Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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'Hik omaiia Daily Hee
vuvMtni) uv l.mvAitu f.osi.watk.k.
victok koskwa, fuitoh.
Emend at Omul. a puslufflce as second
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Unturned copies
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tSutiacrlbed lo vny preaence and aworn
lo belora ma tbla Slat day ot WartU.
j mi i). L P. WJUiKtK.
Notary i-ublio.
Subacrlbera tearing the city tem
porarily ahould have The Bee
mailed to them. Addreaa will be
changed aa often aa requeated.
It is not the first
time Rome has
The colonel and the cardinal,
alliteration, anyway.
Isn't It about time for us to build
tho Platte river power canal again?
llow big is Omaha? See if you can
beat the census man to the answer.
Chicago proposes to establish a club
for stage women. Looks like a direct
slap at Reno.
So long as Maude Adams plays tha
role of "Chantecler" her sister actors
cannot call her an old hen.
Now, if Mr. Bryan should repudiate
that alleged Porto Rico interview what
a commotion there would be.
The secretary of the Mabray club Is
called for in Hot Springs. Probably
to read the minutes or the last meet
Looks as. if the immunity bath had
won when a "high up" offers no de
fenso to the charge that he gave a
bribe of $20,000.
The Columbus street carmen have
proved the possibility of some good
strikes by settling their differences
within a day or two.
Perhaps authorities who prohibited
the sale of liquor at the Jeffrles-
lohnson fight merely took that gentle
way of barring razors.
Our new pay-as-you-enter street cars
have solved the end-seat hog problem.
There are no end-seat hogs because
there are no end seats.
Help make Omaha look more like a
city beautiful by beautifying your own
premises without waiting for your
neighbor to set the pace.
Omaha's tlaily real estate transfers
may not be in such big figures, but
there are lots of them and the aggre
gate Is really impressive.
M. l.ouis jeatousy nas been so
troused by Pittsburg that the Missouri
metropolis has managed to land Its
chief cf police In court for a trial.
Colouel Roosevelt also showed hi
sincerity by taking Mrs. Roosevelt for
a quiet spin along "Honeymoon Route
soon after (he Merry Del Val incident.
These ret en t destructive fires ought
.o emphasize The Bee's demand for en
argement of the fire limits that were
Mxed for Omaha more than fifteen
yeart ago.
Kantas City's new mayor is said to
have 6old his home to pay his cam
paign assessment. What does it cost
to run for mayor down there? Or are
Monies so cheap?
James A. Patten has given the best
eason for stopping the abuses of tho
itock ! market because "lotting ' $2,
000,000 iu this sort of a fight Is no
more to me t'.ian losing a dime woul.l
be to you."
Tha new freight depot put up by the
Vortha-esieru road less than two years
go ! already proving Inadequate to
tha traffic demands. The trouble Is the
most farslghted of us have fallen far
thort of correctly gauging the rate of
Omaha's business expansion.
...on,. .., i..-t me actual n"'",,0,,
luu mi lornp.eiu copies ol 1 ne a
uuiuiK u. luuiull ut MalcU. 1K1.
a tuuoH.
Time Limit on Cold Storage.
Colli FtorBRC of fotirt prtxluct i a
boon to mankind, provided It is not
used ns n ltvfr for ndvarielnK prlres.
When it works hh a monopoly, it not
only Ftrikes at the pocketbook of
i ... ...... rnr..;i. I.nt hndnniira f)ia
jr-lj inn.., , , wn. i
I health. The senate eonimiltoe on tne
I rost of living 3 right, therefore, iu
;tnailiiR rold storage from a hygienic
ns well ns an economic standpoint and
lu giving serioin attention to tho pro
posal to put on a time limit.
The abuaes of the rold storage busi
ness have led to rharges of all aorta.
Speculation In the staples of life U
bad enough, but hen It Involves th
public health It becomes Intolerable.
Senator Lodge in presenting the com-
mlitii.'i bill well nara "a limitation
of time during which perishable arti
cles of food, and more especially meat
products, may bo retained In cold ator
age would be hyglenlcally of very
great value and would tend to check
many physical ' troublea which are
brought by those who have examined
the question, to b attributable to the
practice of keeping meats, particu
larly, In cold atorage for a long time."
A bill ia now before congress and
other reforms are being promulgated
to protect and conserve public health.
The aenate committee Is charged with,
investigating only pricea and the cost
of living, but It has skillfully widened
the scope of its powers to include the
hygienic aspect and it recommends
legislation In this direction "at the
earliest possible moment." If the law
becomes effective soon after congress
adjourns it may upset the plans of the
food speculatora to corner the market
and afford unexpected relief to the
A F&nnerV University.
Many agencies have been exerting
themselves for the farm and farmer's
uplift, but now the farmer himself has
taken an active hand In the move
ment. Impelled by James J. Hill's
cry of "Back to the farm," 2 50 so
cieties, representing 8,000,000 farm
ers, will meet in St. Louis next
month and lay the foundation of a
plan to establish the American Agri
cultural university, where they will
educate young men to be practical
tillers of the soil. The movement has
official support through the secretary
of agriculture, who, together with the
president, will attend the convention.
The proposition Is to locate the uni
versity in St. Louis as a central point
accessible to farmers from all parts
of the country. The university Idea
is the direct product of the general
determination to turn the tide from
the cities to the country as an Im
portant step in solving the economical
problems of present and future,
chief of which is the high cost of liv
The plan for this university does
not ignore the fact that state institu
tions are already doing a similar work,
but contemplates a much broader
scope of Instruction. It proposes, not
so much to teach young men about
farming as to teach them and Induce
them to be farmers, to actually send
them back to the farms as mission
aries. It will take students from the
city as well as the country. These 2 50
societies, with their membership al
ready of 8,000,000, are expected to
contribute to its support and the gov
ernment, of course, will be asked to
give financial aid.
Thus far with our Country Life
commission, our state agricultural
colleges, expositions and agricultural
evangelists, led on by Mr. Hill, we
have been unable to check urban con
gestion. The best minds have long
ago agreed that the question Is a seri
ous one, and if this American Agri
cultural university scheme can do
what no other agency has done It will
have earned no end of credit marks.
The School Attendance Mystery.
The publication by The Bee of the
figures of the average daily attendance
in the Omaha public schools year by
year as a guide for census estimates
lias started numerous Inquiries for an
explanation. Notwithstanding the evi
dence of growth in every direction, the
school attendance for last year seems
to be practically the same as what it
was ten years ago, the variations up
and down during all that time being
hardly worth taking into account.
The average daily attendance of pu
pils in Omaha's public schools In 1900
was 14,664 and in 1909 14.886. In
that period new kindergartens have
been added, the high school has been
enlarged, truant officers have been em
ployed, the juvenile court has been de
veloped and laws have been enacted
prohibiting the labor of children under
16 years of age all calculated to In
crease the number of children In the
schools and the number of years the
children stay in school. During this
entire period the annual number of
births hus been steadily Increasing and
the proportion Of children among the
newcomers from outside must certainly
have been maintained.
Over against this ,we can point to
one or two counterbalancing condi
tions. First, the marked lncwase in
population in our immediate adjoining
suburbs, where, no doubt, some of the
children are at school who would oth
erwise have been attending the public
schools In this city had their parents
net ' removed outside the city limits.
Again there is every reason to believe
that the private and parochial schools
have a much better record of attend
ance to show, both absolutely and by
coinparleon, this being the natural re
bult of prosperous times, making par
ents feel Justified In paying tuition for
having their children instructed in pri
vately maintained sihools.
T'ieee surely are miileallng clrcuiu-
stances, but they do not wholly solve
the mystery where the school children
have gone, and why the public school
attendance shows no greater growth.
It sneras to us that here is a subject
which will well repay careful study on
the part of our school authorities.
Consult on Canadian Tariff.
The progress made toward the
United States-Canadian tariff agree
ment is encouraging, but greater diffi
culties lie beyond. The United States
thus far has had only Canada to con
sider. In negotiating the treaty we,
must fpee the delicnte task of avoiding
offense to Germany, France and even
Great Britain. We could not receive
from or grant to Canada extensive
tariff rights without straining rela
tions with the other powers and this
the United States cannot afford to do.
Against amicable relations with these
countries we have to consider the vast
development of Canada, in which the
states have not only the lion's share,
but a real responsibility.
The task then calls for every pre
caution to avoid error. It is necessary
to have a treaty that will meet present
needs and provide for future growth.
The New York Commercial has pro
posed a plan for safety to the two
countries. It suggests that Canada
and the United States, through vari
ous public or quasi-public Industrial
and commercial bodies, arrange for a
conference where the mutual Interests
concerned in treaty-making could be
thoroughly discussed. Then when
these business men have reached their
conclusions let them, through their
delegates, meet with the government
officials charged with the negotiation
and give them the benefit of their
A treaty of such far-reaching effect
as this should not be made without
consulting the business Interests of
both countries, and this seems to offer
a practical way of doing this. Should
It be adopted, the first step will be to
select the conferees and it goes with
out saying that every Interest and sec
tion of country would have to be given
a fair representation.
Still Chaotic in Britain.
The turmoil in British politics,
which is still chaotic, has brought out
clearly the fact that the majority of
English voters are aa much opposed
to Irish home rule as they were in Mr
Gladstone's day.
It develops that Mr. Asquith has so
far failed to satisfy the conflicting
parties. He was generous with his
promises to the nationalists for their
support, but could not command their
votes on any measure that would meet
the Irish view. The worst phase of
the situation la that the Irish them
selves are divided on the question of
what shall be done for them, the
Dillon and Redmond forces having
been utterly unable to agree. The
popular feeling now favora abandon
lng temporarily the fight for home
rule lest other things of value to Ire
land be lost. Many Irish leaders have
come to believe that there is no sin
ceie intention in England ever to
grant actual home rule.
Great Britain, indeed, finds itself
confronted by an unsettled political
outlook. Some predict another elec
tion in a few mouths and many put it
not later than next fall. No party has
a majority in the House of Commons
and the ministry has scant hopes of
carrying out Its program. Falling to
do so it would have to appeal to the
country once more and It could
scarcely expect as large a measure of
endorsement as it received at the last
In the face of such a condition it Is
not only impossible to proceed with
home rule legislation, but with any
other on which there' is disagreement
With the liberal forces apparently
divided, not even the budget has been
able to get through. The fact is, there
Is no definite and controlling leader
ship, unionist or liberal.
National War on the Fly.
The people of the United States are
to be asked to join In the national
warfare for the extermination of the
house fly begun in Washington under
the auspices of the National Civic as
soclatlon. The crusade is to be ex
tended to every state and local boards
of health will be urged to give their
co-operation for a serious, systematic
campaign to destroy what has come to
be regarded as one of man's most dan
gerous enemies.
In cities where so much has been
made of typhoid fever recently people
should be specially prompt to take up
this work of suppressing one of the
great distributers of disease germs.
The moving picture will be used in
theaters and other convenient places
to show the contaminating powers and
habits of the fly. The insect will be
magnified to the size of a hen and ex
hibited walking across a dining table
with Its feet full of germs. It will
be the purpose to make the picture
emphasize the evils, so as to arouse
the people to the importance of Imme
diate and thorough action. The asso
ciation believes that if its crusade suc
ceeds it will have done as much to
Improve the sanitary conditions ot the
country aa any single movement has
yet accomplished and made compara
tively easy by Its example lo education
future work along this line.
Dr. L. O. Howard of the bureau of
entomology estimates that the people
spend 110,000,000 annually for
screens to keep the fly out of their
homes. Yet they neither succeed In
that nor In protecting themselves from
its ravages. But the same authority
says that if the people will follow the
directions of their boards of health
under the Instructions of this tani-
paign they will not only protect their
lives, but save tiieir screen money.
Our Nebraska corrupt practices act
puts a pinalty on the promise of ap
pointment to office, or other valuable
ronsideration, as an inducement for
votes for support. Just prior to the
South Omaha election a chronic office
holder made public announcement that
he would bo the deputy if the demo
cratic candidate for treasurer were
elected. The democrntlc candidate for
treasurer was elected apd has Just con
firmed the prediction by the announce
ment of his choice of deputy. Only
circumstantial evidence, of course.
Chicago is doing things by censor
ship these days, it has the police for
censors of its theaters and now pro
poses to appoint censors at the bathing
beaches to Inspect the costumes worn
by the fair ones and also the sterner
ones, it should not be hard to find
ellgibles to fill this latter position.
In quiet, quaint old Springfield,
Mass., they are discussing the advisa
bility of householders arming them
selves at night against marauders. If
this were in Elko, Nev., it might sound
more like reality, but coming Trom the
heart of the effete east It sounds like
a paradox.
The Federated Improvement club
has reaoluted against voting any more
bonds for public school buildings until
we get a new school board that will
treat the club's committee with greater
deference and courtesy. An apology
from the school board is In order.
The bonding company auditors have
put their O. K. on the books and ac
counts of State Treasurer Brian. The
people of Nebraska made no mistake
when they put the state's strong box
in Mr. Brian's custody.
Conditions must be fairly good
throughout the country when demo
crats feel rich enough to Indulge In so
many dinners In spite of the high cost
of living.
Try Work.
Wall Street Journal.
It la to be hoped that directions on how
tho consumer Is to obtain the materials
will follow the publication of Uncle Sam's
cook book.
A Gentle Hint.
Washington Herald.
If Mr. Ballinger should suddenly pull
the bell cord and get off. It is barely pos
sihle that the engineer would ask no era
barrasflng questions, anyway.
Startling; Innovation.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Some of the frankest, heart-to-heart ad
vertlslng Is being done by the public serv
ice corporations. It is a wise corporation
that forestalls Its own muckraking by
telling a plain tale easily verified by its
Frowning; on Publicity.
St. Louis Republic.
We trust that a ribald and sensational
press may have the decency to respect
Mr. Roosevelt's natural shrinking from
publicity In all matters pertaining to his
relations with Important dignitaries, civil
and ecclesiastical.
Ilryau as a IlevlvalUt.
St. Paul Pioneer Press.
A dispatch from New York Bays that
Mr. Bryan Is planning to retire from active
political affairs to engage In church work
That may be true, but he muBt still be
considered a very important factor In
democratic politics. He may not be the
next nominee of his party for president,
but the man named will have to secure
Mr. Bryan's approval.
Name Old Mnsxle.
Indianapolis News.
There was a touch of Cannonlsm In the
republican convention. After the platform
was read the previous question was moved,
and carried, though many voted no. Thus
debate was cut off, and the possibility of
a minority report was excluded. This
hardly seems to consist with the theory,
so ably advocated by Senator Beverldge
and for which the Insurgents are supposed
to stand, that the people should rule.
Breaklnit Into lliioket Shops.
Philadelphia Record.
The administration is to be congratulated
on the thoroughness with which it attained
the object sought. The blow to the bucket
shop system Is a fatal one, and if the
pursuit of the stragglers Is as determined
as was the Inception of the plan and the
preliminary campaign, It can but prove a
complete and lasting success. The Depart
ment of Justice Is engaged In other cam
palgns, and this criterion speaks well for
the sucesg of its operations.
Wataon'a Voire Uplifted.
("an Francisco t'hronlole.
Tom Watson is being heard from again.
He is onoe more lifting up his voice Jn
favor of greenbacks and is denouncing as
dangerous lo the republic the proposition
to create a great central bank. Tom say
that Andrew Jackson is as much alive to
day as he ev.r was and that he will help
the greenbarkers to -lestrny the awful con
spirucy which hus for its object the crea
tion of a banking system w hich will enable
Americans to cope with foreigners in the
markets of the world.
HreiiUlnw l'i Bucket Shops.
1'hliurlelphla Record.
The attempt of the federal authorities to
break up interstate bucketshop gambling
Is an txleushjii of Its activity Into a new
field of interstate commerce. It Is much
to be deired that the crusade may be
wholly successful. The bucketshop profits
are altogether derived from gamesters whi
cannot afford to lose. The arrest of Ih
bucketshop professionals Is a fine deter
rent move, but not near as decisive aa wil
be the proposed Intention to cut off th
wire service. The bucket shops would fin
new keepers, but they could not well d
business without aid of the whvs
Our Birthday Book
April , 110.
Jacob Fawrett. Judge of the Nebraska
nupreme court, was born April 9, 147. Ha
Is a native of Wisconsin and served during
the war, enlisting at the age of 14. He has
been practicing law. before going on the
bench, since 187.1.
Rev. Robert I.. Wheeler, paalnr of tha
First Presbyterian church at South Oiimha,
was Vm April . Ittl. al Richland Center,
Mo-, gn.i tutu been active In public affair.,
in Siju h onwlia fur many yrsra.
In Other Lands
Bid X,lrht oa What ta Trans,
plrlnff Amour ha Hear and
far Hatlona of tha Bartn.
The protests against the pro-Brltlah
perch of Theodore Rmwevrlt uttered by
ho Egyptian at Cairo possess deeper sig
nificance than Is usually arcorded an ahu
lltlon of nationalism. The protesta voiced
the spirit now vivifying the greater part
of the Mohammedan world. To a limited
degree It Is the American spirit of "home
ule" so often heard In protest ngainst the
mercenary measures of selfish legislators.
In the old world It Is Intensified by mon-
archlal tyranny and the exclusion of the
people from participation In the making
of laws for their own welfare. The awak
ening In nations hitherto regarded as pawns
for world powers centers In demands for
constitutional government. A constitution
is to them a charter of liberty as dear as
tho declaration of Independence Is to
Americans. No matter how limited the
concessions a constitution may grant, it
serves aa wedge to split monarchial abso
lutism. To appreciate the extent to which
the cry of Cairo nationalism ramifies the
old world, note what Is going on.
China, the awakening giant of the east, is
pledged to a constitution eight years hence.
Native India, In a ferment against alien
rule, has forced from Qreat Britain legisla
tive concessions which make for home
rule. The exiled shah of Persia and the
prisoner of Salonika are examples of the
royal conceit that both Persians and Turks
were unfit for constitutional government.
Both tyrants were forcibly shown the error
from power. Even In Russia, where abso
lutism has Its greatest grip, constitutional
government has made distinct advances
through the legislative wisdom of the
Duma. Progress Is necessarily slow. Inex
perience encounters many pitfalls. The
grip or rulers, whether alien or native. Is
ever tenacious. But the signs In the older
world, from tha Nile to the Ganges, are
heartening to the hosts of liberty In the
new world.
The rock-ribbed financial strength of
Qreat Britain and its ability to bear the
additional taxes proposed by Chancellor
Lloyd-Oeorge is strikingly portrayed by
Frederlo Austin Ogg In the American Re
view of Reviews. "As as matter of fact,"
says the writer, "Great Britain never poa
seesed elements of strength equal to those
of today. A population of 20,000.000 in 1815
has Increased to one of 44,000,000. In 1815
the nation's accumulated wealth was under
3,000,000,000; as late aa 1845 It was only
4,000,000.000; in 1882, according to Mulhall, it
was S, 720, 000,000; today It is variously esti
mated at from 12,000,000.000 to 15,000,000.000.
The yearly addition to this accumulated
wealth in 1815 was 60,000,000; today it Is
300,000,000, or six times as much. The
total foreign Investment of British subjects,
almost a negligible quantity 100 years ago,
is now estimated at 2,700,000.000, upon which
there is an annual Income of not less than
140.000,000. During the last six years the
placement of British capital In foreign
countries, largely suspended during the
previous decade, has been resumed on a
stupendous scale, greatly to the Improve
ment of foreign trade, and distinctly to
the encouragement of public and private
thrift. At least 100.000,000 were Invested
abroad In 1908, and approximately the same
amount in 1909. These are merely a few of
tho more obvious evidences of the financial
power of the nation."
The energetic opposition which the French
Catholics mean to offer to the educational
policy of the French government was In
dicated In the speech which M. Grasseau,
the well-known professor of the University
of Llllo, delivered in the Chamber the other,
day. The government bill, he said, was a
measure of resplsals which tended to op
press the consciences of parents. In order
to justify this measure the reporter had
depreciated the Instruction given by the re
ligious orders. These professors of the
ecoles llbres were terrible rivals whom the
state had got rid of solely by the drastic
device of exile. Their property has been
handed over to the liquidators, the nature
of whose operations was now becoming
manifest. The attitude of the Catholics
was legitimate, Blnce they defended the
liberty of the parent. In the name of
what principle could the state fine and Im
prison parents who acted In obedience to
their conscience? The will of an entire
people could not render, Just what was un
just. M. Grousseau added that not only
would he himself disobey the law were It
votea. dui ne would do what he could to
Induce a good many others to disobey it.
The disobedience of an Individual was an
offence, but disobedience on the part of
100,000 men waa known as "a movement of
opinion" and might exercise Its Influence
In Parliament. He and his friends intended
iu arouse xne uacnouc youth all over
France In a campaign on behalf of truth
and Justice until the Iniquity consecrated
by the law had been redressed. The ma
jonty mignt oppress the Catholics, but
could never enslave them.
fear or violent death at the hands of
some enemy so noticeable In Abdul Hamld
...1.11.. . . m . ...
nun ouiiun oi jumfy nas become a
mania Blnce his forcible retirement from
uuuuc me. jb me eieoi 01 Allan occupy
ing the Ylldli Kiosk scores of faithful
servitors guarded his person from violence
leaving only the poison route from the
kitchen the main source of alarm. All
food brought to him there was tested for
dangerous lngredknts before reaching the
royal palate. Within the bounds fo hi
palace prison at Saloinka the deposed sul
tan has neither guard nor cook of his own
selection, consequently his fear of violent
death Is painfully acuta. He is living In
dally terror of assassination. He Is said
to have shrieked for help at the sight of
his little son, Abdur Rahitn, with a toy
pisioi in ins nana, a passing ship Is a
source of great consternation In his breajtt
portending an immediate attack upon him
Tha overhauling of the drainage system in
the neighborhood where he Is Isolated Is to
lilm a sign of a plot to flood his house
with water and thus accomplish his d?ath
Abdul wanders about his house, starting
at strange noises and the rreaklngs of the
stairs. When he pauses a mirror he shrinks
at his own reflection. A strange contiast
does It furnish to th Abdul of old Inso
lent with power, guarded by an army and
alashlrig right and left. How are the
mighty fallen!
Sir Christopher Furness, head of the
English shipbuilding firm of Furness,
Withy & Co.. has been forced to abandon
an experiment in co-operative Industry
marled a year ago. He aimed to give his
employes an Interest In the business of the
firm, hoping thereby to eliminate labor
wars and strife In the shipyard. Sir
Christopher asked that the co-operative
plan, involving tha investment of small
urns In the buslnesa by the workman and
tha payment of I per cent dlvldtnds thereon
In addition to tha regular wages, bs tried
for one year. Tha workmen agreed, on J
their aide, not to airika during tha Ufa of j
the experiment, but to adjust their differ- j
ences with the managers through a Joint i
uui.i w vuin uiuiiuii. i ne isiiure is uuf i
considerably. It would appear, to the trade
unions. Tha trade union leaders originally
opposed tha scheme on the ground that
such projects of partnership and profit
sharing would tend to leave tiad' unlont
. IIIWIII IW 1 111111- Ill J
lift: I lljiwtoteEtei;
The report made to the Comptroller giving condition at closo
of business March 29, 1910, shows:
Cash and Reserve
Loans and Discounts
Total Assets
31 Interest paid on
Time Certificates of Deposit.
with no reason for existence, but their
protesta were overborne by a majority of
the employes of tike Furness concern. 11
now appears that the Influence of the
trade unionists has increased during the
year, owing probably to the continuing de
pression In the Industry. Employment by
the firm was not so general as had been
.anticipated. The outcome Is discouraging
to Sir Christopher Furness. who made a
sincere attempt to alleviate conditions ad
verse to the Industrial supremacy of Great
Wlinili; AltE THE HOME FOLKS f
Bryan Approaching; Antlve Shores
and .Nothing: Doing;.
Washington Post.
Mr. Bryan shrinks from a demonstration
or welcome upon his return from foreign
parts. His pockets bulge not with manu
script advocating government control of
railroads. He has not hired Madison Square
garden to fill with his hitherto never-falling
voice. His only thought Is to land and
get away not In a Queensberry sense, but
literally. Quickly as he can entrain for
Nebraska the Journey west will begin. The
dust of Gotham shall not have- time to
gather on his feet.
Why this resolve? Has the perpetual
candidate come to the fag end of perpet
uity? That is it. In a letter to Chairman
Mack, declining a publlq reception upon
his arrival In New York, Mr. Bryan gives
as the reason therefor that he fears it
would be open to misconstruction. In other
words, people would think he was out for
a fourth nomination for the presidency.
This renunciation of honors goes far to
confirm previous reports to the effect that
Mr. Bryan will stand aside In 1912, and will
surport the choice of his party for presi
dentpreferably Governor Harmon. Also,
It betrays the fact that Mr. Bryan treas
ures tho belief that he has a cinch on the
nomination If he wants It. Now, Mr.
Bryan Is clearly mistaken. The drift from
him waa apparent from the day of his last
stunning defeat, and it has been gathering
volume and crystallisation as time speeds
on. His name Is rarely, If ever, mentioned
by any democrat In congress, and the same
la true elsewhere at party banquets and
on the stump. It does not appear that this
is done in pursuance of any understand
ing In the matter. It is by general consent.
Certainly, Mr. Bryan retains the admira
tion and following that his personality at
tracted to him, and doubtless always will,
but as an overshadowing political entity,
as the chief asset of the national democ
racy, he has passed.
Phenomenal Expansion of American
AarrlcnKnre and Industries.
San Francisco Chronicle.
The United States Is becoming a great
consuming nation, but that fact does not
prevent the growth of her exports of agri
cultural products. In 18fjl-lS.V, when for
eign economists were advising us that the
proper course for Americans to pursue
would be to devote themselves to agricul
ture, we were shipping to foreigners farm
products to the average value of $3.Sj per
capita annually. In 1901-1303 the annual
average per capita export of farm products
had increase to t0HS. and since 1905 It has
been still greater. It Is In the highest de
gree Improbable that any such quantities
of agricultural products as we are now
sending abroad would have been produced
In this country If we had taken the bad
advice of rr free traders, who Imagined
that the development of American manu
factures would retard the cultivation of
the land. To the diversification of our
Industries more than to any other cause
Is owing the phenomenal expansion of
American agriculture, which enables us to
Bpare a large quantity for export. Had we
made the blunder of neglecting the develop
ment of all our resources, the probabilities
are that we should still be a country In the
same class as Turkey or Uracil, whose
populations are wholly dependent on agri
culture. Successful manufacturing and
mining enterprises are a stimulus to agri
cultural production, and never militate
against the prosperity of the farmer, ex
cepting In countries like England, where
he Is discriminated against to favor the
Increased Tostofflce Earnings.
New York Tribune.
The federal treasury ha been helped In
the last six months by the surprising earn
ings of the Postofflce department, finally
the postofflce runs behind from $13,000,000
to $30,000,000 a year, the deficit for 1908-09
having been $17,000,000. The treasury has
to meet postal deficits out of Its ordinary
teceipts. This year, however, the postal
service has been almost s.if-sustalnlng.
The loss on the operatlims of the first six
months was only $4,071,000, against S10.2H4.OIX)
for the same period in 1K0S-O9. The last
quarter showed a aurplus of $2,111,000.
Probably the happy day is not far distant
when the Postofflce department wiil be
able not only to give mure liberal service
but to pay Its own way.
$500 PIANO PLAYER, $375
On 02 Weekly Payments
A, IIOSPG CO., 1513 Douglas Street
$50 in Cash
Capital ,$500,000,00
Surplus & Profits 700,000,00
$ 4.710,179.09
The promised libel suit against Collier s
weekly is esteemed, by that publication a
a fine line of front-page advertising.
Hon. Bathhouse JohtV Coughlln, poet
laureate of Chicago, has beeu re-elected to
the city council. To reciprocate the good
will of the voters, the Hon. Bathhouse
will Issue his "pomes" In book form."
Surviving friends of the lata Senator
Piatt are endeavoring to keep alive the
famous "Amen Corner," wherein they
nodded when the bass winked. They look
forward hope fully for absent treatment.
"The American Flag," a booklet issued at
Cleveland in the Interest of ship subsidy
legislation, has suspended publication, and
the editor, one Ponton, Is under Indictment
In Washington charged with libelling con
gressmen. An election to fill the vacancy in the
thirty-second congress district of New York
is booked for April 19. George W. Aldridge,
republican nominee. Is being attacked by
republicans as a pulltlcan of the Alld's type,
and Is mixed up In the Investigation Into
purchased Insurance legislation. His op
ponent Is Jamus S. Havens, a Cleveland
I'nder the regime ot Emll tifldel, socialist
mayor-elect of Milwaukee, the Cream City
Is promised a revolution of sociability and
good things generally. Among the pledged
reforms are penny lunches, a seat for every
passenger on street cars, 3-cent fares,
municipal coal and wood yards, free water
for widows who wash for a living, and
work for the unemployed at union wages.
New York Street Commissioner Edwards,
famed for graduating from a foot ball
eleven Into the official duty of street clean
ing, is an unusual and surprising official.
He asked last winter for an appropriation
of $100,0110 to keep the streets clean during
the winter. He got the appropriation, kept
the streets clean and at the end of the
winter season turned Into the city treasury
$40,000 of the money unused!
"John," exclaimed tho shocked woman,
"you are eating with you knife!'1
"I know It. I'm economising. When you
eat with your knife you have to learn to
bulance your food. You eat less and It
takes longer." Washington Mtar.
Bacon That dog of mine begins to show
almost human Intelligence.
Egbert How so?
Bacon He hasn't touched a piece of meat
In three days ! Yonkers Statesman.
"A Cleveland girls, claims to have
foriV-flve days.
"Poor thing! Why doesn't Bhe quit board
ing " Philade.phia Ledger.
"The Judge's pretty daughter allows long
visits from that rising young lawyer."
"Probably he Is merely listening to his
arguments for a stay." Baltimore Amer
ican. "Have Mr. and Mrs. Squlnchley compro
mised their matrimonial troubles yet' 7'
"Not quite. They agreed readily enough
as to which one was to have the cuBtody of
the children, but they don't seem to be
able to decide which Is to have the cholca
of the automobiles." Chicago Tribune.
First Shade What Is the Hall of Fame?
Second Shade An apartment house with
too many Janitors.
"Who's that billionaire with the big tour
Itif! car and the two extra tires?"
"That's Tennyson Blnks. He's the fellow
who Invents the personal and private mem
oirs of the world's great featherweights."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"What's Is the cause of that prima don
na's Indignation?"
"The pii-ss agent," replied the Impresario.
"He said she sung like an angel. She says
that ull the angels she ever knew couldn t
sing. They merely wrote checks." Wash
lngton Star.
The soeli lv dame was giving a luncheon
to the distinguished aviator.
"In spite oi the dangers of your occu
pation," she said, "there Is an irrlslstlble
fascination about It, Is there not, Mr. L'p
pengo" "'1 here Is, madam." ho answered.
"In fact, does not the excitement of it
seem lo be a species of Intoxication'.'"
"It does, madam," sighed the aviator,
"and sooner or later every one of us takes
a drop too much." Chicago Tribune.
Pall Mall Gazette.
About the time of lamb and mint
The vernal poet gives a hint
Of wialilng to appear in print.
He comes unconscious of his crimes;
The Jingle of his bag of rhymes
Proclaims his advent here bctlmes-
Th ghostly prehistoric ring
Of shackled sounds that closely cling.
As grass and lass and spring and wing;
A sense of greenness In the air,
A gusty shape upon the stslr,
But darkly seen, then vanished wheret
The guardian of the outer door '
Ohsfrves his progress, quaking sore.
I'p to the landing, and no more.
He reaches not the place of doom
Where fitful flashes rend the gloom
That clouds tti editorial room.
He who compels the lightnings' glare.
1'pon his bolt of blue will swtar
The poet never enters there.
Yel always with the early mint.
Sustained by hope that feels no stint,
The bard appears but not In print
The fifth prize in the Si hmoller & Muel
ler Name Contest. 8end In yours elevan
other prices amounting to $1,146.