Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18

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(Continued )
M)l R S-r'nm rottsses nn laid cot tier
I. 'i I'-ntine for IT., per inn I'M'. t'.'iM.
Tin N. V. I. Hldg. r;iili plmnes.
Severn! New Modern Cottages
We have. imir construction t dandy
'Ke-mom cottage end a spleii lid lui'idii
which will hi finished In annul t.iivt dava.
These III surely plese you. Kvc r tiling
fii st-riasa. both innde and mil. We I Imilt
end riieelv at ranged Prli 's f-'.T'iO ami
I .:"A Tet iris, reasonable. Co d sised lots,
con enier.t lo S'lMmsti Ave. car. Kcellont
i.cici,i,,t IiimjiI. When 'in l)n' a li one 'trl
nonMhmg tint will prove h never-ending
Homer nf satisfm-timi; thats what trieee
Milages represent. I'1! us show tl.em to
vmi rirnt awav. The first buyer get them.
So. I'lth ft Hotli X'hc'ii.f .
I 1 1 A 'Tl "A I.I.Y new 7-room ho'i-e In
li n.xiii, pn cmh, balance monthl Owner,
Tel. ben. ion tM.
One and one half serfs, unimproved
south fron'. high and sightly lucauuii, li
cash, Js itiun'hly.
Third Moor. Ware Block.
South front lot on Lucas St.,
near Uurnham, 50x128 feet; for
Kile on easy payments $5.00
down and $5.00 a uioutu.
Price $190.00.
Bee Office
Tel. Harney C070 after C P. M.
hast slope, high ground, firm view. large
lots, wlinln 2 block of street car, only j'J0 lie cash, 110 a month. Have some .1
M" kx from car for 11.6 each, $j cash, ..
a monlli.
ISM Harney t.
K)K HA Ufa! New modern tip-lu-date 7
rooui huu.'r. best you ever saw lor the
rrionej , t.'.rVotl; Silo cash and i. a month.
V. H. liornan, S.'o Bimrd of Trade
FA IIU A.U ltA.. t.AM, KUIl 1AI.K
74,000 acres of IrngaLed land; 21.0m) acres
aolu eitice iabi Aim en oV.'iu an acre witn
a perpetual aier ntnt. easy term, io
i aukanued io Ou an aero May i. The
loom auiavuve .ri.gaieu piujtti. vr ue
vuioped. ia local .n lha aau L,ui valiuy
vt coioruuo.
CUanui IKliH'.ATKU LA.Np CO.,
Isu. Ion tuau,pa sui, ijeuvsr, C010.
o.H'.U'KI'; mouiitkln ranch; luu acres lr
rigattd; ten-room iicum;, not ana cui.l
waiei; liaily 111 Jo, ivieuoiie, laigc mien
lei.fce for atock, iowaid 1. ituseil.
I'oi 1 I oiiius, volu.
iiu a., well unproved, 011 Moflat roud, 1 4
111. Irom 1: u.; lu a. In limoniy, aurne native
i'i; iiAl a. timber; flue paaiurv; would han
dle lou nead mock, udjuuicuied water ritfiii: bunuings; 1 rn. vt trout atreani
iiuouKii ittucii; good resort location; tullv
yuipped with implement, loola. etc.; tele
piiune, five heau atocK. Price, lor ail,
u.jiA', part caoii, uaiauce eaa verms, iioiv
... A aUv l ltabtl, Colo.
i"OH SALK- J'ru.i lands at farm prices in
Arkansaa alle. Peiweeu Canon city and
Puauiu, Colo., Hum ..iAi 10 t-z per acre. A
tbriutie to be luaue 111 buying lartf tracts
and retailing, orchards in canon City, at
i ne iruiance ot itoyai oorse, are valued
L t2cD to I1.5&) per acre. Come out and Oa
convuictd. cam Urown, Jr., & rfou., 34
central ,Block, Pueblo. C'oiu., or bU Main
hi.. Canon city, c'olo.
AN Ut W.640 aciea ot oud land, mostly
muotn anu .uiiiiii, (me uu, tu be kuid In
one ooiiy. la to tu inne tum ut l.onvcr oil
toe Cnion Pacific M. il. ouJi ot vvaikliu
beiineit anu auausDui. idia tract llci
closw 19 auoi lovviik. Tlw lain) ,a all
lenced anu many limes cross-fenced, other
1n.p1 uveiuenia; ilouaes, nam, kiieus. cor
lain, privatu telephone, eic. (Juod alfalia
and h-y land; aio t,pnn and u.livr waiei
lla. Exile, ood piopotuiou lur suu
o..dlng or colonizing. No auents need ay.
piy. buy direct truui owner, NOAH CaJv.v,
Giet-arua fiuce, xJenvei. Ccuo.
KOR SAl.K-Klne auniiner resort hotel,
with barroom; excellent oportunity for a
hustler, aiho new, spacloua dancing pavil
ion attacned; largo water Homage and
beautiful oak grove with plenty of land
ui rounding the whdle place; beat business
piopoaition ever offered; price very low
Jos. S. Haas, Waticonda, III.
FOK SAL.E-S40 acres in Lee County
1- loi Ida, citrus fruit land for slock of gen
eral merchandise. Write John Duncan
Uaieaburg, ill. '
FOIt 6AL.K laing Lake, 111. lota In Wil
son's subdivision, iOxiS ft.; 100 and up;
ky terms; northwest end of lake: plenty
of shade nous, convenient to C. M. & St.
1 aul X. it. Owner ou grounds every day
Alls. H. A. Wilson, lngleslde. 111.
l'OP. SA LK SD-acre farm, with good Im
provements; good location; near fine sum
mer resort lown, with good lake; good
dining; a bargain; 5!u per acre.
Kor sale Y-roum liousa on ihe shore of
Hanss Lake: US feet water frontage; nicely
located for summer residence, Sl.Tii". Jos
h. Haas, Wauconda, 111.
FOIt fALEv-Faim of 171 acres In iouih
eru Michigan; two sets of splendid build
li K; good land. about Hu acres
miner cultivation; balance pasture land
and timber lands, beautiful groves
of timber. The farm borders on two
beautiful lakes: this would piake an ides I
summer home for Chicago people; can give
immeuiate possession ot one set of build
ings; nice house of seven rooms; two
small bank barns, and nice orchard. Will
sell for the vary low price of ItJ.ooO. li M
Rest, Ind.
FOR SALE Improved stock, grain and
chicken farms; t-losa Chicago. C. H Mar
ine, Valparaiso, Ind.
1 ..
FOR FA LK irritated farms and ranches
sooth of Snake river and Kruneaii vallev
southern Idaho, from 4t) to k0 per acre'
fine fruit and alfalfa country; also ipl
formation for homestead and desert en
tries. Harry Watklns, Box 113. Mountain
Home. Idaho.
FOR SALE-1000 acres farm, timber
ana mineral lana in St. Louts county,
Minnesota; timber alone worth more than
the price, only $4 50 per acre; half cash
balance eaay payments. Writa Alfred
Johnson. Crtston. la.
FOR PALE 23.000 acres Kanaaa land at
$10 per acre; the best colonization proposi
tion in the Cnlted States, or to hold as an
investment; (.000 to lO.fxs) acres subirrlgated
alfalfa land can be retailed at $J0 per acre
in one year; no trades. Address R. t.
Spurgeon. Oiathe. Kan.
, .
h OH PALE -Choice quarters In alfalfa In
the famoua "Shallow Water Vallev" of N
Finney Co.. Han., for sale In number to
suit purchaser. For Information and prices
address H. C. Hopper, Harden City, Kan.
FOR RALE Genuine Kansas bargains:
N-1 1S-10-.17. Sherman county. $6 6') acre;
also KWI4 M-1S7. Cheyenne county. $tj ucre!
Perfect titles. R. Bettesworth, Cedar Rap
Ids, la.
1S4 ACRES on Deer lake. Itasca rounty.
Minnesota, fin growth hardwood timber;
beautiful lake frontage; $10 per acre. Fred
M Chaffee, owner. Faribault, Minn.
roil SALE or exchange, a good farm of
12 acres near Clinton. Mo. ; good Im
provements; tn exchange for city properly
or will sell for rash. Both pboies. A. A.
timers, Havelock, Nssar
SI I nor I C on tinned.
p f. a c it uiioiiaud
We lire ottering for sal a limited number
of ".fl-acre peach orchards of bearing aire
In the famous knsnkonong Peach District
.if Missouri. These orchards are located In
the very heart of the Koehko'.inng peach
belt. l' Til i ' e s fiom trie railroad station.
Kach ten acres contains about l.WiO Kl
beiia Teach Trees of full bearing age. Tha
trees are now In oud and If g.ven proper
care and cultivation will yield a heavy crop
tlil season. We are offering; these orchard
tract at a very low price and on easy
(this. Write for free illustrated literature,, terms, etc. Midland Karin and Dand
Co., IHfJ Fleming Bldg.. ilea Moines, la.
, FOR SA l.K-l.and and Improved farms
Beat southeast MlKSuuii Ini'd end
farm, forty to Sj acres; from I'.d to 845
j per ai re; easy terms. Write and tell us
what yui want. Ve can suit you. Booklet
fir--. F. 'Irani ftealiy t o. Nuelvville. Mo
I Ki")n het liaijfo'n in ioii proncrl -. i
I f'-iii liiiuls and ranc ln-s In t lit- faniutia
1 Mii!elshei vullf' mid ! K. L'. t'ph'..:-
' ,;on, liarlntvton, Mont.
i ualaia Mont.. i,Hnu-i.aca i.anci
! have sev eral well Improved ranchea for sal
I iderded iatid), fenced, hniisea. barns, partly I
irr itated, raising- tne rinasl kind or alfaira,
corn, all kinds of gram and vegetables;
rlirher on part of farms; a lieamiful rivet
runniiiK ihrough the land, a plendld place
for small game and fishing; it Is Ideal farm
land, in mii iueal climate, in the finest state
I In tli'i I'nloti. Land u; any size tract yon
I want, rrices irom 9111 10 per acre, unoa
rclinqulslimenta for fale, close to K)wn." Loia
for sale at priced that will be doubled In a
very alien while, and In a town the grow
ing of whb h is pncnomenal. Still some
Rood homesteads left within ten inilea of
town. Wr te me for particulars. The T. l.
ill ntus Heal Jisialc Co.. tiaiata. Mont.
ew VIrmlco.
I I.ANIiS for fale In the rich Membres
j valley, baigal'1'5 in rieedrd lands, relnuiuisn
hotliestMri nnd Heviirr elnlrTis: Alsn entile
and ranches for sale. It won't pay you
to locate elsewhere until ion investigate
wJiar wo have. Write for booklet. II will
Inteirst you. Addra: I'emlnx Heal Kjiate
t'oiiiiiilssiou .V Purchasing Co., Doming,
.V M
FA nil HAP.r.AIN.
Must be eo!d on account of owner'
health; well improved .''i'0-acre farm 7
miles from to'vn; price, fa per acre; eaay
terme. J. T. I'aiupoeil. Kitch field. Neb.
J6 IT.P At'RK.
We ur.n and control 2iI.uim acres of Chey
enne couiitv'. Nebrv.eka's choicest farm
land, now on the market. The heaviest
11 op-yleldliiK county In Nebraska for ten
vrars; alfalfi also a leading crop. Aslt for
folders and fuM particulars. Agents wanted
everywhere. Write for our proposition at
once. Railroad farrs refunded If things not
as represented. Kundlngsland & Severson,
Sidney, Neb.
1-OFl SAL.I-; or '.xcliauge, a half section
four miles south of Stuart. Neb.; 1 10 per
acre; fcuod land; will exunange for city
property. A bargain. P.otli Phones. A. A.
Hyerw, Havelock,. Neb.
LAND buyeis will busy themselves If
tl.ty mil only ask l.eanoer Clrk of Kear
ney. Nt-u., lur tarnia he has for aalc.
FOIt SAL.K Quarter-section of good un
impioved land, 14 miles west of Alliance,
on main road. Owner, Virgil SmIUi, Alli
ance, Neb.
Farm and town property where railroad
right-of-way 1 bought through. Kinkald
homesteads. Luy land to come under gov
ernment canal. Don't wait. Addresa P. O.
Box No. lot, tiering, Neb.
300 acres good pasture, good running
water and good shade. Klrat farm west
of r lorence, north side of C. St. P. M. tt O.
rail a ay.
'Phone Florence 410.
, Oregon,
MAKE yourself independent. An Oregon
apple orchard tract of 6 or 10 acres will do
li. We sell exceptionally fine apple land
planted to standard commercial apple trees
for 1)0 per acre. One-fifth down, balance
'i per cent a month until paid. This land
has a deep loim soil. In rain belt, needing
no irrigation. On It. R., school, church,
stores, ftee mall delivery and ail conveni
ences. Wrtle for booklet, facts, location,
eli;. Oregon Apple Orchards Co., Port
land, Ore.
OKLAHOMA map. circulars and price
list on farms, sent on request.
Ira Stout, Cushing, Old.
We have 100.000 acres of choice land to
select from, ranging In price from 15 to
M0 per acre. This land Is In the oil and
gas district and you might get an oil well
with your land.
iiuite &4 New York Life illdg.
FOR Information and literature on farra
land and irrigated fruit lands Idaho, Ore
gon and Washington call on us, or writa
Ufc-332 Neville bloak. Omaha. Neb. fcher
tvood Immigra.loi. Co.; J. W. Young, local
POULTRY. Hairy or Fruit Ranches. We
have anything; 111 ilm line of ranches, Im
proved or unimproved, from fin) per acre
tip. on easy terms, on fine road, close In,
Hue water, on It. F. I)., route. Phone ser
vice; fine aoil and levei, good market, can
furnish buyer with work. James A. o'Neil,
Marysville, Wush.
FOR SALE Historic Virginia estate. 710
acres fertile land: abundant water, timber
boundary; "oloinal brick dwelling; modern
equipment; glorious view; perfect environ
uieiu; elation near; University of Virginia
G miles. Price JjS.000. Illustrated circular.
Free register describing 20u select proper
ties. 11. W. Ilillcary At Co., Charlottesville,
oath Oaavata.
FOR SALE South Dakota lands. $15 to
$10 rer acre, near lown. For booklet; map
and prices on the moM, besi and cheapest
address L. L. Hag man. Pukwana, Brule
county, p. D.
SOl'TH DAKOTA LAND The ruah Is on
for Stanley county land; seevral new lines
of railroad now building in this county.
Buy now and double your money In the
next two yeara. Choice landa selling at
from $12 to $18 per acre. For maps and In
formation writa to Felland Realty Co., Ml
Palace B dg , Minneapolis, Minn.
FOR KALE by owner one of the best 14
section farms In Gregory Co., 8. adjoin
ing town, good buildings, isb acres under
cultivation. For turtlo-r lofni-
I dress Box 21. bt. Charles. S. D.
SEND for list of lands for sale by the
owner. Legal description given, ti H
Carroll. Miller, tj. D.
V exu,
FOR PALE Panhandle ateers and lands;
.ands tn tracts ranging from 160 acres to
75,000 acres; good colonization proposition;
good farm lands, $ cash, balance payable
one-half the grain crop early. C per cent.
Will accept cash payment at any time
Steers as follows: j otX) 4 and 5-year-oids
LaOO S. 2.4JO ;s. All d homed and high
grade. W. A. Logue Land Co., Armlllo.
MILLION' aciea lexas school land for
sale by the slate; $1 00 to U per acre; only
oiie-furtleth cash, 40 years on balance- 3
per cent interest; good agricultural laud'
some dont require residence; send W cents
for 19)0 Book of Instructions. New Kla'e
Law and description of lauds. J. J. t-Dder,
School Land Locator. 6ul Congress Ave.,
Austin. Tex. References, Austin Nat. bank'
17,712 ACRES, solid bodv, Cochran coun
ty, Texas. $10 per acre; $0.0uo casn. bal
ance long time; will accept trade up to
$7i.000. Dllliaid. Marshall Land Co.. Lub
bock. Tex.
FOR SALE If you want a good stock
farm in est Texas, nearly ),) acres, write
J XI. Harnll, Manor. Tex.
FOR KALE-Colnnliation prcmosUlorT
M000 acres in a solid body; eutover lands
sear Houston, Tex. Fine fruit, truck po
ato and roiton lands. Prlca $7 10 utr acre
Juno 8. Akin. Houston. Teg.
-t ontlnuerf.
ORAM! K and fig orchards pay Immense!
profits. These are tne bl money crops.
Full bearing fig and oi.ingn orci.ui d.l earn 1
annually .'.i0 to l.i0 an acre. Vim (an
participate In the big profits mado in 1 hx '
fig tmd nranec Industiy without leaving 1
your present occupation or locution I
Through the medium of the Acri-Bonds ,
Issued by the Oalvpaion-t loustun liner ur
ban IjiihI i'h. you cm become pari owner'
111 a co-operative fig and oiane utowlng 1
company owning 7.ts aciea of choice tig
and orang land. 'J he company l inimai
Ing and planting fives M mil gather 1
and market the crop li e Aci e-lionila
aie absolutely mfe, urti iu-r prrll.'s :
be large. The t'oinpan.v i co.uposd of tne.
leading r.uvlnei-s ir.c :i ar.d b:Miieii of!
T'xis. tlte' for liand.-onii' Htus- I
trated boolt explaining entire pmn. u s irea.
AiTtrlcan I.ohii &. .MottvaKe 'o .. In! Amir- !
lean Hank Hldg., Ilouaion, Tin. I
I'Ort SA 1 ,K-r.ancli on t'ol.irado and!
yomitig line, lonsists of !' i'M ncies of ,
grazing anil hay land, lunch : coa j
mocKta with caille hiiU, v III sell
rancn with or within. 1 sio,-:.. Kor tur-j
thrr particulars apply to Harry l'Klliam, !
I jeim.
Jelm. yo. I
UA Ai'i;i:s lrripiited land, joins- k"ii
new town on mam line of I 11. on I'ncifif;
20 inlles ftimi State ; 1 nl . ersit ; ptrpMUHl
water rinht fullv paid; will carry 10.i0 In
payments at ti per im; ..ihi cash. H. C
B.. ii8 Paxton hotel.
5. 6 and 7-room houses. It prices ai right
we can sell your property tor you.
Huite WJ4 N. V. l-il t!!-ig.
1NO SIX. PF.U Cli.'f. 'IHHV A it E SAFE
S. K. Cor. lilh and Karnain.
Omaha. Neb.
WANTED City loans and warrant. XV.
Farnam Smith & Co., 11'20 Farnam St.
LOAN8 to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pa) -ments
m First National Hank ftldg.
1200,000 on improved property. No delay.
I'iOO to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefa
Real Estate Co., 1003 N. T. Life. Douglas
or A -215;:.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
f7veper CENT MON E Y
to loan on
Omaha business property.
Room I. New York Life Bldg.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bidg., Hth and Farnam.
LOWEST RATES Bern Is. Brandels Bldp.
256-ACRE FARM, adjoining one of tha
beat towns In Nebraska, One large modern
house and two smaller ones; orchard,
grove; residences are all in corporate limit
of town. Barn, chicken house, hog house,
all with city water. Everything that can
be found cn the best improved farm. Will
take part income-bearing property. Price
$1)0,000. Nowata Land eV Ixit Co., Suite 624
N. V. Life Bidg. Red 1999.
Business In K,000 Nebraska town; price,
$3,000; will trade for OmaJia Improved or
acres near Omaha.
Eulto 624 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Red 1S99.
CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau
let style, but lltle used, made by Cunning
ham and sold new for $1,000. This carriage
is now worth SbtX) In cash, but we would
exchange it for horses or for vacant prop
erty or for western land. Johnson, Dun
forth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sta.
You Want a Farm
the other fellow wants city property or
stock of goods. We want tne commission.
Send us full description In first letter aad
urn will get you a trade.
Suite 624 N. T. Life Bldg. Red ISM.
THE owner of an Iowa farm lives in
Omaha and wants to sell the farm. There
are 120 acres. 2, 3'j and & miles from three
good towns; R. F. I), and phone, j mile to
scnooi; spienaia lana; good b-r. House, witn
cellar and well; barn for 8 horses; granary, j
oorncribs. pens, corrals; timothy and blue- 1
grass paature; good orchard and small j
fruit; price for quick sale; $125 per ncre. ;
iana an around going at $136 to $iho.
Owner will take rental property or good
house as part payment. Addresa L Z,4. care
nP!T5CJTrS' Bulls, Tuxedos, full dresa
llVJOOJik BuUSi anjjnuy used, bought
and sold. Feldman. it I7tu bt. Doug-
laa 31, A ZiM.
HARRY MARTIN, R. 19. U. S. Bank Bldg.
SKILLED labor commands high wages
and good craftsmanship Justifies it. see
J. A. KER VAN, 5O8-510 Brandels Bldg.
Kuits to order.
bioux City and Omaha. Still atlcklug 10
Sioux Cliy, where other Omanans uavs
tailed, bee m i-t 10s ti. Ilka ut.. opposite
BEST PRICES paid for second-hand fur
niture, carpets, stoves, clotnes. h es. Pnone
Douglas toil.
BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni
ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Phone.
Douglas &971.
1 BUY, sell and exchange second-hand
goods. Hoi Rosenberg, 103 S. Hth. Doug. 5!t5.
SECOND-HAND clothing, tarty, afternoon
dre-ses John Feldman, D. 31.'or Ind. A-33rl.
GOOD PRICE for second-hand clothes,
shoes and furniture. SELNER. Doug. 6401.
JUST starting business; second-hand fur
niture, stoves, etc; highest prices. Douglas
liuO. A-4253. Call Liebeu. U17 Dodge 6t.
A STRONG cspable man and wife want
work on a farm, tiepor, 634 N. iith ot.
South Omaha.
We Are Getting Numerous Calls
For Houses of All Sutea. List With L's.
62 N. Y. Ufe Bldg Phone Red am.
TWO young men want room and board In
private 'family. Sepa-ate rooms. Conven
ient 10 bath. State terms und particulars
In first letter. F-3D Hee.
WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly
mention The Bee.
master. Fort iavenworth. Kansas, April
7. 110 Sealed proposals, in tr, plicate, will
be received here until 11 a. 111.. Central tinie.
May t, 1S10. and then opened for furnishing
and delivering in good condition F. o. B.
Cars. Fort Leavenworth. Kansas,- Railway
Puppllea cons "ting of Rails. Angle liars,
Tiea. Etc.. and a Track eVale. Full Infor
mation and blank forms of proposals fur
ntaned upon application. Cnlied Stales
serves the right to adopt or relect any or
all proposals. Envelopes lo be Indorsed
'Proiioeala for Railway Suppliea" and ad
dressed to Captain Wm D. Davis. Quarter
master. Favrt Laavaow vrth. Kansas.
AS HO-ll -2S-
OKFirn ('(iVrRI'lTlMl yVAKTKH
master. I'oi t l,eaenworth Kansns,
M 111 h 12. 1!ii - Sealed proposals. In tripli
cate, will be received, here until 11 m.
Central time. April IK. 1!!. and then
opened In the presence of attending bidders
for the construction of a guard house at
I'ort I,en verm orih. Kansas. liirliidUnf
pici.ibinir. beating and electric w!v:ng and
electric fixtures, l'lans mid speoif nations
may ho ien at th's office and offices of
1 'nlef tj u.-ii terniiiatci s. St. Paul and Oniiiha.
Huilderi' Kxchant-c. St Paul. Matei Hnlld
ers KxoIihukc and I". S. yuarmaster's office,
Scartlu HuildlnfT. Knas City. Missouri,
l ull Information and blnnk forms of pro
posals fiircii-liecl upon application lo till
office. I nitfd stales, reserves the light lo
accepL in- rr.lect nry or all tildic Knvrlopes
coTitainiriit pnposis should be inarKed,
"Proimsjls for iluaid House at I 01 1
l.ea enw orlli, KnnHs." and adil'.-sed to
Captain Win. 1 1. Havnl. yinirlerninstor. I'
X. Army, Conatrurt inir ijuai t"i , mister,
I' ort rnn ortli. Isantia"
.SIMM 1, ;
h i i'Ii .
lliluon. Ne
J o'ciiick p.
1,1 1 i M i 1 1 11 K 1 J
1 na v too 1 If. oi.i.icll of
.-ka. will rtccive Inns utiiil
, 1 ue-iln .', .V pril lie l;'l'i lo'
I iliowint: lnHids nnd ecii 'l-
lilt- S.ill' Ot til
t .es, issiii d a'id 10 lie is'-m-'l iy s.ii,i cuv ;
$i''.i'ioii (m vvat.r exiensior ootids, dmed N"
veinlier lad. 1ki, healing 6 tier cent irner-M,
i'.'ivnbie heiiii-nnnually. in ilenoniination ol
I. (n each, due In :'i) years, but 1 eoeeiiuilili'
ai any tune after five years J4.r.i) sevvvr
s;-. m:. in lioniis lor iitvvei' diaiiiiige, daicd
Novenibfi' Isi, Jisr.i, t" hi inn ,1 per oci.l 111
tei'sl, pav'nble scini-aiinually, In denomina
tions of 1110.00 each, due In lo years. Inn
redeemable at anv lime after five veils.
$10,010 electric light bonds, dated April 1st.
Il'in. heai lna 2 per cent iniercst, pa v able
seinl-annually. In il 'tiomltiRtions ot jJ0.0i
each, duo in ID vearv. Inn redeemable ni
liny time after five years, I '.tils will lie
received for any portion or nil of (he
bonds,, according 10 denominations as herein
specitied. t'tty rfMetves the rilit to re., ct
any ami all bids. Dated this L'ltli dav of
.Marcn. l"m. D. P. Hl.sS, Citv clerk. C.
M SMITH, Mayor. Api'7 D',l
ticai cstuie Iransters lor April J. i.'lti,
fin lushed by the Midland iuaratilce ev
I rum company, bonded abstracters, 1714
Farnam St.. Tel. Doug. 2SI.5:
The I niled Real Estate & Trust com
pany to S. '. Cornish, part e'j of
se' of sec S-15-i:l $I0.;jO0
Thomas Havls Real Estate company
to same, part of sw'4 of iiw',4 or svc.
2-15-13 2.0O0
Edward Gilleti to S. Meyersou and
wife, lot ti. block 3. Ma honey r
Mmahan's !""0
The National Land cnmpHiiy to 11. E.
Wallace, lots 2. IS, 4 and n. sub. of lot
14 Bonfleld 2
.1. E. Rogers lo A. 1. Creigh, lot 20.
block 1, Moes, sub 200
William F. AlcFarland. ct. al., to
Marie Vance, lot 14, block 14. Lincoln
Heights : 2'A)
Some to Maurice B. Opeirez, lot I'i,
block 14, Lincoln Heights 20')
.Same, to Jennie O. Opegex, lot IT,
block 14. Lincoln Heights
A. C. McElhlnney to Sadie C. Ben
nett, lot 1. block 17. Koiintre Place... 1,500
Same to Minnie A. McElhlnney, lot 2.
block 17. Koimtse Place....' 0.0(0
Patrick Hoctor and wife to John
Vucek, part of sw'4 of se' of sec.
H-14-13 1.100
Same to John J. VaceU, part of
same sno
H. E. Moore and wife to William
Heyden. lot j. Catalpa's iserond ad
dition 4'J
Same to same, lot 13, block 3, A. S.
Patrick's addition 4"n
Maty P. Mathews to Znra E. Mat
thews, lot 8. block IS, South Omaha. 1
Jacob Kettleman and wife to Steeu
' Hassdbalch, part of lot 4. John
son's 4.700
Andre Rzonca and wife. et. al.. to
Adam S. Wesneske. 11. 124 ft. of s. 271
ft of lot 22, block 4, Haycall s sub... 1.S00
Frank .1 India and wife to Stephen
Kajovc and wife, lot 9. Mnlonev's
addition lo South Omaha 1,200
William A. Smith and wife to Mil
dred .1. Harron, lot 2:1. block 1. Glen
coe Place 2
John S. Bustard and wife to John J.
Marahalek, . lot 2. block 3. Al
bright's choice 1,79110
David Miller and wife to Gerald M.
Drew. n. 60 ft. of lot 9, Grlffen and
lsauc's 6
George W. Henry and wife to The At
las Oil company of Cleveland, lots
3 and 4. block 9. McCaRiie's ad
dition 3.000
Charles F. Maiideraon and wife to
Gottfried Weatpiialen, 101s 0 and 7,
Dean Place 3.5rK)
E. M. Stiahan. et. al.. to Reed Bros.,
lot 21, block 3. Creighion Heights... 2
H. P. Peterson and wife to Edward
R. Curry, lot 11. St. Claire addition. 700
11. M. Tindall and husband 10 A.
Johnson, lot 13. block 4, Sulphur
Springs 1.4C0
Rt. Rev Richard Scannell. bishop
of Omaha, to William N.dawincs.
lot 10. block 3. St. Mary s 300
Thomas R. Porter to F. L. Brengle,
lot 12, block 32. Kotintze Place 4.250
F. L. Brengle and husband to Thomas
R. Porter, part of sec. 5-15-13 1
The State National hank of Cleve
land to Luther O. Warner, lots IIS
and llfi. Lenox 320
Peter .lessen. Jr., and wife to Harry
A. Mann. sub. lot 7 of lot 3 of
tax lot 55 of nw'.t of aw' of sec.
10-15-13 1,800
J. XV. Hell and husband to E. C. Hood
lots 13 and 14, block 3. Aiathew's
sub 9110
W. Gernandt and wife to John Kurtz,
s. 50 ft. of lot J5. block 15 1,600
George O. Monroe and wife to B. M.
McDowell, part of sec. 29-16-1.1 3,500
John Lamburo and wife to A. Bazus,
lot 12. block 2. St. Mary's TOO
TL Larson to Henrv Jacobsen. e. M)
ft, of lot 8. block 13, E. V. Smith's. 1
Hilda Larson, administratrix, to
Henry Jacobsen, same 744
UNIOIV SIATION Traih and llaava.
Union Pad fie r,cav Artlva
fan Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 15a. m. JLSOp. m,
Chi. A Jsp. F st Mall. 4:10 p. m. 1:45 p. m.
AUantio Express r,:45a. in.
Oregon Express 4 0 p. m. I:0 p. trt,
Oregon-Wash. Ltd 12:40 p.m. 1:40 p.m.
Denver Special :47 a. m. U:80 a. ro
Colorado Special 11:48 p.m. T:4I a. m,
Colorado Express 3:50 p. rr. :00 p.m.
North Plate Local 8:15a. ro 4:45p.m.
Grand Island Local.... 6:29 p. m. 10:30a. m.
Lincoln-Beat. Local. ..12:41 p. ra. :30p.m.
Val. V Cen. City Lcl ..18 41 p. nx, 1:20 p.m.
Calcago. Ilock IslaaA Paolfle
Rocky Mountain Lt&....a j:40 am
Iowa Local
Chicago Day Express.. a :58 am
Des Moines Loca a 4:00 pm
Iowa Local 010:85 am
Chicago-Eastern Exp. ..a 4:40 pm
Chlcago-Nebrasaa Ltd. a :0s pm
Chicago-Nebraska LtC
for Lincoln a t:K am
Coiia and Ca). Exp a 1:26 pm
Okla. and Texas Exp. ..a 3:3'' pni
Kocay Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm
Illinois Central
izes ve.
Chicago Express a 7:00 am
Clilca.go Limited a t:0O pm
Minn. -lit. Paul Exp....b 7:K) am
Mlnn.-bt. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm
Onaha-FL Dodge Loco 4: la pra
Chicago as ortsT-atrn
Omaha Express a 7:00 am
Chicago Local al!i:05 pm
Colorado-Chicago a :'0 pm
Chicago (Special a :0 pm
Pacific Coast-Chicago.. .a o prn
Los Angeles Limited. ...a lo pm
Overland Limited all :4a pm
Denver fepeoiai eU:4i) aui
Carroll Ixicai 4:J pra
Fast Mall
Twin City Express a 7.50 am
Pioux City Local a 3:4 pm
Ulna. A Dakota Exp ..a 7:00 pm
Twin City Limited a :W pm
Ltr.coln-Chadrcn a 7:50 am
Norfolk-Bonsteil a :M am
al0:80 pm
a 4:30 pm
aVt :V pni
b 8:U pm
a l:li pra
a :ti3 am
a 5:47 p;a
a 4:0 pra
a 1:50 pm
a t :li ta I
a 1 44 pm
a 7:4a ara
a 7:4& am
bU.M am
alZ:3S ant
a 1:14 pra
a 1:28 pm
a 1:ba aia
a 8:28 pm
al2:20 pia
a 7:4a am
a t:U am
a l:6j am
a 8:8 pui
a)0:20 pm
a 3:28 p-a
a l:li aca
a 1:M Acs
all 00 am
10:46 pni
c & JO pra
b i to pm
a 8:20 pra
ail:(i Aia
4 1 :7ia pia
Long Plne-!o. ;aiie... i vm
Hastings-superior ....
Deadwood-Hol fcpus. ..
.b 8:13 pm
,.a 3. Mr pru
.a te pm
,.U .! I'll
) rtmusi-Aiuiuu .......
Mlaaaarl Taenia
K. C. and St- L. E-.
.a 40 am a (:3 ant
K O. and at. l s-
lv Bat- 11 p. ra all:lS pm
4 BU-ae, lll'a"M
a t 30 pm
ml .
a $: aia
a so aia
11 Jt pin
a J-il pm
fciLVb pm
Overland f.lmlteo all:4i do
Omaha Chicago Exp.... am
- ,.,.eisl a 7 tl am
Coi.-CUtforala KP f,'"
Perry-omana un-n
Cbteasa Great 'Western
Chicago Umlt4... a, l ot pm
Twin City Limited a : put
Chicago Express ,',U"."-
Twu City a.V'e
a I u am
a a 4 put
IK tm
reatf noeal
Omaiia-tiL luU Exp. .a t.lo pra a ( B ara
Mall and Expreae t Mil tra aU.U ji
bianberry laii al (from
Council Bluffs) b S 00 pin blO L6 am
nnrllnartoa Lanve.
Denver and rallfornla..a 4:10 pm
Puget Found F,xpress...a 4:10 pir,
Nebraska points a S Wain
plack HI'ls a 4:10 p.n
Northwest Express all:?pm
Nebraska points ..s 1.20 am
Lincoln Mall b l.Hi put
Nebraska Express ..a s.ieatn
Lincoln lcal'.n Local a 7:75 pm
ftchuyler-Plattamouth ,.b 3. 06 pin
pintisinouth-lnw a a 9. IS am
Rellevue-Plattamoutli ..al2:.10 pm
Colorado Limllrd all:25ptn
ciilpngo fpeclal a .' l.iam
Chicago F-ipres a4:2dpin
t hlcag.i Fast Express. . .a r..;;0 pin
lov a Local aM:1uam
C-eston-low a Local a i::i0 pm
Si. Louis lCprNS 4 W) pin
K. C. ar.d St. Joseph. . ..aid: 4i pin
K. C. and Kt. Joseph l:l)lm
K. C. & St. Joseph 4::mpm
a l:4o prn
a :K. pni
a A: 10 pro
a 4.J0 pm
7.00 am
a 10 pm
al3 15 pro
a :lo pm
b :n am
7:59 pm
a :60 am
a l':4 pm
a 7. ).im
a 11:00 pm
a S'-Vt pni
a X 00 a in
M:4r. am
a am
a pa
WFBSTKIl ITA'HUa rirteenth aa
Xllsaoarl Taelflc Leave. Arrlv.
Auburn Local b 3 60 pm bl?:10pra
Iklrsso, (. Paal, lllaarapulla M
Rloux City Express b 1:00 pm bll:4Saro
Omaha Local od:prn
r'loux City Passenger b:'0pia
Twin City Passenger b6:30im
Sioux City Local e I . aiu
all Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, ate.)
Hlurher. Apr. 21, A. V 'Pie. Crunt May 4
pres. Lincoln. . . Aor. 2.1 'Pennsylvania ...May 11
i tm innmt . ir. Ji gitraf W4li1enue..Mav II
$Auierlka Apr. JO JUaii'n Aug. Vic. May 21
tltlu-i lion a larui-13 Keaiaurant.
(llrr.biirx dlreri. Nw
Rlta-Carlttin a la Tart KttrnL
Hiimhurs diiss-i, Nw.
Hamburg-American Line. 45 a way, W. T.
or local Agents
Six Memorable Days at Sea
New York to Hovr-Prl
Compagnie Gener&le
' Twin Screw Express Steamers typlfylnr In
every appointment the height of ocean luxury,
sailThursdaya.lO A.M. Trains direct to Pariaor
othercontlnental polnta. Every provision forcom
fort and safety wireless, submarine bell system.
La Provence, April 14 I.a Savole. Mnv 12
Ln Touralne, April 21 La Provence, May 19
La Lorraine, May 5 La Touralne, May 26
Additional sailings at 2d cabin prices al
ternate Saturday by popular one class
steamers $45 10 fi2.50.
J. B. BEYROLBS, 1609 Farnam St.
W. B. DOCK, Agt. C, M. It Bt. P. By.
H. C. BHTKLD3, 1601 Farnam St.
X.OUZS HEEEE, First national Bank.
10,000 Tn TwtD-STrew r'asneiiger Rteaaer
Illreot 10 .
Norway, Sweden and Denmark
He! I Is; Olav April 14 I'altad Puitea May It
Oscar II Apr;l 28' Hll Olav May 2
C. K. Tlfllten May 6Oi.caB II June
All Steamers equipped with Wireless.
,1rat cabin, tij upwsra, scenr rshvn- CIS).. A. s,.
JOHNSO.. CO., 1U W it Klntl Rt. Ckksfa,
What a Railroad Manaaer Gathered
from a Chat with n Sec
tion Boas.
The general manager of one of America's
Btcatept. railroads swung off the rear plat
form of his private car. The train had
stopped at a tank Ktatlou for water. A Rang
of section hands were at work nearby.
"Hello, PRt," said the general manager
as he stepped briskly down I lie track where
a rail was boing spiked down. "Wliat's the
trouble here?"
TI10 section foreman began a tirade
against the lax management of the con
struction department. The Reneral manager
listonod attentively, encouraged the fore
tna,n to tell him the details of his plan to
alleviate the danger of looi.e rails and with
a hearty ftood-hy. ran up the track and
caught the hand rail of his car Just as the
train gained its first spurt of speed.
The next week an ordr went forth to the
construction department. Pat's plana were
included In the elaborate statement of de
fectH which came from the general man
ager's office.
The) new system worked to a charm.
Officials wondered where the general man
ager had learned of It. He told them.
"Boys," he mid one day when minor
officials were called in for a conference,
"to f,-et at the bottom of railroading or any
other busines you 1111m find out what tha
man in the small Job knows.
"Then you know where the fan!; lies. He
won't tell you in dignified language, and
technical terms will not be used. But he
known-Just what Is the matter. That's what
we .want to find out."
That was the general manager's secret.
Great men in any lino of work, those who
have reached the top, differ on thft tMih.iect
of advice. The most successful, however,
are those who listen not only to the counsel
of the men higher up, but to tne minor
employes, the men who "earn wages" anil
who are not "drawing a ronumeratloti."
"I can learn morn from my clorks than
from my department managers," said a
merchant. "Li the first iplace, they know
what the customer wants. They know what
he asks for. They listen to his complaints.
They know '.f my competitor Is selling un
der my price. And that's what I want to
Advice. Is said to be the cheapest thing in
the world, the only commodity It Is easier
to give than receive. Sometimes, though,
tha advice that comes from the bottom
doub!!! discounts that which emanates from
the higher rung of the ladder, when .It
cornea to detail defeotn In the management
of any business. Chicago Trihune.
"When Hhelia'a Uueen Arrived.
Thi dazzling retinue of the qunen of
Slit'bn was descried afar on the desert
and the watchers called King Solomon
from the council chamber to the outer
wall. . ,
'What'a that glittering banner they
hear in the advance?" Inquired the wiscBt
of men.
Ba-Zil-lsk, which being roughly trans
lated Is "Good Kye," ahaded hla organs
of sight with hia sunburnt hand and
htared long and earnestly, at tiie np
proeching visitors.
"I have it now." he cried "The banner
bears the words 'Votes for women!'"
Solomon turned pale. No ready epigram
sprang to his lips. HI" head drooped and
ho stalked heavily back lo the council
And nearer and nearer sounded the
blithe notes of the trumpeters pl-iying
the ''Persian Suffragette" march. Clivo
land Plain Dealer.
Itlcv lu Place of Meat.
Tha Amern an rice growers want the peo
ple to substitute rice for mea. The people
never will d so, but they could make ef
fective use of much more rice than they
consume. One way to induce them to 111
creese the ration la to teach them how 10
cook rk. presenting It at tablo ln a snowy
mass, with each grain distinct, rather than
hk a pasty, soggv and uninviting porridge.
Rice properly made tastes good, and when
a bowlful of it is mixed with a couple of
raw or soft-boiled egga prnperlv seasoned
it will Imparl strength enough to carry a
man through an afternoons having -or
hopping. San Fiaiuisco Chronicle.
The Key to the Hltualion Uee Want Ads
International Congress Will Be Held
in Washington in October.
DUtltiaalaheil Foreigners Will lie
Guests of the 1 nltril Mates Inn
Thonsanil-Mlle lour Will
Precede (iinirnllnii,
XKfl YOilK, Apr 1 s 1 Spec a : 1 "1 ."11
all the nations of Lump", from distant
China and Japan, from o ir sister nations
of South Ameiica and evi from distant
Pacific Islands and til" Australian conti
nent, will come ti Washington in October.
1110, official repiesrntalivrs of their gov
ernments to in convention the laui-u,
Hie treatment and the prevention of crime.
Kvery f. e ears since 1V70. an
Pi ison congress has been held Willi some
Luropean nation. This year for the first
time this congress meets in the western
hemisphere and Is the Sliest of Ihe I'nlted
Stales of America. Men and women, whose
names are Internationally famous, will
gather for nearly two weeks In Washington,
The congress meets in four section. 0110
on the administration of cilminal law, one
on the administration of prisons, one on
measures to prevent crime and one on
Juvenile delinquency.
It probably Mill seems strange to most
people that the study of .vims, lis treat
ment and its prevention, should engage the
attention of philanthropists, jinlsts and of
many people whose general wnik In the
world is seemingly far removed from prison
walls. Yet, within Ihe last thirty years,
and largely because of the Influence of the
International Prison congress and of the
American Prison association, a new view
has spread throughout the western world
regarding the relation of crime in civiliza
tion. Men Burled from World.
There was a time, not so very long ago,
when if a man committed crime the logical
thing seemed to be to shut him behind
prison walls and forget him. When Charles
Dickens came to tho 1'nited States about
the middle of the nineteenth century, he
said that he wished to see particularly two
things Niagara Falls and the "American
Bastlle.' The latter prison, nicknamed the
"American Bastlle." was. the eastern peni
tentiary of Pennsylvania, located at Phila
delphia. Here, according to Dickens' ac
count, he found men each separately con
fined in a cell, from which the prisoner
could leave only to go Into a yard about
as large as his cell and directly behind his
cell. When exercising here he found the
walls so high that he could not see over
them, nor could he see any human being
at any time. except occasionally a
jail official or a chaplain. Thus for years
men were imprisoned without seeing each
other, working each In his' own cell and
burled from the world.
A great change has come about In Ameri
can systems of dealing with prisoners.
How great this change Is will he plain to
the hundred or more foreign delegates who,
In company with an equal number of noted
Americans, will make a tour, from Septem
ber 19 to '2S. mo. of the eastern and cen
tral section of the United States. On Sep
tember 19. a special train of ten Pullmans,
equipped with all modern conveniences,
will, leave the Erie station at Jersey Cliy.
All the foreign guests will ho guests of the
I'nlted States government. Kach Ameri
can will meet his own expenses.
Intended Tour Planned.
The tour will be almost without prece
dent in its extent and in its Impoitance.
The following institutions will be visited:
Klmira reformatory, George Junior He
public. Auburn State prison, Mansfield, O.,
reformatory; Mlchigon City, Ind., prison;
various correctional Institutions in and
about Chicago: various institutions in and
about Indianapolis; Jefferson reformatory,
and Washington, D. C, correctional insti
tutions. At the very start, the foreign guests will
visit Klmira. N. V., reformatory. Here
they will find an administration and 11
sjstem the very opposite of the old separate
confinement system. They will see some
1.300 young men living in separate cells at
night, but working together in the day
time, drilling under the must approved
military system, building up their physical
condition with lha latest methods of
gymnasium work, being Instructed In some
thirty trades ln well equipped trade schools,
studying in many different educational
classes, and (most important of all) earn
ing their own release by their own conduct,
their own Industry, and their own scholar
ship. How far we are today from the old plan
of burying a prisoner behind prison walls
for a certain fixed time, generally a period
of years! Today, the young oftender, how
ever serious his crime (If it be not murder)
is apt to bo sentenced lo a reformatory,
where, as stated abuve, through hla own
efforts he may earn his parole on an in
determinate sentence. Klmira reformatory,
for Instance, most of the young men gain
their conditional release in about forteen
months. Then for six inon'hs they are on
parole. They aervo this six months of their
sentence outside of prison walla and are
their own musters, except that they .must
Daily and Sunday Bee
Review of Reviews
Regular price for both
Daily Boe (without Sunday) $4.00 1 Qjjf PrlCC
"Woman's Home Companion 1-50 m ONLY
R4?guiar price for both one year. .$5 50
Daily Bee (without Sunday) .$4,001 Qnr PfJCC
Cosmopolitan i-50 . ONLY
Regular price for both one yea'. $5.50.
Daily and Sunday Boe $6.00 1 Qp Pf j(
Cosmopolitan I ONLY
Regular price for both one year. .$7.50 J $()40
masajaas ask. I nl
ao uoiunmia nionograpn ir..1
good names. Don't m a it, nend in a good uame to .Schui'Ucr & Mueller right not
repoi t one a niciuli to their p.fp offici
In the locality- In which ihey live.
rime ot .lva?a Depravity.
Tb.s diffricnce hrtween t J old and tha
new l lu: typical of Ihe Krteral changa
of cplnlon regarding crime. The last fif
teen vrars have brought to the nslern
vol Id lie conviction that crime Is not ai-
... etude,. hv moral detiravitv. To
condiions under which a hnv grows ufr
n. .iia..,,uii inn whleih ha Inherits to cer
tain tendencies and the lack of tneanj of'ni'. and of Inculcating moia'iis. ali
ai l on the boy, particularly on a rlu hoi ,
to make him an offender and later a.
ruder ihe.e circumstances t!ie niodei n
tet'dencv has bren to pr-vent crime t,v liet
lering the conditions under which rnililrrn
ciovv i.p and tn prevent the recurrenre of
time by seeking In every possible wnv to
restore d it-charged prisoners to s n it , and
in vvo;1(. because it Is seen that work Is
the best antidote for crime
Ti es" and a hundred other questions 1".
to discussed by Ihe International TVivin
cutsiess. The congress begins on Sundnv
October . with a reception ri the Wh is
House at Washington. Rt whi h !he attm
n general and probably ihe president
will give addresses. Kach morning n see
lion meeting will be held and eacli af i
noon a general meeting, probably at H
Sinlt hsimlan Institute. In the rverlnsr
there will be general meetings, and ban
quels and excursions. At least 1 iv pf.
sons from all parts of the Fni'ed Stsies
will attend this great rnngress 10 sfnlv
crime. .Mteady foreign governments. een
as far away as China and Japan, have
notified the American directors of the con
gress of their intention to send delegates
Many Dlatliianlahrd Delegates.
In short this congress will be perhaps tne
most representative congress of the nailons
of the woild which ha ever b'n hen! tn
the 1'nited Suites Amort disi ingutslied
foreign gii"sts expected are:
His Kxciilency M. liiilkine-Wrssknv .
president of the St. I'etershuig Interna
tional Prison congress. Monsieur !uflos.
president of the Paris International Prison
congress; Monsieur Mickrl le Hrllvc. presi
dent of the Budapest International Prison
congress: Victor Almuutst. minister of
Justice, Stockholm; Auguste Haumgartle.
minister of Justice. Munich; Charles liidlon,
ministry of Justice. Brussels: A. Dnria.
general director of prisons. Rume; Dr. Von
Kngelherg. ministry' of Justice. Baden; Dr.
Francisco Falco. Cuban consul. Naples;
Dr. Carl Gooe. ministry of Justice, Copen
hagen; Dr. Ktlenne Khrouleff. general
manager of prisoners. St. Petersburg; Dr.
Ilozldar Matcovllch, professor of criminal
law, Belgrade; Dr. Mlnkoff. Sofia; Sir
Kugglrs-Brise. president of the prison com
nilsslorl. London; A. Schranie.k. general
director of prisons, Paris; Dr. Simon Mm
der A.i. Germany; His Excellency Alexander
CI. .- n.lnl.l.,., rnlrn n '., . ...
rih'Him. rA-iiniii.-'ii 1 ,. iviiR" ni inn p.
The president of the Intel national
congress is th's ear a prniiiineii:
A rneriomi. Prof. Charles 1!. Henderson, of
the University of Chicago. The secretary Is
Dr. Gulllaumo of the State Bureau of
Statistics In .Switr.erlnnd. The busii-ss
manager of the congress l Freder 1 I, H
Mills of !7 Warren street. New York City.
A Stack of llollroml MnHstlcs thnl
rc Marvelous In Their
liiiniciialt y.
The most marvelous airay ,of :a nr-
presented for some time past was that of
fetcd by Ihe bureau of railway news and
! statistics. These figures are so stupendous
that one can scarcely comprehend l!i"i
; real meaning as they stand in orderly io -.
j divided into groups of three by pori'y com
I mils. Figures are mounting up hi rapidly
I nowadays thai the wtatlsi icians l.avc 11
I keep on hand an ample Riipply of ciphers.
In ten years nearly 7.0,0.V10.0 people wrY
, carried by the railroads of the I niled
States, and In a single year. IWS. 1.t.0 (W.t.M
' Ions of freight were transported over Ihe
I shining rails from one part of the cntn
I try to another.
Tim weight of the individual loconiol Ives
has increased 115 per cent, and the number
75 per cent, there being now almost
puffing over the United States. The In
crease In the capacity of freight cars has
been approximately 120 per cent, maktnr.
their present carrying capacity more than
71.000.000 tons.
Perhaps the statistics giving the number
of railroad employes are the most Im
pressive; nearly l.MJO.OOO people, an Increase
of 67 per cent, are now on the payrolls of
the United States railroads, drawing a com
pensation of $1,000,000,000 a year, a., tcrease
of 110 per cent over ten years ago Railroad
Man's Magazine.
An Awful Jolt.
T see you have a new automobile,"
stibl Wiggs. enviously.
"Ych," responded Bigg.", as ho slowed
tip the machine near tlm sidewalk, "and
It's, a brinitv. Kveryllilng workes like
"That's gonil "
"The tires are puncture-proof."
"Better still."
"And she goes like the wind."
"(lee whiz: Wish I owned one.''
"Hi the way. are you fond of riding?"
"Am I fond of tiding? Well. I should
say so."
"Well, here's a street car transfer I
Jusi found. I won't need It Htid you can
ride homo on II. Cliicago cvevvs.
When you want what you want when
you want it., say so through The Bee Want
Ad columns.
... .$6.00 '
one year. .$9.00 .
Oar Price
Onn of th" 12