Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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niE HKK: OMAHA. NATl'KDAY. APML !. 1910.
. m.
m i r- ..zzz
Hen's Up-to-Date Suits, $10, $125?, $15
) I
s 1
Brandeis Suits Make V ell Dressed Men
The Renwick System Silk Lined Suits, $17
There is no other offer in Omaha like this. We offer you the
choice of hundreds of strictly high class, hand tailored clothes
for. men; all silk lined and made in the newest styles at $17.50.
f Omalin men want suits that give good service and look well everywhere they wear
them, hut wish to spend only u moilerat amount for their clothes.
If that's the way you feel, Brandeis is the place for you to eome. "VVe offer
scores of new patterns and Ktyles in strictly good and strictly stylish suits that
are not high priced. Choose from our great stock of new spring suits in three
groups, at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00.
Tlio inaU'riiils of which these clothes are inado are the best and most scrvicea
Here are all wool Miie serges (more popular than
50 J V;)
ever this season) new home spuns, new gray mixtures,
new tans and fancy pattern.
These suits are for business wear and for semi-
dress as well. You would expect to pay at least $,2..00
for huits like these our special, offer, at
in thi lot worth up to $1.50-011 sale Saturday CQo
in one big lot on Bargain Square old store foj
Men's $2.50 Sample Shirts at 98c
t u i
lmnortetl madras, pongee and
values we have ever offered
to $2.50, at
Manhattan. Star and E. & W. Shlrta; new patterns,
new fabrics; most exclusive line In the west
-at SI. 50 to $5.08
Karl & Wilson Ketlman, 13 for ii5c collars.
Men's Spring Underwear
Munslng Union Suits for men; shown In all fabrics and
styles; knee length; regular and ff 9 CA
athletic styles, at w ni.tfv
Wo IMace On Sale
Shirts and Drawers In French Balbrlggan 9Qp.CAn
and Hale; values to $1, at tlt- tlUl
it. eg irTgw ibMSl
Street Car Company to Install Four to
Take the Place of Wagons.
Car. to Rno To and From Depot.,
a. Well a. to Submatlon.
and Renaon and Sooth
Four white mall car. will be traveling
tli of Omaha after July 1 lo take
tli. place of the arreened wagons now seen
gathering mail from the boxen and hauling
the mall aurka to and from the depots.
Arrangement, and contracts for this
aervlc. were entered Into Friday morning
with the Omaha Sc Council Hluffs Street
Railway company. The new atreet railway
postal car. will be white and will do all
the service now ;erformed by th. screened
mall wagon, between the depot, the main
postoffice and substations, Rneon and
South Omaha.
J. VV. Maaten of Washington, D. ('., as .uperlntendent of the railway mall
aervlce, ha. bten in Omaha for the laat
ten day. In conference with Postmaster B.
i Thoma. and the atreet railway company
rompletlng details for the new nervlce,
which will bp entered Into upon the ex
piration of the preaent screened mall wagon
service contract June 30.
Th. new service will effect a saving of
time of about half an hour between the
depots and the postoffice and the sub
station.. The depot cars will make regular
trips all night and seven trips during the
day. During tho ru.sti hum . three mall
clerks will be employed on the cars and
two clerks during the ordinary service.
To toiler! ICaronte.
In addition to conveying the mall t and j
from the depots, the new cars will also col
lec; mails enroute. large mall boxes
painted white will be placed at principal
points about the city and Important street
coiners along the street railway lines for
the deposit of mall which will b. gathered
up by the postal cars. It Is the further
intention to distribute the bulkier mails
enroute, particularly In th. jobbing dis
tricts, and at the -Ja'ne points that the
mails have been heretofore collected and
delivered by the special wagons. The cars
will also be utilised for distributing malls
in out of the way sections.
Street car tracks will be built at the
rear of the mnlri postoffice to expedite the
assembling and delivery of th. malls to
und from (ha depots. A spur will bo run
from the Dodge street line through the
areaway at the Seventeenth street aide of
the poatoffle. and will extend t connect
with tlic, Sixteenth street line by way of
Capitol avenue.
Mot to Cocll Staffs.
The postal car service will be utilised
only In Omaha, Henson and South Omaha
and will not b. extended to Council Bluffs
for the present. The postal cars will be
bul t especially tor this service with doors
at either end and a large door In th. center
to faclllat. the handling of the malls.
Postmaster Thomas has been laboring to
secur. thl. servlc. fur several months,
an outline uf which wa. given In The Be.
Mv.ral weeks ago when Mr. Masten mad.
hi. first visit h.r. to interest th. atreet
railway company in th. matter. Th. con
tract with tb. atreet railway were signed
Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Th. Initial
cost of th. new service will b. about
Tb. annual cost of th. old acreen wagon
Great Sale of
Manufacturer's Samples
en's Shirts
All New Spring Patterns
Pongee, Soisette and Madras
Shirts plaited und plain neg-
igee aud golf styles shirts
mercerized soiseue, grcuwi
actually worth up
servlc. was about $30,000, and the new ser
vice will cost but a trifle more, while th.
saving In time will te of Incalculable value.
Woman Assailant
of Lawyer Goes
to Sanitarium
Mrs. Grace Hutten's Attack on Hus
band and Judge Slabaugh At
tributed to Nervous Wreck.
Mrs. Grace Uutten, tho woman who at
tacked her husband. Dr. Jess. Howard
Uutten, and former. Judge . V. W. Sla
baugh Thursday afternoon will b sent to
a sanitarium at once, according to a state
nient by Mrs. Hutten's attorney, Isadora
Ziegler, Mr. Zlegler la disposed to make
allowance for the asaault on th. ground
that "Mrs. Uutten Is a nervous wreck."
"I shall nut take official cognizance of
the assault," aald Judge Sutton. "It hap
pened outside the court room. Of course,
If an affidavit In tho matter were tendered
I should have to rule upon It. I am sorry
Judge Plabaugh was struck."
"Would It be different If the rourt had
been assaulted?" Judge Sutton was asked.
"Yes. that would be different," .aid the
judge. "1 suppose I'd have to take of
ficial notice of the matter then."
"I'm glad it was Slabaugh and not me,"
said Silas Rubbles, co-counsel with the
former district Judge for Dr. Uutten. Mr.
Kobbins did not walk out of the court room
with his client, as did Judge Slabaugh, but
lingered. Thus he escaped being mixed up
In the melee.
Mrs. Hutten Is living with her mother,
Mrs. Lucy Morris, 200 Sherman avenue.
Mrs. Morris will undertake to have her
daughter sent to the sanitarium. Judg.
Sutton expressed the hope when announc
ing a decree, for Hutten that the couple
might yet be reconciled, but Dr. Hutten
since the assault Is less Inclined to this
than ever.
Trio uf Forawer. l.rprlard at Dos
Car Banquet (let Board at
City Jail.
The cost of living may be high, but that
depends lorgely on how one lives.
The police and Judge Crawford had this
aubject, of thought thrust upon them with
a degree of enlightenment In the case of
three prisoners Friday morning. It de
veloped that the three prisoners had found
a way to live in fine style absolutely fre.
of any cost.
"Your honor. 1 found these fellows hav
ing a banquet around an oil stove In a
freight car." announced Special Officer
Koley, by way of Introducing th. de
fendants. Th. policeman further explained
that he had noticed the men at various
uuiiii. me iwo weexe wandering
arout tn. railroad ward., and had finally
discovered their freight car apartment "I
fugure they've been eating and .leaping la
me aayum. ilia pegging at night." said
the policeman. Th. prisocere, giving th.
names of J. w. Clark. Frank Laughlln and
J. II. Brown were aeotancd to five day.
in jail each. Their stov. was confiscated.
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy cure. th.
worst ro'.ds. Try It
Persistent advertising I. tne read to Big
! Hi
IT ' W
Brandeis Sells Robert
Pect ud Hinch Wickwire
Band Tailored Dotbet lor
These are known
everywhere as the
highest grade of
spring clothes for
men that money can
buy. See these fash
ionable spring models
showing at
21 to $35
Two Specials in
Men's extra fine Balbrlggan
Shirts and Drawers; 35c
values, at, a -f f
garment J. all
Men's 25c and 35c Lisle
Hose; plain and fancy col
ors, per pair,
now at
We Bought a Manufacturer's Spring Sample Lines
Boys' Russian Blouse
I breasted knickerbocker suits of fancy eheviots boys'
sailor suits of good wear resisting materials.
Boys' Spring Reefers of
plaids and black tan, coverts, grays and fancy
cheviots made to sell up to $3.00, at
Boys Combination Suits, at $il.4B Complete suit
with extra pair of knickerbocker pants to match;
all for 13.45 Also strictly all wool red, blue and
m uruwn serges, in nussians ana
ft 1 urt rtA and tan afava .rvim
now at
Burlington Evades Mandamus by Be
ing Railroad, Not Railway.
Affidavit of General Manager that
Defendant Corporation Named la
Vladaet Salt I. Not In
Once more has confusion over the name of
the Burlington been seized upon es a de
fense In court by that line. Before Judge
Sutton Friday attorneys for th. road sub
mitted an affidavit by George W. Holdrege,
general manager, that the Chicago, Burling
ton & Qulncy railway Is not an existent
corporation in Nebraska, owns no property
here and has no officers In this Jurisdiction.
The question came up on the suit of the
city of Omaha for a writ of mandamus
compelling the construction of a viaduct at
Thirtieth and Bancroft streets. The Bur
lington Is making a special appearance,
arguing that the court has no jurisdiction
because th. offical corporation here has not
been served.
It Is the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy
railroad not railway which Is the com
pany upon which service should have been
obtained, say attorney, for the road The
"railway" company Is an Iowa corpora
tion organised to act as lessee when the
Northern Securities company was In ex
istence. When the supreme court dissolved
that merger, operation of the Burlington
lines went back Into tho legal control of
thj "railroad" company.
The railroad company has secured the
dismissal of damage suit, thus Improperly
brought iu the past and th. technicality
may serve In th. present case, although
the matter can undoubtedly be remedied
by the plaintiff In time.
When th. special appearance matter came
up before Judge Sutton, Assistant City At
torney Dunn asked time to make a counter
showing and was given until Tuesday.
Other roads named a. defendants In the
viaduct mandamus suit hav. not as yet
Indicated what Itn. of defense they will
put up to th. court.
Two Machine, l.ed Wlthont remis
sion of Owner, and
Yet Lost.
Joy rider, are continuing their opera
tion. In th. city, two automobile, befng
taken last night without the knowledge or
permission of their owner. Stephen Tobln
of Denver, who Is stopping at th. Her
Orand, went to call on aom. friends at
420? Farnam street and when he left th.
hous. h. discovered that his machine was
gone. Its number I. S735, Colorado. Th.
other auto belonged to W. M. Hanschett
of Council Bluff, and It disappeared while
h. wa. in th. Toung Women's Christian
association building. It I. registered No.
S93S, Iowa.
T. L. Klaaball Batata Will Dnet is.
ther Varasra ta Coat Claaa ta
T.n Tk.aMas Dallara.
Th. T. U Kimball estate will soon Mart
th. construction of a now automobile gar
ag. on Fanuun street, op posit, th. prvnent
location of R R. Kimball, who will also
occupy th. n.w building. Tb. structur.
V pr i
we are I ti -, I . I 31
Ml -UP
C . ,,, i. ,-BjT III II
Suits,, in red, black, brown and fancy mixtures boys' double
red flannel, also sheuherd
Boys' Double-Breasted Knickerbocker Suita With
extra pair of knickerbockers free rrrth every suit;
also boys blue serge, gray and fancy mixed chev
iot suits, in Buster Brown and sailor aa mm
styles One pair pants worth up to 5k
14.00, at VaW
sailors; jf p
V, i 3 ft
will be 60x120 feet on th. ground, and will
cost In the neighborhood of $10,000. It will
be one-story in height, of the most ap
proved style, for a modern automobile store
house and showroom.
Eight Victims
of Burglars in
Less Than a Day
Crafty Thieves Make Things Lively
for the Police, with One Ar
rests to Date.
The buig'ar fraternity had a big day
Between Thursday noon and Friday
morning eight Jobs were pulled off, which
netted tho plundei era $201. W).
Tliose who were victims and the amount,
rtolon are;
Mrs. Davis, M13 Howard street, ISO cash.
Mrs. Cayon, Crelghton Pharmacy, Four
teenth and Puvenport, purse and $3.
Crt ilea, Wong, 12 North Twelfth st.eet,
overcoat, alued at $10.
Mrs. Ci-urWs launders, "Ofi North Klght
eenth street, $j eafeh and $26 in Jewelry.
Mrs. J. C. Morrow, 2313 Douglas, $10.50
cash and &0 in Jewelry.
I L. Tylor, 1104 Noitli Fifteenth street,
oveicout and shoes valued at $18.
Harry Black well, Calm building, trousers
nlued at $6.
Detectives Murphy and King Friday
afternoon arrested G. A. Ualnes of 615 South
Fifteenth atreet, who has been Identified
as the man who took $.V) from Mrs. Davis,
1815 itoward street. '
Pour Meetlnn. In Nebraska Thl.
Month to lloost "Bark to th.
Farm" Idea.
Revival of country Ufa is announced as
the object of four public meetings which
are to be held under the auspices of the
synod of Nebraska churches In four dlf
feient towns during April. Leaders of th
movement to turning citizens toward farm
ing declare the meetings will be effective
In caching the people through th.
It Is claimed that Nebraska Is primarily
a farming state, but thut a large propor
tion of the people have fallen away from
the Industry. The meetings will b. held
une each tn Omaha, Lincoln, tllbbon and
Norfolk. "The Religion of the Breadwin
ner" will be on. of the subjects. "Getting
a Living in the Country" Is the subject of
Lr Warren II Wilson's address, and Den
K. A. Burn tt will speak on "Changes In
Agricultural Life and Kffcet upon th.
Country Church."
r.d.ral drmnd Jury to port The
federal grand jury will submit a pactlsl
report this evening and will then adjourn
over until net Tuesday. The rase, to be
reported Friday evening will be largely In
dictment, for bootlegging and two or three
minor poatoffle. rases.
Admitted to actios Joseph R. Well,
of Omaha has been admitted to practice
befor. th. Nebraska federal courts.
r.daral Oourts Tak. a Mmm Ther.
being no case, ready for trial, the federal
petit jury was escuaed Friday morning
until 30 a. m. Tuesday
rio o50 hs
' rr. '1 J j
i 1 ... r. yJ
Correct and Clover
Htyles In
Boys 1n colleges in the last
years of high schools and busi
ness colleges will find the class
iest clothes shown for young
men at Brandies snappiest
clothes in ages 14 to 20 years
for young men, at
$7.50 to $15
We Specialize
in Boy's Hats
It is well known that no
where in the city can
you match the great val
ues Brandeis offers in
Boys' Hats, at
49c, 98c, $1.25
and $1.50
Commercial Club's Boy Enumerators
to End Canvass Saturday.
Canfaslon of Tesgsea la lada.trlal
Section Farce. One Voath to Em
ploy Assyrian to Do HI.
Ten out of ninety districts of th. Omaha
Commercial club's census hav. been cov
ered by the eighty-eight boys who are
making the enumeration. .Th. count la to
be complete by Saturday night.
The scouring of the city and the prying
Into every nook and cranny for th. people
by the enthusiastic youngsters has led them
into many tangles. Linguistic difficulties
o overcame one youth working down along
the river In tha Industrial settlements that
he engaged the services of a lltle boy of
ten, reared In the community, as an In
terpreter. Th. Assyrian folk are hard to convince
that the many Questions of the young
enumerators has no ulterior significance,
and in some of the foreign colonies th.
count takers have been put to rout.
"Got any bras, knucks?" asked one of
the elghty-flv. boy. calling at th. Com
mercial club publicity Friday
morning. "I found some fellow, yesterday
that don't want to be counted."
Total, from two of th. ninety districts,
representing highly variant conditions,
Illustrate th. varying degree of density In
tha Omaha population. District No. 29,
bounded by the south side of Douglas
street, the north side of Leavenworth,
Twelfth street on the west and the river
on tho east, contains but M persons. Th.
district extending from the east side of
Twenty-alrth street to the wast side of
Twentieth and the north of Farnam .treat
to th. south side of Dodge atreet, an area
of about eight blocks, has a population of
Witness Wants
Pay in Advance
Woman Decides She Knows Nothing
About Charge of Water Throw
ing with No Fee in Sight.
"Don't they pay the witness fees before
the trial?" Mrs. R. O. Duncan, a witness
for Mrs. Mary Ruebllng, who said she was
nearly drowned by two (tails of watnr sev
ers! days ago, asked the qustlon.
"No. they don't," Judge Crawford an
swered. "Well, I really don't know anything about
this esse, your honor," said Mrs. Duncan
as she bashfully looked round the polics
court for a vacant seat.
Th. Incident transpired at the trial of
Mrs. Llul. Welsenburg, 100 South Twenty
teventh street, Friday morning, under a
charge of having thrown th. water that
was said to hav. damaged Mrs. Ruebllng.
What with th. .vapors) at Mrs Dun
can's testimony and th. wu.ghi af counter submitted by Mr. Welsenburg,
Judg. Crawford found ifrounds to dismiss
th. latter without prejudice.
The police suffered some surprise when
they found Mr. Ruebllng on hand to prose
cuts the casa, Th. woman had t.k.n
DLrWc I oiArSlioc! For Sprina
IVflIi C5 iUWVtf iJfi&VC,Snnd Summer
Brandeis gives the bent shoe values in Omaha
honestly made, in the real, new, classy styles, such
at the one and two-eyelet styles; in all leathers;
high, Cuban, boot heels and high arch styles
See our shop made shoes for men
per pair, at
Extra Special Shoe Offerings Men's welt sewed
Oxfords, in lace, button and blucher; in velour
and gun metal calf Block; in patent colt; in tan
Russian calf All, $2 45
Brandel. Hp.olai Bats Poutna unusual merit
a combination of good .tyl. and qnal- Ct
Ity. Nw.t models In shade, of tan, 2f2
pearl, cllver rav. brown and blank, at V
Imported Knglish
. j i
jTiaua uy junin wuson &
Sons, Ltd., Denton, Eng
land; best English Qf
hats, at tO
Brandeis is headquarters for
the celebrated John B. Stet
son soft and stiff q n
hats, at OaOU
1 1 id U&MroHsl
children and ostensibly left th. city Thurs
day, aoeordlng to report, which called oft
th. case on that day.
Corroborating portion, of th. testimony
showed that Mr.. Ruebllng had originally
sought th. home of Mr.. Weiaenburg and
had set up a strenuous demand for her
children. Arguing that th. children were
not In tha house Mrs. Welsenburg resorted
to a pall and th. water in ordering her
visitor away, sold the witness.
Special Low Rate
for Saengcrfest
Western Passenger Association Offers
Fare and Half for Trip to the
Omaha Musical Festival.
The Commercial club has been notified
that a one and one-half fare will be mad.
on all railroad. In the Western Passenger
association territory for the Northwest
flaengerfest, which will be held In Omaha
July IX) to 24. This Is the first time a rat.
as low as this has been made since th.
adoption of the 2-cent rate in many of th.
states in the middle west. It offer, en
couragement to those in Omaha Interested
In the big test to ba held this summer.
It Is expected that th. low rate will Induce
at least S.GO0 people from all of th. middle
west states to be present
It is also expected that a similar rat. will
be made by tiie railroads for th. Ad Club
convention, which will b. held in June.
Man Who Defended Women Against
Approaches of Roisterer. Te.tU
flea Against Them la Coart.
With a story of how he had come to the
assistance of a young wornun and her aged
mother and had successfully fought with
four men, C. A. Summers caused th. con
viction of on. of his adversaries tn police
court Friday morning. Karl Muhllcka,
one of a trio of Muhllckas living at 2000
South eighteenth street, received a fine
of H and costs for the disturbance.
"There were four of them, your honor,"
testified Kommers. "When I heard them
Insulting the ladle. 1 went up and asked
them to apologize. Well, then the fight
started. They came at me so fast I had
to lean against a telephone poie." Judge
Crawford thought Karl Muhllcka
had been the principal disturber, and let
the others go.
with the I
handy w
' i-
1CL. V
Arrow Collar
High enough to look well low enough
to feel welL Plenty of room for tie to
Slide in. 13 cents-2 for 25 cent
..... li
Men a Sample Hats, at 98c All the men's sample hats
and broken lines of soft and stiff hats nn.
worth up to $3, In one lot. at vOC
50c Sample Caps, at 15c; Men's, Boys' and Children's
sample caps, in every shape and color t r
values up to BOc, Saturday, at IDC
Friday is Day
Off for D. Cupid
Marriage Market Receipts Reported
Light by Clerk Charles Furay,
County License Broker.
"Th. marriage market is dull on Fri
days," t-ald License Clerk Charles Furay,
surveying two names which appeared on
th. record for the day. These were In con
trast to eighteen of Wednesday and a few
less Tnursaay.
' Some people have a religious feeling
against nuptials on the sixth day of the
week and others think It unlucky."
Mr. Furay has been engaged in a little
ethnological research Into recent marital
records and he finds thut, judging nation
alities by names, the Bohemians are fur
nishing the greatest number of brldea and
bridegrooms. Italians will come In a close
second, with all others away back In the
Omaha continues to be a veritable mecca
for couples from small towns In western
and southwestern Iowa who coma here to
get married largely for the sake of the trip
and to see the city. "Also they get away
from fool friends, I suppose." said Mr.
lalted Silo Irs Marshal Warner Take.
Three from Omaha and On.
from Lincoln.
Charles V. Hubbard and Herbert P
Richardson, sentenced to one year and one
day in tha federal penitentiary at Leaven
worth, and Pasguale Massuo, who drew a
thirteen months' sentence Thursday for es
saying to be a Black Hand artist, will be
taken to Leavenworth Saturday by United
Btates Marshal Warner to enter upon their
terms of Imprisonment. They will b. joined
here by George Brown, rolored, of N
braska City, who will be brought down
from Lincoln to complete the remaining
two years of his four years' sentence al
Leavenworth for robbing the malls at Ne
braska City. Brown was sentenced to the
Lincoln penitentiary before the federal
prison at Leavenworth had been desig
nated as th. plac. of confinement for fed
eral prisoners sentenced In th. Nebraska,
federal district.
with the
1 i
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