Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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aTav moot R.
S wo bad Certified Fwoiia iarauUM,
aVigiaag tuiiuw - lrtni hudia Ca.
lgfiO aTattoaal Lul buitun C 11
fnjr'' E- A 1 . vieneral AJn!, Oman.
rwy-jg aosa 1 as jy as paying
ra .' -tinii and Loaa asaocia
n..n snow jiu til ij Biiari f
Traie b.-'l.nj, :S..n and Farnam s-.ree-s.
M. T. Smita La BMtit A.i ira E. p.
St.. La rrpxced fe.i.i-.g mur cuinfurtain
Thursday tnan Wednesday, wSen an ai
tu. a apvenu ic.tlii developed. 11 r mita
w.ii pi .Lab. ' stJ5 13 aa an
nounced. RaUwaf Haul Appmatmaata Floyd llc
k'au uf K-a.-h"v been appointed ra.1-
way ir.xii clrr on it Omaha A Qgden
d v'anin. Harry li. M.le .if Linen n baa
been primotaau to too register transfer
r. 'ti ". urnuuiu. vice L.nd-sirm. Je eased.
aTearrsaa aYrree far aVebbwry Lot:. ;
Lou.s. a aegres. waa li:d over tn d.striLt
r.iur: under Ca) bond TS'jruUr, on the .
marge that inn had mn fl from tuaj
person of Curia liatteeon. a visitor from
Fntmont. She wu arrest oy De ective
yoaf anil Via Iuea.
Daaaasja fa rail The -ai supreme
court naa affirmed a verdict of CTei i
g; anted. the r.aci.-ie-Sattley ecm- i
cany Mi Ben.atnin . Baker as i !T.;r.inujr :
f ln estate of Wa.ter J. V iii amson. win .
fed dovi an elevator shaft at the com- '
pan' plant w killed. I
frM Beoda Tram aeeoiiated Caaritie
Ms Jontx. n,; sesiretary of uie A, j
sociated Cha.-ties. i now ready to main
d.atnbution of seedj to a.l who have regja
tr.,l witn h-r The parties concerned caa
get their ""'. i by calling at the Associated
Cr.iy riwraa m Lha city ba.l betWMa
and U in th morn,a.
mckpocJwts 8o Orar TSe it Muore and Harry Martin, the yo itna
arI..i,j ,rj t!-, :hr of pocket pickiBa-.
vk j. g t Dvr from Thursday ta Saturday.
M'Kir and Mart.n (lava bK!o identified
tha men lti at.a about tT4 from Tony
I'onaiiua on ta plarfru af a atreet car
If mi t1 ta Slaar M'na.ia Maennet
c:ioir m-ill ma its f!rt puoi:c appearance
of the year during: the fa;r and bazaar for
W Memurai hpi:ai at iCrun a
tatfr b"!nnina; May L Th Maenner
unoir. i iimposed of forty Tmrua. w.U featara
t:je pr 'ifram at tile theater Sunday vn
lrr. May 1. and aaain at May S. its er
victa for 'he bn-'f;t of tie hOHpiiai.
Twenty-seven donations wera received by
tne committee Wednesday, aoma beina; j
h and others m merchandise.
( ILjh School Bori Coaat far Cflnaer
; Cab.
All H.r U t Haa4r4 Ii4 Fifty
ThM4 Mark. with Llttl
tka otber.
Some Things You Want to Know
SchooLi- fcr Fansen.
Tn 5-u'Se-n E.1 ica'.i tia. bef r.a rj iree;.r;i :i Li'
day, a a &jdy re&rrsen;a r. "
a. I eii -atana. .3'i"at.u.u n
P'ib. c aid pr vate. p
S.3er. It .. 'aer-.'j
r:t ca. y
i Ti h.
ma.- WDidji-v ant
. a Jact '3f tremen.i-
oij s n.;:caa. e t.ia; t-te ocafe-enct !
.ts tor i:o..ji ;j t;: suh.ect cf
Mrcwarii l-jca':"i. Tie o'it.i r.aa not.
7et a.-.;. ri;.vr.t f.-'tn ta devastation
f war a.i.i t.'te a.'a. hy u; ion .
- ':a -j w ;a tn race p--jo-
en. and ,t :;as not -n.u I a pripnrf.on
a .-la. of t:: ft" pr.aper :y i.c!l .a
bieiel -he rpjS.:u ,n la: years. That
t-".a nutjem tarm ar.d 'be soatr.a a
farner m ist be cd 1 uca i
t.ia Mtuu :p n. it n t.:e process. on " .s the
ctinvu-t:oa a' every kh wao aas s:.ui.d
tna pr'joiums a .-a .-d.
Tha cd icaturs ;n L.):..'rn, a: L-tt-e
R.jra desire j im the t 'he
fa.-ajer a pr ,esi'.m by f.v r.f h..n a pro
fi!ona. ra.r..r.4 .rever stjati.s fr
faruers r.ave be-n etaa.:.'hed .t :s the
-ecord ::ia: '..-. i l a'a haj been aa.e ta
jrid ice tw ee u -ii i ii iha uned icate-i
?a. rer on a t -m acres
The iiu T 'WO acr-s of .mpnred
f.v n ard. in otr.e . f the nor-era states
We s-e a mwjig aij-j-t bs Se-s dcmtra ed Thai sc:ent:;.c
r f-'' th is not cuofined ' farm. a ye. .is about 114 per acre mora jf
Re..leuta of :. fi:.),rf f
I rju'e-i ju: ear y Thirsiay mjn.c by t..e
' en'.-; : a't:c bo: s b a. taa.aif the ue
i si. a far t..a Cir.-uereiai ci.J. f r rhev -r
inuer may ir .'y a.':r s .".."... E.iiht .
: f.-. e T.arl school Sc;- or.e z ri are
i iori;c( on :.:a one prtipwi.uon of find. n 4
! now many s,p in eca a-iia !o Ornana.
I aopint taereby to a: na.-'. the i'jtm
I Maav a jstt.?i ha'e been rece;vd in The
B's"i4 can'ist. Ma - jr Can. roan
ia;ieaiws !. T ni Fijr.p. . rt comnais
s.oner. Ju. ar.d Char:es Fanntr.g. a..r
h.s retai n fr jm aiiroaU. -;ees .
! Marir Danimaa .a xr'.'yir.a; to rts-a h s
j rputar.on aa a )d f ieswir on tna r.-.r
i "i.Va) aa the preut population of Onaiu
! "Of course a fie" on.'7 fiess. ' said
: the mayor, "hit I base my Jtuiaynent on
J pretty ciowi ocwrvation a;n,ij two pu.tici
j bava taaeji aae t. every sc-
I t on of t.i city
I ni.-ipailty. and o
Uaexlaa ttslas af Offsairtaa; (
lasnila ( Mir. I t Is f astest
Ore Hallwell rrsiawrty.
lljim sarrnw line la a.nuat an? secr.on pnfit than ha
considered out irf Lia way. if uiere ;s any- C'otrn tj da's a'. a.
tAina; t.t dratr them out. you w :i find ou' i s t::.e. a.:raa ? .
peopia ru kmc in in n lmoers iikeiy to druda-e farnter A-p.y
aetoniSli you. W- suraiy bave muri taaa nas".ner ex per men t
IM -ft, in my J id arm eat. and to a..o i. acra of southern fa. n
mora la certainly conservativa.
Street Commtssioner r'in, 1 ke e-.ry- '
boly eia wno at let nto every wi.-d of
tba city frTient.y. does not believe the ,
popu.atioa fiafares aa fa.i be.'oar irVJun.
"But; ail uaat the low egumaters :
contend for I would still nit shade that
fia-ure over S.a.- sad Mr. F.yna. "I: ;
snoiiid be kept :a m.nd tnat a aty of i-e.1.- I
s or over is a lai-ste ctty, and Omaha a-etj i
into that ciaaw easily, in my opinion.' ! ony snows now
1 d.--iai; '
t fjur-fifths of the
i; ng firmeil by the
ra; 'ne ieesa of the
s at on- UP i )
and might ba
Ul y.e.d T.4 an a -r rr.oi e i.t 1,1 t prewn:. a
fa.n of more than I"...).Je n. Tsae even
ha.f of :t. sad S...1 ;.ner . an creased per yar arr.o .ririn ta .'. -Kwi. ;.
There a-e mar;.- n. ancrs of 'he bap-aa-a.-d
ways tn-it cnaractj!r:ze tne faratms; op-
rat. oris of t ie soi.:.h today- and tnose of
ha north ;f yste- iay. But ta mi?st str k
;r.; is tne eipertence of a la.-je aumber of
southern co'ton'ers. because :t not
faai.y the sy'tem baa
trees f i off. wh::e fa per ce.r of
hose n the spra'-e.l trees r"r,a nd
W hen the nes po ai i sea.:n -am on tr;
sama off"r was made t pioato f-oweis.
ard tne r .it was '. bushels of f as p-t-ta.oes
to iba acre asert thm wet s
b ianeis to tha a on unsprayed gruu-ivt.
Tite resu.t was tnat tb rcind of every
farmer who saw it became as fer s
hospitaaia t.i the new anf-1 as bia .and
was to 'he new treatment.
Wftea the farmer sees tneea 'b.ags w.ta
h.s own eyee he !oes some of h:s . or.tempi
fiir what he used to denommae kd gio.e
farming." and towers b.a es:..Tite of n.s
Old ' fa.-mir.i wttli b:s sleeves roiled up '
He suddenly becomes a convart from a s
Old ways, and awakes to the xporurca
of :vrn bis son a course a; a scn.o! for
farmers. Tbe-efj.-e. it is comparatively
fasy. Even he may de-vd himaeif to a:
'end sma of the ten-day coii.-srs -.iat hs
sta:e university offers, and. a; .east. a
wi! attend every farmers jta iha.
comes b.s way.
The 3U:r lan'en baa had a t i.y -na?.c
efe.t on ma.iy a farmer, for in 'h- .etur-s
'hat are now bennif e ven the stereopi; . n
p ays no ms,j-iif' paru On s-. et
na may sea sclent :.- :d and a n-sn-.entificaiiy
treated rr-pa f-om.n s de by
side. Eve.y modern metnod known to en
Isi the .aterest of taoea wao are ind.ffrent
-s pa-entiy tried out and 13 thii" way are
bein .aaer.-d. Tba uttle rd sch,ro ao'it.
ionij; tiia symbol of popular edi.ation m
Aaier'.ta. has been responsift a a-a s.t farming edu-a'ton in tr
ah..ocia. . 'acher witn fortv pup
of whom she nad to teacb ev-rvth-:g the
lea..ed. ii.
ReMgerabrs SnvelceMs
Ferriiit it to ave for you in the hottest weather. b-rau-
cf it mrtal wai'f. lille-i with nrk in.l h-rmt-ti -ally -u!i-l.
which is very nt-ar a vacuum. Hk(? the bottlrs you ee at the
Prove right in your own home how CryMd walls can
not absorb smell shrink or pull apart how they iuani the
heaith of your family throuzh the aaitary tLirae of the f--l
vo'i eat. Cry Hal Cinrtktion is strong, positive and maiatdined
'vithwd ice erer-j day.
Crystal Plate Gliss Shelves Agpeal to Erery Eausekgepgr
S?arite V2StaiIe CoCCpartoest at thi Bottom moist fma the drain water to preserve
o-ionjus vegetable? away from milk and butter above. Dry Air Crystal RelnentC-"! '
operate "aNive the dew point" no condensation. A'l part rernovaLle no cra Li, corners
crevice, nothing but the true metal in one solid piece.
W-tr 'nr v ji C.K-nxi mi fkt r sWe- w L - 'nr tuM a.f-x.f t faa Wit Sor-jwarv a4 r-nlw
" ' " !'-
iT 1
i -3 ' ! I
I 1 , J
I I 1
.tt u :.m f-r a.ty . h.r.g m.. a
e R s. But waen the con- Zxpertj ui Boosters to Adir'sj Eigi-
wi7 Boildirs' oleetir.?.
than the -h
soi.aa -on .'a strut k home. 1 he school
arfvaata a brousthi to eve-y ch id n
the comm imty. and an ag-scult irs.1 course
was bi ought with.a tie reach of every
Th.-o..g:iiut the sou ".a much proar-a al
ready haj be.uj made in mteietng ijie
farmer, iood; aosoel trams have
tm.Jl- ( 5ar'M Fl.m-ll n; 11 l.,t h : W.. k.... - .4 ntm l f
, 7 .. . , ' . - s " - - been run over nea-ly every mile of
. ...j.m - rr UIUiit.jin 1; 7p i.aroui-:i - evi in parts oc ui.H;aaa a.m eajfiem
Europe, reaches the conclusion that Omaha T-uis there has been a great drad of the
w.ll go we.l up toward the 150.1) mark by j invasion of tne bull weevil inio the cotton
comparison. "Our p.ipu!ar;on is not nearly 1 i3. xh.s has ed many enun planters
as dense as In some European cities of ! LO Ceae the euit.vat.ou of cotton and to
muc it less ground area." sa,d Colonel Fan- h.,. T,e .!! he.
tattarw re I m B
Dwaatlas t ewaty
Uskfa aaeertrs
avra hat '
Has Arewsu- '
and f-
utea lae-. but not ,n tne -sy
tC'ti hopl.
V-- H i;tn and .1 . att -rte--'an.!
re ha f wav dwa :.
w hen M- K at ten came ,4p f
and mde .1 rv:r.t Vap ir e
That -he ntend-d t atiac
ba.ih is doubtf 1!
Mrs. H n ten in nu v a -t . nk e npera.-y a i
moov "f " a m.n;h and r-r outbreak may
ca ie t!i be !.-er-.t After the f- acas
the womaa -an ati' N-i piowcution fir
a-a i.t w ti fe brouant.
Judge S'lt--T-t-e
on the
lXth f'Oiir.
mi 'ea-
i .!' ia-
oed. S!l- d:-d
ouid be broua
Miss S.ia.'.V!t
tv f,
t to h
"ad .
e mnf.i al artitnt.on
ning. umaaa spreadji far out. tbougb.
and many a sma.l home in the settlements
distant from the center is full of children.
Tten so many new homes have been go
ing np and so many houses are fu
roomers that I do not see how w
fa.l mum short of the fig-ire named.
A case 'iivoiv'ng the !erit maey of Indian a u raj-ied bef ire Judge W. H. Mm
l"r in ihe United Slates cj-i-vit court Tuea-ls-'
sfeniKin. in which h-vs of rSe 'a;e
Benjamin Hailoneff sr. na-nes at .nteresv
against the Lnned States. The lejritimate '
lad an h-irs are rpr-sentel bv Hir-am :
Cha-. tn" Indian .utoerev tif Tbursfm
coun'y It m h- d bv Mr Chase that there
a-e bnt two Toupn of l--(?ii.maie beii-s of '
Eeniamin Hailowtil. wtie by b:a first wtf.
now dead, and t)ie other grnn by his see- !
end Icgtrima'ly mai-'cd w'fe. a'- now
dead. I' appears mat tnee is another J
group at children from a cnroubine wfe. J
who la ec'l 'n. and -rhi was te poly-
amoi.s acniKol of Een'atrm H.iJ lowed
during the life of his ecnnd w'fe
The United i?taes boidsj to the prop.?i
t.on that under the forma and cieaoma of
Indian maiTna. which in the ear y dava
.Sid not. prohibit polygamous enn.wrts. that
children of such polygnmoua consnrj are
iesiiimate h"ii . aa la tne concubine, and
the government has therefore demurred to
the proportion of their a'lejed ilVart macy.
The argument before Judge Mine-e' was
on the dern .surer
Mr Chase, for his Indian clients hoids
that the same laws that preva.l m ail
c;vi!ied communities against the heirship
righ'a of '.lleg'ttmacy and cnnirubinage. aa
plen ti tne Indians, regsrdless of their
obsolete euntoms un!i the children of
sucii pul? gamoua unii'ns are fo'-mel'v
adopted by the parents ami th.ia invested
wth leg-timate r'gh's.
The rax is one that involves many line
heusli!po.u!iona ainuiiif the Indians, and
fas been taken under adv eemenf by Judare
liood rwauits alwaya ruilow taa use sf
Foiev g Kidney FUls. Tbey glv prompt
relief in aJZ caaea of kidney and bladder
it Borders, are healing, strengthening and
anti-septic Try them. For aaue be all
drug gist..
I Mayor Dahlman
I Throws Defi at
i Shallcnbcrgcr
i "
i Says He Alway Stajida By a Jury
of the People in. Dis
i cuasing Issues.
cmvensur iRa.lenOergr can get a jia ,
with Mayor Caiiiman any old ti re he warns I
it in the way of long-reara argument, or at educated ftrme
close grips m a Joint debate. 1 tba community
been in many .-.stances that where IU0
worth cf con in grw heretofore hb worth
of rice grew ih.s yea-.
tnteil'geiit r.!p i-iaii'in oas been p
to be Nm to lard, enr'ch.nar it ail the
while at is pr iduciitg direct wea.'h. On the
other hand, s.ngle-crcpniiig resuiia In a
positive drain on the Mil, in the end maa
irg it so aoir nit even tr.a pioverbial
biackeyed pea wil. rf .se to sprcut in it.
Aa thrs is no rth"r section of The country
so favored with o -g seasons and a boun
tiful supply of neat and moisture, it fol
lows that the mci-.ods which have b en
employed 10 ir.a-ie every nnr'b .vestern
state a ver tahie ntpn w ithin itself
be followed with v en more advan'age tn
the aim'-h.
and is the of the 011th
and yt chouis for farmers
ne redemption of those waste
..j.. .t: i.:: ii To wn ml'k and
itua ncca calculated tnat an
a worth K0il more to each cow
an an economic staad- day. each
em states',
may work
piacs ait.i
-ailroads. and the moat approved northe-!
metnods adopted m enlisting h.s interest.
Com raising contests tjgve been iraug"ir
ated In every state, iu which every boy ui
girl who has a piot of iand at b.a disposal
.a invited to become a participant; cotton
growing contest... and the like
It is impossible to aet.maie fu:!v what
an era of improved agrlcnit ire wuid mean
,V9fl 10 the south. Of course there always w-!
t:on of tne beneflta of a fu.I r-atza-tlnn
of t.he beneflis of scieni.fic ag icu.
taraJ training in this section that are tint
in the w ay of oUier sect ions. M Hi ins of
acres are farmed by negro tenants who
nave no mie'-est in the so! and
satiffed when 'hey caa jt a ha-e ir'-'-g
out of it. Eut even with thin dm buck
great things are hoped for bv riose far-se-inar
southern who will s'tend
'he Lit'-le Rock conference.
There 13 anotber kind of ! ic :nn in
which the state taks part that w 11 yield
such great interest on the investment as
the technical training la the art of farmir.s.
It has been estimated that if each ear of
tee Evewiaaj Weweiaw.
The good roads ca.ied for to
morrow in Omaha will be raoo- d to order
by City Engineer Cra.g at I o'clock in the
council cr.amoer Mas or ta.. man will
maka an aldress of welcome, and Senator
Laverty of Aanland. w ill r .pond on b ha.f
of the delegates.
I.-S..1 V Smpti'tia of F-emot-.t ail! k on
"The Va.ue of "J-Kd R.vada io the Far
mer. " and Senator M...a:d 1 ivhit
he knows of good aa ne fcan observed
tb-mau. home and ahioa i. E. C i..nmiiiia.
who are at Ala engineer uf Nebraska.
tiie afternoon s.'ia.on wtli
general subject of tne corf
Dose of Poison
Ends Melancholy
sta j mg w .h the
N ivcs for several .. Ta y uoaf w iman
'tad 1. -d Tc st af ilir l.fe 1:1 Irv .141 r.
and her visit at the N .yea home a
i.i'a.oii. a
it was reported that the young w imaa
fe.1 r tne speil of meian hoiy w hicft
brought about h- s,-test.--jction some
?kn ag 1. Frienda were unable to .tarn
lie cause of her trouble and were unab e
t lift !.". sorrow she sufMretJ. JJe lef.
no word -ap.ajiing her last act
Si far aa ctmul be learned. Miss Saaffe't
"-ad no relatives living, excipt ber faUwr.
The latter was sa.d to be lovated in
omiiha. Coroner Crosby, w no took .-ha. g
of the body, annoumed t.ieri wou.d be
inquest 111 the caee.
3ti Elsie Saaffelt Takss Her Otth
Life While Despondent Duruij
Visit to Her rrieads.
x winti up
. talk on the
refic These
thre papers will be discuss d bn-fly by
the det egatcs.
An auuitr.oin'.e drive m set for t o'cloi'it.
and will occupy prfbabsy two hours. 1:
is proposed to taks the delegates over most
of the city boulevard?, to take in FVrence.
Forest Lawn cmeterv. the M.iiiary road,
and to extend the drive far enough mu
corn could be Induced to yield ens mere , cn,iIitTy w ,:ve everybody a good idea
aerne,. eacn nea.t or wheat
I Sff-r-h deep despondency from an nn
I known a use. Elsie Sia.'f!t. :tt years
I o.d. too her l.fs by drink. ng a qaanuty
i of carbolic acid Wednesday evt-n.r.g at
I tha home of J C Naves, four miles nrth
I west of Irv tng-.on. A member of the X ives
' faiul y. a'Tra ted to M,.ss Saaffe t s room
i by the ound cf a failing body, found the
cung womaa writnmg m gun "u me
Mrs. Laarm E. alk.
Mrs. Lam s. . Vv a.sli. . yea. s old. died
f ;ypnid-pneumun:a at he- home. 391
S.. iih Nineijenta street. Wednesday night.
Mrs Walsh had been a resident of Omaaa
fcr over tw-cnty ye,;-s.
The f ir.crai u neid f-om tne residence.
Thursday afternoon at I o'clock. Mrs.
':.-a s survived by 'ae fciiow mg brothers
and -Hie a,ter: Wiius vrotby of Omaha.
Eiiwar. George and Henry Crnsby of
Clarksville. la. Albert Crusby of Avon. .
t'.. and Mrs. E. G. Joalya of Clark. . D.
each head of wheat one mor
each hen lay one m-re egs; a vear.
give or.e pint more of milk a 1
steer produce one more pound
Tbe mayor inu.maied tb.s morning tjiat I point. The great d.fficulty encountered by of beef, and so on tWroii?s the rat'sirv
he had glanced over some utterances re- ' those w no wo.i'd inaugurate scientirc of farm products. It would suffice to pio-
centlr quoted aa coninj from tbe governor. farming methods 'n the- whdle country duce a rum sufficient to -afford every p-r-
and tr.ey do not em tj have listened very I haa been ta a aea ihe farmer to tae on who cared to take it. thorousn d'i-
goud to tbe Omaha candidate for the demo- ! unporam-a of it all. so that be wouid ca-ion in the art of farming When o-ce
cratic nomination. j 'end a hand in he effort to pull him out educated, the farmer can make ihe ear
"Tes. I should feet entirely wiling to i of the rut of impracticable routine. For of om produce doseas more of kemeis.
meet the governor la a discussion of the I years scientific fa.-tnusa education has been '-he hen lay severmJ moi-e eggs, the co
obtained as easily aa an education for
tbe law. the ministry, the eounting-houae
or the medial p-ofession Tet the eon
lsiuea. " sa-d Mayor Cblman. "I am not
n tJta habit of running from a jurv of the
people, no matter who appears on tae other
end. If the gnvemor or hta advisers desire
a fair, flrst-na-nd d'scuesion of the proposi
tions now interesting the peopie. I am
ready to meet them half way. or a little
more. I have regard fir de governor's
ability as a piaifjrm speaker, but never
tha leaa I feel so sure of my g-ound that
I would welcome an opportunity to meet
h m in open detjate. hero ia the Auditorium,
or in Lincoln, or in tbe two places, or at
Bhanv places. If I am wrong the more
peopie that hear xe the better it will be
for tbe governor, aad from that standpoint
there shculd be no hesitation on h.s part."
The mayor expression waa brought out
by a rumor conveyed to htm that Arthur
Mnllen aad other close advisers of Governor
Shallfsnberger are tnciineii ta i?u a cnai
!ene to deoate
of what L'uugias county is doing in the line '
of road improvement ami r?ad paving Into
the farming section. Toe Omaha Autumo-
i bile club ia co-operating tn ths feature of i
the program, and will see that a sufficient j
number of machines are on hand. Some- j
thing llk invitations have been sent j
out to organisations and indiv idua s. and
the responses indicate an !
at least.
After the drive a dinner will be served
give ouarts more of milk- ate. iiegatea aa me nume no e.. ana at
It has been calculated by som-cne that ' o clock tae even.rg esswn will be cai ed
if all of the em .t te rwited tate : to order at tbe Commercial club. Prcf. '
wflo au to remain a farmer waa not sent were to joinn hands !n
e who enough schools of praiitnal
Sixty Days for
to a school for farmers as tae on
was 10 become a awyer was sent
schil f-u- la", e.-s.
j Today ti.a edua'.'is are carrying- tr.e
I e"ar.gei of scientific asgriculturo directly
i tn the doers cf the farmers. Where
I bu.leuns and advice issued by
' esperiment sa..ona and agr'euiturai de
partments se:o m are acie upn, on trie
tr.etiry taa:. "Tli.s misht be true on some
other land, but it wouid not do tne same
on mine." tne '.cellar demonstrations of
ute modern agriculture teachers ha.
awakened a live interest and have con
vinced tbe farmer that it
Some aa" the Wlecona.n university
agricultural department conceived the idea
of taking a carps of scientists out into the
rural districts and superintending tna
the founding cf 'Jeorge r. caatburn. of the university of
mirig to N-brasna. vfio B president -if the atate
ta the afford a course for every farmer in the a"t k-e'ociatiin. w i 4s,ivr aa
iarnt the .tcr.aj.e m the .-or .-f ' i-.-i n -address on "G-oil FUa ia. a i : im mercial aid
through the increase in production not only
would pay for the establishment of the
schools, but for their Derpetaal ma.ntea
ance. Color is lent to this statement by
what was once said by Andrew Carnegie
concerning the price of wheat. He sa.d
there couid be put ona outcome of a war
between tbe United States and Europe
the withhold ng of a small proportion of
our gram supply would force the prices
up to such an extent that the populace of
ill do on ma that, continent would insist on peace, and "
the wuhholding of half of It would siarve V- firwee Uns-tew luanlfa Trr !
' Social Aaiiet." to be f ll,; ed by the iliiui-
U-attd lecture of A. N. J innson. state en
1 gtneer of Il.inois. His topic w-ill be "utility
and uniformity of Methods and Material,"
' and an 'pen dtecuesion w' follow
Divorced Woman
Goes for Hubby
them into submission.
While It ia the hope of the
masses in the cities that increased produc
tion may decrease the cost of living, they
Howard Hattea and Jadje Sla
baajh. Ha La-sryer.
to Stand Sieg-e.
, apraying of agauiBt the coddling aaert u,at tie farm-r will be aa poorer in
, mota. The taruitrs were to fumian the th. n(1 T- ralmll.,a fhat , ., .
higher net profit in raising forty bush, s of
wheat to the acre at TO cents than he now
enjoys while raising fifteen busheia at
Traame aaUaiamre Fwuttiag-.
t c x t - r '
AMllf Of W Iff"! labor and the siate would hniiaii the
i ' spraying mat r.a.. Many orchards were
' sprayed, aad w hen tr.e harvest borne meet-
Boilemaier Coaricted by Testimony ! w" h":d spra,'d ,Lrop" wer
. , gaihered. it au siiown to the larga aara-
of Seijaoor Took Taree Caaa j ber at tarn:rs no attended that an but
4 per cent oi the apples on tne unaprayed
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Chicaw. EL "I was troubled wri
failia, and i-arnmauan, ani tixe doc
wrs aaiil I eoold act
t wed arUeaa I
aa operation.
I knew I could no 6
atABal tna straia cf
4 low, so i wrota t
3 "S3 es . i y'a tometiraa is?
t absiut m t hiihH
A i t' ... l.U
. - ivA iva a w a u. an
rrr f t iu . . j a ...
j"V --i suab u uva. u .ri
..J Itakin fw!!ia V
j1 P.akhaja'a Vegeta-.
'.' Tl ' ' bi Conapotrnil and
; i lR!run.t Punrler I am
, Ev-druca that Auaruat DakulJ. a boiler-
maaer, "had beam h.a wife la a quarrel
I over S cents aad then intrenched himself
' m a room at hia home to stand aeige w,th
revolver, shotgun and riT.e. gajird for h.m
a enttca of aixty days in jail in puiic
'court. Dokuiil Uvea at 1917 Sxiurh Twenty
1 first etreet. Through B.s lawver be filed a
' mo i on tor appea. and was released on
on bond.
. WHneseee numoeiug near y ail the neian
j burl iiving near the Liikuui home were ai
; band in court, t at.fyirg tu tbe harrowing j
1 uf Lvkaiil a attack u;un his wtfa. j
i It wu declartsd ba bad ibro-va her to the
! Toor and choked her en one oi-caaion, and
j a eiuirt tima later had aia a. tacked her.
j striking tha woman abvMat UK bead aad
- face.
The d-fendaat testified Ue had never
' strmk bia wifa at any tjan in their mar
ried life. He explained that the trouble
j oX Saturday nigfil waa mr.y a amfr.e
. over tr.e poaiwaeum of a quarter. He ak-d
n.e wife for that amount of change, he
I said. and. upuo being denned it, turned in
aad helped bimseif. after a brief straggle
! aver the faau-y purse.
Tears Save Man
from LoncrerTnn c
in the Penitentiary
Pegasus Visits
District Judge
W. C. ledick Drinki Deep of Peir.ava
Spria; aad AchieTea Three
to-day a well woman." Mr. W ill; x
aViiKjLss, a W. Slat St, Ctieasu, li
LycL E. PUkham's Ve jetibl Com-
founuV raaii from nativ roota and
t t-rtis. coar-iina no tarcotica ar hArni
f u drtitfi. and to-day aouia tb record
tor te iaryeat aiiaia!r ct actual carea
f female aitseaaeg of any si aiilar metii
cina la tha eot-.atrr, ana thousand of
woluatary tesuraouiala axa gam tt ta
tiie llrik.!iaia laboratory at Lmn.
Ala, from waaaeu who) havw Seen
cured froa alraoat every farm of
.em! cornrUiriia, ivrararaaLion, ul
eerarion.iiispiacementavabroid tumors,
irTe-anuanaija, perioaiic paiaa,btte-ae,
hiiLflsaoa aad natrrou aroarratioo.
Every aca iuSennir woman awe tt tv
termj i (nre Lyiia . T-initarn'i
cifeuab j Compouad a trial,
Lf joa woeiM liVe pcial adfictt
aVoat j9wr c write a roafidesa.
.tUl letter to Mn. I1aVh aP. at
Lyman. Maaj. Her aulriVxa ia bev
Jiwta fcelarai.
Jadg-e Ensile Cnti SLz Months from!
Sentence af Colored alaa
TJTao Weep. !
H . iry Jobnaou a biue-e ed cu.ored
a hose otii.. orbs do not signify in his
caae a meek aud mild dispoaiiain, ki to
tne state penitentiary for a year and ona- i
aa.f. Tearful picking by bira moved Judge
tsie'le m court to cut the anginal
aenience of two years by six monuia.
Kenry Juiiasun hsa several cia-ma to
feme. Fur one thing be ia the ia.l inmate
wio ao tucieetuily operated on SiHUer
svjiiama with a ca-vnj kaifa while but a
were ynaonera ax tna jaa.
Again. Joaasun moved t tears a.i eyes
ui couut wan arra.4naHl by offering to :
"pi.aU guiiiy ta aaytaing reaannabie"
"Raa-sonabie ' be Interpreted to mean Uxat
which Wiiuid not involve a pen.tenuary
WIUM. Maa hw r(kl Wweauaai tw 1 sentence.
bratt Item, hi sew laiy ! A third chapter in hia illustrious record
Dart iaa Jail. I occurred juat before sentence. Eetective
C.C Wilson, tbe maa arrested by Police- ! duil.vaa telling Judge Estelle mat "taia
; T43 -yr K. Wilson, after the former haul man is the worst daylight robber we have
' attempted u rob Mr, fclaie Maaeey of ber j aad in Omaaa m seven yeara. He la aieai
j purse in the Barker biota Wednesday aft- mg a-1 tba time."
ernooo. waa sentencwd ta thcrty days' 1m-j Asa.4 If ha tad anytnmg to say why
' pruauameait T PoiWw Judgw Crawford. Wil. j sentence ahou.d not be pronounced twr the
1 -...,a . r-t .eiwr hj-i,v.i . I hreaaina aad tsunm ciiarae unoai whicn
;-ugg.. -aa Mr Mar-,v and a running j a. be eouim.ttl. Jonnn pleaded j a. .."er.i. crai.1 wna be
fight wuh Otrtcer v. ::ma at suteetua aad j ln hriiv from the authorities a
i aew ilia a sm aia uia mava auw.
Mrs. G-ace Hutri.n. d. sp eared at a de- '
cree of divorce by Judge Sutton m favor:
of her husband, male a sensational at- !
tai'k upon the colored physician aad his
attorney, former Judge w. W. Slabaug'i.
: as the two men were U-a.-irtg the coui-t
i room on tbe seventh flour of The Bee
( Dr. Hut'.en received a bi w on the net k
which brought blood to the surf i.e. J ula-i
Siabaugh ew-aped inta.t. lit the acufr.e.
Dr. Hat; en's eibow str-tek the attorney '
i m the muuth. but d d no injury.
I "1 am ready to award a cree to Dr.
j Hutteii." Judg-? Sutton be I said from t'te
j bi iich a few minutes i( t. but I w- :l
ijoid the matter np-n sixtv days to see if
the two caa got t seiacr "
"'Jet together' coupe did ta i m.n-
would still be the greatest sound
reproducirag instrument without
the Amberola.
The Aatbe-ro; wrmiJ still be the: final and i.tesi expnsaoa at
the Eiiiaoa Phnnotrraph without Amberoi Eccorris.
Amberoi Records woold still be the; a-reatast triumph ia Eeaard
maiinjr without Slexak and the other Grand Opera stars.
But when ytu can get Mr. aiison"i own Pbowarraph uisemteii
aad ptrrrVrrted ky him.
and whrn yon fret fn addition ta that tbe Amberoid, that fineact
fiarra of tbe Edison Phonoarraph,
and when you can have ta piny upon the Amberola, or any type
of the Edison F tamest rap h, the Amberoi Records, that play twice aa
lunar as Edison Standard Etcctjrda. tnat are the cieatreat aad bat
puyintr BecDrda.
and when yott can fret noon Ambeml Brards such sinfrers aa
Sinak, tha fjiact tenor cf the Metropolitan Opera Company, aeul
other stars, caa yoaa think of bayinir any wind -reprod taring- instnt
ment until you haree meeittiaratad tne Ediaon. tha
Ain hernia, Amberoi Eccords and Edlaon Grand Opera Raxrorda?
Tka Aaieraia
There are Edison deslers eiei i where. Co to "tie
nrareat and bear tile Edi snaa Pbaaanairapai 1.1 r hoi a
Eilinoe atarMlard and Edisua Ajnnerol ausnla
Ceetcompietecataloii froio your deaier or tram aa.
Edisoa Sianderd Rarorde SSe
Edison Amberoi Eerordsipaay twice aa king), ste
Edisoa Grand Opera aecaarda Tie to
75 I, ski ska A.i.11. Caraaaa. N. J.
Tea eeaa Aetata wa daa Eahaaa Is
,12J0 aa tlZS
Coincident wita sprtngnine the muse has
arrived at tie. court bouse of Lmi.gia
county. Judge W. C. Reding wa.kcd down
ta the Hutna from hia court room aad
avoiding "the round table' where re.
and near wits of the bar Cegaii uo gather,
dasned off three stanzaj lnspir ,-d by u-.e
names of atiorneys in a tria. tef ire h.iu.
Tbu attorneys were James Ra.t of smlivun
at Haut aad Carl W right of counsel fj,
the Moitaweatern road.
Her ia wnat Judge eff-td
Thia contest lies twixt Bait and Wrgt
and l.aa wita injuries .;.ere.
If Ka.t & r.,nt tue pia nt-JT w id
A venlice gsl at e-.,itt. qmie dea.-.
If Wr.ght be fght he may be-Ralt
Tue piamuf f a iawyrr to ma tt.:.
lf v rig at e wrong it s piam ui see
Lefeet awa.ts w uj ad nis aa..l.
if Rait be r ght aad Wright be wrong
it follows Kan ia m a Dux.
F -r if he be both wrong anil VA'ngnt
H.s pngbt ia sure a pa. adox.
If you see it in cor ail it's au j
T ie first lmpresaiiin cf a coming j
w ia derived tnrotiin the in-i
v-.taiior..i sent out It Is. il'.erefofr
cf tmooriance that tr e e hera.ds uf !
tne great event aii'.u.u be animpcai
aaie In me.r character
The Ri aa onprint on uc i
w II insure both style, w arkniaasuip j
and quail);- We iiuil '.ike pleasure I
!n talking with ; i aavui It.
Nebraaka Cycle Co. represpctij tb National Phoao
zraph Co. in Nebraska. acl carries bnz? stocks of Edisoa
Phono 'rjapbs, inciadinz the rr.odi?!a mentioned in the
National Phoroaraph Co'? announcement on this page
today, as well as a stock of over luO.OMJ records.
Nebraska Cycle Co,
15th and Harney Sts., Geo. E. Mickel, 334 Broadway,
Omaha,., Neb. Karager. Cotmcil Bluffs, Ia.
Cycle Co.,
aaged s ilk aa.aMSa takrillr.
awaat Taaveaa Pa-lee e by
Owaaka rMr.
3 vAS v.
f'amain i-rtta
Jobnaua ia IT yeara at age aad thus moved
Jadge EateUe ta remark tnat he waa "uat
a boy
"If yea bad nut been m tha pemiu-auary
before." sa-d the court. "TJ juat give you
! a latl sentence and parol you. to some
There ia aa cuuga madictia aa popular j oid maa if one tuwit be found ui taae
as To eya Haaey aad Tar. It never fa-la'jou. but as it ts. I must sentence yau ta
tu euie cougha. co.da. croup aad arua- tn pen.tent.ari'. thouga I da But La u
Mrs. Maaawy ule u L.I.ed the pnauaer at
j the station a the maa ha aticoeud her
at her dealt, asked for pernuaaion to tee tha
directory and then aetaed her purse, eh
testified ia court to tiie exciLrg scenee
; iaal faiioeed the taking uf tr.e purse.
jcaJ. waa arrested hei-e Tauraday morn.r.g
; by Dwteetlvee uUiaa aad iliicheii. at
Twentieth aad Harney streets.
Jefferson, acenrd.ngj ta police dispatches '
from Chicago, ia wanted there ta answer a
' cnavgw ef embeaaletoent. f 12 sua. Jeffarson '
la held at th city Ja.l for delivery tu Cii-
eaga off c era. ha are on taair way ta
e JJ' vJiJ
; ava"- rj7 ovrr n
-a. ' -ua w.m uai i trie
- GaL2-2'urr:Tr'3 , V-
t ibte a OOvL v J y-Ta
Buy from tut once and run i
be our etastiatraer always.
House in
o.h. 4Sm&tt& x West.
Or 334 L.uaaw&v. Louncii Bluffw. Iowa.
(f ' ""
ca.a r'or aae bg aei druggata.
.i ---y aiaui Lle.a.'
Feii. -"tent ad-. rla:rig Jt La road ta B g
Rei an. a
Laet Cart lias, aUi
Farci Ffraiiire
Miller. Stewiri Q BAtoa
la-LS-lT aVsata UtJk StL
MO wo a T.
aVTaaXI, llta
e Windows and
eun.tay faper.
Engraved Stationery
WmMnu aVaaaafiaie aaaaa
VwetaaaT Carwa
AA emfeaj faanaa a irr wmt nsl i
l-mbcacaed Manograun Statkmery
aaW ettaar wwrk iwi uieJ m m as 'iiia Hiaa asfls-
A. L ROOT, btcoarcxiATLD
ma-Ul J Haaail Sc.
a 104