Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1910, WANT ADS, Page 7, Image 35

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    TirK OMA7TA srmVY F.FX: APRIL 1 19l
i 1
1 V
5 '
W e say by all
means buy land!
Don't wait.
Some temptin
offers are made in
the Farm and
Ranch columns of
The Bee.
You can acquire it on
liberal terms
Every young man should
be a land owner.
The Bee can give information
about all of the
land listed in its columns
0 v -
y I
f ij
S v.
.-v., 2tvk .a- - , ar"- x ,waf a
Buy it now!
The day may
come when there
will be no
bargains hi land
Read the land ads
in today's Bee.
Don't hesitate.
Do it!
Wouldn't you be rich today
if you had
bought land ten years ago?
There is no possible way for
you ever to regret it.
fie kiilii
of the west.
rnoais f. wits a is dead
laltj-Yillioaaire Xiaiaj 3ia.37u.te
Eiea Alter Loa Strobile.
UI2 IC2ir32 13 C01C2ATO
last W nl Ykfc.a a 1 ta 4
iiiit WMlik kr ilr Ml.i.f
Saa'l Tragi Death
WASHINGTON". April I. TSomu F.
4 A.xm, the muttirn..Ujuu-ra niuvna' nui
te. d.ed in La: city it u e-ock last
ughc L'nti aaa 4m tj a growth in ta
singa. th reaml of aa iu.,uiy rweived
Hum agn whea Mr. Wevao was a miaer
a tii west. Although the "S.iver M
tine." a Mr. TVla j kaowa. had bn
H for Ut '.awt thre months, the end
.tj auddealy and peacefuiiy.
H Cad ia h.s n:iLil Mussacii.iatt
.nue horn her. a.:fr h rwturaed
erai wwras ago aer a t lur through (!
aula, la ra of heauia. H was mr
ualed w n la end ca.u by ta
a: of turn f.tU.v. 0i m:t.
Ui'. lac fcvj un-;a-i-. E4.-1 B
:j. tna by ihro pny.aA t'r. il.ti-n-t!
of th.a ci:y .-d Dr. Ouin.-: r:d F'.naa
f Jjan H-pl:n U3tvr.ty. H w :j fc
urlorf In Ujo Crwi tn r in tl:- c:ty
V tfi nam or on.! :. wia a.
if la ma atK jotutiil --n1.-.u in w E I-
A: h oa rut li f-rl o-:ti".,n
. i K .:!;. Tiler t cindiiclM by
. ... . . ... - a 7.! a . a a'.J S.3.l.:.-y
tsrli I Ian4k
Tin 4 t- Wj r.'l ! U'.:a n 1- n
lid i Jjcikl n Tin fcw.o..i
. schuis aad r1y In Uf vaa apprtnt:cil ' narr of ti cta-'r- aukdm aaJnat Uim
1 to a vaalirn-ac Waa ha M IS yaxa j Ara w.tliha.d from tfc public JUur.( ta
old h cam to th L"alT4 Juum. J toilet meats rtcuracd ta cajea wnera tha
, LiBnt d-.rct y ta Colorado, vsirt b j defendants nrhar ar la cuntody or hav
mad bus furtua la th devviupoxent af ' trniahri bocda a.-a ta fuUowlng: frowia
, Biiii la UTS h waa married ta M am ; Crow'.nmizrr a t-.u'x Indian b:ar t'r-g oa
! B- RmmL H araa nanrd aa on of the tie Standjij Btvii rna:U;a. sumtary
eum3i;aauDra ta t!t Paris xp isit-on :b asaaali: Ciuta Larraaiht sa (.if Daa.l
and bad an arhtH-nua a' ' Ciicpl):l. St.n Siuui Indiar.a, tr&iiuc
j BoBsrad by hi govamment. ' ir.g Liiur u !cd.a ai.crntenta
Mr Wa-sh. always a cen-ai boat aad j -
ajnibrr of ciuba and b4:or.pd t avrai jlCi?.COn COITICS
rtmvx.c la th inmd:at past
ba developed a n Icwrwt in ar-atiuo
aad was th loading f rir a '. i effort
to hav ta inccmatiHial aval;on meet
bid tn t national capital
Th traj c dva'.a of b.s ho t ia aom
rars aa waa a moat avra ahiMrtt tj Mr.
Wash, and f-om h:ch h nr Tally
recavvrcd. Th boy aa ktnd n aa ajto-
mubl'e axrident. wh'rh injured aim Mima, j
sow M.-a EUlward MiLaaa. j VEW TOaX. Asil a TTS uraa of t
When th CWradj auver built bts i th.r.ja ptr.:m:a toun Us way rai:y wesi-macn-f:rnt
Waabic:an h.m a fw yaars ward today w;-.a Jaoa Clrawis. fcu uf th
( .-a-i j tnritv j or . -.ion t ac manaaara orui
i raidne in in nauunal capital. -ncm i ta imu Franciaco, aad Jjoa Mcian. who
ttea it haa ban sitrpasd by ta Lars ; has bn rtrat:nc th Otoasua-Rieaard ;
Aadvraon and th Prry Belmont huuwi ' interests bar, ua l::a way to Chios.. j
Tw of th largest and f.reat offic bu.ld- . MKaua wCl stay la Chlvm uutil nst
will beg'.a traUnioa; naar Cxi Francac
brf arm May I. acd I trei.'ev hUa.
With Johnson
Bickard Fein Pujrbst 'WiU Jot Keep
J Eag-ijcinent fcr Eij Hi
Irgs in ta city h be.n bolt by Mr. , Frutay. aad th r.ght nUalaa: say wilt
j Wa-1 dariaa th last few yaarw. Cm , nut iua b.s way further wast aacvpt la I
qi 14pm urn u-Ji vv.uto. i.m or i jaca jannsua s cutopiuiy.
Th O'j-ay. In honor cf the arate m j Uneasmeas a Tea Klfka.-d's part regard
i h Dij4 b.s f rtiina ' tr.g Jusr.wm piaaa is rspunaibi f ir Mj-
A sun burn Ua bis dajghtor recently has ! Kmii'i tr'p to tn far i wi'.b Jobasun
' kwi dbbt nn tccuunl of '.he i-v.irena i a tow. Th New Yurn mfr.t has bva in
! -.:th tan both h s pairmjl and maiemal r-.-t -t not lo leave Ch.cago f ir th euaurf
a.u. lb "Hundred Mil.lua LjlUr Bauy." ; br.i.g ar Ibai Juuaaoa ta n ta.
i i aam tra:a.
irwaa Jev aa Fail. i Giaasoa. b-for leavtivg. evpreaad hkn-
Tha Vxiei Siaa g-anl j i-y. which . n wrry vr Jobaaoo." a-!
,r. :-. b- T :kiir f lb s e-:a has aur-d Gleasoo. "Ricka.-d has o:y cos- j
, ri"i.rifj a nottr cf i-Jii-'.-T.-n.a. .a th i -Cr-i mam b.g r.ght. (a Caa-Naaaua hat' '
fc f-idaalj :a hum u th caies ha.e nut le ai Glfe.d. ar.d b may b a txlT.
vc kaa lae-.r aam and tha reati. Johaauai ha asswrwa aa that he!
Former Clients
Of Balhnacr
Ask Injunction
;Tiree Or-gua Ltzi ClaiaiaJiti AUey
tiat Secretary's Asaiataat
Hide 'Wroaf Uccisioa.
! WASHINGTON". April a-r'cArla ttr
acretary of ta tatertor Eaii'.nger, braas
' b had been caasei for a umber of ia-ad
! otain-.aata la tha Hiletg Indian rarratiwi
ia Oregun, mw decline to glv tbm ati
' beaert cf bis ; jJgraent sines becoming
secretary of th interior an4 "Uaa at
l !rr,pid to d:lrgate to hia aaaistaat. Frank
I P'erre. th d.ty Imposed hy Saw n him,"
aad ihat lha lauer has decided adverly
' 10 laem. WUam Lk BaA Thomaa Hoi
i vertuo aad Ly hC. Gi.bert today fUr suit
ia rhs suprem rourt of t-h District of
Columbia for tojunct.ons to prevent th
UKutiun of th order of Mr. Plerc.
drawa to th suit h raphaUca:!y denied
that be had ever been attorney for ta
claimant 1 or' that there waa any apactal
raaaca why Aaaistaat Swcmtary piarc had
hand ed th caaea. Tha latter bad deposed
of them, ba sawd. ia aceordaac with his
general aaaigtunnt of handling laad offic
Cairo Railroad
Near Completion
! Dreaja of Cecil Eiodea ia 5ovr About
to Come Tne After Maay
Eindo north to Ponthiervi;:.
Th ham from PonthtrU!s to Siaaley- i
lii ts In operation, aad th next section Rm1 Mtat, tran-fers for April a.
north to Mahagl la already surveyed. Boat j f irnoiaed by th M.d and Guarasee
aad raU complete th rout northward to i Trust company, bonded abstracter.
Lada aad Khartum, -hence th. Journey U 'U tMaa..
Cairo eaa b mad by th aisting rail- loIJI L j j mnd i. . HUiaide. t
way. j W. J Aibin and wife to R. U Gd-
Tha great bula of tha Une. Icc.udJg some ' chnst lot lu. biocb i. Fred D11ob a
1.0 of .tie. at th norraera and soutam , iX''.'.'''''
ends, will be British acd ti:e remaiader i Hastings" A Havd.-n" to' A. W. M:l
w'U paaa through Beigiaa territorj'- I !" and wife lot 2. biocs. U. Mob-
.-i mouth Park
UVurVrrll iD I- Ferg-a'n to U. M McKmia
nlniC.liC.AL l.n l k:. ota P'ac
Dougla Security o to W B. He-
Ccrmacb. lot 1 F.uward t".c
SIatr-Caav. M. R C bLennedy and busliand to
t:m Caad . C. Casper, daughter .f . .n;. b''.'!. ..T.
Charles Caspar of Betievu. aad Mr. Jam r , griitm and wlf to Thomp-"
' son El MioHel. ! t X. bl'ica 1 sub.
of J-inn I. FUMl'.ra
j E. S'a'.r of Fort Crook, were married by
: Rev. Charles W. SaTldg st h:s rwstdeaca
Ea a aaya be emplared Mr. ,Baiilnger in
Jkgt. aad tbat tr.e laaer Tied la th fTo
it tt then serretAry of In Interior, a
brief uri'.Tg that pa:eat b lid ta bale.
By alleged trregu artie he riaiat b a till
to th ntry was eioided and Mr; Pierre
Lm-i readered agaiat. him a decsioa wt ch
ia a soot to brara o iterative ta Oregaa
unlasa tb court prevents tts aamcurloa.
Ealu aad tha vther c.a.majits dec ara
tha law A. owe aa appeal to th secretary,
that they ar aut.ed ta tt aad taat the
action af tha aaatataat acrtary la witaeut
rlgh ta of law.
VV-ua Mr. Belagr a ai.tmit,a, was
BRISAiCU. AarU a iSoajdal Utapatcn
to Th B- Th ooensistlnn of th Caj
to Cairo radway. th dream of Ce-U
Rhodes, ia now wall ia sight. By th and
of tb year th whui extent of tha line
will hav ba surveyed. From Khartum
ta th north and from Broken H'.il In tha
south th Una ta creeping forward Ut the
fulfilment of on of th greatest emer
priaw of modera tlmea Th lin. with It
LJOt mi'.e af meia!. will b by far th
tongeit .a th world.
I Mr. Huberty. secreiary of tn Ane'.o-Bei-1
glaa Katanga - Ra.iway company. ay tt
has Just b-n d:lod to survey ta rout
. uf th Congo t!iimt of th Cap i Ca ro
i l:n from Cl:xahthvii: .-iuse by the
I famous star f in Congo cippvr m.neat
1 Dortaward to Kambwa Th lia between
! tha Star f tn Congo aad Broken
! iRhcd!Stal will b completed by Vepembr
Th asciMia between B ikT.a and CgtMO
! is to be begun In Dectsilier. by wnich time
) lb aeat sm-t.oa t tie aarta betwaea Coa
guio aad hUadu b ready. Boat a th
Conga r.ver wul carry paaaenawra tram
Friday afternoun at 4.
E. aV ftiat-r to Frank B. M trev aad
wife. mm lot 4. block L Horbacn a
-At a.ld
firge T N'ovre arul w.f to S. C.
Brvwstf-r part Jl-l-!3
ime to ami, part of same..
A J I-v . and wife to Jrg vV.
Herirv. a' nt" reeerv of West .ti
le Pleat at Desdwaed.
EEADWlX)D. P D . April p-tal I
Thrs city has an lc p ant in fjll operation.
C. El kk H ira. a farmer mte promoter.
has laarnjied a rompieta piaat of maan!nri - ar ut
in ih F'.rwt ward arid la tjrnir.a out tn ''-t Mxrtelu and wf u Anton
manuracturl product at th. t. of tg I "'i,?
I tana per day Haretofor Dnadwwod na , nmn Paoii4- an 1 W'f to Jarae4
! depended upon lea lca punda far a supply 1 Stanak and wife, sara
i th summer. Mr. Mcliugn Is also J T!.,,m OJ ' J NeoraabA
iB " . . . . ! Co.. km a m and it. 'aritnirg a
p,aan:ri to aaaaiuih a p. ant at UD ,.t hl(M.k j- AJt umaha. ...
Bnila Faurrhe to euppiy Uia ve-iley country, j Mitr.laa V 'itteiirogiar anu wf to
j ' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ' i gS i iStZ tt'rli
I J. oiork c T!iombr Place
' ir T ur-er m'A nr.aka a tr-o to M b- '. baai t.- same. Int 4. biwh la, Hna-
ni a.i.a Saturday n'ghc
Carl Ferguson leavea Omaha Saturday
j nignt for a tnp t Chlragw.
I A. W. Kuper of Ardmorv. Ok I.; Mr and
Mrs L B. lu-k. Mr a J. H. Fonda ef Nrtn
I PAit and M. Sherman af Corumoua ar at
LT- U al.
' Mr. and Mra Henrr Wr-kena cf C"lun
' b.A 14 11 lam Acannell of Trwi'.in E a.
buigeaa of r'Diii C.ty. trorge f K a-'er of
com Place
Si live "' to '. H Ukji. lot t.
biock 4. Thorr.berg Plac
Sam to G W .g. lot i aivl 4,
bork 4. Viiley Place
KA Caeatdv and wita to la City of
of S .Ktt i.imahA wul ivet of l-
WC U. 4-14-13 .
Sam to ur.i. part of J and M.S"U1
a v en o
Anna .jrrgan to aam. !( ? and eJ3
I :...m and Mr aiul M- ft. J. T'. of1 i,K b..- l lau Pa.-.
jieQwet ar ai Uk UvOAbaar j Qirg W lieury aad w.i to t C
' I htLlxui, prt A-JrU