Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Image 7

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    THE REE: OMAHA. TEES PAT. .r?kTL 12. 1P1
Hav Boot frint It,
ot4 Certified FnkUa Accountant,
lighting fixture Burf-eas Oraadoa Ce.
1S50 Hstienal Lif UnrtiM Ca 11
;h..rles E. Ady. General Agent, Omaha.
Bom Ownership la the hop of every
family. Nebraska Ssvtng and Loan aseo
nation ho you th way. log Board of
Trad Bldg, isth and Fa main. Oman a
Qwick Actios Savaa Fir a Fire thrs ai
med a Mock of buildings at Twenly-fourin
and Leavenworth streets, when the piumb
Ing shcp o John Anderson at that point,
was attacked by f!am-a Monday morning.
Tha prrmpt arrival of the fire deportment
men prevented serious damsg".
Cards for Charity The Jewish Ladies
relief society will give the second of a
eerie of card parties Thursday afternoon
at X o'clock at Uia Ancient Order of United
Workmen ha!!. The proceeds wi,l ue de
voted to a reilef fund and all members and
friends of the society are Invited.
Memorial to alias McCneana A memor
ial ainiii of larga uimer.hiuns and spit n
J.d design in stained slabs wss Uie object
of admiration at the Long school. Twemy
Hxtn street and Franklin avenue Monday
morning. The window was put In la place
in memoriara of Misa Sarah M. McCheane,
a former principal of the school.
Kayos' Cancels Data Mayor Dhim
had planned to Us at titration tonight,
where a democratic dollar dinner la to he
be! J. but at the last moment found he
would aa.e to leave Omaha a day and a
half ahead of the hour set far the banquet
in order to be on band. After much deiib
ration be rave up the anticipated pleasure.
Improvements at XHeta Cla Improve
menta are beine made in the riclmty of
the Diets club, Fourteenili and Boyd
streets, and several new collates are
Being- built. The grounds are being grad"d,
tennis courts and a baae bail field are
bemg put in shape for the cumins Jfuon
Members of the club expect soon to have
a formal opening of the cottages.
wood's BBccassor Appointed Piul F.
Si ein wander el Stuln Omana has been au-p..iuu-d
met.s n;rer In the offica of the
ci'unt attorney to succeed Frank Good
wne becomes city clerk of South Omaha
Tuesday. Sleinwender Is 24 years of age
and has been assistant secretary of th
German-American Democratic club
South Omaha.
Xiabcrer Iroaea a Tea Jerry Jingnis, an
Italian section laborer suffered injuries
which cost him a toe on the right foot in
an accident at Fortieth and Leavenworth
streeta shortly before noon Honda morn
ing, Jlngma was at work with a crew of
laborers setting rails on the Missouri Pa
cific track at that point, when a rail fell
on his foot. The men had tossed the rail
to one side an it rebounued upon the vic
tim. Jingnis was taken in a polire ambu
l&nco to the police station for attention,
and later to the St. Joseph's hospital
-There the injured toe was amputated.
Eight Railroad
Men Arc Killed
Workmen. Meet Death, ia Camp When
Charge of Dynamite is
XOVITE. Tex-. April U- Klht man were
Instantly killed and three fatally injured
ay the premature explosion of a heavy
:hanrs ot dynamite at a construction caunn
a the Texioa extension of the Santa Fa
railroad at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Only
-hree of tha dead man have been Identified,
w:ng to the fact that tha bodies ot the
men were torn almost into shreds by tha
force of the explosion.
Tha Identified dead are:
M. BCRZtE, Coleman. Tex.
JACK REAtiAJ. Texas.
H. C PRICK, Fort Worth.
C. H. BLAILOCK, Kentuckv.
" A rattef train with physicians and nurses
svaa sent out from Coleman, twenty-fire
miles east of here, upon receipt of news
f the explosion. They found little need
for the physicians, as ail of the workmen
who were near the scene ot the explosion
a-era killed Instantly. The mangled bodies
were placed on .ha relief train and taken
U Coleman, w here they will be prepared
tor burial after the- have been identified.
Tha accident occurred shortly after the
unch hour at Suderman aV Oolaen con
struction camp No, t, where possibly 10
sen are doing railroad construction work.
Fhe dim were at work in a rock cut,
where a heavy charge of dynamite had
seen arrmng-ed to be set off by electric
teuterlea from the camp proper, which Is
tome distance from tha cut.
Through a mistake in signals a heavy
blasting charge waa set off while fifteen
sr twenty men were in tha cut. and these
arero hurled skyward by tha force of ths
Aatwaaebile Terms Tartle.
PLATA DEL RET. Cal.. April U- The
k Irai accideal of tne motordrome meet oc
curred this afternoon iu the fifiy-ouie nue,
inea the Appereon Jack liaubK" car over
:urned and roiled over several times. Hams
Hanstiue. the driver, and Carey kUng. his
nechanictan. escaped with nothing mora
u-rioua I lift a m:rt it bruises And a shaii
na uit-
T f7 TIT3.fB .
51.C0 to CSJjQ
llt & !!: True!
Tits Cr!!aal tzi Csssbs
Tit Foai tt-Ji far U lu
Far iJaaa, InraL Jancl Cfctwiat g cKtUrea.
Pwre Nutron,upbu4Jint the whose body,
lnvif urates the auranj moihcs aad the agrtl.
Fir K mi'it. tn!'el rrijn, m pomniet (arm.
A srjkk laccx prtparej ia a i&iaata.
Taia aa tuUliild. AJtfor L'C ILICX'S.
Other a cr imitations.
Aft' J IRS Af SOL'ia OjiAUAl;
Grading" of 0 Street Progresses with
Seasonable Speed.
Caatraeter Rare Materiel w Krwwad
aad Will Rash Werk paxla
sseat ef thief af rellee
I srrrKli.
The arad'-fs; of O rtret from Twenty-
lath rtreet to the il jnurl river was be- J
gun !at week and haa prtgrt-i-sed wilh
reasonable speed. The grade Is to be low- j
rred in many p'ai'es eaat of Twentieth i
atrert. but bet ten Twenty-thirl and
Twentieth is an en'-rmoua hoie which mull
be filled. The earth from the eastern end
of the grade is ocing dumped into the
hollow. Tlie cost of filling the hole will
be nearly tX.iXC.
The project of grading thin hollow haa
long been the dream of the property own
ers on the tret went of Twenty-thlrd.
For this reason no i bjertioa r. as made to
the estenelon of tne grading distilct !
to Twenty-sixth sueet. althounh tne street
Is on grade as far east as T went) -third.
This w-tera section wul be obliged to pay
part of the special aareitament to
caver i
the cost of the improvement.
Borne objection haa been raieed to the
grading of the street by those owning ;
propel ty in trie builow. The bae of ihe 1
big flit wtll of necessity overlap the prop- J
erty lines and take up much of the prop-
erty abutting on the aircet as well as j
leaving ths Iota far oe.ow grade. When i
the street Is finished, however. !t will
give a dilve with an even grade to the j
Mtaeoui-1 and become one of ths beat
streets running east and west in the city, j
It probably will be necs to pave the ;
street for the big WI will be of such na
ture that It will run badly with the ra.ns
If not paved.
In connection with O street the old talk
of a bridge across the Missouri is revived
and tne franchise waa extended last year
by the government.
PaTlag Prwlevta Proarreaalaax.
The contractors of the paving of the
various districts are preparing to begin
the actual work of paving this week. Sev
eral of them have large quantities ui
stone, sand and brick on the !
ground. Dan Hannon, one of the large Akin to the remora in turtle fishing is
contractors, said he would begin paving j the uh of tha cormorant in China for fish
thia week whether the bond issue was die- j ing purposes. The birds are caught when
posed of or not. This matter has caused youn and are carefully trained. A tight
some little apprehension. The last adver-
tlsement for the sale of bonds brought no j
bids from the eastern capitalists. Bids
have been readvertised again, to be opened
at the council meeting Apnl 1L It is said
that the contrac-tois who have the contracts j
will bid in the bond Issue and sell the '
same at a private sale. It is slso said
that the contractors have a ready means
of disposing of the bonds.
It Is likely, therefore, that the paving
contracts will suffer no great delay be
cause one whole series of bonds was sold
which will give the contractors soma chance
to draw on the treasury before the work
roust be done entirely on the credit of the
The last proposed issue of paving bonds
waa for an aggregate sum of C61. 080.
A yaolamestl larertaUau
The appointment of the chief of police
and executive offices under the appointive
power of tha mayor seem at present to be
gtvimr tha- democrats far more concern
than the republicans. Already Insinuations
ot distrust have been cast at the newly-
elected democratic officers. The primary
object of a Board of Fire and Polios com
missioners waa to remove the election of
police officers and firemen from the in
fluence of party. This was the reason
why the board waa originally appointed
by the governor.
. "7 " til i.
OI I". J. ul "" uo a- I
nounced until It Is found that they will be j
confirmed by tha democratic council.
Msfls City beaiif.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Cole have returned
from a week s Visit at Ames. Ia.
Tha funeral of Thomas Maiec was htld
yesterday afternoon.
David Conaroa i-LZ Z" to Dallas. S. It.,
to take up his claim in the Bt.idmg Rock
For Sale Barher shop and pool hall,
good buaiDeaa. BUS No, ilth he, So. Omana,
The funeral of John Laclna wi!" be held
at 1 p. m., today from the church of the
The city council meeta ia its last ses
sion this evening. Tha new council organ
isea Tuesday.
W. B. Golden and B. M. Golden, prosper
ous Kansas farmers, returned home Mon
day af ter a visit wit a Colonel and Mrs.
W. M. Doty.
Lrn Scott will leave this week to ac-cs-pt
a position as advance agent for one of
the Parker shows.
The South Omaha High School Alumni
association will meet Tuesday evening at
the high school building.
PHONE HOl.TH Si for a case of JET
TER BOCK Prompt delivery to
any part of city. Henry J. Jotter.
A large party of golfers enjoyed the
pleasant af temoen at the South Omaha
Country ciuo. Home good at ores were made
on the temporary giecna.
FCn RENT Acre tracts: S acres. Wrst
L St.; good Improvements; fine for gar
dening. 11 acres. 8. Sm K.; i rooms, barn.
ll aud wind mill; nice place, i acres. 1
mile aouth of city limits; good yard andj
cum era. All nice land. ONeils Real Ks-i
tat and Insurance Agency. Tel. South 1M. j
Part of the morning aervloe at the Pres
byterian church waa devoted to tae pro
ject of tha new church edifice. The build
ing la being constructed as rapidly as pos
sible. Four Chinamen
Are Murdered
Two in 2few York and Two in Phila
delphia Victims of Mstcrions
PHILADELPHIA. April lL Two China
man ware murdered lata tonight and a
third was fatally wounded In the Chinee
quarter of this city. Bom of the dead
Chinamen were members of tha Hip Sing
tang. One of the dead la Chu None, aged
a years, a storekeeper. The other haa not
been Identified. The man fatally injured is
O. Jong Sing.
NEW YORK. April IL-Chinatown had
two highly successful murders today,
auother attempt ihat mad a brave beg-.n-nio
but miscarried through faulty shoot
ing, and one abortive holdup.
Chung Fook was shot three times in ths
chest while standing on a street corner,
aud died before he could b carried to a
huepltai. Chen Hen was arrested. Ing Mun.
a laundrymaa. was found dead in a store
in Dover street, with a bullet hole In hie
nght side. Nobody baa been arrested ia
Wfcasaa vnn w aVft V! B.t
',cn want srnesi
rou want It, say so througa Tha Boe Waar
a a Miixmna,
(lalldiaa PersBlts.
Arthur E. Rjee. ai North Tent -eighth
Avenue aiterauuua. H.oat, F. P i.uu.j at
. Tweiftn ana FreoerU-k. brick drver
t T. C Wallace. M Ida. frame. II :
3ar. Jennie rriesmaft. X. JS- f 1 2 boutn
Teuui. ta frame a i.mga, rJ wm.
Somu Thing.- You
i in uie-e April atit no utij el im '.(ii
j p'.eteiy pn-aae-a the mind of the jn-us"
American man as thst of fiyh'.ng tai!e.
The luie of the opening of the gme f.h
I eeaann ever has been a strong one. and
1 whether It be a hook and line Tl for catch-
j hig a minnow, a steam porrer net f'r
, catching hundreds of bsrn-ls of herrrng
or mackerel, or a harpoon Kun for laying
low the mighty leviathan of the sea.
iri; ta k-a la full of Interest to him who
drosmr. and In his dreams bean the faint.
far. call of the wi d. So tar as game fish
ing Is concerned. Ue present se.on opens
up insusplciotrsly. rmd thst for the sole rea
son that some utilitarian yankee has ln
yented a new piece of f.sntng tackle, a rod
and line which is alleged to rrg-isttr the
weight of the f:iH one dives not catch. Of
course no fisherman could be worthy of the
name and still believe the testimony of such
a cheap-John instrument as against that
of his own muscuiar sense, but he do-s
dread to hear Uie demand of the man
from Missouri
la t!;e fishing world many remarkable
Irstruments and app lances are used, but
one must go to the orient to find the most
peculiar sort of tackle. One occasionally
hears m America of a trained otter, and
the f.Ciprmaa who is lucky enough to
possess oca has a guarantee far a good
season a work. Ia ihe Mediterranean turtle
flst.erles the reman, or sucking fish. Is
ued as an assistant fisherman. It Is a
curious sort of f!sh which attaches itself
to larger fish, to turtles, or to boats them-
selves, and when It gets a good grip a
muj turtie ia not in ita same ciaas for
holdin,on guaiIUeB, When te c,ught
a neavy nng is placed aiout its body Just
ahead of its tail and it ia tethered to the
boat. When a turtle is In sight ths re
mura la thrown out. and it fastens its
forty-leech-power suction apparatus to the
shell of the turtle. It holds fast to the
turtie until that creature haa been towed
alongside of the vessel, when It ia pried
looe and stnt after another turtie. Some-
timea the re mora gets contrary and will
not try to take hold of Its turtle, but will
swim back to the boat and fasten its
sucker to the hull of the boat.
collar is placed about their necks, to which
strings are fastened. They are thrown out
intoahe water and taught to catch fish and
bring them to the Chinese boats. It takes
infinite patience, much petting, and soma
boxing of ears to teach the cormorant to
fish without a collar and strings attached.
but when one masters the art It ia a most
valuable aid to the fisherman. The cor-
muranta take a certain pnde in their work,
and when they are unsuccessful in their
efforts they take their places shame
facedly to await the next try out. The
young usually are trained to work by the
assistance of the old birds. The owners
are kindness itself to the birds when they
work, but box their brads and hurl im
precations at them when they fail.
In some of the South Sea Islands a species
of spider proves that It waa the original
j fish-net maker. A bamboo sapling is bent
on a sound fnape and tied. It stays In this
position for some time snd then a spider
comes along and uses It as the framework
on which to build Its web. This convert it
into a sort of Brobagandian tenm. racquet.
and with this the native knnok. a n.h
of tha water as a tennis player would
strike a bail out of his side of the court-
The wens are as strong as the dip net of
ordinary denign.
In the commercial fisheries of the world
a!l sorts of tackle are used. Of course, the
vast majority of the wnr'rl'a fi.h nnruu
' caught In nets. The most important of
mouthed net bsg of gigantic proportlona,
. twr n ui u, oui iony ieei long. At
either end of th.a beam ia a trlanriiar
i hm'P which seizes the three fold purpose
t of sinker, beam supporter, and sled runner,
, This net is "shot" from the stem of the
ort and trawled aion. until it is Mud
i wncn u is nauiea in.
The seine is one of the nets to which the
populace owes much of Its fish supply. It
is a plain net with sinker weights at the
bottom and cork floats at the top. It may
vary in sise from the huge, quarter-of-a-
mile-long; and atxty-feet-wlde Cornish pil-
chard seine to the little hand net worked They use their own hair for material. The
by the flsher children along the beach. In average American ar.gler is satisfied with
tha heavy salmon fishing of the northwest kit costing a few dollars. Some of them,
the seine and the gill net are much used, however, have kits in which they have
The seine is shot in a semicircle across spent thousands of dollars. But whether
stream, and when It is full of fish It Is lt t18 hent pin and the wad of raw cot
hauled ashore, horse and steam power often ,OB UJ"1 DT the email boy or the most ex-
being used in the operation. The fish wheel
is also used In the salmon fisheries. It
looks much like an overshot water wheel,
and over this tha fish are shot into a
staked enclosure.
In the herring fisheries the gill net is
Preacher Shot
Dead Soon After
Leaving Church
Eelivers Sermon on "JEartyrdom" and
is Killed by listener Thought
PITT8BCRO. April 10.-A sermon on
"Martyrdom. " in which Frank Skaia, an
editor and prominent mission worker, had
declared himself wU!lng to lay down his
Ufa for th Christian cause, was followed
today by hia assassination in a highly sen
sational manner and the shooting down also
of a fellow church leader, John Gay.
Arm In arm th two miasionaries were
leaving the little Congregational church is
Wood's Run, a suburb, at tha head of more
than it foreigners. A raggedly dressed and
Beautiful Hair Comes
Tfhh Dry Shampooing
tFrora Woman's National Journal.)
Dry shampooing always has been and
alwajs will be popular with the woman
who takes pnde in long, abundant and hair. Th dry shampoo doe away
with so much of tha Inconvenience and
bother accompanying wishing the hair
eliminates the lung drying; hours and
aboiiahes the danger of catching cld
Indeed, la so ail-around satisfactory, that
j on wonders why soap and water, eggs,
! etc., can find any followers whatever,
j Dry shampoos certainly etlmulat the
I growth of hair There ran be no doubt
I aa to that. Just mix four ounces of
powdered or rt a root with four ounces ef
lb'rnr- Pr1nJ tbleponfu! of this
I n-1l lira linnn rt a iMsa.l kwa.tIH U
' w
ier wen i:uwun wie nur, iiti Litis two or
uire times a week for a whiie and see
the results for yourself. This wnl keep
your hair light and fluffy, aud beautifully lt corrects the conditions of tne
stalp that caue hair to become streaked.
j iXiuL. colorless, cuars and britiia. iAJv )
Want to Know
ueo, anu me ui uie.-e : ol su 11 if
markahio slic that they cunta.n dni-ens of
tuns of f.sfi n lien hauled in. It ! as-rer-ta.ned
In thnh d.revtlott a sthool of fiKh
la traveling and the ;!! net is placfd serosa
Its path. The mesh of the net are b.g
enough to admit their heads and to pt-s
their gll'.s. Dut the larger part of the body
annot pesa thrmiph. In this predkament
they figuratively back-pedal until their gt'is
become hopelessly faet in the me.Mies.
When the nels are full as is desired they
a.s drawn up and the f ab emptied on the
MlT1'r oll,M" lnl" ot n,h re
ca-jgtit with the gill net.
Iong-ilne fishing is another nf the com
mercial nvthoda by which the world's.
Fsh supply Is captured. A slng-e line. I
sometimes as much as ten miles long, is :
shot out from the side of the host. A
heavy weight is attached to the end first
thrown oxerboard. and at ln;r-ral of a
few feet short lines with hooks on them j
are attached. The long line is stretched
eerofs the tide, and thus the hooks are .
kept at a pwpf distance apart. Whenj'
the big iine has remained out icng enough '
it Is hauled In and on the thousands of
hooka, sometimes of them, there are
r.eaily every kind of fish that one can j
imagine, a veritable Noah's .rk of the I
rtep. In minattire this line becomes the J
"trot line" of Inland rrver fishing.
In the great cod fisheries off Newfound- !
luid the simple band line is most used. A
aincU f'xKg rrran in a bnnt trrrM nut and '
puli, m , one af. olher unul he .
gets a IxMitload. The long line and the j
nets are sometimes used. It ia uuil that
a fish haa more curiosity than any other
m f.ghin)f fw
mackerel tne best bait that can be used
is simply a little piece of scarlet riannel '
cr ribbon, tapering to a point. There is '
nothing in the sta that this imitates; it is 1
loerrly intended to take sdvantage of ths j
mackerel's lnq.iisitt'. eness. (
Perhaps the most dangerous acd thrill
lng calling in the world of marine life ia j
whaling, though the advent of the steam ')
whaler has tended to lessen both the dan-
ger and the romance of Uie chase. That ;
the harpoon used In whaling ta of very
remote origin as whaling itself is shown
by the fact in the book of Job it is asked
concerning the Leviathan, "Canst thou
fill his skin mith barbed irons T" There is
a tradition that the Indians of Florida,
ior"f before the white man set foot on
American soil, mould jump on the head of
whale, plug up one nostril with a
'"oden peg- n iiiow him to po to the
bottom, and when he came up again plug j
the other ncstrM. and thus suffocate i
monster. Of cuure. no ono credits
til,s tradition, but there seems to be no
room for doubt that the ancient Eskimos
would surround a whale and at 3 given I
'nal fill it full of harpoons to which '
were attached inflated seaiskina. Thus
buoyed to the surface H was only a ques
t;os of time until the whale would die. I
u9e r tile mb harpoon gun. in
which a bomb with fuse attached is hurled
with a harpoon into the whale, is com
paratively re-enr. When the bomb ex-
PadbS 11 uaually Inflicts a mortal wound,
a tlm Smith ea Islands turtle fishing
"rrted on In the most primitive fashion.
inB l'RI1-men wlra out from the vessel,
climb nEon tunla's back and. like the
0,I Man of the 3-.ride him to the vicinity
ot tlie mD- hera a line ia passed to him
- - . , . . .
i-' captor swims on wr
nolBer victim. Somet-mes they make good
shark bait, a fate which they doubtless de-
serve as ihev Hier.n K,,
ailve in order' to get the shell off. some i
fiend having discovered that when the sheil '
Is taken before the turtle Is killed ft makes i
a nner quality of tortoise shell. i
For American sport fishing, the deep-sea '
fishing off the coast of California and j
Florida and In the Gulf of Mexico, where j
ine tarpon, ine oiack sea bass, and other ;
lar f,.h h,,H . . K. .1
exutina. Wrv s.rnn. ,.,ui. m. k ,
,fl fh rt. ,h ,.. ,'.h '
very highest quality. It require, hours U,
i..i ., u. ..
"7 ""7 L."I' ' T-Z "'. "
w., sviucuiUCB cIlCraM IULO
an endurance contest. For trout and other !
Inland game r.shes an Inexhaustible vsriety ;
of rods, reels, lines and artificial bait is !
to be had. It is said that the Chinese and
the Japanese make the finest fish lines In
the world. Some of the best are made by
Uie fisherworain of the straits of Magellan.
Pensiv rod, reel and line that money can
"y ,k''' nl Patience are the most necea-
mrr P"rl ' complete outfit of fishing
lAckle money cannot buy them,
BT majCSZaUC I. sUaTZJjr.
TomorrowWeflarsoa's atlrUulay.
collariess man poked his way through te
crowd, and when he was but a step behind
the leaders lie pressed a revolver to Ska. a s
head and fired twice. Th bullets took
effect in the Jaw and temple and in tha
midst of his followers Skaia fell dead.
Gay, who threw up his right hand as if
to ward off the weapon, waa struck first
in the thumb, and then a second bullet waa
buried In his head. He fell unconscious
across the lifeless body of his colleague.
The madman waa Jan Radowitch. a char
acter known to most of the mission for his
shiftless habits and radical opinions. " A
moment before he had me?kiy read from
Juvenile leaflets in the Sunluy achooi led
by Skaia; previously he had sat in back
pew ot the church during th regular ser
mon,, and at the commencement of th
service Skaia bad ahskea his hand In
greeting. In all this Radowitch bad given
no warning of his murderous intent. He
had no trouble In getting away.
Skaia waa very prominent locally aa a
mibsion worker and as assistant editor of
the Bohemian Christian Journal, which
Rev. James Loaa published at Coranoits.
He was a Presbyterian, but had filled the
puiplt at the Cocgrea-aUonai mission house
aa a substitute today, as he had oftea
don before.
Order Haa Sew 40.00 Ballalag
Big; Oelea-atlwai trwaa Biemrwr
t It lew.
FORT DODGE, la.. April 11.I Special.)
Four hundi-ed Knighta of Columbus are In
tha city today for dedication of th new
lodge building, valued at v.DUQ. Bishop
crarrigan of Sioux City addressed the first
gathering of th day at Corpus Christ!
church, th lodge attending in a body.
Initiation of l(a candidatea took ptce this
afternoon. An elaborate baoquet waa held
this evening, followed by a pro mm with
eminent speakers. Including stale officers.
Monday nig tit an open reoeptina ball will
clue th celebration. Upedal trains
brought delegates from Sioux City, Des
Moines. Perry, Boone, Webster City.
Waterloo), Carroll. Lass City and other
A Cravenette for Rainy Day or Dry
"T ISt ! ' ' f lit-"
' .,-s - ers'
rchard & Wllhelm
314-I&-IS Sooth Sixteenth Street
Tuesday morning we place on sale 500 pieces of cur
tain net dropped numbers from our wholesale catalogue of
1909. They will be sold at a great sacrifice as we desire
to close them out in one day.
They will go on sale in four lots:
LOT 1 36-Lnch Curtain Nets; fancy patterns
white and Arab color, your choice, per yd.,
at ." .9C
LOT 2 4o-mch Curtain Xet; white, ,rab or
ivory colors, your choice of patterns, per vd.,
at ." 19c
Former President Christens Boulevard
is Italy Earned for Eim.
Title of "Hssersrr Cittaea" la Con
ferred Caoa Dlatlaataisaed Vis
itor, and Day ta Gives
Over te Festivity.
PORTO JaAURIZlO. April 1L Colonel
! Theodore Roosevelt this afternoon opened
... . , . : , I. i
nW "TL." ZZ"
nw aim. "fi" j '
, e ,v,. ., .a hiortr citv of '
,rto Maurizio, amid a repetition of tha '
, . l. i
Porta Maurizio. amid a repettt
n.,1., .nihu.ialim which marked'
his arrival last nife-ht. According to those i
who had long memories, never before have)
local, political, religioua and all other dif-
ferences been so completely obliterated as
upon this occasion,
The carriage containing Mr. and Mrs.
Roosevelt and the mayor was pelted with
hoouets tied with ribbons, bearing the words.
Long Live Roosevelt.'' as they traversed
the cheering town unul it was overflowing
wllh flowers. When they reached the foot Colorado was present. The honorary pall
et the terraced hill opposite the port whereoearers were: Admiral Dewey. Speaker
the cheering rent the air. the ex-president Cannon, Justice Mi-Kerns. James D. Rlth
and his wife were smiling and looking I ardson, Myron T. Herrit k, Senator Hughes
A stone, bearing the name of the street.
'Ville Theodore Roosevelt." was then un-
veiled and Mr. RooaevCi broke the flowered
chain which waa stretched across the
driveway, and. amid a new outburst of
"Vivas ' led Mrs. Rouuvoit up ths drive
j to the hotel. There the mayor, in a flat
tering speech, told how proud the mu
nicipality was to confer citizenship upon
the great "Apostle of Peace." The city
clerk, who wore a un.form and feathers
in lus csp, stepped forward and pressed
the parchment In a silver case upon a
cushion covered with tha American ng.
B. eel. T,k
Mr. Roosevelt replied In Lngiiab, but the
! mayor experienced difficulty in translating
the words, and Miss Carew, Mrs. Roose
velt's suitnr, amid much amusement, finally
came to the rescue.
"I ant especially touched." he continued,
"at what you have said about my attitude
towards peace and good will. I feel that
a nauon should behave towards other na
tions aa aa honest man toward his fel
lows. Tfc same laws of propriety and
morality should apply among nations as
among men."
Tea was then served. Mr. Roosevelt sit
ting next to Luigi Rossi, the Italian com
missioner of Immigration, whom he knew
in Amelias. The party was again ac
claimed as they drove back to the Carew j
villa. Tonight the town breakwater is il
luminated with Venetian lanterns, with a
band playing in the public squar ami !
the resident continuing the celebration. !
which marks the most Important day in
the history of Porto Maurizio since Au
gustus marched through with his army on
his way to GauL
Tha mayor haa cabled a mescace to
President Taft. expressing the pnde felt
by the people In the presence of Mr. Roose
velt here, and at tha same time trans
mitting the greetings Of the municipality,
pea da Day Wrttia.
Mr. Roosevelt did not attend church this
momlnC but devoted his tim to cor
respondence. Antonio Foa-asxara, th
Italian author, ono of whose books created
a great stir and was placed on the index
expurgatonua "by th Vatican, was the
guest of luncheon, and they found much in
common to discuss awpeclaaly th relation
of morals to society and politics.
binos arriving her Mr. Roosevelt haa
received many additional telegrams from
American Catholics, both lsymen and
churchmen congratulating him on his Inde
pendence anowa in connection with the
Vatican, it ia understood that' those from
th clergy, however, do not include any
high dignitaries of th Catholia church In
America. These were confined chiefly to
p rials
With th exception of Gifford Plnchot,
the former enief forester of the United
titatea. a ho will visit him tum jr-ow. tr.
Rjnaevelt expects to rweive no callers,
until he leave for Venice Wednesday, and
hopes to enjoy a couple of day of complete
Nlher Mr. Roosevelt nor Miea Ethel
will accompany him on b.a trip to Austria,
Do vou want ono that U re.illy RAINPROOF arA ret i?
so stylish thaf you will wpnr it with cjunl .sit is faction iu
wet or lry weathort
Then we a.k you to soe our (.'nvonotte at
once, anl cote the pplenlil values we exhibit at $l-.t,
$13.01) ami $100.
TliM coata ar made) of fabrVa that insure the rainproof
features claimed for all raincoats, but which are lacking In so
They're, tailored and nniabed ai can only b don" by tba most
klllful tailors In the country, and will both fit and wear far bet
ter than any aimilar priced garments rou can find anywhere.
They're easily easily worth $5 00 more than their prices as com
pared to any cravenettea In town, at
512.00. 15.00, S1S.00
Hotel at rtrl Otllre Ftirrtlajfrrei
LOT 0 15-inch Extra Heavy Net; mission
and bungalow styles; all colors, your choice,
per yard, at 30c
LOT 450 and 54-inch Xeta; fancy pattern?;
newest styles; all colors, your choice, per yd.,
at ' ' 39c
but will remain here for several days and
4 1
tht-n so direct to Paris. llf has been ar
ranged to make a twelve-hour stop at
Venice, in order to give Kermit. who ac
Taft Present at
Walsh Funeral
President and Many Other Botablei
Henor Memory of Late Silver
ICiaisg King.
WASHINGTON. April 1L President Taf.
P'd today to the late Thomas F.
HI in. Uie V (111) I KUU lUVCf HI DlDV Mlfllf
who died here K.iuay nisht. bv attendm.
. . .
tha funeral services at the house. He waslJuaB Estelle in district court.
accompanied by his ade. Captain Butt,
Th. ahhreviated RciTiii hurt! .
lot sooreviaieo ivoarcroix ounai services i
of Scotmh Rile Masons at the bouse
and the order's committal exercises at the
grave were held. James 1. Rkhaidaon.
grand commander of the southern junsdlc-
Hun, Scottish Rite Masons. being in1
Among the prominent members of the
order who took part In the services were
Admiral 'Schley and former Senator Teller
of Colorado. Former Governor Thomas of
ir" Colorado.- John R. McLean. C. C.
Glover, Charles J. Bell, Woodbury Blair.
I Jacob G. Schmidt Lapp, David Wegg of
j Chicago and T. A. Wkkersham.
The Intermi-nt was in Rock Creek ceme-
tery here. here the body of Mr. Waih
was placed beside that of bis only son.
Vinsen, who. was killed several years ago
in an automobile accident.
I t :"'" "
I Jarar. W.r. O.t.
WATWKA. 111.. April 13, -Twenty-four
hours after receiving the instructions of
the court the Jury in the Sayler murder
tr-al tonight bad not aaTeed on a verdict.
Aa they stood at the windows of the
! stuffy jury room com of the Jurors looked
j orn and tired. With the approach of
midnight the siraggllng watchers deserted
the court yard and tne jurors attempted
to obtain what comfort they could through
out th night.
Fire Btaeatlaf Rifle at rare)
aad She aad Her Hukaas
GREEN CATTLE. Ind., April 11. Shoot
ing rapidly with a repeating rifle. Mrs.
Delia Poland held a sheriffs posse at bay
seven mile southeast' of this city today
and under cover of her Are she and her
husband. John Poland, a farmer, charged
with horse stealing, earsped.
A Isralag Shaaae
is not to have Burklen s Armca Salve tn
cure burns, sore, piles, en I a, wounds and
ulcer. 25c For sale by Beaton Drug; Co
Not Ststers
Now aad a(aia yoa tea two vrosae
inf down tha ttrewt who look lik sisters.
Tow are astonished ta iaara that racy ar
sa other aad daadhler, aad yoa reaiiz that
a srosaaa at forty or iorry-tv outt ta be
at bar fcacst aad fsirwsl. Way iaa't it sa P
Tha tessera! health af wia is k
timarcJy associated wnrJk taa local health
ef ttas satsntiaily mssisiiaa arfaas that
there eaa aa aa red eaeek aad round
feres where chare is sssaale weakness.
Wssana was aarre auSTarwd fro a
ttua traejble aarra feaaui arose p
retted aad aaare ha tave aaa a Dr.
tWea'a Faewrita f rsass-ipria. It gjvwe vior aad vttaGry tat taa
rt aaa af was an hood. It eleera dsa rrssrirsiiia. kria,htoa tha
ye aad rsdaeas rJaa efcaass.
Na alcohol, er aabit-ibrauas drags is aoataiaad ia "Favorite Frsaeriptioa."
Aaw Sick womaa mar eoaault Dr. Pasraa by Utter, (re. Every Ictiar is
held a sacredly eoahdoauai, aad aaawavwd ia a plaia aavetopa. Add re ,
world's Dispaasary Medical Associatiaa, Dr. R.V. Piseoa, Proa., Bulaio, N. Y.
: Highwayman and Burglar Gives
j Three Tears by Judge Eitelle.
Harry Istluoa, lark Ryaa aad W U-
Uaas Bparrier Uiveat Two fears
Apiece Will lease Plea
! Falls ta Work,
Spencer Williams, confessed burg'.ar and
highwayman, received a three-year sen-
' tence in the state penitentiary Monday from
j Williams had ready for the court a slrtry
that he stoie "on1 because I wanlsd to
; home to see my mother" but this
home and mother excuse did not avail.
ror ming ii one ucen uiiie
Williams, some time ago. pleadrd guilty
to having taken part in three burglaries
in a night, and Judge Eitelle inquired of
the n-gro if he knew that the court could
end him down for thirty ycara, and Wil-
Hams turn d as pale as he might at this.
I As the court picked up a pen to write ths
!' sentenre in the docket before announcing
it. Williams pleaded.
"Make it as light ss possible, judg".
please Judge."
In sentencmi Mark R) an and William
Spurrier to two years apiece. Jidge Ls
telle referred to the meeting ot the Ameri
can Prison congress, which he intends to
attend in October. Ryan and dpurner are
th men who confessed to boxcar robberiea,
implicating; Joe Batt. a grocer, who was
recently convicted af'.er trial.
Another sentence of Monday was two
j years for Harry Robinson for breaking and
I entering. Robinwm is colored ana Judgf
Esteile remarked to him:
'There Is a big enough handicap foi
colored penple anyhow without you making
It greater by stesling."
Two men arraigned pleaded not guilty
These net Meyer Cohen, charged wilt
larceny aa bailee, and Dudley Stirling, ac
cused of embezzlement, Cohen waa in th
employ of Mandel'oerg,. the Jeweler, and il
said to have got away with two diamond
ring's worth MOO. Unriing ass short Km
of th money of Armour aV Co., aocoid
i lng to the information against him.
Hlarw fteaeol Laa Seat ta Hospital
Safferlaai frwaa Praaks af
Aorwrttr Stslerm.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., April 11. Misi
Lorane Clark. It years of age. a memb
of the freshman class of th local h:gl
achooi. is under treatment at a aanliariuti
suffering from the effects of her Initial iu
February S last into on of the scuooi
According to th girl's story she wat
mad to drink on th night of the initia
tion a conr-ocilon. one of the Ingredienu
of which waa kerosene, and later made u
eat macaroni which had been boiled to
gether .with soap. After undergoing thai
part of the initiation she says bus was
tossed In a blanket. He condition Is be
lieved to be serious.