Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Our Letter liox
Oomtrtbatleas ea Timely Bn.eia,
Sot Bxoeedlag Two Baadred Words.
Axe laTlted Cress Our aaeera
. I 1 1 .1 TA , .
Aafust fhipporeit Endi Life in Laurel
Hill Cemetery.
Omaha Tailor fire. Tin Mallets la
Heart Oae In Death
Kiiim at One Wife
Died In 10O0.
Standing beside hiii wife grave In Laurel
HUI cemetery August Phipporett, n Omaha
tailor, shot and Irstantly killed himself.
Two bullets he fired through the heart
and another through the mouth. That he
could have fired all three ahota la re
nmrkible considering their location.
Shlpporelt erased wllh grief over
the loss of hie wife, who was burled In
Lourel Hill June U. l'.". The suicide left
In the Inalde pocket of hi coat a note
which read:
"I worry myself to death, and my mind
la giving away. I think It beat to end It
all ar.d Join my dear wife. Oood-bye.
A poatcrlpt add: 'Tlease let Mr. Pan
Juckniess help Ida, my daughter, to man
age the affair. Goodbye."
Leavea laiiraate Order.
On the reverse elde of the sheet was
found the following: "Please notify Mr.
Charlea Unit, triers, of the Woodman of
the World. Alpha camp No. 1. I hereby
glva my oldest daughter Ida full power of
attorney to slgrt anything In any matter
of the other four children."
The aulclde lived at 3163 South Fifteenth
street, Omaha, and had his place of busi
ness at 117 Bouth Fourteenth street He
U survived by five children.
Ho arrived in South Omaha about 10:3
a. m., and went at once to the cemetery.
He (topped to talk with John Bauter, the
manager of the cemetery, with whom he
was very welt acquainted. He seemed san.
When he atarted through th c netery
he intimated that he had business on the
wes$ aide of the city and his action did not
arouse suspicion on the part of the man
ager. Ha went Into' ,tha cemetery and
ought out the lonely grave of hia wife.
for whom be tiad never ceased to grieve,
and there endured the Infliction of the
three desperate wounds.
Hhlpporett waa neatly dressed in a busi
ness suit. In the bosom of hia ahirt were
found two bullet holes made by a 22-callbre
revolver. -Two round spots of blood showed
that each bullet bad pierced his breast.
Over tha collar the blood from the wound
In hia mouth had flowed.,
Tha body was discovered by tha sexton
of tha cemetery when entering to look after
a funeral to be held Monday afternoon.
Bernard J. Larken, tha coroner's deputy,
was called and took charge. An inquest
will probably be held as tha suicide car
ried Insurance,
A heavy burden Is thrust on tha frail
shoulders of the young daughter, Ida, who
will haa to bear tha responsibility of
four smaller children all alone.
Barllnarton's Northwest I.lne is Wet
la Several Places by San-
day's Bain.
i ' Kefcraska did not get much rain Sunday
In spite of the cloudy weather which pre
vailed throughout the state. Burlington of
ficials report that there was only one town
along the Una that telegraphed to the gen
eral office that real wet rain .drops had
fallen. Ravenna claimed a good rain, but
ether towns could report nothing better
than cloudy weather and threatened storms,
I auoh as was experienced In Omaha.
' Tha railroads say that the need of rain
Is critical, and unless there is some
precipitation before long tha crops will be
seriously Injured. "Whether there Is a
good ftrop, half a "'op or no crop at all of
winter wheat," said one of the Burlington
officials; "depends upon whether or not we
get rain."
Old soro) nmain open and chronic ulcers refuse to heal becanee they art
kept constantly Irritated and Infected by Impurities In the blood. TUs im
purity of the circulation comes from various causes. A lone spell of de
bilitating sickness, which, breeds disease germs In the system, the retention of
refuse matters of the body because of a sluEflsh condition of the ellmlnative
members, a continued malarial state of health. Inherited bad blood, etc, are us
ually responsible. But whatever the cause of tha Infected circulation, the sore
or ulcer CANNOT heal until the blood Is purified. & 8. 8. heals sores and ulcers
In the very simplest way. It Just goes Into the circulation and removes the im
purities sad polluted matter which are the means of keeping the sore open; then
the tore is bound to heal, a 8. & is the finest pf all blood purifiers, and not only
does It cleanse the circulation but it adds the necessary healing qualities to the
Wood, and in this way assists nature to flulckly cure sores and ulcers. Salves,
washes, lotions, etc, can do no permanent good toward healing an old sore because
such treatment does not reach the blood. These external applications may be
soothing and cleansing, but the healing must begin at the bottom, and thla is Just
what 8. 8. 8. doee by. first purifying the blood, and then furnishing neurlatuaeut
Md health te all the flesh tissues. Book on Bores and Ulcers free to all who
write and request it.
I 4 ' f jmS
graceful lines and general
classiness of appearance find
instant favor with the best
dressed men. Both are typical
Bellemont styles, observing
distinction of design without
fanning into the freakish.
' ? r
e4ssergW-' agasW' fawaB' au',
Mcliibbin hats
Put any head
a head ahead.
Lay Delegates to
National Congrcst
All Churches Are Invited to Send
Representatives to the
Convention. 4
Preparations are being made by tha local
leaders In the Laymen's Missionary move
ment to aend delegatea to the national
congress, which will be held from May 3 to
t In Chicago. Special railroad rates of one
fare and a half have been granted from all
parts of the country and the gathering will
be one of the largest of its kind ever held
in the United State.
All churchea of the city have not (elected
their representative as yet, but W. C.
Sunderland will go for the Baptists, while
Dean Beecher, Rev. T. J. Mackay and
Clement Chase will represent the Episcopal
church. Fifteen delegatea from tha Synod
of Nebraska will be invited to act as repre
sentatives of the Presbyterian church.
General Secretary J. Campbell Whlta of
tha movement haa aent out a communica
tion from Chicago in which ha refers to
the congress as the "moat Important thing
In American history thla year."
' I
McCord High Man
, on Assessor's Slip
Puts, Personal Property In at Twenty
Four Thousand Dollars and
Sates Autos High.
W. It. McCord bears off honors to date
in the office of the county assessor. Mr.
McCord's return, of 124.000 worth of per
sonal property Is the largest yet received,
and his estimate of $5,609 as the value of
hia two motor cars la believed by 'the
county assessor to be the closest to the
truth of automobile returns handed In.
The assessor desires to call attention to
the fact that the four Interrogatories on
the re verso side, of the schedules must be
filled out before the return is sworn to.
A. W. Ffiner Hetd at CMy Jail
(harge by tba Boadlagr
C.aceraw - .
A.' W. Fenrier, a grocery clerk employed
by Hayden Brothers. Is held at tha city
Jail pending action by the Fidelity and
Casualty company, by which he was
bonded. Formal charge has not been filed
against Mr. Fenner. On the docket at the
police station "hold for bonding company,"
la written after hia name.
At Hayden Brothers it was said that the
clerk is charged with Irregularities, and
waa turned over to the bonding company.
He was arrested at the store. Fenner has
a wife, and family. The amount Involved
has not been ascertained.
ennrr n m rmr
a blUHCJ o. UaUL&lia
i!'-iija-. : . v;
r v til
dealer will show
W r
you these two clever
beavers. Their strong.
Government Orders Suspension of Illu
mination First of May.
Oaaaha Public Spirit Caa Heerae SMa.
!, If Dm I red, Rays Major W.
Haveratlek, laseetr af
The light In the big clock lower of the
postofflce building will go out Hay 1, unless
tha public spirit of Omaha shall contribute
to Its continuance.
Such Is tha Information given out by
Major W. Haverstlck. general Inspector
of supplies of the Treasury department,
who Is here to Inspect the federal building
and Ita needs and possibilities.
"It should be borne la mind," said Mwjor
Haverstlck, "that the Illumination of the
big clock has no connection whatever with
the publio service. It is not a 'national'
Installation, but simply a local convenience.
The government will maintain tha stock and
keep It In operation, but as tt can be seen
at night by but the people of the business
and downtown districts only, the govern
ment cannot see its way to bear the ex
pense of Ita night Illumination."
This rule docs not apply merely to
Omaha, but elsewhere throughout the coun
try where tower clocks are maintained In
government buildings. These clocks have
no connection whatever with the public
service. There Is no disposition on the
part of the government to discontinue the
clock, but as an economic proposition tha
government doee not feel Justified In bear
ing the expense of lu oelng lighted all
The situation thus confronting the muni
cipality of Omaha Is to bear the expense
of the Illumination of the clock at night,
or go without It. Po it Is up to the city
council to light the clock after May t
BTecra Telle Pellce Halr-Ralslner Tale
of Bloody Deeds of Darlas",
bat Sordid Tratb la Oat.
After a mad run through the streets,
clothed only In hia underwear and with
blood spurting frpm a gunshot wound in
the back, Albert Wiggins, a negro, told a
wen-d story of robbery at 90 Monday
morning. Protesting violently against the
summoning of a doctor or the police, upon
reaching his home at 2tU0 North' Eighteenth
street. Wiggins declared ha had been held
up by two white men near the Krug theater
and compelled to remove his clothing. He
explained that after having taken off his
outer clothing and shoes, he snatched up
the apparel and made a Gesperate effort to
escape when he received the bullet In the
Members of the negro's family called in
the police and brought medical attention
to the victim despite his protests. An in
vestigation by the police brought to light
evidence, according to the officers, which
stamped his story as false.
The police found thumb prints In the
blood on the negro's back, and quickly
developed the fact that the latter had been
engaged in a hand-to-hand grapple with
his unidentified assailant. ' It was de
clared Wiggins had been attacked In 'the
homo of another when the latter surprised
him there. - .
Child Singers
Put Off Street
Juveniles Who - Assist Open Air
Evangelists Must Quit, is Or
der from Court
"Young children -cannot 'tell whether
they want to stand on street corners
and sing a os pel hymns "or not." said
Judge Sutton in Juvenile court, "and
the Miration Army , and the VvJunteers
must quit bringing them out at night."
The order bt the eourt hare la In con
formity wlta that of Juvenile courU the
country over which are frowning upon the
practice of bringing children Into efforts
at open-air evangeliaation.
Wards of Vary Rev. George lleecher,
dean of Trinity cathedral, occupied the
attention of the eourt Monday for a time.
The dean reported that Sigel Lovelady is
moving so often and so fast that an eye
cannot be kept upon him and the Love
lady child and his my.her were ordered
brought Into court at the next aesaton.
Bud and Will Smith, small boys also
paroled to Dean Beeoher, have recently
burst into the theatrical world via the
Cameraphono moving picture theater. Their
budding effort has been the dally and
ntchtly reproduction of a prise fight. Judge
Sutton has now sent word to the theater
that the exhibition must stop forthwith.
Butler Talks of
Banquet in Sewer
Assistant Gas Commissioner Asserts
Dahlmanites Hare Tired of
Ordinary Thiftgs, ,
The Dahlmaa democracy la arranging for
a banquet te be gtren some time next Sat
urday,. In a sew.r.
Thla la to be a blaarre function." said
Joe Butler of the entertainment committee.
We have tired of having a feed and a
flow of oratory In a banquet hall used by
everybody. Hence we have picked the and
of the Fort street eewer In which to pull
off this one. If we ehould decide to have
any liquids, which I very much doubt, we
will probably arrange te have the city
engineer put In a elean drain along the
sides of the sewer, for the waiters might
find It difficult to navigate the sloping
sides of the big concrete dttcn."
Hm Beea Llvlasc la Hat at East
Oaaaha for Several Maatba
n . Past.
Ran Urfinn. a neare hermit living In a
hut at East Omaha, was arrested Mon
day morning to be taken to Jacksonville,
Mo., to answer to e charge or grano
Tha harmtt bad been living in the river
bnttoma aa a sauatt.r for several months.
He lived with a dog for a companion and
Mined a livelihood by fishing in me river.
Tha arrest we maae ey ueieoiiee
Mitchell and Sullivan.
I '"
Oearare Stea way i.
o.. rah outfielder of the 8t
Louis Browns,' was In Omaha Monday on
his way to Join nia learainaiea hi -v.
.. a hmnv frame ui mine, be
cause the club, he says, haa receded from
Us position In his salary. Last year he
A,,a - A. thia aaaaon. It was an-
Jounced that he would -t ' WO-
been staying out at Coleridge. Neb., hia
home, and holding out lor the higher figure
Oar rirat America rope.
OUTH OMAHA, April t.-To the Editor
of The Bee: The cloud obscuring the late
Vatican controversy have passed away.
Mr. Tipple's finishing touches to the Inci
dent make any further explanation auper
fluous. It was admissible to teach dla
senslon and anarchy to the Italian people,
but he prematurely over-reached himself
when he appealed to "the American Catho
Hea to secede from affiliation with the
Roman See and found an American Catho
lic church, and (take notice) If they failed
to do this, for the remainder of American
citixenship to rise up and annihilate them!"
Say, tould a Parson, or a Spies, or a
Ferrer, go any farther?
Probably Mr. Tipple and a few of our
Omaha clergymenconsider they have such
a corner on patriotism that they stand a
chance of landing the Job of "First Ameri
can Pope." Well, I believe whenever our
Cathollo brethren get ready, to establish
an American Papacy they will not have tq
inade the ranks of the Tipples to elect a
pontiff. They happen to have some corking
good patriotic. American papal timber right
n their own ranks.
History shows u an heroic chaplain, John
Ireland of a Minnesota reKiment, under a
scathing fire of shot and shell, carrying the
keg of powder on his' shoulders to the men
of his regiment, unwilling that they should
take the risk and he haupena to be on the
firing line yet! And on that terrible 2d of
July at Gettysburg,, when Hancock calls
for Caldwell's dlvlalon,' including Meagher's
Irish brigade, to go forward on that terrific
charge through "the wheat leld" high on
an eminence, his hands raised In final bene
diction over the bowed head of Catholic
and non-Catholic alike, atands gentle, be
loved Chaplain William Corby. Ah, for
only too many of his beloved boys their
uniforms that day were their shrouds. And
fiery, energetic Chaplain Peter PSul Cooney
how you boy s of the Army of. the Cumber
land did love the strenuous chaplain of the
Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteers. You were
11 "his boys."
Why. at Mouth Bend, Ind.r we have an
entire Grand Army post to select a pope
from, composed exclusively of priests who
are veterans of the civil war. For shame
on those clergymen, who from the safety
of their pulplu. dare to assail the patriot-
Ism of such men.
Coming from a Catholic family that for
three generations have shouldered arms In
the. defense of American liberty, and five
of whom gave up life or limb In Its service.
It becomes positively nauseating to me to
have "hot air" patriots in the pulpit and
editorial chair, who never smelled gun
powder, tell me that Catholicism and Amer
ican patriotism are inconsistent and In
compatible, when mine has been written In
letters of blood. Read up American his
tory, gentlemen, and find out. From the
days of Washington, who paid high tribute
to his fellow soldiers of Catholic faith, go
over the roster of the American army and
navy down to the present day, when you
entrust the defense of American liberty to
a navy 9 per cent Catholic, and let the
scales of Ignorance and bigotry fell from
your eyes.
Get a lesson from your neighbor. Bouth
Omaha, where on last Tueaday 1 saw a
Presbyterian, a Roman Catholic, a member
of the Dutch Reformed and an Episcopalian
riding together in a carriage to the polls
to Vote the same ticket That's right." We
will live together In harmony and vote to
gether, and If . need be. fight and die to
gather, for this beloved country of ours.
Mr. Tipple's anarchistic teachings will be of
no avail, ,
We regret that the real character and
doctrines of the man were not as well
known to our distinguished American
statesmen who recently visited Rome ae
they were to the papal secretary. If so,
the much-to-be-regretted occurrences of
late would never have happened.
Reply ta Father Jada-e.
OMAHA, April .-To the Editor of The
Bee: The Rip Van Winkle of Roman
Catholicism has awaJcened from his sleep
of ages, and believing the present to be
the past cries In hie delirium of distorted
senses for vaat armies and navies to en
force upon the roaseea the ancient tyranny
of the Vatican. Is it possible that Rev.
Mr. Judge Is dreaming of the Inquisition,
the fire and sword, the ancient weapons
of the Vatican, to Invoke their torture
against 'Colonel Roosevelt In coercing htm
to 'visit the pope against his will, when
Mr. Judge declares that "Catholic know
In their hearts that If the pope had a
powerful army and navy back of blm Mr.
Roosevelt and others would be more cau
tious before Insulting him."
Can It, further. be possible that Mr.
Judge and his co-rellgionlsts are dreaming
of the restoration of the temporal power
of the pope of Rome, that In the words of
Bishop Mclntyra, "Has a blood-red record
that stains centuries of history."
Mr. Editor, we should fervently thank
Almighty God that this "powerful army
and navy" is but the figment of a very
distorted Imagination of one man. and
that Its realisation goea Into the realm
of impossibilities. Let me remind this
poor, deluded priest that the only powerful
armies .and navlea of the world today axe
the. armies and navlea of the layman and
not to trifle with the guns, as they are
loaded. ,. J. BRAXTON GARLAND.
Lineman Almost
Saved by Safety Belt, He Dangles
Thirty Feet in Mid
Air. Shocked Into unconsciousness by a pow
erful current, Alvln Herwlck. a lineman,
dangled by his "safety" belt thirty feet
above the street until rescued by fellow
workmen who saw him from a block dis
tant. Herwlck' was dangerously burned,
but will recover.
The lineman was working on a pole at
the northwest corner of Sixteenth and
Cuming streets when he became entangled
with a power circuit carrying 2,300 volts.
This Is a pressure equal to that used at
Osstntng, N. T., for electrocution. Her
wlck fell back from tha aiasllng wires to
the end of the belt which attached hlra to
the poles. He was unconscious and close to
Rescuers climbed the pole and lowered
him to the pavement. Dr. P. T. Conlon
and Dr. O. C. Bishop, police surgeons, ad
ministered emergency treatment. Herwlck
was removed to Clarkson Memorial hos
Marriage l.trea.e.
Th following marriage licenses were
issued today:
Name and Residence. Age.
John A. Henry. Omaha tt
Jennie Zimmerman, Omaha 1
William Kucharo, Pes Moine K
Maud Allen, Dee Moines 2
Arthur E. Wessoa. Northfleld, Minn.... 2t
Uva Benson. Fountain, Minn tt
Persistent advertising Is the road to Big
j i ' .
of th6 great northwest fought many a stubborn battle with the red man in
defense of their farm lands.
Today this fertile region furnishes mankind the finest barley ever growth
The cream of these crops for many years has formed the basis of
The King of All Bottled Beers.
Its supremacy 'comes from the best 'malting barley grown in the'New
World and the finest hops grown in the Old World and it is brewed irTthS
most perfect brewery in the WHOLE WORLD.
Bottled Oaly at tLe
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
St. Louie. IT. S A
. e
Douglas County
Democrats Shy
at Shallcnberger
Geilns Stumbles in His Attempt to
Organise Shallcnberger Po
litical Clubs.
Reports reaching the Dablman club man
agers have led them - to the belief that
State Game Warden Dan Geilus has not
been able to do much In the way of or
ganising Shallenberger clubs in Douglas
"We did hear a rumor ef one such club
being organised some time ago," said Tom
Plynrh "but Investigation brought out the
fact that a disgruntled former city em
ploye waa the moving spirit Bo far as I
can learn, Mr. Oellus or anybody else will
have his work cut out In trying to work
up sentiment for Bhallenberger against
Mayor Dablman. - "They are at perfect
liberty to try It, because I believe every
effort of that kind will serve to solidify
the sentiment for the mayor. Every report
we get from outside le encouraging enough
to suit anybody, and the mayor's platform
seems to. have gone home In many sections
where we looked for little or no support
The playthings of politics, like county local
option and similar Isms, are to be side
tracked this time for ' reel things. Con
struction, not dissension, will be the
mayor's slogan; and clippings from the
state prese Indicate the democracy of Ne
braska will not consent to be a tall to the
prohibition kit this year."
Noted Sander School Leader Also Says
that Men Are More Religions
Tksa Women.
Rev. F. B. Meyer of London, ptesident
of the World's Sunday School conference,
addressed the ministers of the city Monday
in the Toung Mon's Christian association
hall. He said that he believed men were
more religious than women, and that boya
were more so than girls. The women and
girls, he said, were more excitable, and
the rirls would whimper and cry and make
a fuss, but while the boy would not show
their feelings, thoy were more substantial,
he claimed.
"It's the minister who plays to the gal
lery,' said Mr. Meyer during th. course of
his talk, "and not to the pew who Is al
ways seeking a new parish. He wants a
shift end needs a shift, for he must have
another market for his sermons."
He spoke of the great opportunities In
connection wUh Sunday school work, in
the matter of teaching children. He ex
horted the minietere to work with th
children and pointed out the method which
he found successful in England.
Harry A. Lsstios, t
NEW YORK, April U. Harry A. Leng
nn na nf tha best known survivors of the
old-time school of American actors, died
yesterday at the Actors' fund Homo here.
kengdon. born in Philadelphia in ubt.
niavai tar vears as a star under his own
management. He also appeared In the
companies of many of the leading stars.
Including those of Edwin Forrest, Edwin
Booth. Lawrence Barrett Mary Anderson
an W. J. Florence. He retired in 1890 after
stage career of sixty-seven years.
Charles E. Roy.
Charles E. Roy, a negro, 48 years old.
Ai-nnnad dead In a room at his home, 181
Nicholas street, shortly after midnight
Atop ralllnz Half An ClesesnC Dreraslnsx
Destroys Dandruff Makes hair Grow
Does not CoSor the DiJa!r
Nnoar4 at iMilptour. OtyceHn. Uutnia.
k ki, f sinuate.
Atfc poor iH'tur
i r 1 aianm,' v. aw
Pioneer Barley Farmer
Monday morning. Roy had ben ill for some
time, and it Is supposed death Was rtlreotlv
due to his ailment Coroner f rnshv an.
nounced there would be no Inquest, but that
a post mortem Investigation would be
made. '
Roosevelt Cables
Hospital Bazaar
Good Wishes for Wise Memorial Bene
fit Expressed by Former Presi
dent in Message from Italy.
A cablegram expressing the best wishes
of former President Roosevelt for the Wise
Memorial hospital's fair and bazaar at the
Krug theater May 1 to 14, was received by
the committee this morning. It came In
response to a cablegram sent several days
ago while he was In Naples. His reply,
which Is dated Saturday at Porto Maurizio
is this:
"Wise Hospital, Omaha Best wishes for
success of your bazaar.
The cablegram la regarded as a good
omen by the committee, and members were
highly elated over Its receipts. The original
will be hung In a down town show window
until the fair begins, when it will be placed
In a conspicuous place at the Krug theater.
Later It will be hung In the Wise Memorial
hospital annex, for which a committee Is
now attempting to raise a S2S.00O building
Yesterday's mall brought to the committee
an encouraging number of gifts, principally
from local business firms. A committee
has been at work the last week canvassing
the business district, and the result of Its
efforts is becoming apparent.
The gifts received range from a buckskin
bead-worked purse to a gross case of break
fast food. Cut glass and jewelry are among
the gifts of these latter coming from out
of town. The case of breakfast food Is to
be given to some one who attend the fair.
Will Speak at Oaaawatoatlo.
TOPEICA, Kan., April 11, - Governor
Stubbs today received a cablegram from
former President Roosevelt dated at Porto
Maurizio, accepting an Invitation to de
liver an address in August at the dedica
tion of the new park on the site of the
battle of Ossawatomte, which was fought
in August, mi, between the anti-slavery
forces commanded by John Brown and pro
slavery raiders. The exact date for the
dedication has not been fixed.
Cablegram from Taft.
PORTO MAURIAZIO. April ll.-In reply
to' a message ent to the chief executive
of the United States, the mayor of Porto
Maurizio haa received the following tele
gram from President Taft:
"I have received your courteous telegram
announcing that former President Roosevelt
arrived last night and was received with
enthusiasm by the whole population and
that your city was proud to welcome him.
"In reply I assure you and your country
men that the American people are very
grateful for and greatly appreciative of the
reception which Italians, from the sovereign
to the humblest subject have accorded to
our most distinguished citizen."
Former Cooaty Surveyor Becomes
t'oaaeeted with Prominent Ka
aTlae.rlBsj Firm.
Herman Beat, former county surveyor,
ha bn employed by the Towl Engineer
ing company of Omaha. Mr. BeaJ waa
formerly city engineer of South Omaha.
Th. Towl company has been awarded
th. contract for th. engineering work In
connection with th. new SfJO-aere tract re
cently acquired - ""'Tiridg. Country
Mub of Kansas City, Me.
rxMiura iiuuno, umna, oaaa, na.
his ovinHXi
tuck a half picptretiua.
Geo. Krug, General Manager.,
. Omaha, Neb.
Largest Whiskey
In The World.
"Bottled In Bond"
Guaranteed by the
U. S. Government
100 Proof
This Whiskey is thoroughly
filtered and carefully aged,
giving it an exquisite flavor
and an extremely delicate
SrT"Vfr1 in nil
First-Class Bars,
Clubs and Cafes.
Always Ask For It.
Distillers. Peoria, 111.
Beit Place to Have Your ;
Teelh Cared For.
Thla I a perplexing question, confront
the people every day. deputation, if the
Uentlat ba it, will cover a hundred
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