Daily Oziii's 1910 Census 525 f:r ihz Arser Fir .-hriiK.i ?h.:T 'r. Far I-vi Pr-'hOI 5,iihh. For w a :i - piirt pii Z VOL. XXXIX- OMAILA. TIIUuSDAY lIORXTXr.. AFRIT H. 1?!-) TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CEIsTS. AUSTRIA KEAK'' V lulien Will Get JEFFERSON DAY Corninc? in Pairs iCOMlC OPERA IJY ' GRAND JIKYMEX i iUraaiatic Term Applied to Prseat- I meat far Libel Ajsast Secretary R)R R00SEVEL. '"ka OH ice. IS CELEBRATED Senators Agree Visana. tie Capital City. ViU Extead Cificial TCrlcoa ta Eiana gaiaaei Aziencaa. Eij Baa'raeta of rJeamcrats Ar? Held at Wishj.ajtoa aad at Iadiaaa-jolia, i nnid raca tsz eitaj sqte Cmaia Xaa Heioaiaieadsd far Eeap poiataieat to JjrJiem. Positiaa by X tubers aad Cffidals. of 3Lma Leajae. TO XSZ C12ZW VILLI jcks a. pzrrcar n stas wrmzs Omaha Bee. I HE - I i J. 1 s. i 'i 1 t 1 ' Briei Etoj Vill Be Hade at Veaice Zaraate to Yieaaa. " J 1 ITT TTrTJlri'f C 1 T (n.TT - Parts Zaaririo Gitss Fanner Prssi deat Grand SeadofL SIS C? FESTTTmES i BraJ .aw41aa Kel Official law la ritnkra VZy$. April 11 Eoyl audiences, re T.tra, linrheona. bn- w::l f iiiow cn ii Her in unbrmen pr,cea;on lurin Sir. R.Mie T,r Jirty-eig-'Tt hours In Cie A iBtr'.ia He w.:i ar-iva hers in the Surennim of unit F"iiiay and wnl De mer at tr.e ran- i iimiienanta in t.ii me uraj reserve rnna way na;:on by Her rmi SI leller. prlnci- j At F irt Crina. Hj;nr Jonepli T. Clar; at pl aatrrrary of t.ia F"ire:n orr.ca. repre- T-ea Miinen. Ma;nr William E. Viae; at idii;r( lije Aanrr'aa government. and Furt M-ale. Major Een;amm J Elanr and otijam of the embiuMy and toe civU: a-i- Captain Reuben B. Sl.ilvr: at Fort D. A. thurrtiea. The Cmirtland autnniobiie will Ruweil. Mainr ire A. Skinner and Cap b wait:n.-j aaA in t.ia tha f irmer jresl- j tola EJx-ari M T.i-bntt. dent will he taien to tn H itei Krana. The f.nliT:na' Iawa nat.or.al hanaa have whera a amte of rttoma for h:a ocrupaniry j been authorized to b:n bumneaa: The haJ been new'y decomaied and f-jrnifiL j Farmers Xatluna; bank of Aareila, with In tha caursa of tii momlna- Sir Ruoae- . F.n.i)(a caoitai. O. E. Ttunim. president; P. veit wit maae fat-mai call on Baron j von Ahrnthai. tha H mirarian foreum mimiwer, and at 3 o'clnclt In the afternoon he will be received, la aidience by Em peror Francla J-isepo. From tha paia-e Mr. Ruoeeveit wlil go ta tha Capuchin ehufJu -hr ha w.'l place wrealha on the nmt of Ernprsa E.htaheta and cro n ' I Pnnca Radolph- Bnir Day la Sraaw. The rt of the ifanm s will ba occu pied with tha reception at the American mbasBT. a iIt to the military rdinir school and ma lnip;an of the buiiears quartered In this city. , Tha day will con clude with a dinner in honor of Sir. P-mme- yeit. ;vn ny tHa ofr:ciaa of tha Foreim j strict i Cm 5atuniar mornina; an early start will : a made for an automobile excursion ta( Count W'.leata's eamle. Kreusemein. one , of tha moat famous of tha eleventh, cen- j tury (tasCaa. Luncheon will be had with j AmbaaaaUor Kerens, who at the same j time will antertain Foreign Minister von j Achrenthai, Baron EenaelmuiHier Evon j Kengerrar. Auatriaa- amnaaaHdor at Wash- I Mr.n ..f tia N m rv. n nttm ' T4nr"V W h ' t m White. f irroer Amerii-an ambassador to Frances Anerican Consul Genarai Charisa Ienby and o'.lers of tha Aaienaaa emoassy. Tbr lucBmia wU sw-fothrwaw by a tint la tha Interaatiunai Sporting exhioituin. where Mr. Kioevit wlU ba aeoorted byj Prince Ftierssenbers. tha Drasident o the exhibiCnn aofiety. ! tiia miirt d!nnM at thu Schneti brunn nai- i ace has been fixed fir o cioca tha tvenmg. and lairr Sras-trae yon Palia vicinl will give a giAad atiiree at hia palace ,a Joaefj-Piata. at which ranction Sir. Roneevlt will meet ail of tile mart dis tinguished members of Vienna, society. Leaves Caw v Ulaw FORTO KArRIXIO. Italy. April 11 -Mr j tauKeveit and K-ni;t Rooeeveit left at I.JO ci!! ti'.'.s afternoon by train Fir Venice. I where they are due to arrive at 2 o clock tomorrow morning. They will remain ' Oiere until Z o'clock, tn tha afternoon, when the Journey far Venn will be resumed. ' Urs. Riioae-relt ar.d M.ss Ethel w.ll remain. ' here. , The f-innpr president and his son trav-: sied tcday in a special car placed at their j ."Poai by the government. The popular ; demor.dtratiun on the departure of Sir. Busv:t ail but exceeded that which nad ma.-k.-d ha .rnvi.. Tho mayor had pi- : iariel the tuwa with a prociamatam thank.ng the dtsT'.ntriished American for ; but rrsn and refemr.i to him in the mow mrapiimentsry trrma. Throughout the streets T-a.-ning piters bore the mesaage. "Coma bac soon." j Aa hour before tn:a time tiie mayor. ; Lis prvfct of pnice nd the city fa?h-rs , went to the Carey v-i! and escorted Sir. j Roueeveit s earra tu the ra-lway tai:un. j At the atati' a a battalion of lnfantrj'. ' aanded by a band, waa driven up and mil j f ajat an M." IUio!eveit stepped frrn . rh- ca.i La. na.ia rf.Ki.ll.y t.3 tliwt wiio had accompanied him and entered the car. Aa ta fc-a-n pui.eI out Sir. Btveit sTaid on the ear platttar-n waring hia .lat, ' w ana tha band played "The Star spanij'ed , Banner." and tha crroi snouted "I inrf ' live Rooseveit." j Interior Cities Want Vote on Capital Removal: 1 Graal Xslaai, Kearaey aad Eastiaxs Sort SlJTeaieat Laokiaj Tjwaxi Ballot oa tiis SabjecL CfUXD WLA.VD. April 11 ipeciS Tee- g7S.rn.V-AC I3e noil laraeiy amended meet-- ir.jj ever heid by the Cammercial ciuo, Grand Island ! s.ht oinad hands with Ktamev in the effort to secure til lie co opera iion af ul In'erior Nbraaa u se- . cuee a vote on the removal of the capita. ! oai lir.a ine s:a:e fid aathanxed tii a puint.iierit of a gene- al committee of seven to take ap the wirk ncesa.-y to appoint a nuuc.'imiciitee ar.ii seieel a member as j Grand la. and reprrsc-uiat'.va in a Ju-nt j curainii e i-.-pr-s.-n m a-1 cities. 5eiii- j mem in Hiii.njj is ilka mat uf tins city and Cramey. cii ail ing to Laua cna.ic-s 1 ia:er on tii seimiioa of a city tur the capital and un.tirg effurta to curs a Sola, s-.:s:e at sjcux cityi Bs Klvtlw. Sm at rmn Ti mm I. sasata Hlasaett TkrMk ta Teasaa. 9 IOC I CTTT. Ia.. A,irrl HSpcua Teiera.i Bn HittiM com in. It ed wui-sii j enr y tflJ aiornmg by tnu.m( hunanr in tiia t tr.al. t th hums ef cm siutber. Ha . a a uf tne iafi John Hittle. on af the f.rnt seri.ers in Suiux Oty. wno fjr saaay ywrs ssi aa city treaauror. iFnra a Cir-"p"ni!eTit- W A.-H;X'iT' :N. April IK 'oc.a: Tiie- ram.j P M. M iin .if Omaha, win .a r :vr if the Cn.rr.-l .-Mates aid office at - im Alaska, will 6 r cwnmended f ir cp - untment bv .tt in Burker. arwl Er-iwn. Mr M l.'i-a has been a very ef ficient officer and ha the nitiirwmnt of Oiiviriiir Wa.ier E. Clark. fiJVnor H-MTirart am! Niljinai Committeeman J .-hackier-ir-d. M.- II i. lea. who was for-n-, J eriy state wnator fr im the Omaha dirri-t i I anil engag-d in the r'H-rr bumr.ees In the Out '.'!. obta.ned bis grnriit apnntnt- mer.t t?;r') us-T rcumrrnn.!ai!io 'if nai.ir J. H. H.!!ar4 anil naror Bnrctt. ' T'pim t.ie rimit of enatir HurHet. tiie EpartTnpnt .f Arrrultar 'las dVcid.l tn "nit an en:r.eer ;nt DuJotA ciunty. ?Ce bra.Hru fir the purpose of a-wiitlrt in a 4rm.na.if project. C!t-1 rc:cf exa-niatlon will be held Mar 14 for mral earrSem at F3a-e and : corns i"tiU 1 Bmrl of officers of ;ne :neiiea r anninel to meet at Oie f.i p.ac-s desisnatt'd f.ir c..n.l.ict:n eia.n.na- , -n of applicants f r app-un'ment aa rm i D. Wine, vice president; J. A. Johnson. eajfiie- The Flrt Xiiunai bank of Shan non City, with C5.t capital; E. T. Duf fer, pcuient. Frank Waife. vice president; St L lUiberta. eauhier. B. F. Paal waa appnmteil postmaster at Blairstown. Benton county. 1.x.. vice L. Aah. rsnrhed. James A. SftrGilvrey has been aptniinted rijral carrer for Rouns . ac Albia. Ia. pointed an ajwistant to the attorney jen- ' erai. succeMting Wide H. Ellis, who re- ' sijrned to entr Ohio poises, ajasumed office I today He will have cha:-ro of the truHt ; proeecutons instituted by the Department of Jure, T TtnfrC 1U u ITllilbl Ov.C Adjustment Now of Differences Committee Saaied ta Uaderke" Walk 1 &aa Areemea. rractica.j.y Eachjfd by Tliem. (From a gtaff Corx-ondentJ DES MOIXE3. Anril H (?pesal Teie tnm. A reasonably early adjust incut of the vai scaia for the low, miners is now By unanimous vote a morion i waa parsed by tha joint scale eommiti?' i of the operators and miners immediacy to take up the new wage scale quevtinn ar.d er-ntinutt In seseion from day to day j until an amicable agreement haa been I reached. j W. H. Riteri of Ottumwm. national board member of the United SI me Workers of America, waa elected chairman of the Joint scale committee. I P. Love of the oper ators was named as secrarv and Frank Cameron of tha miners was chosen assist ant secretary. Without di.woaeion it waa agrd trie a w scale should date from Apt-1 id. 1911. anti awuniw in i-jrce uoia 3 prri in. inui. Instead of from April 1. aa heretofore. It has been practica-ly aareed by both sides that the miners shall f-cive an ad vance of S cents a ton for mined coal and 1.5 per cent increase for a dav'i waije. the bona of oontentinn now being the revision af certain sections af tha oid working agreement and the adjustment of the house rnt proportion. Omaha Man Kills Himself er t J -e-k 31 1 OlCUO, VJ. j Char !es JjaeS, Wtta Says Ha LlTtd Eere, Couimita Suicide by As- phyxiatiaa ia EoteL ' TOLEDO. O. April U 1 .re :-:al Tele- ! gram.) 'I have a broiher. Ben Jones, in' I Orraha. Xeb. Tell him that Charlie haa 1 I k: k-d off. H w'.l understand. I don t ( know just whereabouts in Omaha ha is, but he ia there some a- ace. "CHARLES JONES." nwte. written on a small piece of br -n on-n wrapping paper, waae tne wrier ' was ehewirg g-im, was a.! t;:at was wfi io expiain the suicide of Charles Jo-.e. ; years jul. uf Omaha. Jones was fuund ; dead in his rmr at the Brunmg bote!. 1"1 1 Jefrerm avenue. H had commit led sal- cide by inhajtng saa. Ef jre gning to his i rwm last nuj-u he pur-hse j Tfteen fjl of mboer hose. A:ta. hing tnis to the ; cn.nde.ier m the Mnra, he lnaened tne . other end in his munis a.-.d turned 00 the ; gas. Because His Hair is Curly He Just Can't Save Money Liarenc naii.nevr ga'e nis wu to an- . derstand that h c-iu d not save money be- oa-ie he was. acror-ling to his n storv -gTxid looking aad had eur'y hair " Tha ri.mil came ana wintry nuiht when there wu no c-cai in tha huuse. Mrs. HitLnjrr t:ia set rated fr-im him and filed suit for div jrre, whica waa grantod by JaL'.ge suttua Thurlay. J idaa t ay faced a B.fbemlan poem aa j part uf tha testimony in ti-e suit of Jinm J hlajipar against MiV. KAenar. Tha suit I is a eoneesu-d one. Mra. ICaspair denying , cha--es ef unfaithfaineaa ad :n crafty ami nunsupport by Kaay. Ee Says Eeiriotrratic Party Has Lonj ! AdTocated Higa Prices. j ssssssssa ESTA3LSZIS THZC2T CF XCaXT ! Says JaiLraieat Caa Ja-w Be Taieir Ajaiast Eepablicaas. j W. Km Pla at iat a Ia4taaaalia, taa Baa- rnalMiC ta if WASHrTi'iTO!'. A jrtl IX The letter of j William Jennir.jrs Bryan, written from j BraiiU and read here toniait befjre the democrats wo ariende.! the JfJersr.a day ba-iquet here and thoee at a similar , f - inction in Indianapa.is the letter wniciJ canned a commotion amuna tha lottai ban- ', quet commineotnen at its Initial reading, be-ausa of what some of tnera termed Ha unorthodox doctrines is hi part aa follaivj: "But taere ta another item of news which r has Juat coma to my arrendnn. Prealdent ! Taft in hia L.nroln speech at Xaw York. ' Febr-jary IS. attributes tha present his"h, prices mainly to the Increase in production; ' of gold and tha consequent aniarcr'nant ! of the Toluma of money. Tha unex pected, endorsement of ow party's proposi tion in 1X4. when we demanded mora money : aa the only remedy for failinr prices ts ; yery gTatlfTing: : "How valuable that admission would hava been to us if it had been made lunm the , canrpaign of that year when the rspun lean , leaders were denying that the voiume of : money had any icCuence on prices and as- ! sertlnc that it did not matter whether we I bad much money or little, provided it waa I a"- "w ""y cow consider the quantitative theory of money established beyond dispute anl proceed to tna conaideraUon of other i . .i questions. Eut tha president and his pre decessor hava admitted the correctness of tha democratic position on so many ques tions that further argument is hardly necessary on any subject. Wa may now take judgment a-ainst tha republican party by confession. aaajwe-T. at laelsaaaawlta. IXDIAJfAPOLXS. April 11 Prominent democrats ftwm many staws were in this ctry today Sor a eetebrarton of the Birthday o fmaa rK "," ndr the ' tnHiiMtft I ? 1 1 1 nf t n. j A meeting ot members of tha National ( Demoeraiie Laaai'a of Clubs, prastded over j by W. C Ula ef Waaomgton. D. C ta diiieuaB. tha jsongresalonsa. ainfiBg-Tti waa, held In tha sexuua cnamber af tna nat houaw tnia snarninat In many other enn feruaces tha pollticai prospect waa in formally discuaaed. A banquet for which S3S covers were laid was held tonight. John W. Kara, ; democratic candidate for vies president In : U1V lost. iMLjwim ticuuii, vwtmn WUUH1UH .TF. j Tha program ot speecnes rono'V: - - " ---a - anon r oremn --y aonn a. La-nra or Ohio. "Jerferson. the Radical J.-eph W. ; Folk of Sfceeouri. Progressive Dnsoc-1 racy; WEllam Sulser of New Tori. Democratie Cpparf-mity;- Governor Thomas R. Sfarstiall of Indians. "Evolution uu fr-,iitii tjuu 7iv 1 layette fence ot (.oioraao, ine income Tax Sli-nrjrie." ejj ALLEGED WHITE SLAVERS ARRESTED re Yerlc Pwllew Ara klsg Ex. veaaW Stai4i la Krfwe-t ta Vj TrmXfle Is Ciria. NEW TOES. April 11 -With the arraign- 8torT aa ho lay suffering pain in the hos ment of six men In a Brooklyn police eourt 5tlaJ Uter- Campbell had poised a.meif today and the announcement that warrants , an mei throwing one knew over wer out for twenty others, tjie Brooklyn ) Jle ather- wh" 118 lo" tua ba-M,:" nd police declared that one of the bigjrest 1 , raids on dealers In white slaves ever made j Strark Hews aa Ba Fell. in New Tcrk waa in progj m F,jiuw workmen ran ta tha unfortunate Eluht rris were in eourt ta testify against j .asa-, rescue on the instant of ma fright tne prisoners. One of tiiem waa only nine, -.,1 t-imh. and dnurasi h-.m from the oool 1 r-nrs old. the oldest was fifteen. They t' tory-iat they had been mi-o 1 a mov-aig picture snow, wners j candy or other cheap pr-aents were given , rome house maintained as a resort of thej . au uimu, aaiaia uism kAsaxza uinv wm T7 aVas.tTU Ul ; white slave band's activities. j The arrest of the six persons wr hrouirh t ! I lbout by tha Sociery for tha Prevention of ' j Ct-telty ca Children, agena ef which hav. ' been on the trail of tlie band for months, j RUNAWAY EGY IS DROWNED Lai Was E sm frwsa CataII Fl a attessts ts lets Vtsylaul Blvrr. PHOENTXVTLLE. Pa-. April 11 On boy seeking ta escape from the Catholic tectorv at Fiatland. near here. Pny. Irowned tn the Srhuyih:!! rrr. near the inatirar.on yesterday, and two were saTed I by Brother Michael, a member of the e:ey of Chrwtian Hrorhers. under wnoee iharge the institution is cond-actad. Real- ising the danger of the three runaways, who had. lumned inta cha rivee tn. e. Erother Michael. who saw Oie bova. ! plunged inta tha stream and reacued two ' of tnm. but waa too exhausted u bring tha third to en ore. . tie poem rormed part or a letter written, i ( 'he piamiiff aaaerts. by Mrs. If aspar to at ' man. Frank Bandhauer. btuliff In Jadgai Troup s court, sreicr. and he aaa rettaieitiuned aa inier sp nt tne aooa hour de- oipnering it. "Tu ara the pride of my Joy." vi MB ""in w una,1 mv VMM ti,i ma riia , cri'wal deptiia of your syea I could drown j tnyfcJl"" j Frank Waaeer. attorney for tha defend-1 ant, Mimed to. the tranaiaxioa on the ground that It was not Uk tn or-ginal in ' rnynaa. L. J. Piatt fur tna plaintiff aav j seftad Uiax Mr. Candaaoar sail duaa It m ! i blank versa as any rats I U. S. FVorn tha STlnneapoiis Journal. 10 DEATH 15 KLinC POT Xoaider Eies AJfter Zijit Days of j Ajtray front Baraa. QTX ETdX" CP CAITUniQJ aSewa. Wkila. Kae-taia; Las State ta Fearful burns about the back and head I sustained - eight days agn, when he sax i fin IHa in nf a luif nf mnltei IIIMll tn rirm his back and fell In. brought shout ! the daat& of James I Campbell at Clark- n Stetnonai hospital Wednesday Saatnonai hospital Wednesday morn- m cu,,, wa3 a moulder at tha OmaHa Smemn, where be recelv-d hia , ,L r,. , w. .,mr, r th. , u ... e..,i .ro the man became cniiled a. a time when ha had worx far lunch, and. sering ) hitrsaJf on the edge of a huge, metaa re ceptacle, ha sought to warm himself by tile vanurs of tha seething; mecsa oeiow him. Tna proceeding was one which Campbell j taA OLi,er warmen oad frwuently foi- 1 e"" , deadly metal and tha Cery objects of his trail a bad brad contempt in tne workman for tha dangers that lurked in them. Ao- cording- to witnesses, and to tha man's 4-"0PPa nftM toremost aacawa. ai ieat)u u n, jUnd that in the fall his j neaid a aids of tne pot and tnat g ,lr-ji ana band ha had caagtlt ( hM pa-tiy out 1 s r , - Throughout tha eight days, during which tha victim lingered between life and death at tha Clarkaon hospital, he exhibited a ' high degre of luncium, aocording to tha j pnyaicians and hotmMal attendants. This ! man fougit bravely against his ternbie af- ' riction. hoping to the last ta conq'aer it ' and walk farm weil again. j Mr Campbell lived at So North Twenty- eighth street. Ee was ST years old. Only una relative, a marr-ed daughter, who eallad da-ly at tha hospital to minieter to 1 him, survives trie man. The runerai wu bake ;aca Friday ittemoon. aunai w u oe ' ' Forest Lawn eemalerr. Inn Sit Crwases ca Zsth. i EAiTOH. Pa.. Apr-I 11 ieven men, ail I : ' . ..1 ..- w .r einstled to !,-: I in tne j Hlln, quarry of the Naaarmn-Portland Ce- , ment company, near Naaareth today. A pre-; mature exp.oeion tore loose aa tona ui , tore liioaa aaai tons stone, covering lii victims. You have done your best when you use a Bee want ad. Be want ada ara trsasurea. Tuy brins buyer aaa seller fact) Ui faca. TheT find noise tor neopla. Position far peoplu. StrvAat for people. Ttr r!n4 what la luat. Giv valu ta tilings gxawa alJ faaiiioned, and vigor to wtLaxver is LJ'tileas. If yon can't come down to tLe office, cail D-zli 223t aad a cheerful staff will write ycer aJ. and tiki czr cf it. Hey, you fellows, one at a time! Colonel Cooper is Pardoned by Gov. Patterson Saprcae Court Affirm Seateace of Scj&tor Ckrmackr's Slayer and H is Hileased aa Zxemtrre Order. SASHTILLE, Tenn.. April a Governor PAterson this afternoon pardoned Colonel runcac 3. Couper. whose sentence of twenty years in the penitennary far the murder of United Stales Senator Carmack was confirmed today by tha state supreme court. Although, it waa believed by many that tits chief executive would taibs this action the pardon coming so soon after tha action of the court created a sensation. Tha friends of tha lata Senator Carmack ar indignant over the action of the governor and the matter ia being discussed bv excited groups of men on the, streets. Tha suprema court today aXErmed tha ver dict in Che case of the stata against Colonel ! r. 3. Cooper and his son aa to Colonel ! Cooper, but reversed the lower court as to j KjOin Cooper. Both men had been sen- 0J. a, ;owr r,, twenty years for the murder of Senator E. W. Carmack on November J. IK. Justice MeAilstar a-'Ti 'tied as to Colonel Cooper and dissented as to Robin Cooper. Governor Patterson. In pardoning Colonel Cooper, said: "Being thoroughly familiar with the reeord. having read all the testimony and testified tn certain facts within my per sonal knowledge, it is neither deslrabia nor necessary tn delay action. "In my opinion neither of the defendants ia guilty and they have not had a fair and ' impartial trial, hut were convict?.! con- 1 trary to the law and evidence. The action af the supreme court in reviewing the Judg- I ment aa to Robin Cooper leaves the sen tence of final conviction aa to hia co defendant. The proof showed that Rabin Cooper killed tha deceased and that D. B. Cooper did not fire a snot. "Without reflection upon tha court, it ia , Inconceivable to my mind and repugnant to every principle of Justice that a man should 1 b found guilty of murder who was not in conspiracy to kill and who, in fact, did not kilf j How Big is Omaha? $25 for those vho hit the mark ! 1C2.555 ia 1SCQ. Mere Samples 14 HZ I4i.ai4 . . . . : 14.'4i. . F I lii.lt i 1.S.T4I i 141. lie , 1 4. i 131 iiSi Ed Splliett. ITS3 Port . . . C W ELaitner. riill Ohio W. Parkins. iu.:l Manderaon J. O. B'arger. P. o. F J. T4rt, Loyai ....Mrs. F. J Taart, Loyal ..vu! a. whm. jj;i a. ijii . ateua Engiisn. 2iu6 N. Jta MauViem .. Conn. 11"S Pnn ' 1 44. i- t . i l4.;"oi. Huward W. b irkman. 3-". i SiPi j , I4.i Jjim K '.acoy. i;i Stanna i 14 iii V Arnold, a. O. I J-i.i rf.ie. .Mrs E. H. Maniey. ;ns Hamilton lin.Jli Henri C. dioat. i. u. Fill in. cut out and mail to The Bee Cerutis Dept April 11 - is my guess of the number of mhabt- tantsm Omaha accordsnj io 1910 census. yame Address tiia) lor Vtst atilnaU. Utjjf n: ,'tvt tt til Is ens of tla fir at aaiww au prs'erw ic jl A war 4 aa cCdal cooaL 1 1 j HYDE COURT TRIES SEWPLA5 j Teairemea Eiaaiiaed ia Prirate to1 Hastes. Selection, of Jury. IWUII-r8T0 3C3 3TES22D KAXSA3 CTTT. Mo.. April a In order tn expedite the selection of the remaining fwenty-two temporary Jurymen to Cll out Jiaaate U Ikat All Xraaan ' tSva Trafenrf Pasel Win Re seats Im Caamalr af ta Waraaal. the panel of forty-seven in the trial af sjfainst h:m by Steener-on and in the con Dr. r. C. Hyda attorneys today adopted ; gm-ional investignlion ind tiiat it was an a new plan of examining veniremen. 1 answer to trteenervm' s irtw cailing the J Each man was cabled separately into tie j .j,. an organisation of persona that ex ! jury room and lnterrogatL Hereto f re np.te to set big contracts under the pro the unexamined veniremen have bean per mitted to hear tha questioning of ail pros pective jurors. Attorneys beileve tha an swers temied to influence tha opinions of other veniremen. One hundred and fifty new veniremen - - .wvnwn .uu s.ii number of them were present today far servtee. Prosecutor Virgil Conniing has 1 hopes that it will not ba necessary to ea.1 any more men for examination. 1 "Under tha new plan of interrogation. I , beileva wa snail soon 11 out the panel ef j the temporary Jury." he said. j It will probably ba twenty-four hours 1 after tha Jury of forty-seven is chosen ba- I for the final twelve men who will try the case are agreed upon. There will be no further examinations in court, but tha at torneys will make their selections in pri vate. The srata must first exerds its f.f- j teen peremptory cha-lengea. From the list of thirty-two tentative Jurymen defense will strike oft twenty. Tha the re- m anting twelve will compose the Jury. Veslswaaas Baaaals Is Csstsay. Tna cause of tha Insurgent veniremen in uiw ciie uumBr Lriaa. wno yeaxeruay questioned tha constitutional right of Judge Raipo S. Latshaw to remas-i them to the custody of tha marshal until a Jury la ob tained, and were released, was iost today. The court announced that its reason for granting them their release last night was on account of tha small number of talesmen present and nut because of any questum as to its legal right to hold them. (Continued on Second Page.) Haw easy ia 1310? cf tha Guewpa; 1415:5 Anna Nelson. Ilia J I. C. B. 15 . Riu Anderson, 417 N. la? ill Leonard Neiaun. 444 Euroerte I44.r6 C L, Eaiun, s,.ti3 Sr. 'Aary a 13L."i Liuis I-rexea. o i i o.a 15-.J4 V c. Boua. ;5; is-a 11J Ti Ben M .ner. 3'oi N. U.',,I Us 5o.. . .Mrs. H. C. M.ner. 1114 SJJ IZf :.. F. .N. Perenmn, :il Lxhu. C U. 14.1I U. h.. i.'rane. 1 1 U Pars l"i.--'- Mrs. N Fnger. tii Grant 15$ ail. .. .Howard Sui.ivsu. i 3 1 jt a IS?34 Aarrsv Haywood. St. Paul li.l.iae. .J. H. trrvTT No P'a-te i Declares 5o Xaaey Eas Beea Paid ! far Saip Sibsidy Saliax. ' LZAGUX 13 AT3TAY5 15 EE3T Secretary Says It Has 3e-er Had ! Faads Safricieat to Pay Debts. 'AXZ2ICA5 FLAS" HAS A2HCLS tffftotal Pablleatlaa Deelafes r. Jiretrnas aa ritaee ar t'aiafarsaedi la Maklil Cavars.es. WA.-HrNuTO.V, AprU H Refer- r..; 1.1 fie a-rand Jury oree-n: merit agt.net ftiin f ir llbei as a crcio ipera indictment, le- rianr.g tha: the Merchant Star-ne lenk-je ', of tha Uni-.d Siar. s iaJ nivr spent j centa in ar.r-ne n Wa hi:--5tvn f ir any pur ; poee. and that :is wrrt was extnordi- narily clean. J ihn A. Pnt.in of Cleveland. 1 0.. seCTiary of the leHgue. wis fenlay'i ; star w-.taesa at the h;p suiMidy invs:.a- j He was called sharpiy to account by eoun I sel f.ir Representative Steenerson win ac I cused him of tha libel f ir speaking .lisre ! scectfaily of the proceees of the iaw. and ( the remark withdrawn, j ilr Penton toid the select committee f I the house of a treat a;axy of public mn who have made 5?peeches. at the in-tance of the '.earie. for or to it. the '.1st including j President Tift, former P-e!lent R.Kieevelt. ! former Vice Pr-sidont Ftirhanki. Speshr J Cannon, f irmer Governor Hor-irk of 0iio. I firmer Senator F iraser and a host of oih i ers. The committee aJluumed until Mon- ilay. when Pnton and Jihn SL Maxwell. ; former edit ir of the American Flag, tha i league orytn. will be ready to take tha ! witne-s stand. Hnser fee Lessee. Harvev Giuider of Ceveiand. the only other witness today, tiod of Captain John ' Mitchell and D. E. Hanna. Goulder's inti- mate friends, contributing WS each to the ' league. Pent, in tuid of the organisation of I it.. Woo and declared that It had got- ton now 90 a man engaged in the hlp building industry had tj enter Washington - - --- - neceseitatinif a cail for the police. t have never endeavored to become ac- w-1 !!h "r"!!!!! i purpoee :i mivmiiiu w j ha said. "Never attempted to go ta their ' houses: never hat! any communication with. "any ship- building; arm or officers of any orpaniaation onei-iiing ships, that aoy Jeg- , iaiatintt tliat mia.it be ij-n-fired by this 1 iegiiflation. Tet I ao nr-s 'know ww I I should not have dime so. tnirinsf Oi ctm sideracon of Hie tariff bill In congress, everybody lntciamnd In anyth.ng from tin j whli'.e to tmby carnage were in Waah I ington daily seeking cimceesions. j Mr. Perrt.m said he wmt tha articla in I the American F.tLS which fiirires so con- ; spicuounly In tile niie! proceedings brought posed legielaxlon. Penron aa.d he stood by his answer. Kalfefosa Fatal flemtlas." The Penton rpiy a published In tha league's organ December 1. last, gives tn j teenerson some of the honor and credit , nf oup vrK!mnt Dumiiiating naval position;" , , .,,he uninformed r malicious snd "g-ulty of deliherat.' and malicious faisificsTion." ami called htm an enetry of his country, along with other sharp characterisations. Penton Identified !ette-s tha lemnia wtsOfd to introduce as evidenca. Among tnesa waa one from Steenersan to E. A. Fore of Minneapolis, in which the writir said h had coneieter.tiy opposed ship auo sidy legisiation and declared that the league was an organization ef men who expected to get big contracts; tliat their patxintism and iove for tha fa waa i largely, if not wholly, due to appropria- ' nuns involved. Penton characterised these a-'eifaiions as "absoiuteiy fa.ar. with not a word of '.-nth in thm and libelous."" The witness declared that his identifica- i tlun ninl with the letLg-ie thai year bad ooet IC.jut through ncgiect of his private business snd that be had been trying to get out far that reason, but the league had aims he wished to see carried out. His urn-rest waa soieiy that of a painur.c citizen. He t. stifled the lean-in had always been in debt. 'never had a duilar;" Chat theri were yt mem ne-s paying TO a yer Jies and that he had been making an ui-aent I eff jrt to sur funds for tiia '.eBjtu. He i sa.d tliat ttime of tha officers of tne ' iesg-ie. concerning whom he u iiues j tioned. had ever been lntr?it:d in si ;? ! builii.na- or otean tr-imipor-ation. i Detroit Traction i Men May Strike I Caadactjrs aad Xotormea Demand a Flat "v7ae Scale cf Tairtj Ccati aa Ha or. LclTl.ilT. Mich.. April ri-Pr-ideni Jer C Hj'cn.na of the Detroit United Rail ay company -. President W. D. Mi hon of the International .Streat 'ta-ly M-n's aiwHMilation, and May-ir Phu Bre t meyr heid a conference today ria-:va ta the mreatened aa.k.jot -if eunda-tart and muturniFn on Hie L-tr u ciiy lines. If th rail vay eorapany n-fuaes to grar-L t.ie demunda of the men f ir a flat w-tgt ara. of V cents an hour it h thought the aim oer will b brought bef jh tne internet. unai executiv committee if the union, wh.cn meets here Frioa. PHlLAr.'t.tJ'HIA. Auril a-oen,mn Watctiu, a tn.iiey c imiui-tor. is m a cn'.cal eontiliKm in a boeviial as tne resuit of injur- aa siiffereii lea ma ear.aas i;. 31 lord laat nic-it ,n liiu 001 Jli a.Uh cv:..aa Uo til.