THE DEE : OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. A PHIL i: ' . h ...Li -- " ' 1 ' V- J-U - A. .. -1. ...... - ... X ' "'11' "I II 111" 4Pyr inn J 'lVI- BEE VvNT ADS 1 mil hi mm wni-.iri y7 I. 1 KONEY TO LOAM Lont iuedj DL-MOND LOANS AT 5r VY.CFLATAU. Salary and F n:itre Loans t posi y the LOWEST RATES. qu-cker Mrii:i end atoST Cu FIDES TlAA. iL K.4L f asr g t- city. tL:niBJ4 the Blo..iT AND BTi-T. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, Third iaor. JT7-M Paxton Bioca. Lk- a . . laU UJ A-iU. PO T'1'' WEED MO EI t ray 4t? It ao, ca.l oa na. lua rauney o -UitirVKE. mSOU aad LI V E j STOCK T Fjt?;TIVELT I5 LOt?i TEF..-i. WEKLT OH MONTHLT rAl UxJIa Blsir;.-i CO.NFlLENTlAi NilBiLA.-lvA LOA.N' CO, 1 Crouna n.. opp P. o . at Capliai. WHEN wrlt;r. to Jv!rtaem, remember that it wU taa onlv an T trM or two of t&e pen to tceruon tna tact . . , OMAHA VAN AND STOIAtiE CO., eteajia jciur -aj-re'J f!o'r". E'eviric Ticuum tem. JUD So. I"ta- TeL L liiX. j E. L2 Eli MAN. expert houae ar.d ba-e- j ment cieanrr tove pa kd a.nd r.:a-r.irfl j not to r-et the ruraei. All kinilw oi eV(ivf.. i ewir,- marh.tjea repaired. Wr-nea '.- I auitew. t: -7 Iudae- l ei. Is. Vxti. Ind. A-tvi. . EXP. Da-r-r Co.. afTico leui and Dave. c&poa-t Kta.i -wareAowuaa. Ul-m Ixard ffA.;EM. um lha beat Snow ratta pae'a. ouuLlia. PajUa Co, 71 S- Uta. rrOTES atcjred. Xtaoca, 1GX1 N. 2La St. rrTVr A RI Hand lrouad, I pair. L UfilAl-ia 'i-Bona u;la atca. BATE your pit ato-ra connected by taa aiy expert la omaaa: fci-imn 4Vuai auiarrt 'Pnoaa sbticr t. . I CONTRACTING CARPENTER-JOBBER. F RANK. U. elWAED, li44 i. Ui. D. aMa, A-3a. f LiU Ai 1 1 Jitmavnca. 17a Cumin. Denclaa Ua, FOR f jrnitura po 1b h jig. repairing: tipnotatacliic call Dougiaa 71. ALL. the lat paftnrna of wail paper fiaravar Bra. Palat Co. WHAT la to m of taarlag up yew taar pata wata yo caa kava Uim ceaanad tm tita floor m a few aouraT Fraa ounutn glvaa. Idaai Air Cleuuig C SOt ug.aa biota. 107 aV lat frb Pnoocs: Loug. '.tui A-una. A croat xroum siajraoa a. I!US!C ART LANGUAGES MOULTON'S ct music s rsk."!: if TTkJTiTLeaaoaa given. Ameneta tschewl t- '3isj jtuajc. itoora li Paiterjoo. OFFERED FOR RENT Mtm rtlagr aawat Saataaaaa. NICELT forniahed alngle or double rooms : aia bnuakptcg rooma; defiraoie iorauon; walking d:atanr. Z13 S. Ittb St. SL Jatnaa botai. C e. lira Aaa piaa; bain; 1AJ day; waakiy. 6 ug; TWO NICS largo rooma. us wixa aieova. w'Xtt board. U4 la. UHA. SINGLE front room- to lady or (rentle maa; rafarence. lfiS Cam tt- Tel. iKwg.aa ELEGANT room Win beat board. 3 Caiiornia. Doiufiaa TOVNO lady to aharo au;te of first floor, modern Bouaekeepwg rooma. StCT Harney. Harwey iaii.- NICE rooma. (rood board, house roodarn. It a per week. Lil N. 17m. PLEASANT doutola rooms and board at laU Caeiuii Ata- JflCH rooms and eaeeller.t board Willi German (Ctunatiaai family. i- lsU Capitol Ave. TWO clca rooms. S14 Harney St. Sil Famaai -L. larga, wall front rooms tor two. funuaned A LARGE, modem front aJeea room, f jrnasOed. witn board, and otner rooms. IltS l-oaglaa TOCNG lady with references wiahea roonuxiaia; good, board aad locality. El N. NES. LY f imished rooms and board. 222 Howard. KTNGLE room, C C4 North b LARGS front rooma TO Famam SL MOLEfCN. It par month. 1433 N. ZMA. CIIT Keirgiaaa eswsa. UUt rrv, f .' - First -en family hotel. ii.1 usvii0Ui j,, iiaorcia . H ML TIIE DOUGLAS SI first class rooms, close in. -".1 Dousjlaa. - 6 LITE of miH for three gentlemen. PLEASANT riwn, to man or aomaa. private family, with two meals or pni lgea of gaa ;jva. fine netghbiirhood. near car. A HJ'- PaciT.c. H R-M.-HED rooma, aiso modern rooms for light housekeeping. 1717 faurL hOERN, weH-fumishsel southeast front reoca, till aarge a .cave; privai uuziuy arga lawn. .l2 ii. 2iA L U M. . tuuiia craaaa. Delias tU. DODGS f-uOTEL Large eutaida. aad aat4kia beat ta avery rwnatj rates eg ereeA UTOPIA Nice reosaa. good board UtU A4 LaveopLirt. FrtONT room modem, furaiahed toe rent. IU- Capitoi Ave. WlEM rooms. t per weelu free Ba Ogilsa Hotel. Ceuacil cUuffa. lit eV l.a bL. la. Cbaiiiana. E? KOANT froart ream. Cm taniarai at K. sa Ke sm ea aowee rthMiHro rootrs: bouse new; pjenty kot waie. ii4 N. im. STK1CTLT raodwra rooana !t brick Pat. cloaa as, rvaeonaiue, 'piioot. eaetria ligat, gaauesuaa prei erred, sat e. MA bL ON K big front roc in. mth or wuhout board, for twi iiiieiri er marr-ed euupie: nn-e wa-k from ciiy. Aodnrae -jtt fcL M:-y Ave. LARGE. besMtifuiiy furaiched. modern room, i :uee in. no aigna used un itonae. J r mrrnA j i-i ia t - a M. LIGHT houevaevp ng rooma. laut Lnt. erta fr-4- LARilS fr-Mt rwn. airicily modern. frt- c mmt , j .m at-v I uni.wi.ied ia aiouara Lax. ia. uiwvL -Jt iniuA.aai OFFERED FOR RENT Ferala Hiun (wliiift CLEAN. corr.fDriabie rooms. 101 N. ISth. FlR.Vi.-HED room. KUia exposure 1 firr.ier,ed nmrni south a 4 eaft iJur; pa.- k diMrh-L 1TCC S. a t PL Harney ". TWO elea-;,ntiT furnished parlors rooma. with pian . mi(.e or inu:1e. IS; Cliicsga. SI'.'ELT fumih-4 modem frrmt mom; price raaona,3ie. 4U N. lsitl Pt- M'li'ERN w.l fjm'.Rhed o'utheant front rtxjm. m ri ia-ae a.,cove. pmva: family; iaie Ian n. 7'C s. Zt n st. Harrjey fxi. M jMCHN f'lr'fhed nomi fr alcf ie Lieroen. iU " Sl. NICELT f irnjahed front roomi; ciofe la. NICELT f.:rr,;ahed !erping rrwjtna m a ow;t f-iraiahed flat. i'oua;:aji Mf.2. O N. ta s-t. j LARGE room; wa.jt;rar d.tajoe. Sut ?. ra. FTRMSHED room w!ta prtvu family. 507 S. KiliJ At. T V i me f jm:ned rcoma. ct4! in rood rru. t'ewey Ave. Fl'RXISHED rooms. K per week. J024 Il-j-ney. PTR'CTLY modem, larfe front room: auivatiia for 1 14 Uewey An. 'P&ona Haxney Lii NICELT fumie'ied sine or double j rooirin; aifo noiiaekeptna; rmirtp; detalraoio iwUihi, m-a.Mir dianance. 113 . 3tn St. ELEGA.NTLT fTirniahed rootna for aevera; young men in a newiy refuroiened pnvata borne. Lee of pinne; all modern conTenl-m-ei; wahlr.g ulutanca. SSI Park At. Ci. beaiitifully f um.ahed room: has good piano; no objection to music or practice or any kind: amcuy modern, nice bati, but and ice water; also bootn telephones; walking distance; car 1 block. Snl at Mary a Ave. LARGE front parlor on first floor; mod era. Tot Doug-aa SiKia. W Famam lt LAHGS front room, for two gentlemen, park; S2 a week apiece: third floor. 4i N. itta. NICE, large, newly farniahed rooma, with wunout board. SUt N. Zil St.: Souti omana. 'Pione S. imL Ra-ferencs re quired. MODERN rooms. C. per block from car. lHM Border: e. ha-f SINGLE room. K: a:so one eouUt parlor for two. 21 Douglas St. LARGS front room, suitable for two. Z36 n. rrth. TWO Tec-r desirable front rooms, for of -fire or se-wicg. ltuH Dodga ft OVE nicely famished: reasonabla Dodaw St Pbons Red CiMS. 3t3 ELA BORA TEL T furnished front parlor. 71 N. Wtii St, tnird floor. NICELT furnished rooma strlrtly mod ern. 2715 Jaerkaon SL; geotlemen preferred. SINULK room: modem. ZSt Famam ?t PLEASANT front room on first floor; laundry prvniewee; rail after I o'clock, evenings- 717 N. ltn St QVTET modern sleeptrisj rooms. (11 N. 1TU St. NE'WLT famished rooma all modern; good neighborhood; very deairarle; reason able. H N. Slst St. TeL Red 3WH. FRONT room for rent; nleelr furnished; suitable for tnree. 71 g. 17U SL FOCR-ROOM apartment: strlrtly mod ern: light aad teiepnone; furnace heat In winter. IS. fefti park Ave. Phone Harney saws. F1TRNISHED alcove rooms for two gen tlemen. 2i7 Charles SL TWO furnifhed rooms: fine location ; house thoroughly moderaXU Capitol Ave. LARGE front room In modern houser; suitable for two. 2Ki(P Sherman Ave. 22 FARNAM ST.. two connecting rooma f urn. shed; three connecting rooma fur nished; ail light housekeeping. Phone Har ney t. TWO famished rooms, ladles or gentle men. KZ S. Zd St, South. Omasa TWO famished rooms, modern, ffr gen tlemeo. Bt S. lata. Phone Lowglas ZTia. FRulNT parlor, suitable for two; modern; reasonable. i14 a. Win. Flat S. FLRSLSHED rooma P per month, for young sec . electric light, steaun heat, taie- ptw ne. running water, laundry and press. ng privileges. abLT Harney. Fl NE large front room for mu and wife, or two or three gwjtleroeij; also ema-ler front parlor, strictly modern, 313 N. Ami, rear schol. NICE furnished rooma. worth, third floor. 1817 Utfffii- FRONT room, with leek. 513 N. Cst PL kitchen. fX'0 per TWO PARLOR, furnished or unfur nisned. nice neighborhood. H3 BurL LARGE front room, furnished. U M. j ITta St. Tel. Dougjas f. UL ONE or two furnished rooms lit all Bsod !em house, wa.kmg iwunoe. oca block: from i car. ZMl Fraiiknn. Webster km. FURNISHED room, srodern, walking d' tance. 1Si7 Casa SL NICELT furnished, modem parlor, clean and cnoi. siut&ble for one or two gentle men, tad N. Imji SL MOE-ERN rooms, private famiiy, young lady pr-f erred. Si2 8. 27th L NICK sleeping room for two. tot Ave. IFlfi Capl- FINEST place In ciiv f'e peooJe rm- P'oyed. DougAs t ; 3WL 2SS4 Harney. THREE nicely furnished basement rooms. ajoOem. Att Ca-itoraia. TWO Arge fsmlehed house eeping rouma. ail modern, waiar la rooms. Aiii NICE, large room, good locauoa. Addreec jvl S. Jul a Ave. THREE-ROOM suite for housekeeping, laaf. Ccu-ags Su NICELT furniahed rooms wiui board or privilege at light hoUMravrping. M N. 2d SL Douglas 7il- PLEASANT front roum In private family f ir one r two working g ria: breakfast or can get their own. Uu3 Maple - TWO large front rooma. furnished fur licriil huuer keeping. BBudera, ewtamg gas a .-id pnvaie tLooe, do ctiiidren, al a. 2Mh FURNISHED room: use of kitchen. 4 i Sth a. Harney FlK-VisKIXi room for reoL Hi. a iaut. est X. Uta m btrr front room, also air,3e roum. BMtdrrn. LARGE mudera front room nicely fux ciead. PJ DaeenporL B. CI 4. rURNlaHEL rooms for renL ZU !S. Wth SL b INGLE roues, d wt 2cW faraaaL VUILSlsliED- rooBBa, l!C tndate. TWO large front rooms. sely furaiaBed, seuiaaue t-t iwu. JLL1 iraraas OFFERED FOR RENT THREE nicely furofcd !!ht biraw' room. Ct per -. Jul! l&aa. TT'0 n"ly rjm!fd rrvina for rent In ! family. (l.S ar.d C i HTi 8. 17 la. NICELT furtiifhed room, pm ata fani:i5'. ; S. ma 'Fhuna Harney Mh. ; PLEAfAA'T arnitn front rjn. a., mod ra, wa.kin d.Htance. CafC. MODERN " room; youn mu preferred. j 2W7 Capitol Are. tJP A?rr UP: modem, and with:n wa:k ttic diatance. 1?1 Capitol Ave. PMALL front nwm; licht an.l airr. t ; aao iarae front room, auitable for triree or fotir sertjerrjen; very reaainb!i 7T4 Harney. t ONE large aad oca umalS room Tor jer.t e- ! men in tr:ct-y modern huuw, LI . 'ill i St. CLEAN rooms. Newly furnished. JO TWO modern bo'iekeepin room. Sli Mfor.. Hamey C4. '...... . j FVRNIHEr nomt for lijjt bouaekt-ep- FT RN1PHED Vr'oro eoTtajre, ia,wn. ! jy. j,- 17ta t hade: pretty home, d.rert from owner; I ' ' cheap to a ateady tenant. Inquire .18 is. THREE finWiel r"OT. for :ieri- houae Wttt at.. Leavep worm car Una. keepirig, ail mudem. 4iM Har-.ey St. FRONT room for three gentlemen or man and wife. S)V St. Mary a Are. I FT'RNISHED roomf ; one hlock from ear lne. reaaonaaie price. 1711 i Zid. FTfCaVraaaa saodera CaL t3- X30t mcae rem and C-re-roora apart atia Streh- low Tarracra 'Phosw Webster 4.Ub. FOR RENT Fix-room apartment la The Rarnard. Apply J. C Barnard. 417 N. T. Life Bidg. Tel. D. 1W. 4-ROOM awnn-basi' meat flag ta Cmaaag. Mth aad Pierce, steam healed. CONBALl TOUNla. Tst IX ISTl. TU Dodga SWELL APARTMENT. We have a very fine aparrment m Hars eom Park district, to be vacant May 1; this has ( large rooma. living room is 20 feet long, with open fireplace; ail rooms are finished In oaa and have nice oak floors, bath room caa tlie floor, medicine cabinet, etc This is a very desiraoie apartment and will not be on rha market very long. Price to dealt-abie tenant. UT-So. PATNE. BOSTWICK SLATER. Sola Agents, HO. New York Life B.dg. CENTRAL, ail modern 4-room CaL 130 N. 23d. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two high grade flats, thick brick walla, g large cool rooms wita private kail, fine hardwood, fuuy modern, free hot water a.i yeac. range, shade, steam heat, distance, sum mer, one CM. other T7 , winter a7 more. Double caa get no -"it: Don't assume that you know, but fee for yourself. Rcf er- req aired. HSM.LH, Hl iiranaeis. 4- ROOM srrirt'y modem brick Hat; 1 car lines; east of Hanson m Park; choice ne'sh bnrhood. Harney iUS9. g-ROOM fAt. good condition,, on Park Ave.. t34.UD. Phone Harney litis. 4-ROOM aparCmeoL S, d NICK ROOMS. 1H4 N. Cth- HOCSEKEEPINa rooms. 30 N. lBth. DESIRABLE, modem furnished rooms; reasonable: in cottage. 3UU Webster St Harney ItHtuL HOCSEKEEPING rooms: referencea S3 N. list SL HOUSEKEEPING or a.eepmg rooms; modem conveniences, good neighborhood. 2&a Dodg- TWO or three rooms furaislw-d or unfur nished, light housekeeping; Park district; cheap rent. 2342 6. 27th SL TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all modem; close In and cheap. Sis North 3d ft. Two large bright front rooma. rent rea aonaiue. ltlS Dodge. SUITE front rooms, gas range, reascn abel. US Dodge. Red 611(8. TWO rooma for housekeeping, furnished complete; gas for cooking and Hght; new buiidmg. 'Phone lad, A-ttt. "'-'-" Leaven worth. Two rooms, complete; gas range, water In kitchen. 1S47 N. 17th Sl SUITE of two houoekeepirg rooma. SIS SUITE of housekeeping rooms, modern, Ml Dodge, Furniahed housekeeping rooma. H- N. r sl LARGE, modem front room, with rmsll ltiu-nen, furnished, i-M per weea. 3ui.1t BurL FUP-N13HED rooma tor Lght houaekvep tog. 1114 N. 34. SU7TE of rooms on first floor, for light housekeeping. Aiso rooms on sc'icd floor. Strut ly modem. 1S14 Weoetar. NEAT housekeeping and Bleeping rouma Reasonabie. Tig S. 14 th SL MODERN furniahed houaekaepmg rooma. S N. 17th SL TWO large front housekeeping rooms, mode l. Saul N. 24n. B-Zlt W. 3 TWO connecting, clean, modern, far msced rouma. no children ; wa-kxeg dis tance. Hi) si. 3C3s Capitol Av FURNISHED houaekeepicg rooms, .tug Cufnunj I Sl TWO houaekeeping rooms, gas rajige. S4.i per week. N. SDIA. NICELT fiimiahed modern rouma, 1L3 Burt bL TWO or three modem rooms for bouse kaepmg. first Uur. erig N. 17 Ui. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing : a i modern and ail outside rooma Ptioaa, Ix 44U2, -2 Burt SL TWO furtus-W-t rooma. soudern house, complete fur housekeeping. Ligr.t. beaL teiejMione and ioe box privileges. I'.-J Park Are. Harney RiZ. TWO or three modern rouma to oouoia wrthout children, for ligat houseae e(.og Private fmuy. -3 d. -tin Ave. NICE bouaekeepiDg room. ll S. Jvta. TWO rooma cicely furnished; aink m kxenen. gas raxgv, k a. 1ft La bl No ctinure . MODERN rooms for huuseaerpmg and -oiag. 712 (L. 17th SI. I er I sice roeaua, aaodem. fl4 S. LARGE frooi room wlta alcove for aouae-kevu-ag. 27ia f ax-a . NICE, large, cieaa. ail modem room. vi:a mi aUjiitmua reom; privaie fa ii) . eiectna in',- pnoi.e. etc, ta deatrams parties. Lis Wetister. - TWO modern rounia fr lignt bouekeep rg UjS per beca. ltMa -V. 1 A sTCTTB ef tBre eecasav asrer rasas a, ssmliia Us) Kan asta. OFFERED FOR RENT i TVO room, l nno m. -c; S I '-h -'t- OK aft f-rnt ".t hou krfp i. nm; tj 3f-;mii,hea hufee'pi.-. tm ,J "''"' ,a st- j FTRN1SHED moir.n. liiht hfiM-keepirs ON-., :-' rtura fjr toousmeemsg. JK3 , T'O r.lce fumiet.ed cu:side room. ip- J ir.s or hiiiin t-p,i.(( I7ui Lrticr. j.-;.n. ! Two furnished, wit.1 rff i igra.:r. 1 an coitpwi' Ii. wee.:; no cn-iJren. ' r. N . j TWO well ned rrw-ma erinilte. ' Gri-.-jnd lloor. a.j rouma. L"i of i-a Harcey ! TWO f-jmlfhed room" fur lie!-1 ht-use- keepine. Ail modern. 3!HS Hjrrjey i I TWO excel'Vtit ctinipiHt, )v f-imiariel Htrnfy tu. BEDRCMjiC and iutcnen, gvt rarife. l74 TWO connectir.g finished front rooms, tnixjer-n. N. Xih St. MODERN front rooma funuei-ed oom pifte for house keeping. E5 S. 2i'h St. RoC'MS far light housekeeping; close In. Inquire 7M S. isih Su THREE tiicely famished rooms for house- : keeping. 13 S. Mil. L-ocglas DK7. i FURNISHED tr oem rorms for one or two gentlemen. Burt M. TWO riminhed rooms fur light house keeping. 3tS, N. 3Cta SL FOUR rooms, steam heat, strictly mod ern, ground floor. 4,a N. 2Hh SL NICELY furnished modem room and al cove. 4 N. LSth M. Douvlao TWO large, modera front rooms. 719 N. j l(i.h. third Loot. HM-.EKEEPING rooms furnished. 1712 1 Jackson SL j STRICTLT modern, half block from car lKi Burdens SL I I Cafei lenael lues I G let, Bee. GOOD nnfuraished rooms. - L"7 N. 17th. Tysewrllere. FOUR pleasant unfumlrliel rooms, gu and bath; on two cr lin. 7ut N. n SECONtMiand typ' writers wtd. repaired.. Central Typewriter Exrr.ange, 1SOT Famaa. THREE modern unfurnished rooms, HO - 1 Jk""- Typewriters for Eent t. U- HARSET, 4 unfurnished houeekeep- VIM Farnam SL. OmahA tng rooms,. 1st Coor; . modem hardwood Wleiillianei FOR RENT All ti-Jarn. tmo unfumitthed rooma Apply. rr-JS Jurist SL., . . GAS RANGE and lac curtains for sala. 1 1 gu j. t. ' FOUR, ail modern, art as North 3d SL , : FURNITURE of ten-room house, will sell rXFlRSISHED rooma, modern. Harney all or part, bouse rents tor t-Ht; nice ioca- 4S4. i4 S. a SL uon, now full of nice rvomers. Phone Led 47 F1VE-PJOOM hasernent; water, sewer. . , gae. gi. Aiso other rooms Zmt N. aula. FOR SALE One brand new, ap-to-date i ..,. " ' . . - go-oart. very cheap. 3t N. ilet Ave. Har- TW O large unfaratshed rooms. Jig. 2 N. 24t Phone D. T FOUR-ROOM TAL 14" 3. 16,h SL. wLlVs new 3?S'?t. s'outh cloding gas range, fit Phone Harney gg.1. " Cew' C1 N' 6uutl1 vT?.- 1 tXra hOUSe kepiD rooms. 231 SHOW case for ssle at Robinson a drug M" at- : store. 16th aad Caiiforaia. TH REE pleasant unf-rniKhed rooms. roa EALE-Natlonal cash regia-er . wita muuera. :-S a. Attn. tap', a. moat new; cheap UC taaea at coca THREE unfurised parlor rooms for K'ffl- cr B4M Ugnt houseaeepiag. 14" N. 17th. UPRIGHT piano for sale or trade. IE FOR RENT Two u-i-rnished rooms, till Mth SL Telephone Loggias 4i-. S. st Sl HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. IKS Farnam. clof.k,vrT?n: odera' SEED CORN that will grow ue per cent close in. reference. 1. N. lwa. blter. C-t-kigue tree. Ays BrosV Blair. T A O unfurnished rooms, mcdarn, llgUL gB' airy. 2U Dave-port w. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar- TWO unfurnished rooms to some lady In rl ULB?11. " J'T busi during e day. 4240 N. -7ta Ave 00 Puo- C- t ROOMS, partly nwdern. 27 BurL SECOND-HAND m:ie. at 1507 Harney. roor?EIHe L' trBt bokD' SODA FO CST AIN S. new and aecond- roon -.urt -t. hand; montniy payment-. DerighL Keea aua Cattac . F ai nam SL .. " DRUGS at cut prices: freijrht paid on all FOR RENT New -room modern bouse, rjo orders; caia-ogue tree. Sheraaaa A Mc- one biox k from car line in Dundoa. Apply connril Drug Co.. Onha. Nea. J C. Barnard, 417 N. Y. Le BiUg. TeL J- lt FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tabies. We lead the word in SIX-ROOM, modera; dose to depots. SJ cneap bar f.xrurea easy pytn?nt B runs Hickory SL wick-E ke-Coil der. U7 S. lota SL SIX ROOMS, modern except heat; close SCHOLARSHIP on leading business eoi- in. f l water paid. 7U S. Itith SL; fine con- lege tor aa-e at discoucL Ajicram P dli ion; t Bee. Four rooms, modem ; all new papertns . '. 7 . and w(.dwork; newly varaied. waier IL.-EA.3 cii lid- mi naid- 34 N Lth -L- I t Uler P S wict aout ell ft V, -, i-p,'., aad aoaie; wul fit a room 3d feet wide. r-.---4 infL r v" v t rf.-Ri TV,,,. o Can be seen at storage house. For fanner Ground Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug. S98. pmrt,cu.s. 'pone Douglas t Bee Su-aV HOUSE Six rooma Harney and Tweaiy- lu Co- mnLh. 1 Apply a I C if ar-iA SL THREE Quater men cable for aaia Appiy 7-ROOM new modem flaL Hardwood Grg. R. Wr.ghL Be. Bldg. LorousliouL XU! Chicago. TeL D. Q Q DL-OCK & SON, . THE ONLT INDEPENDENT LUMBER OIUBA Taag ianja ea, pec, mo a, COMPaXT IN THE TWO CITIES. -xAl' "tT-r,,. !"s. 24 ft H Sta. fcouth Omna. Tel. Souls 1 4. efrure JUS a. at. lea. Iron 11 7 , - ALFALFA HAT. Wagaer. Kttl N. ICth SL HOLBi. Ca ia. Omrnm Breaw g M. T. A rA-sa r-ai. v. a-er. m,i. .u- p. hOL HOLD GOODS paraeaV t-saieadl O C r p 1 1 1 cua-p trexgat raxes; a-uvuag and strlca .lUiMi U-" -"aai r faOU- H1NEOO TABLETS will build, brace. ARE TOU EN TROUBLE T LET US MAN. sxrengtiien. sue. br I.I. DRUG Co. AGE ToL fit RENTALS. PAINE. BoST- " 7 i wick. - bLAi a. si a y n. x. l- 'ben I came to Dr. Milert, ! carpet cleaning vacuum rrwtmm. 42S Eajce Bid?- I Lad been OaA 1 aa at outrage Ca, AO) a La , , .... " 1 j im. u. a 4. a- trouDlea w itn r.ejatr a u mode n aad -re a caage, z my dacghter with kidney I trouble, lie cured mv daughter EE OCR 1T EEFORB ENTINO. , ... 0 , kave erne and money; aa s-aea, aJ pneeg. in OCe EOnUL bhe a WeaiC I PArNE, BOelAlC A SLAri, , . T M , I F-. j. i. ie h..ig, N ot, see ia strong. 1 am well ana -room, na ogam, l 1 Magae sl h:. only hope oth ers will feel a3 well for rest-1 ' 3 I do, after taking his treat- Ten-room. Bimeru. except furaacec; . I bara and clue aen liwue. Iru.t treeaa and menL. auruDuery; aiHpi n; iuc-at td at it ..- T c T Trr ir 1 x- i t j N. Xiai SL To te right party moderate LiiA5. 1 .1 N U, ilinden, NfeD. rnt tU be cnarged. iaquire at siev. J. F. ScawariL 2k WULs Ave er Louia MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. Neeee at First Nauucai bai Massage Mjii i 1Uii. 1u7 Ixwlge 10-ROOM brick house. , beta. furtc, -- - - - t"ne f - .nary. 1 griues. aj re-t V-. EXPERT china packer: ng pmeaU mtit en pre sea AaH Capit Ave. .oecuuty. liu LaveiiporL lu- B-2. FIVE Bi-OMH, sd nern except h-at. JUNIPER ad A.parag- p:..a fr d.s- 2;l Burde, SL. (JO. toe-Liberg c. orn u( :aaeva ai.d S.-dlr. c 4w Briae Bilg. " boa. Cerna pharmy. ; a. W.x ILiscoin Park Diatrict uua- allen if chuh .. bama at g ow axd nia e. 1 , oO.'S J-L. opoo- For Ia e A very deatirabie. nicely boatofTloe. floor, pi.i-n. Doug. 7u decorated -room apartment, tajrugtiif . modern, tea bigniy puiiaced, trl a ood JoslE W Ai-HliL k.V S bo. The L'nder- Luors Ui iuugiiouL 4S to a ueaira-.e woi ul mci, ' ai a.1 Lout aiorea;, L -S tenaiiL WRIGHT it LASBCRT. MAeAGS AND BATHS. Lt S. 1U Sl Pnooe D. 152. Roum an old Biuin Sture L -lii.. 4t r.o.-r. ; 11 a. 1 ia sl eiairway on Doug:a M. HOUSES, insurance. Bg-waiL isaraer . . STttlCTLT private Uc for -eoens brick boauMk ail uawa. aorta 1 nwcts, dutiofs ai:eiitia. tr.rd nurse; part ef esty. I a for adwpuoo. raer.ptjrL t-room rrat Lear soartm. can, 1 I M. tSth L. ia. MECHANO-THKRAPT U a drug cure I a a gfosssy 7 Clark PL. H. for 10 t p'.yai,i v . ,r't 1 IL C. it. BACH LaNN. " 1 aiars rt-e H .101 u. Ssvuie lv..: Tn 43t Pmxtam leiSk fc. Sue. !; O. tMl Dvu as r. LiMi-a auy-rvu,- ui M. D. OFFERED FOR RENT i I r Illir4. nnit" in a.ii ! FOR RENT t yt. it:. nrrHi- i era. riioi h'at, oe;"-r:t tf""it Si N t.i Ave.. ril-fl ii ty il taaen bv Aprn 5. A.f, i.e I;;rsi.ei. -r"m i U,fT :., S. It'! M. CS -'l-e. $J. AJC i p.v li-i .-s St. iti. K;ii Lm. I I HOlS at i rot-ma. modern, on lir.-ec 1 ::ne. 1U S. t et My J- it.. , 1-iarney iki. (i-P.C.I. ico.Jen. I't Map.e St. 1.7. STORE P.i'M 'M. new buildmc. l'"th aad i Loitf-a; k.-'m! :or any b-'.s;rey-- re"t i-r-onusie.. i. a... i Hi.. Krt, Lti;. , I STORE RXXjit. comer N. a n arid Nictio- j ,m. N. lM-3 hj a furure. it. Sea T. J. Hook. Uul S. littn t. t La a n ciock. Kflrea NAT1 OX ALFII) EL1TY & .CASUALTY BUILDING lrih and Farnam rts. "WHLtxii hH"U.LE MEtTS RET ML." Very d'e'.ratie of! ice. fronting on 12th St.. 1.3(19 square f-et. low reiital. Appli v to National Fidelitv & Casualty Co.. UH Mercfcsnts Natitira: Bank EuiWmg. phvna L'oug.aa 3676; Auto A-.tC OFFERED FOR 3 ALE t ermltare. DON'T BORROW MONET en furtuxurt. piano, salary, etc, unta yon 1 THE J. A HLTTOJt CO, ' fcie-US Paxica fa,oca FOR BALE! Household goods and phy sician s ollice f.xtares. Cail or rnone be fure noon. Eeu. Wetster 44u. , iita.. aoi Miami SL. Omaaa. aaaurelwarew PATTON-TOWMAN FJDW. CO. AGENTS P. CORBIM B HLC'ERJ HAiLuiWARJE. CONTRACTORS' blP-l-a liua Famam. i'hone Doug 14. gTMPHONT Grand Columbia Grapha- phone, spiend.d InstrumecL Price Km and never sold lor less. iii sell one. which is brand new. and in perfect conuon. lor I Good rtaua lor seii ng Address I FEF.3CSAL A Hi4ii f..r W Mnn ,ljr;n cur.;.?rmir:. j 'e f .iiii htmf ir bfiiit-i a (itrre nci ef rinur care f,,r t-ui r!)iei b- .i: J-.-tl j Fnr :mj aJ :rei M:-'1.. L 1 re. j tniruX'i Liumaa, I ::or.a L'Uu aa , DR. W. A. BURKE SrKClALi.-T IS t.l.EAr;s OF VOilE'C Fma:e .;:.ce at refi.i-nct, .:j S. Ave.. .:.i:a. Nb ufi e toOJJ a to p. si. 1 iitoa W t-Dfter i.'i. ! V.'E ront anil repair a I k r.ili of aawlng i BiaUiti1 I"- A .tql L'tr-i. lw-'i MdWi-IvA CKi..-. to.. I Lu anj Kt'iif) f ;a. PRIVATE HOME dJr-ng c.r5rerort. bahie lor adept on. Good Sa ia- 'an iaai turluro. 7U 1st A . Council fc.u.'fi. Ia. THE SAliVAlJ'jN AKHV .iii ,i eat-off r oiliii . ai lart. acytnuig you U.' nm need. W e fOKfO. repa.r and sell at 1:4 N lira St.. for cof of colient to ihe worthy pour. Oau 'phone Louglaa aUi a.'d wagaa :il cail. MAGNETIC tTfeijuf ut. Kn Pmira. 43 aV lata SL. Uklrd fleer. I ClIAHA taaamerers 1bs Rssage Blda. ABL7NE PE TOT. nlnir'-.j axd mas sage. 4 S. 1Mb Si- Flit I. Fi-.oae L. Viil i - , I TUT ri C an d to-pes tor men. GRirrnd, "1US: aod 14 FiENa BL DIVORCES obtained without delay or Boise; cr irijitl caaea a specit; yaws exieriexice. W. A C"0VOLLT. r4-7 Prandes Eld. rOLti. K; LND, A-1CL pwatti & McKelvy News Dept. M-hand booka; Ger at Eng periodH-aa ids S lrita. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 4i N. T. L. Tel. D. 1664. E'r. KatUrya Nicaoiv Si N. T. Life E.dg PATENTS I D. O. BARN ELL. Pt.n Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 3 Neville Bios. Look frea WHlard EJily. reg-ftered pracuiioner tn ' U. is. Pat. 1 I tton is.k. Red 2i I HIRAM A STURGESS, rer.stered patent attorney. L. aad paienia se cured. SIS N. T. Lire Elilg. XeL L. 34tia. PATENTS secured. and &-LD, or our fee returned : send for feven frte hook.-tj. Patent r.-e-elopTnect Co'-porat.on, !ii4 7th St.. V'aar.ingn, D. C. PATENT!? KHU.-ed. promoted and STLD or one fee returned; send for feven free booklets. Pstert Eev-lopment Corporation. ,i!4 7lii SL. Washington. L. C. POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD ia the best In the market for young chick -ens. Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 801-11 N. 16TH ST. Phones Dcug.aa 1142. ladep dent A-34uS. BARRED PLYMOUTH RiXTK egsw for hatching; write for prices F. C A i;uist i7 Mered:ta Ave. W. (. FOR 16. t am selling White Plymouth Rock eggs from birds wita show room record at Hi si for Betting at 15. Bouk your order now and send for booklet giving show room records of theee Bird and otner ma Fraa G. lrabur, 827 Pi a ai Boulu. Colo. WHITE Leghorn egira. oldest snd whiteet strain in Coiurado, cnampioi fchip fowls st Lvnver, Coiora o Spnns and Puebio snows; PS. (t and C2 per hundred. G. W. Vedetx , Colorado Sprit .ga. Coio. GUARANTEED fertii e ei;gs for setting; hea.thy prize- m-inniag sto; delivered, silver laced and Wy-ndotie. Barred Plynioutn B-ock ar.d Brown Leg horn. Tile aeiUDg, a hut red. Low er s poultry ranch, naif mile eL h f mile North Arvada. Address I. H. Lower. Aicott Si st inn. Cam. ROSE comb Buff Orpingtons, only pea In Colorado; tew settga from una pea i Lit lor li E. M. -inger. Mon roe. Denver. Cold. Rhode IxUnd Red aetilng eggs TeL S. set TESTED F-ieecomtt Rhode Island Red esga for hai img from prise lae.-a F. a. Aw . Be -a. Neb. Tel. Benson PEH.LN LUC 3 for sale. Tel Harney PRINTING PHONE END. A-21 for gorjd pricang. LyngstAd Ptlaucg Co.. Lia 41 Cio.oi Ave EOUGLAS county saves thoaaanda of dollars yeariy by having my f-res on print g- John T. Thompaon. Tel. Webaier U t R1-.S-HAI.I. prL Ca. ISO . Kin; lad. A- WATERS PRINTING CO.. ; l-i4 3. 12u Mier:JamieiMja. 712Doug.Euthpbones. TAILORS G. A tN QUEST CO., - PAXTON ELK. max morris. 2411 brown block- dresses Tuxedos, fall dress sui ia. ailghoy used, boueat and sold. Feldn a, 1 N. 17ta SL Doug las IL A 2t. HARRT MARTIN. R IS, U. S. Bank Bldg. V. TANCHEN, Krug Theater B.dg. REAL ESTATE at si A a. ACSTATL UEALEMS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. EeL prompt Bervic'tt; gel our pricea 171 Farnma au p MINGTON-LVNDBEP.G REALTT CO. T-.l r 1 - ""l L4H Rn-e 1, :. ft w n..i, . J FILED 8. HALR. t, 417-4-1 First National 1 ban- iiidg. Ufc. B- or Ex. T. C. Tomson. 47 Br-odeis. BENJAMIN IL E- CO.. 477 Bi anaeis Bldg. Geo. D. rerun, 1X paxton. Doug. 7jhl REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1 fan . G round Floor. A BSTBLA CX or T1TUB. B. M. BAXLES aV BON. 304 Sa IBta SL wan Abstract Ca, But . i? St. xx MU, jOHS CAMPBELL, 41i N. X. L D. 107L PETER JEtES. J . TeL Doug. If 1 GUARANTEE Abairact Co FaraaaL W. O. JENSEN, bui'ds turn right; plans tan ia- X ua 1 riaV Tel Waa. gaaa r it t raor.RTT rug sale. LOOK AT 1211 G 1ORGLV AVE. Ei;lil rooms, a.i modern, lot HUx . paved s'rHrt, a a ai.- diki oce. large bam. fire ar.aiie a b 1 'iti.n . pile reduced from j-m in m tor .:. J. W. Dean at Co.. N. r. Life. D ...14. FL R SALE Farm noK-.gige. t.ji. draw ing S per cent iLifeet, t , r : aeitirny fie bei.( Add rel V . ii. Me'.cllte:-, 4oS Bee b-vig. REAL ESTATE CITY PHIRIV FiH 'UK. Sacrifice Sale OWNER MOVING ToairNTliV E. fr'lT:t. H-rorrn ho-isr. a.l modem, has a -cia hct wattr ht-at:r.g p.ant, e'. tun. w-,ih r m for i ho'-wa. ;ct Ht rcn in lot 1 r another lHuie. W..1 s.-n-rt reasonable t nh payment and 1r-n on bali.-ic cjrt be arraraed to suit pur-laser. Inquire -r addreve -wr at N. "'ih St. H. J. Hughes FiFLI' i Ll'ii 1-i-TRlCT Nw. S--o. i i. str.ctlv n..v:. m home; im med:at psses..-n : sfecml jon-e a-d terms ty owni-r :f uid ih a k. Ca:l Ham rr I'int fail i.) sr tins wry cp-io-date liLiue. iMust Sell This Week " h a::d Lin -"t i'-'. a . ::-: VI : n:iM;f :-R 1 I '"lino, i.'ui 4.0011 o":: ovinia, iioe lorai.or j an it nei(; "lOorr.i mil. i i.s no car ira 1 scioois ad cl. cnt-a. A AS T ufr'iK ' 34.,'nn4. I j Walk up Real Estate Company, I--79 Brniidm B.dg. I'ousrlaf 2-S. I 4iu7 izai7d-et j Good iwo-stor. sevex-room houee aits I gas. ban. i'mieil :rt-ei. hiiji and , s.ghtiy; ore biock to car. Ho dee vacant and 1 caa be oougiii i,r ti;.AKi on riaeonaljie ! ter.-r.a 1 Payne, Lost wick Slater, i AGENTS. m N. T. LIFE ELLG I SM'EEsT rfiipiii loia 12 A.i i" o.naiia. bar roll-: some of Uiera aa low a. twiti; iiue-!oiini cah. bu anco 1 :-.r-t euual annual paymeata Ana aoout Lnem Il a wen a iv n.,e NoWATA LAND AND LOT CO 6u.trt N- Y. Life fcidg. Jted lx. FINE NEW DC N DEE HOME. S rooms, brsnd new. fir.ietieu, pir- lor. tiiin:,. rooni. kitchen, ht-droom and sin perhr first fl.or i belnmus and baiii secord rM.r f::;.l,ed hi -k and r-.rch -u, ouK floor?; fu.l ha etnnt 1 1. qi'ck sale. p,.tw j. , Dean at Co.. aj S. Y. L Doug. 4 C -ROOM ell irdern -fimiae, located a. 221 Cuming St.. near bwmis Par-: em car service, plenty of snade anri fruit, souu irunt noun in good eonditioiij 01 nrr live :n house; will sell for S3 .-). Csl and aet this property or telephone Harney AWi. $900.00 1 Capitol Ave., Full lot on Capitol Ave., between Sis. and id ma SELBY, Doug, liia 426 Bitard ef Trade FEUIT AND G--RDEN We have a Sood eev en-room house with el-tnc lighu aim three lots; sou-: front one lot in Iran; one lot in g rdening. ac the other m r.h ixprovamenui, fine nad sn Ideal p ace for irult and c:ucens, near K rney car Lue, ouly J3tiu; immediate posr-efesiiin. Payne, Bostxyick Slater, SOLE AGENTS. iMl N. X. L1-"E BLi. ! One Acre Fruit Farm, right In tuaa; nice house, cr.icken-Co-M eiectnc light in street, n street car line you never saw its equal. Price ti.iw Terms. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO Suite C4 N. Y. Lile Bidg. Teu. Red fl3 Roo , Full Lot, f l.lOw. In south naj -t ur iwn lkn --t, h,i.n.. any oid wy. Nowata Land at Lot Cj. ouile 1-4 N. Y. Life ialug. Ked lim Choice East Front Lot in West Farnam diatricL If taken at one in la lot can be had at a very low once. nowata Land and Lot Co.. Suite 24 N. T. Life Bidg. Red l"? THIS SPACE RESERVED. PROPERTY OWNERS AND HOME BUTE IIS. It is space reserved tor the best an 1 most s ei is t-roptirty -mud wiui us ldu weea. ii you t o een quickiy, come in and see us. If you want l buy. let ua know what you rnjint and watch t j a; aa. TiiE ABBuTT REAL T i CO. 4 l- 1 Brand cia '--j-'c Carl Eoien, Mgr. Doug. a YE, JUST WHAT YOU WANT! 7 rooma a.i modem excetit heat; lot G9x 1; oar at dour;, IIaio c a, bal ance moiith.y. 7 rooms, a. 1 modern except heat; large lot; new; C.jiHi. cash, ba ncs easy. ii 1 rue rooms, brand new. ail modem; 'tit ii'xl2!i; price. H.7J0. tlniii ca-o. b.ace 7-room. brand new. b-ech floors, ail mod era; a dandy; price, H.jju, tiius ca n. bal ance ea-r y NoWATA L.-IT LAND CO . Suite (-4 N. T. Life B.Qg. Rd 18i. boom, new modern. t I-OWN balance very easy. Paved streeL concrete wa.ka; ige lot, flee Beihlcr-ood; twi biuc a tj mr. a-PiOUM MODER.V EXCEPT HEAT. ti cann. ba.a nee a trifle mare t aa renL New paved atre-L aoutncaet freni, near car. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. ; T4 N. Y. 1 e Bidg. 'Phuue. Led 3. TWO desirable lots In Florence, two blocks trum Mam at one buca frooa school ho e. i jT -ucu ia c owner, ' liarney 7. PRAIRIE PARK reside ce ts tricL buli l on arLatie ana barmaautus l-ies. hA 21 brand new houai a casa p y ;ent and as. ate m ontn.y. FAX - ol , JTa1IE CU. TWO BIG SNAPS I rooms, modem except beat, la north west poi'Lon uX -iiy; i-re i-L paned StreeL com. tele aa. uaie Um, sou".a lionl. lard a barn; aucgf-l cat a, tur ' tr pri ti "'ki. E t N-ROOM. TWO LOT3. Eleven-room, t o lots 2 A. tn soumwest part of toe a, n x Hauecum park and oouievard 1 but car. Lou et Uui piuie leu ai No A ATA LAND AND LOT C . ele 1 S. Z. Lite Lidg- Bed IML GOOD LNVEUTMENT SNAP Meat ma tat t, inc. luiiti g ail fix mi -a , gaso IXum engiiie. so lupu ng scis. ketUe and aiiiokei bouse, to. X ii vu ig rvo as upslaira IV ul bricig a rent of ten per -tuaia. Owner b 1 cieaied Ae a.. y auid oa account uf savin guiy w.i. eeii for Vt lasl. Lt -iaa. 1kte.d near ki. and Cuoitt-g. Laa -u-la L La Boara ef Trads t-ig. -t CA.-H-H PER WEEK. " West I.rnei.inii t tiuug.cta. lliiiurv. ji U 'imyii l u e H 'bey jl.u.