Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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, Nebraska
Hotel, House unci Off loo FurnHurc.
Sole Agents for
The Herrick
Ostcrmoor Mattresses
60-lb. French Edge O 50
$30 Mattress, for . . I
Ostc rmoor. regu- r 4
Jar 45-lb. Mattress I O
9 Lincoln Excise Board Repeals Fa
Spruce White Enamel
and Opal up
moui Regulation.
414-16-lS South Sixteenth Street.
Mayor Refuses ta Preside at
n MrrtliK lirllalUii E
traded hr Biiliifu Kri'i
(Tmm a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April . (Special Telegi am.)
Th. Excise board today repealed rule 1J.
which has become famous since the city
las been without saloon. This ml pro-
Ides that no common carrier may bring
liquor Into the city and deliver It at the
home of any citiren. The rule, made It
necessary for the common carrier to deliver
the liquor at tlx place of business and ,n
man to whom it had been consigned had
i no there and sign for It himself. It
.s unlawful for a man to send an sgent
for the good. The board al!o decided to
pass the. rule If a majority o fthe voters
favored saloons and save It out unofficially
that If th town goes wet an effort will be
made to have all the drinking done In saloon-,
and to make It hard to have beer
sent out to the home.
Mayor T-ove refused fn preside at tr.r;
J'.o.e moling tonight, though Invited to
do so. The tnavor answered the Invtta
I'on from the Business Men's Protective
n.oi iatlon hy askire; who composed the
lrigue and at the sanio time declined to
p-esido nt the meetinc. President Koop
of the association said It was composed of
liiifinens men and the Invitation has been
extended In the name of some 4,0"0 persons
who hae sltmed the petition asking the
submission of the liquor question. Attorney
l!oe, who presided at the Towne niectlna.
presided at the Ro meeting. The Invita
tion was extended to Mayor iove to pre
side because Mr. Rose Is the mayor of Mil
waukee, all of which was set out In the
Knights Templar
Elect Officers
Right Eminent Sir Noals M. Ryan
Chosen Grand Commander of
It Order in Nebraska.
KEARNEY. Neb.. April 9.-(Ppeclal.)-One
hundied and twenty-five Knights Tem
plar of Nebraska were In convention In
this city Thursday and Friday. Thursday
evening the visiting members sat down to
a luncheon In Masonic hall. Friday morn
ing they took a trip In automobiles. W. 8.
flapp of this city was honored by being
chosen for grand captain of the guard.
Henry Gibbons, another Kearney man who
has held high office In the order, was
made past grand commander of the state.
The officers elected were: Right Eminent
Sir NoaU M. Ryan, grand commander;
Vice Kminent fir Gustavo Anderson of
Omaha, deputy grajid commander; Kminent
Sir James Tvler. grand generalissimo:
Kminent Sir Frederick J. Schaufelberger.
Hastings, grand captain general; Kminent
Wr 'Oscar R. Allen." Omaha, grand Junior
warden; F.minent Sir Edward C. Jackson,
' Wlnlr. grand junior warden: Eminent Sir
Henry C. Akin, Omaha, grand prelate;
Right Eminent Francis E. White, Omaha,
grand treasurer: Eminent Sir Will A. Need
ham, nioomlngton, grand recorder; Emi
nent Sir George Wlllets. Jr., McCook, grand
standard bearer; Frank It. Young. Broken
How. grand sword bearer; Eminent Sir
Claudo Watson, Nebraska City, grand
w arden.
Pipe, Spark, Hay
Afire, Runaways
Man Homelcs,
Spark from Pipe of John Riens in
Gage County, Causes Loss of
T. Zimmerman's Home.
REATRICE. Neb., April 9. (Special Tele
gram.) The farm house of Thomas Zlm
merrnnn. eleven ml lea northeast of Beatrioe,
mas burned today with all Its contents In a
peculiar manner. Frank Klens, who had
coupled the place for some time, was haul
bay to another farm which he recently
rented, and Just before leaving the yard
the load caught fire from Rlen's pipe. The
t'im ran away and the burning load struck
the house, setting It on fire. The building
was completely destroyed and the horses
were badly burned before being released.
The loss is estimated at Sl.uCO, partially in
aured. ,
Rood Record for l.exlnsrton School.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. April 9 (Special)
The school board of the Ix'xlngton schools
has arranged for the Jetting of the contract
for the Soutli Side school building and
for the new high school building according
to the plans prepared hy J. H. Filt Co.
of Kansas City. The new school buildings
will be of the latosty design and tip to date
in all conveniences. Heating, lighting and
Produced by Fostum.
Great Lace urtain Sale for Monday
We are able to offer these values through a purchase of fifteen cases of lace curtains from an eastern jobber.
who was compelled to convert some of his stock into cash. The prices are exceptionally low when it is taken into consideration that every
pair is guaranteed perfect, and the prices quoted per pair, not each. ALL CURTAINS PRICED BY THE PAIR.
$2.0 Cable Net, Scotch Net, Nottingham.
Scrim Curtain?, in all color; pair. . .SI. 19
$'2.?o Nottingham Curtains or reproduction of
Brussels. Irish Point; color?, white or ecru;
sale price, per pair $1.59
$.'.'J5 Novelty Curtains. Cluny Curtains, Not
tingham Curtains: colors, white, ivory, Arab
ami ecni; sale price, per pair $1.98
$.').".") new Madras "Weave, in Nottingham Cur
tains, Cable Net Curtains, Novelty Net Cur
tains; sale price, per pair $2.19
$T.00 Cable Net Curtains, Brussels Weave,
Madras "Weave, in Nottingham Lace Cur
tains: sale price, per pair $2.89
$6.30 Scotch Net Curtains, new, dainty, S;ix
ony Hrussel "Weave, in Nottingham Curtains;
sale price, per pair $3.49
$7.."i Cluny Curtains. Cable Net Curtain,
very highest class Curtains of the style made
sale price, er pair $3.95
$10.00 Duchess Curtains. Irish Point Curtains,
Cluny Curtains, Cable Net Curtains; s.ilo
price, per pair $5.75
Hundreds of other styles in this sale at special prices. Remember Every pair of curtains guaranteed perfect. All Curtains priced by the pair.
sr. April 12th, we place on sale over 250 pieces of Fan
They will be sold wonderfully cheap, as we desire to
tit .J eOn Tuesday morning, April 12th, we place on sale over 250 pieces of Fancy Nets, dropped numbers, from our own Wholesale
Xl fJP 1 1 WW Department, such numbers as have been dropped from our 1909 catalogue.
close them out all in one day. From 9c per yard up to 49c, all worth 25fo more.
peciai Sale off Pretty Parlor Pieces
Consisting of three-piece suits and separate divan, rockers and chairs, upholstered in silk velour, loose cushion seats ; some with back upholstered, also upholstered in genuine leather.
$59.00 three-piece suit, loose silk velour cushion; special
nt ,...$39.00
$55.00 three-piece suit, loose silk velour cushion seat, up
holstered back; special $33.00
$80.00 three-piece suit, green silk velour cushion seat,
massive design; sjecial $68.00
$90.00 solid mahogany conversation chair, silk velour up
holstered; special $45.00
$57.00 three-piece suit, heavy carved claw feet, uphol
stered in green silk velour, loose cushion scat; special
at $38.50
$15.00 arm chair loose cushion seat; special . . .$10.50
$30.00 Divan, loose cushion seat; special $21.00
SUITS (Like Illustration"! Very unique design mahogany finished frame, highly polished.
has heavy roll scroll arms, genuine mahogany panel hack divan, arm ehalr and
arm rocker: upholstered In green silk velour cushions or in genuine leather;
regular price $70.00 special price
$27.00 Divan, loose cushion seat; special ...... .$17.50
$50.00 Divan, upholstered silk velour seat and back, heav
ily carved; special $37.50
$1(5.00 Ann Chair, carved claw feet, large massive design;
special $11.50
$55(0 three-piece suit, mahogany finish, upholstered back
and seat, in genuine leather; special $37.00
$63.00 three-piece suit, leather upholstered, a very pretty
design; special ". $43.00
$32.00 Divan, upholstered leather seat and back; special,
at $22.00
$20.00 Ann Chair, upholstered leather scat and back
special $13.50
Special reduced prices on a number of patterns of odd dressers, chiffoniers and dressing tables. These are all excellent quality, late designs and are exceptional values
$22.00 quarter sawed golden oak dressing
table; special price $14.50
$27.50 Princess dresser, quarter sawed golden
oak; special price $20.00
$32.00 mahogany chiffonier, wood knobs
special, at $21.00
$33.00 quarter sawed mahogany dressing
table, oval mirror; special $21.00
$30.00 quarter sawed golden oak dressing
table; special ....$20.00
$52.00 chiffonier, quarter sawed golden oak;
special $35.00
$52.00 dressing table. Rococo design, quarter
sawed golden oak; special $37.50
$14.00 mahogany Soinnoe, wood knob; special
nt S9.50
$16.00 golden oak Somnot, trimmed in wood
knobs; special $10.50
$23.00 maple dressing table; special 815.50
123.00 Cheval mirror, mahogany finish; special -now
at S16.50
This is the season of the year that we are displaying hundreds of new designs, colorings and qualities in Rugs and Carpets. Never before have we shown such a large assortment of
new colorings as now. We can please the most exacting. These rugs are made from the 18-inch door mat up to the largest room size rug.
Brussels Rugs
Made from a double twisted worsted yarn. Qual
ity guaranteed. All new colorings and designs.
7x9 Brussels, for $12.50
8-3x10-6 Brussels, for S18.50
9x12 Brussels, for 821.00
11-3x12 Brussels, for S27.50
Extra quality Tapestry Brussels Rugs.
Gx9 Tapestry Brussels, for S8.25
7- 6x9 Tapestry Brussels, for S10.50
8- 3x10-6 Tapestry Brussels, for S.13.50
9x12 Tapestry Brussels, for $16.00
10-6x12 Tapestry Brussels, for S21 .00
10-6x13-6 Tapestry Brussels, for 824.00
Extra quality Axminster Rugs Newest patterns
to select from.
1- 6x3 Axminster Rugs, for 81.15
2- 3x5 Axminster Rugs, for S2.25
3x6 Axminster Rugs, for 84. OO
6x9 Axminster Rugs, for $13.50
8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs, for S21.00
9x12 Axminster Rugs, for $24.75
10-6x13-6 Axminster Rugs, for 83350
12x15 Axminster Rugs, for 84250
Royal Wilton Rugs
These rugs are noted for their artistic coloring
and designs. The wearing quality is the best.
1- 10x3 Wilton Ruga, for -$3.50
2- 3x4-6 Wilton Rugs, for .. $5.50
3x3 Wilton Rugs, for $5.50
3x5-3 Wilton Rugs, for $8.50
2-3x9 Wilton Rugs, for $11.50
2-3x10-6 Wilton Rugs, for $13.50
2-3x12 Wilton Rugs, for 815.00
2-3x13-6 Wilton Rugs, for 817.50
2-3x15 Wilton Rugs, for 818.50
3x9 Wilton Rugs, for $15.00
3x12 Wilton Rugs, for $19.50
3x13 Wilton Rugs, for 825.00
4-6x6 Wilton Rugs, for $15.75
4-6x7-6 Wilton Rugs, for $18.50
4-6x9 Wilton Rugs, for 822.50
4-6x12 Wilton Rugs, for 827.50
6x9 Wilton Rugs, for 834.00
6x12 Wilton Rugs, for 842.50
6-9x12 Wilton Rugs, for 844.00
8-3x10-6 Wilton Rugs, for 849.00
9x9 Wilton Rugs, for 844.00
9x10-6 Wilton Rugs, for 849.00
9x12 Wilton Rugs, for '853.75
9x14 Wilton Rugs, for 807.50
9x15 Wilton Rugs, for 872.00
10-6x10-6 Wilton Rugs, for $64.00
10-6x12 Wilton Rugs, for 872.00
10- 6x14 Wilton Rugs, for $85.00
11- 3x12 Wilton Rugs, for S74.00
11- 3x15 Wilton Rugs, for 892. OO
12- 9x14-6 Wilton Rugs, for 8105.00
Scotch Art Rugs
These rugs are made from a heavy twisted Scotch
yarn, which makes tbem so durable that they will
stand the hardest kind of wear. The colorings are
beautiful and artistic.
2-3x5 Scotch Art Rug, for $2.75
3x3 Scotch Art Rug, for 82.50
3x6 Scotch Art Rug, for 84.85
6x9 Scotch Art Rug, for $14.50
9x9 Scotch Art Rug, for 821.50
9x1 0-C Scotch Art Rug, for 825.00
9x12 Scotch Art Rug, for 828.75
Mayflower Rugs
In this line of Rugs you can find a most beauti
ful assortment of colorings and designs to match your
Cretonne curtains.
6x9 Mayflower Rug, for . . 819.50
7-6x10-6 Mayflower Rug, for 828.50
9x9 Mayflower Rug, for $28.50
9x12 Mayflower Rug, for 83800
10-6x12 Mayflower Rug, for 844.00
Wilton Rugs, Extra Quality
2-3x4-6 Wilton Rugs, for $4.00
3x6-3 Wilton Rugs, for SOiSO
6x9 Wilton Rugs, for 824 OO
8-3x10-6 Wilton Rugs, for 83400
9x12 Wilton Rugs, for -83750
All the new patterns, both in tile and hard-wood
floor effects.
Printed Linoleum, 6 ft. wide, per yd. 45
Printed Linoleum, fl ft. wide, per yd 50
Printed Linoleum, 12 ft. wide, per yd VOc
Inlaid Tile Effect, 6 ft. wide, per yd 81 15
Inlaid Tile Effect, 6 ft. wide, per vd. ... . S12
Inlaid Tile Effect. C ft. wide, per yd Sl'T
Inlaid Tile Effect, 6 ft. wide, per yd 8150
Inlaid Hard Wood Floor, 6 ft. wide, per yd. . -8165
Inlaid Hard Wood Floor, 6 ft. wide, per yd. . .8185
J ins tfisseirs Gold
Medal Ball Bearing
Sweeper, heavy
brush, guaranteed
to do entirelv satis
factory work ; on
sale at $3.25
"Whfn a pfrfm Ti-t from ach meal
uith a i Insist In the ears and a imeral
cno of nervoissnesa. It ts a common
1, libit to rhaije It to a dfraiiR'tl Momac'.i.
"I f'-itini! it w! caused from drinking
iciffcr. wl-lrti T i;cvr uspctd for a long
time, but fnui'd bv l avli:g off coffee th:U
the disagreeable fee'.in; went av ay.
"I im brought to think of the subject
by selling nne IVstiim and this brought
me nut of trouble
It Is a mn5t appetizing and Invito! at
l"K heverate and ban been it auch great
1 enefit tu niu 11 at 1 naturally vpeak of It
from tim ,i time u opportunity offei..
"A lailv f -ifi.d complained to n that
harl ri-d l"t).'i',im. but t did not taste
fco d. In .replv to my riuestion ehe ajid
' i s ji.sed she boMeJ It about t. n min-
iiiv I a.lvUi.i her 'to follow directions
""1 kniK tl'at the boiled It fifteen or
eniy minute., and Hie vould have aome
ihii'K worth taikltiK ahuit. A unoit time
ecu 1 heard on f her children ay that
ti.ey .! dMi'kinc ToHtum no a-lays, o
I f -dce eh un-e.led In making It good,
which by no mean a riifflruit ta.-k.
The eon of otio of my friends a for
n;e:'y a pal" lad. hut .in,e he has b-n
tmikiiia; Fo-l:irn. ,: , a fm color. There
lViit of that Comutn actual'
t 'mal e red hloiMl,' n the f.imous irade
"! .i '- .u ."
IX'J 'lie t'.oi.l li S HI- lite i:nd in
- "'i..:- 'Th.if'. u laon "
Ever read th abova latter? A w one
lera ttia ttsaa t time. They are tea.
4U, mi, ami full kaaaa Uteres.
ventilation will be carefully looked after.
The Lexington schools during tho last
twelve years have graduated more boys
and girls than nny town of Its eize In
the state. The present class consist of
twelve boys and seventeen girls. The policy
of the school Is to keep a large ptrcentage
cf the boys and girls who enter the ninth
jrrade tho entile four years. In the ninth
grade of the present graduating class there
were forty-five enrolled. The Ixir.gton
schools are Tiell represented in the two
state normals. In the Wrsleyan university
and in the state university. The farmer
boys nho nter the high school on comple
tion many of thorn enter the FtJte asrl-cultur-1
school In Lincoln. Ianso;t county
has several graduates of the agricultural
school, this lias been an Impetus to raise
the standard of farming and stock raising
In the county
rbrka .Mtjr (Jolilen Wedding.
NEBRASKA i" TV, April D.- Special. )-
It was fifty years bco yesterday that J.
! W. Waldtmltli and Mirs Elizabeth Faunce
j ere united in marriage In this county,
and thev have rer since made this city
j their hom. Their relatives remembered
the fact and gave ll.cni a nurpriso by giving
t i their hnnie and taking charge of the
same. Their children were present and It
war, aiso In ti'e rature of a family reunion.
Tho groom lis been one of the leading
elders of the Eattter Pay Saints church of
this section and prior to taking up preach-
! Ing was in th giocery business. II" and
j his wife are w e l-preservcd peoph and
jweie handsomely l einetnhered. not only by
i relatives and friends. b;t by the members
of the church. , '
Uaternnrk. fur Ilea trite.
BEATRR'B. Neb.. April 9 -(Special. )
City Attorney Sabin has tendered a decision
that Botrice can sp. nd a certain amount
of moixy for a new waterworks plant, if
the people wish to ote for it. Iist wint-r
the people came up against the statute,
w hich stenud to prevent th city's spending
more than SiO.tMO a year for waterworks
improvement, but tlii attorney has ruled
that Beatrice can iue bonds sufficient to
brinK the total nater bond Issue up to
I ...
New Books
Hot 4 .Us Kill) thousand.
j HOM-iRECK, Neb. April ? A petition
i asking fur l'J,V namagca from tne Bur
i litiRlon railioad has been filed in the offlie
j "f the v ei k of th dsstiict court of this
I county. The pU.ntiff i. h ore I Vtzel of
! Ch.cago. who loV; a limb nearly to months
1 ago by be.t I ruii over by a l:uilmg;on train
let Doane s-4in-, weal of McCouk.
Klc t Ion.
BT INHERITANCE. By Octave Thanet.
3'4 pp.. Bobbs-Merrill company.
The question of the negro Is the theme
of this novel. I.ily Pearl, the heroine, and
a "lady of color," Is the most original of
this author's creations. Her skill, her
charm, her fascinating beauty, her love
for Sydney fianton. the negro graduate
of Harvard, h'r heroism, endear her to the
rcaiier. A delightful Boston spinster, a
punctilious southern gentleman of the old
regime r,r.d a pair of Interesting young
lovers ate the chief white characters.
Picturesquely ?ft on an Arkansas planta
tion, the ktory moves to its climax amid
scene and Incidents of graceful and en
gaging charm.
WHITE MAGIC. By Havid Graham
Phillips. pp., i). Appleton & Co.
An American, educated In Paris, comes
home ai:d sets up his asel In a cottage in
tlie Adirondack and makes art his sole
nilstre s. One day in a lainstorm a pretty
(,11 t.ikf lefuge n the cottage and the
pairter finds her there anleep befoie the
fine. Tl e girl comes every day to pose
and asks the artist to marry her, smiling
Incredulously at his statements that he
i.orr, not want to marry and Is not in love
with her. The g rl Is the daughter of a
New York financier and complications
grow out of the young man's firmness.
The story is well written and is Illustrated
hv A. B. Wenzell.
SAI.l.V BISHOP. By E. Temple Thur
ston. 4J4 pp.. l 0. Mitchell Kennerley.
Sally Bishop Is the daughter of a poor
clergyman, who died unsuccessful and em
bitter.d; and she is managing to keep body
and soul lather painfully together, through
the drudgery of long days of t pewrtting.
Traill, the man who Is destined to play a
vital part in Sally Bishop's life, has his
first glimpse t.f her through an office win
dow, from the stieet.
The story ends In tragedy, trim tragedy,
as such stories usually do end; and she
srimlrable thiiij; about the ending is the
sense that it kaves of having been in
I and eventually w ins nut against great dif
! ficulties. He also wins the love of Helen
I Savlne, the daughter of the man by whom
j he is employed ls an engineer.
THE GODPARENTS. By Grace Sartwell
Utiwn. pp.; $1.10; Boughton-Mifflin
I This is a "camping" gtory,( though It
brirtgs in for campers a trio yt characters
that probably never camped together be-
fore. One is a civil engineer of interna
' tional reputation; the second is a rather
i world-worn young woman of fashion who
I a week earlier would have expected to see
herself doing acrobatic feats as soon as
I roughing it in the woods and wading up
trout streams. The third is her elderly
I French maid, who presumably acts as
'chaperon. The cause of it all is a wild
I young school boy w ho has run away to the
I woods and can be coaxed out of his re
! hellions spirit oniy by being shown that
not all his elders are "mollycoddles "
Helen Hu.itington. 40i pp.; $1..-i0; (!. 1'.
Putnam's Suns.
This novel is a mingling of gaiety, pathos
: and tragedy, with its high lights and its
ishadovts. and deeply human throughout,
j After a brief sojourn In a prim New Eng
I land town tho reader Is plunged into the
i whirl of New York society. The rama
' is enacted by the two principal charac
! ters. characters that are so fundamentally
diverse that an ultimate clash between
them is inevitable. The plot Is original
rnd the story is well written.
l l'ellneon.
THE Al'TO BOYS' OCTIN'J. Bv ,lerce
A. Braden. 4111 Pp.; $1; The Saalfield Pub
lishing company.
Four healthy, vigorous, ambitious boys
Purify Your Blood
The cause of pimples, boils and other
! eruptions, as well as thst tired feeling
and poor appetite, which are so common
in the spring, la impuxe and impoverished
1 The best way to purify and enrich the
blood, aa thousands of people know by
experience, is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Tni itsTuN or oiti'niD valley
Bv Harvlri l.ln.lios pp.. $1 ifl. Fred
erick A. Stokes company. 'Accept no sur-lltole, but on having
I i-t'pointrd in both business and low, ' ing Hood s,
lieuffiey TI,ui.-ton leaves England a tx...r !
man and .- ( uut to the r,t Canadian ' " t0d)r ln u,u' 11(,uld form r
jnoithaest. where he makes a Dew i c"oc''a' barsataba.
own an automobile, and this story tells of
the rollicking good time, besides weeks of
adventure, they get out of their vacation.
PORFIRIO TIAZ, President of Mexico.
Bv Jose F. Godoy. 2S3 pp.; U: G. P. Put
nam's Hons.
A study of the public and private acts of
the president of the Mexican republic and
of the services rendered by him. In the
capacities of soldier and of statesman, to
the country' with whose history he Las been
so Intimately connected. The volume con
tains numerous illustrations and several
maps. Indicating the rapid strides In inter
nal development that Mexico has taken
under the guidance of Its president.
Veller. 15 pp.; $1.!5; Charities Publication
This book Is a Russell Sage Foundation
publication and is put out in an attempt
to awaken the country and to furnish the
right sort of ammunition for the recently
established National Housing association,
with directors in a score of states.
tio . Iiresser. KM pp.; $l.ffi; G. P. Put
nam' Sons.
Essajs and letters on the art ef health
and a general outline of faith in relation
to health.
E. II. Bierman. pp.; 3J cents; American
Book company.
Tliis book contains eight short fanciful
tales of great charm and freshness which
have not heretofore been edited for Amer
ican schools. They partake of ihe charm
i f Grimm's Marchen, are told simply and
Edith Healy. 15 pp.; cents; American
Rook company.
' This story for beginners Is simple in
j style and Interesting In subject matter,
j It is a French variant of Little Ijrd
I Fauntleroy, with a little girl as heroine
Instead of a boy. Follow ing each chapter
are conversational questions In French
based on Its contents.
i.n ... r. .jsmaus onu J-.rneet H. Bier
j niiirni. vi pp.; cents; American Book
j A graded text book of German writing,
. for high school and college use, bated on
! consecutive prose and Intended to develop
lapldly the atudent'a sense of independence.
VS ITII RELIGION. By Edward Mortimer
I Chapman. i,!d pp.; $; Houghlo.i Mafflln
The Tailor
Your Suit
to Order..
109 North
Sixteenth St.
Opp. Postoffice
The author seta forth something of the
Jebt which literature owes to religion for
Its subjects. Its language, its antagonisms
end Inspi -atlonn, as well as In many cases
for the training of its writers, while on the
other hand he hs suggested the debt
which religion owes to literature for the
extension nf its Influence and the human
izing of its ideals.
& Co.
A small book, bound in purple and white,
cast In scriptural form and containing the
story of the carpenter John, who founded
the Church of the Brotherhood and who
lived a religion of deed rather than creed.
FLUTTERFLY. By Clara Louise Burn
!ih.m. 61 pp.; $1; Houghton-Mifflin com
pany. A charming, elusive fairy atory for chil
dren In which the Princess Flutterfly. Jack
Frost and love strongly come together. Of
course there is a cruel king who in the end
la no' match for the trio. The Illustrations
In color by Miss Emily . Chamberlain are
fantastic and charming.
Bos'e Fe Burned Oat.
BEATRICE, Ncb April 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Ben, the S-year-ohl son of F. If.
Ellis, a blacksmith, of Crab Orchard, l ad
an eye burned out today. The lad entered
the shop where his father was working on
the anvil. A piece of hot metal Mruck hint
In the eye, burning the ball out.
r f ?-
Rl Mill at Goldfleld.
GOLDFJ ELL, New, April . The KiO-ton
mill of the Goldfleld Consolidated Mines
company was damaged by fire to the ex
tent of l-0,OX last midnight Following an
plosion In the refinery, where ..00.(M) In
bullion was stacked for shipment, the fire
spread to a huge conveyer and to the sam
pling department and stamp batteries. A
shutdown of sixty days will be necessary.
1 Tea Mli:itaa la Uold.
j NEW YORK. April H.-The engagement
I of $:.5O0.0U0 lii double eagles todav brings
the total amount of gold engaged for ship
I merit to England on this movement to
I ll'J.OW.Ooa.
Want to know "how the cat Is
going to Jump" ln styles of :ut
nd fabrleg for 1910 Spring and
We'll "show" you. Have the
surn-nuff real atylea here coupled
with the real, REAL pattern ln
Sulla to order $iM and u.
Tailoring Co.
804-300 South 10t!i St.
Near lOtli and Faraam bt.