The Omaha Daily Bee. EDITORIAL PAGES 11 TO 20. THE OMAHA DEE cn. relinh'.e tif ia;er that I admitted to encb and every home. VOL. AXXLX -No OMAHA. SATlKDAY MUKXIN'U, APIJIL !. VMV. sixci.K copy two n;xTs. t 1 4 8 9. rl- t 1 ! i S i 4 Elsie Janis Buys Bennett Millinery sr vi v i r v v r bwi , v m 1.XKI.1NK STV I.ISH WfW SI IT MATS yT 'X TOOAV. Wo That Hcnnrtt Hat are recognised a tjle leader was again proven thi week ih'n the Kiiular iiliw, after flopping in all the principal cities, choowi three of out finest models. These hats were the creation of our own designers, who give lernal supervision to every hat shown. Bennett Millinery, no matter what the price, is always correct. Our usual large Saturday showing will be of particular interest tomorrow, for hundreds of fu l.erb new hats will be ready We invite comparisons. Special displays, at '5, '10, '15 lo $25 Important Bag Purcshae, Values to $15 at $5 bought a well knowu maker's samples, including several eloso outs of regular lines at startling reduction. High grade Alligator Bags, Real Seal Bags, Real Walrus Bags and Real Morocco Bags. Some have fine fittings, such as coin purse, pencil, tablet, cologne bottle and mirror; others have one, two, three and four fittings These are new stles; h'gh grade, and worth to $1.1.00: Saturday S5.00 EACH. Seal and Imported Goat lings, with niler, gold-filled and giinmental frames leather Tined; values to $s, at. $3.98 HandMiine All Leather Han, with leather linings and fittings; newest de signs: special 4 AD values, at syaJe All Ieather and leather Lined Hags New shapes, made to sell up to $3.;0 ;;e,.a:-....$1.98 Neckwear Novelty JalKts Handsome Irish crochet lace effects t S1.50 to S3.00 Jabot- Net and cluny ef fects, at S1.50 Caxcade JalKits of Brusbels net. at 50 7oC SI. 00 Ijac-e Bows, 50C Veilings iMi-im h Chiffon Veiling; best shades, yard, at 50t 24-inch Ombre or Shaded Chiffon Veiling, at. . -Got Made Veils; 3 yards long hemstitched chiffon, OS Veiling Fancy Mesh; all colors, values to bite no at 10t It's Kodak Time rrtmo Jr. Camtra re quires Tin foruhinc nd use K a a t ni a n film pack. 3 X4 -in. picture". at 3.60 4xi-in. pictures at $4.60 Pre moat ta Camera Very i Qmpact anrl folding, weighs 11 o.F, I'jXS'i picture, at 94.60 CilHsn Graduate, 8-. lr.e SOo (ilasa Graduate, 1 6-oz. sire 300 Hubber Print Rollers, 4-lnch 80o Yelox He-leve1oper, to give Sepia effects on Velox paper, bottle 60o We sell Eastman Kodak Film. No substitution here. Drugs, Sundries, Toilets Sulphur and Formaldehyde Fumigator 80c Whisk Broom, large, fine straw, fancy handle. .. .860 Perf. Liquid Oreen Soap, for shampooing 85c Bocablllt Castile Soap, green or white, lb 80o Bradley's Vollet Perfumed Sea Salt, pkg ....86c Ribbons Ribbons for millinery uses, fancy Persian and Dresden effects; also velvet ribbons, in all shades and widths, at. yd 54 to 50c Kihhons Silk Moire, Taffeta and Messaline: 5 and 6-in.; all leading colors, p worth 2jc. at IDC I 1 It y TT T ' 'liililren's I'lay Suit. Indian Suits and llonip- j tJ ers Now On Sale. IPL f Pure Silk Hosiery for Saturday at 89c Here's a treat If ever there was one. Women ho enjoy the luur of silk nose will reap a snug saving. Pure Kilk hose, with lisle sole and garter top, which adds to their life or wearing 120 OTW qualities; black only; pair Silk Mtrcarltad Hon Imported poi double ole and garu r top. f,- "Wr allies Cauz 1.1a: leu blitv 1; ?t am U" top. 2ici Vlose,' VV.;c'li'riateC, Women's Underwear Spring Weights Low Ne k Vests. slee cless, in wnl-st arte1y cotton, llt-le and mcrcct ire.l. 10c. 16c 85c, 35e ana 60c Union Suit Low neck and tOeevelef. and liKht or wide lace knee Myle. lisle gooil t. EOo, 750 and 1.00 KATUBOAT QX.OYS DAT Chamois Glove". In natural and white. usual 1 :i kind 9100 Chamotsette c.loxes. i- ibP t w . . 60O Mik liiovn. Kavs-r & Kownes' iiihk . all ImgthF. 60O, Tc. 1.00 and 81.60 Knit Drawara, l.l lml Id MlilH'f . Knit Santa i'IkM leTKth mrnirtil. Long SKrr Tcata, medium w r! el t I, tot. Is, 1 1 1 m:u'l 35o and 60c km-c Mtid r Kte . . . 8c and 5Cc in Funviier ant S6e nnd 60o KAaDKEKCRIErS Pure Until h. x. 't HeiniKer-lilff 5a Pure linen Zlon e.)K- 1 Utid ker.-Mie t al 16c Pule linen ,AimrniHU ,'oir llamlkn- chlefs at ' 35c l'oiible S. - II Trading sinmps in these fmir dipHrtunnls .Hiurdii?. 3 k -I I'L .11 JB 1 un ! ii Big Sale Fresh Cut Flowers It's Carnation and llcwe IMj, with prices down to lowest point Knc.ugh for everybody CAHNATIO.NS 10,000 beauties; pink, red, enchantress and white; very fragrant; long stem, worth and $1.00 a 7Q dozen, at J KOSKS Very beautiful; full blootn roses, with rich, elet pelals; large size; long stem, worth $1.00 'IQ a dozen, at J J Candy 1 luf fcntii hoecd ites Our ;,to quality 9Qr" Saturday, lb CtOK Coeoaiuit Hon Hons Made fresh coeoaniit; our 4 Uc grade: spei ihI per lb 20c L (J Sea Halt, 9 lbs. 10c Tube Camphor Ice ..10c Hes- Cold Cream .... BOo Jdonoxlde Cream SOo Petroleum Jelly, lb., 10c lac Peroxide Be Licorice Powder. 3 oz. 10c Moth Balls, pound ....Bo Sulphur, pound 6c Stick Licorice, lb. ..40c Marten's Roup Cure.. 60c Parme Vio. Talcum.. 100 Wagons and Velocipedes Badger Coaatcr 'Wag-ona Small slxe $8.50 Large slxe B3-00 Star Coaatar Wagons Small size 83.85 Large slxe B4.00 Steel Tin Veloclpadas All sixes 81.16, 81-35, 81.50 Plush Teddy Bt-ars Choice of one lot 85c Teddy Lions Three sizes, worth to 1.:6, at 86o Paper Kites, colored, at.....' lo Iien and Young Men's Suits Unmistakably Superior at a Low April Price that Compels your Appreciation M A 75 rail .irj :- Measured hy any standard, these men's suits are the finest $!!(. OO values in America today. We want convince you that this store deserves its fine clothing business by earning it- Ve have over SOO handsome. new models on sale Saturday that compel admiration for their advanced styles, suiierb. all wool materials, and; finished workmanship. There are worsteds, cassimeres and cheviots, in all the popular shades; stripes, checks., 1 1 L overplalds, wide wales and blue serees; two and three button coats, alpaca and serjee lined; hand felled and ii Ir cakJL bluff edges; trousers have belt loops, three-Inch turn up and seini-cK cut. Finest $20.00 values, at j YOl'Mi MEX'S Sl'IT STYI.KS Our illustration gives an accurate portrayal of the smart, snappy cut of our suits. They appeal strongly to fashionable voung fellows. We have them In all the new shades and patterns; semi-shaped, two and three-button coats; full peg-top trousers, with deep turn-up Unusually fine values now at 510.00, $12.50, $15.00 BOYS' REEFERS Choicest of the new spring styles, in coverts, cheviots, worsteds, . flannels; all shades; plain and fancy materials; self or velvet collars; 2 to 10 years sizes, at $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 BOYS' RUSSIAN SUITS Every wanted color, pattern or design; plain colors also medium and light and fancy materials; 2 Vs to 6 year sizes; every one new and correct, at $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 BOYS' WAT SUITS Single and double breasted, and N'orfolka, with or without yoke; all the leading shades plain and fancy effects; 5 to lC-year sizes per suit, now at $3.00 $4.00 $10.00 BOYS' TAYO-i'AXTS SUITS; of all wool cassimeres, in light and medium colors: two pairs knickerbockers: the best $5.00 value shown in town or elsewhere now on sale, per suit at $4.00 The Book Sale "" fV 'sic"" tffrr" ' . 9 1 1 ! i i ll B W Widest Variety New Shirts You can indulge your fancy to your heart's content here. Never such a showing before; pleated shirts, plain shirts, shirts with soft collars. in percales, madras, solsette, silks and linens; choicest of patterns, too PURE SILK SOX At a remark able low price; fast colors; navy, wine, grey, tan, green, black; double heel and toe; line just in; special, pair.... 55c $oo.$j50.$2o.$3o6 kkits uiriojr butts Well known Superior' make, all eixes and styles, long and short sleeves, ankle and knee lengths. Cotton Suits gl.OO Lisle Suiti 81-60 to S3 Silk and lisle 88.60 to 83.60 Mercerized Suits 83.03 Nainsook Suits 83.00 to 83.00 The Correct Hats for Spring You'll appreciate the wealth of Practically everything worth matter what shade or shape, here; and for less than you are asked about town Little Boys' riat Fancy cloths and plain felts, with soft brims, at 50 75 and at $1.00 Boys' Caps All the new shapes, at ...25 t0 50 variety of becoming, new hats. having is here soft hats, no if it is correct, you'll find it . .$2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 Hats for Older Boys In tel escope, trooper and tourist shapes, in all principal hades; some with fancy ribbon bands now at $1.00 and $1.50 The response to our sale announcement lias been spontaneous. XYidespread interest has been shown by hook-lovers in Omaha and many miles around. The world's best literature Hooks that live on and on in dc luxe library Editions. At One-Fourth Value An unprecedented opportunity. S-e the dis play in the bock section. Prospectus and cat alogue ready following authors represented Aildlf on Ainswortli Anthology Aiireliua Hrp Ii Halzar t turns Chesterfield 1 a n t e Ie Msupas- RHnt 1 e M usset I'lckens Dumas Lliot Kmeron KlliCtt't us Kn-ldiiiK I'rai.kliii Gamier Jlbbon ' ,t ren ItlllZOt inet ho Hhu I'.orne Hiijro IiimIi Literature Irvine KlnKley; ! .amli Line,. In Longfellow LnHHinr Jlulilliueh Cirii'nlal jre Plat Plutarch 1 Mo Poetry , Haw liiihon Schiller Seott Shakespeare Smollett Sterne St- ,M?on Value '1 liinkoiay Travel Wet Ptcr Wild.- Saturday's Big Savings on Fashionable Footwear The importance of correct foot-dressing must not be under-estimated. Footwear either makes or mars your appearance. Be sure your shoes fit you snugly and that they are fashionably cor rect. Bcinett shoes have been chosen to comply with all the niceties of refined tastes. You can get the styles of the hour without paying an exorbitant price. Saturday is shoe day. We fea ture strongly many new effects in ankle strap pumps and oxfords. Cravenette Pumps also patent colt pumps, on new stage lasts with high arch, giving foot appear ance of full slie smaller $4 Children's Pumps Two-strap styles, in patent leather and dull leather; exclu sive novelties Just in, at $2 Sheet Music 1 fa, New Short Vamn Oxfords and ankle strap pumtis and dull leather, one eyelet ties: the pronounced styles of 1910; smart high arch effects, giving a small effect to the foot; Cuban and med ium heel; widest assortments, at $2.50 Two Syalat Ttaa Substantial, dull leather shoes, for street wear; plain toe, very neat and dressy, at 83.60 Black Oos and Sraad Oxfords On new stage last: plain toe and high arch also new Ox fords, with medium round dome toe; ehort vamp ftyle. at S4.00 Children's Low Cut Ankle Strap Footwear These are the correct spring and summer styles for boys and girls; made on new wide toe latits and other likable width.; shown In tan, black and patent leather for all ages. Nothing ever brought out were so extremely popular. They are cool, comfortable and l?rfect fitting lriccs - to A. pair 51, to 8, pair H to 11. pair 11H to 2, pair '2 i to 31,, pair 75C $1.25 $1.75 $2.25 $2.50 . All the Wanted Styles in Men's Shoes Too Men's lxw Cut Shoe The correct shapes, in tan, dull leather and patent colt, featuring the short vamp and high dome toe. Fully as attractive and serviceable as any 4.B0 shoe In town. They are fash ioned over the identical style of last brought out in the $5.00 and $C.OO grades. It's unmistakably the best shoe value in town. at. . . . 'MftAn Uaah Uaah1 Another "Moon" song to iret its first in troduction at' Ben nett's busy music rorner tomorrow. The moon is inspir ing to song writ era, and 'Moon. Moon. Moon" is the prettiest one ever written. Mr Ben nett, our Music Maiiger, is Just hack from N. Y., where he has heard it sung. He pre dicts for H 'an In stantaneous success in Omaha, such na ii scored in New 4 1 aT K.. I York- 19c 5 int- f lore t nf 2 Oar Tan Cast Count r contains more i. u r- u . t the popular editions 5 than you II see In aar all Omaha. Put on jg Your c ltd Grey Hun- T"; rt. Next to Your lnfher Who I o Yo.i Love? flood Lurk Mary, and hundreds of others jusMin at Welcome News of New Arrivals; Late Styles Women's Suits and Long Coats You'll welcome both the aewness of these garments and the economy in buying them. The suit buyer brings them with him on his arrival from the New York markets, swelling our stocks to immense proportions and affording values matchless in Omaha. i A 250 Distinctive New Suit Models of very fine all vluI serges and worsteds. A purchase from a maker fam ous for finished workmanship and artistic desiici. Slack business and the need of orders and the prospect of 250 garment deal, influenced a low price a big saving to us and to you. Saturday the lot goes on sale $23.00 and $30.00 suits, in all wanted colors 19 $1.25 lf-fitted Moire 515 A Sale of Tailored Waists Fifty dozen for Saturday; fresh from the factory; wide and narrow pleated; some shirt style. with pocket; laundered collar and cuffs; white only Rare bargains, at White Serge Coats Full length, half-fitted garments, with long roll white Moire silk collar; patch pockets and pearl button trimmed, at... Iliac k and White Long Coats Shepherd check, with large, black satin, shawl collar; self strapping and C ! Q fancy buttons, at J) lirtDU Diagonal Coats In full length, wide wale grey or tan coating; strictly tailored, al long Pongee Coats Silk Hercules and Soutache trimmed; large smoke pearl buttons... Silk Tussah Coats Very handsome gar ments: black satin trimi-:ed Special, at $1.75 $15 es and $19.50 3e par- $25 White Serge Suit Beautif ul, new crea tions in purest of wool serge; made with long roll, black satin collar; either plain cream serge or with fine CIO black stripe, at $m7JJ House Dresses Of Shepherd check or plain percales; one-piece styles i neat and trim in appearance .Muslin and Nainsook owns Very .dainty effects, with low, round neck and shori sleeves; also V neck ana long sleeves, values $1.20 to $1.50 QQ Spring Jackets For women and mis.-et.- tan. self strie, covert tailored in fine Etyle, at Girls Hccfer Just the kinds fastidious girls of 6 to 14 rs. like; plain e "T QP colors and fancy cloths, at . . . 4 JSJ Girls' Wash Dresses Light and dark p?r cale; tastefully made for less tan ma terials In them would cost VOU'CI OC 6 to 14 years, at plcC 56.95 I. J: Housefurnishings, Groceries, Meats, Fruits; Everything the Housewife Needs Costs Less ia Bennett's Basement Spsrtinf Goods Our sporting goods section is full of special closing out bargains. Flaldng Rods Cane, jointed; ;5c value, at J) Don Collar All styles and sites. at h thick Whitcljr Cheat PnUs; 75c value, now at -13 1UJXIM3 GLOVKS $1.60 Gloves, for SO $3.50 Gloves, for 52.50 $4.00 Gloves, for 55:2.118 $6 00 Gloves, for SM.50 STRIKING BAGS 1.60 Bags, for 814 $3.00 Bags, for Sl.hil Household ind Garden Goods Oardcta aToaa Very sufxrtor iidt and fully guaran teed efcv rt. lengths; ft. at Uie B. O. X. Bad Irons; II i value, at sac liaa. Oveus for gas or gasoline stoves 1- hole siie . . 81.25 2- hole siie . . JJ1.75 Cobweb Urukbea; long handle; $100 kind. at 49 Galvanized Water Tails 10-quart size, 12 Paring auUvcm All aluminum 25 4Uc fcltet Nail Bom at 29f Us flakes; the best grade, at ..... 25 Galvanised Wash Tubs No. 3 site, at 5Q Patent Oil Cans a- slie; gallon value, at . Garden Hoes. $1.45 50 lBc Garden ftakrt; 12 tine, t 15cf Wire Carpet Bfatert t 0 Gaa Hot Plate 2-hole sawed burner, now t 81.75 GroceFies Bennett's Capitol Klour, sack . . . .$149 And 60 stamps. Bennett's Beat Coffee. 1L 11.00 And 100 Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, pound 3Sc And 10 Ftamps. Bennett's Teas, aagt.rt- ed. lb sae And "i Stamps. Bennett's Teas, a-aort- ed. lb ego And tt 8tampa Bennett's Capllol Purt Pepper. lb. can 10a And I Stamps Tea Sifting., per lb pkg ISO And 16 Slump!. Xoaal. Brtaapa m ttraaalalad Safar. Sobb SMa Kranco- American. Tomato. Julienne, B o u 1 1 Ion. Sic quart cans. . .SOo IeJon French Mustard. Jar 3Ee And 10 Stamp. Armour's Shield .Sliced Beef, jar .... la'ie And a Ptampa Chlrken Feed, lb Te Garden and Flower Seeda. pkg . . . 10 Onion Se-d, i ciuari for k&o atarshall's F'rea e r ved Bloaters tin . . BOO And 10 blimps Rex I. ye. cans 8 5c And ;0 Btampa B. Jalland Flan BalU in bouillon, can IfiO And 8taropa raaca Staia California Kvaporated Peacftcsa. 12Sc quality .... Sc lbs. fur lc Corn Meal, while or el!ovi, a It.. sack, at ' 13ie Bennett'a Capitol Ki tract, bottle .... lEe Arid 10 Stamps Fchepp'a Cocoanut, lb. pku ate And 20 Slanipa. poppy Milk, larra can. at loo And 6 Stamps IM&niond Crystal Table trail IOC And 10 Mamps Radium Hove polish. at iao And 10 rcutinpa Halliard CrIHe oil large bottle .... T And "I St am pa Bc-nrett'a Bargain Koap, I bars .... B6o Svrup Bale 8 W. :W lb. cans table syrup lOo Srrup Bale, 8. W C. !b. can table rnip SOo i Ture Fruit Jelly, per I Klats 10c Mignonelle P e a t. 4 cans 8 So F.lre Sale Jap Rue. I 10c quality. 4 lba , 85o ' Capitol Fak . lng powder, i pound can S1.00 I And 100 Siainpa Cheese, full cream, "-r ! lb 2o And 10 Siampa Cheeae. Virginia Swisa. pound 85o And 10 Stampa Cl:c-ee. intporied Hei J Clieeae, i cakea 8o Cleaned Curranta, 1 :c package at S fi r 86c California BfedlrM Halaina. 16c cjualitv, lb 10c Madeira Vine Bulba. i fur bo flen Feed. lb. ... ISe peanut Butter. Z Jara. at SOo And IS Htarnpa The Heat Market Cut your living expense without sacrificing quality or cleanliness in jour rnfat purchases Bennett's help you do it. Defend upon ut for sweet, wholesome meats. Let us have your Sat urday order early. Pi Pork Loins, D.000 Ihg. for .Saturday 100 I'lg Pork Chops, very choice, per lb 17C Fall 1-amh l.ega, special, per lb 1-1 Loin 1-cnib Chop, our price, per lb 15t Kalud Spare Uibtt, for Saturday, o 10C Choice IWfateak, young steer, lb ! 12 H Pot Roast, very choice eutB, per lb 12 H Hotting Ileef, best quality, per lb Lamb Roaot, Saturday, per lb lOf likmb Ktew, special at, per lb 7Hf Cndahy's Hams, shoulder, per lb 12 Fruits ani Vegetables Nt.ravleri-iec Kxtra fancj ; per box., at 10f Orange SjMtou Free With onu dozen lemons; very fine and juicy; per dozen 25? trt-snj'.es Kxt ra large, worth 4ic and r(c a dozen; ppecial Satur day, dozen, at 30tt l anry Iilimil Oral pt a, per doztn 800 Fancy Florida Tomatoe. lb . ..laVjC large Ltaf l.i-llur'. " bum he . . lOo l.argc t u u In be-1 y , c-arli Tl,aO Jlume tiro 11 Af-parafe-up. bunch TVjS Fanry Jc-iaiy Swi-el Potatoes, per peck 850 hand Mill Polaioc-. per buhc l . 66c P.ed Rivt-r ijtrly Ohio heed l.tUe per bll'bel SOo