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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1910)
T3" THE BEE: OMAHA. WKhNKSPAY. APM1, 1H. 1010. DIG SALE of TAILOR SUITS TUUHSCAY Best Bargain Offerings of the Entire Season. See the Display in Our Sixteenth Street Windows. M 11 - 11 ' Beautiful Spring Mats -r it w J J m a We have just brought for ward from our work roorn9 hundreds of stunning flower trimmed hats in the very newest models. These are copies of Paris patterns and are the most graceful ef fects of the season. Scores f ii pi large and medium size hats, specially nrioed. kV at . . 815 Brandels sells new spring bats In up-to-date styles, at . . . ; WOMEN'S LINEN AND LINGERIE DRESSES Clever new styles for spring in light weight dresses, white and .various shades, Wed., special .VI WflMF.N'S SKIRTS AT S3.UU It 'All the new pleated styles in women's 1 , 1 L II -.1 1.1 l- Jiglit weigin waiKing sains, uiaens, w hliio. cravs. etc.. sneciallv 70 ' r a. ' rm nriced at GS WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS AT $15 All new models for spring in plain tailored or more elaborate G4 r styles now sd much in vogue, at v-lw Silk Petticoats at $2.98 and $3.98 Made of very good quality of silk, ' black and colors two great special groups, t?j38 0Q98 at v mim&smk Iff rapjf 35c and 50c Ruchin at 10c Yard Fine silk crepe Uase and chiffon ruchings, ruffled, pleated, flat folds, etc., also silk cord edge, ruffled and . pleated net with lace edge, etc., worth up to USD f Due. ai. vara 18-Inch Pine Embroidered Nainsook and Cambric Flounrings, Skirt, tags, Cornet Cover Widths, Galloons, Insertion with Wide Bands also wide edges new shipment all choice, new kmm ' designs big bargain square- many worth 30c i r-"t T V yard, at, yard SPECIAL NOTICE! NEXT MONDAY, APRIL 18th, WE Will HOLD THE Greatest Sale of Linoleum and Floor Oil Cloth " EVER HELD BY ANY STORE IN THE WEST We bought the entire stock form a storage warhouse at just a fraction of its value. We will sell every yard of these goods at bargains that have never before been attempted. ' WE INCLUDE IN THIS SALE A BIG LOT OF FINE STRAW MATTING RUGS AND BATH ROOM RUGS. We will sell them at far less than their cost to make. Watch the windows. Next Monday is the sale. UHM BR ANDEIS STORES PP "Gas Service Noodloss Troubles 1 1 We hear so many people say: "Why I never knew i the Gas Company would do all this," that we wonder how fcj it is that our service is so little known. Y . Probably because we never before talked enough of f I It to the Omaha public. v 1?: Let us tell you now, we will do whatever we can to make your service perfect. Simply tell us and try us jj out, see if we make good our word. J Don't have any petty annoyances send to our office ' i and see the result. Omaha Gas Company -A-17-F rClLg COUGH TO 'Beat Bme4 tot Ooarba, Cold, TbrOtt ui MBT Trouble Oct a bottle today, S5 j4 feOo, at your druglata or XowaU Jro to, 8t7-a0 at. lata, St, Omaaa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ta. Beat LIT tck Paper. A. 13 BH WANT AD will rent that vacant home, fill thoae vacant roomi, or aecure boarders on ahort notice, at very amall coat to you. Be convinced irs- iff y N v. Whenever you're rend to take up the Oxfonl question, sir, we are at your service. We've Oxfords that arc eo (food that you'll not be able to resist them. The host that'll medo and the best that wilt be worn. Moderate Priced Oxford B3.BO and $4.00 Oxford Lnmrt $5.00 and $5.60. Bring: your feet hero, air, and see how well and comfortable we can drees them at HEABOZf ABXiB PBIOES Fry Shoe Co. THE 8KOEB8 18th and Douglas Bts. K Kf.MMKn STYLK IMM)K ' SO If v' ItwImNng any IBc Tatteni Free.- - Jg' e -i i MStTasi i2. m Pfj."We hitched oar M r?A waion to a star. VM v! there yon are m THE BEER YOU LIKE Consumers' Distributer John Nittler 8224 So. 24th Street, Soar. 1889, Bed 3933, Xnd. A-1430. i i PAVED FAMILIES LAST YEAR $200,000! MANAHAN'S aiue I. .47. mm mB(B M UB MOTH BAGS AI10THP00F& just I CHEST Xim ALL STORU SELL L BY LINING WITH fSrr MOTH KENTUCKY Is famous for its colonels and goad whiskey everybody knows that. Here Is a good Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey, 8 years old, for a gallon $3.00 Tennessee White Corn (Moon shine), per quart 75 Maryland Rye, per quart... 75i Quckenheimer and dozens of other standard brands, bottled In bond whiskies, per quart. . . . .$1.00 Home Made Grape Wine, white or red, per gallon. .: S1.00 Mall and Telephone Orders Promptly ri'led. I.ady Clerks In Attendance. CRCKLEY . BROS', WINE MERCHANTS. 131 B. 16th St. Opp. P. O. Both Phones. CMIDY SPECIAL For Wednesday 25c Angel Food Taffy at 15c Fresh Horn Mad Candy All the Tim Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Parnarn Streets. YOU CAIl'T TELL By appearance, taete or odor whether or not yor prescription has been cor rectly compounded. You muit truat entirely to your druggist. This la the very reason why your prescription should be filled by Melctier-Schmldt Drug Co,, Prescription Specialists 1TTK ABB PABBAJC 8TS. Both Phones. Delivery Pre $15 Swagger New Models in Women's Long Coats For Spring and Summer Coats for Immediate wear, and to wear In tho cool of the evening during the summe. months. Coats for traveling and to take with you on your vacation. There's a fine new line just in, New Pongee Silks, Colored Serges, Cream Serges, etc., surprisingly handsome and well tailored garments, at : Are Too Going to Profit by Oar Great Suit Purchase? The opportunity Is now open to you. No more striking example of the economies of the Bennett Suit Department was ever brought to your attention. Our purchase' of 1,000 new, absolutely correct, perfectly tailored suits from a single maker, was one of the biggest deals in the history of the business, but it brought prices to a point, where we can announce them as the best bar gains. Lots of superb styles to show you. Any color, any material any size. Flain Tailored or with a slight sugges-, tion of trimming. $25.50, CIA50 $95 905 $32.50 and $40.00 suits, at....vlV 'V-wW-QaVV-- Hen's 'Presto" . Collar Raincoats A line of handsome toppy coats, almost indispensible to men. They nre made of light weight, soft finished mater ials, also hard-finished worsteds, in light, medium and( dark shades; long full cut garments with ' "Presto" reversible collars, or the perman ent roll, as you prefer, at. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits $3.50, and An Extra Pair of Pants FREE Choice of six good , patterns, the best $3.60 suit we know of. Made of sturdy, durable fabrics as a special Inducement, we will give an extra pair of knickerbockers to match FREE, $15 Wednesday. at Any sire from 7 to 15 years, $3.50 Notion Day Specials HOSE SXTPPOBTEBS Black and White, for women and Children, at, per pair 10c SBESB SHIELDS Light weight, at. ' per pair 10o MACHINE KII.K All colors, special 2 spools tor t0 MACHINE COTTON 200 yard spool, t all numbers, .black and while, 2 for ; Bo SATETT FINS Nickel plated. 2 cards for . . . . J. So DAXNtNO COTTON Black, brown. white, doien spool for 1BO BIAS LAWN TAPE 12 yard bolt. all widths, special. 10o Stationery Day And Spoclal Stamp Offers BOX WBITINCt PAPEBS 24 sheets nd 2 packages envelopes for ..10o and 10 stamps. 100 PAFXm NAPKINS for 10c and 10 stamps. ENVELOPES No. 6 size, S packages for "o snd 10 stamps. POST CABD ALBUMS Hold 100 cards, special for 10o and 10 stamps. TABLETS Irish Linen, for Wednes day for 10 and 10 stamps. SHE LP PAPER- 3 packages for lOo and 10 stamps. f Omaha's Prettiest Millinery at Bennett's striking new I hats and 16ts of them, at. . . .$5, $7.50, $10 and $15 J Tuesday Embroidery Special Wide, 4 5-lnch. Skirting Embroideries for dresses. Handsome 27-lnch flouncings, and allovers,- In wide assortment of attractive patterns. Selling rapldlXi for dresses now, values to Ut $1.00 at, per yard , Foulard Silks; Extra Values More new foulards again. Everybody must be buying foulards this spring. We now have a fine showing of the much wanted navy blues, new tans, greys, rose, green shadeB.- Richest and most- Ql beautiful Foulards ever on our counters, at. OwV BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ON SALB WEDNESDAY AND THTOSSAY. Cornmeal, 8-pound sack, while or yellow 1SJ40 fimn Ua la hi IX' 1 ' hrftnil U, -Tit, 11 Till pan lOO Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. 2-puund can 8o and Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound 18c and Teas, assorted, pound ' ana lien's Soda and Oyster Crackers. 18-pound box 13 ' Monson Asparagus, green tips, 35c quality , aso Wonder Wax for Laundry. 3 packages .jjpo Queen Cldar Vinegar, quart can 3o and Kranco-Amerlcafi, Jullene, Tomato and Bouillon, 35c quart cans for a2 Diamond O Poap. eight bars 85o Dejon French Mustard, Jar S6o and Chicken Feed, pound 3o Vegetable Seeds., Flower Seeds, package 8V60 Marshall's Fresh Herring, can .' .....SOo and Onion Sets, four quarts ?o . Medium Sour P kl.s, q'tart 1 and Sweet Mixed Pickles, quart SOo and Hartley's Pure Fruit .lams a0 Oalllard Olive Oil. bottle 46o and Monarch Cut Asparagus, can 85o and Bennett's Capitol Maple Syrup, quart 40o and Diamond Crystal Shaker Salt. 3 packages 25o and Castile Soap, ten bars So and Llpton's Jelly, assorted flavors, 8 packages 95o Hex Lye, 3 cans for .., 25o and Radium Stove Polish I2Ho and California Raisins, seedless, 16c quality:.:.: 10o Cleaned Currants, J2c packages, 3 for 3Bo Full Cream Cheese, pound.. '. ',...830 and Doable Stamps on I Imported Hand Cheese, 3 for 35o 60 stamps 10 stamps 6U stamps 10 stamps 10 stamps 10 stamps 10' stamps 10 stamps 60 stamps 10 stamps 20 stamps 10 stamps 10 stamps I'll stamps 10 stamps L'O stamps 0 CRAVENETTE SUMMER . SHOES AH of the advantages of Suede soft, rich, fashion ablebut cooler and much1 easier to keep clean. Sen sible sole for street wear; short vamp and high arch. Allow us'to demonstrate to you the advantages of "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes. You will never appreci ate how much shoe excellence can be produced at a moderate price, until you examine this famous brand. Spring models now ready at this store. BENNETT'S T?CtW FAD TTeak ana nervous me lJJU I UtV wno tiaii power i JFDVFC Work and youthful vto .ILlVftoJ gone as m result of over ork or mental exertion should takt LiBAT'8 NKKVK FOOD PILLS. Tbey wlU neke you tat aid sleep and be a tuaa satn. j voxe S3. SO mmU. IIIIKAS SI HCUVRlliLt SSVtt OO. Oer. IStli and Dodge Streets. OWL DSVO OOMTAJIT. Oos. ISta sjU IsAcaey M OaaaM, I 1 I See the New Hart, Schaff ner & Marx Spring Suit Styles. In JZ2 THE RELIABLE STORE Buf 'HART, . SCHAFF- NER & MARX Suit3. The Best. Delightfol Specials for ladies' lien tlecknear 25c 50e and 73c vnluos, the very latest novelties, including Jabots, Stocks, Tabs, Dutch Collars, etc. delightful as sortment mid best values ever; in Wednes day's sale, at $2.50 Hand Bags 98c Handsome 12-inch seal grain bags, nil leather, leather lined, leather covered frame and leather handle; bags that would sell regularly at $2.50 in any store, delight ful bargains Wed- ftft nesday, at. UOC Wednesday's Soiling .1 4. n . J) KM .T1 i.. Awl , 0I3DAY,) Omaha's Greatest April ii Rug Sale Watch Daily ers for Particulars. Time Sales in the Domestic Room f or Wednesday From 8 to 8:30 A. M. Godine Cambric, regular price at 24c 10 yard limit on Bale at, a jard , . . .4 GW From O to 9:80 A. M. Sussex Bed Spreaaa, large size, hemmed, regular price $1.98, on . sale at, each O-l ? From 10 to 10:30 A. M. Xo. 100 India L,lnon, regular price 12V4c 10 yard llmfl on sale at ard 6 From 2 to !:30 P. M. Hunter's Choice, best 36-Inch bleached Muslin, made for 10c yard 10 yard limit at. yd. J From 8 to 3:80 V. M. 6 Vic Shirting Prints, best made, all fast colors-r 10 yard limit ' at, yard 3 14 From 3.30 to 4 P. M. No. 203 Huck Towels, regular price 10c 6 pairs limit-reach, at Specials in our High Grade Linen Department FOR WEDNESDAY'S SELLING Fringed Table Cloths, size 8x10, all pure linen with colored bor ders, $2.00 values, Wednesday, each $.00 Unhemmed German Silver Bleached Pattern Table Cloths, size 8x10, worth $4.00, Wednes day, each $2.35 Hemstitched Pattern Table Cloths, size 8x10, warranted pure linen, worth $2.25, Wednesday, at, each 81.50 Hemstitched Devonshire ,H u c k Towels, all pure linen, good value at 50c, Wednesday, each. . 30 WE SAVE YOU MONEY OH ALL MILLINERY A SPECIAL FLOUR SALE WEDNESDAY 4S-lb. sack best High Patent Flour, made from the finest No. 1 wheat. Tills grade of flour is retailed for 11.76 a sack everywhere. We warit you to try one Hack. We guaran tee It to give satisfaction or your moneq refunded. For this sale per sack 11.35 18-lbs. bebt granulated sugar.. $1.00 8 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All Soap for 25c 1-lb. can Assorted Soups 7 Ho All kinds Corn Flakes, pkg 7Ho Oil or mustard Sardines, can 4c The best Peanut Butter, lb ISo The best Santos Coffee, lb loo The best Tea Sittings, lb. .12Hc Omaha's Greatest Ktarket for Fresh est Vg;tablei, at the Lowest Prlots. 5 bunches Fresh AHparagus 'lOc 4 bunches Fresh Rudlxhes . Su 6 bunches Fresh Onions ....6c Fresh Spinach, per peck 15c 2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 6c Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Shallots, bunch Sjc Freah Cucumbers, each 7V4o Fresh Parsley, bunch 30 Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb. . .liUo Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb 1HH.C ii stalks Celery 6c Fancy Cooklnk or Eating Apples, . peck Sou Fancy Kipa Louisiana Strawberries, box .OViu Second Day Dig Annual Shrubbery Sale Bos Bashes American Beauty llydranglas, 8 So, 18V40 and.... 100 Crimson Kamblers .850 Clematis Purule and yellow. .. .960 Virginia Creepers .160 Honeysuckles 15o Lilacs purple and white ISo California I'uJoto , IBo Hedge, at ...100 Snow uiin Hushes. The finest lot of shrubs ever shown In Omaha. All you want while they last. Come early. , . Donnr FOWSET TRY UAYDEti'S FIRST IT PAYQ rvnp7 Will Dccomo Habitual Drinhors SEEDS Potatoes, to Grass, Flowering Bulbs, Etc. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE FREE Why wasta time and money planting doubtful seeds when you cat, buy feeds that; (row irom The KEAL Internal treatment cures the periodical, occasional or moderate drinker the habitual and excessive drinker and the nervous man who has to drink to keep from becoming more nervous. It takes away all Inclination to drink, all deelre and craving for drink by neutralizing the poison of alcohol In the system and ridding the blood of the poison by a rapid process of elimination, leaving the drinker in the same normal condition he was in before tasting liquor, so tar aa the ef fect of alcohol may be concerned all appetite for drink gone and he a new man. Ho Hypodermic Injections The N1L Internal treatment ef fects a perfect cure In three days with out hypodermic injections. A Guaranteed Contract A guaranteed bond and contract is given each patient agreeing to effect a perfect cure, or refund the money at the end of the third day. A Modern Treatment THE NEAL'; 18 A , PIIVSICIAX'S CURE for the drink habit, it is the moat , modern and perfect, of known treatments, originated by a phyalclaa. compounded by a - physician, and ad ministered by experienced physicians. The Neal le a Physician' Cur If you have taken a number of old cures and gone : to drinking again worse than before, what is the uio of taking another old cure? The Neal la the latest, improved, up-to-date, b?-t three cay cure in tUo -world. Institute or Home Treatment If unable to come to' the institute send for the Home Treatment irhlch is just aa effective as Institute Treat ment. Call, write or phone for free book and oopy of contract; Neal Instl tuto.o..; Q. P.. IB 02 South TenUi St., Omaha, Neb. All communications strictly confidential. Dank references given. 16 Nebraska Seed Co. iSlloward Street Telephone Douglas 1130 J -nBAILEY 3s. MACH Y DENTISTS J Best equipped dental office In the middle weu Highest grade dentistry at --teasouabl prices. Porcelain IIHIors. Just like the tooth. All Initru ments carefully sterilized after each patient. TUIUU KJL-OOK I'AXiUN litXlCK Cor 10 th an J Intromit bU.