Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1910, Image 5

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I touncil Bluffs
Minor Mention
Tbe CooncM Bluffs Office of tne
Omiki Bee la at IS Sootl Street.
Both Thoaee 43.
Iavla. drug.
The Clork barber shop for bath.
Orx d drtssers. gee Martin Peterson.
CORRIQAN8, undertakers. 'Phone 1U.
Stock pastured. Hell 'phone 21 433 Plnney.
Wood) in Undertaking company. Tel. IV.
Lewis Cutler. funaial director. 'Phone 27.
Ualrd & Boland, undertakers. 'Phone 1-.'.
J. W. Terry, optician, moved to 411 W.
Broadway. Eyes examined free.
Kxorlslor Masonic lodge will meet In
regular communication tin evening.
I'uryear'a Commercial college employs na
tolicilor, 'i h-y are apt to misrepresent.
For first-class wall paper work, pntnt and wall rrr. and reasonabm pricea,
lire Jensen, Masunlo temple.
The best and cheapest place In the city
to gt your wall pi er and palming Im at
W. Nicholalson Co., 14 South Main street.
Plctures-and nrt novelties make the moit
desirable weadlng gifts. We have them.
In a Isrga variety. C. E. Alexander. Jj4
Kt K'v.' Theodore N. Morrison, Episcopal
blHhop of the diocese of Iowa, will vlait
bt. I'aul's church Sunday, May 8, at whn-n
time the rector, lt.-v. J. W. Jones, will
j.resnt bis duns for confirmation.
William Slimher will hme a hearing this
morning before the commissioner on In
anlty. a complaint having b.en filed yex
terdey by his father, P. al. Slusher of 010
.Mutuinnn street. The son Is 41 years of
ut, and alnKle.
MJTs. Kathrine Brennan of Rrelsford, 8.
aKd 7i years. dl-d Sunday morning at
St. Uernard's noNpltal of cerebral hemor
rnaxx. The body was removed to Corrl
gnn'a unttei taking establishment to await
the arrival of relatives.
Sophie, the Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Niko Koglc, who reside in a boxcar
near the Union Paclftj roundhouse, died
Sunday afternoon. The funeral was held
yesterday afternoon from the boxcar home
and burial was 4n St. Joseph cemetery.
Captain C. K. Shafer of the police force
arrived home yesterday from Hastings.
Neb., where he attended the funeral of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Shafer. Sunday morn
ing. Mrs. Shafer waa 80 years of age and
her death was due to the Infirmities inci
dent to old age.
A meeting of the Klfth Avenue Improve
ment cfub haa been called for this evening
at the county building. Fifth avenue and
Twelfth street. The meeting will take the
form of a "smoker" and all renidenta of
that section uf the city are Invited to at
tend, as there Is business of importance to
come up for discussion.
The funeral of the. late Owen Cunningham
waa held yesterday morning and was at
tended by a large number of relatives and
friends of the deceased, who had been a
resident of Council Bluffs for forty years.
Services were held in the chapel at Mercy
hospital, where high mass was celebrated
by Kev. Father Davis. Mass was also said
t the Corrigan undertaking establishment.
Interment was In St. Joseph cemetery.
Albert W. love of Bowman, Mont., will
arrive In the crty today to visit his cousin,
Mrs. J. H. Carse, -10U0 Fourth avenue. Mr.
Love passed through Council Bluffs a week
ago with the body of his father, Major
H. W. Love of the Second Iowa cavalry,
who died in Portland, Ore. The body wai
taken, to Iowa City, the old family home.
for burial. Mrs. Corse went from here and
attended the funeral, which took place In
the Methodist church In Iowa City last
Wednesday. Major- Love loft his aon a
aword which Waa given to him by General
I'htl Sheridan and on which was engraved
the names of the thirty-five battles In
which Major Love participated.
Decorating homes la a specialty with lie.
Wa charge only reasonable prices. We hava
ererythlng in the line of wall paper and
paint. Try us once, after that you will be
a, steady customer. H. BorwlcX 211 8.
Main St. .V'. . v
Chl-Nemel,,the new floor finish, will not
scratch and hot water win not destroy the
gloea. P. C. Da Vol Hardware Co., agents,
604 Broadway.
I ,.: , Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Be
April II by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Frank Horak to George W. Johnston,
lots 17 and 18, In block 16. In Kvans'
2d Bridge addition to Council Bluffs,
la., w. d 2,200
Oecar Keellne and wife to Joseph
M., Tounkln, lota 14 and 15, in block
11. In Highland Place addition to -
Council Bluffs, w. d , 00
C. J- Culler to X. X. liuntslnger,
lota 11 and 16, In block S. and lot
S, in block t. In Thompson's ad
dition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d. 200
Vary C. Sorenson to William Arnd,
lots 15 and 16, In block 8. in Mc
Mahotw Cooper A Jefferls' addition
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d 100
Ouatof A. Neubauer to Olof Olllgan
and May Olllgan. lot 6. in block 12. ,'
In Crawford's addition to Council "
Bluffs, la., w. d. 100
Joseph M. Tounkln and wife to
George V. Gordon, lots 14 and IS. .
In block 11. In Highland Place ad-.
ditlon to Council Bluffs, la., w. d 1,860
Ernest B. Cariey and wife to Arthur
L Cariey, nH nek and seVi ne'i of
14-74-41, w. d 12,000
National Life Insurance company to
L. Alice Woodford, lot 2, In Judd's
Park addition, to Council Bluffs,
la., w. d 1,900
Anna Berwln to C. F. Bchroeder.
part of 86-75-44, w. d 4.000
T. E. " Burbrldge, executor, to John ,
L. Williams, nwVi nw4 and nw
ew4 ewVt nw'4 29-76-43. and one
acre Jn awW swVA swVk of 20-76-43.
e. d. 2,000
Sarah Jarrett to Margaret Haralman,
-fv of lot 20, Auditor's subdivision '
of ee sw' of 12-76-40, w. d 1,700
i. D. Edmunason, guardian, to K. H. (
Ixutfre. undivided 7-1U8 of nV nA
tieVi nei of 26-75-44, g. d ,100
Vary H. Nllan and William J. Nllan
to Thomas N: Nllan, undivided 19
of S of 14 and w4 sV4 se'4 of
14-75-4". w. d. "
Ellen Nllan et al to Thomas M. Nllan,
undivided Interest In neS of 21-75-
40, w. d
Fourteen transfers, total 136.612
If foa a It In our ad It's jo
The Fascination
of Fine Jewels
Has always exercised a most po
tent Influence over beauty-loving
people. That is why, If you would
Indulge your tastes and delight
your eye for what Is truly beauti
ful and elegant, you should take a
look through our new stock of
diamonds and pearl Jewelry. It Is
the finest collection of Jewelry
ever offered, and what Is equally
tempting, our prices are very mod
erate. Ml nvf u nrufrt nvevtt
Kansas City House
N oaen under same mm
A nnL UAUiS at. BAIKtt
Council Bluffs
Mayor Maloney Submits Message and
City And I tor Warns Members Ac Inst
Overdrafts Faults Plan to Hold
Carnival- Assessor's Booka
Are Ready.
The new city council last night after
listening to the mayor's message and con
firming his appointments disposed of a
large amount of routine and otner matters
in a business-like manner and with con
siderable dispatch. beveral important
matters were referred to the committee of
the whole and a meeting to consider the'm
will be held Thursday afternoon.
At the meeting of the committee of the
whole the recommendations and sugges
tions contained in the mayor's mesxage will
be considered.
Mayor Maloaey's Mesaaae.
The mayor In his message said:
To the Members of the City Council,
Gentlemen: As this is our tirst meeting
of the new council, where mere will be any
'uusiuess tianaacvfd and nrougnt up, t
wisn to present to you the following ques
tions, wiiicn, in my Judgment, demand Ini
nieuiate attention.
First, one or tne matters which properly
cullies before you lor your consiueranon,
is the question ot waterworks. This ques
tion has been agitated from every stand
point lor the lui six years, 'inere Is no
reason, in my judgment, wny tne system
huuia not be Immediately extended to tne
bill ana bouom disnicts, to atlord them
fire protection and water service. How this
la to be accomplished should be determined
by you. The tirst coslderation is
whether wa have the funds to acquire a
plant for the city at tne present time. That
matter is in court now, but how long 1( will
take to settle 1 don't know. The second,
how can we acquire that plant most ad
vantageously ana speedily tor the city.. To
this question you should give your early
attention and your best business Judgment,
to the end that the present unfortunate
situation can come to an end, and that a
staisfactory one to yourself and to our
As to Indian creek, my position is well
known. 1 have recommended In the past
that the system of tunne.lng at the edge of
the city limits is the only feasible way to
dispose of this matter. The last council's
action In the matter consisted In instruct
ing the city engineer to make surveys and
find the cost of constructing a tunnel. It
la Important that this work should be Im
mediately completed, and if. In your Judg
ment, the action of the past meets with
your approval, I believe that Immediate
action should be taken by you gentlemen.
As to the extension of the street car sys
tem, the growth of our city and the wants
of the people have made the extension of
the street car syBtem a necessity, and for
that reason the council should Insist upon
such extensions as are necessary.
In reference to repavlng Broadway, this
Important matter should not be delayed.
Last year the motor company In making
repairs at the Intersection of Pearl street
and Broadway, on a request from the
mayor and city council, replaced the old
granite with Purlngton block, and this is
such a vast Improvement over the uneven
rock pavement that it met with the ap
proval of the business men of the city. I.
therefore, recommend to you, gentlemen of
the council, that you will take auch Imme
diate action In this matter aa well repave
such portion of Broadway as In your judg
ment will be necessary for the betterment
of the business Interests of the city.
In the next two years there win ha
good many important matters come up for
VOl 1 r rnnalrlwrafinn In lha V. - n i
provitnerrts and things of that kind. I
would recommend that any proposition be
fore the council, amounting to over 1200 or
any ordinance granting right of ways or
anything of that kind, should be laid over
ror one ween after It is nrenentert n th
council, before there is any discussion on
It. , ,
The mayor announced his reappointment
of the following:
City phyeiclan, Dr. R. B. Tubbs.
City electrician, E. J. McKinley.
Street commissioner, T. J. Flood.
superintendent . of market u'lin.n.
Custodian of city hall. Andrew Hansen
Police health officer, Peter Smith.
I ne mayor stated he would defer his
appointment of a chief of police, poll tax
collector .and pound master.
City Auditor McAneney In a communica
tion ,to. the council warned them against
any overdrafts ln the appropriations for
the maintenance of the different municipal
departmenta for the ensuing fiscal year,
, City Auditor's Report.
city Auditor McAneney'a communication
was as follows:
I have, with the assistance nf th retir
ing city council, attempted to clean up as
u fxissioia an claims aga nst the c iv
to date, and you gentlemen will have prac-
uuauy S.U oi tne ko,3ou or general fund ap
proprlatlon at your dUposai for the ex-
penses or tne departments as enumerated
in n appropriation ordinance.
uiuoruiii causes tne last riscal year
brought about an expense conslderahlv in
excess of the aDDronriatlnn u marf . k.
beginning of the year; this was taken care
oi oy a Daiance in the aeneral fund whinh
haa been diminished gradually year by year
u.mi n mim louay up against the antld-
paiea income or, with no surplus
""" . ui cuiuiiucration to reckon on.
In plain English., the nnmnrlitfnn
made covers every dollar that the city can
count on in the way of Income, the amount,.
assigned to the different departments be
ing, an equuaDie aivls on of lha anm im,i
we hope to realize for the year, and ap
plies to the departments for the same pe-
rne expenses or each department will
have to be held down for eaoh month to a
reraunauie- portion or the total approprla
tlon for the year, and I ask your aslst
ance as well aa that of the different t.
partmenta in keeping the eiDendfturea rinwn
to the figures as represented by the ap
propriation, as It wilt be an unpleasant
uuvjr mi my pari to nave to refuse to draw
any warrants Deyona tne amounts aa ap
propria ted. ,
Eaa-lea In Girt Fair,
n tuiiiuiiiiM representing tne drill team
or the Council Bluffs aerie. Fraternal
Order of Eagles requested permission to oc
cupy North Main street from Broadway to
the bridge over Indian creek and Mynster
street between Main and Scott streets for
the purposes of a street fair and carnival
during the week of May 21 to 28.. The com
mlttee stated that the consent of all the
abutting property owners had been secured
and that the streets to be so occupied
would not be enclosed. The permission
was granua. it is understood that the
proceeds of the carnival are to be devoted
to the purchase of uniforms for the drill
team, which contemplatea taking part In
the drill contests at the meeting of the
grand aerie In SL Louis in August.
The annual reports of several of the city
orticers were received, but not read. They
were reierrea to the proper committees',
Money Pnt on Streets.
According to the report of Street Com
miasloner Flood the sum of I1I.1SS.S0, which
Includes SSt8, the value of poll tax worked
out, waa expenaea upon the atreeta of
the city during the fiscal year end In
Aiarcn si. ui mis amount ix,i!sj.flu waa
received from the city general fund, while
the balance, 15,127 70, was derived from the
proportion of the county road fund levied
within the city . limits. There waa ex
pended for cleaning streets $10,422, while
the cost ol repairing waa 1X700. Over 13.000
of this amount was expended to clean the
streets in the vicinity uf the Northwestern
crossing un Broadway after the Indian
creek flood last summer. The cost of labor
and lumber for crossings waa 12.717 16.
City Clery Casady's report for th fiscal
year Just closed showed total receipts of
127.637.01. as against 3.7it7l received dor-
Council Bluffs
ing the fiscal year ending March 11. im
The amount turned Into the city treasury
by the clerk was 324,372.81. as against
OM 87 for the previous fiscal year. The de
crease In part Is accounted for by the re
fund of $1,273.70 liquor licenses.
The revenue from liquor licenses during
the year amounted to $18,739; from general
licenses, $2,671.75: from dog taxes, $$11.25;
from city crime, including the much dis
cussed "fines and forfeitures," received
from houses of Ill-fame and other re
sorts, $2.9.3. The fines In state cases In
police court turned over by the clerk to
the county treaurer amounted to $23V60.
The sum of $.sl.75 was received for milk
Klertrlclan's Report.
The report of City Electrician McKinley
rhowed fees collected to the amount of
$r7li and that the expenses of his depart
ment for the year had been $2,344.11. The
additional expense last year was caused
by the erection of the new central Xlrc
station, necessitating the tinnsfer of the
fire alarm system from the old to the new
building. In his report Mr. McKinley
recommends new relays and registers for
the police alarm system and certain repairs
to the police call boxes.
Poll Tax Collector O. XV. Thomson's re
port shows that he collected $1,9D0 In cash
and that 434 persons worked out their tax
at the rate of $2 per day. Mr. Thomson
served 2.473 poll tax notices, of which 1,319
brought In the cash or worked on the
streets. The emoluments of the office,
based on 15 per cent on the amount worked
out and 20 per cent on the cash collected,
aggregated $517.80.
William Higgeson, superintendent of mar
kets, which la the official title of the city
weighmaster, according to his report, col
lected $767.30 In fees for weighing loads.
esting rcales and by sale ot scale tickets.
Miring the year Mr. Hlggeson tested 4H9
scales, his fees for this service amounting
to $136.60. His fees for weighing amounted
$465 and the sale of scale tickets pro-
uced $164. His expenses for drayage, etc.,
amounted to $32.09.
Board of Eqaallaatlon.
A request from the Board of Fire and
Police commissioners that It be given the
se of the office of the city electrician In
the city hall and fhat this official and
his paraphernalia be transferred without
further delay to the quarteis Intended for
his use in the new fire station, was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Clerk Casady announced that Assessor
Hardin expected to have Ills booka ready
so that the city council could beffln on Its
work as a board of equalization Thursday
The clerk was Instructed to advertise for
bids on supplies and printing.
At a meeting of the Board of Health
following the city oouncll session Dr.
Charles H. Bower ' was re-elected city
health officer. Members Harding and Hub
bard voted for Dr. William Greene.
Jndare Wheeler Holds Conrt Session
in This City.
Judge O. D. WheeUr, who held court for
Judge Woodfuff at Logan last week while
the latter waa here presiding; over the
hearing In the removal proceedings against
Major Richmond, Impaneled a Jury yes
terday for the trial of the ault of John A.
Moyer against the Council Bluffs Nursery
company and others. This -suit Involves
a claim arising out of a purchase of fruit
trees andother nuraerx .stock; ,by ( .Moyer.
It has been fn the' coufts'fof seveAl years
and haa once been to the supreme court.
This la the first Jury case for this term
and when the members of the panel to-
peared In court Judge Wheeler In hla talk
to them eald he expected the Jury work
to occupy the time of the court until about
the middle of June, If not later.
Beveral of the Jurors asked to be ex
cused and two were excused for sickness.
but the others will have to aerve at least
part of the time. Judge Wheeler told the
Jurors he fully appreciated the fact that
farmers were needed at home at this time
and said he would try to arrange it so
that Jury service would not be a serious
hardship. Ue emphasised the thought that
Jury service waa a public duty which every
citlscu owed In exchange for the benefits
of government and that it waa necessary
to secure men of standing and Intelligence
to act aa Jurors. In cases where excuses
were asked because Jurymen felt they were
Imperatively needed on their farma or in,
their business, the court arranged for pri
vate conferences, at which the situation
of taeh Juror could be discussed and such
arrangements be made aa would enable
him to serve at least part of the term
without serious loss.
Mrs. Kate M. Blegel filed ault for di
vorce from John J. BWgel, to whom ahe
waa married in Council Bluffs on August
19, 1897. Mrs. Blegel bases her suit on
charges of cruel and inhuman conduct and
aska to be awarded the custody of their
child, a son. aged 4 years. Judge Wheeler
granted a temporary Injunction restraining
the defendant from interfering with his
wife's possession of the child pending the
determination of the suit
Aged Mil, Resldeat of Omaha la 1859
ad Formerly ot Bellevne
Newell R. Wilcox, sr., a resident of Ne
braska aince died at hla home, tZit
Ohio street, early this morning. De
ceased waa born in New York state
seventy-seven yeara ago, removing to
Bellevue and later to Omaha.
Mr. Wilcox waa one of the veteran Ma
sons of Nebraska, a member of Nebraska
lodge No. 1, and was twice master of that
lodge. Only a short while ago he was
present at a meeting of the lodge in which
his fifth and youngest aon waa raised to
the blue lodge degree. In which hla brother,
Bert Wilcox, is now master, another
brother, another officer, thua making the
five brothers and their late father mem
bers of the same lodge, an Incident unique
in the annals of Free Masonry or any other
fraternal or secret order.
Surviving are hla widow, alx eons. George
A , Bert A.. Walter E.. Frank, Newell R.,
Jr., and Charles, and one daughter. Miss
Stella. Funeral announcement will be
mada later.
Valnable Fifth Arena Home and Art
Galleries lias no Bidders
I'nder Hammer.
NEW YORK. April h. There was no
sale of the Yerkes residence and vacant
rt galleries at Firth avenue and Sixty-
eighth atreet today, for the sufficient reason
that not one btd waa offered. The sale,
therefore, waa adjourned for one week.
The Yerkes house was bought by the late
Charles T. Yerkea In 184, and left by him
to the city, but the estate became Involved
In litigation with the Underground Electric
Railways company of London, Limited
which Mr. xerRce promoted,' and a re
ceiver's sale was ordered. Never before
hss Fifth avenue property of equal value
gone under the hammer. The Yerkes
paintings, tapestries and rugs, also sold at
auction, brgiyou M -
Monday and Tuesday, April 18th and
Will be the Formal Opening Day
of Our New Establishment
of Beautiful Dresses,
Sold at $25, $29.75 and $35; ON SALE WEDNESDAY at
Just think of what this wonderful offer means. Orkin
Dresses at $12.50. Styles that you know are the newest
and quality the best. There are over 500 Dresses to
choose from. All pretty new styles; some are very elab
orately embroidered; some are semi-trimmed and others
are plain tailored.
The materials are finest serges, chiffon, panamas,
worsteds, silk taffeta, satin, messaliue, foulards, etc., in
all colors and all sizes.
Dresses that sold at $25.00, $29.75 and $35.00
Fail to Reach Preliminary Agreement
Over Wages.
In Past Say They Have Mot Lived I'p
to Contract Precantlona
Are Being; Taken in
DES MOINES, la., April 12.-Failure to
reach a preliminary agreement to the set
tlement of the new wage scale marked the
Joint convention of Iowa operators ana
miners today. Refusal of the miners to
make a rule providing for disciplinary
measures to enforce the Joint agreement
with the operators, resulted n the ad
journment of the.. . convention until 9
o'clock tomorrow morning.
The demands of the miners were pre
sented by John P. White, president, ana
provided for an 'fdtahco" of 5 cents per
ton, pick mining and a corresponding in
crease on other classes; an increase of
5.5G cents In outside and inside day labor;
an adjustment of. the house rent question;
single Instead of double, work In the mines
and a provision for deficient work.
The operators in their demands declare
that the miners must agree to enforce
the Joint agreement, which they claim naa
been constantly violated. The miners. In
turn, claim that the operators have failed
to live up to their agreements, which, they
aver, has been responsible for many of the
local strikes in lowa the last two yeara.
Strict in Colorado.
DENVER. Colo.. April 12.-Strlklng
mlnrs of the northern Colorado coal
flelda received a communication from their
officials today warning them to abstain
from intoxicating liquors during the strike.
Sheriff Capp of Boulder county today
railed in all his deputies and assigned
them to the mining camps. At the saint
time he issued notice to all the armed men
imported by the mine operators that they
must atsy on company property during the
progreaa of the atrlke.
Conference at Kanaaa City.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 12.-Repre-sentatlves
of the oal miners, members of
the United Mine Workers of America and
mine owners of Missouri, Kansas, Okla
homa and Arkarfas met In Joint confer
ence here today In an effort to settle the
strike of the 87,000 mlnera, which began
on April 1. The men went out because
the operatora refused to grant an increase
in wages.
Among the miners' representatives at
tending the conference were: P. R. Stew
art of McAlester, Okl.; Alex Howat. Pitts
burg, Kan., and Charles Batley, Moberly,
president of districts 21. 14 and 26, re
spectively; William O'Brien, Scammon,
Kan.; Grant Parker. Leavenworth, Kan.,
and J. D. Winter, Montana, Ark., members
of the national board, and Oeorge Manuel,
Moberly, Mo.; Fred Holt. McAlester, and
Robert Qllmore, Pittsburg, Kan., secre
tariea of the three districts of the south
west. Aajreement In Indiana.
BRAZIL, Ind., April 12. An agreement
reached tonight between the miners
and operatora of district No. 8 in a Joint
meeting of the scale commltteea. The
Too Commonly Uasd.
The use of pasty cereals Is not advis
able. A physician saya: "Pasty cereals are
very Indigestible and a bad thing for the
stomach, causing a depressed feeling and
quite a train of disorders, particularly of
the intestines and nerves.
Cereals, auch as wheat and oata, can
be cooked long enough and well enough
to fit them for human use, but the ordi
nary way of cooking leavea them In a
paaty condition."
A cntlman from Evansvllle, Ind.,
My physcian prohibited the use of
oats and wheat, for I was in a bad con
dltlon physically, with pronounced dys
"He said the heavy paste waa Indl
gestlnle, but tnat Grape-Nuts, being i
thoroughly cooked food and conked in
auch a manner as to change the atarch
into a peculiar sugar, could be easily
"I have become very ' fond indeed of
Orape-Nuts and all the uncomfortable
feelings have disappeared. I have gained
nearly twelve pounds In weight and have
none of the distressed, full feeling after
my meals that I had formerly; Urape
Nuts food has done the work."
Read the little book. "The Road to
Wellvllle." In pkgs. "The e's a Reason."
Bver read the above letvsrf A new one
appears from time to time. They are gea
alae. trae, and fwU ( huaan interest.
operators conceded almost every point de
manded by the workers. A 5-cent increase
was granted the pick men and a 4-cent
Increase was given the machine men. The
4-cent advance will, on request of the
miners, be given to the loaders. The total
Increase to the day men by the new ar
rangement will be 6 55 per cent. Many of
the mines in the district will resume opera
tions In the morning.
Conference Meets
Next at Lamoni
Invitation of Iowa Town Accepted
Bishop Kelly Says Financial
Outlook is Good.
INDEPENDENCE, Mo., April -(Special
Telegram.) Elder E. E. Long of Iowa,
assisted by Elder C. E. Willey, also of
lowa, was the speaker at the morning
preaching services . at the , Latter . Day
faints' conference here. Business waa re
turned . at ,2... o'clock, ,.wUh-.. Frederick- M.
mith presiding. r
Apostle John W. Rushton ef Leeds, Eng
land, reported Increased activity through
out the main part of his mission. He
said he feels the need of more help. In
Scotland, however, the work of-proselyting
seems to be' at a standstill at present. The
general Sunday School association reported
an enrollment ot 660 schools, with a total
membership of 25,762.
Bishop E. L. Kelly reported Indications
of greatly Improved financial prospects, the
business the last year having been the
heaviest In the history of the office. Owing
to this Increase, he deems it necessary to
erect as soon as possible a large office
building. , '
Tne cnurcn win iiKeiy also this year
build a children's home, ground for the
site of which has been purchased at
Lamoni, la., where are located also the
Herald office (the official publishing plant
of the church), Oraceland college and two
large homes for the aged.
The church cares for Its own poor and
needy, the bishop having paid out for
that purpose during the year about 112.000.
In obedience to a command received on
a revelation to the church, years ago, a
large sanitarium has been erected at this
place. It was furnished for use last De
cember, and its doors, service and com
plete equipment are open to physicians,
surgeons and patients of any denomina
tion. Dr. Luff, physician to the church.
is in charge. The assembly endorsed the
selection of three young men to the of
fice of high priests. They were John
Jones of New South Wales, Stewart La
ment of Canada and Benjamin R. Mc
Gulre, a talented member of the bar of
Brooklyn, N. Y. In response to invitations
Lamoni, la., was chosen as the place for
the next conference to be held.
To the board of publication and the
church historian was referred the matter
of preparing and publishing as soon as
practicable a Juvenile history of the church
to be used in the Sunday schools and In
prosecuting missionary work.
Tonight a program was rendered in the
Interests of the Oraceland college, given
mostly by Oraceland students, of whom
about fifty are in attendance at the con
ference. This was presided over by the
college board of trustees and Acting Presi
dent J. A. Gunsolley. A feature of this
program was singing by the "Missionary
chorus," a body of young men who are
singing evangelists when In the field.
The excruciating pains from corns or
bunlona anay be avoided by applying Cham
berlaln'a Liniment.
Pasarnser is Refnaed Damnfti on
Charge that Condnctor "t ossed
and Abnaed" Him.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 12.-Pas-aengere
cannot recover from railway
companies on the ground of humiliation
alone, according to a decision of the su
preme court In the rase of M. V. Pierce
against the Iron Mountain fc Southern
Railroad company, handed down here to
day. Pierce brought suit because a train con
ductor "cussed and abused" him In the
presence of other passengers owing to the
fact that he did not purchase a ticket be
fore boarding the train.
On Condnetor 'Who Wii Cored.
Mr. Wilford Adams la hla name, and he
writes about It: "Some time ago X waa
confined to my bed with chronlo rheuma
tism. I used two bottles of Foley'a Kidney
Remedy with food, effect, and the third
bottle put me on my feet and I resumed
work aa conductor on the Lextlngton, Ky.,
Street Railway.- It gave me more relief
than any medicine I bave ever used, and
It will do all you claim In cases of rheu
matism." Foley'a Kidney Remedy cures
rheumatism by eliminating the urio acid
from the blood. Tor sale by all drugclsia
15 1 O
TaiVs Bridal
Tourists Dine ,
at White House
Noted Party Sprung Three Weddings
After Trip to Orient with
WASHINGTON, April 12-The annual
dinner of the party conducted by President
Taft. then secretary of war, to the Philip
pines In 1906, . which resulted in At least
three famous weddings, that of Representa
tive Longworth and Miss Roosevelt, of
former Representative Bourke Cockran anl
Miss Ide and of Representative Swager
Sherley and Miss Critten, wes held here
President Taft welcomed fifty members
of that Jovial company which he chaper
oned through the orient. Mr. and Mrs.
Longworth and Mr. and Mrs. Bourke
Cockran were not present, but Representa
tive, and Mrs. Sherley wore there to testify
to the president's ability as a Prince Cupid
The president spoke briefly and read a
resolution of condolence on the death of
Representative David De Armond of Mis
souri, who was a member of the party.
The resolution was dispatched to his family.
Among the guests were Senator and Mrs.
Nathan B. Scott, Senator and Mrs. M. J.
Fotter, Senator and Mrs. Charles Curtiss,
Senator Francis G. Newlands, General
Clarence R. Edward3. many representatives
and a number of friends of the members
of the original party.
are known to exist in this country by thousands because
freed from pain and suffering by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Could such a record be made without actuaji and supe- -
rior merit? Read what this woman says, and realize that
the results secured in her case could not have been made
except by a very good medicine.
Lawrence. Kans. I was a jrreat sufferer from a weakness
irregular periods, headaches, backaches and otiier femalo trou
bles, which caused a weak and broken-down condition of tho
system. My vide was so sore I could not lie on it. I saw in my
daily paper that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
good for all female troubles and had done so much for other
suffering women, so I felt sure it would help me, and it has
helped me wonderfully. I got relief from the first bottle. My.
aches and pains all left me and us I continued taking the Com
pound I grew stronger. Within three months I was a perfectly
well woman, and I want this letter made public to show what
benefits women may derive from Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. Julia A. Snow, Itoute No. 8, Lawrence, Kans.
Science in surgery and electricity has advanced much in
the past 30 years, but the treatment of disease. by the old
fashioned roots and herbs method has never been improved
upon. The fact that this leader of them all Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is to-day the largest
seller of any similar medicine in the world, is proof positive
of its value and superiority, for with all our enterprise and
advertising we could not keep fooling the people for 30 '
years. Merit and merit alone is what nas made Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the standard medicine for
treating diseases peculiar to women. - ' .
For 30 years Lydia 15. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does Justice to
herself who will not try this famoas medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit ,
f"" If the slightest trouble appears which
you do not understand, write to Mrs.
Pinkham at Lynn, Mass- for her advico It' Is"
tree and always helpful.
7 1
111 .( m
Woman is Blown
Into Phone Wires
Hangs Suspended Until Rescued with
Ladder Arkansas Tornado
Plays Prank.
FINE BLUFF, Ark., April ' U.-A do:,
or more cottage and small buildings ..
the southeastern portion of this city wer
wrecked tonight , by a fierce windstorm
resembling a tornado In proportions. Nt
lives were lost, but several negro residenti
of the suburbs were badly bruised by flylnn
A freak of the wind was the lifting of t
negro woman off the ground and whlsklni
her; up into a. muss of telephone wires
where she hung until rescued by men with
Gnnalsnn Bore, Opened hjr President
Taft, Kenrly It end y for
MONTROSE, Colo., April N,-The last
shot on the great Gunnison tunnel, which
President Taft dedicated last September,
was fired today, and the only work that
remains to complete the Irrigation proj
ect for the Uucompaghre valley la the
concreting. ' ' '
To Die on the Scaffold
Is painless compared with tho weak, lamo1
back kidney trouble causeB. Electrio Bit
ters is the remedy. 50c. For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.