Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: TOfAHA. TCESIUT. AFKIL 12. 131 1.
Co amerce Grasussisa.
- Peel li'H Miff Hit ta I eaa-
abort Mafct'e" J-wre y ktala
" fwr Beat. ai
Jl eert
TASH:-'rrrJ.v ar
h4,d il if '.r."ijt
' '" ; i" c-irut
f r 'JtDr aj
T1 a dec-.slcn ha
ty t .-narte
a war be-tr. ,n lta
dTI .n pvwi; :nmncf ant P ...mar.
ra.t- fT-rn h;cBi Vj .m Fac.r.c a :t oi
iirrl r1uc4.
A-tMirn ?ns r';..:-sj nf h eimn;piiin
ui j'-r nt ;(n,.x n t-i-ti mhliia w-r
t-:f:i-a.'r and l"-r-ra.:- cmxj a.T"t of.
-'jrn;w'l a.a the opcirt; wwdH for a
.-i.ut merit ot ktepir car rat wfln
rr w. hp" exoew! ".: arai; niixrii iJa
uimmajwri oaj f-jiri to "i and
r-aiKira'H' T! rFtanCT Trr Puil-
nan cnixtwinv. ;t i Mu.d. .1 c. U".e
dwmg ta th courji.
P-jUmaa r- of r: from t. t-.j en
Fac:f:c a;t was 1u h.-n and or-lerd :t
rt irt-1 ta TS. T"i p"ent -a:a of for
an -PP" Iwr:.''. 'as orJ 4 !n K-H lo
Bit X 'urt n.a'it a Xi"'"'"" tr!
miaBinn hojrl wuid ntt carry a rata of
mora tV.'! f'r a !or oxr-l-h and tl'.Q
tor a.i ?p-r. Tbtt rata "f C. wtilcii ta
C'jixpn . raa Tia.r;tairid f-mm St Pul to
Farjo. X L'.. -42 m:. a orterM ri icod
Tha prevailing uprr brrli r:r of Jl3
la redji-rd to CIO barrn Faui and
up-rTor. w.a.. arid tli -upper b ,i rate
bet-a-sea St. Plui and 0-ard Forua :b
rduord from B "uo C-.". Tl ra:i pr-
raJiriai aj apprcn eid far !erw brtia.
Tb report. writtn by Csmin.MBoTieT
n t -m ht.. - nn
J.aciaba tiio uuAiv xjuit:njon which
mad f tJia Puilmari company a a- :
. .
f i.r. but tie reeurl aliov ttia cornmia-
aion a !nTsrt2 atun of tha aurepmaT car 1
, . ... , i
mmjuiia cmiiracui too arD-r?u a?
u?m of charges, and eaja-rfi. T!i r-area
jvU a.ioaai d.-iii:naa of aaariy led.-
w.i from to lneriuatv.
Thm invert. eat; on ahowed that tSe amount
carried tu annually did not fa.l
far annrt cf Uhe annuai dividend of I per
cent, that In 1SS a caah dividend of V.3M.
'i wajs paid out of acrumuiated aural us ;
! i Han a apectai nck divulcnd of 5A per
Li nt, aznauntlEe" la tlial, waa deared.
acd in EC anoiaer of X per cent, amount
ing to Pk..HS.l were divided. Xuniia; a
per-od of eleven year ILi.ia).a1J tn apeaai
i-an and stock dividend, were paid la ad-
d:t-un to the annua, ones. i
la the stiick of the enmnanv waa
ere juard r-n C6.iiP)o.:i.0. to Ci. ;.. of j
a hch C9 .ai.- accounted for by ac-
quibiljin of Wigner Paiac Car company. 1
J . , . . . . i
The ratnaandrr of mcraaa. of eH.HMt.0W rep- ,
resenti capitaiiaacon of aurpiua. The rec- I
or! ahow that ao additional capitai u
Pul .
Cat w ai atlaa Taw Lrrj. ;
Atioraey ieneraj Wlckerwham has de- ;
- . . . - . ;
' J"" w" j
"'-"" - 1 u ui. an
jii5oma of corporauon. ia a Xien in favor
of tho raited State, front th. ttes. It waa
, .
rwven iTTra in TOiitruir.ei iniemai rwa-i
enu. ot! u distrwtt
in such oore
poratloa ia lOAaxad.
Many tatters had. been tei eieenl at
interna ravennar bureau from- tC
miminr eompattieav aa to the dat.
ui atfawauBtveit becam. a law. and
tiry MaeVeacii asked th. attorney
r .'nl tnr an opinion of the .ueatloD.
He Had Big Roll
and Met Stranger
ChariM tgamr Claim Te-ur THand
reserted Ei-n, Taii2 ?5p tad
Gold Vitci.
rUtTTMr'CnL Neb Aur4! 12. (xe-
...,-harie; laagur. a' Bohamtaa wh.
.Vvltu. aa his home, came to town
Friday aad aptnd for a situation in th.
",T-a tAMAaei ox aiDnntn m lump, wmcn
tiiey promised hint in the near fotura. H
Ihptt al:moJ . .. ., . V. , ... . . 1
it a not long before be had formed the
a: q-ui.r.tjiinw of a stranger, who offered
hi:n C per month aad board if he would
limine aim him and work In hi. large
ery Ua;a ji south Omaha.
The jffer was aAicepted by Maxur and
tli two hoarded th. Burllngtan train.
J am before arrving at Bellevu. th
Mrar.ger ;d bun t-lat be had a team
tr.ere. w inch he bad jurt purchased, aad
aked i niunh money he had with him.
lir r.di!y aivaitced 4. wnuh was ta be
iel i: ! a. -a as Lhey arrived tn South
m. T :eA ieft the tra.n at Be-ilevue
j..t u.e atraziBer nu'ic-icg the man fin
i-a my-, -,.i .. , . .
t..d wa.ii aad hin succeeded in bor-
i n 1 r r.i"i t..r. and. after piacing
t. iein r. t:in aw B pcsrt. he atr-ack
mi"!!,;!! -he timlier.
Mr Hjmr iwarot-1 ie-r-
-"" Hi.ia, ceuta nut
'iienil ur his ier-. irn. ao be
car fir ,
find h.s
u l.i.a it.. and im no de.lre M work in
.1 li,e- ram. anyway, he say, but w ill
ke-p my of strangf-rs la the future.
a ttaavatay aa la Days ut-"-Biarr Hofman will ba put under ai
aM ralir ' n"t aa' "1 axit of the onening gam. af r
Imiia .a J3ry
ttaea Ba
Mi.'iV TO UK. April 11. r-'-.t lb
J.' i w ':e-i Te'Mliwe lUHtoe e;t w as rom
n m.i.sit .mt piilu-e has New Tarfc been
o v -Jrilay aa ndiy. minis were
i mm
5 r v ,
f y r y :
I e-
Served ZrjbtMrw
-vi'h wa
cMv. The
. be nr:-f laet Sucla;- a.e ih"
1' the letter Ma.-ir Griori order of
int. off. ro x.-e r-v. but w-tit
o r -"di-) hr j d-.-trvt stt
they eta ed 'n today iooal-g f.r
Wfnr of lioior v rioia-.o".. :a cn
.'nnri.on s-th ifTctfi of th a:e fir-w
"Jenar-meet. Thin. together !'.! th gn
era.: mrr!i. niv of merle the -oom
31"t f-S jtOUB.
Rculbach Takes
Turn for Worse
P.'.cher far Giicaiffi Sationxli Seri-oasl-
111 from Xhpht eria Cca-tr-ctcd
trim Baby.
IC'.IS. Api 1 IL The cund.t,oa of j
P.euibarfi. p-tcbr f )r t.1: '1;,riii ;
K. I
a-. home 'n vjj at. rix.k a turn fcir tr
war- roda. and tj a eond'Tltm l crm-1
. . ... . . . T;- :jm r.e d:ar it iwu't I ne i-.oi.v
.ced eer-ona by b e phywrtana. T, was ojf ,t . fm ri.n. ,
tv-n a a-emd ati-torin r-atment ,;,i,hl!n. i..:r-arv and iha.n nit-
ar.ei-noon, the Tim traarme-it. fv-j Sanp-m.b a a un a f-atura. cor. i
day. fa.ur, ,o act aa-lafacor . ,
. , . . , .... ' Ho. '' 15!! : 2
Rruh,rt ' bBb' '' f"" """".a I- .... 1 1 I
-a c-mtracted tna diaeaaa tad a r- , c,ul, p,aT. raironar to C.:ha-n . home '
pe nui j now innutji n
out tf daaffr.
rrt CrmmU. ln fcag Trav
liar Erm
a m on Frt Crok n arrwmn
-iindav t.te Towrnd Out com pa.-v a teaen
tmmed t3e acidiem. a to a. Tne note-
wonnv f-aiur of tna came w -Ie
nmnlw of er-- b the a-ld-era. Tne;
Twnjienrte put ur a rod at.ff a-ajne fram
'art tn f!n:Ko. iioi !i pitchers a eee in 't-"-len;
f3rnx but Smith w fvn poor
Buniwirt n ... . : . . . . -. n kail m
r-tir. f-om tJia rame in tna third .nn:r.
on irai'nt c ... r. i... . -k . n a' d.ra
to bocae. Skmra:
AS ti J A. A.
MM. if A K.
iuii - a
io . i
rama. aa
I I lill t'rnc;'0 rp wftfrm i cirifc!"lt but lt p,r"" nam " ot
'aaai. e.. 17 1 ''''" " 1 -' iwimw w
-;aiTe. ea... f 1 1 11 i
a-.r. n . a i a Jft-i'm. " - - -
ninv .. l l ; M'a r all
er. - till -iBii)nm. . X
nri. ... 1 I wronar. ill i 1
mtiuiia. a 1 1
ax I
T.ita-a. il t
Taia j S 3T 11 7 1
! -Shere- nt. hit wlta batted ba.1.
'Tttt Crook S
i Towneend 1 1
9 I
1; off
I Two-ha aa hsta: Slreh. nieeker.
acr'flca h:ta: B"rcn I. f'herar.
, ftrat base on ba.lsi Off "mitn.
Hamilton. 4. H.t ai pitched bail; Ey
mitn. . bv Hamilton. 1. Srr-ick out! hr
!mttn. i. by Kamiiton. 4. Double pla".
iui:ey to She -r. HaUocJt to Pherer.
O'Connor to Elliot. Tne: iff. Umpire;
iLAnrrn Less t nimPHJ
Teauaa aff
fe-ra Baal Defeat
for LaMrk. af Fi awttew.
On the Forwnce fieud yesterday afternoon
fir"r aaja of a dnuDle-header reaiuted
ak VUMnF-J re- t ta -ail a- "T" - TT1 T Kt f ayaaai
ttie A.amito Creamery eooipany'. nine bv
the acore of II to i. The raare wa. far
in" ,a """ jjidlcasea The creara-
ery nine na. a rood bunch of ba.1 taaaer.
But practic. Dunnr the rame the
Aiamitoe pulled off a couple of neat double
MT P Tnunrph. P-ar-d with a de-
tm-minadoa not an own before this aaaeon
and worked toa-etner w-th machin. lilt.
precision. Hirsrn twrled maamiriceTtt ba J
"arCMi 5mL. r; . H.H.E.
T-lumphe J I 2 I 5 a n 2
Aunitoa 1 li 4 :
uartertest rnumntii Htracn and toe-.
iAianuto.. Adama and Uachteo. Struck out-
! fZ. K,T"1,L; iiT BjVws ,?n Dj!"
Oft Hirarn. J: off Adams. I. Hit with
pitched, ba.1; Ba Adaaaa. , Two-baaa hit
Cirkae, E. Crummy, rhrae-base hits: UT.
j E'rummy, Baer. Kirsob, tftoten bases: Mc-
1.4. Lmplr.; K. hoimea.
Haa art tal aa
TOWA CTTT. la.. AjrJ n. . 5pat lai. h- I
! beawwe I w-.U be able to whip out a team
1 that arl! be a w-nner." said Ted Ireen.
university bam haul coach, trwlay. '"Captain
?chaffer cf th. E'avesiport Three-l leaarte
! says his men ara in mucn baiter condition
! wtta difficulty and often war.
j ihe senea last weeai wa nit
varsitv scured
bianked. In
and scored
I heavily and were bianked but once-"
Two boot, men are on the hoerritai list
. A the paace of Catcher Hn
iacond Bavsemaa Stewart. Hanson, tne bi
fret baseman, sprained his ana a badlv
Fnaav. and Mer-cie. who took his p ara
Saturday, had a fmger eoifniered hr
1 a apeedv throw to cut off a r-inner The
1 met of the -Triad !. m good condir.on.
I mm b-v' lwn f "" tnr ourfli-ld
sura cia,m to an outflrid pusitioo,
', according to Coach Ureen.
I.riai d ta Jmim Stati
Xxt Tear.
x wn&. .i-a.. jmuT t u-- ;-unai. t unra-
ning Apr! It. resruar leag-ie game w-il be
paayad at Athletic park. Captains of the
fn.,e -e laaet. tmtmwnm I. . v. . I,r f ffl-v
, T piveralrom to ecT th. na -
bare of tne-.r teams after a few nmei e.
piaved. Tork ha. a number of good bail
posed to orgauix. a ciiy team that will j no,-n:n" ' do but th. making of arrange
piay all "im 1 mem. for th. pennant exercise, (a their
A. B Chnst an of the Tork Commercial ! reaoja-rtva ma-ia rtv. ....... r
ciuo ,s corresponoin g with managers of
leams in ail tne nearbv towns and c-Hea. !
trv-ng to erranire a F-ur Best County
ieaarue or a TnJ'mmrt league, enratvieed
of t coitnne. of Fillmore.. ":ay, Hamilton.
Sea d. Poik. Butier aod ,a 'nw
v" growing popuiajriv of league base
bail at Tork ta such that next yar York
, my ae an aapiraut fir membersnip m
ma stai. leag-.a.
ta Ban Bewa Badly
H"r by TlaWer aaal Hafaaaaw
CCtniBri. C. AprU 11. C nice a
movement (tarted by friends of Umpire
atA.ina. w no was handled roughly to
'.ouai- a earn between th. Chicago Xj
Uoi1 atid Coiumbu America ociation
-.earns, is headed af Shortsup Tinker and ;
oie ai I .aagu. aeaaon at Cincinoati
Thursday. j
During a dispute over a daemon Ciai
av Coiumbu. a ma in t.i. aixta inning, i
Tinker tratnp.ed til. umpire s feet a 11.1 ,
hia acik.a la the seventh Hofman rusned ;
at Wai:i from nehtnd aad struck him. j
but waa resira.ned bv Manager Chanc !
from fjiiowuig up the atiacx.
tot x
Wla at
k tU aad
SIiI."a ."ITT
eg.-am Sl.iux
I-. April il. rpecju Te,e
l .IV defeated M rneaiw,...
, .u a acrapiii
-oiayed ean.dt.un game bea
, tiii a."t-raai. waa linn
i mug. be was
a. Freeman an...
ie aur-ng xr- four in.
the fcux. The laraAS
; awn r.-n nil oil Jocn
i son in the fiftn and aixt.n. i.iy!er p.aved
; at a Hurt, lie-ora by mniRga '
Sii-UX Ot JIg -
i M isneapuiis 2 I j , t
Hwtrfiei- Sioux City. Freeman. Bur
net la aod Miller: Minneapu.ia. Sort! Joaio
aun. : and L. sen.
ra Wla.
Pr-ATTSMi-CTH. Neb.. April 1 .
! cial. The ba-l giro,, ef tn.
.n was pu.- arf m tuia c:tv .iunU).
. afteraoM. beta, rha Aanud ai-aj
taam and ta Ptttamowm scnuui
; buoa-n. tn. kra.a admin. staring a defeat
! to tne vertoiB. licore: r anamouth a
' Aaciacd. 12.
ruu Meat a laaaa.
uke crrr. ia.. aut-i h ... a,,
V.w 3n, l.twa it gn eVinawt a
. - uu.a i neat ai r maa. an
ia i a ami tm
r cs r ur ro i wiicn a
aa !
rain r a-i e'ra. a b
ur.4 JUea U.. BveU da t . Xai ia x:
wJll he efr-ei- erare and
ee-a rr e-- " ' ' i
Ts-o ciir" wci be a : le a
c-.e. to e rv1 to th rrm.i
them :n-ee 'n tn on.
r-ni 1. K rirei hu a r--tv a
lei laice The Lake "-rv V- h
r i n'1 MinT1v send a oren-arai.on
if t.reae meets
a np'r
cn ft
'i em-a
j Eaaklen Drtni Farre-rtaw
Te a-rh a1'ed a-Tofer rim ?
imr.i lt rir " 'i Tm'
-am in an mirt t eten-innn-r rame 1 't ne-nr- . ihtuil 1 'e caat
at F r tnaoa .''i-.dav a.e loon ov Hen ourr:.. w-rmajn . ...
rnre if I ti 1 Tike a on (.- mi far i r rajjcea R-r.a;
ie Raib.r aid 1.d tre Fr-i.i .(l-tmn di:miu ...
i h e wit. wi le R'utl of t-e Fai ie wul L'un.ap
, :..t Ka-d oo h:t meant rur.a. TU f-iPmcey Bolfmaa. r'eeaa woman... ...
!tiri of tae a.ime vera the f:ed'.r.a and! ..-hsaaai Tupper
) lirt n "f l RJtnt'im and the hitt-n
I if Tutl and Routt. Ntt "unday ma
i Rambler and tie Hinemni Piraa w:li
c:a?n an t." ami ijrounaa. A-ore.
' I 1 I
, r &. i w e i i
B:te-e- Ratio -ra. D'ke an1 Uanaa. '
Firr-i.e. Routt, fnhit and KunelT. Htr: i
r. a.T. me. : Farre a. 7. fi "tif mn. Rourt. i
Tlr-ov- mt. Tn:ler T.. h,r
T ir.c nnif. BVundardt- U- i
pr. Croea. j
-. .ew.e. h.Ut
T. H.MJ-. d-fe.ted -be All -, r
ror- of a to 1 -n a pract.ra rame Sunday '
al "Piirt fl and -oJiii:n
et,. Th,
r: - j - nr caw wa
r - jna. .iiia.-n. c. roarv ror tne;
e n.t. Bmncia,
twr-ba S.t.
Drake Stweleace Raia4ae; aada.
-Cenced i.r're :C- bv mimtaent lo-a
e"tne rf me b-at a:h-e-a in the ecnooi. I
widents at t'rake univa'a-rv are bnpe )
raislr., trone- to aeep
'he uni-eraiiv :
be delnr T rum ,n.
been ttmta
aeep the medicai coilea-e !
ared bv 'acu.t-r
A"d- r"l. has
uhairT-pt'ior.a from
attidrnia ard hirinisa men in order to p'it
ihe inatiiufon on a eteadT basia Tie (
..oerai-ona of the arnofii was to ha h-en i
abandoned berauae ot lack of find o
P J"
Amerro i
neaa aeetlnn of tne ctv have been :
rid B tne et-joeut in order to onnar the j
matter atroray beljre the taarspefpic
wiek.ff Hu Deedwem t. Brtart ta tke
th Baaalne fear Werk
Tata Week.
Oval, fhe pitcher, arrived !n E-es M.nae.
Sarurday. P-etudent H ryna la now loekinr
for Pitcher Lanre, but that earn. Lanr
ar he dees not want to play at C'e
Morae aad aril not if ba oan avoid it.
Uatll "B!!:" Pwyer T-ilf recover from
hia operation aad is ready to yet Into the
rame. Manager George Daa. or the Booet-
i ers will hold down Erst sack.
j With Keeiev. gaodera. Ftirclmer. HoUen-
beck. Syler aad Patton of th. oid anard.
aad Slndeiar and Hanson ta choose from
a recruits Pa P-iurk.'s pitchers Una up
about aa stronaT as any bunch in tse laacue.
&aorten and Comdon. who are expected
to amva in the cry Monday, will not re
port to Pa Rourxa until Tuesday. Shottea
wasted to aa.t until be could meet hi. ar.f.
at St. Louis before reporticr aad Comdon
went to K.eokuai for a day. They will be
her. Tuesday in time to ret ia the rame
with the Fart Crook soidiera.
Pa Rourk. w-.U bena weedlna; out Ins
squad this . Just what disposal ha will
make of those ptayera ha cannot use ha
not been, decided upon by the Omaha mar
nate. It ia hardly probabie that ha will let
Am-w or Hanson go. The others probably
wrtll ro to asm. of th. nat ieof-ae teams
for a season', wars.
It look, a great deal like that Shorten
boy. who la going To daw an Omaoa uni
form Una aeaaou. is acme hitter. Ia the
gam. with the t- Louis Brown, against
Keokuk, last Saturday, ha led off and got
three hit. and two runa. H. also got three
put-outs aad dJdn t make a boot. Corridon.
who ale. played la the game, got two runa.
l" OTM -rv.a-
I There has been a lot at neyspaser talk
around the circuit concerning th. nam of
"hig-heavd" Coi. is allegd to have con
tracted sines ha has been win th. vox.
Omaha fan. have not had muck of an op-
porriinlty to observe, only seasng him in
two gamea. but it looked to them watching
j him here in the two gamea the Sox pi ay ad
' l. T ,. . . u e.m t. . .. mA-a 13,
' . ' .
P'"d a mighty swJt game aad the fact
1 didn t aeem to bother his aky-pjeoa much.
! F.,hn ... .th-e t-l w.
' ,
j rrn '.agn. two years ago, reported to Pa
i Rourke Sunday. He savs he feeis fin. and
parieceed t year. He kmka good and after
a little work-out should be able to re
sume th form which put him in the ranks
of the top-notcher. and caused Cincinnati
i to draft him from Sioux City. Ia hia abort
I try-out Sunday against tha White Sox. he
j ahowed that with a Utile mora work ha can
. . .
i nu a atin pace. Omaha fan. are
a.1 ptiillng for him aod eongratut. Pa on
I .
1 T "Ca .
I Sport writer of Lincoln. Dearar and
Wichiia hava it all dnoad auc tha iw i.
, ,
aan tlv " "MUT exhibition
rame. have different idea, of ih. manner
of pro per 7 puELng a team ia snap, far a
winning aeaaon. Lincoln has been playing
it bead off to ara th. exhibition raini
Eenver ha. followed it. example to a great
extern, a has Wichita. Manager Fox baa
pursued aa entirely different, course. He
has worked his youngsters as much aa
pussibi and consequently aa. had aa on- .
j ponunity t, mxe them up. Ho has not
t ,-a.led upon the oid bead, to do anything
, more than try theniselve out ooeasionay.
, .
Convict's Dream
.S(lir? Pimf
UV,l,U1" 411 U1C
Prisoner Scti Searimnt ta Yae and
Wll HXTsmTianafihw for E J
Freedom. .
: tei;be.viluc. c.
I met . Eta am of Home.
April XL "A Con
done in seventeen
i versa, by Harry
a'ee .if .,- or r-ittaburg wai.a
t tn. Mark county woia mum her.
won far aim tha reeummenttaAson ar ih.
; prison maaagwmant Laat be b. iLaro.ed.
. . .
- e
ill, month swtenc for th, raoawry of a
P-tiSDutg woman. Ha waa oonvurtad of
pairing drugs in bar glaa. wiuia dr-nlcng
with her arl jcat. t .
a.o.a a inU.-T.Au n aas employed
, nis eveniia in une oampuattnn of the seven-
j u--aers. epic of hia Ufa. twvi.wing ai,
icnildboad la ao .wntimental a ra.n that
, it ba. moved th. pnaoa mAgement to
I ask for his paro.a
w Owa
NEW TORX. Aftrl Ti. Amtutluu. to gain
!aih aa a srulptur, Makut Thaw
wUl kail for Pan. on Thursday next to
otmUBu. bar art work abroad. Sb. anil
rent a .lurtaat par-meat m Pan. aad do
bar own ah. Mill
j montbiy a.fawaic fraaa taa Thaw favmjy
But ker frteada aay she la
; I aatj-ngad Irani Harry k Thaw, her k-
At the Theaters
SIM PwTwt" mt taw Braaaer
e-r-'im ai and ctupmj tn
f-a.e . ' a cntnedT in tnrae a :a. by
. . .
MI b nn,r Vanim under eurecuoa :
, M-a. Ui"ni a. aardmoe tgmu
Jen;i:e L M -rt ;
i Ada. an add.t on a. w'.ma.n Mtoat h-mc 9 1
i l.ia Mnn.MMOtjirr a'tmao. Hei ti na-iTiMM '
Ja.a.e iannii woir.aa ij.adv Turner I
I ajeardra. aaan laay Aama
1 be xman. :naiepen-ao.e m-a -aa .Ma"n ,
PMH miiiwienaaDii man an M
rfarpoy pnopnT mu.... rrt: a.". i.wa ,
.-,0, gnnr mu Fn.' V. L-n
Aiaim tlrov. awful urmui
Haraee n.:rk and '
n ii.'nVr iw-e, nVe.w.fT Heln i-u. trail j
faaJ Crawianl. enierpr-.eui Jewr.iwi.. ;
. ia .ranre Wbeat
ET 'l9 r P'. i
Gaora Uranai nctii, .r-.t j
-Thornae Me-ftaa i
M.a Pat.y a cia. .
jrt. we tumaa ,
j-.n about uie cievereet iiii;e romriy 1
.feeed o' r-re-t rear-
. !T.Ve - I, a. JIoT .n.rZ-,
' r.y. it wan r nor
dam - JT fc"K f
exraiienre, and "lan reaaonaOietieaa. ad
.j,. -aWvra ear t ita way ao
' ,-a '' IO ,r, a i
- - ,
a n Qnlaa waa lir.ed out of miietca;
ramedy to pay a iedin rale "ti comedy!
31"c- 5 do,n !t '
that U la net at a!!y r.e wul ever
araia bait to dtvtde time with the
. . .
' --- .
tar. ?h. ui a cotredJenna. and deaerve
the d' Bad her by uie Oiay bill.
wVtlf.H n. t . h , . r
la ht p ay ha is the loyal, biunderrnr
serrant and companion of a popular actreaa.
P"'T lhinS bd:y miX- bUt rna:,y !
mu im ij:3ie3fl oui. iua iun tve 'ni
for hei m 't a buaoand who take her away ;
. the farm. It 1 not a wonderful part In i
Ma Qtuniaa art aa a ran-iaer. and ne ;
doean't let a rood chance ro by. Ta define ,
1 her charm by th. cammocplacea of an !
I ordinary review ia imcosaibi. She tempt
' one to th. extravawanc of supenat.vea.
Go and ae. for yourseJf.
Lawrence Wheat, whose last wcrk was
... . , . i
man of the comedy, a aava! ofTlcer. a-nd !
. ., ... ,
uw aumy a.di a .1 ma ciei-exiaeaa) aw ,
ha. shown In other work ia renewed la ,
.t . , . , .
tnia. ana w a way urn mows aim 10 oe
. .
",,,"i":lu " ' "
wwil a. la method, France. Bin, pi.v,
tn. .nr womaa a c,
company moat oa-e.iy mv ja. uunup ;
1 ltaa wm .a,aaa.,. .a a k.
-"awr " ,
-carry- member of the organisation. Helen
LaiCt1 1. a rweet bit of an ingenue with
a rid part w!uch la well done. Eaa Mason 1
.. ..elnt In hia roie of Tha
exceilent la ni roie or tne manager-
asslatatit: eacn 01 tne airier members or ;
the company na a gist .art o;t or work of incepenaencs. were me apeaaem.
to do aad all ia done most effect. ve!y. The "Saiais" aeem to be enjoying them
Th. comedy has a story of sufficient j seives. The meeting will likely continue
-bar to carry a namwr at very amusing
Ktuattona. Two scene are laid in the llw-
ing room at Helen Bureile home, aad
th. last in the property room at th. thea-,
ter. In this Th. audlenc. gets aa oppor-1
. . .r-H iMm memneea nf . tvu-l
- -
i.i.ia riT aw m Sk TIT. Bin ti ilattfl tf T M SB aawwn'a
talk behind th rt?nm. & vU aa to
, ' .
organiaatlon get alonj togetiier. Ia tail
Ma T-irner contribute, a dance that got.
an an core, ana Jm .ea lanioni cantnoutes
a Dlt OX aa ii -mtt wn, ami iAaAU.iv uui Aa
simply a acream.
.As George Marion staged the play for
Henry w. savage, nothing mora need be
said on this poiiit. If you ir looking for
a cemedy that will kaIu you laugh, that
hasn't a lAggeatlve Hne or 1rtiaMon in It.
and that deaerve. the at ten ton of aiL go
to see "Mis. Paary."
"Mr. TeasBiw. Teteatrmaa- at tke
Be yd.
Th. Woodward players are singing their
waa sons th s we k. but it is no lugubrious
ballad: rather a merry ditty. The last
impression made by this engagement at
the Boyd will be a pleasant one of much
j laughter-. P.'wr.y nearly everyone knows
I . iv nf ti . rwnBllrarnT. in . '.
ate household foiloartng a lltrie fib told
to satisfy a jealous w i fa. Preposterous aa
of the attuatkm. they are ab-
surdly f-anny and quit, allowable in tha.t
which was designed to be nothing axuept
a roaring farce.
Bewaje bemg the final play of the en-
gagernetrt. tht. week is notable aa snuwinr
ch, abilltte. of th. whole cnmrianv nr
lea at ail in th. cast in comedy parts. Mr
Morrison Is playing th. Frank Fuller of
i L , ,... ., ...
m. piece, mat eaurau nar wao lie so
cleverly to his friend's wife. Miss Gales
1. . .. , . .
" Z 7 I?UdJ'y
Tempi, and M aa Hudson as Mrs. Fuller,
! Tha principal boaors fall to the, four, but
ther. Is ccnaaderabl. additional amusement
mmm i""
leuea-uio ui.n ij-jjencer in ta.
r ., real M-a Renwn t.
I P-"1 or ta aroarn. Mia. Va-en-
. .
Cn. is p-aying iJorothy. Mrs. Temple' i
aster-. Mr. Anderaon 1, John Brown and
Mr. Brigs ia the Captain Sharpe.
While Mr. Morrison Is vindicating f-uly
th. a -section of his friends ttat be is a
good in a enmedy roi. as in a romantic
mbaratt ar. ba ia harms masculine laure's
this VMS with If Tlfllfl.V wm 4.
xreil4-t dvastme. M m Hudson i
c,ir'- to- WJI Paix. regret at her
departure wtta th. other.
. Taaaas-Ula a tke Orakeaa.
I "Sparer! ba ia getting almuat too pi imn
Far him, like others on and off th stac-
prosperity la dangeroua. "Sparerib- a
t ,B PJ5"t- Fagms U,
I whh lit Fannie Csher and Claud
Claud. Uaher
hav. g-ven
to. country,
year, but it
The aketch wa her. last
an. of th. few which will
, bear repetition. It ahouid be added
i ; - bener
a a.m. a rnra. i. aner arit him n th.
j Chicago pound, aad hia lean a.doa have
become ruler, hj paihetic expremuin uf
: real value in tha cainedi baa not hn
, . 0 , .. ,
kt. Sparnb" 1 to. muck af monrrvi
- ever to look like anvthica- nnm . .-
' i ..
1 ree a,-,,ort.,. ,.
"a mil are
una aai oa-iat ma iiy Lena, who tu i
returning here with aew aong. Lena 1
1 i, mother of tha London a,
I c
w Soae aua.r.g of verse, mora or lea.
tnBAcal in aarur ea. ...r . .
vlH. patrons on both a. ire of
I .,ia.
i --e - eAina yeateroayf
bsr .amy Butler, a nger aupportad br a t
j mai. guarta. and by Frank Wh t. and
1 Lew Simmon, la a mia.trej turn. Other i
i.. of th- sri r .
- - nog an.
monkey eSrcu. and th. lCronaaAana broth- i
era. comedy ai rooata.
rwtaw xftaoaswi. at tka kra. (
Perennial aad Al Fida. j
with ha gang of light and da, k CDiaau.a-1 '
aad aongstera a.tghxed in Omana last night '
to saaa. gay at tha Xrug. The Fields' !
minacrau. bav. been oa the road a long
time: public approval say they can kep
going. M nstrany kaa gone tnrouga many
stagta of aa evolutionary prooras etnee !
taia argamz:on flrwt an bafur tha pea-
pa. ar.d Pinids has held h.s swo.
They came wiia a ajun-bar.g air uf mar-i- .
stent aad aniha aem irf the auuJ u-t gata ''
Te eidrei tcnk a rir.
ifer tie- nil eirf
ie -ke Stt or -mt. Te-
e j a '!f,.a of ;t e arjr n iiufiior-
'i paaeaa. ai,rn aren "a.:y rup.. ifi
r-ve a.l adi'ed -n-e'--"t.
P'-rif t.i iri-a ot
--t a :
t.he F'e.dn ka-e-d iiw-in.c ei-.e-nurt
. - a inanra: ot tie ia. s-o e-n. i
einrtrir of tua oid. o d ari. " :rr
Tireda Jk-nona; o.d.'' fc-r "re Mar-
l:n Mr. Ml :. a .e inum-.T n
ad!tid tn tna renderr. if t.i aorc
The prriJ;i'.on Jfena a
aert.ra; rajreinir.rj Lad before tna court
of K..nJ Sa;iL F im Wat pectacj ar ba--ttniri
;t mwH w.'.S mcreaatnar reiortty
tirwirl a f. a.nd f.r-".; a r.d.ip. A.
Flenia. Ioc Q'l t'r and Jorn Hi'r ar
:n cn the pr.-d'Ktt.on of mot of una j
jre put over a bunca of wni-rm.ral wtv I
:ar-.r on tie "1 Nye rrpa of
T ... I
hutJiomie etriirer"!'in- aioas
ark wi ""wie uuiarev '
'1. K'C W"'T, t - nr
cf -l wja'd 1 r-'- or
jp to (lata if the tnlmnrr! man fanad to
ta d-narttr-i poke at Hon. Bw.n. .
Tutrno. Cwn.nder P-anr and Dr- dd.e .
Cook, Carfii count how ao bet orar- !
. ... . c
rW ' " rhm C"T"T- '
d'f-e-nt i Bob Tan Oaten!
near'y a.i tie men wao hav-a pre-!
red-4 h: - -rwtedW of th. " i
... i
traraiputtM p.y-n at UH.t.W-r. W ,
Caten t. able to make h audience Ua!l
heanJy BT rrt or rearara and Intonation
or by chanre of factai expreaaioa and he
due not deem it neceaaary to become a
nul- ' - j
"- " '" - w
at a aimciion tnia wee. i ae current ;
arrrartlon mora mer-f?noua laaa many j
of the part In other reaped, aiao. Be-
side, a f mtty flrat part there a rood and the aacond part baa eoma mertt
OA II l n . i. .m m uu. ' -M fT. i
court scene. "J an ueten a the may
; trare. Th comravay iarhidee eeeraj other
' perpie of aaillfr. imor.f thea beinc
pefpia oi - l: ai
m'drrt a'D' 2lr'W!na !
i a
"P"nceaa TercerSa.
, ;
at it b. of
I tairraawa n w-mr r
at mt Lam Xetla.
rr itrtnrx:T-iirciW Anrl 1
cal Teiewram. i A t the conference of the
r rori.v th. auditorium of
. - . . . j
their arx. no" church was riled to over- ;
e. i w,e. th.t an oversow meet-
- -1 " " ' '
1,. , .,. so,,,, cide church. 1
' ' '
Member, of the -uoru- of did the
: " , " " "
iaa - " " ; '
anaslraa n ak 1 akaa. rrTT fkT 1 i HI TCnfT
------' " . !
the mnging is a feature f art "-re- j
A: the meeting today Gomer T
of Ohio. J. W. Wright. Lamonl. Ia.; C. W. j
lire en. of Jvirtland. O.. R. P. Ruswe'.l. Call- I
irene or ajn-anu. -.. n- r. iu:i. v-;
a it a . r ja. hitoj', r v.- w- .
through aa nexi wees.
j Batat ktorney la a landlord", pror.f. Put
into a home it make, for family happl-
as aad independence. Se. Xebraaka Sav-
I . .1 T.n A mm n 1 COS Vai-nam. Omaha.
. t- aa-arw
1 laws Twa laaw Csaiaiirtea ta rk
j T.ri tvat Baaa. frwa. Hia-
1 ,w
EEXI50S. Ia.. A pel IL Special. v-The
i Commercial dub of Denison ha. led off.
I in a "nvcr-to-nver gooo-roaaa moenmi.
i At a meeting held .aarurday. tho following
e-.uien were appointed a committee to
J communicate w-th other cttuntie. along the
; Northwestern line looking towat-l having a
j costinxKiu. rood road acroas th. state from
j C.mton to Couna! ElufSs; Ex-Mayor
Eallma. It. Philbrook aad Postmaster P.
j -sr. Mvers.
' If sufficient interest is snown in th.
other counties a convention to pian for tha
; work will be cabled at Marshailtown, .
good auto road advertise, the citie along
me line, brings trade and aroused interest in
travel by this method. A ter of counties
I -n . . T i nart of tha State is imnIl
i for a goad road from river to rri-er. aad
the counces through the center may try
' aoi to be outdone.
Eniaon in common Wth tha live eitjea
' of Ihe country is to see that its census is
j taken in a way to insure a correct count.
' The Commercial ciub has arranged to have
a citixen to lotik after each biock and see
: that all retidenta are accounted far.
lawa Sear. 'Xmtrm.
1 . . .
' 1j A -l I t-irawm v.oigrove or tr
i P-iB- post-graduate student at the Um-
I VeTSItV Of IoW OJMI been awarded
Knumim :no)r.ip at Hazard ;
university He will entrr ta. eastern insti-
titian aaxt fa.l.
Benaun a w ell
known professional baee
bail piayer. wbo
i funiifrty played in the Iowa ana .Vorthem
league ana wno IB w-i;i tn. lmuhhui ciuo
I t
. u.Kl U ..e.,1 V.n.f Ta mt i-nlumn,..
1 ".ulrday "
i " v-V ADA-Two men were Injured, one
1 cf tnem probable fasa-iy, whan the touring
' "- wmch uiey were driving a.ocg a
enunu' r"v1 " 0t t--iT--five
, miies an hour skidded, raa into the Alien
' and turned turtle. Th. n.ured are Lt.
1 P G. Smith and John Bemicker. lt
. Kmitti fa mife-rrt frnrn r-r ntir.rm -Lnrl
( vHiniMiuin via K-r-a -f Car) ttt L - w -
, . pntir hurt
j T"NI'jN O. B. Chapin. aa o.d asd wea-thy i
' reeuient of T'nion, last night annnurued ;
1 ttirmifn Dr. E. C. KauTfmaa. president of
j arnool board mat he wou.d donate j
A ma rut a oew nign wcnuai Duuaing tor tn.
1 town, and H iW ror tne acnove librsry.
I Thim "'""aroaity w-11 enable t-e town to
HailtH Ha VHiMltTia TW I '. Til - Tr Ilka fi
n.e. r,t i h,- e-e.
Feoria.T 16.
. GENEVA At a meeting ef farmers held
here sairurlay nighl tna ceneva rarmera-
co-operative ar lety wa urgauised and
contract was dosed for tne purcnaaa of ne
Warnn Bi-ja ee-auir for H..'. The
' "wnera emd for C. lea. than they paul
ar,7 c''Z' uia
. . -ri . nw,nmtvA ieiv
j IDA GROVE Mora tnan ten cases of
', t-chimsis nave deveiooed in ta. family of
Sir and Mr. Feid. the famiiy of
AJieur Mimnutr. aira. jnnn A-iniouiat and i
I t.-ie family uf their son. Henrr Fv.d nai i
By l rn purs aausase mfeetaO aim I
! t rtima. Several of tna mntera e
r''"1iy "'"r hut "f tnem ara in aa
, unnniui cimamw.
;r,t th aid
ning 1 1art. a.n-1
augid. whether
ri!r Arnrrr. 3 if ai JJtb &tzrtx t.
Council Bluffs
JfcaJOT Lrhjllni, CHief of FaliE,
Hea4 af Deaailanat ti
Half Hae rra
ta allaw Pattvait tm ataear
at Heartaa.
,T t. . -
M-jr ,r, Rciimrmd. eh.ef f
:;(. suffered a eevere attack of heart faJ-
ur mM tveninc and 3Ja condition fir a
u:n, w e,e)T Dr. D..n-.d
j,,,. B prxr anoiad aat
un,jer no mmnce would he enn-
sent to .;or ItrhaMmd rC tft. wit-
-The examinauoo af M.or Rhmond In
removal p-ocrd.rr -In tbe d.r-rT
- noatnonew for a daf a.nd
b Crar dl ar-1 Vr Macra t
poea biy lonrar. aeciar-a l t. aiai.a
3;r... -Major Rtcamtmd raff-r-4 .wrer.
mttuc of heart failure a-nd it would be .
traroely .lanaarou for him to attempt tj
resuas h!a exantlnaUon on The stand If m-
ar. Tne aer-rnua atra-a ander waica ne
ha. been for aom. a ma unoauotaaiy re-
5onDi xo a rraat extent fur the aeixure.
,m aot f rst Maor Hlchmond i
. e--,. attack of th aiad. and I i
bad a are tear at the outset of th. raae
that th. axnirment and--eervTua atra-.n ta !
he would be a-ubeciei wwnid br.n 1
an asatber atiack.
I aeaaaetaaa Offiew.
yj,M.r Prhmond eras ae-aed while in ha
off!ce at poUr, headquartera. He had pettt i
j tne day qu.mly at home reatina; aTter the :
etrajn of aa entire wek attendance ;n j
. e-urt and the orseai of beinr en the w:t- j
l aeaa stand for aereral hour ?rurda".
.'c; n n-. hom oB
Tjiarifin Ter-ace and walked to police head- j
Quarters. Ha had barmy aeatea nimaeir m
hia nr.vaue office when atnackeo, I ne se-.x-
ure ratne Juat as .e-Tant O e:l entered
1 the chief off ca Maior Richmond etarted
.cn;to te:l Berreant O Ne.l that h. was not
f-aiin we.l when he
hand over hi heart and w.ta the exuiama-
... . .
My God"
lapsed into uncon-
E-r. M
who was immedl-
, . i,.naMl r-
summcr.ed. forrjnaxely happened to
be at horn, aad lort no t-me in hartenmr 1
offw. u w;
nea-y ha.f an hour, however, before the
chl(.f eecov-red oooacouanea. and was able
to h reoHived to hvs home in a carriare.
t Mijo, Hlchmond was rest- j
,T .xoeedingly weaa
J He exprenaed confidence
. . . 1- .nii-t Tim,j.t
arroraeya. when informed of Major
Richmond- attack, staled last night that
they did not aat;clpat. any objection on
the part of th. male under the ctrcum-
to bavins- the hearing continued
awr Matiday. or even long-r. if Major
, Romano;, condition demanded it.
rtow,n of ar.d Ox-
im. 1. enmnUta A I Mtiiem. anil a I
great variety of style Prlcea, C to
C.SI. We can save you money on your
a ho bfTL Come In and let ua show you.
EWDcaa Sho. Co.. South Mata at.
. oraaarlral Caaaat.
-ei, . .ieii annual oratorical and dec ma.
contest mong tho arudenls of the
I cl.(ol -jj Dn hed Friday eveautg.
i April 2S. The prelimlnarie. will be pulled i
! of. T)t the oratorical today and ihe i
,-ianaiorr on Wednewday.
) pre.tmlr.anes will dee'd- who shall I
initr th contest on April 2S. Four will
1 be selected fur the oratorical contest and
. a like number for the declamatory. Two
young men and two young women will be
chosen for each dlviston.
Those entering the oraior-cal contest are
reouired to w-ite their own orations and
' w ill be Judged on both composition and
delivery Those entered In th. declamatory
i contest will be marked on delivery only
The following smdettt. are ente-ed for
the prellminarle: Oratorical Robert Dam- j
els. Kenneth ."nyder. Wallace. Wheeler, i
j Jennie Cook. Merle Blackburn. Oenevier
, Low err. Eeclamaiory Manaa Jarvla. Lo-
j retia White. Pearl Plersai. Helen Thotnn-
son. Beari-ice Tlnley. George Spooner. Hjy ,
1 Mauer. Theron Gretaer. Frank Whtta.
j The students have been preparing under
; the direction of Prof. W. A, Bnndley. in
i structor hi debating and English at the I
high school, i-arents ana meioi ot the
students are mrlted to art end the prellml-
C.ateaa aa
William B- Fisher, democratic candidate
i tor munainiaii in ui imm im, a no on .
t-n" Jce returns was elected by a !
single vote over w uiiam a. Rigaun, ronner
j republican member
of the council frum ,
be permitted To take j
. k. -i rek w-Il
I hiS Beat Wtt.lOUI
conteat. Mr. Rigdon.
who left yererday far a wasters busmes.
' tr-p of wveral weeks, eaxl before bis de
: nari'ire that the yrnvaae eonteat of the
i election of Mr. P'sher had been abandoned, j
Although only defeated by one vote. Mr j
j Rig (ton wa. at no time enthusiastic aoont j
contesting hia opponent" election and only I
j consented to do so when tirged b-e Cha r- j
I man Hannan and other member of the j
I republican city central committee. Mr j
R.gdoa was not particula-v anxioua tu i
serve another term m th city council, as i
he felt that h. eauid oat r-ght filly pr
the time from hia busines. to jiropery
attend to the duties of councilman. Aa
he was obliged to leave the aiy for several
ka on business connected with the
Clark latpiemcni company, of which he is
presideat and trewurer. b decided lo
; , ... . I
: abandon aay idea cf contesting Sir
; seat, and so notified Chairman
F.aher a
and th. other members of the republican
LiQct 'P. co.. si s. ma:?c. 'puo.E3 aa
Chi-Xamel. th sew floor finish, will wot
scratch aod lint aa'.er will not destroy 'he
p L- '-' Hardwar Co.. agenra.
j Broadway.
T Suction Cleaners
e .
0- VA v-;
Dust Carries Consuinpticn
T tu rf.7ir lb at of ctmre.
PiySiCiac 'too ' !o u..;.in,i
are rremi h.n aermima w:a "3rwar.
of riiit" as licr iexi.
' Eeeyr ami hraorn ami iw-eu,
aoa on.a rv (Jx duf tiU ikt
CUEAS EUS never ; a pan.cie of
oust escare. I: jfnr where, broom
cannot reach and duet, jmt. mrrir
and Tcraiia cinnat eacare becare t
cleans deep, meiaodicaUy and ZUST-
.r.'irr rf W ft i in a eaif ajiii ia r
fE.Jil.SS u nNa .a ael ia
Maimf acini ea Ctttiec Caanxwsrf, MFgm,
fl at im Strea. "Jaw Tark
Ta. Baaaert Cmoaay.
Orostard al Who.lta Carpet Co.
Otaaba. Ita
WOMAN owes it to her
self, her fan'.y and pos
terity to be beautiful well
k-pt teeth lend aa added
chann cf beautv to the face
Tooth Povdsr
cleanses, preserves and beauti
fies the teeth, prevents tooth
decay and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
.V. irlna PamA- .Vej
C.12,000,000 acres of
araLIe land la Montana
and only 200,000 people.
CFlesiy of room for more!
Tksra is ai...y in irrigalaa
iaraiau "ua U ytai saiat. ta brail
rwarint ia castlaM-wiaiBt. Taara
ara .ua.i l iiiiliii' ta Ika saaaw
tkrivABt citia aaaf twangs tar Ilia
anvarjelie saaa.
f iafanaatiaa abaat Via
a. n. e.wrei! owa.
SZ Ciamirv blag., oaa aaio
t. r a., m. w
rSataMi-MBl KT
Wriooping-Cough, Croup,
Dronchitts, cougns,
Diphtheria. Catarrh.
lo art
UTa to kemiiAt ba la faad
awilnrn oaa txi. a, of
aa a a
A 'anderful i
RTM.oy lor ail
Disease caused
trie arhtae svwiaai and
ocnj aiawg a a
lb aad a raa at h.
OAWjAiactucera. Beil
k Capp Ca.. M.nsnuna,
will aAd aau a ssaapie ao
a' Jlarr iraa. Tna rrgula
pr&o is 1 1 n aaa. Fur aaia by
3d vera-L iltia Irug; Co.
rural w'thaut
An Biatrial
aoi cai uiaraiion . ..1 Br araaTaait 10 ,a,t
. alatiaab No r-iioru-'uru. i - er ur of .ee
AnwrWA Aflteii iri !r ai. a......vl.
Wxitw Tor na ar-a.
OFi Lvcn s
By tke Itertwara racabc-aan
batiia llelda aad arcsarda.
Tim (jef rirl Tarcaaa
neaar 11 11 la Lami
igaauay , ? I In jronmmm
CrasaBM la a a Aaehinaina.
Una it aca aia auira oaarure la areata ia a
m.iin i tar i al lee araxJUTi. a
ia laAia a aaair saw ia ian i
Crwaaleaa earea air. Iiaija
lH f iiiiiiiiiii ia a-Ta aear na aiaaaa
anas ail. aaary ' -' praalt" aaa
niwirwaaa. U. 1 iiauaaa a awlia
aa aal can ran 'laaaja
n. a Cmrn- I a J
WBne earaax-r &-mftZ-tn '
e a tna inaMJM t.c B "a.
fYs Cai r wflaaad a yr f , jf ?
'will nun na tl nafc Jt eeVS.
mi OBtMuusra. W M j's
Bead iaal ACT oa l, s&-M
aarpuaa H.i.t irt. I 4i - 3
Taps Creaaleaa Caw 1 11 r-j
, F'4J1A seta L--'Vi
Yiea. frl ''llT" iaa
f" '"rP.?- ;"'' " II -una.
-, 1 1 1 f f -sT
f! . y A ycouerftil
ir"i l ' U. RTM.oy or ail
J 1 J.l
DR. E.
t i