"S3 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1910. k$MJ& ireacu Want - Ads r - - adTertlacaaeata tei Taa waat atlaaaas wtll takes aatll 11 aa. areata dltloa ui aatll a, far (a aaaralaa til aloaa. Caah aaaat acgaiaaar em '" (s waat d. a.d adrer.l.em... will a accepted far Uaa lauaa BO fa (trat Inaertlaaw Rat apply ta either Taa Dally lir . Aletaya aaaat six ward a Uaa. CA Bit RATB1 r WAHT IIROCUR CLASSIFICATION Oaa laaartlaa, X l- arata a war aaa 1 eeat ae ward fa aak ' aw.''1 lartlaa. ImI laaartlaa ada add day. 1 1-8 rcata par ward) rr llaa aaaatk. Waat a da taa Taa e aaay at mmj mt taa laliawla draw atorca ana U yoa Mnir dnsa-!!" ara ail araaak file lar Tfca aad ?ae ad will aa laeerted Jaat aa promptly aad aa taa rataa aa al taa atala atflaa la Taa Baa Balldlas. (.nth aad raraaaa Albach, . C th and rarnasa. Prranck, 8. A 1461 8. 10th 6t. Beeht pharmacy, TO B. 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Net Heml Park Pharmacy, ISd and Cumin Plake-Bradlsb, CM 8titnnn At. Caughlm, C. R-. tn and Pl-ryo . . Cllftou Hill Pharmacy, 1211 M.lltary Ava Conta. J. B., flat Af. and jrarnam. Cileacy Pharmacy. Hth and Lake. Cuone Pharmacy, ttBt B. lath Bt, Cormak, Krull, 1K4- . 13th rlU Xhler, F. H.. ln LeavonwonU. Foster 6t Arnoldl, 111 N th Mt. Fieytag. John t., 191 H. Mli St. Frer.ger Drug Co., 1M N. lth Bt. Flu.er.c Drug Co.. Florence, Nan. l-uidman Pharmacy, loth and Lag. Green' Pharmacy, Para Ava. and Facino. Ur.enoiigh. U. , 106 8. 10th 0 lirennouali, U. A., lh and Hh-kory. tlaydcn, William C, & Karnam Ht. t'Hi.acom Par: I'har.. uOl d. Win At Hoist, Julin. H N. into ttt. H'ltf, A. L, M Leavenworth 8. Juhtmaun J.rua Co., ,th and opaldlng Bta Kn, H. B . tua Karnam bt. K.uiitze Place pharmaoy, U04 N. Mth. .Maica, irad 1., Central Blvd. Patrick TUt Co., 1624 N. Mth. IK. l.fclKrop. Charlea E.. 1124 N. t4th SU )'y:on, L. K., Mill and Leavenworth Bta braiona Drug Co., Huh anil Ai.iea Ave hclm.'tr'a Cut Price ltug htora, 'id ciilcic Mia hatter, Auk List, 2S31 N 16th f- hthnilr.t, J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta. Muiin t'liannacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Wati'ut Hill l-hrmacy. tuth and Cuming. Waaoii Pharmacy, 2utn and Uraca Sta. Wlrth. (. l . 40tn and Hamilton Sia. UKA'lli A.U riAKKAL JtUTlCUg bl.'Ll.l VAN ThumuH, aged Zl years. t'uiicial from tliu lemdunje uf Mrs. JoiianiiH Lteny at 1411 Aortn Kignteenth aii'tci, i'liuiauuy iiiurning ai a:3u a. in., to nuiy Kainuy cliuiili at u. in. Interment at bt. Alary s ccmuUli . l' i iuiiuh un ited. CiKNTI.KMAN Harry J., aed 20 years, viintMiay inur iuiiK. II a. in. funeral i mirmlay afU'rnoon at 3 p. m. al influence. UuD Xortn Thirty-thlru. ln Ici inuni 1'iatie I enter, Nod. L - ni i ii ii i m II 1 II 1 II S AM) DUATllg. H'rtlis KJail u. Mel 'all, Swedish ilcllioulHt inNiiial, Kill; oiiu A. Jtaelune, lvu rtutuii ieiiiietn fcirevi, boy; waiter .1. .Meyer, i.ik t iixeiic: oou.tiard, olii; A.iarii (jHiioitic, lu t.iiifaiiiH, Uuy; Henry wiiwr, J 14 ci.utli Vwemy-llrst MUeet, glii. Liaiha I'liuiiiUrt .iuiil.au, lul iNunh 1-Kiiiwi nllt biiLCi, .um yeaib; tlaoy M-xe-1'BliinK, Mumh - Tuelily-tlml pueti; niiiiHiu it. Kciiui'inuii, zn Vr nut Direct, 41 yiHi. l All HI A(iF. I.I(KSL;(. The ftilluninu muinuge licenses have Age. u i 23 nivii i.sitt'i : ..uuut ..d UesideiHM'. t'.anii'; It. i ian..t.ii, o.naha .. JiauHi i.a.ice, Oniaiiit Jolitl Anderson, Hampton .. iua. la c .llidei sen, oiuuna. (.iIih N. Junes, Hiayion, la Jiaiy o. uiii, Auaiutc, la.. Vll'tor K. llhtolll, I'llllH-OSO .23 .111 .2! ii .31 .io .21 .21 .21 .22 -I 1'IUI'I J. 1 1 ill ouiue, AlUUISOIl coui ty. K. O. WIisoii, Omaha draco l. ituaiiiiaris, omana .... Finns, lU.MK'k, omaha llai rvti-Kur, Oinana jsnics A. Miiciicfi', Reil Oak, la.. llosu ;V. -Su iiins. Ueu oiK, la l uti u k A. AiigtlHler, Oinulia... H. riK'i i. l.i.on, ciiiiiinu I. ")il A. Aluius. l ieston, la i'li'lilne i,. inalli, Cltsion, la.., Hi maid H. Mokkh, Omaha ilillllle Alatnttts, Oluaua Martin tM.-llck. onawu, la I oia Lavirty, Ouattu, la.. .Whi rl U. I'eter.ton, 'Omaha M Id red Al. Weston, Omana I. eon Jenkins, oinuha. i.lla lietstone. Avery , 2tl .over 21 .over 21 30 30 24 17 2ti 28 31 2fc .l mi a W. Anderson, Avoi a. Kins W. Cook, Avooh, la... John K. Slotson. (Uriahs Luuru Jacobs, omiiha la., ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY J'f - LOW riAir-,, iu sum to uit. 110 Be, UiJs. Phone I),.,,,. v..S UiSioN LOAN CO MP ANT. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. JETES. )M Douglas bt. 5 GTS. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. rr.,l.:v, T Hih and Howard Sla. i-UIklSh Baths TV.'-p. nun .him ... ... Buoaa. 1 1 :i.d u C. B. CLAVIER, auctioneer, cs Leaven, worth SU , THE City Garbage Ca., Tel. Doug lk; cleans vaulu, cesspools and reinoe ma nuie, aahea and all kinds of refuse. PHOTO ENGRAVING Arid Blase Etching. Prompt Work W R BRAMBLETT & CO.. 1311 Howard. D.'lsTl Monuments. J. F. Bloom 4s Co.. UU Far. B. F. WURN, Optician, moved from lath and Farnam to R. 424. Uiaadeis Bldg. irrpeoir&coT' riles. Invalid Chalra. Klaauo Stockinsa. Truaaes, Abdominal bupporieia, ltu liaruey Millinerv w 11 V " ih :' rat aiiiiiuery lernll for tnU aBOM are out of tke j Jilah rent district He our line Uieu decide. Mis. Helen KroenerL litij 8. Uth. " Blue Wagons v, Deliver Sblrta iat fit and CoinfvM ..i. lare cau our ' Wagon- Kimball Laundry W agon Prompt Delivery. lougiaa L lad. A-Uit PHOTOS 5Pi,8J uM BTUma W, W. Scott, Photographer. Pholua lakta anywhere any Uiue, D. ila. THB 8AHI.IX WAIST, sold exolusWaly It WE1NLANDER a. blalTH. Ill 8. lam bt. O'Connor & Emblen fr,n; antsj Blk. La teat spring patterns la, ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BEE IliVE CLEANING AND DYE WORKS 1620 P. 10th St. Telephone Douglas 4.187. WKSTKRX nrPIilCATINH CO., 4 Bee Bldg. Multlgraphed letters. Dong. 4l. B. F. Wl'RN, Optician, 424 Brandeis. LADIES' AND CENTS' SUITS Cleaned and preased; alteration a specialty. 2601 N. 24th. Web. 4782; B-Ol. AltKIN 'S KOSUERHfh1. E- uPL1.,rt SHIRTWAISTS X Jf; Prom 11.00 and up. al. lEVlN, 404 Web.-Sund. Bla. Uoug. 791L vi A I 8. tt H. Oraan Trading Stamps walJ with hard and soft coal, people a Coal Co. Douglas 1754; Independent A-HCi. 8HOKS called for and delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1MH Far nam. W'ANTEDMandoIln and guitar pupils; les sons reasonable; theory, harmony and or cliextratlon free; Instruments furnished free to those who have none. Call before or chestra is filled. Rooms 12-J4 Patterson Blk, 17th and Farnam Sta. BARKER BROS. FT. CO. Sherwin-W pts., oil, varnish, glass and brushes. 1609Vi Farnam. J. HAN'S KN, upholsterer and furniture repairer. Ibll N. 24th SU Tel. Web. 1294. ELEVATORS BKPAIRKU Freight, Pa tnget.. J. Ii. Kennedy, 144 S. 13th. Doug BIG REMOVAL SALE FRIEDMAN LOAN OFFICE, Ml 8. Jllh. going to move to 8. K. COK. UTH and DOUGLAS. Clothing, bhoes. Jewelry, etc, aoid eiuw coat. DAVID COLB Creamery Co. WKSTIillN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Bea ;ildK. Multlgraphed letters. Doug. 3U4L EKDMAN'a celebrated Havana filled te cigar; ueu. Watson cigars, a loo cigar; ail rivaiia wrapper and tiller. t,HDlA.N a celeoiateu Caotl aoap. liluMAN'a Ceieoiaied Cougn urops. tiditiuu a celeoraleu bkldduu aoap Paste. One agent wauled in eacu town, lvu per itui piuliu W. KKOMAN, Both Phones. IOCS S. 22d SU CA'l nuilCS. living nortn of apauiding Interested In the location of another church in Norm Omana arc invited lu correspond ulth li. J. sUAN.NKLL, 60 Ware Bik. LEW W. RABER Printer. JIlu iiidg.. after April 1. Tel. D. 1018. Iron and Wire. CtlCG Champion f ence Co. -lli 4i Jackson ats. Tel. D. 1590. WA'l'CHUa and Jewelry al reduced prices. Repairing auaiaumu. A. A. Cccna, a. ulu eu LYNCH BROS. Ka0 HEPAUf WUHlv. A Sy&ClAul X. 1Ui B. iviu l'lijue Douglas 1477. I)()WMI''V . MILLINERY. 161U N. Mth uuiiiUH. bL vvebster Wig. BARRETT-J OHN SON CO., 'liie vVell Kuowu Tailors, WHo uAVt. iiL,k.K AT lAli I'.Ait.sAja ST. lull itlti PAST SIXTEEN i&AM HAVE MOVED i2-i So. 16th bt. Opposite Rome tiolNU TO HL'lLD? Uet ideas of a prac tical builder, r.. 11. Olseu. lei. Benson 2AJ. "liot-Btisy-ytilek" tipeciallst. MUl.TIUIIAril WORK A MPLX'IALTV. J. C. Northrup, UsiTTliRoLOOlaT." Ant Panloii l-ik. i'nuuo Doug. 6635. ANCHOR FENCli: CO. Iron and u' I'ei.ui cheaper in an Wood. Laat a Lueilui. N7 N. 17tb. Phone Red lit, THIS MKXICAN WHITK SAPPHIRE. A great discovery. A gem with the hard ness, brilliancy and luster; can't be de luded irom a geuuino diamond. We guar antee this gem to retain Its beautiful bril liancy una sparkle 'orever. tne same aa a Kciiuinu diaiuuiid, at 1-30 tne coat, in solid gold mountings. Call or write for il lustrated catalOKue. Del.ong Jewelry Co., itfj McCugue Li ui g , Omaha. BEST CEMENT BLOCKS in Omnha. All lengths and wall thickness 111 stock. Ouialia Coucrete Stoue Co., 2lh Av a Sahler. Estimate given contract work. W. S5U. B 3011; after 6 p. ni.. W. 4231. Dougl.is Prlnt.ng C. TeL Douglas M4. I Shirts BLRCESS SHIRT CO.. made in order. 616 Karbach Blk. Duur bells at other wiring repaired. Ind. ifcig If. tl..(.. BEST UUAL1TT. WCUieui JJlUCto.3 la-.i Cemt Stona Co. ELLINGTON cleans wall paper. D. "14. Missouri Filters made. sold. 1310 Howard. PATTON'8 Sunproof paint. Jap-a-lac; try Enamel. Saratoga Drug Co., 2lth 6c Ames. S. H. Colo Sign Co.. D. 376S. 1310 Farnam. i'ARHO Magnetic llnzors; no honing, no grinding, 12 .SO prepaid. Melcher-Sclimldt Drue Co., 17th and Farnam St. AUI0M0BILLS BTJGG V HA RQAINS. DELIVERY" WAGONS BELOW COST. AUTO. TOPS, REPA1K1NU AND PAINT1NO SHOW l)S YOUR TAR. j DRUMMOND, kill alio l.aiuc INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons l.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos, international Harvester Comoanv, Omaha. kEND for our list of aeooi.d-hand ca:a UE RIGHT AITMOHiLK CO, Ult Farnam 8b FOR SALE-IKI H. P. Austin car. newly paintec1 and completely overhauled, open and closed body, glaaa front, top, extra tunes; complete ei ol tools, tire covers. Coat !i,Dou lesa than a eai and a half ago. Will sell at greai sacrifice. Address Arthur btoia. Omana. Neb. FOR SALE-For beat Lai gains in auto mobiles, write or ca'l on the NEBRASKA-BUJCK AUTO CO.. l'JU-lt Farnam bt. SLIGHTLY used, four-cylinder Rambler automobile, gray In color, tplendld condi tion, no dealera. Address D-iu. care Bee. Auto Paintint? Murphy Did If Get AUIU X UlIJVllirrou(. priue, ANDREW MURPHY & BON. 14U Jackson. CAIX US for demonstration of Cola "Ju," Mldweut Auto Co., D(h and iTaraam. WPJTE for list automobile baraalna II. E. FKliLlUCKboN AUTO CO.. Oniaha, AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and caaunga promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. ULH1BCHT MOTOR COMPANY. CouaaU Jaiulla. la. AUTOMOBILES (Continued. 1WB Stoddard-tayton Touring Car, with top and full equipment; used but little. $.'.300 1909 Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full equipment; used but lit tle, fin condition 2,000 1907 Stoddard-Dayton Roudster, with top and full equipment, good condi tion 1.200 190". Stoddard-Day ton Touring Car. 7 paKdenger, full equipment, over hauled 1.500 Waverly Electric, without battery ISO With battery ;1 Rao Touring Car. it-cylinder. lmitS model 4oi 19tr7 Stoddard-Dayton, with touring car bodv and limousine body; all in good condition 2.0u0 DERIUHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1818 Harney St. AUTOMOBILE repairing at any hour.any lime and anywhere; for Hrat class me chanics call Douglaa T2S1. btorage, second-hand cars. Diamond tires. The Pai ton-Mitchell Co., 2311 Harney. SU CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS DOES AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. 604 a. lOlQ BU BARGAINS In used cars; send for list. Council Bluffs Auto Co., blO Pearl St, A TTTTI Lamps enameled. L. Flercher. 1U lli22 Capitol Avenue. BARGAINS In used automobiles. Velle Automobile Co.. 1902 Farnam SU BARGAIN In secondhand cars; over hauled and repainted; look like new; for sale regardless of price; Pres-to-llte tanks foi sale. Standard Automobile Co., 2024 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 182L FOR EXCHANGE . A slightly usfd Chalmers-Detroit 6 passenger touring car, fully equipped, with top, wind shield, speedometer, large lamps, etc. Will exchange for only Omaha prop erty. Address a JOu, Bee. BUICK car with top. wind shield, a lamps complete, 1700. Inquire A. Hospe, 1613 Douglas St.. Omaha. ONE '09 model llolsman, excellent condi tion; will sell cheap for casn; make us an offer. Paxton-Mttchetl Co., 231S Harney St., Doug. 7281 or A 2011. KISSELL KAR The bert buy for service on the market Write lor list of used cars. KISSEL AUTO CO., 2122 Farnam St., Douglas 2920. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of biulnns call oa GA N G EST A D, 404 Bee tildg. Tel. D. 1307. CONTROLLING Interest In state bank In Oregon, In prosperous community; pays 2o per cent dividends and prospects fine; everything guaranteed, and requires about 112,000 to handle. Address E. K. Howard. 514 McKay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, price, 1260; r mt, 17,60. v rite or 'pi-.one me. J. A. Paulson, Estelllne, S. D. FOR SALE Finest hotel proposition In Saskatchewan, brand new 40-rooni hotel, now under construction; division and Junc tion point; city water, sewerage, electric lights, excellent water right In the house; big money maker, reasonable terms. Ad dress Box 139, Estevan, Sask. t.i00 to 1750 will give you half Interest In business done on cash basis only; will clear over 12.M0 a year. Fur particulars address 325, Bee. EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for man to invest IKio to $,mi as partner in safe and profitable business. Steady wages and share of profita to right man. Address 8 322, Bee. HAVE money making proposition for party willing to invest 1A) to $600 and lake active part; will assure steady and Tgood income. Address A 324. Bee. TO BUY, SELL OR TRADE See Midland Inv. Co, 103 McCague Bldg. MAN, young or old, fur lignt office nunc and collecting; must cuine wen i cconiiiiciideu and oe ante to invest oou iu tuiu. Aouresa N 363, lite. YOL'NO man of good cuaracter, able to make sniuu invi suiicnl, can make ad- aulageuus connection;,. l' or personal interview aduress w ioi, Bee. FOR SALE Fit st-ciass pool and billiard piiur; u. oai gam u iukcu ai once. H. chrhcii at sous, at. Joseph, Mo. DO you want a good republican news paper plant and joo proposit.on in a live tvesiem county scat town, ulnoial paper of the couuiy, aiiu doing s i,vuo a year uUhUtuabi Ot Wlltu lu lJUJ. Atu, uvtiya- burg, S. D. PiiOlO STUDIO J? OK SALE. Best lucateu, iui.y equipped, ti.ow people, fine traue, spieuuiu farming couuuy, nave utuer business; uargaiu lor caan; price, 4U0; rent, ti; act quica. Ca. tu. Jacooy, Nuifolk, .Neb. Hotel Doing Big Business in a live Ntoiasaa lotiu, pasaenger ualns slop lor incais. tviduw iauy tuual sen on accuuni of lailing iiealin. Snap ai 19u. Win coniutr nan ot auuva price iu luil ucar i..ncoii!, Neo. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Suit luH i, 1. Lile Biug. Red VM. FORTUNES made operating "Tbe Cir cling Wave,'' the latest invention and caiunlesl amusement ruling device in use. Write lor catalogue. Ai milage uuinn, i0 Mill hi.. SpringvlUe, N. Si. FOR SALE The best paying mercantile business in the oesi catie la. sing country In souihwesl Texas. In the. tool hllis uf cavi uiouiitaius; altitude 4.21s teet; 16,0iM Head ot caiiie snipped annually; country (Hi .li k up wiui new people; nearest com ieiinoii mlies; sales last twelve months ou,uoo; made ,16 per cent on capual Invested; a, ore House 24xftu; goods all new and staple, i.i invoice aooui aj.uou; store hou e and iol, .ouo; win sen ai invoice pi ice lor cash oiny. riuist climate Hi tne wuiid; 12 min utes' suiitnine. If you want a paying busineas in Hie great aoulliwcsi, better luu into inia. ileaaun tor selling, otuer inter est demanding owner's attention. Addroaa ivelll Mei caiitile Co., Kent, 'lex. WANT man to take inlereat In legltln.ate business; big profits, no coiupxlilioii; tuual base K.aOu lo W.uuu. Addreas, kf 172. Bee. TO GET In or out of bus.neas in Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, see Wil liams, 411 McCague lildg., litu and Dodga. FOGEIj & ALTSTADT TO BUY OR SELL. 329 Neville Blk. Doug. 3123. RENT FREE for over year, to one who understands corsets. 1 want a corset dept. in my atore. We sell 10.000 in millinery, l.:o,ii in hair goods, and have an except ional location for an up-to-date corset dept. Investigate this. Address, P-321. Bee. DENTISTS BAILS Y a MACK, la floor. Paxtoa. D ittl TAFT Dental Kooma. li.ll Douglaa c DRESSMAKERS M. 8ELECOW, aful Farnam. Harney ML HEWING done reaaunablv; good work guaranteed. Phone Doug. eJOti; corner mil and Cass. DRESSMAKING and plain aewlng. Douglas 4433. MIS STURDY. 170 Faraaav Tat. H. DANCING MORAND'S, llith and Harnev; lessons Mon , Frl.. 1 p. m.: private dally. D.-1041. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency, 421 Faxton. D. 1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. D. 2832 EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Is now oppn, DAY AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions in BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL. SERVICE, sure to be open in the fall. The cata logue is ready. Apply for it. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Both 'Phones. SPRING TERM MOSHEK-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled comae In business, short band, penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished lu Omaha. Send for one loaay. MOSHER ft LAMPMAN. Beveiiieeiith and Fainam Htraeaa, ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyne r, 3448 Charles. Harney 2383. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1SW Farnam U Douglaa 141. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN CIVIVIQ Garden and field seeds. Younk OHiLiL'O erman Seed Co.. Co. Bluffs. la. Nnrserlea. Fruit Trees and Shrubs Ar. ?"nfJ sery stock. A splendid assortment of hedge plants. Let us quote you prices cow. Call and see us, or phone Benson 634. BENSON OMAHA NURSERY. BENSON, NEB. CHOICE CURRANT PLANTS. B. C. Smith, 310S Corby, St. Webster 2456. CURRANT bushes. Bast varieties, Lewis Ihm. Benson 404. TT?FFS ftnJ Plants that grow. F. W. a. iC-Tjijkj Menpray Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, list and Farnam Sts. Phone Harney 4500. Patronize Home Nursery LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF NURSERY STOCK IN THE CITY. Sales Grounds, 19th and Douglas Phone Douglas 1028 or Douglas 44M. M. P. BYRD NURSERI CO., Nurseries North Omaha. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SANITARY II A1U DRESSING PARLORS Switches Made and Dyed. SOI Pazton B.ock. 'Phone D. 4671. E. P. BRUCE Moline Pianos. 413 McCague. FOX Ladles' tailoring, latest styles sat isfactory fit 2922 Leavenworth SU 11. 663. -- LADIES, it will pay you to get our prices on hats, willow plumes, fancy feathers, flowers, frames, braids, etc. PEN NELL, loll Douglas St., second floor. AT HOBSON S BEAUTY SHOP, Finest line of hair goods In Omaha; new est effects. Through Kern's millinery store, llAtl Douglas St. Tel. Douglas 2961. WE frame pictures at reasonable prices. Barker Bros. Pt. Co. fiOTTT APT) Dressmaking. Room 4, 1512 UUlUiUVDjj,,,,, 8(i Phone A-3963, THE FRENCH WAY SSWraE Ladies' clothes beautifully dry cleaned. Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sizes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 100 Douglaa Blk. Both phones ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafer niakea clear, white akin. By mall Mo and 11.00. Sherman at McConnell Drug Ca. Omaha. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's claasea Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Huugate, aM Brandels Bldg. Tel Red MM. "Good cleaners and dyera." FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ce. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. II. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. A. DoNAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St. Doug. 1258. BRAN DEIS CUT FLOWERS DEPT. J. V. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la.; largest greenhouse in west; beautiful flowers lor any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. FURNACES AND REPAIRS NEW FURNACES, water fronts, tank heaters and repairs of every make; 12U6-I Douglas St. Omaha btove Repair Works, HELP WANTED FEMALE ad Salesladies. LADY SOLICITORS for Omaha, fine proposition; call after 2 o'clock. W. F. Ford, 23e Pax ton block. LADY solicitors for Omaha, fine prop osition. W. F. Ford, 226 Paxton, Blk. Factory aad Trade. WANTED Hand-lroners, steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. TWO sewing girls. 319 N. Uth St. APPRENTICE girls, with pay. Buigeas, 61o Karbach Block. noaackeesrs aad Daaaestlca. WANTED Experienced nurse maid to tske care of boy 1 years old. Mra. John L. Kennedy, 400 Harney St. WANTED A nurse girl or girl for gen eral hounn work. 2U19 Webster, H. &.K. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mra. George A. Hoagland, 4Mb. and Caaa. COMPETENT girl lor general houae work. Mra. T. L. Hall, 1211 Sherman Ava. Both 'phones. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home for light party. 131 Park Ava. WANTED Maid for general housework. Small family. UM Harney. WANTED Experienced nurse girl; refer ences required. Mra. E. W. Dixon. 117 8. frtn Hi HELP WANTED FEMALE tloesekeepere mh8 Domestics it'tl WANTED Good girl for general house work. 1S01 Blnney St. Phone Web. 191. COMPETENT girl for general house work; must be good cook; wages Itf per week; no laundry work. Apply al once, 01 H. ltb Ava. WANTED Ulrr!or general housework, or a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, 1024 s. mh su WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Two In family. Call morn ings. as.10 Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. 2963 Poppleton Ave. Tel. Harney 31S3. COOKS and laundry maids, girls for gen eral housework. Mrs. Stubbs, 1811 Farnam SU WANTED A good girl for general house work. No washing. Mrs. 1 1. F. Morrlf, 4012 Farnam St. Harnev 1336. GOOD girl for housework; good wages; small family. 4018 Lafayette St., Harney 2421. KITCHEN girl wanted; apply at once. Mrs. Smith, 511 S. 24th St. GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily; good wages. 1915 Emmet St. Tel., Web ster 1702. GIRL for general housework; two In family. 228 S. 31st Ave. WANTED middle aged woman; assist In housekeeping. 216 S. 36th Ave. WANTED Young girl to do light house work: good place to learn sewing. 1713 Mason St. WANTED Girl for general housework; smajl family; good wages. 1046 Georgia Ave.' WANTED Child's nurse; references re quired. 1038 Park Ave. GIRL or woman wanted for general housework; one who likes children; small family; light work. 211 N. 17th. GIRL for general hotrSework; no laundry work; best wages; middle-aged preferred. 108 S. 33d St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Mrs. R. S. Anglln, 101 S. 39th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; give references. 2827 Capitol Ave. GIRL for general housework, 6016 Cass. Tel., Harney 1321. WANTED A young girl to help with general housework. 'Phone, Harney 3183. 29b3 Popplnton Ave. ' GIRL for general housework where sec ond girl Is kept. Mrs. George Banter, 032 S. 37th St., Tel. Harney 3237. WANTED Girl ot woman for general housework. Light work. Good wages and good home. 1562 N. 19th St. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 2680 Manderson St. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing; family of four. Mrs. A. G. Elllck, 5002 California St. Tel. Harney 28bU WANTED Cook; highest wages. 1102 S. 30th Ave. 'Phone Harney 2641. WANTED Good cook; must be com petent and have references. 3816 Harney St. WANTED Experienced cook; good wagea. 3210 Farnam St. WOMAN who understands work and Is willing to go to suburbs; good home and good wages, ion ss. zuin at WAIN l ftu competent Kin, ctc-i iiiau or nnVtAmlcn nr.f.rr.rl 1QOO 1'flnltnl A v i L . . VJ 111 tO KB.lDl mil. (ivun, t. i n ' ' i care of child 1 year old. Mrs. Chedeck, 1T,U , I o. vnirfn , ....!... ...i.t, v. 1. an, I ..til auu V.UU.1I.S cia. WANTED Reliable person; general housework; cooking plain; nice room and home. Harney 3440. 4123 Farnam. WANTED Girl at once for general housework. Call at 2011 Charles. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house keeping and companion; more for home than wages. Address 619 'I N. 16th, 3d floor, room 7. COMPETENT girl for general housework; one who is fond of children; no wasnlng. Apply 308 S. 33th St. WANTED Olrl for general housework; 2 In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge. GIRL for general housework; good home and steady place; good wages. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; good home for the right party. 623 N. 19th. Rosenblatt. GIRL or woman for general housework. 1916 Spencer. Tel. Webster 1133. COMPETENT cook. Apply 206 S. 32d Ave. or telephone Harney 206. Mlaeellaaeoae. LEARN HAIRDRJ!SSINO-It pays. You can earn $11 to 126 weekly. Full cours taught. J. L. Braudela. Halrdreaatng Dept. EXPERIENCED girl wanted on skirts, steady position, good salary. L. Fox, 2922 Leavenworth. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglaa County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, ollcltars aad gadeanaea. WANTED Live salesmen acquainted with dry goods merchants lu Kansas, Ne braska. Colorado for wholesale Jewelry and fancy goods. Have good trade in territory. M. A. Elseman He Bro., 1H8 Market St., talli ca go. WANTED Five reliable hustlers to work In Omaha, also salesmen for outside terri tory; fine proposition; splendid opportunity for advancement. W. F. Ford, 226 Paxton Blk. AGENTS WANTED to represent Taylor a strictly home canned California fruit to consumers. High class goods for select trade. Best of references required. Ad dress J. 1C Taylor Co., banta Ana., CaL AGENTS New specialty, good seller, good money. Writ today. Bartlelt Supply Co., 411 Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. WANTa-'D A aolicttor wlta rae aol buggy to drive through the country sol solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. I he Bee FubUsatag Co. WANTED Newspaper aollottora. Call or rite Twentieth Century Farmer. hM Bea Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. AGENTS everywhere; aend three dollar! for three aampla equalisera. retail fol three doliara each, 300 per cent profiU Nt competition; easily applied, full directions. The hardest working pumps work easy. Wind mills work eaally and nolaelcasly wltg slightest wind. Great money maker. Write today, now. Equaliser Manufacturing Company, 140 Bea Building, Omaha. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY lOU Ui TO 140 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER, ADDRES4 FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO- EXPERIENCED eolteetur Inr house fur Dialling Co.; atate experience and reference Address U 4. a, Jaa. HELP WANTED MALE .Continued.) Clerical and Office. IF oti are open for A GOOD POSITION, SEE t'S; we 'an locate you on snort no tice; call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN HICV & BOND ASSN.. INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. lEst. 8 Yrs.) WANTED Office clerk, young man who Is a good penman and accurate at figures, largo insurance company. State salaiy ex pected. C 326, Bee. WANTEL Experienced bookkeeper bv large Insurance company, must be good penman, quick and accurate at figures. State salary expected. D 327, Bee. WHY WASTE TIME LOOKING FOR A POSITION WHEN YOU CAN GET ONE IMMEDIATELY BY SEEING THE CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU, 674 676 Brandels Bi'dg. YOUNG man for clerical work; prefer one with stockroom knowledge. Address, K 350, Bee. IT WILL PAY Yor to see us If seeking employment. WE CAN PLACE YOU CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 676-77 Brandels Bldg. Bora. WANTED t reliable boys; good wagea. A. D. T. Co.. 113 So. 13th. WANTED A boy. Apply Bee Composing Room. W ANTED Boys for factory work; clean light work; good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. Factory aad Tradea. WANTED A good horseshoer and gen eral blacksmith, will pay good wages to a good, steady man. C. W. Needles, Atlan tic, la. COATMAKER WA NT E D Pa v $9 00 and up for sack coats. Steady work all the year around. Barteh, The Tailor, Lander. Wyo.. P.O. Box 677. WANT E D M en from 20 to 50 years of age, convincing talkers to sell the only genuine manufactured diamond known to science. Call room 3, Schllts hotel or the Owl Drug store. (.Diamond Dick.) William A. Scholl. , WANTED Experienced soda disnencer. Apply R. C. Phelps, Brandels Candy Depu WANTED A good shoemaker at Chadron Neb. Duffy & Morgan. WANTED Barbers. Have Jobs for four good men in union shops. Amos Vogt Wterloo, la. WA VTF.ll General mhl.. ,,. ..... .............. i. , o v i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , experienced car carpenter repairers. Steady "osoa to competent men Apply Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha, Drug stores tanaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED Two drag line machine en gineers tor Irrigation ditch work in fnin. rado; 1136 per mon u and board, more If thoroughly competent. The Ryan-Rlley WW,,..W.. -V... Wl A.l.l Uk., VQUVVr, VOIO, FREE Employment Bureau. Business Men's Aea'n.. 440 Board of Trade, TINNER, competent furnace man; steady job; no boozer wanted. Hartman A. Bul lock, York, Neb. MECHANICS AND LABORERS WANTED For all kinds of plow shop work. Machine blacksmith, punch men, fitters, grinders polishers, erecters and laborers, citv work' good pay. Competent men will find un usual opportunities to secure permanent positions at good wages. Apply In per son to the employment agent, Deere & Co Moline, 111. WANTED A good coat maker. 319 N 16th St. Miscellaneous. BIG SHOW Small admission. Theater. Parlor WANTED Men to learn barber trade, $15 to 120 weekly paid graduates. Few weeks qualifies. Can earn tools and board from start. Busy season for barbers. Call or write, Moler Barber college, DO s. 14 SU MAN with rig to deliver books and col lect; salary, tls.OO per week. Apply P. F. Collier &. Son, 225 Paxton Blk. WANTED An experienced retail hard ware salesman, w ho speaks the German language. Must furnish good reference. Address the Dalle-JJroderaeu Co., Den Ison, la. WANTED By local insurance company, 1oung man for city collector; state salary expected. K 328. Bee. COLLECTOR 24 to 30, for road and city; also de.lvery man; salary. Apply P. F. Collier St. Son, 225 Paxton Blk. MAN, young or old, for light office work and collecting; must come well recommended and be able to invest $300 to $400. Address P 355, Bee. YOUNG man of good character, able to make small investment; can make advantageous connections. Address M 352, Bee. ANYONE. ANYWHERE, can start a profitable mall order business at home evenings. Send for particulars. Heacock. 73S, Lockport, N. Y. MEN wanted for railway mall. Internal revenue, postoffice examinations. Write for examination schedule. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, DepU ISON, Rochester, N. Y. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horsea aad Vehicles. FROST, repairs wagons. 714 8. !4th. ALFALFA hay. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. HORSE'S Clipped, 14iS Cap. Ave.. D 1810. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires, put on and flrat clasa black smith work dune by Johnson-Dan. orth Ce 10th and lones Bta , LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 8. 14th. MILLER & WINDER buy and aell all kinds of horses. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. BUGGIES, surries, stanhopes, runabout, high clasa work, fur saJe cheap. HI J Far nam. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm wagona. 1117 Farnam SU FOR BALE RUBBER TIRED RUN ABOUT; good aa new. Joe Havens, 4tb and Farnam. FOR SALE Four freight wagons, all In first-class condition. Ask for Mr. Adwera at engine room, Th Bennett Company, LOST AND FOUND LOST Green pocketbopk containing four 110 bills and a note fur $1,000. payable lo August Heln. Reward If returned to Aug ust Hein, 1124 Dorcas. VISIT half prloa matinee. Parlor Theater. COAL WE save you II to $J In weight per ton. good quality. Tel. D. 1101, B-66.12. FULL WEIGHT COAL CO. ON ACCOUNT of the aentlraent of an heirloom In the shape of a Mexican filigree card case, lost between 16th and Howard and 15th and Howard Sts., we offer a very aubatantlal reward for lta return. E. R. Zleke Co., 415 8. 16th SU The Key to the Situation Be Want Ads! MEDICAL AVERAGE TIME To CURE. Rupture, one visit, piles and Fustula. .,'!! Jr!""1' -'turrh. Rheumatism am Gout, Sudrtvs. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc. 90 days. No knife, blood or pain. See ho quickly and easily these cures are posslbk' when you become fully Informed concern Ing our new methods. Write for free buck GERMAN DOCTORS, Comer Main a in. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. I. REE medical and surgical treatment a Crelghton Medical college, 14ih and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to con flnement cases; all treatment supcrviset by college professors. Phone Douglas lli.i Calls snswered day or night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerv Food Pills, 11 a box, postpaid, Mietmaii .v McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. COSTS YOU NOTHING If you have a chronic disease to trv the FAMoi'S iriiu-.k. TREATMENT at the Radium Medical aim Surgical Institute, noithweal corner Urn and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. mjW5ttjmsymsmimiisMjj?Mji'sti.'jut? tt private loans - $ $10 UPWARDS On FURNITURE and PIANOS in use; 1$ II also to those holding t 1$ STEADY POSITIONS. II II A Modern Firm. II II with a Modern Purpose. t LOOK AT OUR RATES: ' 44 II CAN YOU BEAT THJ-.M 7 J II I'ays Principal and Interest. It 11 No Other Charges. i II 125-6 PAYMENTS OF II 60 " 11 .0 PAYMENTS OF j t,0 It II l5- PAYMENTS OF ti HO 11 $40-6 PAYMENTS OF 17.60 II II Payable weekly or monthly, It 11 Other sums iu proportion. ' It 1$ This company Is backed by meti 1$ It with unlimited capital, for the nur. tt ' 11 pose of helping those in need of tern- $ U porary assistance. j It OUR PURPOSE IS It U To make loans to those who cannot 11 II afford to pay high rates. , We will- II It pay off high rate companies and ad- tt tt vance you more money at less cost It $$ than you are now paving. . ft II OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. " It II 601 Brown Blk., Opp. Brandels. ft tl 'Phones: Douglas 2036; lnd. A-20J6. It tmmttsttitmttmtmmtitjstttttmstttmmt WE DO NOT ADVERTISE IMPOSSIBILITIES: After you have had an unsatisfactory In terview with those who do- come In and we'll show you that we make lo.tns at a cheaper rate than any advertised. Ornaba Mortgage Loan Co., For eighteen' years ot Southwest Cor. 16th and Famam Sts. 119 Board of Trade Ildg ' t Telephone Douglas 22H5. ttmtttttmttmttmttmm! m$ttmuntt;$f $ Notice to the Pubic No More High Rates" $10 to $1,000 I.OANEP ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS AND SAlARIES. THIS IS A NEW FIRM Organized by the REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN of this city to protect' honest working people In need of temporary help from the extortionate charges of the so-called loan com panies. We will loan you all the money you want and charge you only 10 per cent a year. THIS MEANS YOU PAY ' t 1.00 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. 2.50 interest on 25 for 1 year. 10.00 Interest on 100 for 1 year, and all other sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason able Appraisement. Charges. A glance at the above rated will con vince you how much you save by dealing with us. NO RED TAPE-NO DELAY. Money in your pocket within an hour. Independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 WITHNULL BLDG., Phone Doug. 5045. luth and Harney. utMmKttmtmtmtmsnt mimmutmim DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. Vm. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service and most confidential DEAL of any in the city. Patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 807-308 Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411 and A-14U. DO YOU NEED MONEY to nay your debts? If so, call on us. We loan money on FURNITI'RE. PIANOS and LIVE STOCK AT POSITIVELY the IX)WKST TERMS. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAY MENTS. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. i,-truu.k.-i.'A I tilt. .... lr.nnAnnA i . .a . . . ...... 7 Crounse Blk., Opp. P. O., 16th & Capitol. DOUg. 1306; A-1356. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments: Office In 66 principal cities. Tolman. room 612 New York Life Bldg. Furniture loans; private. 4 Patterson blk. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING millll VAN AND STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpets and your floors. Klc trio vacuum system. Mt bo. 1,'tb St., Tel. D.-156S). lnd. A.-1553. I' A PERU ANGERS, use the best Snow- flake paste. Omaha Paste Co., il8 b. inn. Doug. iiw. att . . I... n.Marr.. it wall nu ner al AUU I!'.. V ,mv. .... - . ' reducd prices. Barker Bros. Paint Co. nn Trr VHWHAvb your furn. - UU 11 XSUVYtiihf. nP.PAIHKD AND UPHOLSTERED. t(06V FARNAM. H. 31W .vn T-..U - r .-.rrixa IGth and Dav- anport 8ta.( warehouse. 2i-u Issrd t. STOVES atored. Ranee. 1611 N. 24th St. TTTrn A 1 TQ Hand Ironed, 1 pair, 11, UlvlAliNQ -ihoii Douglas 4S2J. HAVE your gas stove connected by th only expert In Omaha; satisfaction guar anteed. 'Phone Webster 1212. FOR furniture polishing, repairing and upholstering, call Douglas 5721. WHAT la th use of taking up your car- fets when you can have them cleaned on he floor In a few hours T Free estimates given. Meal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Dougla lock, 107 S. ISth St. Phones: Doug. .4j; lnd. A-ivM. .cive tiuiu uiticaa,. PT.TTXfRTKfl V8 " don now. J.' a. iuu...... llzpairick, nil 1721 Curaiog. Douglaa 1844. PAINTING n,y ur,"" lln" of l .li.1 lli'U paper. MutiMon. Tel. RW, MUSIC. ART. LANGUAGES MOITIjTON'S union orchestra. MUUDlUiH O New, oatohy. dancesl.i. MTTSTf! h"1 MouKoo, director. 606 Kar 111 U OICI tcn tltuk Jpuug. A-lUil OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaaj aad Boosa. NICE rooms, home cooking, cjua In; pleasant location. 22t Harney. GOOD rooms and board. 1911 Farnam. BOARD and room, also table board, homo cooking. Ulllsld, 101 N. Uth. 1 1 i 4 h I v i l