Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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- (Contiuued.)
goath Dlkl.
FOR SALE So vim Dakota lands. J1S to
1 10 per acre, near (own. For bookleT. map
end prices on the mmi, best and cheapest
address L. U. Haiamtn, Fukwana, lirula
county, 6. D.
FOR "AL1B by ownar out of the beet H
Section farmi In armory Co.. S. 1).. adjoin
lng town, good buildings, 20 acres under
cultivation. For further Information ad
dress Bos 21. BL Charles. K D.
FEND for Hat of landa for aala bv the
owner. Legal dearriptlon liven. U. 11.
Carroll, Miller, 8. D.
OKLAHOMA map. circulars and price
1st on farms, lent on request.
raStout, Cushing, Old.
We have 100.000 acrca of choice land to
select from, ranging in price from $5 to
IV) per acre. This land la In the oil and
ess diatrict and you might get an oil well
, with ycur Innd.
bull 6.4 New York Lite illdg.
b. t and "-room houses. If prices art right
we can sell your property for you.
Buite 64 N. IT. Ufa Bid.
: Good 6
Farm Mortgages
always on hand and I'ji kui.i
amountu from $u0U to $:!,U0U.
412 N. Y. Life Bidg.
WANTED City loana and warrant. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1.D Farnam St.
IXANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pay
ments semi-annually.
03 First National Bank Bldg.
GARVIN BROS.. 318 N. T. Life. 1500 to
$rO0.0O0 on Improved property. No delay.
IM0 to 15.000 nn homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real F.state Co., 10U3 N. Y. Life. Douglas
or A-2U&
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
to loan on
Omaha business property.
Room 1, New York Life Bldg.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bids., ISth and Farnam.
LOWEST RATKS-Berals. Brandeis Bldg.
2X.0O0. $17,000. $-"0,000.
tlenral merchandise.
$1S.OOO $17,000 hardware. wants land
rieafe Klve leg-al numbers In first letter.
Bulte 24 N. T. Life Bldg. Red 19H9.
ONE of the finest fruit farms ever built;
SO acres large and small fruit; modern
'house; an Ideal home and a big money
.-maker. It Is worth $7,000. Do you want It?
Suite H24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999.
256-ACRE FARM, adjoining one of the
beat towns In Nebraska. One large modern
house and two smaller ones; orchard,
grove; residences are all In corporate limit
of town. Barn, chicken house, hog house,
all with city water. Everything that can
he found on the best Improved farm. Will
take part income-bearing property. Price
UO.OOO. Nowsta Land & Lot Co., Suit 24
N. y. Life Bldg. Red 1999.
CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau
let style, but title used, made by Cunning
ham and sold new for $1,000. This carriage
la now worth $600 In cash, but we would
., exchange It for horses or for vacant piop
. erty or for western land. Johnson, Dan
t. forth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts.
You Want a I firm
the other fellow wants city property or
slock of goods. We want the commission.
Send us full description in first letter and
will get you a trade.
6ulie 24 N. Y Life Bldg. Red 199.
BEST PRICES paid for second-hand fur-
iture. carpets, stoves, clothes, shoes. Phone
Douglas 641.
, BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni
ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Phone.
Douglas &1L
I BUY, sell and exchange second-hand
goods. Sol Rosenberg, 103 S. 14th. Doug. 5H35.
RRHOND-HAND clothing, rarty. afternoon
dresses. John Feldman, D. S!28 or Ind. A-23.
GOOD PRICE for second-hand clothes,
shoes and furniture. SELNER, Doug. 6401.
JUST starting business: second-hand fur
n'ture, stoves, etc: highest prices. Douglas
,., lfcp0. A-4J6S. Call Lieben. 1117 Dodge St.
WANTKP, a modlum slxed roll top dosK.
C. F. Shaw, 1333 Park Ave.
We Are Getting Numerous Calls
For Houses of All Sixes. List With Us.
f24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone lied 1W.
-Teath aad alMuav,
I aloa Paclfla i.eare
Fan Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. t 16 a. in.
Chi. 4k Jap. F'st Mall. 4:10 p. in.
Atlanilo Express
' Oregon Express 4.00 p. ra.
A rireaon-Wash. Ltd 12:40 p.m.
Denver Special I ll a. ra.
Colorado Special 11:4$ p. m.
- (Colorado Exprvaa 1:60 p. m.
North Plate Local :16 a. ra
Uiand Island Local.... 6:24 p. ra.
,' , Lincoln-Beat. Local. ..12.41 p. Hi.
Val. ii Ceu. City Lcl ..l2:4iP m.
Illinois Cemtral
11 .SO p. m.
t '44 p. m.
:4j a. in.
:M p. m.
1:49 p. ru,
12 :.! a. ra.
Via. m.
:V0 p. ra.
4 45 p. in.
10:o0 a. m.
:20 a. ds.
1 2u p. Ua
a 1 46 pm
a 1:4 an
a i:4a am
bU.M aui
..a 7:00 am
..a t oo pin
,.b 7.00 aic
..a ( 00 pm
Chlragc Express ... .
Chicago Limited ....
, . Mum.-. it. Paul Exp
GiDuha-FL Dodge Luo.b 4:li pm
tklaagv, ba,k lataaat raetflo
Rocky Mountain Li.....a 1:40 are al: pra
loa Local a 4.M pia
Chicago-Day Expraas..a am
Lea Uuinea Loca, a 4:00 pm all pm
Iowa Loral UiO.K. aia b 1:66 pta
Chicago-.aulera tCxp...a 4 40 put a 1:1a pie
Cliico-.brna Ltd. a :U pm a .u am
Chicago-Nebraska Lit-
for Llacoln ..a f -.25 am a 1:41 pia
Coio. ai.d CaL Exp a l b pra a 4.P) pia
Okla. and Texas Exp.. .a i f piu a l:uO pra
Kocy Mountain Ltl...al0:4 pa a ll sxs
ialcas lniflwaira
Omaha Expreae.. a Let am all a am
Chicago Local aii 0j pm a 1 m pin
Colorado-Chicago a t 20 put a pra
Chicago hpacim g t.M iia a I.u aia
Pacifiu Coast-Cbicago...a l a pm a 1.2 pia
Los Angelea Llmiieu....a put alK.ZO pia
. Overland Ltinitea all: pm a 7:4a uia
Leaver baMiiai als.w am a U aui
tarreil Local t I.N ca lI Uis
tul Mail a a l a pia
Tnla City Express a 1 .60 am al pa
. f ioux City Local a 1.4 pm a p. a
Mlnu. A Dakota Kp...a 1 uo pm a s.u aia
IftU City Limited a s:0 pm g au
W to 1' BOUND. li alim all. St era
Norfolk-bonalell tl:Man el U pa
Long line-so Platte.. .a 2.1 pm s IN pa
lmaunga-auperlor b 2.1 pm a W pm
IcadKoud-iiol bpga.....a lx pia a i n pot
t t etper-Lander a I a pm all 00 am
I t iauiuoi Ailiiug s.M iiw h l.ii pm
Mtaaearl Fee I Me
K. C. and St- L. Ki....a t.4t am a IK aat
K. C. and St U U.X.
(1 Sat. 11 p. ro etl:lS pm a 1:30 pm
Iklcasa, Mllwaake at Faal
Leave. Arrive
Ovirland Limited ell: a pm a I OS am
Onieha-Chtcago kxp....a I 1 em a t M era
Colorado Hpeclal t MI tn all 31 Dm
Colo. -California tip a t u ptu a J X, pra
firry-umina mui a.aa v wu .1 y ra
tatcasje Great Western
Chicago Limited a 04) pm
Twin City Limited a t.a pea a l ot am
Chicago fcapresa a pm
Twin City fcxpreea a t.l am a .( pat
Orraha-St. 1-oiils Exp. .a l:K pro a tj ass
Wall and Express a 1-M am all;li pas
btanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 1:00 pm am
BcnLtxaTon itatios ttatk ta(
Barllu4o Leave.
Denver and California. .a tlopro
Puget Sound Kxpress...a 4;I0 pm
Nebraska points a I:) am
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express ali:2opm
Nebraska points as. 29am
Lincoln Mall b 1.20pm
Nebraska fc-xpreea a i. liana
Lincoln Local .........
Lincoln Local a 7:2S pro
Bchuyler-riattsmoutb ..b 2.00 pm
plattsmoutn iowa at: Warn
Bellevue-Plottamouth ..al2:30pm
Colorado Limited all:26pm
Chicago Fpeclal a,':lfara
Chicago Express at.Mpm
Chicago Fast Express... ?0 pm
Iowa Local a:)arn
Creston-lowa Looal ai:M)pm
Ft. Louis Express a4:Mpm
K. C. and U Joseph. ...al0:4 pin
K. C. and St. Josepb....a t):li am
K. C. 44 Josepn a 4:30 pm
a I 45 pnj
a 4:10 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 4.10 pm
a I 00 am
a 4: pm
aU IS pm
a 6 : 10 pm
b 08 am
a 7:60 pm
b 10:20 am
a Mara
a 2:40 pm
a 7.00 am
all:06 pm
a ?:, pm
a 1:00 am
al0:.o am
a 1.44 am
a .lo pm
WEISTEB TAT1U rifteeata) (t
Mlaaaarl Paeiri
Auburn Local.....
Leave. Arrive,
b so pm hint nm
iklnss, at. fae
I, ssinaeapalls M
Bloux City Express b 1:00 pm bU:4Ser
Omaha Local e:20pra
Sioux City Passenger b t.Mpm
Twin City Passenger.... b :3U am
Cioux City lcaJ a :eaan
10.000 Ton TwIp-Stw ruMtifr StMtwr
. riUu
Norway. Sweden and Denmark
Hollig lilav April llllnll,U Rtaln Mr 1
D.i.r II April 21 Hflllf Ola, Mir 24
C. f. Tieisn Mr 4 0,oir H June
All Steamers equipped with Wireless,
sTtt cabin. 4VU upwara; avenp4 ahtn- . . A. w
iOHNBOn m CO.. 1M Wat Klnrla at. Chicago,
All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, etc)
London-Paris- Hamburg
Blucher. Apr. 21. A. M. lHra. Grant May 4
I'raa. Lincoln. ..Apr. 2 (Pennsylvania ...May 11
Cincinnati Apr. 28lOraf Waldarm..Majr It
tAnerlka Apr. lO tKala'n Aui. Vlo. Mar 21
lRlu-Carltcm a laCarta Keaiaurant.
(Hamburg direct. Naw
Uamburg-Amerioan Z.lne, 49 B'way, M. T.
or looal Agents
Quartermaster, Cheyenne. Wyoming,
March 14, 1910. Sealed proposals, In tripli
cate, will be .received at this office until
9:30 A. M. Wednesday, April 1.1, 1910, at
which time they will be opened In public,
for the construction, plumbing, wiring for
electric motors and lights, electric fixtures,
furnishing and installation of laundry ma
chinery and equipment, boiler, feed pump,
etc., for one (1) Loundry, Plans No. 234-B,
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. Plans and
specifications for the Inspection of bidders
are on file in this office, also the offices
of the Chief Quartermaster, Department
of the Lakes, Chicago, Illinois; Chief
tjuartennarter. Department of the Missouri,
Omaha, Nebraska; Chief Quartermaster,
Department of the Colorado, Denvert Colo
raro; Depot Quartermaster, St. Louis, Mis
souri, and Iho mecrelaryof the Builders'
Kxtiiange, St. I'aul, Minnesota. Proposal
blanks and General Instructions to Bidders
may bo had upon application to this office.
The Ooverntnent reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids or any part thereof.
Ei velopes containing proposals should be
indorsed "Proposals for Laundry, Fort D.
A. Russell. Wyoming, to be opened April
13, 1910," and addressed to V. K. Hart,
Captain lbth Infantry, Acting Quarter
master, U. S. A., in charge of Construction,
Kocim 8, Keefe Hall, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Mood Woman Laid to Rest After a
Long Life Her. C. W. Kavidge
I'aja Tribute at Birr.
Beginning with an address touching on
the life and character of the deceased,
simple ceremonies marked the funeral of
the late Mrs. E. B. Haynes Sunday after
noon. The funeral took place from the
home of J. - B. Haynes, a son of Mrs.
Haynes, at 832 Georgia street, to Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Rev. Charles W. Savidge of the People's
church had charge of the service!. Rev.
Mr. Savidge had known Mrs. Haynes for
Uventy-eight years. He recounted. In his
address, Incidents In her life depicting her
character and the good alio had accom
plished. Mrs. McMullcn, a member of the
Kountze Memorial church choir, rendered
a solo in conclusion of the ceremony at
the house. There were brief services at the
cemetery also.
The pallbearers were Charles II. Pick
ens, Edward North, Court Carrier, Alfred
V. Logan. Thomas F. Godfrey and Henry
Among the many floral offerings which
clothed the bior were an Immense shield
from the young men employed at the
Omaha Electric Light and Power company,
with which concern a son of Mrs. Haynes
is connected, and a shield of flowers from
associates of George B. Haynes, lit the gen
eral passenger office of the Chicago & Mil
waukee railroad at Chicago.
The death of Mrs. Haynes occurred at
the home of her son. George B. Haynes
at Chicago, last Friday. The body was
brought to Omaha, accompanied by three
of her sons, who came from their homes
In tho east.
In l.eolnre Before Philosophical
Not-let He Pays Trlbate to Work
of Herbert Spenrrr,
Rabbi Frederick Cohn delivered an ad
dress on "Evolutionism" before the Philo
sophical society In Baright hall Sunday aft
ernoon. His address was largely a tribute
to Herbert Spencer, whom he characterised
as the original expounder of the doctrine
of evolution.
"Herbert Spencer was the greatese eihlcal
teacher of his generation," said Rabbi
Colin. "He was nolther an atheist nor a
materialist. His was the ethics of reason,
while our ethical Ideas are those of biblical
origin, spencei did not believe in the
secularixatioii of morals, but he did believe
in the great need of modern society for
moral ethics. Spencer was a bachelor, but
It Is said of him that he did wish to marry
George Eliot, the greatest of English
authoresses. I would have liked to have
had that union come about. It would have
been the union of lha two mightiest In
tellects and ethical scientists of the age."
Rabbi Cohn then proceeded to give an
analytical review of the scientific mind of
Spenc-r. Tne .address was of a highly
scientific character and went deeply Into
the doctrine of evolution as expounded by
all its g eat teachers, including Charles
Datum, and was listened to with the deep
tel iiilcicL
Bishop Scannell Pleads for Unity in
Service of God.
Kmphaalsea Great Fight ef Catholic
(aarrh Tarssgs the A gee ta
Preserve the lategrltv el
Its Doetrlates.
Bishop Scannell preached Sunday morning
at St. Cecelia's procathcdral. 11 took for
his text ths following words from the
gospel of St. John: "And other sheep 1
have, which are not of thla fold; them
also I must bring, and they shall hear
my voice, and there shall be one fold and
one shepherd."
"As we read the new testament." said the
bishop, "we cannot help but see the one
thing most desired by God was unity
among His follow ers. Christ spoke of a
desire for one church and not two or three,
or four pr five. This wish Is clearly ex
pressed in words which I have Just quoted
to you from St. John.
"The word 'must' does not mean that
God will be compelled by any exterior
force, but rather conveys the idea that He
wishes that there be one fold and one
shepherd. God wished for a moral unity
among His followers, which can be found
when the objects of the intellect and the
will are in agreement among those who
profess the Christian religion.
"Christ came to earth to free mankind
from slavery; from moral and intellectual
slavery. Man's Intellect is not free if He
believes In error, and his will Is not free
If he desires evil.
"In order that all mankind be united, It
is necessary for man to know the truth. If
all men knew the truth, they would all be
united. Disagreement and division is a
sign that truth Is not present.
"The unity In the Catholic church is re
markable and all societies envy it. It
comes through prayer and God's will and
those outside of the church, who desire
such union and are unable to get it in
their own societies, say that there must be
something wrong about It. They seek to
point out some violence or evil, but In this
they fall. Look back for 2,000 years and
you will see that the Catholic church has
ever been struggling to preserve Its unity.
Even some of the church's own children
have tried to destroy the unity which exists
in the society and thought that they could
Improve upon the truths handed down by
Christ, but itVas necessary for the church
to exclude these wilful members to preserve
Its truth. Most troubles are caused by sin.
rebellion and pride, as was the case with
the fallen angels who said, I will not
"In our relations with those outside of
the church we should remember that theyl
have not the gift of faith. The truth , of
the Catholic church Is not plain to them,
and we should always be kind, charitable
and patient with them, but we must not
concede a single iota of doctrine, for truth
is Indivisible. Be charitable and patient
and asslstGod in bringing all of the sheep
Into one fold, where they will serve one
Marloa Lawrance Speaks on "Teacher
as Seal Winner."
The subject of the address of Marion
Lawrance at the evening service in the
First Christian church was "The Sunday
School Teacher as a Soul Winner." "The
teacher should be right with God himself,"
he raid. "He should have a vision of his
work; he should have a knowledge of his
Bible; he should have a knowledge of the
child. Then be should expect results and
work as if it all depended upon himself,
but trusting as if It all depended upon
Mr. Lawrance spoke to a crowded con
gregation that Joined with great hearti
ness and fervor, in the hymns the singing
being led by Prof. E. O. Excell with Alvin
Roper at the piano and Miss West asistant
organist of the church at the organ. The
anthem. "Praise Ye the Father" (Gounod),
was tastefully rendered by the choir. The
soloist was Richard Kersey.
Royal Arch Maaoaa Take la .Nearly
Seventy Prominent Masons
Shrines Off to Sonth.
Wednesday evening was a red letter event
in the history of Bellevue chapter No. T.
Roval Arch Masons, as well as an epoch
marker in the history of Royal Arch Ma
sonry in Nebraska. The 00c salon was the
passing upon sixty-eight applications for
membership In the chapter, being 1.1. e rec
ord for the number of applications ever
received in one evening by any chapter In
the state, and more than is received by
many cnapters dining an entire year. The
applicants Included many of - the mott
prominent citizens of Omaha.
About twenty-five members of Tangier
temple of the Ancient Order of the Mystic
Shrine, and their wives, left Friday after
noon by special car -for New Orleans over
the Burlington, to attend the meeting of
the Imperial shrine, to be held in tht citv
next week. The party was in charge of
illustrious Potentate E. G. McGllton, and
wsa accompanied as far as St. Louis by
Burlington City Passenger Agent J. B.
Reynolds, who had charge of the train.
Aiming those la the party were Past Im
perial Potentate Colonel Henry C. Akin and
Postmaster B. F. Thomas. The party will
be absent about a week.
Clansmen ot America.
Lorlge'No. 1. Clansmen of America, was
auspiciously launched In the presence of
nearly 900 men and women Tuesday even
ing. April 6. in Fraternity hall, Nineteenth
and Harney streets.
The order Is a new one, recently con
reived in Omaha, and Its supreme lodge
officered by Omaha men. Is locate 1 In
After corgratulalory remarks from sev
eral of ;v.e prominent workers In similar
fraternal ordeia. the new lodge proceeded
to the elei tlon of these officers for the en
suing year:
President, J. Walter Adams; vice presi
dent, J. C. Moore; instructor, J. W. Hood:
protector. J. G. Dauterman; secretary. Earl
merman; treasurer, o. T. Hameif door
keeper, C. F. Anderson; watchman, J. T.
The lodge will meet regularly in Fratern
ity hall each Tuesday evening. A big class
of novitatm will be Initiated at the next
meeting, Tuesday evening, April 12.
The supreme lodge, which is located in
Omaha, is officered as follows: Supreme
president, David J. Dodson; supreme secre
tary, Andrew E. Walkup; supreme treas
urer. Otto L. Nelson.
Royal Arhatra.
The degree etaff of Omaha lodge No. 1
gave a successful party to Us members and
frienda Tuesday evening that was largely
attended. Like entertainments will be given
by this lodge before the warmer wea:her
sets In.
A number of candidates are to he In'.i
ated at the meeting next Tuesday evening,
and other Important business matters are
to be tsken up.
C. K. Sllngeiiand was elected secretary
of Union lodge No. 110 last evening,
vice T. H. Dohrse, resigned.
Memorial liar Committee.
The general committee of the Grand
Army of the Republic on Memorial djy
observance will meet this evening In the
city hall. Further details f r the- proper
local observance of Derorailon day wi',1
be discussed and several of t.i ) subcommit
tees will submit their reports.
Ladles of the Grand Army.
Garfield elrrle No. 11 met even
ing. The auditing committee 'ubmltted 't
report and considerable business was trans
acted. The next meeting. .i'cli will I a
regular business meeting lnrtead of at.
open meting. a 111 be devj,ed to the d -riiston
of plans for Decora Ion day and
for the approaching departmert conve-i' U11
l be held In Falrbury, Neo., May 17-IS.
Gettysburg circle No. 4.t. will entertain
Its members and friends with a card parry
and open meeting Thursday evening,
April 21. 1
Moral Hlghlaaaere.
Fermilffe castle. No. 4JW will glva a grand
ball to its members and friends Friday
evening, April 16. In Fraternity hall, Nine
teenth and Harney streets.
Notorious Thief
Killed with Club
"Reddy" Gallagher, Ex-Convict, ii
Felled by Man Whose Home
He Wat Entering.
PHILADELPHIA, April 11 James, alias
"Reddy" Gallagher, a notorious burglar
with a long prison record, was killed with
a club early today after a desperate strug
gle, by a householder whose home he had
attempted to enter.
Samuel Zeanquenlan of 431 North Twenty-third
street was awakened by his wife
who said a man was trying to get into a
neighboring house. Looking ' out Zean
quenlan saw the man In a yard several
doors away. Hastily dressing he went to
his cellar and picked up a long, heavy
club, used as a lever In a wine press.
By thia time the intruder, falling to ef
fect an entrance In the other house, had
appeared at Zeanquenlan's cellar window,
llunnlng into his back yard, Zeanquenlan
sprang at the stranger and a desperate
struggle ensued. The burglar managed to
secure possession of the club, but before
he could use it Zeanquenlan closed In on
him and recovered the weapon.
The burglar then ran to the street, fol
lowed by Zeanquenlan, who, swinging the
club, struck the Intruder with such force
that he was thrown against a lamp post
and smashed the lamp.
Uttering a moan of pain, the burglar
managed to crawl on his hands and knees
about a block from the scene of the en
counter. There he was- found lying un
conscious with a fractured skull and re
moved to a hospital by the police. He died
shortly after being admitted to the insti
tution. Central office detectives Identified the
body at the morgue as that of James
Gallagher, alias Henry Walter, alias Wil
liam Walter, alias John Hanagan, a notori
ous burglar, who, since his first convic
tion in 1887, has served four terms for
burglary and was released early this year
after serving two years In the Eastern
penitentiary for a bold daylight Jewelry
robbery. Zeanquenlan was held to await
the action of the coroner.
Oil Magnate Offera 2SO,l(IO Toward
JSew Charrh Blsc Sabacrip
tlon Taken.
NEW YORK, April ll.-ln twenty-eight
minutes the congregation of the Fifth
Avenue Baptist church subscribed $324,100
today to build a new edifice. Of this sum
John D. Rockefeller gave half, having
promised to duplicate dollar for dollar up
to 1250.000. when a foOO.OOO limit will have
been reached. Aa the share of the con
gregation, aside from Mr. Rockefeller, did
not reach 1260.000 . today, other subscrip
tions will be taken up later.
The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Aked said last
Sunday that Mr. Rockefeller was not to be
allowed to contribute the lion's share, but
he made no comment today on the agree
ment to double the congregation's subscrip
Sonth Dakota City Chosen by Late
Colorado Millionaire aa First
Western Location.
DEADWOOD, S. D., April 11. (Special.)
It was in the Black Hills, within ten miles,
of Deadwood, that fhe late Thomas f .
Walsh ot Colorado, the multimillionaire,
laid the foundation for his great wealth.
Mr. Walsh came to the Black Hills over
land from Cheyenne in 1875, having numer
ous adventures ith InS.-ana on the'road,
and arrived at 'Custer City, where after
wards the Indians stampeded the ponies Of
the. parly. A few months later Walsh came
to Deadwood and then went to the Two
Bit district, near here, where he started as
a mine carpenter and made his home. He
was then a poor man and worked at his
trsde by the day. Walsh became associated
with ths late Jlmmle O'Connell in some
prospects and together they developed, as
their small means would allow, ths Anchor
Hill mine In that section. Two years later
Walsh sold out his interest In the property,
receiving a few thousand dollars, and re
turned to Colorado, where he invested in
mines that gave him his great wealth.
The old cabin that Walsh used for a home
while in Galena is still standing and only
a year or so ago the kit of carpenter'a tools
that he used at his work here was for
warded by friends to him in Colorado. He
always expressed great love for the Black
Hills and had for many years been in
communication by letter with some of the
old-timers he knew In the 70s, promising,
when he could spare the time, to revisit
the scenes of nls early life here.
Italians Use Slingshots.
TERRY, S. D., April 11. (Special.)
Charged with attempting to Injure non
union employes of the Golden Reward
company by the use of slingshots, Peter
Roncaglions and Mike Parmento, two Ital
ian union men hre, were arrested and will
be given a hearing. Superintendent
Schnitzel of the mining company accuses
the men of hurling stones with the sling
shots at passing non-union men whose
heads showed as they walked through a
Two Ranks Incorporated.
PIERRE, 8. D., April 11. (Speclal.)
Ai tides of Incorporation have been filed
for the. Farmers' State bank of Faith,
Meade county, with a capital of 110,000.
Incorporators, H. C. Boke, Spook; David
R. Miller, Henry W. 'Davie. Moreau. For
the Farmers and Merchants State bank of
Plankinton, with a capital of 110,000. In
corporators, 1 4. A. Msbott, T. E. Rich, A.
A. Hoynton of Planklngton.
Letter from Sea's Deptha.
DEADWOOD. 8. D., April U.-Letters
from beneath the sea have Just been re
ceived by local residents. The letters were
originally mailed by a former Deadwood
man, Paul Rewman, who Is now doing
mining In Alasks, on February 1 and were
put aboard the Ill-fated attamer Tucatan,
which went down In Icy Straits off Alaska
on February 11 The letters ware rescued
from the sunken steamer and sent on
to Seattle with other mall.
Mare oath Dakota Caadldatea.
FIK.RRE. S. D.. April ll.-(Speclal.)-The
nnmlnatlng petition of A. W. Ewart of
Pierre, the progreslv candidate for state
treasure.", has been filed in the office of
the secretary of state. The petition of
C. X. Sewaid of Watertowa as the republi
can candidate for Judge of the third circuit.
In opposition to Judge Marqu.a, lias teen
Omaha Suburbs
John N'ordln spent the day last Sunday
in OreinJs Neb.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Hansen on bJtiiiay, April 2.
Mis. K. U Fae and daughter were visit
ing with relatives in Benson last Sundsy.
Miss Nma Trotter entertained ' at lunch
cn MouOay for Mrs. J. Davenport of
Mrs. J. L. Corbaley and children left on
Friday for visit with relatives In Cres
cent, la.
Mrs. t W. Childs entertained at lunch
on Sunday In honor of Mrs. M. J. Beattie
of Omaha.
The Fern Leaf club will give a dancing
party next Thursday evening at Odd Fel
lows' hall.
Miss 1'atlierlne of Omaha and Z. L.
McGovern of Benson were married last
Tom Cosies of Waterloo, Neb., spent laet
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hill.
Mis. George Hill and children left Fri
day for a few days' visit with relatives In
Waterloo, Neb.
Miss Olga Peska left last Tuesday for a
two weeks' visit with relatives and friends
In Tobias, Neb
Mr. and Mis. E. H. Sprague moved Into
their summer home near the Country ciub
last Wednesday.
The B. L. S. club will meet at the home
of Mrs. A. K. Carter on next ThuVsdsy aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock.
L. B. Hoyt left last Friday to attend the
Imperial counrll of the Mystic jihrlne, to
be held at New Orleans.
Mrs. C. F. Maxwell of Charlton. la., is
making a two weeks' visit at the home of
net son, A. A. Maxwell.
Rev. L. Le Vender of Swede Home, Neb.,
filled the pulpit ot the Swedish Lutheran
church Sunday afternoon.
Patrick lverson of Calhoun, Neb., Is
spending a few days at the home of his
oouain, Mrs. Charles Voss. v
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson entertained
about twenty of their friends snd relatives
at their home last Sunday.
Master. Arthur Chslupsky, E. C. Hodder
and Miss Helen Carter have been on the
sick list during the last week.
Gordon Ruth entertained Messrs. R. F.
Mortality, Frank Parkins and Gus Urban
at his home last Sunday evening.
The regular meeting of the fire depart
ment was held last Monday evening, when
routine buslners was transacted.
The women of the Methodist church
served an election day dinner at the fire
hall last Tuesday, and cleared about 112.
The Busy Bee Sewing club met at the
home of Mrs. C. A. Bloomburg last Satur
day afterrloon, when a good number were
Mrs. O. F. Gift and children left last
Tuesday to Join Mr. Gift, and they will
make their home hereafter on a claim In
The Benson Woman's club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. R. W. Bosworth
last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D. D. Raber
was leader.
Mrs. E. J. McArdle entertained a number
of frienda and relatives last Monday even
ing, cards and lunch were the program of
the evening.
Mrs. L. J. N. Good In will leave next Fri
day for Northport, Neb., where Mr. Goodln
has gone, and they will make their future
home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas left Tuesday
morning for Columbus, Neb., where they
will reside in the future, after an extended
visit in Benson.
Will Powers Is able to be out and around,
with the assistance of crutches, since his
Injuries caused by being thrown from a
wagon last week.
James W. Loehmiller and Mrs. Sarah B.
Duke, both of Benson, and well known
here, were married last week and will re
side in this place.
The Woman's Christian 'Temperance
union will hold an all-day meeting at the
home of Mrs. Munsell next Friday. A lunch
will be served at noon.
The meeting of the Jolly Thirteen club
to have been held last Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. Iradale, was postponed on account
of the death of Mrs. Hodder.
Rev. B. F. Kistler has returned home
from an extended visit in Kansas, Iowa
and Missouri, recuperating his health, and
will again resume his pastorate.
Prof. John Speedle spent a few days last
week in Fremont attending the meeting of
the East-Central Nebraska Teachers' asso
ciation, of which he is treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Colwell of Papllllon
and Mrs. William Speedle and Mrs. C. F.
Nickerson of Gretna, Neb., have been
guests at the Speedle home during the last
week. v
On account of the Sunday school ad
dresses at the 1 oung Men s Christian as
sociation this afternoon 110 vesper services
will be held today at the Presbyterian
church. -
Mrs. A. S. Ruth entertained last Tues
day In honor of Miss Mamie O'Haniln of
Pittsburg, Pa., and on Thursday for Mes
dames Grove Baldwin, Charles Kaltler, A.
Giant and Dr. and Mrs. Baldwin.
School opens for the spring term this
morning. Miss Hatfield, who spent the
week at Pawnee City; Miss Emily Gavin at
Jackson, and the Misses Bessie Bedell and
Fedde, at Peru, have returned to take up
their work.
The funeral services of Mr. Clyde Carter
were held on Friday a week, at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Mary Mullen of
Omaha., Interment being In Holy Family
Sepulcher. Mrs. Csrtar came to live In
Benson as a bride last August, and died
March 10, after a long sickness.
Mlsues Effle and Ruth MeGuIre enter
tained at lunch at their home laat Sunday
evening, when their guests were the mem
bers of the Utopia club. Thoe present were:
Misses Kate Davis, Rose and Laura Poet,
Martha, Lena and Clara ReptOwsky, Helen
Morris, Charlotte Melcholr, Lillian Phelps,
Letta and Cecelia Reed.
Mrs. Dr. Loechner entertained about forty
guests at her home last Wednesday after
noon, each guest bringing a tea towel,
and while present hemmed towels. These
are to go to the Methodint hospital. Miss
Ethel Jost won firwt prise for hemming the
largest number. Cake and ice cream were
served by the hostess.
The funeral services of Mrs. Jemima Hod
der. who died last Sundsy at the age of 81
years, were held laet Tuesday afternoon
at. 6 o'clock at the home of her son, E. C.
Hodder of Benson, where the deceased re
sided. Interment was at Mount Hope cem
etery. Revs. Oorst and High of Omaha
and A. Atack of Benson officiated.
Andrew Albach has been appointed road
Mi-. Flnley has rented his place to an
Omaha man.
The Improvement club wilt meet at the
city hall Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. irvlng Allison entertained at
caids Wednesday evening.
J. Jeffery Davy of Omaha spent Wednes
day with Florence friends.
John N. Westberg of Omaha was tho
guest of J. B. Brfrsbln Sunday.
William Ely of Omaha was the guest of
r lorenc trienns W ednesday.
The Pleasant Hour club met at the home
of Orlle Wilson Friday evening.
Mr. John Kimball of Omaha spent Satur
day with her sister, Mrs. F. B. Nichols.
W. H. Nelson and family of Omaha have
moved Into the Smith house on State street.
Miss Mable Cole and Miss Carrie larks
were guests of Helen Nichols Friday aft
ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt entertained
Newell Burton and John Lubold Sunday
Lou Reynolds and Wallace Johnston were
guests si the Uockmont poultry farm on
Mrs. F. B. Nichoks and Mrs. 'smes J.
Houston were guests of Omaha fr o ids
Thursday. .
The Court of Honor will give a social
Tuesday evening at Adam s hall. Ice cream
and cake will be served.
Mrs. F. If. Hartman entertained the
Bridge club Friday afternoon, Mrs. Harry
Brlsbin winning the prixe.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron L. Learned enter
tained James I Houston. Jr., and Miss
McPherson at luncheon Sunday,
Mr. Charles Frost and Mlsa Kathecine
Evans, both of Omaha, were guests ,it the
Mandy Lee poultry farm Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Kuncl and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Schnledsr snd Mr. letovsky
were guests of Mr. end Mrs. William Bena.
Prof. McLane and W. A. Toder left nn
Thursday for Fremont 10 attend the meet
ing of the school teachers there for three
1 days.
I Mr. and Mia. Tucker entertained a large
I party Tuerday evening after tha count of
the ballot. M.iair by tha Manclnl string
orchestra, speeches and eonga made a
pltatant evening. Trust present wtre G.
M. Msnrlnl. P. A. Haskell. C. J. Kier e. ,
Mrk llocco. Larry Foy. E 1a Plats. J. H
Price. Louis Greene. R. It. Olmsteart. L.
W. lhni. John McGregor. O. R. Potter.
Martin Ihm. Dan Tomasso. Mr. and Mrs.
M H Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van
I lank. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Inciter.
Frank P. Brown and George Slrrt have
purchased all the shares of the Athletic
association and will run the bane ball park
this season.
The Kagles gave a social session Wednes
day evening and those present enjovd the
burlesque boxing and wrestling ma'o.ies
to the limit.
Mrs. A. C. Chrlstensen and daughter,
Manns, of South Omaha, and Mrs. Albert
P. Johnson of Omaha were guests of Mrs.
E. L. Plats Thursday.
The school board, at Its session Wednes
day evening re-elected all the
teachers for the ensuing year. May : v as
set as the date for the commencement x
erclses. The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian church met at the home of Mrs. 1 .
A. Haskell Wednesday. The afternoon was
spent In sewing for a rag carpet and a
prise was given to the woman sewing the
best balL
Allen W. Chase, state engineer from Lin
coln, will be the guest of the Ponca im
provement club the first week In May. He
will give some valuable information about
the construction of good road's, the material
to be used, etc.
The Hoys of Honor presented Franklin
Pierce Jollv to a very appreciative audi
ence at Cole's hall Thursday evening. Mr.
Jolly pleased his audience Immensely und
showed his versatility s a performer. The
boys netted a neat sum, which they will
use to secure club pins.
The Ecnerolf club gave a most enjoyable
dance at Adams' hall Wednesday evening.
Hugh Suttle, Newell Billion, Dsve An
drews. Robert Onldlng, John Lubold. L. R.
Griffith. D. F. Kelley. Joe Thornton. C. II
Thompson and Will Chlwm formed a p.triy
that celebrated the election Tuesday. L. K.
Griffith acted as host.
The Imogen Study club met at the home
of Mrs. M. C. Coe Thursday afternoon. The
club hss been studying "Hamlet" this
winter and has called two eperlal met
ings so as to finish the play before the
annual meeting the first Thursday In Mav.
In all probability an Informal social even
ing will be given Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. A.- B. Hunt. Rt which the husbands
of the members will be guests.
A number of friends of Mrs. J. A. Iloltz
man tendered her a surprise party on her
birthday, but made a mistake and were a
week late. All enjoyed themselves, how
ever. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
S. S. Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons,
Mr. and Mrs. Booth. Miss N. McKlsslt-k,
J. Kerns, Mr. Van Horn. J. H. Rosehoro.
Mrs. Mersick, Mrs. Agnew, Miss Agnew of
Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Roth, Mr.
snd Mrs. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Gamble,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Long, Miss Maggie Long,
Miss Kthel Long. J. II. Iwery and family
and W. B. Parks and family.
Benjamin Shipley, the 21-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Shipley, who was killed
in a railroad accident at Sheridan, Wyo.,
was burled from the home of his parents
Monday afternoon. Rev. Savidge of Omaha
officiated at the funeral. The pallbearers
were Fred and Frank Shipley of Gretna,
Neb.; Will H. Thomas, P. H. Teterson,
Clarence Wall and E. D. Hasgood of Sheri
dan. Wyo., a member of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen of that city, of
which the deceased was also a member,
who accompanied the relatives and body
here. Mr. Shipley left many friends who
truly mourn his untimely death.
Eight young women met at the home of
Mrs. A. B. Hunt and organized a cljb to
be known as the Clover Leaf cluh of Flor
ence. Their object Is the study of dom'.-Mic
science and to study the home life of
American and English writers. Tie tluh
will meet once in two weeks on Siu ira iv
afternoons. A competent and expa-ie'iced
cook will lnwtruet the club once a month,
demonstrating the work that has he-n pre
viously studied. The girls will adopt a
club pin, probably a four-leafed clover. The
officers elected sre: President, Olga lui-g-enson;
vice president, Emma Brennammn;
treasurer. Olga Pearson: secretary. Laura
Holtzman; chairman finance commr.tee,
Mollle Suttlo; chairman ornial,
Viola Johnson: reporter, Rena Fox. These
officers were elected for four months. The
following are members: Olga Jurgenson,
Emma Brennamam. Olga Pearson, Laura
Holtzman. Rena Fox. Mollle Suttie, Viola
Johnson and Dorothy Foster.
Alta Reed visited Gilmore relatives over
Mra. N. L. Purcell has been quite sick
the lust week.
Andy Graves returned to Bellevue from
Chicago Sunday morning
Mr. snd Mrs. Jack Graves visited rela
tives at Plattsmouth Sunday.
Mil's Sadie Stearns of Farnam was a
recent guest at the Reed home.
C. W. Woltemath visited relatives at
Hebron and Belvldere over Sunday.
W. N. Nell of South Omaha was a Sun
day guest at the home of T. C. Tolboe.
The Infant child of Mr. Hnd Mrs. Hike
died last Friday and was burled Saturday.
Stewart Rogers and Merle Reynolds of
Omaha took dinner at the Woltemath home
The Woodmen had a calld meeting
Thursday evening and took In two new
members. ,
Oeorge Hood. after a visit with his
parents here, has returned to his work at
Walter Martin hss gone to Wavcrly with
the .intention of working for the Burling
ton A Missouri.
George Rhoades suffered the loss of an
eye last week, having received a piece of
steel In It while doing some carpenter
work. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Haney and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Wells of South Omaha were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Zed Haney.
L. N. Purcell has finished building a new
barn on his property on Twenty-second
avenue. In which the Purcell family will
live . until their new residence is com
pleted. The fire Surday night that destroyed
the Nye-Snyder elevator and the Omaha
Flouring mill illuminated the sky for many
miles. Many Bellevue people thought, at
first that It was the timber just north of
Sunday was the fiftieth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Haider
man, and In honor of the event a large
number of frienda gathered at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Wlnnlfred Findley,
Monday evening. A purse of 1-1 in gold
was presented this worthy couple and a
large number of guests congratulated
them and wished them many more happy
years of married life.
Notwithstanding there had been no nom
inations for the vacancies on the villiigc
board, there was a largrr vote than usual
polled at Tuesday's election. B. H. Combs
received 70 votes; C. L. Phelps. 47: W. E.
Leonard, 4S; William Jones. 8fi. The first
three, having received the larger vote, are
the new- members of the board. The 'ques
tion of wet or dry is practically eliminated
from Bellevue politics, as we are within
the two-and-half-mlle limit of Fort Crook.
Ijist week Judge Ooss attended a meet
ing in Omaha of the arrangement com
mittee of the centennial celebration to be
held here In June. Judge Goss says an
effort Is to be made by 11. T. Clarke to
reetore. In part at least, the old trading
post that stood near the river bank, some
distance north of the present Burlington
station. The Judge Is very enthusiastic
over the coming celebration and is al
ready revising for the occasion some In
teresting occurrences way back In the 'o0s.
The meeting of the county commission
era at Papllllon nn Tuesday was largely
attended h.v East End people. Bellevue
was officially represented by Hoy N. Towl,
J. D. McChesney and A. C. Sloan. Mr.
Towl voiced the sentiment of this end of
the county on the Inheritance tax matter
when he said that a fair division of the
money would require at least 110.0Q to he
expended on the boulevard. $:YX .111 the
Ralston road from Papllllon and the bal
ance of the fund In other parts of the
At the meeting of the Commercial flub
last Friday evening two matters of con
siderable Importance were taken up a
more adequate car aervlre on the Interur
ban and a better telephone service. W.
h. McDermut, W E Ieonard and J
McChesney wre placed upon the commit
tee, which will confer with the Intenirban
company, and J. K. Crolhers, A. A. Tyler
and B. B. Combs will confer with the tele
phone company, with the object of a local
switchboard in view.
Mis. Henrv Simpson and son Harold
spent the week In Laramie, Wyo.
Miss Vellsta Presson Is spending her vaca
tion visiting relatives in Des Moines.
Mrs. F. I. Elllck entertained Informally
at dinner last evening for a few friends.
Mrs. G. W. Wlckersham returned during
tha week from a trip to Exce aior Springs,
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cutter entertained
the K.manon rlub at their home Wednesday
Mrs. R-iy Cmith vt Hot Springs, . p.,
and Mrs F. T. Blake of Lincoln sre vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Pi esson.
Mr K. A. Penson and famllx ,av re
turned from a sojourn ot several weeks
In Florida.
The Dundee club of Omaha Hih Schonl
students gave a dance Friday evening at
the Dundee hail.
Ollne Devrles l.ft Friday for South Da
kota, where he will do business for the
Armour company.
h-he Ladles' Aid society of the Dtind
Presbyterian rhut-ch will meet on Friday
with Mrs. iw H. Wrsterfleld.
The Dundee Woman's club will meet nn
Tuesday Instead of Wednesday this week.
t the home of Mrs. Charles Trlmblf.
The Dundee Whist tluh will give a party
Monday evening at the home of Mrs
Grisly, where the guests Will be the hus
bands of (he members.
Dr. snd Mrs. Henry R Imere celhisied
their third wedding anniversary Vrlne.
day evening, where they Included those who
were In the wedding party.
Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Lampe entertained
some of the Omaha Theologies! students
at their home Thursday evening In honor
of their son, William Lampe.
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase gave a the
ater rarty Monday evening to see Mls
Rale Janls. After the play the party met
Miss Janls at supper at the Omaha club.
At the meeting of the llsrnev Card rlub
Inst Saturday evening at the hoire of Mr
and Mrs. A. W. Scrlhner. Mr. and Mrs f'
A. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rate, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby were present
Mr. Osear Ayres and Miss Laura Avrrs
gave a hayrack rifle Wednesday evening
the party going out the West Dodge road
to a farm, where supper was served Tee
latter part of the drive was on the boule
vard. Dundee men attendlna the dinner i,.
Thursday evening at the Omaha club by I he
1 iiorisiiy in iviicnigan niumni or tne citv
for the visiting members of the faeultv
w-eie: Messrs. R. l Peters. James W.
Hamilton, Alfred Elllck and Dr. J. J. Mc
Mullen. Heat Ambler.
Mrs. Roy Fraxelle entertained her :ter
Mrs. Dunn of St. Joseph, last week. .
Mrs. Rrady, wife of Attorney Hiarlv of
West Side, was on the sick list last week.
Mrs. R. M. Henderson entertained Mr.
Dr. Clarey and little daughter Wednesday.
Ole ('arisen drove out to the home 0f h's
daughter. Mrs. Anna Jacobsen, at Fort
Crook, Friday.
Mr. Hnd Mrs. D Shandy had as their
guestn for dinner Mondav their old friends
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Aughe.
Miss Wallace, eighth grade tencher last
year at the Heal school, was a visitor
at tho building last Tuesday.
Mr. Baker, recently from Long Beach,
Cel., has been 111 this week at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Shandy.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Greelev of Soulh Fifty
sixth street are the proud parents of a
baby daughter since Wednesday.
Earl Henderson has gone bark to his
studies at the University of Nebraska after
a week's vacation with relatives here.
Mrs. John Voting and daughter Charlotte
came over from Council Hltiffs Friday and
were the guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Aughe, until Saturday.
Selden Smith, who has been In the hos
pital for the last eight weeks with typhoid
fever, came to the home of his uncle, Mr.
Eugene Pitman, to stay during his conval
escence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace and son
Merrill left Monday for Clay Center. Kan.,
where they will reside In the future, to
care for his aged parents, Colonel and Mrs.
The Ladles' Aid society held a successful
all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy
Frazelle on Thursday and nearly com
pleted a quilt for Mrs. Shepherd. A fine
dinner was served by the hostess and
others. Proceeds. 12. The next meeting
will be at the church In two weeks.
Mrs. HT A. Spring spent Monday in
Mrs. Osborne is visiting her brother In
Elgin, Ja.
Miss Minnie Sohut spent Sunday with
Miss Beth Kratz.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Knudsen visited in
Omaha Thursday.
Miss Minnie Dlen spent Sunday with
friends In Omaha.
Mr. Roy Magee visited . Sunday at the
Hendrlckson home.
The pupils of district No. 7 had their
pictures taken Thursday.
Miss Arline Richards, who has been quite
ill lately, Is some better.
Mrs. S. A. Bates and son John spent
Sunday at the Brewster home.
Muriel, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Peckinpaugh, has been quite ill lately.
Miss Emma Petersen was the guest Sun
day afternoon of Miss Maude Munson.
The C. W. B. M. met st the home of
Mrs. II. A. Spring Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Psmp spent Sundav
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen.
Miss Leola Granden of Omaha visited a
few days last week with her cousin, Mlsa
Hazel Switzer.
The dance given by some of ths young
men ot Irvlngton Wednesday night was
enjoyed by a good many.
Mr. D. C. Kratx, attended a committee
meeting at the Young Woman's Christian
association In Omaha Monday noon.
The social given by Ralph Hall Friday
evening proved a source of amusement to
a number of Irvlngton's young people.
Terslstent advertising is the rosd to Big
Itching, Burning Eruption ftom
Head to Foot Doctor Gave Hw
Up Entirely First Application of
Cuticura Brought Relief andSleep.
Four years aga I suffered seTerel
with a terrible eczema, being a mass of
...... frAm baarl trk feel
and for six weeks con
fined to mr bed. Our
ing that tima I suffered
continual torture from
Itching and burning.
After being given up br
my doctor I "as ad
vised to trr the Cuti
cura Remedies. After
. , A . U.frh with ClltU
, 'VJi cura Soap and appllea-
r? tion of Cuticura Oint
v t I .ninved the first
food sleep during mr entire Illness. I
also used Cuticura Resolvent and tha
treatment was continued for about threw
weeks. At the end of that time I w-s
able to be about the house, entirely
cured, and have felt no Hi "effects sinoe.
I would advise any person surferins;
from any form of skin trouble to try tha
Cuticura Remedies as I know what they
riid forme. Mrs. Edward Nenning. 1113
Kalina St., Watertown, it. V April 11,
1909." ,
Cuticura Soap
Soothing:, Cool I at. Refreshing
for Tender Skins.
Because) of Its delicate, emollient,
sanative, antiseptic) properties derived
from Cuticura. united with the purest
of saponaceous ingredient and moat
refreshing of flower odors, Cuticura
Roap is unrivalled for cleansing, preserr
ing and purifying the skin, scalp, hair
and hands, for dispelling itching, irrita
tion and inflammation and preventing
clogging of the pores, the cause of rosny
disfiguring facial eruptions. All who
delight in a clear skin, soft, white hands,
a clear., wholesome scalp and live, glossy
hair, will And that Cuticura Soap realise
very expectation.
eutleora So in e?e 1. mtleura Olattreat IMel
aal ii'irura Hslrat iMM tor la IM leeai of
t hiM-maia rniteS rn pf r vwl ot (Mil ar aorf
ltiruiiut in ond rtue lru m Cwp
auw Pima . US - . Uuaioa Maas
v-Vi-pasa Cuikus hook toaue rrea (lS
eaactiaiUaa, Irtaiiaaat a4 cue el adua anewi ssl