $l.i.o. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room SOU old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor, 120 S. 16th SL Stairway on Douglas St. STRICTLY private home for confine ments, doctors' attention, trained nurse, babies for adoption. 2518 DavrnporL A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee. 4ul Bancroft SL, Omaha, Neb. 'phone Douglas Yjll. DR. W. A. BURKE 8PKC1ALI8T IN DISEASES OK WOMFN. Private office at residence, 4612 N. 2Mb Ave.. Omaha. Neb. Office hours i to 1 p. m. 'Phone Webster Z5S. WE rent and repstr all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-1601. Doug. 104. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. and Harney Sts. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adopt'on. Good Samaritan Saui torlum. 740 lt Ave. Council Bluffs, la. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In tact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. lltb St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4116 and wagons will call. Ml nvmP treatmenL Mme. Smith, AIM A XKJ 2 8. 16th St.. third floor. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Hldg. ABLKNE DE VOY, manicuring and mas sage. 624 a 16th SL Flat , Phone D. 754. IVIflQ and toues for men. GRIFFITH. "1Jij U and It FKfcNZER BLOCK- DIVORCES obtained without delay or Boise; criminal cases a specialty; 27 years' experience. W A. CONNOLLT. 474 78 Rrandes Bid. DOUG. ; IND.. A-1414. NOTICE Is herwirh given that on and after this date I rrfuiM to be accountable fur any drbts contracted by my wife, Susan S. Wallace. W. F. WALLACE. I Swaits McKelvy News Dept. M-hand ! books: 7er a: Erg ; periodicals, tea 8. Uth. WE don't like to pet personal, but Ifa r'Kht to the olnt. Vaod ville: latrat and :ic.lft. parlor theater, 1!U3 Douglas. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 164, Dr. Kathrya Nichols. 668 N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117. HUFFMAN. Ill Neville B.dg. Book free- WlMard Eddy, registered practitioner In U. 8. PaL Office. 611 Paxton Blk. Red 2991. HIRAM A. STURGESS, registered patent attorney. U. a and foreign patents se cured, tit N. Y. Lire Bldg. TeL D. 1461. PATENTS secured, promoted and SOLD or our fee returned; send for seven free booklets Patent l evelopment Corporation. 614 7th St . Washington. D. C. PATENTS secured, promoted and SOLD or our fee returned; send for seven free booklets. Patent Development Corporation, 114 7th SL, Washington. D. C. . POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD la the best In the market for young chick en a Made from pure grain, A. W. .WAGNER. 801-11 N. 18TH ST. ' Phones Dougias 1142. Independent A-3458. Rhode Island Red setting eggs Tel. 8. I4f. TESTED Rosecomb Rhode Island Red eggs for batching from prize layers. P. S. King, Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson 338. PEKIN DUCKS for sale. Tel Hamey 2319. PRINTING A-2A2Q for good printing. Lyngstad Ptlnting Co.. Uth & Capitol Ave! DOUGLAS county saves thousands of dollars yearly by having my figures on printing. John T. Thompson. Tel. Webster 8511 RIES-HALL PrL Co.. 109 8. 14th; Ind. A 1624. WATERS PRINTING CO.. 621-524 a Uth. Miller Sl Jamieson, 1212 Doug. Both 'phones. REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., EsL 1X58; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farama SL REMINGTON-LUNDBERG REALTY CO. Tel. D. 127L 643 Ramge Bldg. New houses. FRED S. HADRA. 417-418 First National bank Bldg. Douglas 2318. R E. or Ex. T. C. Torrison, 47$ Brandels. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. Geo. D. Perrlne, 232 Paxton. Doug. 7S0L REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1J01 Farnam. Ground Floor. . ABSTRACTS Of TITLB. a U. RATLTR SON. 808 So. 18th 8L KERR Abstract Co., 80k . 17th SL D. 6487. JOHN CAMPBELL. 411 N. T. L D. 1071. PETER JES5EN. JR, TeL Dour 1292. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1628 Farnam. W. O. JENSEN, builds homes right; plant furnished. 2721 Spalding. Tel Web. 3M8. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 'S3x300 FT. On 24th, near Fort St.. with 7-room house, large barn, fnilt and shade trees, $3,400. New 5-room cottage and lot 60x127 fL, at 1419 Parker. n.soo. W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. r- LOOK AT 1311 GEORGIA AVK. Eight rooms, all modern, lot 50x150. paved street, walking distance, large bam. fine shade; a bargain; price reduced from $4,500 to it.ouo ror quick sale. J. w. Dean A Co., 524 N. Y. Life. D 43S4. Must Sell This Week 34th and Lincoln Blvd.. strictly modern, 8 rooms, xour good Bedrooms, rine location and neighborhood, close to two car lines, schools and churches. WANT OFFER $4.50. Walkup Iteal Estate Company, 875-79 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 2SUI 8-ROOM rooming house for sale. 1508 cass. 22x35 Feet 12th SL near Famam. $4,000. SELBY, D. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE At a bargain, new 9-room house, reception hull, bath, oak floors, full basemenL not water heat. Two fine lots, well located. Inquire 21.2 Locust St. o v. cLa.cs i rcsiaence ioia 12 A. , in Omaha, bar none; some of them as low as egual annual payments. Ask about them, lis worth while. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Euue tl-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red lVJt. TUIS SPACE RESERVED. PROPERTY OWNERS . AND HOME BUYERS. This space reserved for the best and most aaleable property Hated with us this week. If you want to sell quickly, come In and see us. If you want to buy, let us know what you want and watch this space. THE ABBOTT REALTY CO. 411-416 13 rand. Is Bldg. Carl E. Bolen. Mgr. Doug. 2406. YES, JUST WHAT YOU WANT! T rooms, all modern except heat; lot tOx 126; oar at door; price, $2,300. $500 cah. bal ance monthly. - 7 rooms, all modem except heat; large lot; new; price, I2.HM). $000 cash, balance easy. t large rooms, brand new. all modern; lot UixUS; price, $i.7u0. $6uu cash, balance easy. 7-room, brand new. beech floors, all nvd ern; a dandy; price, $3.6u). $600 cash, bal ance easy. NOWATA LOT at LAND CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bidg. Red 19DS. FINE NEW DUNDEE HOME, g rooms, brand new. Just finished, par lor, dinintr room, kitchen, bedroom and sun psrlor first floor, I bedrooms and bath second floor finished In oak and birch with oak floors; full baketnent, lot ioxlii For 0'ilck sale, $.u00. J. W, Dean ai Co., IM N I. L. Doug. VliL ft-ROOM all modern house, located at S3u Cuming St.. near Hernia Psrk; good car service, plenty of shade and fruit; south front house In good conditio; owner lives in house; will sell for U). Call and see this property or telephone Harney xa. Rcomi, Full Lot, 1.100. In south part of town, 1300 each, balance any o.i way. Nowata Land At Lot Co.. Suite fc!4 K. Y. Life Bldg. Red V.'jJ. Choice East Front Iot ' In West Farnam district. If taken at once this lot ran be had at a very luo- erica, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. suite 24 N. Y. Ule bldg. Red 11 REAL ES7ATE CIT1 I'KUI'I.IU l Fon SALE, (Continued. ) MEDIUM-PRICED HOMES $2,800 for 2119 tlisnd Ave., new, flve rom, modern emtase, paved street, good, home for. small family. $2.00 fur 0 Mltnderson J-"L Large flve-room hou.e, all i u except heat. lc for three laiKe rooms above. Nviiy It, reasonable terms. $3,100 for choice five-room, modern nouse vn 17th, noar Spraguc. Very desirable. Lot 40xi:s feet, east front. $3 500 2432 Templeton St., well con structed, s x-rooin. modem house, hot water heat, laundry i-i basement. Built for a home. Reduoed frorn $4.0u0. Kasv terms. This proposition Is worthy ft careful luveliga tlon. $3.&50 25" Pratt St.; six-room, two story howse,. with reception hall. New io 1W7. All mod ern. Small barn. Nice locu tion. $4,200 for N. W. corner 2M and Pr.nvn Sts. Well constructcl. seven room, two-story, modern houe, lot 5JxU"7 feet. RiMin to build on lot mat to alley. Want 'ot fer for yulrk sale. $4.6Tj0 for eight-room, two-story, mo.l ern, quarter-sawed ok finish, on Knnnet St., near boulevard. Lot fiOxlL'4 feet. $4,750 for a very desirable m-vcm-room bunsalow, near Happy Hollow deb. Beautifully ar ranged, nicely finished. "Easy terms. Key at our office. In vestigate. $6,760 for eiKht-room, strictly mod ern, 2-etory house, with recep tion hall, having quarter-sawed oak finish, hot water heat, decorated throughout and two lots. hWxl35 feet, south fronL Very desirable. (J EURO E & CO., Agents. Doug. 756. 1601 Famam SL EASY TERMS SOth and Jackson. 7 rooms with bath, gas, toilet, full basement, renting for nrlca 123J0. Makes a good home or a 16 per cent Investment on amount required. Manderson Sl New 8-room, two-story, all modern house, oak finish first floor, cenemt oasenient: xjum; large corner loL 3?d and Cumtng -room. two-story, all modern, well located and well arranged; $3.0U0; 600 cash. 83d and Myrtle Ave., In Bcmls park, a 8 rooin cottage, fully molern. paving paid In full; $l'.n) and $500 Cush wil handle. 2Sth and Burt. 6-rooin. two-story, all mod ern house, on new boulevard, for $3,100; terms to sulL 2;i Charles Owner has left city and in structs to fell at once; a very good 8-room, all modern house, attractive Inside and out, 50x132, paving paid; shade and fruit trees; cheap at N.OuO. 620 P. St'tti EL 7-room house, modem, new, $4,250. Can make easy terms to right party. Field Club night on Wool worth Ave., near the entrance, a 0-room. all modern, house, built less than two years; south front on the boulevards all specials puia; for $4,650 and $750 oa?.h will handle. FULL PARTICULARS AT OUR OFFICE. GLOVER REALTY SYNDI- GATE, rGound Floor N. Y. L. Doug. 3963. CONTRACTORS - AND BUILDERS TAKE NOTICE LOWE'S SUBDIVISION t . . Wo are offering special Inducements ta parties who will build houum in this addi tion, which extends from 31st to 33d and Franklin, to Parker Sis. This . addition has all been brcuht to grade and will have, cement walks, city water and sewer for all lots by April 20. In addition to above improvements, each lot will have two larsre trees. Good street car service od 33d Ft. Look this addition over aud you . will agree with us that this la an Ideal section for houses costing $2,0U0 and $?.0u0. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO , 1506 Dodge SL 'Phone Douglas 415. Several New, -Modern Cottages We have under construction two dandy 5-room cottages and a splendid bungalow. In BOULEVARD PARK ADDITION, which will be finished In about thirty days. Thewe will surely please you. Everything first-cla, both Inside and out. Well built and nicely arranged. Prices $2,750 and $2.Su0. Terms reasonable. Good sized lots, convenient to Sherman Ave. car. Excellent neighborhood. Whn you buy a' home get something that will prove a never-ending source of satisfaction; that's what theso cottages represent !t us show them to you rlpht away. The first buyer gets them. BE FIRST. SHIMER & CHASE CO., 603 8. 17lh SL Both Phones. 6 ROOMS SPENCER STREET, $4,(KK) li21 Spencer SL, a vary . good house, nearly row and In flint-class condition. Built for a home and eoiiiplcce In every way. Full lot. fine yard, lawu and shade trees. The owner has am nt time and money to make this an ideal home and you can buy it for less than you could buy the lot and build the houso. The owner lives there and will show you the houie. Go out any time.. .. NORMS & MARTIN, Douu. 4170; Web. 4rj. . CC Bee Hldg. New Cottage Home Look at 2342 So. th St., the niftiest 5 room cottage now on the market; has vestibule, parlor, dining room, two fine bed rooms, white enami led bath room, kitchen, pantry, lurge attic, fine brick cel lar, double flours .oak and maple), pol Ihl.ed ready for rvg; fine nickel plumbing, biautlful electric light fixtures; yard sorfded, permanent walks, everythlnsr com plete, for $2,C50; $l50 cash, balance monthly Just like rent. House open for your In spection. Payne, Bostwick & Slater, Sole Agents. 601 N. Y. Life Uldrf. 7 ROOMS- ., NOT WATER HEAT, 1,450. Built for a home and built right from tcp to bottom. 4 io.niS &Jm1 'imiIi uu first floor, 2 large bedrooms with laree closets on second floor; flue yard and shade; full south fiont lot. Th number Is avM Ohio St. The ow ner liv s there and will show you the h'ue 111 en anytime. NORMS & MARTIN, . Doug. 4270; Web " i-M. ' 21 Hee Bld j . 7-ROOM houi, i . a i o . n. .. .. .. stairs; loO-barrc! ( istern, ment t;;t' rcl, plled In to kitchen; eieciric lilit, J lou, cl.lcken houe, tomt! fine chicken.1; nice fruit tr-es and oiIkt arnall fruil; garden learly planud; on l'.ock from sc:.tol: 4 Mm k fruiu r. K4v:i.k c.ty; murt sell at on--; snotil tuh ;iymerL IooK at, tins end'buv from nvr.i-r Adilnn 41st ar.J Colby, Tel. WeLaur 1174,