TTTK BKE: OMATIA. FRIDAY,. APRIL K). .1010. 6i frrvfjr4jTrd? Coats for Infants ft, Our Vina of long and P t . e snort coats Tor in fants is especially at tractive just now. J Every mother s son or daughter should 5 Ziauc one. A crerna eiotn ana wool Batiste ara mucli lined fabrica for long or U. abort coata; either braided or lace trimmed We show handsome IT styles, at H $2.95, $3.95 and $5.00 , Hand embroidered efforts on fln rahmir or Crenels doth! from A plain scalloped edges to elaborately embroidered designs, at ; 5 $5.00. and un tn & 1 .f-v Writ For New Tee youko own 1518-1520 Farnam Street J ohn&on - Danf or K I -4 DELIVERY la ihe largest kipd most varied in Omaha- We) hare two grades ... v' ' -l . -HlgU Grade Medium abrade Our high grade Includes a very', large aelectlon of the celebrated Kaclne brand 'made wagons, splendidly constructed and right up-to-date in every particular. The Racine wagons are atrlctly A-gradc, and Will meet the requirements of the hard uses to which wagons In our city ere subjected. We sold 238 df 'them last year and we can ehow mnny testimonials and have more iatUflad customera than any other co.ern. . , . . - Our medium grade comprise! such T well ' known wagons aa Tlio Arttleiider, The Regal and Tho sFr-w - , '.,). '....;( vv . t We are making prices on this We )iQve, blacksmith shop butld ycii any kind of wagon you tnay Want '1 " " " ' . Call and. inspect our product, or write, for catalogue and prlcea. JOHNSON-DANFtotH CO. I 4 S.' V.uCor. 10th and Jones Sti; Oaaba, Kcb. as service minder . . , ... i.- As wq have frequently stated we want you to have perfect lighting service and in, order that ypu may have it we wont your co-operation. .;'': '; ) J Vvre therefore ask you two questions:' Firat- Are your lights giving' satisfaction? Second If not, why not? x . . Should your answer to the first be u No, " then the answer to the second is "Because you haven't notified We make lights satisfactory. - It's to your interest and ours to let us do it for you. i. Omaha Gas Company AUGUSTANA SYNOD ELECTION Anaaal DIttlUt of Latkeraaa la Oaaaaa Caora Old Otftcera la t Seaaloa t'alll Satardar. All 'officers i)t the Nebraska conference Auauatana synod pt the Lutheran church were re-elecUd at the opentna aosalon held Thuraday morning at Salem church. Twenty-third and Vinton atreeti. The officer are: Prcrluent,, Rev. P. N. Bwanbere. Hol drege; vice praldriH. Rev. C F. Sandall, Hood's Barsaparilla , Curt s All Spring Allmcnta. ' Mr. Uarlon Brace. Cumberland. M, vrltea: I have uken Hood's Barsapa rilla for a great roaay yeara. and I tatntt It the beat blood tnedlclna la U world. 1 take It both aprinf and - fail. ThU winter and aprlnc 1 waa la very pool- health.- I tu we and bad loat at. my spireme ana ait run uu.u. Aa aooik a 1 lirsan to tax tloou a toar.a t.MriiiM utv utrAiiKth came back ana my ppttite iturna. 1 am nuw aretl. do i.. j ubuacwurK, aud no tynr have thai ti to.ay lii u.ual liquid form or 4,v.u.kiaa tawicie cailaa etraaiaua. MS Iff ! I i Free Catalogue, pronrs atone lli Company's LINE r I 1 Columbia. "'.i i" -v-v : &'iWstf'i& t .' c line of work that will Interest running at full blaat, and we can J) HaJ Oakland; aretary, Rev. J. Ekholm, Th. I.. Newwtn Urtive; treasurer and statis tician, J. S, Melcren, Omaha. .The hearing of the report of the ex ecutive Committee reporta occupied the re mainder of tha day. Tha session will prob ably close Saturday. Jleports show ' that contributions to the purposes of the church average per capita for the membership of the churches Of, tha conference. The first meeting- waa held Wednesday nlgiit, whan Rev, F. N. Swanberg- deliv ered a sermon. . v - PRISON - FOR -MINE PROMOTER William a. Pallllpe, Who Bold Dovoa took Taroaaa Malta, Ginta v Tkreo Years. CHICAGO.- April 14,-Wllllara 8. Phllllpa. president of the Amerlca-Mexleo Mining and tevcloptng company was aentenced to three years' Imprisonment and fined 11,000 by Juj Landla In the United States dis trict court here today. Phllllpa waa found ullty bn a charae of using the malla to defraud. ' 'The defendant was aliened to have told tQ.0GO worth of stock In the mining company and to have paid large un earned dlvtdei.da out of money received from puioiara- vt Uia atook - a WAGON ALL FEES CO TO TUETATE Attorney General Byen Isabel Opin ion in Eespect to Case. MONEY TOR B0DIE3 DIVERTED Record Show No Traaafrr of Same Made la Paat Salt Organ Over II ork lulaod Railroad Wreck. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. Ia., April 14. -(Special Tel egram.) Attorney General Dyers today la- surd an opinion for the benefit of the Stat Board of Medical Examiners In rela tion to the fori of the office, holding that all fees of every kind must be turned Into the state treasury. . The occasion for It arose from the fact that Secretary Sum ner had on hand over Tj00 In fees received largely from colleges on account of bodies sold for dissecting purposes, which ha did not know what to do with. The records of the office fall to show whether any auch fees have bten received before or, If received, what was done with them. The secretary akrd for Instruc tions. It Is believed that the disclosures will show that not all fees which are due the stato have betn turned over in recent years. First Mock Island Salt. Tha first suit growing out of the wreck of a Rock Island train at Green Mountain was filed in district court in ivcokuk to day. It was a suit for $25,000 for the death of Vera Pennington. She wna not Injured In the wreck, but her husband was killed outright and a few days later she gave birth to a child, following which she died. and the claim Is Bet up thnt her death was lndlrtctly due to the railroad acci dent. Garfield Comes to Des Moines. James R. Garfield, secretary of the In terior under President Roosevelt, has ac cepted an Invitation to be the principal speaker at the annual banquet of tho Grant club. April 25.. Mr. Garfield will come to Des Moines on that date directly from Denver. New Dank Oraranlaed. The State Bank of Williams filed articles of Incorporation with 133,000 capital; also the Central Park Fuel company of Cedar Rapids with J26.O0O capital; also the Pom-eroy-ralmer Mutual Telephone company with $20,000 capital. Dairy Commissioner Chang. W. B. Barney of Hampton spent the day hero In conference with H. R. Wright, preparatory to taking over the state dairy and pure food department the first of next month. T"l entire force of the department was present and the new head waa intro duced to them. It la understood that no changes In the force will be made, at lea9t at present. The work of the department extends to every part of tho state. Chanite In City Offices. Tho city council today re-elected a ma jority of the old officials Including tho city solicitor and assistant, but made a change In regard to night captain of police, re moving Chief Ab Day, who has long been oil tha force. This last waa the test of the tondency of the council. It la taken to mean a decided letting down In the di rection of a more liberal city and freedom for many things. 1 . Candidate for Head of Elks. Tho Iowa City Benevolent J Protective Order, of Elks' lodge ia boomlntr George T. Ileddtck, formerly, editor ot the Iowa, pity Republican, aa candidate ton tho first vice president of the Iowa State Association of Elks and baa Instructed Its delegates to be selected later to vote and work for his homination at Marshalltown, June 15 and 18. Telephone Company Increases, i Amended and aubstltuted artlclea of In corporation wore filed In the office of county recorder by the Iowa Telephone company, providing for an increase In capl tallratlon from $4,000,000 to $10,000,000. The in crease waX voted last week by the board tt director for tha purpose of taking over tha Mutual system and Increasing tho ef ficiency, of the system and the mileage throughout the state. The old officers and board of directors were named. Association Dlabands. The removal of A. G. Miller aa chief of police of Dea Moines puts the last of the affleera of the Iowa Association Of Chiefs f Police elected hero last all Into the dis ard. Mr. Miller waa elected president, ilenry Olsen.of Fort Dodge was named vice president and ha haa been deposed. W. J. . Vannatta of Muscatine, aecond vice president. Is no longer a chief and John Dlneen. aecretary-treasurer, of Sioux City resigned when the commission plan carried in that city. Matt la ia tha Race. ; Congressman J. A. T. Hull today filed his nomination papers aa a republican candi date' for congress for a tenth term. He baa not as yet opened headquarters, but his campaign haa been in charge of Post master Myerly and the pension agent and it said to be in excellent shape. There waa also filed with the secretary ot stats the nomination papers for H. J. Pfelfer of Cedar Falla aa a republican candidate for senator In Blackhawk and Grundy; also for J. A, Cousins for rep- tuat-niaUva In Chickasaw county; also for E. E. Wakefield for democratic candidate tor tho legislature in Adair; also for M. W. Truxow for representative In Washington county. Confereaee on Kdacattoa. 'Tha annual conference of tha county superintendents with tha Department ot Education haa been called by State Super intendent Rlggs for April 27-28 in the office of the state superintendent. The first day devoted to "The Teacher", and the second day to answering the question; .... .. .v.. ,., In tha nne.raom rural school?" Other tODlciH will be that ot the high school and the taw enforcement by the county superin tendent. Cost of Ilvloa la Too Utah. The regular army officer who has been aasltned to duty with the Iowa guardsmen in the northern part of the state the last year and who haa bten traveling about giving Instructions to the companies, has requested that he be relieved and returned to his regiment. He states In a letter to General Logan that he cannot pay hotel bills on tha $160 a day allowed him and that the hotel prices are invariably more than that to Iowa. Blaat tio oa as Independents. Secretary of Stat Hayward ha ruled that in counties where the third parties have a right to a place on the official ballots because of having cast more than i per cent of tha vote In the county, the candidate must b selected under the primary rules or go on as independents. In other words, If In any county a socialist or prohibitionist ticket la entitled to recognition, then use must be made of thU prlv.lege If the randiduies were to ba recognized. . " Colira Work ,1s Broken Vp. By reason ot the plaits of the new State Board of Education for having a complete reorganisation of the rotate college at Ame. tha report la that the college work i much interfertd wltii. The ri;nation of the jneiliienl.. followed by the. rei-lg nation of ctheri of the faculty, and constant rumors as to many other changes to u mad?, has caused unrest ia Uia a hoi cw.lek. Xiiexj I sli-o belief that It Is the plan of the administration to take the engineering de partment to Iowa City. P.-actlcally nothing has been done In regard to selecting a succesxor to President etorme. Supreme Court Declalona. C. S. Blackett. appellant, aaainat 8. B. ZtMgler, from Kaye-tte county; reversed. Bottineau Land and Ioan Company, ap pellant, apalnut Henry Hlntie, from Scott county; af limed. Ed Fltiirerald atjalnst Peter Flanatrln. ap pellant, from Allainnkee county; afflrniei. Daniel Khea, apnellant. against Catholic Society of Webster City,', from Hamilton county; affirmed. Charles P. Deutamsnn, appellant, against Mrs. M. Kunlse, from Mills county; af firmed. - Grant Thornburg airaln.t C. D. Doollttle. appellant, from Hamilton County; affirmed. City of Waterloo aicalnat Waterloo, Cedar Falls A Northern Hallway Companv, ap pellant, from Blackhawk county; affirmed. Nebraska Will Fight Rugby Game Chancellor of Nebraska University Gives This as Attitude on College Game. LINCOLN, April It'. (Special.) "The Uni versity of Kansas will have no support from tho University of Nebraska In trying to substitute Rugby foot baU for the Amer ican game when the representatives of the various colleges . In the Missouri valley meet at Kansas CltjK next Tuesday. Ne braska will lend Its aid to reform the game, but not to abolish ft." This Is the epitome of Chancellor Avery's declaration In respect to Nebraska's stand on foot ball. He said this In private to a delegate from tha students who had gone to the chancellor for the purpose of ascer taining how the Nebraska representatives at the Kansas City- meeting next week Would stand. Chancellor Avery said he and the Board of Regents had discussed the foot ball question and that they Jiad de cided the game was too valuable to be lost to the colleges of this section. Regent George W. Lyford assured the fraternity men at their banquet last night that the regents wanted to retain the Amer ican game and that they would not consent to have It removed from Nebraska. He said all were agreed that It would have to be reformed, though, and that the regents of this school would lend their aid to get a saner game. Chancellor Avery will represent the Ne braska faculty at the Kansas City meet ing next week and will vote against the abolition of the American game. This meet ing of April 19 was called at the request of the Kansas Board of Regents by Chan cellor Strong of that school. Regent Wil liam Allen White of the Emporia Gazette caused the agitation at Kansas against foot ball, and had a motion passed to call the Kansas City meeting. Nebraska's stnnd has been made known to Kansas by Chancellor .A very, who wrote Chancellor Strong that. the way to reform foot ball la not to abolish the American game. He said Nebraska would not consent to play Rugby. The athletic board this afternoon voted to send President Richards to Kansas City as a representative of the athlr-tio department. He will oppose all radical anti-foot ball leg islation. . ' He will confer with the 'other Missouri Valley conference representatives regarding summer base ball rules. He, has instruc tions from the Kabraska board to attempt to have the anti-summer ball rule abolished.. He will brlnst.thp matter. before the college, presidents who are gathered at Kansas. City. j At the meeting of the athletic board today W. H. Hutchinson was elected captain pf the ComhiiHker basket ball team for next year. Ho won his letter for. the first time last winter. The Nebraska base ball team will return to Lincoln tomorrow. Manager- Eager was not able to chedule any games for Fri day and Saturday to fill the dates left va cant by the cancellation of the- contests with Kansas, so he ordered -the team to re-j turn home. ., J In the games -with Manhattan yesterday, and today th Nebraska team was consider ably." handicapped . by the; absence of Ole Metcalfe from tho lineup. .Metcalfe missed the train to Manhattan yesterday morning and could not get there for ye.sterday'a game. He did not care to go for one game, so remained here. He plays shortstop on the team and. his absence from that posi tion leaves tha team without a suitable player to handle! the work there. Tine Weather For Nebraska Friday fair, cooler. For Iowa Threatening with rain, colder. Temperature, at Omaha yesterday: Ci S a. m w a. m 68 7 a. m 60 m w 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m...... 12 m 1 p. m 5 p. m p. m 4 p. m 6 p. m p. m T p. m 8 p. m , 2 , 63 , 64 , 66 , 69 , 72 . 74 . 82 , til , 00 , (16 , 60 To Bo Rosy and Well The right kind of food not drugs la necessary. .. Grape-Nuts The world-famous food scientifi cally made of whole wheat and barley, contains the blood-making tlbsue building, elements of these field grains, Including the natural phosphate of potash (grown in the grains) wblctTTiature Uses in mak ing new brain and nerve cells. , s In the manufacture of Grape Nuts the starch of the grains is prefiigested -changed to a form of sugar which is quickly absorbed by the blood, and the user soon shows better color, and increased vigor of body and brain. A few weeks': regular usq of Grape-Nuts will show anyone. J "There's a Reason" . jPostura Cereal Co., Ltd.,' 4 Hattle1 Cre;, Mich. Pip Mil I1 I ill. mm wm -irf-ro-rrj 'jr. Facsimile ft regular size. Political Angles of Cooper Case Enemies of Governor Intimate that Early Primary Was Called to In fluence Court's Decision. NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 14. Nahvllle has quieted down today after the excit ment of yesterday, attending the action of the supreme court and the governor's sub sequent pardon in the case of Colonel Dun can B. Cooper, sentenced to twenty years In prison for. the murder .of former United States Senator E. W. Carmack. Although there was much excited Comment on the streets and Jn public places, until late last night there has at no time been any Indica tion of anything approaching dlsorder,.Both Colonel Cooper and hla son have thus far declined to make any- public statement. Governor Patterson has made no commont on. hla, pardon or.Colojicl Cooper and has .denied himself o -all. interviewers. . ' .The case of Itpbln Cooper, who'la at liberty on bond, will be taken up with the May term of court, according to an an nouncement by Attorney General Jefferson MeCarn. Meanwhile, with a primary to make nomination for the governor and state Judiciary less than two months off, the political, cauldron bolls. Enemies of the governor use the calling of this primary, embracing as it does the nominations for supreme court Judges, as an attempt by the executive to hold an axe over the supreme court, "which had tho Cooper case under advisement at the time the call was Issued. As to the governorship, the campaign will, It Is thought, be waged on the prohibition Issue, The supreme court this afternoon reduced the ball of Robin Cooper from $26,000 to $10,000. . Big New Plant for Mancy Mills Company Agrees with Commercial Club on Arrangements to Ee- -place Burned Structure. The Maney Milling company haa entered Into a definite agreement with the Com mercial club for the rebuilding of the plant destroyed In the $1,000,000 elevator fire, which wiped out the Sunklst mills and the Nye-8chneldor-Fowler plants. The millers have the assurance of the Commer cial club that all influence will Jse exerted for the Installation of ample fire protection In Hhat district. The new plant is to have a much greater capacity than the" one destroyed sby flrel The builders declare that they will put In mills which thall surpass in psrfectlon even the old plant. ' Blx-story building of brick for the mills and a warehouse- of three stories with an elevator of 100,000 bushels capacity will be erected. I - Requisition for' Frank K. Hoffstot Governor Stuart Calls for Return of Former Pittsburg Banker, Who is Now in New York. If A RRI8RURG, Pa, April H. Governor Stuart today signed a requisition upon Governor Hughes of New York for the re turn to PennHrlvania of Frank K. Hoffstot, wanted In Plttsbur on bribery charges. District Attorney William A. Itlakely of Pittsburg received the papers In person. Mr. and Mrs. Schlckedants Home. 6T. PAUL, Neb.. April 14. (Special.) At been a prominent factor of the business the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Left wlch a recaption was given yesterday even ing on the occasion of the homecoming of Mr. and Mrs. Harry rirhlckedariti from their European tour. Mr. tschlckedaou hss been a prominent factor of the buslnevs life of thU community for more than a quarter ut a century . end a leader In' republican political circles and an ardont worker In all mattyrs of public welfare. I.aat September he mariitd tha wUow of tha late A. It. Hubtrminn, one of the pioneer business men and upbluMer of Omaha and a clone associate f many of It's older citizens. Shortly kfter the marriage Mr-and Mrs. dchlckcdarxs muds an extended tr'p to Oer iniMiy, from Vhere tl.y now return to re sums their horns In r t. Paul. mil I USE rirr- ..ii a. vw. ???rii-xetrj -r tt l . MP airagei7ys iviae ot Imitations, Substitutes and "Just as as. it Unscrupulous dealers, mindful only of their profit and caring nothing for the health of their patrons, are offer ing for sale low grade mixtures, which they tell you are "aa good as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." Some go so far as to try to make you bellevo It is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Theso chogp concoctions are foisted on the people with the in tent to deceive. When a' remedy has been before the public for more than half a century, has been prescribed and used by the best doctors and in prominent hospi tals, and has carried the blessing ot hoalth Into so many thousands of homes as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has, imitations are bound to arise. They may lmitat the bottle and label only no one can imitate the contents. Duffy's Pure M Whiskey has been used with remarkable results in the treatment ot Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip, Cougns, Colds, Ma laria, Fevers, Stomach Troubles and all wasting and diseased conditions. It is sold in scaled bottles only. The Old Chemist's Head Is on the label, - and over the cork Is an engraved seal. Be certain the seal is unbroken. Sold by druggists, grocers, dealers, or direct $1.00 a largo bottle. Write Medical Department, The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y., for free advice and valuable med leal booklet, containing testimonials and common sense rules for health. LAYMEN MEET FOR REPORTS Accounting; of Results of Omaha Convention to Be Held on Sun day Afternoon. A mass meeting is to bo held at the Toung Men's Christian association Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, where, by reporta from the committee of the ohurches of tho city, a measure will be taken of the suc cess of tho convention of the laymen's missionary movement. At this meeting reports will be made on the amount of money to bo raised for use In tho foreign missionary ft?ld by each church. - Clement Chase will preside at the meeting and call for the reports. Those who are in touch with' the move ment declare that the .amount which will be raised Is to be far beyond expectations. SKIfi TORMENT Irritation Almost Drove Him Mad Eyes So Swollen Could Scarcely See Skin Specialist Said It was Psoriasis Cured by Cuticura. SO PLEASED WITH CURE ANXIOUS TO TELL OTHERS "I waa completely cured of a skin disease by tha use of tha Cuticura Rem edies after doc torn had failed. Tha complaint first at tacked ma in 1908, my hand and inm right us to the el bows breaking out in large blisters, soma an inch acrosa. I need nrtell any suf ferer fuNa distress ing akin complaint what I want through. The irritation al most drove me mad. patient or a London hospital. I re ceived little benefit, and after a fort night's attendance I waa seen by a skin specialist who told me the complaint waa psoriasis. The irritation waa not allayed at all. I persewed with the treatment and continued to attend the hospital for two months but I waa far from cured. " Later the disease took a more aerioua form, affecting my neck and face as well as my hands and arms. My neck waa covered and sometimes my eyes were so badly swollen that I could scarcely see. Irritation la too mild a word to describe rny suffering; it was excruciating agony. I was sent to a doctor who gave me some ointment, but it did me no good and in the end 1 lost my job. A friend in Lon don sent me some Cuticura Soap which poftenod my hands, made them feel fresh and more comfortable. I obtained some Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Oint ment and waa especially pleased with tho Ointment which immediately allayed the irritation and caused the sores to heal steadily and surely. Jn three weeks I waa completely cured and there haa been no return of tha complaint. I am so pleased with my cure that I em anxious to tell others about it. Arthur Duncan. Lltchard Hill, Bridgend, South, Wales, Jan. 16. 1800." CuNcurn Bnio rise.) to Oleanw th Skin. Cuttrure jicui vii otui, uu lullrur. n th form of rhi'tilAf c.i HUH. 2 26C. Kt VWl Ot 40) tO PunfT tha llbr.rt HmA ttiruiiehout th world Polv-r Dru a Cbrm. Com aole Prop. &b Columbus Ave , boiton. ktnm ikMsil4 res, CuUcurs boo aa Blia iiMsass, Your Wife Will Enjoy It... . "It's the one Best drink.- Is for all occasions the most pleas ing Lev-eiue un the murktt. Cool. Refreshing-, Vara It can be msde In a moment's notice. Sold at all fountains and bars at 6c per glas, or in powder form from grocers, druggists and dealers, , Orando, lemon, root beer flavors Two tenspoonsful rake a s-lav 25c bottrs have VI drinka 11.00 bot tles TO drinks. Leo. Grott Co., Prope., Omah EXCRUCIATING l.i.i ii m(j OH OELF APPROV- AL, the desire to merit t h e ap proval of others and ' to look well in the eyes of our friends arc fully satisfied in the B our k twenty-five. They are the most satisfying redely - for -duty clothes possible to make for $25. Wo would Iilco "to 'Sell" youfjsj your clothes this reason. Drop in and talk it over. Suits, Raincoats and Crvt-reoata $18 to $40. .s . ( , Our $3 Hat the JIOIUKK rilK FKIIHKD is an . excellent bat. Try one. , 1 6j U-w- v " M1H tm3im'mmu mrf3 318 S. 15th St. will outlut 3oin pairs of -' ordinary shears At All Daalart and Guaranteed ' Cloth Cutting Shears SO up according to sltt SUITS TO OHDEIt $25., Something that experience has de veloped. The more exact your knowledge of fine tailoring,' the greater your en thusiasm over out tailoring service. The less you know ,1)1,, detail, about tailoring, the greater is your need, of this organization that does know that can be depended upon to give conscientious service. ,.. $2n na Up. V MacCarfhy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-800 South 10th St, Near 10th and Farnam Sfa.' ' AMUSEMENTS. Another Big Hatch Zhyszko ' and" Wostorgard Will wrestle to a finish at the Auditorium Monday Night April 18th. Preliminaries: - 'William Hole off and Ben I'avelka. Reserved seat' sale opens Thursday morning, April 14th. Prices: Ring-side, $1.60; Bal-: cony, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50; Arena and Boxes, $1.00; Gen eral Admission, 60c. V Tonl-ht 8:16 BRAHOEIS Mat. Bat Best Beats $1 McIJl T f BE , and HEATH la MAYTI Prloss 850 to 100 People 100.. , CHAKX.XB B. Ban, 4n TBTB AKXHIOAXr LOBS. Beats bow. Tata., Wed. Mat and Sve Maud Adams la what svEavr wvas-AJN Ksvwa Ksats today. BOYD'S THEATER cir.r. vsi Duuataa Tonight Saturday ' ... Z,ast Wsek of the Woodward Stock Co, MRS TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM. PKICXBl "' ' Wight 10, IS, 85, 30, Mo. Mat. 10, so, ssa Next Waak Lyman M, Howe's MIAT11L rtiBtlVAJt. , : EiRUG mzATsa raioxsjk iee-36o-0s-e. TOHIOHT AT SU9 ' Matinee Today at 8:30. ..All Seats ISa 100 Children loo. .. , UNCLE TOM'S CAOIN FA-BADS AT 1 O'CLOCK' Vsxt Sunday MOTIMCr PZOTTJ&EH a. WD IJULUa. fKA.XED BOW ft B. All fcaat 6a. ADVAllCLS VADDETImliui, Jbv.ri Day, 8:16 livening Jrsrformanoe,-auS liils weuk; Urigolatl's Aerial Bal. at, Lit Lena, Cluule and r'annls Usher, IJitu Amy Butler, Prato's Blmlan Cirque, White and Hlnimons. Kroneman brothers, the Klnodroinc and the Orpheum C'oncsrt Orchestra. Prices 10c. iia and 60c. Zrsga, 18-tfl-00-rS, rTTimniKZl ant WffDlVi"! Ladle.' liluis kiatlnae Bally at aua. haturilay Th' ii 1 Sun. Says, , v -STEELFORGJEr)'':; ; I SHEARS CutCUsa and Smooth Jji'W SB. Ill II Mill 1 IHI l. ltJSMhSMMftlSSfiftfl m BA.xrrou . and Mod