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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1910)
TIIE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, APRIL' 13, 1910. ftfvi vic i Artistic $ k Apparel ff or 5 Our juvenile stylos have a roomy, graceful look that satisfies the critical eye of s people who appreciate cor rect garments. Jf yoi have a well set up boy, why not give him clothes that are made for just sucli boys Sam peck Suits? Wash S'.its In Russians Bailors, at 81.25 S1.50 82.00 $2.50 83.50 Light weight Woolen Suits, In pretty Russian or Sailor styles, at ! $5.00 $7.50 88.50 Vit YDUHO OWM V 1518-1520 Farnam Straet Johnson -Danforth Compay's DELIVERY WAGON LINE Is the largost and Sost varied in Omali We have two grades High Grade-Medium Grade Our high grade Includes a very large selection ot the celebrated Racine brand made wagons, splendidly constructed and right up-to-date in every particular. The Racine wagons are strictly A-grade, and will meet the requirements of the hard usea to which wagons in our city are subjected. We sold 238 of them last year and we can show many testimonials and have more satisfied customers than any other concern.' Our medium : grade comprises such well known wagons as The Armlender, The Regal and The We are making prices on this r We have a blacksmith shop running at full blast, and we can build you any kind of wagon you may want Call and inspect our product, or write for catalogue and prices. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts., Omaha, Neb. JSSSSSB mimi For the purchase or erection of a home, for paying off your present mortgage, or for business or other legitimate purpose. "We have an abundance of money on hand, insuring prompt action. Liberal terms of repayment. Charge no commissions and require no renewals. " ' "Call for booklet. - THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N., 1614 Harney Street, Omaha. Geo. F. Gilmore, President. . Paul W. Kuhns, Secy. tier which Interstate commerce was largely concerned. He declared the people of Massachusetts had been taken off their guard by the au thorisation to the holding company and approvingly quoted ' the chairman of the Massachusetts house committee on rail roads when he stated that Governor Draper bad been compelled to accept Mr. Mellen's ultimatum. Quickly following this announcement came the passage ot tho holding bill by the Massachusetts legislature. Mr. La Folletto declared that It had been "steam rolled" through that body. It was passed June 18 and on the 20th the federal merger suit was discontinued. Slaairal ePstlval at Mitchell. MITCHKI.L, S. D.. April 12.-(Spec!al.)-Arrangements have been completed for the TIE'ID-.WEST LIFE K. Z. 8nell President Dr. B. H.Pavla. Omaha. Vice-President A. J. Sawyer . Secretary II 8 Ireeman Treasurer Ir. M. H. Everett ....-.. Medical Director C. R. Kasterday Actuary J. 11. MocUett. Jr. , ',. ' INSUB.AMCE December ri. 10 December SI. 10T . December 31. l0s... December 81. 1U3 March 31, 131 Supt. ot Agents xm rosea $ 539.000 M2.2iO 1.643. 218 I. Uli. 601 2.143. 404 " Local agent wanted In every town In Nebraska. Liberal commissions are pali. Writ 4li hum office in Lincoln. . ... t v. i - - - . , ... ... i or j,' srz,. n iv.iii hi v .. PE0PIT5 BTC0: Man Columbia. r line of work that will interest you. ir mi mm annual May music festival . In this city, which will take place Tuesday and Wednes day, May 24 and 25. The Minneapolis sym phony orchestra has been, secured for the occasion. Three concerts will be given, one luesday evening, a matinee Wednesday afternoon and In the eveqlng the Choral club will present ."Hiawatha."' by Coleridge Taylor. The chorus Is under the direction of E. W. Hubson and Is composed of .105 sogers. Thlsfls the fourth, season of-the Choral club and each has been a splendid success. The club has been at work on the music since last fall and. will present it In fine shape. The symphony orchestra will play the accompaniment. . HYMENEAL Chapman-Clark. WASHINGTON, April 12,-Jn the presence of President Taft and many other dls llngulshed guests, prominent In official and social circle at the capital. Miss Frances Deer Clark, daughter of Senator Clarence D. Clark of Wyoming, was wedded to George Hubert Chapman of . Rvanston, Wyo., at the Church of the Incarnation at noon today. After a wedding breakfast the bridal couple left for a hoeymoon In the east, after which they will take up their residence at Evanton,-Wyo. .. Marker-Marklaad. Miss Jessie A. Uarkland, daughter of Sylvester Markland. and Mr. John F, Mackey were married by Ray. Charles W. Savidge at his residence Saturday after noon. MOTIKIBTi OT OCSAJT TSA.MSKrPa. fort. NEW YORK PHILADKLFHIA. BKKMKN HAMBIHQ L04,(Q. . . . . .. !br1n. . . . . .. .. OldMifrurg . ...Bll of Spain. AaCQOA GKNOA M.W VOBK .Flocld. OEHijfKii pkk SLAT t Effort Being Mafo to Induce Claude ! Porter to Run. MORE CONFERENCES THIS WEEK Iowa Manufacturers Ask Itallroad CommlMloi to Get Lower Inter state Hates from Mlasle lpl West. (From a Staff Correspondent.) j DES MOINES. April It (Special Tele- ' (tram.) The democrats are making1 another effort to fix up a' slate for their state ticket, anj today called Claude Porter Of Centerville here to Induce him to get Into the game. Porter was the candidate for governor four years ago "and - xecured a larger vote than had ever been cast for any democrat." The democrats believe the situation Will be much like that of lWfJ and want Porter to become a candidate. He has not yet decided. Conferences this week1, It Is believed, will decide the matter. The Iowa Manufacturers' association today-asked the railroad commission to take up with the Interstate Commerce commis sion the matter of securing a reduction In the Interstate rates from Mississippi river points westward, and also' affecting' aJJ points In Iowa to western destinations. They represent that the Iowa proportion of these" Interstate rates is much higher than the Iowa rate and that the proportion should be reduced to correspond to the Iowa classification. - . JMo Aireemrn Yet. The Iowa operators and mine workers fought ail forenoon over the demand of tho operators that the mlno worker's agree to a clause for enforcing contracts before the wage scale Is taken up. The mine work men refused to make any agreement what ever until the wage scale question Is set tled. In secret caucuses later. It was de cided to refer the question to the Joint scale committee so that the deadlock will end tonight Third Big Fire v in Dubuque Box Factory and Lumber Yard Cover- iner Six Acres Destroyed Lobs tonnnnn ' T DES MOINES, la,, April 12. Fire starting-in the Flick Box company plant at Dubuque yesterday afternoon burned over six acres of ground, doing damage of $200,- 000 before it was under control today. It appeared for a time that the entire manu facturing district would go. Standard Lum ber company was a heavy loser. This Is the third disastrous fire in Du buque within a week. The destruction of the Bijou theater, loss $00,000, last Friday and the damage to the Hotel Julli.n yes terday forenoon were previous fire losses. Anton Bauer was placed under arrest by the Dubuque police and la held under suspicion of starting the fire which swept the Standard Lumber yard last night. 1 . . Cattlemen Think Price Will Stay Up President Moore of Chicago Live Stock '. Exchange Advises Stockmen to Keep On. f RAPID CITY, S. D., April 12. (Special Telegram.) South Omaha commission men who are here for the Btock meeting have made a decided hit with their moving pic ture show, showing the various stages that a steer passes through from the time he Is put aboard a train until he finally reaches the butcher shop. The event of today was the annual meeting of the association, which was opened with a brief address by President H. A. Dawson, who was followed by Mayor Wood. Xka latter took occa sion severely to arraign the govSrnment for maintaining a forest reserve in' the Black Hills. T. W. Tomllnson of Denver, secre tary of the American National Live Stock association, explained the work being done by the national association In Washington, and certain parts of Secretary Stewart's report which refer to Increased cost ' in the production ot cattle will be forwarded to Senator Lodge, chairman of that com mittee Investigating the high cost ot living. W. Moore, president of the Chicago Live Stock exchange, In a spirited speech, advised all stockmen now in business to continue, giving his honest belief that the price of cattle on the hoof will be main tained for ten years at elast. Old officers were re-elected by acclama tion as follows: President,. H. A. Dawson, Pine Ridge; vice president, James T. Craig, Belle Fourche; secretary and treasurer, F. M. Stewart, Buffalo Oap; executive com mittee, James T. Craig, Al Taddlken, Fred H." Sears, Belle Fourche; Al Field, Charles Hardy, 8. G. Sheffield, Sturgis; W. Borst, Pierre; Charles Ham, Piedmont; I. M. Humphrey, Rapid City; Edward Stenfer, Hermosa;.W. H. Reed, Wasta; J. H. Qulg ley, C. B. West, Oelrlo Oelrlchs.'H. A, Dawson, Pine Ridge; F. M. Stewart, Buf falo Gap; G. E. Lorurnon, Lemmon; W. D. Drisklll, Spearflsh; J. R. Burr, B. C. Was scrrun, Qutnn. Ahe treasurer's report shows a balance of $14,230.03 on hand April 13, 1MB; collections for the year, $14,133.34; dlsubrsements, $131,- 417.44; balance on hand, $1&,I37.9S. Indians were the feature of today's show, several hundred appearing in the parade, which was followed by a dress , parade given by 230 pupils of the Indian school. 1 i Murder Trial for Adams and Brown Men Arrested for Holdups Here to Be Taken to Kansas City on the Spangler Case. John Adams and Karl Brown, whoso con nection with the famous Spangler murder In Kansas City, more than a year past,, has been under investigation by the detective departments of the two oltiea, are to be taken back tor trial la the courts of Jackson county, Mo. A telegram received by John Savage, chief of detectives In Omaha, Tuesday morning announces that the ease against Brown and Adams has assumed the form where action is possible. A 'deputy sheriff will reach Omaha to night with a requfsitlon for the pair. They wtre arrested In Omaha for a series of deipcrate hold-ups commuted in the winter season. At the county jail they have maintained the strictest silence In regard to th Spangler case. A number of. people from Kansas City have positively Identi fied them as the men connected with the Spangler killing. There were others, how ever, who expressed uncertainty and the removal of the prisoners there for trial has long been debate Walsh Estate Gocso Widow and Daughter Will of Late " Colorado Millionaire i Probated in Washington Hun dred Thousand for Charity. WASHINGTON, April 12. -Th will of Thomas tf". Walsh, the mining magnate, dated January 10. 1910, an a codicil executed the same day, were filed today for probate. While no special btquest to charity is made, the sfim of $100,000 Is left to the widow, Mrs. Carry U.."alsh, to be divided "among suoh persons and m such a way as she knows t be my wish In reference thereto ", Mrs. Walsh Is to be accountable to no ton: t-or person In regard to the dis tribution. ' : ' The widow and daughter, Mrs. Evelyn h. McLean, ' In equal shim s' are left all personal belongings, contends of Massachu setts avenue tealdenca Mkd. of .the summer home at Clonmwl.. 'The'a'e also, to have the horses, carriages and automobiles. The remaining -eslat -ia devised to the American Security and Trut company, as trustee for a .term of ten years, during which it is to pay, to the widow and daugh ter In seinl-annual Installments the net In come in equal shares. The right of dis posal when approved by the. beneficiaries is vested In the. trustee, At the expiration of the. ten-year term the estate is to be . transferred to the widow and daughter In equal portions. Pro vision Is madel for the disposition of the shoo of each In the even1, of the death of the widow or daughter (luring the contin uance of the trust.' ."'. Either of the beneficiaries may dispose by will of her share, but should the wife die intestate, the net Income Is to be paid to the daughter' un'i the expiration of the trust. Should the daugfitcr and wife both die intestate, within the, .tcri years, then the estate is to be .turned over to the American Security itnd ."Thrust company, and Edward B. McLean, In trust for the children of Mrs.' McLean. '' This latter trust, eVr becomes oper ative, shall terminate when the present son of Mr. and Mrs. McLean attains majority. The will directs the trustee to retain the services of TurnecvA. . Wlckersham as agent for the estate, during the ten year truat W the codltll, Mr. "Walsh directs that Mr. Wlckersham be paid the Same compen sation he now receives for the management of the estate. The codicil aiso provides that the widow is to have absolutely, in addition to the bequefcts contained in the will, certain property in the Walsh addition to the city of Denver, Colo. The American' Security and Trust company Is named as executor. POWELL HAS . LIQUOR . PLAN (Continued from First Page.) njunction and the city authorities may at any time secure a warrant for the search of any other club in the city. Just how the other 'two-members of the board. Mayor Love' uud J. C. Harpham, will take the suggestion of Mr. Powell is not known at this lime", but there Is some Indication; that possibl j Mr. Harpham may I support It. "-'' I Mr. Powell believes it will not do to license only ono Wholesale housa In the city, because-the businvis will be too much for one concern and, for .that reuson favors tnree. At this time .inree breweries nave I cold storage house here and It Is barely possible these three will be favored in the matter of license, ' trjougb ' that, ' together With the amount of the license Is a matter of detail. . t v; Powell on Proposition. ''' "There are a lot of prominent people in this city? said Mr. Powell, "who Just will have their beer at their homes. and we can't help It. So It seems to me we have to do something to provide for them. . This city was not voted dry by prohibitionists, but by the people who' are opposed to the open saloon. Lincoln Is on trial now more than It has been during the last year and whether the city Is to progress and remain without saloons depends upon how the ex cise board handles the question. Jf we can show that the plan I have suggested works out all right, then there will be no danger of any one trying again to install saloons in Lincoln." - Chief of iPollce James Malone has come In for a big share ot comment. He not only went on the stump and made speeches all during the campaign, but on registration day and on election, day he was at the polls with bis ever ready challenge. When one. person attempted to vote yesterday Molone promptly Informed him that he would put him In jail If he succeeded. A bystander offered to go the man's ball It arrested and Mallne answered this by say ing be would file no complaint against the man, but would simply lock him up and he would not be permitted to give ball. The man did not vote. Tb drys said the man was not entitled to a vote. DEATH RECORD Joseph Yooaem. Joseph Yousem, a resident ot Omaha for twenty-two years, while out driving with his brother-in-law and wife Sunday after noon, took suddenly ill and died within five minutes after being removed to the home of Dr. Wilson at 40 Nioholas street. Mr. Yousem Is survived by a wife and nine children and by his father and two broth ers, who live In New York: City. He was a member 'of Beech camp Modern Woodmen of America and ot the order of Brlth Abraham. The funeral services were held at his late residence. 878 North Twenty seventh avenue, Monday afternoon. Inter ment was at Pleasant HUI cemetery. Fred H, Gwyaa. The funeral of Fred H. Gwynn, who died at the age of 43 rears Sunday, will be held Tuesday afternoon, beginning wltb services at ths Dodder Undertaking establishment. Mr. Gwynn Is survived by a wife and daughter, Edna, and two brothers and a sister. His brothers are Artbdr and Percy, who live In Omaha. His sister Is Mrs. Edith Horn, who lives In Canada. Inter ment will be made at Forest Lawn ceme tery. No external application Is equal to Cham. certain s iimmeni ior sore muscles or swollen joints. ' - The Weather FOR NEBRFA8KA Generally fair; not niurn mange in temperature. ' FOR IOWA Fair. Temperature at Omaha yesterday; . Hour. Deg. 1 6 a. m. I a. m. , T a. u. $ a. m. ( a. m. 10 a. in. II a. m. .11 m.... 1 . m. . t p. m. 3 p. m. 4 p. m. 6 p. m. p. m. , 7 p. m. y- w. .... 64 .... 64 .... U .... 61 .... 61 .... 60 .... 60 .... 61 .... 64 .... 60 .... 68 .... e .... M '4 fttaa Fairbanks Party Reaches Top of Mount McKiiiley Expedition Consisting of Four White Men Finds No Trace of Dr. Cook' Alleged Trip. FAIRBANKS. Alaska, April 12 The Fairbanks expedition to Mount McKinley, the tallest peak In North America, reached the summit April S. after a climb of one month from the base. No traces of Dr. Frederick A. Cook's alleged ascent were found. Thomas Lloyd, leader of the expedition, arrived here last night. Ills companions were Daniel Patterson, W. R. Taylor and Charles McGonnlgle, and all reached tho top of ths great mountain. The expedition, which left Fairbanks De cember 16, while the controversy over Dr. Cook's disputed ascent was still raging, was financed by August Peterson and William MoPhee of this city. The plan was to go into camp on the mountain as high as possible and probably about the middle of May make a dash for the sum mit. The obstacles encountered were not so great as had -been predicted. Four camps were established during the ascent and a trail was blazed all the way to the crest. I'p to U.OOO feet the climbing did not pie sent unusual difficulties. For the- next 4,000 feet the way led over a steep Ice field, which at first seemed to forbid further progress, but through which, upon ex ploration, It was found possible to locate a path. The final dash to the top was made from the 16,000-foot camp. Mount McKinley ter minates In twin peaks of equal height, one someW'hat rounded and covered with snow, the other composed of bare and wind-swept rocks. On the rock peak the Fairbanks climbeiS placed an American flag In a monument of stones. The expedition ' was provided with Dr. Cook's maps and endeavored to follow his alleged route, but utterly failed to verify any part ot his story of an ascent. The Mt. McKinley expedition, news of which has been received from Fairbanks, Alaska, Is made up of Thomas Lloyd, Robert Horn, .Harry Kara ten and Charles McGonigle, all experienced mountaineers. One of their objects was to verify or c'lsprove'to their own satisfaction the claim ot Dr. Frederick A. Cook that he reached the summit In the fall of U06. Dr. Cook claimed to have ascended Mt. McKinley and to have reached the summit on September 18. He said he left at the top of the mountain proofs that he had been there. Prof. HerschaJ C. Parker of Columbia university was a member of the expedi tion that Dr. Cook led to the mountain, and he later disputed Cook's assertion that he reached the summit after the, professor and other companions had turned back. Mt. McKinley is the assumed culminating point of the North American continent and Is In the Alaskan range, latitude 63 de gress 4 minutes north, longitude 101 degrees west. Its height Is given as 20,40,4 feet. It Is extensively glaciated and has always been regarded as most difficult of aRcent. I ' 1 Insurgents - AVill Attend to I . Gan noh's Case tsj b! Murdock and Poind exter Say There Will Be Something Doing When .Platform Bills Are Disposed Of. WASHINGTON, April 12. Speaker Can non's defi to-the republican -"Insurgents" of the house In his speech on the floor yesterday, when 4 he abruptly told them that, unless they "bad the courage to combine with the democrats and vote to vacate the chair, he would remain speaker until March 4, 1911. brought expressions from ths Insurgent leaders today In no un certain tones. The 'speaker can continue to make these irritating defls." said Representative vic tor Murdock of Kansas, "until after the administration legislation IS disposed of. He knows he Is perfectly safe Just now. But after we 'have passed the Important legislation on hand, his case Will be at tended to. A man can't continue to make large bluffs' without " eventually "being called." Representative Polndexter of Washing ton, another "Insurgent" who, with Mur dock, voted Some weeks ago in favor of ths Burleson resolution to depose Speaker Cannon, was equally caustic. 'Cannon's action la foolish," he said. "He Is sitting on a powder magazine and it seems to me a pretty reckless performance for him to keep striking matches all around ths place. He will touch this thing off some day and be will find himself going up through the dome of the capltol. 'The speaker cannot eliminate the issue of Cannonlstn by constantly parading it in the house. The issue Is not an Incidental or personal one, but Is fundamental, and there can be no harmony until It Is finally disposed ot and disposed of in the right way. Cannon's speech of yesterday was not a fine effort at harmonizing the party." i - t Indicted Man is Charged with Slugging Vitness Sensation Develops in Trials Involv ing Alleged Thefts of Heinze Copper Stooks. NEW YORK, April 12.-The "black-Jack- lng" of Walter L. Clark, which prevented the beginning yesterday of the Heinze cop per stock theft trials, had Us sequel today In the arrest of Charles Kals, one of the three men Indicted with Donald Persch, at whose trial Clark, having turned state's ev idence, was to be a witness. District Attorney Whitman declared that he was convinced that the aosault was an attempt to obstruct Justice and today he caused. ths arrest ot Kats. When Kats was arraigned a detective made an affidavit charging Kats with fel onious assult Ball for Rata was fixed at $5,000. He Is already under $25,009 bail in connection with the alleged theft ot coppers lock. The trial of Persch was begun today after the prisoner's lawyer had vainly asked that the jjury be discharged pn aocour.t of al leged prejudice to his case through the publicity given ths Clark assault.. Supreme Court JusUoe Barcus denied the motion for the Jury's discharge, a well as an applica tion for time to apply for a change of venue. . A Urea It for Liberty from .stomach, liver and kidney ttrouble Is made when a 26c box of Dr. King's New Life Pills is bought. For sals by Beaton Drug Co.. , Court Brands Alleged Russell as an Impostei Trial of Case Brought by North Da kota Man for Share in Big Es tate Lasts 194 Days. CAMBRIDGE, . Mass. April 12.-Judge George F. Lnwton In the probate court here today branded as an lmposter the Dick inson; N. P., claimant to half the estate of the late' Daniel Russe'l of Melrose, and dismissed three petitions slltgid to have bten brought by Daniel Blake Russell, after a record-breaking trial of 194 days. "I have Just begun to fight." was the answer of State Senator L. A. Simpson of North Dakota, counsel for the Dlckfrs n man when asked If an appeal would taken to a higher court. Ssld the Judge: "After all these months of evidence I conclude thnt this vast con spiracy, which was alleged to have been arranged and which embraced the strnllng of postofflce stamps, forging of leujers, subornation of perjury and other similar crimes, to be wlifcaut foundation and It vanishes in thin air. It had Its origin In tho romantic Imagination of the counsel for the petitioner und has no foundation in fact or In allegation. "Neither the respondents (Messrs. F. C. Almy and William C. Russel ) nor their counsel, have been anything except honest In their defense of the Russell estate, against an Imposter and dishonest claim ant. The decision was greeted by murmurs of dissent and the court room was cleared. WEALTHY IMMIGRANT DETAINED AT NEW YORK Scotchman Enronte to Colorado for Treatment for TnberrnlosU May Be Sent Ilnek. NEW YORK, April 12. -Admission to this country was today gmnted George E. Romanes, a wealthy Scotchman, who, with his wife and two children, was detained on his arrival from Europe yesterday on the certificate of a marine hospital service surgeon that he was suffering from tuber culosis.' Mr. Romanes, who Is the son of the late George John Romanes, a noted British biologist, camo to the United States to obtain treatment at Colorado Springs. HOTEL MEN VOTE FOR BOSTON Mutual ' Benefit Association Chooses -ext Convention Site and Elects Officers. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 12.-The Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit association selected Boston today as the place for holding its next annual session In 1311. The following officers were chosen: President. John H. Mitchell, Los Angeles; vice president, Harry Brown, Boston; secretary-treasurer, J. K. Blatchford, Chicago. When you want what you want when you want . it, say so through The Bee Want Ad columns. nnn'i'ho e-nnt" thin nnrlnE. Don't ' "stand for" fabrics that don't "stand for" this season's fashions. There's no need ot It. There are none of 'em here. Every suiting In this store this day Is a "1910 modeU" And yet we're making sulft for as little S3 $25. MacCarShy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-800 South 10th St. Near 16th and Fartiana St. ..w For the Man of Leisure ' as well - the MAN 0F- 0RK its the i best , dr. is tho Ideal tonlo beverage; super- . Ior to all other pleasant drinks. Orange lemon, root bdor flavtfrk You may. buy it of your grocer or druggist in powder form put up in 3 size bottles 26c (12 drinks), 60c and $1.00 (70 drinks), or at fountains and bars. Two . teaspoonsful make a glass. Buy a bottle today and keep It In your home. Leo. Grott Co,, Props., Omahi THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Verj Low Fares To BALTIMORE, Southern Bap. , n tist Convention, "-Mar U-18. ATLANTIC CITYOa'l. Asembly, Presbyterian Cb a t oh, X a j 18-3X. WASHiXOTOJf, World's Bun. it day Kohool Al- sedation, Kay . . -. is-ao. COXSULT NKARK8T TICKKT AGENT REGARDING 8TOP OVER PRIVILEGES AND OTHER DETAILS, or Address B. Jf.. Austin, ' W. A. Preston, Gen. Pass. Agt T. P. A., Chicago Chicago MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A CWttnBlif lor Fev nlfkiFM, Trwlel Wit SJI,,BU DkW I'" " ,W" " -!.. tnjsubeuWta A. . OUsSTt-D, U Iter. . Y. Set """Bbi CJ J 7? t iii"a, tieaaacae, yjK Momnrh Trkl..J eeililiaa U .rm.. T)i Break an 4 Unrk. la 14 hour. At H PrutuM. Iitu. t L i- . .1.4 viiirv STABILITY xof 1 values a n d a r c - cognized s t a ri d a rd of quality h i g h quality is the magnet upon which we depend to draw and hold cus tom. Dourke twenty-five tho greatest1 clothes value skilled tailoring can produce for $2o.0( lias real substance and merit, mid is.', u trade builder par excellence.1 We would like to hell you your clothes this season. Drop in" and j 1 talk It over. ' Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats. $18 to $40. . ' "; When you buy your next I1d get a P.OI RKE PREFERRED that's our $3.00 hat It's a wizard. 1 '. 318 S. 15th St. Here is a gentle, never falling laxative which works upon tho liver and bowels without griping or causing nausea or a wbrnout feel ing afterwards. It does not upset the entire sys tern, causing loss of appetite; great Inconvenience and tiiBtrcss, but It acts like nature acts and you can take It any time during tho day or night. It Is ono of the best reme dies of the great American Drug gists Syndicate of 12,000 .drug gists, and entirely unlike any other laxative. In fact next to a reputa ble physician's prescription, It Is the best laxative known. Look for this Sign In th? Drug-gist's Window MEMBER ASSOCIATION Wit la.000 OUW DrunwH Hotel tHartiniijye B'way,32d and 33d St NEW YORK CITY ..'.IN THE HEART 0? TlSfNGS N HIGH CLASS FIREPROOF HOTEL Handsomely furnished,' all eutslds rooms, with every modem appointment, oue block from New Penn Depot, near all leading department stores and theatres. ROOMS WITH PRIVILEGE OF BATH, $1.50 per Day and Up. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH, $2.50 per Day and Up. V The highest class of accom- . ' tnodatlons at moderate rates. The new addition will be completed on September 1st, giving hotel ca pacity of CU0 rooms and 4C0 baths. Walter Chandler, Jr., Mansgar AMUSEMENTS. E9B Another Big Match Zbyszko AND Wostorgard Will wrestle to a finish at the Auditorium Monday Night April 18th. Preliminaries: William Hok--off and Uen Pavelka. Reserved eeat snlo ( opens Thursday morning, April 14th. Prices: lli;ig-Klde, $1.60; Bal cony, 7Bc, $1.00 and - $1.60; Arena and Boxes, $1.00; Gen eral Admission, 60c. TS BimnDEis s1 1 LAST TWO TIMES Henry W. Savage's Wlilrlwlnd Hu crest MISS PATSY" With Gertrude Qulnlan. Tbursday Mclutyre It Hsstli, Boats bow. BOYD'S TIIEAtERlS Tonight Katlase Thurs. and- Bat. Iast Week of The Woodward Stock Co, MRS TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM Vla-ht 10, IS, 15, 36, SUo. Mat. 10, 80, 85 Xezt W.ek Limo H. Howe's TJtAVKI. rCSTIVAZ. KRUG TKEATEB rKICEai leo-afto-soa-'fts, . TOiioBt at ma , '( MATXNES TOSAT AT 8:30 ' ' NETTIE THE NEWSGIRL West Thurs. USrCX.ll TOM'S) ' CABtw Matinee Every y afio. v ADVAHC1.D TAUDBTLIkrrCirj toay, SilO Kveuiiig' Verlormance, Hsl This week: CirlBolatl's Aerial liallet, lA'J Lena, Claude and . Kuunie I'slirr I.lttH Amy Butler, Prato's Simian Cirque, Whits and Blmmons Kroneman Brother, tin Ktiiodrotnt nd the Orpheum Concert Urchetiti.1. I'rices 10c. 2tc and bOa. , w ire f'u'iy aft wet-k. lolnir Friday nlsht. DUCK-SOBS BOB TAW OBTBW and TMB SEREADERS EXTRATAQAWZA and VAWUBTlXtB Ladles' Slue Matluse Dally at k:15, Halunlsy The Grt-w Company tn' wBExtaX onx. ia vixws L 11 .ii n