TIITC BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. AFRIL 15, 1910. Br bi r;r m-m IT" El "B ' B : B . H" 91 BE ' B B BBBBB hiikf is ,T7iT7T 7T7aS771i77Jrri v&xy Suction Cleaners sr?) act 0 L a U VJ 17 mm l7i LML.M S AY SAVINGS IN ALL DEPART. MENTS. II III 1 Mi VERY SPECIAL V' Greatest Sale of Hall EOM :AND: loorOil Clotli Begins Next MONDAY April 18th This was a great cash pur chase from a storage ware house. Positively the greatest bargains in floor coverings we have ever offered. ALSO IN THIS SALE WE OFFER BIG LOTS OF STH AW MATTING, HUGS and BATH ROOM RUGS At 1 prices nthat are much lower than actual cost to manufacture. It will certainly pay our out-of-town customers to make a special trip and attend this big sale. You can get Linoleums, Floor Oil Cloths and Straw Matting Rugs at tremendous reductions in price Next Monday, April 18th :at: randeis Stores April Showers bring May wedding. If yi you the wedding gift. B Clocks, etc. Spend a few minutes In our store, Invited, let us sell the wedding gift. Sterling Silver, Cut Glaus, Look for tho name. S W. LINDSAY. Jeweler . 1310 Douglas Street. W i A i i i a l I u H E 1 a i U f ! M a is a - i' D N I n s I F5 'II 1 iti ACTITITY IN OMAHA REALTY Several Large Salea Are Made Curing Last Few Days for Investment NEW GARAGE CHANGES HANDS "W'ladsor Hotel. la Itotutht for Invest ' aucnt Property on 3iotu Tweaty '' Foarth Street BoBftht by N. P. Dodge. .': Three deeds were plnced on record with the register Of deeds Thursday for the traimfer of property, the sales being ne gotiated through the McCatru investment Company. ; , The property occupied by (he Electric garage on Fa mum Just east of Twenty fourth has been fold by Charles R. Sher man and A. U. MaConnell to the Western Koal Estate Truateea of Boston, ,the price being K), 000. This Includes the building and lot. the latter having a frontage of Uty-six feot on Farnam street. It was bought for an Invostmint-. DenUe Barka low and Ueorg Itedk'k are tho present oc cupants of the building and will so con tinue. Tha Windsor hotel property at the north west corner of Tenth and Jackson was sold Ui a client of the McCague company, buy ing for Investment, Tor ,uu. It Has a frontage of elxty-alx feet on Tenth street And 132 on Jackson. The property was sold by the heirs of John Bchaub of Sarpy county. ' ' Heirs of X J. Joslln of Albany, N. i ., fcav transferred to N. P. Dodge. Jr.. eixty slx feet on North Twenty-fourth aireet mar Clark, on which Is a two-story frame i building. Tlie price as 87.M0. age, led them to the Omaha police station at midnight, after a' scene at the Burlington station. An argument before Captain Dunn ended the case for the time being and ttaey left. . Mrs. Collins sought the srrest of her hus band, charging that he was taking away their son. Mr. Collins Is superintendent In South Omaha for the water company. , He and his wife live apart. He sought a divorce last fall, but failed to take his decree. . . ' ) Cowboy Life is . Not as He Hoped Runaway Lad Had Expected to Find Things Different and Now Wants to Go Home. Alonto Williams, Esq., residence Cincin nati, rage 14, and baggage, one revolver; has ttken up his residence at the Detention home pending return to Ohio. Dreams of a cowboy life have faded. The boy had been working as a collector for a photographic supply house In Cin cinnati, and havingaccording to his story. lost some money of the firm, derided to bult rather than face the music. He bought a ticket to Cheyenne with other money be longing to his employers and rode undis turbed as far as Omaha. Here he stopped off for a day and promptly fell Into the hands of the police, who turned him over to Juvenile court. Since his capture lie has changed his mind and wants to go home as fast as he can TELL TROUBLES TO POLICE . east ana family Quarrel Over Basalt Br Takea Pair to Matlou After Scemo at Railway Depot. ;' A family disturbance between Mr. and Jjrs. CUarlea J. Collins of South Omaha, ever u iKlun the aon, 4 years of Oae readactor Wae Wii Caret. Mr. Wllford Adams la his name, aud he writes about It: "Soma time ago I was confined to my bed with chronlo rheuma tism. I used two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy With good effect, and tha third bottle put me on my feet and I resumed work aa conductor on the Laxtington. Ky, Street Railway. It gave ma more relief than any medlclna I have ever us.d, and H will do 11 5rou etalm to cases of rheu matism." relay's Kidney Remedy cures rheumatism by tltmlnatlng tha urlo acid from the blood. For sale by all drugglata I SUMMER STYLE BOOK 2041 f If Jf 'v Including any 15c Pattern F Remnants and Bargain Friday Our weekly clearing of odd lines, and special one day bargains to attract the crowds. You are always sure of big economies here every Friday. Dress Goods Remnants K Several hundred choice lengths of new spring' materials for the Friday round up. Dress goods of 3 V4 to 7 yards pieces. , 11.25 fabrics, at, yard,. . .63tyJ I $160 fabrjes, at. yard. 75 BLACK WASH SILK Water and perspiration proof ' for summer dresses. It's a yard wide, 11 value, for Friday 50 . BKXGALIXE MOIRE AND FANCY SILKS Very large line In all wanted colors, 76c, 85c and $1.00 values, at.. .' 30 LINEN FINISHED SUITING White only with plain stripe or Grecian border, fine for girls and Misses dresses, 36-Inch, 20c value. . . . 10 VAl LACES German and French vals. many widths and grades, worth to $1.00 a bolt (12 yards), for., 35 Embroideries, Edges and Inser tions Great values. .... .5 Amoskeag Ginghams The 8 c grade, at 6 Year's Greatest Op portunity. Oalo ofGOO LingeB'ie In season's most exacting styles, a wonderful purchase at a wonder fully low price. Description would be futile, so varied are the styles. They are all one-piece models, mostly all white a few in pink and blue, some of allover em broidery, some lace Insertion trim med.. On account of congestion of our workrooms, no alterations will be made. Buy these ' handsome $10, $12 and. $15 dresses, Friday, at A ONE DAY FURORE IN LINi GERIE WAISTS Beautiful high neck 'and low neck DiHch collar effects, very fine materials, val ues to $3.00, to ciear.. 131.40 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR A Fri day clearing at a quantity of slightly mussed garments,', such aa' gowns,, skirts, drawers and combinations, $2.00 and 13.0Q values; laundering makes them perfect, to close, each 982 S3 A Clearing of Post; Card' Albums 49c A real clearance of a very large quantity of fine large' books, holding two, three nundred and more cards. Albums tbat ; . have been selling at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, ' ' til arranged on Friday bargain tables, for choice, at. . . Great Sale Women' s Tan Oxfords - - 1 I !- All the Urge Eastern cities are forcing tan footwejis.rf or ; women, , more strongly than ever. We are fortunate in being abto to announce a sale for Friday , of 500 pairs. . .- . , Russia Calf, two eyelet ties, smart new pump ef fects; low cut Cuban heel and welted soles. : These . are scarce styles, alsolutely correct and best $5.50 values' on the ' sw as , ' ; , market today, Friday, at, per pair $2.65 Picture Fracinii OH This Week Have your picture framing done now; choice oT 500(kind8 of frame . moulding In every finish. We can help you to many: artistic effects and guarantee best possible work Friday and Saturday, at. .V- :..25 off I Garden, Lawn and Household Needs No. S Oalvanlied Iron . Wash Tubs, at 30 12 Qt Oalv. Iron Water Palla....X8o 5 ply Garden Hose. (15 ft. lengths), per foot .Bo S piece Garden Sets, for children, 25c kind, at Bo Lawn Rakes, good grade .880 Steel Rakea, It tine for le Palo Alto Metal Polish, pt can..l0o Shlnlte Floor Stain, pint cans, 60 Garbage Cans, covered and bandied. No. 2 slse ..... ....wi. 69o Oil Cans. J and'IT galloO, worth $1.B0, foor ;.,........;..... .490 Enamel, all colors. 'worth to 60c, at So Good House. Paints ' " Quarts :.' .....lBo H gallons ., .S60 Gallons ...Mo Top Shine- Floor Polish, 26c kind, lOo Liquid Veneer. Polish. ., ...8So raiOAT BAJtOAOra Xir OKZVA AITS aULSU, ZTOeOO pieces, fancy col ored glass Bon Bon Dishes, Jelly stands. Vases, etc., splendid 25c values, at 60 China Creamers rooster shape, 26o 7tlwV: 5c Opal Vases Fancy . decorations Ho v:iue: 10c rasa rera Dishes with .lining, 11.50 value. 7c- . . . . at i Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday Cornmeal. yellow or white, 8 -lb. sack, HHo Bennett's Beat Coffee, I lbs .1.00 And 100 Htampa. Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 lb 380 . And 80 Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Ex tract 180 And 20 Stampa. Bennett's Teas, as sorted per lb 880 And 10 Stampa. Bennett's Teas, aorted, per lb. .680 And 76 Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, ' per sack 81.63 And 0 Stampa. -Small Sour Pickles, ,dos . at 80 ' Pure Fruit Jellies, per glaxa 1 . .100 , Doubts Stamps on But- terms. C C. C. Asparagus, tall can, lOo slse .....lAo Rex Lye, I cans..... 880 And 20 Stamps. ' Peanut Butter. ' t Jar, at Boo And 10 Stamp. Chicken Feed, lb So Double Stamps on Gran ulated Sugar. . ' Seeds, vegetable, flower seeds, pkg ,;.8H0 Jello, Ice Cream -1 Piw- ,ler, t pkgs goo And 20 btamps. Galllard Olive Oil, bot tle 480 And 60 Stamps. Msearonl, Star and Crescent, I pkga., USo And 10 Stamps. l Jon French Mustard. Jar ...850 And 10 Stampa. Keystone Lye. lo cans, at 86a Stollwerck'a Cocoa, H- Ib cans SOO . And tO Stampa. Fels Naptha Soap, six for .-.a8o E. C. Corn' Hakes,- t pkgs., for aa , And 10 Stamps. Franco-American Soups, . JuMenne Tomate Bouillon, I5o qort cans for ko KalsiBS, California aeei lesa raialns, 16a qul- Uy, at l-te Currant. 12c.. Pkga) 5 'for 8& reaone. Call. Krap , Wuches, 11 H Quality, 2 lbs. for 18o a a M ti R ti ' a a fl a i a a a n a a g h B n n R. a a' D a a W i a y Pi y n a N B i v n i a a 1 1 fi u a y B i -: a b B I n B B B fl B Lightens House Work Work,'Work, Work, Beat, Bresh, Dust and Broom. Tired, dusty, dirty and. nervous before the day la half done. Isn't that the dally, experience of. many s housewife. PEERLESS Suction cleaners do th work 8 thousand times dettermHh . half the work. Gets all the dirt on -the surface and under the surface, behind registers and radiators and cracks and crevices. And does it DUSTLESSL V. ttliutratrd bonk anil adttrtu of nrarrst PEERLESS dralfT Irn n rtquttl 10 Manufacturer - Outlet Company, Mfgl '89 Chambers Street, New YerV Tm Sale If J'll THE RLLIA2LE STORK '. The Bennett Company. Orohard 8s Wllhelm Carpet Co. . 011... , ..... For Big, Little Offices That Expect to Grow Far men who dassnd systenaufe BMthods tast tlghte labor, eliminate mlsUkta, stop kas er ifapladng' of important letters or saasii (ftftl't will frvre aa investinent of many returns. ' ; - USIfin m yowr omos nans SE it paaaible to hare every important Utter, Contract, Price List, Stock Record er Inventory Sheet within eeqr roach under yur vert thumb -always. w To Work kt ftarr Of floe) And m your burtiM pm and th txmti imlui idaM fro. tifM M ttana, r4 awrafttl ntperaM, wilt gfvt too t Rlitt rya. tsm Out for rwlkbtl-iy Mtl aAckac will bt pwrrVtlon iiMlf. ItdO tv twfaaaiittmlty font from eaTTwfuUy Mtwowd qu-rtr-MjBi oak and jrwTruin pnahofviiy. . W fruanurt? Umm UBranory tn ryrspct, 8x8 toquahtv. not MtitioWtory. n autcd. iny may rtnrrrfld 1 aur cxrana and tha pnot t nnwtdied wlbngl and etktwfaU. How Sncwlna; an TJnoauaM x.m of Office Desks, Tables, Chairs, and Elastic Bookcases. Popular lilnes at Popular Prices 'Inspection Invited" ORCHARD & WILHELM 414-18-18 Month 16tn Bt. The Back of a Coat Is the tell-tale :the teat of a "good fit." That is. where a man cannot see without a mirror, and hence it Is' a point often overlooked, or rather purposely neglected, by ordinary tailors. Our coats are made to fit as well In the back as In the front in fact, to give "all around" satisfaction to the wearer. Get a guaranteed suit made here. Suits , . $25 to $40 The Lcmdcm 7oih H I ai N a 4 (Tflfftl I t a B Jap Rice, 7c quality, B lbs.; fur 8So Newport Catsup, bottle, at lOo k And 10 Stamps Snider Baled Dresalng, Chill Sauce, or Cock- UU, at 83o And 10 Stamps. Snider'. Catsup, bottle. at '. . . i eao And 10 Stamps. Shredded Wheat Biscuit. pkg.. at .', 18 Ho And 10 Stamp. Diamond O Boap, 8 bars for 86o Sterling Silver Gloa btarcii, 8-lb. ., box ..60o And 10 Stamps. Gillette's "Mustard, larire jar l&o And 10 Stampa. Qiien-Cldar Vlngar, qt. bottle for BSo And t0 Stampa. Crax'kera, I ten a Soda nd Oyater, -lb. box. for 8l-a Loaf Sugar, French rut, pkg.' 8 And 10 Stamps. Cocoanut Bars Cookies, per ib. '. " ISO Hen's Tourist and Gra ham Crackers, pkw.. - for .,... , t 10 . And 10 Stamps. a y u a u R H Tha Loncsl Rate of iha Season is CALIFOPallA an,d the SOUTHWEST via t ' Missouri Pacific Tickets on sale from March 1st to April 15th (inclusive). For Information In de tail, see or write TIIOS.F. GODFREY, Vat, and Ticket Agent. 1428 rarnam Bt. Owaba. In Our Famous Domestic Room 30,000 yards of Mill Ends, and whole pieces of tho finest spring wash goods, ginghams, prints, pongees, white goods, poplins, percales, etc., at lefts than half their regular value We will place them In 4 lots, according to value, at yard ....5S 7c. 10 nd 12Mi AT 0:30 A. M. We will place good long remnants of all kinds of wash goods, linings, etc, at yard .' . , 2 H AT 1:30 P. M. We will place another large line of good wash goods, etc., sold at 10c to 15c a yard, good long lengths, 34 to 8 yards; not damaged, but perfect goods, at yard , 3V4 AT 2 p. M. AH the remnants from the high-grade wash goods and white goods, up to 69c a yard, all at one price, yard 10 6 sales of different goods will be called on the floor at a very low price. $5 Laces Friday at 59c Yard One More Day of the Greatest lace liar- j gain Kvent Omaha Has Ever Known. DAND& rnf-Cfi MPhai i lorje. GALLOONS IN8ERTINCS ALLOVERQ Every yard perfect; all staple, up-to-date goods; not one yatd worth less than $1.00 and up to $5.00 a yard On sale In two big tots Friday- Laces worth $1.00.... Laces worth $1.50.... Laces worth $2.00.... Laces worth $2.60.... Point de Paris Wash Laces, Heavy Cotton Cluny Laces 10c to 20c values 29c (5c Yd.) Laces LAces Laces Laces worth worth worth worth Linen $3.00. $4.00. $4.50. $5.00. Torchon 59c Laces, Fine, Val. Laces, and Zion City Laees, worth 10c to 20c. Don't r.liss Tficso Silk Specials Check Taffetas and Loulslennes, In black and white or blue and white, worth' 75c a yard, 23-inch, printed pongees in different patterns, worth 69o a yard. Also 26-inch tussah pongee, In the new shades, worth 75c a yard, at... . 39 Foulards In a beautiful line of colors, in small and medium effects, splen did quality, at yard 58 30-inch Mark Taffetas 89c values, at yard 69 $1.25 values, at yard 89 30-inch Mark Peau de Sole $1.25 values, at yard ,. . . 89 $1.50 values, at yard $1.19 20-inch Whit Jap Silks. , .19 27-lnch White Jap 'Silk's 20S 39 30-inch White Jap Silks, . 39. 49 Plain and Fancy Silks Thousands of, remnants in all weaves, foulards, pon-' gees, tussah, taffetas, peau de cygnes, etc., values to $1.00 a yard, at ...28 and 38 In Our Domestic Room Ladies' Suit Section A magnificent line of bargains In new Spring Tailor, Suits; all colors and fabrics; all sizes; on Bale, at $12.50 $10 $8.50 $7.50 $5 Ladies' House Dresses; regular $1.60 values, at 98 75c Dressing Sacques 39 Dress Skirts; splendid values at $2.60, choice, at $1.50 Ladles' Wrappers; regular $1.26 val ues, Friday, at G9 Children's Wash Dresses; a chpice Une of styles; matchless qualities, at $2.50 $1.50 98 49 25 $1.50 Ladies' Underskirts, at . .95c4 Ladles White Wash Waist ; new, pretty styles; the resular $1.25 val ues, at ....'....494 $1.25 Long Kimonos, at G9 Furnishing Goods Bargains, in the Domestic Room Men"s 50c Dalbrlgan Underwear white and colors, with double seated drawers, at -25 Men's 75c quality Balbrlggan Under wear, at, garment 30 Men's' Union Suit; Paris knit or Bal brlggan; regular $1.50 values, on sale t , 694 Men's Work Shirts; regular 75c and $1 values, Friday 49i Men's, Ladles' and Children's' Hose worth to 25c, in black and colors on Bale ....7W 10t and 15Vt Children's Summer Underwear All shades; regular values to 35c, now at : 10 and. ISj Men's and Boys' Laundered Shirts values to $1.50, on Bale, each at .2t) and 49 Many Other Splendid Bargains Shown Friday. beautiful spring millinery at less prices.) No. 1 Pork Loins 14 H Pork Chops, at IKr 8 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00 No. 1 Flour, sack $1.45 Wyoming Potatoes, bushel . . . . (J5 Q. E. Welch x BeUt aad Tarn am street Grand Clearance Sale of Draperies :: All remnants and short lengths left over from the week's selling, will be placed In two great lots Lot 1 Consisting of remnants of nets, madras and silks, worth up to $1.28 a yard, your choice Friday, per yard -254! Lot 2 Consisting of remnants of nets, madras, Swisses and all kinds of drap ery goods, worth up to 60c a yard your choice Friday, per yard. , 10( All ruffled swiss curtains, worth up to $2.60 a pair, your choice of the entire lot, each 1 -49i Big line of odd pairs of curtains, worth up to $7.60 a pair, your choice of the lot, per pair $2.5C Small tapestry pieces all colors, some worth up to 75c, the entire lot Frlda only, each 15 'A High Grade Wool Goods Remnants of high-grade wool dress goods. In 4 lots at yard .15. 194. 25c and'aoV About 100 patterns of strictly all wool suitings, 44-inch,. 60-lnch and (4-lnch, that sold from $1.98 to $2.98 a yard; patterns of 6 yards, 7 yards and S yards, all at one price per yard - 4S High-grade linen department remnants of Irish, Scotch and German linens, in 2 yards, 3 yards and 4 yards and sold from 75c to $1.60 a yard will go in 6 lots, at yard , 18. 25. 39. 49 ana 59 , AT THE . REGULAR COUNTER. ; ' 2,000 yards of linen crash at about naif Prico 3,000 yards of sheetings, 9-4, 10-4 and 8-4, also yard wide muslins, at about , ...Half Price Extra specials on both towels and Huck towels at this cotinter. READ THESE GROCERY PRICES FOR FRIDAY'S SALE. We Save You From $5 to $10 a Month On Your Grocery Bill. 48-lb. Hark Best High Patent Flour, 1.S5 18 lbs. Bent Granulated Sugar $1.00 8 Bars Beat 'Km All or Diamond C Boap, for 25e The Best White or Yellow Coornmeal. at sack 12 He 10 lbs. Best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, 26o ( lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans, per lb .2Bo 6 lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Hugo, Barley or Farina, at 4 lba. Fancy Japan Head Rice 25o 6 lbs. Choice Japan Head Rice 26o Bromana-elon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg., JH 1 -lb. Cam Assorted Boupa 7 He The Beet Domeatlo Mac, onl, pkg. . ,8Vo Tall Cans Alaska Salmon 10c Oil or Muatara (taroinen, per can. .. . . .iu 1- lb Cana Fancy Sweet Bucar Corn..7He 2- ll'. (ana Karly June Peas :".c 2-lb. Can Wax, 8trtns. Oreen or Lltna Beann ,, 8-lb. Cans Golden Pumpkin, .Homli.. Haurr Kraut or Baked Beana ...... 7HC Tm. ttt il..Ar, ftantos Coffee, la uc Th. FOmt Tea Slftlnas per Ib 12Hc Choice B. P. Japan Tea, per lb... .iio BTTTTZK, CaTXXn AJTO HCeOB. The Beat. Strictly Fresh No. 1 Eg;s tinr ti oo a dosen. our urlre. ......, . , - , per don Dorinr rORCET Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb....J0o Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb., 28o Fancy No. 1 Dairy Buttur, lb 2fo Fancy Full Cream Clieee. lb H0o tu Tuonvm Kimtif rom nzsac TIOETiSLIB. I bunchea Fresh Asparagus 6a 6 bunches Fresh Onions 6c 6 bunches Fresh Radishes . ...6o J bunches Fresh Leaf Hothouse Lettuce, for 6o Fresh Shalots, Turnips, Carrots or Beets, bunch SViO t bunches Fresh Pie Plant , ua Head Lettuce, per head 7 Ho and Ka Fresh spinach, per peck.,., 16o Fresh Peas, per quart 7 Ho Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 12 Ho New Potatoes, per lb. 7H Fresh Parsley, bunch lu,o Large Cucumbers, each ...,10c and 7 Ho a arxciAX. can or kxoibxawd navix.. The Oraag of Quality K6 ais, per dosen , ..30'. lit slr.e, per dosen, r'" 1(0 aise, per dogen , 20( 178 else, per dosen -"''V 200 slse, per dozen ' Closing- out ta balaiio of krnVbei rrlday. . TRY UAYDEU'S ' FIR? IT PAYO