Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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V- -
Miller, Stewart & Beaton's
Some Things You Want to Know
Uiriatt-re Pointing.
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
Drapery Department
Oriental stripe Couch Cov
er!?., V inr-hee wide, .j ycrd
lore; regular price l.To
each; Saturday only, each--
Fifth Floor Elevator
Ruf Offering
1 t o.'tii'ii
two Wff.
I imidf Ka Re
fer bath or be 2 room.
SO indi by jfcea: rer-Jar
prke I! ('('. Sittrdav tLly. each,
t S1.15
; i tea ry " I inch; r-gu'.mr
trice tZ 15. Saturday only, earn.
si. c:
5.h Hr. Uevator.
. a j
: N-fr-i ir
. -?rv 1. .
$1,1 45 for 12 Hames
stats im rrtut n.
lgAtix; srranaea Oa :
1BSO statuinaj lUSe Inosraaca Co. 118 '
4. tar! E. Ady. liener-al Atr.- on-, aha. j
Babel Ccka apeak Twsig-M Tor fe'f
ar.d i.U,er- ta th tcpic of th sermon at j
.he reru'Ar Friday nu arrvic at Tea- Tralrin tm-t Hi Liyram While
b ,Ul,W C,1IL . j Trl, Ver. Bar. or lmk...
Ortiilnllta Seoey Paid
7 tart thai Prra.dect Tft a fee f
. Iff a M --e i' .rtre.t
fm.-h'er of Lx3ca. aha had ci-Tur- J
m; of trt a. if sin iijt of fcrf
ia:id end eh nfru tt, .r. e j.cti.r- !
a:: tr csef ra e-t of to - a, hu ai
ei c.a.3 aa aue-'l a Ij ;bi- tustK b
of er.ita ttjrt. -- ae larra'-
ra la Nonit jr. ii "h-a ' -..
.rf :l :. ,,J jl (ff our:rti
w f ( Jar rv. t at a
c ii. trl lt. Tumi e. ra.e :a tbe
;a r.:-t ar4 Ijh.-m r-:l- hirt Ta
.: ! .2 it
1 r an n.g'at -r i b: r.t "jja-rt-r.c
in ..,.! c ' ! -t J tarieua .r
I at le c irarrd baa :o ar c.eni
t:mt. fr tiia ori E'jxia:ur is Col do-r:r"-i
rif OM.d uui !y
f'ts :.ta La.-.a a.t.x-a." mra.r.rf 'Vfav
rpa f-oTB "i.trj," omjLf vr-c.lji-i:
w .r..-ar lar
b.-ai as 3 ur'".i f.r;l L'usLsrd aid
fieco-'-a in c: or a as:oi xvtj jJ...
r-i ari f-:-x C'ji&r fytm tbe u r Us
9 ;r-4 aT.:..Cf ;h i:J i-i-t-aL v crt.
t:i f-aia nitidi icta V
ap4 f ta f-fa.T!! r c.' iea
":T..r.f. ' r?wi frai rrercti ea- Drr axid fa ':- l.L-t
r.;-a. ;t a r. . Tb :i ;aiu cofiicaa
tt V.rt'"-. "h.ta art p-f-rd !e ib
l.-ary cif tat Va'-irai. a-e t.- ra.-'.i
iirr; ' aa'T:pt. Seroratrfi
;.a.r.r.r.t. TLt Ca: baca iu tt tcy. .6
Tf ra-r pf G:z--?ad Cin;atue. be-ii
In f lortre 1T i BH'aal.y takf-a a tt
F'-art.a pwirt fjr the b'.na cr pr-tp-;al
art. b.t h i cri-rT rrnB!Tb-
tsrouch h. faaica pp:i Giotto 7"V
frsartx-r .a hi'h Gl'tto a u e.w.crw-pl tj
Lir tMrtrr has It. n mat a of t& cresset
t hinr . t.)rn is ir)i.rvj tr
prwrr Tt: ajt.rt. a t.rts a IiJ of
""in tr.. s trai :.r fatJ:.r' np on tse
I Lil'.fid arifl is axu'.ag i.Ln-c T ktcii-r
on a imooii po w roca iiB a paLM
etnrr. He r itm tt a thev
:-ad. bs Cisiabue cajn cp -jadr:r
and liK'kod pfr Ui bey a anoaider. He
TB5Dd:a-'7" '! latfBt tILitIt cT thr
!So San Former CcrrTessEna Before ra ana pfr?da t.-m to u j-
- a
From the Furniture Han
.7ararje? Wsste Pcrer or ew
its Baskets: 2.if.oried color? acd
:z; iTC-ular ..rice - to $1.0 1
ea'b. Saturday only: your cLoic
at, eR.-h
First Floor Main Ai;
130 P. 1M. FridAy to Sattirdaj
1:30 P. M.
6td jotir tame to,
SrhHic'.l-r t Mofar attrto:
Plaoo Co. tcmorrcir
ure Too ieiv
Ship Subsidy Co ixlcil
r jr aa4 r t tt cxy t study Ottrta aa
an apt pLpJ! atd in tu auccrd:Kf yearn
h tad a frra;r ir.r'Lieac over liahas art
than aty otix-r n3 of ti H
rt a rrii pernor. a i rrjftia of DaB-re.
Th beeianxta; of ir-rBiature pilst-rn; af a
Eianed art i. usual'.y aEin-d to t
lftAc.n Rj-al A'-.aS'-iry af ICira-u'
Ta.nTe-a -;U adBi'l ta tt rt Ttir ary
k ff an .re In rc;r.iatiir f-tw o a
J' rf Iro-j. rca-dje" cf t! but
02 frr'wrr ti. ise : l.tra:rd o r en Vy
iucb. Lrf ftu". in pcira of tt.i
P x ttoe artiw ; fu-re-d '.a ra ;fc ih
a d of trju.if y ,Lf a a-.
afia-ar-jrea art ff arotrirf ri. aid
a nil ii trtr? r. ; r f i,ua" rtr-ia ar to.fl
hy (Kjli ff U .r w.l.-rT an4 f th
:ic i m c-vr -ertiv'5 'lh aittJa.
tt of tj imi tr.u.t( f U la
in-d t A! b W L.nna. ;nJiit of tb
R.')ii f M r. tur Fa;ntr cf
Ld'.r - ha i ie ri.". Thf"
cam ta Mr lrd'. rj
tay an inr'.;:t orj a-eff-an ate aj
-jr.i9" kiK era ba -a r.t it tr frcun
tr tandba( a Jh'.'of r ipi of a mas ua
asard tiv arr-.ri :f te a -a (mmt tiM- a
jxic.ur frm it. ai- :-.itj mud tta:
fce a suj iritrb prffT tia: tt Bias corn
!ar a .u.r, tut it. c&cfuatos tr r-Bta;
f.r.a 'y a.'i ttat be bad rope a journey
and aockJ at't rtura fpr naaty mootr.a
Wfc'rfjp tD art.n a-ep'ed tt rat&at:.
ci -r.. Th f.i.caa.j Cay a j Dir.f c.n
nre trie tt t:uic and ta th art: a
aj-T' .a 1 rvcofrafd in L.rr. tt avvct
f tjj ataetaarape rxr'Jf!!t by tba tt-
cat iK-fjj Hia aDaiahziect as p-vea
r-aier. baier. aa tJia dib brougrM
cu a pbi.t:ia;rarli of tb ri tor f tft day
befc- asd asaea ta bav a siaiatur s.adc
from ;t- Ara.a U a-tit rqueted a (Ht
t re bet tt mas aaid it unU be 11s
pctf:t.e a ir.e your. ldy aa daaj and
that th mir.iatur aaa to b
Tb a"tnt a ft th nK'roett
He pot aura btiier fcis
tl 4ay bfiT bad raiiy dd
tt: t cuatofrier a merei nwe
ai lyuic It a as easy ta aeu.- tli: qua- i
t.on. baaeveT. "Heir lcsa; baa tb ; putt i
iady be& d"ad" asked air. Wutt.
"C'ti. atjly a jear ai.-red tbe atraiirr
a :ihi aifcrrT..".y. actfpted tt
coEr.TrusFiQL, ia tb mesrtrriia aturdyu tb
fac rf tia Ttrrtrr e ttat ba nust: b
a .'fled ID icut;;ta tis earLr Ck.suiuea.oa '
A few da latr tb yot;n a omac j
ra.:ied acait. aad tbe arusi waa able to '
kaa a aituttc. a.ia unkanTi ta tbe res-:
ect."b!y th btrtn fijKtamed tfc profTes t
beita; nao oa tbe ku i m.niarurc At j
laaa botta aorta af art ft foufbed and
ta a rest. r-.:ix iba: he wa itaew itn.a;
a kwer'a quarrel, de.-tdad ti try to brmi
lw toeettar. H pacaed tie icjat.ur
i.f tt inaa irjs tti blj for tb lady a
Our Blue Serge Suits for Men
and Young Men at $10 $15 $20
are the choice of particular dressers
The rraK-n? for thi preiVn-noe are of courie as widely ranted as
the rariT of taites and reed? -which the-e pansent5 Mti?fy.
But vhetLer you -wifh a bln rre suit merely a charip? from
tLe novelty fabric; irLttLer you want one on account of its stylish
spearance; cr whether you want a fuit you can wear on any occa
sion and Isdow that your arel i? absolutely correct, we know you
will appreciate the exc?ptional quality of "Nebraska" Blue Serg-e
Suit at $10.00. $15.0J and $X0
Tfcee 5uit are made from all wool fabrics, in a deep dark blue
shade, guaranteed not to fade under any conditions.
The styles are tbe newest and handsomest of this season,
Thee g-arn'nt were designed, cut -nd tai!orei by our own
makers in the fashion tenters of the East, and will not only fit you
perfectly NOW rearardless of your size or build but will retain
their stylish apparan'-e after many weeks of wear.
Then the splendid fabrics from whirh thes-e suits are made will
injure your getting loncer and better wear than in any garment not
bearing the "Nebraska" label.
And. what is equally important, we guarantee that we wiil mv?
you -.C7f of other stores' prices, on our Blue Serge Suits, at
S10.00, S15.00 and $20.00
i custamer at tt
d or Cf
Taara ara Sraeral Waya af Barxa
"at truk.a Sav;t.a3 and 1kji aor-ta-t.t.o
a ay. and oUiera Our ay T'ajs
I'tr ctat I-er ataiiau. 10 Board fjf Trade
Puli dibit I
C. T. aaaltk tmprwrmu prr-gTeaa
ikard ret-sw ry is rrported tf Aiiumey
E- P. Saait-b. It is acaousced ttat Mr
pttiib pronabiy aui be kept ai bom a
ttk or tec daya nacre.
alt far aia Lra. Fraaa 11.
Cotiiurr and Tbomaa C. Littj bsve fileu
an few KTTil is ot'OEtj court aga:nt Albert
A. fCyatroCL Tb bill Ldci udta aa aaajauba
LK.B far atucli lb ere is a cbaJT cf V aad
strric for foon .s at
! pnl wfc t! ma-nee tb acu-r- tf tb -t il te tim- fcoa P1-
kr t SerL.
WaKX"'3TOV. April I Test-f.nx.f ttat
he bad rT:T6rd to cbacks from ta
r. ana tram the Merchant Jlarlue Learn
el tie Va-ld Slates ta cover xpenes ta
apecb ma kit t7i;a. aad that b had
timer received a aVliar is caab. fornMtf
Repreaentatrv Jamea T. McOeary. if
Minnesota, one aecocd aaaistaat purt
traater trexeaal. ccupiefl tbe witness
at today a ntufiuo cf the bouse atup rjtr
ady ia"en;a Una; mnm?.
feat Ger3.aa art. at Han Ho'.be't: woo
l.ted in the firrt iA;f of tb aiteeatfc
ceriTo-y. Ho;t tan? is familiar to
rery reader cf E.r.r.ifa ti:p-y as tb
pkla:r aba earuted a reaiarkably f-at-t-r.i-a
ptirtra.t i.f Acoe af Cieve. aad
wtea aL.r Hen-y I
aeiected ts Bi.fe.iett i
ir.a; of tte iaoy wrta or piu lor tb maa't :
pkure 1 b-r. Tbra b sat ana a.ted:
Icj- rerj:ts. Tb I allow tsc roorxirf btit
custoaers can e iat tba studre tcp-T.h-r, 1
aatiLaf aerapbK-aliy Botis paid tbetr bin :
wiibaut a word of expiaaa-Utm or inquiry, i
aaw it be at once and anrrbi! out toietber. TtiS w as the J
bis bri3e-to-ba. romaatic po-r of tie lr.iriature Ceanoa- i
Wash Suits for
Small Boys
Every suitable, washable zua-t-nal.
all Lee detirabi aba-
and patTerna, aad any etjie joa
may wish, it t t fotjud kere
For lie ke'aoty and qctlrty cf
ttes tariBtt ysu'd exjct,
atd probably will t aaked to
pay coBaidertt;? more el-wte.-e.
95c, SI. 45, $1.95
to S3.95
r ,
Spring Suits for
Growing Boysffi
Tbey'r fr other bcyt, too, bat th Ftrctj..
atordj feiiowt are the one who r:T ttfir
jaritt the mott treobie. if drearaj iu'
ordiEarT Bora' Ciothinc In a "Netrakt"' Boy' tu:t the roush
and lamhle lada fina that ao matter wtt th to or how trd they
r'-ty. there't linJe datser of the ript atd teart ao commaa to moat
Boys' Clothiaf Our II. 5. S3 ; acd $. Boys' Suit will ftir
siah proof that they're raeth better tbaa acy you're yet fouDtf
They're rylishly made, from Rood, ttrocf rtttenals. and are eatrt
ttrwcfrly aewed asd resiLforre at all point cf strain. Tfcey are per
fert ftTtiag and comrartaM. atd would he good value at ll.t
aaore than aur prtrea, of
$2.95, $3.95 S4.95 to $9.95
"The House of
High. Merit.
i DeBida tbe special etmmrirtee thr was
na Paahrt Oaaatna; New EU.and hotel arrr rf -inaivHua: tetereated in tb
cea win pa tbruua-a vraa Apru -i, ie,lK.tion. iBcladir: cbatnr.aa Oreraa ot
eij oa tt reiu-a trp from California to tD kon-e n-rehant marine coaranrtee.
B'.tPB. Tb traia is acbewal-d t t bat ! aepresen'.Ativa Hucr.pfe-er of TTaafcmrtoa.
mere Biteutt-i. kat aTtnreamiti ar t!tf I trajner am ta ahrp aubfidy bifi re-
ir-ao try ta ei I'.e k iijii .ay er. , pun from tba awrcnaBt mrm rawitrSt-i w
ror a lanarr jr.on, in rruri um. . . Jfiepreseniatrv Steeaeraon ot Mitae- 1
ir.t.B may be ester? aiwa t-e
When Aaae a-r!-red at lie Ec;iia eourt stratew.
tb kir.a; fauad that tb artist bad made Recently a new fad in miraa.iure baa i
a .batil--i but not a true iikeneas of tfc spruta; lip tba.t af pmuii eyea "in lit- j
lady Tbe ancer of tbe amorous ruiej ue." Mra. Geora-e Gould recently coasai'.a-
knew Tio bounds Fo!ic'rne Holbea sioaed tbis iu Enaiiab artist. Aim Wii-
a lo U ,f dtaed t. P:at ber eye. aad tbo of be- Q iSSSSSSSSSSSOSSSSSSSSSSSSSOSSSSSSSSSS G3
pairtera. aucb nanies a Rirbard Loaway. n. dauybter. to be ae a tEedalijoas p e 'e- - w --w-w-i-e -w.o-w-o-o--s, vrf
Hiriard. Oliver. Samuel Cooper. Joha Cllff lick for ber buisaajid. Cce eye rt j ' .
ir-an. ""CP. jwnit-eT sjio ta csurcier aad one ot tbe wife ara ' aoiinr.hhina Mr. Hcteblna 1 narTJ-u- d1.t rmtt. TbeT f!1 fr,- r,.r .
a aovti idea ao4
ota. a-fco aenaaaded tbe tniT-?ti-stiiiB f j
Off far aw Ozlaaaa Omaiia the cfcaras be aaid te learo bad made
Elj taera and ifit.r tr;R. At',in uuriy i as;B.inBt him, R-reseiiltr e Kuiatorwifcas
tiEtr. Wi Knday aft-moon ta a pf wunopata. tpetiuui ia miTti tb save
pfCiai Eur'iattuo aje'per for New Orieana way as yT- t: John A. Pprrtoa, see
dy aay of M. Luuia. Tb pary wtll be ia retsry of th P-arue. whose tesr.mosy was
ct.ars of Iustrtoa? I'oieniat K. G. Mc- deferred, uatii toenoirow ia orwer to permit
fea eminssi. fonner district alt.arpe
vrfrihir.fftoB cf tbis ciy. te famil
iertae tlaiBei a-ith tbe case. atic
Reprt aer.tatrr Xje of SStimeWA. wbo tnaj
appear a ?teeaeraon s ccurseL
Coi iw H Tewlanf.
j Mr. MrCleiaxy was gri-t-eB pencisaK'a to
rarrect tb rat-ord of bio pre wua lewtiajoby.
Gilu.a and a tll b acootrpanjed ta t- Lao
by Bu'iina-tea City I'asBifr Aeal J. E
P-ej twidi.
raaU Cava a Baa Vp A ofumt of
1 typew-rittm pate baji oeen flied 10
d. strict ct'Ul prepara.t:y te appai of th
oas to tb aupreaa court. It is lb oet
p.ete record ard traJwrtrt in the Paul di-
. . ... Mul I fif M-W Vtli
. ' , . k . . " . i aaytca; tnat inatead of ue aaaouais be bad i
T'auL .Ma)aj baa already bee taken by , '
tl plain ilff. wbo. tboufb ba worn a dec-re
from Judr Troup, objected to tb sia ot
ajrtRTj c-a.nL
Ira Taaxiat Onwastaaai Ataount'
icu.1 i Bmd trat the f'.rst aaenal siaLe
cwi-eotirat of tbe New Tboutbt aBd fruc
eu Tb rapes tic anooauos wauid bf
recejvasl from tb iaafna "net
I tb expenaes." be wished ta sjy that tbey
' did aot iov!nally eae wd bis expenses
I Mr Garrett af Teoaeaaea. aeroocrat .for
1 ne oomantttee oueatitme hits closely aa tc
; r. McOaary eaplamew that be always
atoepted the leaaroa'a tavlta-Ums ta make
aAdreaaea if be cfuld ret amay at tae fm.
that BBoney m aeint a saaieria! ecmsioera
tiea. be bad oot kept a metnoranSnm .
tba.t aoroetlines moctht paused witbotst bis
recel-rh-.f any tnoaer frooa tbe league: that
'they strcply sect me what they tamijrb.
fully eoverad; ay expeiiaea.- He aa.d in
tbia tbey ccfna 6ered hia expemaea vucb tbat
a mac saouid apewd entertajCint f"epda if
be happened ta aoeet tbe no.
He siui ba bad aa knowteda of aay
oUvar btrty aiaaUax ta the Marcbaat Ma
rtna iri &neiA:r.e nrmrT ia that wav. eatAOliBiiiin; tb T-aUdrty af tb u;. eLJkrr min-iduAla aba tatf
;-oeedava-B ta ha vs. tba concrra eciar4 j RJK,kea far rh9 JrmXTt tn tb Basis way tbat
I'SxArut. B. c4, tboush ha cad BO aotibt ether aar.
far kua I iaw Mra. T-"- -rrtkanr tur tb bsjm pu-puat, tb gn
Laata eta a coadraai teaii- a 'li-v m tbat ouc&t to a
Humpbrey b;aa; especiAl'y notewaw-by. each cuff button. It is
Onrma'.'y nsreiarvres were painted fcj leeji couch copied.
co;,pT or on TeHuTE. preferably Th j. Pierpcm: Moraaa arnus M,e of th
Ian-, but Roaniba t auppooed ta fcav tiurm coiiection af nJiataturea ba tb
been toe rirst artart to emi.m Ivory, wnrid. A short tn,e aarn tie VTr. nm
I bu t w vci-niuc jf: kuuujj lx. an y s ineai iisjiiaa expert. Dr. G. C. Wi-
BAieriaJ used, its acrt tia-j beia ad- iisBiaua. to Beak a ratatoat of tbeta.
miratly aarted frir tbe boy a o-k of a cf tbia tatAloeue only twenty eopa w
portrait over a bica to use traaspareat p-.ried aod taa mera baad-colored. Tbej
colors. Enamel wa former' y lam-h used are anaon ta baadaorrreet worka of art
asd is stiTl ts aoroe extent, but one cf the e-,er isaaed. Oot set. tare rolusnea wa
rfcief dJficti.tjea is that tber must fcl- preaeated by Mr. Mjrru to lb library
)w a procea of bumina in or flriIla;' f Coatrea ta Waahlarton. aiiorher to tbe
tae pirnwnts and bat chanpe tbe colors si etropo titan museum in New Tark and a
rs thAt tf one wishes a blown .ffe-t, lor ttir(j te tb Brlth rcusetinx
xaap. h must us an entirely different Miniatures ara ordJiArtJy sirned by tbe
color and then allow it to be bjraed. fcrtiat" on tba front of the picture hut
JMany ot tb best arusts cairn ttat is this Ricbard Cos ay. "base worka are caK
oub.y aoufbt out by all collect ora. is aajd
to have BitTBed otuy as af bia aauattnars
Tbe nee of trory however, presents many OE tbe far, all tne others heirs; sMebat
jTicmtjea. ia tbe nrst tb supaiy .nsmteiT t riwd m th. hmk
1 of e'epbants tuKks ia aot tnexhaart: hre tnmrur are u j
.ua ui mrni ej-i lire pnre nas rose tip tba uftra-Tbartne or Antwerp b'u wtocB
emiidra.b!y. Tner ia also a I-rrat tc tb be ua to aucb splendid adTaatas.
eia of real Ivory, for tba p.ecee must be Ji.niaTnr Bmter who have aco.aLd
cut w-ttb tb craiB. Aa inaks art boEow wn aere of repuiAtloa chAre from
for about alt th-r lsta. tba aainiBtur w, to CB0 ZoT exerurtai an order for a
niniarora pcirtrat Froni two days te
proceas of painutt away frona nature
much of tae accuracy of tones is lest.
Michigan Men
Greet Professors
desirous of securing an enflowaaen i tbe evenlne.
tor tb university. Tba otat.e cf M-rctarwa.
no doubt i. very renerous. but tfc ia Ml EAGLES GIVE ENTERTAINMENT
suffcteat to enabi it to carry out f-a -
f ry-. j, O l 1 : rk efTettrierj Feir Hasired MesaBMrrs of Orater ood
Ol 1 fleir &CnOOl "U t w the la-rest out aarroraty ia Krlrodo Eaiy Aoried
. tb coantry and th nmser of atudorta on ri aia imm
ib cAsipus durtnf th rofular sesaiona h
larfer tban that of aay other ur Teratty ia
iaa United State. Tb ui.;TeriTy must
bsi a larrer .dcbt) ta run thenars prrp
eriy ojid tb er.wct of this trip la so to
arouse tb uwnt of th alumci tba.t tbis
money may be subscr.bed. altrwub tt is
act direotly a tr p to colioi fuads for tb
iiuat't utjoTL. '
Diaaer at Osaka Clin for Coiapazy
frca Ata Arbor Faralty a
rot ert.
. OFWwy's
diauaruisbed by
beI to mnaha May Z. Tber wtll be a
n.i.mi.f afteraoon and erooinc aeasioa
Tba mvrsai oeoaioa is t be avoid at th
Vnapavtitr sanAtorrum, SO Stmth Thir.
iectb street, aod tb Aft.erBoon and even
m aeaoiura At tba MilAJ"d buteL
KiAdla Oraia Caawyaay fceaoa Zaa Case
Tba Oy&im oraji conapajiy cf Cmaba ta
lit out ta ita asm as tba UnJted frtates
Jjtrict ewerx t fcava tb lanoluttary
liaJikruptcy prooeodinfa acaiaat It Bet
atid Tb yry coaaa ia with a TerdM ta
lavor fT tba creditor lato Tbaraday ewi-
Ivory sr-ust be cut from tb tip, which.
of course, lias ita tbe auae of tbe Una abeeta.
A piece of rrory orrea inches wtde by
three -weeks tiana la reun-ed for each p-rr-traJ-
&a xk-ou AT have mintatnre Ynrr
e!v or foorteea inches lor. a tas brouartrt miac, rerrral. ttat Almost
as noes os ai-a eoiije ciever RiaBBiac-
tnrers have -ndvord to cut tfctn a tine
of ivory from around th tusk, panna tt.
so ts apeak, and Uea preoaina; out tb
pieces bat fiat shoe's but the bar
proved unsatisfactory, a they art apt i
curl vp tc dajap Atmoea-ber or ' er
beated nmi. The problem tf the im of
sheets cf ivory cas had much to do wits
lininaticn of th aiae of miniaturea Th
ha one or snora pAiaters n ho depend for
tbetr lirel.hood ua ord- fir portraits
en ivory, la Enriand. even more thaa in
Anoertca. th rcinlarur painter la resaia
bnc the p toe whacb ha eocuptod before the
phoTocraprie canncra for tee time beinc
ecupoed bia rtAr.
On a pEirrtnia west oa behalf of tbe
VtiTersny of Michiaxa. three member of
tbe ta-ui:y. actlr. fT-eotdert Hi-rr B
HutcbiBA Ieaa Cooley of tb er.itiaaenaa
departanent and Iwaa Reed of tii literary
depertatkert. aocompavBted by OeneraJ Sec
retary Wilfrid B. Shaw of tfc Micbleaa 1 A. "W"- Jefferis, and bx addirioa to tb
Alumni aaaociouoa. visited Omaha yestes- ; einciAl rraerBtAtrvei of tba uaiversity.
day and were last aiirbt th ruosta of th ! tb FpeAbora tnciwdad ConeJ Gardener,
kicaj enearbera of tbe aaoociatHwi at a ba- I as two Bono at Aaa Arbor; U T.
aoet at tba Oaaaba dub. I Crofoct, Caopar E. Toot re)derit, and T.
The tp. whtrh was plana-d at th ia- j J- faJnaer. aocrettary of tb Omaha Alumni
stance of th alumni resident, in fiaa Fran- I aaeociaria A feArure of th prooeodlnc-s
Cisco, etrbrsoes ChicAjro, St I'aul. Minne- ! wa tbe talk of Mr. Bhaw. which was IUtt
apr.its, fuluth. tes Moinea. ttiah. Sat j trated by otereopueon news tba aai
Lake City. San Franctooo. Portland, veraity.
Spokane and the party wm return to Ana ' If the afternoon, at tbe Teat; Ven's
Arbor via ett. LoniA L-e Maines wb vis- i Cbnei tan aiswatioa Ixiaa Reed apoke to
tted Wednewday. tb h:x-h school bay under th auspice of
Vprtrde of m members of tb rxn
isatioa and friend assemtled in tbe EAirie'
bail laat aiarnt aad participated ia cae of
th men succetssful entertainatiext tbat
baa been cftei fnr some time in eonaer-
: tiee wn.h Cmsha aerie Nu. SS. Crloner
I H W. E. Mclwtuel. ciisirniiia of th en-
tertAinattert contn". Itioa. presided and. ia
add;tjn ts adareaoea of a cbaracter c-T5-
Tbe obiect of th trip," said Mr. f-hsw.
:s aot to ask for money but ta iatoraat
th alnmni in tb cntv sft v. brmf them
mto closer tuch w-ith Uitrir altna mater
aad ia that a ay let tbem see a hat it ia
A company of fifty aat dawa to tb C;a-
ner ia tna jkd n.. w ewier. -v-icv i i
proaideEt of tb local alunmi aasocia noa. i pltmontary of tbe order by Mayor Iabj
rfficsttiat aa chairmaa The toaata&aster j on and Fast President W. 6. Ritcb'e.
there was ac erjojabi muoncal prorram.
a o-onsUtns; besut aad a bamwim oration.
W. Tae-er of Chadroa eustained the roie
c-f the comic orator aad tb w restiir-c
match wa between Jack ToLltver aad K.
P.uby. Toliivrer. tfcoua-b be shewed tcucb
c.iev erne we was una ble to mat his o?xent
n tb otipulated ftfteeo mrnutea. Tbe mu
iticki part of th bill of far was atrppMed
ty Belmont and Scboiey and tbe Thirteen
club inatrumer.tAl quartet, cuuauuaed rf Ed
Boffman. Fred Pbss, Boa PilaB and
Alfred Biaafua Tt visnwrs included C.
totuamocher, preaiOent. aod I tt. ana
past areeidaat of Council Bluffs aerie.
tb Colief ciub.
Fricay mommf ta riaitara a bo ar
ruts of Jobs R Wbter aad L. F. Cro
toot. wer take on aa autamobQa roe
abemt th cty. aad in tb afteroooa will
For Croup there ta aotainc better lAaa
ChamberlAto a Couth F-emody.
rmxBxmxc J. aTatrrw.
ekjbaI ia a decre of fllvorc craa'-d y
Jdt futiuo ataaot Jaatras K. LAata The
decro awards ta Mra. Laais custody of the
aoa of year aad says. U piaiAttfl.
mother of Vard Grant LAata ia abowa
ia all respects to b aa hoaurabae aad ta
duytrious woman, having a groat Ve and
affoctioB f Jt her oon, and ah Is a fit and
iiroatcr peraoa t bava taa care, ouatady
and control of tb hm d
ha aoi-
be fl il !! d sin
Wtll Moot LsMaa atom at
ftoiia Ciaaw
A aarty of hicb-ua BurViE4rroa officAla
mciudin. Var Praswdawta BuraAaBB and
ByTJB mot local ofrvtala at ta Omaha
cab last aid aod dascnaaod ooAjtiaca of
tha rood- Tb raariore www oa a tour uf
-Wa axpoct ktttar koalnoaa thoa twer
inia ywar." aaid Vk Fresadont uraBAso
"but w BhaU a ahla te uA car of Jt
w-triBosjt easirertiaa, tboodrh abT teaa aaay
'sMbtLOM tner would be month with
out my rotaabaraesaent for expenM-a. and
rhea wonid cum a check for a lara
amount.- Mr MrOary aaid.
Aasowat of Fay.
"Can yoa roucrhly ostimaia wbat has
beea paid yoo" Repreatativa Garrett
Tba party included boa ides tbo vice praad
deitte Cciarai Traffic kUaaftr Busoa. Aa
. -.nt panel at Ma.nafar Bracaea. FraTbt
T-Vflo Manaiaee Cmoby and Mr. lot k.
s-i-ertttandotit of Una oast af tbo Maaowri
BCb aa aottmatc would bava ta a rery
roufh." tb witnaas replsrd 1 ahou.d
aay bexwoea and I hav boon
fAAkind; the addrooaea about ftftees
boot.; ha Some of tb trips tin t been for
Uiiij dJOLaatoaa." ,
-WThor hav you spoken 7"
"At Hutch tnaon. Kan ; Chicaco. befor
tb eta Maoul aetorora' a aanr latioa ; la
dAaopoiia. befor th Manufacturer' as
aeciarwat; Ouru.ns ti. bfora th Board of
Trade. Oewlaad. two or tbreo timoa
to deliver public addreesea and
to bold eocferetiicoa ottL tbe
eaorauva of tbo orranisAUan; Aabtabula,
New Orloans. Bii-auturbAss, Ala. tmica la
-Nw Tara City and at Tex
"WU1 yoa K a a-atement aa to tb
sinensis of money yqu bar raooiTedT Mr.
Garre'-t aaaod.
1 don't boHoie 1 cihb." U.a aitnoaa r-
1 kept no xsoaaoranduna la aa
I got VJ Tbea 1 bad aot rw.
raved aarthina rrom Lboai fur a
i tall and te tire lirt ao-caliod litxie
' putnta' Th FVnisaiey ouartet m an ob
I ect teoaon to every otodeart; that program
a as never ruabed tbroturb ta order to aaake
a showmf-; a reftroaontod tuitold hour of
! ira-Ocina; and Tbearfsxl It shoamd ain
; c entry, devotion to th h-bt Btaadard.
; paitestce, tr.tAlor-t aad indef attca bl w ork.
I The Fleiexaiey qnartet Efted Omaha'B ma-
n.rht Mis Evfclya Hopper preaected what ! ,)caJ atAndard loot ni-fct another larre
,. tne moot wonderful numb-- v ' notch UWJ"4 aK-iana and real
......... . . . music kners cf Omaha are grateful berond
aU that ah had. It ass lb Fienaaiey I .K , . , B
- ...bMuucM w us r b me
and payed and Ittrpired sbd corqaered.
lie rioaaoley trtast Qaariet.
la tbe aud.turium of tna Toucc Worn
ens Christian Association buJdicg laa
quartet, ccir.aistirit of A. Betti. first violin ,
A, Pochon. second . .-l.a . Vto Ara, iiua
and laaa d Ar; barcteaa. celliM.
Never has 0iaba latoned to a., aoauti- QA1NS IN MEMBERSHIP
ful b prewBted ia th moot wonderful i
marner thaa yeoterday. Jt is dra that I CF SAINTS, CHURCH GIVEN
u word p:--feitifn: abould be lined by !
a muaital reriewer. for it la a very bs; ! aioaro attar reroootoat artth
oord, and sbonid be uand opaxltxly. a-J assart CowbIbbt Cloa srrsad
dead, but if tb piayibt of Hayda a uarte ' larresa.
ta D minor. Opus M. Na I was not ea- i
Flao " at BeUir.
Tb groateot bai-swins ta fin kaeo ewr ovar kno-wa ia OoaaAa arlU fea of
fered aveax Moaday ax Broad aa:ora
w , Badrh bn oatsw otorfc oa baad ar a
I.uoeolpAai atia. voaolbar b aa ba
rens oiork af tat ported oortsun froaa a
K Ga BLiulAct-urar. Wa aavo saud fcc
ui of laaa aurtalna Vafar. bat aoror is
ur kasrory ba wo offcrod aach aavratajaa
V-s Uieao.
Tbo sTt olnaowr dpja hav
-.-rted as oca ajtaa'na
BRAN T' Ell rrOREg
Ta you - stock as any ebp.tx ooa
eerar .Mr. Garrett aakad.
"I ana ourry ta aay 1 da ui I ka. ns
intarwal ethor thaa any Aaiorinaa j
aorar raoatvod a dur Lwitt y froaa
anybody tt Ai had axy auch mtorsat,'
Fenaoa at teottf7 at Uwaxuraw after
aooa a aasii of tu ooaaaaittoo.
tklaaei fraoa Mead ta Mrod
was Baa Foot. Throat. Aa. obea draatad
wee a cr roadway, bnrt Bjckien't Ar
aioa faJwa ca-ad him. Sar. Fta- aai by
Boataa Ivg Co.
Faroistrat adveruoir g
trtjod to tb w urd porf ecuoi. tbea tn
present wrner knows few other worda to I
Bfernng ts tb nu. re torfeoua and eiabo
raia tbinc which predod tbis omeiAtA
aad Refer amor.g tb moderns, and tb
immortal Beethoven a Molla st la tb
audiono renarkod ta taa wrttor that h
bad novr-r known of a quartet having- ta
courac to put a Hayda auartot after a
BerLbovoa oxi But w aaa tbey had played
tLe ivveiy and tebder Adaano caatai.da.
fbliowud th bru:.act Al.e.-s moderato of
tbo first moreaaont. no turned wttb cn
tbuaiaam and aaid "Tfcey certainly can
play Haydn." Aod It was playing
Eack number oa th procram was frweted
with ta moot oiitfeaaiasuc aad mwsbela
inf APpiauoc. Each aumber waa hsunad
to vita tb moat rovcroM tnat a tbo ap
proprtat wordi and anml attaatioa
There iver w aa a u-ictrr audien room
ia tUia tea tiian whoa tbo artista were
piaym;. ai.d tner nor a as mar apoa
ts mini aTlamarWa afserwarda
Wnnh aaorojy ie to prov that Omaha
a i cry rocepUv to a a ork af raoi. gosu
ina. tntnnaic art. w baa arwoontod ia a
racore and eumpetant Tnaaner by artiois
an hAvo taAa aaina ta iaav not ton; tia-
I avM ib th way of ppArBtiuA.
la ta rvad ia g a.'raJ a roiief ta bear auch uuiixnttt
sad unuaal f nisa and fOe.iiy t tu do-
IXDEFTEKPENCIL Mo.. April 7 iSSpacta!
TeJ-TBJn Bisbo Bur.ard of Denver and
Biabop May of Independenoe were la chA-a
of Lb BaarBini- prayer mm lire au Laiter
ray Raints eonferent nor today.
Eider Jamea Fy cock of Canada waa tba
PoaAer at lb anorning preacanuy aemc
P eaidemt Jooepb friui h opened tb biai
aeos aoaaxia at t e'eiock. ret urmia to th
chair d urine tbo readme of tb minuta
ar.d ropo-ta. reaninar it later ts t: eeo
ond eouncinor. Elbort A. ftntuth. Church
P-ecordr C. J. Carpenter reported a taia
te tba cbarrb for tbe laat year by bajtrisni
of !M
loo-a rec stars in iroataat aajk thora
bavicf boo SI baptiaed ra thai oca -a. M:a
soeri sunsia a doaa ecord. wrtb M:bra
for third Th prwaent aetnal mrmborah p
of tbe ehu-rh is
C cures Soerotary SL C. Salyarda raportod.
as also d.d vanaua jorums of prtaetA err
enttiea. ia. canearnlnc Wiirk duaa during
tlx year A rodeat jn from tbo I" tab
dtsrrxs coafereno that a chapel or eaureb
k..jit( a rar:d ta iali Lake City la
order that tbo wars this c a urea is doiCff
txer may y-tirraaa batLer. Aa off art ja
aoiosT ooaauusuy aaad to roeiom saavay of
tb -wonest ra heart Vsd astray by
doctrinea "
O. H Bm.ioy of too at nt ty froaa BocA
LslAtftd p-oacbed tba eeeciti eer-moa. ao-
ed ky ItJit E Se-ei af loa
Two Tests
Here's Test No. 1.
Ladies' Blether
Oxfcrds Priced
at $1.95-$2.45
VTonaen can b pretty
rritical if they try. asd
we with the critical one
to aee all the blacker Ox
eiswber tfcfn to 6e wtat WE
tie to oTT-t at $1
and $2.S per pair. Onrt
are eitreaelx nobby
pa-tebt hatl.ert wirh
high kech toes, good high
arrhea, and oediiim aole-a.
We ar srRE of oar
grontd there la abso
lutely NOTHING to rota
pare with then elsewhere
they're hard enoagh to
get at even the HIGHER
-lead On
Here's Test No. 2.
Ladies' Ankle
Strap Pcrsps
at 51.95.-52.45
G on one of ;or PEE
C15E inapettion tripa
look arouxd for thofc sew
and dreary patent ram.?,
ene hcl tie. ankle strap
j,r.iL pa lou MAY fis.d
aoitethlrg to tuit at a
HIGHER, price. btH you'll
NEVER find them at
1. ; and It 4 Our
"haeemett" price. Wt're
Jutt th airy, dreaay, aed
laa light weight aoied
kitUli yoa'Te feeen looking
far. It's all well &4 good
ta pay higher prtoea if jroa
HAVE to. o-tit la aur
bafceaBeni" yoa don t
A Rare Chance for Xloazn Vho Year
SHALL Shoes-Sizes 3V2B & 4B Only
a $2.45
Throw -h a aoix Bp ax Us fjartory ta a aoaed Cla'juanatl BBAhrr. are ftsvl
owraeVve niaaeaadl of a line 1A stab by aat sap aadl Oxfoe4a
aavd 4B ONLY. They're taere ia faatrmt, g-a aaeaal. hid leartsrr, taJB.
aoaaa rmraetu (oa. T parctiaard Uferaa ad a aUABOK
1CV aat tJaeaa tlmt na way T
Shoe Market Basement
322 Suth Sixteenth Street