niK HKK: OMAHA. SATl'HDAY. A PHIL !. 1010. r 1 RS3SE3 MYDEN's ! TMC fttLIABLC STOftC he Best of Good Clothes HU rm PIT? OMAHA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT To Our Out-of-Towiv Customers Wo Will Hold tho Greatest Special Sale of and frapery Yard Goods Ever Known in Omaha Beginning MTnftTITh A W. April Next 11(1. BRANDEIS STORES E uy landS uy it now! Every man should own a lot of land. The opportunity is greater now than it has been in fifty years to realize on good property. In The Bee today many tempting offers appear. People who acquired large estates are willing now that others may share with them. Wide awake dealers are advertising these liberal propositions today. Take advantage of it! Do it now! There is no possible way for you to ever regret it. For further information regarding this prop erty call Douglas 238, or address The Bee Land Department. Entire stock of a Philadelphia Mill, together with an im mense stock of Imported Curtains Bought from a St. Gall Manufacturer. The Bargains Will Be Wonderful It will pay you to make a special trip to Omaha to buy these fine curtains. ALL THE LACE CURTAINS from these stocks Go on Sale MONDAY, April 11. ALL THE DRAPERY YARD GOODS from these stocks go on sale TUESDAY, APRIL 12. WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR - PARTICULARS. CLOTHING CO Why Pay rawe For your clothes tlian vp soil them for? It's a duty you owe yourself before imrvlmsing to : eo our line of fashionable suits in all the newest spring mod els and colors Every garment a high type of tailoring art and guaranteed to give you absolute satisfaction. The grandest line of suits ever shown at 10, $15 and $20 EXTRA TROUSERS. We positively have the largest and best selected line of stylish trousers for men and young men to be found in the city and at less than you will pay for tha same .quality elsewhere at 81.90 to $6 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. All the new spring styles and colors in Men's Dress Shirts at .1 and $1.50 Nobby, up-to-date Neckwear, special for Saturday selling all silk flowing-end four-in-hands, a 00c value, at 25 FLYER FOR SATURDAY. Boys' Blue Charabray Blouses, ages 3 to 16, a 50c quality, at . . . .25 MHffl if HI f"mwmm u'.jbtt .....THE RIovdIy Mrt Co. 214-216 North lGtt Street Will place on sale Saturday and Monday their entire stock of new spring suits and coats at A.IMD 1S.OO This means your unrestricted choice of any suit in the house, actual values from $20.00 up to $35.00. A coat and suit sale of unusual importance. To appreciate what this sale means we ask you to come and inspect these suits and coats. Just think, you can choose from the most charming selection of suits and coats, in hundreds of different styles, made up in choice imported materials, in all the spring season's modish shades, every model absolutely new. That is about all we will say about this great sale for the . values, speak for themselves. UNINTKKKUPTKl) Progress in our Clothing Department, splendid inerease in solos every f-eason, afford ineontrovertible proof of the pre ference of the people for absolutely dependable merchandise at a moderate juice. The good dresser wants style; he wants more than mere style, he wants quality which is more than half, and individuality and most people are not adverse to a neat price saving. You'll find all those points exemplified in the splendid lines of Men's Clothing HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX have made for us this season. They're exception ally attractive in every respect, superior in quality of fabric and workmanship, perfect in fit and style the greatest line of Men's nothing shown in the land. Suits $18.00 to $37.50. Overcoats $15.00 to $35.00. The soft toned grays and browns arc very beautiful and varied, both rough and smooth weaves while the tremendous showing of blacks and blues are beyond comparison the best ever offered in Omaha. All wool quality, always absolutely guaranteed. 126 Odd Suits, all Hart, Schaffner & Marx; many of them worth $30.00 to close quick Saturday at It will pay you to see these early Saturday. Manufacturer's Surplus Stock Purchase of Men's High Class Suits Suits, made to sell at $15.00 to $16.50; on sale at $10.00 Suits, made to sell at $18.00 to $20.00; on sale at . $12.50 See our Boys' Suits special Saturday at. .$2.95 don't rrnj nnvnrmc cinoT it 111! IIHIUCU O Mild I pi uarx; manv $15 FORGET PAYS A I A M 1 r rV $" v a . r i i in ir 'CA 4 m 0$ STOETZEL S TOWE CO. 714 South Sixteenth Street We Sell on Small Monthly Payments or a Cut Price for Cash 1 .Syf, A . '. - ,1 V y H. , frr'Vr. ...... .....).--.'"?,ff 'V : ' :;'.'!""' ' ' 1 " i 'J ': .a-".-. . . t. V. i . , t ,ljflij:v!Mit;jt.'iJ-'i-.(J:...fc-rf!'!--l't-, Vr ' ' T SCHOOL SHOES THAT Fit and wear well all the time and look well all the while is our specialty girls' kid conn BUTTON vUU SMALL GIRLS' 4 PA I KID BUTTON. . . .$1)V H BcPB0X $2.00 SMALL BOYS' Q 7C Same Quality tJJ.lJ FRY SHOE CO. THE SUOERS 16th and Douglas Streets. A Real I Boy Our spring goods aro now in. They consist of the new improved 1910 patterns. Cold Storage, Mr. llurd's, the great refrigerator builder's latest in vention. The Refrigerator that was awarded highest premium at the St. Louis exposition. Detroit Ideal, the stove that gives you dollar gas. Tho gas range that is in a class by itself. Combination coal and gas stove In one. Takes the room of one. Queen, the steel range that made that big reputation. Solar Iron Range, the range that bakes so nice and lasts twenty-five years. Coal oil cook stoves that are a success. Latest improved gasoline stoves. Gas savers that do save the gas. Select cook stoves that have indestructible fire backs. All on Small Monthly Payments, or a Cut Trice for Cash Don't forget that wo sell the best of every tiling. Send a Name To cbmoller & Muelfer try for the $1,145 In prizeB. No entry fee. Sim ply mall or bring your name now. Send One Name It may be the bst name submitted I If so it secures for you a $400 Schmoller & Mueller Piano. Bee W ant Ads Produce Results I m-- FOOD CENT Bit. ' fj Saturday's Specials in Grocery Department S-lb. tins Snlrter's Tomato Soup ..ISO i-!b. can Wawpln'a Sweet Wrinkle eaa, solid pack, very rine una viry cheap, per do 91.00 1- lb. tins Climax Soups, assorted 6c Helnp.e'a Onions. Chow Chow and Plcklen. In bottles .....100 J-ll. tins Imported Sardines, extra quality, at llo Large Cuke Imported Castile Soap 7o 2- lb cans Stewed and Strained To matoes, for soup lOo S-lb. pkg. E. C. Corn Flakes ....86o Fancy Peeled Peaches, per lb. ...H5o Jap Rica, per lb 4Ho Peanuts, per quart 6o Meal, white or yellow, per pack ..15c Lotus Flour, per sack (1.60 4-lb. suck Wheatol, the new break last food 25o 25c can Cutlcllue, for hands and bath, now at 15o BUTTER, EGOS AND CHE E SB DEPARTMENT Lotus Butter, In cartons, per lb. 34o Best Country Butter, In sanitary jars, now at 33 Kkkh. per dozen 33o Cottage Cheese, per pkg 10o Blue Label Cheese, per pkg lOo Waukeshuw Cheese, per pkff. ..36c Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb. ..86o Korlln's Plmentoe Cheese, per lb. 10c Our own make Peanut Butter, fresh dally. In hulk, at 20o Jars, each, at 10c, B5o and 60o FRUITS AKO VEGETABLES 2 large bunches Kadlshes 5o Carrots. Turnips, Beets, bunch ....6o New Onions, 8 bunches So Fresh Mushrooms, Wax and String Beans. Romalne, Endive, Cauliflower, Spinach, Chirkory. Asparagus. Cu cumbers. Tomatoes, Water Cress, Celery, Egg Plant, Fresh Mint ami Spaolal 50 boxes large navel Oranges verv fine, per dozen ........ 3Bo On Oranja Spoon Gratis. SPECIAL IK BAXERY DEPART MENT. For Saturiluy In our bakery de nartmnt we will have for special le Caramel Nut Roll This is one of the most popular cakes sold. Is made of rich sheet cake rolled with caramel custard and iced with a de licious caramel icing, with Kngllsli walnuts on top. Caramel Nut Roll sells regularlv for 25c Saturday only 15o Our special designs in cakes for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and special days and occasions will attract attention anywhere, as they are gotten up with care us to sug gestion and beauty. Table decorations from special de signs, appropriate and suitable to each and every occasion. We have a large line of fancy paper cases, dollti'S, laces, etc. ' OANDT DEPARTMENT Saturday we have assorted Cream Wafers, per lb 35o In Assorted Flavors and Colors. Peppermint. Wlntergreon. Clove, Cin namon and Pistchlo flavors; sell regularly for 40c, Saturday only 35c Packed in l-ll). boxes. WINE DEPARTMENT $1.00 bottle Callfornlu Muscatel, very old, at SOo $1.00 bottle California Malaga, very old. at 50o 7uc bottle California White i'ort, very old, at 36o Old Continental, bottled in bond full quarts, at 91.35 Old Taylor, bottled in bond full qts., now at (1.3S Old Crow, bottled in bond full ots., now at $1.85 Paul Jones, bottled In bond full. qts.. now at $1.00 Guckenhelmer, bottled in bond full quarts, at $1.00 Golden Sheaf, bottlod in bond full quarts, at 81.00 Montlcello I special reserve) Pure Maryland Rye, at $1.60 Old Wilson, at 80o Courtney's Lotus Hraml, 8 years old, a pure, straight Kentucky Whlsskey for medicinal purposes, full ots., now at $1.00 Single and Multiple 'andelnhrfl. Candles pf all sizes and colors. I I I That is a boy full of ginger and "go," should have the best of shoes. No other kind will stand the thumping and kicking he'll give them. We want parents to exam ine our HOYS' "KTKF.L SHOD" SHOKS Xole the quarlty of stock and the way they are put , together. Hoys' sizes -Ma to .- . Youths' Sizes 1 to 2 $2.50 $2.25 Little ents' Sizes lo tovj;ii $2.00 It takes two pair of ordin ary boys' shoes to outwear one pair of these. Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. QUALITY Is the first consideration with us. We want our customers to have only choice, juicy, tender meats that's why we are so particular in buying and it don't cost the customer any more to buy this kind of meat than the common kind. We save you money by selling for cash we do no credit business whatever, and no 'expense for delivering. Our Own Dressed Chickens Not the kind that Is water soaked as every chicken we sell is dressed by us and then kept In dry cold air. These kind of chickens retain their pure natural flavor. Jos. Bath's Gash Market 1021 Parnam' St. TsL D. 6984 Candy Special For Saturday All this week Free Demonstration of PKTKK'S CHOCOLATES. Kree Sam ples Saturday. 40c Vanilla, Maple and Chocolate Xut Patties, per lb., 25. We always prepare an abundance of fresh home made CANDY for Satur days, so that they will always be fresh for Sunday's use. Our Candy Depart ment i3 growing every day. Quality and popular prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Go, I (llh tlnd I 'urn a i it Sis. 0 Reliable Dentistry AT Tafl's Dental Rooms SELLING OUT FINK ARTISTIC WALL PAPER -AT- IESS THAU COST 2008 FARNAM ST. PILES FISTULA TAT WII OXXKZD All Botal Dtsaasas cured without a urglcal operation and Or.aranUad to last a Iilfatlm. No chloroform, athtr or other general anaesthetic used. Zsamlnatola fra. Writ Tor Tf Book. DR. E. R. TARRY One-Half Price Sale Saturday nildrcth's Velvet Taffy We have Just received a 25 case shipment of Hildreth'a Molasses Candy, or "monkey candy" that we shall close out Saturday at half price, as we do not handle this article in warm weather. -lb. pkg., for r -Ib. pkg., for M 1-lb. pkg.. for 13 ALL FUtKII WMMW Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co, Coiner 10(h anil IHxIge Sts. Owl Drug Co. Corner Itllh and Harney bU. r