Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim pmaiia Daily Hrax
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Daily Bee (Including Sunday). P" W"S'!2
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elate ef Nebraska, Douglas Ceunty, '
Oeorge B. Tauauck. trsneurer of- Trie
Baa fubliaUIng Company, being duly
a worn, ears that the aetuat number 01
full end complete coplee of Tbe Daily,
Morning, Kvenlng end Uundaf Baa printed
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Subscribed la my presence and awora
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110. U. P. WALKEH.
Notary tfublla.
Subscribers leaving- the elty tem
porarily eaoaln kate The Bee
anile to then. Andreas will be
chanced aa often as requested. ,
Question of the hour Is my bat on
Get ready for a chorus from Lincoln
to the tune of "I-told you-ao."
After all, the immunity bath fre
quently leaves some muddy marks.
Chancellor Day believes in oil as the
proper standard for any university.
Recent events in Rome seem to have
Improved Mr. Tillman's physical con
wasnington meraieurs win soon
turn from tbe Congressional Record to
the score card.
If the weather man will now deliver
those promised April showers much
will be forgiven.
"When in Rome do as Romans do
has lost its meaning in this strenuous
Rooseveltian age.
"The prayer of the righteous man
avalleth much." Pittsburg observed
Sunday as prayer day. '
In Philadelphia a notorious thief
baa just been killed with a club. This
is the day of the big stick.
Some -of those juvenile stage folk
will have passed the age limit if the
dw-makers do not act soon.
Cincinnati undertakers, who have
formed a trust, evidently believe that
faith, not works, saves a man.
Has anyone thought to interview a
gentleman by the name of Mr. For
alter on that Brownsville decision T
A humiliating end of a great and
glorious race the last chief of the
Cbtppewas is run over by a freight
So much talk about the noiseless
Fourth may become harder to bear
than the limit of old-fashioned cele
brations. If Mr. Rockefeller dropped $162,050
in the collection plate be started a
rather high ante for the rest of the
Those 120,000 political remon
strators had better clear tbe streets of
Berlin in a burry before the kaiser's
guest arrives.
wnat more, congmous outcome
could be imagined than Count Boni as
Paris gossip correspondent of an
American yellow?
Et-Covernor Folk says a tidal wave
of democracy la rising in the hearts of
the peope. Oh, a little damning up
on the sides will prevent an overflow
Let no one Insinuate that Mr
Roosevelt s plan to spend only five
hour in Copenhagen reflects any lack
of confidence in the sufficiency of his
Tbe census takers will begin their
rounds before the week is ended, and
will be expected to finish the job be
fore May 1. How big Is Omaha? Oet
In tbe guessing game before it la too
A good place to start the good roads
movement is right here in Omaha. An
object lesson of paved city streets kept
In perfect condition would do a whole
lot toward having the country roads
improved snd maintained in repair.
lower Sleeping Car Bates.
The order of the Interstate Corn-
mej-c commission differentiating be
tween the rates of upper and lower
sleeping car berths will strike a pop
ular chord. The only wonder la that
the Pullman company lias been able
to enforce its arbitrary schedule so
long. But after all Its system of berth
prices Is consistent with its policy of
permitting the traveling public to pay
the greater part of Its porters' and
waiters' wages. It the commission
could find some way of correcting this
abuse it would confer another useful
service upon the pubic.
Exacting the same amount for an
upper berth, in and out of which It
requires an athlete to climb as for
a lower, seems about as reasonable
as It would be for a hotel to ask the
same price for all Its rooms without
regard to their location, convenience
or comfort. Bat the commission has
gone further than the upper berth and
cut the rate also of the lower, which
reduction it finds to be- Justified by
the earnings of the company. This
action comes only after a most tho
rough Investigation, disclosing an ar
ray of Income figures that leaves no
room for doubting the fairness of the
commission's order, to say nothing of
Its assured popularity. It finds that
from 1899 to 1908 the company's an
nual dividends came to 140,000,000
and that the amount carried to surplus
yearly did not go below the annual
dividend of 8 per cent. In eleven
years special cash and Stock dividends
of $51,000,000 in addition to the an
nual ones were paid. The capital
stock was increased eleven years ago
from $36,000,000 to $100,000,000.
These are a few of the statistics
that have led the commission to be
lieve the time has come for meeting
the clamor of the public against the
sleeping cars rates. The action does
not comport with the general cry of
railroads that they must devise new
ways of increasing thetr earnings and
is likely to have a deleterious effect
for the common carriers, though, of
course, their case is not to be judged
by the exact conditions of the Pullman
Auction Prices No Criterion.
Those art students who bought Mr
Terkes extravagant display of "old
masters" served to emphasize the fact
that auction sales prices ancs art val
ues are two distinct things, just as
are collectors and connoisseurs. Or
have all the critics of tbe past been
deceived aa to the superiority of Ra
phael and Memllng, whom they have
ranked up with Titian and Da VlnclT
Here is a painting of Frans Hals sell
ing for twenty times what a Raphael
brings and ninety times as much as a
Memling. It cannot be argued, either,
that these relative values obtained be
cause of the greater scarcity of Frans
Hala. Of course, for the inartistic man
of affairs, there Is little comfort In this
opportunity to criticise the hypercrit
ical, but he may be pardoned if he
pauses to smile at the gross assump
tion that the ability to buy carries
with it the instinct of critical genius.
Europeans themselves have poked fun
at American tourists for their habit
of paying large sums of money for
everything that a shrewd shop keeper
tells them is genuine, and out of this
gigantic auction sale in New York crops
the subtle suspicion that the great
Italian of the Renaissance, the Flem
lsh painter and elder Hals might never
have seen some of the work ascribed
to them In this twentieth century of
fast finance. Of course, that could
not be true with references to any of
the Yerkes collection.
These masterpieces broke the rec
ord for prices and undoubtedly many, if
not most of them, were bought merely
to be resold at larger figures, the
whole thing being a business spec
ulatlon. When people come to realize
that most, not all, of the really famous
works of old masters are still con
fined to exclusive palaces and rich
museums never to be removed for sale
they will realize that the whole fad
is badly overdone.
Tennessee Democrats Split
The breach in the democratic party
of Tennessee on the verge of a con
gressional election lends little weight
to tbe claims of a reunited democ
racy. Democrats outside of the state
are finding it difficult to conceal their
perturbation, for while tbe split comes
about in a state campaign It is sure
to have Its effect in the later congres
sional election.
The strong effort to restore peace
among Tennessee's warring democrat!
that Is being made by national leaders
betrays the party a dismay. Some
of the party organs admit the
probability of republican success un
less factional differences are allayed.
and that does not seem promising
now. If the republicans should elect
their state ticket carrying with it a
republican legislature it would mean,
not only aid io the fall selection of na
tional representatives, but the election
of a republican to succeed Senator
Frazier, whose fate rests in this un
certain balance.
The present trouble in Tennessee
comes from a fight against Governor
Patterson on the charge of manipulate
In U e state organization as a personal
machine, involving a general primary
In June which the anti-Patterson
forces denounce as undemocratic. The
64 heme is boldly condemned as trick
ery and guile to which "the party
ahould not submit."
Waiving for the time all consider
ation of local strife, the fact is Ten-
neasee's democracy bas been wobbling
for a long time and Instead of the
present situation being entirely due to
Pattersonlszs it U but tbe logical out-
growth or unrest ana discontent wnu-n
manifested ltelf so vitally in tbttt snd
other southern states, Alabama and
Georgia particularly. In 190. It is a
uestlon J tint how solid the south Is
today. This Is a day of the New South
s Its father, Henry V. Orady, chris
tened it In hU memorable New York
speech and the New South recognizes
that before hosry tradition comes the
real Interests of the country. It Is
democratic by heredity, anyway, but
the south Is distinctly a protection
county. With a democratic family Jar,
a state like Tennessee might on local
issues give the country a surptrse
Passing of the Boycott.
The boycott, unamerlcan In prln
iple and unfair in application, seems
to have about run its course in this
country. Whether In labor disputes or
economic and social reforms, it can
not be used with permanent good.
Even trades unions are coming to this
view, which Is a healthy sign for their
future stability. The nature of the
boycott runs counter of the first prin
ciple of civil liberty and that is the
chief reason why it has never gained
respecable position with men who
believe In the broadest possible scope
of individual rights.
President Taft struck a severe blow
to the boycott in his statement to the
Bethlehem steel magnates who went
to him when they beard the govern
ment bad threatened to levy an em
bargo against their plant because it
was Involved in a dispute with organ
ized labor. The president quickly dis
abused their minds on the subject and
told them that while he was not in
formed as to the merits of their con
troversy, he could assure them that so
long as he was chief executive the
government would never employ the
boycott against them or any Industry.
He denounced the boycott from every
consideration of justice and right, ad
ding that when and only when the
government was unable to get good
steel at fair prices would it cease to
trade with the Bethlehem companies.
Foresight Without Extravagance.
The founders of Omaha bad fore
sight and laid out the city on broad,
liberal lines, giving it ample room to
grow. They builded wisely and' well
sufficient unto the day and' the Im
mediate future, but they did not in
dulge in any wild extravagance. In
public buildings and civic Improve
ments, Omaha has always been a little
ahead of its pretentions and maintained
a reputation as a wide-awake, enter
prising, go-ahead city, while at the
same time keeping reasonably within
its resources In the expenditure of pub
lic money, and avoiding a mountain of
debt under which many other cities
burden themselves.
In every forward, pushing city there
are always people with dreamlike
schemes to promote and fanciful plans
to propose, and likewise also back
number mossbacks and narrow
minded obstructionists who object to
every forward step. Actual progress
Is made In real practice along a middle
course, neither going to the extremes
of extravagant folly nor stopping still
at a dead line.
Omaha 'is growing and expanding
right along, and must keep up with
the procession by traveling a pace
commensurate with Its growth of
wealth and population, but not exceed
Ing it too far. Omaha needs foresight
without extravagance right now as
much aa it ever needed It in the fifty
years Of Its career.
Nebraska journalism has lost a pic
turesque and forceful character by the
retirement from the newspaper field of
John C. Sprecher, who has let bis
Schuyler Free Lance pass Into innocu
ous desuetude. Editor Sprecher was
a political party all alone, but had
himself convinced that he was abso
lutely nonpartisan every minute and
then Insisted that everyone who failed
to join him was a purblind partisan
acting without rhyme or reason. He
should, however, be given credit for
the courage of bis convictions, which
accumulated for him a swarm of un
compromising enemies, and doubtless
some ardent friends, and kept him in
hot water most of the time. Editor
Sprecher'a pugnacious and opinionated
comment on current politics in Ne
braska will be missed.
Our old friend, Edgar Howard,
thinks the editor of The Bee has
duty to perform" in chasing all the
rainbows he paints in the heavens.
Having had experience with Edgar's
"pipe dreams" before, it is up to him
to come down to earth first and deliver
the goods supported by some corrobo
rative testimony.
Over In Chicago a specially ap
pointed vice commission Is laboriously
devoting time and study to the prob
lem of the social evil, which has per
plexed the people of all countries for
hundreds of years. But ' here in
Omaha a handful of preachers solve it
off-band by merely passing a resolu
tion. And now our amiable democratic
contemporary has more fanlt to find
with the new tariff because It Is actu
ally proving to be a revenue producer.
Wonder what it would be saying about
tbe tariff If the treasury deficit were
steadily increasing because of shortage
of collections at the port of entry?
An Omaha preacher lets forth a
Jeremiad about tbe degeneracy of the
j times and the prevalence of graft, the
immorality of the people and the licen
tiousness of theater and press. Inci
dentally he explains his real trouble by
saying, "In matters of religion we face
empty pews."
Mayor "Jim" is a great advertiser.
If he rfn't head an expedition of
Bryan Home Folks to lasso the Peer
less on disembarking, he will ride a
broncho up Broadway to celebrate the
home-coming of Roosevelt. Wake up,
Governor Shallenberger, or you will
be outclassed.
Tbe South Omaha fire Insurance
agent who proposed to underwrite our
Omaha city hall at cut rates shows
signs of backing out even at the risk
of forfeiting his guaranty money. Won
der if someone hat offered to reim
burse him for possible loss.
Kleklnn- the Backet.
Wall Street Journal.
Never before hae Uncle Pam shown such
unmistakable signs of determination to kick
he bucket and kick It clear out of busi
In Which Maes, Heratlof
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Borne wait for a ear and swear. Others
aprlnt for car, and swear. True virtue
knows when the car Is coming, and keeps
An Eacaae In Reserve.
Chicago News.
Though It be not a strike, and only a
suspension, It reduces the coal output to
the sama degree, as we shall doubtless be
Informed by the courteous retailer next fall.
I i i i I
Boalneen, Yon Know.
Indianapolis News.
Don't think that the coal men have any
combination In reatralnt of trade. Nothing
like that. It la merely a combination to
get the ultimate consumer's money.
Proposing- m Large Job.
Chicago News.
Tha proposition la made to relegate Mr.
Roosevelt to the ordinary obscurity of
private cltlaenahlp. The only question to
be asked the proposers of this scheme Is
what they are going to do about It.
Reach Id for "Higher l'pa.'
Springfield Republican.
Some one "higher up" (s undoubtedly
Mr. Hoffstot, president of tha Pressed Steel
Car company and head of one ot-Pltts-burg'a
leading banks, whom the grand Jury
recommends as a suitable person for Indict
ment and prosecution. In San Francisco
the Patrick Calhoun prosecution failed In
the, end, but Pittsburg may prove able to
bring down this kind Of big game.
Know-Nothlnglsm I'p to Date.
Chicago Tribune.
Aa one crying in the wilderness, listen
to the voice- of Charles Gates Dawee lifted
In protest against the boasted melting pot
of American society, which he tella us "Is
pulling down the standard of our race. It
will take hundreds of years to build It
up again. The closer, we get to the people
with our primary and other election laws.
the worse clasa of men we get for public
office. Tha good, old puritan stock waa
the clean foundation from which came the
splendid men and women of the American
O, bosh!
Cold Storaare Restrictions.
New York World.
The aenate'a inquiry into he high cost
of living haa a practical Issue In the bill
reported by the committee having it In
charge limiting to one year the period dur
ing which articles of food may be kept In
cold storage. The object of the measure
is to secure an equalisation and In aome
casea a reduction of prices. To what ex
tent it will effect this result remains to
be determined, the exact relation of cold
storage to dear food not having been es
tablished. But that the storage for long
periods of food purchased at low prices
doea artificially raise prices Is undisputed
and the proposed limitation of the time
by law will be welcomed aa a serious at
tempt to abolish one form of the gambling
in food by which the cost of living la -increased.
Last Week's Conteat in "Wet" nnd
"Dry" DUtrlets.
New York World.
un the whole. It has not been a good
week for prohibition In the west. There
has been voting under local option by
towna in Illinois, Nebraska and Colorado
and by counties in Mlohlgan, with obvious
advantages to the thirsty. In Topeka,
Kan., there was no direct liquor Issue, but
a mayor was elected who is understood to
favor license. -
In Illinois thirty-nino "dry" towns turned
to "wet," while only nineteen reversed that
process. Seventy-two "wet" towns and
110 "dry" towns remained as they were
Decatur, which went "dry" by 1.030 two
years ago, is now "wet" by 600. Tha cities
generally remain with the license party.
In Colorado the "dry" voters made a gain
of two towns In twenty.-two voting, but the
"weta" still have thirteen of the number.
Twenty counties out of thlrty-slx voting
in Michigan returned "dry" victories, but
these will close only 2SS saloona out of 1,161
in the voting territory. Of twenty-els
countlea already "wet" fourteen voted to
stay so, while of ten "dry" counties In the
voting lot two reversed themaelvea. Kent
county, including Grand Rapids, repulsed
the prohibitionists by 7,500 majority after
a hot campaign. Wexford and Oakland
counties returned to the license column
after two years of drought. An Interesting
"dry" victory waa won ln Ingham county.
which holds Lansing, the state capital
In Nebraska IB cities and villagea voted.
Seventy-six of these were carried for
license. In the state now the "wet" forces
hold eighty-nine towns, with a total popu
lation of 171,185; the "dry" .sign Is on sixty
seven towns, poulatlon 84,711. Eleven
"wet" towns and fifteen "dry" ones flopped
on Tuesday.
Our Birthday Book
4 April 13, mo.
General Grenvllle M. Dodge, Council
Bluffs' moat distinguished citlsen, waa born
April 11 1831, at Delivers, Mass. General
Dodge served conspicuously in the civil war
and afterwards aa chief engineer, and had
a leading part In the building of the Union
Paciflo railroad. He had been head of the
Society of the Army of Tennessee, and also
of the military order of .the Loyal Legion
and prominent In a great many other public
William II. Indoe, general agent of the
State Mutual Life Insurance company of
Worcheeter, Masa., for Nebraska, with
offices In the Be building, la M yeara old
He waa born In Granger, O., and has been
with hla present company elnce lfiSt and In
hla present position since ISM.
Charles EL Wager, aaslatant general
freight agent of tha Missouri Pacific, was
born April 11. 1X65. at Springfield, III. He
la an old-time railroad man and has been
In the business for nearly tt yeara, although
in Omaha only little more than a year
Army Gossip
Matters ef lateresl On and Bach
ef tbe IMiirg Line Cleaned from
tbe. Army and Wavy SteglsteT.
Captain Charles B. Hepburn of th signal
corps waa retired from active service on
April t on account of physical disability
nd Captain O. K. Mitchell. Thirteenth
cavalry, has been detailed In the signal
corps to fill the vacancy. Other recent
details to the slsnar corps are those of
Captain R. J. Burt, Ninth Infantry, vice
Captain D. J. Csrr, promoted; Captain C.
J. Wallace, coast artillery, vice Captain
II. B. Black, coast arilllery corps,
whose detail expired; First Lieutenant H.
C. Tatum. Seventh cavalry, vice First
Lieutenant, F. W. Fonda; First Lieutenant
Oeorge EI Kumpe, Second Infantry, rice
First Lieutenant Jamea E. Abbott, cavalry
detail expired. The next officers to be re
lieved from duty with the signal corpa on
account of expiration of detail will be
Captain William H. Oury, Infantry, on
May 31.
Reports of officers who have been test
ing the requirements of the tentative phy
sios! regulation order placed In their hands
for comment are due to be received by the
chief of staff today. These officers were
Instructed net to comment on the questions
to whether or not mere ehould be
periodical tests to determine officials phy
sical condition, but report on tho suitability
of the requirements as set out In th4 ten
tative order; and that, if they had criticism
to make of any of the requirements, they
ahould propose eubstitutee. The tentative
order has been under test by officers sta
tioned at the Army War college. Fort Myer,
Va.; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Fort
Riley, Kan.
Many approving comments have been
made concerning the new apartment houses.
which have been adopted by the War de
partment as afflcers' quarters. Thete build
ing, each accommodating four families,
have been Illustrated and described In the
Army and Navy Register. Such new edi
fices have been completed, or are neaiing
completion, at a number of posts, Including
Fort Wlnfleld Scott. Cal.. Fort Slocum,
N. T and Fort Strong, Mass., anu already
applications have been received for build
ings at other posts. None of these quarters
hare beea occupied a sufficient length of
time to have reports from those who are
in the best position to pass upon their
merits as habitations, but the coojnienti
which have reached the War department
have shown that these structures, designed
with a view to convenient housekeeping on
an economical basis will find much favor in
the military personnel. More than that,
It is a step toward what has been signified
as meeting congressional approval a con
centration of building at poets so as to
have less vacant area and so reduce the
cost of administration.
The army medical authorities are greatly
Interested In extending the benefits of vac
cination aa a means of preventing typhoid.
The auccess which has attended this pre-
cautlnary measure abroad, especially in
the British army, has Justified the adop
tion of this system in the United States
army. Up to this time the vaccination has
been admlnlsered only to volunteers and
there Is a great difference In the number
of those who present themselves for this
minor treatment. Much depends, as has
been stated in these columns, upon the
persuasive qualities of the post surgeon.
At some posts practically every one has
been vaccinated. At other places that' the
percentage of volunteers is very small.
It is expected that the - limit has
been reached with the volunteers
nd, unless the vaccination la made com
pulsory, there Is not likely to be many
more who consent to the vaccination. The
recommendation has been made by the
surgeon general of the army that accepted
recruits be vaccinated aa a part of the
process of enlistment. By v this means In
time a large part of the enlisted force
will have received thla protection against
typhoid. The statistics prepared by Major
F. F. Russell of the army medlcat corps,
show that of the 3,640 vaccinations nine-
tenths of 1 per cent were severe, 5.7 per
cent were moderate, 25 s per cent were
mild, and 63 per cent had no reaction what'
ever. Thla Indicates the little Incon
venience which Is experienced from the
The special board of cavalry officers to
determine the equipment of cavalrymen
and their mounts will probably be designa
ted next week in ordera from the War de
partment. Recommendatlona have been
made for the personnel of that board, which
will meet, according to the present plan, at
Rock Island, 111., where has been In session
for a year or more the board to reduce the
burden of the foot eoldler. The latter
board la completing Its Investigations and
will ahortly make a report as a result of a
very thorough study of the questions and
tests conducted under practical conditions.
The work of the cavalry equipment board
will be of similar character, taking advan
tage, of course, of the conclusions of the
Infantry equipment board so far as they
pertain to the mounted arm. The board
will have the assistance of a troop of cav-
Iry, probably one from the 81xth regi
ment, on duty at Fort Des Moinea. la. By
this means new devices, of which the chief
of ordnance of the army has a large num
ber of suggestions, may be tried out in
actual service under the observation of the
officers. There are numerous questions to
be presented to the board relating to the
equipment of the eoldler and the horse.
It is desired to ascertain what improve
ments may be made and If It ta possible to
effect a reduotlon In weight of the articles
carried. Among the subjects to be consid
ered are a compressed forage ration for
the horses, the modification of the saddle,
the adoption of a pad in place of the blan
ket, and an Improvement In the aaber. The
board Is not expected to go Into the sub
Jeot of the rifle or the pistol. Many cav
airy officers believe that the present rifle
should be abandoned In favor of one which
Is shorter and less heavy, expressing pre
ference In some eases for a return to the
old carbine. The question nf choice be
tween the automatic t' and the revolver
la also one which engagea discussion, but
tha subject of weapons for mounted troops
Is likely to be referred to a special hoard,
instead of being discussed by the cavalry
equipment board at Rock Island.
i Springfield Republican.
The new window glass trust, which has
just been Indicted by a federal grand jury,
Is a particularly aggravated form of com
bination which might suffer a verdk-t of
Illegality without eheddlng much lltrht on
the status of the ordinary trust. It Is
highly complicated aituation which is de
veloping ui.der the antl-turat law, and the
sooner It Is cleared up the better for busi
ness. Recession nf Water Ware.
Philadelphia Record
The crest of the prohibition wave eems
to have been reached In, Illinois and Ne
braska. The local option votii i on Tues
day last indicated a decided drift In the
opposite direction. There does not seem
to be any fixity of opinion as to the mat
ter of Uuuur selling as illustrated by popu
lar vole
The report made to the comptroller
under date of March 29, 1910, shows
that this bank has
Time Certificates of $2,034,278,61
3V3 Interest
paid on certificates running for twelve
Wearers of present-day millinery should
not be clasped as lightheaded. Consider
the load.
Chicago ice men promise to scale prices
for the summer. Their cakes will shun the
scales aa heretofore.
Lloyd W. Bowers, United States solicitor,
who resigned a 330,000 Job for one of 37.000 is
diligently making up the deficit In his In
come by lunching on a sandwich.
Woodbury, the beauty doctor, left I1BO.0O0
worth of real estate at Sea Gate. Success
does not depend on new wrinkles; there
are enough old ones to meet the need of
the man with the tools.
Miss Anne Morgan has added to her other
activities by joining a new organisation
known aa the North American Civic League
for Immigrants It was established to
protect aliens from fradulent agenta who
prey upon steerage passengers after their
release from Ellis Island.
The Nestor of county Journalists In Illi
nois Is N. E. Stevens, editor of the Paxton
Record, who has conducted that paper for
forty-seven years without Interruption, and
who has worn the editorial harness for
fiftg-aeven years. It Is said Editor Stevens,
who Is TTls ho oldest editor In the west
working actively at hia desk..
There is probably no other hunter or
trapper In all the bear woods of Pennsyl
vania who has the record for capturing
and killing bear during the last year that
C. E. Loglie of the First Fork hax. U a
haa fifteen to his credl., a rgco.-d that easl y
is in the lead of all In Carnnron county,
and a challeneg to any other Pennsylvania
Jacob Oammerman, the Baltlmo e Jeweler,
who caught Howlett. the man who con
fesses that he robbed Mrs. Bugher of
320,000 of jewels, deserves an appointment
to the New Vork detective force. Howlett
says the New York police did not recognise
him, although he wore a red wig which
would have made a country sheriff sus
picious. M. J. Bcholey, mayor of Kenosha, Wis.,
Introduced a new feature into Kenosha
politics when he distributed 3,000 bare of
soap as a means of calling attention to his
candidacy for re-election. The soap is or
dinary toilet site, and on one side of the
white barin raised letter Is "Purity Soap,"
while on the reverse Is a picture of the
mayor and the inscription, "A Clean Ad
ministration." BILLIONS FOR INSt IA.CE.
Imposing: Dimensions of Lnat Year's
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Everybody knows that ubiquitous indi
vidual, the life Insurance agent. He may
be imported or Indigenous, but he Is
everywhere, and the sun never sets on his
activities, v He was particularly busy In
the United States during the yar 1909.
Representing 180 companies, he wrote
31.8S.020,48 In policies, some 1200,000,000 in
excess of the record for 190S.
The policyholders were somewhat busy
at the same thing. It takea some hustling
for the generality of them to meet their
premiums, but they worked nobly, paying
In 3564,735.696, a gain of 319,000.000 over what
they paid In 1906. Interest and other pay
ments swelled the Income of the com
panies to 3747,94.935. During the year the
companies disbursed to policyholders 3300,
663,052 and laid by "for the future pro
tection of policyholders" 3242,343,374. Sta
tistics aa to how much went to "yellow
dog" funds are lacking, but probably will
come out In the course of future legisla
tive Investigations.
The assets of the 180 companies at the
olose of 1909 amounted to 33,W4,10&,(42, and
Increase of 3264,000.000 during the year.
The surplus on policyholders' accounts In
creased nearly 360,000,000, to 3504,410,426. The
figures, which are taken from a tabula
tion by one of the leading Insurance pa
pers of the United Statea, give aome idea
of the enormous growth of tbe life insur
ance bualness. - Taking the ordinary and
the Industrial business together, the In
surance In force In the companies operat
ing under the legal reserve laws amounts
to $13,473,090,466.
The notable gains made all along the
Soak the Clothes OvenNlxht
IT LOOSENS THE DIRT and rashes the- worh
of -wnshlnrf very much easier.
USE THREE TUBS, one for table linen, one for
bed nnd body linen, one for the soiled towels
nd cloths.
"WET THE CLOTHES, rub Lenox Soap solution
over the soiled parte, fold end roll each piece
by Itself, pncK irt tub, cover with warm, soapy
wnter nnd let stand over-nlgjht.
eeKn ef Lenss So pi. cut It Into email pieces,
dissolve these In three qu.rll of boiling;
water. Koee water at boiling point until a
solution te formed.
LENOX SOAF SOLUTION does better worh
than soap, nnd is more economical, because
there Is no waste.
Lenox Soap-Just fits the hand
Mi m
1 1 m
3 . yi t . ,i T- la I J ftci' 1 A I
line reflect the Improvement In financial
affairs since the murky condition nf 1 J7.
The Insurance aent maile a good reroid
tor himself last year and is entering upon
the work of 1310 with Improved prospcts.
He is rolling up so much business that
the figures already are so big st to stag
ger the ordinary man's comprehension.
Small wonder that flnnnnclal rttAnatet
are struggling for control of tl' great In
surance companies while the busy agent
Is hustling nnd the pollcyholdor is paying
the freight.
Improving; Her Opportunities.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The dashing Mississippi widow who says
her vocation Is keeping hooks and selling
real estate and Ml-Uilppl senators Is an
up-to-date and up-to-tlevllment person
whose activities illustrate the well-worn
adaire that a Utile widow Is a dangerous
"The artist who Is painting my picture Is
very unreliable nbotit his rngaRement.
Ofter when 1 go at the appointed hour I
-have -to wait.
"Then you ought to take a stand about
your sittings." Baltimore American.
.Patron This set of teeth you made for
me Is too big.
Dentist Tot sir. Pit down In the ehslr an
I will enlarge your mouth a little. Hoetyl
Erudite Relative ,cme time. Tommy. I
hope you will read President Elliot's "five
feet of books."
Tommy Shucks, aunty! Five feet? I've
already read "Twenty Thousand Leagues
Under the Sea" and "From the Earth to
the Moon. "-Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Newed Well, dearest, you can't say
I ever contracted bad habits.
Irtps. Newed No, George; you generally
expana tnem. guage.
"Doesn't It nake you nngry to spe
terrible Caricatures of you that ar pub-
iisnen : '.
"Not at nli," replied Senator Sorghum.
"I like to have that sort of an ImpresMlou
go abroad. It I an axiom that handsome
men are not likely to he successful in
practical affairs." Washington Star.
"Oeorge is taking up jonrnallam by Cor
respondence." "How Is he progressing?"
"Finely. He intervlow me last nlht."
"What about?"
"Ho asked me If I'd marry him."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"That man Insists on considering himself,
a lion In society."
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne, "and for
no other reason than that he his a l(VrK
voice and exceptional hair." Waishlngosn
The engagement "of an American girl to
a prince with a fat Income" is announced.
It Is quite evident that somebody grossly
blundered when this news Item whr Kent.
Of course. It's the prince that's fxt and
not the Income. Cleveland Plain-Dealer.
"Are you going to vkIt those rural rela
tives of yours this summer?" we ask of
our friend, who so often hns amunert us
with his accounts of vacations on the farm,
"I will If they Invite me." he answers.
"but they're so blamed rich nnd exclusive
now, they make me weary." Judge.
Minna Irving In In Leslie's Weekly.
Th western farmer wears today
The smile that won't come off,
And millionaires and merchants, too,
Their hats to him must doff.
The price of pork Is snaring so
The world is all a-gog,
It takes a golden eagle now
To buy a single hog.
Fair Commerce waves her magic wand
Above the humble sty.
And charges all the rooting pigs
To things for which we sigh;
Pianos, pictures, costly rugs,
And mirrors framed In gold,
And curtains of the finest lace
In many a filmy fold.
Silk dresses for the farmer's wife
The grunting porker yields,
And motor cars snd up-to-date
Machinery for hla fields. f
He doea not have to seek for wealth
In lands beyond Ms ken.
Nor mine It from the stubborn rock,
He coins It from the pen.
His crops have failed In other years
And left his pockets flat,
But now on hams and bacon, lot
Hla fortune waxes fat.
The autocratic hand of trade
Haa given It a Jog,
The golden calf must abdicate.
It's now the golden hog.
i i
I i
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