..TILE BEE.-. OMLUIA. FRIDAY. APRIL 15.. 1010. c B C Jb c .V i- : 5; J;- Br C ft' J) ti a. REAL ESTATE CITT FHUPKHTV FOR SALE. (Continue.) Get Busy Quick " In Creighton's First Addition, No. 2334 South 34th' St., a two-story, 6-roora house, with large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, three bedrooms and bath on second floor, cellar under entire house, cementedT)ottom; good furnace, connected with hot water tank, side entrance to basement; gas, electric light, com bination fixtures with nice dome in dining room. Have just completed decorating house throughout with beau tiful patterns; east fronl with cement walks all around house, lot 49x133, surrounded by beautiful new modern homes. Ilpuse is vacant, can close deal on short notice; price $3,400,' terms $500 or more down, balance monthly on rental basis at 6 interest with privilege of paying larger amounts at any time. , You cannot duplicate this property for the money. .AYe expect some one to snap this up at once. ...... Payne, Bostwick & Slater Sole Agents, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. Open . Every Afternoon 3 Till 5 The new, attractive, modem homes, at 1U1-1U3-1417-1421 and 1423 Plnkney 8t.; r. 6 and 7 rooms each, ail strictly modern, oak finish. Prices $3,200 to $3,900 Each " Hullt by day labor by the best workmen. Selected material. Houses now being papered. Nothing better. Nothing cheaper In the north part of Omaha. If you want a dandy home, ready to move right Into, let us show you these. We know they will please you. Hastings & Heyden, 1814 Harney St. ELEVEN rooms, modern; lot 60x136, good barn, 1 block from 20th and 'Leavenworth. A bargain at 13,600; half cash, will trade 1 for a business property In city. W-340, Bee... . TWO GOOD HOMES AT RIGHT PRICES 13,900 and 4,S0O. respectively, for two seven-room houses, with recep tion hall, two stories, all mod ern, having four bed rooms each, built SVi years, In good condition, one block from 24th Pt car line, SO minutes' walk from business center. Non resident owner must sell and anxious to consummate sale. Corner lot, paved street. In vestigate. . GEORGE & CO.,. Agents. Doug. 75$. 1801 Farnam St. Elegant Residence West Farnam District This property comprises a large res idence and an east frontage at 39th and Dodge Sts. Owner has moved from Omaha and desires to make ini- mediate sale. For particulars apply to The Byron Reed Co., Both .'phones. . "212. South 14th. ... GET THEM TOGETHER Wo have customers for Improved prop erties. If you have something to sell, list It with us. We. want houses of $2,000 to $6 COO value. Payne Investment Company, 8. E. Cor. 15th1 aed Farnam. $4,750, SEVEN ROOMS THOROUGHLY MODERN Reception hall, parlor with elegant fire place, dining room and kitchen, three bed rooms and bath. Every room large and airy, two stairways, heavy 2-lm:h oak doors, downstairs all In oak. Fixtures are the very best, south and east fronts on cor ner lot 60x160. with both streets paved, lVa block from No. 24th St. car. Owner very anxious to sell and has made his price MURK than right. Better Investigate at once. THE ABBOTT REALTY CO., 411-415 Brandels Bldg. Cars K. liolon, Mgr. Doug. 3906. N6-ROOM BARGAIN " NORTH SIDE 6020 N. ISd St.: a very well built, entirely modern house, having nice reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; t bedrooms and bath room on second floor. Full east front lot, 6.1x127 feet, on nice street of homes, one block from car. The owner has declued to sell this property and some oue will get a bargain. The price Is 13.460. Look It over at unre and make an oirer. NORM'S & MARTIN, Doug. 4270; Web. 4.38. 023 Bee Bldg. TWO desirable lots In Florence, two blocks from Msln St. one block from School bouoe. For particulars call owner. J'Uone Harney .SI. TWO BIG SNAPS rooms, rnoderu except heat. In north west poilttui of city; larealot, paved street, concrete walks, shade ueas, aouth front, large barn; elegant location, near car. Frice. $.1.70. ELEVEN-ROOM. TWO LOTS. Eleven-room, two lots (1 A), In southwest part of town, near Hauscom perk and boulevard; near cur. Luok at this puce twice. f:m NOWATA LAMP AND LOT C. Suite N. Y. 1 tie Uidg. ited liM. GOOD 1NVKSTME.N1 5XAF Meat market. Including all fixtures, gaso line engine, computlug scales, kettle and smuke house, tlx living rooms upstairs. Will bring a rental of $40 per month. Owner has clcartd 5.0W annually and on account of leavin gcny will sell for MM Lot Ki-xR. locutud ntir lath and Cuming. Call Uouglaa i Hi Board of Trade Bldg. - . 119 CASH-tl PER WEEK. Will Leavenworth 1 Unix but d ng lots. 1UT21.AKF, M.J Lcavenuriu. 1'hone Harney tu. In Center of City Brick tml'dlng; first-class shtpe; 14 rooms; strictly modern; one-half block off lib lib wue lr month, t'rlce tl.'. OO. . NOWATA LAND A I Art' CO.. . . tune b N. V. Life Uidg. Hii lSt, REAL ESTATE CITY PROI'KRIi FOR HALE. (Continued.) FIELD CLUB OPPORTUN ITIES If you want a good lot with a well-built, S-room, modern house, not new, but In excellent condition, near the Field Club, then you want to look at this one. Lot is 100x140 feet east front, on paved street, with soma fine shade trees and lots of shrubbery. Just the place for some couple who want a good home with rooms all on one floor. The house is too small for pres ent owner, only reason for letting go. Then we have a neat little 5-room cottage In same locality on splendid south front lot, 70x112 feet, that can be sold for 13,000. A splendid corner lot, 140x112 feet, facing 8 streets. Would make excellent location for apartment house. Call us up about these. E. W. Stoltenberg, salesman. ' SELBY Doug. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. Near Creighton University Brand new square house, 6 rooms and re ception hall, finished In oak, now ready for occupancy, maple - floors, south front lot, 60-foo tfrontage. cemented cellar, excellent furnace, gas and electric light, nicely pa pered, located at the northwest corner of 27th Ave. and Chicago St. Price dirt cheap, only $500 cash, balance a trifle more than rent. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 480 Brandels Bldg. Both 'Phones. $375 GOOD BUILDING LOTS Located on Webster Ave.,' between 25th Ave. and 21th Bt. Have city water and cemetit sidewalks. . , ; Terms, J 10 cash and tit a mqnth. ' 'HASTINGS & IEEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. West Farnam We have listed a good, seven-room honse, oak finish first floor, hot air furnace; house In good condition, cement walks and shade trees. Make us an offer. For further particulars see. CREIGH, SONS & CO., Tel. Doug. 200. . 608 Bee Bldg. Bemis-Carlberg Co. $3,260 Six rooms and reception hall, new house, hard wood finish, 2 blocks from car line. 2 stories and cemented collar, lot 60x100. good barn, 4380 La fayette Ave., near school, churches; strictly modern in every respect. Bcmis-Carlberg Co., GEO. P. BEMtS. C. a. CARLBERQ. 4X0 Brandels Bldg. COZT little home, 1025 Miami St.; lot 40x M0; (-rooms, fine lawn and shade trees; ttty water, gas, H,8umj can make terras. CAN YOU BEAT THIS! $75 Cash, $15 Per Month Five-room cottage, newly repaired, city water, sewer, closet, gas. concrete walks; lot 37x105 ft; cloee in. Only $1,660. Neat 5-room cottage, full lot, ffalt, out building, etc.; a very attractive suburban home, near 47th and Franklin, for oniy $l.SnO. Choice new 6-room modern house, full lot. fine location. Prlca reduced to $2,800 for Immediate sale. We have more Ilka these. Call and let us start you on owning your home. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. loth and Harney. I ROOM. NEW, MODERN. $250 DOWN balance very easy. Paved street, concrete walks; large lot; fine neighborhood; two blocks to car. 6-ROOM MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 2M cash, balance a trifle more than rent New paved street, southeast fronl; near car. y NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 634 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone. Red 1993. ' IN BENSON South front lot on Lucaa St., near Burnham, 50x128 feet; for sale on easy payments $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. Price $190.00. DWIG1IT WHJLIAMS, Bee Office Tel. Harney 3070 after 6 P. M. ! AM going away and my home of 1 Bice large rooms In first claaa condition la tot sale. B.M Call 2270 bpauldlng Bt. $775 DUNDEE LOT We have one of the most sightly located lots In Dundee that we can veil for $;',, orated on Nicholas Bt.. between tlst and a-a eta. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harnny St. Ope Acre Fruit Farm. right In town: nice house, chicken-house electric light In street; on street car line you never saw us cual. Price $2.1JW. Terms. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Eulie t4 N. Y. Life Uldg. Is Red 139. REAL ESTATE CITY PHUPKRT1 FOR BALE. (Continued.) 5 TO 10 ACRES Two mtleg west of Florence, just op posite level concrete road. Fine tracts for fruit, garden truck or poultry. Good, high land. Price $150 to $165 an acre. Terms, M cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 years. Will take you out any time. Garvin Bros, 318 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. .952. OR Thor Jorgensen Florence. Phone 367. REAL ESTATE FARM A.tD RANCH LAXD FOR IALH Arkaatsaa. 130 ACRES 35 cultivation; 1.300 Elberta peach trees; $S50. 1.920 acres, black alfslfa land; timbered; $,90. Robert Sessions, Wlnthrop. Ark. DfTllTTllPTTf. motam nf irlr.n...' ' .(- ... N .... .l.L mAn,.n ...... . .1 ITI 111. f.ll. , . . 1 1 HIUUIIIAlll .VfO, I. JM climate, flowing springs; farms all sixes, all prices. Write J. C. Mitchell & Co., Fayettevllle, Ark. California. CALIFORNIA LANDS. Free homes In -southern California, finest and, now open for homestead; finest cli mate, soil and water; this wont last long; the chance of a lifetime; excursion May 3. For full particulars and descriptive cata logue call on or address John Maresh, Hotel Boquet, Omaha, Neb. Canada. BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS. 100,000 acres near Fort Oeorge on Orand Trunk 'Pacific. Rich soil. Ideal climate; small or large blocks; on easy terms. The Mercantile Trust ' Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. ' , Cnlera. COLORADO LAND FOR SALS BY OWNER. At tit M.6M acres of good land, mostly smooth and rolling, fine soli, to be sold In ene body, IS to M miles east of Denver on the Union Pacific H. R. south of Watklns, Bennett and BU-ausburg. This tract Ilea close to above towns. The land la all fenced and many times croafc-fenced. Other improvements! Houses, . barsa, aheds, cor rals, private telephone, eta. Good alfalfa and bay land; also springs and other water ings. Extra good proposition for sub dividing or colonising. No afteata need ap ply. Buy direct from owner. MOAtt CAN.N, Lw4 Olabarm Place. Denver. Colo. I OWN about 9,000 acres of the choicest Kiowa county, Colorado, land, which must be sold within sixty days; the best bargain In Colorado. Fred K. Hodgson, Fergus Falls, Minn. Delaware. DELAWARE FARMS, delightful climate, productive soil, best markets, the Ideal (arming country; we guarantee satisfaction; end for free catalogue. McDanlel A Mc Daniel, Dover, Del. . Florida. J. F. WTLCOX, Council Bluffs, la,; larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. FLORIDA FARMS CHEAP Would you Invest In a t, 10. 20 or 40-are fruit, vegetable, . poultry, pecan or truck farm in Florida's best agricultural district If you could get It for $10 per acre under the market price? we are just opening up a new tract of land In Columbia county, Florida, and while constructing the cam paign, we will sell In this vicinity a few tracts on cash or easy payments of $5 per month and at $10 per acre under the market price. We have just Issued a beautiful 20 page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings In our locality, all in artistic col ors. We will mall you this book free and send you such other advertising matter as win give you a good idea oi our propor tion. Our land Is convenient to two rail roads and we have a modern city of 6.000 people In our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one of the very best propositions in Florida. It Is endorsed by hankers, congressmen, rarmcrs and tne Board of Trade. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 349 Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Iowa. FOR EXCHANGE Good $9,500 atock dry goods, shoes and groceries;-what have you in clear land or income property T M. ti. Wlnnard, Wyoming, la. IOWA corn land Is best land; 110 acres four miles town, fair buildings. $3,000: lfio acres two miles town, fair buildings, $8,503. Write "S. & Buffalo Center, la. 498 ACRES of bottom land In Iowa, near Council Bluffs; price, $75 per acre; will take $16,000 In clear land or good merchan dise. Also 80 acres In Harrison county; will trade equity for something clear that Is worth the money. Address D. M. Rem ington, Mondamln, la. Ka a KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent rent.- Best alfalfa In the world. Easy terms. If not as represented, will return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 19IO. POSSESSION 80-acre farm; well Im proved; rich soil; 65 acres In cultivation; near good town In southeast Kansas; price, 12. MM). Address owner, D. R. Flnley, Caney, Kan. 620 ACRES pasture, well fenced, plenty water, In Barber county, Kansas, for rent, sale or exchange; state what you have. Owner. R. S. Few. l.ila. Kan. $20 ACRES. In Mead county, Kansas, all In cultivation, quarter ciop goes with land, soli A No. 1; price. $30; will take Omaha residence up to $4,000. LATIIROP TOBIN. 415 Bee Building. THE CREAM OF THE CREAM. We have for sale six farms located In eastern Kanitas within 70 miles of Kansas City; they are convenient to schools churches, and good towns on main line of railway; most of them are well Improved, arid sightly locations. In richness of soil they are equal to the best lands In Jackson county. Missouri of Johnson county. Kan sas, which sell at from $100 to $2&0 per acre. We will sell tbeae farms at from t'ia to $55 per aero; $T per acre will buy as good a farm, with as good Improvements, as can be bought In the above counties at from $125 to $150 per acre. No trade, but fair terms. Act promptly. ST. J6HN oc PARKtSK. Olathe, Kan. Illinois. DESIRE aome choice equities In good, well located land, having small Incum brance against; have good, clear property to offer. Bunnell Le tiourd, 101 Callan der Ave., Peoria, 111. Btlaaeaota. FOR SALE My fine Improved farm of ISsVa acrea. three miles from Montioello, Minn., improvements, soil and location all good; price, $i.5 per acre; will sell with a sniull payment down and easy terms on the remainder. C. W. Woeabc, Greene, la. Misuari, 1 ACRES between ?.ee'a Summit and Ions Jack, on rock road; well Improved; price. $4. WO. Jchn W. Luttrcll. lcdepen dence. Mo. FOR SALE on long time and easy terms; 4 unimproved 20-arre tracts- and 4 10 scre tracts, on good road. H mile to school, t mlies to Blue Springs; price F16 per acre. George Hughes, . Blue bprlnga, llg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND IIAMH I.AU FOR HALF, M I saon r $ C on 1 1 a a e a . FOR SALE In Camdon rounty. Mo., splendid ranch tract, 620 acres; springs, running stream: tiO acres Improved; clover meadow: bottom land; blue stem graes; free ranre. Also ISO arres Joining famous Ha Ha Tonka park, and manv other tracts, small and large, amounting to 10.000 acres. Price, terms, address. A. K. Jackson, Cli max Springs, Mo. 1W-ACRE bottom farm; every acre till able; 6-room hotie and other outbuildings; 3ft acres under plow; fenced and cross fenced; S acres hog pasture, fenced with plank; 40 acres pasture, balance saw tim ber; plenty of water; want Income prop erty, merchandise or, notes secured bv first mortgages on real estate; price $60 ' per acre. Address H. F. Clardy, Ethel. Mo. SOUTH MISSOURI CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCHES. J.U'O Taney county; Improved, watered; $5; terms. 2.200 Christian county-t Improved; snap; $13. 1,400 Oregon county; unimproved; dandy; 2.300 and 1.900 Carter county; $5. 2.000 and 1,240 Taney county; $4. 60 and 440 and 1.400; $C. All well watered, fine grass and snap bargains. OSAGE REALTY, CO., Osceola, Mo. ORCHARD lands and cheap, on easy terms If interested write South Mis souri Land and Orchard Company, Doni phan, Mo. ReairasBUB. ' FARM 'BARGAIN. Most re sold on account ef owner's health; well Improved 120-acre farm 7H tnllea from town; price, $36 per acre; eaay terms. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield. Neb. WESTERN REAL ESTATE. Farm and town property where railroad right-of-way is bought through. Klnkald homesteads. Dry land to coma under gov ernment canal. Don't wait Address P. a Box No. lnl, Ueiing, Neb. FARMS, Improved and unimproved ranches. , F. J. Dlshner, O'Neill. Neb. INSPECT AND YOtT WILT, RTTV THIS 12.600 acres In southwest Ark., 7 miles city of ,uw; rauroaa station on land; Red River valley; solid, body; no richer farm land; several Improved farms on tract; hickory, oak. ash. timber.- For quick sale, $7.60 per acre; terms. Inspect and you will buy, LEGRAND W. JONES, Texarkana. Ark. Tex. AUCTION SALE OF GOOD LANDS TO BE HELD IN OMAHA ON MAY 3, at 2 p. m. Every acre must,' and ' will be sold to the highest -bidder, regardless of price. 4.078 acres of good unimproved raw land. Located In' Valverde county, Texas, close to town on main line of Southern Pacific railroad. Will sell In tracts of 60 acres and up to suit purchaser. Terms, $1.50 per acre cash, balance long time. Call or write! for circulars, mapa and full par ticulars. 1 - , This Is a rhance for you to buy good land at your own price. Write today. - S. E. WArr & CO. (Trustees.) 17 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. North Dakota. LARGE and small tracts of land for sale In North Dakota and Montana. Missouri Valley Land Co., Dickinson, N. D. 100 IMPROVED FAJtMS FOR RALE $500 will buy one, balanee half crop payments. Wadsworth Land and fl'ree Co., Langdon, N. D. . TEN THOUSAND acres of homestead land In fertile Ward county, N. D. A snap; $13 per acre. Lyon Land and Loan Co.. Bowbells, N. I). STUTSMAN CO., N. D.. SECTION. For sale, an extra fine smooth section, well located; heavy black soil, $30 per acre. No trades. W. W." Eberhardt, Mankato, Minn. -t-.a bit Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA. BARGAINS 400 acres extra 2d bottom, two 'Sets Improvements, $62.60 per acre. Best county for corn, wheat, cats and" alfalfa; Our list free. Farms $3,000 -to' $8)000. Lefebrve & Wood, new turn, urn. 110-ACRE Oklahoma farm for sale or ex change for city property or business. Thos. J. Harrison, Pryor,.,)kl. ... tAuAiiuinA mat, cucuiara inn price list on farms, sent ton request. S IS T . tTAtl . . n I . . . . IraStout, 'Gushing, Old. OKLAHOMA We have 100,000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging In price from $5 to $40 per acre. This land la In the oil and gas district and you might get an oil well with your land. ' NOWATA, LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624. New York Life Bldg. South;;, Dakota. GRANT COUNTS'. S." D., FARM 3. 160 acres a miles from Troy; 120 acres under plow; 20 . arres timothy, balance meadow; all nice, 'level land; best of soil; small house and granary; fine farm. Price, $5,2f0; $2,250 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 820 acres-2 miles from Troy, 120 acres under plow, balance all tillable; good soli; no buildings; a beauty. Price, $10,500; one half cash and balance at 6 per cent. 320 acres 2tt miles from Troy; 120 acres under plow, 70 acres tame grass, 100 acres fenced for pasture: all nice land and all tillable; nice large house, good barn, gran ary, etc.; nice grove trees; 2 wells, good water, 66-barrel cistern; a beautiful home. Price, $13,300; one-half cash and balance at t per cent. 660 acres 5 miles from Troy; 400 acres under plow, 30 acres tame grass, balance pasture and hay land; 25 acres fenced; 12 acres grove; fine large house, large barn, granary and other buildings; well of good water, windmill, task- etc.; to own this farm means to be happy. Price, $40 per acre; $9,000 cash and balance at t per cent. Also have raw prairie lands for sale on easy terms. Address, THOMAS K. STEVENS, Troy, 8. D. DOUGLAS COUNTT-320 acres H mile Armour, 260 crop, balance alfalfa and hay, fair imp.; Al farm, easy terms. 320 acre 8 miles Armour. -one of the very best Im proved farms In county,' land perfect, 100 acres tame grass, balance crop cultivation, fine grove, orchard; this Is one of the best bargains In county. 820 acres t miles Ar mour. 250 culttv., new barn, fair house; a genuine bargain In this. 160 acres, all culti vated, no buildings; a bargain, near town. 16 other choice Improved farms In Douglas and Charles Mix counties, prices $40 to $70 per acre. BRULE COUNTY 3K0 acres 2H miles Pukwana, new house, other buildings good, 2:0 cultivated, land the best. C40 acres H mile Pukwana. 110 crop, all good, tillable land, good set improvements, at a bargain. lt acres 4 miles Pukwana, well Improved, one of the best snaps in county. 120 acrea 2 miles town, well Improved, a snap. 60 other improved and unimproved places In Brule and Buffalo counties. $20 up. Have nothing but the very choicest pieces of land. Write for further- information and lists. W. T. BARTLETT, S05 Grain Exchange Bldg., Sioux City. Ia. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. 640 acres, lying on the valley at the foot of the Wesslnuton hills, with 5,000 worth of improvement!!, consisting of a good, new bank barn 40x65, Willi plenty of room for hay, cattle and horses; a good eluht-room houre, granary and corncrib; artesian well, running through hog pasture; euO acres of this land Is as good land as there Is in Hand and llradle countlea, with Just enough slope to drain nicely; the other forty acres conslkts of twelve acres of Rood natural timber, good hlsh building spot and fine pasture land; 400 acres of this land la In cultivation and 200 acres Is fine hay meadow; level land and should be cultivated; this land paid 15 per cent Inter est on the investment for the last five year; It can be bought for the small rum of $42.50 per acre, on good terms; the pluce has the advaniagea of rural free delivery and telephone; this section is cither an In vestment or a home for anyone to handle, with or without stock, as It lies tributary to cheep pasture land; only six miles from Wcasingion, and will bear cloae inspection; trlH is one of fifty or more barpulns tht ae can offer. Weesington Valley Land Co.. WcEsuiglu'i, 8. D. BUY IRRIGATED LAND. Best investment on the market, choice flreded lands under the IMie Koitrehe pru tct, we can sell as low as $2) per acre; rite for pnrticilare. C. M. RICH, &4I Boe Bldg . Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM A.M HtMil l,AM FOR SAI.F. oata Dakota .('tlaaed. I HAVE for quick sale a fin H section spven miles from Midland, 115 acres in nice growing wheat, land all under fence and cross lence; small house and barn; will sell . this land at $22 per acre. Including crop and new disc and mower, good wagon and other farm machinery; will carry bark $2,500 at 7 per rent Interest. Como quick If you want this snap. Hudson Land Agency, Midland, S. D. WRITE for big. new list of South Da kota and Minnesota lands to exchange for general merchandise, hardware, cattle. In come; give full particulars, llaalltt'a Land Agency, Marlon, 8. D. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND The rush Is on for Stanley county laud; several new lines of railroad now building In this county Buy now and double your money in the next two years. Choice lands selling at from $12 to $IH per acre. For maps and In formation write to Felland Realty Co., 6.11 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Texaa. FOR HALE At a bargain, an Oklahoma farm. In the richest agricultural portion of state. For particulars address Geo. J. Martin, Amarlllo, Tex. SPECIAL fine proposition of 7,6M acres; ail fine land; Joining the city of Midland, Tex., on T. P. R. It.; part can be sold for town lots; balance for farms; already run out In tracts from 80 acres up; all tillable; the town Is booming, and this can be handled on $40,OUO cash; will agree to give deeds with each M) tracts with separate set of notes; 10 annual payments, per cent Interest; can furnish blue print: write me at once. Will Jennings, Italy, Tex. FOR SALE-Cheap land. In old Mexico and Rio Grande valley, Texas; any size tract; adapted to sugar cane, cotton, fruits and general agriculture; large acreage timber, mineral oil and graxlng; some Im proved ranches. Address O. O. Hillebrandt Co., Lands, Loans and Investments, Browns villa, Tex. Ohio. BUSINESS PROPERTY In Flndlay, O.. for western land;- property rents for 15 per month; fine location In one of the best towns In Ohio; will give you good trade. Write for further particulars. Chas. Stay man, Fort Dodge, la. Virginia. , WHY remain where the climatic condi tions are so much against you whnn you can purchase the richest land, at lowest prices, in the country of Manatee? A ten acre farm here will net as much as 100 acres In the north; delightful climate, no drouths, convenient markets, abundant labor, good schools; goods shipped from this county are sold at highest prices In northern markets; establish a fruit and vegetable farm here and become Independ ent; write for booklet. J. W. White, Gen eral Industrial Agent, S. A. L. Railway, Norfolk, Va. Washington. DAIRYING PAYS. And nowhere better than in Snohomish county, Washington. But little freexing or hot weather, no bad storms and small grain, grass, roots and most fruits yield great; no failures. Butter 30c per lb. and higher. Our best dairymen have money In plenty; 18 years ago I brought cows here from Wisconsin and have done dairying, so talk confidently. I am now selling real estate and many farms. Have one- of 165 acres, mostly bottom land, near large condensery and good city; water piped into buildings, now support ing 40 cows. Price with tools and some stock, $16,600. Good terms. More bis and little. Write for particulars. J. A. BAKER, Room S Walsh Bldg., Everett, Wash. Wyoming;. FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyoming line; consists of 9,500 acres of. graxlng and hay land; ranch Is now stocked with, cattle and sheep; will' sell ranch with or without stock. For further particulars apply to Harry Tatham, Jelm, Wyo. . . , REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 6, 6 and '-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Llfa B'dg. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and i warranto. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg GARVIN BROS., SIR N. Y. Life, $600 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. $500 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-21M. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg. SWAPS WILL TRADE 320 acres of land In Chase county. Neb., for- residence property In Omaha; property must be modern and In desirable location. Land lays smooth and level; the very best of soil; no finer land In the state. Address, P. O. Box 372, Weep ing Water, Neb. TO EXCHANGE Improved Oklahoma farm for stock- merchandise. Box 278, Frankfort, Ind. IF YOU want good Kansas farms for your flats, residence or other Income prop erty list with us. LATHROP & TOBIN, 415 Bee Building. - $8,000. $17,000. $20,000. General merchandise. $15,000 $17,000 hardware, wants Jand. Please give legal numbers In first letter. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19. ONE of the finest fruit farms ever built; 20 acres large and small fruit; modern house; an Ideal home and a big money maker. It Is worth 7,000. Do you want it? vnWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1X9. CLOSED carriage or street back, landau let style, hut lule used, made by Cunning ham and sold new for $1,000. This carriage Is now worth $CO0 In cash, but we would exchange It for horses or for vacant prop erty or for western land, Johnson, Dun forth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. I have 320-acre farm, level and all In high stale of cultivation; 6 acres beautiful grova. 9-room house, with, hard wood floor; gxmd well, cistern, garden, small fruit, beautiful Lawn. Large, new barn for stock and hay; granary, hog hoiftie, chicken house, car riage shed; everything In first class con dition. Buildings palmed. It s a picture of a rruKlern farm "Homo Sweet Home" Located In Dakota, one and ono-half miles from a town of 2.010. Price $75 an acre. Clear of Incumbrance. . Arn moving to Omaha, and want to take a nice, modern little home as part payment. What have you that's clear? Call Monday, Room 40, Rmn-r Hotel, Omaha. George W. Bowder. You Want a larm the other fellow wants city property er stock of goods. We want me commission, rend us full description in first letter end ae will it' you a trade. NOWATA LAND LOT CO. Suite 624 N. Y Life Bids. Red I WE handle exchanges of properties of merit HARRY 11. CULVER. WJ-M0 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone D 76. COAL AND TIMBER land for rale or exchange for good Income pmperiy. A. 1. Lrysuu, Union Bio. Oliiaha, Nep I IRRIGATED farm In Toyah valley; 160 acres In alfalfa, 40 acres ready for corn; this la said to be the best farm In the valley; will pay 20 per cent this year. Write 8. K. Washuw. Saragosa, Texas. TAILORS O. A. LIN QUEST CO., 2.3 FAXTON Pl.K. MAX MORRIS. 301 BROWN BLOCK. HARRY MARTIN. R. 1. U. a Bank Bldg. V. TAUCHEN, Krug Theater Bjdir WANTED TO BUY IIVTST PRICK paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. 'Phone Douglas Hy71. SECOND-HAND clothing, rarty, afternoon dreseee. John r'eldman, D. tU or Ind. A-2t. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Phone. Douglaa S!7L I BltT, sell and exchange eecond-hand goods. Sol Rosenberg, 103 8. 14th. Doug. 6386. KE1SER pays beet for furniture, etc. Antique furniture cheap. 1020 Center. D. 6-a. WANTED-6.000 feather beds. Write or phone D. 7503, Metropolitan Feather Co., 801 N. 20th. BEST PRICES paid for Id-hand furni ture, carpets, stoves, clothes, shoes. D. 621. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease a good hotel fur nished, or take the management; can fur nish all the help; best of references; years' experience. C. M. D., General De livery, Council Bluffs. We Are Getting Numerous Calln For Houses of All Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. $24 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Phone Red ltW9i WISH to rent or lease five or six-room cottage. Must be modern and In good residence district. Address. W-21S Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS A CLEAN, energetic young man, with two years' experience as head clerk to sales and traffic mju.igoi' of litifce manufactur ing company desires position in advancing route of similar character. References. Ad dress B 2i0, care line. J?1 ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate trannfers for April 11. laio, furniHhed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, L14 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 28tio: S. P. Bostwick and wife to U. S. Hutchinon, lot 18 and w9 ft. of lot 17. Baltimore Park .$2,003 James Kozak and wife to Joseph Kugler, e42 ft. of Rl40 ft. of lot i2. Barker's Allotment 1,25 Charles R. Sherman and wife et al. to Alfred D. Fouler et al., sub. lot 20, block 3, Capitol add 40.000 H. C. Rich to Charles H. Cherry, lot 25, block 2, Clark Redick'a add 775 E. Nordin and wife to I. Kyhl, siO ft. of lot 7, block 2, Mcintosh's subd.... 3,500 C. L. Poppleton, trustee, et al. to Ida Sharp et al., lot 8, block 28, Popple ton Park 3.0U0 Boulevard Park Improvement Co. to F. A. Chase, n20 ft. of lot 10 and s20 ft. of lot 11, block 8, Boulevard Park 1 Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Rail road Co. to Chicago, St. Paul, Min neapolis Railway Co., part of lot 2, block "H," city, and other land 372 Home Terrace Co. to A. W. Oakley, lot 28, block 3, Home Terrace 275 Josephine Plcka to Paulina Lungpaul, lot 2. block 12, Brown Park 1 Paulina Lungpaul to Josephine Plcka, same 1 C. H. Brown and husband et al. to McCague Investment Co., lot 8, block 164, city 46,126 Kenwood Realty Co. to Edna L. Kel logg, lot 392, Kenwood 86 Thede B. Reed and husband to John H. Martin, lot 12, block 2, Drake's add IVQ Charles Miller and wife to Frit'x Mul- ' ler, part lot 1, Morrison's add 3,500 State National bank of Cleveland, Ohio, to Henry Schrelner, lots - 16o . and 167, Lenox 10 Carl Thorson and Wife to C. P. Wesln, lot 9, replat block, 7, Bemls Park Frank M. Keatley and wife to Mary A. Klebba, e'-i of lot 9 and all of lot 10, block "E," Prospect Place i 2,300 William R. Morand and wife, to B. . , Schlank. e40 ft. of woO ft. of eH of lots 1 and 2, block 1, Boggs & Hill's ' 2d add 750 Lizzie C. Brown and husband to 11. C, Blackstoue. s40 ft. of lot 7, block 7, Boulevard Park 1 Hastings & Heyden to Mary Egan, lot 15, block 9, Patrick's 2d add 2,650 G. Nicotera et al. to John Zltnlk, eft of lot 8, block 1, Shull's add 1,500 A. W. Jones and wife to James H. Artherton and wife, lot 11. block 145, South Omaha 7t0 Thomas Spellman and wife to Chris M. Pullman, lot 12, block 8, Bedford Place l.WO G. F. Klsasser and wife to Maggie Heater, all of block 31, Ambler Pace 3,200 P. Nelsen and wife to William P. Johnson and wife, lots 19 and 20, block 6, Baker Place 1,800 P. NelBen to William P. Johnson, lot 21, block 6, Baker Place 1 K. Parker and husband to Frank F. Retrhardt, wM, of of nei,, 31-16-13 2.850 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC BUILDING. Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming, March 14th, 1910. Sealed Proposals In triplicate will be received until 2 P. M., mountain time, April 18th, 1910, for the Con struction and Klectrlo Wiring of a Reinforced Concrete Root House, Plan 195. Plans and Specifications on file at Office of Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb.. Chief Quarter master, Department of the Colorado, Den ver, Colo., Builders' Exchange, St. Paul, Minn., and the American Contractor, Chi cago, III. Or the same may be had from this office upon deposit of five ($5.00) dol lars, which will be promptly refunded upon their safe return. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be Indorsed, "Propo sals for Root-House," and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Mac kenzie. Wvo. Meh-21-22-23-24. A-15-18 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Maximum Steamship Luxury mu Hi Six Days New York-Paris Companie GtWrale Transati&ntique Elegant modern expreas steamers leave New York for Havre, Thursdays 10 A. M. Express train connections for Paris and all continental points. Passengers have the comforts of famous hotels superior cuisine, palatial suites, mag nirlcent salons, orchestras, gymnasium, eleva tors, roof gardens, dally paper and every desired luxury. Naval olliceru: man-o'-war dis cipline. Safety Is amply provided for by wilO Vets and submarine bell tlgnalst La Touralne, April 21 La Lorraine, May 5 La Savole ....May 12 La Provence, May 19 La Touralne, May 26 La Lorraine, June 2 Addition! alllan at td cabin price alternate Saturday! by popuitr one cltis cabin itaain 4i to IC2.W. J. at, KET1IOLDS, 1802 Turnara Bt. W. B. BOCK, Agt. C. M. fc Bt. V. By. K. O. BHIBI.DB, 1601 Farnam St. bOUia tr8E, First national Bank. HAMBURG AMERICAN All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, etc.) London-Pa ris- Hamburg (a) Cincinnati, Apr.M.llAMKOOraf Waldnrsa Mar 11 (b) Amanita Apr. lOjlh) K. Au(. Via. .May il (aj Praa. Grant.. ..May i!luachar May 36 (c) ParineyWanla. Mar 11 lUvutarhland .... May U tt Klti-1'.arlton a la Can Hratauranl. (r) Hamburg 0 tract. (a) Naw. Hamburg-American Una, 46 B'way, K. T. or local Agents TRAVEL ABB TOU SEEKING BTBW VACATION O OH'PTJimIBi TOU WIXi ri THEM XBT SWITZERLAND TUB rABASIBB Of gCZHIO BBAUTT Let us acquaint you with tlieni. Or, If you have decided to visit Europe It will pay you to make use of our Information bureau. No fees. Expert advice and prac tical suggestions freely tendered. H-tid a postal today for a free copy of HOW TO SEE BW ITZERLAN I) arid our Travel let ter No W WIS rXDXBAL BAII.RO AD an ruta Ave. mw rora oity. ROW OVER GARBAGE JOULES Wording- of Cards Arouses Ire of Housekeepers Who Tay. MANY KICKS ARE COMING IN Authorities Admit that the WnriU Ins la Bad and Hope to Watla faclorlly straighten Oat the Taaale. There appears to be a small African In the city garbage ordinance after all. His head Is Just beginning to show and some puzzled householders are evincing a dis position to hit It. The trouble arises ovr the wording of the lines relating to charges, which at tracted no attention at the time the ordi nance was adopted and licenses Issued. On the cards Issued by the health office for the Information of householders dealing with the garbage contractor It Is set out that the contractors are to collect 10 ou 15 cents, as the case may be, for empty ing cans of less than twenty gal lons." with higher amounts for cans of "less" than thirty or fifty gallons. So, If a can contains only two gallons and Is emptied by the collector the charge la the same as If It contained nineteen gallons. Several kicks have already been made to the health commissioner's office, but the difficulty has been straightened out without any lawsuits up to date. Word I as Is Bad. Dr. Connell and his assistants admit (hut a better wording would have beon "tnn on "tivrny r-xpresthe have their gallons or less," but they also exp view that householders need not garbage cans emptied until they are full provided the stuff Is kept tightly confined. Rome kicking has also arisen and com plaints have followed that the collectors are not as prompt as they might be In gathering garbage when notified. The con tractors defend themselves against this charge with the statement that, as the sys tem Is new. It will steadily Improve In this particular. Under the old plan they went everywhere, while under the new plan they must have notice to call. ' " I ' I Water Expert Still at His Work Will Make Detailed Report ofHii Findings After He Returns to Washington. Dr. Leon L. Lumsden of the marine hos pital service, who Is making. an Investiga tion of the health conditions In Omaha, with special reference to the rnsens why typhoid fever should prevail at certain seasons nf the year, has about completed his house-to-house canvass. ' ' , This canvass was made tinder the guid ance of Sanitary Inspector Claude Bossle of Health Commissioner Connell'a staff, and Is the first of Its kind ever attempted In this section' of the country.' Before start ing out. Dr. Lumsden made a list of more than 100 Omaha' homes wherein t typhoid fever had been reported since It first ap peared last December. Every place so re ported was visited by the maiMne hospital expert and the local Inspector. When the purpose of their visit was explained the people interviewed willingly gave all the Information they were aaked for. This covered' two Score' or more of questions, going to every possible element that could have any bearing on the general question. When Dr. Lumsden gets his data completed and In shape for publication, probably after his return to Washington, ;te will be able to set out Just how many cases of typhoid originated elcewhere and came to Omaha and how many can propel ly be credited to local conditions. - As Uncle Sam's Investigators go about their business In the most thorough man ner, and always test carefully their find ings before making them public. Dr. Lums den's report need not be expected for some time. He promises, however. It will be made dust as soon- as possible, end will carry such recommendations aa his pains taking Investigation, extending over a month or more, may lead him to make for the avoUance of typhoid epidemics In the future. t i l A Bloody Affair Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It and cure week lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. Kins New Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' War Threatened Over Market Space City Market Master Has Sold Space and Retailers and Commission Men Don't Like It. War Is threatened between the Retail Grocers' association and City Marketmas ter Kllllan. Mr. Kllllan secured the Indorsement of the city council for a proposal to auction off the sidewalk space within the. limits of ficially designated on. Eleventh and Jack son streets for market purposes. Hucksters and market gardeners bought these spaces at an average price of $10 and the city will thus get some Income from this eource, probably several hundred dollars In the course of a year. When the spaces on the sidewalks were sold the grocers' agent protested and com mission men also thought they had a kick coming, but Mr. Kllllan stood pat and soon the test will' come. wHen 'the gardeners be gin to bring In their stuff for sale. Then enters another source of worry for the marketmaster. Eleventh street Is to be repaved and workmen are now tearing up the old pavement, preparatory to putting down the new. Mr. Kllllan fears the street will be blocked' to use just at the time when his tenants will want to take posses sion. He has taken the matter up with City Engineer Craig and so far as pos sible the engineer's office will co-operate to have the new pavement rushed to com pletion. The loss! Kleea ef Goad Health. The restorative power of aound sleep can not be over estimated and any ailment that prevent It la a menace to health. J. It. Southers, Eau Claire, Wis., says: "For a long time I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, because of pains across my back and soreness of my kid neys. My appetite was very poor and my general condition was much run down. I have been taking Foley Kidney Pill but,, a ahort time and now deep as sound as rock. I eat and enjoy my. meals, and my general condition I greatly Improved. I can honeitly recommend Foley' Kldniy Flli as I knew tuey have cured ma" For ale by U druggists. Kpaaish Parliament llsolvd. MADRID. April 14,-Klng -Alfonso today - - - . ji.-miiii nrllamtnt The iirw Parliament wl 1 be elected la Way and will assemble June 16.