Till: HKK: OMAHA. WKDXK .JAY, APKIL 13, 1910. n n a e a o 3 Af it m . i V n Mil H a7 -wf iSSL cs3rW vhr? , m, Want - Ads Advertleemente for the rola ran will be taken antll 12 the mnln edition and nntll Si30 p. m. for the morning and saaday -lions (aih must pcompaar H order for want ad and no ndvertlaement will be acrrntrd for lea thaa'ii" twr flrat Inaertloa. Rates apply to cither Tha Dally Saoilay lie. Alnift count six words to a line. CASH HATES FOR WANT ADS. KEC.ULAR CLASSIFICATION Our Insertion, 1 1-2 reals per word aad 1 t-eat per word for each subsequent Insertion. Each Insertion made oa odd days, 1 1-2 rents per week, $1.00 per line per month. Want ada for The Dee mar be left at nor of the following draff stores one Is your "corner drnelst" their are all branch offices for The Bee and you.- ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the inula office In The flee Building", seventeenth and Farnara afreets. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnara. Hrranck. S. A.. 1402 8. 10th St. Becht Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hernia park Pharmacy, Sii and Cumlnf. Blake-Bradish, 2slti Mieruian Ave. Caugluln, C. 11., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Pharmacy, 21113 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31 t Ave. and I-araam. Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 22:8 S. 16th 81. Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th St. , Eliler, F. H., 2M)2 Leavenworth. """ Foster & Arnoldi, 213 N. 26th St. it Freytag, John J.t 1914 N. 241 h St. Fregger Drug Co., 1308 N. IHth Bt. Florence JDrug Co., Florence, lyeb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Greenounh, U. A., 106 8. 10th St. Groenoutih, G A.. Tenth and Hickory. Hayden, William C, 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1S01 S. 2Uth Ave. IHolHt, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. Li., 2124 Leavenworth St. Johaneon Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding; Sti. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. Itth. Mares. Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrnp, Charles JO., 1324 N. 24th St. I'eyton. L 24th and Leavenworth St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Lrug Store, 16m and Chicago Sta Schaerer, August. 2631 N. 16lh St Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming 8tg. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumlnf. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth, O. II.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATH AND rVNEMAL NOTICES CPNDY Franke. April 10, beloved wife of W. E. Cundy of Chicago, mother of Flor ence Wright, daughter of the late Cap tain Edward I. Itavls and Elizabeth Pavls and ltcr-ln-law of Charted R. Heed. Funeral services Wednesday. 2 p. m . Hulse & niepen, J09 South. Sixteenth street. WILCOX-Newelt R.. sr., Tuesday, April li, 1910. aged 76 years 10 months 27 days. Funeral services from the family home, 2226 Ohio street, Thursday, April 14, at 1 p. m. Burial Bellevuc, Neb. ( LODGE NOTICE Masonic Notice, To members of Nebraska lodge, No. 1, A. F. A A. M.: Funeral services for deceaxed V brother. Newell K. Wilcox, past maater of our lodge, will be hold from the family home. 2226 Ohio street, at 2 p. m., Thurs day, April 14. Burial ut Bellevue. Members will meet at Masonic Temple at 1:15 p. m. All master Mations Invited. ,., BERT A. WILCOX, W. M. W. C. McLean, Secretary. Attention, members of Alpha camp No 1. Woodmen of the World: The funeral of Sovereign Auguxt Shlpporelt will be held from the family residence, 3163 South Fif teenth street. Wednesday afternoon at I Sovereigns of sister camps Invited to at tend. Charles lniti. Clerk. milTIIS AND DEATHS. Births T. L Barbour, Clarkson hospital, girl; Jumcs Ban, 1520 Pine street, girl Harry Gleene. aui North Nineteenth .ro buy: Augunt Hennmitsnn and Puppleton avenue, boy; William 19o2 South Thirteenth street, girl; Fred P Smith, 1507 California street. hv irranir a' Gordon, 2032 North Eighteenth street, boy; aclav Pazderka. 1213 South Second street, girl; John Biuner. 3212 Ohio street girl No deuths reported since Monday noon MAMHIAGE LICENSES. T,i5 '""owing marriage licenses were Name and Residence. Age iiooeri iook, South Omaha 21 Minnie Woodman, South Omaha 19 oeorge M. Schweser, David City. 46 Llxsle Koch, David City ....'.'.'.'.'.'.34 .mu o. carnon, Omaha Over 21 .m iniufi, omana Over IS GUV W. Mver- Hua-.n hiltH P. Samson, Oiiiaha''.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','ao ANNOUNCEMENTS DAVID COLK Creamery Co. THE MEXICAN WHITE SAPPHIHK. A great discovery. A gem with the hard Ytess, brilliancy and luster; can't be de lected from a genuioe diamond. We guar antee this gem to retain Ita beautiful l.nl. llancy and bparkls 'orever, the same as a genuine diamond, at 1-30 the cost, la oiia goiu mountings. Call or write for Il lustrated tatslague. DeLong Jewelry Co BKST CEMENT BLOCKS In Omght. All u wan iuicKntt in siocil. Omaha Concrete Ktone Co.. ISth Av. aV Sahler. Estimate given contract work. W. 16. U SOU; after p. tru. W. 42JI. MONEY Br TO LOAN LOW iia i E. In sums to uit. 310 Bee Bide- Phone limit BOOH MERCHANTS LUNCH. K "irpo A. JETES, 1.03 Douglas St. i" VvXo. ILEli GRAND HOTEL Flncbt in tha west luth and Howard Sis. Turkish Baths MAtiUAKD Van Storage or Omaha l i ung an to Morage Co. Pack, move stm a atid ship H. H. goods. D. 1414, B. C n. CLAVIER, auctioneer, 466 Leaven- Vultll St. THE City Garbage Co.. Tel. Dou. 13S7. c tans vaults, c s.spools and removes ma nure, skins and all kinds of refuse. Beo Hive Cleaning and Dye vtorKs. s. loth 81. Tel. Douglas 4Jt7. J A KKItVAN WILL MAKE YOUR 81 MAiEU SUIT. (HS-10 Hiandels Bldg. ELLINGTON clcsas wall paper. D. Tit. vmnmiii iiuapiiai, gin; Albert K. Johns, Thirty-fifth and Jones streets gin Sam Moore, 1235 South Thirteenth street, girl; Frank Ptnoba, 23.15 South Nineteenth Btreet, boy; B heodore Hogemann, 4115 Patrick avenue, girl; John A. Potthaat, 19i9 South Twelfth Btreet. bov: I'hiri.. i-..,.v,.. ANNOUNCEMENTS (.Continued.) WESTERN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Bee Bldg. Multlgraphed letters. Doug. 364L PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid BlaHe Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BHAMBLETT & Co., 1311 Howard. D. 6971. SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard 6hoe Repair Co.. 1304 Farnara. rrAT H. Oreen Trading Stamps vAJJ wtth nar(j and soft eoal. People's Coal Co. Douglae 1754; Independent A-1461 B. F. WURN. Optician, 424 Brandels. f j -t-. t r -t t 1 1, n. Maa nf a nrafi. VI. I ') i V ' I'l. III.' . " ' . i" - - r - tlcal builder. E. H. Olsen. Tel. Benson 2ii0. "Oet-Busy-Qiilck" Specialist MULTIORAFH WORK A 8PEC1ALTX. J. C. Northrup. -utTTEtoiJuiai. m Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. a Douglas Printing Co. TeL Douglas (44. BARKER BROS. PT. CO. fiherwln-W Pts.. oil. varnish, glass and brushes. 1609V4 Farnam. Cement Blocks M ,Bc?LA-n7c.. BIG REMOVAL SALE FRIEDMAN I-OAN OFFICE. 211 S. 12th. going to move to S. E. COR. 13TH and DOUGLAS. Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, etc., sold below cost. PATTON'S Sunproof paint. Jap-a-lac; try Enamel. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th t Ames. Missouri Filters made, sold. 1510 Howard. ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight Pa ngr J. R. Kennedy. 104 U. ISth. Doug.2937 LEW W. RABER Printer, Bee Bldg., alter April IS. Tel. D. 101 Fencels I Iron and Wire. Champion Fence Co. th ft Jackson Sts. Tel. D. 1590 LYNCTI BROS. PLUMBINO AND HEATINO. REPAIR WORK A ".FECI ALT i 705 S 16th Phone Douglas 1477. Shirts BURGESS SHIRT CO. mad. to order. 16 Karbach Blk. S. H. Cole Sign Co.. V. 376S. 1316 Farnam ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wira Fences Cheaper, than Wood Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th 'Phone Red S14. Kohon Bros., Carpenters. 1509 N. 17th. R.3254 STOP THOSE HEADACHES by using glasses fitted by an expert optician. August juiiiimoii, wmi ... Sandwall Jewelry Co., 3d Floor raxtoi Block. MONUMENTS J. F. Bloom & Co., Moved to new location, corner 17th ant. Cuming Sts. 'Phone Doug. 676. AU fOMOBlLES DRUMM0ND Sells Buggies, Makes Autc Topa. Buiidt Wagons, Repairs .Autos and All Kinds oi Machines. 18th and Harney Sts. FOR 8 ALE 90 H. P. Austin car. newl painted and completely overhauled. Opai. and closed body, glass front, top, extra tubes; complete set of tools, tire covers Cost 6,600 less than a yoar and a hall ago. Will sell at great sacrifice. Address Arthur blow. Omaha, Neb. 1909 Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car, with top and full equipment; used but little 2,3O0 1!K Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full equipment; used but lit tle, fine condition 2,000 1907 Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full equipment, good condi tion 1,200 1908 Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car, 7- passengcr, lull equipment, over hauled 1,500 Wav-rly Electric, without battery.... 150 With battery 3o0 Reo Touring Car. 2-cyllnder, 1SI06 model 400 1907 Stoddard-Dayton, with touring car body and limousine body; all In good' condition 2,000 DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1818 Harney St. 6-PASSENGER Overland touring car, good as new. Address M. Bee office. OMAHA'S foremost repair house; all kinds of repairing: when In trouble call Douglas 72M or A 2011. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. 5-PASSENGER automobile, In good condi tion; will trade for proporty In or close to Omaha and Council Bluffs. WALLACE BENJAMIN. Rooms 1 and t First Na. Bank Bldg., Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE. HORN, extra tires, etc.; top lamp, tools, curtains, generators. Maxwell Runabout, 1908. Excellent con dition. Jar. Full equipment. Phone . Lt. Haskell, Ft. Omaha, Web. 6000. FOR SALE For best bargain in auto- mobiles, write or call on the MiBRASKA-BUICK AUTO CO.. Uu-U Farnam bt SLIGHTLY used, four-cylinder Rambler automobile, gray in color, splendid condi tion, no dealers. Address D-606, care Bee. CALL US for oemonstratlon of Col ''30. " Mldweut Auto Co.. Uth and "arom. WRITE for list automobile bargains. U. G. FKEDR1CKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. Auto Paintinir "UurPhy Did it." Get auiutuimmg our prices. ANDREW Aiuur-Mi at bois, 1412 Jackson. EXPERT motorcycle & Blcycyle repair ing. Omaha Motorcycle Co., 1620 Cap. Ave. AUTOGENOUS WELDING AU kind of broken cylinders, crank ctue -eoi.llto 4V VUty.J eTCyeUrttU, All WOrit BERXSCH MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. UAl?nATWB la used automnhii.. J"VJ"-,K-' Velie Automobile c. fan. wr. .. - . . iiu. Mm u.iu o i BARGAIN In secondhand cars; over hauled and repalntetl; look like new; for sale regardless of price; Pres-to-llte tanks for sale. Standard Automobile Co., MM IMU4III. 11. IVUU, jji. BUICK car with top, wind shield, k lamps complete, li'OO. Inquire A. Uoidl 1513 Douglas St. Omaha, bJ!-,'V,t.'lVr,c,l.ir ?t of econd-hand cars. - u-' AuiuMuniLi; CO.. 1814 Farnam St, FOR SALE Used Cadillac touring sar; ...U.UB..., uTin.uin, ana rour new tire lust fit II; been in barn since November; ex ceptional bargain, -account purchase of new wi . AUUira c avj, Dee. BUSINESS CHANCES TWO first-class barber shops for sale cheap; one In Sterling. Neb., and one in Adams, iseo. Address Box lie. Adams, FOR SALE .".00O stock of drugs, good clean up-to-date slock, doing a fine bus Imw; fine location, over 40 years In bus iness; tnst reasons for stlllng: will sr i right fur cah, no trades considered. Ad. dices i". O. Box SO. Wet-plug Water. b. I BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.,) A Live Omaha PAYS 12 TO ' 18 DIVI manufacturing concern wants more capital for expansion can use some good solicitors on liberal commission. Ad dress or call on Mr. Guild, secretary Commercial club Also Mr. Palmatler, Merchants National bank. DENDS McNeill-Jewel Realty Company. Write Ls tor iai ra:iio. &I5 N. 24m. Tel. So. 7'JU. ooutn Omaha. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. I must lane my wue 10 tne mountains and will sell one of the best real estate businesses in Omaha very cneap tor quick aie. ilns Is no fake; win stana the closest investigation If you mean business. Answer quick. Address C 343, Bee. CONTROLLING Interest In state bank n Oregon, In prosperous community; pays m per cent dividends and prospects Hue; everything guaranteed, and requires about 12,000 to nandle. Aduress E. c. jiowttra, .14 McKay Bldg., Portland, Ore. BIG money made right now! If you have some ready cassti. Secure; exclusive territory; rights at once; inus-u useful and substantial patent; large profits; no .ompetitlon. Address H. 20, Bee. LAUNDRY To sell or rent; Just installed in good town. Address, Y-264, Bee. FOR PALE A good retail lumber yard, n central Iowa; investment of Il5,uu0. Ad uress X 246, care Bee. PARTNER wanted, screen and shade ouslness; latest improvements. See Mima, 109 IN. Z4in 81., south Omaha, Klines lotel. WANTED Young physician, married, for ,ood opening; new town, prospering. Ad iress Y 207, care Bee. FOGEL & ALTSTADT TO BUY OH BELL. --9 Neville Blk. Doug. 3123. ONE-HALF interest In Omaha's live eal estate office. Address M 335, Bee. TO BUY. SELL OK TRADE ee Mld)and Inv. Co., 103 McCague Bldg. FOR SALE Finest hotel proposition In Saskatchewan, brand new 40-room hotel, low under construction; division and Juno ion point; city water, sewerage, electrics tfhtfl. excellent Untnr rlvht In Ih. lir,iiaA big money maker, renannnhla t.rmi. AH. dress Box 139, Estevan, 8 ask. Hotel Doing Big Business n live Nebraska town, passenger train -top for meals. Widow lady must sell on iccount of tailing health. Snap at )9v0. tVill cocilder half of above price In laud tear Lincoln. Neb. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. iult 634 N. Y. LOf Blag. Red 1199, PHOTO STUDIO FOR SALE. Best located, fully equipped, 6,000 people, na trade, splendid farming country; have ther business; bargain for cash; price, '.50; rent, 15; act quick. Chas. K. Jacoby, s'orfolk. Neb. TO GET in or out of business call on JANGESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. FOR SALE Photographic studio In the est town in Iowa; population 5.000; bar ,aln If taken at onoe. H. K. Campbell, meg, la. WANT man to take Interest In legitimate business; big. profit; no competition; must nave (2.&00 to $3,000. Address. F 172. Bee. TO GET In or out of business In Omaha. 4outh Omaha or Counoli Bluff, see WU lama. 411 McCague Bldg., 13th and Dodge. POOL HALL and barber shop for sale. (Id less Box 35, Hot Springs, S. D. FOR SALE Unholsterlns: business, snlen- lld trade and money maker, only one other establishment In town; small rent; on ac count of change of business; will sell on time to suit buyer; only a small amount of capital will be required. Addrees C. A. Morgan, 331 Broadway, Council Bluffs. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D. 10-56. TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St DRESSMAKERS Dressmaking and plain sewing, D. 4432, M. SELECOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2017. MISS STURDY. 1701 Farnam. TeU H. 4671 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Dougia 4432. DANCING MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; lessons Hon., Frl.. 8 p. m.; private daily. D.-1041. DETECTIVES OMAHA Pet Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1318. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 817 Karbach. D. 2332 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SANITARY HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. Switches Made from Combings, $1.50. 601 l'axton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 4671. W rrnT A underwear and seamless Tel. D. 4337. E. P. BRUCE Molina Piano. 413 McCague. FOX Ladle' tailoring, latest style sat isfactory fit 122 Leavenworth St H. 663. LADIES, It will pay you to get, our 'price on hat, willow plumes, fancy feather, flower, frame, braid, eta. PEN NELL. 1L11 Douglas St, secoud floor. WE frame pictures at reasonable price. Barker Bros. Pt Co. flfYTTT AT? II Dressmaking. Room 4. lsll UUJ.Xi-U'lijou,,., Bt Phone A-3964 Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sice and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 100 Douglas Blk. Both phones. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mail 50o and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. THE FREN CH WAY Vacant Ladle' clothe beautifully dry cleaned. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing daily. - Children classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. WHITMAN'S fussy package for fastidi ous people, $1. Add 20c If mailed. Melcher Schinldt Drug Co., 17th and Farnam. EDUCATIONAL ST. ANDREW'g BCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHAKLE3. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 8M8 Charles. Harney m SPRING TERM MOSHEH-LAMPM AN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled rours In business, short hand, penmanship and Engllah. Nona but experienced leachera. Day and evening sessions. Moat interesting catalogue p JU llshed In Omaha. Send for one today. MonllfcH A LA M PM AN. Seventeenth and Farnam Sta. EDUCATIONAL tC'Miuriueu.j THE SWUNG TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, DAY AND NIGHT. 1 Students are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions in BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL SERVICE, sure to be open in the fall. The cata logue la ready. Apply for It BOYLES COLLEGE Boyle Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Both 'Phone. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Nnrsvrlea. Fruit Trees andShrubs fc.SP.'IS! eery stock. A splendid assortment of hedge plants. Let us quote you prices now. Call and see us, or phone Benson 634. BENSON OMAHA N UKaERY, BENSON. NEB. NURSERY stock and all kinds of plants for heriillnir for tain. Phus. Pneit ffrntr park. Phone Benson 686. Patronize Home Nursory LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF NURSERY STOCK IN THE CITY. Sales Grounds, 19th and Douglas Phone Douglas 1628 or Douglas 44itt. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO., Nurseries North Omaha. TRFPS "nd Plant' tht grow. F. W. xuuukj Meneray, Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, list and Farnam St. Phone Harney 4650. FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS stoves cleaned and repaired; gaso line repairs; water fronts; new furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 1206-1208 Dougia St. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. 1506 Farnam alt Dnuglaa 8487. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt.E. store enWce. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam 6t J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Dougia 8000. A. DONAQHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L, Henderson, 1519 Farnam St Doug. 12SS. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWERS DBPT. J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse In west! beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents mm BaleeLadlr. LADY solicitors for Omaha, fine prop osition. W. F. Ford. 226 Paxton Blk. WANTED In every city and town In Ne braska; energetic ladle to sell the product of my factory. Exclusive control will be given. No argument necessary to sell goods. Write for free sample. J. W. Hart, 4059 Lucky St., St. Louis, Mo. $25 to $76 per week guaranteed at your own home; ladies only; we propose to give away $10,000 for advertising purposes In sell ing famous Gold Medal corsets at half price to Introduce same; we want one lady in each locality to help us; a grand chance to make a fortune in your own right If you start today; nothing like lt ever before offered; write and see. Address To-Kalon Corset Co.. suite 862 A, 28-30 West Thirty eighth St., N. Y. Factory mna Trade. WANTED Hand-lronera, steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. WANTED Experienced machine girl. Chicago Laundry, 1509 Capitol Avenue. TWENTY-FIVE GIRLS to run power sewing machine in blanket department; steady work and good wage. Apply Bemls Omaha Bag Co. GIRLS experienced on power sewing; ma chine. Apply C. W. Reynold, 100$ Jack son St GIRLS wanted to learn hair dressing, prices reasonable. Oppenheim parlors, 813 McCague Bldg. WANTED five girl to help clean, pre lace curtain. Steady work and good pay. 2W07 Leavenworth. llo-aackeeners and. Demestlea, WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mr. Charles Mete, 666 S. 28th St. WANTED Clean, neat woman to work In kitchen. Vincent Cafe, lth and Har ney Sts. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. 820 N. 41t St. Tel. Har ney 560. WANTED A girl or woman for general housework on a ranch; good wages; no objection to child. Call li 3098. 1113 S. 10th Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must understand cooking. Apply 3336 Harney. GIRL for general housework; also house maid; wages $26 and $a per month; no washing. Mrs. M. A. Hail. 118 N. 30th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In small family; good wage. 319 N. 41st Avo. Phone Harney 16S0. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. A. B. Jaqueth, 2017 Spencer. ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply Mr. Roeenblum, 810 N. 16th St. WOMAN for general housework; no washing. Phone Doug. 1828. WANTED A nurse girl or girl for gen zral house work. 2918 Webster. H. 636. WANTED A girl for general house work, a good nurse girl. 2t19 Webster. H. 536. GIRL for general housework; two in fam ily; good wage. 115 Emmet bt Tel., Web ster 1702. GOOD experienced girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. II. F, Morris. 4013 Farnam St Tel. Harney 1336. GIRL or woman wanted for general work; one who likes children; small family; light work; good home for right party. 118 N. 17th St AN experienced girl for general house work, small family, good wages; telephone or call Thursday. at Harney St Tel. Harney vsO. WANTED An experienced white washer woman for Mondays at Ibc an hour. Phone Douglas 62. 224 N. lath bt WANTED A cook, also a girl for laun dry work. UM Davenport Tel. Harney 69. COMPETENT girl for general housework In family of two; good wagee. 624 North 19tn St Tel. Dougia 7724. , WANTED Girl to help take care of baby: no washing or cooking; good home and wage. Xtji Teuiplelon. Phone Webster M. HELP WANTED FEMALE Monaekeepers and Donjeat lea Cont'd. WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housework. Call Webster 343S In forenoons. SIX housekeeper. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge. GIRL for kitchen work. 1813 Chicago St. GIRL for housework at on: one that can cook; good wages. 2025 Dodge St WANTED Girl 'for general housework; good wages; three In family. 405 8. 42d St Phone Harney 1475. WANTED, experienced cook; wages ft per week; family of two, no children; no washing. Mrs. C. S. Montgomery, 602,8. 36th St. Tel. Harney 2462. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs aOeorge A.. Hoagland. 48th and Caaa. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home for right party. 63S Park Ave, WANTED Maid for general housework. Small family. 3i20 Harney. WANTED A good reliable girl or woman In private family. Apply 2024 Blnney St., or call Webster 62. WANTED A young girl to assist with light hounework; a gopd home to right party. 1703 Laird. Phone Web. 2744. COOK wanted. 1906 Chicago St GOOD cook; good wages and no washing. 3200 Harney St. SECOND GIRL at 106 N. 20th St- WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Mrs. Caldwell, 3617 Harney. Phone H. 2790. A GOOD woman for general housework; German preferred; must be a good cook; no washing or Ironing; liberal wages. 2103 California. WANTED Housekeeper; good wage to right party. 1604 Corby St. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 1801 Blnney bt i'none web. 891. KITCHEN girl wanted; apply at once. Mrs. Smith, 611 S. 24th St WANTED Competent girl for general nouaeworg. iwo in laroiiy. call morn In ft. 3530 Harney St. WANTED OIM for general housework; three In family. 2963 Foppleton Ave. Tel. Harney 3183. GOOD girl for housework; good wage; small family. 4018 Lafayette St., Harney 242L OIRL for general housework; two in family. ,228 8. 81st Ave. WANTED middle aged woman; assist in housekeeping. 218 S. 30th Ave. WANTED Child' nurse; reference re quired. 1038 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; gcod wages. 1046 Georgia Ave. GIRL or woman , wanted for general housework,- one who likes children; small family; light work. 211 N. 17th. , OIRL for general housework; no laundry work; best wage; middle-aged preferred. 108 8. S3d St WANTED A competent girl for general houBcwoik. Mr. K. S. Anglln, 101 8. 39th St WANTED Girl for general housework; give references. 2827 Capitol Ave. OIRL for general housework, 6016 Cass. Tel., Harney 1321. WANTED A young girl to help with general housework. 'Phone, Harney 8183. 2963 Poppl-tton Ave. OIRL for general housework where sec ond girl 1 kept Mr. George Barker. 632 S. 87th St, Tel. Harney 3237. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Light work. Good wage and good home. 1562 N. 19th fit WANTED Olrl to assist with, general housework. 26S0 Manderson St WANTED Cook: highest wage. 1103 S. 30th Ave. -Phone Harney 2641. WANTED Good cook; must be com petent and have references. 3M6 Harney St WANTED Experienced cqok; good wagea. 3210 Farnam St WOMAN who understands work and is willing to go to suburbs; good horn and good wages. 1512 N. 26th St WANTED Competent girl; German or Bohemian preferred. 1909 Capitol Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and care of child 1 year old. Mrs. Chedeck, 17th and Cuming Sta. WANTED Reliable person; general housework; cooking plain; nice room and home. Harney 844a 4123 Farnam. WANTED Girl at once for general housework. Call at 1011 Charles. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house keeping and companion; more for home than wages. Address 619V N. 16tb, 3d floor, room 7. COMPETENT girl for general housework; one who ls fond of children; no washing. Apply 308 & 83lh bl. WANTED Girl for general housework; t In family; good wage. 2029 Dodge. GIRL for general housework; good home and steady ylace; good wage. 1303 Park Ave. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; good home for the right, party. 623 N. 19th. Rosenblatt. GIRL or woman for general housework. 1915 Spencer. Tel. Webster 1133. COMPETENT cook. Apply 206 S. 82d Ave. or telephone Harney 206. LAUNDRESS wanted two day each week at lit S. 82d Ave. Harney 1498. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 401 8. 38th St 1 WANTED An experienced rook, also laundress. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 3816 Harney. Harney 4700. GOOD girl for grneral housework; fam ily of three. 1622 Lothrop St. Tel. Web. 975. A YOUNG girl for general nousewont; good home. 4922 Chicago. Tel. Harney 3091. GOOD girl for general housework, $6 per week. Mrs. Cowderoy, 1325 So. 36th Ht. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In family of two. 2514 So. 10th. Tel. Dougia 6961. Atlaeellanenae. LEARN HAIRDRaS8INO-It pay. Toa eaa earn $16 to $26 weekly. Full course taught J. L, Braudela. Hairdreeatng Dept. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglat rvinntv Hnanital. 40th and PoDoletou. Ad dress Mabel ChrlaUe, HELP WANTED MALE TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. C. F. ADAMS. 623 S. 16th St. WE liav the goods that people want. Sell on sight; liberal communions: terri tory allot ed, repeat orders. I E. Bennett Co., Box 108, Alexander, N. U ' HELP WANTED MALE A gen (a and Salesmen tuntlnaed GOOD Palenman In real estate office. Splendid opportunity for the right man. Appiy o Smmer & Chase Co., 309 . -17th M. WANTED Solicitors, city work, nothing to sell, tour to b per oay. Addreas 3m. Bee. AGENTS WANTED To make a houne to house lanvae. sWI and Inxlail a patented article ttiat will net a profit of troin $ to $16 per oay. Let us luumit you a proposition. Address P. L. Co., Lock iiox zii, Hastings, rveo. WANTED Men of experience to sell state or territorial rights for the cale ot a patented article that ls a sure winner. Ad dress C. W. W. Co., Lock Box 212, liaMlngf, Neb. WANTED Five reliable hustlers to work In Omaha, also salesmen lor outside terrl tory; fine proHsltlon; splendid opporunity for advancement, w. jj. rora, im rax ton Blk. GROCERY SALESMAN, thoroughly ex perienced, for live store. Apply, .with ref erences and state experience and salary expected. Address u Bee. WANTED First-class real estate man wtth some means to lake Interest in and help develop a townslte proposition uf ex ceptional merit. Anaress or call orchard Homes Co., i-ia rx. mu St., Lincoln, rxeb. WANTED Organiser for big local ath letio club. Good remuneration for whole or part time. Call at Peter Loch s, opp postofflce, between 2 and 4 p. m. WANTED Man with a clean record; one preferred with some selling ability, al though not necessary, to introduce one of the best advertised commodities In Ne braska, Iowa, South Dakota; personal bond of $200, two securities required, same to cover stock and cash handled; prefer man who is willing to work towns 2,000 to 6.000 population; $3o to $.'j0 per week can be made; answering give full particulars, age, where formerly employed. Address W 306, Bee. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY kOU $16 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDKEbd FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTT CO., WANTED Men from 25 to 60 year of age, convincing taikers to sell the only genuine manufactured diamond known to science. Call room 3. Schilta hotel or the Owl Drug store. (Diamond Dick.) William WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and aee circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. AGENTS everywhere; send three dollar for three sample equalizer, retail tot three dollar each, 200 per cent profit N competition; easily applied, full direction. The hardest working pumps work easy. Wind mill work easily and noiselessly with (lightest wind. Great money maker. Write today, now. Equalizer Manufacturing Company, 640 Bee Building, Omaha. AGENTS New specialty, good seller, good money. Write today.- Bartlett Supply Co., 411 Brown Blk.. Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED collator for house fur nishing Co.; state experience and reference. Address H 4V9, Kae. - - i . WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Farmer, 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Clerical and Office. . . YOUNG man stenographer, experienced In freight traffic; none other need apply; state salary, experience and references. Address o W7. WANTED Bookkeeper and timekeeper for concrete construction work, $100. Several overseers ror railroad construction work, $100. Bookkeepers and timekeepers $66 and $125. Southern Business Exchange, 344 Moore Bldg., San Antonio, Tex, IF YOU ARE OPEN FOR POSITION of any kind, we can render you VALUABLE assistance in obtaining one. We have calls open in all lines, open for IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE. SEE US. WESTERN REF & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) Bora. WANTED A boy. Apply Bee Composing Room. WANTED I reliable boy; good wagea. A. D. T. Co., 213 So. 13th. WANTED Good, strong, reliable errand boy. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 8. 14th St. WANTED Boys for factory work; clean, light work; good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Boy 16 to 18 year old, who Is wide awake and willing to work. Good prospects. Western Electrlo Co., 802 Far nam St V-actery aad Trade. Drug store (snaps). Job. Knlest, Be Bldg. FREE Employment Bureau. fiualaee Men' Ass n.. 440 Board of Trad. FIVE PAINTERS for Interior work. Ap ply apartment building, 24th and Farnam. WANTED Experienced soda dlspencer. Apply R- C. Phelps, Brandela Candy Dept WANTED Top trimmer. Apply E. W. Reynolds Manutacturlng Co., loud Jackson. ONE good cornice man and tinner. Lin coln Cornice and Metal Works, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED A good man to oversee laun dry. Must give good reference. Address Y 253, care of Bee. FIVE CARPENTERS for interior work; also floor layer. R. T. & E. O. Hamilton, 24lh and Farnam. BARBER WANTED; good wages guaran teed; no booser need apply. Address C. Plukhus, Templuton, la. . EXPERIENCED man to set fence; boy to learn trade. Champion Fence Co., 15th and Jackson. TINNER WANTED All around man. steady Job; no buorer wanted. Good wages. F. N. Weaver, Dallas, S. D. LATHERS WANTED Wood and wire lathers wanted. Wages 61 and 62 cent per hour. No union. M. H. Jester, Room 213 Continental Bldg., Denver, Colo. WANTED Two good moulders at once. Address Fremont Foundry and Machine Co., Fremont, Neb. WANTED A blacksmith's helper who has had experience In putting on rubber tires. Johnaon-Danforth Co., aouthwent corner loth and Jones Sta. WANTED Paperhanger and painter; married man preferred; no booser or cigar ette fiend; painting, 30c; paperhanging, by the roll, also a helper wanted, 20c. W. 11. Taft, Coxad, Neb. MECHANICS AND LABORERS WANTED For all kind of plow shop work. Machine blacksmith, punch men, fitters, grinders, tiollaher. erecter and laborers, city work. good pay. Competent men will find un usual opportunities to secure permanent Dosltlons at good wages. Apply in per son to the employment agent. Deer 4k Co., Molina, . lit Jdlaeellaneeaa. WANTED Laborer; good wage; steady outside work. Apply United State Gyp sum Co., r or uouge, la. ANYONE. ANYWHERE. can start a Drofllab! mall order business at noma evenlna. Snd for particular. Heacock. 739, Lockport, N. Y HEJ.PWANTED MALE Mlaeellaneona Con tinned. WANTED Some good oddlng done noon Apply ik9 N. Y. Lite building, noon or 6 p. nv WANTED Men to learn barber trade Few week completes. Time saved by steady practice, . careful Instructors ir.i- given, . diplomas granted. W'aa.-n slm.. flaVS. PoHitiollH Uaitlllif Mnleltrli,! for graduates. Call or write, Moler Barber cullrge. 110 S. 14th St IRMEN a&Tn sis abulia J UIUI'I, MEN wanted for railway mall. Internal revenue, ponipttice examinations. Writ for examination schedule. Preparation fie. Franklin lutitute. Dept. 190N, Rooheaur EARN $10 to $15 a week dirrtng spare time. We start you In a permanent busi ness with us and furnish everything. We have new eawy belling plans, and sra-snn-ahle leaders In the mail ouh r line to k.-ep our factories busy. No curivnHslnn; tir(i capital; you pity us out of the busings; large profits; spare time only required; per suntil usslstar.it; write today for plans, positive proof and sworn statements. Pease Alf.. Co., Mr, Peae Bldg., lluffalo, CAPABLE young mitrl for ovdtr dopt Apply to The Jleunett Co. MEN wanted. E. W. Reynold, imw Jack son St. 1 LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicle. ALFALFA hay. Wagner, S01 N. 16th. A FINE young family cow; fresh; prici $66. Web. 76.".. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering wwfs su VII aa.UU II I B I UllleltV DlBCK mlth work done by Jobnson-Dai.forth Co im U airtrl tr. HORSES for sale. 1415 Cap. Ave. D. lxjo. LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 8. 14th. ntTfimirq i,,.. ..... , high class work, for aj cheap. 1117 Far nam. DELIVERY VinriMQTl..ui, gear and farm wagon. 1117 Farnam 8t . - .... i. ,iRl i uuufi urea: for sale cheap. 2012 Locust St LOST AND FOUND LOST Red cow. Inquire 2X26 Webster. T ZlST WVilfA Ana.a 4&mnA a . . tc riiiBuia. iriiiait: ' Km1! eyes. Reward for return to Mrs. ChttllU. 11lO 3 da ItlL 1 ri it. aic uioi ov. - riiims n . inin,- f MEDICAL Dlt. W. 0. MAXWELL 624 Bee Bldg.. Has cured hundreds of the most Dram. Inent people In Omaha -and all parts of the U. S. of plies without- au .operation. No pain. Tel. D1424.-Hes. Murray hotel. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE. Rupture, one visit Piles and Fualula. f days. Cancer. Catarrh. Rheumatism ana Gout, 30 days. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc.. uu oay. io anne, oiooa or pain. e now quickly and easily these cure are possible when you become fully Informed concern ing our new methods, w rite lor tree book. GERMAN DOCTORS. Corner Mala and Broadway, Council Bluira, la. FREE medical and aurglcal treatment al Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven-j port St.; epecial attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas U67. Calls answered day or night BE8T nerve bracer for man. Gray s Nerve Food Pill, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman tm McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. COSTS TOU NOTHING If you have a chronic disease to try the FAMOUS FREE TREATMENT at the Radium Medical and Surgical- Institute, northwest corner liiu and Farnam. MONEY. TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. Notice to the Public No More High Rates $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS AND SALARIES. THIS IS A NEW FIRM Orranlxed by the REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN of this city to protect $ honest working people In need of I $ temporary help from '.he extortionate 8 $ charge of the so-called loan coin- $ panle. We will loan you all th 18 $ money you want and charge you only If 10 Der cent a year THIS MEANS YOU PAY $ 1.00 interest on 9 10 for 1 yoar. 3.50 Interest on 25 for 1 year, lu.ot) Interest on loO for 1 year, and all other sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly Payment. Reason able Appraisement Charges. A aiance at the above rate will con vince you how much yuu save by dealing witn us. - - - NO RED TAPE-NO DELAY. Money in your pocket within an hour. Independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., Phone Doug. 6046. 16lu and Harney. I t I $t$$www$$$$$$w$wuwwwww$$$wwt U private Loans $$ $10 UPWARDS JJ It On SMTRNITURK and PiA.-MJa m alao to those holding II STEADY POSITIONS. $$ A Modern Firm. 8 With a Modern Purpose. $1 LOOK AT OUR RATES; t CAN VOU BEAT . THEMT W Pays Principal und Interest . ' U No Other Charges. It ' $25-6 PAYMENTS OF $4.80 $4 Lt- $6-60 1$ 40- " " $7-60 $4 payable weekly or monthly. W Other sums in proportion. $4 iki. ri.mnai.tf la backed by men tl tl with unlimited capital, tor 'no pur- in- ' . . . - - - it ,,. of helping those in need of Una- 84 14 burary esaieiuucv. $$ 1$ To maae loans tu muse wuo cannot 9 , It afford to pay high rates. We will $i $$ pay off high rate companies and ad- $$ $$ vane you more money at leas seat $f $$ than you are now paying. $ U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $ $$ 601 Brow n Blk., Opp. Brandeis. - $$ 'Phonesc Douglas 3o:i6; lr.d. A-30M. $ $rtmmtt$m$gMwmtimwmmtmtmi "MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEL WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in 66 principal cities. Toliuau. rwoiu 618 New York Life Bldg. WB5 IX) NOT ADVERTISE IMPOSSIBILITIES. After you have had an unsatisfactory In terview with those who do, come In and we'll show you that we make loan at a cheaper rste than any advertised. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., : For eighteen year at Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam 81a. , 111 Board of 'Oad Bldg., . Telephone D'Xglaa trti. Furniture lOaim; private. 4 Patterson bla.