Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Nil-: VAT.: OMAHA. Till KNPAY. Al'lfll, 1!
(Continued )
IT.7W JHh SI. and Lincoln Wvd.. 'n
Keinls I'arK district. n S-ronm house, nlie
rnounh to plae the most fsiittdloua.
'Vuarter-sa ed oak and white ensmel fin
ish, beautiful surrounding and Ism lot.
Worth Investigating;.
..i 114 I,rtririii St . In Kountxe Place.
room house, pra.-tltnilv new. finished In
M.irtr-Ml oaK and white all
beautifully decorated; on paved street; per
manent walk: lot 5xl24 't . 3 ft above
street grade. Price, reduced from $.
14. y jMrlctly firet class ImnKalnw In
Tiunde. S rooms and hath, lieamed cell
ing, oak" finish throughout; a peifeii
heaun-. (J'nr haa reduced the price to
14 m for utiles: aitle.
:.S2o 471 N. ith. In that district of
new heme just north of Am" Ave.. Vroorn
modern rotta; In MVJ2 ft. 14""
balance the aame a rent A real bargain
Ilk this on audi reasonable terms not
often found.
Payne Investment Co.
Entire. Third Floor Ware Hlock.
Phones-Douglas 1781. Independent A-I1S.
liaise Oiickens ami (linden.
We have an Ideal property for this pur
pose located at 341A Patrick Ave., three lots,
south front, lots of fruit, plenty of garden
room, fins shade, chicken house, with a
good one-story, S-room hoiue. city water,
elnctrie light, in good repair. Trice reduced
l iU.O. If us quick.
Payne, Bostwick & Slater, ;
S'll AgenUi, Hul N. Y. Life Bldg. j
This Is a very attractive house built three
yeaia ago by tlte owner for a permanent
home. It Is built of the very best of ma
terial and workmanship throughout. . Hiv
ing nice reception hall, parlor, dining room,
kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first
floor, four bedrooms and bath room on
second floor.
The living rooms are finished In quarter
swed oak. with quarter-sawed oak floors.
The rooms are also very nicely decorated
Full basement under entire house, good
concrete floor, splendid furnace. The plumb
ing Is of the very. best. The houso Is
wired for electric light and plpod for gas
nd haa good combination lighting fixture.
It Is a full two-story. Square house on a
nice lot, with sodded yard and terrace.
Omient walks and ateps. The street is
paved and th paving paid for. The Im
provements of all kinds are In and paid
for; the house Is within easy walking dis
tance of the retail section. The owner of
thle property has left the city and this Is
the first time offered for sale. The house
Is right and the price is tight. The house
Is rented at the present time, but posses
sion ran be given In the spring. Let us
show you this property.
Phone Dpugrae 4270. 6B Be Bldg.
Creighton's First
5-room. new bungalow with oak floors,
electric-light, everything right up-to-date,
?S4n So. isth St. Price J2.)0, 'small pay
ment down, balance monthly.
Payne, Bostwick & Slater,
Sole Ageata, .. . 601 N. Y. L,lfe Bldg.
; South front lot on Lucas St.,
near Burnhani, 50x128 feet; for
sale on easy payments $5.00
down and $5.00 a month.
Price $190.00,
Bee Office
Tel. Harney 3070 alter 6 P. M.
th; short distance south of Farnam;
one of the best flat locations In Omaha, or
will sell single lot
th Chicago, large east front lot. paved
street, concrete walks; very cheap.
t corner lots, concrete walks, shade trees,
a genuine snap at tu60.
On Davenport, large lot on grade. ISM;
can t equal -it for tha price.
. 0W.V L"11 1-ot Co.. Suite tU N. T.
Ufa Bldg. Red 13V
tit N. T. Life
r ARM AltO
For sale, beat improved and raw wheat
landa up to 100.000 acres en bloc In the
best pari of Southern Alberta, 111 per aore
up. All inqulrlae pintnptly answeid. Hen
derson slinkier, 814 Flrit St., West, Cal
vary. Alt.
40 a., well Improved, on Moffat road, m
m. from P. O.; 10 a. In timothy, some native
hay; 300 a. Umber, fine pasture; would han
dle 100 head stock; adjudicated water right;
attraotlve buildings; 1 m. of trout atream
through nnch; good resort location; fullv
equipped arlib Implements, tools, eic. ; tele
phone, five head stock. Price, for all
ll.Sot. part cash, balance easy terms. Boi
t Tabernash, Colo.
FOR SALE Fruit landa at farm prices in
Arkansas Valley, between Canon City and
Pueblo, Colo., from $7.60 to M per aore. A
fortune to be made in buying large tracts
and retailing. Orchards In Canon Citv, at
the entrance of Royal Uorge, are valued
at rJoO to $1,900 per acre. Come out and be
convinced. Sam Brown, Jr., Son.. Mi
Central Block, Pilxblo, Cok., or til slain
St., Canon City, Colo.
Here la a live-going colonization proposi
tion In a country that la making tnem all
go some. The tract consists of JOiW acres
of deeded land, six mlies from town in a
fine, smooth valley. Tbeie Is already a
good aettlement among the lands, wnlch
are la alternate sections. The tract la lo
cated In Cheyenne county. Colorado, north
r tha main line of the I nlon f.
far from Eureka. The concern that la large
i.oa iu uui inn iract or mini on terms
of tS an aue down, balance tn fiwir equal
payments at ( per cent, can have the retail
oiganlsaUon, real Is a.ready on It
The proposition la just right to work and
we recommend this as a land man a huv
because It ls held cheaper than anv thing iii
that counliy and they are the fellows tnat
can aell a tract of this kind and appre
ciate wbai turning over an organisation
ine owners are Involved Iu other matters
that take all their personal time. Xnlt is
acres out of the UuiO acres may owned
and as they have been saving tnalr best
landa and the lands closest to lowo. to the
isi. It Is a snap. This organisation sold tne
acrea and thev should clean up the
balance within ten months. It can imhv be
appreciated by Inspection. Price Into nei
per acre The lands will retail from $1160
to $l per acre. If yen want a good live
proposition on the stat. write C U RICH
..44 He Hldg . Omaha, Neb.
Ah ut J8 Us acre of go4 land, mostly
iweotb tad rolling, flae soli, to be sold la
e body. It te M miles aaat of Denver oa
(Be L'nivn Paoifio K- K. south ef Watktna.
Jsenaeit ana atraueburg. Inia tract lie
cloaa to) above towaa The land la ail
fenced a 04 many timea rreea-feaeed. Other
lr rovemeeia. HauMt, haras, inxi, eer
ra.a. private telephone, eta, Oaed alfalfa
and kay land; a)e sprtaga aad ather water
tegs. Kaira good aropoaiueu fer auh
divlag er colunistDg. Ne aaests aeed ae-
Lf. nr afreet rem ewsor, Noaii CAkn,
ft Oaeaaras F Uaatrer, Cola.
-I natlaaea.
H.i'-.V II!-: mountain nncn, 11 acre. If- !
Iiaated. Ifn-rinun hou. hot and coid !
nster. dail mail: telephone: laig open (
fans: for siock. I..;W Howard I., j
Knrt Collin. Colo.
"i acres of irrigated land; 1 nno acres j
sold since last starch. M) oo an aoie wiln i
perpetual water right, t.asy trims. To
tie advanced 110 00 ao acta May 1. The j
mosi attraclive irrigated project ever d
ve.oped. Is located in the ban L,uls valiey
tjf t oioraao.
costu.i.a nu:KiAi r.i co. i
No. 1-H Champa btrevt. iJenvsr. Colo, j
Ktlt SA1.K Kins mjmin-r resort hotel, j
with barroom; excellent oportumtv for a
hustler: aino new. spacious ricncing pavll- '
luti attached; large water frontage and ,
beautiful oak grove with plenty of land'
surrounding the whole place; best business!
piopoxttion ever offered; price ety low.
Jos. S. Haas, Wauconds, I!l.
KOft SAl.K 840 acres In County,
Florida, cltrua fruit land for stock of gen
eral tnei rhandise. Writ John Duncan,
;lesburg, ill.
I roll Lake, 1,1. Intg In Wil
I sr.n's sutxliv Islon, Wxizi ft.; $1i0 and up:
ay terms; tiortliwent end cf lake; plenty
. of shade trees, convenient to C. M. or Mt.
Haul It. It. Owner on grounds every day.
Mrs H. A. Wilson, lngleslde. 111.
Foil SA I.E Wl-aere farm, with rood Im-I
provements, good location; near fine sum
mer resort town, with good lake; good
fishing: a bargsin; 7i per acre.
For f-a!e 7-rooni hous on the shore of
Rang l.ake; r feet water frontage: nicelv
located for summer residence, H.700. J'os.
S. Haas. W auconda. 111.
FOR SAl.F-Karm of 171 acres In south
ern Michigan; two sets of splendid huild-
n.,.. Ian, I flhm.l I VI a
under cultivation; balance pasture land
and timber lands; beautiful groves
of- timber. The farm borders on two
beautiful lakes; this would make an Ideal
summer home for Chicago people; csn give
Immediate possession of one set of build
ings: nice house of seven rooin; two
small bank barns, and nice orchard Will
S"ll for the very low price of lti.iH.sJ. 1. M.
Best. Klkhart. lnd.
FOR S M,K Improved stock, grain and
chicken farms; dose Chicago. C. H. Mar
ine, Valparaiso, lnd.
FOR SA1.K Irrigated farms and ranches
south of Snake river and Imineau valley,
southern Idaho, from $40 to per acre;
fine fruit and alfalfa country; sjso In
formation for homestead and desert en
tries. Harry Walklns, Box 11-. Mountain
Home, Idaho.
FOR SAI.K Oenuine bargains; 240 acres
Casa county. Minnesota, i.60 acre; lfio
actes Sherman county, Kan.. It.60 acre;
100 acres Cheyenne county, Kansas, $i acre.
Perfect titles. Full particulars on applica
tion, it. M. Betteswonh, Cedar Haplds, la.
FOR SALK 23,000 acres Kansas land at
$10 per acre; the beet colonisation proposi
tion in the I'nlted States, or to hold as an
Investment; S.flOO to 10,000 acres sublrrigated
alfalfa land can be retailed at 1-"J per acre
in one year; no tiades. Address R. K.
tipurgeon, Olathe, Kan.
FOR SALE-Cholce quarters in alfalfa In
the famous "Shallow Water Valley" of N.
Finney Co.. Kan., for sale In number to
suit purchaser. For Information and prices
address 11. C. Hopper, Harden City. Kan.
All rented, paving from 10 to 22 per cent
rent. Best alfalfa in the world. Kasy terms.
If not as represented, will return your
H X. Y. Life Bldg. Phone. Red lf.
; lasra.
FOR SALK-18.000 acres farm, timber,
and mineral land In St. Louis county,
Minnesota; timber alone worth more than
the price, only $4.60 per acre; half cash,
balance easy payments. Write Alfred
Johnson, Creston, la.
We are offering for sale a limited number
of 10-acre peach orchards of bearing . age
in the famous Koshkonong Peach District
of Missouri. These orchards are located tn
the very heart of the Koshkonone peach
belt, 14 miles from the railroad station.
Kach ten acres contains about 1.000 Li
beria Peach Trees of full hear! no- are. The !
trees are now In bud and If given proper
care and cultivation will yield a heavy crop
this season. We are offering these orchard
tracts at a very low price and on easy
terms. Write for free Illustrated literature,
price, terms, etc. Midland Farm and iJind
Co., 902 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, la.
FOR SALE Land and Improved farms.
Best southeast Missouri land and
farms, forty to 600 acres; from $1$ to $45
per acre; easy terms. Write and tell us
what you want. We can suit vou. Booklet
free. F. Gram Realty Co.. Neelyvllie. Mo.
GALATA. Mont.. Land Land Land I
have several well improved ranches for sale
taeeoea iana. Jenced, houses, barns, partly
Irrigated, raising the finest kind of alfalfa,
com, all kinds of grain and vegetables;
ttrrbsr on part of farms; a beautittil river
running through the land, a splendid place
for small game and fishing; it ls Ideal farm
land, in an lueal climate, in tn finest state
In the union. Land in anv sixe tract you
want. Prices from tlO to tier acre. Good
relinquishments for sale, close to town. Lots
ior sale at prices that will be doubled In a
very short while, and In a town the grow
ing of which Is phenomenal. Mt ill some
good homesteads left within ten miles of
town. Write me for particulars. The T. D.
Williams Real Estate Co.. Ualata. Mont.
Mew Mrilcu.
LANDS for sale In the rich Membrea
homestead and desert claims; also cattle
iriuiie mr saie. it wont pay you
to locate elsewhere until you Investigate
hat we have. Write for booklet. It will
1 1 I e 1 .'t iri.i Dual L.' -. - . -
Commission Purchasing Co., Doming.
LAND buyers will busy themselves if they
will only ask Leander Clark of Kearney,
Neb., for farms he has for sale.
Must be sold on account ef owner's
health; well improved iuo-aere farm 7H
mlies from town; price, $a per acre: easy
terms. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb.
LAND buyers will busy themselves If
they will only ask Leander Clark of Kear
ney, Neb., for farms he bas for aale.
Farm and town property where railroad
right-of-way is bought through. Kinkaid
homesteads. Dry land to oome under gov
ernment caoai. Don't wait. Address P. O.
Box No. LI. tiering, Neb.
as) acres good pasture, good running
water and good shsde. First farm west
of Florence, north side of C. St. P. M. tk U.
'Phone Florence 410.
j Ranch in Nebraska
tiH acres, a complete ranch, plentv
water, ail good buildings; owner la making
oig money on cattle, but wishes to move
ito the cut In order to get better educa
tional facilities for his children: Dries.
$j.0um; cut into quarter sections; tola land
will soon aell at ' per aere.
lull CU N. I. Ufa Bldg. Red im.
MAKE yourself Independent. An Oregon
apple orchard tract of or IO aerea will do
II. We sell exceptionally fine apple land
planted to standard commercial apple trees
for bu per acre. One-fifth down, balance
I per cent a month until paid. This land
has a deep loam aoil. in rain belt, needing
Be Irrigation. On R. R., school, church,
si ores, free mall delivery and all conveni
ence. Write for booklet, facta, loratloa,
etc. Oregon Apple Oroharda Co., Port
land, Ore,
. .. puce
OKLAHOMA map. olicil.n
list on fsrnis. cm on icine
Ira Stout, Cushing, Okl.
We have l .(ton seres of choice !nnd l. ;
select from. rnngiug in piie. from ." to i
l per acre. This land Is in the oil ami I
gas d st-tct and you migut gel nn oil well
Willi vcur lurid.
Suite t4 piv Voik Life f.ldg
Fon SAKK South Oakola land,. Jr. to
0 per acie. neat town, r or bo"k cr. map
and prices on Hie most, bi el and chenpest
address lj. I., lluguinan. i'ukwn.i, Urulo
county. H. I.
HUl'TH DAKOTA l N L The rush Is oti i
for Stanley countv land'; seewal new Hues I
nest twi t. i i . i, "'
,7,o7.srper vr
formation write to Felland F.ealty Co., Ml !
l'alace Hdg., Mlnneapnlln, Mln:
""7"J7rrT 'fc Z,. "
RFlAlAlj b-irgsln in oua rter suet oi i of
land. 11 north of Kimball, s. O. The
land la fenced end all rirt-t'lns. llilab'e
.L'f', J-J-40, V''- U '" c"rr.v
l.'.oOO against the land at t p.-r cent. C.
K. Krueger, Kimball. S 1.
"TirV.; J. - - T
vi . .,.. uj o.iuer one or i:ie best '.
f"V"rn' rV'y Co- u ' tJui:'- I
ing ion ii, .oou iuiitiiii(,s, .mj aciva under
cultivation. or lurtner infot milluii ad
Oteos Bui 21, nt. C lini iej, b. 1 1.
Sb;NU for list of lunds for a.e t.
ouner. l.tgnl description glvn. u
Carroll, Miner, tf. 1).
MR. FARM Kit, and Inve.-u-r. I n.(
sale in Niamey count, mhiu ii.itn.i
deeded lands Hum ti to .v Ur-r ticie; men
lauos ale iitst-ciasn. locaiet. near me iau
loau, uiso along me. clue ot me new pro
posed road; sou in a deep, uibck loam, nee
truiii stone or gravel, ami iu produce
at) bushels of wheat and w) bushel of oats
per acre, and nit other crops in proportion,
lien tno ianu is piopeny tilled. ineit is
bo place In me west touay thai ofteis ilie
Inducements to the home binuier or the
ii.vtsior mat Stanley count olTeis. teems
Is believing. Come out aim look Hie coun
try over. Land will doLDie ui value bete
In to years' time, tor inl'orina lion write
iiucisou Agency, Midland, s. O.
1 ran.
FOR SALE -Pan hand e steers and lands;
lands In tracts ranging: from li acres to
76,000 acres; Kood colonization proposition;
good farm lands. U ensh, balance payable
one-half the grain crop yearly. 6 per cent.
Will accept cash payment at any time.
Steers as follows: l.ono 4 and 5-year-olJs,
l,o00 3s, 2,400 Sis. All dehorned anil hlph
grade. W. A. Logue Land Co., Annllio.
'If IBS.
OKANOK and fig orchards pay immense
ptofits. These are the bis money crops.
Full bearing fig and oiaiigo orctiards tarn
annually fi,o to tl.000 an acre. You caul
participate in the big profits made in niei
fig and orange Industty without leavinn
your present occupation or looHii..n
lhrougn the medium of the Acre-Bonds
issued by the Ualveeton-Houstou lnterur
ban Land Co., you can become part owner
in a co-operative fig and orange kiowiiih
company owning 7.0m) acnes of liiuice fix
anct orange land, 'i he company is cultivat
ing and planting ttves and will gather
and market the crops. The Acre-Bonds
are apsoiutely safe, anl your protlts will
be large. 1 he company Is composed of the
leading business men and bankets of
lexas. write today for handsome lilus.
traied book explaining entire plan. It s fire.
Air.trican & Mortgage Co., 40 Amer
ican Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex.
MILLION acres Texas school laud for
sale by the state; $1.50 to $6 per acre; only
one-fortieth cash, 40 years on balance; i
per cent interest; good agricultural land;
some dont require residence; send 60 cents
for 1910 Book of Instructions. New state
I,aw and description of lauds. J. J. Snyder,
Hcliool Land Locator. 501 Congress Ave.,
Austin, Tex.' References. Austin Nat. bank.
FOR SALE If you want a 'good stork
farm In west Texas, nearly J.0UO acres, write
J M. ilarnll, Manor, Tex.
17,712 ACRES, solid body, CocnYan coun
ty. Texas, $10 per acre; $IO.OOO ensh. bal
ance long lime; will accept trade up to
$75,000. Dilliard Marshall Land Cu., Lub
bock, Tex.
FOR SALE Colonization proposition,
$0,000 acre in a solid body; cutovar lands;
near Houston, Tex. Fine fruit, truck, po
ato and cotton lands. Price $7.50 per acre.
John S. Akin, Houston, Tex.
FOR SALE Historic Vltglnia estate. 710
ores fercile land; abundant water, timber
boundary; colonial brick dwelling; modern
equipment: glorious views; perfect environ
ment; station near: University of Virginia
miles. Price $55,000. Illustrated circular.
Free register describing 200 select proper
ties. H. YV. Hllleary & Co., Charlottesville,
FOR Information and literature on farm
land and Irrigated fruit landa Idaho. Ore
gon and 'Washlneton call on us, or writ
us ISZ Neville block. Omaha. Neb. Sher-
,wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Young, local
POULTRY. Dairy or Ft uit Ranches. W e
have anything In the line of ranches, im
proved or unimproved, from $.' per acre
up, on easy terms, on fine road, close in,
fine water, on R. F. D., route. Phone ser
vice; fine soil and level, good market, can
furnish buyer with work. James A. O'Nell
Maryaville, Wash.
An entire section or In part at ?20 an
acre, near Laramie. Fred S. Hadia, 417-41S
First National Bank Building. Tel. Dona
las 2MB
FOR 8ALF Ranch on Colorado and
Wyoming line, i.onslsts of .W0 acres of
grazing and hay land; ranch is now
stocked with cattle and sheep; will sell
ranch with or without stock. For fur
ther particulars apply to Harry Tatham
JeJm, Wyo.
M Iscellaneoua.
NOW. you Bee readers
what snaps I have In land.
Kearney, Neb.
get busy. See
Leander Clark, i
We handle ail kinds of farms in Oregon
and Washington; large and small
true descriptions and prices on application
Oregon Lands Information Bureau, C00
Board of Trade building, Portland Ore
IF YOU want to buy land at the riuht
pnc. see tne man that can veil it to you
leanaer CiaiK, Kearney. .Neb.
5, ( and 7-room houses. If prices are right
we can sell your property for you.
iuvAiA lA.ii ami 1AT CO
Bulla 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.
We must have property listed; we have
buyer If you want to sell; call us and a
man will call. J. W. DEAN A CO., 624
New York Life. Phone Douglas 424.
Cor. 1.1th and Farnam.
Omaha. Neb.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
Farnam Smith A Co., 1220 Farnam St.
LOANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pay
ment! aeml-annually.
till First National Bank Rldg.
GARVIN BROS.. 11! N. Y. Life. $M to
$200,004 on Improved property. No dslay.
$n0t to S&.000 on homes In Omaha.
Real Fatal Co. 10 N. Y. Life,
or A-llU.
MONEY TO IXAN Payne Investment Co.
$im to iiooi.i n,,ie pic.mi tiy. i . Wesd. j
i.-' ''" IMh "" '- '- . . j
I.OWKST K.XTKS- H-mis. Ilinn.l.'S ttldg.
to lunn on
in. ha I tinlp '' 1 1 rt'i .
Ktiom I. N w o- K lJf HM
i AI.'IIK iii.M'T KOll Ki;'i'.
, good jo-a re I'm in. win three bain jinrt out buildings;
, inli. went cuo of I'loii-me c.n I in
I ootn
. K,.i
Him k uiitiii ;toutil to j.'Xi per i c I .
" ) i ii . i ; a- in.
' m i nn :i Si
.,: ..,i' i.a4i;it i , . ....u ,.f Ihi i
hi st to ns' In N hiak.i. une l;i; modern
ani' lw' K"ill,'r ' oicnanl. west. In .Nr tlrliaim, which is not scn-
"l'"' l'-n-e ure all in .oiponite llintl ;,.,.ay ci.nsidctcd a' SUnday school town.
e found on the best huprov.u lai .n. U.liiuas f lib d for every session.
wr.,,,r-,;;r,r. svtx m m - '' i-
V'V' I fr! i ll- iil'i h ! found hitK enough to hold the audiences.
. .. .' . . .. .
l.u-ncss In s.vuw .Nei.iasKii town; price,
i.imi: iii t,H.. ,,,:. uuuiuved or
UttVn Oman
suiin t,'4 v v t n. im.i ited ID1
, feulto 6.4 .. V. t.lle l.ldj,. ed
CUOSKU caniaae .r mnet hack, h.n.lau
let mur. bin nil.- iw.,1 hv Cunning-
ham ami sold new fo, 'il .oo. i his cainuja
exchange. It fot noises o. lor vacant pr.p-
city or for Wisierr hull Join, sun, Dan-jniid
forth Co.. S. W. Cor. lihli ami joins sis
You Want a Farm
tile oilier fellow wants illy propet ty or
bend us full dect ibtion
i ii st and
we win Rer ou a trade.
Siiiitf r.'4 N. V Lifd tilda. Red liJi.
TIIH o.v tier of an Iowa liti.n lives in
Oinnlia ami wants to sell the farm. There
are acres, J, J'2 and inllis fiinil three tow ns; 11 I . i-n. 1 phono. ' , mile t .
school; spicnoid Infill: eooil 6-r. Iious.'. witn
cellar and well; barn fur Ii horses; KTahary.
CiO'llcrihs I.elw I'tinile linwtlliv- i.i.H hill,,-
uritss pasture;' uood orchard "and small
fruit; price for quick stile; $l.s per acre
UlMtl . ""i,,'"'"",'"1 K"hK fl .'"? "''.
houso :tk part piicment. Address L I.M, care
G. A. LIN Q I EST CO.. In.". PAXTON 11I.K. '
V TTTCITI1V Suit t& UP- Krut
t. 1AUUL .JhM, Building.
TMJTTC'Gt.'Q Suits. Tuxedos, full
1JtXiljOlJkJ Riiltit allfflitlv used. I.n.nrhtl
fnd ES!dmRa' S1 N" l7lh eiu lJous'
las OifiO, A Wt).
HARRY" MARTIN. R. in. V. S. Bank Bid
KILLED labor commands high
and ood craftsmanship Justifies it. See
J. A. KERVAN. TiOS-oiO Brandeis Bldg
RKLIABLE. to order
Sioux City and Omaha. Still sticking lo 1
Sioux City, where other OmahinV have i
failed. See me -t 109 U. lkth St.. opposite
postotflce. '
BEST H11U KS paiii for second-hand fur
niture, carpets, stoves, ciot.ies shjet. Pno!
Douglas btiol.
BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni
ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Phone.
Douglas 3s71. ...
I BUY", sell ami exchange second-hand
good. .Sol Rosenberg 11)3 S. 14th. Doug. iS85.
BALTIMORE 2 l-tiaiid' store pays best price
for 2d-hand f urniture" ciothet., etc. D. 420'.
SECOND-HAND c"lh'iig, party, afternoon
idretsrs. John Feldniah.D. ills or lnd. A-2wti.
(it)OD PRICE for second-hand clothes,
shoes and furniture. 8ELNKR, Duug. R401
NEB. FCRNITURU CO. pays best prices
for household goods. 620 N. lBth. Red 371i.
.11" ST starting business; second-hand fur
niture, stoves, etc; hlprhest prices. Douglas
liOO. A-4:3. Call Lieben, 1117 Dodge St.
WANTED To. do painting and
hanging In exchange for rent. George
Whltton, 2720 Howard St.
A STRONG capable man and wife want
work on a farm. Stpor, 6o4 N. 27th St.
South Omaha.
GOOD cave wl.l be -given furnished home
and premises by reliable couple for use of
same during May and June or longer. Har
ney ai4. j
" " IT" I
We Are Getting Numerous Uails!
For Houses of All Sizes. List With Ls.
R24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1B99.
Real estate transfers for April B, 110,
furnished by the Midland Guarantee it
Trust Co., bonded abstracters:
p. H. Pampel and wife to George
B. Gafford, lots 14 and 1.1, block E.
Wilcox $.3,000
Ralston Townslte Co. to M. Spader.
lot Z7, block la, Ralston
L .1. Gregorson to C. rt. Hibbard, lots
6 and 6, block 10, Thomas Sears....
Charles S. Huntington, et al. trustees,
to .1. M. Hansen, sVs of lot 1.1
P. W. Kuhns and wife to Miry T.
Ryan and husband. e40 ft. of lots 9
unit 10. block S. Bofd's
Hugh E. YV'allace to James H. Thorp,
wExi ft. of lot "C," Hasiali's 1.700
J. L. Burgess and husband to Samuel
Rees, Jr., lot 18. block 8S. Dundee
Frank A. Furay. county treasurer, to
Security Investment Co., lot 1. Gis's
Security Investment Co. to Abraham L.
Patrick, same..
A. L. Patrick and wife to Anna C.
NelBen, same
Lucy Jackson and husband to Anna C.
Nelson, same
United Nat. Bank of Omaha to Anna
Nelson, same
A. H. Benton and wife to Anna C.
Nelson, same .'
Edwin K. Bralley, sheriff, to A. II.
Kxi.ion. same 2. MX)
! Neb. Nat. Lank of Omaha to Jno. N.
I Crawford, lot 4. block 2. Sunsei 2
' II. M. Stokes and husband to Jno. It
Webster Co.. lot 11. block 2. Potters
Henrv Graack and wife to Carrie B.
Bowen 1.300 j
M. M. Butlerfield. t a:, to uscar it.
Anderson, lots 13. 14, and 11. Kinds'.. 1
Iuna llelsler to D. V. Sholes Co..
lots 1 to f, T, and s1-, lot , block
12. Wilcox .
Edwin K. Bralley. Hheriff, lo Joseph
V. Kaspar. wXJ ft. of eW ft. of , lot 4.
block 11. P. E. Rogers 1.467
Louis M. Guns and wifn to L L.
Strawwhecker. lot 13. 'block 4. 1st
add. to Fowler place 200
hereby given that the city council of
Hebron. Nebraska, will receive bids until
2 oclock p. m., Tuesday, April 19. 110 for
the sale of the following bonds and securi
ties. Issued and to be issued ny ssld citv:
H2O00CO water extension bonds, dated No
vember 1st. litflf. bearing i per cent Interest,
payable semi-annually, In denominations of
$1 Ooo eaoh, due In 20 years, but redeemable
at any time after five years. $4 500 sewer
system bonds for sewer drainage, dated
November 1st. lis, bearing & per cent In
terest pavable semi-annually, In denomina
tions of $100.00 each, due In 10 years but
redeemable at any lime after five years.
$I0U electric light bonds, dated April 1st.
IttlO. bearing t per cent Interest, psvahb-semi-annually,
In denominations of lamOi
each, due In 20 year, but redeemab e al
any time after five years. Bids will he
received for any portion or all of the
bond, according to denomination as herein
specified. Citv reserves the right to relect
..... .ii k. rimed this 2stb day of
..-., .oi.i ii ' MKriS Citv Clerk. C.S
M. PMITH. Mayor.
will Open Two Days' Sunday School
Conference in Omaha.
, KiriHlhr (nnimlttee of. .NetirasUa
Male Munilny fchool Aaam'laitlon
In ,lcel with World'a
j Inurlnit I'art;.
Wolktis In the Worlds Sunday 8ihool
touilHH puny, nlio lslt Oinaha bundny
ami Monday, a:e tneelitig with groat flic
i in their conventions and cutifctcnc
.in clllcs they lme limited. In two mouths,
I from Murcli l.t, t lit y Hie to isit eiijlilccii
; I'1'" 'P'll cities. Omaha helug the faiihe.t
tij a i',a:'iilu of Sunday school childi on
ias held uith AK) In line. Characteristic
of the hoihIi. a numlirr of the mrmbcis
!of the iim-ii's class:s pp-are1 In the pra1
Ion luuselmck and bunOd and banners weie
1 , ,
much in evidence.
! Muhtle lind W men In line, and It was
liecfssarv lo ke. n two loeellrms aoinst con-
sianlly to at (.omiiindate the crowd'.
!!"m ls 1,1 Kansas City. Kan . Wedncda
Thursday of this week.
I Key. 11. Meyer. slthoiiKh advanced In
j years, ta siandiiiK the siiain splendidly
I :i:ul Is brim? met with ureal favor and en
ti,,iiasiii at every point. Dr. Meyer is
carry inti out In this lour lii repuiatio't
of bciiiR one of the ureal preachers In the
world. Last year he .spent six months ill
' touring South Afii'.a In the inlerests of
: Sunday school w ork.
i l;cell I. cuds III Suite.
' Prof. o. lOxcril, convention leader of
'sons, is dtiiKlitliiK the people. Ho has with
'him an accompanist. Mi. ilopcr, whom he
ipionounces one or the best pianists In this
' country.
Sunday school people arc awaiting w ith
much interest the addresses of Mr. Marion
Lawiaiiec. Mr. Lawidtue Is a speaker of
most pleasing appearance and personality,
and Is .-aid to be one of the most practical
! Sunday school speakers on the platform.
During conference In Omaha the executive
; committee of the Nebraska State Sunday
1 School association will hold Us quarterly
session here. This committee is made up
jof n,lle W(,M kllowIl business men, four
' of whom are prominent bankers of Ne-
i....,Lmi Tlmv i-a.ii-o,i..I I n I .idntinm ! na I ii.n u I
!ovKaniatlon affiliating one with the other,
j i , u
, in ACUIHMia I IIC tUlllll.. KBSUl ... HUM ir- l..
unit. All the Sunday schools of whatever
i name or denomination are entitled to Mie
I benefit to bo derived from associating with
these organizations.
J Vlb Ulllllll VVlllVJ
Ahead ot Schedule
Members of Staff Arrive at Depot
Too Late to Meet New
Brigadier General Fred A. Smith, the new
commander of the Department of the
Missouri, arrived In Omaha Wednesday
morning to assume personal command of
the department, which since March 18 he
has exercised from Fort D. A. 'Russell,
General Smith arrived on an early niorn-
Ing train that reached Omaha ten mhjutes
ahead of the schedule time and was met
at the depot by Messenger A. V. Stay of
Department headquarters. General Smith
at once took a cab for the Loyal hotel,
which will be his quarters for the present
and until the arrival of ills lamily, when
he will make an anttemeiits for his perma
nent home in the eit y.
, General Smith, after gelliiiK himself set
tled at the Loyal, visited army headquar-
where ho was erected by the. deriart-
ment staff. His headquarters will be in
the rooms vacated by Geneial M. rtou on
the second floor. He was unaccompanied
by any of his personal aides-de-camp or
family. They will arrive In the city later,
probably before the close of the week.
Home Industries Also Boosted by Dlf-
fereut Speakers at Real Ks-
tae Meeting.
H. H. Claibourne talked to the Omaha
Real Estate exchange on "lxiyalty to Home
Industries" at the noon meeting at the
Commercial club. He contended that
Oinoha people were not as loyal to the
local 'industries as they should be, and that
a great many wore not even aware of the
number of concerns that supply every day
nefds of Omaha people. Members of the
exchange illustrated cases In which Omaha
merchants and manufacturers were not
patronised by local people, but that prod
ucts were obtained from most evfry other
city in the United Btales.
An invitation was read asking the mem
bers of the exchange to attend a good
roads meeting to be held in the council
chamber Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and
at the Commercial ciub rooms at s o'clock
in the evening.
Other commercial clubs and county com
missioners In the eastern part of tiie stale
have also been invited to attend the meet-
', lng-
A. N. Johnson, commissioner of highways
jof Illinois, will give nn illustrated lecture
on the work done on highways in that
j state.
j Prof. Chapburii, president of the State
Highway association, will have as his sub
ject, "Good Roads as a Commercial and
Social Asset." Others who are Interested
In the movement ior better roads will
I speak.
Otto Kahler, saloon Keeper. Is Fonnd
Guilty In tne Police
Otto Kahler, proprietor of a saloon at
614 North Sixteenth street, was brought
before Police Judge Crawford Wednesday
morning as the first defendant charged
with violating the free lunch ordinance.
It was shown that Kahler had dispensed
lunch free of charge In his establishment,
and he was fined $10 and costs. According
to the police, suspicion has been enter-
Quartermaster, Fort Robinson, Nebraska,
March 22. ItdO. Sealed proposals for fur
nishing all material and labor for the ln
siallatlon of New Boilers. New Pump. Feed
Water Purification System. Feed Pump,
etc.. In the Pump House at Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, will be received here until 11
A. M . April 11. 1910. Blank proposals may
be obtained at this offlre. Plans and speci
fications furnished upon receipt of certified
check for $16 to Insure their return.
Envelopes shou'd be Indorsed "PROPOSALS
dressed to Captain Malvern Hill Rarnum,
Constructing Quartermaster. Fort Rnvinoi,
Nebraska. M24-.-24-27
A Clean Man
Outside cleanliness is less thin half the battle. A man may
scrub himself doren time day, ard still be unclean. Cnod
health means cleanliness not only out tale, hut inside, tt mrens
clean stomach, clean bowe!, clean hlood, clean liver, and
new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it anJ ct if. Me will "Work with energy and think
clean, clear, healthy thoughts. 1
He will never he troubled with liver, lung, stomach or hlnod
disorders. i)yprpia and indigestion originate in unclean stom
achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. ,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Akdical Discovery
prevents these diseases. It make roan's insije clean
and healthy. It clean the digestive organs, make pure,
clean. Mood, and olean, healthy firth.
It restore tone to the nervou system, and cure nervou exhaustion and
prntrntion. It contains no alcohol or hahir-forming druO.
(Constipation is the most unclean tincleanlinr. Dr. 1'ierce' Tlexant Pel
let) cure it. Thry never gripe. Easy to lake as cnii.
tslnc.l f(,r home time that the ordinance,
which vas passed last July, ha.i leen
overlooked In various degrees at cctain
f alooiiH.
Isnirp Itrmovril from (If flee tn
Home, Where He (irnm More
E.I 1'. Smith, tie ultorncy. was ni.i.l. lily
seized Wednesday iiii.ri.lun with t.alns
which are iIIukiiom d us iii.U. Atiim an at
tack of nppi ml. . ins. and was for. cd to
return to bis i.slilence from I, is office. It
was stated at his Imnir shortly after noon
that Mr. Sinilli was then fecllnc, nu.i e
e omforluble. Whether an operation wii be
nrcessHiy It is loo early to state.
Mr. Smith was to have appealed m fed
eral couit 111 the morniiiK In th,. involun
tary bankruptcy proceedings of Elmer ,T.
Kiddle. The case went over until this
afternoon, when C. J. Smvth appeared iu
his partnev's place.
toninilOee Has tabled to Knrooe for
Testimonial (libera re
Former President Roosevelt has been
asked to give a testimonial of reniitd for
and interest in the Wise Memorial fair and
bazaar. A cablegram has been sent Mr.
Roosevelt, asking for a statement by men
who knew him well during the recent ad
ministration. A favorable response Is con
fidently expected.
Two gifts of $100 each have come the
bazaar's way, Fred King and the United
States. National bank being the donors. It
ls announced that "Urn whirlwind waltz"
seen during a recent musical comedy will
be teprnduced nnd added to the rnteiialn- 1
inent feature, permission having been se-
cured from the theatrical company which !
originated the dance. Two dancers will give
It once a day on the stane of the Krug
during the fair.
Federal firand .Inrr After Specu
lators Who Ictimlxril
The federal grand jury will look Into the
matter of alleged frauds ptrpelrated
against certain Omaha Indians by land and
other speculator, whereby the Indians
were cajoled Into disposing of their lands
and personal property for sums far less
than they were worth, and t.ceiptins for
larger amounts that they actually received
for such property.
In the matter of the disposal of their
lands tho Indians were persuaded to enter
into contracts a year or mure ago with t lie
speculators to sell their lands after they
had received their patent upon the expira
tion of the twenty-five year trusteeship
of the government, which expired last
July. The deeds in many cases were dated
many months in advance and formally
twutsd to become effective upon the
issue of the patents. Many of these pat
ents are now Issuing and have been issued
during the last several months, and the
deeds filed-thus giving I he speculators a
tangible title to some of the most valuable
lands of the Omaha Indian reservation.
A number of special agents of the gov
ernment land department have been work
ing on the cases and have unearthed a
great number of the alleged fraudulent
One of the most valuable qualities of Mother! Friend la that
It safe guards the future health of the mother. It ls a liniment to
bo applied externally to the tody, the nse of which lubricates the
muscles and tendons, softens the elands and ducts, prevents lumps
forming In the breaits, and relieves the pain, nervousness, nausea, and other
troubles from which so many expectant mothers suffer. When Mother's Friend If
used legularly it fits and prepares the system for an easy and natural consumma
tion of the term. Women who massage with this great liniment are always saved
much suffering when baby comes, and recover more quickly, and without ill effects.
Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book containing valua
ble Information for expectant mothers.
Great Physician Makes Liberal Offer to People Suffering With
Chronic Ailments.
Peoplf of Oinalia and surrounding territory who art? sulfcriug
with gall stones, rheumatism, goitre, epilepsy, catarrh, diseases of
t he liver, kidneys, htomach, heart, blood or any chronic or nervous
ailment are invited to call and see Dr. Milen. He makes no charge
for consultation and examination and nccepts no cases which he
cannot cure.
This eminent diagnostician has ,'pecialized in chronic ail
ments for the past thirty years. H is no great wonder that hf
effects cures of cases which baffle ordinary physicians. , .
Some time airo "hrls Nelsen of MlndVn
...,,, in 1.. Vlllen to lie treat.! for rlieil
metism. Ir. Mllen cured hltn. as he Uoea all
cases which he accepts A little over a
month ago he recommended Lr. Mllen to
Mr. f. iJnd, Mlnden, H. K. I). No. U. who
had rheumatism and whose daualilei' has
Siiffeted with kidney Ironhle. It'ad what
Mr. I, lnd has to say regarding the effec
tiveness of the new method treatment:
WliKlen. Neh.
Jjr. Theodore Mllen
Ir Blr: Through my neighbor. Clirls
Nelsen, I wa guided to your office. For
some time I have heen Moulded wltn
reeumatlsm and my daughter has auf
ferd with kidney trouble. When I came
to you vou told nie ihat you could cure
my daughter In one month she Is cured,
strong and well and eole to do hard work.
Hue was weak and sickly when 1 brought
her to you for treatment. You told ine
ll would lake longer lo line me, hot I
am getting along fine and Improving more
ti unfurl ions, not imi I v m Hie alienation of
Umls. bill of pcisonal p'openy of the In
ll O MS.
A lari;e nctnl'ci of linlian w itners Im.e
( been summoned befoi ' tlie stand .Miry
n ai v or whom arrived Wcdnes.lnv. ti.bers
v. ill reach here Thursday. Repi cmmuiuIvw
f , om the Indian bur'au St ashlnxlon an
1 f.-.iin the land department are here to '$
j iu the of the frauds wlnoh
hvc s:'id to be very rxtenslve and luvolv.
j s. nie of Ilie former Indian ascitis In bolh
ll.e V inii.ii.-iKo and omalis ret-ei vi lon.
to do your
Ihls is- our second ear in im.
business. Last veal' we served ihiiu.
nnis of satisfied customers nnd we
me drily booking reorders from Uiese.
tame people for tills ear's cleaning
Nothing excels our dusiless v
tem of cleaning by compressed air or
vacuum Entire residences cleaned
in one day or a few hours, according
to size.
Draperies. Mattresses, tipliolster.l
furniture, etc.. cleaned without I'e
movnl. Prices very reasonable, only
8c per running yard for carpets on
th floor. Bug according to ail,
Phone or write for free estimate.
300 Dougis Block.
Doug-. 749, A-1936.
H. H. VEB Minis, Mnrr.
Maximum Steamship Luxury
Six Days New York-Paris
Companie GeWr&Ie
Elegant modern express steamer leave New
ork lor Havre. Thursdays 10 A. M. Express
irin connections ior i-aris sua an continental
points. Passenger have the comfort of famous
hotel superior cuisine, palatial suites, msii
niticent salons, orchestras, gymnasium, eleva
tors, roof gardens, dally paper and every
desired luxury. Nnval officers: man-o'-war dis
cipline. Safety is amply provided for by wire
less and submarine bell signal.
l,a Provence, April 14!La Snvole. Msv 12
La Touralne. April 21 i,a Provence. May Is
La Lorraine, May ft La Tournlne, Msv id
Adill.lonil ulllnsa at !M rslin lKli mrnit
Patllrda.' popular on clltw cibln tteimtri
!.. iu JCL' .'Jl
J. A. REYSfOIiDfj, isoa Farnam lit.
W. E. BOCK, Agt. C. M. (c fit. P. Ky.
R. C. SHIELDS. 1601 rarnam St.
I.OU18 NEESE, First National Bank.
All Modem Safety Device (Wireless, etc.)
London-Pa ris- Hamburg
Blueber. Apr. 21. A. M, ,Pi. Ornt Ms. 4
I !'rev l.ln.-oln. . . Acr. C3 'gPennsylvinia ...Mtv !1
f l lni'lnnnll Am- I'. el. rial Waliiorww, Vmv IB
JAmeriku Apr. so ikiiit'n Au. Mc. Mur :i
imiz-raiiton ltsiia Remaurant.
(Hambiu-R lir.-t. New
Hlia-Carlton s la Cart RMlauraat.
Hamburg Street. Naw.
Hamburg-American Zilae, 45 B'way, K. T.
or looal Agents
raplilly llian you said f 'would
that you are dolus a creat deal of onrf in
curing these chronic diseases and will b
very glad to have anyone who la suffer,
lug as I did to writ and ask me about
your treatment.
t 1JXI),
H. V. I). No. , Mlnden Neh.
The above reveals th whole seeret ni
the enormous praetlr which the MMen
M elkal Co. Is building In Omaha. Its .1
cures or difficult taar. Oraieful p
lent who have heen cured send llielr
friends and neighbors
lir. Mllen of the Mllen Medical oii
nany Is located at 4:'S Itamge building
Fifteenth and Harnev streets. Jut oppo
site the Orpheum theater. Hpertal facll
Itlea are offered for the tare and comfort
of out-of-town patlenM. If you cannot
com at onre, write and arrange with him
for ronaullatlnn and esamlnatlnn at aa
early dale. All orrespondem Is stiictl
private and promptly etto'eii -