Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    thf: m:k: maha. satikpav. ,rniL p. mo.
1 S
1 t'ttk t;
Send Letter to C. W. Brran Emlain. 1'
. h- -. e
'.' r
. of A
TV rn-- of ; r e
j'-r ':f'jn 'i f--"" vr.r ac
re-oad a"--d arrod J dr M T Rs
1 r.--. m p. ? i ! v f'O'i d-
HI " t -i t r'K-t!ii vc--. A J
.iave- a1 J Jl V"ir -r ifr vnttid
6AM AS EVIE Ft POLITICS . r ottiti'i'' c-' fe w i i tr r . or
r ,f L.rtv.n rj 'g-'-il to i ii:fl
J.'iFor- The commit" 0 c-irr. a-'d
' a ;.rrc-ad 1" t''."t tr a r'port t
va s prer: o r r:ir:Tfc c.irtl.r,;: t ro'-'cy
in; Liquor Pcsitisn.
nr tin,., .f B.a-s riiki
I lamia Ma. rat Tw (!
la I be Rr,
a-1 i
1 V A.
I 'on a Muff Correspondent 'i
l.i .5.N Ar-r'l S (Special. -Saratr.r
i. Maries A. Toe ne cf New
'n L.r.o'n spoke atatnst p: c-
r.:r:ien a story h t to atarted ard par"
its' pjbl cr? has ben given to
Sera'cr Tone had w-ritten a Vttcr cf
apology to C W B"n for his appa:arc
Q Lincoln, together a ith th statement
that la aaa in a had way f manna"- ar.d
th i bad taken hi present pc.sit'on with
a ia- to getting em hi a feat aga.n.
The siory is absolutely octr-ne ar.d is s
t rance. b C. V.'. Bryan i .rr,f in a
letter to Mr. It; an. fr.itt.r To a :, .m.J
ha rit absolute'., s.nrere in the fo:ticn
f hti takn and t t if Mr Jr an : d
t'end tr. rriM'irf and bear .M-n. r. be
eJ r a.i iid at let cfc lr.. h m of
t la fincT.iy IT h faiied tc con-, inte him hi n-r tir.n a at r-irra't.
Mr. Brian aid this that ha
pit fr a m'-mert qu-.tori-1 the sjr;-'-itj
c-f .--nat.T To t,f ai.d t.-.c fact
that t.ay h-ld d.'ferer.t id-ait itgardirig
ih 1)1 oor gj-ttn had not ard aoJ'd
rnt atr a a th thf;r personal re ations.
Tb ui7 -f ih iettar aaa told f lioui
lo t h. mwl ti ard th i mornira an in
ilar.anm of !' aa r'.WihM hr. Mr.
Pryan flrisa3 tt fu ry on tha cay cf tl
C J' "1
to t :
: hO':!d a-k'i cf
r.pnia-kn a-r Tiailr
J Saajt-- a-.d A S
st. a n- a rt'r
a" .11 JTl':f?-
Wt Ktam rt f Kiftff rrraar
Raaaart far larally aa4
A lrirod cf or of ur aa.aman
re ;.- f rt into ia aiora ara'a
r.t a w:nri) rr,t,,Kad. ioorj
tr 1 r.n Ait-r cc c:o'i a frvi
a-1! rrjar)- ftittic anaaara ha a a
Iiralu to. i a r.rra t:. aaiaaman l
t. fr-ira ui adnotjiaba-T
tot to ou ir!'T ai K;n-f ar.aon
t . Jt-i -c'i iai"i.a by a
r-' .tabl foua' Tfc'a Iran rrr id
t .at li 'lo trcst ni tntni r
if 'h a Btora aaa a lc'al T.'.a
tic: cf ,t:r.r K".(:.1 our
tmtiaa aftar t't aarrd aga'cat
tia t to joo tr.a full It y and
rrDm of aj.h mathoda.
Your Money Back On Demand
The Home of Quality Clothes
Our Cloi-cj'lw Yturf Md
vur fc : r l i I f !
rge from l t '.- i" d-'-. t'-
no 1 1 meu t t 'in ; ' ;
-ut;fl .r m.t. ut j . ?ir.
f k, . I P-ad 1 I' f
mcm itr.fMfi Imk' n. !. .
I tm it? r vnJ in ur inr ;?!-
ttM co:ita,i-B . i i. ft
1'f .r V . 1 1-r. to t "ui't
i rfc i '".'. !rpn o ; rn -.
Cmj I " i J of v ' ' r C Ik i ! f n
jv.; a i' K.f ti'V ( i.. Hi. Si
$ ' and I
v tr:a' 1
Aj-r ' - .-At
'i !af f' t! - ;;bi"ct
n.t x t-r -x :n ' ; t scho.oj
to h .a-d ; ft -cur n t-
f Ki''t. i.ich. c.'Vrt! to
t'r aV.v. all tya fmancral fart a d tVa
ti a rl.s in t)iir homaa unf day aacn t eei
for rixiioj.f.. 1 resoit wa a vm
ft c.a?-F rf yourf trir.s Wadrna-Iy .-
iiiK t x m !-.. .f t!a ho.'d rd thc:r
aiv-a. tha j-Tt rf th rrmbr cf th
cs. tha h.s!. achoc.l fac-'jltr a"'J ".a
anin-a a-d Jun.ora a- iri.'i1 to lie
r, cf M ' and lira. W. 11. TaTlor to
pr:lr pata :n a f i a-ecjrsa banquet pr
;aiad tr. i.-'.y by tha c'.ays
f'aalpa ( (aart Ma.t rltle
Waeifcrr Tkay In lakarit.
UOU'RK'iE. NaU. a. 5?ac..-
! Whf.hrr tov-gn ha:a can ichar't reaj a.-
tat In th' ocntry va tne jTvii:r- gua?
i.e i tion at tha boiu.m of ttie f!ra caj-a taxied
ar-r-aararc cf Mr Ton r,. b-t
fa-)ad to atop :ta virt uiation
f hia or.att f l''- :w aaa 10 rraa'
tha (irpraa-'on that Sfr.ator Toar.e did not I tha acuity tarm of tha district court,
b!)av what tot Mid. but aaa mara v .il:iii ci. . i,ad it. tni c.ty tcaiay. Since
ir hia infitjanca for i.-'d thus 1 1 1 tf' :!&-rency of ths ca . a V'Ut 1 a o aars
acradit as far ac pruslb.a any arjrjmer.t i ' hnj attracted c.iraidt-.rab!e aitantion
jnt prohibition ha mignt make. a:l tha outcome of Ui matter a nl t.itf a
ft-: d-l of bearr.g on tie ct'lrtujt.Mi of
Tas (mm 4 14a I aa far Oatrrstr.
Th c.tjtxom of the election in l.incxln
ani in a:i protabi!!ir decide for tao men
anathar thay will cake their announce-1
ment aa candidate for povemor of Ne-h-aslia
Bot h of thaae tren tiorijr to toe
romrnittee of fifty which haa tharse of the
proh'bidon cmpairn here aund tby rep- ;
iaant the two dominant parties of tue
si a . e.
M. or Ion I'. loi e is the republtcaai
a aonie of the prohibitionists art ;
.ra nf to eet in ihe race if the town aroea
d y ard S-rator J. E Miliar ia tra demo- t
at wov.m tha prt!b.tion democrata ;ej
arx'tinr to r'jr. Friends of each be.lee; tf tha City vote for prohibition hot a i
av: rrak' an effort to land a ncnnir.atK.n!
The: :a not the le-t dembt that the'
i." woti'.d be behind Senator i
Miller if he hou!d drcide to run a a I
county option c ar.d'date. whil Mil or Lrfive 1
V' ' I ' Xt '
I : " - A I
':'v I ' :- i
V. i rV;-a hv;.'
' ' v J
t. 4-.;-' ? -r
It is a Difficult Undertaking
To mvke clothes, especially Spring Suits, that wHl possess every essential feature of made-to-order garments and still be
instantly ready for service Little wonder so many wholesale tailors are content to make clothes of ordinary merit. It takes
skill to make the better kind of clothes. The tailors who execute our orders are the most skillful in the world. Most of
them used to be merchant tailors until the call of modern methods appealed to them and pointed the way to greater
opportunity. A few years ago such clothes were not produced because there were no stores like this to sell them. Now
things are different all over the country. Take Omaha as an example. The best dressing man in this community can
walk in here any day and in 30 minutes receive the same perfect fitting clothes he would from the rnose exclusive
tailor in 30 days. He has a far greater range for selection, saves time, worry and considerable money. No use talking,
this new store has brought rrany advantages to the man who will but avail himself of them. We'll gladly show you around.
Our Spring Suit prices start at $10 and end at $35
But it is to the folloxcmg that we want to call particular attention:
i ery alrorc wi;h th dry vote, not only
in Lincoln, but in inaay cities and'11'''1' Ml of question and the rase, of
where he has mad speech recent:-. , neceasitr. ha.4 to t as it did. Mrs. Brick
Krora tha mof i reliable sources it has be- I t, nJ hw- fm!!y w-era. working w ith all
cm known that the Bry ajis xpctjd be- ,h''r '-ahht to earn a livir.e and at the
for this that Governor Shailenberac r i - t"ne atipport avn invalid father and
would come out on a atraucht county option j
j iatorm. and If doea before Senator ;
prcparty arrK.r.i naturalised a-r3 a'.iea heir.
The case bemj heard before Judce H. S.
loungan of Uaanings la that of Jir. Au-fut-
Kr'ckac.n. now of Chora?, against ,
','arl and John Cr'on, her brothers, who
ieid in Sweden. When the will of Cai
Peterson u probated about two ya ajro
tha court of this courts' dor read that the
ut i of eifrnty acrea cf Phelna county land ' r.ooa at ! . ronducted by Pr. P. C. John
sho iid to to bis daughter, Mrs. Eric k son. j son of Tecumseh. tceaed was a nathr
as th only l.vtr.f he,r in this ecu n try. At-; cf I.linois. but had resided in Nebraska
tnrr.ay Bed,e of this city, w ho w ac rep-- i since having- moved here arlth her tir.a; the Cartacoa. however aprled the j fa-her. Eider R.chard Lurn. one of the
cau'e to ti.e d strict court. When the mai- pioner m1ni-era of the atat. She w as in
"r came before tv at court til defendant ; her th year, and up to th time of br I
fa:led to nuake an a(.tearanc and the ca j last iilnesa had ben very active In the
went by de'ault. This, of e-ourae. Jet the j cause of woman suff-ag. harina; bn preal
foreipn he.ra in the distribution of the ; dent cf the state association for several
land. each pettinar a thid of the fa n. j years, and only giving: v.p tha place on ac
Since thst 1 me it has developed that the ' count of the condition of bar health. She
defendant and h-r family were in auch hard j i well known throushoct the a'ate in
circutniano that any fight was abso- ! society and club work, but her chief con-
Ready-to-put'On Custom Tailoring
It certainly taxed the mtntiil and ru-vl anion 1 abil
ities of our tailors to produce surh l':tultless ults c we
how in high grade tailorings. It :o took considerable
effort on our part to discriminate between the good fab
rics of which they are made and the many inferior, light
weight fabrics so common this season. However, no effort
is too great if it gives tasteful men the opportunity
they seek of saving $20.0 to $3' .( while still satis
fying their desire to be tailor dressed. The clothes in our
magnificent wardrobe section do that very thin;;. Tluy
are the only clothes sold in Omaha of which that can be
S30 and $35
Pepslir Price i Spring Soils Tktt Look Like More Kntj
The big majority of men want popular priced clothes.
Our constant effort has been to provide for them clothes
that would in no wis carry the usual "Ear-mark" of
ready made garments. How well we succeed i? best
demonstrated by our present line. Gaudy, noisy patterns
have no place in our store and unrefined models are
ignored. In their place are thousands of rich, stylish col
ors and fabrics cut in models such as genteel fellows
want to wear. They are hand tailored and by far the best
tuits ever sold at similar prices. Your own opinion dfter
seeing them will confirm our claim to save you $3.00 to -$5.00
if you buy one of our .Spring Suits at
$15 $20 $25
Schroder aecrelary. It wa decid-d to,
capitahae th new ntrpris In the sum ,
of with a paid m capital of fir. .
The committee appointed to canvass end
s-11 th stock are Julius !t. Like Vt i;es. '
Fred Noltln. A. E. Tudd. J. 1'- Faiier.
Frank E. Schlater. H. A. Schneider and A.
1 Tdd. Thi new industry will mean much i
for thia citv and it i hoped that the enter- !
pna will be pushed to comi'ietion in time ,
to handi tbe fail crop. I
TECT'MSEH Mr E'.ira E. Webb. wife
Faj-field. la ard M-v Trank I .a Force ' feet four iiichea by four feet four inches, children oould be gotten into tbe boats,
of tenvej-. Colo. Tour gi adchildren. Mrs land weig-hed 7t pounds. She was !4 years In the alampt-da four peiaor.e fell or we-a
C. G. Fralich. T. L. Con-.hf, B. V. Combs old and a profeas.onal fat wonuui. A del- P-t-hed into the tea and were rescued with
and C. R Combs live in Omaha, and fo; r j ri k wr.ll be u.ed to lower the body from , difficulty.
in Eciievue. Miss s-'.er.a, :1.1am. t rana 1 tar aparttaer.t. as me a-.airway 11 uco ni-
and Mrwin P.C'binson. row for its passage.
The funeral Is to be held in Bailee ue Sit-'
urday afternoon. The brJy w LI be taken , 1
to the eld home at Fairfield for burial.
cern in life was the betterment of the con
dition of womanhcaod.
. 1 I
Kaifbti TtHyla r at Kearney.
of James Webb, died at th family home
In Tenimsen Ihuraaay Bioremg. Apr.i ..
at : o'clock, after an iilnea of many ;
months following a st-oke of paralys's. ;
Her ace w-aa Ti jeara. Eltaa E. Horn was
born in Milwaukee. Wia . Jrni . lr. and '
ta aaud to hav bc th first white chi:d
bora In that c'ty. In her childhood
went with hr parents to Waukesha, Wia..
where th familv Uvea tor many years.
Ei part Aeraaatawta Flad Offic f
Mr. Brlaa la tieelltat
POVEF... England. April R An explosion
arly thia momlr.g on th British steamer
Cairnrvna off Dangeneaa w recked tbe
women's quarters, killing- on child and
injuring a number of women and children.
dan. Wyo . is certainly boomir.ff . Th steamer caught fire and a nanlc n-
Ry.a tu married there to james "foo. v o- mr A epn- man in the town is tirnurf to a&v mtiw4 in m-vih ., a..-k. . v. 1 .t
KEARNEY. Net... Arm a-Mor than ! Ur-Tia and lhav contirtied to I've . .' . " .. .. . " ' - - po- pieta eiammation ei m atat .rraaurex a
Saja Ike TkrlTlaaj ! Tiwi la
BaaaalBC aad Growrlaa;
Rlaht Aiaaa.
iFiom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April S 1 Special 1 At tha
instance cf the eleven surety companies
upon tha milllon-dokar bond of Pta-e
Treasurer Brian, an exhaustive and cona-
M Ter gets !n the race he will get the j
Bryan vote. As near aa the governor came 1
10 thia declaration w-aa when he raid he j
w ifcld mn on ery platform the party pro-j
m j'rated. but that Is rot going far enough!
for iho Bryan proerram. The candidate
who ge;s the support of Mr. Bry'an wi'.l I
foa- have to aay he standa aquarel for
couniy option not thai he Is against it. !
but w lil take W if the party so directa
Thr aeem to be no doubt that the re
pufcl'rana on the committee of fifty favor
the r.omtnation of Mayor Love, while the
democrata on the commktee wm to prefer
ien;or as their candidate, regard
ia of th ociock closing Saw arid the
nice things sa'd about Governor Srallen
b'.rger by R.chard L. Me.calfe In his ari
ojs speech.
Whi ser.ator Miller has been quoted as
Three ears aao Mr. and Mrs.
the Masonic tail in this city
evening. They came from all twenty-six Webb moved to Tecumsen
commacderie of the state.
Grand Com- husband the decaed ia survived bj
I r. . . . , . , children, all of w horn live in jonnson
hia heailth.
TTie roaitr sarppoaediy had been
ched when an empluyer of one of Mn.
Encksona children learned of the atatus
of tne case and immediately made arrange
ments to defrav aJl exnenaa r.eeeararv tc
lig-ht for the reopening of tha em. 1 r ranc r.. "n.n 01 umana waa pre m. tTeml.gTmnj.nnd-er. Tha funeraJ waa
Thus two yourg atiorneya from Chicaa-o j Fr' morcir.g th Commercial club look t.i(J al h,mm Friday aXternoon at J
ut irm'iF iitikun in lows m auiomw-1 o cioc a.
b.les- '
that he belong to Sheridan." so aaid G. C.
Shedd. who has been living in the place
for eome time.
Mr. Shedd says that everybody is push
ing the town ard nw industries are
aprlr-gtrg up' quite rapidly, a new brick
mmtT aiut wttn are: Mrs Ca"ie Henn-.
1 Grand Commander Keih M Rvm of . I . . - c, i -m xvn-k-r- n 'Ki. Vr&
i trie were in tb titv. a so Grand Rejorder I Ida Taylor ard rMs. Betth Gottula. Fhe' plant is now being buUt and. owina; to the
. ... -mm t-..iv.fniir arw ndc Mid ren and
ekratka eww tea.
are in the cay today. Measra. Bereth and
Stockweil. and are endeavoring to estab
lish that no alien henr trf Carl Petrstwi can
-.. vi, i avu i EXETER Mr. Jrph Slodek, , farmer
th :ghty-acr farm in this county. ! livn. aeveral mila aouth of here.
Th motion for a naw triad w 111 occupv 1 very auadenly ifom an abscess
nearly all of tomorrow, in all probability.
is a lante nutnber of cmii technicalltiM 1 BEATRICE Edith Murtha of Wymor
en t.
Vs1 eWTfl al V insMlt lit akw Mill IV ha A tar out
enter into it ar.d it :r.vo!vs more or leas ; courl fpr . divorre from Pater Murtha,
lntematkmal law. jwho ia a nonresident.
I AXTELL At th lction Tuesday Axte :
rkrla taaatr Mark baw. -again went do. thia town never
I had a eaJoon. August Victor and A. B.
HOLD REG E, eh.. April S,.-Specl.V- were elected as truea.
The Phelps County Pur Bred Sioek aa- MINL'EN The Hawa Hardware and Fur-
abundanc of beets in that territory, the
people expect that btfoie another year ia
ended ihere will t-e a sugar factory in the
course of construction.
"The Elks club." sa.d the man from
Sheridan, ' baa just bought a carload of
eika ard. after they keep them awhile,
the ariimale will be turned loose in the
surrounding country. Thia wi'l mean that
i there will be some good hurting w ithin a
. few yaars. The people are progressive and
: ! t-- thir.k tha ion n
of Yictisu is Steadily
1 they are not backward about getting it."
Worthless Paper
Floods the City I
Artirt Buty for Lut Week and List
ctimi is S
off ce has )ust been made. The parod
oovered by the examination xtx-d frarn
January 7. '. up to and including Marcb
II. VVi. During that time th reoelpta ard
d labors men! a have been aa follows:
Ba'acce on hand JaLuarj 7, 11.. t'l.z
Receipia C.177. :
j Total
M-sicn of the boats and had to be beaten
back by ihe crew to allow th women to
b taken off first.
A la'ge numWr f paaaengeia were
landed, hero Lhia evening, many of them In
an exhausted condition.. In ail twenty
were seriously Injured and rot lea than
fifty were aligiitir injured by ire explo
sion and in th pan.c that followed It.
The Cairnrona sailed yesterday from
London for Portland. Me, It carried 0 j Balance on hand March H. 1510 . S
passengers, for tbe most part emigrant. The amount of securities invested in edu
an a general cargo. Fortunately th ! catiocal funds and on band March ZL It.t.
steamers Upland and Kanaw ha were j amounted to Si 6U,Hu 7, d.itributed aa fo.
naar when tn Cairnrona caught fire. They j lows:
atood by and took off several hundred pas- Permanent sc hool f ur.d JT T(l a
sengere and landed them her i Permanei.t uniteraity fund 1M.1.:i
Several first-ciass oaaaancara a.. orT, er.oow m-nt Tuna ,..nil
lean cattiainen gave thrilling dtai!a of the
accident. A nomber of women, with ctnV
'in this city, haa done cors.derab.e good
Ithe last year for farmer in this part of th
'country. Not oniy more pride being taken
I in the class of stock bred, but a general
'' ' ., . ' ' I sociation. which recently cloaed a meeting i nnure company ar extending their build-1
' . . hn thia citv. haa done eoriderab: cood ! Inf. upw aros. aadirg another story
himj.e.r is a pretty Busy man to run ror
governor, tnere is every indication that he
will get in the race unless Governor SbeJ-
' i tendency toward tha upbuilding of crops
ia is for county oration and ail. s ail the I . . .
" ' " ! ir.g members of the association. J. H
! au.n. has Ju. purchased from
r I of EmaraoTi. la., one of
.a.i.g 10 me iki v i """""'f ; buila ever brought to th
enwiger is out el me i.i) 1. couia not;, an Ium th mt y months'
'earned today whether he wou.d accept ,h. tP.',
One of th lead
will be a modern offo butidmg
I PLATT SMOITH The democrats elected
both members of the soncwl board. J. M.
j Roberta and H. M. Sotnr.ichsen, and all of
the cc'iinrn eiifi t orir., m imam Weber, re-
' publican, in Second ward.
KEARXKT-Marriage licenses were la-
Burlington Men
Quit at Havelock
A amaoirh check has been working
nica I in th city for the last week. He haa cashed
aoveral checks on business men and Invari
ably the amount called for i VS. mi. Who
tha victtm ar. th police refuse to di- ; , ,
vu'ea at tht lime. It 1 supposed that I XMueras;ei! ano Helpers TAVe
school uppiy bouses nave been hit. ! Work, DemandiEgr Increase
Th man who give dix name as
in Wages.
McKay of Kearney ar.d to to Misa Eiaia j Haye repreaenta himself ta be a couatry
the beet vounglMay Lowell of Shelton and Chester Smita
state Counsel-,
... I RflTRICK Tin laraa Kami. i-, tv
lor. an amm that at 3B months of .ti,r,n, na.k ,.. . A,rny.,
t'.ppe-d the n-cale. a someth rg over 1.800 , by lire early Thurfcday morning The fire
j ia supposed to have teen of Incendiary 1 ccrdirg to th police and it ia prcbab.a I at Havelock today, follow in-, their apokea
hnston and other official of the i ""jE"' To ioM U n 4 'ittl tJ lnur- 'ptoer hare fallen victim to hi gme who j man ,. a failure tj aecuie a conferenca
w-jr Bred Stock association have declared , 1-, ..-..r--. ti have mad no report.
...o.K. .r K. .r r,n,,r... that V. L. . ! i o l n.'r.n-.irmnn r.wmi 01 cn
.. - - 1 tnemaelve in ravor or eoooucung anomer was acquitted of tn charge of
11-g in-.s traiani ana gev .tr w.a "." 1 arij rwk in th. city, sue
M own c.T.Cken yara. -o one m me 0.1 ice , h.i(1 yrxr f, ,he first tlme Th.t
h challenge of Mayor James C. rah;rria ! pounds.
f Orraha fr a joir t debate, or a series of I jjr Jc
rebate, on the liquyr qiiestiou. lovemor
achao! teacher and baa a teacher cernfi- ;
cata alleged to be signed by th upertn-J LINCOLN, Apru i Lo.iernianers and
tecdeat of achoola at AtchiMjn, Kan. He f their heiptsis to Uie numtr of 17i quit work
ha swindled t leaa: six oncerns, ac- at the Chicago. Eurl Egion Qa.ncy ahos official of the company on gnev
arcea The mn dernahd an iacreaie from
flren in tcair arms, were sitting on a hatch
1 a nan a vio.eni explosion nuried them to
i all part of the deck. Some of ibem ware
'; shockirgiy injured and one child wa
I kilied. The hatch wa blown to frajj
I mecte.
i A terrific panic ensued, the em-grtnts
mostly Russians, running vp ted down
screaming and wringing thr bands. Their
terror was mcreasea by the volumes of
amoke which poured from the burnlrg hold
; The captain and officera made lneffectua
j efforts to calm them and then signals cf
of th execut.v was in a noartion to aay
whether th governor would accept the
Tkreaieaa Barllaataa.
)onu Mct"npn"il ef Somerset ha ae-tit
written to the State Railr aa commiKsior
n.p'ain.rg of te Burlington railrond Arid
hraten!ng if relief dort not come prnmot'y
"ortariira arid put the raU-oad cut of
omsniaK'n '" Mr. MeCornell said or thing
a are 0:1' In ,.ncoln county. ithr th
e;:l:s wil h,e IkT lave theie or the
ra o-.a 1 w i r . e 10 .)..t vettir g
to the fa-Hi
1 he da., thr
r.ll f A loe
rvtu-a ihan a
such a move may have the co-operai.on
ihe mere nan la. the farmers wi:i came a
c-orrmittee tv meet with the Commercial
club commute ar.d work out th details.
The Intention is to have a much larger
show thl fall nd Include entries of tha grain and stock of the en'.l-e west
ern part of tne state.
-h a-s ' toxicant to an habitual drunkard in the DIIRMNGTON EYEING OREGON 1 Ss to C cents an hour for ih boilrnnaktrs
Joi.nsun county court. Th trial occupied ; ou nL""1lv' w 1. . ,,.r, ;.. ...
a w hole day of th court's attention. New
comb was aio previously acquitted of a
charge of l'.itwJ sai of intoxicant.
PLATSMOITH Th bollermakers ar.d
KBirouiaia , . cunirnuii .iioiil , uk..i.urlhl l di a IK. ........
. . v.. ::. fened
of Paaaalbl Esteaalaa ortb-
weat frwaa Therwsaaal ta ta la
wade rellaa; Tarrltwry.
and a proportionate incrtat for the htlp- i "na rn ir.mpur.g mem
ers. The hour of the meu w tre cut yea- ! dMf The b,u"1
yaiij riuiirip. upina; IlfcTB inc.
distres were sent up.
The Kar.awha end Upland steamed i
quickly, and the captain decided to trans
fer all the passenger. Thhn wa accom
plished speedily, but wa accompanied bi
scandalous scenes. Soorea of men tried 1
rush the boats and many of them fough:
with the women, tearing and dragginr
teiday on account of
Superintendent Acke
laJH work. j
-nn of the shops i
feet and any weapon they could find. No'
j a
Tear hera Kleeted at Tecaaaaeki.
TECl'MSEH. Neb.. Ap. ii k iSpe :ai
At th regular monthly meeting cf the
fa Tec unwh BJd of Education til foliowlng
ar as yet undecided a -u what tf any
step thy may take m tn strike, but they
will not le satU5f.d wuh any leas wages
than thos paid to the men in Haveioca;
and Lincoln for the name ktnd of work.
KEARNET Th Norri Brown guard
of tnis citv ar planning an laborat re
ception for Senator Norri Brown upon hi
Buriingtor. official a-e interested in me : until he oaa rt-ceivea innruc-tioi. from
Tiit of Loui W. Hill, president of the i Chicago. Burlinstun cff.cia. said the .!
Great Northern read, to Portland. Mr. i strike was 1-milrd to Havelock nd Lin- I
iliU i contnsp'tlr.c th building of an j coin, other shops on the aynem in Ne- !
east and west road through Oregon and J braaka not ben.g affected thus far
haa promised to soon mak a atstarcent 1
few of the
frantic mob of men wer
i.a women a;.a
Agricultural co lege Endow
John M. G'lchr.'St, eemfied
fjr.d ..
public ac
countant of Omaha, who conducted the ex
amination al th requeet cf th Fidiitr
and ItpoEit company cf Maryland, th
company having- superriaion oyer th risk.
tate that all of the I Si: Wi T of cTi
tiea beid by the state treasurer tave beta
carefully verified and that all money re
ceipted for and- disbursed hav been du.y
accounted for. Th record cf th office
hav been found In excellent ahape and
from the tandpomt of the surety compla
in, Mr. Brian, because of hi se and con
aerv atlv method, has chown bim'.f ta
b a desirable risk.
Alirsed Rabkvere la Hlrkwaai.
RICHMOND, Va.. April a. ' 3die" Kay
and ' Littie Iick ' Hams, as may a-
known to the police two of tr.e' men
charged with rifllr.g th aafe of the Rw h
mcr.d poatoffice ana getting off win aooui
(.. were arraigneo in ibe fedejal couu
tcjay and remanaed to appear tomorrow
to piead to the indictments aaint Lhaia.
'lhur trial haa bet-n set tur Monaa.
Persistent advertlatrg ia th road us B g
Ret urn a
return from V. on tea ; oneeming tb plana of the Grt NorU.ern ' py J U DI O rSI FAT V.TlUnJ PilCC
ry..rn .iready ha. a rr CHAMPION PATV,0MAN DIES
h f;arKS f 1 vm t;i
eiicr aa written Mr. M'on
ri :;tiJ bjrned 15J art.- ar.d
nn.e i.f feuee. The company.
g'.re teachers were elected for the coming year: 1 bie to se. ur.
ouixide militia officers present aa is po
Iwest a Guerns. Wyo.
inorthwt to Thermopolis.
uno ia hoi: dir.a i
j. . l.aaiae
h wrote, ia rt spor-nbie for mre r.iiitr
;eiit! s of ti c fires t in lhat wei-rri
coonrry. Ha inisied I'-t one of tie on--m
faloiieis cc me to l.'n ct'iinty xrd
,n.e.ita ir.dJtiori.
Bass let teal.
T Stat B.r1 of Ariciilf.r has c.f
'eied to t'a Nel'-ai.a bov under 1 year
..f as growing th large! yield cf corn
f (it ta.e a.ra of p' -und In th year 1:0,
tr; serond. 11.. third. f3. fourta. 11.',
f'c, anil to tha -rth. seventh, e'ghtr-,
, :-.. .ento ard e'enth. Si eack.
1 enti later of preparing tie g-ound,
, '.- i.-.-. (.Itiitr.i a.d barvsi:i.g cf
;'.is a. cf i-orrj ' b perfom.ed bv tre
. miiliu who enter the contt l-y te
' idirg h rate in th cf W.- K.
ile lor, aecrelary. nwt later t. an May -
Sa d a r to t- n as-: d. h,.ael a l
"e gr.rd m tne p-esenc of t o a fr .tr
a'.ed f-eesoiifra. reaid na of sa.d . mi 1;
o slich tr a 1 of com is i.-atej. .-a d
oni-nit:ee to forard alf.davit as to
e g 1'. . : i legtrerr.en'.s of ipei If .ra'.lot.s
u t .ia ccetest to the secretary of t'.e
111 Hoard c-f A.iic.ltuie nM later trin
Not ember 1. Tr c-ntetaJ.I aitall
!.. r itu t. t iMeit'y a f jll a-.d Jeia..d
tco-.ii'. Cf :. n.eOal of i-e.-fornnrg the
a : farti.ise; ..ed. if '.., ad clutracupr
f tn !! ar
M s Harriet Pearaon, Erg-lieh. re-ei. led .
M f Hfien Wright, priro ipal grammar
scr.ool. re-elected. M a Myrt e Kilmer,
seventh grade, re-elected: M.s Katie All'rt.
tixtn grade: M..-a Hd::h Steward, fifth
(C-ade. re-elected. Mis." Mabel Chap.n.
foi rtii grad-. re-eleeted. Miss Helen Swan,
primal , te-eiectea.
At a prewioua meet rg of the boatd Trof.
Waller Klechel had bec re-elected as sup
e: .riter.der.t of the aehocil at.d Miss Florence
Ivc.t.e'sc.n of Chicago university had been
'chosen prir.r ul. Bo.h have accepted.
; It wi;l re.iiiiie f e more leathers to com
pete ti e - or-j.s ard t"er are primary.
, that th road 1 anxioua to gat a foothold
'in Oregon, and although noining has been
made public there 1 some talk of extend
ing the Burliogion route farther, wests ard.
j so that it will cross the cer.tral portion of
i Oregon Realix'tig the development of this
j new country and the eagemeas w ith wbicn
I EXETER Exeter has decided to cie-
brat tn Fourth this year Ail arrarre
; ment hav been con.pieted for the biggest
I celebration in th history of the tow n.
. Governor Sh alien be rger haa been secured
for orator of the day ar.d many other at
I trarttcma have been arranged for.
1 EXETER Mrs. Josiah P.ogera formerly !
I th home of lr dsugnter. Mrs Char lea C. thir rival load ar entering tr! field
Smith, in Exeter. Buriai will be at S ra- i som' my b don toward crossing
; cuae at 4 p. m. Saiurdav. Mia. Roge had ' Idano ard O.-egor..
been nearly t.elpieas fc aereral veara, and I
d through great suffer.,., it. Pt ; DEATH RECORD
! EiTRlCE Tii hock and ladder com- ,
Polv r e.d it annual loerting 1 rrerali; Tha aa Oaald.
aiemr.g ana c.ecieo tne orrieer: j. j. ,-asr old Tr ,.
kraaiae M risked
Headred Poa ads Derrick
Ketuave Body.
NEW YORK April K-Iouise Ambrod.e :
who hid the d. Mine;. on cf we.ghing 17 4 j
pc'-rds f r eery of her hel;.,t. died
tor.ig tt of actit rheumatism She four
morning t hi hom. Davenport
WJi-kabuh, 1 ,ueU after having lived in Omaha iwenij-
Mr. Gu'd up to aeveral year
aruni-a and "Vr'nan primary and kinder
garten ',! Thurreson u the present ; !cb w ai ti. preaiaent: Joi.n is-.roa. rioe r mn 1 v. Ed th Shen.erd . prea dent . E. A. Gamble, secretary : C. t. I d.
C.r 11 M : t. "I .'1 i. ..-eT.ii.-i. in.. f,.r m-n- & I Vt t.,.,, f .t r .
nr., v fi.r n.e.r niares trie coming n ear. f.remac: I'harlea Wniia. s. -or.d aasiatait . five years.
foreman, William George, aiaaaid. j ago was a wil known street ontractor.
I.ieirr Haa -. WILCOX Thia town went dry at Tues- j H 1 urYived b a iater. Mrs Mary
i.XLTllR, NVb . Apul S -.Sf-nai.i-Ex- ' 'ctin. lOntrary 10 tn xpectatia at.ri two son. Edward and John, ar.d
re 1 eapeitencii.c one of tn largest but.d- j '-("Lastyw'it Vast M Ild Tir'o 'or I daugnrr. France Th body wUl be aet.t
ir g boom in it hirtor . At present the: ; ttti attempt were mad to gat an ap- t Atlantic, la., and b-nal wl.l b made
are five new frame dwellings in process of j plicant w ho could fi.l tr requirements of ; l0,r Moriday accrnir.g.
, ., . Ith law, but each time failed upon contest
elation l-sides nurueroua addit.on and j ,B. kv ,h d,.m. Tbatown cow ' , . . . '
n.iuor improverrents Also a fine on- will remain dry for to yaars All three MRS. LEAH D. MUUnMAM DEAD
brick buameas houaa wr.k h 1 to ; iruaiees ware raw mis ,ei. ica com- ,
trustees ware elected mis ietr. This cmh
: nlaiea Kearney cuuntv aa a A rv countr
oc-cupied a. a furniture hou. Another; TECl'MSEH Misa Mabel Florence!
f:-, brvek bunneaa houa is ;a b bui.t as ; Holrr.ea. dai.gnter cf Mr. ai.d Mrs Frank 1
sien a laborers caiabe secured. Iborr 1 Holme, ana A.ien Ray Sip.r,a of vain-'
for this kind of work ar at a premium
aa TAba Wared la la a
Ft 1 ear Age baerasab
Old A.
her. Some handsora residence ar 13
rcMiia of building in th co'-clry around
tl a town. Much mora would b started if
c.ioeitei and other workmen could b
mi th crop waa grow n. t ured
ler- Kan., war mam ad at tr home of
the orida a parents. )ut conh of Ta- ,
ruitiM..i. at aclock P m Wednasdav. ) k V. Moorman. S eai o.d a
A .-otian), inciudinc tha meu.Oe:s ' pioaaer of Iowa, dd at her hor.-a ia
or lh lamuv acs oa rrinaa wunesa R-. x-riilav momina at li clock of
in ieq-ei 01 1. e a nm. ot
tea ar nest le eir.ihn d b mn i:,.
i.-ers al th offic t.f Uis hoaj-d In I.i-ic...T lni baa .iu-red .j ih 1:. lC:i
!:. b. t cnlj ght en f. rally reported.
Tn p'a a tniie ia.d i'l b-f.-eia ta ir
Al the t i g ef ta Tr.rot
X ra. Marble Dead.
TABLE RUCK. Apr.I k (Special
AmanOa J . wire of M l'. on II Marble, d.ed
at Hi family home in tr.; city at
u , k. V edne-aJay evening, afitr
intf illness, anj funeial service ware heid
.Rev. lucrard Pearaon pastor f th T-: ' Mr Moorman ame we.i aid
'cumaen Metaodist EmaeopaJ churea. Mr. locaiad al Fatrfiald. Ia.. atxty-fiv year
,atd Mrs Btepaefi will go la twiar i' ago. Her ft 1 huabacd. Dr. P.ob.non, and'
oth.r Colorado poir.ta on a wdd!ag tr.a; , , 4 ..... . ..
aaid ther whi b at boo-. at guin-er after ! " r' ki a "' i i'-r xt' .
Mav 1. ie'T1 ' I
I PLATTrMOl TH-All rnt Ird cations I Moorsnaa had lc in facing health .
. po:it to tr bunding cf a tea alfaJ meal i for a large aanod. Sha leaves two so-.. '
r.gtr-'n-11 t niui'"- 1 r.c j irir,r.v ir. f Robinson f Centra! City. I
a meeting m ii. onra o j r. 1 a car. in i
! real estate man, and Julius It'..- w as
V. Robinson of Bali, u. Tae
at th Me-.holift ch'Jich ber Fr.dy aer- 1 r;crrd chainaaa and Poats&aster H. j siitars ar livir.g Mrs. C. E. Ireland cf
Are You a
Can vou tel crder. from
dealer for a high grade cp
tia'ty lice, in a good terrl
torj ? Have ton 1 position
now! If jou want to in -creai
jour lBccm. if you
Late a petition tow but
a Utter oc itb eitcllect
opportuciUea. .f ou want a
good salary and ei;etii-k
with the ctanc to earn good
commission on exceaa tuit
ceai, tbea we ici it talk
with you. Net a snap, but a
good.' kteaay job that w-111
grow as fact aa )ou do. An
Idle man mill not be conald
ered. GiTe particular. Box
Ji:, Omaba. Nebraska.
EPOSITS made on or before
April 10th in the SAVINGS DE
draw interest from April 1st Three
per cent interest is paid on savings
deposits and compounded semi
annually. Funds may be withdrawn
at any time without notice.
The combined capital and surplus is
$1,200,003. The total assets are over
S18.000.003. It is the oldest bank in
Nebraska, established in 1856.
United States National Bank
K. T. imew. Trtu
ft. fUTTUi. Vart rrrv
1. L C4UTU. riet-Tm
ft. L tltUES. Ca-ier-
C L ItST1Ca, lu l Cask.
VT. IMtSXlA kuX Cash.
X C MclLl.E. kt Catki
iJust One lame
No contestant, may tend more. o
your name stands a good abow of
t:ng one cf tbe twelve selected fee
lb Judge. Send It to Scbmolltr
A Mueller no.