THE BEE: OMAriA. MONDAY. AfRIL 11. 1310. .PtriE 5"ti? f. -r"-r-"" saigV - . . ' ir' S m 1 . 1 r r j 5 iVky r L ir sSA&BEE WNT ADS l;Cr...v ' . n VC IP : , " mum - 0VWu AND HCJiE CLEANING (Continued I FAPKRliANtiEKS. him ih b-ft Snnw f'.ake Ornn Paste Co., 71a a. 1-ia. i'VUg. 17b.). ALL thn late rstterne of a',l paper a: teducd prices. Barker Bros, Px.nt Co. DO IT NOW HAVE TOUR FL'RN". VFHOLSTERED. SaV, FARNAM. H. HI STOVES (lured. Ranee. Mil N. 2ta St. OITUTAIYS "" i-oncd. i pur. n. tk.u Dougiaa HAVS your gas Hove connected by the only xp"-t In uman: satisfactioa guar- ulrtd. 'Phone Milw'ir Hi S'Oll furniture po Ishinat. repairing and uphulstei in. call T'ougias 7. WT1AT if th uo nf lak'n up yoir rr- eti hen yoj can hnve ihrm eleaiod r ma tlohr :n a few hours? Fiee mbum piier. I:uai Air Cleaning Co.. 2X Uuusiaa Sirx t. io." s i""t'i Plma"a: I'ous. .nj. A-IIO. Acroat from Uiyden a. I LU.Ui)UiU FUzpa.r;cM, 17J Cami 7ui::a 13(4. A. Jming. C" 'NTHAtTI.vrj i ".X RPKNTER JOPEKK. FltAMv C. SKWA1U), 1344 !4th. It. 3445, a-: j. MUSIC. ART, LANGUAGES MOULTON'S TNION' ORCIIESTUA. MU SIG Rhul Moul'on. director. U Rtr. OFFERED FOF: .EJ,T Waardissj ,a naenas. NICK noma, home cooklnsr; close In, TWC furn.ahad nonu or room anJ board f :.r .i or thrc sunilf men. ZZ1 Webstar fct. 'pliona touloa 4I0L BOAC and room; a: table board ho:ne ctwUing. Hiliaule. 1'Jtt N. Mix. ELEGANT larce fron'. parlor, newly fur riMhfd. fgr two RenUemen or man and wif s who are employed; A-l board. 2li St Mary Av. ONK ruriiinhod roorn for genuemao. wlta ar without board. 1".0 Vinton SU P.OO.M.-t. siiigie or en suite: board U da Bired i22 S. .th Are. Loujcias 7T1 LA Uf J E front connecting rooms for fsm- ! i f ui .our men; a. bo single rooms. ui Harucy St. Harney 2M7. NICE room for two. alau sinzls room. SOI Sl Mary's Ave. NICE room for two. 2674 Harney SL FURNISHED rooms with board; dealr. able summer home; large laws. L3 S. Siih Ave. - St. Jsmea hotel. 4IC . 13th Am. plaa; r'h; 1J ii day; weekly. SS up;, meals ttc HOARD and room, 1K2 South anh SL. alro turniahmt roorn witnout board. hl PACIFIC ST. Large front ruum. for two; ext-lli-ii ijcawi. noma cooking; on car; mudKin; private. . TWo NICE lar:e rooms, one with alcove, !tn l)oanl.,U4.S. UKtu ... - K FurUwed Bawaaa. SINGLE room. So. C North 30ta. MODERN. IS per month. 14.TJ .V. 6th. D a. iV b. Y Kuropnaa BoutL Uth a Farnam. FURNISHED roomer ona block from car Jiiie. Reaaonabla prtce. TTU S. S3d. Til r.onrm-i nrst-elaas family hotel. H ML corgia -Ave. MODERN furnished rooma. wiih or with out board. tl'U i'ouKlas -Su MODERN, weli-turnlshed southeast front room, with large alcove: privaie LimUy; large lawo. 'tUS 3. rmh SL O. M. iZ. hauls trunks. Douglas 1L DODGH HOTP.-L Large outside, and (team heat Id every room; rates o wees. UTOPIA Nice rooms, good board Uth and Davenport. FRONT room modern, fumialiaj for rent 2fiU Capitol Ave. WARM rooms. SZ per week; free aatb. Ogdsn Hotel. Cuuneil allufta. FURNISH FO roatna for gaatlamasv S. Uth SL. The Chatham. EI.FGANT front room, flaa faralture. SI V. Hia. No alaai en. ttnuaa. TWO furnished rooms ensu'ts; very cen tral, (nquii'o 3d floor. IjOi Farnana, TWO furmslwd rooms, n.odcrn for gen tlemen, eja a. ilMh St. Tel. Dougiaa 27L- ROOMS. -4i S. :ta St. Doug. 64S. FUnXTSMED ronr. or botiekt-epin ruoins. ui car line; ui prtvata laitaly. J4ii ! St n-BTCAVTIFl I rirnLhe! rcotn; eood, no iw.Kiiflii lo musie or practice ii; kinu. a'.nctly nimltru; batii. hot, 4-ROOM senu basrtnanr Tat ta Dunaay and ice we'.er: iw'.i tiieu'h.ines. lkmj:ilfiih antl Pierce, at.-am hea(d. t'iMrancc. cur onu bick, also anaii rco'.i. COXRAD YOL.VC1 -iS &L Mary'a Te D. I55X ttlf Dodgw r l.'KMf MKI) i-room cottage, lawn shade j prvtty noire, oic-ct from the owner. Cheap to B(eaty tensnL Inu'ta Vi Soil'.!' 4 i i at.. Lua.v --.noi t4 Carlla. NiiVVLf ftimmi! rwvlern rooms' e"rry th,ug fuiil CI.U..'. good iieigilHrli'jM . cje Hi, uH N. ilil t. Tai. lied oor7. V.LEUANTLY fumisned mini for several young luea in a newly refurnished private home. L'se of phune; ail modern conveni tuikea; talking distance. &ii Park Ave. FURNISHED rooma: bouse new; plants liol aur. 21s N. Ittn. THE DOUGLAS cklVlS Dougiaa . TWO elt-iarCv furnished parlor rooms, with piano: single or ensuila. ISIS Chi cago. 'I hulls, Mird TTL N1.'E. clean f imished rooma. throe blucka from pottoff cr. 2111 Dougiaa LARGE front ronrrs: modem. C3 a. lata. LIr,S room for two lad.ea or g.ntie "'" a each; moilurs aouaa, U1 s. 3uta. r.T Jv,""r ,nd llrl In cotisco. MCILT 1 irnlshed front and back rooms' tricuy modern. ur; caplim Ave. V-1 r f w w s f. wrey. lr I ndao. HAM'SOMKI.T furnish eicht-re .re houv: wii i.'iit for er .r lenc.r l j I - - . r nana n eutvr IIS7. I LO r.L rurriied rron. parlor for one I er io, stru.iv niml.r. i. plentr wain; 1.4 cxiota. a-t JC. rear a 1:11 atiiuoi. ana. ! - "TK'.'TLV oroilern rartiiatiad !iri-1,iL!',-r"T.vJ1f'-rClM' CM , - - ' J", t N. iut a. romaa i T ' Mi VI V r , .m . . hwl f-itr r.. t t rToim Li .r 7" " " , r,"K prsT - Knur-room fcoe. arg, ' Per month, ao owner reewrvea own IMng NEWLY furwsh-d rooms: etrtetlv mm. . L,". u ",l,rr i:" winter . mora. t tmtA ca, ij-. inuulra -urn ia s.h T "" i rooms: reiilrady located: snap at asiA ern. 2. tZ M and B; wa;tiug distsnee. 1471 ' " Ii Z jL"r "n'l !H"im NOWATA LAND ANu LOf CO, L-e.te, A-.-i. EUrlTe Fiit RENT OR SALK A moJern 10-rouin Bulla 4 Ji. 1 Life Bldg. MM! . j nces required. BEMIS. 4 Brandeis. house m Bemls paik. I7W Hawthorne Ave 1 ; NH'E front room for two gentlemen. 722: af..tVvvt i . i,ZZ 7 i - hsrlwses. Wta. houL L h ? rs:-!ass apartin-nt , HOffK-S l rooms Hartley and Tweaiy- - nous, nonn WebUerjM 1 ninth. M Apply 31 '.J California SL l i TTOV ROvTT V TTTiTTT nr PRIVATE fanviy, large front room and' hu.t : ! LA I IUi-l3U V AlAJSl LiiJ W, CO. Ma";', iv r&U'U: m0l4,r0- t U Jn St Harney 440I. 'a11'ra- ' y?", T'm h0V- 1 AGENTS F. F CORBIN BUtLDER 1 ' .Miami .-t.. near Dnd t. car !m is isjiHi.waWt.- rn NTH a 'Tr-,u,i t- - r i OFFERED FOR RENT Ft RN'ISHKD roomn. alw nrvlern room for ln;ht bouselieopink. 1717 Burv NEATLY furnlphed room, aultakla ana or two; ail modem. Z10t Caaa. for FURNISHED room In private family; modern doum; M a month. L9ui Paul. FURNISHED rooms for real. Kl N. lsta FITLNISHKD room ta na. anodara fiat. 413 N. i:to St. NICELY furnishes, from room; k. 12U Casa. per BEAlTIFX"I rooms In modern t ;i0 d 2ih Ave Hjufal location. NICE single room: SI. 73 weak. T21 8. 19th. I J FURNISHED, mr.dern. sout front , rooms for rent. .XEJ Chicngo St. NICE front room; also other rooms. t2:t : Harney. PLEASANT I inmn. Finn and cool; pro rata family, with two im-ai r pnvilesa of gaa suiva. 2S1J pacific Sc MODERN furnisbed rooms cheap. Douglas SL m FUltNISHED ROOMS, ts per month, far young men; electric llgnt. steam heat. te:a phonc. running water, laundry and press Uig privileges. XT! Hartley. Harney H'Jl. FURNISHED room; prleata family; str.ctly modern; In new housa. off tiouth 2tth avenue. EAST room, new electric llghtad flat. ZU N. 2Uu St. D. 4707. NICE singls rooms, modern, set Leaven worth. Douglas 7072. NICE sirg'e room, cneaa. Ave. Red u&4 m a 24ta MODERN fronf room, large enough for two or three. Sits N. lSth. LARGE modern room, aicalv furnished. ! U &18 N. Dth. ONE furnished room. 1620 Cass. PLEASANT furnished south room; mod ern. N. 2Zd su. South Omaha. NICE east front room; Cat S, Davldga Blk.. ISth and Farnam. FURNISHED rooms, aI.o modem rooms for litfht houtsekeepins. 1717 Burt. FRONT room. 3 week, ta N. 13h St. LARGE front room for two gentlemen. 1711 Capitol Ave. UEA UT1 FULLY furn'shed. strictly mod ern, lsrge room. gentlemen preferred, ereskfast if desired; references. Stiff. Dodge. HOUSEKEEPING and e.ptng rooms. 7U 8. 14th street. LARGE, elegantly furnished ail-modara room; walking distance; Manscom park dis trict, go: S 2fth. Harney sal. FURNISHED rooms, doss In. O S. 20th. NICELT tarnished, south front aiao other noma 2474 Harney. room; ONE front room; young man preferred. 0a No. ISth SL NICE front room, one or two gentlemen r young couple. 17 No. ISth SL NICELT furnisbed modem sleep Dg rooms. ZH No. J&th. STRICTLY modern rooms In brick fist, clone in. reasonaole; "phone, electrlo llghL gentleman preferred. 108 S. JSd St. CLEAN furnished rooms. SS S. 59th. NICELY furn shed rooma IU7 California St. 'Phone D. KM. I2S9 Emmett; modern rooms, half block from car. Poena Webster 4170. NICE south front room, with board, for two gentlemen; reasonable Apply XiiH Gracov LARGE front room suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. 1707 Casa MODERN, weli-tumistied southeaat front room, with !arno aicjve' private lamily; large lawn. 7('2 S. 29th SL FIVE-ROOM, mod.rn house; furnished SIS per month. U, S. ii'th Sl BOARD for two boys. 8 and 2'i years old. I n the country not fsr from Omai.a. near!! in school, give full particulara. M-213. Bee. Apart eaewta asvd Flat. ONE of the m-t beainful apartments In the city w ill ba vacant soon at 32d and Fnrnam. Call William K. Potter. Hirney TWO WJ-room flats Telephone Red 3smS. ia-itu s. loth st FOUR and five-room apartments. Streh low Terrace. Phon- Webster 4S31. 4-ROOM apartment. SIC S. I2d. I NICE -ron fist e l modern. 4L4 Dav enport SL Tai barney U. SWELL APARTMENT. e have a verv fine spar-mcnt !n Hans coin Park disirlet. to ua vacant Mv 1; this hni ( large rooms, living room is 20 feet long, wiiii opn f replace; s.l roorrs are tln:-ncd 1 oak and have ni -e nak floors bath r.Him hao tl.e floor. mrClclne cabinet cic. 'fins ts a very dt-slrahln apartment a ii.i wi.'t not be on the marttot very long Price to drsiiabia tenant. $42. rJ PAYNE. KOTWICK SLATER. Sole Agents. eVK New Tiirk Lif Bldg. Cboieo New Flat for Rent 3fS3 Dowiy Ave.. rooms, modem In everv particular, rcrner lL vacant now L i u n H. UNDETIYI" Tel. Doug. 1141. 4,1 p,r,j 0f Trade. CENTRAL, ail modern 4-room Ct 130 N . 22.1. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two lilgn-! grade flats, ihl. St biuU wails, a large cool' rooms with crivuta ha'l f .ie hr,ii,j ' .oj..ri.i. iirm no. wifr a. i yes r, rane, DESlflAFLE iiximi for three young men er man and wife, lis N. ISth, Iloeweaeeptwaj toawsaa. A "LIT!1! ef tiwe- gse aew Biudem ZZt Mcrth ak LA front room, parlor rwr, suliabie I for -ivictan. diramak-. mliiie-e ur man and aite. use ot piano and pei-lor; light !iourM-p ng. Aio 4 ur. 'ui nib.'iaa toemi lor liatit noufen-vpiug. 4.UI N. 2lib. CLAOSi: IN; cok ea gas; largo rooms! cheap rant. lS.i Cum.nav TWO listht hausesf-plng rooma: all snad- tin. 2. j case SL rr.uu. .r.4. TWO nke'y fumo he.1 n..r.-n.-a mulrl 7 k , .....7 NICE room foe hoosrbeeplng. anedera. ' I It at lain. Dougiaa avid. i L.rVTNL?H.'i'? r" ru USB "ae.p. J fcg. -a 2 Lib SL OFFERED FOR RENT Haankeealag ft awi Lantlaais. TWO modern houaekeeplcs rooms. ICS X. 30th SC. TWO rnoraf for light kousakaeping. 2310 Dougu- at. HO' SKKEEPl.VO and siaeplna; rooms. via iiun a-, inugvra. cavaa, TTIREEi nrumlhd, Ha-ht honF-keepina; rootoa, on parlor f.nor. 1MT N. 17 Ui. TWO modern, furnlsnad rooms. USa Pa ri e 6t. LARGE light nousakeeplns rooms; mod arn. CUI Douglas. THREB fins Halt housekeeping rooms; f'i!l floor, gas and bm. oiock from car. Ks. t Ohio. Red 1474 m 1 - i TWO nice suite of light housekeeping rooms, modern. CM Uarney. uivnsniiipi r ; ZZ I 1 HA.l(JMLT furnished apartmenrs: large cool rooms; f.oa guouner place, ail moucra.eV4S.aui. THREE lta-ht- eaw! v-fnrninhl j keeping rooms; rent reasonable. Innuira ninira ec. room a. third floor. MODERN 1 snd 3-room rotte;es; fur nlened tor bouaekpeplng. B-lS2a. li3'i Cal ifornia. FURNISHED rooms for Ught housekeep ing. UI S. iOtn. LARGE front bssement room for Ught bouaekeeping. CIS N. SOth. THREE furnished bousekeepiog rooms for rent. (X i7tn. PUITB of bousekeeplna .ooma; sleeping room. lDli Capitol Ave. also HOUSEKJEEPlNCi N. lhto. rooms, modern. Ml ROOMS for light housekeeping, single and doubla. vua W ebstar SL THREB nicely furnished housekeeping ooma 712 N. ISth SL FOUR rooms for housekeeping- first floor. EC Harney SL Walking distance. REFINED couple, no ehfldttn; ptrlor, kitchen, pantry; una of plana. Caa aiso have parlor aiona. 221s Dougiaa. FOUR modern elegant housvkeeDing rooms very reasonable; ne cnudreo; one block from car. U So. tiLlt SL CLEAN, furnished room for housekeep- ing: mca aaigooorhood; per month. bU N. Uth SL NICE. modern housekeeping roaaooabia. 2UU Burt SL rooms, HOUSEKEEPING looms, cheap. 1711 N 24tb SL LARGE furnished front room with, small kitchen on main floor. Km. Burt SL HOUHEKEEPINQ room. atrt-Tjy modern house; no children. x4 Da v an port LARGE front room, housekeeping; C month. 2vU Leavenworth. NICELY turniahed light housekeeping rooms: gas. bath; reasonable. 2007 Casa St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleawwg rooma tis a. Ifith. ' - MODERN housekeeping; coo kin? gas fur nished; Isundry privilege; aiao parlor. 2S71 St. Marys Ave. TWO rooms with gas; M per week. tH Dodga St. TWO modern rooms for housekeeping, furnisbed or unfurnished. Call Tuaaday. MM N. 21a L TWO front rooms for light booseaoepinai U38 N. 17th. ONE housekeeping room, modern; also furnithed rooma Harney SL TWO excellent rooms, tras ranea. mod. arn. tit v , LARGE furnished front room with alcove, strictly modern, ian Capitol Aa. SUITE; nicely furnished: gas range. lis Capitol Ave. TWO pleasant conreeted. nnfum i.h.rf I houfiekeeptng rooms: also 011a mcalv fnr- - 1 niehed ruom; modern and raasonahisw Hi2$ v irr ot I.A Rlir tfnnt ..inn , .-M . 1 . i.,.f furnlsnfd in strictly tbodera house; reaaon. aula, 271 Dodge. A-L HOUSEKEEPING roc OS rooms. UIH Chicago 4L and sleeping LTOHT huusakaeplng and aisepiog roooas at 2ta Dodge. CNFt-'PXISHEDi ground floor. 257S Uar ney 8L MODERN housekeeping rooma. 2001 Web ster SL Phone Douglas 2al9. NICELY furnished rooma. 43 N. 17th. NICE ROOMS. 1544 N. 17th. THREE large modern rooms for light housekeeping. 5023 Chicago SL FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; first r.oor; S3 per week. T2 & lta. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. QO N. Sih. NICELY furnished rooms tor refined couple; no children. 211 No. Utih SL t'sllrslrtes Mmtmm KOUR plessant unf Jmlshed rooms; gas and bath: on two car "linev ui N. auth St. TWO baca rooma. M. toth SL K per sueatb. 23a1 FOUR-ROOM fat. 1470 ). ltn. Walking distanoo. Phone Hamay XaL TWO or thr-e uafuntlshed reams, mod era Kit Dodge SL T1IHE targe, modera rooma th. eOT Ka TWO very p am rant rooira for light hooe kapii:g, furaisne.1 or unfirnistisd Cad Sucday or afer S o'clock Lirouxh tue week. 22e N. Uth ML FOUR pleucant unf mudied roum, gas and bath; on two ear lines. 7!K N. TJthh. Hm. 1,4 Ceirhgee. FOR RUNT J7J2 Davenport: 7 rooms. tFi Jot-n SteeL &42, s C.'dg. nMAKA Vae A enorwee ee. rara. avv steia h b g-ods: arqrrtiouse. 11!. n tik. efilce 30 i iit at Tet Douglas" "101 HOfeiK" a"". Oervin JSr.-a.. SIS S T. L. FUrt RENT 4 iJth ami baih. Slit L. 4-room flat! n! S Ism St . aw modern huuje, S-l. w. n HUMAN. JTS Poard nf Trade. hOl'StiiOLb tllnllxl itao.ed forwanled; ri.ep ti:t,:it rates, and .iiwlr,' f-Sfrf sai.: i-i.ii i.o. rt ihiu. I , snx. mi. i in .l in tfT i s m V. i At;r: vot n hema u. i'A:. i.-4T. i 1CK a ( Slri Fl. N. X. LiFai. I CARP KT CLEANI NG Vsi-. uni Ow ana Van at aiaraii L. yt i.o t.i. u iha Ind. A-.i.a. SiUO-Mul-KKN Vroona huuae; o.k Jdm. Ui S. SSaia.. OFFERED FOR RENT Iloaaea and Cottaaje MODERN ( and MiamL -ron cottagsk ZLM BEE OUR UST BEKORB RENTING. Sava tima and nrmxy , ail siss. all pnoea. PAXNE. BObTWICii. 6 LA TEH. am Foor. N. J. Ufa BlaE. -ROOM, modero. ltUO Mapis Su 117. ( ROOM 1IOC3E. all modern, larara kC plenty of soade. aouta frunt. wl I Sfil for U.JUS. Call at tta Cuouti aVu Xotapaona H. Mi. NEW 4-r io in brick bo'Ue. modem. Har ney 7. XICE t-nom eot:ate. SX j. vh- Tele phone Rtd J FOR RENT Ten-rmm. modern, "except furnacec; j barn and chicken houae; fruit trt esa an1 I Kiirubtwry; wel-kpt Uwn; locateil at 2J1 N j;st at. To the ngtu party moderate r.nt will bs chareje.l. Inquire at Rev. J. jr Srhwara. -0m Wlil'a xm aw Neesa at First National bank. FOR RENT Five-room cottage, tnree block from car line, modern, furnace. J0I1 De catur CU. 115 per mont.i. W J. DEHilOD V INVESTMENT CO. D. 51'S or A-J03J. 834 N. Y. L. BIJg FOR RENT S-room house; modem ex cept heat Apply S:i' Hamilton St. W-ftOOM brick house, pas. bath, furnace, taundry. J grates; a 1 modrn. rent H-; ktys on premises. 3l Capitol Ave. FIVE ROOM, sil moileii except heat, 213 Burdette ft.; tM. bemis-Cartberff Co. Brandeis BllJ FIELD CLUB district. new -rrxm. strictly modern home: Immediate posses sion: special price and txrms bv owner If sold this week. Call Harney Ii;7. Don't fail to see this very up-to-date house. TEN-ROOM, all modern, for rooming or two families, cms la. Z2T4 Chicago SL; furniture for two rooms for sale; refer ences required. HOUSES porta of the ett. CreUa Sons Co.. Bo BmIs. a-room brick houea, ail bo'ti, north part of city. (S. 4-room. :rt floor apartmeflL 123 N. Uth EL. til. M. t Pica rooms. TJ1T ClarV St.. IS. C. M. BACHMANN. Paiton Blk. Tela. R. S6. Has. D. (On. I ROOMS. J full lots fit S rooms, closo In lt 1 T rooms. Sth. near Capitol 21 I rooms, sil modern tS I rooms, brick, ail modern 3 I rooms, all modern, brick NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. tSt N. i. Ule Bldg. Had I99f. AN 8-room house, modern except heaL Si N. 3th; 122. J. H. JOHNSON. 678 Brandeis. AT 3011 and Farnam, five-room, strictlv modern flat, CM 08 per month. Telephone Harney 20. STORE ROOM, corner N. ISth and Nicho las. N. tilth has a future, mark it. See T. J. Hook. 1101 N. lSih- et., S to o'clock. STORE ROOM. new. utlding. 19th and Dougiaa; good for any business; rent rea sonaole. Call. U Hrr .aiaal Eataia. HOCS Insurmaoaw AtarwalL Barker Jsia. FOR RENT Chaap.ur y, 7-room. mod ern, exl-ept heat; lull cement baaemnL 211 N. 2Mn Ave., re-luoed to 20 If taken by April 15. Also newly fin. sued. S-ruom upper flat. 514 N. Xd St. choice. 4U. Ap ply vr N. lia St. Tel.. Red u4. Hanscoin Park District I For Lease- A very "desirable, nicely decorated -room apartment, thorounhlv modern, has highly polluhed. hard wood I """" throughout 4V to a ddairable lenanr. WRIGHT Jk LAS BUR Y. i0 S. 16th SL Phone D. HOUSE of S rooms, modern, on Dundee line. 113 8. 44th St. attcr May L TeL Harney i&d. GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. Eight-room modern brick house, tl7 N 40th St., St0. Eltrht-ruom modern house, BOJ N. 40th St.. Sli. Ssvrn-ruum modern bouss, X02 Mason SL. S30. Two rooms In Davldge Bldg., S30 JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1SU2 FARNAM ST. BEMIS park. 10-room modem house, jne Hawthorne Ave.. S4&. tn ONE-HALF STORE, lsog Leavenworth STORE ROOM, corner N. lS;n and Nicho las. N. Ujtn nj a future, mark IL See T. J. Uook, 1101 N. Uttt SL. to e o'clock. OFFERED FOR SALE fsrsltars, DON'T BORROW MONET an funuir. (uaaa. salary, ats., until yoa TBI 3 A. HUTTON CO tae-&ii Paataa Block. OLL TOP DESK. bed. matrress, re fffcerator. chairs, table chiffoneir. lawa mower, steel range, gas ransre, carpets, ruga and all aorta of furniture. UJ3 N. 2Hh. FOR SA LE Household goods snd phy sician's ollice fixtures. Ca t or pnone be fore noon. Boll. Webster 24 4L Res., 2U24 Miami SL, Omana. SNAP FOB A YOCNO COUPLE. Furniture of four-room house, almost new; muat be sold st once. This houae can be rented. 171 California St. Kay at 1717 California, or aii id N. luth,. NEW and up-to-date furniture for six rooms; parties leaving sity. 'Phone Uarney 3CSL FURNITURE of ten-room house, wtll aeil ail or part, house rents for let); mue loea titm; bow fu4 bf pica roomera.. Phone Rd 4711. FUR SA LE San.tary ccuch. muiren. cover. La so, ;d at. ItowaBlaaj Moaeee- ONE 4-ROOM. PAYING S70 NET PLIES, lbla Farnam. piiur.e Doug bj4. Sta7-el lailTSHesla. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia n.apha ! pliuiie. splenilld lnatrjn-ent. Price S2 and pever aoid f ir 'a. Wiil sell one. wlnrli is tir no .... m.iav-v coiiumon. lor j 170. Oood reaaoo for Address U lW OM Types, rteera. ECOND-hand typmr1trs sold, renah-ed. Central Typaw riier auacharuia 1"U7 Farnaot Typewriters for Rent Li-?A ... w. r . w a aaoo ma rarnam St.. umaua Mtawetlaaeawe. , FOR ALE Katietnal eaeti re1ser. with ISO", a i moit r.w; rung U takeei el eacev ' I Addreae K-aaaa. .-are atoa foil SALE lt THAMC-t,e Ix.a sad try oeu. Cail at L. S. itaatauraiiL OFFERED FOR SALE Mlaeellaaeem atlaareal. FOR SA LE 'h-ap, Eli!-nn moving pic ture machine, f:lm. ll1es snd mak ing machine. II. Shi-rbstin, Wayne. Neb. Library INCLUDING DARWIN. SI tNCKR HUX LEY. APP1.KTUN S FULL. SC1K.NTIFIC WORKS AND ONE FULL AND COM PLETE SET OF INTERNATIONAL EN CtCLOPlCDtA IF SOLD AT ONCE. THIS FINE LIBHAKY GUEiJ AT A BARGAIN AMERICAN FURNITURE CO.. Z N. 1ft St FOR SALE CHEAP IS: feet of lawn fence. J naiK gates. 1 drtvs gats. Phone Web. 1;. F. H. Gobeck. ONE fuJ set Stoddard Lectures. Mororcu binding. una tcleecopM camera. j. lady's double-barreled shotarun, 44-csllbie. (a. rail eveninga. 3b0 Cnirajm ci . H-RooM rooming bouse for sale. Cass. DOS SODA FOUNTAIN, in food condition. See Mr. Admen. The Bennett Company. PHONE MARNETTE. Douglas 1142. and have your lawn mowed, htdi-s ahd shrubs lnmm-d. by season or by time. FOR SALE Moving picture machine; light calcium e;aa outfit, model B. cost Vii.X optigraph and stereoptlcon. 64.; 1M feet film; plates: csnvaa screen and all nec essary things, such as bills, tickets, etc., all costing fcjo. As good as new. 1 offer for tin. No trades. Address Bci tie C. Daisell, Auburn. Neb. UPRIGHT piano for sale or trade. S. 10th SL Telephone Douglas 457. 1KM HALL'S safes, new. 2d-oand. 1SVI Farnam. SEED CORN that will grow JO per oent or baiter. Catalogue free. Ay Broa.. Blair. Nab. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels, which wa will sell at Me each. They are fine for rain water or ashea. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. SECOND-HAND scales at 1507 Harney. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. Dongnt, ltd) Farnam SL DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on ail tlO orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mc Conncll Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE New and 2d-ftand billiard and pool tables. Wo lead the world in cneap bar futures, easv payments. Bruns-wick-Baike-Collender. 47 S. UXn SL SJHOLAHSHIP on leading business col lege fur eaia at disco uoL Address P sua. Bea. CLOVERSEED tor sals; bu. choice med. rod seed; must bs sold. at. W. Mailer. GuLhrl Canter, la. 2D-IIAND oak ccunter. hand-carved mar ble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft. odd shape: will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. Fur further particulars 'phone Douglas 23, Baa Build ing Co. THREB quater Incn cable for sale. Apply George K. Wright, Bee Bldg. FOR SALE A large Art Garland base burner. Acorn ateel range, oak sideboard, oak dining table, eta.; ou account of mov ing will sell very cheap: all in good condi tion. Apply &4S South 24th avenue. G. C. DIMOCK & SON, TUB ONLY INDEPENDENT LUMBER COMPANY IN THE TWO CITUeS. 24th H Sis. South Omaha. Tel. South lilt. ALFALFA HAT, Wagner. SOI N. lata SL GOOD gas range for sale. 2&27 Davenport WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 41s 2. 1. L Tel. D. 1S. Dr. Xathrya Nichols, IU Si. T. Lit Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN, m NevUle Bldg. Book free Wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner in U. S. PaL Office. i Paxton Bik. Kd 2SL HIRAM A. 8TURGESS. registered pataat attorney. U. & end foreign patents se- etired. , N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. D. 34fi. PERSONAL If you are suffering from rheu matism, catarrh, dyspepsia, stomach, liver, kidney, gall stones or. nervous and chroaic diseases of any character, call on Dr. Theodore Milen, 428 Ramge Bldg. Dr. Milen has made a life study of these diseases and gives free consultation and examina tion. A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies wboae mothers cannot fan for them. Rabies boarded For terms add re Mrs. Martha L. Lee 4ui Bancroft SL, Omaha, Neb, 'Phono Doug'aa lS-'L DR. W. A.3URlvE SPECIALIST IX DISEASES OK WOMEN Private office at residence, 4612 N. 2th Ave., Omaha. No. office hours to 7 p. m. 'Phoue Webster WE rent and repair ail kinds of sewing machines, Ind. A-iotU. Doug. MEllRA.KA CYCLE CO., lulA and Harney ia. PRIVATE HOME during et-nflnemeut; babies tor adopt'on. Good Samar-taa anl lorlum, 740 lal Ave, CouocU Biuffa. Ia. PRIVATE confinement kjsia. Mrs. Dr King, UM hi. lt tt SL Pboe Webster tv.g MAQ.N m C TREATMENT BATHS. MASdAtiE Hiss lOrsi.e. 1S17 Dodge fL; krs, Sil a, m.-$ P- so. Xlaaameat flaL HINDOO TAfc.Lt.1a wu build, braeet ttmu.tnen. Kc hn.LL DRUG CO. TEACHER ate.. 2M Sapo ef occultism, clairvoyance, sik.. curier Brtiadway and Scott Stf., Council Bluffs. I Til K Pullman polish. Your money back I on dnmand If not aa represented. The I beat: sold In Oinaiia 12 years by Vrnmaii. at loot S. i-'tli SL Phone liaruey U70. MKi'HAN iTHKRAPT ts a druglesa cure for lutt pnyslcal vgor, t'oiiauit DR. Marcarlia H. lor en, lui Neville Bldg. Tel. Doug s 778L Under supervision oi M. Lt LXP'RT china Parker: wadding preeeats a specially lkl4 DavenpurL lud. bVCsL JUMIPKH and Asparaaras pills for die. orders ef the kidneys snd Madder. ess bea. Carina k Pharmacy. M 8. lit b, MME ALLEN ef Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. iu6 Dodge tt.. oppo site pustof f icr, ud floor. Phoue Douglas .uA. THE aALVATlON ARMY anil its ea.t of elnin.i . In laet. anytu ng yoo do net need. We eollec. repair and soil at 14 H. il'-k St.. for i-os' of cotivci on, le me wormy pour. Call 'phone Douglas 414 and waous a ill rail. jnsm WA9HBCKN book. The Ubi! aawad aewar" aa ail Soak stares; pnoe, etas. PERSONAL iCununued.) I MA5SA1E AND BATHS. I .iom oid Boston store UlUi . 4t .1 floor. I 12s d. lt'Mh at. iairay n Luac; m. REOULAIt admission 10c. Parlor ThiHtter. STRICT LT Priests Hams tor confine ments, doctors' attention, trained nurae; babies for adoption. Davenport MAONKTin tr-atment. Mme. tuna. CMAHA SiamoMrars lan.. Ramge Bids. ABLEMS DI5 VOT, manicurlne; and ina age, iCt d. luth Si. Flat , Ptione D. :kk DIVORCES obtained without delay sr Boise, criminal caaas a specialty; 17 yea.a axueilenve. W. A. CONNOLLY. 474.71 Brandos Bid. DOLO IlJI; IND.. A-14J4. Swaits A MvKelvy Newa Dept. Jtl-ti and 1 books; Ger. A Lug pcrlodicaia. i. . lath. ' PRINTING 'PHONG IND. A-20 f,)r good prmt'nc,. Lyngstad Punting Co.. lain a Capuol Ave. 1 -- I DOUGLAS county savs thousands of dollars yearly by havme; my figures on printing. John T. Thompson. Tel. v cb;er R1ES-UALL PrL Co, 10s S. Htn; lod. A- W ATERS PRINTING CO.. M2-J4 S. 13th. Miller 4k Jamiexon, UiJ Doug. Dolh 'phones. PIE-HALL Prt. Co., 108 S. 11th: Ind. A - iiZi. TAILORS Q. A. LJNQUEST CO-. ZX PAXTON BLK. MAX MORKi.i. 3UI BROWN BLOCK. V. TAUCHEN butts S3 up Krug 1 heater Building. nT?T7'ct5n7,J Suits. Tuxedos, full dress UliJ-OOiO auJlai slightly used, bought and sold. Ftldman, 2U M. 171 Su Doug iaa &2S. A ctkSS, HARRY MARTIN. R 19. U. 9. Bank Bldg. KILLED labor commanda high wages and good craftsmanship Justifies it. See J. A. KEKVAN. M6-M0 Brandeis Bldg. IRMEN T H H OLD RELIABI.B. Fulls to order. $15 Siau City and Omaha. SMI sticking Slniuc Ciiy. where other Cms nana h ta failed. Sea mm ul IV N. ICtja SL. oppoaita POULTRY BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK erss for hatchmit: write for prices. 1. C. Allqulst 2732 Meredith Ave. W. 7WS. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best Jn the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. A. AV. WAGNER. 801-U N. ISTH ST. Phones Douglas 1142, Independent A-24SS. BUFF ORPINGTON Eggs for setting. Ac per dose n. Phone Harney 47a. SL SI .50 FOR IS. I am selllmr White Plymouth Rock eggs from birds with show room record st 11.50 for setting of 12. Book your order now and send for booklet giving show room records of these birds and other matlngs. Frank G. Pabor, IC7 Pine SL, Boulder. Colo. GUARANTEED fertile eggs for setting; healthy prise-winning stock; delivered; silver laced and White Wyandutta. Barred Plymouth Rock and Brown Leg horn, lac setting. So hundred. Lower's poultry ranch, ualf mile easL haif mile North Arvada, Address J. H. Lower, Alcott Station. Colo. ROSE ooma Buff Orpingtons, only pen In Colorado, few settings from this pen at SZ.30 fur 15. E. M. Singer. L2 Mon roe, Denver. Colo. T KITE Leghorn eggs, oldest and whitest strain to Colorado, championship fowls at Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo shows; K Ss and S13 per liunurcd. G. W. Yedetz. Colorado Springs. Cola. Rhode Island Red setting aggn TeL SL Ml TESTED Roeecomb Rhods Island Red eggs for hatching from prise layers. F. a. King. Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson S3. REAL ESTATE DUAL CSTATtt D SCALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. EsL 1S3; prompt sen-Ice; get our prices. 1710 Famma St. REMIN'JTON-t.UNDBERG REALTY CO. TaL D. UTl. 43 Ramge Bldg. New houses. FRED S. HADRA, 417-ils First NaUonal bank Bldg- Dougiaa 2il. IL E. or Ex. T. C Tomaon, 47 Brandeis. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandeis Bldg.' Geo. V. Perrtna. 23 Paxton. Doug. TML REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRL'S'f CO. L3UI Farnam. Guund Floor. ABSTRACTS OF TITLSfi. C. M. SADLER SON. SOS So. ISth 5l ICXRK Abstract Co.. S0b . ntb Bt. D. 54S7. JOHJs CAMPBELL. 41S N. T. L D. 107L PgTgR JESSEN. JR. TeL Doug. Sail G UAR A NTEE Abstraet Co.. li-J Farnanv W. O. JENSEN, builds homes ngnt; p.sns fur ni sii d- 2721 gpaidiog, T-i Wtb. aua, city rsoriiiTt for sale. a-ROOM. WALKIN3 DISTANCE. W'eat Famsm district modem sxoept beaU; lot 40x115; price. SZ.70S. easv terms. KOW ATA LAND AND LOT CO. ulte i2t U. Y. Iafe Bldg. Red. 1 SWkLLKST residence lots S A) In Omaha, bar none; some of tliem as low aa POC; terms, one-fourth cash, balance three eoual annual payments. Ask aooul them, lis worth while. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Suite 24 N. Y. Life B.dg. Red ljtO. WANTED TO BUY or 7-room home. S2.'H) or timier; hal Lave you7 Call R.UH. TaANDERYOU 443 Board of Tra:e Bids Tais. Doug. I'M. Ind., A :17L Ol'lt FlliST KXC'LTi-SIOX To the Scott's Bluff country leaves Omaha Tuesday, May J. Last year wa sold 20,000 acre's. .Vow have 12,000 more near Bayard; fine Uni, plenty of water. Go early and get first choice. Payne lometment Com pany. SCOTTS BLUFF LANDS la a few yean irrigated lands In th Fcott's Bluff country will be worth ua much aa Greeley lands. To prove this go and ses. Our first excursion to Scott B Bluff TueaUay. May 3. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. REAL ESTATE CITY PKOrilRTV rUK KILE. i Continued Sacrifice Sale OWNER MOVING TO TOUNTRY- Eat front, inuim hmiNe. a 11 morlcrTL. svmmi i.inin. 1.1. ii rrwini tur s norses, 101 os U!": room on li t for another house. Will iii rrpt r. aitcmable cash payment and lern-.s on balance' can be arianged to suit pun l aser. Inquire or address owner at 17.12 X. 2.h .-t. H. I Hughes Or Acre Fruit Kara., j rlghr la town: ntre h'lusc, Hirrken-housa, , cleptm: lleht 111 str"; on Ptreet car line ; you n.-ver in us , equal. . prioo KUOaa. - Terms j NOWATA LAND T.nT CO., j Suite C2I N T. Life r.l.lg. Te . Red 159a. 6 Rooms. Full Lot. $100. in south part of trwn. IZM ca.b. bnlancw nv o'1 rvsv Nowstn Land Lot Co j Suit tl N. Y. Life Bldg. Bed D. FOR SALE New modern uo-to-data 7- room bouM'. b"t you eer ki for tha I monev- K-""; 'ash and kii a month. I W. R. lioiuan. UK Board of Trada. JIO0 CASH, balance l!H per monUi for a neat little cottntre only t blocks to oar; north of Hemis purk: sotitli front lot (iOxlJO; price tUlTJ. Choice East Front Lot In West Farnam dlafrlrL If taken at one this lot ran be had at a vrr low price. nowata land and lot ta. Suite C24 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Red 1390. I HASH for quick sale a fine half sec t'r.n wvenl mIVs frum Midliuid; lli acres in nice grlowina- wheat; land all under f- nee snd cross fn.-e; smnll house and barn. Will sell thla land for -J2 ner arrl... including cro; and new diw and mower, good wagon ami torher f?trm machlnerv. will curry hark I2. aa ' pr cnt lnter!st, com quirk If von wnnt this map. IHTD SO.V LAND AGENCY, Midland. 9. D. MY HOME On comer of entrance of. Field club, cement block. : one- of the prettiest homes la tha city. Part cash, and bal ance to suit purchaser Apply ta owner, 3366 U'ooiwortli Ave." THIS SPACE RESERVED. PROPERTY OWNERS aiND : HOME BUYERS. This spsce reserved? for the o'est andl most saleable property "Hated with us this week. If you want to sell quickly, come In and see us. If you want to buy. let ua know what you want and watch this space. THH ABBOTT REALTY CO, 411-415 Brandeis Bldg. can a;, noien. Mgr. Doug. YES. JUST WHAT YOU .WANT! 7 rooms, all modom1 except boat; lot Khr. 13; oar at door; price. S2.3WL cash, bai ance monthly. 7 rooms, all modern except heat; large lot: new: price. S2.W), S-.U0 cash, balance easy. 8 large rooms, brand new, all modern: lot 50x128; price, i,700, SUM cash, balance easy-. 7-room. brand new, bench floors, all mod-, em; a dandy; price, K.iuO. i.x cash, bal ance easv. NOWATA LOT A LAND CO.. Suite 24 N. T tLife Bldav Red 13. SCOTTS BLUFF. LANDS In a few years irrigated landa In th Scott's Bluff country will be worth aa mut'h as Greeley lands. To prove this go and see. Our first excursion to Scott's Bluff Tuesday, May 3. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. FOR SALE Lot 63 feet frontage, facing the Field club in Field Cluh district. In quire J. A. Russell. &US Merchants National Bank BiUg. Telephones Doug. 24ir2 and Har ney 61i eV NICE PROFIT. Last June we sold an eijrhty near Scott s Bluff foe Jv). an acre. The owner sold the other day fur 2130. We have 12.0U9 acres near Bayard, Juse as stood and worth, as much, for ami to fcso. Oo up on our first excursion. Tuesday. May 3- PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. a. is. cor. Lith and Farnam. OUR FIRST EXCURSION To the Scott's Bluff country loaves Omaha Tuesday. May S. Last year we sold 2O.OU0 acres. Now we hav 12,000 more near Bayard; fine land plenty of water. Go early and ge first choice. Payne Investment Com pany. A NICE PROFIT. Las' June we sold aa eirhty neae Scott's Bluff for nu an acre. The own-f sold tne ntner day for Sl-76- We have llf4 acres near Bayard. Just as good and worm aa inucn, for Jm to St i io up on our first excursion. Tuesday, Mav S. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Ilith and Farnam. OUR FIRST EXCURSION To th Scett'e. Bluff crmoCTy leaven Omaha Tuesday, May 3. Last year we gold 20,000 axTPs. Now we havst 12,000 more near Bayard7 ffne land,, plenty of water. Go early-" and get first choice. Payna Investment Com pany. : . SELBY D. Lr.l. 4ot Board of Trade B!dg. ROOM. NEW. MODERN. 3 I -OWN very eaay. I'avrd street, concrete walks; large lot; fine naighborhood; two blocks to car. 5-KOoM MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S2U1 cash, ba . anc a a trifle more than rent. New paved street, sou tai-a I fi'Cjil; bear car. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone. Red ISM. ;i . TWO desirable io's in Florence, two ! blocks from Main SL, one block front sciiool bouae. as wruuvmia call owner, 'f bone Hamay KPECLVL INDUCEMENTS To osncra who went. . or must sell uuickly. Notice the space under Residence property For Saia. bicli la yours unt4 oid. provided yours la saleable property. THE ABIU'TT KEALTT CO. 411-4U Braudrul llldg. Carl K. Bo. . Mgr. Doug. SMS PRAIRIE PARK trlit, built ea artistie and harmonious imaa, naa u oiaua new Bouera. email payment and balance monin y PAXTON Kk.AL KTA1 R ri. SiOCASti-Sl PEK vvfc.iv k Wml I.ea vanwortn 1 lilili t b.,1 d tig Iota. Ml'l l.As K. s-kV lawveiioriu. fiiouo Hal a.-y uia.