Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. "WE ON ESD AY, APHTL 13. 1010.
We.tcrgaard.tnd Zbyszko to Mct at
the Auditorium Monday.
SUnnitrr filllim linn Prepared Aa
iilhrr Ulan Mas Wrestllna Car
ttltal far the l.ers of
That irt.
lrn MulixK Is prtparln? .to fend a lrr,e
t-ontinirerit to Omaha t'. witness the
Zhyssko-Wemencaaid rualvh Monday tiiKht,
nhun these glints get Wfr aa:ii at th
Au'lltoiUm. 'Honors at., uhoiit even be
tween lb two to dato. Many wrestllnu
funs have a rnoro t. holcsonif rvgard for
Wesle riraard slnco the ..remarkable show
ing; he made nualriKt the lnt l'ole
last they met and iho roftuh came (o a
mdd-n rnd wh:n Veali'iai (1 wrenched
h.a ankle. '
Westers arl has been for sonic time
tialiilnjr stunts In mo p-n air. bcUiR the
owner of a luig rotter IK'S Moines,
and write that ho has fully recovered and
wiil be In condition to go tun ",e nexl
Monday night. Ills Mutate followers
mi vi. the utmost confident in his ability
to handle the I'ole when in xt' the y meet,
and they will be 06 haqd In lull lorco to
rheer him along.
Manager OHIaii ha ' arranarV a prelim
inary w hk h ho think, will h, nearly as In
terestlnr: us tho main event. It will be
b-tween Dill ll'ikiif. the lOral giant and
Urn I'Hveikn of VeMlKrl.i N b. Bill llokuf
wr!l known to tin Vijiana jans. x -
for tlio. firnt time, but he
mm' m v illi tlio reeoinmturtutlon of far
mer liiirns, who has met him on the mat.
lie k.'is he Is bl and strong and a
com. r und liable to !t the best of them.
Other .rcllmlnrlis will U arranged.
vi Ik:
Frankic Burns
Whips Trenda
Oakland Lightweight Get Decision
Over St. Louii Boy in Ten
KANS.AM CITY. April 12.-Frank.le Burn.
the Oakland llrhtm-elaht. was given a
WMon over Harry Trendal of BL Loul,
In a ttn-round boxlnjr contest her tonight
Trendal accepted the fight on three hour'
not lie. Mont fale of Denver, Colo., who
was to have met Burn, broke hi hand In
training today and waa unable to go on.
Trendal waa not In good hap. H
weighed Jn at M. Burn weighed MS. The
dei'ifriiiii wns eionn. and many thought It
shotiid have been a draw.
Holdler" Miller of Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., and Earl Henderon of Muecatln,
fought a fast ten-round drw a a Pre
liminary bout.
Visits Omaha
I Big Prize Fighter Menaced by Live
Wires Near Camp.
Escape lajara-t However, aad
Tralalaa- Qoe On Work
Dega oa Oattoor
Will Give a Workout Exhibition at
the Gayety Theater April
Jack Johnson and his training crew will
be In Omaha Saturday, April M, and win
stop off long enough to ptrt on little ex
hibition at the Gayety theater. Johnson
is not training as hard as Jeffrie at
present, as he says ho would go stale If
question of whether hard luck I cmpln;lno wa. ,0 traln for ,urlv lenjrth of time.
BfV LOMOND, Cal., April 12.-The old
Met Ilros. Accept thalleaae of the
Willow prlna for erle
HeirlnnlrtK Tonlgkt.
The i hamnlon Met Bros. tem have ao-
cepti'd the challenge Issued by Loch Wil
low Springs five for a aeriea of games, and
will nlsv the first three game on Fran
cisco's alley tonight. Home of the beat
bowleri In the city think the Willow
Springs team can beat the Met Bros.
These games will doubtless be a good ex
hibition of ten pins, a all the men ar
old seasoned bowlers.
In the Mercantile league last night the
Quartermaster's Department rolled excep
tionally eood ten Dins, winning all three
games, with Scott rolling the nice total of
OS! pin.
Tho pick of the postofflce will play
series of games with the crack Cudahys
of the Booster league, the first series being
rolled at F rancisco s alley tonight.
Scores on Francisco' alleys, Mercantile
on the trail of Jame J. Jeffries, determined
to put the champion out of the count be
fore he got a chance to ahow what he
can do against Jack Johnson on July 4,
cam to th front again today at Jeffries'
training camp, when th big fighter had a
close rail to death or Injury through a
II v wire.
Jeffrie went out to cut down a redwood.
accompanied by Farmer Burns and Jack Manager MarahjrSJCo Ha Sixteen
Wooley, an Oakland sportsman. When the Men on tue List. r
tree fell It crashed through a etring of KEARNEY. Neb ., April 12 (Special.
power wire and th ends of a telephone Manager Murphy of the Kearney Bam Bail
iCNBuri linn n ' 1 u i 1 im u ,"-.' '
Manager Johnson of . the theater an
nounce that he will nave some imi
preliminaries for the evening and tnat
Johnson will show his training method
and will box three rounds with hi sparring
partner. ,
etv York American Heat folleitlnna
In fold Weather (iome.
NEW YORK,- April 12. In weather
tliHt whs betler for foot ball thsn bsse
lull the New York -American defeated
the I'linceti n team Monday by a score of
b to 2. Thirteen f the college players
Btrilck outi Vaughn fonned eight and
Doyle retired five. Tho score:
New York..
1'rlncetoii .
Crlger in!
...02020100 r. X 6
. .. 0 U 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 & 2
New York, Vsughn, Doylo,
.Sweeney; i'rlnoeton, Woodle
tlox Trim 1)c Mnlses,
DES MOINES, April 12. Kuilure to bunch
hits on l.ttnge, laxt year's star Des Moines
pitcher, defeated the locals today. Score:
Ips Moines 0 0 1 0 0 0 0- 0 01 4
White Sox 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 0-8 10 2
Batteries: For Chicago, Lang and Rogger;
for lies Moines, Burnum and Burcliant.
Scott .
3d. Total
1!4 33
lf4 462
m m
Total 801 . 548 474 1.97J
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Dean 200 17 1.16 602
Younger 14 11 132 4f9
Bishop 132 ... 167 t
Nlppell 147 ... 147
478 606 424 1.407
Kooth Omaha League.
Carponter Transfers won
CSji " oj o. Z
i.i w-.. -11 k 11 a
straight from the Company K team, which
alves the winners a chance ror the cham
plomihlp against Martin's Tigers. The Com
pany K team will probably hold third place
In the tournament. The uubs and tne Ksts
kees are vlelng for last place. Score of
last night's game:
1st. 2d. 8d. Total.
Leplnskl 173 151 152 476
Clark 1WI 147 170 603
Nolan 167 171 134 472
Kennedy 227 161 152 640
llemleben 111 V.K 181 668
line dropped close to the Jeffrie party,
striking within a few feet of where the
champion stood. All near th champion
were frightened thoroughly, but Jeffrie
did not show any emotion. He went right
to work cutting log and chopping wood
Rain Mara Training?.
Rain made outdoor work Impossible In
the morning. Th sparring session were
postponed again without apparent reason
other than that Jeffrie did not feel In
the mood to box. In place of that Jeffrie
went through the full Hat of the gym
r.aslum apparatus, working himself Into
fin glow.
The monotony of the camp was broken
during the afternoon by
between Farmer Burn
Henkol, an officer of the Germany army.
who was a visitor at the camp. The baron
thought ha could win from Burns easily
and several wager were mad on the out
come of the match. Burn, however, kept
up hi reputation by scoring a fall In two
minute and thlrty-ftv aeconds.
Sam Berger, Jeffries' manager, returned
to camp today, after having completed ar
rangementa for th outfitting of the gym
nasium. Berger would make no announce
nu.nt a to the first boxing performance
which I looked forward to anxloudy a
giving th only true light of Jeffrie' condl
tlon. Carpenters will start work in the
morning lifting the roof of the gymnasium
to secure sufficient light and air.
Mrs. Jeffrie waa taken slightly 111 today
and will leav for Oakland tomorrow,
w hich brings the, number for the tryoul
ud to sixteen. The later additions are L.
C. Trimble, a oith-wlngrd pitcher from
Mllford, Neb ; Frank yulgley, who wm
hold down the third sack and who halls
from Chicago; Ouy Townsend, catcher.
from Jacksonville. III.; Fred Judson,
pitcher, of Denver, and Frank Boasen, out
flehler. of Minilen. Oulalev waa with a
southern league last year and Is considered
a very good man. Townsend played for
Orand Island two years ago. The prac
tice season will onh on April 25, at which
time Murohv expects to nave nis men
hr ml lha irriiiin.ta In rood condition
Th. thief In tiarlc west of the city will
be used and Is a very Inconvenient plnoe
to reach. A number of the etoekholders
of the team are complaining because these
0-rnunri are to be used and many express
tho nnlnlnn that it will be the cause of a
wrestling matcn fu.onclal failure for tne ciiid 10 mine rouu.
and Baron Karl
President O'Nell Give Oat Mat of
Player Approved.
CHICAGO, April 12.-Prldent Norrls L.
O'Neill of the Western league today ap
proved the following contract:
With Des Moines A. 11. wrauer, josepn
Ben. C. Biersdorfer, H. L. Bradbury, Q. E.
Batea, L. C. Bachant, C. E. Bangrover, P.
J. Curtis, E. A. Colllgan, T. P. Daiton, K.
F. Eat, M. A. Freemon, F. C. Herche, X.
8. Hawkins, P. A. Kerner, F. E. McManua,
A. H. MacUregor, A. A. Nelson. W. E. Pen-
fold, D. J. Rice. W. Vaugnan, jr., a. v.
Williams. J. F. Wells, J. Wlnti.
With Lincoln G. V. icartning. u. iMune-
maker, L. D. Bennett, F. Jude, J. P. Cobb,
C. F. Willis. J. Fox, L. Klapp, D. Mason.
With Topeka H. B. iternB, . u. ivaui-
man, J. Fugate.
With Denver H. Olmstead.
Fans See Corridon Play Lively Game
Against Soldiers.
Shot ten, Xew Left Fielder, Also Makes
Favorable Impression Omaha
riay at Lincoln
Omaha wis a lltt'e too strong for th
Fort Crook oldter at Vinton park Tues
day afternoon and won the ball gam by
a score of 11 to t. At that th soldier boy
played a good gam and at times made
the Rourkes hustle to egt out of their way.
The afature o ftho gam was the playing
of Corridon. th little hortstop Fa got
from tho St. Louis Browns. Corridon, who
arrived In the city yesterday morning, won
the admiration o fthe fan on hi first ap
pearance In an Omaha uniform. II made
four runs, got three hit, flv putout. four
assist and made on error. Th error was
not a boot, however, but a throw to Agnew,
which went a little wide.
Shotten, the new left fielder, alio ar
rived at the same tlm and played a good
game. He I speedy o nthe base and took
like a atugger. He got a run and a hit.
"raceful" Slndelar wa In th box for
the Omaha bunoh and went the nine In
ning in good shape. II (truck out (even,
gaev a base on balls and hit Waller. Only
five hit were registered against him, on
being a three-bagger by Sherer. II -kept
these hit widely scattered and at no time
waa In serious difficulty.
Captain Waller of th soldier played a
good game and kept hi team going all th
time. The Sixteenth infantry band wa In
attendance and livened things up by Jta
Two hundred soldier occupied the bleach
er and did more real rooting than ha
been heard at th elot this season.
Today th Rourkea go to ILnooln for two
games and return here Friday for a game
with Mornlngslde college.
AB. R. H xrt a v
or.onon, IE 6 111
2; 4 110
King, cf 12 2 0
Welch, rf 4 8 2 1
Corrldan, ss 4 4 3 6
Schlpke, 2b 6 0J0
Agnew, lb 4 0 18
Gondlng, c 8 0 0 7
Cadman,. c 1 0 0 i
Slndelar, p 4 0 0 8
Base Ball Crowds
Beans Off the Map
Weston PluKKlna- Along.
NORWALK. O.. ADrtl 12. Edward Fay
son Weston, on his way from Los Angeles
to New York, rested at Bellevue, sixteen
miles west, for two hours this evening,
leaving at 7:30 for Norwalk. where he will
sDend the nlaht. Weston will leave for
Cleveland about 8 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing, arriving in Cleveland tomorrow nignu
The distance 1b a Uttl over fifty miles.
Totals 944
Decker 164
Pennell 130
Turner 107
McConnell 169
Smith 162
Appearance of Tout Teams in Boston
826 788 1659 on Same Day Tarns Attention
from Favorite Dish.
Ollddea Pathfinder Start.
CINCINNATI. April 12.-The official path-
finding car for the Glldden tour, the .Na
tional endurance run of the American Auto
mobile association, left here ai iv o cioca
for a 3.0u0-mile trip to Chicago oy way oi
Dallas, Tex. The car will go through, Kan
saa and Iowa to reach northern Illinois on
its way to Chicago. The trip win last; six
week or more. i i-
37 11 12
AB. Ti If
jvaiai, cr 4
Waller, c 3
Sherer, lb 4
Uuigley, rf 4
Birch, 3b 3
Decker. 2b 8
Murphy, cf 8
Hallock, ss 3
Uormley, p 3
27 17
PO. A.
3 0
773 726 780 3.277
Too Cold for Jack Johnson.
B08TON, April 13-A general baee ball
appearance overcome this city today, with
460 player of four teams, Harvard, the Boston
American, th Prlvldenc (Eastern league)
. - 1 . . 1 I II H . H I M I 1 r I 1 1 1 . 1, hi . juniiimiii nnw
ROURKES ARE IN RATTI F ARRAY ground, atartlng the local season in two b , traln)nK ere yesterday for
exnioixion gaiuos.
President John I. Taylor of th local
American club arrived home yesterday form
the Pacific coast, where he has been spend
lng the winter.
Go to Lincoln and Then After Short
Stay at Home Are Heady
" to Open.
' 1
At Last A Filing
System Suited To
Your Needs No
Matter How Small
II I NIC ' of It a modern business
U I system mads up of Just th ar
il rangement of drawer, cablneta,
H etc., peculiar to yoar need,
aU ' standard In construction and fin
ish, a praoUoal a th moat elab
orate system lor th largest con
eern or oiflo In existence but "
Saa44 downward" to yoar need. j
Not a cant to put Into useless, Idle ca
pacitycomplete as only Shaw-Walker
devloea ar complete with standard sis
drawers, indexes und filing compartments
but only bail as many of them only half
th coat.
A system built with th Idea of seeing
how little you would hav to spend, aot
now niucn. w
Tht' "Keotloaata." '
There I no axoua now for old faah
loned, costly, out . of data methods, ne
matter how small your bUHlneaa no rea
son for longer foregoing the saving and
convenience of modern method "
tlonet" hav solved your filing problem.
W will b glad to talk
It over with yan wlthoat
obligation oa your part U
you will drop la and
u. It' ao trouble to tell
you all eboat It and now
you tbla first big Improve
ment la filing dsvlee.
Just try a and .
In addition to tho above lines
Ve carry tha largest stock of
liiffh prado office DESKS,
We are making an unusual
LAR PRICES thia month on all
. 018-924 Fornam St.
theme Dougla3 346; Ind. A-345L
Wednesday' th Rourkes goto Lincoln tor
two games with the Antelopes, after which
they will return and meet th Mornlngslde
college team on Friday and the' Bloux City
team, Saturday and Sunday. Th gam
Sunday will end th exhibition game at
Ramor that Fonr Athlete Are
In Clan Room Work.
IOWA CITY. April 12. (8Dolal:)-WllI
T n m In., tk. .a p., i r mm rt Ph.u m t a r hnnl.
.mine, iiu on mouaay ma ieam win go xo ler; Alderman, champion weight man; Tali-
Hutchinson, Kan., and Play two games I man, another racer, and O'Brien because
there. Thursday they will go to Wichita
and open the league season In that city
Seventeen men will be taken On the first
trip, and It la expected the squad will be
composed of the following men: Gonding,
Cadman, catchers; Kane, first; Fox, sec
ond; Schlpke, third; Corridon, short; Shot-
ten, Welch and King, fielders; Keeley. Hoi
of faculty disapproval of their classroom
records 7
The word has gone forth that the men
1.1 match with Jeffriesi- found the gym
nasium too cold for work .today and con
tented himself w ith an, automobile ride Into
the country. ' '
... T-. f-t .1" '. .. C .,
Yoanajr Wrtfer .Killed.
CHICAGO. April ji-01af Olson, a
young wrestler of some local reputation,
died today as the result of a practice tus
sle with Richard Johnson, .a friend, three
week ago. The latter In demonstration
of a new hold dislocated his friend spine.
Athletic Meet at Fonda.
FONDA, la.. April 12. (Special.) The an
nual field and track meet of the Nortn-wmim-h
Iowa Hluh School Athletic as
sociation will be held here on May 13. The
"big four meet ' will be neia ai onaa on
Alio ui u ijm kuiic lui ui uii 1 1 1 i u n 1 1 - " . . . ,
have ben conditioned In their studies, but the day following the Northwestern meet.
"Sphinx" Delaney rather non-commltantly . ,-
scouts the Idea that they will be out of the ,score"-
big meets. The university registrar de- At New York New York Nationals, 1;
clare he has been notified concerning one Jersey City, 8. . . .
man whom ha did not mention and referred At Indiapapolls Detroit Seconds, 4; In-
hls questioner to Prof. A. G. Smith, who dlanapolls Firsts, 2.
declared no change has taken place since At Cincinnati Detroit, 4;yClnclnnatl, 1.
the opening of the semester. All this en-I At Milwaukee Milwaukee American AS-
lenbeck. Patton. Sanders. Hanson and courage the students to believe the four .rotations. 4: Marauette University, 0.
Furchner. pitchers, and Agnew and Gra- Bt"r8 b ,n ih i",'."- -At New York New York American Sec
uo"'i ..Tc-w ... .. onas, s; Lancaster, i.
tn- her riurinff the SDrins: vacation. The I ti... -i.,. i, i r. .AmAi-nu k - v
v-u.iiuuii biiu onoueii arrivea in umint otner imy men oi nis squna mumea I orla, 0.
Tuesday morning and got Into the game y
with the Fort Crook soldiers In th after
noon. ' Both have been working hard ver
since the St' Louis Brown atarted the
training season and ar In good shape,
With the addition of these two player
and Kane, who wired Pa Rourke he would
be here Saturday, Omaha 1b going to pre'
sent a ctrong front.
Schedule , for Tabor.
The Tabor college base hall schedule h
been completed and the following games
win uc piayeu inis spring:
April 18 Mornlngslde college at Tabor.
April 21 Amity college at College Spring,
April 22 Tarklo college at Tarklo. Mo.
April 30 Highland Park college at Tabor.
aiay laraio coueK at Tabor.
May 12 Bellevue colleae at Tabor.
May Bellevue college at Bellevue, Neb,
Foot Ball Player Injured.
COLUMBIA. Mo.. April 12. A. C. Ram-
ley, tackle on the University of Missouri
foot ball team. In spring practice this aft
ernoon, had at least one rib, and probably
more, broken In a scrimmage.
The squads were playing "revised" loot
ball and no mass playa were attempted.
Members of the team declare-the new open
game la more dangerous than the old, and
several of tnem already nave sustained
minor Injuries.
4; Toledo
1; Fltt-
At Toledo Chicago Nationals,
American Associations, 1.
At Chattanooga Chauanooga,
burg, 0. -
At Macon Macon, i; coiumDus, a.
At Augusta Augusta 6; Columbia, 1.
At Jacksonville Jacksonville, 7; Savan
nan, 6.
Totals 27
Run 8 2
Hits 3 3
Fort Crook
Run l o
Hit 1
0 1
0 0
000100 0 .2
100200 1-K
-iwo-Dase nits: corridon (2). Tree-base
nits: Corridon, Sherer. Sacrifice hlta: Cor-
"V.u"u "cnipae. etoien pases: Shotten
di j - Jf ox it). Base on ball: Off
f 'ndelar, 1; off Oorroley, . Struck outi By
,, uunu,,., B, rin oy pitcned
msj ninusiir, i, jeii on bases
May 20-Mornliigld college at Sioux City! Klley. Hagenslch, pitchers; Poplsll,
May 23 Amity college at Tabor, la.
Gardner Win with Cpe.
NEW YORK. April 12-Kdward W. Gard
ner of Mont Clair. N. J., defeated Joseph
Mayer of Philadelphia by 400 to 378 In to-
New Itarrlman Team.
The base ball team at the Union Pacific
shops has been organ iced and ready to
meet all comers. Games will be arranged
for Saturday afternoons. New uniforms
hava been provided and the team will soon
make Its first appearance with Ha spring
scenery. The following players win com
pos the team: Claire, uurr, emitn eaten-
. . .. , , I .. . n-nlitl KIr1-
1 1 1 L . uiuiuii, a, v v i v. . . . 1 1 1 j , .....u, -
Gowan, short; Caaey, Dennlson and Dygert,
Watch tor th Comet.
Th Red Dragon of th sky. Watch th
children for spring cough and cold. Care
ful mother keep Foley' Honey and Tar
In the house. It 1 the best and safest
prevention and cur for cronp where th
need I urgent and Immediate relief a vital
necessity. Contain no opiate or harmful
drugs. Refuse substitute. ' For sal by
all druggist.
Settlers Pouring
Into South Dakota
umana, 7; Fort Crook, 2. Double play-
uuiiiirci kinra,
Richmond Case
Put Over Week
Illness of Chief of Police Cause for
Continuance of Case Till
. Monday.
Further hearing In the ouster proceed'
lng against Major Georg H. Rlchmand,
fered a severe attack of heart failure,
chief of police of Council Bluffs, wh uf-
ferede a severe attack of heart failure
Sunday evening, wa contued yesterday by
Judge F. B. Woodruff until next Monday
Judge Woodruff i due to open th term
of court at Avoca today and hoped to
complete the hearing In the Richmond case
yesterday, although it la extremely doubt
ful If that could hav been accomplished,
even had Major Richmond been physically
able to be In court. The grand jury for
the Avoca court 1 aumoned for today and
in addition the trial of th cass of tha
tat against Mart Ring of Carson on th
charge of assault with intent to kill I set
for this week In that court. Between
twenty-flv and thirty witnesses hav been
summoned for this case, consequently Judge
Woodruff felt that It waa imperative that
he go to Avoca and It waa at hi ug-
gestlon that th hearing in th removal
proceeding wa continued for one week.
Attorney General Byer and his assistant,
John Fletcher, returned to De Molne
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Byer offered no
objection to the continuance when advised
of th line of Major Richmond.
1 M '
Denlea Racing Rumor.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. April 12. M. J. Winn.
general manager of th new Louisville Tnre Wnn?ri1 Parlnaria nt TmrnioTont
nmht's gume in the amateur chamninnnhm Jockey club, returned from New York to- I .
Is. 1 billiard tnnrnumunt at th ll.mi..n I div. He said:
club. Brooklyn. "Tho situation in New York Is not dls
Gardner averaged 10 10-33. with hlah runs coursging to horsemen. Bane judgment will
of 42. 42 and 41. Mayer's average waa Prevail and the sport will thrive there as
ana nis iiigu runs w, 36 and 35. heretofore. "
In the aftemoun icaine Dr. Walter n H mvi a flat denial to renorta emanat
Douglas of New York defeated Dr. Walter lng from Galveston to the effect that Mex
V. I ffenhelmer of Philadelphia, 400 to 306. I lean racing coneosslona had been revoked.
Lnjutfiaii was a-n. ana nis nigh
Effects Sent Into Northwestern
Fart of the State.
runs were , a ana zi. urrenhelmer aver-
uBod 4 57-63, with lilt'h run of 31. 30 and 23.
Knot-boats In Boston.
BOSTON. April 12. Knockout prevailed
!n the preliminary bouta of tha National
Amateur Athletic union's boxing champion
Elilps in Mechanics building last night.
'1 lie. work of Jinny J. Barrow of New
York was one of the features. In th
llu-uound class ho defeated M. J. Carroll
of New York, a former national champion.
In one round, and later knocked out H.
Duemmlling ot BoHton, also In one round.
Hillnrd Lang of Toronto, Ont.. made a
brilliant showing In the 146-pound class,
winning with use over George Mullhen
of New York. The finals will be held to
morrow night.
rhlvlnsrtan Assign Umpires.
CHICAGO. Ari'U 12 Preldent T. M.
ChivlnKlon, of the American association,
today announced llio following assignment
of umpires for tho opening game tomorrow:
V. J. Guthrie and C. F. Van Byckle at
Co u m bus.
William Eicrhaller and S. P. Cusack at
C. U. Owena and C. Ferguson at Minne
apolis. U. llay.s and Ollle Chill at St. Paul.
Coalon Ontpnnrhe ' O'Leary.
N K W YORK. April 12 Johnny Coulon,
tho bantamweight chunipion, out punched
and out Keneraled Voting O'Leary of New
York in ten rounds at Brookln last night,
tilbury was punished severely In close
iiumlers by tmij ilnlH" and lefts to the
ln'tly. He had a tni.tnllxlng left to the
faci' and clonl one of ('onion's ayes, but
i lie Chlcawo boy Went on boring In. forcing
o I.eary to the roie. In the last round
t oul'.m alinoHt rioor-rt iu,ry wun a lert
honk Buth fought ul H' pounds, ringside,
ti stipulated h 1'oulu i.
Renlbarh If Innrovlag.'
8T. Lol'lS, April 12. Kdward J. Reul
bnih of the pitciiine Hi'iff of the Chicago
N.ini.iiil team, who is lii at hi home here
wtih dli'lillit-i in, showtd ;oma Wnproveinent
IikUv. 1 tin tmliy ,lrl. ii i a i:ff ring from
il Miuie uUtaae, has had a
Tinker aad Hofaian Released.
COLUMBUS, O., April 12. Shortstop
Joe Tinker and Outfielder Artie Hofman
of the Chicago Nationals were allowed
to leave Columbus last night for Toledo
without punishment for their assault on
Umpire Watkln during the game yester
day with the Columbus American asso
ciation team.
American' Umpire Asaln-ned.
CHICAGO, April 12. President Ban John
son of th American league today an
nounced th assignment of umpires for the
opening game of the season as follows:
At Chicago O'Laughlln and Terlne.
At Detroit Sheridan and Kerln.
At Washington Evans and Kgan.
At New York Connolly and Dlnneen.
Bleomfleld Beat Plalavlew.
BLOOM FIELD, Neb., April 12. 8peclal.)
The Bloonifield High school basket ball
girl defeated the 1'lalnvlew High school
girls here Saturday by a score of 10 to 8.
Prof. Hanlen of i'lulnvlew was referee. J.
Ii. Gesler of Bloonifield scorer and Miss
Uhtlng of Uloomfleld umpire.
New Player for Sloax C'llr.
SIOUX CITY, la., April 13.-Mlnneap-
ol1-Sloux City gam scheduled for today
wa cancelled, tha former returning to
Minneapolis. Sioux Cliy signed two of
the Minneapolis players. Pitcher Bruce
Noel and Left Fielder Orth Collins.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., April 12. (Special.)
Reports from points on the Pacific coast
extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul railway In the extreme northwestern
portion of the state ar to th effect that
for some little time past there ha been a
great Influx of new settler to Lemmon
and other point along the new line. At
one time a few day ago there war be
tween Mobrldge and Lemmon a total of
300 car loaded with th 'effect of the new
settler who were destined to point In tha
vicinity of Lemmon and other new town
along th railroad extension. Traffic 1 so
heavy on the line that the railway com
pany has difficulty In securing a sufficient
number of locomotives to pull th trains
through, and freight shipment conse
quently are greaUy dnlayed. There I a
very encouraging outlook for the new set
tlers. The ground U In excellent condi
tion and crop prospects could not well be
brighter than they are at present. Great
areas of virgin pratrle land Is being broken
and this season will be devoted to crop for
tha first tlm. In this breaking process
score of Immense power breaking outfits
are being utilized, ana they are turning
over the sod at a really remarkable rate.
Th timely us or Chamberlain' Cough
tteiDH win prevent pneumonia.
Bandit Who Held Up Mlasonrl
clfle Train Recoajnlsed by
JOPLIN, Mo., April 12.-E!ght passenger
on th Missouri Paclflo train that was
held up and robbed by tbre inmaid
men Just north of Plttxifjrs, i.n.. two
month ago, hava been identified c
Anderson, T. W. Hodson fct.d Fraftk Wil
liam a th robber, ijx-; -Jlng to
patches from Columbus, where Ins
men ar In jail tonight
Th trio war arrested her -t week
on suspicion of being th men who held
up th St. Louis' and San Francisco depot
at Baxter Springs, two week ago and
shot Courtland High, th station agent.
They were Identified today by High, who
la just out of tha hospital at Springfield,
a the men who shot him.
Th Missouri Pacific train wa stopped
by the robber and all passengers wr
forced to glv up thslr valuable. Th
total amount obtained wa close to $1,800.
In addition to the charge of train and
depot robbery, special agent of several
road charge th men with systematic box
car robberies .throughout this district In
which more than 816.000 worth of mer
chandise ha been stolen.
I.oalavtlle Sells Hart.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. April 12-Th
Ixulville team yesterday sold Catcher
Waller Hart, recently obtained from the
Chicago Nationals, to the Monmouth (till.)
BUI Lang: Break Bene.
SYDNKY. N. S. W.. April 12.-BI1I Lng.
who lost a 20-round fight with Tummy
Burns yesterday, broke a pone of hi right
bnd In the ninth round.
Draw la Ten Roonds.
NEW YORK. April 12. Knockout"
Brown and Willi Bescher, two local ban
tams, fought ten roundoj to a draw here
last night
We could talk a lot about tire construction;
best Para Rubber and Sea Island Cotton.
But the user is more interested in tire
mile ace ... If construction is right the mileage is
, , What tires have as long and conclusive a
record for satisfactory mileage as
"iiw ' -;'' .
ar. mm
-Vvrst ft i uid n isi
TLe Colu.uuia vesiibula ooay
has a refined, dignified style
without suggesting frcaklnh
nese; and Is the maximum
of touring comfort
Licensed under Selden Patent,
Feels just rikt ffom tke
iryon. Looks :aivi wears
as well as it eels
lis, '
. T R eK O K M A W K
'" ' $ -4 o SB everywhere ,
V 1XWIS A.CHOSSETT, Inc-Makers- ;
-North Abington, Mati.
Lanpher Hi
The menxJ'
"top ji
tfc&viW Only, tfiQBft Weas which are unques-
IJnes g)f jf V
1 Ik
I Itl II B El I n H it
1 iqi iHn
ilillilDLlinlllL 1
tilar Hat upon
depend as ex-
.style. It
V.I lint
4 J?:W?erlm
i" voyytre tinea
"4. .T "wearer
t3 Lam. i hft T.nn
i,v uai
? "JljfK?? P"viiew 0f7..fZ:,t. lXWTmxg&M Unpher
i m ollU nHVini. Ihnt nrriMn Itt a
Is the privilege
The Lanpher u tiiorou
ri Concord
A I vr'rfhAra- Notch!
KtK Evanston
W with Buttonhola
The New Summer
High enough to look welllow enough to
feel well. Plenty of room for tie to slide in
15 cents each 2 for 25 cents
ChMStt, Pasbody St Company, Makers, Troy, N. Y.
arajjuaj ai.uiauaKW" j
AH-Ytar Rtuort
Colax, IouKt
Colfax Mineral
for more than thirty years have been
indorsed by eminent physicians.
,The waters are iiri'iirpassed by any of .
the world's natural mineral waters and
unpqnaled in treatment of rheumatism,
dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kid
ney troubles.
Collin it s delightful resort twenty -three miles rait
ol Del Moirirs. on tha Cliicsso-Cotorado main line
of the Hock liland Lines, slfordin excellent traia
"'splendid hotel accommodations
sr. provided by several hotels, smong which i th
new Jlotcl Cultax, built on commanding emi
nence, in niiahion atyle. Hnrly furni.hcd througliout.
able rates.
with everr detail ul hi.h-cli service st icaaoo-
fT All th spotiances ueed In the treatments of th
well-knowu Kuropcan pM are to be iuund ii tit
baths oi the Colli and experienced tnaaieurs iui
. operators sre in comtant sitendance.
5naf fur illutlrmlmd book lot. ...
J. S. McNALLY. DMiioo PaaMager Aeat '
I4U aad Faraaia oUeeU, Oiaaaa
TI mm -1 TUa U rm m-. All a- L : i.Z p. T