Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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; .i r
laini in Oklahoma and Kansas Gire
Bears Encouragement.
laaaroreaaent In Cash aitnav
. lien with Startle.- ( Expert
"! an Ceverisg
.e Ikortl, .
i OMAHA. ADrll 14. 1310.
w. v,r r,,n ,n Oklahoma and ihowen
Viroughont Kansas encouraged the bears lo
irtlwr selling and whiwt prices slumped
9Jt again at the opening. Fit sentiment
"iled very bearish under these Improved
th-r conditions and the almost total
ck of demand for cash wheat.
Corn la holding extremal? firm. Improve
ment In tha ciwhii situation and tha starting
r soma expoit business, together wltn
Covering by shorts, cava tha market good
With heavy rains predicted In the wheat
factions of Kansas and Nebraska, beura
eoame more aggressive and aold tha msr
' ?oweT- The 'ow cash demand sent the
ay option off and cah houses are com
plaining of the light trade.
Corn was fairly active; prlcea held strong
CD a email advance. Metier cash demand
brought out more buying and shipping or
ders .were received from eastern buyers.
Tha market closed with a better tone than
It ha bad fur some time.
Primary wlieat receipta were JlH.onO bush
1 els end shipments were 112.000 bushels.
against receipts last year of 20.000 bushels
avnd shipments of 217.000 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 1.4.000 bushels
' And shipments were SxJ.OUO bushels, against
, receipts last year of 14.000 bushels and
I Shipments of fi'3.000 bushels.
' Clearances were 130,000 bushels of com,
rmno of oals and wheat and flour equal to
, S0,0u bushels.
I Liverpool closed V5"il lower on wheat
and nominal on corn.
Local range ot options:
Artlcles. Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. YeSy.
May... J 06 1,05 1 01 J 04 105
July... 99 99 93- HO 99
forr ,
May... 64 64 M 64 54
July... M M M 66 16
, May... 41 42 41 42 il
'July... S3 . 33 88 Sd4 39
Omaha Cash Prima.
I "WHEAT No. 3 hard. ll.0Mrl.04: No. S
hard. SlOliloa; No. 4 hard. Mctifl .00; re
jected hard. 70-rS75c; No. S spring. $1.03(31.04;
No. S spring. ll.OtMi 02; No. 2 durum. 86tf
STc; No. S durum, sr.fssc.
CORN No. 3 white. 67?o7Hc; No. S white.
6H&07c; No. 4 white. t4ifj6."V4c; No. 2 yel
low. M-353HCI No- 3 yellow, 6?H"3r.3c; No.
4 yellow, 4si;ic; No. 2 corn, MiiHc; No.
S, 62HTi5Sc; No. 4, 4SJ0c; no grado,
OA IH Standard. ,40',r4lc: No. 3 white,
4o40Hc; No. 4 white. 3)4o'4c-. No. S yel
low. S'fHOc; No. 4 yellow, SvfrSSc.
HARLEY-J$p. 4,. 61teii62lc; No. 1 feed.
11 YE No. 2. 73759: No. 3. 7374o.
' Carlo Receipts. 1
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 14 134 8
Minneapolis la
Omaha J 44 7
tmluth 33
and an Indifferent cash demand, el'Wlng
V'llSo net decline. Exporters ton IHf
loads of Manitoba. Mv, II 14 lU'Vtrl 17c.
cloe-d et II 1T; July. II 1fi1 US. cli"l
at 11.11"; September. $1.07ti 1.077, closed at
II 07' Keretpta. l.Jft) bti.
CORN Spot, firmer; stramer. R2'Ac, and
No. 4. both bid. e'rvstor. export basis;
ixpnrt No. 2, WW, bid. f. o h. Tha option
market waa without transactions, clot-Ins
at e net decline. May closed at 7Vc.
July at 71Sc and September at 7?tc. Re
ceipts, 1125 bu. ; shipments, 1.617 bu.
OATS pot. firm; mlxd. M to S2 lbs.,
nominal; natural white, M to 22 lbs.,
4-c, clipped white, 34 to 42 Ins.. 4THfr Cc
The option market was without transac
tions, closing; nominal. Receipts. 21.2M1 bu.
HAY fMesdv; prime. II H; No. 1, $1.10;
No. 2. tOrttSLflft: No. I. VHa&e.
I1IIJE mtendy; Central America. 22-3
2Sc; Hornta. le-'rlV-
LEATHER Hteadv: hemlock firsts. Jv
2'; stconda, ZVUZlc; thirds. 2.'a2ic; rejected.
FROVIfttONS Pork, bsrey steadv; mess.
PHH'4K.W; family, l?7.O0c.(27.3O; short clear.
J6.7:ViZi.r. Heef. steady; mesa. IS.0Offj oo;
family. Il Va Id SO; beef hams. .'4 00j 2 00.
Cut meats, barelv steadv: plrl:led be 1 live.
10 to 14 lbs.. lft.Wrl7 00; pickled hams. J17 .00.
I.ard. easy; middle west prime. Ili.Vitfi 13 .4';
refined, easier: continent. IMfO- South
America, 115.00; compound. t'OrjlO -O.
TALIXJW Steady; prima city, finds., 7Hc;
country. Tf)Tc
HK'F Ptesdy; domestic, 55Ho.
BI'TTER Strong; creamery specials, 2Sc;
extras, 34c; third to first, 26ic; held,
second to specials. 2Mi32c; state dairy,
common to finest. 2Sa22c; western Imita
tion creamery', 231VS2fc.
CHEESE Old. steady; new weak; state,
full cream, new, best. 13Vxc; common to
fair, 11 Volte.
EGGS Firmer; western Morale selec
tions. 22f23ttc; regular packed, extra
firsts. 22V823c; "first, 22'fi22lc; southern
regular, parked, first, 21ft22c.
FOl'LTRY Alive, firm; fowls, 20Hc; tur
keys. 146 JOo. Dressed, firm; fowls, li&Uc;
turkeys, 17523c.
Strong Stocks Subjected to Process of
Profit Taking.
DetllB la Grala aaal Coltoa
Eaiphaslsea This Fact
Stocks Btreaatheaerf
hy Reporta.
Rains Geearal THrenghoot Mlssoarl
Valley, Except Eaatcra Nebraska.
OMAHA. April 14. 19ia
Rains were general throughout the Mis
souri valley within the last twenty-four
hours and continue In the Dakota this
morning;. The rains were very heavy at
points In eastern Kansas and Oklahoma:
a full of 3.74 Inches occurred at Oklahoma
City. A barometric depression of consid
erable energy extends from the upper Mis
souri valley south over the eastern Rocky
mountain slops. An arva of high prfssur.
from tha west. Is moving In ovec the Rocky
mountains; this high Is accompanied bv
decidedly colder weather and temperatures
below freeslng. with snows, are reported
In the mountains this morning. .Frosts are
predicted for the northern and western Dor-
tlons of Nebraska tonight. The weather
win continue unsettled, with probably rain.
In this vicinity tonight, followed by fair
rioay, witn colder lonlgtit and Friday.
1910. 1909. 1308. 1907
Minimum temperature.... M 35 B7 21
Precipitation T T .00 .03
Normal temperature for todav, 60 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation sine March 1.
2.S1 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1909,
1.4iJ Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1908.
1.43 Inches.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Cora and Wheat Hearloa Balletla.
For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four
nours enaing at a. m.. 75th. meridian
tima, Thursday, April 14, 110:
Temp. Raln
P at Ions. Max. Mln. fall.
Ashland, Neb 72 61 .00
NEW YORK. Aoril 14 The stock market
gave further evidence of tne ordered and
svstematixed proceedings of the large forces which were supposed to
b responsible for the advance ot the day
before, ftocka which were strongest yes
terday were subjecttd to a procete of protlt
taking at different times today to take
advantage of the new demand attracted
rum outKlde sources bv the demonstration
of yesterday. The new demand waa reported
to be considerable, as shown ty tne Duying
orders receipted by commission houses.
i he markets greatest show of strength
developed In new quarters. The aggresaive
nxasurea employed for carrying on the
movement and the proof given In their
scope of the procession of large resources
gave confidence to a speculative following
and Intimidated the professional opposition.
ine retreat 01 the opposition by tne cover-
ng or snorts was a material factor in the
market's strength.
i here was not much Specific news to ac
count for the action of the market, but
current dlscueaion about the Stock ex
change dwelt largely on general considera
Crop news was considered encouraging
and tha decline In grain and cotton prices
emphasized this view. Collected views of
Chicago bankers which appeared today
oeu upon this factor with special force
and a reliance for sustaining the credits
entered Into land enterprises and In Irriga
tion pro)cta In the west.
lha March foreign statement or tha bu
reau of statistics called renewed attention
to the abnormal conditions. The record 1m-
porta, to tha value of l2,Ku.074, established
an excess value of Imports for that month
of l'j,2fi4.lS, compared with an excess value
of exports In March of last year of 1,417,441.
r two him stocx were strengthened Dy
ntimations of coming financing, which. It
was believed, might Involve subscription
rights to stockholders of value.
There was a report that the price of lake
copper had been advanced bv an Interest
which made a sharp cut earlltr in the week.
uiviaena increases wers the subject of
rumors about United States 8teei, Pennsyl
vania and other stocks. The Pittsburg coal
mining agreement was regarded with satisfaction.
lionds were firmer. Total sales, oar
value, 12.804.000. United Suites bonds were
unchanged on call.
Mimiiit of aaiea snd principal Quotations
on stocks were as follows;
a. Hlsa. Vow. Cka
Feat area of the Trading; on 4 Closing?
, ' Men on Board of Trade.
CinCAOO. April 14-Wlieat prlort de
clined today, largely because of rains on
southwestern fields. Corn advanced and
' oats wers consistently firm. Provisions suf
fered from liquidating sales, although lard
and ribs, on an Increased demand, made a
alight net advance
In wheat the bears bad all the best of tho
argument and at tha outset were materially
aided tr news of general rainfalls through
out tha southwest. The May delivery was
hammered because of the weakness of cash
, wheat, and large quantities were disposed
of at l4o lower. At one stage of the trad
ing July was down lo. The sellers of
May Invested In the distant options, carry
ing July up from I1.02 to II 04, and taking
eVptetnber well away from Its Ion-mark of
feT4c, just before tha finish. The close was
firm for the distant deliveries and weak
for May. with July ie off at ll.O.rwi .03.
and September WWiC down at SI.OOVI.OOH
The start In corn waa weak, but firmness
developed midway In the session, when an
Influential concern switched from the sell
. Ing to the buying side. May went up from
6c to 68Ht?&30. the other futures journey
ing with It Cash oora was steady, with a
t fair demand. No. 2 yellow selling at 8 if
tM4c The futures closed strong st nearly
the top, with May hi&a up at &8tt&58o.
Trading In oats had the general charac
teristics of the day In corn. May moved
between 2Sitil2e and 434a. The close was
strong. wKh May tip o at 43c.
In provisions May pork closed 20r lower.
Lard closed 2Vj7c up and ribs from 2HO
down to to up.
The leading futures ranged as foMows:
Articles. I Open. High. Low. 1 tose.l Yes y.
Wheat I
May July
May July
May July
May July
May :
Sopt. '
I lOfrS
1 IW
flOOVj 100
1 lOus
1 03
25 45
22 50
22 40
12 72W
12 4A
12 S7ft!
IS 60
12 40
is Si
22 474
n as
22 50
12 Kli
12 90
12 c:
1 00 1 04I 1 10'i
X O.'lkl 1 (M II W,
0OV4I 100H
61 S
21 90
21 90
12 07H
U 40
13 32
12 eo
12 12 ro
12 4U I U IU
22 4?4
22 30
13 TS
12 I24
12 47
12 fn'
12 46
12 SB
a 40
22 f0
32 4VI
12 72S
12 45
12 40
12 flR
12 40
12 92
Auburn, Neb 60 46 .00
H ken Bow. Neb. 60 60 .02
Columbus, Neb... 69 47 .00
Culbertson, Neb.. 62 42 .IS
Falrbury, Neb... 72 00 .1
Fairmont. Neb... CS 48 .0o
Gr. Island, Neb.. 02 48 .11
Hartlngton, Neb. 72 46 .00
Hastings, Neb.... 62 4S .23
Moldrege, Neb... 1 61 .00
Oakdale, Neb 64 62 .0'
Omaha, Neb 70 46 .09
Tekamah, Neb... 70 64 .01
Alta. Ia 73 4A .00
Carroll, Ia 73 40 .00
Clarinda, Ia. 61 42 .00
Sibley, Ia 74 41 .00
Sioux City. Ia... W. .66 .01
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
1 loud v
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a, nx t Not Included In
No. 01 Temp Rain.
; Central, , etatlona. Mam.. MJn. Inches.
Columbus. 0.,.i. 17 PR 84 I .00
Louisville. Ky 19 72 46 .00
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 70 Pt ' .00
Chicago. . Ill 26 W 40 .00
St. Louis. Mo 13 73 41 .00
Dca Moines. Ia.... 14 72 40 .00
Minneapolis, Minn. 30. 71 48 .
Kansas City, Mo.. 34 72 62 .50
Omaha, Neb 1 68 47 .
Moderate rains wers general In the
Minneapolis. Omaha and Kansas C tv din
trlcts wlthm the last twenty-four hours
and continue this morning. Freertnc tent'
peratures are reported In northern Ohio.
Local Forecaster. Weather Ilureau.
No. I.
CCaah quotations were as follows:
FLOCK W'CHk; winter patorts, j."..20S 5S;
Inter irai(iit. 4 Son5 Si; spring straights,
S4-7044 lK; bilker. ilii.W.
RVE No. 2, 7k(r7Sc.
BARLKY Feed or mixing. aRStc; fair to
Choice max In. kj,ic.
FtlCDH-Tlmotl.y, 14 00. Clover, 11175.
FKOVISIONS Mesa pork, per bhl., 122 C
02260. iJird. per 100 lbs, $13.00. eihort ribs,
sides (loos). 12 ?V, 12.72. Short clear
ides (boxed), IHWjjU.73.
Total clearances 01 wheat and flour were
equal to W,0u) bu. Primary receipts were
IliOUO bu., compared with 207.COO the corrc
ponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
II cars; corn, k. cars; oats, S3 cars; hogs,
10, OlO head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. t red.; No. I red. 11.0791.10: No, 8
liard, ll.0V.tXll; No. 3 hard. lltsvaiOOH;
No. 3 spring, ll.UC-c 106. Corn: No. t cash,
S7Vt5lc; No. 3 cash. fcji7c No. I white.
0iaiAHo: No. I white, Kui.'c: No. 3 yel
low, bja'tc; iso. 1 yeitow. twnt.o. uats:
No. I cash, 4rjt42'4)c; No. I white, 4; No.
S white. 424i44c; No. 4 white, 41utr,
standard. 44ft4f,c
Hecevpts Today: Wheat. 14 ears; corn,
136 oars; data, 83 cars. Fstlmated tomor
row! Wheat, 14 cars; corn, lot cars; oats.
83 cars.
BL'TTKR Firm; creameries, 2Eif32c;
dairies, .22 2!.
sieaJy; receipts. 33.114 cases; at
mark, cases Included. lS.'t20c; firsts, 20c;
prime firsts, 21c
CHKESK Steady; daisies, 14c; twins.
1MiUc; young Americas, 1414c; long
horns. It5l3"ic.
POTATOES Kasy; cholcs to fancy, 36
tc; fair to good, iljiic.
IH31LTRY-Steady; turkeys. Mc; chick
ens, lie; springs, lHo.
VEAL Heady; U to 60-pound weights,
8:ic; at) to ttvpound wetguia, leallc; ea to
HO pound we'ghts, liei3c. x
St. Loots General Market. ,
ST. LOriS, April 14. WHEAT Futures,
lower: May, 11.07V; July. U.01U. Caah
lower; track. No. 2 red, 11.121.16; No, 3
hard. ii.OTQi.ia.
COitN Futures,' higher; May, W,?Jj ;
July, ti"'au-vc. tnun, steaay; track. No.
t EiVti63c; No. 2 white. 63c
OATS Futures., hliihtr; May. 42V4c: July.
SXa. Cash, steady; track. No. 2, 4g424c;
No. I white, 4uM-n4c.
RYE-Lower. 79 Wo.
FLOUR Lower; red winter patents. tS.SO
ft 6.70; extia fancy ana straight, 26;
nam winter clears, mium
SEED Timothy, ia.(tf3-2. . ..
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 1.05fl
HAY Quiet; timothy, I1S.0OS19.00'. pralria.
BAOellNG 70.
PROVISIONS Porte, unchanged: Jobblne,
22f0. Lard, higher; prime steam, 12.12'-"J
11.C2. Iry sale meats r&oxed), unchanecu
extra shorts, in tr: clear rits. in.ifiv
short clears, 115.12. Baaon (boxed), ntv-
changed; extra shorts. flt.S7; clear ribs,
ll.r;s: Short clears, lissz't.
POl ' LT R Y Fl ran ; chickens, lGc; spring,
luc; turkeys, zic; aucks, lec; geese, sc.
HVXTER Steady; creamery, 27432o.
EGGS Lower at lHkO. -
Receipts. Shipment
Flour, bbls S.SoO 6.100
Wheat, bu.... 21,000 21.000
Corn, bu 33.000 W.OOn
Oats, bu ' W.t00 i:,0u0
. Kaaaas City Grata aad Provisions.
May, ll.OIV. July, 9s7?i!9c. sellers; Sep
tember, 87ir-Tc, bM. Cash, utichanced to
In lower: No. 2 hard. tl.0Sai.12: No. I
tl.O.tql.10; No t red. 1.14rfl.l. No. 3, .0J
til H.
CORN May. 6Sc. bid: July. 60tTc,
bid: September. yVut sellers. Cash
unchanged to lo higher; No. 2 mixed. &Vi
ntc; j, tic; no. 1 wnite, w-c; iso. i.
OATS-Unchaneed; No. I white. 424So
no. 1 mixed, 4iifUO.
RYE 72U 7ic.
HAY Unchanged: choice timothy. 115
choice pralria, fl0.7CJ 11.00; choice alfalfa.
1 a "717. 60.
ULTTEK Unchanged; creamery extras.
c; firsts, sac; seconds, Joe; packing stock
KtiGS Unchanged: current receipts, new
rases,; miscellaneous cases.
soutnerns, S6.G6; storage oacked. In 20.
Reclnts. Shipments
Wheat bu 22 000 23.000
Corn, bu 11 0n0 W.O
Osts, bu 12.000 14,000
Oaotatloas of, tha Day oa Varloas
S, !rl'rd '"w'r lo ": l",'1 pateeits,
(.U..S; winter straights, Si-lfSfc; win
ter stents. 1.406 S; winter extras. No.
1. S4("'y4il; winter extras. No. I 4 Kii
4 4f.) Kaitsaa straights. 50Om20. Receipts.
lX'JS bbls.j shipments. IM bbla. ftyi
flour, dull; fair to good, StiStftii; cftolca
to fancy. 14 frj4
t . . , i , IT- . , .- 1 ...
vuiinii ciii-r ion; imt wntie and yel
ow. li.4&al.W; coarae, Sl Sotflsuj kilo dried.
HTE Nominal: No S Western. 6iu. r n
b. New YofK. '
WHEAT-Spot easy; No. t red. 11 IT,
fcomiral, e. 1. f.; No. 1 northern, tlli.
I. o. b.. opening navigation Options were
Weak and Uiwvr finder active liquidation
11 rains In Kansaa, favorable crop news
Minneapolis Grala Market.
Slay. Iinevtil t; Juiy. 81 1014; Septem
ber. 1.00J1.0t-. Cash: No. 1 hard,
11. 16i: No. I northern. Sl.09Kfll.U4: No.
northern, 11.07 d 1.0s; No. I, 81.0401.07.
KlAX Closed at l V
CUHX No, 3 yellow. 4ifitVIVo.
OATS No. 3 white. 40,urc.
RYE No. 8. 7061te.
BRAN In M0 lb. sacks. l3ftff 1S.15.
FLOU R First patents, fin wood. f. o. b
Mlnncanolta) 86 0iu!i.GO: second patents, IS 16
660; first clears, Lloa4.; second clears.
Llveraool Grala Market.
dull; No. S red western winter, no stock.
-uturea, dull; May, 7lNd; July, Tsd;
Octoter, Ts 7d.
Ct iRN Spot, quiet; new American mixed
northern. Is td old American mixed,
Ss kd. Futures, nominal.
MllwsakM Grala Market.
MILWAUKEE. April 14Fl.OUR-Dun.
WHIiAT No, 1 northern. II 113L13; No.
S northern. II Uai lo; July, fl.03.
OAT 4Sc.
BARLEY Samples. SSSSo.
liability this week Is 4'.. 08 per cent;
week It wss 3.&6 per crnt.
aVew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. April 14 MONEY-On call,
firm at 3Vj.l pr cent; ruling rate. 3
per cent; closing Ml. 2 per cent: offered
at S rr cent. Time loans, easier; sixty
daya. 4i4 per cent: ninety day, 4 per
-ent; six months, 4'(i4 per cent.
per cenv
rf. hv r
actual business In bankers' bills at II MJ5
tH.M.iS for sixty-day hills and at 14 K7H0 for
demand; commercial bills, 4.3i4 M.
SILVER Bar, 53'o; Mexican dolisrs. 44c.
RONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations vn bond Wers as
Int. le. M. 4He 47
.VeMrn 4 n
,mi o 44 x
.loiHK. C. Fo 1st ta tl
.lll-iU 8. deb. 4 l3l. . . .
.14HU N. nnl. s
. Tr., K. T. 1st 4s.. 4
T4 do S 44 M
Am. T. a T. ev. 4s. Pu-lho 4s n
Am. Tobecee 4a N. R. K. of 4S
o as If N. T. C. a.
Armour a oo. 44s... 'V4 do 4k. 4s r4
fS. T , N. H. H.
Utt e. invi
1HN. h W. 1st e. 4s.. II
X de ct. 4s. 10t
No. Pecltlo 4s l'"S
sn do to 'l
, to 4 n Jl WI Of
ll sril s A3 00
Crn. LMtbse U Iittrn. er. IH 111... "
C. o N. i. (. ts li-V. -ro Lh.m. ts.. eS
the. Ohio 4VH ...11 Wsbssh 1st ia 1H
da 4a ev. W. T... S4S Mabir4 A. U 4s... tl
Chlcsse A A. 71 BedlTi gen. 4s X
C B. A O. J. 4s K to gen. ts H
4a xa 4s M8t. U g. W. e. 4s... T7
C. M A B P. g ts MHSt. L. A P. ts. 4s. 1
C. R. I. P. e. ts.. n4 do let A i. 4s IIS
do rfg. 4s k 1st told es ... tin
1lo. Ind. M T Bo. Rstlvir ts ion
Colo. Mid. 4 77 H de eon. 4s I-M14,
C. A 8. r. s. i: tl.V. ft. steel id ts ws
O. A H. ct. 4s ssv-vwis. Centrsl 4a W
D. R. O. si Mo. Pac. ct. Is ctts.. H4
do ret. I M do sett. 4s TS,
Dlstlllsn is 7! Union psoltie 4s I'm
Krte p. 1. 4s il Oo er. ts NW1
Jo em. e U do 1st ret. 4s.... r)4
do ct. 4s, scr. A... 7tt f. . kubber (e l'S
da aeries B 71 Western Md, 4a S3
Oen. Elac. ct. 6a let Wast. Cleo. ev. ts... set
111. Can. 1st rat. ts.. 7V(,0. B. L. rldg. 4s
1st. Met. 4Sa tl
Bid. Ottered.
Ran of Cattle Moderate and Market
is Steady.
Receipts Are Literal anal Prlcea De
cline Beranse of Lower Valaea la
F.selera Markets Sheep Are
Actlvo aael Steaay
C. S. e rf
da easpon
0. 4 re
de acMsaa
Allls-ltuU lit is.
Am. Aa. Sa.
Atrhleon eo. 4a.,
do ct. 4s
do ct. is
At. C U 1st ....
tlal. A Ohio 4s
do B. W. Ita....
Brk. Tr. t. 4a......
"txi. of o. ia....
Allla-cTialmora pM
Amslfamated Cooper .. Axrleultural
Am. beat Sugar
American Can
Am. C. A P
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. H. A U ptd
Am. lee Securities.....
American Linseed
Amerirsn LocomotlTe ..
Am. S. A R
Am. S. R. pfd
Am. Steal Poundrlea...,
Am. Busar RaClalua....
Asi. T. A T
Aiiu Toosreo pfd
Arnonean Woolen
Anaconda Mining Oo..,
Atchlaun pfd
A'Untta Coast Una....
Balilmora a Onto
Bethlehem Steel ,
Brooklyn Rapid Tr ltJiTJ
Canadian Pacltle
Oentril lisetttar
Central Leather pfd
Central ot New Jersey. .
Chesapeake A Ohio
UMcaao a Alton
Chicago Ot. W.. nan...
(V . W. pd
Chicago A N. W
C, M. ft St. P.
C. C, C. 4 U. L
Colorado P. A I
Colorado A southern....
Coneollaated Oas
Corn Products
Delaware A Hndaon.....
Denver A Rio Grande...
D. A ft. O. pfd
DlstllterV- twearttlea ...
Erie ..
n 1st pfd......
Hrte td pfd
ueneral Klaotrls
Great Northern pfd
Great Kortham Ore ctfs.
flllnola Central
lntarborough Met
Int. Mat. pfd.
International Harvester
Int. Marina pfd
Intarnntiafial Paper ....
International Pump ....
Iowa Can era I
Kansas Crtr Southern...
K. C. so. pfd...:
Laalado Oas
LosisTille A N
Minn. A St. I.
M.. t. P. A 8. 8. at...
M.. K. A T
M . K A T. pfd
MlaaouH Paeina
National Dtacult
National ' Lead
N. R. R. S4 M. M pfd...
New Tors Central
N. T., -O. A W
Kotfolk A Western
Nartk American
Northern Paclflo
Paeltie Mall
People's Gas
p.; c. c. a at. it
Pltubnrg Coal
Pressed Steal Car
Pullamn Palace Car
Raliwar Btael Spring..,
Rapatollt Steal
Republic Steal pfd
Rock Island Co
Keck Island Co. ptd
It. lb ft B. P. td pfd...
St. Loiis i. w
t Louis B. W. pfd
Ilota-Bharriald B. A 1...
Boutham Paclflo
Southern Raliwar
Bo, Raliwar pfd.
4"0 40 tl 3VL
Sj.soo 74 7s :i
) 47 47 44 J 8H Jh-H
mo i s HH 1114
!, rvi n'4 M',
t) esu
) 38 sa
& nn i; tt
tin tin ei
14.000 S4H f-4 84
)U0 iB 107 107
l.ono 2S4 1 1
.Sk 1U 114 12S
Met IM 137 l.T)
, 100 17 17 17-4
.) 44 45 4.
lt,0 114 114 11S
i i'2 iui rest
o 181 11 i
4X lUVt lit 111
600 II V, Iiv,
1 K II
IM 1S4 1U 1RV.
, S4.IU0 44 44 44
ro tm t tt
oo rr 87
. - x u a to -4
fy to t tt
. - e w to
. 4.eo ltf. 164 lu
. 1.4UI 144V. ia HS
. 14U0 M tT Mi,
. ! 42 40 41
. l.t'O l tl 1
. I, tOO 144 144 144
F li4 17 1
"0 ITS lit
. l.tOt 42 41
W) 4
s 16S IM
1.7U 140 ll
J0 TO 48
Amal. Copper
Anaoonda ....
Atchison ....
do pfd...
do ptd.
do 1st ptd...
do td ptd....
Grand Trunk .
Illinois Central.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 11 l''l(X
Cattie. Hons. Sheep.
. 0,28 4.471 B.W7
. I.-vSi ll.t7
. t-ato 11.41 -iio
. t4t) 10.W4) 4,t
Receipta were:
Official Monday
Orriciai Tuesday
Official Wednesday
Estimated Thursday
Four days this week..i9.71 S,1 .40
Same days last week.... .ISW . Is.41
tame days 1 weeks aao..L4.4a ST.Mti U.H7
Same dart 1 weeks ana. tl RA U.is3 S1,W
Mine daya 4 weeks ts. 8.u. 3
earns aaya last year la.trtf m.iuo ',"
The fnlloaino- tahla ihnl the TeCclUtS Of
cattle, bolts and sheep at South Omaha for
tha year to date, compared with last year:
1910. 1!10. Inc. Deo.
Cattle Kl ? MM S1.70i
Hobs 66S.147 S04.(i 148.. 49
Sheep 4.1,; Wa.811 Ss-e
Ths following table shows tne average
prlcea of hogs at South Omaba tor ths last
several days with comparisons:
t,KO0 141 1-10 140
II0 13 t2 t2
6. f0 14 Sa M
l.4 ui M
tl X
I'M) 47
too ts
7'W 17
to 174
i.OUO 102 101 102
1,100 11 lil ltl
1.M0 140 1M 140
11.600 4 41 42
100 71 Tl T
101 100 100 1C
ee tsst n n
ioo rt r t;
S.4U0 m 124 116
I tt- e 44 u
I.S00 185 101 104
1t T7 71
1M 114 17
M a
117 17 lnv
TOO 111 111 111
I.T00 104 103 100
' mo n n n
luO 44 44 44
lo ni m in
UO 41 43 41
lt 147 141
1.100 l 19
100 101 101 101
11000 4 4i 4
I f t ta
117 ir
44 Ms,
TennaasM Coavar 1 11 11
Tessa A Pacific t 12 12 11
t., Btr 4e A W c. 41 41- a
t , at. l. a w. pfd fa st. a
tnloa Pacific TS.10 la 1U 1M
t'waun r.'ine ptd Ho td M 1
1. . Po.Hr Sl W 79
tV S. RubbaT M 44 41
If. 8. Steal 111. TOO 15 11 7
I'. S. Steal pfd IWI 1U 121 111
ftak Copper l.t'O 41 47 47 Chemical .... 1.104 i 0 60
Wassh l.t'O 11 tt
Wabash pfd 14,4 4 48 4
Weatara Maryland ctla..... tt4 10 49 4
Wnslnghuiua Uectrta l." t 4 4'
Wertcrn Union 10 71 71 11
Wfteellnf A U
.. tt
.. 10414
.. 1U4
.. H
Total tales lor tha day, 144.100 aliarsa.
Local Beearltlesw
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns,
Jr., S14 Now York trffe building, Omaha:
B44. AakeA
Beatrice Creamery, eena ,
City ot Omaha 4t. 12
City ot Omaha 4a, U11
Cudahr Packing Co ia ,
Columbia. Nas., B. U 1st aiort,
Fairmont Creamerr, pfd
Iowa Portland rament ts ,
loss Portland foment eon. 4a,..,
Nebraska Tel. stock, per cent,
Ka. Platts VaU' liri. Cs. as, ind
Omaba Water Co. ia. ltll 1st
Omaha Water Oo. ia. let tl
Onaaa Water Ce. td ptd 11
Omaks Gas ia. ltll tf
Ciuaha (. U i t. k 1M1 M
OiasAa t. L. ptd. S ter cent... ....... 11
Omaha BU Br- as. 114 t
Omaaa C. B. Bi. Rr. ia. W M
m.aha A C. B. Et. Br. ptd 14
Omaha A C. B. tt. Br. com tl
uuiaba A O. B. Ry. A B.. pfd ti
paviris T. A T. ia. ln 4
theport O A B. 4s. 1440 M
Tapeka Rr. ta, i
wnght A Wllhelmy Ca M
Vsimi A T. stock. Bo. Omaka Wis
ere aat S par seat.
Leslies Block. Market.
LONDON. April 14. American securities
were firm during; the early session today.
At noon tha market was firm and from V
to S above yesterday s New york closing
Conaota. money t. Loultrtlla A N W
da account sio-ttM., it. T u
.. 77 !. T. Central ill
,.. tit Norfolk A W l'
..117 do pfd M
..!" Ontario A W 4
Baltimore A Ohio, ...lit PennaylTanla 70
Canadian Pacific. ...1M Rand Mines !
rhaaanaake A O. SML Beaoln. K
Chicago O. W. ...... M Boutharn Ry
ChL. Mil. A St. P.. .141 do Cld
Da Daers 1 Boutharn Paclflo 131
Denrer A Rio 0 41 Union Pacific m
..II do pfd 11
.. tl C. S. Steal .
..60 do ' pfd 1SV
S Wabash
.. 1 do Pfd 4
..14 Spanish 4a 16
SILVER Bar, steady at t4Vkd per ounce.
MONEY a4iJ per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills ts 2 ll-lFfT per oent; for
three months' bills, SlVai 16-16 per cent.
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, April 14. The condition
of the treasury at tha beginning of business
today waa as follows:
Trust Funds Oold coin, 863,77.868; silver
dollars, S4UU10.0U0; silver dollars of 1SW,
S3.7hl.0tl0; silver . .sertiflcates . outstanding,
1490 210.0U0. "
Ueneral Fund Standard silver dollars In
general fund. 11.686.761 ; current liabilities,
$107,4ti2,9fi0; working balance In treasury of
fices, S23.629.136; in banks to credit of treas
urer of the Cnlttd States, t3a.2ue.015; sub
sidiary silver coin, S21.S77.151; minor coin,
$1.27.6,002; total balance In general fund, S8&,
197.869. Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. April 14. Bank Hearing for
today were fi, 406,375.33 and for the corre
sponding date last year S2.55I.6S7.2S.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Ajirll lA-COTTON-Market
opened steady at a decrease of 4 to 7 points.
In keeping with lower cables and a gen
erally favorable Interpretation of weather
reports, in spite of claims that rains In
the western belt, are delaying crop prepara
tions. Selling of'" itie near months, which
was taken to be In the way of liquidation,
encouraged some local bear pressure and
active positions Soon eased off to a net
loss of about S to 12 points In consequence,
but received a little support from bull
leaders at the decline, with general busi
ness quiet
Cotton futures opened steady! April, 15.C0C,
offered; Way. 14.60c: July, 14.46c; August,
13.SZV bid; October, 12-47o; December, 12.32c;
January, 12.27ijl2.29o.
Spot closed gulet. 20 points lower; mid
dling uplands, 15.10c; middling gulf. 15.J5c;
sales, S.100 bales. Futures closed steady;
April, 14.81c; Msy. 14.71c; June, 14.35c; July,
14.34o; August, 13.67c; September, 12.82c;
October, 12.37c; November. 11.22c; Decem
ber. 12.21c; January, 12.14c
6T. LOUIS, April 14 COTTON Un
changed; middling, 14V; receipts, 826 bales;
shipments, W$ bales; stock, K4.440 bales.
Spot easy, l-16c lower r sales, on the spot,
676 bales; to arrive, 700 bales. Low ordinary,
llVsC, nominal; ordinary, U 16-15c, nominal;
good ordinary, Uc; strict good ordinary,
13c; low middling, 1 l-16c; strict low mid
dling. 14S-16c; middling, 14S-ltk; strict mid
dling, 14lo; good middling, 14 l-16c; strict
good middling. 154jc; middling far, 16c;
middling fair to fair, 15c; fair. 16c, nom
inal. - Receipts, 1,771 bales; stock, 130.968
bales. '
Metal Market.
NEW YORK.- April 14. METALS The
market for standard copper was dull, but
steady, with spot and forward deliveries
up to ths end ot July at 12.W"?12.70. The
London market closed steady with spot at
157 2a od and futures at 168 is 6d. Arrivals
reported at New York were 60 tons; exports
according to custom house returns were
415 tons, making 6,128 so far this month.
Local dealers quote lake copper at I12.87H0
13.12; electrolytic, S12.76ftil.00; casting,
tl2.6231L76. Tin was firm, with spot and
April quoted at T'.86i33.00; May, H2.SS0
3 10; June, S3. S. SOejifl. lSl July. 12-90-4 33. 16.
The London market closed firm, with spot
quoted at 149 7a d and futures at 151 7s 6d.
Lead was dull, with spot quoted at HJS',
4.40, New York, and at H-t7.'a4.26, East St.
Louis. The London market was unchanged
at 1S 12a 64. Spelter was dull, with s:ot
quoted at 16.607)6.60, New York, and at 16.26
&6.S7H. East St. Louts. The London mar
ket closed at 123 10e. Iron was lower at
60s lOVtd far Cleveland warrants In London.
Locally the market was quiet, no. i toun
dry. northern, $18.0T;ifcli.60; No. S, 117. 60
18 00; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
soft, S17.60yi7.75. . - .
lis. 14
ToIeAes lerl Market.
TOLEDO. April 14. KEF.D-Clover, cash,
17 00; Ap'll. Octobvr. tv 60. l-dcmtr.
v.4A. Timothy, prime, S2.1A. AUlka. prime.
Ness Tarsi Cwrk. Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by IOffan ltryan, U Boutn SUteentti
..43Oraana nanaa 1
.. 17 Inaplratloa 7
.. li lairuae 4
.. U Nca.u Coos Ii
.. I) Nawbouee I
.. li-a Nevada- Utak I
.. lObto Clipper r
,.. 47 RawhMe CoallUon... 17
... lRar ntral 1
... 1 Balft Pk. CO 1A
.. UHBaara. Rixhurk Co.. 1
.. Hi, Si Ivor Mrj lallt...H7(
.. tapatiftr A Pitta.... ll
.. t Ta tk . sf'nlr.a 1
t 11-USmBttjt ppar t
Ooi.irieid Pioreoce... 1 United Copper !fc
Gidflald . baiay 1
Bank ( Easlaaa Stateaaeat.
IX1NDON. April 14-Tbe weekly state
m nt of the Uank ot Knslsrid shows the
following changes: reeerve, tn-
cres.ed. fhiS.OuO; ctreiilatlin. decreased,
UTdou); bullion. Increased, i 2.3?: other se
curities, decrease!. Hubs 000; otner dcposlia,
decreased. It MIX); public deposits. de
creased, (I6.IM): notes reeterve, increased,
f',li.ii. Government securities unchanged.
The proportion of the bank's reserve to
Wool. Market.
BOSTON. AprU 14.-WOOL Although
holders ot wool- In the local market are
still loth to cut values further, there Is
considerable Inquffy among mill representa
tives and a number of good sales are re
ported. Interest Is Increasing In tha new
clip, yet weatern advices indicate that the
growers are holding for top prices. Local
demand Is for both combine; and clothing
wools and staple stocks of Montana, Idaho
and Oregon wolls are meving well.
The leading domestic quotations range as
follows: Kentucky, Indisna and Missouri:
Three-eighths blood, SaSoe; quarter blood,
2JM3c. Scoured basis: Texas: Fine IS
months. 67 00: fine ( to S months, 6(j65e;
fine fall, 6S&&SC. California: Northern, 63
titwc; middle county, 87'ijttsc; fall free. Wi
too. Oregon: Eastern No. 1 staple. otwie:
1.5 1 eastern clothing, f6ff7o; ralley No. 1, 64
5 tj57e. Territory: Fine staple. 6fc70c; fine
66c; rine medium clothing, 6G2i63c; half
blood, (jgooc; three-eighths blood. 60 Side;
quarter blood combing, 64i)Mc Pulled: Ex
tra, 70c; fine A, 6Tjc; A supers, 67JoOc; li
supers, 4Us'ii5&c.
A mar. Tobacco,
bay Stat Oas.
KaMoa - Oaso. ..
Butts Ooalitloa
ttiHt Cons
Ina-lwlr ....
llr oatitral..
Ely rent
tlf Witch
OuH'lell Con.
Date, I 110. 19t.190g.l?(l7.llis5.196.l04.
April 5...10 42
April ..
April 7...
April S...
April 9...
April 10..
April 11
10 33
10 15
10 16
10 16.
t 75
C 0
S 80
S 93
S 90,
5 TO
t 82
6 74
6 74
S 6S
S 72
48! I 21
10 0,1
April 12.. I S 7V S 99
April 13.. I S 6SI 7 Oil 6 64
April 14.. I S 64'-l 6 0 5 60
S 21
S 22
S 25
S 461
S 36
S 2a It so
S 42, S HI
5 421 t Ml
6 46 S 38 1
t 46
S 29!
6 26
S S6
S 25
S 31
S 07
6 09
4 93
4 91
4 91
4 96
4 88
S 241 4 81
I 5 261 4 86
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours, ending at S o clock yes
Cattle. Hons Sheep, li r a
C. M. A St. P 1 S
Wabash 2 S
Missouri Pacific ...... S 4
Union Pacific 16 29 S I
C. A N. W. (east).... t I 1
C. 4k N. W (west).... 29 45 S
C. St. P. M. & O ... U 16 i
C. B. & Q. (east) 1
C. It. & W (west) 33 38 6 2
C R. I. & P. ( asi) 1,
C. U. I. & P. (west).. .. 1 1
I.linols Central 14 1..
C. G. W I I
I Total receipts 103 146 20 6
Coffee Market, v
market for coffee futures opened culet at
unchanged prices to a decline of S points
In sympathy with lower European markets
and In response to scattering liquidation In
the absence of Important support- The
slight Improvement in demand noted Imme
diately following the reports of the success
ful government sales abroad appears to
have run Its course and the market today
waa generally quiet, with the close dull at
A net decline of 6 ta S points. Sales were
reported of 9,750 tags. Closing bids follow:
April and May, S60r; June, t.70c; July, 676c;
August, September, October and November,
S.noc; rieeember, S-85c; January, t.97c; Feb
ruary, 85c; March, tioc. Spot quiet; Rio
No. 7, &: fcantos No, 4, SVtC; mild quiet;
Cordova, 9V4jl?e.
Sugar mmi Melasaes.
NEW YORK. April li.-SrGAR-Itaw,
nominal; muscovado, 98 test. S.83.ftS itc;
centrifugal, is3 t. at. 4 3234 lc; molasses
sugar, bu test, lv.i3fUc. Hefined quiet;
tn shed, f.bfcc; grauuiated, S.Um:; powdered.
Omaha Packing Co...
Swift .4 Company
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour & Co
W. B. Vansant Co
Stephens Bros..
Hill A Son
F. B. Lewis
Huston 4k Co
J. B. Root II Co
J. H. Bulla
L. F. Hubs
L. Wolf
MeCreary & Cary....
I-ee Rothschild
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co..
Other buyers
.. S06 1,620 1.0H1
.. 18 2.402 l.Ots)
.. 480 8,1.1 2,41f9
.. 6ij 2.014 993
.. 1
.. S
.. 12T
.. 1
.. 10
.. 15
.. S3
.. 27
.. 113
.. 6
.. 15
.. 382 .... 219
. .2.636 10.661 5,862
Total ,
CATTLE There was a moderate run of
cattle today, the supply being about the
same as a week ago and the quality about
as good as at any time this week, in fact
the general quality of the offerings has
been very good all week.
The market presented no new or Interest
ing features this morning and for the most
part values were in the aame notches as on
yesterday, the heavy cattle being rather
slow sale, while the desiraDle light and
handy weight steers were In active demand,
and In some cases a shade stronger. As
compared with a week ago the general
market for beef steers Is about 15 26c
lower, the decline being heaviest on the
heavy gradea and smallret on the light
and handy weight kinds such as all classes
or buyers are srter..
Prices for cows and heifers were gen
erally steady today and with a good, broad
demand the movement waa active and an
early clearance made. As a rule the mar
ket for butcher stock has been In very
satisfactory shape this week, supplies be
ing by no means excessive and the de
mand good for all useful offerings. Most
grades are selling fully as well as they
were at the close of last week, although
the common and canning grades have not
been particularly free sellers. Veal calves
were steady today and the same Is true of
bulls, stags and rough stock generally, al
though In some cases prices were a shade
There was a fair degree of activity In
stockcrs and feeders this morning, although
fresh offerings were decidedly limited.
Anything Carrying weight and quality
found, a ready sale at fully steady prices,
and the market is fully as strong as It
was a week ago for anything at all de
sirable. Medium and common stuff has
been slow sale all week and prlcea are
perhaps a shade lower than a week ago,
although a good clearance has been made.
Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice
corn fed steers, t7.25ti8.00; fair to good corn
fed steers, I6.75ti7.25: common to fair corn
fed ateers, S5.76ji4.75; good to choice cows
and heifers, $5.773 t.G0; fJr to good cows
and heifers. W.'Mj'S.W; common to fair
cows and heifers, Si6O4.60; good to choice
stockera and feeders, 86.0097. 00; fair to
good stockers and feeders. 16.00Cv6.00; com
mon to fair stockers and feeders, 83.759
4.75; stock heifers. 13. 7644.50; real calves,
$4.2138.25; bulls, stags, etc., 83-504-&5.
Representative sales:
AT. Pr.
151 4 ti
1047 4 76
til I 15
, 1077 4 10
, 1054 1 04
ins4 t 00
lofA 1 00
1344 1 00
10S4 7 IS
10i4 t li
1 :i 7 10
Mil 7 20
.1041 7 10
.1144 7 ti
..1 il IB
.. 7T5 I IS
.. toe 4 00
..104 400
..10 4 10
...1049 I 00
.. kit. I 25
... 9H I 10
.. "4 i 40
..K4 i 46
.. W7 i 45
...1U41 ill
At. Pr.
1040 T tl
t 7 to
lilt 7 IS
1140 7 IS
list 7 IS
1044 T 40
1144 T 45
1171 t M
117i 7 ti
1074 7 tO
1471 1 M
11 7 44
1310 7 4S
.....136 7 M
.....1465 J U
1!4 I K
.lilt I 00
4. r.'S 4 00
... tit iw
... set 4 10
... 17 4 to
... 4al
... 7.4
... U4 4 6i
... Jf ilO)
... 771 6 2i
...441 I 40
ltS9 I 65
12 4 00
1.04 4 00
12J9 4 20
110 4 IS
12t0 5 Ul
170 i 04
MM I 00
4) 6 Oo
1414) t IS
4 ,
1. . ....
l"t 4 00
.ltis) 4 00
....1 14 I On
1044 4 10
.... 44 4 10
....I'M 4 16
....1121 I 40
....llM 4 SO
....1011 4 60
.... 01 in
.... us 1 is
.... 711 I fl
.... iM 4 00
.... Ill 4 IS
.... I I 11
.... kiO 4 40
.... IIS I 40
.... 104 T 00
....IMS I it
....1640 i 6S
1440 I 71
llaO 6 7S
....It 0 I IS
.1..14B0 6 V)
....1U0 1 to
... Io0 1 to
....1140 4 00 I Ik
444 I 14 S
170 I ) 4 ..
10 4 00 1...
10 4 00 1
iii im 1 ....
Ill I 7S 1
Ill 1 40 1
M t CO I
110 T tS 1
ISO 7 M 1
114 I SO
4.a 6 14 tt 741 6
18 T SO
HI t 75
130 T 16
131 I 00
lit 1 00
140 I kS
140 1 IS
111 I 26
140 I M
... Ill 6 li
... 4T4 I IS
... art 4 40
... ITS I 49
... 171 t 44
.. 41 6 K
.. 41 4 14
..SKI 4 to
.. I"t I 70
17 4 M
Nye Turner Co. ?
- TrtrranNr
e-OAa.a erra siaa.
We offer for sale and recommend tho
purchase of any of the following bonds
trio and Yield
Wichita Tall and STorthwest-
sri. Beltway Company ot
' Oklakeana
Ol tl sons Oas Company of Its.
kakee, HI.
Jacksonville (Tlorlda) Oas
Xnaele, Indiana UgM Oom-
Xaatam Wleeonata SVailway Si
jVigbt Company
Beekford, Illinois Bleetrto
mi Aa f.l,k4 flMMMa
Eastern Oregoa Light ft STewe
Bseaaaba lower Company of
Xsoanaba, Ml oh.
Hate. Interest, about.
rt .Mr Jan. 1,1111
6-' 87 8.83 rse, 1,1833
8 tTVi . Jane L1S47
8 . 87 H 6.85 July 1,1833
8 M B.10 Oct 1, IMS
t SSU B.10 Sffeb, X, 1S39
t 101 . 1,130
" 100 i Oct. 1. 18 8
4 101 .TS Jan. 1.1914
RAT NTE, Pres..
CILAS. TV. TURNER. Jr.. 8ec.
New TorK.
more active anfl some little Improvement
In prices wss also apparent. Much of the
business toward midday appeared to be no
worse than a big nickel lower as compared
with yesterday's average market.
A, considerable portion of the receipts
sold at 89 65H7 9 7S, as compared with yes
terday's spread of 8.60sl4).76. Tops dropped
to S9.&. a nickel lower than yesterday's
best sales. For the week thus far the mar
ket has been dominated by bear Interests
and prices have been hammered severely
at all points. Local supply has been un
usually liberal and current prices are all
of 6e lower than last week's close.
. Representative sales:
No. At. Sh. Pr, Wo. At. ' 8h. Pr.
44 147 144 8 K 40 tit ... 8 47 Mj
II )lt 40 4 6-) 71 124 80 4t
IM ... I SO 41 M 40 I 4S
147 it 8 46 41 25 ... 44
It tit ... 8 60 47 117 ... 1 44
tl M 140 4 90 47 Z 140 4 45
7 IM ... 4 SO II 27 ISO t ts
M IV ... I 40 71 141 44 4 44
17 191 110 I 60 44 27 ... 4S
44 4 120 4 II II IM 40 t 4S
7t. ...... .n ... 1 54 47 241 40 I 43
ft 40 8 66 71 14 ... I4S
71 H 120 I 66 44 IU 130 9 44
67 207 40 lit II HSW.. 146
15 144 ... 9 44 64 til ...
71 lit ... 9 44 74 Kt ... 4 44
fi J0 ... 4 4 44 Ml ... 4 49
14 2t ... 4 40 74 IS ... Its
tt 214 ... 9 43 74 la ... 4 41
II 204 ... 9 40 44 tr W 1 tS
4 tlO .... 9 10 49 174 ... I 43
II 114 40 9 40 14 K4 ... 1 46
7 t0 ... 1 40 41 Ht 40 I 44
?l !M J) f 0 40 If, 5 :.. I 70
II . . .271 140 9 40 77 f l 10 I TO
45. ...... .710 ... 110 M rt ... 4 70
t Ml ... 9 40 17 1 10 9 74
47 10 44 4 44 71 Ill 140 9 70
71 107 .... 9 49 14 IS1 14 4 74
49 211 ... 4 40 76 IS! ... 1 70
to Ill ... 4 40 71 Stl ... 914
5 ..Ill 44 I 40 70 14 ... 9 70
44 23S 10 9 40 14 10 ... 1 TS
70 140 ... I W 16 Ml ... 1 71
14 ...130 ... 8 40 il It! ... 9 16
1 123 ... ISO 16 11 ... 9 TS
17 1S 40 I 40 41 174 96 8 76
16 ... 4 40 (7 1 ... I 80
tt 234 80 4 6t4 M lit ... 4 4S
61 117 140 8 41 41 tS ... 8 41
Herbert C. Good. Co
Brokers and Dealers
dBAisr, rBOTitnoBrsv mtooks.
Omaba 47 fleet IIS Bear of Trate SUA
Bali Telephone, Soaglea Mil
inflepeaaeat. A-81811.
Oldeet sat X.arrst House la She State.
tteera, 84.0O4j8.00; steers under l.OnO lhs.,
66.Sttf.00; stockers and feeders. 84.0".ii.M
cows and heifers, t6&7.6o; canners, t 6V1
la& bulls. 816634.26; calves, S3 5ftli.Sr;
Texas and Indian steers. !.6SS.oO; cows
And heifers, Sa.GoU4.26.
HCVlSHecelpta, (.030 head; rnsrket. Vc
to Stk; lower; pigs and lights, 87.60if9.!);
packers, S9.SO09.96; butchers and best heafy,
89.91110.00. - '
head; market, steady; native muttons, 87.60
tjlOO; lambs, 86 OOifllO 60; culls and bucks,
M-WGfl.OO; stockers, $4.0037.00.
... 64 4 10 1 1016 6 49
... 144 I B T 1T24 T It
HOGS It was the same old story In the
hog yards this morning. iiieial supply
and sharply lower advices from the east
promisee greater or less declines and a
normal cut In prices waa the natural re
sult. Dime lower mas were given a
thiough workout at the ooenlng and quite
a few shipments changed hands on this
basis The movement wss Irafgy, how
ever, and It was well alonr rn the morning
before enough business had been done to
afford a broad view of the trade. Mhippers
bouKlit intermitieniv. nut tne.r total pur
chases were llmitel as ua.iel.
Later In the morning aftt-r packers' pens
begMa to fill up ths tone ta traUe became
SHEKP More activity featured the trade
In the sheep barn this morning, but there
was no notable change In prices. Supply
was Just about normal, consisting largely
of lambs, most of them wooled, and all of
the pons were emptied at an early hour.
High-dressing strings met with the more
urgent demand as usual, but generally
steady prices prevailed In both medium
and good offerings. The Adair Mexicans
realized $9 So, the same as yesterday, and
another string of deelrable Mexicans went
at 89.76, a dime lower than the high price.
Bhorn wethers Commanded 87.75, quote bly
firm with yesterday, but the proportion of
shorn stuff waa rather limited and the
quality on an average none too good.
Shorn lambs changed hands at 88.65.
Something In this line of prime quality,
however, would probably sell light around
the $0 00 line.
For the week thus far. supply has been
rather liberal as compared with last week's
run, but barring yesterday, the demand
has been fully adequate at all times. Sharp
advances were scored at the opening of
the week, but much of the bulge was wiped
out yesterday, with the result that current
prices on all kinds of stock are little bet
ter . than strong as compared with last
week's close.
Shorn sheep and lambs are quotable at
TEcij 11.00 per hundred weight lower than
similar quality wooled shipments. Tha fol
lowing quotations apply to the latter class
of stock: Good to choice lambs, 89.66(3
8.90; fair to good lambs, S9.OUu9.10; good
light yearlings. 18.1608.00; good heavy
yearlings, S7.9o3fi.S6; good to cnoloe weth
ers, 87.b.V(, 26; fair to good wethers, S7.S09
7. 66; good to choice ewes, S7.407.86; fair to
good ewes, f7.0U4j7.4O.
Representative sales:
No. -
66 western eweS, culls, shorn.
421 western wethers, shorn
M Mexican lambs
679 Mexican lambs ,...r.
471 wok tern lambs ........
478 Western lambs
SO wetsem lambs. ' culls.,
20 western lambs, shorn.,
2 western lambs
247 western lambs
S3 western ewes
11J western lambs
i western lambs, culls
.. 67
. 48
. 87
. SO
. Tt
. 8
. T8
. TS
. 75
. U
T 6J
T 75
S 86
9 76
8 66
S 86
S 75
S 60
S 60
S 60
7 35
S 60
7 60
Cattle S Irons;- Hob ReporteA Lower
her - Market lllgker.
CHICAGO. Aoril 14. CATTLE Receipts.
5,000 head; market strong; steers, 86 26'8
8.66; cows, S4.&97.25; heifers, 4 1!4j7.&0,
bulls, 84.60(6.60; calves, S3.oiii6.00; stockers
and feeders, 84. 76.86.
HOGS- Receipts. 11.000 head; market
weak to 10c lower; choice heavy. S3 9i J 10.00;
butchers. S9.8MJ 10.06; light mixed. S9 0O&3.96:
choice light, 4nOU10.10; packing, $9.imi0 0u;
pigs,; bulk ot salea, S9.9oti IV.tW.
4HEKP A.NU LAM B14 Receipts, 8,000
head; market, lr.-B&xj higher; sheep. 86 Sod
6.26; lambs, IT.70fl8.76; yearlings, Si.CTuS-66.
Kanaka City Live Sleek Market.
ceipt., 1.600 heed, Including 109 southerns:
market, loc to l.ic higher; choice export and
dressed beef steers, S7.608.a; fair to good,
S6.76a7.40; wee tern steers, S007.70; stock
eyi and feeders, I4.90g6.i5; southern sters.
I5.&37.80; southern cows, $3.6o2j6.76; native
cos, S4tH)90; native heifers, $4.76376;
bulls, 14 "U6.S5; calves, 84 OCrijl.75.
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market, &c to
10c lower; top, S9.96; bulk of sales. 89 6ftU
9 86; heavy, tf i.9ifc; packers and butchers,
$!.(7f.Ti W; light, ,a.5i39 W; pigs, S8 6Oy9.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBR-Kecelpta, 4 000
head; market, steady to strong; lambs, $s 50
6)75; yearlings, S OOii 00; wethers, tl. JL$
8 ; ewes, S6.0uiSS.25; stockera and feeders,
Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Staple and Fancy Prod ace Prices Fer-
nlsbed by Bnprre and Wholesalers.
'BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to
the retail trade-in 1-ib. cartons. Sic; too. 1,
In 00-lb. tubs, No. . In 1-lb. cartons,
Slo; In eo-lb. tubs, Kiy:; packing stock, soiid
pack, lSc; dairy, in oO-lo. tuos, toe. Market
changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, 17vS0; young America,
He; daisy cheese, 18c; ilniberger, lc; No.
1 brick, 17H; domeatlo block bWUs, tic; im
ported Swiss, 800. .
POULTRY Dressed broilers, $9 00 doa;
for storage, $6.00; for fresn springs, lic;
hent, 19c; cocks, 12c; ducks, 18c; geese,
lie) turkeys. 26c; pigeons, per dos., $1.20;
homer squaba, 44 00 per dos.; fanny aqauba,
$J.60 per do.; No, L $3.00 per dos. Ailve;
broilers, from 1"4 to 1 lbs., 4bc; m to I
lbs., SOo; hens, 16s; old roosters, 9-c; youns
roosters, 18c; ducks, full feathered, 14o
eese. full feathered. 9c: turkeys. lnc:
guinea fowls, 26c each; pigeons, 7oc per dos.;
homers, 86.00 per dos.; squabs. No. 1 $2 per
dos. .
KISH ' (al! fro sen) Salmon. 11c; pickerel,
9o ; whltefiah, 13c; pike, 10c; trout, 11c; cat
fish, 18c; large crapples, 16uL8c; smelts, IK;
Spanish, mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; haddouit,
lie; flounders, 12c; frog legs, 40o per dot.
Fresh catfish, 18c; trout, 13u; buffalo,, So;
hAUBUf, to.
r'UUlttt Strawberries: Texas and Louis
iana,, M-qt, cases, per case, $3.60; 24-pu
eases, per case, I2.01). Oranges: California
Camelia brand Redland Navels, to 94-111
sises, per box, $2.76; lid slxe, per box, $t'.0;
16O-174-lsJ0-llt-2:70 sises, pet box, $3.25; olhtr
brands from Riverside and other districts,
per box, $3.66feS.0Q; 90-96-112 slsei, per box,
12. 00?! 1.60. Lemons: Llraonlera, tatra fancv,
SoO-SoO Sises, $6.Ouy5.60; choict. V0-36.) sixe.1,
1er bos, H 60, 2 40 site. 60o per box lets,
lankhas: Fancy aelect,. per bunch, $1.2
2 60; jumbo, bunch, $2.762.O0, Grape fruit:
Florida, 44 Size, 86.00. Apples: Ben Davis,
per bbl., $3.25; New York Russets, medium
six, per bbl., $8.60; California fancy W. VV.
-eartualns, per box. $2.10; California extra
fancy W. vl PearinalnA Red Wood brand,
per box, $2.25; extra fancy Colorado Jona
thans, per box. $2.60. Cranberries: Jersey,
Winter stock, per bbl, S6.005.60. Dates;
Anchor brand, new, SO pkgs.. In box.
per bo. $140. Tigs: California, lOo else, ic
VEGETABLES Irish Potatoes: Wiscon
sin and hntive, per bu., 40r6ocl Colorado,
per bu., 5ufi 60o. Seed sweet potatoes: Kan
Is., per - bbl., $1.80. Cabbage: Wisconsin,
Holland sscd, per lb., to. Celery: Calif oris
or Florida, per 12-lb. bunch, SOo. Onions:
Red, per lb., 8c; Texas crystal wax, par
cratev $2.75, Old vegetables: Parsnips, car
rots, beets, turnips, Wl sacks, per lb., to.
Garlic: Extra fancy, White, per lb., lie;
red, per lb 16c.
Radlahea: Per dos. bunches, 46e. Turnips
per dos. bunches, 60c. Carrots: Ter doc
bunches, 60a. Shallots: Per dos. bunches,
Mo, Parsley: Per dos. bunches. 60c. Beets
Per dos. bunches, 60c. Spinach: Per bu.. 12
lbs.. 1100. Kgg plant: Fancy Florida, dor.
$1.602.00. Tomatoes: Fancy Florida or
Cuba, per S-baakot crate, 14.25; choice, $2.75.
String nd wax beans: Per hamper, about
86 lbs., $:.00'a.60. Cucumbers: Hot house,
per dos, $L7i7i2 09
Radishes: Extra fancy home grown. pr
dos. bunches. Sue. lettuce: Extra fancy
leaf, per dos.. 40c; head lettuce in hampers,
3.tt5j5 0O. Parsley: Fancy home grown, per
dos. bunches. 40c. Rhubarb: Per dog.
bunches, 46c. Asparagus: Per doe,
bunches, TSo. Green onions: Per don.
bunchi s, 15e '
MISCELLANEOUS Hofsersdlsh: Two
dos. in case, $1 DO. Walnuts: Black, per Ithi
to; California, No. 1. per lb., 16c; California
No. 2. soft, per lb.. ll'n. Hickory nuts:
Iargs, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 5c. Co
eoanuts: Par sack. $6.00; per dos., 87c.
Honey: Per 34-frame ease. $121
Beeten Sltalag Stack.
HOSTON. April 14. Closing quotations on
fining stocks were:
Amal. Cowvr
A. S. L A S.
Anions Com.
4 Miami Copper ...
i7VNrala Can
lt Nlpwalng Mines
I North hufte ....
B. C. C. tt C.'rcta.. 14V,N.wth Laka
South Omaha
St. Joseph ....
Kansas City .
St. Louis
...t 4u0
.. 8 60O
.. t.7t)0
.18.800 4,00 20.80
St. Joaask LiTt Slock Market. '
fTT. JOSEPH. Mo.. April 14. CATTLE
Receipts, l.tot) head; market steady to
Strong; steers, $5.UuS 10; cowe and heifers,
$3.5"7 25; oalvee. $.0ufi7 60.
HOGd Receipts. S.OuO head; market
H) loc lower; top, $.; bulk of sales, $6 8
. MIEKP AND UMB8- Receipts, 8.000
hoad; market steady; lamba, Ss.6oyl.75.
- SI. I.eels Live Stoa-k Market.
ST. LOUIS. April 14 CATTLE Receipts.
1.7i0 head, including SuO Texans; market.
steady to lower; native ahlpplng and exptirt
sleeis, fi.'ii'j J), dreesvd Levi and buUtier
A P C A S.
Butts roalltlon ....
Cel. A Arisana
Cal. A Kaels
Coppar kansa C. O.
Sait Putts C. M...
Oiroux Con
Oranbf Oon
Oraans Cananaa ...
lil Itnrsla Uappar.
kair La a
Laka Ixiwms
La Sal la Copper...,
I OI4 Dominion ..
.. It Orrola
.. S4i4 parrutt S. A C.
..itl Qulncr
.. 0 fitiaiinrrtt ..........
.. 71 Suparlor
.. lSuparior A B. 14
.. lSussrtor A P. C.
.. SHTai.iarack
.. 444 U. f . .'. A O...
.. tC. S. R. A
.. 174 da pt4
.. IHl'tah Con
.. 47Vt'iDona
.. 144 Wolrsrtne
... H'4
... 64
.... 11 K
.... lo
.... lit
.... U
.... ;6H
.... iiv
.... u
.... 11
.... ii
.... 40
.... 4 V
.... 49141
.... s
.... M
Kew Yerk Sllalag Slocks.
NEW YORK. April 14-Cloelug quota
tions on mining stocks:
Alios ....: ISO al.axtvtlla Caq 6
ItniBSwIrk Con T Lima Cklat 4
da sor.oa II Msaloan 114
Com. Tunnel stock... tt ixiiarlu l-
Con. ral. A Vs 110 Ophlr Ill
Horn Surer ts 8tandar4 si
r Sllaar , M Talia Jarkat 41
Ofterae. -
Oils anal Reels.
Nominal; 60c.
RiiIN-Flrm; type F, $4 90&4 02V4; type
O. $6 00.
OIL CITY. Pa.. AprU J4 OIL Credit
balances, $1.35: run, t7,0M bbls.; averace,
106.964 bbls.: shipments, 224,171 bbls.; aver
age, 221.7U bbls.
i i a
Hay Msrkat.
OMAHA. April 14. HAY No. 1, $9 0); No
t $8.00; parkins, $6.00. Straw: Wheat, $S0);
rye and oats, $7.00. Alfalfa. $1100. Tha sup
ply of poor hay Is much hlavler than Hie
demand And nobody wants to buy thu
poorer quality.
Persistent advertising ts the road to Bi