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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1910)
10 THE BEH: OMAHA. AVEDXESOAV, A PHIL 13. 1010. REAL ESTATE CITY PKIIIKRII I'OH dil.K. (Continued ) COZT little home, J038 Mm ml Kt ; lot 4ht 180; 8-rooms, fine lawn and shad tree; aity water, can, fl.ww; can mak term. IN BENSON South front lot on Lucas St., near Burnhnm, 50x128 feet; for Bale on easy payments $3.00 down and $5.00 a month. Price $190.00. DWIGI1T WUUAMS, Bee Office Tel. Harney 3070 ufter G P. M. In Center of City Brick building; firm-class shape; 14 rooms; strictly modern; one-naif block off 16th bu In come f tr-0 per month, Frlce IIjIH). NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suit 624 N. Y. Life B.dg. Red 1M. I AM going iwir and my home of 7 nice larc room In 'net class conditlou la for ale. la,. Call 2j70 Hpa,ulding St. FIELD CLUB OPI'ORTUX 1TIES If you want a good lot with a well-built, l-room, modern house, not new, but In excellent condition, near the Field Club, then you want to look at. this one. Lot is 1(10x140 feet east front, on paved street, with some fine shade trees ami lots of ahruhbery. Just the place for mini" couple who want a good home with rooms all on one floor. The house Is too sma 1 for pres ent owner, only reason for letting go. Then we have a neat little B-room cottage In same locality on splendid south front lot, 70x112 feet, that can be sold for $3,000. A splendid corner lot, 10x112 feet, facing S streets. Would make excellent location for apartment house. Ca'l us up about these. E. W. Stoltenberg, salesman. SELBY Doug. 1510. 4S6 Board of Trade Bldg. 8-H00M BUNGALOW All modern, hot water heat, finished in quarter-sawed oak. 2 ACRES ON FLORENCE BOULEVARD Price 17.600. Look this up. IT CAN'T BE BEAT. P. 0. Nielsen & Ca, 703 N. T. L. Bldg. Both phones. $2,500 LOT For beautiful home. Highest view, best homes on all aides, east front, new paving paid. On North 88th Ave. Terms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. SACRIFICE SALE 1920 acrea of choice wheat land, best of oil. Can all be cultivated. Located in Kimball county, Nebraska; $12.50 per acre. W. J. DERMODY INVEST- MENT COMPANY, Tel. D. 6108 or A 2033. 838 N. Y. L. Bldg. 15 ACRES 2V4 miles northwest of Florence, close to the Calhoun macadam road. S acrea is open land, lies level, high and sightly. 16 . acres is In fine pasture, has large oak trees. Can sell 10 acrea more adjoining or can sell you 6 or 10 acres separately. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. :.a REAL ESTATE FARM AKO HANCII LAN U FOR SALE Arkansas. 120 ACRES SS cultivation; 1.800 Elberta peach trees; JHM). 1,920 acres, black alfalfa land; timbered; S9.9H0. Kobert Sessions, Wlnthrop. Ark. BEAUTIFUL Osark region of Arkansas; fertile valleys,- rich mountain tops, good climate, flowing springs; farms all Blxes, all prices. Write J. C. Mitchell & Co.. Kayettevllle, Ark. INSPECT AND YOU WILL BUY THIS 12,500 acres In southwest Ark., 7 miles city of 26,000; railroad station on land; Red River valley; solid body; no richer farm land; several improved farms on tract; hickory, oak. ash timber. For quick sale, $7.50 per acre; terms. Inspect and you will buy. LEURAND W. JONES. Texarkana, Ark. Tx. California, CALIFORNIA LANDS. ' Free homes in southern California, finest land, now open for homestead; finest cli mate, soil and water; this wont last long; the chance of a lifetime; excursion May 3. For full particulars and descriptive cata logue call on or address John Maresb, Hotel Boquet, .proaha, Neb.. Colorado HOMES In sunny Colorado. I can lo cate you on a good 820-acre homestead; good water and close to railroad; also a few fine relinquishments for sale cheap; some snaps In deeded land. H. E. Huston, Sugar City, Colo. COLORADO LAND FOR BALIS BY OWNER. Attut 10, 646 acres of good land, mostly smooth sod rolling, floe soil, to be sold In oe body, 16 to M mile east of Denver on the Union Paclfio R. K. south of Watklns. Dennett and Slrausburg. This tract lies close to above towns. Tho land la all fenced, and many times cros fenced. Other Improvements: Houses, barns, sheds, cor rals, private telephone, etc Good alfalfa and nay land; also sprlngo and oihr water, trigs. Extra good proposition for sub dividing or colonising. No agents need ap ply. Buy direct from owner, ftoAU CANM, au04 Oiauaroi flace, Ixuiver, Colo. Delaware. DELAWARE FARMS, delightful climate, productive soil, beat markets, the Ideal farming country; we guarar.tee eatlxf action; aend for free catalogue. McDaniel & Mc Dantel, Dover. Del. Florida. V ssnsnnssuann J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. IT WILL PAY YOU TO IN- VESTIGATE. Good Florida Everglade land In 10-a ere tracts. Terms. $19 down and 110 Der month Hee' F." A. Melnbrihk. Bailey hotel, 9th and rarnam, between o and 8 p. m. Iowa. FOR EXCHANGaWlood $9 600 stock drv foods, shoes and groceries; what have you In oh-ar-lund or Income property? M. II. Wlnnard, Wyoming, la. IOWA corn land Is best land; 1M acre. four miles town, fair building. $t.00O- 155 seres two miles town, fair buildings. $8,500. Write "S. 8.." Buffalo Center. Ia. 498 ACRKS of bottom land In Iowa, near Council Hluffs; price, $7& per acre; will ' take $16,000 In clear land or good merchan dise. Also W) acres In Harrison county; will trade equity for something clear that Is worth the money. Address D. M. Rem- . Ington. Mondamln, Ia. Knaaaa. ' . KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying -from 10 to 22 per rent rent. Best alfalta In the world Easy terms. If not as represented, will return your xuenes. Nowata land and lot co C24 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red lr. POSKSION W-acre farm; well Im prove.!; nth soil; fci acres In cultivation; near good town In southesnt Kanea; price, $2.U Address owner, D. R, Finley, Caney, Kan. REAL ESTATE FARM AM it I.AAU FOR SALF. Ku- . omlair. S30 ACRKS pntjre. well fenced, plenty water, in Barber county. Kansas, for rent, rhle or exchange; state what you have Owner. It. S. Few, l.ila. Kan. TI1K CitKAM OF THE CREAM. We hnve tor File six farme located In eastern Kansas within 70 mllee of Kansas City; they are convenient lo school chinches, and goid town on main line of railway; mot of them are well Improved, and "lghtiy location. In rlchneiia of anil they are ennui to the best landn in Juckson county. Minsourl of Johnson county, Kan KMX, which soil at from 1100 to 2TO per l-rH W u U 1 1 Bfl tH... farm. . e j to $.",5 per acre; $.'.5 per acre will buy aa ft ion a rnrm, with an (rood improvement, mm ran he houijiit In the above counties at from !lif. to fn.0 per acre. .o trade, but fHir trnn. Act promptly. ST. JOHN PARK 11. Olnthe. Kan. Illinois. DESIRE some choice equities In good, nell located land, having small Incum brance atjuinst; have goou, clear property to otter. Russell Le Sourd, 101 Callen iler Aie l'eorla, 111. Minnesota. FOR SALE -My fine Improved farm of !S!S acres, three miles from Mont'.cello, Minn., improvements, soil and. location all gooa; price, per acre; will sell with a small payment down and easy terms on the remainder. C. W. Hoesbc, fireene, la. Mlanonrl. 10 ACP.F.S between Iee s Summit and Lone Jack, on rock road; well Improved; price, 84.0W). John W. Luttrell. Indepen dence, Mo. FOR SALE on long time and easy terms; 4 unimproved 20-acre tracts and 4 10 acre tracts, , on good road. H mile to school, 3 miles to Blue Springs; price e5 per acre. Ueorge Hughes, Blue Springs, Mo. hOH KALE In Camden county. Mo., splendid ranch tract, 620 acres; springs, running stream; to acres Improved; clover meadow; bottom land; blue stem grass; free range. Also ItiO acres Joining famous Ha Ha Tonka park, and many other tracts, small and large, amounting to 10,000 acres. Price, terms, address A. It. Jackson, Cli max Springs, Mo. 100-ACRE bottom farm; every acre till able; 6-room house and other outbuildings; 3o acres under plow; fenced and cross fenced; 6 acres hog pasture, fenced with plank; 40 acres pasture, balance saw tim ber; plenty of water; want income prop erty, merchandise or notes secured by first mortgages on real estate; price $0 per acre. Address B. Clardy. Ethel, Mo. ORCHARD lands and cheap, on easy terms. If Interested write Mouth Mls url Land and Orchard Company, Doni phan, Mo. SOUTH MISSOURI CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCHES. 2,120 Taney county; improved, watered; lo; terms. ' $13 30 Chri8tlan county; rmproved; snap; 1.400 Oregon county; unimproved; dandy; 2,300 and 1.900 Carter county; $5. 2.W and 1,240 Taney county; $4. 6h0 and 440 and 1,400; $5. All well watered, fine graas and snap bargains. r OS AGE REALTY CO.. Osceola, Mo. Itekrasaua. GOOD LAND $5.95 PER ACRE 640 acres In central Nebraska, about one-half good cultivation land, balance pasture land; five and one-half miles from railroad. $2.4fi4 cash, balance. $L334 may run six years. J- G- BONE. 312 Shugart Blk.. Council Bluffs, la. Phone 814. NEBRASKA LAND CHEAP. $4.00 PER ACRE 640 acres, western Nebraska, In a very de slrable community; small creek on the sec tion; $1,447 cash; $1,113 may run 7 years. P. O. Box 173. Council Bluffs, la. ' 46-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 PER ACRE. We own and control 20,000 acres of Chey enne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land now on the market. The heaviest crop yielding county In Nebraska for ten years; alfalfa also a leading crop. Ask for folders and full particulars. Agents wanted every where. Write for our proposition at once Railroad faxes refunded if things not as (represented. Fundingsland & Severson Sidney, Neb. - Persistent advertising Is the road to Big Returns. FARM BARGAIN. Must r-s sold on account of owner health; well improved 820-aor farm vi miles from town; price, $26 per acre; easy Urma. J. T. Camnbell. Litchfield. Neb, WESTERN REAL ESTATE. Farm and town property where railroad right-of-way is bought through. Klnkaid homesteads. Dry land to come under gov ernment canal. Don't wait. Address P. Q. Box No. liU Uerlng, Nab. FARMS, Improved and unimproved ranches. F. J. Dlshner. O'Neill. Neb. AUCTION SALE OF GOOD LANDS TO BE HELD IN OMAHA ON MAY 3, at 3 p. m. Every acre must, and will be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of price. 4,078 acres of good unimproved raw land. Located In Valverde county, Texas, close to town on main line of Southern Pacific railroad. Will sell In tracts of 60 acres and up to suit purchaser. Terms, $1.60 per acre cash, balance long time. Call or write for circulars, maps and full par ticulars. This Is a chance for you to buy good land at your own price. Write today. 8. E. WAIT & CO. (Trustees.) 617 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. LAND buyers will busy themselves If they will only auk Leander Clark of Kearney, Neb., for farms he has for sale. FOR SALE 320 acrea of land In western Nebraska at U.3UU cash for one month. Those not ready to buy need not write. A. T. CLARK. General Delivery, Denver, Colo. Morth Dakota. LARGE and small tracts of land for sale In North Dakota and Montana. Missouri Valley Land Co., Dickinson, N. D. 100 IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE-$M0 will buy one, balance half crop paymenta. Wadsworth Land and Tree Co., Langdonj N. D. TEN THOUSAND acres of homestead land In fertile Ward county. N. D. A snap; $13 per acre. Lyon Land and Iji.i, Co.. Bowbells. N. D. KIVR TO TS!N thnllHMnH mwm U tea tied land in Ward county. North Da kota, $13: a snap. Lyon Land and Loan Co., Bowbells, N. D. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA BARGAINS 400 arrea extra 2d bottom, two sets improvements. i.u per acre, nest county for corn, wheat, oats and alfalfa. Our list free. Farms $3,000 to $$,000. Lefebrve t Wood. New Kirk, Okl. Month Dakota. BUY IRRIGATED LAND. Best Investment on the market; choice deeded lands under the Belle Fourcho proj ect; we can sell as low as $20 per acre; write for particulars. C. M. RICH. W4 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. I HAVE for quick sale a fine H section seven miles from Midland, 115 acres In nice growing wheat, land all under fence and cross fence; small house and barn; will sell this land at $23 Der acre. tnoin4in. crop and new diro and mower, good wagon and other farm machinery; will carry bark $2,500 at 7 per cent Interest. Coma quick if you want this snap. Hudson Land Afirucj, hiuiiiki, a. u. WRITE for big. new list of South Da seta and Minnesota lands to exchange foi srnrrni merchandise, hardware, cattle, In- "". giv jun particulars. llaalltt Land Agncy, Marlon, 8. D. . REAL ESTATE "1 AX1 H II I.A.Mt FOR AI.F. FA Month Dakota Coatlnaed. IKTGLAS COUNTY 32 nrres n.ilo Armour. 2fl crop, balance alfalfa and hay, fair imp.; Al farm, easy terms. 3J0 acres H miles Armour, one of the very best Im proved farms In countyJand perfect, loo acres tame grass, balance crop cultivation, fine grove, orchard; this la one of the best bargains In county. 320 acres 8 miles Ar mour. 2TiO cultlv., new barn, fair houe; a genuine bareain In this. 100 acres, all culti vated, no buildings: a bargain, near town. 15 other rhoice Improved farms In Douglas and Charles Mix counties, prices $40 to $70 per acre. BRULE COU.NTY-SS acres 24 miles Pukwana, new house, other buildings good. 2fr0 cultivated, land the best. 640 acres 4 mile Pukwana. 110 crop, all good, tillable land, good set Improvements, at a bargain. 1H0 acrea 4 miles Pukwana, well Improved, one of the best snaps In county. 120 acres 3 miles town, well improved, a snap. 60 other Improved and unimproved places In Brule and Buffalo counties, $20 up. Have nothing but the very choicest pieces of land. Write for further Information and lists. W. T. BARTLETT, 300 Grain Exchange Bldg., Sioux City, la. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. 640 acres, lying on the valley at the fit of the Wesalngton hills, with $5,000 worth of improvements, consisting of a good, new bank ham 4hx65, with plenty of room for hay. cattle and horses; n good eight-room house, granary and corncrlb; artesian well, running through hog pasture; COO acres of this land Is as good land tin there Is In Hand and Beadle counties, with Juvt mough slope to drain nicely; the other forty acres oomilMs of twelve acres of good natural timber, good high building spot and fine pasture land; 400 acres of this land is In cultivation and 200 acres Is fine hay meadow; level land and should bo cultivated; this land paid 15 per cent Inter est on the Investment for the Inst five years; It can be bought for the small sunt of $42.60 per acre, on good terms; the place has the advantages of rural free delivery and telephone; this section is either an In vestment or a home for anvone to handle, with or without stock, as It lies tributary to cheap pasture land; only six miles from Wesslngton, and will bear close Inspection; this Is one of fifty or more bargains, thit we can offer. Wesslngton Valley Land Co., W esxlngton, S. D. GRANT COUNTY. 8. D.. FARMS. 180 acres 3 miles from Troy;: 120 acres under plow; 20 acres timothy, balance meadow; all nice, level land; best of soil; small house and gTanary; fine farm. Price, $o.2"0; $2,260 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 320 acrea 2M miles from Troy, 120 acres under plow, balance all tillable; good soil; no buildings; a beauty. Price, $10,600; one half cash and balance at 6 per cent. 820 acres 2V4 miles from Troy; 120 acres under plow, 70 acres tame grass, 100 acres fenced for pasture; all nice land and all tillable; nice large house, good barn, gran ary, etc.; nice grove trees; 3 wells, good water, 65-barrel cistern; a beautiful home. Price, $13,300; one-half cash and balance at 6 per cent. 660 acres 6 miles from Troy; 400 acrea under plow. 80 acres tame grass, balance pasture and hay land; 21.5 acres fenced; 13 acres grove; fine large house, large barn, granary and other buildings; well of good water, windmill, tank, etc.; to own this farm means to be happy. Price, $40 per acre; $9,000 cash and balance at 6 per cent. Also have raw prairie lands for sale on easy terms. Address, THOMAS R. STEVENS, Troy, S. D. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND The rush Is on for Stanley county land; several new lines of railroad now building In this county. Buy now and double your money In the next two years. Choice lands selling at from $12 to $18 per acre. For maps and in formation write to Felland Realty Co., 6H1 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. . Oregon. 320 Acres Government Land Free Advantages of Oregon, a book of 32 pages, explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for, also the amount of government land open to home stead; a map, 21x28, showing all new towns on railroad. Including eastern and central Oregon and counties In different - colors drawn to January 1, 1910; last map In U. 8. A. Also gives homestead laws and cost of getting 820 or 160 acres and a description of the state of Oregon In general; mailed for 26c stamps or, coin. Ntmmo & Runey, 13 Hamilton Bldg.,' Portland. Ore. 1 Texas. FOR SALE At a bargain, an Oklahoma farm, In the richest agricultural portion of state. For particulars address Geo. J. Martin, Amarlllo, Tex. FOR SALE Cheap land, In old Mexico and Rio Grande valley, Texas; any size tract; adapted to sugar cane, cotton, fruits and general agriculture; large acreage timber, mineral oil and grazing; some im proved ranches. Address O. C. Hillehrandt Co., Lands, Loans and Investments, Browns ville. Tex. 1 IRRIGATED farm in Tovah vallev: 160 acres In alfalfa, 40 acres ready for corn; mis is sata to De the best farm In the valley: will dbv 20 ner cent thla vear. Write S. E. Washow, Saragosa, Texas. SPECIAL fine nroDosltlon of 7.f0 seres: all fine land; Joining the city of Midland, Tex., on T. P. R. R.; part can be sold for town lots; balance for farms: already run out In tracts from 80 acres up; all tillable; the town is booming, and this can be handled on $40,000 cash; will agree to give aeeaa witn each Ml tracts with separate set of notes; 10 annual payments. 6 ner cent Interest; can furnish blue print; write me at once. Will Jennings, Italy, Tex. Oklahoma. - - ' .iivHini. pull VV list on farais, sent on request. IraStout, Gushing, Ok.l OKLAHOMA W have 100.000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging In Dries from 15 to $40 per acre. This land Is In the oil and gas aistrict ana you might get an oil well with your laud. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suit 624 New York Life Bldg. 110-ACRE Oklahoma farm for sale or change for city property or business. Thos. J. Harrison, Pryor, Okl. Ohio. BUSINESS - PROPERTY In rinitUv r for western land; property rents for $15 per month; fine location In one of the best towns In Ohio; will give you good trade. Write for further particulars. Chas. Stay- auii, run iuui;e, ia. Virginia. X WITT Mn.Dln K ... . V. -, . 1 - mvj uiulh you wnwi you can purchase the richest land, at lowest prices. In the country of Manatee? A ten acre farm here will net aa much an nn acres In the north: delightful r-iimoi. nn drouths, convenient markets. abundant laror, good schools; goods shipped from .,. iwwHj .19 wiu i iHsjiieBi prices In northern markets; establish a fruit and u7.l.hl. fa m. K n . . I j , ul u,pll I. .... 1. 1 T ur , 1 , , . . . v. vuvmcw . . . v 11110, gen eral Industrial Agent, S. A. L. P.allway, Washington. DAIRYING PAYS. And nowhere better than In Snohomish county. Washington. But little freezing or hot weather, no bad storms and small grain, grass, roots and most rrults yield great; no failures. Butter too per lb. and higher. Our best dairymen have money in plenty; 18 years ago 1 brought cows here from Wisconsin and have done dairying, so talk confidently. I am now selling real estate and many farms. Have one of 165 acres, mostly bottom land, near large condensery and good city; water piped Into buildings, now support ing 40 cows. Price with tools and some stock, $15,600. Good terms. More big and little. Write for- particulars. J. A. BAKER, Room S Walsh Bldg., Everett. Wash. W rout a sr. 6M ACRES, I miles from ons station and 4 miles from another, on Union Paclfio main line; all first class land; $15 per acre, one-third cash, balance annual payments, 8 per cent. Address M 231, Bee. FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyoming line; consists of $.600 acres of grasing and hay land; ranch Is now stocked with cattle and sheep; will sell ranch with or without stock. For further particulars apply to Harry Tatham, Jclru, Wyo. ra .vREAL EATE fAIIM.A.Mt it AMM 1,4 Ml FOR SALE Wntn In Continued. l ACRES, finest kind of inlgaled land, half mile from station; in native hay; best water right; will make a bargain price and give good terms. Address L 2;K. Bee. 240 ACRKS; Joins townslte on main line of Union Pacific; perfect laying land and best of soil; $22.60 per acre; M acres one mile from 210, school section laxs between two Will sell the IL'O acres at $22..) per acre, one third cash, and asvlgn the school leas. Ad dress N 232. Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 6. I and i-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. tfults 624 N. Y. Lifs B!dg. IF YOU want to buy land at the right Lrlce see the man that can sell It to you eander Clark, Kearney, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrante. TV. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. LOANS to horn owners and home build era, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 318 N. Y. Life, $500 to $200,000 on improved property. No delay. $600 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Kerfe Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-2152. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to losn on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. V. Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Bemia. Brandels Rldg. SWAPS WE handle exchanges of properties of merit. HARRY H. CULVER, 809-810 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone D. 7865. WILL TRADE 320 acres of land In Chase county, Neb., for residence property In Omaha; property must be modern and In desirable location. Land lays smooth and level; the very best of soli; no finer land in the state. Address, P. O. Box 372, Weep ing Water, Neb. TO EXCHANGE for stock general mer chandise. KJO-acre Improved farm. Adams county, North Dakota, or 320 acres Stuts man county, North Dakota. Lock Box 761, Jamestown, N. D. $8,000. $17,000. $20,000. General merchandise. $16,O0O-$17.O00 hardware, wants land. Please give legal numbers In first letter. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. ONE of the finest fruit farms ever built; 20 acres large and small fruit; modern house; an Ideal home and a big money maker. It is worth $7,000. Do you want It? NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau let style, but title used, made by Cunning ham and sold new for $1,000. This carriage Is now worth $500 in cash, but we would exchange It for horses or for vacant prop erty or for western land. Johnson, Dan forth Co.. a W. Cor. 10th and Jonea Sts. You Want a Farmr the other fellow wants city property or stock of goods. We want tne commission. Bend us full description In first letter and w will get you a trade. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Sulto 624 N. Y Life Bldg. Red 199s. WANTED-SITUATIONS JAPANESE CHAUFFEUR wants posl tlon; can drive and repair any gasoline car; good references. Address 8 217, Bee. WANTED TO BUY !sV BEST PRICES paid for second-hand fur niture, carpets, stove, clothes, shoes. Phone uougjas d&u. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Phone. Douglas 397L I BUY, sell and exchange second-bsnd goods. Sol Rosenberg, 103 S. 14th. Doug. 6885. SECOND-HAND clothing, party, afternoon dresses John Feldman, D. 3128 or Ind. A-2638. GOOD PRICE for second-hand clothes, shoes and furniture. 8ELNER, Doug. 640L WANTED TO RENT THREE or four nice modern unfurnished rooms, not close In. . Address, J-228, Bee. TRAVELING man. away four davs each week, desires room and board for himself and wifo In palvate family, Hanscom park I district. Willing , to pay for. modern ac- ! comodatlona In congenial home. G 347, Bee. We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sixes, List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 199. TO RENT 8 or 10-room house with four or five bedrooms, west part of town, Im mediately. Harney 1176. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth an 11 , Union faelrla toa Arnra "an Fran. OVrl d Ltd. 1:1 a. m, 11:30 p. m. Chi. ct Jap. rt UaU. 4:16 p.m. (:41p.m. Atlantlo Express m. Oregon Express ........ 4.08 a, m, i:Mp. nx Oregon-Wash. Ltd.. ..,.13:48 p. m. 1:40 p. m. Denver Special 1:47 a m. U:Ma. m Colorado Special U :43 p.m. f:l a. as. Ooloraso Express 1:60 p.m. :vp. rn. North Plate Local..... 1:15 a. m, 4:45 p.m. Grand Island Local.... 6:29 p. m. . 18:30 a. m, Lincoln-Beat Local. p. m. :0 p. m VaL 4s Can. City Lcl.. .13:41 p. m. 1:30 p. m. Illinois Central Leave. Arrive. Chicago Exprssa a 7:00 am a 1.4 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:4 am Mtnn.-Ut. Paul Exp....b 7:VU am Mlnn.-St Paul Ltd 1 i:UI pu a ' :45 am Omaha-Ft Dodg Loe-b 6:1 pm bU:38 am Chlcaao, Hock Iaxaa fc raolfla BLAST. Rocky Mountain Vu....m 1:80 am aie.W pm Iowa Local ,. a 6:30 pm 1 Chicago Day Express.. a 6:U am ! Dea Moines Locai a 6:08 pm al2:M pm Iowa Local Ol0:3 am b 1:6 pis Colcago-JUastern Kxp.-.a 6 4V pm a lot pm Chlcago-sbraska Ltd a 6:vS pm a ;03 am WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Lit. for Lincoln..... a am a 1:47 pa Coio. and CaL Kip a 1:1 pm a 4:10 pm Okla. and Texas Exp... a 1:30 pm a l:uO pm Rocky Mountain Lta...aJ6:6 pm a 1:1 aa Chisago A fctvtrn KiSTDOUMD. Omaha Express. a 7:08 am aU:88 ore Chicago Local all :0a piu a 1:38 pm Colorado-Chicago a 8:20 pm a 1:28 m Chicago fe pedal a 8:80 pm a 1M am Paclfio Coast-Chicago.. .a 6:8 pm a 1:38 pm Los Angeles Limited... .a f :1 pm all .20 pm Ovarlaad Limited all:4s pm a 7:4 am Denver Special ......als. am a t:bi aot larroll Local ...a 6:18 pm a 1:8 am bast Man a a 6 prn NORTHBOUND. Twia City Express a 7.66 am al:20 pm Bloux City Local a l:4i pin a 1:31 p.s Minn. A Dakota Exp.. .a 7: pm a :l am Iwla City Limited a 8:00 pm a 148 sia w&arBouND. Llneoln-Chadron a 70 am all 48 am Norfolk-Bonstell itMiia a!0:4 pm Long Pine-So. PlaU.b l it pm s t:M pm Hastings-Superior ......b 1:1s pm b i:28 pm Deadwood-Hoi bug..... a 1:68 pm a :r pm Casper-Lander .a I- pm all:vo am reiuoo 1-Albion :M pm o Lis pm Mlaawarl racltio K. C. and flt- L. Ex. ...: am a i.U am K. C. and I8L U Ux, Uv Sat. 13 p. in.., ......all:! pm a 1:39 pm Cbloaso, UilnsskM m St. Fasl Lear. Arrive, Overland Limited ...all:l urn a l:'m turn Oniaha-Cblcaao Kip....s Mi tin a 6.8U aiu Colorado Mp--ial ...a 1.61 am all 43 pis Ceio.-Califuro.ia Exp.. ...a piu a l.a pm s'erry-Uiualia Local.. ...b 1:1 put hU.ta) am RAILWAY TIME CARD t'"l,M'-' lkleaa tirrnl W retera Chlrsgo Limited a 1.01 prn Twin City Limited a l:3v pa thlcagj Kxpreus v..... T wlu City aUprasa a l.u am Wabash Orraha-Kt- I-outs Exp. .a :M pro Mail and Kxpress a 1M ant bianbvriy Local lrum Council Uluff O b $.00 prn UUHLlNaTO! tAliun-.Tt Mason. Barllnsjlon Leave. Denver and California.. i 10 pro PuRet Sound kxpraas.-.a 4:".v pit, Nebraska polnta aS:r0ain Black Hllis a pin Northwest Express all:2ipm Nebraska points --Mini Ltocolu Mail o l.zu pm Nebraska Kxpress as.iaain Lincoln Local Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm Schuyler-PleUSmoutn ..b 3.06 prn platismouth Iowa a 9:18 am Bellevue-Plattsinouth ,.al2:J0pm Colorado Limited all:25pin Chicago Special a. ':15 am Chicago Express a4:pia Chicago Fast Kxptesa...a 8.20 pra Iowa Local a:liarn Creston-lowa Local ai:30pm St. Louis Express a 4:30 prn K. C. and feu Jotieph. .. .alu:45 piu K. C. and Si. Joaepn....a :U am K. C. & St. Josepa a :M pm a 8 On am a 3:44 pa a us tia a t U am sll.U pm b10:U am ath ami Arrlra a 1:46 pm a 8:itl pni a 8:10 pm a 8.10 pm a 7 ouam a 6.1 pnt a 12 lo pm a 6 :10 pm t s am a 7:60 pin bl0:2dnn a 8:50 am a 2:40 pm a 7:00 am all Du piB a bin 100 am alo:3uam 10:30 am all:46aiu a 6:45 am a 8 l pra WEBSTER TAT10I Fifteen tti an Webster. Hlseonrl Taclflc Leavo. Artiva Auburn Local b 3:ow pin bl'J IOpn, tkltsfs, l i'aalt allBaeanolis m Omaha 6Ioux City Express b 1:00 pm bU:4Sm Omsba Local e 6:28 pre Bloux City Passenger bn :20 pm Twin City Passenger... -b 8:30 am Bioux City Local a s:; aa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for April 12. fur nivhed by the Midland Guarantee flnd Trust company, hooded abstracters. 17 at i'arnam street. Telephone Douglas 2yb. Ae1 K. SesHie.1t and wife to William R. Lind, lot 13, E. V. Smith s uhdlv.$ 3,500 John W. Shanahan and wife to Edith Hansen, lot 25 and n'A lot 24. block 2. ForeFt Hill 1 John A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to Joseph Komba and wife, lot 3. block 1. Creigh- ton's 1st add 300 Arthur D. Andons to O. 8. Remington, lot 2. block 10. Myers. Richards c Tlldon's add 2.S9O S. M. Johnson and husband to tu, Whwlir. lot 5. block 15. Kountxe Place 3,500 J. M. Olson to O. F. Davis company, . w29t4 feet lot 11 and etot feet lot 12. block 7. Bedford Place. 700 M. C. Easley to Eva Easley, lot 8, block 8, Bowers' add 1 Kenwood Realty company to Pedar Nlelson. lots 284. 25. 286 and 287. Kenwood 395 G. Buckholx to John J. Chrlstnnsen .nd wife, lot 21. block 2. Baker Place IV) Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate com pany to Grace T. Ross. elO feet lot ' 7. block 22. Kountze Place 250 P. Stewart to K. A. Stewart. w37 feet s.rm feet lot 6. block 4. B. V. Smith s add .' 1 S. Doherty and wife to S. Miller, lots 1 and X Wohler's Place 400 A. B. Woodford and wife to William P. Johnson and wife. wV4 lot 18, Mayne's add 400 Edwin F. Brailey, sheriff, to Conserv- atlve Savings and Loan association, lot 15, block 1, Portland Place 251 I. J. Corey and husband to C. J. Thurman. n364 feet sSO feet lots 12 and 13, Sunnyslde 4,750 E. West and husband to C. P. Sccord, lot 8, block 2, Lake View 2,500 S. C. Gorham and wife to . R. W. Bryant, lot 10. block L Becher C, Frederick's add 2,500 E. E. Balch and wife to Charles A. Burdick, lot 3, block 9, Summit 2 John H. Levy and wife to Charles A. Burdick, same , 300 E. L. Tower to Jessie E. Robertson, lot IS, block 4. West End 1 M. M. Robertson to J. H. Robertson, .. lot 14. block 4. West End..... 1 S. L. Burdick and husband to Ed T. Heyden, lots 3 and 4. block JO, . 1 Summit '. 1,800 John P. Finley and wife to Aaron Wilson, lot 7, block 1, West End.... 17,000 8. H. Reed to Benson Land company, lot 10. block 5. Brlges' Place 830 John T. Hopkins and wife to Benson l.and company, lot 10 and ev6 lot 11. block 5, Brlgga' Place . 1 W. D. Williams and wife to A. Scha- lek. part lot 40, Rees' Place 6.000 William H. Clarkson and wife to G. A. Courtright, part lot 3, block 2, Parker's add S.600 Anton Wahlby and wife to A. H. Friday, lot 4, block 7, Hawthorne.. 8,400 A. Schalek and wifo to W. D. Wil liams, lots 15 and 16, block 2, Boule vard Terrace 3,300 .A J3BZ5 WA.NT AD will rent that vacant home, fill thos vacant rooms, or acura boarders on short notlca, at a very mall coat to you. Bo oonvlnced. TRAVEL EUROPE nCUronr A series of Delightful (tOACk to fASSHMI Tours. Including all of fail th Important polnta, at rates ranging from v--mJ North Cape(Mtdnlght Sun), June 16 9498 Mediterranean Brltlnh Isles, July B tf7S Other departures In April, May, June, July. Early application very Import ant. Write today for Booklet and Details of Our Plan. THE BOITOV TBAYEX, BOOIXTT, 439 Boylstoa Btrsst. Boston, Mass. Ton Cannot Afford to Omit SWITZERLAND Th Unique Land of Scsnlo Bsaoty, Xrom Your Coming European Tour. Let us help you with plana, expert ad vice and practical suggestions. No fees. Our American office has been establish ed for the benefit of tourists. Make free use of Its service. WRITE NOW for a free copy of HOW TO SEE SWITZER LAND and our Travel Letter No. 82. It contains useful information for the vis itor to Europe. SWISS mSEKU XAIXBOAD, Ml I-llta Av., Hw York City. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN All Modern Safety Bavtooa (Wlralea. ate.) London-Pa ris- Hamburg Bmc.w. Apr. 11, 8A. 8 I'Pm. Crant Ms 4 Praa. Lincoln. ..Aor. IS tpnnsTlnla ...Ur 11 Cincinnati A sr. laiicraf WalraM..Majr IS tAmarlta Apr. IDiiKala'n Aug. Vlo. Mar 11 IKIIi-Carlton s laCart gntauraou IHanburg Sinct. Nw Bam aiurg-Avaisr lean ua, as avway, jr. T. ox local Agats lull UQyOfUl fherciilkie.hpdW- rV'TN. (or safety, speed and comfort. Fast trains connect lor all continental points. rv2 CompagnieGendraleTransallanlique , hf S ) ft Magnificent twin screw ai- ' iFfc Additional sailings at 2d cabin prices alternuto tatur I 1 VTt - by popular one cabin steamers $46 to $62.60. Irf B'T'OLDs. ........ laoa rarsan 1 M W. B. soor Aft. O. ht. h . i, Li' Vu . J .-- x. O. laltLDt, ......... ioi farnar Some Things You Want to Know Jefferson's Birthday. Thomas Jefferson was born at Shad wcll, Va., on April 13, 1741. Tomorrow will he celebrated as the 167th anniversary of that event. In the state of Alabama the day Is a legal holiday, but elsewhere it Is printed In red only 011 the calendar of thoco 'who call themselves democrats. In many cities these will gather about ban quet boards to extol the virtues of tho founder and patron saint of their party, the while indulging In rosy dreams of victory In the coming elections. The practice ef cclebratlns tho birth days of eminent men was Inaugurated early in the history of the republic, being copied from tho English custom - of making tho king's birthday the principal patriotic fes tival of the political year. Mr. Jefferson himself particularly disapproved of this practice, as it was offensive to his ex tremely democratic notions, smacking of the hated monarchy. Whllo he was presi dent, a political friend asked him: "Mr, President, what Is the date of your birth? Wo wish to celebrate it fittingly." The author of the Declaration of Independence replied: "For that reason 1 decline to en lighten you, nothing could he more dis tasteful to nip than what you propose, and. when you address me, I shall be ohllRcd if you will omit tho 'mister. ' " Nobody In America is afraid of monarchy Just now, and no ono Is enough of a democrat to object to tho aristocrat. c title of "mis ter," therefore Jefferson's wishes are dis regarded and his birthday Is celebrated regularly, as It has been ever since tho great man died, at the ago of S3, on July 4. 182C. Only six Americans are remembered habitually and annually by tho celebra tion of a special day In their honor. Wash ington's birthday Is a legal holiday In all of the states and territories and Is cele brated In every part of the world wherever there are two or three Americans gathered together. Lincoln's birthday is a legal holiday in twenty-two states. It comes more nearly than any other to approaching the national character of the Washington birthday celebration, and It Is observed even In those states where it Is not yet legally set aside as a holiday. For many years this day was claimed exclusively by the republican party, but In lata years it has lost its purely political character and has become more national In scope. One of the seceding confederate states, Florida, has made It a legal' holiday, and It Is cele brated In the schools In nearly all of tho southern states. Andrew Jackson has a day sacred to hU memory, although it Is the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans and not his birthday. January 8 is known as Jackson day. Is a legal holiday in Louisiana, is the occasion of great social festivities In Tennessee and Is a rallying day for the democratic party In the remainder of the union. The birthday of Jefferson Davla Is a legal holiday In eight states, as Is that of Robert E. Lee in seven states. Of course the celebration of these days Is confined wholly to the south. Jefferson Davis day is celebrated as Confederate Memorial day and has, the same significance at the south that Decoration day has at the north. Jefferson's birthday, then, is one of the two red letter days of the democratic party. Jackson day banquets and Jeffer son day banquets ara regular features of the democratic year. On these occasions the' party leaders call attention to the principles of the fathers and urge harmony In the next election. It has been 'said, with soma degree of truth, that the demo cratic party always Is united on Jefferson day and Jackson day and on no other days. . Although the celebration of his birthday has been appropriated by a political party, Thomas Jefferson belongs to all Ameri cans. Among all the leaders of the revo lution, Jefferson was the most revolution ary, for he advocated not alone the over throw of British dominion, but also the reform of British institutions. His tastes were catholic and his Industry was stu pendous. He left behind him a mass of manuscript, ' which reveals in the most minute detail every act of his public life. He made a careful note of every action, he kept copies of every letter he wrote and took notes on the conversations of all his associates. The physical labor In volved in his letter writing of Itself was enough to appall an ordinary man. He found that letters copied on wet tissue paper were liable to fade. So he invented what he called a "polygraph," now known as the pantograph, which draftsmen use to copy drawings to scale. This huge cop per frame was fitted with two quill pens, one of which h held In his stiff right hand, . writing painfully. The other mada the same marks on another sheet of pa PARALYZED GIRL NEVER OUT OF HOME BUT FOUR TIMES Selntn Ohlfs, Sow ltf Years of Ae, Will Exhibit Fancy Work nt As sociated Charities Basaar. Selma Ohlfs Is 29 years of age and has never been out of her home but three or four times since she was a small child. At the age ot 5 she suffered an illness which left her paralysed as to her lower limbs, shutttlng her out of school and keep ing her from Indulging In the pleasures ot childhood. Miss Ohlfs learned to read and write through tho viHits of other children who called on her on their way to and from school. Later she learned to do fancy work by assiduous study In the small cot tage where she and her aged mother have lived for years and which they are for tunate enough to own. "In spite of her great handicap, MIks Ohlfs Is one of the most lovable and cheer ful girls In Omaha," said Miss Jonts of the Associated Charities. "She does wonderful work with her needle and In an artistic way, and she furnishes an examplo of grit, cleverness and determination that should prove an Inspiration to other shut ins, when her story Is known." Miss Ohlfs will be present In her wheel chair, her only means of locomotion, when the Associated Charities bsxaar opens next Friday in the rotunda of the Bee building. Because of her affliction, she has been compelled to sell her work through the help of the Associated Charity bureau. Now atia will be able to offer It for sale express steamers lesvetNew York every Thurs- at 10 A. M. Commanded by Naval Othcara with mao-o'-war diach plio. h. very known satety, wireless tilagrKphy and auurnarma Deu signals. Appointments surpaas roaoy palatial hotels , rooiicales, orcneatras. cvmnaaium. daily paper, superb cuiaioe- LA TOVRAINK. April 21 LA PROVINCE, May 19 LA LOKKAINE. May LA TOI'RAINB, May 2 1.A BAVlilK Uv II I. A UiHKAlNK. June 2 luraay rarnam St. y. nam kit. per. Tho pens had lo be trimmed frc queuily end both of them must be kept Inked. Jeff, rson wrote thousands ot let ters with mis unxvleldly machine. When ho died it js fouud he had written his own epitaph and it Is now carved (,11 tho stone which marks his tomb; "Here was b'nled Thomas Jeffer son, author (.f tho Declaration of Inde pendence f tho statutes or Virginia for Religious Freedom, and Futhcr of tho L'nl erslty of Virginia" There Is not a Word to show that ha was twice president of tho Tnlted Mates, that ho uns vice presi dent uml secretary of slate, that he was governor of Virginia, or that ho had been honored in many ways by tho peopla of his state and of tho new nation which h had helped lo bring into existence. No mention is made, on that bit of stono of tho fnc-t that It was Jefferson who J tallied tho abolition 0f tho laws of prlimV Kcnituro and entail In land tutuiies, thua tiohlng mora than a century uro In Amer ica tho problems which are bringing 011 starvation and revolution in England to day. There Is not a word to say that tho man hurled thorn was ho who, as the head of an Infunt republic In the new world, went across seas and broke the power of tho Batbary pirates to whom Europe had paid tribute for centuries. Thcro la no word to tell that It was he who opened up (he great west by the pur chase of Louisiana, and th dispatch of the Lewis and Clark expedition to Oregon. There Ik nothing to say that thsf man burled thorn was he who drafted a charter for the first republic of France, or that It was he who led the fight against the alien and sedition laws which sought to throttlo and dostroy fra institutions in the very beginning of the history of the nation. Nor Is there a word to tell that It was Jefferson who wrote the Kentucky resolution, which put Into words a doctrine that, years afterward, was to drmch th lund he loved with the blood of brethren. That epitaph doss not record the fact that the man burled beneath It was the Thomas Jefferson who Invented the plow now used by every civilised tiller of the oil, nor that it was he who laid the foundation for the scleaie of meteorolog now of such incalculable benefit to man ' kind. Nor Is there a word about th dos ens of perfectly useless mechanical Inven Hons upoh which he wasted money ant time. But that otone might truthfully a that J It'erson was the father of t.ta l.lci which resulted In the Invention of th- reaper. He wrote long letter! outlir 'np his Idea to a blacksmith In Virgin' t ania. McCormick. That blacksmith1 son, Cyru: McCormlck, perfected, the mechanics! reaper and, tut Jefferson predicted, It rev olutlonlzed agricultural Ufa In all the civ ilised world. Nor does that epitaph hint of the bltte quarrels which kept his lite !n turmoil, th political plots and counterplots, the wt of wits with his great adversary, Hamilton, and the compromises which they made j part 6f the written and unwritten law o the federal government. The capital .1 the United States la at Washington be cause Jefforson drove a sharp poll Ilea bargain. The states of Ohio, Indiana, n: nols and others of tho northwest terjltor are a leg icy from another political plot o Jefferson's. Politician, Inventor, amateur scientist, lln gulKt, fiddler, mathematician, he wa above everything else the great democratic statesman who believed sincerely and ab olu-tely In the people and their right to rub themselves. Yet he was, himself,' of ttv aristocracy and not even In his most vio lent democratic days would he wholly for get his birth and social atatlon. In his old age the party which he had founded raised up a leader from among th people, Andrew Jackson, and no man waa mora afraid than the aged Jefferson. When he was S3 years old Thomas Jeffer son wrote the Declaration of Independence, being selected as chairman of the com mittee because he was young and had taken no part In the congressional quarrels and Jealousies. Ha wrote, with words of flr that great declaration of human rights and indictment of monarchic government. Con gress struck out the anti-slavery portions of the document, but It was adopted prac tically as Jefferson wrote it and thus.tha United States of America came Into exist ence as a free nation. Many men In his day did not agree with Jefferson, and many believed him to ba a demagogue. Many men still hold these views. Others, then and now, hail him as the great apostle of true political democ racy. But all men must agree that ha was one of the ablest and greatest of the able and great generation which Ushered th great republic Into the council of the na tions. Tomorrow Bate Ball Writers. herself, and I anticipating a wonderfu experience. Arrangements have been madi to bring her to the Bee building Fidaj and Saturday In the city automobi one to take her home In the evening. 1 The Lowest Rate of the Season fo CALIFOROIA and tho ' SOUTH 17 EST via Missouri Pacific Tickets on lalo from March lit to April lEtn (inclusive). For Information in de. tall, see or write THOS.r. GODFREY, . and Ticket Agant, 1433 Varaana St. Omaha, f LOUIS Bl.Aiaai, care rust Mst'L Bsju,