Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. WEATHER FORECAST. Kor Nebraska - Fair and cooler. For low h- Partly cloudy. For weather rrpnrt sec Price NEWS SECTION A PAGES 1 TO 10. VOL. XXX1X-XO. 25.1. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKNIXd, APRIL f, VJK TWKNTY PAULS. SINGLE COPY TWO. CKNTS. LOST LETTERS PLAY BIG l'AHT Twenty-Four Miinj Documents Said to Have Important Bearing on Ballinger-Pinchot Case. DEFENSE LAYS STRESS ON THEM Slavii' Successor, Andrew Christen sen is Principal Witness. HIDDEN MAIL SEARCH TOLD OF Account Deals with Work Done in Seattle in February. ORDER ISSUED TO BALLINGER tiei-retnrr IHrrrtrd ! Produce nllh line Speed A" lepera (llrU Or hy the Inau'ry (Dimnllln. AHKINUTUX. April S-The Halllngcr J,,. 1nt Investigation continued today with mere testimony about the alleged discovery of twenty-four missing letters among Olttvl' effects loft In the federal building nt Seattle. The "defense" evidently in lay ing great store by thin discovery and the besting for tho last three or four sessions have been given over practically entirely to this subject. A ma9 of documentary evidence M put Inwhllo Andrew Christensen, Olavla' suc cessor a chief of field dlvlalon at Seattle. , on I ho aland. Attorney Brandels of tho "proHWiitlon" was . admonished con cernlng hl method of cross-examination by Xcnator Sutherland. Alfred II. lirooks, mineral cxprrt of the geological survey, took the stand late In the day to testify regarding tho value and extent of the coal resources In Alasga. It was evident from his statement of the case that the value of the coal fields has quite generally been overestimated. Mr. Brooks raid the coal in the ground In the Katalla field, where the Cunningham claims are lo cated. Is probably not worth more than half a cent a ton. The house members of the committee de-1 sorted the afternoon session In order to vole on the two-battleship plan which was j reuched during the consideration of the naval, bill today. Hunt for the Letter. .When he had concluded with the corre spondence Mr. Christensen told of the search among Olavls' effects In the ftderal building in Keattle In February. His ae c.ount oincldid with that of Assistant Cus todian O'Neill. Prior to the finding of the nu pers on February 8 Christensen Bald he Mud no knowledge of tho wtureabouts of the documents. At the' time he discov ered the papers the witness ssid he was marching for other papers requested by the invest tgattiu.' GomnilUee.. - , ... Tli- wltmss ig turned'" over to Mr. Ill andels for cross-examination and the at torney attacked him In the characteristic fashion which brought a quick protest from Attorney Verlrees. 'When you telegraphed SchWarta on February 8 about the finding of the letters, you made certain false statements, didn't you?" Baked Brandels. "l did not," flared hack the witness. "The only thing that was said In that telegram that was a mistake was that me oox n i and returned to Arkansas. He was cap Mch the papers were found was broken , tured at p)ne Uluf last September. He open. As a. matter of fact the top of the made a confession and was brought to box was loose. The telegram was prepared lu a hurry. We broke open several other boxes. It Is easy to make a mistake like that." "It Is easy to lie." shouted Brandels. Sen ator Sutherland protested against this, say ing It was not only offensive to the wit ness, but to the committee as well. Rebuff for Brandels. Attorney Vertrees said he desired to pro test gently against Mr. Brandels" methods with witnesses. He declared no member of the committee had ever observed such an "unseemly reprehensible or Improper course." "Either the witness, should be protected or allowed to protect himself," concluded Mr. Vertrees. Christensen, thereupon, was excused and Alfred H. Brooks, a mineral expert of the geological survey wan called to the stand to testify as to coal conditions In Alaska. Mr. Brooks said the total area of Alaska Is as,O0O square miles. Of eoal-bearlng locks there are known to be about 12.W0 square mllea. Only about one-tenth of the coal area Is known to be underlaid--, with coal seams. About one-half of the entire Ooal area Is made up of lignite, or a very low grade of coal. About one-fifth of the Mtrliory has not yet been surveyed and the witness said there was every reason to believe that in the northern part of the territory nro uome of the most extensive ci al deposits. These are not Included In the litM) mill's .-Innate. SuIuik for Country. Mr. J. rooks declared that if the Alaska fields Ufic opened It would mean a sav ing to th-.' I'nJted states navy of at least S."ti0.ow) a year. The expert also said that the Chugai'h forest reserve Is only about one-fifth covered with timber. The timber In Alaska is being rapidly used up for fuel purposes. It would conserve the tim ber If the coal fields were opened. ' lion't glaciers make up mobt of the forest reserves'.'" asked Senator Nelson M in lit laughter. "Yes." replied the Bitues.s. "Alaska is retrogressing." said Mr. Brooks People are becoming illacuui aged and are leaving. This Is laigely due to; the coal situation. Without coal there can', be no railroads and without railroads there! can be no Dullness to spenu I'p to this time. tVie witness declared, the visible coal supply In the I'nlted States has been used ouly to the extent of four leiiths of 1 per cent, leaving W S-10 per cent el ti, be mined. Mr. Brooks was still on the stand when the committee adjourned until tomorrow. Hallinger Comes Last. As the committee assembled to consider further evidence in behalf of Secretary Ulllnger there still existed a doubt aa to the order lit which Mr. Vertrees would present his witnesses. It has become more and more evident that it Is the intention of the "defense" to hold Mr. Balilnger for I be last, for It Is believed that upon his testimony, more than any other factor in the case, the committee's final determina tion Will deiend. A II. II. Schwarti. chief of field service, and Fren Dennett, commissioner of the general land office, are other witnessea whose testimony 1U have an Intimate and important bearing on the case. Both . .. 1. 4 ' (Continued on Second Page.) Roosevelts Cut Short lourncy Over Mountains Crowds Along the Way Become So Great that They Drive Di rect to Genoa. GENOA, April 8. Colonel Itoosevclt and Mrs. Itoosevelt arrived in this city by car riage from Hpezia at 5 o'clock this evening. twenty-four hours ahead of schedule time. Before noon today the popular demonstra tion along the road became so embarrass ing that the llousevelts decided to abandon tho remainder of the planned route and come dl.-cct Ij Uiuioa. HAl'AM.O, Italy, April Colonel and Mrs. Itoosevelt. who are driving from Spezia to Genoa, stopped here over night and left this morning fur Portoflno. Je scrlplioiis of the American have preceded him In every little village along the route j and he Is easily recognized and so he comes an object of fico,ucnt and cordial demonstrations. This morning the travelers abandoned their carriage for on automo bile. Portoflno, sometimes described as the rnont beautiful spot on tho Mediterranean. Is situated at tho extremity of the Porto flno promontory, several hundred feet above the sea.. PARIS, April 8. Mr. Roosevelt's recep tion of Free Masons during his stay in Home has called forth criticism from a sec tion of the royalist and Catholic press. The GaulolB says the Incident Justifies the precautions adopted by the Vatican, for It Indicates that Mr. Roosevelt probably would have received the Masons after his audience with the pope had such an audience taken place, "passing from the Vatican to the Masonic chiefs as if with the approbation of the sovereign pontiff." Tho Eclair accuses Mr. Roosevelt of wreaking the vengeance of a disappointed tourist and punishing "an inigratful papacy by bowing down bnfore tho Idol of Ma sonry. " The paper follows a long and vio lently worded attack with a special dis patch from Vienna, In which the claim Is made that the government there has adopted extraordinary precautions to prevent Mr. Roosevelt making "breaks' similar to those which he made In Rome. Murderer of Three Hanged Alf Hunter, Negro Desperado Who Killed Sheriff, is Executed at Watonga, Okl. WATONOA, Okl.. April S.Alf Hunter, the negro desperado and triple murderer notorious throughout this part of the south west, was hanged here 'at 11:05 this morn ing. He made a abort speech on the scaffold, saying he was ready to go. It was seventeen minutes before Hunter was pronounced, dead. ' . Hunter "ujirrdenart, tiherlf f Oeorge XV.Sar-" riuon of Oklahoma county, In June, 1908, near Hitchcock, Okl. SlftTlff Garrison and his deputies were attempting to arrest the negro, who a few days before had . killed a negress In Okla homa City because he feared she would betray his whereabouts to the authorities In Arkansas, where he was wanted on a murder charge. . After killing Garrison and seriously wounding a deputy sheriff, Hunter escaped Oklahoma and sentenced to death. Hunter declared that Ed Ellis, now serv ing a life term at McAlcster for abetting the muroer of ex-Sheriff Garrison, was In nocent. I Arguments Begin in Sayler Case Attorney for State Advances Theory that Motive Existed for Killing. WATSKKA, HI., April 8.-Final argu ments in the Sayler murder trial were begun today, former Judge Frank Harry opening for the state. Calling attention to different points in the evidence Attorney Ilarrv areued that the relations of Mrs. J. n si, n.i r, v i! Miii.r were uni-h as to warrant belief that a motive existed ... . i.ii- .u. - m.i. ..i...., for the killing of J. B. Sayler by Dr. Miller last July. Attorney Harry argued that the body of J. B. Sayler did not fall where It was found, but was dragged to that corner of the room by Mrs. Sayler. He charged that the hatchet which figured in the story of the struggle waa brought into the room long after the shooting to bolster up the self defense theory advanced for Dr. Miller and his co-defendants, Mrs. Sayler and John Grunden. Attorney J. W. Kern took up the argu ment for the defense at the afternoon session. ROBINSON IS OUT ON BOND Member of llnhri. Hand Convicted at Council Bluffa Released by Court. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., April . T. B. Robinson, a member of the Mabrny band, under a two years' sentence for swindling, was reh-ased from tho federal penitentiary : here todny under a $."..000 appeal bond. The appeal was approved by federal Judge Smith Md'heisun. who presided at the trial al Council Bluffs, la., at which Robln- son was convicted. Definition of "Inherent" Does Not "What Judge. , does this here word coherent' mean?" asked a Juror of Judge Sears in district court late Thursday night. The Jury had Bent In a request for ex planation of Instructions and this was the question put w hen the court arrived. Judge Sears took the typewritten In structions and glanced them over. "Don't see any word 'coherent' here," ha said finally. v It developed that the Juror meant the word "Inherent." Judge Sears then took pen and ink and beetlrrvd himself to write out at length the meaning of the word Inherent. SENATE AGREES ON RIVER MONEY High Chamber Incorporates Three Hundred Thousand For Use on Upper Missouri. HALF THIS SUM ABOVE LEBEAU Survey Provided in Vicinity of Omaha and South Omaha. ONE MILLION ON LAKES TO GULF Fifty Thousand Dollars Given to Pro vide for Board. INVESTIGATION OF EXPLOSION Hrrrrlnr) nt Xy Called In for Ex planation of Accident on Charleston w Ap pointments (From a Staff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. April 8.-Speclal Tele gram.) The senate committee on commerce reported the rivers and harbors bill today. As agreed to tho bill carries an appropria tion of $:.2jtiS.tlH. New Items added by the senate committee of particular Interest to Nebraska provide for a survey of the Mis souri river mar Omaha, South Omaha and Florence, with a view to improvement for navigation and protection of the banks in co-opeiatlou with local Interests. For the Improvement of the Missouri river $1,2U6,000 is provided, of which $300,000 is to bo expended on tho upper Missouri. The amendment providtng for an additional S300.000 calls for the Improvement of 'the Missouri from Kansas City to Fort Ben ton, Mont., of which sum UfiO.OOO may be expended between Le Beau and Fort Ben ton. As the bill was passed by the house It carried S42,Bo8,176, of which 135,301,746 repre sented cash and $7,206,430 continuing con tracts. Lakes to Golf Plan. No Increase was made by the senate com mittee In the appropriation of tl.000,000 for the lakes to the gulf waterways project or In the appropriation of UO.000 to pay the expenses of the board to be appointed to Investigate the project, although provi sion was made to widen the scope of the board's activities. The house bill contemplated the expendi ture of a part of the money on the Mis souri between St. Louis and Kansas City, which is made Impossible under the senate committee's amendment. , Increases made by the senate committee covering both cash appropriations . and suma Involved in continuing contracts by states include: Wisconsin, $19,000; Minne sota, $7,700; Mississippi river, $f3,7to; Mis souri river. $12i.000; Missouri, $76,000. ' V 'S. I "Mi try hy t'snarew, 'Congress waols-lor know all aliont tne explosion which occurred a few days ago on the cruiser Charleston, resulting in the death and Injury of several sailors, and today the house committee on naval af fairs favorably reported a resolution Intro duced . by Representative Ralney colling upon the seoretary of the navy for full Information regarding the disaster. The resolution requests information as to the cause of the explosion, whether there was any defect In the gun which exploded, where the forgings and castings of the gun were made and where they were assembled. New Mall Clerks. C. R. McDonald of Falrbury, Carl G. Frahm of Grand Island, Geoige 11. Mack and Martin Hansen of Omaha, H. .1. Wal lace of Talmage, C. A. McLean of Seward, Neb.; Arthur J. Adams of Pilot Mount, Robert Jackson of Atlantic, 8. T. Hootman of Council Bluffs, A. O. Bond of Muscatine, Charles Ruff of Slater, Joseph E. Oreme of Dubuque, la. : Charles N. Sellers of Ipswich, Earl N. Gray of Watertown. V. J. Valentine of White, S. D., have been ap pointed railway mail clerks. ' The secretary of the interior has with drawn from all forms of location and dis position under mineral or non-mineral public land laws 27,736 acres of land In townships 51 to 57 north, range JU to SMi west. In Wyoming, supposed to contain deposits of oil. It oral Carriers. Rural carries appointed are: Nebraska: Wolbach, Route Samuel O. 1 Bund'. carrier; no substitute. T Iowa: Granville. Route 2. Thillp C. substitute. Rlcker, carrier; C. M. Ricker. Marengo, Route 1, Frederic G. Branch, car rier; Alfred Hamilton, substitute. Waukee, Route 2, George E. Masterson, carrier; no substitute. Postmasters appointed are: Iowa: Luton, Woodbury county, Charles Fulton, vice P. J. Wadsworth, resigned; Oliver, Mahaska county. Arch A. Morgan, vice J. L. BilllngB, removed. South Dakota: Smlthwlck, Fall River county, Albert J. Ashmore, vice C. Hue song, removed. James H. Kelley of Omaha Is in Wash ington upon legal business. Edward West-erfle-ld of Lincoln Is also In Wanhlngtun upon matters before the Interstate Com merce commission. Elmer W. Brown of Lincoln, Senator Bur kett's law partner, passed through Wash ington today, enroute to New York, from which port he sails tomorrow for England upon legal business. Many rnlntlngs Rejected. PITTSBCRO, Pa., April 8.-The interna tional art Jury of- award, for the four teenth annual exhibition of paintings at the Carnegie institute, announced today that 412 of the 700 paintings already viewed had been rejected. Honors will not be made public until May Z. Help the Juryj It was something of a task and the court breathed a sign of relief when ha had finished explaining as best he could what the word connoted and denoted. "Now, gentlemen of the Jury," said ha. "with this explanation, do you think you can arrive at a verdict?" "No," cried several Jurors In chorus, "we are hopelessly at odds." Judge Sears dismissed the Jury, feeling that he had needlessly used up considerable brain energy. The suit was one brought by Will R. Smith for $1,000 against R. N. Burgess and J. E. Yon Dorn. The use of a patent method of making overalls was involved. From tho New Tork, Herald. MORE LIBERTY FOR SAILORS Greater Power Given Commanders Which Means Extensive Freedom. ONE-MAN CONTROL IS STOPPED Seeretary of the 'T7 Works Ont Change Alining at Division of Responsibility Hailing; Orders Not Restricted. WASHINGTON, April S.-After having worked for years to develop the system of one-man control of the great fleets of the navy. Secretary Meyer has come to the conclusion that the abilities of the Indi vidual have reached the breaking point and that it will be necessary to subdivide the responsibility. Therefore, he has ' ap proved a number of changes in the naval regulations, concerning the administration of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets. The main purpose of these change Is to relieve the commanders-in-chief Of the fleets of much of the details of admlnlst.ta flotS whlirh .ootUpted. g largeLpaxt ofvMJ time. This Is to be accomplished by trans ferring to the rear admiral In command of each division of the fleet comprising four ships each, a large measure of au thority and administrative power, which will' have the beneficial result of fitting them to succeed readily to the chief com innnil to which they are eligible.- At the Same lime the commander-in-chief will exercise supervisory authority over all the divisions Instead of over single ships as units. Extending the Idea, the commanders of divisions will be given an opportunity to sail away with their four ships to differ ent parts of the world on detached service with the understanding that the various divisions will at certain periods be gath ered for target practice and general fleet exercises. So the American battleships hereafter will be seen oftener In foreign waters and "It Is believed this will do muchJ to promote the contentment and interest of the sailors. , Sugar Trust is Fined for Contempt Corporation Punished for Refusal to Produce Books Ordered ' by Court. NEW YORK. April 8. Judge Lacombe of the I'nlted States circuit court today ad judged the American Sugar Refining com pany In contempt of court and fined the corporation $500. The contempt consisted In the failure to renpond to the subpoena calling for the production of two books of account before the federal grand Jury yes terday. PLACED ACID IN WIFE'S BEER Washing-ton Mnn Telle Chicago Police He Committed Murder Year Agro. CHICAGO. April 8. A man giving his name as Mthew D. Dose, walked Into the r enty-uecond street police station here to day and calmly remarked "Say, I killed my wife; she didn't commit suicide. You'd better lock me up." Dots said he pluced carbolic acid In his wife's beer a year ago In Washing. D. C, but a coroner's Jury brought in a verdict of suicide. Sell the thine. The money is bet ter than it is. A Bee want ad in tomorrow's Bee will do it. I Call Dourrliis today nml the ail taker will write your ad mrd ikice it under the right head. In general L'O cents will do the work. Don't wait for the Saturday rush. Do it iiuff, Preparing for Another Hundred Days. Winter Wheat . Below Average for Ten Years Government Report Shows Decline of Fifteen Points in Last Four Months. WASHINGTON, April 8 The average condition of winter wheat on April 1 was 80.8 per cent of a normal, against 812 April 1, 1908, and 87, the average for tho last ten years on April 1. The decline in condition from December 1, ISO!!, to April 1, 1910, was 15 points. The average condition of rye was S2.S per cent of a normal April 1, against S7.2 April 1, 1909, and 89.5. the average for the last ten years on April 1. f Automobile . for Cannon Government Will Furnish Car for the Use of the Speaker . After All. . ' WASHINGTON, April 8.-Care.ful analy sis of the conference report on' the legisla tive appropriation bill shows that Speaker Cannon's automobile will be cared for at government expense after all. From the report presented to the two branches of congress It appeared that the amendment providing for the care of the president's car had been retained and the amendment relating to the speaker's car had been rejected. Technically that is what happened, but aa a matter of fact the $2,500 appropriation for the speaker's ear was transferred to another pargrpli covering expenses of se lect committees and similar items, and watt incorporated into a lump appropriation of $75,000. So it appears that there Is to be no discrimination between th speaker and the vice president after all. SOUTH DAKOTA FINANCES Report ofT reaaorer Shows Eight Hundred Thousand Oollurs On Ilaud. PIERRE. S. D., April 8. (Special.) The report of the state treasurer for the close of business March 31 shows total funds on hand amounting to tS01.084, and of this the general fdnd carried $190,018. The twine plant fund, $65,000, and the Interest fund for the common schools. $i!5.331. There has $21,792 accumulated in the capltol building fund. At present the net debt above rev enues Is approximately $78S.O0O, which will be reduced somewhat by revenues for the last half of the year. The state auditor has sent out a special call for state taxes for the March collec tions to the counties of Beadle, Brookings, Brown, Codington, Day. Gregory, Klngi bury. Lake, Lincoln, Lyman, Marshall, Minnehaha, Pennington and Stanley. With the proceeds of tho call, the fist of March, and those of the sale of revenue warnnts, the state now has no general fund warrants out. and will pay cash for April, and prob ably longer. How Big is Omaha? $25 for those who hit the mark 102,555 in 1900. How many in 1910? Mirths and Deal lis Itccoriled In Onialm DEATHS 1900 1,790 1901 ' 1,679 1902 .1.616 1903 1.773 1904 1,835 19U5.' 1,922 190ti 2.165 1907 2.360 190S 2.343 1909 2,359 Fill in. cut out and mail to The Dee Census Dept April 9 is my guess of the number of inhabi tants in Omaha according to 1910 census. Name ; Address $10.09 for bast attmata. Si for ect of tar ntxt bait. In caaa of U first answer baa preference. Award on official count ;,i't - ATTEMPT TO ROB TRAIN Two Masked Men Board Pioneer Lim ited at New Lisbon, Wis, HAVE FIGHT WITH CONDUCTOR Bandits Cut Air Hose and Jump from the Train Two Kegroee Are Ar rested on Suspicion at North I n Crosse. PAUL. Minn., April 8.-Two masked ST. bandits attempted early today to hold up the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- road's Pioneer Limited. The men boarded the train at New Lisbon, Wis., getting In by way of the forward vestibule of tho front sleeper, which had been left open when the conductor took his orders lo the engineer. The mtn passed through the front sleeper into the rear vestibule of the car,, blocking both doora of the vestibule. When Conductor fehumway ' passed through, the train he was stopped by tUu locked : vestibule door. Unlocking the door fie waa Instantly . confrohied by revolvers held by t,wo masked figures. Conductor Shumway leaped- at the larger of the bandits. A tussle followed. In which the railroad man, was .overpowered. . OpJ robber then reached down under the steps and cut the air connection, - stopping the train. The men then Jumped off and fled. From Madison,' Wrs:, omes the report that the men took a gold watch and a ?l'l diamond ring from Conductor Shumway. This report also says that the robbers went through the day coaches and held up the passengers, obtaining considerable cash. The report Is not confirmed. Men Escaped Into Swnnip. MINNEAPOLIS, April 8 Two masked ,...i, ai.ueu, Ruempien 10 noia up , t Illinois, who occupied the chair, de the Pioneer Limited on the Chicago. Mil- clttId tne am(.Amt.M io bl. oul or order. waukee & St. Paul road, due In Minneapolis .N orris Amendment Falls, from Chicago at 7:45 a m.. at 2 a. m. today A ff b M N , , --" "- '" "i'i"l to have boarded the train at Camp Doug las, Wis. They cut the air hose a few miles further up, near Oakdale, after passing Camp Douglas, with the door of the sleeper On- tangon, In which they were about to oper- j 8ourt. the house "apostle of p. ace," who ate. locked. Conductor A. I. Shumway of j b,.,ef ,y reviewed the progress of cultia Milwaukee was menaced with revolvers and !,ilin i n, settlement ,,t ihe .iiffmvn.-... i compelled to stand on the. platform. The men escaped Into the swamps. Sleeping Car Conductor Mills was in the third sleeper when Porter J. H. Matthews and William J. Johnson dashed In, saying the train was held up. Conductor Shum way was grappling with one of the men in the sleeper Ontangon. Porter Johnson ob tained a revolver and fired twice, but the men got away after returning the fire. No one on tho train was hit. I'no .egroea Arrested. LACROSSE. Wis., April 8.-Two negroes were arrested at North La Crosse at 10 o'clock this morning on suspicion of being Implicated In tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul train robbery. They are being held for Identification on the part of Conductor Shumway. The men were armed. They re fused to give their names, but said they were from Chicago. The-Milwaukee officers here Bay they know of no money being obtained. BIRTHS 1900 999 1901 993 1902 l.OuO 1903 967 1904 1.10H 1905 1,024 1906 1,239 1907 1,441 1908 1,54 1 1909 1,806 TWO WARSHIPS VOTED 15V HOUSE New Sea Fighters, to Cost Six Millions Each, Authorized After Lengthy Debate. H0BS0NS AMENDMENT OUT Hero of JJerrimac Wanted to Build Three Battleships. NAVAL BILL PASSES MUSTER Provides $128,000,000 for Mainte nance of the Department, OTHER VESSELS ALSO ORDERED l'ro Nloii .Mrde for four Sulimarlnea and Tno Colliers til Maul He Hull I nder KUht llour I nn, WASHINGTON. A tit il s.-Hy a decisive vole of lil2 ti 110. fourteen being presmt and not volint;. the house late today Authorised the construction of two battleships to coM f'i.OOO.OCO each. Thlrty-thre democrats voted for two battleships and twenty-four repub licans Malnst (lie proposition. This action was taken Just prior lo the passage of the naval appropriation bill", carrying $1-S. 0:17.(50-'. Thin amount Is about Sii.WlO.OtK less than wan recommended by the Navy d partment. In addition (o the bat tleships the bill also provides for the con struction of two fleet colliers and four sub ma line boats. As amended on motion of Mr. Flugcrald of New York, the two battleships and two fleet colliers must be const i ucteil by firms operating under the eight-hour law. After fixing an hour and one-half as the time for debating amendments for the HiitlioiUatlnn of battleships (ho houso wasted, a large part of that time in n parliamentary contention concerning (lie iniinucr In which the time would bo divided hetwien the two sides. The debate pro ceeded under (he f Ive-nilnute rule. The committee on naval affairs had re ported In favor of authorizing twii bat tleships. Mr. Tawuey of Minnesota, chair, man of the appropriations committee, of fered an amendment providing for only onu I battleship, while Mr. llobson proposed an j amendment providing for three. Meri'lmnc Hero l.oaea. Mr. Hobart contended that three battle ships would give no Increase, but would provide only for the ordinary depreciation In tho navnl foicp. By on almost unani mous vote the house rejected tho proposi tion. Mr. Gronnu of North Dakota moved to strlko out tho authorization for tho con struction of any battleships, a viva voce vote showing there were not a handful o( advocates of a "no battleship" policy. Speaking in favor of his one-bat!eship plan, Mr. Tawuey i-eltorated his statement that 72 per cent of the revenue of the country was being expended for wars that had passed and for preparation for wars to come, lie declared that one bultleshlp was sufficient to maintain the proper strength of the navy. Mr. Thon gs of Ohio propjsed an amend ment for four battleships, but the house ! voted , it dow n, almost unanimously, Mr. Tawney's amendment for one battleship was also lost by a vote of 104 to 13S. At least thirty democrats voted with the re publicans ut; ;il list Mr. Tawney's plan. Mr. (Kildfoglc offered an amendment pro viding' that at leust one battleship should be constructed at a navy yard, Ihe second to bo built either by contract or at a navy yard. After extended discussion, Mr. Maun Nebraska, an ."insiirgtnt." to amend tin hill to provld. for one battleship and six transports. Ihe hitter to cost $1,000,000 each. The amendment was ruled out of order. A strong speech against a two-battleliip nolfcv was made he Mr. Mfirtlmlrit of Mlu. lui lions. Itt pi esentat Ive .1. 1 lampion Moore o Philadelphia attempted to " t:i; houne lo limit the draft of tiie new baldesiilps 0 thirty feci, but his amendiuei'.t for that purpose was 1 eject d. Various other amendments were offered to control the building of Ihe battleships under the upeia tiou of tin clBlit-hour law and within navy ymds, but they were all ruled out of order. A point of order wu sustained eliminat ing from the hill authority given the sec retary of the navy for the construction ol a $1,000,0(10 fliet collier, to be built on tin Pacific coa;-t by private contract, so I ha: under existing law It will be eonstructec. In a government nuvy sard 011 the Pscifii coast. The appropriation of $l,00),0o0 foi one repair ship v. ax al.-o stricken oul on a point of order. Egllit-lloar I, aw. Mr, Fitzgerald if New York off' red hi amendment, which was adopted by a vot of lol to 1.1, under which the two battle 'chips and I wo fleet colliers must he bull bv firms working under the (Ight-limir law I Following clcscly upon this acilon Mr i Hughes of Now .leisey aitemptrl t' lavt Mhe saui" law applied to the biiilolng of foul I submarine torpedo boats authorl.i-d by th. I bill. The ami iidmi nt wax ruled oul ol j order. i Mr 1 ioldfoiilo of New York offi red nr , aim tnlmi'i.t dliiciim; the cousi 1 net lou ul joiie linithi.liip In a navy sard, v.lilch wui Idt fi uti-d. :.; to Id.!. J The provision jii-rinil IIiik the cmiMolida , t i 111 of bureaus of the Navy ib-pai'liueni, I according to the plan of Kccietary Meyer, J whh mrlcken out on a point of order. I Mr. Padgett of Tennessee, a tilor d 'ino jcratlc member of the committee on nuva.1, 'affairs, then moved to recommit the hill, ' vellli Instructions that l( be reported to the I house to provide for only one Initlli ship. This nioMjn was deflated on a roll call, I 110 lo l'i-. fourteen votlim present. j y How They toted. j . n!rty-thr - democrats voted with the re- publicans fcr two battleships, while twenty, j four reriuhllcsins Jollied the deinocruts In favor of one battleship. Ix ir.ocratH voting for two , hi tt le. lilps were: Aiken (!. C.l. Alexander 1.M0.), Aui beiry IO., Darib-u (Nev.l. Hill leson (Tex ), I Car In (Vu.l, Claik (Fla ), Cox (O ), Craig (Ala. 1. Cihviis (Ark.l. I. A. Iirlscoll N. Y., tHII I.VId.l. Oillesplo (Tex. I, (ioldfoalu (N. V.), Ilamill IN. J ). Harrison ( N. Y ), HoImoii (Ala ), lluglns (X. J I. Humphries (Miss ), Jones (Va ), Martin K'olo ), May. Hard iVa.) , Moon (Tenn I, U'Couiii II (Mass), A. Mitchell Palmer (Pa l, I'ou IN. C), Pujo (Lu, llauih llnd.j, UvUuiwb