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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1910)
10 Tin: r.i;i;: omaha. ri,'iiAv. aim.ii, s. mm. REAL ESTATE l IT Y i..H-r,(. i I I ILB (Continued ) 14 Investment 14 Ihr- . lu'Hii rulWK". iii'Hlrii' t xcpt ijt. nn laip" cim nrr hit. wilh i . vm itr ifiuihr rntn.fiv OntliiK Rla. -r .,4 a. n.m..ii. I n- -nltm iif in rv nod impair an, ft Riilf-mli-l iifMnn imm -io'kI ciru ti two vrv titit-s. nar KM n and jk itrhno). For tjuirk ubip HI lake 4 (WW. .o hptter IruMtmfrK than b-i. rnt-!-k th up at unrr. n riio. ..mi .nina are not lonv mi thi mark: F. H. Drake, a i,.; j-nooM, WAI,KI.0 DISTANCE. West Farnam district mo, lei n except nea.L ; lot 4ixll.i; pi ice. $.-.Tl. t-asy terms NOWATA UNI) AM' Ulf TO . Hull e.4 N. Y. Lif Bldg. hed. 1:9V '.V. U. JE.V'EN. biillda homes rleht; plan fuiniined. iJl Kpalduig. I el Web o jTuom cott a ( i CLUNK IN mjit. i Ml CaUlK'ell ., a tieal and well built ' . cniiage of 5 rooms. iilcll all modern, in- Kl Ht S A LK I niprov eil mock, grain and chiding a furnace; aoinh-fiont loi, noxloT ft. i chicken farina; close C hicago. C. H. Mar Tt.ere la loom to loilld another coitase lie- 'pai ai,-o, Ind a de the one already built. I he on.r , , anxlotia to aell it once and will be pleased : Idak. lo aliow you thiough anv eening. as be1 Uvea theie, or vie will mow you tnrougn any time during the day. HASTINGS & 11KYDKX, 1(114 llatney J-l. 1U-;ST 110MK BAKGAIN3 UN EASIEST TEH MS A vety pretty new home. t-rooin inodern, full lot, high, slKhtly location, convenient lo car, n. w. pai t of city; owner nays eell it ones and reduce price lo J,MJ0. ihoice k-room murjciu bourne, full lot, In'Ke Mhsde ami im., rear ;d antl laenport. !.7j". i)ood 6-rooin cnttaiie, closet, aewcr, water, H.hoo; ui cash, 1d per mo. JiLSSELL & McKlTKICK CO.,1 4-2 i;u m,,. ,-,1, jp,j : RW BUK- Ulh and llai ney. $500 Cash Buy a nearly new, all modern 6 room house, near Crelguton college; house! only three years old. aouth front lot, close to two good car lines. Price re duced from $3,000 to $2,700. Owner leaving tovn and must sell. J. W. HASP CU., 680-81 Brandefs Bldg. Doug. 1653; A-2653. S650 On and ona-half acres. unimproved south front, high and sightly location; i'M cash, fS monthly. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ttilrd Floor. Ware Klock. liaise Chickens and Garden. We have an Ideal property for this pur pose located at S418 Patrick Ave., three lots, south front, lota ot fruit, plenty of garden room, fine shade, chicken house, with a good on-atory, 6-room house, city water, electrle light. In good repair. Price reduced to $2,200. See ua quick. Tayne, Bostwick & Slater, Sole Agents. - v 601 Ji. Y. Life Bldg. Crcighton's First Addition fl-room, new bungalow with oak floora, eleotrlo light, everything right up-to-date, 2340 So. 3oth St. Price $2,650, small pay ment down, balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick & Slater, Bole Agents, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. IN BENSON South front lot on Lucas St., near Burnham, 50xl2S feet; for sale on easy payments $5.U0 down and $5.00 a month. Prico $190.00. DWIGIIT WILLIAMS, Bee Office Tel. Harney 3070 after 6 P. 31. VACANT. Jflth: ehort distance south of Farnam; one of the best flat locations In Omaha,, or will aell single lot. 3SHvCrilcano, large east front lot. paved street, concrete walks; very cheap. Z corner lots, concrete walks, shade trees, a genuine snap at $6o0. On Davenport, large lot on grade, $660; can't equal it for the price. Nowata Land & Lot Co., Suit (24 N. T. Life Bldg. Ked luw. SIS N. T. Life. LOTS IN FLORENCE East slope, high ground, fine view, large lots, within 2 blocks of street car. only 1300 each, $10 cash, 110 a mouth. Have some :l blocks from car for $175 each, ii cash, 5 a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE New modern up-to-date 7 room bouse, best you ever saw for the money, 12.600; 100 cash and S25 a month. W. R. Homan, 226 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAMCIt UNU FOR IALS9 76.000 acres of Irrigated land; 21.000 acres old alnce last March. SjO.OO an acre with a perpetual water right. Easy terms. To tie advanced 110.00 sin acre May 1. The moat attractive Irrigated project ever de veloped, la located in the aau Luis valley at Colorado. COSTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO., Ka. ltttt Champa. Street, Denver, Colo. 320-A CUE mountain ranch; 100 acres ir rigated; ten-room house, hot and cold water; daily mail; telephone; large open ange fur mock. ,.ioo. How aid 1. Russell. Fort Collins. Colo. 440 a., well Improved, on Moffat road, li in. from P. O.; lo a. In timothy, some native bay; aw a. timber; fine pasture; would han dle. 100 head slock; adjudicated water rigm; attractive buildings; 1 in. of trout stream through ranch; good resort location; fullv equipped with implements, tools, etc. ; tele phone; five head atock. Price, for all. 111,500. part cash, balance easy terms. Box s, Tabernash, Colo. FOR SALE Fruit lands at farm prices tn Arkansas Valley, between Canon City antl rueuio, cuio., ironi ii.mi to ijj per acre. A fortune to be made in buying large tracts and retailing. Orchards In Canon City, at I he entrance of Royal Uorge. are valued at S260 to ll.oOO per acre. Come out and be convinced. Sam Brown. Jr., A Hon., 3'4 Central Block. Pueblo, Colo., or U Maiu St., Canon City. Colo. tXJLOKAtKl LAND FOR BALM BY OWNER. ANut S0.64O acres of good land, mostly smooth and rolling, floe soil, to b aold In oe body, 1 to fti miles east or Denver on ta Union Paclfio H. R. south of Waialna . Bennett and oirausburg. xals tract Ilea close to above towns. The land ta alt need ana many times cross-fncd. Other Improvements: House, barns, boa, cor- , raU, private talapuon. etc Good alfalfa and bay laud; suae spring and other water ings. Sxlr good proposition for sub dividing or colonising. No agenta nd ap piy. Buy direct from owner. No Ait CANx, we Oieunrui Piaue. Duvr, tJulo. Illinois. FOR SALE Fin summer resort hotel, with barroom; excellent oportunity for a bustler; also nw, spacious dancing pavil ion attached; large water frontage and beautiful oak grove with plenty of land surrounding th whol plac; best business proposition aver offered; prlc very low. Jos. 8. Haas, Waucooda, III. FOR SALE MS acres In Leo County, Florida, citrus fruit Uad for Slock of gen oral merchandise. Writ John Duncan, ps'eaburg, UL ! REAL ESTATE ! f HIM AM) IcVXIl I.AMJ (OH MIKjFAHM A Mi 11 I.U n I.AM. I-OR at IK Illinois I onltnnfH. FOIL AI.I. lirfUf, I 1 lots In Wi!- , on ? f iL-ii i uit. ii., ami up; a ' It i ihm ttiu i f r.u of mKf , plnu y luui 1. ii vjtn mi utMiJial- every day. .11.. 11. a . im ii, 1 UK" :tii. 111. ' - 1 (Oil SALK Ml-aci laiin, '. jjootf hn- pi uv t'int-riif, liu.Jd location. M'-mi line ri rn- , HIT 1 cN4ir 1 low h. w nil ko 'o iakt , good (.filing: 11 tiaiftaui; a." x r acie. .i it. rAii.LI and nutsiur, I nave to. rui ,e i-iuoiu house nil I tie shore ot e' in oanny toti.n. i-uum i mi.uu, cie'icc h 1 ik ijiku, ft I Mule 1 1 1 011 luce, nicely ! ue' ueu: inua 11 kiii u lo t.u pi r net e . ui. located (r i"iiiiimer 1 tideM.e. II.. "W. Jos. j1"""" "le ' i-i-'ifc, ii.wan.i iiiui n.c ia.. 6 1148. NvaucmlilH. 1,1. '.ni. airu muilfc me line ul u.c lt. iji j- . . m ; iod; iwi ir. orell i"d..i. ladlaltit. ,iiuiii buue ui ftuvti. a.iu i 1 1 . im xmi.c- I .11 l)Ufliei nf iivi .,ud j oiiM.t i- ui u.i K..U SAI.l--F-rn. of Kl rre. In outh- j "" u",e' L"J "' """" .... M o., i.... ... ..f ...,..r,.l,H h.Mld inu me idllll is iuxiiy tlUOl I llf-IL IS , . .. .!" H"U i.iiu. .ui'ui l-v m'.tr-ti ' unutr (.'liiiaL.Oii. PaiMLv' parkuie land aiid liinoei ianj. beaut. fill gruxes or limner. i lie lai in ooinrs on j nea in 1 1 nl lAkcr; this Kould luaUe an Ideal si. miner home lor I mcagu people; ran lnnnpu:ale poyrBion ol on ei of build inxn, n.ce notice of een room; two sn.ail hank carnh. anil ipce orcharU. Will ell for ln ci v low juice of tii.ijou. U. M. nvi Klkhai t. ind. ..,, SA I : - Ii riaaied farms and i anches i 'south of .-nake river and Lirtineau valley, Boulnein loalio, from JtU to I) per acre; i fine fruit and alfalfa country; also In- formation lor homestead and desert en- ' tilts. Harry VVatklns, Ho 11 Home. Idano. mountain , IT.iR SAI.K 1SM acres farm, timber. and mineral land in ht. Uouia county, Minnesota; timber aluno woiili more than I ttie price, only $4.50 p( r acre; half cash, liaiame eagy paymenla. Wnla Alfred Johnaou. Creston, la. Kansna. FOR 5AI.E-iii,.,e bargains; 240 acres Casa coiiniy. Minnesota, Kit! acre; ltiti ar f fcheI nla1 couiuy. Kan., K50 acre; I'v acrea cneyenne county, naneas, acn;. fcjfect titles. I'uil patticulars on applica tion. K. M. Uettesworih, Cedar Kaplds, la. h'tili SAl.K-tienulne Kansas bargains: Xi, 1-IO-;(7, Sherman county. $.o0 acie; also HWt) IW-l-T, Cheyenne county. acre. Perfect titles. II. Uettesworth, Cellar llap ids. la. FOR HALE 23.0HO acres Kansas land at $10 per acre; the ues colonisation proposi tion in the t'nited States, or to hold as an Investment; 6.000 to 10.000 acrea aubirrigated alfalfa land can be retailed at $20 per acre In one year; no trades. Address K. K. Spurgeon, Olathe, Kan. FOR .VALK Choice quarters in alfalfa In the famous "Shallow Water Valley" of N. Finney Co., Kan., for sale In number to suit purchaser. For Information and prices address 11. C Hopper, Garden City, Kan. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying fiom 10 to 22 per cent rent. Best alfalfa in the world. Easy terms. If not as represented, will return your expense". XOWATA INI A. LOT CO., 024 N. Y. Life Bldg. "Phone, Red 1999. Bllesonrl. PEACH ORCHARD We are offering for sale a limited number ot 10-acte peach orchards of bearing age In the famous Koshkonong Peach District of Missouri. These orchards are located In the very heart of the Koshkonong peach belt, lt miles from the railroad station. Each ten acres contains about 1,600 El berta Peach Trees of full bearing age. The trees are now in bud and If given proper care and cultivation will yield a heavy crop this season. W are offering these orchard tracts at a very low price and on easy terms. Write for free Illustrated literature, price, terms, eic. Midland Farm and Land Co., 02 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, la. FOR SALE Land and Improved farms. Best southeast Missouri land and farms, forty to BOO acres; from $15 to $45 per acie; easy terms. Write and tell us what you want. We can suit you. Booklet free. F. Grum Realty Co., Neelyvllle, Mo. OsiMaiSi GALATA, Mont., Land Land Land I have several well improved ranches for sale (deeded land), fenceu, houses, barns, partly irrigated, raising the finest kind of alfalfa, com, all kinds of grain and vegetables; limber on pari of fauns; a beauluul river running through the land, a splendid place for small game and fishing; it Is Ideal farm land. In an ideal climate, in tne finest state tn the union. Land in any aize tract you want. Prices from 10 to lo per acre. Good relinquishments for sale, close to town. Lois for sale at price3 thai will be doubled In a very short while, and In a town the grow ing of which is phenomenal. Still some good homesteads left within ten mllea of town. Write me for particulars. The T. D. Williams Real Estate Co., Galala, Mont. Aew Mexico. LANDS for sale In the rich Membres valley, bat gains in deeded lands, relinquish homestead and desert claims; also cattle and ranches for sale. It won't pay you to locate elsewhere until you Investigate what wo have. Write for booklet. It will li teirst you. Address Deming Heal Estate Commission & Purchasing Co., Deming. N. M. Mekraataw r arm "bargain. Must be aold on account of owner'a heaitn; well Improved nzo-acr farm 1 mllea from town, price, per acre; easy Urma. J. X. CampDeli, Lucnfleld. Neb. LAND buyers will busy themselves if tbey will only ask Leander Clark ot Kear ney. MeD., lor lariua he lias for sale. FOR SALE Quarter-section of good un improved land, 14 miles west of Alliance, on main road. Owner, Virgil Smith, Alli ance, Neb. WESTERN REAL ESTATE. Farm and town property where railroad right-of-way is bought through. Kiukaid homesteads. Dry land to coma under gov ernment canai. Don't walu Address P. O. Box Iw. l&l, tiering, Neb. ituiTe 300 acres good pasture, good running water and good shaue. First farm west of Flurence, north side of C. St. P. M. A O. railway. CARL F. S. SORENSON, 'Phone Florence 410. f Oregon. MAKE yourself Independent. An Oregon apple orchard tract ot 6 or 10 acres will do it. We aell exceptionally tin apple land planted to standard commercial apple trees tor 1260 per acre. One-fifth down, balance 2 per cent a month until paid. This land has a deep loam aoil, in rain belt, needing no Irrigation. On R. It., school, church, stores, nee mail delivery and all conveni ences. Write for booklet, facts, location, eic. Oregon Apple Orchard Co., Port land, ore. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA map. circulars and price list on farms, sent on ieques'.. Ira Stout, Cushing, Old. OKLAHOMA W have lOU.O'JO acre of choice land to select from, rangina" in price from $6 to $40 per acre. This land Is in the oil and gas district and you might get an oil well with cur land. NOW ATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suit 24 New York Lif Bldg. oath Dakota. FOR SALE-Souih Dakota lands. li to $40 per acre, near town. For booklefT map and prices on the most, best and cheapest addres L. L- iiagaman, Pukwar.a, Brule county, S. D. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND Th rush is on for Stanley county land; aeevral new line of railroad now building In th1 county. Buy now and double your money tn th next two years Choice land selling at from $12 to $1$ per acre. For maps and In formation writ to Felland Really Co., Ul False B.dg , altnntapelie, Minn. REAL ESTATE I ath iMWoli Innltnnfil. FOR ft ALU . u nr tti.e of m lirm section iatn. ta urefcui Co., a. ia, iiik iun, kudu l'ui.iihA i i r ,n,(iti mead ilox 21, 01. 11,41 it.-?. i. - SKM for hot ot lunu.- ,. .... m,; u n-r. igai u m-i -pi ion ,..-.. v. it C 1 1 u 1 1, Wimr, a. i. !" "I Hie Hmt iiiiluV iii.u Ui. Jlldlilvitit Ilia m uit- iiuihv O.liliti oi inr il.i-Mor mat .Manny luuuiy oll.l - .! n: j IB Uellelli. tunic oil l HUH Ion. ill.- 10...1 n oei. u ,,. ..1 ..nut in imi ei.:4 tuiut. t' ui inloi ui. 1 1 ion wnlr. lluohun Land Agcn. j, Mm;.iiio. o. I . 1 rim. KJlt SA1.K I'anliami.e steers and laml; I IfinHs lit im.l. u.....u t. I'll .. ;i.rti .,.r,. J,, ,. . 1 good I h i tn latins. J cash, payalut. one-half Hie giaui clop vari. u pel itiu. Will acci pi lasli payment ai nny time Sleera as tollows; l.isv 4 una .1 ) ear-ol'iu. l.uW as, I.lou zk. All dciniined and Iiiku grade. V . A. Losun Land Co , Armilio, , vu . OH A Nil K and fiLr niciiaio. i.av i pioins. iicmo are tne Ihk money cropa. run liearina riK end inantte orcnaids eaiu annually j.t hi .iij an acie. You can participate In the oik pioli.N made j.'p, ui ..miiKv iniiiisiiy niuiuui i.'aiii(( unu mange indusi I'hrougn the medium of the Ac, e-llond s I Itmiid oy the Ualveslon-lloin'tyii 1.1.. I :n - ; ban Laud Co. ou cm become, pari ow net in n co-opeiatie fi; and otanye Kiowinii company owning ;,uiin acies ot choice Iim ard orange land, j ne company is ciiiIivhi niK and planting tre and will callier and market tne etops. I lie Acre-minus are nbsolutely fafe. .ml your p to tup, win be large, the company is compustd uf tne leattmg biiMnes in.u anu ouuhei.s ul Texas. Write lotiay for iianusome lilua trated book explainn.i cinirw pian. u s !r.e. An.tncan Loan .Muit,,uc v. u., 0i Aiuei lean Bank BidK., lioua.oii, Ivx. M1LL1UX acres 'icxas f.choui laud tu; sale by Hie stale; Sl.M to V per an.-, umy one-furtteth cash, 40 years uii Ualuitce; 3 per cenl; (,uou Hricuttui at laud, borne dont requiic i tsiueti. t , iciiu tiu cetua tot lttlO book oi liiNlructlung, -Sew eta-e Law and description of lauds. J. J. Snyder, fecnooi i.auil, uol Loiifcii.s.-t aic, Austin, itx. Ketereuces, Aunlin Aai. bank. FOR SALF. If you want a good slock farm in went Texas, iieur.y l,0uO acres, write J M. Hai till, Ala no-, Tex. 17,712 ACRES, solid body. Cochran coun ty, Texas, $10 per acre; S40.0W cash, bal ance long time; will accept trade up to $7u.000. Dilllard Marshall Land Co., Lub bock, Tex. FOR SALE Colonization proposition, tt.OOO acres in a solid body; culuver lands; near Houston. Tex. Fine fruit, truck, po- ato and colton lands. Price 17.30 per acre. John S. Akin, Houston, Tex. Virginia. FO"R SALE Historic Virginia estate. 710 acres fertile land; abundant water, timber boundary; colonial brick dwelling; modern equipment; glorious views; perfect environ ment; station near; University of Virginia 6 miles. Price StS.OOO. Illustrated circular. Free register describing 200 select proper ties. H. W. Hilleary & Co., Charlottesville, Va. Waaftlaartosb FOR Information and literature on farm land and Irrigated fruit lands Iduho. Ore gon and Washington call on us, or writ us 332 Neville block. Omaha. Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Young, local manager. POULTRY. Dairy or Fruit Ranches. We huve anything In the line of ranches, im proved or unimproved, from SbO per, acre up, on easy terms, on fine roud, close in, fine water, on R. F. D., route. Phone ser vice; fine soil and level, good market, can furnish buyer with work. James A. O'Xell Marysville, Wash. Wyoming. FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyoming line, consists of 9,600 acres of grazing and hay land; ranch is now stocked with cattle and sheep; will gell ranch wun or witnout stock. For fur ther particulars apply :o Harry Tat ham Jelm, Wyo. REAL ESTATE WANTED AVE HAVE BUYERS FOR 5 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. w must have property listed: we hav buyers if you want to sell; call us and man will call. J. W. DEAN & Cu.. 626 New York Life. Phone Douglas 4294. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM MORTGAGE ON GOOD NEBRASKA FARMS. BEAR ING SIX PER CENT. THEY ARE SAFE AND SURE. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Cor. l.ith and Farnam. Omaha, Neb. WANTED City loans and warrante. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St. LOANS to home owners and home build era, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. 1 i. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. I I GARVIN BROS.. 31H N. Y. Life, .300 to $2Ot),000 on Improved property. No delay. SuOO to $6,000 on homes in Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life, Douglas or A-21a2. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS P.RKNNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. D. Wead, LOWEST RATES Bemis. Krandeis Bldg. FIVE 1'KR CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BKENN AN. Room 1. New York Lite Bldg. SWAPS II.6-ACRQ FARM, adjoining one of th best towns In Nebraska, una large modern hous and two smaller ones; orchard. grove; residences are alt In corporate limit of town. Barn, chicken house, hog house, all with city water. Everything mat can be found on the best Improved farm. Will lake part income-bearing properly. Prlc :J,000. Nowata Land & Lot Co., Suit 64 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1399. TO EXCHANGE HW acres very choice Greeley county, Neb.; 100 acres cultivation; $2.MI acre; mortgage. J.oou; long time ror stock goods or Income properly. Matner A Co., Cedar Rapids, ia. WELL ESTABLISHED. GOOD PAYING Business In ft. 000 Nebraska town; price, $3,0U0; will trad for Omaha improved or acres near Omaha. ROW7 ATA LAND AND LOT CO., 8ult 624 N. Y. Lif Bldg. Red 1999. CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau let style, but title used, made by Cunning ham and sold new tor II Out). This carriage is row worth $600 In cash, but we would xenang It for horses or for vacant prop erty or for wetrn land. Johnson, Dan forth Co.. S. VV. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. You Want a Farm ih other fellow wants city property or stock ot goods. We want tn commission. Bend us full description In 111 si Idler and w will you a trad. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. Bull 624 N. Y. Lit Bldg. Kd 199. WB handle exchanges of properties of m.rlt HARRY H. CULVER, sW-Slu N. Lif Bldg: 'I'hon D. 7M. SWAPS H.UlltlllUCII ) TWV. niifr an low fm-.n tn O'unli.i Hi" tvatils I" ell llie f ni Thno are 1 11 acre.. ;i, mid ."i miles fnun lime kiiimI Iuwiim; II K. 1 1. r.nd plionc. mile u kcIiii.iI splcmli.l In nil : itnml ft-r. Iinnye. itli ci-IIht Hini well, l-.nn for K h 'is.s, Kiamn v. i ornci th, tctm, roinN; timoihy iul blue giawt pa ! lire; kimmI oiclmul inl biiimII Hull nine for oini'U ie ll'.'" per acie l.i.nil aii mound i;ini( nl l- l 1 l1'1" lUMier ill take leiilal pmperlv or (toml j n in i ,.n ,nieii. A.oie- ...., - - Hee TAILORS ii A I.IN'JIl-r ') -'"' I'A TON HI.K max, i.ikiw n hi.uck. V. TAUCilKN Milts tUs up. Krug 1 neater Lluildlng. m' l.'tCVl.'Sl Suits, Tuxedos, full dte'J il-jOOl.O ,uj, adgtilly usid, boiignl and fold. K' Id man. ia 1.II1 si. luu laa 'iVO. A - 1 IIAUKV MAKTIX. SKII.l.hM' labor K. Ui. t'. Hank r?TiU-. oininand ' lilKb witBcs 1 isuip jnMlfns it. .ee ,iis-;,10 Hi aiulfi.s Ulrltt. ! ami Koiil i rmisnia :oil i rmisni A. Kb.KV.Vx .1. IRMEN T II K OLD Kbi.vm.i: lo older. $15 ud Oiiiaiia. niui lU'1-i..i, Moux ci.y. where oilier omanaiis nave tailed. in itt. Is. lb:D t.1.. ooposua puMoilit a. WANTED TO BUY ni.-w"!' i i 1 1 i." sJ .i . j i 1 1 t . i tin I - h n n 1 1 fur. . ' pets, t-tuvie, cloL.cs (Dir.-. f.iont , ' ' iMoiKlas i.ui. WK buy insurance policies in old l-iic comp.tuifs. Write oi cull. l".ittnm Co.. .d-.. N. V . Life lildB. HKtf'1' PRICK paid fur second-hand fuinl tnre, carpels, cloihing and shoes. Phone. ImukIhs ;rj7l. I HUV. sell and exchange second-hand goods. ;ol Kosenocig, H'l s. 14th. Doug. .'.vo. HALT1MORR 2.1-liand store pays best price for 2d-liaiid liirniture. clothes, etc. 1 . 42bo. SKi't N'D-I IAN I clothing, tarty, afternoon drors s John Feldman, l. iU or Intl. a-'-'imi.. HOOD PRICK for scconil-h.ind clolhes, shoes and furniture. SKLNKIl, Doug. 6101. JL'ST starling business; second-hand fur niture, stoves, etc; highest prices. Douglas 1560. A-4X3. Call Lieben. 1117 Dodge St. WANTED SITUATIONS A STRONG capable man and wife want work on a farm. Scpor, 5I!4 N. 27th St. South Omaha. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Phone Red 1. TWO young men want room and board In private famllv. Separate rooms. Conven ient to bath. State terms and particulars In first letter. F-329 Bce. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE- TO KIDDKRS NOTICE IS hereby given that the citv council of Hebron. Nebraska, will receive bids until 2 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday, April 19, 1910 for the sale ofr the following bonds and securi ties. Issued and to be issued by said citv: Jli'.OOO.Oi) water extension bonds, dated No vember 1st, 1909. bearing 5 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually, in denominations of $1,000 each, due In 20 years, but redeemable al any time after five years. $4.S0O sewer svstein bonds ,for sewer drainage, dnted November 1st, -liKifl., , bearing 5 per cent In terest, pavable semi-annually, In denomina tions of $100.00 tuh. 'due In 10 years, but redeemable at an time after five years. 110.000 electric light' bonds, dated April 1st, 1H10. bearing 6 W cent Interest, payable seml-annuully.' in - denominations of JfiOO.O) each, due In 20 years, but redeemable at any time after five years. Bids will be received for - any portion or all of the bonds, according lo denominal Ions as heroin specified. City reserves the rl?lit to reject anv and all bids. Dated this 29th day of March. 1910. O. P. J1K.S.S, City Clerk. C. M. SMITH, Mayor. ' Apr7-D3t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Real estate transfers for April 7. 1910. furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstractors, 1714 Farnam street. Telephone. Douglas 28iia: Mary Petersen to Ella Petersen, et al. lots 10 and 11, block 7, Spring Lake nark $ 1 a'M - L. Miller to K. A. Rose, s'j, of lots i 1 n"d 2. block S, Spring Iake park.. W0 Kenwood Realty company to Aim Starky, lot 214. Kenwood 105 S. M. Gwver to M. lycvlnson, lot 14, block 7, Patrick's 2d 7.V) First National hank to the National Land company, lots 1 and 2, In re plat of block 10, Bemis park 200 Boulevard Park Improvement com pany to Shlmer & Chase company, lot lti and north 30 feet of lot la, block 8. Boulevard park Hastings & Heyden to H. L. Swan, lot 19. replat, block 1. Catalpa Place The National Bank of Commerce to L. N. Tapp, lot 18, bloik 2, Cotner K- A-cher's 1 500 100 William H. Clark and wife to M. C. Hunter, lota 4 and 35. Kountsn Place 1,200 John Bromer to Lena Bromer, undi vided lots 14. 15, Kl and 17. Kep ton Heights 1 H. M. McDowell to George A. Mon roe, lot 9 and west 46 feet lot 10. bh k 10. Slilnn's addition Elsmore Place company to John M. Kellv. lot 12. block 4. Grant Place.. A. Strand and wife to S. Simnnsun. lot . block i:t0. South Omaha M. V. Solomon to K. B. Solomon. nw'. of nv' of sei of sec. 6-15-11.. K. M. Nelsen and wife to B. Dris- coll. lots 4 and 6. block 1. Boyd's.. Joseph Kiinel et al to Vaclav I". Kuncl. lot 5. block 7ii. Soulh Omaha Carolin L. Poppleton et al. trustees. to Charles T. Cullen. north 60 feet of lots 1 and 2. laud other prop- rtv). block 26, Poppleton park James Holmes to Mary Mayer, s'i lot 1. s,t. lot 2 and lot 10, block 67, Benson ,";;' The. Piairle Trust company lo L M. Scott, lots 15 and 16, block lfi. Hitch cock's1 1st B I. Hesse to Anna Schaeffer, east tf) feet of lots 11 and 12. block 2. Hanscnm Place, and other property A. Jordan to Evelyn Jackson, lot 112. Nelson's Frank A. Furay. county treasurer, to Charle Battelle. lots 19. 20. 21 and 22. block a, We.-t Cuming John F. Sturgeon and wife to Lee B. Van Camp, lot 18. block 6. Crelgh tons 1st addition - Charles A. Swanaon and wife to M. .1. Edwards, lot 4. block 2. Stevens' llu,. S. Rector to Albert King, lot 14. block Sri Kountze Place John D. Shields to M. C. McNamara et al. south 100 reel or lot u. uiauj subdivision ',"'.,',' G M. Matsen and wife to . Ol sen, lot 4. block 9. Omaha Heights.. Rose Kul.Jensky and husband to aron Weinstein. sVi lot 3 and lot 4. block 12. Kouutzrt 3d O C. Olsen and wife to George . Medltck. lot 4. block 9. Omaha Heights H N Way and wife to Ellen Dalton. lots' X and 3 block 10. Crelghton h jsl C Honors and wife to John L. War ren, part lot 10, block 1. Campbell s P E. Safford tu C. A. Chase, lot a. block 9. Hawthorne OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN All Modem afty Dvlo (Wireless, ste.) London-Paris- Hamburg Biurher. Apr. 21 free. I-lncola. Cincinnati SA M Pr. Orent Uli I Apr. XI IPenneylvenie ...Hay 11 Ar. W Jl.raf Wa Iterate. Mas It lAiasrlka Apr. au jhaia n su 10. ii RHI Carlton laCarle Heelauraot. IHanburg direct. . Blta Carlton la Cart BaaUaranC Haevkurg 4 1 rase eaa.Nee. ambarg-Anterloaa Liu, 4S B'way, SI. T. OI local Agauta 6.000 125 MILLERS LAND ON SlSDELAIt Cnntillon Nine Bats Around, But Score Close at that. SIGHT TO SEVEN FINAL ACCOUNT lulled tn tlnrllna Hill In I Kimrlh llnlriap Minneapolis Men ' afe, II lit t.ame ;es tu Opposition, j If Hanson, the tow-headed youth fiom a.-ro ihe Missouri, had started the game ! al Vinton park Thursday afternoon the chances nrc thai Pa Itoni ke's pets would ; h:t hung h game on ('amnion's Millers. s it Manager Fox had his horseshoe in ih wioiig pocket and sent In Slndelar for the curt.tin-ia'ser. and the long boy I was not there with the winning toss. At the game was rlose and the Minne apolis pctsons oniy oral us oy ou ion-ij i-ciirc. The final teckonlng Indicated the ;.-tto.-t had S tallies, while Omaha, had 7. f.iiidila.1- started, but had a haid Inning iliat lather shook his nerve. That was th" fourth, when all the Millers batted around. Before iliat the big six-footer al only one tally and but two hits. He was a little wild and, hit two and passed one. Hul that had fourth siaited off with Fer ris fc.'Uing on first by an error of Agnew's, slealiiiK second and going to third on a wild pilch. Collins. the next man up. fanned, sjid Slndelar hit Lynch. Chase walked, filling the bases, and when the taw -honed youth gave Johnson a base on halls Ferris was forced across the plate. Sage cracked a single over second and brought In Lynch. Oyler lifted a light one over short and scored Chase and Johnson. Altizcr looked over two or three of Sinde lar's offering and then choose one that netted him two baps. Scliipke booted Pick ering's grounder and Ferris, on his second time up, hoisted a Mvo-sacker over second and brought In Oyler and Pickering. Only one was gone after the little by-play was over and Slndelar was yanked. Hanson took tho mound and Collins and Lynch flew out to Graham. After Hanson got his bearings there was little to il for the Millers. He fanned six and In the five innings he pitched allowed but one hit and no scores. He had all kinds of speed and was there with an excellent control. The omaha players appeared belter In this game than at any time this season and at times showed real brilliancy In pulling off their plays. Schlpke ioked exceedingly good to the fans and covered the ground around the third station in a manner that brought forth applause. He was there with a batting eye and landed for two singles and a double. Old man Pickering of the Millers didn't look old. Judging from the manner in which he handled that center garden. It was use less to land anything out there. In the fifth he robbed Schlpke of a two-bagger, at leasl, when he made a running one-handed catch of a hard fly. Potts, who was so erratic in Wednesday's game, came out of It on Thursday and played an errorless game. He got five put outs and otherwise behaved himself on his Job with credit. Tomorrow the Omaha team will line up against the South Omaha Country club nine. The score; OMAHA. A B. R. H. PO. A. E. King, cf 2 110 0 0 Fox. 2b 4 112 2 0 Graham. If 3 2 2 3 0 0 Welsh, rf 4 1 0 0 0 0 Agnew, lb 5 1 2 10 1 2 Schlpke, 3b r, 0 3 0 2 1 ('adman, c 8 0 0 7 2 0 Potts, ss 4 1 0 5 2 0 Slndelar, p 1 0 0 0 2 0 Hanson, p 3 0 2 0 0 0 llolienbeck 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 7 11 27 11 3 MINNEA POLIS. AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Ovler. ss 4 12 12 0 Altizer. lb 3 1 1 1:1 0 0 Pickering, cf 5 0 0 3 0 0 Ferris, 3b 5 1 1 2 1 1 Collins, 2b 3 10 12 1 Lynch, c S 1 1 3 1 0 Chase, if 3 113 0 1 Johnson, rf S 1 0 I 0 o Sage, p 8 1 2 o 2 0 Noel, p .r 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 8 S 27 8 3 Batted for Potts in the ninth. 1 0 0 0 0 ) 4 0 27 Hits 2 10 0 112 1 3-11 1 Minneapolis- Runs Hits Two-base hits: Altizer, Ferris. ...0 1 07000008 ...0 2 1 4 100008 Schipke. Hanson, Oyler. Three-base hit: Agnew. GOVERNMENT NOTICE OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. April 7 1910. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will i,'e received here until 11 a. m.. Central time. Hay 2. 1910. and then opened for furnishing and delivering In good condition F. O, B. Cars. Fort Leavenworth. Kansas. Railway Supplies consisting of Rails. AnRle Bars, Ties Etc.. and a Track Scale. Full Infor mation and blank forms of proposals rur nlshed upon application. United States re serves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Envelopes to be Indorsed "Proposals for Railway Supplies" and ad dressed to Captain Wm. 1 . Davis, yuarter master. Fort Leavenworth, Kxn98.aJ:n.2!,.30 3 Heights "Herald Square" An effect long striven for and first attained j by Corliss, Coon Sc Co. The utmost in style and wear. At All High Class Furnishers Corliss, Coon it Co., Makers l i ," .---- '!-v---':---';j 6.M 2"' 3 Heights 6"0i ior ; t: i ,"! 25c ! 1 I r jl .!. : ' i i : ; at 1 v3h ... ..rr- First base on balls. I iff Stndtlai Munson. 1; off Sag. 2. otf Noel, bv pitched lisl : Hv Sindela.. out: B Smd.'lsr. 2; by Unison S:ige 2. by Noel, 1. Left on bases. !': Minneapolis. 4 Stolen bases Ctaham. uvler. Ferris. Time: 1 4 i. otf I Hit Struck I ti; bv 1 Omaha 1 W elch. : v I in- 1 pire; Claik. Boston Nationals Delayed by Wreck Baggage of Flayers So Badly Smashed that Game at Louisville is Canceled. l.oriSVll.l.K. Ky April fi-.Ra;n In railioad wreck or disaster, which more than once has interfered with base ball training, overtook a major league team today, with the second division of the Boston National leagtw club, piloted by John Dovey. as the victim. At Saxton, Ky.. the Louisville Nash ville train on which the team was enroiil from Knoxville. Tenn.. to Louisville ran Into an open switch early today. None of the players was Injured, according to re ports reaching I ere, hut their base hall paraphernalia and baggage was so hadiy smashed that Mr. Dovey telegraphed to Ijoulsville cancelling today's gamf between bis team and the Louisville American as sociation team. OMAHA GUNCLUB'gUEST OF OFFICERS AT FT. CROOK hoots Are Planned In V arloat Sec tions of Xrlahhorlna; Territory. Several members of the Omaha Gun club were entertained al Fort Crook Wednesday afternoon by the Officers club. A shool was held, In which over 1,200 targets were trapped and some good scores were made. Those who were present were Ftank Parmelce, C. A. Lewis. George Rogers. C. II. Young. J. W. Hill, A. R. Keellne. M. V. Sharp, William Marsh and 11. C. Town send of the Omaha Gun club; S. A. Tucker and VV. A. Brown, crack shot of the Sioux City club. Afier viewing dress parade and listening to a band concert the guests were entertained at the officers' quarters. The Omaha Gun club will hold a shoot at Its grounds at Cotirtland Beach nexl Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The firs, annual tournament of the Har vard Gun club will be held at Harvard April 12 and 13. It is not probable that any of the Omaha shooters will compete In this tourney, hut the entry list prom ises to be a large one. The Beaver Crossing Gun club will hold its second annual sboot at Beaver Cross ing April 19 and 20. It Is expected that at least three or four members of the Omaha club will enter the contests. The added cash prizes amount to $200. The Atlantic Gun club will hold a shool April IS and 19 and a number of Omahans are expected to take part. FOX MEF.TS ROVIK AMATEURS Will Wrestle nllli Sonth llninLa Coon try Clnh Team Friday. The work out at the Vinton stieet park Thursday morning looked better than any that has been held for some time. Th Omaha bunch Is a little sore at the wsv the game went Wednesday and it will try and redeem itself in the last game to be played against the Millers. Word was received fiom Kane, the regu lar first sacker for the Omaha, saying that he was readv to report al anv time. Transportation will be wired to him at once and It is expected he will arrive In the city some time next week. He Bavs that he has finished the treatment with the doctors at Pittsburg and fels like a new man. He thinks he will be In shape to play his regular game at the first station when he once more dons the uniform. The Rourkes will line up against ihe South Omaha Country club Friday after noon at a:K0 at Vinton street park. The teams will oppose each other in the fol lowing order: Omaha. So. Omaha. Talbot ...G. Kennedv Clark Fagan Tragfield ..B. Kennedy Caugben . . D. Kennedy . . Cavanaugh . Smith Fletcher Agnew Fox Schipke Potts Graham. . . . King Welch ...First . . . . Second ...Third . ...Short . ...Left .. ...Center .. Right Gondlng. Cadman. Catch Keeiey, Sanders. ..Pitch . Patton, Rindelar.. Pitch . Hovee. Hanson Pitch . llolienbeck Pitch... Klingr Case Ends, Johnny is Happy Message from Murphy Orders Player to Report at Indianapolis "Just Watch Me," He Says. KANSAS CITY, April 7. At last the case of John G. Kling, the catcher of the Chi cago National league base ball club, ap pears to be at an end. Today Kllng re ceived a message from Charles V( Mur phy ordering the player to report at In dianapolis on April 6 or 7. It will be Im possible for Klinr; to leave iters tomor row, but he said tonight he would tele graph Murphy he would Join the team in Columbus. April 10. "It's a great day for me," said Kling to night. "I'm happier now than I've been any day since I caught the final game in the championship series In New York In Oc tober. 1908. "Can 1 come back? say, that question makes me laugh. I know that I shall be able to regain my old form within ten days after 1 Join the squad. By April 20 I'll be doing the heavy end of the catch ing for the team. Just vatch me come." HAPPY HOLLOW FOR TOURkEY (lull Will Be Keleeted If Links Are Heady for Play lu Jnne. Happy Hollow will have the first refusal of the privilege of entertaining the Ne braska Golf association In June. Since Us organisation the tournament of the as sociation has been held alternately at the lent chid and country club, but th s vear Happy Hollow has asked for the honor. A committee from the association will go over the Happy Hollow links and decide whether they will be available by June fur the big tournament. Tennis Tonrney Xrar End. NEW YORK, April 7 Two games in the national amateur court tennis tournament were decided today at the Racquet and Tennis club. Joshua Crane of Boston won by default from T. A. Havemyer of the meal club and Mayne Whitney, a home player, defeated Dr. J. A. Mtskey of Phila delphia throe set to none. Crane, who has won more court tennis honors than anv man in America except Jay Gould, ihe champion, will meet Whitney tomoirow and the winner of this match will play Jay Gouid Saturday for championship honors. ( lose shave for Davenport. IOWA CITY, la.. April 7-(Speclal Tele gram.) Scoring three runs in the ninth, the Davenport Three-I league club defeated th Iowa varsity this afternoon. S to 7, In th initial of night practice game here. Eight errois by the visitors slmost gsv th gam to the student. Davenport tried nut five pitchers, every one of whom was pounded hard, the varsity netting ten hits lo thir teen by the visitors. Roller and Mahmnat Meet Tonight. KANSAS CITV. April 7 -Dr. B F. Roller of Seattle, and Mahmout. tha Turk ish champion, will enage in a wrestling malrh at Convention hall tonight. Roller is th favorite In Ih betting. When you want what you waat wir, you want 11. say so through The Bee Want Ad columns. Austrian Walker Visits Capitals Has Journeyed 21.000 Miles and Hm 4,000 More Miles Yet to Go. .in. Miikulee. an Austtian lnnt-(1lnni I walktr. si lived In Omaha Wednesday nignt : after walking from Lincoln. Ills pertometet ! teg stetvd fifty-nine miles for the rta s , Jaunt. ' Mukuler Is under contract with an Au Irian publishing conrei n to cov et 2.'vfli miles in five years. He bus been al the task four yeats and two month and has covered 21.000 miles. He started from Croatia. Austria. Febru ary 5. If, and walked ihtough pan of Furore, South Africa. South America and Is now doing th United States His Insinu lions ate to visit the capital of all rv In the union and have the governor put tits great seal of the slate In a book he carries He slatted without a cent and has lo earn his way by selling souvenir mds. Th traveler Is -nineteen dav s ah.-ad of Ins schedule now. If he carries out the cundl tlons of the contract he will receive $10.'. , leff Flays Ball to Get Into Trim Pugilist Begins Training with Vim Boxing Bout Scheduled tor lrnday. LOS ANGELES. Aprjl 7. -Two hour of base ball, a row on the San Lortnro i.vei. and a fast hand ball game in the after noon completed James J. Jeffries' piogism on the second day ot his training. The pioH)sed mcnnliig Jaunt ovet tin mountains roads was abandoned until lo morrow, when It will li. made a feature of the dally training grind. Ihe boxing will begin Friday afternoon. Jeffries and his trainers expressed much satisfaction tonight al the lesult of his first day's work. The trainers said ln fighter probably t educed nil weight two or three pounds during the daj. AMONG THE LOCAL BOWLERS Mela Brothers nnel Bike Fighting Out Championship Honors of Ih Mil. in me iiisv nail, or i.,ie names for lh . iii.iiijniiiaiiijj in..iirn .vein uei.fin the Mets Bros, of th Omaha Bowling league and th Omaha Bicycles of th Comrnercial league on Frarisco's alleys last night, th former won by 209 pins. The Mets bunch shot one of the best games evr played in the city, getting the nice total of 2.893 pins. Blskeney rolled high score snd total, getting 669 pins or an average of 22. The Bicycles started th fireworks w ith the big total of 9M. but ' rould not stand the pace, getting l the second game and dropping to 831 th last gam, whtl Mets Bros, got stronger as the game ad vanced, getting 923. 941. 1.026. The last asms ! was a beautiful exhibition of classy bowl ing, three men getting over the 200 mark, while low man had 188. These game were played against new Dayton pins, snd It is generally conceded by ten pin bowlers that Dayton pins are hard to score against The balance of th series of thi games will be played later on ih Metropolian allexo. t'ptclal match game: METZ BROS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Ave lf 14 10 172 220 Neale Sprague .... Denman Huntington Blakeney .. 17-5 217 1HI J06 158 203 V- 696 1t 661 189 671 212 bin 234 i'.V 202 177 146 222 Totals 9J3 944 1.026 2.W OMAHA BICYCLES 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Ave 1.19 490 IMt Hull 196 IMS Solomon 191 172 Hlnrichs 183 189 Gllbreath 1S4 179 Zai p 200 19,". 177 640 177 649 149 SIS 189 59? 190 13 17 198 Totals 962 S91 ST.l 2,4 The Sunkists wnn three games fiom the Bungalows last night on the basement al leys. Moran had all high honors, with Zii for single game and 661 for totals. To night Te-Be-Ces aid West Sides, tears. MAN EY'S SUNKISTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tolal. laird 144 . 163 195 601 Griffith 14ti 192 lf.9 497 Moran 204 215 232 AM Totals 494 510 S8'. 1.6SD BUNGALOWS. 1st. 2d. 135 130 146 149 145 JS1 3d. Total. 156 421 136 430 125 421 Ross Eckles tJhindler Totals 426 430 4lfi 1,275 Maney's Sunkists won two games from -Morton's X Y '. last night on th base ment alleys. The first gam was a ti and the X Y Zh won on the roll-off. Moran had high honors, with 202 for slngl gams an bJS for totals. Score: MANEY'S SUNKISTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total l.sird 145 H9 159 463 Griffith 157 179 146 41 Mo rau ... 169 2tf 176 ftlfi Totals. 461 X Y Z. 1st. 157 14o 19 540 479 1,4)10 2d. Id. Total. 147 1 38 - 443 169 145 449 1,3 14K 40 Morttn ... Straw .... Moyna ... Totals 461 4.'9 431 1,871 Company K from Fort Crook won two games of th natch from th Stelltngs lust I ighl. Score: COMPANY K. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tclal. MeConnell ' MM 14r) 4.15 Decker 200 126 1 601 Pennell 140 1,4 12 44k Turner Ii)7 1J8 1 10 44A Smith 177 14, 129 4C, Tolaia K."2 723 721 2.2; STELLING3. 1st. 2d. 3o. Total Tomas 162 no i: 414 V ollstedt 12 ISO i;o 4V Zeeck 121 125 146 m Koli 161 111 149 Ait Walters )Ki 150 124 4V Totala 793 627 7iii 2 ls In the Mercantile league last night the Omaha Gas company team and th Capitol Boilers played a double-header In which the gas company team won fiv game qui of six. Bland shot high man in both series. Scores: OMAHA GAS COMPANY. 1st. Id. Sd. Total. McDonald Ritchie .... Bland 141 m 162 191 1M4 196 Iti 4A7 t'.'i 5:,- 1,9 149 Totals 465 667 CAPITOL BOILERS. . 1st. 2d. Y, unger 166 14a Nippell 1 160 Dean 161 10 463 l,4i 3d. Total 13S 44) LI 4,4 lo4 4,.- Totals 466 466 4U 1.36 OMAHA GAS COMPANY. . 1st. Id. Sd. Tots) McDonald 16 167 150 41-c Ritchie 149 163 161 46: Bland 16i 314 176 Hot Totals 481 W4 CAPITOL BOILaCP.g. 1st, Id. Younger 177 144 Nippell 121 130 Dean 124 179 476 1.4K ' Sd. Tola ts e 14 at 174 a Totals 423 446 4S "l t In tho weekly contest between the i L ' mrtA ' M n -! ' . . ' , . . - -"'- n 1. 1 . uvm 1 1 , r Brandels stores, th former won ch gam no lui.i ioi,a. uayinafeKir was man. rolling a pretty game of Lo9 pins. 8cor: PICKS 1st 2d tJ 141 90 m Sd. Tots i 11 6o IM 44 Leyendecker Amsden .... Phelps Williams ... , 313 . 149 . 164 . 140 10S Ml Totals 606 bt MORLEY'S 8TA PW. $71 1.701 Sd. Total. 17V 444 144 441 1st. sd Johnson Morley ,. Boy Its .. Dtlaney " Tcta's 164 154 11 14t 116 14 1 104 111 3 in . si & 44 2 1,J? 3M .I",