Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Omaha's 1910 Census
$25 for the Answer
Tor Nebraska Tartly Cloudy.
For Iowa Probable Showers.
For weather report see page J.
VOL. XXXIX -NO. 2oo.
Oil and Tobacco Appeals Are Again
Placed ca Docket Because of
Death of Justice Brewer.
Lincoln Goes Dry
by One Thousand,
Wets Concede It
"Uncle Joe" Refused Expenses for
Automobile by Rejection of
Conference Report. , ;
AcmiD iiui x uujr muuiticu, uui 1L1.
Is Outcome of Contest on
Liquor Issue.
Will Not Be Beached for Monthi
Unless They Are Advanced.
Three on Each Side, with Judg-e
Lurton's Opinion in Doubt.
Procreation Wa started y Jasilre
MMdr, Who Was Tsrs Attorney
l.rarral, Far Yesuns Ag De
fense Loses la Tve Cow-Ms.
1883 Jobs S. &ockfeUer started la the
oU business with M.OOO.
1863 Bockefeller bscame the owner of a
reflsery la Cleveland.
1870 rgaaliatloa. of Itandard OU com
pany of Ohio by StockefeUer and others.
1671 oata Improvement company ar
ranges for rebates from railroads.
UTS Orgaalxatloa of -TUaa-Xelta Ches
ter Tmrt."
1883 Organisation of so-called 'Standard
OU trast,"
1830 rassago of Sherman antl-trust act.
1893 Dissolution of "Btaadard OU trust."
1899 Keorranlsatloa of Standard OU
company of Mrw Jersey, as holding
1906 FUlng of petition for dissolution of
1910 Circuit court at t. Louis decrees
dissolution asked for by government.
1910 Appeal to supreme court of the
United States.
1910 Cass argued before supremo court
and ordered reargued because of death
of Justice ltrewer.
WASHINGTON. April 11. -The supreme
court of the United Plates today reas
aigned for argument the cases of the L'nlted
States against the American Tobacco com
pany and the Standard Oil company.
The reargurvw.t of these casea cornea as
the direct result of the death of Justice
Brewer. This Jurist died Just a few days
after the standard O'.l case had been
A Justice Moody was unable to partici
pate 'n the consideration of these cases,
only seven Justices were left to give a
Attorney Genera! Wlckersham waa as
much surprised as anyone at the sudden
turn In the fight against the corporation.
II etpre i-ia -tenor n re of any further
knowledge of the action of the court other
than the announcement of Chief Justice
Fuller that -Non. Ill and 317. the American
Tobacco company va. the l'nlted States
and the l'nlted States va the American
Tobacco company, and No. 175. the Stand
ard Oil company of New Jersey vs. the
Vnlted States, are restored to their place
on the docket for reargument."
Way Be Postponed Tear.
1'niees a motion to advance the casea Is
made they will not come up In the regular
Older of business for nearly a year.
Kumora of how the court stood on the'
bla cases were to be heard about the capital
all afternoon. These were baaed In all
Instances on the record of the members
of the court, particularly In the Northern
Securities case.
Six members of the present bench sat In
that case. Justices Harlan. McKenna and
Day were of the majority that ordered the
dissolution of the Northern Securities com
pany. Chief Justice Fuller ard Justice
White and Holmes were opposed to the
aciiiHi. i
Many of the rumors were that the Jus
tices had riixidrd in the asme wav on the
S'.ii'.lai.l :1 and the tobacco' caaes. As
to v I r "'.-lce Lurton, the seventh mem
b'v. m CcuiM was expressed.
i:;(tiry f I.ltlsallea.
For ye n "Standard Oil" has bfen under
tho scrutiny of state and federal govern
ments. , During tlie last four years the lltl
(atlon which resulted In today's sctlon has
Mi?asd the attention of the federal courts.
Since March II of this year the supreme
court has welgh-?d the controversy of these
jrxrv Today came auolher poatpoaemort.
.Ti.i first grrat fight over the methods
of till Standard Oil interests was directed
against the Standard Oil company of Ohio.
Ax a reeult of the litigation, this organi
sation waa dissolved. The stock drifted
i:i'o the hands of trust of one form and
aiK thtr, and more litigation followed. Then
the Standard Oil company of New Jersey
wai reoreanixed in IBM. With Ita capital
stock cf S110.000.0l4i, It became the holding
Yomrsny. that is. It acquired the stock of
nineteen other oil companies, which in
turn controlled a still lsrer numter of
companies engaged In various branches of
the oil business. The tafk of fighting
"Standard OU" bad cutrrown the states,
and the federal government took up the
The bur.-au cf corporations was organ
ixed. antl as Its first assignment, ur.drtook
tin Investigation of the Standard Oil: "It
reachid Into tho very vital of the cor-r!tion.-
according to the description of
l!n.t Inquiry given In court by the Stand
ard's eoimfel.
Then in I'.Mt. Justice Moody, now nf the
urreme court, then attorney general of
Hie United States, directed the filing of a
petition in the federal circuit court fT the
eiern U.uict of Mlxouil, for the dis
solution cf the Standard Oil company of
New Je:s y, as a itmulmt!m- in restraint
if tniereinte trade and a mnnopj.', all
In violation of the Sherman anti-trust law.
The petitHn wss loaded with the ammuni
tion ce.fe.ted Lv the states and by th
tur. in of co: p,,j ations.
J.jfcn D. Uockrf. Her. William r.. k feller,
llei.ty 1L Keaers. Henry M. Pisgler. John
I. Aiehbold. OlHer H. Payne and Chares
M Piatt nsrr'd as individual rt-'-r.,!.
ant. The Standard Oil company of New I
J-t y !.c;id-d a list of lit compar.i.s dfig
nated a... "C- frndar.t crporatloni."
I'ir.t llrarlasj at St. I.oala.
'I i.e besrlnir finally c.ime on. Only the
V.'Jtcrs-IM.Tcn.fff.l cunipa-y was reaidenl
In tire t l.'t u.L-nd ti. .v;jiidarel denied th
riiil.l f tha muit ta cujiiel the other de-
frdao,. out:Ie the circuit. t apprir in
cert. It K; In this runtcntioa. Ttl-
i ...i. vas liken In MIk.aou'4 and in New
l.ik. Kirally. early Is; tt,l yar. m r
tCvnllttUcd on bteund page.)
(From a Ftaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. April II. Opecial Tele
gram.) Lincoln went dry today by a
majority estimated at 1.000. While the full
tetums have not yet been tabulated, the
cm concede the election to the prohi
bitionists by a majority of about V. And
the prohiblilonlsts claim the victory by a
majority of from 1.000 to 1.100.
Cnlversty student, who contributed
materially to the victory of the prohi
bitionists, are marching through the streets
celebrating the outcome of the fight.
The total vote vast was t.lTI. of which
the weta cast ,71 and the drys 5,:o7.
Dry majority 93S.
The city la having a wild celebration
tonight over the result. With Havelock
dry. this will make a decided change In
surface conditions for the Nebraska cap
ital the coming year.
Dr. Miller and
Mrs. Sayler Arc
Found Guilty
Former is Given Twelve Years and
the Latter Three Years John
Grunden is Acquitted.
WATSEKA. 111 . April 11 Dr. W. R.
Miller was today found guilty of man
slaughter for the killing of J. B. Sayler.
Mrs. Sayler also was found guilty of man
slaughter. John Grunden was acquitted.
Ir. Miller's sentence wn twelve years.
Mrs. Fayler's sentence was three years.
As the verdict were returned Mrs. Say
ler went, her head buried on Golda Say
ler's shoulder. Mrs. Miller threw her arms
around Vr. Miller and wept. John Grun
den sat stolid and unmoved.
A motion for a new trial for Dr. Miller
and Mrs. Sayler was set by Judge, Bell
for April 30.
South Omaha Men
Are at Rapid City
Eighteenth Annual Stock Show Brings
Big Crowd to the South
Dakota Town.
RAPID CITT. S. D.. April 11. -(Special
Telegram.) With the arrival of the repre
sentatives of the South Omaha stock yards
today, the eighteenth annual meeting of
the Western South Dakota Stock Growers
association started off with a. bang. There
are twenty-five commission men In the
party, under the leadership of Secretary
Sloua City sends Iti an equal number and
Chicago. Kansas City and Minneapolis are
represented. The frolic began before the
arrival of the visitors and all aorta of
athletic events were participated In by
Indians and white men. The races were
tun off on the main street.
In his address of welcome to the visitors
Mayor Chauncey L. Wood referred to the
fact that the country Is fast settling up
with small landed proprietors. Taking a
look into the future, he made the prophecy
that within the next decade the Siberian
steepes would be given up to American
Tonight the city was brilliant with an
electrical display and Indians are dancing.
Big Turich. sr.. and Big Turich. Jr. Sioux
Indians, won pony races, while Carrie
Spotted Horse and Lixais White Shield were
winning squaws in the wheelbarrow and
J foot races.
Tomorrow the annual meeting of the
association wit) be held, with presentation
of reports by Secretary Stewart. Statistics
In the secretary's report show that among
ctttle shipped from South Dakota c strays
were detected and the funds from their
aale were distributed through th associa
tion as follows: Chicago J.9t" v!ue
W6.on.33; South Omaha lr. value ;J8.
11.72; Sioux City 1M2, value SSI.9SS.M; total
15.501 value SST1SW ST.
New Catholic
Bishops Confirmed
Pope Ratifies Appointments in North
and South Dakota and
ROME. April 11. The H today ratified
the romlnations cf the consistory as pre
sented to him by Cardinal De Lai, appoint
ing Abbot Vincent Wehrle of the monas
tery cf St. Mary, as bishop of the r.ew
diocese of Bismarck. X. D. ; Rev. T. Cor
bett, rector of the cathedral of Duluth, as
bishop of the new diocese of Crookston.
Minn., and Rev. Joseph F. Busch of Ex
celsior. Minn., as bishop of Lead. S. D.
Caased by Iseslaaeasi Lambastloa.
UES MOINES. Ia-. April 11. When the
fire in the Hotel Julian at Dubuuue waa
announced under control, the damage was
estimated a: about ST4.000. The fire was
confined mainly to the front of the build
ing, which waa ruined, but other section
were unharmed and meals were served In
the d'nlag room in the rear at noun. Chief
Rrlnfried gave it as his belief that the fire
i was caused by spontaneous combustion. No
additional injured have been discovered. A
i traveling man from Minneapolis named
Rolton. who was thought to have fallen
from the front of the fourth floor back
ward into the Tames, waa later rescued
with sn aerial ladder. He was not injured.
Swains Know Not Name of
Maidens They Would Marry
Her uume wks reo'.ly Wewee Benaon. but
her Arthur G. Wrssaa. had a'.-
vas called her Eva, so It was perfectly
ratuial that he shou'd take out a mar
r.ace license ia that name. Their acgalnt-
anceh:j Lnptuved somewhat after the ia- e.f the license, so Monday ir.o-n i.g
j 2Ir. V, tee called at the 4,ffLc of Charles
j' "ray. marrtate I cene clerk, at the rojrty
, junhouse. to f.le a correction. Tli bridal
pair came iro.n .-sortnn.-ia. annn.
1 Th baa: of tt aprir.atioie acaaoa gave
Former Chief Forestf 1 Ex-President
Gran " 'ittle
I. . "' """ "
Confidential Interview Takes Place
During Stroll Through Forest
Nothing Given Out Regarding Matter
Under Discussion.
Isjlted States Marshal Will Bee For
saer President Im British Capital
Early In May -Will Not
Talk at Trip.
PORTO MACRIZIO. Italy, April 11. Mr.
Hooevelt's widely heralded meeting with
Gifford Ptnchot. the deposed chief forester
of the L'nlted States Department of Agri
culture, took pis :e on the veranda c f Miss
Carews villa at S o'clock this morning.
The interview proper took pi ace later in
the seclusion of the forest that skirts the
town at the north.
Mr. Plnchot came direct from Copen
hagen save for a six-hours stop at Basle,
Switserland. and arrived at the hotel at
midnight. He said he would have nothing
to aay regarding his Interview with "th
It was apparent, however, that Mr. Pln
chot expected to have not one. but a series
of interviews with the former president.
He said he would remar here after Colonel
Rocsevelt left.
"Porto Maurliio pleases me." he added.
At S:M o'clock, accompanied by one of
Mr. Roosevelt'a secretaries who bad been
sent to pilot him. Mr. Plnchot left the
hotel and walked to the Carew villa.
y Mr. Roosevelt waa busy with his cor
respondence when his former chief forester
arrived. Tba greetings were extremely
cordial. These over, Mr. Roosevelt returned
to hia letters while Mr. Plnchot visited
with Mrs. Roosevelt. . After luncheon Mr.
Roosevelt, Mr. Pinchot, Mrs. Roosevelt
and her suiter. Miss Carew, started out for
a walk. ihey had not gone far v. hen th
two men fell Into a swinging stiide and
finally plunged into the forest.
Mr. Roosevelt's mall continues to be very
heavy. Today's included a Utter from H
D. W. English, president of th Pittsburg
Civil commission, transmitting the first
grand Jury presentment . resulting from
j the -two year'- fight against municipal
graft. Th writer attlbr.tes tha ultimate
exposures to Mr. Roosevelt's action In
sending Back Examiner Neebit p examine
Pirtsbu.g banks suspected of handling
funds that were used to Influence legisla
Bullock Will Meet Roooevelt.
DEAD WOOD, b. !., April It Special
Telegram.) -ITrltJd Stat Marshal Seth
Bullock of this city, for many year an
Intimate friend of Theodore Roosevelt, has
lecetved by mall an Invitation to join the
ex-President in England before h returns
to this country. Mr. Bullock, when seen
about the letter waa reticent aa to Its con
tents, but admitted that he will meet Mr.
Roosevelt in London about May 2. He de
clined to state the mission of hla trip or
whether politics would be discussed. Mr.
Bu'U-ck left hire Ian, night for Sioux
Cured Hog Products
Take AnothcrDrop
Pork Prices Off Dollar a Barrel on
Chicago Market Because of
Lower Corn,
CHICAGO. April 11 Cured hog products,
which declined $1 last week, repeated th
performance today on the Board of Trade.
The latest decline is attributed to th bear
ish corn market and In particular to the
government' report howlng th number of
brood sow on tha farm to be far In ex
cess of what bad been expected by th
Chief of Police
for Sioux City
Chief of Detectires John B. Richards
is Appointed to Succeed
John Dineen.
SIOUX CITT. Ia.. April lt-SpeclaJ
Telegram.) R. 3. Whitney, councilman In
charge of th Department of Public
Safety, this afternoon announced the ap
pointment of John B. (Dlck Richard as
chief of police to succeed John Dineen, who
has served six years. Richard has been
chief of detectives and 1 a veteran of the
Twreaty.Seveutb Trolley Death.
PHILADELPHIA. April ll.-With the
death here today of Edgar Tanaehlll, thlb,nlt at tne Cudah' llm, fn tn,s c!t
number of persona killed by stroet ears j lt n'nln. r'ttrr.ed to Kansaa City from
sisee the trolley strike began eight weeks th ' Mrs. Cudahy said she
ago has reached twenty-seven. knew nothing of fcer husband a return.
Mark roofers nlth wsiienwa.
LOUISVILLE, Ky . Apnl 1L Norman
E. Mack, chairman of the democratic na
tional committee, had a conference today
with Henry Watterson, at which the gen
eral political situatioa waa discussed.
, rise to another cer.flictlen of the same kind,
"Guess I know how her name Is spelled!
! ba S0'Bg th her for eera.l
years .
Thus Indlsnar.tly exclaimed Wlllan
O Riley some days ago when Mr. Furay
afserted the bride-to-be a surnam waa
' Lai ton.
I -I;-, Lat jn." repeated o r.;y, and so it
j wut Lo:o the marriage iieenae.
New come tj hand the retjrn made by
Rev. Father Charle Mugen. who married
th cuupl, acd h speij It "Lay ton."
From the Cleveland Leader.
Fire Breaks Out in the Julien While
200 Guests Are Asleep.
Sana Levy of Chirasw Is Probably Fa
tall r laJsrresV Bmlsg Stairway
Collapses Cader Mrs. IS ash
ler of pabauae.
DUBUQUE. Ia.. April U.-Fire broka out
In the Hotel Julien early today, while 300
guests were asleep. A panic followed and
a number of persons were Injured. Sam
Levy of Chicago was fatally hurt by
Jumping from a third-story windorr. Charles
Evans of Philadelphia suffered Internal In
juries. Firemen rescued th other guests.
Tba loaa la M.OOO.
Hotel Julien 1 one of th famous hostel
cries of Iowa. It was well filled and it Is
considered miraculous that- tha firs did
not develop Into a holocaust. . Frantic,
gueeta screamed plteously for aid from the
windows la tba uppir -tes mod Were
rescued in many instances by herolo fire
men. Other guesla dasl.ed madlv dowa
the firs escapes, tumbled headfirst to tha
pavement when they reached tha bottom.
Mrs. Edward Engler of Dubuque wa
descending a burning stairway . when it
gave way and she fell several feet- She
may be badly hurt, but It ia thought she
will live. Darley Glasser of Dea Moines
Jumped from the balcony and received sev
eral broken bones, besiies sever bruises.
The origin of the fire la not known. It
was discovered at 2 o'clock when the smoke
be -an to fill the corridors and the flames
were seen to burst from th barber ahop
in tha entrance. It was but a short time
until the fire department waa on the scene,
but the fire had made rapid headway and
ti was impossible to save the structure.
B. M. Mkguire, manager of the Julien,
was formerly manager of the Rom In
Not Unanimous
Pullman Company Will Make Division
Basis for Contesting Rate
Reduction in Court.
WASHINGTON. April 11. It developed
today that Chairman Knapp and Commis
sioner Hariand did not agree with the
Interstate Commerce commission' de
cision given yesterday reducing Pullman
rates and ordering differential charge be
tween upper and lower berths. It Is said
th dissension of the chairman and one
of the commissioners from the majority
report la one of the hopes ou which the
company will fight the decision In the
Cudahy Back
in Kansas City
Wife of Packer Who Attasked Lillis
Says She Knows Nothing of
His Return.
KANSAS CITT. April II John P. Cud
ahy. the packer who attacked Jere 8.
Lillis. president of the Western Exchange
1 .
j ' -
You have done
your; best when you
use a Bee want ad.
Bee want ad are treasure.
Tby brine buyer aaa seller face
to (ace.
Tbey find homes for people.
Positions for people.
Srvanti for people.
Tbey find what la lost.
Give value to thing grown old
fashioned, and vigor to whatever is
11 feleis.
If you can't come down to
the office, call Irouglas J.'JS,
and a cheerful staff will write
jour ad and take care of it.
The famished fan: 4 4 Saved!"
Grazing Cattle
Within Limits of
Yoscmite Park
Supreme Court to Decide' on Validity
of Regulations Prescribed by
Treasury Department.
WASHINGTON. April ll.-An unusual
question of law, arising out of the graxlng
of cattle within the limit of Tosemite Na
tional park wa argued today in the su
preme court of the United State.
In 1M6 J. B. Curtin was the owner of a
large tract within the limits of the park.
At that time Major P. C. Benson was su
perintendent of the wark. .Major Benson
forcibly prevented Curtin from using the
public tollroad leading to his lands snd
from using the lands to grate cattle until
Curtm bad complied - with regulations of
the Interior department requiring him to
fence in his lands.
Curtin cam to th supreme court to
srgu that Ih reditaUosis r tre Invalid on
the ground tbst tho secreCary of the In
terior had no right to enforce regulations
impairing or restricting the right of per
son owning patented lands within the
Yoeemlte National park.
The Department of Justice defenda the
-egulationa as necessary to prevent the
reservation from being overrun by herds of
cattle. It claims that Curtin's cattle have
been straying over the park for years.
The argument Is presented that, unlike an
individual, the federal government la not
required to look to the state to punish
trespassers on its property, but may inflict
punishment for such infringement itself.
Federal Officials
for Nebraska
William Gifford Appointed Receiver
of Public Moneys and C. F. Shedd
Register of Land Office.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April 11. (Special Tele
gram.) On recommendation of Congress
man Kink aid Dr. J. O. Slmona has been
appointed to the position of examining sur
geon at Sidney, Neb., vie Dr. A. D.
Stcwith, deceased.
The contract for construction of a public
building at Esthervllle, Ia.. has been
awarded to J. N. Salvers of Esthervllle at
The president sent to senate today nomi
nations of William M. Gifford of Nebraska,
as receiver and Charles K. Shedd of Ne
braska, as register of land office at Lin
coln, Neb., both reappointments.
,Th Dominations of the following post
masters also were tent to the senate to
day: Nebraska -Butte, Charles X. South; Crete,
Horace M. Wells; Campbell. John Parker;
Fairfield, George M. Prentice; North Bend.
John Cusack.
South Dakota Oacoma, John Fulford;
Emma Roy waa appointed postmaster at
Moorland. Webater county, Iowa, vie A.
E. Moore, realgned.
How Big is Omaha?
$25 for those who hit the mark
, 102,555 in 1900. How many in 1910?
Omaha's School Census of Population Between Agee of 5 and 21.
1892 26.6C3
23 29.742
1894 29,974
1895 23.630
1896 28.609
1897 30.134
1898 32.892
1899 32.673 -
Fill in. cut out and mall to The Bee Census Dept. April 12
is my guess of the number of inhabi
tants in Omaha according to 1910 census.
Nam? , ,
S10.0) for tveat estltntte. Sfre:t j!irt an!
la case of Ue first aaswsr baa preftreace. Award on official count
Comment Marks It at Same Time
Most Comprehensive.
('aa-resamaa N orris Will Deliver
Speech Saturday Mgkt at I tlca,
. N. V., Ham at Vice
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April ll.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Re verberatlona of th Saturday-
night dinner of the League of Republican
clubs are being beard on all sides today
with particular reference to Attorney Gen
eral Wlckersham's speech at Chicago and
President Taft'a speech In thia city, one
being almost the antithesis of the other.
One. according to press reports, preached
the disciplining of the insurgent, the other
saw no insurgency, bat a clear case of dif
ference of opinion between men who are
republicans at heart, but look at republi
canism from different points of view.
President Taft's speech of ., Saturday
night Is regarded as one of the most tsctful
and yet most comprehensive speeches he
has made sines the passage of the Payne
Aldrlch bill and Insurgents so-called, who
were present at the dinner of the league,
were today voicing their praise of the
president and the manner In which he met,
not only the' Indiana situation, but con
ditions generally In the middle west, and
he made friends by his utterance that the
republican party never reads men out of
th psrty. but keeps them within the party
If possible. If men are read out of the
party they read themselves out of It by
their own actions and not by actions of the
.orrl Speaks at I'tlra.
Appropos of Mr. Wlckersham's speech at !
th Hamilton club banquet last Saturday
niirht. Congressman Norils will deliver an
address to the Oneida county. New York,
Republican league tomorrow night at Utica,
the home of Vice President Sherman. Mr.
Norris will talk progressive republicanism
and It is expected that he will give some
kind of an answer to Attorney General
Wlckersham's speech in Chicago. Vice
President Sherman, who is at the head of
the regular organisation of Onleda county,
will have a banquet next week In his honar
and from these two closely related ban
quets It is anticipated a good deal of re
publicanism will result.
Rallromd Asueodi n.
Senator Brown offered a., amendment
thia afternoon to the railroad rat bill, giv
ing the shipper the rights to appear In the
court of commerce to defend the order of
the Interstate Commerce commission and
explain the scope of his amendment and
the necessity for the same. Senator E1
klns, chairman of the Interstate and for
eign commerce committee. In charge of the
bill, intimated to Senator Brown that so
far as be was concerned the amendment
would be acceptable, but In view of the
absancs of some of his colleagues from
the floor he asked that the amendment
go over until tomorrow, which was ac
ceeded to.
nriie i oi v. w. Ait.
Representative Kinkald'k bill for relief
of Willard W. Alt of Hyannls, appro
continued on Second Page.)
1900 30. 7C3
1901 30,150
1902 30,561
1903 30,873
1904 31.7C3
1905 29.330
1906 29,108
1907 27.144
1908 2C.102
1909 26,774
Fight Led by Champ Clark, Who
States Purposes.
Sarcastic Speech Aimed at Men by
Cannon on Floor.
'I Heeaala Speaker I Bill March 1,
lie , 'lalras Isasrgrsli
Htt toaraae to Jala
Solid Mlaorlly."
WASHINGTON. April 11 Almost the en
tire Insurgent strength of the houe was
Joined with the democrats today In what
was generally acknowledged to be an ad
ditional rebuke to Speaker Cannon.
A conference report on the legislative, ex
ecutive and Judicial appropriation bill, con
tained an agreement to appropriate for
the expenses of automobiles previously pro
vided for Speaker Cannon and Vice Presi
dent Sherman. The house reiterated Its
disapproval of these expenditures, and by
a vote of 111 to 1H refused to agree to th
report, sending it back to the conferees for
further consideration.
After this action had been taken, Mr.
Cannon, leaving the chair, went to the re
publican side of the house and there deliv
ered a speech that contained much of sar
casm and Invective. He again defied the
Insurgents and Intimated that they lacked
courage to Join with the solid minority In
deposing him. Encouraging hla republican
colleagues and admonishing the democrats,
he declared he believed a republican ma
jority would be returned In the cermliig elec
tions. Minority Leader Cl-k made u speech in
which he Insisted that, if given an oppor
tunity, the democrats would endeavor to
realixe the suggestion of Senator Aldrich,
that the expenses of th government might
be curtailed to the extent of S-oq. 000.030 an-
Vacle Joe" la the Chair.
Sooti after the conference report was
placed before the house It was seen that
but one item of that report excited the
Interest of members. Speaker Cannon was
in the chair.
Mr. Hitchcock of Nebraska wanted to
know whether the speaker and vice presi
dent were permitt-d to take tho machine
away with them during recesses of con
gress. With intense Interest the-call of the
rooll was llstenetl to In order to deter
mine liow the Insurgents were voting, as
it was realized their attitude on that
subject would determine the result- It
was not long before the result vss fore
seen and Ita announcement provoked a
scene on the democratic side.
Then Mr. Mann of Illinois arose snd
In sarcastic tones declared that thia is
mere child's play."
The republican voting with the demo
crats were Cooper of Wisconsin, Us vis
of Minnesota. Michael E. Drlscoll of New
York. Ilaugen of Iowa, Hubbard of Iowa.
Hubbard of West Virginia. Kendall of
Iowa, lncald of Nebraska. Lrnroot of
Wisconsin, Lindbergh of Minnesota. Mc
Laughlin of Michigan. Madixon of Kan
shs. Miller of Minnesota. Morse of Wia
consin. Murdock of Kansas, Nelson of
Wisconsin. Nurrls of Nebraska, Smith of
California, htencreon of Minnesota, Town
send of Mlcnigan and oVlstead of Min
nesota. Pujo oof LouiMan, democrat,
voted with the republicans.
Clark for Krsasir,
Minority Leader Clark gave the house
a statement of his purpose to Work for
economy, whether that waa denominated
"child's play" or anything else, lie was
la favor of taking away all automobiles
from offlcias la Washington, he said. II
would agree, thoue-h. to make the salaries
of these 11ITI1 IsliTTlli sjii jm"!!1' to com
pensate them with euch eisiijisites as
"If wa ever get possession cf the gov
ernment." lie said. "I purpose to make
gjod Senator Aldrich's declaration that
this government can be run for I3t0,
000,000 leu a year than It now 'osta."
Hpeaker Cannon then descended to the
floor and made a speech. "This whols
controversy, touching the automobile In
connection with the offices of speaker of
the house and vice president of the Vnited
States, has not been inspired from begin
ning to end or encouraged or approved of
by the present occupant of the speaker a
chair," he said.
Mr. Cannon explained that the prcpo-
! sltlon for automobiles had originated lu
the senate. Then the speaker recalled ti
the attention of the members the difference
that has alwas existed In the salary of
the speaker and other members.
"It is true." he sdded, looking stralgnt
Into the eyes of Champ CUik. who oc
cupied a si-at ut scrors the ats'e. "that
a deaire to pres.Ue over this house when
a different tarty may be in the majority-"
"Looking Intu the eyes of the gentle
man from Mlasouil." saltf I'ncle Joe. when
he was allow ede to continue. "I know that
if he becomes sp-aker be will be tne same
Mr. Champ Clark that he Is now."
Maada s Hla Job.
Th n he ad'le l: "I am ijulte content, but
1 want to notify you that unle-a the t
publhans on this aide who do not approv
of tlm personality of their speaker have
the courage to join a aohd minority in dc
purlng iilm. 1 reman speaker until
March t"
Then amid alternate app'.aue and
laughter, Mr. t'antu n icld a story of "Blue .
Jeans" Wilson of Indiana, who . bad
launched Into a campaign for economy Ir.
the bouse by on th- flour the
fite diatribulion of (-cent palm leaf fan
j during one of the hottest summer Mr.
' Cannon bad ever remembered.
! Not only ta!m leaf fans, but also Iced
I lemonade bad called forih the l.'uiignaliua
of "Blue Jeana" Wilson, aaid "1'ncle Joe."
He then entried into a defense of the near
I tariff law, declaring to th apparent d-
light of the republicans, tliat the govern
ment bad enjoyed itreatly increased
jreitnuc n.-e tne package of the Payne
j Ald.i h law.
' Referring can art e ally to ' hi adliiiea A
'iitwrpapeta that lately tell l lie irutx and
frsur.Hy give the lie to the d rpatebes
1 ui.dir lhi:i.. Mr. Caai.vU uiv4 ka