Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tllfc CEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, ATOIL 12. 1910.
ruifv ivh n:iiifi'rr it nrrT alfalfa, jisyfiJT.M. choice prairie,
Light Rains ia Kansas Stiffen the
Bearish Feeling.
Corn Market U alte Firm, bat a
Mark Heavier Demand Will Ba
'Repaired t Advance
' OMAHA. April 11. 191).
Jesuit rin wer reported In Kinus,
miilh turned tile crowd bearish. At ma
apenlng prices start.d noun, but firmed
V latter on (nod support from the bull
Uudera, who a, taped tin the early oriel ina-
'Ihe corn mtikni acta firmer owing to a
better demand. bu. a mora urgem demand
yet In i levied to advanea prices. Th-re i(
- no material change in tha cesn situation.
-.Wheal weakened on tha rush of selling
II Hie opening, rain making tne wnk
ngs jielj .out their holdings ar.d further
reauii by ihe bear faction tint vaiu4
.sower at tne clone.
Corn suffered further loss tolay, values
easing on after ilia first buying ordeia
had been filled. Cash muff Hold better on
the sample, market oflerings Dringing '
over tutui-oay.
Primary witi-at receipt were ;r.000 bu.
and receipts were is wo bu.. agJinst re--c
-iptK Uri year of AM 000 bu. and siuimieuis
f 2CUM bu.
Primary corn receipts were 412.000 bu. and
shipnnnts were 277,01)0 bu.. sgalnst receipts
last year oC 318,000 bu. and shipments of
' 412.000 bu.
" Clearances 397.000 bu of corn, none
' of oats and wheat and flour equaV'to lL".ouO
Liverpool closed MV1 lower on wheat
and '&d lower on corn.
Local lanat, of opi:ona:
AVticles.l Open. Hlgtt. Low. Clone. ISat'y.
firns, 2c; seiords. 2 ; packing stock
KOfiS Unrhsna-ed: current receipts, new
raes. tV00; niisrf llanenne ct'". $3 6V;
southern. So.70; storage parked, t '5.
Receipts. Mtipment
Sudden Spasm of Activitj Follows
Dullness of Week-End.
Wheat, bu..
foi n. bu
Oat, bu.....
. . . . li )
.... 67. o
.... 18.
Wheat I till
May... JVi 1 OGsi 1 06 1 00 1 ffl',4
. July... 1 00'., 1 00 1 UUi 1W t M4
' Corn i i
May... r,4 I M I 53 63 B4
' July... 6H j 66 I M M W
Oata ii
- Iay... h 4li 41 41 41 4U4
-July..., BS'sj 8A 3H 39 89Va
Southeastern XetsraaLa Aaia Visited
hy Itoerrt Heavy la ftoatn.
OMAHA. April 11. 110.
Light and arattered showers occurred In
aouinaastern .Nebraska and southwesiern
Ion a within the last twetny-four hours,
snd moderately heavy rains were general
over Kansaa, Oklahoma and western Mis
souri, and rains continue in the lower Mis
souri and Mississippi valleys this morning,
rs o precipitation worthy of note has oc
curred In oiher sections east of tha Kocky
mountains since tha pieceoing report. Ihe
weather I decidedly unsettled on tha Pa
ciiic s.ope, and rains are general along tha
coast tills morning. Temperatures ara
fcornawhat lower In the extreme upper Mis
sus. ppi and Missouri valleya, and froeaing
ueatiier pievans in iortn Dakota and
northern Minnesota; elsewhere temperature
changes have been slight and unimportant.
ihe aeath'-r win continue cloudy or partly
cloudy in this vicinity tonight and Tuesday,
Willi no important cnange in temperature.
i no following snowa the temperature and
precipitation for the last three years:
1310. Vm. ISM). 1907.
Minimum temperature.... M 35 36
Precipitation T .11 .tW .17
Moi mat temperature for today, 4s de-
gi ei;s.
reflclncy In DreciDltatlon alnce March. 1.
2.21 Inches.
deficiency corresponding tverlnd In ISM.
1.38 Inches.
Deficiency correrDondlng period In 1J08. Inches.
i.. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
torsi aad Wheat Heglea Balletla.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at S a, m., 75th meridian
time, Monday, April 11, W!0:
lamp. Kala
Btatlona. Max, Mln. fall.
Ashland, Neb SI 41 .00
Omaha Cash Prlcea.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, II O4H01.O6; No. I
harl. fLOZiftl.M; No. 4 hard, Obcn-Sl .01 ; re
' Jected hard, ftjftifec: No. S spring, $1.04yi
l.Of.'n, No. i spring, $1 021.04; No. t durum,
SSc; No. S durum, r.(&'S;c.
OOKN-No. 2 white, KU5M4c; No. S
white. B."KiJ.Wirc; No. 4 white, 6J&Mc; No. S
yellow, b-h'iWc; No. yellow, 61C'62c; No.
. 4 yellow, 474(&0e; No. 2, 624iii5ic; No. $
61r&2c; No. 4, 474Do; ro grade, 300)420.
OATS standard. 40n: Wu. i white. 3sa
40c; No. 4 white 8SHfdc; No. S yellow, 38Vs
(flsc, ino. 4 yeiiow, tu'Mj.jic; No. s mixed,
HAKLEY No, 4, DlD2c; No. 1 feed, 49
02 c
KXE-No. 2, 74c; No.- $. 72o.
Carlot Receipts.
. . Wheat. Corn. OaU.
Chicago 10 m
Minneapolis 38
Omaha 8 76
Duluth. 69 . ...
Auburn, Neb 7 40 .00
li ken eow, Neb. 7 40 .00
Columbus, Neb... $0 4f .00
Culbertaun, Neb.. SO 40 .00
Falrbury, Neb... 7S 62 .08
Fairmont, Neb... 79 42 CJ
Or. Island, Neb. NJ ,W
Hartlngton, Neb. 82 48 .Oil
Heatings, Neb.... 77 44 .06
Holdrette. Neb.... 73 43 .00
Oakdalv, Neb 7 48 .00
Omaha, Neb 7 M .00
Tekamah, Neb... SI 47 . .00
Alta. la. 79 M .00
Carroll, la 79 49 .00
Clarinda, la 78 40 .00
Sibley, la 81 47 .00
Sioux City, la... 78 64 .00
Pt. cloudy
Pt cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Feat area ( the Trading; aad Closlaa;
Prices aa Beard at Trade.
, CHICAGO, April 11. Rain in the south
west started wheat prices down today and
' ' tha decline waa not checked until & canta
(had been clipped from the price of the
new crop m on tha. Corn and oata also
.were weak, the former declining about lc
: and the latter approximately V4c. Pro
visions sold off to a point more than $1
.a barrell below the cloeing quotations of
Wheat was weak all day, with the ex
. T caption of a short time during the first
', Hour, when prlcea ehowed a alight upward
i tendency owing: to buying by leading longs
; and miscellaneous shorts. - The principal
.' celli.ig pressure was on the more distant
deliveries. weather conditions in the
southwiat furnished the chief aelllna: ln-
' '' centlve. Rains were reported during ,the
last forty-eight hours over a large sec
lion ' of the winter wheat belt, world's
shipments were liberal, the amount on
passage and the - visible supply In the
United State each showed a moderate In
. crease and primary receipts in the United
States were greatly In eitess of those of
the corresponding day a year ago. The
July delivery sold between $1.V4H nd ILOoi
end September moved between $1.01 and
fl.02(g'1.024i. The market closed weak,
with prlcea almost' on tha bottom level,
July being off lc at jiUtVpUH and
September down 117c at $1.01 ViL01H
., Corn declined to a atill lower level to
flay. as a result of renewed realising. The
May delivery displayed the greatest, weak-
- lieas and sold oft from ifrf8fce to 67Ho.
'.' Cash corn waa In fairly good demand and
prlcea were steady to Vs higher. No. i
-yellow sold at 65r&7c. The market for
options closed almost at the lowest point
end net declines of k,f3'7c. final figures on
t May being at blc
..i Oata yielded to the weakness of wheat
and corn. The May eption sold between
iVfHlo and 424c. The market closed
'weak, with prices H&MiC lower, May being
at 4ii(3'4lc.
Provisions were weak all day. especially
pork. v prices declining SSc to $1.82. The
'. Tange ior tne aay on me may awuvery oi
pork was between $22.80 and S28.M. Final
nuotatlons on May delivery follow: Pork,
$22 97H; lard, $13 25, and ribs,, $12-(5.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m. f Not Included In
No. of Temp. Rain,
Central. Statiooa. Max. Min. Inches.
Columbus, 0 17
Louisville. Ky 19
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12
Chicago, III.: 24
bt. LOUIS, MO 13
Des Moines, la.... 14
Minneapolis, Minn. 30
Kansas City, Mo. 24
Omaha, Neb.. 19
Temperatures below freeslng are reported
In northern Minnesota and North Dakota.
Generally warm weather prevails in other
portions of the com .and wheat region.
Lltrht and scattered showers occurred
within the last twenty-four hours in south
eastern Nebraska and good rains occurred
In Kansas and western Missouri and south
over the lower Missouri valley.
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau,
70 42 .00
SO 44 .00
78' 43 .00
74 48 .00
82 52 .00
80 4S .00
78 38 . .00
74 62 .30
80 . 48 .00
dollars. $4:1. 117.000; silver dollars of 11!W,
t, .W.0"O; silver certificates outstanding.
()i-neial FunA-fMsndard silver dollars In
geneial fund. Jil.U4. current liabilities.
$10.:!93 401 ; working balance In treasury of
fices. $?5,S12 '!; In bank to credit of treas
urer of I'nlted Stat-a. $li.2S..tS; subsldary
silver coin. $-'1.5fa.7W; minor coin, ll.2y.0.;
total balance In general fund, $st.238.fci0.
Cattle Show an Increase, While Hogs
and Sheep Are Off.
Aaaoaaremeat Made of Hflmfl
for Argrament af Amerlraa Te
harro and Staadnrd Oil (sura
Tim Loans Higher.
NEW YORK. April 11 There was a sud
den spasm of activity In the atock mantel
today upon the announcement or a reas
signment for argument before the supreme
court of the American Tobacco anu titana-
ard Oil cases.
The buying of stocks was hurried and
urgent and at rapidly advancing quota
lions. That It came largely from uncov
ered shorts was obvious, the professional
bears having sold stocks In the early deal
In us on a rumor that a decision adverse to
the American Tobacco company would be
handed down today. This mood or the
speculation had been araravated by the
speech of the attorney gereral in unteatfo
cn Saturday night and by tne intention
there announced to extend the scope of
government prosecutions of corporations to
the bituminous coal combination, ana tn-
ferentlally, to others.
There the additional consideration
that the re-opcnlng of the two leading anti
trust cases Implied a balance of opinion
In the court Itself that left the member
unsatisfied - to promulgate a decision In
cases of such wide scope and Importance,
The delay which must now occur in reacli
iiiK a final decision in the cases was ac
cepted' as a measure of relief from the
condition of suspense which the weekly
expectation of a possible decision has held
over the stock market. For those who
have held that the Immediate suspense of
this question has been a tepresslve Influ
ence on enterprise the chitnged condition
was regarded hopefully. considera
tions were submerged by the Importance
attached to the new position of the anti
trust cases. Bidding for etock to tefct the
market revealed a small floating supply
offering. The drooping tendency of grain
and cotton prices gave force to favorable
auguries of the crops.
Interest rates for time loans were ad
vanced ngaln and the call loan rate
started the wek at SV per cent. Influenced
by both the bank statement of Saturday
and the belief that further gold engage
ments would be made for this week's
tteamer The fact that the Bank of Eng
land secured the bulk of the South African
gold arriving In London without competi
tion bore Oh the situation. The statement
of agriculture exports from March showed
an increase ln value, but a falling off In
amount of cotton exparta compared with
March, last year, whlcn served to alter
the discrepancy from the normal in our
export trade which has been glaring for
many months.
The tone of the bond market continued
irregular, but there was soma improvement
at some points. Total sales, .par value,
$2,278,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call-
Number of sales and principal quotations
on siocKS were as iouows:
- Kw Yark Meaer Market.
NKW YORK. April 11. MONET On call.
firm at .Vn3S per cent: ruling rate. S4 per
cent; closing bid, i per rent; offered st
8 per cent, lime loans, very firm and
fairly active: sixty days.. per rent;
ninety days, 4Vg4'-fc per cent; six month.
41 per cent.
per cent
8TKRLINO EXCH A NO E Easier, w ith
actual business in bankers' bills at $4.84tu
4.8410 for sixty-day bills and at S4.RT70 for
demand: commerelal tills. 4.P?tH Srt.
SILVKR Hsr, 53c; Mexican dollars. 4to.
liON I S Government, steady; railroad, ir
Closing quotations on bonds were as
V. t. ret. Ss. res....10lnt. M. M. 4a...
la eMson lHkJon 4a
V. S. to m IMVt do 4a
do coupon lWVt'K. C. He. 1st fa.
0. 4a reg IK L. S. deb. 4s IM1.
io eoasen l a N. unl. 4n...
Allis-Ohsl. lit to ... . K. T. let 4s... 7V4j
Am. A. to 14 do tan. 4V4 1W
Am. Tvbaero 4a ',Mu. P.rtflo 4 ,. rH
aa la h:j N. H. K. of M. 4H. .
Amour ce. a... ItHN. V. C. s tMa...... iA
Atrhlaon tn. 4a H so dab. to H
do tr. .... , lllS'N 1 . N. H. H.
do c.'to.... 1HH er. ia 1M
At. C. L. lot 4a MHN. a W. 1st . to.... )
Bat Ohio 4. to rr. It H'
dtl IUa mNo. Piclflo 4a l'
do . W. IVta do la 7!U
Rrk. Tr. ct. ia 4H0. S. L. rfd. 4a... tl
Can. of Oa. to Witfrnn c 34a 116... H
Cm. LMtbar to 1'" d ron. a KMli
('. of N. J. 6a...l2J4 Readlnj ln 4a t4
Cbaa. Ohio ivu oiusi. L. A 8. r. I 4a. si
do rat. to.. S o g.n. to isi
LhlCMO A. I'll. 72t. J S. W. c. 4a.. 'it
C , H. a Q. J. 4a.... :H in tat Knld 4a.... '4
do sen. -4a asm &ia.board A. L. 4s.. slit
C. M. a sr. g I Ha Mgo. p.clflo col. 4a.... 0k
C, R. 1. a P. c. 4a.. do ti. 4a.
do rfg. 4a sMi do lit ret. 4a...'..
folo. Ind. to 7 8o. Riilwajr to
Colo. Mid. 4a 77V do jn. 41.:
C. S. r. a 4Vta. M t'nlon Pintle 4a....
II. A H. ct. ia M4 do cv. ia
H. A R. O. 4a S64 do lat a rat. 4s.
do rot. to KV L I. Hubber to...,
.... 71Vt L:. 8. Steel 2J 6a. .
.... W Va.-Cro. Ctaem. to..Si
. T4sWabash lat to 1I84
A.. 7TS do lat a ex. 4a.... Tl
.... ?0iWi.srn Mil. 4a H
J40 ww. Bloc. c to
Hears Are Doahly Bearish and Re
ports from the Kaat Are Ilseear-
InaT Prevlalea Mar
ket Leaver. , J, I
RntTTM OMAHA. Anrll 11. 11
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, n
Estimate Monday 4.R:) .i'0 ' -
i... ,..b 1 mil 4 t0 I
Same day I weeks ago.. silTS 4 4X3 lt.m "
t- J .. . . I. , t 71 J I IU1 10 1,0 1 ' '
Same day weeks ago.. 4 tWl S.2J4 ?' "
Same day lasl year l.WJ 8,it4 M
The following table shows the receipts of SHEKP A fully normal supply of lambs
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha fori an(j ceep was yarded today with the sheep
tne year io aaie, compared wun i '. I end of receipts larger man it has been tor
1W0. 109. Inc. Iiec, I time. Colorados were rather scarce.
Cottle 27o.077 26S.172 Z2,SH)6 I but several very good shorn strings were
Hogs 24 1 77.3" "r. Zl I Included in the run from various Nebraska
alas. HI in.
jAllK-CTwImers srd ...... )
AmalsunMad Coppor H.tUO 7"4
Aniarlran Asrtcultural
Am. beet Butmr SOD Its
Amarteaxi CJi 700 IIS
Am. C. r 1.000 14 w.
An. Cotton Oil.. l.suo
An. H. 4V It. pfd 6 47
Am. Ico Securltln.. 400 Kv,
Amartraa Llnaeed
American Looomotlvo .... 1.000 624
Am. 8. A R Jl. U
Am. a. A R. plil..'. auo 1U6
Am. Ileal Foundries
ArUcles.l Qpan. I High.) Low. 1 Close Sat'y.
Wheat 4
May I July
' SepU.
I'ork- ,
TJuly ,
Lai-d. -May
' Sept,
July .
i 12'
1 Of."7;
(61 44
m . ..... v
23 70
24 7Va
28 S7
18 v7H
U 8s
18 13H
U 8714
12 77HI
t i;s
. WW
23 SO
24 111
23 87i
13 W
13 OiH
IS 12'J
12 87U
12 77H
1 11 -1 12
1 044ll 04,
1 01
" S7H,
23 m
22 M
H i 86
13 10
12 70
12 7s
12 &5
1 01VWI
23 18
82 90
13 25
U 8i
12 78
1! 80
12 65
IS 67V
t ir-s
i oaa;
is rf4
24 12V
84 271,
23 rj',4
13 C2V,
13 17V(
U 85
13 27H
13 00
12 90
No. t.
Cash auotationa .were as follows:
FLOUR Weak; winter patents, $3.205.55;
winter straights. $4.30?ro 25; spring straights.
$4 7fl4.ei bakers. X2.xjo.30.
RYE NA. 2. 80c.
SAKLEY Feed- or mixing, SKfrCTc; fair
to-choice malting, &83i6c. -
SliKi)! Flax. No. 1 southwestern. $3.28:
No. 1 northwestern, $2.33. Timothy, $4
Ulover. 812.60. .
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $23 25
(il.aO. Lard, per 100 lbs., $1S.0. Short ribs,
vides (loose), $12 7M 13.1.'i. Short clear sides
boxed ft $l4.tsii 14.2a.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
eunl to aU.OuO bu. Primary receipts were
472.000- bu.. compared- with 430,000 the con e
spoudlng day a year ago. The visible
buddIv if wheat In the united States In-
croauied 198.000 bu. for the week. The
aiuount of breadstuff on ocean passage In
tslimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
22 cars; corn, 2ii ears; oats, 162 car; hogs,
li.fH.0 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
$1141 rkr No. S red. $1.101 14: No. S hard.
UL!al l3H: No. S hard. 11.071.12: No. i
spring, Jl.OJjJl.lX. Corn: No. 2 cash, 87Vitr
o-'c; No. s cash, o6ttr5ie; No. i wnue,
6Hc: No. S white, 6Niibo; No. 2 yellow,
ohnfc; No. $ yellow, &t.ti7o. Oats: No. 1
cash, 41c; No. S white, 44Vntf46c; No. 4 white.
WH4--C; standard. 44it44Hc.
BUTTER-steady; creameries, 2tjt21c;
uniries, ugsio.
r-Jls-Ly : receipts, M 088 cases; at
rnr- cases Included. lSJOo; firsts. 20c;
a inaia, rc.
CHEKSE Steady; daisies, HTjmbc; twins,
-Vtoe; fount Americas, Halite; long
ht.ios. iaai:i.,. ...
POTATOEfi-Steafly; choice to fancy.
XV; fair to good, iitfc. .
I OCLTMY-steadyi turkeys, Hc; chlck
er.a. Wc: sur naa. 18.-
VEAL steady; bu to 08-pound weights. Sj
SHe; 00 to 86-ound weights. u.Uc; b to 110-
Kaaeae l'l Grata and Provisions
ll,IM!llMl bid. July. $10U. se.lers; S. p
totnber. Oa'c. Cash unchanKed to in
No. 8- hard. $10112; No. 1. II 061.10; No!
req, fi.i.', nu. a.
lORN-May, 6i0 bid; July. Jcc: Sen
tember, 6isj bid. . Cosh iMichan-td; No. 2
in i WU-. jso. a. 04viAc; .u, 3 white,
will w, r-o. o. nonp.
OATH I'nciianged; No, white. 4:tf4ic
m Willie
I RYK-i. j ,-fco. ...
I UAXkLcuanged; choice timothy, $14.00
Quotations of the Day on Varloas
NEW YORK, April ll.-FLOl'R-Market
quiet and lower to sell; spring patents, $5 50
4iS.SO; winter straights, $6.116.86; winter
patent, $8.00; winter straiaj-hta, $4.604.7(;
winter extras, No. 1, S4.SOI&4.90; winter ex
tras, No. 2, $4.304.45; Kansas straighta.
$5. iXX&b tO. Receipts, 13,950 bbls.; shipments,
14.&30 bbls. Rye flour, steady; fair to good,
84.AV44.46; choice to fancy, $4 604.66.
CORNMBAL Quiet: fine white and yel
low, $1.45421.50; coarse. 81.30ffil.40; kiln dried.
RYE Nominal; No. 2 western. 69ttc. f. o.
b. New York.
WHEAT Spot market earn-: No. 2 red.
$1.22. o. 1. f : No. 1 northern. S1.2SM. f. o. b.
afloat, opening navigation. Option market
declined under neavy selling as a result
or rains in Kansas, predictions of more
unsettled weather ana few offerings and
lower prices for cash wheat. At the close
f rices were l"b'a:c net it.wer. May, Ji.i9s
20H. closed at S1.19H: July. $M2v?Ui
closed at li.izs; septemner closed at ii.usvi.
itoceipts, Uo.ieu bu.; shipments, 110,164 nu.
UOKN Spot market steady; steamer.
KVtc, and No. 4, 694o, both elevator, export
basis; exporti No. z, imhc, nominal, I. o.
float. Option market was quiet and
easier with wheat, closing at HdlVtC net
decline. May, 874tf7ko, closed at bTSc;
July closed at wvc. neceipia, ru.;
shipments, 199,088 bu.
OATS Spot market quiet;' mixed oats.
28 to 82 bounds, nominal: natural white.
28 to 32 pounds. KWM&c; clipped white. 34
to u pounds, 4iaoic option marxet was
without transactions, closing nominal, its.
celpts. 3,bZ5 bu.
way steady.
HOPS Finn.
PROVISIONS Pork, easy: mesa. $200;
family. $27.KKa'27.60: short clear. 2.0a
28.60. Beef, steady; mess, tlbOOr) 16.00;
family, $19.00019 80: beef hams, -.uiffZ.oo.
Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
lue., 9io.om0'li .w; piemeu nwiiia. iw.iwhh.w.
Lard, weak; middle west, prime, $13.90
14.00: refined, eaarv: continent. 114.46;' South
America, 816.24; compound, $10.10.60.
TALLOW meady: prim city, r.iios., ic;
country, 7(P7c.-
RICE steady: domssstio, iuxiMC
BUTTER Strong; creameries, 83c; extras.
82c: third to first. twoAic: held, common
to speolal, 2431; state dairy, common to
finest, 4"4 31e; process, 24(gi2oc; western fac
tory. 22iaUc: western Imitation creamery.
23V8'C. . .
cntiitois irregular; 4ia state, iuii cream,
speciala. 17H1S:; fancy, 174c; good to
k.--, ..1.,
Jirillll, IBIVlVVi HOW PMHO. MWV, . ,
common to fair, lKtfWic; skims, old, UH
l!iUU rJasier; pacsed extra nrsis, uc;
firsts, rmfic; southern regular packed,
firsts. IS'fi iio.
l'OULTKY-lresed, ouu; iowis, jara
lkfc; turkeys, l.tu-Uc.
St. Lenls General Market.
ST. LOUIS, April 11. WHEAT Future
lower: Mav. 11 oac: July. 31.0L"tfll.03. Cash
weak: track No. 2 red, $116-0 lloVi, No. 2
hard. Jl 10WWL14.
CORN Futures lower: May. sc: juiy.
tlc. Ccbsh steady; track No. 2, 4lc; No.
2 white, 6.ljt634c.
OATS K ma re a lower: MiV. 41 'u: July,
3t)c. Cash steady; track No. 2, tVne; No. t
white, 46c.
RYki-Noiulnal. 0c.
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $5401
$.(0; extra -fancy and straight, $4.5d5.iW;
hard winter clears, $3. 7txfj 4 w.
bfcEU-Timothy, j.iwj J.WJ.
BIIAN-Dull; sacked, east track, $1069
HAY-Ur.changed; timothy, 116.093 1&;
prairie. IIIty.'MIDD.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing
$23 00. Lard, lower: prime steam, 813. M
11 60. Dry salt meats, unehanged; boxtd,
extra shorts, 14.76; clear rlba, $14.78;. short
clears. 81 im, liacon. unrhand; boxed,
extra shorts, 116.73; clear rlba, $li.37H; short
clears. IlliC'i.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springe.
20c; turkeys, 21c: dUifcs, loc; geese. 8c.
BUTTER Steady; creamer, 27ij33c.
KGGS Steady, 204e.
Receipts. Shipments
$ 400 . S1W0
M8rt0 4X.W
....llfb"! ,' . 02.100
67.600 37.bO
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu ,
Corn, . bu
Oata bu
Philadelphia Prsssre Market
good demand; extra weetern cream
ery. SSc; extra nearby prints. Six:.
. 1XJU3 Firm; fti-sts He higher; Pennsyl
vania and other nearby flrats, free ci"eir
23tc.-at mark; Pennsylvania and other
nearby current receipts. In returnable ca;n,
22Hc, at mark; western first, free rases,
2:c at mark; -weatern current receipts.
free ca-cee. 2?Vc. at mark.
. CH ECS E Firm; New York fall ore us
choice, old. ITV!'! New York full
ereams. fair to ojJ. old. 16VjS17c; New
York full creams, fair to good, new. inc.
' Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEI0. Apnl 11 EEDP-f lover, cash
16 fO; April. 16 .14; October. o SO; December,
8" T.if. Tinioiliy. prime. $2 U, Alslka prime.
87. ax
. 8.000 183
8,1(10 . 42
to rk
Am. 8u(ar Raftnlng
Am. T. TV.
Am. Tobarro pfd
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Co .... .
Atchison pfd , y. .
Atlantic Co Una..:...
Baltlmoro A Ohio........
Batblehom Btasl
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific.
Central Leather ,
Central Lauder t(dV....;
Cm. at New enwr. ex-dlv "J 21
Choaapoako A Ohio 10,80) N44
ChlsaaO' Alton...........
Obloaco ft. w., new
C. O. W. pfd
Cblcaio A N. W.
cv u. a st. p
C., C, C. A Bt. u:..
Colorado r. a l
Colorado A Southern.......
Consolidated Caa
Corn Producta
tlalaarara A Hud. ton
benver A Rio Grande
D. A R. G, Pfd '.
Distillers' Securities
Erie lat pfd
Rrle Id pfd
General Klectrlc
Great Northern pfd
Groat Northern Ore ctls...
Illinois Ctotral
Interbnrouth Met. ..-it...-.
Int. Mat. pfd .....
International - Harvester ..
Int. Marina pld
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa ConbraJ
ST14 I7Uj
7114) 7St
374 las
l'k 11
41 44
44 40
4 17
8 t
4H M
7M I34j
i0 1
'IU0 121 litS Ut
8,400 186H Ui 11(1,
S0 TS M ' 17
n0 16 6t4j Hti
I.SU0 4414 49 46
12, WO 114 1:1 lias
loo va iM 10:1
tuo U9 ia 12
1,000 111 110 Ills
' - 100 81 1 !
11. K .74 74 78
Distillers' to ...
Erie p. I. 4a...
(an. 4a..
do ct. 4a, ear
do earlee B...
Gan, Bloc, cv. to.
. 44
. 7
. 1
111. Con. lat ref. 4a. 47 Wis. Caotrsl 4s
int. Mat. 4a IVSMo, Pac. cv. as ctfs..
Did. utltn.
London Closing; Stocks,
London, April 11. American securities
opened uncertain today. During the first
hour a few buying orders in Amalgamated
Copper and United States Steel hardened
the list and at noon the market was dull
but steady, with prices ranging from un
changed to Hd higher than Saturday's New
York closing.
Conaola. money 81 Loulivllle A N 1&8
do account ..81I-14M., K. A T 41
Ainal. Copper 74N. Y. Central 18s
Aniconda eSNorfolk A W 104
Atrhlson 114 do pfd M
do pld 1 Ontario A W 46
Baltlmoro A Ohio. ...IIS Pennsylvania Sv
Canadian Pacific llRaiid Minos
KSRaadlns SS
, 88outbarn Ry 17
141 do , pfd 44
14 Routhern Pacific 1
40 Union Pacific 17
SO do pfd
8U. 8. 8teal.. 81.
4 do pfd 123
II Wabash 21
88 do pfd 4M4
HIVSoinllh 4a S4U
SILVER ar, steady at 244fcd per ounce
MONEy-a84 per cent
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is $ 16-16 per cenr; for three
months bins, 3 li-it4 per cent.
New Yark Carta Market
The following quotations are furnished
by .Logan at Bryan, 316 South Sixteenth
Amor. Tobacco. 446 Ooldflald Daley 7
Bar 8 tat a Oaa... 88Oraone Cananaa 1
Boston Cons liSlnsiilratlon .......... 1
Butte Coalition....... II Laroes 4
8 Nevada Cons.
ZOhlo Copper.
18S 188
40 42
13 14
STJe 87
U 62A
6.100 164 161 ' 169
8,100 149 139 14
100 17 17 M
400 40 as 40
1,000 11 U IS
8,700 149 140 1U
- 200 17 U 17
too 171 171 172
ft) 40 40
804 77
1,4K rt
K0 10
tOO 48
200 160H 160
3,000 131 194
700 61 6
ISO 131 138 139
-8,100 - tt 11 82S
Cheaapaake a O...
Chioaso O. W
Obi., Mil. A St. P.,
Da Boor
Denver A Hlo o...
do pfd
do lat pld
do 8d pfd ,
Orand Trunk
Illinois Caotral.
1 1-11
4s Rawhide Coalition... Z
8 Ray Central...
1 l-l(gwlft Pkf. Co
... 47 Sears, RoebtKk Co,
... 18 Superior , A Pitta..
... 1 Tonoeah Xllnlnj...
7 Trinity copper.
. II1
. 4
Cactus ,
Chief Cons
Fraction . r
Davls-Dajy ....
Ely Central....
Sir Cons
Franklin ......
Ooldflald Cone
Goldtleld Florence.. 1 1-14 United Copper
Bostoa lllalng Stack.
BOSTON, April 11-Closing quotations on
mining stocks:
Amsl. Copper
A. Z. L. A S
Arlsomi Com. ...
B. C. C. A C.
B. A C C A . M
Butte coalition
8. 900
Kansas City 80
K. C. 80. pfa
Laolede Gaa
Louisville A N
Mtnn. A St. L
M.. Bt. P. A 8. 8. M...
M.i k. A T..-..-.
M . K. A T. pfd
Mlewurl Paolflc ,
National Blecutl
National Load ,
N. R. R. of M 2d pfd.
New York Central
If. Y., O: - A W ,
Norfolk A Western
North Aoierkaa
Northern Pactflp
Psolllo Mall
People's Uu
P., C, C. A St. L..v..
PHtihun Coal
Proesed Stool Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway gtsal Spring. ...
Republic stool
Rapubllo' Steal pfd.
Rock Island Co
Rock Island Co. pfd
8U L. A 8. r. M pfd....
fit. Lauie 8. W
St. L.- . W. pfd
Sloes-Sheffield 8. a 1...
Soulhirn Pacific
Southern Railway
60. Railway pfd
Taimenaoe Copper
Tenaa A Pacific
T.. St. L. A W
T . St. LAW. pfd..
16 '
100 100 100 100
. 1,100 160 ! 141 160
400 140 19 19
. 6,608 ' 41 9 41
600 44 68
.. 400 110 404 104
. till. 12 80, M
100 17 17 it
.' S.7110 129 ito la
. 400 46 44 46
. 4.M0 106 102 1011
KI0 74 74 74
. 4.400 136 133 lln
. 600 Z 10
. 31,100 196 114 18S
80O 110 110 110
. 1,800 108 100 10
. 8-10 10 20 80
600 44 41 44
100 m in ii
104 41 41 41
.111, ! J7 11 166
800 17 87 17
4O0 HO 100 100
. 10.404 47 46' 41
. 1,000 61 81 11
600 K 44 60S
00 80 l 8
. 10 78 ' 71 71
400 71 77 T7
. 26.600 1X6 189 126
I.0O0 17 l 3T
4S) .
10 '
Union Paclflo 101. 808 17 11 l
Union Pacific Btd 1W (7 1 '
U. 8. Reahy
U. 8. Rubber 1.000 41 41
U. S. Steel 841. M W 11
V. 8. atael pfd
Utah Copper
Va.-Caro. Chemical ....
Wabaeh pfd
Waatern Maryland etas
Weutnfhouee iilaouie .
Waetern Unloa
Wnaaling A U
Total sales for the day, 8:2,604 sharta
4.100 180 lit
I. 47 4".
Laeal Seearftlea.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns,
Jr.. 814 New York Life building, Omaha:
SUA Asset
Alma. Me., city o ,
Untrice Creamarr, com
CUr at Omaha 4a. ISM
City of Omaha 4s. 1:
City ol Omiha 4a, 15.17 ,.
Cuoahy Packini Co. to
Columbue, ., a. a. "a non
Fairmont Creamarr, pfd....,
Iowa Portland, cainiat to
Iowa Portland Cement con. 4s '..
Nebraska Munlc.pala, 6 per esnt
Nobraaka Tel. block. 4 per lint
No. Plaits val. irrl. Co. 4a, 1U4
Omaha Water Co. to. H14
Ouialia Watir Co. 6a, W4
OiuH Water Co. d pfd
Oinaka Ull to, 117
Omrfia . L. A P. to. ;IM
Omaha B. L. pfd. 6 par cant
Oaisha U Ky. e. 16-4
Omasa A C. B. 8. Re. la. 183
Ootaaa A C. B. St. Rv. pfd...
Umalva A C, B. 8t. Rr. com
Omaha a .47. B. Rr. A B.. pld
Pucifle T. A T. to. 1S1
BSeivaport G. A B. la. llrtO
Souta Omaha. CUT ot
Toeka Mr- la. ItM
Wnihl A Wilkalmy Ce
1'niun 8- T. aiocb, 60. Omaha
To avt 6 par aaaL
8s 100
88 80
'l04 "l04
104 10
81 100
iio' 100
M 10
100 101
w w
18 1 II
1 81
8 1W
s se
- 84 64
. II 74
46 U
to is
6 9;
' 81
rfew Yark Mlalatr fork a,
NEW YORK. April 11. Closing quota
tations on nilninj stocks:
A lie-. lis ! eaflvllle Cnn ...... 6
Hrunawtck Con I l.lnla Chief 4
tloa. Tunnel stock,.. 10 Mulaa 174
.do bonds IS Oinsrlo t
Con. Csl. A Vs M Op'r il
Horn Silver 14 Standard 0
Liun eilvir Iw 'a..o JarkH 8o
Treasury Btatemeat.
WASHINGTON. April It. -The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of fcue.neje
today km aa follows:
Trust Fundtt ioid Coin, $4o2,45fi,8t9; sliver
44 Miami Copper ...
76 Mohawk
.36 Nevada Con
16Niplsslnc Mines .
1 North Butte
rcta.. 17 North Lake
II Old Dominion ..
Csl. A Arlsona. 61 Parrotl 8. C.
Cel. A.HecIa 676 Qulncy
Ortcnnlal 17 Shannon
Connor- ttKTica C. C. 64 SuKrlor
Rust BuUe C. M 8 Superior A B. M.
41 .
6 .
4. .
T4 ...
71. .
... io
... I 1
... 6 78
4) 8 J
40 46
Pt. n...
ii m in
.18 ... I
171 a 9
1 ... I s
.! ... 8
.819 100 I M
t ... 10 04
4 1 4
... 16 00
... io eo
I I 40 10 no
m 40 14 as
.! 40 N Of
.841 1M 14 OS
110 ... It 60
IM 40 18 00
"6 ... 10 00
, 814 84 10 so
,127 0 10 00
, 111 1 II no
,949 40 10 00
..110 ... 10 0
,114 ... 10 00
,115 ... 10 40
,844 140 10 n
941 ... 14 06
4; .
6. .
44 .
4 .
U .
I .
. Ii
Av. h. IT.
.94 t! 14 "1
.144 ,,l ets
M U 01
40 :e oi
Ml 10 M
... 10 08
,. . 14 a
... 1 48
... 14 as
9M ... 16 66
K6 800 14 06
111 I'l !t 14
HI lao IS 08
8J0 ISO 10 04
K61 It 14 10
IW ... 10 1
149 ... 10 14
.19 . . 10 I -
.1X7 84 10 16
110 ... 10 10
806 120 10 10
..sue .. 10 10
...117 80 14 If
...84 110 10 10
...16 ... 10 14
...1K9 ... 10 19
...177 ... 10 If,
...178 ., 10 14
..811 10 10 16
...871 ... 10 16
...UI ... 10 10
...422,383 47fi.t
Tl,. fnllnwlna- table ahnwa the average I Packera' orders were fully as plentiful
prlcea of boga at South Omana tor the last I as at last week's close, and a reasonable
several daya with comparisons: I degree of activity featured the tilde from
Itne opening. arm competition on uie
more finished grades of atock resulted In
a good broad advance In prlcea and any
I thing at all useful commanded l.Stflao higher
figures than those that prevanrd at last
weeks' close. Well-fatted shorn lots were
April 1...
April S.,.
April 8...
April 4...
April $
10 ft
10 OOto
10 S9W
10 4SVU
S 78
S 75
April 6. ..110 23i 6 681
April 7... 110 li) g 90
April 8...i0 16 90
April 9... 110 1I 8 93'
April 10.. 6
April ll..10 03 '
I T4
8 47
I ?4l
4 411
S 4ft SO
47 S 28
S 48 22
8 48 S 81
S 48) 9 21
8 161 8 94
I i 8S
I 16
as I a
I 2 5 B7 I more "' ought than wooled offerinas
t 3H $ 09
and generally sold to better advantage than
5 70
f a J r?S 4 91 the scsles at S9.20. but something In the
i -v a r. a a Vl Hne of extra prime quality would probably
I a m i 8 25 flnl buyer at $9.60. A string of Colo-
i ?' i I9I ilSlM rado lambs still in the fleece realised $9.76.
i 72 6 421 8 J3 8 4 WS
444 000 nu.: decreaaa. V4.ora) tna, Oata l"v
MtM bu.: Irroreaiwt. 13S.ISO nu. Rye. 67.Vj
b.i ; decrease, n,ma pu. itarieyv ahiuim ou.1 I
Increaae. SV.OOO bu. Tha vlelnla aupnlw oi'
wheat in Canada laat Satiirdajr waa lullTs.1!
080 bu.. A decrease of $60,000 bu, s
$7.60. wooled wethers at $8.25, and wooled
Receipt.-and dispo3lUon of live stock at "fn ' th
the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at S o clock p.
m. yeiserday:
KECii 1 PIS OA ns.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. A bt. P 3
Wabash 1
Union Pacific 48
C. A N. W.. east S
C. ft N. W., west 59
C. St. P. M. at 0 26
C. B. A Q,, east S
C. H. A y., west 64
C. R. I. 4 P., east.... t
C. R. I. & P.. west... 1
Illinois Central 2
C. O. W 2
cleared In very good Season
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good
to choice lamhs, $SIV)7j 10.00; fair to good
lambs, $9.lorf9 60; good liKht yearlings, 8.35
4)o.76; good heavy yearlliiHS. 7.Wa8. good
to choice wethers. !7.8.s(tS.o; fair to Kod
wethers, $7,605)7.86; good to choice ewea.
jti 3sjC J. io; lair to good ewe, ,.witw.35.
Total receipts 211
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Paeklng Co 298
Swift A Company 1.0o5
Cudahy Packing Co 885
Armour ft Co 1,181
Schwarts-Bolen Co
W. Ii. Vanoant Co 69
Benton Vansant ft Lush. IS
Stephens tiros 3b
Hill ft Son 12Z
F. B. Lewis 168
Huston ft Co 70
jr. B. Root ft Co 77
J. H. Bulla IS
L. F. Husi 105
Ii Wolf 19
McCreary ft Carey 47
H. F. Hamilton 8
Lee Rothschild .- 49
Mo. ft Kan. Calf. Co.... 80
Sol. Degan 49
Christy Cline 49
C. Smith 61
Other Buyers S89
71 western ewes
328 western wethers
16 western yearlings
a0 western lambs
94 western wethers
409 western yearlings
29S western lambs, clipped..
oo weatern ewes and wethers.
4s9 Mexican lambs
634 western ewes
52 western ewes
80 western lambs. horn
o02 western lambs, shorn.
1,121 I 't western iambs ......
lib western lambs
Av. Pr.
129 7 60
124 - 8 25
76 8 75
74 9 60
S3 8 25
78 S 75
77 8 60
08 60
86 9 75
81 S 85
8 85
9 8 40
98 8 40
85 9 76
72 9 00
I Cattle Market Lower i Hoars aad Sheen
Alao Reported Lower.
CHICAGO. April 11. CATTLE Receipts.
20,000 head; market, 10c to 20c lower; steers,
86.25(98 66; cows, $4.8T)87.26; heifers. H 2if
i.oo; hulls, Jo.lWfl.60; 'calves.
stockert and feeders, $4.?6&o.86.
HOGS Receipts, 28.000 head; market. 10c
to 16c lower; choice heavy, $10. 40Cif 10.60;
butchers, $10.4010.56; light mixed, $10.35oj'
10.45: choice ' light. $10 4fi4j.10.60: Dackinu.
$10. 40-a 10.46; pigs, $10.1010.40; bulk of sale-,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000
head; market. 10c lower; sheep. 86.768.25;
laniDs. aK.zb4ffio.tio; yearlings, i.8aig.75.
.. 4.S04 4,897 6,035 I
Kansas City Live Stock Market
Gorlui Con. .
Oranby Con
Oraene Cananaa
lils Royals Copper.
Kerr Lake ..-
Lsks Copper
La Sills Oopper
Asked. .'
11 Superior A P. C.
44 I.-. 8. C. A O
8 t,'. 8. 8. R. AM..
16 do pfd
. 8 Utah Con
, 64 Winona
. II 'Wolverine
. 60
. 81
. 84
. 16
. 1
. 1
, I
, 11
. 46
. 19
. 68
. 14
.. 41
,. 48
.. 81
.. 7
Banlc Clearing.
OMAHA, April 11. Bank clearings for
today for $2,981 101.76, and for the corre
sponding' date last year were $2,460,686.06.
Metal Market. '
NEW YORK, April 11. METALS The
market for' standard copper closed Weak,
with spot quoted at $12.66(?12.76; April,
$12.87Mr12.72H: May, . $12.66itf!2.8u; June,
$12.70&12.86; July, $12. To 13 85. Sales were
reported of .26 tons April at $12.75. The
London market recovered part of an early
loss, closing firm, with spot quoted at
67 and futures at 58. Arrlvala reported
at New York today were 75 tone; custom
house returns showed exports of 856 tons,
making 8.8S-tons so far this month. Lo
cal dialers quote lake copper at $125
13.60; electrolytic, $13.00313.25; casting $12.i5
41)3.00. Tin waa easy, with spot quoted at
$,12 603788.00; -April, May, June and July,
$32 .64i33.00. The London market was
lower, but closed steady at 149 10s for
spot and at 151 12s d for futures. Lead
waa dull, with spot quoted at $4.40114.46,
New York, and at S4.204r4.25. East St.
Louis. The London market waa un
changed at 12 12s 6d. Spelter was easy,
with spot quoted at $6.6&&6.66, New York,
and at $5.25fio.42H. East St, Louis.. The
London market waa a shade lower at
22 17s 6d. Iron was higher t 61s lV4d
for Cleveland warrants In London. Lo
cally the market was quiet; No. 1 foundry,
northern, $18.00318.50; No. 2 17.60U.W: : No.
1 southern sjid No. 1 southern, soft, $17 605t
"'ST. LOUIS. April 11 METALS Lead,
steady. $4.25; apelter, quiet, $6.45. . .
Evaporated Apples and Dried frnlta.
APPLES Quiet and steady; on the spot
fancy are quoted at 10c, . choice at 84J8c,
prime at tTka and .common o fair at S
DRIED FRUITS Prunes are steady, but
trading remalna quiet, although there Is
less pressure to sell. Quotations range
from 29e for California, up to SO-40s.
and o-fi-90 for Oregons. Apricots are dull
and about steady; choice. 10vlle; extra
choice, HGPIlHe; fancy, 12l2,e. Peaches
are dull and featureless; ohoioe, 9Va"lc;
extra choice, 6irfl!7o; fancy. 7'47o.
Raisins are dull and unsettled. Loose mus
catels are quoted at SsdCc; choice to
fancy seeded. 6fjc! seedless, Sltfttc;
London layers, Sl.16ftl.20,
Minneapolis drain Market.
May, $1 104; Julv, Sl.ll'.i: September. $1.01;
rash. No. I hard, 81.13; .No. 1 northern, 11.11
tjl 12; No. 2 northern, $1.0931. 10 No. 3
northern, $1.06(31.09.
FLAX Closed at $3.J7M.
CXJRN No. S yellow. 4iilT.v;i4c.
OATS No. $ white. 3i3!(J.c. - .
RYE No. 2. 70v&T4'c
PRA N In 100-pound sacks. $20X0. "'
FIOUR Flret patents,-in wood, f o. b.
Mlnneaoolls. $5. 30 a 5 60,; . toeond patents,
SSlOTaoSO: first clears, $4.25ff4.S6; second
clears, $3.0033.30.
Oils and Roatn. '
OIL CITY. April 11 OIL-Credlt balances.
$1 36. Runs. 218,305 bbls.. average 174 IIS
bbls : shipments, 41f,663 bbls., average,
137 bhls. .
SAVANNAH. April 11. Oil. -Turpentine,
firm: regulsrs. 60c. Sale. 82 bM-; re-oelrrts
lit bbls.; shipments. 743 bbls.; stock, 6.1S0
ROSIN Firm. Rece'pts. J! bbls.: shlrt
rrents. 749 bbls.; tnck. 79 417 bbls.; sat.s. 4 0
hbl. Ouote- B. 84.16: D. 84 4?iA; E S4 7JH; F.
'."; O. 94.47V,: H. 6 15: I $6 40; K, 8150; JJ.
(0 25; N. $0.20; W. O.. 8C.S5; W. W.. $6.40. Grain. Market.
M'LWA UK EE, Wis,, April ll.-FI.OUU-
Di !1
VHf.XT-vr, j rnrth.rn. 61 iil.H,- No.
f r.Kfr $1.101.11; July, $1.W,.
OATS 44c.
BARLEY Sample, &6t.
riTTt .pTh. ....u ,.n.4 r.,.r with ceipts, 12 000 hrA. Including 1.800 southerns :
very lair run of cattle, about 4.iuv head, as JikrHet 10C()!16c lower; calvea 26c lower;
against 1,600 head on last Monday. The f"ea.e" BleaV;;"o'c0 jPort and dressed
quality of the offerings was belter than It ?f tears, $i.6t(iS.26; fait- to good. $.2u((D
has been for some time past. Bearlsn Ad- Prl we"tf.rnA,srs' 8 00Jl7 ,B; stokers a"tl
vices from the east and ample offerings i"V"""- v--. """"'"i" -".o,
made all classes of buyers somewhat bear- L;0S1t.n"n,..C0W"; J 006 J?:, "i'l ow.
lau and opening bids were generally loc to ly.'iti 'ii' ,l,vo '""W'"' oujib,
ir. i..,.,-. .i.Jr. r.-,ii0 ii.n,i u.,hi I $4.25'6.75: calves. S4.0IW7.75.
steers, such as all classes of buyers were . HOGS Receipt s, 8,000 head; market lOffZOc
arter, did not suffer so much and In some 'ower' ,0,PJJ;L,,U'" P B8' $10.003 10. 2o;
cases ruled very nearly steady. On the ?"okAer? ""d butchers,
other hand, the heuvv cattle were alow $10 0616-10.30; light, $9.i0310.15; pigs, $8.00-aD.3o,
:. ' - - - - -.. Kt-ifc-ii-D i Km , ii,,., ii , ,, a.,.
sellers irom start to finish and bore tne . i .niuo--nr1pia, D,ow
brunt of the decline, it was late In the Ceaa,;. market 10c higher; lambs, $8.6047)9.75:
forenoon -before much- trading had been J"rt,n."i J?;4' '00:, w'hf"v Ji7-00(18. 75
done and the close was ratnei weak than I eu.wa.w, nocucrs,
otherwise, especially on the heavy cattle., , -r r
Although the supply of cows and heifers ' -v
was aoniewhat larger than It -haa been ST. LOUIS. April It. CATTLE Receipts,
lately, the quality was pretty good, and I 2.300 head: Including 285 Texans: ma.rkt.
active competition for desirable grades 1 steady ; native shipping and export steers,
iiauo . iuuu, siwi iiirei nr nyiuniH o. iirro.ou; aressea ocet and Dutcher steers
In this line. Medium and common cows $0.0iy 8.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., $5 5038.00-
were negleotod, however, and were gener- etockers and feeders, $4.00ffl8.00; cows and
ally 10c lower than the close of last week, heifers, $6.607.86; canners, S2.t8Mi3.35; bulls
f here was a good inquiry for veal calveo $3 6038.26; calves, $3.5038.25; Texas and In-
and they commanded steady figures, white d1an steers, $4.608.00; cows and heifers,
the outlet for bulls, stags, etc., was not as j B03 25 '
broad as It has been lateiy and prices were HOOS-Recelnts. S900 head: market to
8 Yard traders were aenerallv pretty well 100 ,l0Weri P'KS and "hts- W-M&10.40;
cleaned "T&tZfZ' ZV&Zli lyV'hS bUlCheT" " b8St
feeder line and were all In the market tor MHiViv-ri avi." t a uo d , . .
supplies , this morning, while the offering! u " a Ew A,"N LAMES Receipts, 2 000
were comparatively fimited. Anything de- ,. 'T'l- yn: "atlve mttons. $7.50
sirable commanded prlcea fully as strong 2., Uimb.8' ?l-001.0;' ,cu'ls and bucks-
as prevailed at the close of laat week, wliile oW.W; stockera. $4.007.00.
there was the usual indifference aa to the I , . . .
common, light and medium weight stuff. " "toe Market.
Oood quality, western hayfed steers sold ST. JOSEPH, April 11. CATTLE Re-
.... ... . , . . . .. . I . . . J . . L. n L.A ,,,,n 11... I alnl. 1 1 I J . I... . . .
u iu fi.w auu iijfcitl, null L.mL iiwax .auauiji " r vivw iliarafTb SlUMjy; Steers
sold about aa well an at any time this sea- I $6.50Cg8.oO; cows and heifers, $3.6037.35;
son. calves, $3,00300.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice . HOGS Receipts, 6,500 head: market 15e
cornfed steers, 7.4(ka?8.00; fair to good corn- lower; top, '$10. 36; bulk of sales, $10.15
fed steers, $6.9037.85; common to fair corn-
fed steers, $5.76(341. 88; good to choice cows SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,500
and heifers, $0,0033.75; fair to good cows head; market steady; lambs, $8.6039.75.
and heifers, $5.OO3).0O; common to fair cowa
and heifers, $2.o03.00; good to choice stock- Stock In Sight,
ers and feeders, 6.K)tr7.25; fair to good Receipts of live stock at the five princl-
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
e.OJW 4. lOO 6.4'JO
Staple aad Fancy nsieoe frteaa lTarw
aished ky Bayers sued WkelesaJUra.
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1, delivered ta
tha retail trade In 1-rb eavrtona, 8.(0; No. 1,
In 80-lb tubs, 88Sjo; No. A In 1-Ib carUina,
Uo; In 80-ib tuba, auHo; packing stook, solid
pack, 19o; dairy, la nv-lo tuba, ita. aaArkel
changes every 'i'ueaday.
cHa.ESo iwlua, iio; Young America,
18o; Uausy ohaasa, ituasi; liinoerger, lsc;
No. 1 brlok, lo ; doineatko block 6 wise, 2;e;
imported alwlaa, Sou.
POULTRX Dreaned brollera, $k0 doa(
tur atoraga, $s.vj for freab. aprtnga, lej
hens, 16c; cock a, 12Oi ducaa, lc( geese.
16o; turkeys, 800: pigeone, per doa, 41. .0;
homer siiuaos, 84 pet- doa; fancy squabs,
83 60 per doa; No. L $j per doa Alive:
broilers, from 1U to li lua., 4o; 1 to I
lbs., 80c; hena, 15c; old rooetere, 9H;
young roosters, 11c; due an, full feather ed.
Ho; geese, full feathered, o; turkeys, 2uc;
guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons, floo per
uoi ; homers, $4 per doa; tounara. No. $,
$2 per ioa
1 1311 tall frosen Salmon, lie; pickerel, i
9c; whltefiah, lJc; pike, 10c: trout. Wo;
catflah, 18c: large crappiea. I6jna: smelts,
16c; Spanlan mackerel, Ue; eel, lHo; had
dock, Uo; flounders, 12v; frog letia, too
per doa
KRtlTS Strawberries: Texas and Louie- ,
lana, 24-qt. cases, per rase, $16u; 24-pt.
cases, per case, $7.00. Oranges: California
Camella brand Hedland Navels. 8U-W-112 '
aiies. per box. $2. i'5; U0 slie. tier box, $1 'JO:
160-i;6-4 21t-2aO suc-s. per box, $S.2b; other
brands from Riverside and other districts. :
per box, li h.iu 00; 80-96-112 siaes, per box. I
11 OOCf 2 .60. Lemons: I.lmotiie.ra. extra fancy, j
300-3iO eizes. $6 0iyi.50; cnoice aOu-StW slr.ea. 1
per box, KM); 24V sise, 6O0 per box Iras,
liana nas: Fancy aelect, per bunch. $2.2s
2 Ml; Jumbo, hunch, 8i. .okv00. Grape fruit:
Florida, 4b slau, $5.00. Apples: lin Davla,
frv bbl., 4:116; New York Huesets. tnedluta
size, por bbl.. $3.50; California fancy W. W.
Penrmalns, tier box. 82.10; California extra,)
fancy W, W. Pearmalns. Red Wood brand, I
per box, $2.26; extra fancy Colorado Jona-
thans, per box, $2 60. Cianherrlea: Jorsey,
winter stock, per bbl., $0.00415.50. Daten;
Anchor brand, new. 80 1-lb. pkgs.. In box. ;
per box, j 00. Figa: California, loo else, Sue. '
VEGb-TABLLS Irish Pot a tone: Wlsuon-'
sin and native, per bu., 404i50o; Colorado,
per bu , 6oUh0c. Seed sweet potatoes: Kan-1
as, per bbl., $1.90. Cabbage: WlsootiBin.1
Holland seed, per lb.. Sc. Celery; Califorla
or Florida, per 12-Ib. bunch, 80c. Obiona: 1
Red, per lb., 8c; Teaaa crystal wax, per
crate, $2.75. Old vegetables: Parsnips, car :
rots, beets, turnips. In sacks, per lb., to.
Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., 15o; '
red, per lb., 16c.
Radishes: Per doa, hunches, 45c. Turnips:
Per doi. bunches, 60c Carrots: J Vr dos,
bunches. 60c. Shallots: Per doa. bunches, .
60c. Parsley: Per dos. bunohas. frOc. Heeta-
Per dos. bunches, 60c. Spinach: i'ir bu., 12
lbs.. $1.00. Fag plant: Fancy Florida, dog..
$1.5032.00. Tomatoes: Fancy Florida or
Cuba, per 6-basket crate, 13.10; cnoice, livn. .
St i-ln 11 and wax beans: Per hamper, about
25 lbs., $j.00ii0.)0. Cucumbers: Hot house, 1
per dos., Sl.foW2.00. :
Radishes: Extra fancy home grown, pep
dos. bunches, S.e. Lettuce: Extra, fancy
leaf, per dot., 40c; head lettuce In hampnro, '
$3.03t.OO. Parsley: Fancy home grown, per'
dos. bunches, 40c. Rhubarb: Per dos. ;
bunches, 46c. Asparagua: Per dos. '
bunches, 75c. Green onions:. Per dox.
bunches, 15c.
MISCELLANEOUS Horseradish: Two I
dos. In case, $1.90. Walnuts: Black, per lb., I
2c; California, No. 1, per lb., 16c; California, I
No. 7, Boft, per lb., 121,4c. Hickory outs:
Large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c Oo
coanuts: Per sack, $6 00; per dox., SViO.
Honey: Per 24-frame case, $3.26.
Coffee Market. I
NEW YORK, April 11. COBFKB Market
for futures closed steady at a net decline
of 6310 point's. Sales, 12,600 bafts. Closing
bids: April and May, 6.55c; June, SVeoc; July, !
8.70c; Aupruat, September, October and No
vember, 4.75c; December, S.SOo; January,
6.82c; February, 6.83c. and March, 6-800. Hkjot
market was quiet; No. 7 Rio. SVio; No. 4
Santos, c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, W0
12 Vic.
stockers and feeders, $5.0036.00; common to I pal markets yesterday:
fair stockers and feeders, $4.0035.00; stock
heifers. 83.7034 60; veal calves, $1.2533.25;
bulls, stags, etc, S3.5O3b.O0.
Representative sales:
1 No." Av. Pr. yo. Av. pr.
II 190 4 65 7 trSJ 7 Ifj
K) 1067 6 80 96 1144 7 U
7 84 6 80 80 1184 7 94
18 1011 6 It 18 Ull j 16
68 1047 . 7 00 18 .....1144 III
7 V.,.H0 t 10 19 1181 7 35
90 1 .... 1121 1 16 80 1191 7 40
16 1104 7 16 II ) 7 40
11 lli 7 II 1 1146 7 (5
10 1144 7 16 10 1217 7 60
80. . 1165 T fl ' 87 1961 7 M
12 llM 7 20 44 1196 1 94
18 1164 7 10 1101 7 40
i 18 It47 t 20 ' 90 lir7 T 46
18 1174 7 26 IS 1440 7 74
10 1007 1 14
10,... 606 8 SA 6 1 1C0 (j 70
4 88 4 Op . I ,....1104 70
II HO 4 00 17 .' tit 6 78
4 440 4 26 10 1M7 8 80
6 1061 4 86 10 1087 6 80
4 HI 111 12 1067 4 40
4.. HiiO 4 40 . 1 112 4 ul
IS.,., ISO 4 66 J 1181 6 10
4... 1097 4 86 4 1080 4 10
4 777 6 li 1 1074 4 IS
4 411 6 10 13 1106 6 86
6 900 6 40 19 ;.101 4 96
4 11SC 6 60 4 1148 6 88
10 1004 6 40
It. 448 4 26 6 760 8 85
4 600 4 94 24 1031 4 16
16............ 671 4 18 . 7 171 I 14
I.,, 710 4 64 24 174 4 40
1 690 4 40 II 971 4 40
11 864 I 46 8 147 4 16
1 1460 4 00 1 llM 66
1 1440 4 00 1 110 It
1 1970 4 04 1 1S0 I tt
1 4 00 8 UiW) 6 to
8 1M0 I 88 1 '.M0 I to
1 80 6 00 22 610 6 00
1 1810 8 00 1 860 I 36
17 868 6 28 . 8 1U 6 04
6 : 6 00 1 810 8 26
2 1(6 6 00 4 141 6 81
1 lit 4 CO 1 IW 8 li
8 141 7 W 1 ! 6 it
7...r., 161 7 it 1 120 I H
1 10 7 60 8 160 I ti
6 Ill 7 71 1 160 8 81
6 10 8 00
South Omaha
bt. Joseph,
Kansas City
St. Lou la
67,630 60100 2S.9O0
III 4 71
44 4 II
630 6 00
491 8 li
414 8 80
,411 I 86
, I I 6 SO
, IKS 6 40
. 471 I 40
717 I 46
110 6 41
4S7 I as
6M 6 40
lit 4 78
Ill I 68
..... 178 6 16
1041 7 46
' HOG Conditions surrounding the hog
trade were doubly bearish this morning.
Reports from the east .-were not only dis
couraging, but the provision market opened
much lower, as well. Although these in
fluences ware partially oftaet by a light
run at this point, packers insisted on large
reductions from the and ths situation
showed no Improvement as the morning
Must of the early business was done at
15c lower t.gures, ths ordinary run of
stuff suffering this decline while good to
choice butchers appeared to be no worse
than a big aime lower In many cases.
Loads lucking lu weight and quality were
viry slow s.-lieis from start to liu rh. tne
bulk if tins cUss of offer'.!!- goi:ig be
jov the (lw l!r, about 2tc lower than Sat
urday. Snipping cemrr.d vat aure.-it 8
usual, and there waa little activity to ujov
menl at any time.
iUpreeenlatlve sales!
Cotton. Market.
NEW YORK, Anril 11 rnTTnvM..i,.i
opened steady, with Mav hit
generally from 1 to S points lower owing to
mum -rem cauies and ravorable weather
reports from the southwest. Whu.
months were relatively steady at the start
they soon weakened, with May and July
sell I ni off to a net loss of 10JJ1J points
under scattering liquidation, ascribed partly
to rumored snipments from Galveston and
Houston, wnne tne new crop sold only 3
Or 4 POlnU net lower. Futures rt,nn.ri
leady; May, 11. 81c, July, 14.64c; August.
ia. doc; (September, 13.05c; October, 12.55c;
November, 12.38c: December. 12.39c: Janu
ary. 12.36c.
Spot closed aulet. 15 nolnts lower: mM.
dllng upland. 15.10c; middling gulf, 15. 36c;
sales, 1,700 bales. Futures closed steady;
April. 14.62c: Mav. 14.78c: .Tune 14 44c- luiv
14.43c; August, 12.84c; September, 12.!Sc; Oc-
iuur, li.iju; iNcvemoer,; DeciUioer,
12.&c; January, 12.23c,
. Isfar Market.
easy; museavado, 96 test, 2.36c; centrifugal,
ttii teat, 4.86c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 8.61c.
Refined quiet; crunhed, 6.85c; granulated.
4.15c; powdered, 6.25u.
Dry Goods Market.
Utlca wide sheetings and Mohawk Valley 1
wide sheetings were advanced today to a
basis or 87q for 10-4 Utlcaa and Hoc lor 10-8 I
Mohawks. The largest auction sal of car
pets and ruga ever held In this country
is announced for May 2 and consists of
SO.OUO baits of rugs and 80,000 rolls pf car
pets, all domestic production, i no market
was steady and quiet for the day.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL. April 11. WHEAT Spot !
dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; i
futures dull; May, 7s 10,id; July. 7 9d;
October, 7s 8d.
CORN Spot quiet; new American mixed,
northern, 6s 3Hd; old American mixed, be
8d; futures dull; July, 6s 6d.
FLOUR Winter patents easy at 21a Sd.
Peoria Market. '
PEORIA. April 11. CORN Higher: No.
4 white, 62c; No. S yellow, 56c; No, 4, 66c;
no grade, 37445c.
OATS Higher; No. I white. 444c; No. S
white, 42c; No. t white, 12c; standard.
' Hay Market. i
OMAHA, April U.-HA-No. L $10.00;
No. 2, 89 00; packing, S6.00. Straw: Wheat,
$7 00; rye and oats, $8.00. Alfalfa), $13.00,
The supply of poor hay la much heavier
than the demand and nobody wants to buy
the poorer quality.
Elsjln Hotter Market.
ELGIN. April 11. BUTTER Firm, Sloi
sales for the week, 479,300 lbs.
Fire In Lander Coal Mine.
HUDSON. Wyo.. -April 11. (Special.)
Fire, believed to be of incendiary origin, ia
threatening to spread through the Lander
Coal company's mine here. The flames
were first observed several dayi ago at a
point where the draft waa excellent and
where spontaneous combustion could not
have occurred. Since that time a force of
men has been fighting the fire and ara
holding R in check. Tha mine has not been
worked recently.
Visible Sapply of Grain.
NEW YORK, April ll.-The visible supply
of grain In the United States Saturduy.
April 9, as compiled by the New York
Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat,
29.211,000 bu.; Increase, 207,000 bu. Corn, 113.-
Charged with Starting; Fire.
PIERRE, S. I)., April 11. (Special.)
David Moyes, who Uvea on a homestead
near Midland, has been arreated and placed
under bonds for his appearance In circuit
court, charged with setting a prairie fire.
It U the first arrest In that county follow
ing the many fires since settlement, and Is
attracting; a ereat dejj of Interest for that
Persistent advertising Is the road to Blsf
Herbert E. Gooch Co
Brokers zod Dealers
ctirtf, rxovrsnoiTSj, stoois,
Omaha Of floe i lis Hoard of 'reae Iluask
Bell "xelvpUiHie, Soaglaa ai
ladepeadeat. A-S132L.
Oldest and tarrert Jtuusa la ihe Ktstss
We offer $1,000,000 Gold Bonds of a well established and success
ful Western Power & Llghllrg Company at fiSVfc In denominations of
f 10, $500 and SI. 000.
The Electric Power of this Company Is generated from coal.
The Company Issuing these bonds Is earning double the interest
on all Its outstanding bonds, and has under construction greatly In- ,(
creased facilities for a larger output. This will be In operation within , i
the next three months and result in earning dividends on Its common
Every purchaser of one cf the bonds will also be given 60 pf It
value In common stock, so that In addition to the assured Income of
by on the bonds there will bo a share In the future growth and
earnings of the Company. There Is an existing market for a large In
creased output.
Write for fuJl information
V ALSTON E BROWN & BROS., 45 Va!l St. New York .i
Established lists. Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange.