TIIE DEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1.1. 10W. The dmaiia Daily Nee FOUNDED UT EDWARD ROfKWATEK. VICTOR ROSEWATKR. EDITOR. Entered at Uraaha poeiofflca dam matter. second- TERMS OF 6UUKC1UPTION. Dally Ufa (Including fcurnlay), ptr week. I. laily Bee (without ttundayj. iw weelV.i lally Hee (wlihoi 8ui:ua. one J"r' 2 J"1. iiaily lKa and bunday. one Jroar w DELIVERED BT. CARRIER.. Evening Hfe (without Sunday). P week.ec Evening Ha (with aumlay), per weeK....ic bunday bee. one year... ita balurday Wee, one year Addreea all complamia of lrrrKularltlea lu deliver to City Circtilnliou Deyaruuenu OVs'lCC. " Omaha Tha Bee Bullions- M 8outh Oir.anu twenty-fourth ana . Council Biutrs 15 bcott fc'treeU Lincoln 61s 111 tie building. Chicago 1648 Marquette tomld ng. New york-Itoutna Ml-lKtf No- weBl Tliiity-tnui btrett. . . XT w Washington-;;! Fourteenth Street, n. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to Ad idltorial matter ahould be addiesseu. Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or PO'L"" payahle to The Bee Publishing only 2-cent stamps reoelved In P1"?"1 mall accounts, personal checks. eKcept " Omaha or eastern exchange, uot acctpiea. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Neoraska. Douglas County, aa.: Oeorge li. xachtick, treasurer of i ne Bee i-ubllsulna; Company. eln ?U'J aworn. says that Ihe actual number 01 lull i.nd complete copies ot The Daily. Morning, Evening and Sunday e prlnta during the month of Mavcu. ll. a follows; 1 48.770 1 43410 48,760 4 43,090 t 48,800 41,600 f 4a,s40 1 43,760 42,710 10 43,101) li.. 4a,aio 12 4a,0 1 41,700 14 44,130 1.. M.IMO II 17 ) 43,110 it 43,030 j 1 43,090 go 41,00 Xl' 43,140 2. 42,030 j 4H,40 .'....'. a.&o gk 43.480 II 4k.ViO 11 41,400 21 43,410 1 42.70 (u 411,410 SI.,.. 48,700 Total X,38,400 Returned copies Wao Net total.... Juaxly average 4H.444 UEU B. TZdCllUCK. Ir.aaui.r. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to beiora ui Ibis Him day of March, 1810. M. F. WAXJCErt. Notary puoUo, Subscribers leaving; the city tem porarily ahvald have Thai Bee nailed to them. Address will be) chanced aa ofteu aa requested. -r One more year of drouth in Lincoln. How big la Omaha? It Is not too late to send in your guess. The worst drawback; about spring Is Chat it starts the poet going. The cry of the populace "De bat teries fer today's game is " Governor Shallenberger has one leg over the county option fence already. Be careful, for on May 18 we will be only 15,000,000 miles from Hal ley's comet. J T The New YorK Times prints a poem on "The Unclaimed Rib." Everybody feel himself. ' . . Will somebody speak a kind word to that Mad Mullah and get him in a good humor? Mlnneapaolls boasts a minister named Seashore. - Ought to be a good hot weather preacher. Let's see, does anyone recall the cir cumstances of Colonel. Bryan's visit to Rome on that tour he made? "Are we living In the dark ages?" exclaims Henry Watterson. No, not . out in this part of the country. Some folks have a lurking suspicion that women do not want their hatpins fixed so they cannot catch the men. It seems that Uncle Sam's poverty has become so humiliating that our postoffice clock threatens to hide 'Its face. Milwaukee's socialist mayor-elect .declines to say whether he will run for president or not. There is one mod est man. The hesitation to sell the Yerkes home must be for fear ot embarrass ment In relative values since the sale of those "old masters." The Ohio prisoner who won his parole with a few verses of sentimen tal poetry about home has given the que to those mikers at Leavenworth. With Havelock's backdoor also closed, there will be nothing left for the thirsty mortal in Lincoln to do but to organize himself into a social club. "Porto MauriziO pleases me," says Colonel Roosevelt. It certainly tried its best to do so it pained a street for him and made him an honorary citizen. Dr. Hyde now has the opportunity to show twelve of his fellow citizens, and through them the rest of the world, the inside facts in the Swope murder case. Wonder If any other city besides Omaha permits paving contractors to tear up streets for blocks without pro viding even temporary crossings at the Intersections? This discriminative Intelligence with which people ot remote hamlets in Italy have received the Roosevelt party carries its own lesson of how people of all nations watch current events. I Young Theodore Roosevelt, who has served his apprenticeship as a carpet maker and gets married in June, should at least be able to save his wife Jots of work and himself gome money by tacking them down-himself. The Orde for Reartrurnent. The supreme court's order for a re argument of the Standard Oil and To bacco trust cases Indicate a deter mination on the part of the judges to have all the points fully presented be fore reaching a conclusion, even If to do this requires considerable delay. It means that the Issues Involved are regarded as so far reaching and com plicated as to make most careful con sideration desirable and Imperative. While the public generally would like to have these cases adjudicated by the court of last resort as soon as possible and will regard this postpone ment of the decision as another of the law's delays which ought to be obvi ated, still what every one wants Is absolute and Impartial Justice to these colossal corporations as to the hum blest citizen In the land. The suits are brought under allegation that these so-called trusts have been ' violating the Sherman law and have brought upon themselves the severe penalties which that law prescribes. These are not the only corporations whoso in terests are at stake, for If the de cision goes against the Standard Oil and tobacco companies a great many large business organizations will have to revise completely their methods of operating, and It will behoove the court to draw the lines at what the Sherman law makes illegal, so that all who wish to be law-abiding may gov ern themselves accordingly. Without the order for reargumcnt the decision would have to be ren dered by only seven of the nine Judges because of the death of Justice Drewer and the Incapacity of Justice Moody. It will now doubtless when submitted find the existing vacancy filled, and possibly come before a full bench, or at any rate have the participation of eight Judges. Cancer in Tith. President Taft has deemed it of suf ficient Importance to call the atten tion of congress by a special message to the prevalence of cancer among fish, recommending the appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of one or more , laboratories at suitable places for the purpose of making an active investigation , into the subject. This action is taken on the basis of reports made to the president by the director of the New York state laboratory, the secretary of commerce and labor and the commissioner on fisheries. The general scheme of improving and protecting public health, involv ing the warfare against tuberculosis also comprehends a vigorous fight to overcome the ravages of the cancer and this movement, encouraged by the chief executive, is but a part ot that larger plan. In the course ot his mes sage he says: Progress In tha prevention and treatment of human diseases has bf en marvajausly aided by an Investigation Into the - same .disease in those of the lower ' animals which are subject to It, and wa have every reason to bflteve that a close Investigation Into the subject of cancer In fishes, which are frequently swept away by an epidemic of it, may give us light upon the dreadful human scourge. The president recently recom mended to congress the advisability of creating a bureau of public health as the best organized agency for di recting the multiplicity of efforts ex erted for better hygienic conditions and he bays that were this bureau now In existence he would turn over to it this Investigation of the cancer in fish. There is a commercial side to this proposition which, however, receives no consideration from the president at this time and for this purpose. Fish, like flesh, becomes an article of inter state commerce only when placed in the channels of trade and this gives rise to the question, will the govern ment decide to establish a system of fish inspection such as it has done with reference to meat, maintaining its in spectors at the various packing plants in many cities of the country? If the president has been properly advised as to the danger of cancer in fish, it would seem most urgent that some such steps be ultimately taken. His recommendation for an appropriation of $60,000 only contemplates, of course, an experiment for the present, on whose results future action will de pend. Just to Swap Stories. So Mr. Pinchot went to Italy merely to swap stories with his old friend, Colonel Roosevelt. Why was that not thought Of long ago? Why all this idle gossip about deep-laid plots in the mission of the former forester? Truly the tendencyt of the times is toward sensation. This desire Is so inor dinate that people prefer to Jump from the simplest and most natural conclusion to the remotest and most far-fetched. Here are two men who for years had been ardent mutual admirers and intimate friends. They love the same fields and enjoy the same sports. One has been off on a year's hunt for big game the other, a great hunter, too, has been having somewhat ot a lively time at home. What more natural than that Mr. Pinchot and Colonel Roosevelt would be eager to meet and exchange reminiscences, swap hunting stories, discuss the relative merits of bullets and buckshot, for, as Colonel Roosevelt's tactful secretary confided to the newspaper men to whom he imparted the secret ot this meeting, "Mr. Pinchot is also a good marks man." Perhaps, after all, there is some thing in the superstition that sphynt llke attributes folio;' the tourist out of Egypt- Surely some occult power Is required to seal a man's Hps under such Inviting conditions as those sur rounding Colonel Roosevelt when be ing; pressed for that coveted' secret. Here he has Just come from a. long drive "through the olive orchards of picturesque Caramana valley, then climbed six miles up the winding rosd to the famous little chapel, once visited by Chariemagre on his way to be crowned at Rome, which contains Interesting relics of the old Mediter ranean galley slaves." If such Implor ing Influences as these will not wring the mystery from Mr. Roosevelt's lips, then nothing is left but to accept his secretary's word for It and believe that, after all, Mr. Pinchot went to Europe for no other purpose than to swap camp stories with his old friend and former chief. Champ Clark's Childs Play. Stripped of all pretense of purpose, the refusal of the house to defray the expenses of the speaker's automobile reveals Champ Clark and his demo cratic understudies in an act of dem agoguery as puerile as It Is patent. The only strange feature of it is that any republican member of congress could be caught in such an obvious trap ot party politics of the peanut brand. It Is another instance of the minority leader using republicans as catspawg to rake his political chest nuts out of the fire, ana the veiled at tempt to give it the appearance of. an Insurgent attack adds no merit to it and deceives no thoughtful person. It would require more specious pleading and far-fetched .arguments even than the member from the Sec ond Nebraska district offered to Jus tify this tr'ck as anything more than mere child's play, as Representative Mann called it. The absurdity of the whole thing appears in Champ Clark's using this Instance of lopping off a few dollars to declare that if the dem ocrats get into power they will show that the government can be run $300,- 000,000 cheaper than it Is today. It Is not a matter of Cannon and Can nonism at all, not susceptible by the most strained construction of any such interpretation. To begin with, the automobile was provided for the speaker against his will and the faith ful watchdogs of the treasury sup plied it to him, knowing that it, like other automobiles, would cost some body money If used. Champ Clark strikes while the iron is hot. He employs an insignificant item of routine, expense to revive anti- Cannon animosities for no better pur pose than to make a stage play of party politics and counts not in vain on stampeding some of the republicans who but recently succeeded in dis placing the speaker from the rules committee. And after it is over what does it signify? Only that the, minor ity party still lacks a big, command ing leader in the lower house of con gress. No one will disagree with Mr. Cannon when he says that if the Mls sourian were to become speaker "he would be the same Champ Clark that he is now." Little- matters like auto mobile expenses would not vex his righteous soul then and economy In public expenditures would become the least of his worries. Another Object Lesson. The fact that on a direct vote Lin coln has again gone dry by an in creased majority is another object les son of the efficiency of the existing law In Nebraska for the regulation of the liquor traffic When we com mented on the tug-of-war results be tween the wets and drys a week ago we called attention to the fact that un der the Slocumb law, which has pre vailed in this state for nearly thirty years, every city or town is enabled to license liquor selling or to refuse to license, as the majority of its inhabi tants see fit, and we here have another example, Lincoln has Just' gone through a strenuous campaign over the license and no-license issue, in which the forces have been marshalled on both sides in full array, Lincoln has been dry for a year and previous to that bad been closing at 7 o'clock, so that the decision to adhere to the dry policy means simply that there has been no reversal of sentiment there. Lincoln, moreover, presents certain conditions which naturally tend to strengthen the J dry sentiment. It is the seat of the State university, and as such the tem porary home, during the greater part of the year, of several thousand young college men and women whom it Is de sirable to shield from temptations that would interfere with their studies, and this unquestionably has a potent effect on the entire community. Lincoln, too, has no large industrial population and no large numbers of workingmen looking tor cheap recreation and amusement. In fact, Lincoln is more like an overgrown country town than a metropolitan city which its popula tion would indicate. Plainly, the Lincoln people want their town to stay dry, and they have in addition resented the intrusion of outsiders brought in to tell them they ought to get wet But if the rule works both ways, the drys in Lincoln and elsewhere, instead of trying to force prohibition on those who do not want it, ought to be willing to let every other city and town say for itself whether it wants to be wet or dry. Inmates of the Grand Island Sol dlers' home are complaining that their treatment there Is "worse than Ander- sonvllle," and the blame Is put up to Governor Shallenberger for insisting on retaining an incompetent com mandant In charge. The Anderson vllle reference may be exaggerated, but the old soldiers in their declining years are entitled to the very best con slderatlon the state can give them. and that was, no doubt, the Intention of the legislature when appropriating money for this purpose. We believe one trouble arises from the limitation In the law which makes it mandatory on the governor to appoint none but a union veteran to the trying position of commandant, which calls for vigor ous executive ability. The time has come when the law should be amended to permit the appointment to this place of a veteran of the Spanish war if no qualified union veteran Is available. Our automoblllsts will have to get together on the question of what an automobile Is worth for the purpose of assessment and taxation. But then, of course, everyone knows the vast difference there is between the original purchase price and the amount al lowed by the dealer when trading In on a new one. Take note that while Milwaukee marched under the socialist banner at Its last city election, only 160 votes, In round numbers, were polled for the socialist ticket in South Omaha. Socialism in this country is as yet a local issue. The street railway company should be officially notified that every once In while an accidental Jolt makes its sprinkling car Spurt a little water out side of the space enclosed by the rails. Governor Glllett of California lost his memory when he went to introduce Lord Kitchener as San Francisco's guest, and presented him as the "greatest general of any army." The official vote in South Omaha elects one city councilman by a plural ity of six. It is a case of where six ot one is equal to a half dozen of the other. Beat Brand of Xevra. Baltimore American. The voluntary Increase in wages now be ing gran-ted by big corporations are much bower news than the reports of strikes. "Uncle Joe" and Ills Car. Brooklyn Eagle. Joe Cannon really ought to have an automobile. The appropriation bill should be fixed. It takea swiftness to escape crunks In Washington. rnahrt to the Rear. New York. World. It may surprise a good many earnest be lievers In the conservation of natural resources to be told that the Pinchot- Balllnger investigation Is still going on at Washington. As a political thriller it has not been a success. A Gentle Touch. Philadelphia Bulletin. The Sugar trust has been held In con tempt by a federal court for refusal to produce Its books In response to a sub poena, and has been fined $500. If that is the severest penalty that Is to be inflicted on corporations (hat defy judicial man dates, their managers are not likely to lose much sleep over 'the prospect. The 'Whole Thins Jo Oklahoma. New York Tribune. Rnvrrnnr Haskell cif "Oklahoma Is hav ing trouble with an , Insubordinate state adjutant general. The ex-treasurer of the democratic national committee and Pooh Bah of the last democratic national campaign Is never happy unless he is engaged In some administrative, judicial or military ruction. He ought to have the marvellous Oklahoma constitution amended so that he can discharge all state sub ordinates who venture to differ with him. That would only give public sanction to Mr. Haskell's deep rooted and unshakable conviction that since he was elected gov ernor he has constituted the state. INCOMK TAX AMENDMENT. Six Affirmatives to Three Negatives Recorded. New York Tribune. The income tax amendment to the federal constitution has been ratified by the legis lature of Maryland, the state senate pass ing on Monday a resolution of approval adopted several weeks ago by the house of delegates. The amendment has now been definitely accepted by these six states Alabama, South Carolina. Illinois, Okla homa, Mississippi and Maryland. The Ken tucky legislature of 1919 passed two ratifica tion resolutions, both, of which were sup posed to be defective in form, and a third waa under consideration when a sine die adjournment was taken. It has recently been announced, however, that Governor Wilson will forward the second resolution to Washington and let the secretary of stata decide whether it is technically regu lar and valid. . Only one stata legislature that of Vir ginia has 'so far defeated a ratifying reso lution. The Virginia bouse of delegates re jected the amendment, while tha senate voted to approve it. Last year the lower branch of the Oeorgla legislature passed a ratifying resolution, but the upper branch postponed Its consideration. The Connecti cut legislature of 1900 also decided to defer action. Four state legislatures are now In session thoae of Massachusetts, Rhode Is land, New York and New Jersey none of which has acted upon the amendment. The legislature of Oeorgla will meet again In June and a special session of tha Louisiana legislature Is likely to be called aoon. Ver mont's legislature assemblea In October, ao that by the end of 1910 practically one-third of tha states will have had an opportunity to pass on the amendment and its chances of approval will have been fairly tested. An affirmative vote by six possibly by seven states, with a negative vote by only one. Indicates a substantial popular pres sure behind the amendment. It has to overcome a formidable Inertia, since It must carry both branches of the leglslaturea In three-fourths of tha states, but it has in Its favor tha tact that eacn victory it gains is final, while each defeat may be repaired on subsequent trials. Our Birthday Book April 13, ltlO. Thomas Jefferson would be celebrating 1.1s birthday today if he had not gone to Join the Immortals. He was born April IS, 1743. In Albermarla County, Va., and died July 4. 1!2& of tha fiftieth anniversary of the signing of tha Declaration of Indepen dence, of which ha was tbe author. Richard T. Ely, professor of political economy In the University of Wisconsin, wss bom April IS. ISM, at Ripley, New York. Dr. Ely was had of the Instruction in political economy a. John Hopkins uni versity before he came weal. 11 has lectured in Omaha several tlmej. Anson K. Graves, prou slant episcopal bishop of Laramie, waa born April 13. 1M2, in Vermont. Blshoo Graves waa at one time rector of Ht. Luke's at Platttmnuth, and th keat of hla tea is now Kearney, Nib. Around New York tipples on the Current of life aa Been la tha Great American Metropolis from Day to Iay. The recent failure of the newest of New York's lobster pslsces raises an tue that overshadows in certain circles the home coming of Roosevelt. Was the failure due to a scarcity of lobsters? Or did the lob ters resent the evening dress regulation T Among tho multitude chiefly occupied in "living to eat" the lobster suggestion of failure Is ostracised, while the clothes ques tion Is received with much favor. The cynical Sun Intimates that the "evening dress" crowd comes from "the provinces, ' bringing their swell clothes to air In the metropolis. Loral lobsters would nut be restricted to swallowtail, and shunned the swallowtail palace, putting out of busi ness an enterprise representing an outlay ot $1,000,000. Us fittings and decorations were of a Babylonian order and designed to exemplify the luxurious magnificence of the Nebuchadnezsar era. Persons without evening dress were excluded from the night patronage of the palace and thia rule is held to be partly responsible for the fail ure. "A great splurge was made when the cafe opened," relate the Brooklyn Eagle. "A London manager of Uermao name was reputed to receive the munificent salary of SuO.000 a year. These statements were widely believed, for In making them the press agent crossed his heart and gave other copper-fastened assurances of good faith. New York likes well appointed restaurants. It Is willing to pay the price required for their support. But it doea not like, or tha male part of it, at least, does not, to be "requested" to appear in swal lowtails and solid white shirts before order ing an evening meal. New York resented being told how It must dress. It is willing to imitate foreign customs to a certain extent, but when Imlta'.ton essumes tha teniblanco of compulsion then it kicks. Four hundred and fifty thousand wage earners In Greater New York are receiving wages below the minimum on which it is porslble to support their families in de cency, urnrding to the annual report ot the committee on congestion of population. This "minimum of decency" is net ot SSOO a year an increase of about $100 over the minimum set by the statisticians a year ago. The average wage of 310,000 workers In Manhattan and the Bronx Is $543 and of 103,000 in Brooklyn $519. A long, lingering, quivering sound, re sembling that historic simile of a cow drawing Its foot out of the mud, accom panied by sighs of satisfaction and little squeals ot delight, attracted the attention of the passengers in one of the coaches of a Sea Beach train bound Coney island ward. A hasty survey ot those In the car finally revealed a startling sight. Several women In the coach were esrterlallv affected. There in a rear seat aat a young couple wound so tightly In each other's arms that at first blush It appeared as if the young man in the case was trying to throttle his fair companion. At least that was the story later told by the conductor. The passengers stood it as long as they could and finally one of the women pas sengers called Peter Nicholson, the con ductor. "Make 'em stop it," she ordered. "The Idea of them carrying on like that In a public place." Nicholson, with Jaw firmly set, ap proached the couple, and after considerable prying, it Is alleged, finally .succeeded In sparat ng the loving pair. By this time the train had reached the station at Ninth street and Fifth avenue, and Nicholson, with his hand firmly entwined in the lov ing youth's collar, bundled him off the train and downstairs to the street, where he plaoed him In charge. Ten years ago, relates the New York 8un, commenting on the death of the popular young writer, Myra Kelly, a newspaper man was dining one evening with Dr. James T. Kelly, who asked for advice con cerning his daughter's troubles with maga sine editors. This seemed like tha preface to a familiar story the young woman had literary ability which the editors persis tently refused to recognize. What was to be done? But the story was not along that familiar line, "My daughter, Myra," said Dr. Kelly when his companion asked how he could help, "Is teaching in a downtown East Side school. All of us at home have been entertained by her stories of her pupils and I urged her to write some of them. She was timid about It because of the tales of often rejected manuscripts by un known writers and did not say that she would make the trial. "Unknown to me she did, though, and de termined to get over the agony of unani mous rejection as soon as possible she made three copies of her story and posted one each to three magazine editors. "This morning she cam to me In dismay with three letters from three editors, three checks and three requests for more stories." Dr. Kelly's companion agreed to act as diplomatic agent; saw the three editors, settled the matter of first choice by lot and gave the bewildered young school teacher's promise of other stories in turn to the other two editors. That was the unusual manner of en trance into the field of story writing of Myra Kelly, then a teacher In the primary grade of public school 147. The opinions of the magaalne editors were speedily justified. Readers de manded more stories about "Isidore Bel chatosky," there were enthusiastic encores for further comment by "Morris Mo jelsky," subscribers would not be denied more ot the wisdom of "Becky Zalmon owsky," and "Patrick ' Brennan," whose father had resisted the tide which had swept most ot hla race away from Pov erty Hollow, had friends by the thousands among magazine readers. For her first story Myra Kelly waa glad to accept $50; within a year she got $r00 tor every atory she wrote. And all she had dona, she often said, was almply to write down tha stories aha told at home of the queer deeds and views of the ghetto children to whom she was teaching a, b, o and deportment. But these stories were ao very unlike any others from out of that world "east of the Bowery," reproduced ao quaintly the dialects, so accurately the points of view, gave such a new, deep Insight Into that seething world where there were hun dreds of thousands of cillsens In tha mak ing, that theli author became quickly famous and prosperoua. But Miss Kelly kept on with her work In that East Broadway school, and re mained where she had elected to leach. In the lower grade. She might have had higher grade classes, fur aha had been specially prepared for her profes sion by post-garduata studies. But the little folk from the tenements aemd to her to deserve the best instruction that couid ba given to them not only In a, b, c. but In how to look upon life, domestic and civic. Also she kept on writing stories until they grsw Into books, "Little Cillsens," "Isle of lrama" and "Wards ot Liberty," and these books, selling by many large editions, had a big Influence In shaping the work of many societies and organisations tir ing to help make good cillsens out of the children of the Ghetto. "Ml?s Bailey" wss the name of the "Teacher" In those stories. t'l I.Tt KK IN I'KN ITK M'l . H I KS. Nebraska Ret the Pare In the 1'p llft Rnre. Chicago Tribune. Penology I rapidly taking Its place In the front rank of the sciences, and the care of prisoners In the various state In stitutions is enlisting the efforts of many tipllfters. The western penitentiary of Pennsylvania la now giving Its Inmnles courses In oil and water color pilntlng, and In Oklahoma, besldrs useful traces, the convicts are taucht foreign languages. In other prisons there are classes In Ibsen . nd the Celtic poets, while In our own bridewell, aa Is well known, a number of men have developed talent along the line of the plastlo arts. It has been left to the warden of the penitentiary at Lincoln, Neb., however, to Improve the table manners of his guests. Heretofore the meals there have been served on the cafeteria plan, the men marching In line to tables laden with coffee' and food and then each marching back to he cell, there to dlno separately ami in silence. Now all this has been chttnarcd. The meals are served on tables as they are at any caravansary. By this means the warden, acting as host, may observe the manners dlnplayed by each convict. II was shocked on introducing this departure to observe several bad social breaks. No. 7fW0 and several of his neighbors ate with their knives. No. S4S2 poured his coffee into his saucer, using suction to assimilate It therefrom. Many others had to be told that eaters should be seen and not heard. Ono convict almost on t,he point of re lease was set back several weeks because he talked with his mouth full of food. The warden has delivered a course of lectures on such topics as "The Vse and Place of the Napkin," 'Treatment of the Finger Bowl." "Why the Toothpick is Outre," "The Deleterious 'Effects of Bolting." "Con versational Leads for Dining Use," all of which have had good results. The hospital is treating a number of men who were Injured severely in the face while learning to use th fork, but their recovery la ex pected. The telling of after dinner stories has been encouraged, and several delight ful raconteurs have been developed. "Shop" Is tabooed. If this Nebraska idea is universally adopted, as we have no doubt It will be, the results cannot be overestimated. Ex cept in the case of Mr. Raffles and his imitators, the brusqueness and bad manners of our criminal classes have been notorious. and we have keenly suffered from them. But with our penitentiaries yearly graduat ing hundreds of men of broad culture and refined manners, we may look hopefully to the future of the race. I When Roosevelt tomes Home. Boston Transcript. In spite of all the preparations now mak ing for Roosevelt's reception in New York, It Is doubtful If the celebration will equal In elaboration that accorded to Admiral Dewey. And yot how soon his glory van ished! The country's response In each case Is the important thing. This time It prom ises to last! A ghndder Averted. Chicago Inter-Ocean. We read that President Taft only suc ceeded In beating Vice President Sherman at golf by making a phenomenal drive at the last hole. Aha! Suppose Mr. Taft had topped that drive, or pulled It or even sliced It. Wa shudder at tha very sugges tion of such a calamity. One million women simply detest washing dishes because they have not yet found the right way If you were compelled to do all your house work in the way your mother did before you, it would be almost unbearable. And still many women cling to the ancient soap route when washing dishes. There's a better way, an easier way, a safer way. GOLD DUST added to your dish-water will make your dishes whiter and cleaner than they ever can be made without it That's the better way. GOLD DUST, unlike soap, cleans more than the surface. It goes deep after germs and hidden IOOu parvicica, auu aiciJOLtca cvcijrujxug aw t,wuv.uw. That s tne saier way. ftOT J) TYTTftT tWs Wr ' sn4? 4-Via nd. jQLoXU, JUV va iu uxaxw viiuuut Jrfy your assistance, because itWj begins to dissolve ana clean the moment it touches "the water. That's the easier way. Mado by THE N. K. v Makers ot FAIRY ring Out Piano Bargain; TEH DOLLARS TAKES OHE HORflE For Ono Uood Upright Piano Thlt-Huit to bring you In to im th many used piano bargains, for we hava some Imperial Pianos, worth $250. marked down to $155 $1 Pr weak only. Then tho Irving Piano whan new sella for $1(0 In an oak rase. You ran hava It (or $1(5 on $5 monthly payments. A (lna $400 Hallet A Davis Piano Just to s who comes first to capture this plsa for $165 tasy payments. Then tha Bhulhoff Piano, In mahogany, Just $50 less than A I10SPE CO., 1513-15 Dsu'las Street We represent the greatest line of Player Pianos you can find under ono roof $3T& and up on $3 weekly payments. Just twtfve different makes. 8 tuotn. . PERSONAL N0TE3. The president Is tlivii of h: 4 slinking receptions, but he wouldn't mind having u few rhanrrs to use his foot. Mr. Untiling Nelson's assertion tlat ho Is "as much of a aenlleknaii nv. any man that lives" ought ,o si'tt'o the matter. If Mr. Nelson does riot know, who doea? The announcement that the Northern In diana Conference of the Methodist church has decided, 011 account of the Men eot of living, that families, In entci tnlnlin; ministers, shall not be a.ikert to furnish more than one night's lodging htm! ono meal, appropriately 1 an Irs a "Hluffton date line. Mrs. A. C. Whrclright of Boston has offered to equip the new custom house, tower there, when built, with a chime of bells, and the senate of the United States on the Initiative of Senator Lodge, lias voted to authorise tho Treasury department to accept the nlft. The bid now uois to tlio house, and there will bo no objection In that quarter. lir. M. S. SeluiU of Long Beach, Cat., took legal steps rintly to acquire an iithnr nitMTiliel for h Im lllternn Hiiiih I f:iml , by making application to adopt Ilamoml l'ulumoi'is, a Yaqul Indian boy, IS months old. Dr. Srhuls is a Russian and lias two children of his own. lUsldcu he has adop ted a Koieun and a mulatto and is can ing about for InTants of other raoes nr. I colors to add to his family. SMILING REMARK "That gambler has u lot of ivy uu hU house." "1 upposo he likes things around liiir that piouuee suckers." -iiaitimore Amer ican. "In your paper thin., morning, sir, 'you spoke of my address at a public meeting last night as 'the Insane drivelling of a played out politician!' " "I am truly sorry, xlr. If it appeared that way In the paper. 1 wrote it 'Inane.' Good morning." Chicago Tribune. "I want to register a vow," said the poli tician, bringing his hand down hard. "Oh, what's the use of registering it?" replied his friend, "it can't vote." Yonkers Statesman. "He ways it Is costing him four times as much to live as it did two years ago." "Hut the price of necessities has only doubled." "Yes, but he Is leading a double life." "I don't know why people say such thing about me. I am sure there Is not a bit of conceit about me." "You're right. Your conceit Isn't a bit. It's the whole thing." Baltimore American. "I see," suld the cheerful idiot with some abruptness, "that the price of raw rubber In London ha finally boomed to 12 shil lings and 4 pence." "And may I ask what suggested this sud den remark?" Inquired the oldest boarder. The cheerful idiot thoughtfully surveyed his plate. "Maybe It waa tha steak," he repllvAV. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A THOUGHT FOB APRIL. Dark clouds across the April sky Went drifting one by one. And piling mssn mass, hlgh-towerej And so obscured the sun; But freshened breezes soon upsprang, The clouds apart slow drifted Revealed the blue, and bursting through The glorious sunbeams sifted. The mind grows clouded like the sky. And troubles one by one Come driftlng in, pile up and tower. And so obscure Its sun; But soon some fresh Impulse of Joy Will all the clouds dispel. Reveal the blue, the sun bursts through, It shines and all Is well. BAYOLL NE TKELE. norm ''Wg'rfr;WfCTT ".jj " nil the T " ( tx4-1 -m4- V -ZM w SOLD DVST 1Hm wr FAIRBANK COMPANY, SOAP, the oval cake. is any one will sell It. Again the Webei piano, which we expect to sell as quick as thia ad appears, for $150. Oh, yea, this will go quick. The $325 Cramei Piano goes at $176 at $1 per week. The Nelson $300 Piano goes for a song, which la $85 cheaper than If new. Tbe celebrated Baldwin maae Howard Pi ano wo cut the price In two and sell It on tha eaaleet terma you cau tlituk of. First come, first served. NogM Wednesday morning. 1 y a ; Si