Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    tiik iu:i:: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL i, 1010.
Most Delightful Garment Bargains 8? Yet Offered
Will be here for you in the great final day of our Manufacturer's Stock Sale. An extra force of
salespeople Saturday will insure proper attention to your wants and the addition of new stocks
will give you assortments for selection and values equal to and surpassing and former showing
Over 500 Beautiful Silk Dresses, in foulards, luessalines,
hengalines, pongees, etc. made to sell up to $35.00
choice new colorings, trimmed with self-tone braids,
appliques and hand embroidered, all newest spring
styles, including the popular sunbursts, Cf if 77
as shown in windows, Saturday P I
pi M cu
Elegant Imported Dresses;
Kajahs, taffetas, crepes,
etc. 123 of them, made
to sell up to $73.(MJ; your
choice at. .$25 and $35
New Tailor Suits Diag
onals, serges, panamas,
English suitings, etc.
made to sell at $'.23.00 and
well worth it; all colors,
all sizes, newest styles
on sale, choice. .$14.90
Don't fail to see the CROWN JEWEL SUITS
at $25.00. The new ones are a. little bit the most
clever lot of exclusive style ideas we've shown yet.
The price is very much below the real worth.
Cloth of Gold and Pongee
Suits, shown
at . $25.00 to $49.00
Cloth of Gold and Pongee
Coats, shown
at. . $10.00 to $35.00
Ladies' 2 Clasp Kid Gloves
Fownes' Reyniers, Vergimas
The best quality real
French kid gloves produced
anvwhere all newest color
ings. 98c $1.50, $2.00
Kayser and Fownes' Silk
Gloves Two-clasp, all col
ors, with guaranteed finger
tips, at, pair. .50c, $1.00
Kayser Lisle Gloves, in all
colors; shown at 25( 50(
Fownes' Chamoisette Gloves
at 50c
$20.00 Long Silk Coats;
loose, semi or form fit
ting styles, worth up to
$20.00; choice $12.50
$15.00 Spring Coats
Coverts and serges, in
colors and black; all
sizes, at $9.90
Children's Military
Capes; all colors, val
ues to $7.50 choice,
at $2.95 and $3.95
Manufacturer's Stock of Silk and Net Waists "White,
black and all colors, beautifully trimmed; many worth
$6.00; choice, at $1.98
Silk Kimonos Beautiful designs, values up to $10.00;
while they last, choice $4.95
Children's Spring Jack
ets Values to $3.00
all sizes G to 14 years;
at $1.50
Children's White
Dresses Values up to
$3.00; on sale Saturday
at $1.95
Children's Wash Dresses
Sizes 4 to 14 years
regular $2.50 values
at $1.45
New Spring
I H y Saturday.
i ,
Superb Qualities at
Splendid Bargains
Men's High Class Lisle and Mercerized Hose, regular values
to $1.00 a pair, at 15o and 25c Surplus stock of one of
America's best known importers. Nearly 1,000 dozen in
the lot, black and all plain colors fancies, gauze, lace and
embroidered, full fashioned, the greatest values ever shown
here or elsewhere in Omaha, at 15c and 25c
Men's $1.50 Negligee Shirts
at 49c Fine colored, laun
dered shirts, in plain or
pleated bosoms, all new
spring colors and patterns,
actual values to $1.50; Sat
urday, at .49c
$2.00 to $3.00 Shirts at 98
Fine madras, mohairs and
mercerized fabrics, collars
attached or collar bands
sold everywhere at $2.00 to
$3,00; choice 98c
$2.50 Hand
Bags at 98c
All leathers, leather lined
and leather covered
frame and handle, full 12
inch seal grain leather
bags, regular $2.50 val
ues everywhere; nothing
to equal them ever before
shown at sale price. 98c
As shown In 16th St. window.
50c Silk Elastic
Belts, 25c
All silk belts, come in all
colors and big assortment
of buckles; they're regu
lar 50o values; Saturday
only; choice 25c
Ladies9 Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets
Dainty Muslin ln-
't-rtrarineiita, at
lUblin Shirts, worth
to $5; elaborately
trimmed; cut full
and long; very
choice bargain, at
81.50 81.98
and .....$2.50
jowns, Shirts, Che
mise and Combina
tion Suits, worth
to i2.50. at 98tf
Princess Slips; in
colors and white
at 81.50
vluslln Underwear;
values to 1.00
at 50
Ladies' Knit Union
Suits; fine quality
lisle: fancy crochet
yokes; silk taped;
worth up to great values, bat-
39 urday, at . . -08?
Ladies' 60c Union Suits; summer
weights; on sale, at, choice 25?
25c Mercerized Lisle Vests, on sale
at, each 12 H
Children's Muslin Pants; special,
at 10 12 15 and 19
l W B D It- '
- LM 1 ,. Ml fill .
lisle garments,
75c, at
Ladles' Knit Union Suits; J1.00
values; lisle and cotton; all
styles and sizes; the snap of the
season, at 50?
Children's Muslin Gowns; all
sizes shown, at 50
Candy Department
Our Special Mixed
Candy, Saturday,
at lb
40o Chocolate Creams; fresh,
delicious, pure;
big special value
Saturday, at. . . .
Special showing of the. new
. Spring Corset models W.
Bs., It. & Gs, C. B., also
Sprite... 1.00 to 5.00
Nemo Self Reducing Corsets
for stout figures, the best
prices. . . .3.00 to 5.00
$1.00 Fine Batiste Corsets Long
hip models, with heavy garter
front and side 09
Special showing of Fine Silk
Sample Hosiery; on sale at
49c, 75c, 1.00, 1.50
Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose All
colors, values to 75c; gauze
or lace 15c and 25c
Children's Hosiery
25c, Saturday, at .
Children's M Waists
10 15
Mail orders promptly filled from our daily ads and sat
isfaction guaranteed. We're after your business with qual
ity goods at lowest prices obtainable.
You Never Did or Never Will Surpass These Values.
Men'i IialbriKan Underwear Reg-, Men's fl.OO Cambric Gowns; cut
ular 50c garment quality; pinks,
blues, white or ecru, per gar
ment, at 25
Men'a 25c Silk and all Linen
Handkerchiefs, at . 10
lonar and full, at 4f)t
Men' Pajamas; values to $2.00
on sale, at 98 and 81.50
Men's Suspenders, worth to 1.00;
all colors and kinds, 25 39
1 Mr
I Uu
v Buy Poultry Wire Now
vy ba've only a limited supply of double galvanlzedwire on hand this
is tha last sale In rolls square 00
All sizes Screen Doors on sale; each worth easily $2, hard wood, 81.25
Fancy Oiled Doors; hard wood; worth $3, on sale for . ,. 81.50
Guaranteed for 5 years; worth easily $8.00.
Plain bearing Lawn Mower, on sals for 83.50
Guaranteed "in writing pure rubber
garden hoee. on sale tor loo
Not guaranteed ,""
Hound or square Western aaherH.
only i s0
Bay Ccpir Boilers now $3.50
tfet quiuity mind copper Wasli boil
era, my s;ae, WOotteu bundles, extra
kit. ,iiu. uciiLii 1,'i.uu. one day sale.
at l2-0
lii-avy copper bottom Boilers, worth
Uood copper bottom boilers, sale 69o
Hoys' Velocipldes, on sale for.. $1.00
Boys' wooden Coaster Wagons. 2. GO
Holler Skates, worth 11.00, each, 89c
Good Spades 60c
Shovel 60c
Hpade Forks 60c
16 gallon garbage cans, on sale, it 8c
20 g.-.llon heavy ateel galvanized
garbage cans, with wooden stuvea on
sides or cover, worth $3. GO.
Buy Garbage Cans Vow, Only 91.98
China Dept.
Imported Holland Spun Bowls,
in four sizes, choice 5c
Adams' celebrated Stafford
shire blue willow dinner ware
big importation just received
open stock; you can buy one or
100 pieces.
100-piece Dinner Sets.. .$8.85
44-piece Tea Sets 3.88
Colonial (handled) Sherbet3
six for 20c
Covered Dishes, white or deco
rated, odds and ends of stock
or. !e tit 15c
Several Other Big Specials.
$4.50 Roman Seat $2.95 Like
cut, solid oak, golden finish, up
holstered seat; a de- $y95
lightful bargain at
Ladi' New Neckwear
50c. and 75c values, in the very
latest novelties; Jabots, Stocks,
Dutch Collars, Tabs, etc. most
delightful special values, at,
"choice 25c
Four Ready to Use
In Our High Grade Linens
Fringed Table Cloths; ajl pure llneu;
plain white or colored border; worth
$1.75, Saturday 81.00
Hemstitched Pure Linen Table Cloths;
German manufacture; worth $2.50,
Saturday, at 81.50
Special Hemmed Towels; best value
ever offered, worth 15c, Saturday
each, at 10(
Snow White Bath Towels; large size,
heavy twisted thread, worth 25c
Saturday, at 15J
Extra Specials for Saturday In our Famous Domestic Room
rrom 8 to 8:80 A. M Domini mu
Apron Checks; regular price 7c- 10
yards limit, at, yard 454.
From 10 to 10:80 A. M. Hunter's
choice; best 3C-inch Bleached Muslin
made for 10c yard; 10 yards limit,
at. yrd 5
From 2 to 2:30 P. M. Utica Mills
Sheets; some slightly damaged;
81x90 size; regulat price 85c;' 6
sheets limit, each 38
From .1:80 to 4 I. M 10c fine DreHs
Ginghams; fast colors; 10 yards
limit, at, yard 4.Hjf
From 8 to 8:30 I M. 6V4c Shirting
prints; beat made; fast colors; Mer
rimacs; 10 yards limit, yd.... 3H
From 8.45 to U:1S I'. M. Domesti"
Cambric; regular price 15c; 10 yards
limit, at, yard 6W
'-.V.-VTl 4r
Ideal New Designs in High Class
Dress and Street Hats, Pattern Hats,
Picture Hats. Most Attractively
Priced Saturday. You'll find the
very choicest style ideas here priced
at much less than elsewhere.
Trimmed Hats that would sell In any store
in the land at $6.00 to $10.00, choice,
at, each 85.00 "d 83.05
Trimmed llat Made to sell at $5.00 and
$C00; splendid assortment of dosigns, at,
each 83.G9 and 81.08
All kinds of new and dainty shoes, oxfords and slip- I
pers ull styles, in all leathers, at 1IAYDEN prices. K
StetNon Shoes and Oxfords, $5.50 and 85.00
Crosnett Shoes and Oxfords 8400
The new HI Toe Patent and Oun Metal Button; the Just Right; $5.00
value, now at 84.00
Women's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps; patent, gun metal and kid lea
thers; $3.50 values, now at 82.50
Women's patent, gun metal and kid Oxfords and Shoes; $3.00 values
now at 81.08
One lot of about 200 pairs Women's Oxfords and Pumps; values up to
$3.50 now at 81.39
Misses' High Shoes; button or lace; values up to $2.50, at . . . .81.50
Childs' 5 to 8 and Infants' 2 to 5 Shoes; values up to $1.15 In two
lota, at 75k and 50
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Satin and Kangaroo Calf Bluchers
values up to $1.75, at 81.10
The best Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Shoes in this or any other
town each and every pair warranted, at 81.50
Don't forget that we are showing more styles of (it-over Bhoea than
any dealer In this broad land of ours, and they are made especially
for U-nder feet.
Saturday is always Children's Day at
Ilayden's. Besides their shoes
we will give with each
pair of shoes a very
usetul article
. FIfEE.
belling Agents
for the famous
Shoes for Women ;
the New
Spring Lasts
in Men's Stetson
and twmsett Shoes.
Nothing to Equal Them.
Hayden's Saves You from $5 to $10 a
Month On Your Grocery Bill. It Pays
to Trade at Hayden's
Fancy Country Creamery Butter,
per pound 0o
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb ...25c
Fancy Full Cream, Young America
Cheese, per pound ....20c
3 Bunches FreHh Asparagus
4 bunches f renli Radishes . .
6 Bunches Fresh Onions . .
Fresh Spinach, per peck . . .
i iioaria fresh Leaf Lettuce
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or
Bhallots. per bunch
Fresh Cucumbers, each TVio
Fresh Parsley, per bunch lc
Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb...J0c
Fancy Klpe Tomatoea, per lb.. 12 Vic
2 Stalks Celery
Fancy Cooking or Fating Apples, per
peck 5
Fancy Ripe Louisiana Btrawberrlea
per Box ..8ViO
Bpaolal Orang-e Saia Saturday
96 alze Highland Navels, doKen..80c
K'fl size Highland Navels, dozen.. 26o
1B0-176 size Highland Navebt, dos., 20c
J50 slse Highland Navels, doten lto
200-21 else Highland Navels, per
dozen 17 C
a Bushel Back Sarly Ohio 84
rotatoss $.178
Tli Bast Quality for tta Least
48-lb. Sack Best High Patent Flour.
at $l.Jo
18 lbs Best Granulated Sugar. .$1.00
5 Bars Dlamqnd C or Beat-Lm-All
10 "lbs. 'Best' Roiled Breakfast Oat
meal, at ;."2B0
6 lba. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans,
at -5o
( lbs. Best Pearl Tapioca. Barley or
Farina V.'" I
Broinangelon, Jellycon or Jello, PK-.
at 7 Wo
Yeast Foam, pkg -3c
Ulamond C. or Diamond H. Mince
Meat, pkg
The Best peanut Butter, per lb..ioc
1-lb. Cans Assorted Soups THc
Large Bottles, German or French
Mustard VC
011 or Mustard Sardines, can 4o
Large Bottle Pickles, assorted kinds,
Pure Tomato Catsup or Worcester
Sauce, per bottle "4C
The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per lb vJ
The best crisp Pretxels, per lb. 8c
The Best Golden Santos Coffee, per
lb l5c
The Best Tea Slftlngs, per lb. ..12 Vie
Grape Nuts, pkg 10c
Tha Best No. 1 Strictly Fresh Kggs.
nothing finer at 60c doxen, our
price 20c
. 6c
. .5c
,i Our Popular Liquor Department
Grape Wine Fine home made, in red or white, gal., 1.00
Two quart bottles of Beer; Saturday . . . 25c
Tennessee White Corn and
Maryland Rye Whiskey
Full quarts, at 75c
Per gallon, at. . . . . .$2.50
Uye and Bourbon Whiskey,
best known brands, 8 years
old, at, gallon .$3.50
For full quarts $1.00
Uncle Smb. Dump, on Counter Fleet
of Jhicaraea nan.
Vlftr Mllllan Dtl Wortk ot riaht
! kls roraaer laya for Ik. J..U
Who wants I60.O00.000 worth of warships?
F.lsven of I'nela Sam'a protected cm aere,
thre. of his unprotected cruisers, ten of hla
. famous monitors, and a bunch of smaller
md cheaper fighting craft are. In tha
opinion of the. naval experts, "oslerlxed,"
and fit for little els. than the scrap heap.
Kacrrtary Meyer boldly announces that the
best place tor these mighty machines of
Histh Is the 1ink nil. Th.v are rustv.
cosily and Ineffective. If asnt against an
.enemy some of them would probably turn
turtl. wer. there any whit, cap agitating
the brine, and certainly if the modern
enemy took to hla heels not on. of the dear
r,A ,ih could catch him.
Practically all th. fighting ships of any
nn.M.rahl. ala. that wer. built before
are now declared by naval constructors
. and axnarta to be obsolete. The life of a
warship la twenty years, and during that
tlma It must be overhauled at tremendous
'.xpens. at leat one. In .very four or five
years or It will be useless before the end of
the two-decade period. Its engines must
be brought tip to date every little while if
it is to remain In the running; Its ammuni
tion hoists must be changed to keep pare
with the latest Improvements In th. char
acter of projectiles used; Its turrets must
be given new machinery; its guns must
have new sights, and In a word, its must
be made over from stem to stem and from
fighting top to keel or It will not b. worth
the soot that pours from Its funnels.
'It seems to me," said Secretary Meyer
to the house naval affairs committee th.
other day. "that it would be wise for the
department to have a sal. of vessels such
as Kngland had a few years ago, when It
courageously cam. forward and condemned
lot of vesaels and sold them."
Twe.ty-sls Decidedly Aattlejue.
"Which warships would you sell or send
to th. junk pile?" asked IUpresenla.tlv.
Padgett of Tennessee, one of the naval
I am not prepared to give a Hat of them
just now," replied Pcretary Meyer, "but
the lletrolt is one of them. I will have an
Inspection mad. and will b. abl. to report
on th. matter befor. th. next session of
congress. As a general proposition, I would
say that th. vessels to be condemned are of
th. smaller type cruisers, yachts and th.
like. A very small proportion of th. money
spent for repairs goes for battleships and
first-clans cruisers, and an enormous pro
portion goes for the repair of tugs, yachts,
etc. By authorising th. sals of these
obsol.t. vesMls an enormous saving would
b. mad.."
Th. Uetrolt, mentioned by Secretary
Meyer, Is an unprotected cruiser of 1089 tons
displacement, and was authorised by con
gress iti im. It cost ll.2U.038 to build, and
one upon a time, when It was tried out,
could mak. 18.T1 knots an hour. If put to
teat today It probably would have trouble
making fifteen. Modern . cruisers of the
North Carolina and Montana class of M.SK)
tons make nearly twenty-three knots an
If th. Detroit Is sent to the old iron
man to be melted up for what steel railk,
plowshares and horseshoes It will make,
It should have plenty of company on
th. Journey. Not counting the smaller
craft, such as the tuge, yachts and gun
boats, that Secretary Meyer may find to
be obsolete after his stocktaking thld
summer, there are twenty-six protected
and unprotected cruisers and monitors
that are decidedly antique from every
measuremsnt of efficiency and war. They
cost the United Slates treasury more than
J40.000.000. This Is a list of them: The
battleship Texas, protected cruisers Bal
timore, Chicago, Minneapolis, Newark, Sun
Francisco. Atlanta, Albany, New Orleans,
Boston, Cincinnati, Italeigh and Tacoma;
unprotected cruisers. Detroit, Marblehead
and Montgomery; monitors, Amphttrite,
Ulantonomoth, Monadnock, Monterey,
Puritan, Terror, Oxark, Tallahassee, To
nopah and Cheyenne.
Tat. I.valld.4 Texas.
When th. Texas waa built, twenty-four
years ago. It was thought to be a mighty
fin. sample of death dealer. Now It Is
Ilk. a race horns that one. upon a tlma
established a record, and U merely getting
stable room and feed for th. glorious work
he lias done Down at the Charleston
navy yard the Texas is now floating In
placid waters, and Is known among naval
men as "a mother ship" for torpedo boats
and submarines. Its duty Is to keep the
lesxer craft supplied with fuel and prov
ender, to make leisurely trips hers and
there for coal and food, and if trouble
with an enemy ever happens to give the
smaller boats the protection of Its larger
guns and stronger armor should they get
into difficulty.
All the monitors are In the Oslerlzed
class, and few naval men will admit uow
that as a type they were ever of much
account. In the first place, th. monitor
Is of no use whatever on th. high seas.
It cannot catch the slowest bottom that
flosts unless It Is a slower monitor and
is absolutely helpless when attacked by
torpedo boats. Th. monitor cannot get
out of Its own way, much less avoid one
of the swift little bomb-throwers thai
strike and disappear.
"I will hardly consign th old ships to
tne scrap heap, as the secretary suggests, I
said Rct.resentallva Richmond Pearson
Hobson, a member of th. house naval af
fairs committee, who, by the way, would
probably now be chief constructor of th
navy had he not resigned his commission
to enter politics, "for I think they can be
placed to much better service. As aux
iliary ships, or th. 'second line of de
fense,' I think nearly all the vessels that
th. secretary would sell might b. made
to do valiant work. As mine ships, col
liers, supply ships, repair ships and even
valuable harbor defense forts, these old
vessels might be put to many years'
service yet
"1 am especially Impressed with th. pos
sibilities of using the monitors In this man
ner. They could be planted literally, not
figuratively, planted, 1 mean at the mouth
of every one of our Important harbors. At
Hampton Roads, the month of the Missis
sippi, the entrance to Puget Sound, the
Golden tJate, San Diego and Mobile they
would make flno practical forts. I would,
of course, build nrtlflclal Islands for them
if there were no convenient resting places
where they wer. needed. These Islands
need only be large enough to hold th. old
hulls, and should be protected by rip-rap,
so that torpedoes or mines could not be
exploded under them or against their sides.
Then, too. I would have torpedo tubes
built right In the islands, and thus make
them even more effective than their big
turrets and ueavy guns would without
these aids. The naval militia of the vari
ous states would be very glad, Indeed, to
receive any of the worn-out ships that the
secretary wishes to separata from his de
Mllllnaa for Repairs.
An idea pf the tremendous sums that are
required to keep warships In repair may
be obtained from a letter that Secretary
Meyer sent to the speaker of the house of
representatives under data of December 21,
when he was submitting his estimates for
th. coming year. Here are a few of the
modest llttl. Items h. enumerated as being
absolutely necessary for "repairs and
changes" of these vessels:
New Jersey $S 10.000
Rhode Island bIOOoo
Brooklyn 70.0uo
Colorado , SSO.OuO
Maryland (.JO.UoO
West Virginia ....
San Francisco (In
sum of 0.2S0
addition to the
already approprl-
28. 8I0
Philadelphia Ledger.
What Happens to Cilobe Trotters
Who Profane Sacred
Th. attack by an Afghan ghasl upon
two American women In the mosque of
Omar In Jerusalem Is explained as an
art of resentment against disturbing
worship. The women profaned the mosque
with their street shoes, talked loudly and
took photographs. If this Is th. cas. they
deserved reproof, though hardly revolver
English and American tourists ar. often
callous to religious sensibilities. In th.
doomed Cathedral of Messina befor. the
earthquake a veiled woman led a pet dog
about. The sacristan when appealed to
shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "For
esticra," h. explained, "a foreigner!'' Mrs.
TVuiinp. describes a balv cok kj-ii v
Kt. Peter's, Rome. Just at the elevation ol
the host the solemn huih of thousands
waa broken by tho popping of a champegn
cork In tha tribune reserved for English
visitors. Th. deseciatlon of the Taj
Mahal In India by luncheon parties Is a
frequent offense.
The, cities of th. "grand tour" .In Ku
rope ar. used to hordes of tourists who
clatter past altars during service, alklng
loudly; but there ar. parts of th. world
that tak such offenses seriously. It costs
10 cents In Cairo for a frank to .nter a
mosque. In Constantinopl. $1, In Morocco
his life unless he Is lucky, It Is not so
long ago that a tourist was killed titer,
for that offense and another for breaking
the comtnandmei.t against Imag making
by photographing a shalk.
Jerusalem, a holy city to Moslem and
J w, as we.ll as to warring monks of many
creeds, does not lightly pardon offenses
against worship. A famous quarrel be
tween monks at the Holy Sepulcher was
th. cause of th Crimean war. New York
Th. Candid Friend.
"Elsie," says tha candid friend. "I heard
that you ar. engaged to Mr. Pllff."
'Yes," replies lUme, coyly. "Congratu
late me."
"What! You are going to marry th.1t
coarse, ugly. Ill-mannered, boorish, gawky
Mr. Pllff. Why. the only thing th. man
has to recommend him Is hhi money. Elsie,
you are a fool."
"Out you have been misinformed. I am
not going to marry that Mr. Pltff. I am
going to marry th young, handsome Mr.
Pliff. who hasn't a cent in the world."
"What! Marry that poverty-strieken
man? fcilsle, you am a fool!" Chicago Post.