THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, ArRTL 15, 1910. Every e e a cQ ainii Want - Ads Want ada received at any time, bat to Insure proper elaealf Icatlon rnnat be preaeated beforo 12 o'clock n. for the evening; edition and before 7i30 o'clock of prevloue trcilif for morning- and Bandar edltlona. Want nda received after aarh bonra will bave tbelr flrat Insertion ander the heading; "Too Late to Claaalfy." Cash mnat accompany all ordera for want ada and no advertisement will be arcepted for leaa than 20 ceata for flrat Insertion. Rain apply to either The Dally or Bandar Bee. Aliraya eoont six worda to a line. CASH R ATFI FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION -On Inaertlon, 1 1-2 eenta per word and 1 rent per word for each aabaeqnent Inaertlon. Each Inaertlon made on odd day, 1 1-il renta per week, ft. '30 per line per month. Want ada for The flee mar be left at any of the following; dm store ono la yonr "corner drairsrlat" thejr are all branch offlcea for The Bee and roar ad will be Inaerted Jnat na promptly and on the aame ratea aa at the main office In The Bee Building, fteventeeath and Farnam atreeta. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnnm. Hera nek, 8. A.. 1402 8. ICth St. Payton rharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. l'mson Pliarmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming;. lllake-Bradlsh. 2NM Sherman Ave. Cnughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava. H Intel-long Drug Co., 31st Ava. and Fnrnam. Crlsey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Cooney Tharmacy, 2228 8. 16th St. Cermak, Emll, 1HA-C S. 13fh St. IThler. F. H., 2802 Ln venworth. rosier Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St. Kreytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 1308 N. lfith St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ava. nrd Pacific. Urt enough, G. A., 105 8. 10th St Groenough, O. A.. Tenth and Hickory. Haydnn, William C. 2020 Fnrnam St. Har.g:om Park Pharmacy. 1501 8. 29th Ave. . Hoist, John, C24 N. 16th St. Huff, A. I.. 2!i24 Leavenworth St. Johanson nrur Co.. 24th and Spalding 8t8. King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th. Mares, Fred L.. 201!) Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles K., 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 2lth and Leaven worth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amen Ave. Hchaefer a Cut Price Drug Store, 16:h and Chicago Sta. Schnofer, August. 2631 N. 13th St Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. w alton Plmrmacy, 20th and Orace Sta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta, , DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES F-LEMING-Alexander 1L. April 13, 1910, aged 78 year. . , , , Funeral services will bo held from family residence. 2723 Fowler avenue, Fridav, April 15. at 2 p. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. irrew;rrigigwiMaji nnag BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Jamea Connor, 2604 Bristol, boy: H. A. Wahl, 1128 South Twenty-elguts, boy; Sumuet Menke, 1204 North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; Mattliew Bjornson, 3415 Martha, girl; H. J. klok, 60u2 North Thir tieth, boy. Deaths William Marx, 1651 North Eigh teenth, 19; Baby Pederson, l&ll Frederick. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE MEXICAN WHITE SAPPHIRE. A great discovery. A gem with the hard ness, brilliancy and luster; can't be de lected from a genuino diamond. We guar antee this gem to retain Its beautiful bril liancy and sparkle 'orever, the same as a aeuuine diamond, at 1-30 the cost. In olid gold mountings. Call or writ for II luHtraied catalogue. DeLong Jewelry Co.. WO McCague Bldg.. Orr.aba, BEST CEMENT BLOCKS In Omaha. All lengths and wall thloknees In stock. Omaha Concrete Stone Co., 78th Av. 4V Bahler. Estimate given contract work. W. 886, B 8018; after I p. in.. W. 4231. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to uit, 310 Bee B d. I) t. .... - rv . UNION LOAN COMPANY. OOOI MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. J El Ed, 1303 Douglas St. 5 CTS. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west 16th and Howard bis., Turkish Baths MAQQAKD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk Van & Storage Co. Pack, move, store and ship II. H. goods. D. 1496. B. 2421 THE City Garbage Co.. Tel. Doug. 13S7. cans vaults. mssDonl and removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Work. 1020 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 4307. J A. KEP.VAN WILL M AKE YOUR SUMMER SUIT. 508-10 B;ndeis Bidg. F.l.l.lN'STON elsana wall paper. D. 71 1. WESTERN DUPLICATING Co., 403 Bee Bldg. Multlgraphcd lette a. Doug. 3641. PATTON'8 Sunproof paint. Jan-a-lae: try Enamel. Earatoga Drug Co., 24th Ames. DAVID COLK Creamery Co- PATTON-BOYVMAN IIDW. CO. AGENTS P. F. CORBIN BUILDER3 HARUWARB. PLIES. lbl Fa tuslMAUTORS' SUP. mam. 1'hona Doug MS. PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid Rlsse Etching. Prompt Work. W. R BKAMULETT 4fe Co.. 13U Howard. D. 637L COAT. " H- r,n Trading stamps w,h nr(J ,nJ ,of, coL ,ol);, t Coal Co. Muglaa 1764: Independent A-14C. U. K. WURN. Optician. 424 Brandols. GOING TO BUILDT Get Ideas of a prac tical builder. E. H. Olsen. Tel. Benson 2-0. -net-Bisv-0"l'"" SpeclatNt Mt'LTlOHAPH WORK A SPECIALTY. J. C, North-nn. -LETTKROIXX11ST." PM Paxtnii Plk. 'Phone Doug. UA 'Cenipnt Blork-a best quality. V. lilt III. 1IUCK9 Cement Stona i Co. DoukUs Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 141 BARICER BROS. FT. CO. fherwln-W Pta . all. varnish, glass and brushes. 16tWlfc Farnam. - BIG REMOVAL SALE FRIEDMAN LOAN OFFICE, ill S. 13th. i-ni'if to move to S. E. COR. 13TH and DOUGLAS Clothing. Shoes. Jewelry, etc., sold beluw cual TWij rhunges of vstulsville every week. Iri-r 1;ii. r, nest of J4ih on Douglas. LYNCH BROS. Tnh"0 "''" wow a rKiAL'rr. 70s s. lt)a DouglM 1 171 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. 1804 Farnam. Missouri Filters mad, sold. 131 Howard. ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight. Pas Niger. J. R. Kennedy, let H. 13th. Doug.29WI. LEW W. RABER Printer, Bee Bldg., after April 13. Tel. D. 1013. T" Iron and Wire. fPflCP Champion Fence Co X iV,5th ft Jacki0n sts. Tel. D. ISM. CI, I A BURGESS SHIRT CO . made Oilirioto order. (16 Karbacb Blk. 8. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. S768. 131S Farnam. A NPirnR FITNTE CO.. Iroti and Wire Fences Cheaper than Wood. Last a Lifetime. . 207 N. 17th 'Phone Red S14. Kohen Bros.. Carpenters, 1509 N. 17th. R.3254 STOP THOSE HEADACHES by using glasses fitted by an expert optician. August Johnson, with Frits Sandwall Jewelry Co.. 3d Floor Paxton KIOCK. MONUMENTS J. P. Bloom & Co., Movd to new location, comer 17th and Cuming Sta. 'I'tyne Doug. 5ig. HrTOSI.-.V(f:r.T In African Wilds. The real thing. First time In Omaha. Parlor. 1408 Douglas. WANTED. 100 teams for railroad work on Northern Pacific R. R., North Dakota, and Milwau kee R. R., South Dakota. PHELAN-SH1RLEY COMPANY, 1009 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. JOHN E. HIMOE, SHIRTS. 630 Paxton Blk. AU fOMOBILES DRUMM0ND "S Wagons, Repairs Autos and All Kinds of Machines, loth and Harney Sts. 1909 Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car, with top and full equipment, used but lltue 2,300 lim Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full equipment, used Dut lit tle, fine condition 2.C00 1907 Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full equipment, guoa conai tlon 1.200 19U Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car, 7- passenger, full equipment, over hauled 1.50J Waverly Electric, without battery.... 150 Wltlh battery 350 Reo Touring Car, 2-cyllnder, 1906 model 10J 1907 Stoddard-Dayton, with touring car body and limousine body, all in good condition 2,000 DERIQHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1818 Harney St. FOR SALE W H. P. Austin car. newly painted and completely overhauled.- Open and closed body, glass front, top, extra tubes; complete set of tools, tire covers, Cost SA50Q less than a year and a half ago. Will sell at great sacrlfloe. Address Arthur btoiz. Omaha, Nab. AUTOMOBILE QOGGLES, 23c to $3.50. Columbian Optical Co., 209-211 a 16th. OMAHA'S foremost repair house; all kinds of repairing; when In trouble call Douglas 7281 or A 2011. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. FOR SALE For best bargain In auto- mobiles, write or call on the , NtCBRASKA-BUICK AUTO CO.. 19U-16 Farnam St. SLIGHTLY used, four-cylinder Rambler automobile, gray in color, splendid condi tion, no dealers. Address D-50tl, care Bee. CALL US for Demonstration of Col "3a" Midwest Auto Co.. 19th and Farnam. WRITE for list automobile bargains. II. E. FREDRICKbON AUTO CO.. Omaha. Auto Painting ;uMrurpPrices'dAbRE1fvt MURPHY & SON, 1413 Jackson. EXPERT motorcycle & Bicycyle repair ing. Omaha Motorcycle Co., 1620 Cap. Ave. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds ot broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. BARGAINS ,B UMd utomobllaa. VoU Autoraoblla Co., 1901 Farnam tJL BARGAIN In secondhand car: over, hauled and repainted; look like new; for sal regardless of price; Pres-to-llte tanks for sale. Standard Automobile Co., lUrM Farnam. Tel. Doug. U2L BUICK car with top, wind shield, 5 lamps complete, 1700. Inquire A. Hoipe. 1113 Douglas St.. Omaha. BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIQHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St FOR SALE 1908 Maxwell automobile. 3550; excellent condition, f u 1 equipment, horn, extra tires, top lamp, tools gener ators, cutrains, etc. "Phone Lieut Haskell, Fort Omaha, Webster 5000. A GOOD single cylinder Rambler, fully equipped, In good condition; will carry 4 passengers; for sale or trade for a team of driving horses weighing 1,100 pounds. Box 816 Onawa, Ia. BUSINESS CHANCES TWO. first-clnss barber shop for salo cheap; one In Sterling. Neb., and one In Adams, Neb. Address Box 102, Adams. Neb. ' A Live Omaha PAYS 12 TO 18 manufacturing concern wants mora capital for expansion can use some good solicitor on liberal commission. Ad dress or call on Mr. Guild, secretary Commercial club Also Mr. Palmatler, Merchants National bank. . McNeill-Jewel Realty Company, Write Us for Bargains, lit N. 24th. Tel. So. 7M. South Omaha. BIO money made right now! If you have some ready cassh. Secure; exclusive territory; rights at once; mosst useful and substantial patent; large profits; no competition. Address II. 209, Be. LAUNDRY To sell or rent; Just installed in good town. Address, Y-254. Bee. FOR SALE A good retail lumber yard, in central Iowa; Investment of fL&Ouu. Ad dress Y 246. car Be. FOGEL & ALTSTADT . ... T BUT OR SELL. m Nvlll Blk. ' Doug, till TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE B Midland luv. Co., lug MoOtgu Bldg. .9EX ,n or "t of business call on OANdbaTAU 404 Be Bidg. T' D. 1U67. WANT nieo t take Interest In legitimate business; big- profits; no competition: must hv USPS to nooa Address. V 171 be. TO GET In or out of business In Omaha, auth Omaha or Council Bluffs, se Wil liam, til McCagu Bldg., lita and Dog. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) ' Hotel Doing Big Business In a live Nebraska town, passenger trains top for meals. Widow lady must sell on account of (ailing health. Snap at Doa Will consider half ot abov prlc in land star Lincoln, Neb. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Suit (34 N. Y. LU Bldg. Red 19091 PHOTO STUDIO FOR SALE. Best located, fully equipped. 6.0u0 people, fin trad, splendid farming country; bav other business; bargain for cash; price, t0; rent, SI6; act quick. Cbas. K. Jacoby, Norfolk. Neb. GROCERY store and meat market, doing rine business; will sell or rent building; location north part of city. II. H. Ml'N NECHKE, S94 Brandels. POOL HALL and barber shop for sale. Address Box 35. Hot Springs, S. D. FOR SALE TJnhnlsterlns- business, splen did trade and money maker, only one other establishment In town; small rent; on ac count of change of business; will sell on time to suit buyer; only a small amount of capital will be required. Address C. A. Morgan, 331 Broadway, Council Bluffs. WANTED A party with $3,600 as a side business to Invest In a legitimate money making merchnndlse business In Omaha; this Is an opiortunlty worth investigating. Address P 338, Bee office. FOR SALE $5,000 stock of drugs, good, clean, up-to-date stock, doing a fine busi ness; fine location; over twenty years In business; best of reasons for selling; will sell right for cash; no trades considered. Address P. O. Box 33, Weeping Water, Neb. I HAVE one grocery and hardware store, $2,100. One grocery and meat market for $M. These are bargains. If you are look ing for anytihlng In this line, look me up. A. W. Bock, 505 N. 26th St., South Omaha. FOR SALE Small clothing and furnish ing store; coast town of 1.200; big pay roll mill town- nAAt. rlenn stock. Box 165, Camas, Wash. FOR , SALE-We buy, sell and trade lands, merchandise and Income property; send description of your property; no deal too large. ."Opportunities" mailed free. City Realty Co., Land Brokers, Muskogee, Okl. HERE'S a bargain. A rhoe repairing shop In South Omaha; must be sold. . Address 8-339, Bee. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.1035. TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1817 Douglas St. DRESSMAKERS SEWING DONE. 2210 Langdon Court. Dressmaking and plain sewing. D. 4432. M. SELECOW, Farnam. Harney 2017. MISS STURDY. t70 Farnam. Tel. H. 4B74 DANCING MORAND'S, 16th and Harney; lessons Mon.. Frl.. 8 p. m.; private dally. D.-1041. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency, 423 Paxton. D. 1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbsch. D. W33 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SANITARY HAIRDRESSINQ PARLORS. Switches Made from Combings, $1.60. 601 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 4671. WIMflW A underwear and seamless VVliNUlNAhosiery. Best. 619 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 43S7. E. P. BRUCE Molina Pianos. 413 McCagu. FOX Ladles' tailoring, latest styles sat isfactory tit 2923 Leavenworth St H. 661. LADIES, It will pay you to get our prices on hats, willow ' plumes, fancy feathers, flowers, frames, braids, etc. PENNELL, 1611 Douglas St., second floor. WE frame pictures at reasonable price. Barker Bros. FL Co. pfirfn ABn Dressmaking. Room 4. lfin uvu"- ooueiu St. ftt non A -3963. Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sixes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 300 Douglas Blk. Both phone ARSENIC and IRON -complexion wafers makes clear, white skin.' By mall 50c and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. THE FRENCH WAY V.hrSS5 Ladles' clothe beautifully dry cleaned. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur. davs. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 394 Bran dels Bldg. Tel. Red 6483. WHITMAN'S fusBy package for fastidi ous people, $1. ' Add 20c If mailed. Melcher Schniidt Drug Co.. 17th and Farnam. GOOD, clean, snappy vaudeville. Come and have a laugh. Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Douglas. EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM AT Is now open day and night. Students are ad mitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions In BOOKKEEPING. SHORT HAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL SERVICE, sure to be open In the fall. The catalogue I ready. Apply for it. Boyles College, BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Both Phone. SPRING TERM MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced taacher. Day and evening sensions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER A LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Sts. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS-4KST AND CHARLES. Rv. F. D. Tynrr. 8843 Charles. Harney 33S3. EVERYTHING F0RTHE. GARDEN Bi araert. Fruit Trees and Shrubs R ;nn.1 sery stock. A spWndtd assortment of hedg plants. Let us quote you prices now. Call and aee us. or phone Iienaon Ktl. BENSON OMAHA NITRSERT. BENSON. NEB. Patronize Home Nursory LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE I.TNE OF NURSERY STOCK IN TUB CITT. Sales Grounds, 19th and Donnlaja Phcn Donates lit? or Douglsa 449S, U. P. BYRD NURSERY CO Nurseries North Omaha. TlTirVS Planta that grow. AJVlLiO Meneray. Crescent Nur F. W. iraarv Ca Omaha yard. list and Farnam Sua. Fhoa Harney 4ij0. CHIROPODISTS . DR. ROT. lat Faraam JL Dougla ML ) FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS stoves cleaned and repaired; gaso line repairs; water fronts; new furnace. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phone. 120t-120S Douglas SL FLORISTS EENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. tor ntr'c. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam 8t, J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 8000. A- DONAGHUE. 1807 Far. D. 10M; A-100L BRANDEIS CUT FLOWERS DFPT. J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion chipped anywhere In U. S. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. STENO. by wholesale house; must have experience and be accurate; give refer ences and state salary expected; Oliver machine. Address P 234, Boe. . Factory a no) Trade. WANTED Hand-lronera, steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. WANTED Experienced cutter and fitter on all kinds of ladies garments. Good wages to first class woman. R. Y. Hobson, 1023 Capitol Ave. 'Phones R. $927, A-S927. GIRLS experienced on power sewing ma chine. Apply C. W. Reynolds, 1008 Jack son St. GIRLS wanted to learn hair dressing, prices reasonable. Oppenheim parlors, 313 McCague Bldg. WANTED five girls to help clean, press lace curtains. Steady work and good pay. 2907 Leavenworth. WANTED 10 experienced dressmakers. None but experienced need apply. R. Y. Hobson, 1023 Capitol Ave. Red 3927. A-3927. ttonsekeepera aad Doueatlea. WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs. Charles Metx, 656 S. 26th 8t FURNISHED rooms; one block from car line; reasonable price. 2711 S. 23d. A COMPETENT ffirl for general house work. Apply 102 S. 35th St. Tel. Harney 486. WANTED Dish washer 177 S. 24th St., South Omaha. - GIRL or woman for general housework. 1916 Spencer. Tel. Webster 1133. WANTED A woman for laundry work and for second cook. S6U Jackaon St. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. 320 N. 41st St. Tel. Har ney 660. WANTED A girl or woman for general housework on a ranch; good wages; no objection to. child. Call li 309S. 1113 S. 10th Ave, . EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must understand jcooklng. Apply 8326 Harney. ,, ;(f'v WANTED Competent . girl for general housework In small family; good wages. 319 N. 41st Ave. Phone Harney 1630. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. A. B. Jaqueth, 2017, Spencer. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. Roaenblum. 810 N. 16th St. WOMAN for general" housework; no washing. Phone Doug. 1E29. GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily; good wages, 1916 Emmet St Tel., Web ster 170J. GOOD experienced girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4013 Farnam St. Tel. Harney -1336. GIRL or woman wanted for general work; one who likes children;' small family; light work; good home for right party. 818 N. 17th St. ' WANTED An experienced whit washer woman for Mondays at 15o an hour. Phone Douglas 62. 224 N. ISth St. WANTED A cook, also a girl for laun dry work. 8120 Davenport. Tel. Harney 69. WANTED Middle-aged woman tar light housework. Call, Webster 3433 In forenoons. COMPETENT girl for general housework In family of two; good wages. 624 North llh SL Tel. Douglas 2724. WANTED Girl to help take .car of baby; no washing or cooking; good horn and wages. 2432 Templeton. Phone Webster 4ti8. SIX housekeeper. Canadian Office. 15th and Dodge. GIRL for kitchen work. 1811 Chicago St. GIRL for housework at on": one that can cook; good wages. 2026 Dodgs St, WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; three In family. 406 S. 42d St. Phone Harney 1476. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. George A. Hoagland. 4"th and Cats. WANTED Girl for general housework; good bom for right party. 636 Park Av. WANTED Maid for general housework. Small family. SS20 Harney. COOK wanted. 1806 Chicago St. GOOD cook: good wages and no waahlng. 3201) Harney St. WANTED A good reliable girl or woman In private family. Apply 2024 Blnney SL, or call Webstei 62. LADIES wanted, take work home; $1 to $4 dozen; steady, reliable; we guarantee work. 1201 Farnam St.; ask for Triebers. WANTED A young girl to assist with light housework; a good home to right party. 1703 Laird. Phone Web. 8744. SECOND GIRL at 108 N. 25th SL WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Mrs. Caldwell, 3617 Harney. Phone H. 2790. A GOOD woman for general housowork; German preferred; must ,be a good cook; no washing or Ironing; liberal wages. 2103 California. WANTED Housekeeper; good wage to right party. 1504 Corby SL WANTED Good girl for general house work. VbOl Blnnev SL Prion Web. 89L KITCHEN girl wanted; apply at one. Mr. Smith. 511 S. 24lh St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Two in family. Call morn ings. . 8030 Harney St. WANTED Girl for general house work; three In family. 2903 Poppleton Av. Tel. Harney 31KJ. OIRL for general housework; two In family. Si 8 Slat Av. WANTED middle a-l woman; assist In housekeeping. 216 8. 85th Av. WANTED-Chlid s nurs; reference re quired. 1038 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; geed wages. 1046 Ueorgla Av. GIRL or woman wanted for' general housework, ono who likes children; small family; light work. 211 N. 17th. GIRL for general housework, 6011 Cass. Tel., Harney HELP WANTED FEMALE floaaekeepera and Domestic Cont'. GIRL for general housework; no laundry work; best wages; middle-aged preferred. 108 B. $3d SL WANTED A competent r'rl for general housework. Mr. R. 6. Anglln, 101 tt. 89th 8L WANTED Girl for general housework; give reference. 2K27 Capitol Ave. WANTED A young girl to help with general housework. 'Phone, Harney 3183. 29 Jl Poppitton Av. GIRL for general housework wher sec ond girl Is kept. Mrs. Ueorg Baikar, 032 a 37th SL, Tel. Harney 3237. WANTED Girl ot woman for general housework. Light work. Good wages and good home. 1652 N. 19th SL WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 2680 Manderson SL WANTED Cook: highest wage. 1103 8. 80th Av. Phon Harney 264L WANTED Experienced cook; good Wage. 8210 Farnam SL WOMAN who understands work and is willing to go to suburbs; good horn and good wages. 1612 N. 20th St. WANTED-Competent girl; German or Bohemian preferred. 1909 Capitol Av. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and car of child 1 year Old. Mrs. Chedeck, 17th and Cuming Sta. WANTED Reliable person; general housework; cooking plain; nice room and home. Harney 8440. 4123 Farnam. WANTED Girl at one for general housework. Call at 1011 Charles. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house keeping and companion; more for horn man wages. Auarea Dist in. ioui, u uum, room 7. COMPETENT girl for general houework; one who Is fond of children; no washing. Apply 306 & 3sth SL WANTED Girl for general housework! 2 In family; good wages. 2038 Dodga. GIRL for general housework; good home and steady place; good wage. 1303 Park Ave. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; good home for th right party. 633 N. 19th. RosenblatL GIRL or woman for general housework. 1916 Spencer. Tel. Webster 1133. COMPETENT cook. Apply 206 a 32d Ave. or telephone Harney 206. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 401 S. 88th SL WANTED An experienced cook, also laundress. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 3316 Harney. Harney 4760. GOOD girl for general housework, 86 per week. Mrs. Cowderoy, 1325 So. 36th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In family of two. 2514 So. 10th. Tel. Douglas 6951. WANTED Experienced cook; wages $6 per week; family of two; no children; no washing. Mrs. C. a Montgomery, 502 S. 36th St. Tel. Harney 2462. WANTED A , . good girl for general .housework; three In family; wage $5. Mrs, H. C. Miller, 1134 S. 32d St. Ulaecilaaaooa. LEARN HAIRDRliSSINOIt pay. Ton can earn $16 to $26 weekly. Full eours taughL J. L. Brand!. Halrdraaalng Dept PUPIL NURSES wanted at Dougia Countv Hospital. 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. WE-can tak you out of your shortage of laugh In this world. Everyone laughs at the Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Doug las. HELP. WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. C. F. ADAMS, 623 S. 16th St. SALESMAN wanted to sell "The Best Ever," Lady Washington Hulled Beans with chicken. Gatehouse Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. AGENTS WANTED To make a house to house canvass, sell and install a patented article 'that will net a profit of from $8 to $16 pe'r day. Let us submit you a proposition. Address P. L. Co., Lock Box 212, Hastings, Neb. WANTED Men of experience to sell state or territorial rights for the sal of a patented article that Is a sure winner. Ad dress C. W. W. Co., Lock Box 218, Hastings, Neb. GROCERY SALE8MAN, thoroughly ex perienced, for live store. Apply, with ref erences and state experience and salary expected. Address O 233, Bee. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY OU $15 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKEIL ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO.. WANTED Men from 25 to 60 years of ag, convincing ttlkers to sell th only genuine manufactured diamond known to science. Call room 8. Schlltz hotel or the Owl Drug store. (Diamond Dick.) William WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and se circu lation manager. Th Be Publishing Co. AGENTS everywhere; send three dollar! for three ampl equalizers, retail for three dollars esch. 200 per cent profiL N competition; easily applied, full directions. The hardest working pumps work sy. Wind mill work easily and nollealy with slightest wind. Great money maker. Writ today, . now. Equaliser Manufacturing Company. 640 Be Building. Omaha. AGENTS New specialty, good seller, good money. Writ today. Bartlett Supply Co.. 411 Brown Blk.. Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED eollrctor for house fur Dishing C'v; stale experience and refareac. Address H 478. Be. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or writ Twentieth Century Farmer, 501 Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANT a good live stock salesman, who can Interest capital in A-l lund syndicate. Investors can double their money. No chance for los. Will give good proposition to right man. Address G-226 care Bee. LIVE household specialties such aa mine will make you $6 or more a day. South west Specialty Co., Fullerton Bldg., SL Louis, Mo. GUARANTEED SALARIES. Large salaries to reliable men and women who will collect and forward to us the Immense subscription business now being created by the publication of th first true story of the Southern Pacific railroad In Hampton' Magazine. If you want steady employment or spar time work with a guaranteed salary besides commissions, write at one giving ag and references, to Sale Department Hampton's Magaalne, 06 West 35th St., New York. N. Y. Clerical aa Oftlee. WANTED Bookkeeper and timekeeper for concrete construction work, $100. Several overseers for railroad construction work. $100. Bookkeepers and timekeepers 3 and $IJS. Southern Business . Exchange, 344 Moor B-dg., San Antouio, Tx. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office Continued. BOOKKEEPER, $ BOOKKEEPER, $90. STENOGRAPHER. $70. ST KNtHiA I'UKK and CLERK, $70. OFFICE CLERK, young man, bank, $35. STENOGRAPHER, bank. $40. SHIPPING CLERK. $T0. Call or write for COMPLETE LIST. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. (Inc.). 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) Bon. WANTED A boy. Apply Be Composing Room. WANTED Good, strong, reliable errand boy. 1. A. Medlar Co., 414 8. 14th SL WANTED Boy for factory work; clean, light work; good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. rsewty auad Trade. Drug itores (snaps). Job. Knlest. Be Lidg. WANTED Top trimmer. Apply E. W Reynolds Manufacturing Co., lwe Jackson ONE arood cornice man and tinner. Lin coin Cornice and Metal Works, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED A blacksmith, at once; must be a good shoer; good wages and steady work. Address Wyman & Jeffries, North Platte. Neb. WANTED Platen and cylinder pressmen; open shop conditions; good wages to com petent men; 48-hours week. Apply, quick, Staite Journal Co., or Woodruff-Collins Printing Co., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED KeJttlemen and cellarmen for nonunion brewery; good poaltlon for right party; atate experience and salary wanted. Address liox ouz, jansaa i;ity, mo.- WANTED A good man to oversee laun dry. Must give good reference. Address Y 353, car oi cee. FIVE CARPENTERS for Interior work; also floor layers. R. T. ft E. O. Hamilton, 24th and Farnam. BARBER WANTED; good wages guaran teed; no booser need apply. Address C. Plnkhus, Templeton, la. LATHERS WANTED Wood and wire lathers wanted. Wages 61 and 62 cents per hour. No union, M. H. Jester, Room 213 Continental Bldg., Denver, Colo. WANTED Two good moulders at once. Address Fremont Foundry and Machine Co., FremonL Neb. WANTED A blacksmith' helper who ha had experience in putting on rubber tires. Johnson-Danforth Co., - southwest corner 10th and Jones sts. MECHANICS AND LABORERS WANTED For all kinds of plow shop work. Machine blacksmith, punch men, fitters, grinders, polishers, eracter and laborer, city work, good pay. Competent men will find un usual opportunities to secur permanent positions at good wages. Apply in per son to th employment agent, Deere ft Co., Mollne, 111. WANTED A good all around butcher. Henry Duve, 1609 Leavenworth. WANTED Experienced packing house engineer. For first position out of town. Reply stating experience. Address G-236 care Bee. Jrliscellaaeous. WANTED Laborer; good wag; steady outside work. Apply 'United State Gyp sum Co., ' For Dodge, la. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, can start a profitable mall order business at horn evening, eena lur yaruvumr. uhciks, 739, Lockport N. Y. COME and see our large stock of fancy laughs. Parlor Theater, ltun Douglas. WANTED Some good sodding done soon Apply 839 N. Y. Life building, noon or 6 p. m. IRMEN THE OLD RELI- fA r ABLE, 109 N. 16th. ) I Q Suits to Order. VJ-V MEN wanted for railway mall. Internal revenue, poatoffloe examination. Writ for examination achedul.- Preparation free. Franklin lnsUtut. DspL 190N, Rochester. N. Y. MEN wanted. E. W. Reynold, 1008 Jack ion St. WANTED Young man. one who under stands dry goods preferable: one who has had experience In wholesale house. Must have references. Orktn ft Levitt, Sioux uity, la. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hones and Vefctcle. ALFALFA hay. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tire, put on and first class black smith work don by Johnson-Danforth Ca, 10th and Jones Sts. HORSES for sal. 1416 Cap. Av. D. 1S10. LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 S. 14th. BUGGIE8. sun-lea. stanhope, runabouts, high clas work, tor sal cheap. 1117 Far. cam. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm wagon. 1117 Farnam SL ONE high grade pneumatlo tire bike stanhopo buggy, almost new, one-half price. 3619 Jackson. Tel. li. 2423. Cotvs, Birds, Dog nnd Pet. A FINE young family cow; fresh; price, $iiO. Web. 765; LOST AND FOUND NOTHING but decency on our stage, west of 14th on Douglas. Parlor Theater. IF you are short on laughs go to the Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Douglas. LOST Lady' plain gold watch; mono-s-ram. "E. M. E. Fob marked "E." Tues day between 1018 Farnam ahd Hayden's; return Edman, 3025 Franklin; reward. LOST Lady's engraved watch; reward for return to 246 Bee Bldg. MEDICAL DR. W. C. MAXWELL, 624 Be Bldg. Ha cured hundred of th most prom inent people in Omaha and all part of th U. S. of pile without o operation. No pain. Tel. D1424. lies. Murray hotel. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE. Rupture, on visit. Piles and Pustule, i days. Cancer, Catarrh. Rheumatism and Gout. 30 days. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc. 00 days. No knife, blood or pain. Se how quickly and easily thea curea ar possible when you bcom fully Informed concern ing our new method. Write for fre book. GERMAN DOCTORS. Corner Main and Broadmay. Council Bluff. la. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical roliea. 14th and Daven port St.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by collea professor. Phon Dougia 11U. Call answered day or olghL VP ST nerve bracer for man. Qrny'a Nerv Food Pills, 81 a box, postpaid, bhermaa ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. COSTS YOU NOTHING If Von hv, a chrnnle iles to try th FAMOija CHKK ThFATMKNT at th Radium Medical and gurgtral Institute nortbwt torner Ulu and Fame MEDICAL iC'iiitinuttO..) WANTEIV-Persons suffering from sick headache and desiring to i.e cured to send their names to Y 254, care Bee. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. nWt()WsfHIHWHsWli JSWttI$31Uttl Notice to the Publio j. No More High Rates &10 to $1,000 Mi. I i LOANED ON $ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, I PIANOS AND SALARIES. THI9 I." A NEW FIRM Organised by th REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN of this city to protect $ honest working people In need of 8 temporary help from :he extortionate $ charge of th ao-oalled loan com- panlea. We will loan you all th 8 money you want and charge you only $ 10 per cent a year. 8 THIS MEANS YOU PAY $ f 1.00 interest on $ 10 for 1 year. $ 1.50 Interest on 25 tor 1 year. $ 10.00 Interest on 100 for 1 year. $ and all other sums in proportion. Easy 1 I Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason- $ $ able Appraisement Charges. $ $ A glance at th abov rate will con- 8 $ vlnce you how much you av by $ dealing with us. . 3 $ NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. 8 I Money In your pocket within ma 9 I hour. $ ! Independent Loan Co., f $ ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., $ 8 Phon Doug. 6046. 15Ui and Harney. $ u$$$$$$$8$$m$m$$$m$fm fwiiww: $$ PRIVATE LOANS U $10 UPWARDS On FURNITURE and PIANOS In us 1$ also to those homing $3 STEADY POSITIONS. it A Modern Firm. $$ With a Modern Purpose, ' ' i $$ LOOK AT OUR RATES; H 1$ CAN YOU BEAT THEM? gPay Principal and Interest. .. No Other Charge. . .. $25-8 PAYMENTS OF $4.60 $$ $30- " " $5.60 $$ $35-41 " " 86.60 tt $40-0 " " $7.60 $$ Payable weekly or monthly. $$ Other sums in proportion. $8 This company 1 backed by men Swlth unlimited capital, for th pur pose ot helping those In need of lain- U porary assistance. U OUR PURPOSE IS ' $$ To make loan to those who cannot it afford to pay high rates. W will $8 88 M $1 W 81 88 $ ft 88 $8 $8 I 88 8 8 pay oft high rate compani ana ad- tt vane you more money at los coat $1 $$ than you ar now paying. $ $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., It tt 601 Brown Blk., Opp. Brand!. $ $$ 'Phone: Dougia 20M; Ind. A-803. $ t$tattam$sttmi $$tm$$tttmtmtttt MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH -ERS. without security; easy payments, : Office in 60 principal cities, Tolmjua, toons, 613 Nw York Life Bldg. WI DO NOT ADVERTISE? , IMPOSSIBILITIES. I; After you have had an unsatisfactory !rw tervlew with those who do. come In anV we'll show you that w mak loan at a cheaper rat than any advertised. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.4 j Fof eighteen year at I Eoutbwent Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts, . ' lit Board of Trad Bldg.. Telephone Douglas 8236, ' Furniture loans; private. 4 Patterson blk. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, Sod. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker, service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronise th BIGGEST AND BEST. - RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 807-308 Paxton Block, Dougia) 1411 and A-141L DO YOU NEED MONEY to pay your debts T If ao, call on us. W loan monay on FURNITURE, PIANOS and LIVB STOCK AT POSITIVELY th LOWES'O TERMS, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAJ UENTS. BUSINESS CONFIDENTLY L NEBRASKA LOAN CO., T Crouns Blk., opp. P. O., ltn ft Capitol, Doug. 1356; A-136S. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING) OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. cleana your carpet and floor. Electrldt vacuum system. 800 Bo. 17th. Tel. D1569. E. LIEBMAN, expert house and base, ment cleaner, stoves packed and guaranteed not to rust the nickel. All kinds of stoves, sewing machines repaired. Written guar antee. 1117 Dodge. Tel. D. 1560. Ind. A-4363. EXP. Delivery Ca, office lfith and Dv . On port sts.; warcnuujstt, tuvt-im aimu ou PAPERHANGERS. use th best Snow, flak paste. Omaba Paste Co., 718 S. 13th, I Doug. 8760. V DO IT NOWA UPHOLSTERED. 8906K FARNAM. H. 811 ' STOVES stored. Ranee, 1611 N. 24th SL CURTAINS "0non.lrou'iJ pair. fU HAVE your gas stove coi.nected by the only expert In Omaha; satisfaction guar, 1 auteed. 'Phon Wcbawr 8213. CONTRACTING CARPENTER JOBBER. FRANK G. SEWARD, 1344 S. 24th. D. 8446, A-2806. - PLUMBING "fupatrlck? naCumlng! Douglas 1344, FOR furnltur polishing, repairing and upholstering, call Douglas 5721. ; ALL the late pattern of wall Ppr at reducd price. Barker Bros. Paint Co. pets when you cn bav them cleaned on given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Dougia block. 107 8. 16th St. Phones: Doug. 146J Ind. a.ijrtAoifrc.m Hydn'a MUSIC. ART. LANGUAGES MTITTT TflM"? UNION ORCHESTRA. MUUi-iXUiN O New. Jatohy. dinceabl. music sx' sr director, tut Kar Ug. 2483. A-4UO. t TTWJT,,I',"0",, given. American School fllUoloi Music. Room 12. Patterson. Blk. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Itoents. GOOD room and board. 1918 Farnam. NICELY furnished single or double rooms; also housekeeping rooms; dsslrabla , location; walking diatance. 213 S. 24th SL WILL give one lady board and laundry very reasonable for sake of company, Mr. F. Rouney, 4702 Davenport. THEIUVlXn UKA.UTIFUL ROOMS, J.I1I j Alt, V 11U wtth or without board; located on hill in a grove; walking dis tance. 2103 Leavenworth SL Jamea hotel. :t w. I3ih Am. plan: '. bath; 1$ 35 day; weekly. 15 up; meals lie. TWO NICE large rooms, on with aloov. .mi uoaiu. in n. imn. a ELEGANT room with best board. HM ' , California. Douglas 616L 0 3 8 1