THE BEE: OMAHA. Fill PAY; APIlH'u 1010. J THE OMAHA Daily Dee. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR R08EWATER. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha poitofflc a eeoid class mat tor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. telly Bs (Including Sunday). per w'k lallir baa (iiUout Bur.uay, one year Lallr lie add tlunday. oiva year DKLIVEKRO Bf CARRIER Evening B (without Sunday), per eh: Bveoing be (wit Sunday). Pr eek-'V?Xr, Sunday bre. on year rfj Mturday We, on year ' Address ail complaints of irregulerltiee in AeUvef 10 Vlty Circulation Impertinent. orncKA. OmahaThe Bh Bailing. Bout a Omaha Iweniy-lourth and . Council bluffe 14 (Scott fitreaU Lincoln 6ls Little Building. Chicago Marquette building. Nw Xorkx-Room Mll-lltM No- VYsi Thinytiiiiu 8tret. . w w Waablngton-7 Fourteenth Ftreet. N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news ana dliortal matter should bo eddreseta. Omaha Be. Kdltorlal Department. REMITTANCE. Remit fcy draft, express or poatal order payahl to The Be Publishing Company. Onl 1-oent (timpi received In payment 01 mail accounts. Personal ehecka, eacepi on Omaba or eastern exchange, not aceepteo. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stat of Nebraska. Dougla Cpumy, se.1 George B. Tscouck, treaaurer ot The Bee fubliablng Company, being duly .worn, aaya that the actual number or full tod complete coplee of The Dally. Morning, kvenlug and ttunday bee prlntel durlo tha ntnnth of UirelL llV. Wa mm ivu. lowaj 4S,T79 . M a.7M t 4. iimmi, a 4S,480 I ..... M.IM X.00 f 4,40 I 3,rao .. a,n 4S.1M 11 S,1 441M 1 41,T 43.1M eaajeu 1 41,70 II 43.1X 43,030 If,,, , 43.090 Ifl 41,400 1., " 4a,ao II 4A.4S0 4 4M00 4,0 14.. M.WD II 41,400 , 41,410 ., 44,770 4 44,410 1.. 4a.7ao Total ,Ji,4 i,32.oo Returned aoplec 10,780 et total l,31MeO Wily average.... 44,441 OSO. B. TZS CHUCK. Treaaurer. SuBeorlbod to my presence and sworn to befora ma tbla flat day of Marco. Ml. M. P. WALKKH. Notary Publlo. aaarikr lTtgr tfco ltr ! porarljy ako14 , Tie Be aaalle to theaa. A4drea will fc ckaaaroel m fs am raet4. Now tor the certain man. -'" . This chilly spell ilrei the flsh that much more time. The tariff on itocklngs does not af fect Comlskey'a Sox. It 1b to be hoped there la no hot air In thta cold atorage Investigation. What the house , meant waa that "Uncle Joe" ahould bur hl own ben- tlne. It la a little diffleult to 'get a strap nanger to enthuse over a taxlcab Philadelphia can now . come back with the retort that Milwaukee la the Dream ,clty. , . - John D. uocKeieiitir, jr., saws wood tor exerclst). : Hla father aawa. as matter iof business. ' The Rev. John, Nicely has been in atallad as pastoral a Chicago' church. He ought' to do reaL' well.. That!; la; so, U waa John Temple Graves :who ran-for vice president on the Independence league: ticket. After all, 'society need, not worry much over the. indictment by the girl who quit it and married a Gypsy. It turns out appropriately to have been a man named Loft us who raised the howl against the upper berth. Secretary Wilson may be unscien tific, as Prof. Hopkins says, but he has held the Job thirteen years, Just th same. if By next tall the city hall ought to be able get up the annual automo bile parade for Ak-Sar-Bcn all br Itself And yet a contemporary still has the courage to raise the question, "What shall we do with our ex presi dent?" !1; With all this capital removal talk In the air, Lincoln will not be so hot in the next legislature for calling a constitutional convention as it used to be. The congressman wc, when asked by a coqetltutent for a copy of the committee on rules, sent Speaker Can non's photograph, must bo filing as a candidate for "The humorist of the house." ', 5 Mr. Swift gets a license in two mln utes and marries Miss Hurry, whose father la a member . of the firm of Hurry & Gallup.- Married life will probably seem like a limited express train to them. It seems unfortunate from one point of vltw that Governor Patterson of Tennessee la the close personal and political friend ot Colonel Cooper, whom he pardoned from a twenty years' term for killing former Senator Carmack, the personal and political opponent of the governor. Our old friend.' "Pat" Mullen, who waa a member ot the Douglas delega tlea to tke legislature of 1901, where bis rich LrUh brogue waa a feature ot the aession, will continue to hold down the lnd cmce in Alaska and see to It that no on picks up any coal that be longs to Unci Bam without leave. If anyone can do 1, h can Some Business Keformi. To eliminate what Is called box car peddling, the commercial noaies in several western cities have adopted new code of ethics governing the relations of the wholesaler and re tailer and propose its adoption by the National Credit Men's association at its forthcoming annual meeting In Spokane. Box-car peddling as a traf fic Is regarded as harmful to, whole salers and communities in general, as it results in throwing shop-worn goods on the market and demoralizing prices. For the protection of trade and the "honest customer" alike, it might seem the part of prudence to make what changes are necessary to correct the evils ot this practice. How general this Is we are not prepared to tay, but evidently those Interests in closest touch with the situation have found It to be general enough to call for Immediate action. Under this reform code the whole saler anl Jobber Is required to ex ercise tho utmost loyalty to retailers, selling to those only who are by the character of their trade entitled to buy at wholesale prices. There is no doubt of the abuse In many places of this right. But other reforms are thus proposed whose merit is not so apparent, for instance, the demand that wholesalers do not encourage new stores in communities already supplied with merchants to handle the trade. On its face this looks llko an attempt to stifle competition, a thing that cannot be justified by the best business ethics and it is likely that the wholesaler will take this view ot it, since It alms a blow at his right to sell goods. The wholesaler Is also asked to deny custom to any dealer without "training and ability to succeed and who through ignorance of the coat of doing business sells goods at a loss, thus causing annoyance to competitors and loss of legitimate profit." The naive humor underlying the serious intent cannot shield this proposition from much criticism. From the es tablished merchant's standpoint, it probably would be a good thing to keep other men out of the business in which he is engaged, but how about the purchaser and how, also, about the wholesaler who has goods to sell? Sometimes It might become a difficult task In censorship for the jobber to discriminate between those untried beginners In business as to who would succeed and who fall. Truly this reform code of ethics needa a little reforming before Its gen eral usage becomes practicable and profitable to all interests. . Bryan and Hearst. ' V - Through John Temple' Graves; "lone ot his edltoia and political .advisers, William R. Hearst offers i democracy its chance for 'a monopoly 'of "all the political vagaries outslde-of Milwaukee. What few Mr. Bryan, In'" his twelve years of candidacy and platform mak ing, failed to gather in Mr. Hearst scooped up and he now proposes a merger If only democracy will "recog nize the protestant principles of the independence league." .One - more stipulation it must be a consollda tlon with the, "democratic party of re sponsibility, not of caucus," whatever that may be, and "not half Bryan, half Ryan, half Belmont," nor presumably even half Hearst. Though 'modesty forbade Mr. Graves to say so, the pub lie will be constrained to 'assume that he meant to round out this, eloquent period with the magic words, "It mut be all Hearst." ' 1 This really seems to be the hour of opportunity for the democratic party. The fact that no answer was made to Mr. Graves' proposition at the jeffer son day banquet signifies nothing. With Mr. Bryan hundreds of miles away, who was there to answer? There la ample reason to believe that Mr, Bryan and Mr. Hearst will; re unite their -forces whenever they can settle the only difference that ever ex isted between them as to which ot them should take precedence and be paramount over the other. Democrats and Oleo. Democrats in congress who rushed to the rescue of the farmer in the but ter trust Investigation find themselves In deep water, since the senate com mlttee on cost of living has disclosed the fact that ninety-three of the 2 37 "farmers" controlling the Elgin But ter board reside In Chicago and con fine their agricultural activities to small area of urban real estate. The democrats sought to show that the re publicans favored a reduction in the high tax on oleomargarine in order to Increase the sales of that product and benefit the packer who makes - it. The democrats, on the other hand, ad vocato the retention of this oleomar garine tax in the Interest ot the "farmer" who controls cue butter mar ket. The Investigation has brought out much evidence tending to prove that the Elgin board fixes the price of but ter and that this board is dominated, not by farmers, but by large creamery owners and other Chicago builness men. eliminating the farmer alto gether. But the democrats' have un dertaken a big task in attempting to discredit the motive of the repibll cans, for, as has been disclosed, the butter trust bears a close relation to th packer' combine, several f whose representative are members ' of - the Elgin board, . and, furthermore, the packer and the oleo manufacturers are largely identical. . It would havo been easier n this case to have taken the facts for what they were worth. Believing itself able to deal with th butter problem, th administration left th olooruar- garlne tax stand for the present and sent its agents out to investigate the methods of the Elgin board. In the meantime a hearing Is set for April 20 to discuss the oleomargarine situa tion and, while It seems probable the tax will be readjusted ultimately, It cannot be done except in conjunction with the Treasury department, which depends on It as a source of revenue. Food, Price and Basinets. The effects ot high prices, as re flected by the reports for March busi ness, appear to be as enigmatical as their causes. Bank clearings reached the highest figure ever attained in March, while consumption diminished in volume. Both results are at tributed directly to the general rise In the level of prices, emphasizing the old theory that high prices are en tirely relative, desirable for the man who sells, undesirable for him who buys. Bradstreet's shows that not only did consumption fall off, but that the gen eral tendency of demands was for a cheaper artlcio. This applies espe cially to footwear and woolen goods. Cotton has been declining for some time, but March witnessed a slight re vival In prices for the better grades. The railroad business but adds to the paradoxical aspect of the general situation. While earnings were 15 per cent more than they were at the same time a year ago, there was a strange and sudden, though not large, increase in the number of idle freight cars. Business failures tor the month were slightly In excess of March In 1909 and building in dtles, - despite the quickened impulse of activity in Chicago and other western towns, fell oS 7.8 per cent. With due regard for the theory that prices dominate, other elements, such as strikes throwing vast numbers ot people out of employment, cannot be entirely overlooked as a subsidiary cause of these conditions. Opinion differs as to. the outlook, for" prices, but there is strong belief that if pres ent crop indications hold out food prices will be lower by autumn. Harking Back to 1836. In his Jefferson day letter Mr. Bryan Insists on harking back to 1896 and pointing to the existing high cost of living as a vindication ot his demand for 16 to 1 free coinage "as the one remedy for falling prices." "We miy now," he continues, "consider the quantitative theory of money as estab lished beyond dispute and proceed to the consideration of other questions." One would suppose that Mr. Bryan wuld by this time conclude It to be at least discreet to steer clear of the dead Issues on which he foundered In times past and try to'roakft people-forgot his false preachings, ..instead : of directing attention ;to . them . anew. the quantitative theory of money for hlch Mr. Bryan-stood In 1896, but for the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the sacred ratio of 16 to 1; It was to avenge the "crime of 1873" and to lift from humanity the burden of the gold standard which was blocking all human progress that he pleaded. In his famous "cross-of- gold" speech Mr. Bryan said: If they ask us why we do npt embody in bur platform all tho things that we believe in, we reply that when we have restored the money of the constitution all other necessary reforms will be possible; but that until1 this Is done there ,1s no. other reform that CArv be -accomplished. '. '. ,' In 1896 Mr. Bryan Insisted that sil ver and wheat were, Inseparably linked together, and that the price ; of wheat could never rise so long as the price of silver remained down. If he made the prediction once, he made it hun dred!' of times;' that prices would con tinue to fall so long as we retained the gold standard, that the gold standard was a conspiracy ot the money power to keep prices falling and that there could be no possible relief from.' beset ting evils until this crime against, man kind was undone by opening the mints to silver. The Incontrovertible logic of events has so thoroughly punctured the asser tions and arguments , on which" Mr. Bryan waged his first battle that there was long ago nothing left of them but rhreds. The republicans - declared In 1896 that prosperity would be restored through the re-establishment of confi dence In our monetary standard by re jectlng the repudlators and by the op eration of the protective tariff, while Mr. Bryan answered that Industry would neor revive until 16 to I was written on the statute books. If Mr. Bryan sees in the prevailing prosperity a vindication of his position in 1896 his vision embraces more than Is pat ent to the niked eye. Complaint is renewed of the diffi culty encountered here to get high class men to serve on the juries. The laborer, skilled at any trade. Is actu ally money out of pocket when lie has to put in his time In the jury room at two dollars a day, when he would be earning two to three times that amount at his regular occupation. John Temple Graves) suggests a fusion of the democratic party with the Independence league. That will strike Mr. Bryan in a lender spot. In his home state Mr. Bryan has always been for fusion with : anything that looks like votes for Mr. Bryan. F. D. Coburn of Kansas , aaya the farmer is the only manufacturer who has no voice In fixing the price of his products. Of courre, if be bad all the voice he woild never, never ratse the price to th consumer. The death of John Qulnu - will awaken recollections of Old-timers to remembrance of early, labor troubles In Omaha, In which QUlnn was a lead ing figure. Although one of the most radical and . persistent, labor agitators of thotie days, he .maintained the con fidence of his associates, but in later years lived practically, jn retirement and kept out of the conflict, dying at a ripe old age. The practice ot lettingyoung boys and girls drive high power automo biles through our croWdetl city streets Is, If anything, getting worse In Omaha. A good, -strong man has all he can do to handle (tue" of these ma chines In a real emergency. Ex-Judge Doan-"wants it distinctly understood that he was a "honpar; tlsan",. ' when runhilng ' for supreme Judge last year for the solo purpose of buncoing republicans, and that he 'is Just as staunch a: democrat this year as any of therri. Surely it cornea in good grace for Charles A. Town to ' call Theodore Roosevelt a past master In the art of advertising. Mr. Towne would be classed not as past .master, but as an unsuccessful Journey man.. What a sensation v we might have had if "Brother Charley'' - had only, like Little Butterdtifr, ' "mixed those letters up" and seni the county optloo pronunciamento to be rnd ai the Jef ferson birthday banquei. lu the Tnll "Timber. Pittsburg t8patch. . It will be noted, tiowerer, that the colon (j I took Plnchot out to tho woods, not to the wood shed. . . '. I , - A commoa Ailment. . Indianapolis News. ( Well, suppose the . railroads are having difficulty In raising money to make needed Improvements? Most of us are experienc ing tho same difficulty. . . , Ilooaler Versatility. Chicago. 'Jntef Ocean. That Indiana woman Who held off a sher iffs posse with her fists until her horse stealing husband , escaped Is proof that there are people In ih& Iloosier state who can do something) besides write' and de claim. I -flam nt mayor "Jim. - St.' Joseph Gazette. The results 'of tHe election at Lincoln, Neb., would Indicate that the state capital is going to stand by; Governor' Shatlen berger and that Mayor Jim Dahlman of Omaha and Danlman's ' followers artd Omaha can go hang. And William J. was not there to rrialte' a speech either. F6r once FairvieW escaped criticism. ' Our Birthday Book, General Horacfei-Porter, forhier. . United States ambassador ton France, ' was born April '15, 1837,. iat HmrtlngtcfrV Pa. He' has a distinguished mtitftlry. record during the civil war an al.'WrfnWKh reputation as an Jorator and mtf)itc,jgjsr. -,Ije ..was jCjosplx. wissociauHi. with . (-Umai-al . Grtwu during, tha It was notKwar ana Y'a.,W1,l;J?r!U,'r,.or;tiie qay at uie dedication of Grant's tomb Henry S. Prltchett, president., of the Carnegie foundation. Is 43. 'Dr. Prltchett was born at Fayette, .tytq..,. and as an edu cator specialized in astronomy. . He was president' of the Massachusetts institute of Technology before going to the Carne- fe m luniiiuiiuii. Henry James, the author and novelist, wa born April 15, 18t3, In New York.' He has made his home for many years, bow- ever, in n;neianaY 'Where his Works are best known. ." wnm, M. Pollard, former congressman from the First" Nebraska district, is 41.' He was born at Nehawlta, Neb., where he still lives and canrki-s ion 'a f rntt' f arm. ' He served In the' legislature before going- to congress. . . ' t Lewis Bllckensdorfer, t"he civil engineer, off Icing in. the B4o building, waa born April 15, 1S56. He.lf a native of Ohio and a graduate of Marietta' College. Mr. Bllck enBderfer was In the service of the Union Pacific as- civil, engineer for ton years, but more lately has been, practicing- his- pro fession on his own account. John Kervan, the , tailor. Is. celebrating his forty-ninth birthday. He was born In Ireland, but has been In Omaha for thirty years, and In the' taKorlns business for himself since 1891. Louis J. Platti, politician and lawyer, la it. Mr. nam; although or Italian name and descent. Is a native of New York City, but has been practicing at the Omatia bar for twenty years. iRldor Sommer of 'fiommer ftros., grocers. was born April 15, 1859, In Austria-Hun ga sy, coming to "this country In 1878. ' He has been In the grocery business In Omaha steadily since 1SS7. "' GoldvBisst has countless uses Look at your tooth brush; look at your hair brush, and your sponges through a injcroscope. You will send for more Gold Dust, in a hurry. Gold Dust not only cleans, but it sterilizes, and you nfced a package in every bath-room as much'as you. do in every kitchen, in every laundry and in every pantry; Make an inventory, room by room, of the things Gold Dust will do for you and you will fihd many... new places where you. can "Vet the GoldDust" -CI rv- : . ' "f x-..w ins do your work.' V Harriman-Lovctt Temperament and Bnelnesa SCetb' od f tb raat and rreeeat Bead of th Overland Boat Men who have had business relations with the late Kdward ll. Harrlmati, and continue their dealings with the present head of the .Union ' Pacific company, Rob ert Scott Lovett, remark the contrast In temperament and business methods of the masterful railroad manager and hi suc cessor as reflected at the company's office. 120 Broadway, New York. It would be difficult to find two men who have been elosely allied In the management of a great corporation so utterly unlike on the per sonal side. The difference has been noted frequently slnc4 President Lovett settled In. the vacant chair, and la sketched with Humiliating details by a correspondent of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Physically the writer pictures the new president as a tall, well-built man with a kindly face. He Is smooth shaven, exposing firm, rough-hewn features. When he gets op from a chair he stands an even six feet tall, with Just enough flesh on his well-knit frame to avoid being called slender. He has a kindly way about him that beget permanent friendship almost at the first moment of meeting. He has a keen disrelish for wounding" anybody's feelings. In each of these characteristic ha Is directly the op posite of Hariiman. Each day Judge Lovett Is besieged by callers who desire to talk to him on mat ters of comparative unimportance. He tries to see as many of .them as his limited time from the pressure of other business makes feasible. . Harrtman's aim waa to see. no one. .... For two or . three years prior to Harrt man's death- an; employe of the Harriman offk;8-r-a secretary to one of his chief assistants had been chafing under a bus iness grievance, an unjust discrimination, as the employs believed, that he was anxious-to bring, to Harrtman's personal attention.- But although hi employ had his desk only a room or two away from H4r- rlman'B private office he found It Impos sible to get to Harriman for a private con versation. The financial wizard had not time or inclination to talk to him. From this one may gather how much chance a person from the outside world would have to get a few minutes' chat with Harriman. But now, all .this 1 .changed. The day after Judge Lovett .took Harrtman's place. the employe with the grievance requested an opportunity to talk with .him In private. They drew up their chair and fanned the whole matter out In a short time. At the close of the talk Judge Lovett said: 'I believe what you have told me. You have not been treated fairly. From now on I hope1 you will regard me aa your friend. I do- not1 want anybody In this office to have Just cause for dissatisfaction." The dissimilarity In the' personalities of Harriman and Judge Lovett are so marked (that employes about th Harriman offices do not look back on these days antedating their former chief' demise with any great ,sense of regret. There wa something jdominant about Harriman. He had every body about his office strangely Intimidated. Coupled with this wa an Irritability due to ,the high' nervous tension, under which, he .woreq. ,uik mafl( u jar from a pleasure to be. enrolled, imonr. the staff of' tmnlovu Wjjd ,carri into personal' cor toot with him', TWWi,-" was a poor, nana ,t dic taIng Jetter , hi mn4 worked ao.'much more ..rapdr .than, he . could voice his thoughts that b made many mistakes. But it wa a rr thing for a stenographer In doubt about Harriman.' meaning, to have the nerve to ask him what he was trying to say, or to change a phrase h had dic tated. .. :....-,..' Hwrtman waa constantly keyed to such a pitch, that he had no sense of th pas sage of time. He would order a message sent somewhere and before the messenger had left his presence would want to know if the reply had arrived. Judge Lovett Is' aa calm as Harriman waa excitable. He dictates or Issues orders in ' conversational tone. Harriman has been-- known to approach a stenographer who had his' back toward him and begin dictating a telegram without even calling the stenographer by name or giving him any way of ' knowing that he was, being dictated to. ' Harriman never went out for lunch at noon. He had hla meal brought to the of fice, and even then rarely found time to taate If -earlier than 3 or 4 o'clock In the afternoon. And by th same" token, he seemed to hold a personal grudge against those who did co out to get a bite of lunch. To him It seemed Icbs crass to sat isfy money greed than animal hunger. No Harriman office employe no matter how high salaried he might be could ever slip out for-a bite to eat with any assurance that he would not b sent for ere he bad finished his lunch. If Harriman wanted him, the lunch could wait over till the next day. When Harrtman's death was announced the chance ftr good digestion about hla pfficea Immediately advanced at least thirty points. Judge Lovett differs from Harriman In that he denies the right of big business to sidetrack completely his creature comforts. The same In regard to his employes. Promptly at 1:30 o'clock each day without regard to the pressure of business on hand he goes to lunch at the Lawyers' club. He takes his time, mingles with his fellow men and endeavors to make his midday meal a social aa well as gastronomic oc casion. -Judge Lovett still lacks a 'few month of being 60 years of age. Just now It Is his strong desire that the "Judge" approach to his name be dropped. He wishes to be regarded aa a business man a railroad man rather than as a lawyer. But his title clings, and seems likely to. PERSONAL NOTES. Benjamin Franklin Hamilton, ' the first man to employ shop girl In any store In th United fitates, has. Just' passed his ninety-first birthday at Ms home In Saco, Mb. Th New York peddler who sold poisonous Cordials and gave the purchaser change In counterfeit money seems to have reasoned that. If a customer died, he would never complain of being ohrated. William Blalkle, probably the oldest dnnr glst in New York, died at his home In Utlca at th age of (8 years. He had con ducted a drug store In Uflca sine' 1844. Mr. Blalkle was a "forty-nine t," , going to California via Cape Horn: at (he-very 'be ginning of the gold fever. H was a close friend of Roscoe Conklin and, bearer at lis funeral. Hugh L. Dickson of Ban Bernardino, Cel., general counsel of the Brotherhood of lo comotive Firemen and Raglneera, attracted much attention when he was admitted to practice before the bar of the supreme court of the United Ktats. As a railroad fireman he lost both his hands. After wa.rd he studkd law. He signed the roll tt attorneys by holding a prn between the ktubs of hla arm. ' Hear the greatest Aria from the greatest of all the Italian Operas CELESTE AID A sung by the greatest of all Grand Opera tenors, in the - Edison Phonograph Every owner of an Edison Phonograph should have this wonderful Record. And to every one who has not an Edison, this great Record should be a big Incentive to buy one. Hear "Celeste Aida" and the nine other great Slezak Records at your Edison dealer's today. THE AMBEROLA i an Edison Phonograph which combines the perfection of sound-reproduction with th higheit mastery of craftsmanship. It come in either mahogany or oak. Playt both Edison Standard and Amberol Records. Has drawers for holding 100 Records. The price it $200. Other type of Edison Phonograph $12.50 to $125. 00 Edison Grand Opera Records 75c to $200. Editon Standard Record , . i 35c v Edison Amberol Record (play twice a long)... SOc NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 73 Lakeside' Ave., Orange, N. J. With tk Uboa Bmbmm Phoooarapk M iom't koU :. any ae ebe'a work wblU your dlctatta U solo . ' Nebraska Cycle Co. represents the National Ptiono: praph Co. in Nebraska, and carries huge stocks-ot; Edison Phonographs, including tho models mentioned in thd National Phonograph Cq's announcement on this page today, as well as a stock of over, 100,000 records. '. Nebraska Cycle Co. 15th and Harney Sts., Geo. E. Mickel, 334 Broadway, . Omaha., Neb. GENIAL JABS. i "That practical politician Is out for tho stuff, Isn't he?" "I should say he In. Why. If he has, a lawn made, he Wants a rake-off for the dead leaves." Baltimore American. "I'm afraid that poor child Is studying too hard." "No," said the cynical relative; "It Isn't study that tells on hla health. It's the con stant effort to think up precocious re marks for his parents to repeat to their friends." Chicago Kecord-IIerald. "Doctor, I'm all run ! and extremely nervous. Can you save mer" "Surely, my friend; aurely. Yours Is a common ailment ust now. You are simply reading more base' ball news than you can assimilate.'.' Washington Herald. . "That sitter said he wanted the picture to look exactly llko him," said the assist ant v-. ; .; .-nit "H'm!" replied the phttographer. . "A man who" 1s-' that' well' ratisfied with his appearance must be pretty vain. Touch th plate up very carefully." Washington Star. Hostess (at party Why so silent, Mlsa de Mulr? You've cnTcely said a word since you oame. ,,. Youthful Guest Really, Mrs. Leeder, I am having a very enjoyable time, but my father has told me a hundred times never to say anything unless I have something to say. and I suppoee Hostess But, my dear child, think what a stupid and tiresome thing society would b if everybody followed that advice! Chi cago Tribune. i, 1LJ I. I j ; Uoing Days I ring Out Piano Bargains HO: .; Tabes".. For One Used Upright Piano ', This 1 Just to bring you In to see the many used piano bargains, for we have some Imperial Pianos, worth $250, marked down to $1G5, $1.00 per week only; then the Irving Piano., which now sells for $230, In an ok case, 'you can have it for $165 on $5 monthly payments. A fine $400 Hsllet & Davis Piano, just to see whof comes first to capture - t.bla prlte,for. $165, easy payments. , ' , : Then the Shulh6ff Piano In mahogany. Just $50 less than any one 'will sell it. Again the Weber Piano, which we expect to sell as quick as thl ad appears for $150. Oh, yes, this will go quick. The $325 Oraraer Piano goes a,t $176, at $ week the Nelson $300 Piano goes for a song, which Is $b5 cheaper than it new. The celebrated Daldwln mado Howard Piano, we cut the price In two and sell It on the easlust terms you can think of. First come, first served. Begins Wednesday morning. A. IIOSPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas St. We represent the greatest Hue of player Pianos yu ton find under one roof, $375 and up, on $2 weekly payments Just 12 different See them. Manager. Council Bluff a, la. MY DAD. Los Angeles Express. My dad he makes the slickest kit That ever was, by Jlngl- . Why it will sail clean out o' sight, . When I let out the string. The other kids they corns to me ' To git kite pointers now; . ' Iv, An' they're as glad as they kin be That my dad knows Ju.t how. My dad can take two wheels an' make A coaster that Is fine; The other kids .all want to take K "l Their pattern now. from mine;-.- .. An' when we slide drjwn . hill, " ' " ' - ' Why, 1 can pass by eaoh ' i ' . ' Aa though they all waa atandln' still I ; Bay, ain't my dad. a peach T , My dad can make a boW that Sends . ; '' ' A arrow awful high!- . You oughter see It when It bends' .' S .' . An' watch that arrow flyj .. i ' An' nuw, why ev'ry kid you. se. i,' Trie hard -to make, a bow -' ' As good as. what dad made for me, '', M ; Buf :thy ;o,,-iiiookfti jft f, i My dad. can take a wilier stick- '" -5 Before the bark i dry, . An' make a whistle Jest as slick - v As any that you buy. ' - - - ''-" Gee, but the kids are jealqus when t I blow It where they're atl - , ... They all commence a-wlshln' then They had a dad like that! They" s not hln- much my dad can't. do If he makes up his mind; . ,, An' he's mighty chummy, too. ' ' One of the bully kind. . Borne dads would yell. "Oh, go an"tlai I'm busy as kin be!' But my dad he ain't bultt that way, Not on your life, by gee. ome line