Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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i i ii i in
Lil I U
Commercial Club's Trade Extension
i ' tunc A. ai rW-rf
roe & rtuwi stouts, oiiaju.
Special Sale of
Actual $30 Q1Q Cfl
values for....M lu.uU
$3.03 Cash-UN Weekly
These suits coro
piiRe the broken
lines left from
last week's big
sample sale
Jaeknts are cut
with long shawl
collars; one and
t w o b u tton et-
fects; and are
lined with ruar-
anteed s a 1 1 n I
Skirts are all full ?
. . . . . , i i
pieatea ana maae
to match. Very
special at the
above price.
iav ;
Ladies Accordion
Pleated Skirts
Actual $8.98
values for
This In a new
shipment Just
received yester
day and on sale .
Saturday. Mada
of excellent qual
ity English mo
hair. In black,
blue, gray and
shephord checks
of many colors.
At this special
rrln we doubt
f the supply will
last all clay.
Wi Give "S Mi H" Gnen
Trading Stamps WUh All
Purchases v
Either Cash er Cradlt
Made in
the choic
ebt spring
All gar
ments art
hand tail
ored, and
cut in thy
most ap
proved styles.
we will
place on
-sale n
largo as
sortment of Men's
Suits that
Ladies' (low
Spring Millinery
Actual $ID QC nn
value, far. . . .M"-UU
The hats ..we . offer for this
Saturday's erlling is by far the
best assortment, at the price we
hftva'ifsh.own thja Btaon. Hun
dreds of beautlrul, spring mod
els, exceptional values, at the
above price
Hen's How Suits
Actually $20 and
SI7.C0 values for
SI2.C9 and . . . .
Everything Gold for
Cash or on Easy
lis S tJUAH SlUttli. OMArt.
Excursion to the Northwest. j
south Dakota and Nebraska I
Loral Biiluru Mta In Quest of
Ntw Baslnrse for Omaha
The Itinerary of tha Commercial club's
thirty-sixth trade excursion through South
Imkota and Nebraska haa bet n completed.
The route extend over the northern part
of Nebraska and the southern and western
part of Pouth Dakota.
The fta't will be made at Omaha, Sun
day, May 15, over the Northwestern, and
the first atop will be at Bloux City, Where
the night will be spent. Bright and early
Monday morning the special train will leve
over the Milwaukee road for Platte, where
the work will begin. From there the
Omaha "boosters" will work back to Sioux
City, stopping at all the town along the
line. Monday evening will be spent in
81oux City. Tuesday the run will be made
to Sioux Falls, where part of a day will
be spent. From Sioux Falls a trip' will
be made to Scotland, short visits being
planned for Intervening towns. A night
run will be made to Htlckney. Wednesday
morning the special will make a fast run
to Chamberlain with Hops on the way.
From Chamberlain a straight run without
stops will be made to Rapid City at the
western boundary of South Dakota. Thla
will be over the new extension of the
Milwaukee road and will prove of excep
tional Interest to the party. Thursday
will be consumed in making this trip. Fri
day the principal cities visited will be Fair
burn, Belle Fourche and Deadwood, with
short visits to towns on the lines traversed.
From Belle Fourche it Is expected that a
number of the party will go across country
In automobiles to Spearflsh and rejoin tho
main party at Dead wood.
Bandar at Hot Sprlna.
A run will be made from Deadwood to
Lead, where a half day will be spent, when
the epecial will go back to Deadwood at
noon. Tho Burlington road will be used to
taka tha party through the Black Hills
to Hot Springs, arriving there Saturday
night. The first Sunday out will be spent
at Hot Springs, whera the members of tht '
crowd will have a chance to recuperate.
The junketers will be aroused early
Monday morning for a trip through Buf
falo Gap and will arrive In Long Fin to
spend the night.
Tuesday a trip wtlf be made from Long
Fine to Crelghton through Norfolk, and
the night will be spent In the former place.
From Crelghton, the next day, Wednesday,
a run will be made into South Dakota,
again the destination being Dallas. Dallas 1
Is the terminal of the Bonesteel line, and j
an opportunity will be given the party to
see the development of that country since
the opening of the reservation. From
Dallas a night run will be made to Omaha,
the special arriving on May 28:
Circular letters have been mailed to the
members of the club asking that those
who Intend to take the trip make the
reservations early, as twenty or twenty
five have already been made. In fact,
nearly all the state rooms have been en
gaged. ' The special train that will carry the party
will not bo able to use more than nine cars,
as the condition of the tracks In the country-
to .invaded, will not warrant a
heavier train.
The committees on advertising, commis
sary, entertainment, finance and trans
portation are puttlug on the finishing
touches to their work and although tha
time Is short, everything will be In readi
ness when the bell rings for the start.
Bella Rinse for Omaha.
Tha advertising committee has ordered
0,000 bells which will be distributed to
every "kid" In every town where a stop Is
made. Aside from these novelties the reg
ular trad excursion booklets will be dis
tributed. This booklet Is now being pre
pared and will be finished in a few days.
The commissary committee is continu
ally confronted with many difficulties as
to the proper means to supply tha Inner
man or men of the party, but a recent
Interview with the superintendent of the
Northwestern dining car service gava the
members the assurance that there would
be plenty of nourishment aa well as good
service for those who take the Journey.
The committee on entertainment haa not
mada arrangements for a band or the
speaker, but that end of the program
wll be taken care of before the start ia
General Manager Walters of the North
western line has given hla assurance that
the trip will be made under his personal
supervision and that everything possible
will be done to make it a success in every
Making This Good Store
We are building this business tharway every day holding fast to the idea that our suocess is your satisfac
tion. Not a value in this store is good enough if we can offer better It's the policy of this store at all times to give
you more and serve you better than anyone else. It's so easy to select the right garments here; there's nothing to it,
"for none are wrong." Let us show you some of our "Stein Bloch," "Schloss Bros." or "Society Brand Suits," in
the new colorings of soft gray, new browns and rough Wales weaves that are exclusive with these famous clothes mak
ersIt will save you much search, money and regrets. You can't help but realize the tremendous advantages of
buying your clothes HERE at any price you like to pay t . . i ,
CO) 9
or bettor at
$22.50, $25, $28 or $30
IT if
j j
t t
i f
' if f
t : .
V I( 1 ' t
' - e T i - . f " '
See what we have to offer before you buy.
Mighty Attractive
Things About Our
"The price and the quality." Our Boys Clothes
come from makers who specialise Boys' garments
Doing nothing from year to year but make children's
garments and making them right Handsome new
fabrics and new features. We fit the little fellows
from 3 years of age upward and when we furnish
their clothes they are clothed correctly
$2.50, $3, $3.50, $4.50, $5,
$7.50 and Upward
New Spring Shirts
The most wonderful thing about our Shirt lines
Is the Immense quantity of patterns "Manhattan,
"Star," "Excello" and "Earl Wilson" Shirts in all
the favored colorln
$1 $1.50 $1.75 $2 $2.50 $3 $3.50
Our Lines
of Underwear should be considered when you are
ready to make the change
50c 75c $1 1.25 1.50 etc.
Spring Hats
You will probably be settling the new Spring
Hat queistlou this week, and settling the question
means determining who has the best and most com
plete assortment of hats to choose from the best for
style and service for the money you Invest
$2, $2.50, $2, $3.50
We have all the new grays, tans, lead, steel and
chamois shades that everyone wants first Pick out
your hat from our windows TODAY.
Hosiery for Men
and Women
jy """if
. i i i ii mm aiiaasai
! af
The Store Selling (he Most Clothing in Omaha.
Chamberlain's Cough sremedjr banlabea
all tendency toward pneumonia.
Land Fraud Cases
Come Up Tuesday
Special Agents of Government Have
Been Investigating: Deeds Se
cured Through Fraud.
Further investigation of the Indian reser
vation land fraud caaea haa been poet
poned until Tuesday and a host of wit
neaaea has been summoned to appear at
that time before the federal grand Jury.
The Investigations will go back about
three years and involve the validity of
derds given by Indiana of the Omaha tribe
to land speeulatora for valuable lands for
wholly Inadequate considerations. Theae
deeds and contracta were procured from
many of the Indiana prior to the expira
tion of the twenty-five years' trusteeship
of the United Statea In July last to become
effective when the Indians were granted
their patents. Thea patents have been
only recently issued and Include some of
the moet valuable lands of the Omaha In
dian reservation. ,
The Indiana have Just awakened to the
fact that they were swindled and defrauded
la giving these deeds, which they supposed
were mere leases.
It Is alleged that some former Indian
agenta are Implicated tn the frauds, which
could not have been perpetrated but with
their connivance and knowledge. Beveral
expert special agenta of the land depart
ment have been Investigating the matter,
aud two or three of then are here to pre
sent the caaea to the grand Jury.
The work of tbe grand Jury Friday was
devoted largely to minor postofflce caaea
and one or two liquor oases
Oar Location Saves you 25 to 40 Ptor
Cent on Anything on Fine Jewelry.
8t Ploo,. l'axton lilock.
President Burmester of the City Coun
cil Provides the Spread.
. .-m A a3..aa
All Agree taat ltr t" s.-
Be Revised at Comlnsf 9ealo
of the Leslalalare Next
President Burmester of the city council
gave a dinner to the mayor and councllmen
Thursday evening at Walters oate. mis
was done In response to a resolution of
the city council, passed in a spirit of Josh
some time ago. Mayor Dahlman vetoed
the resolution, but President Burmester
voted with the other members to pass the
resolution over the veto; and lant evening
he made good In handsome fashion.
Mayor Dahlman, aa tho first speaker,
called on by Toastmaster John J. Ryder,
struck the keynote of the gathering when
he said: "Omaha la now experiencing ita
era of nonpartlsanship In city affairs." He
complimented the members of the council
on the businesslike way In which they have
been discharging their dutlea and paid high
compliment to the host of the occasion for
his fair and gentlemanly conduct In a diffi
cult position.
"While the council has handed me sev
eral vetoes of vetoes," said tha mayor, "I
feel Ita every action haa been along the
lines that seemed to the members best for
the good ofthe city. So far aa I am
concerned, there is no sore spot; on the
contrary, I feel we can flatter ourselves
that there is very little ground far com
plaint about the way the business of the
city haa been done. We are handicapped,
of course, by the unwise, inelastic provi
sions of our city charter, but the citizens
whose good opinion we want understand
that fact pretty thoroughly by thla time.
It la not flattery, but a statement of fact,
to say to you that tha present council Is
open to legs criticism than any other coun
cil we have had In twenty years, the public
business la conscientiously attended to,
and despite kick now and again, the city
is cleaner and more prosperous than at
any other time in its htHtory."
All Coanrllsuea Talk.
Following the mayor's talk, tho toast-
master called on every member of the
council in turn. Every one of them gave
the other eleven heart-to-heart talk. They
all told their real namea. aa the aaylng la,
admitting that at that time they had mis
understood each other, perhaps; but In no
case that any of them could recall had
there been a hint of anything but a strict
consideration for the city's Interests In the
actlona taken.
All the councllmen agreed that the city
charter ahould be revised at the coming
session df the legislature, carefully and
with a view to the Increasing needs of a
growing city. They also tossed a unani
mous bouquet to President Burmester for
his unwavering fairness and the exercise of
patience and good common aenae. It was
also agreed that a similar function ahall
hereafter be a fixed event, to be given by
the presiding officer, whoever he may be.
Toastmaster Ryder remarked, toward the
close, that ha had been trying all evening
to call on the neat president of the council,
and believed he had aucreeded, although
not yet at liberty to dtacloea the name.
Each councilman aald be thought the toast
master had achieved his desire, and they
severally accepted the duty of providing
a similar fraat whenever called upon.
Councilman Brucker was very modest n
hla declaration, but he brought a big round
of applause when he said. "If It ahould be
me I will endeavorto outdo what Burmester
has done, and that'a aaylng more, maybe,
than a quiet man should say." I
it waa midnight when tha gathering
biuke up, and jettlerday the ounctlmn
were shaking hands over the renewal of
faith tn each other.
Johnson Tells
How Illinois
Builds Roads
Highway Engineer Here for Conven
tion Discusses Methods Praise
for Dougas County Roads.
"FTom what I saw in The Bee while com
lng to Omaha on the train, I Judge your
city engineer and Commercial club have
taken the right method to get up a suc
cessful good roads meeting," said A. N.
Johnson, state engineer of Illinois, in
charge of highways. He arrived in Omaha
at 12:18 and was the guest of City En
gineer Craig at the Commercial club.
Discussing the system adopted In Illi
nois, and which will probably furnish the
basis for a law to be offered in the next
session of the Nebraska legislature, Mr.
Johnson eald:
"We have a merely advisory organization
in Illinois,' the engineer being the only paid
official on tbe highway commission. We
haven't nearly enough men or equipment
to meet the demands made on us for help
In getting proposed Improved roads started;
yet fair progress Is being made. In cer
tain parts of the state a very good start
has been made, and aentlment In favor of
better, or the best, roads Is steadily grow
ing. "Our commission has in charge Beveral
road building outfits, the property of the
state, which we aend out to different
places calling for them as rapidly as pos
sible. We also have a traction hauling out
fit, but the present equipment must be very
largely increased before we can meet the
demand. There are no paved roada in Illi
nois, such as I understand you have here
in Douglaa county to some extent."
While in the employ of the United States
government, Mr. Johnson built a sample
piece of good road at Auburn, Neb. It
has been a source of pride to those who
secured Its construction. Mayor Port and
some other Auburn people are to be at
thla meeting In Omaha.
Mr. Johnson apoke last night at Beatrtoe
on the subject of good roads. The Com
mercial club of that city engaged him, and
he reports a very successful meeting waa
held. "The Commercial club of Beatrice,
like all progressive organlzationa, reallxes,"
said Mr. Johnson, "that good roads In the
vicinity of a town and leading thertto are
a valuable asset; that they mean some
thing to the business men and aid ma
terlally In drawing trade and thus Increas
ing the prosperity of the section In which
they are built. This campaign is growing
lng In every state in the union and Ne
braska must gtt In line. So promising and
prosperous a state can not afford to la(
Wasted la Kansas Cftr ea a similar
Charae, Where lie Waa Kmki
ae Freak Prlfe.
Word aa received Thursday by Chief
of Police Donahue from tha chief of police
at Kansas City that Harry Martin, the roan
arrested in company with Ralph Moore
for picking pockets on a street car and
identified by Tony Dona hoe as the man
who picked hla pockets, Is wanted In Kan
sas City on a similar charge. A picture
of Martin was encloeed In the letter and
the Information offered that Martin was
known in the Mlsaourt city aa Frank Price.
He waa awaiting trial In the district court
and had been released en 160 bonds. He
Jumped the bonds and is supposed to have
cooie directly te Omaha.
Martin 6r Price and Moore will have their
bearing before Judge Crawford in police
court this morning
O'Neill Agency
Dubious of City
Hall Insurance
South Omaha Concern Would Like to
Back Out of Agreement to Write
Policy on Low Bid.
The O'Neill Insurance company of South
Omaha is showing a disposition to back
out of ita agreement to Insure the Omaha
city hall and Ita furnishings. The city of
ficials refuse to let go of the certified
check for (300 that accompanied the O'Neill
bid. If the company refuses to accept the
contract as awarded to It by the council,
the city will declare the check forfeited.
At the time bids were asked for insuring
the city hall there were about a dozen bid
ders. All of the Omaha insurance firms
12 Best Hames
Secure $1,14 5 In prizes. Deride on
your name tonight. Send It to
Schmoller & Mueller Saturday sure
stuck very close to an apparently agreed
rate. The O'Neill company aent In an offer
to place the $XO,000 risk for three years at
the lump sura of $1,300. Some hesitancy
waa ahown by the council committee to ac
cept the bid, the feeling being that some
local firm should get the plum. Finally,
though, the bid of the South Omaha firm
waa accepted and It waa so notified, as
City Clerk Butler and City Comptroller
Do beck assert.
Now comes a representative of the O'Neill
agency and says they were not notified;
that tbe ctty of Omaha has been remiss tn
accepting Its tender, and that maybe the
Insurance cannot be taken at- the rate
"Oh, ho," aay the Omaha officials, in
chorus. "Wonder what haa come over the
O'Neill agency. It la possible that the other
Insurance agenta have persuaded the Houth
Omaha firm Ita bid In too lorn? Maybe so.
Anyway, we'll hold thla check for S20O. Just
as an evidence of good faith, and If O'Neill
lets' go, why we'll turn it li to the treaau y "
In the meantime. Is the city hall and Its
furnishings Insured? Comptroller Lobeck
and Clerk Butler believe that It Is, from
the moment the bid was accepted by the
council and the record made of the award.
Falllerea Will Visit Borne.
PARIS, April 8. According to the Figaro,
plans are under way for a visit by Presi
dent Fallleres to Rome to emphasize the
friendly relations existing between France
and Italy.
When you want what you want when
you want It, say so through The Bee Want
Ad columns.
,(PN 'tttimno -is racnij 60S?
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