Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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k Nebraska
KOAUb' KfcAENlE INCREASES -n Je .".o.! tnke i.e,e io;
The, In companies Intend to employ men
nrt n ff il ia t el with the proposed union.
Reported to Board of Assessment by j ;
Burlington nd U. P. 'Yoiltll with CoW
Bell Starts Row
farther konlm Made of talae of
TfrmUil ProsierO K.sjnlnment In
Omaha and lnalaa
(nl) .
Freshmen and Sophomores of Univer
sity Have Big Class Scrap, Sev
eral Being Hurt.
if mm Staff Coiicyponilent.i
LINCOLN. April 7 (Spec ial .) The teport
.f thn Union Pacific, fll'd with the Mate
fiord of AMHmmt. glwng the financial i ,r tlllro; a figh' bo! ween the memb-t
t.peiatlon of tht road for the ear ending . (,r Ulf. i, .,..,. f l!r.' aod Ull nt the Slate
ltitmtifr. 1309. and the uf trf prop ' nnlvei'sMv t tt :s morninr th'tt resulted In
rly In thin Mat. Jhuw the net eai nlngs . i;. fiercest ersp seen nt Ihe local school
have Increased approximately $.70 OHO. Thia nc(. ;m.,. One mphotnni e, Wil'i.mi Nettle
Ifjpllea to the entire sstcm. The financial j (l1n V1)s knocked tinronu'lons. mid twenty
statement of Ilia Burlington Miows thHt itj,,r thirty other s'.udon's received more or
earnings In Nebrm-ka for the ar ending , loss serious injuries, while every one of the
I lex ember, YM. was is.SDOT. against a net j ;,) students who took ra ' ' In the fracas
mrhlnlts of $2M.!i.O for the ear ending . sustained mine damage to l,! clothes, and
liecemter, I!. The Lnlnn Pacific filed no either loir, hi pinls or mat or had hi
statement of Its earning for Nehraka and shirt lipped from hi hark,
the Burlington nan not et filed a report The scrap was begun wi'h only twenty
on It property in this slate, following ia ' nu n taking part, bot this numher was ang
the financial report of the 1'nlon Pacific tnt ntt-d to fully rmo hefoie the encounter
lm for the two yearn . II" and 1!: had hern In pi-ogres ten minutes Then
IK. cxd. the members of the two claw began a
Gross earnings tM.ftjKKjft.M t.u:2.".t5.1S fiee-f,u -a'l In w hich u,ey d'.ii:ged one an-
Net faming - 1'-'. .V,'. !
'1.727.44.. VI
:'n ai (I7H.0U
r..u n in iniiii n
Olvlderids declared., 2H ,.,.3. 144 n't
I rriprovwmenta (in
clining equipment I 10. 4M. :." 10
Following 1 the rinanclal statement uf
the RurllriNlon in Nebraska for the cara
I is and i:B:
M leage in ,fbrkK a..i.(ia
Karninga J".:j.i;'r:.S7
ipeiating expense.. ll 4M;u.j.i
Net earning s.St.s.'; .(i2
Net. earn, per nnU 3.4Ki.i.3H
'i axes Mid In Neh
1 KM
:i.4:"..i:i."i :m
talnea of Iteiiurta.
Thr following ltnws the value of the
tlcpol station hous-e. maihine Hhupx, xtock
: idd. scaler, platforms, fuel and water
Kiatiop. machinery and tank-" connected
therewith and alt othei- buildings wholly
or In part on ttie right-of-way of the Union
Taclflc: .
Main Hue Jl.(i4H.47ti
old litii! Summit io Lane.. F.0.4 .1
i.. ft R. V 17U.S':t
Kearney branch I3.4"
Central City branch II.29S
North Platte branch :;4.iu
1 1 .!!
The road baa used in ami out of Nebraska
locomotives of all clans. 700. valued at S1".
R.S; 437 pas-engrr cars, all r'ae. va ue 1
at 12.4MI..142; roadway and freight cars. 17.
:, valued at S.271,174. Of this rolling stock
there la credited to Nebraska, according to
miles traveled Locomotive!-. 31 86 per cent;
passenger car, !0.I4 per rent; freight and
roadway cars, 18 3d per cent, which equal
for the different classes the following mile
age: Locomotives, 2.000.428; passenger cars.
740.341: freight and roadway cars, 1.511.971.
In Douglas cuunly the machine and repair
shops and storehouses located on the right-of-way
are listed at a valuation of )7o2.22.r.
way anil depot grounds. but locally
assessed, la listed at a valuation of $421, 3oS,
Actual valua of property on the rlght-of-makitig
a total of 11,204.74.1.
Heal estate outside of the right-of-way In
Omaha tw listed at JM'.Vtiao actual value, a
total of S8.47 acres. Lands In the right-of-way
In Omaha were listed at a valuation
of a.0S.9o0. The value of all bridges was
lifted as follows: Main line, $1.429, Mi
.nub. .'Republican Valley branches.
$41T.18 Kea.rny branch, I7.8.'io: North
Platte branch, SI3.241; Central City branch,
$-.5.5i0; old main line, SGS.iW.
Material, Tuel and all other personal prop
erty was listed at a valuation of $l,1ft3,12ii,
on the main line; on the old main line at
14.7HS; Omaha & Republican Valley, $!i2.540;
Kearney branch, $,7,307; Central City bianch,
$1,315; North Platte branch. f2.629.
Dlat-rlmloat on at Det-atar.
AttOrnev General Thompson has been in-
strurted by the State Railway commission
lo start proceedings against the Nebraska
Telephone company for discriminating In
rates at Beatrice. It Is charged that the
company there gives rebates to customers
wliq 'lie about to discontinue their tele
phones In the nature of pay for soliciting
bus'iie. Affidavits to this effect were
filej niih the commission by 11. M. Ross.
V. X. P ace and It. U. Mandry. Superin
tendent Pratt sa d the company had em
ployed men al Btntrice to solicit, and that
uch action c u!d n t be construed as re
bating. a tea l.oyier nt llnstlnit.
The Nebraska Tr. lu,ce company has
i eceh ed permission to vtt'uce its rates at
Hastings from $30 to Ul n .via:- on r id i vid
ua! party lines; from $.:t to Jin o.i party
lines. This permi: lon was gl.-i-n so that
the company would be in a betier position
to compete with Its competitors.
Krlckion'a Complaint.
The complaint of Ki lo Erlckson of Krick
son against the Burlington alleging punr
1 1 aln service between that town and (lice
ley will ba heard at (Jreele.y April 1!. Com
missioner Cow-gill will take the testimony.
Brief la Mileage (aw.
Attorney Ueiiaral Thompson is preparing
a brief to be filed In the supreme court In
support of bis application for an Injunc-
tion against the Union Pacfic trading
mileage for advertising. The slate already
has a temporary injunction and the rall
luad has discontinued the practice, but the
esse will be fought out Just the same. Mr.
Thompson holds that whenever the railroad
e nipany accepts anything but cash. 2
cents a mile for travel, it discriminated
a it'nst Mime passengers.
Kanaaa t'ity Mea Qnlt
if f:mploer Objer
I w.
ork Becaoae
to Forma-
Ilea of
I nlon.
N..A8 C1TT. '.April 7 Because the Ice
'omta.i' a or this citv refused to approve
i li a:i lit unionir.e their employes, JA) driv-
The first taste of
crisp, deliciaus
with cream, is its own
good ex:u,c for a call
for more.
"The Memory Lingers"
no 10c ul ISc.
rottum Cereal Company, Ltd.
Battle Creek. Mich.
! I.IN'il..". Apnl 7 iSpeciali - n Ihim- j
cent . ii.iK.-l' i' of ten J.'urs-. placaided 1
j with notices announcing a i-Ihss meVtlrg
of the freshmen anil con inst small rem-
other will, their flat, tore clothing, smash-
'''d huts
and llisf loured filers. One senior
at least thirty men who h:id
bloody noses. A member of the faculty
who witnessed the nff:ilr na!d he did not
think that one of the pH rl Icipiinls emerged
from the fishl wkh a complete shirt.
Sevcial of the students entered the en
gagement wearing their derbies, and this
hVadgeai- was smashed during the first ten
minute of the fight. This afternoon the
campus, in front of Library hall 13 littered
with remnants of lints, shirts, punts Hiid
other wealing apparel.
Thn only serious Injury sustained by any
of the studentH was that which fell to the
lot of William Nettletoii. lie was sense
les for fully fifteen minutes and was car
ried to his home in thin city. This after
noon he had fully reroen-il from the ef
fects of the blow on the head that laid him
Three freshmen sustained sprained ankles
nnd another of the first year men had a
bono In his nose broken. .Several members
of the sophomore class were injured , on
the arm by being thrown against the ce
ment pavement on the campus.
Thn light was stopped by Chancellor
Aveiy, who arrived on the scene after he
had been notified of the fight by Super
intendent Chow ins. Me at once told the
crowd that any man, who continued the
I fight would be expelled from the unlvei
sity. Kven after his warning some of the
younger students carried the fight into U
street, where It lasted but a minute or
two. The main engagement took place on
the campus near the university fountain,
which Is situated between Library hall and
the admlnlstiation building. It was begun
at II o'clock. Just after the chapel bell
had sounded.
Borough Bank of
Brooklyn Closes
Run Begins at One of Its Branches
and State Superintendent
Takes Charge.
NKW YORK, April 7. The Borough
Bank of Brooklyn closed its doors today
and the superintendent of banks has taken
possession of Its business. The bank has
a capital of $200,000. with deposits ag
gregating over $2,000,000. B. K. Shears is
president. This Is the c conil bank failure
In Brooklyn within a week, the first being j
tht Union Bank of Brooklyn.
At the office of the stute superintendent i
of banks, the following statement wai
given out: -V
"A meeting of the board of directors of
the Borough Bank of Brooklyn was held
at the office of the .banking denartment
52 Broadway, at 6:30 o'clock last night, the!
meeting having been called by 1'residenl
"After a conference with the superinten- j
dent of banks regarding t,he unusual de- I
niands being made on the Institution at I
" Klghlh ward branch, and considering
tne character of the assets for which the;
present management Is not responsible,
the board decided to request the superin
tendent to take possession and preset v
the best Interests of all depositors.
Pursuant to the request and the
provisions of the banking law, the super
intendent has taken possession of ihe piop-
erty ano bustntsa ol the corporation.
"No further statement revaluing ihocon
; i-l. .ou of the bank will be made until tht
inv. n i. ..l ies have been completted.
Tht re has been no withdrawal of de
posit from any other Institution."
Superintendent Chenny said that the con-
j dltions attending ihe closing of the bank
j were almost Identical with those which
j ed io the closing of the Union bank,
Marl nalr 'a Body Itecovered.
BUFFALO. N. Y.. April .-The bodv of
Oeorge N. MncCauley of the steamer Clar
ion, which burned off Point Pelee last
w-imr. was taken from Niagara river here
today. MacCauley lost his life while Irving
to get a life boat over the aide of the burn
ing and storm-tossed steamer.
SCOTIA The dry ticket was elected here.
i' ii nt.sif.K-w. I). Woodruff, the lo-I
cal Burlington A Missouri agent here has
received a promotion us agent at St. Paul, !
1I.VSTINUS.-The annual ine ting of'
(.roup Four of Nebraska Rankers' .n ,. ;
elation will convene at Hastings, Ne
braska. May is. i
M I LFOR1 ) The illaae elecih.., r. ..i ;
In no license by thirty-nine majority and i
I carrying the electric light bunds by a1
good round majority. J CITY. -Huron L. Collins. of
Keni coiiuniy. Micbiuan. nrni. i.. t.i.
mirruay anil was met hy
I harlotie McCain, of Lincoln, and
rik-U'.l)lt A J;.. .
Ihev i '
" ll" " ui.Mro-i convention
Apnl 1U.
HAS riNt.a-Auaiist liamkioeKer. aged
,. who liely rame here from Haivaid
dropped dead while walkln in the xani
at bia lionie esterday. Hie funeral 'will
I ALHION-A canon obiain--; 'rom t lie
, l ulled Siatea Bovei nment bv t:, oommia
I sioueis of Hoone county thiuiiali the f f ,,, t.
of Senator Burkett lias arrived and been
mounted In front of the court house.
SI'KINiil'IKI.IV IMbtmaalcr Fran!
romte ltaven Sunday for lua old home In
Heme. Swltierland leavina; New Vork
April H. Jimt 1"T veara from the day he
landed there, ha will be a been I six weeks.
BKATFtlt'K The residenre of Samuel
House deployed by flr nt V ymura
V elnesdy. with all it content. The loss
Is plated at ". paitially InainH
overheated alova Is uppoet to haie cauaed 1
in. vir.
liAVH) t ITY Thomas Wolfe was elected
maor over Hon. A. M. Walling bv a ma
jority of ijft. The eullie people a ticket, in
cluding thiee t'onncllnien. bead'-d by Mr
Wolfe, was elected. The low n went dry bv
in majority.
CIIAlH(.'N.-Tlie final debate tui chain-
pi lain the Sunday arlioola of Seward (Jer ! P'","nlP "r ' """h by llio pnnlln
nantoK ii. Hee and Suive will be bel.i Lt ; of ,h ",Kh s'l'ool on the question "Are
tne Presbyterian i-huroh- Irt S?waid SuiunTv "-abl"' 1 n '"' B-ii-fi-lal." tak.-a place bj
afternoon. Apnl lu. oewaia iundaj tween Alliam-e and v'hadron' at thi place.
-vpg-y 3u UU U UCJUUVCy U UUI 1L-
mt -in.
Gut This Out
and Tako It
To Your
tlie 101 n. him.
t()R"HK8TI-:U-Tlie cltv enuncil cun
l moled W illi U . 1. t'rlM nf Uniaha to lake
firtv street iMinpa of fifty-candle - power,
ahlcli will ihe town $.126 per annum.
The plant will he in operation about the
middle of Mav.
lORt"HK8Ti:n- At thn meeting- of the
Board of KducaTion last niaht Prof. . o.
Ixioley and Mim Hesrie Harbe.
second i
primary, were le-elected for the comlna 1
year. The balance of the J'aclilng staff
has not been elected.
BEATRICE. I r. (5. J. Koticrt.nn. a
veterinarian of this city had his l.-n dis
Incated and hadl,v l.i nlsed in a runaway
last night. Ilia buggy was hadlv amaklied.
The doctor's driver. Sam Cb.inenta. lad
his shoulder dislocated.
SEWARD-Tbl morning at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner wan solemnised
the marriaae of Mi Lena lieicho and
I.euls K. (I'm. The offi( ialina clergyman
was Rev". K. II. Keeker, pastor of the
Evangelical Lutheran church.
IIAPTINIJS Tha enmpanv r'eently
formed lo ereet a new hotel has obtained
siiDKi ripiinns for a sum nlthtn tll uiO of i
th amount re.uiied fur the construction
Wo Givo You This Packago of ( Corn Flakos Toastod, To Romind
Von That tho Bost Corn Flakos, First, Last and Always, Arc
the Famous dUD Gorn Flakes.
HERE are
sKow every
tnis city tkat the
giving cereal food is the improved j!) Corn Flakes Toasted.
We are going to give away today, tomorrow and all next
week until closing time Saturday night, April 16, thousands of
packages of this most delicious food, the improved Corn
Flakes Toasted. "THE TASTE TELLS."
A Full Size 10 Gent Package Absolutely Froo to You At Any Grocers.
This Coupon ls-Vorth.lOACents4
To enable you to know how good E-C Corn Flaket" Toated are, and to
place full size package in your home we giro you this package free. '
Take or send this coupon, properly filled in, to your regular grocer j
and vttu ill receive Free one 10 cent package of E-C Corn Flakea Toasted, j
VVe believe that once you know how good E-C Corn Flakea Toasted,
are, you will become a permanent user of them. Be euro the coupon ia i
properly filled out.
I hereby certify that I have presented this coupon properly filled out to myj
regular Rrocer, whose name is - - -
Mr. ...;Grocer.J
(Write name of grocer here) w
and have received in exchange for the coupon one package of E-C Corn Flakea
Toaated, Free. I have not redeemed a similar coupon with him or any other
dealer. ' '' ' '"
' Signature
Street No. . . -. i . .
This coupon will be accepted by all
that date.
(Formerly Elfe-O-See Cereal Co.)
To Any Grocer in the
authoriied to accept it in payipent
mail it to the United Cereal Mills," Ltd., guincy, 111., ana we win give, you in
full size package of E-C Corn Flakea Toasted, and J cents in cash.
UNITED CEREAL MILLS, Ltd. Formerly Egg -
Not I All coupons must b tignad
otlier cereal food you
delicious f5J) Corn Flakes Toasted. They
process from the heart of the purest White Corn.
try them, you will always huy them. AVe want
mark of quality and insist upon it whenever
buy Qjom r lakes Toasted.
We were the first to give the housewives the big 10c
package. There are thousands now using them everyday.
We want all the rest to use them. That s why we
give this big 10c package Free to every housewife who
will present this coupon to her grocer.
We were the first to offer the improved Corn Flak es
Toasted. They bear the f) mark of quality and the
distinctive delicious taste.
of Hie biilldins. the promoiei-K lo have tli?i(dd Fellow n' hall at We.-teivllle Monday
building started in llio atiruiner. ' eveniiiK. talkini; to the larnieix on the pi-o-
HKATltlOK. A niimhei- nf H. . . men 1
nave ilium in the cliy for the purpose
of eiiKaflnK In the aaloon budim-MS. There
will be at haft six amilicaluiny. and ni-ob-
ablv mure, h ml ihe cltv council niav in
crease the license fee from to gl.VaO.
BEATRICE The following were granted
licenses to wed yesterday by Judge WHhleii
In the county court: Samuel Z. McWood,
12; lielia Holmes, both of Wyniure. Walter
u. Hrown. Akron, Dlo., i; Alice tt. Hubhs,
( idell. Neb.. 23.
John II. West. Wymiire,
23; Emma Wandersee,
Blue fprtugs, 20.
S. Ward and Miss
E. Walk, of Imperial. Nebraska. I
the count v 1. n...h trm, I
their Hge a fortv-eigthl John A. Stengel,
nf Ulbb.iii. and Miss Mary R Altmler, of
Kearnev, were also granted licenses
tiAitkn-1 ne Hoard, of Education met
I-riday evenlngTor the election of teachers.
superintendent . O. (ji een, had already
been re-elected at an advance if 10n. There
was no applicant for the position of teacher
of English and English history. The posi
tion will pay other grade slill open
are primary, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh
A NSLKT Walt tieurge and Flank
Currle of' Broken ilow hejd a meeting at tne
M. I
, 1 1 1 n 1
corn tlakes and corn tlakes, but we propose
housewife everv man. woman and child
most dainty, delicious, appetizing, health-
(Customer s name'
erocersjjpfil Any! 16. 191i"H-r"rot good aft
UvCtfHrA.. OTnTyIll
fnited States When, this coupon is presented to you, properly filled
out. and signed by your .customer, you are
of one regular full size packStge of t-t torn
br the Grocer and sent to us befora April 23, 1910.
ever had upon your
Kemember it don t cost you a
cent. Your grocer has a big 10c
package waiting for you free.
Take the coupon to him today.
United Gcroal Mills, m.
N. B. Do not send th? coupon to us. Send it to your
ular grocer only. He can supply you insist upon it
l" - eil niilioad to no from Loup t'lty to
Hi nken How. It has been suuK sted that
this he an electric road and that it will
ciime from Omaha most direct to this part
of Nebraska.
ANSLEY About Iwo-thirds of the old
alfalfa in Custer county has been winter
killed . All the last year's seeding has come
through the winter lu prime condition. It
Is also noticed that where the fourth crop
was left on ihe alfalfa fields and wher
the alfalfa was not pastured thut It has
crine thioiiKli the winter in prime condi
tion. H. J. Tlerney Is ploying up 2UO acres
which wan winter killed.
were tinittd in marriage. This couple have
oeeu enKaMeti iui i-everai ears ano inc
j room made a pioposltion lo come to this
city. ni'-et ihe irospectlve bride. they
'would tie inrrlid. and return to Cnelr
limine home on the next train. This was
done. The young lady's relatives accom
panied her as far as this oily and wit
nessed tile ceremony.
NEBRASKA CITY The body of Frank
Mllo'i, who tiled at Porlland. Oregon, last
Sundav will be binugt lo this city Frldav
evening himI Ihe funeral will be Itelrt Sat
urday (ifieiiiooii under the direction nf
Ihe Fault He was fo- many tear n
resident uf tliia cliy and leaves two
i-m-o e
Bui a -s
o e -
M .2
Gut This Out
and Take It
To Your
O u -
g.5 - n 1 u u
Makes loaated. bign and
extnange ior u oiic regular
O - See Co. Qumcy,' 111.'
table can compare
'I t r . . B
1 -ss :
are made by the exclusive tjZ
We know that once you
to teach you to look for the
daughters. Miss Kliil Ilulilman and Mis.
Mi-l-'ai IhihI, of this clt. I'ur a number of
years bn resided 111 Omaha prior lo golnu
to Portland, with Buck Kdlli, who will
accompany the remains to bib old home.
SPIilN'OFIELH. The citizens of Spring
field and vicinity met at Ihe I'ltv Hall
Wednesday night and organized tt com
mercial club, with forty-six mailer iiieiu-
a - e i:i ve
In our specialty.
valuv received, and that
Tha only Keeley Institute In
Omaha. Correspondence confidential.
Cor. Csth and Cass St., Omaha. Tak Harnsy Strsat Car from Eltbtr
hers. and with the following offlceis:
Thomas Nelson, President; Ir. W. C.
Hates, First vlce-pi eslrlent ; W. F. Arm
slrting. Second vice-president ; fins W.
Peters. Secretary ; L. t'. Jolinson. Assistant
Stcretary; Executive Committee compo'ed
of C. F. Colhoun, I'haliman: E. J. ijulnlev.
Secretary; W. II. liavldson, lan Hourke, J.
l. Drunkenness, Opium, Morphia aad othar drug
addiction ar diseased condition.
'- Therefor. cientiflu medical treatnrent I nec
essary. 3 In cas of alcknesa, none but th Lest should
bt, accepted.
i our treatment Is known the world over and ha
proten Its merit In over 300 0U0 catei.
la th reason w ar at th had
th stat. of Nebraska la located
" I