The Omaha Daily Bee How Big is Omaha? Eierybody Guess VLATKIB rOStCASl. )'r VI -at is. Iter knd mmt' 'vr has in;: r.ti3 w u ipt "A. OMAHA. THUKSlVAY MoKNJ.Mi. API ML liiTWKLYi: lWtilX SLN(iLK Coi'V Tl (.KX'JS. 'HAXKEK EXl'USEl ix (iii.vrr riioiiE President of Pittkbari; Gtrnian Ka ticnal and Bead cf Steel Corrpacy EeiTCinended for Indirtnirnt. GRAIxD JTEY MAKES EEPCET UOOSEVELTENiN K051AS SOJOUh. r,nal Day ia Italian City i Busy One for Former President and Faimlj. atholic Head Closeted With President Taft Fill SOX ERS TALK HURTS DEFENSE; Alleged Postoffice Bobbers Say Top i Much for On G-odd and Thereby , Fracticay Confess. AD KIT IE ENTITY TO CAPTCES i Cardinal Gibbons and Chiff Flxeiu live Express Berrets Over Eoosc-velt-Vatican Ijusoce. :alls A2CHL0LOGISI , "7 jr-'k 7 i t F.eteiTes Baron Ftxxi Former Italian An.ts.ikad or. USD -AKKEE GUEST KEPT OS JTMP President Attends Dinner Given by tie Municipality. iO'JXD CF SOCIAL IT5CT105S Mr. at.d ra. K-irlt i" lead I are ! t !"'' Write Ircia 7m ! ta e.rava. 1' t Tli f IlKl Uhy of Kr I f l.. in Kom. w a ouilt ii.i. m, l.reced.t k otyk. Atici dt- u hum to Jut mail hd tec 1 f 1 l.ik hotel H JD uuiU lor if- G.ati'm., l.(ili.. Ihr V -b lilt lit ..lC.! At 12 r-'clte k h received IS11 kill- , 1, l.aron J vna. former Lfc.UU. 1 tii-.iad"r kt V aHhinsTiuii. 'i-1 (. hi, tiuglieltnn Ferio, . i,i d it' lurroer preside lit and a few ,.,1,,-t friends at luncheon. At ihe same lit,,,- Mib. JtooeeveU vw the lum-.liewn pact of llrk. JjCiKiimktin, Ltit lfe of Ui .An 1ncB.l1 k.nihkHf.tli:. Tbrr rt t-u-. VLirm t, ia Ui t'kity. L;ei Mr. Kutwet Ml vi 11! to Ui cmtjay fc.hd tn't 11.1 iiti f umi itr well Mrs. ljfiHii- j 1 Ii uih: , An.fru ko k-nd l k.Uii.n fritudK. iiu tm.i Cidlrfl there. At t. Mi tin kfu-riioon M Mid Mrs. Rjunntlt, Mm Lth"l rid Keinut t 1 iidd t-k kivu. I'J ltnr rmnoj at trie c all.- toUiK muMum. Tht- tf prwod th am- ticl lrtich'lutl KmiHiflt k'y Lh iiiuiui;i- ' Uu (arrUc Urlr. At 11 lit Mi. kliu Aim. ;mi.-veit 1 !-'. lii r-in rik. from tut'-ti V. ill li'll.. U'lllllIuM (IH't'lilt'k. jijii.t ility a (kriik. v tiK-ti tht-y tiu.-iHfl mi tl)nr tiMifyinuim. T in .rm-ru:fci) ci.rrespanat ntfc. liu (. t,ini)iu.ino .VI:. KouMtieit li uin Khun urn Uuv jiitinu-cd, Vhr liir.Jr,nifiu u rrt'.iM. t" ret-pt-rt Uie jinvncy nl Oil jou! ni'3 . Tl. crriai: di'v (rem Sjm-zi In 'Tioa, a .'. nee (1 Mt-fi miles, will occupy ih ri-tU'Ki jian of tbit: dajs. Arnvtus ' at t..vjn.. lh HooMveJiB itl proid by titiii iu l'urio Alkurieiu, iikf ih f remli ; f nuiiiw . bei-t tnt y hi mop lor thr 1 du;. at tuv 'Ha i'f Wifc t aj'. Mm. ; Kuuki'vt:)! HHtfl". Mr. luoae)t an antKuiud that b will i rt-t-uv t'wia iLauriiii x-u ' ,-., !( J'U Lhui.. Mi fcruiii vlitej Utvvuwt i of Hi'- L'viit'd e-tatta lifpurtnit-M ot At'"-i ulu.' Kr-ium U.Miiwvelt and Mia tthl rr- 111BH1 br uhiil Mturday, w bn Biy will 1.1. l:rrt lu 'ort4i MaurtEio and join llitur 1 pa rem a ' t albolM-a )L-a Criticia. A jil.m. ol the auuk-iiou in uurart inj iun tind more aneti.inii bvr If th npu diuppiukal i f ti e aucan a actum t iLp' t-HiM-il h tiumtToui. ('n Uitiiicti. T..i! i! in.i cohfiiud 10 Va iiitri. but rxtPiidn 10 ilir hifrrcii and n 10 111 ac:ia cul .1' l.aeif hum of th curdihaiti jri atfly xpiestd dim-fiit from artl 'ti v hicti iiliwt-ii. ttie ctmi i.h lit a poFttioii in any way huFtilti lo Mr. KunHvil. l.ti'.ho hci. ilHt-11 on tht t idt-uct a of Lhih lrifml.tnj. thit lie wa ih uccupam ol ih VV hi. Huusd ai d dt riar that tht itiutch Ir toe 1 iif lilarvd lu a lain juishkhi uwaid tti ik-pi'bidtMit and Am.rick I4i4uiiaib.lii 4;ntiraily i inacil prrsuu on the Hbuuiuri of C'a'duuil Merry IhiI Val. thr jiaiiaJ bat-rttary of Blaie. Ai. ritiimnt rcclehiaxuc i rpoi".d 10 nav aad. " It it not tb rhurcU. but lli privat act cf the Spiinihli e! of Flat aaiiiRt th ooioiwl of the Kouah Kidr in Cuba." Mtrry IxJ Vu.ii. lathe:. fo:nitii: th ktuMi anibaaaador. ho is new iti H.nne. and who often oomplalhtd of th ha.:th: and Wiantful atntua of the Viut'-d STatct. m the Suy of Sjiain 'a defeat, aald lo a : I'iciid" Jt pfni) pi oyidvtitial that my son nhould ht .he m:in to bumble a S ankre pr'Hidni.' 1 Mraaagra fcdrw kaawirlt. 3Jr. tluwi -vt!t ba. recti vtd marii uica-Ki't-a. pot ohly from frwridi In the Vuu.a ."-luivf t but action, but from poi'ple . UiiouHmul JturoK.. many of wuom tie .mi no: know lluntiredK 'f nmerama from Po h I 'aiholic atid i'i ott tani-a in America out 1 ivt tuin 011 bi Hand relative : to tt fttiidiiumi itnjii' d by th Vatican j have l.iii.. and lt ik afternooL when 1 :, rt-iui md to hii- hotel lie found an Aroer- I n a;i pneut. how h a;d 111 Hum. ho j warmly '' licitated 1 im upon what he Lad' uour, ! mi I' tx lit w d that Atntrican I t iiitin.if ouid endora bi tctton. 'in a-pi t iocm, liL'ifi, dclinc-d to t t out any of iht'M tierama ou thr tioiind t: at ihty only arv tu em tnom ,i cMtiiri'tei. he aerkt lo abate. K 11. f Victor lmiiianu! vimted Mr fluuae i 1 th nn'.'lutifc' and loliowine a pieaa.hi mm ia! t hkt they in.ord to the barratk. of tht L'uiriattaie.' a. a hire they witnied , a lit f maiieui era In ti e afternoon. In company ;th Trot J ;.: i. Carter, du e. tor of lb American .ii.-o: uf t'iaHHical MuUiti- at ituma, b PtIlt toiiMderabie tun txpiorihe the cap u. loi ura He an fnthuaiaatic, aayine: No man can Inspect the ruint of eiaasical J., .me without leel.i.e thai be ia vim 1:11 e the p. ill. p. joe if civilisation." luiununs li utopjHd at an antique Je . ! kioi . which tie lulled forty-three .' tai hi." ai- a boy. The proprietor war. h-d 11. oiu itfiaier and found Mr. 1 1 t.i VI It I. t.ktll. Bii liiwik Tllic. 01 i n : a. a.n reuu erand commander o. .1.1 fc..jM n.t cuuacil, Aru iei.t ScputaB li u w-ttt a depuiatioa. called at bit apan-nit-iilk and cot.terred upon hlrn a bich mi ..ii.c title Mr. Kooaevt.t lered a brief pe(X ,n which 1: tipituwd itauficatioo at the 1 i.par and Jr.aiatrd vpua tt,e prt:icuiea of oio-he; bood. liUrty atif tolerance, ubica. 1,1 at-id. form the bami or rj;ular fre ii.uw..:) .biouebont the oiiet 1 ratisia Orr 'i tN STANTINUI'I-E. i . lalion t.f 1 ur 1 isi, -li i elered lo Netdb .olt t.a broken fiut l.atd lo raeiiTiiietit albaaia. A pi ,1 t, Font tee-n li vo s her, Al:ia her a The trout i kt- asamat ttie liew i,n lintioi tu lit much id and ai xiety i lAJfiij iht govtri,- WAsHINGT'' ; bans cala-d u : house : o la y a N. Apt'.! '. !!! fl d !: ' B ' ss id H.l!. d r b tm. I. -err. for by p"sifl"r.t Tift tKctl With the l'vldH!'. J-t 1 or TTiOT'-, l ( B'tlmtl A tl"! f 'fe' me'-p in Picri'TK- S Bl.d V hS S r'.M..d h- a iarTy of r vjHp!'ni ' l" ik 1 " h klrt. ;i ti 1 ti Hicki' i t 11' I v it Ck- .iki'y i':Mit i..ii-d prefs tn v.-pvM i, rid Jl kf t niB:i- l '.f ir kBSUfF Jlli. p'Tltll rtii li irici(1nl v a rkFufcl. ' ( tic' ' ivr "til Th iv Ti' r.:.irt. v t.rif,s(3 11. fli idnt a null' tun J 'l mf i' r 1 in ii , a 1 t'l' 'f III' !- tkltl'T 1 HiliU li n . f-'-l'' l'C ui:'rsn. f-(inipii.i:-rl tht Ciirdn 111 Wl.lif lil'llti' . tmi u ' ! ii.T'-rvin- wnt. the pi( li li tlit rt ji .!!'! Ar tiuiii jtiH'-iu M I-.- t':i lurt i.".n ('Stfi' lit. Il'il ii' CUICllIlit. A .citi t'-d lit 111 A tilt lllHlS' . 1 h (ificc w ca!)"d (in Fi'-tn r 1 ni I- cl :li (. I." the -Wi'cd th I'.'iluv tl.- uti pl rufiii mi. "T' 1 'sii "I Ml- -dmi' I i, v llC'Uh liitlb' llhd 11" tt'dlltlC ('II t ttt Ft.'tllC Htlll !I.-T!( ClI"' (Jfliltl ' , 1 1 T'f,l't kt Villi. IKTU trid Hit pic iti' iit rind' iv 1 cuTiiTii w k t '. ti ; iuv: Hi' Bank Robbers Are Surrounded Men Who Murdered Two Men PitUbnrg Reported Cornered p.t McXee's Eock. at riTT.-'Hl H'Z. April t. Sheriff .lucid H I:ruff of -Mitpheiiv county ir hoidii'K a poi.w of thi'-ty men. armed wiLh riot pun, in r kdii '-Kt- to: mt-'taiii dispktrt. in su'e mobiles to tti Steuleh illf pile eitnt iiulti f'oiii Mi K liofkK. a her five county deifci.i ( . .'.imi iioihi are leporivd to hiiie Kurrouhd- d ' h four handit' who lhi Tiifcht rcit'hcd : it- 'i tor 1. bilking com Iibtiy in WrK"ei- ?.ocki. aim bho: down and L.ld tti F:ieihl rtiBtifccer and c-h.T. l'reMdent Anifl.ul of th. i.-tr Itatikin? compatii Muni tnoa : " ' lltti ni"ny v. uf otilameU t- t-he robbers. leM tnari MM 1,1- near as w can itanwt. iie. day af.ernooti a much laTBT nuni was taken to u I'lttchure tiank for deptiMt The robber may bay Ihoufrt t th in Bum mill reniu.tH-d in ihe McKee H tck instil ul ion. We ar not offi l ine a rewaid for the ajT't'cheiision of th crimmuis " Foot Ball Star's Wife Gets Decree EtiresB. Wnol Eloped iritli "Tom' Graydon, Harvard Hero, Single Af ter Seven Years' Married Life. FAN FiwANCJ SOo. April A dt-ree of ivorcp vim irtanted todec li Nm. ileieh '.. C'.ra'd.tti. v. lie of Tliornao B. Gradtirf, former HHra:d foot ball mar. Mr-is G'avdon. wh'i diiuplite- of J Bi'c capitalist w 11 h tlriiy don f Hsnioiialue N was Miss irle.n Whitn . 'arker Whi:ne . a niillion of t(.i city, eloped in lWi he was ".tali aTtendint; a York boaidii.i: school. Drop in Cured H02 Products Pork Declines Dollar a Barrel on Chi-cag-e Market. Cwinij to Lower Price cf Corn. nUi'Aiin. Ap:il t. I'liikihility of a drop in th p' i" of at leant on i em wtiicti en ters into tn tost of livlne cured hoe product -K seen in a sharp decline, aver arine II per barrel in liork. on bhe Board e.f T-ad today. Th declin Is attributed in ttie plentiful Ftipply of corn in elevator and the lower price of mis cereal. Pittsburg Wage Conference Ends Union Miners in that District Will Be Idle Bt Least Thirty Days More. j riTTSElT.'.;. Fa.. April f The union 1 , mm! of wt'itern Pennsyly ar.ta probe bl 'wi'.! remain on strll.e for th lit xt thirty 1 I day at bast. After a iwo-day cnnfei-ence the wape acale ,r the union: men and the ojteralor in tb district No. j i.. Tinted Mm Worker of Arm rica, aereed ; Ifct jesterday to adjourn sine , t he t ,niliitrs i-t-f uesirtp to currv on further lie- gonations look .rip towad any arhitrntiou 1 of the mauds. There coal in new explosive clause in their de- is but a scant month's supp the Plttsbure district. of Thief Battles with Woman; is Captured by Policeman A thitif iu a hand lo hand struggle with a steiioerapher w ho alter d.scoy t-nne him in the act of soaj'ching her K.i ktt lue.k. t ied to keep him m an ofii e in th linrker bio. k, escaped only to be recap'.ered by a policeman lu a running fight on S;x leenth street 'l.t m see Jour directory, please." said strange man, as be entered iht offis at 1 oini SttT Farier bank addressing Mrs Kate Maeev. Slia referred Lira to tta telejihon hook lyU.g eis a desk A few moments later sli aaw him open her retieu)., ah.ih was on The desk, and extrael be' purse fclie letd to the dour and scmanied foi help. A Urupgie with the intruuer at the door. In which be overp twert-d Mrs 1 Maasry. follow e J. The man nropj.e.1 t be p.a keibmik t- u,r j struggle and when be e'n3 tti alioet "Eddie" Fay and "Little Dick'" Etrris Own Tb to Own Same. QUESTIONS LAKAGE JCE'S CASE They Ak Intpectors Eow Trunks BootT "Were Locatrd. DETECTIVES TELL TEE STCET W. tH lorelr. 1? M rrr l-tt)il picr ihat Tkrj I1-iii 1ninifititr and v 6 Lid f- ! I- I- 'P.K. i pott II ; Tin". tui'.K-i i and ' li'W sii 1 . sod feflt-'a'. Im.-I." mdn r 1 lk.i ' . nf tin r..n-ft'3 Jl.i't.TTim.d. i-t'cr nt r'ihrir-7-fflcr In v hich ohtam- d. w Yk.. )(.: pol't ( 11 pitiucd k't-r '.ne t uiTat v.kt itif.v ikii rw.s: ct.Kfatu:Btinp tlnir cBpiu ' Bdni'ttit.j! tt ir idctitily . accurfiiiiK c'i.i .d k kial o 1 1 1 t'T-.irrict y of post of fit- lhspecto-y lit tl i rrn itnmenl of tht pnsniierB in New Tori; toila . Now they are itid.ptiBt.t hn tefened to us lay and jlii-riv Tti two a'.'.es'ed bu-- ' 't' virtaat'y cot fessed shortly after then , 'arrest, so the msje cto-K testified, and upon; iliis ttie poic'tiTiieT't W'li! larptly buiid its ens to f.ifct x: i aditniii. which th prison . r a-e bitterly itsinitie Inspectors J. ". .Ho. ins and J 3: ;oher'.F of Washiiiaion ' w - ' the w itnesses w ho lold (if the ac .cu'a mens a:ieced luck of legbj cnuti.ii I; 'he'"..s KBlified thai m an mtervi. w at polio headquarteis th prisoner, w no caiH ! himself " 1 1 : Inik" Harris, told htm thHt 1 t i inspecto' taio don a "mat kani pie e uf work in makmc th ciipture and ac-ked htiw ihty we: ti-1 la trac t li--m so Oiiii lvorti Iti 'liinor.d in Nt York. )Co"t. said thu w tifli he called i t tht luml ih prisoner who insists that is he ' is Fred vick Ouhtiiliphjrti. la" v. ho ha 'been Ki'-n: ifl-d by lh New Ti:l: p 'iict as the its Hue "liddie" Fay. said to him: I d iik lo know how Jou tiaced those funks from Richmond lo -New York." 1'artbee t oafewiiva. "I told him.'' Kh id Kooiis. "that w ob tained an accurate description I rum the nepro who drove them to the J.ichmohd depot and that we followed them quickly after that. Fay, or 1 'uh!nneha.m. then said to me: 'We Jiitue a mifitake in peumj; 1 hem out of Richtiiuiid bo noon. Then, in eoitlnie ttie trunks away w Bhouid lime had an automobile.' urtTiK the name Htirvu w ." the tn HTrectur contitiued, "1 asked t'uniiuipliara what was 111 the bottk- w f.iund in the trunk with the extra f'h hioweri." tools. Jit- lenlied little worried about trial, plycerine.. Ytiu'd better jtrt ttet of Mafc 'Tv been a That s n.itro I'id of it tt fore it floes dJiiai-'e.' 1 imuvd the nitid- tiycerine dow n a w ante pipe if tins buiiUii;." Henry A. Wit. Vnited Stat attorney in New York, and L.. I'titt'-d Slates district attorney a sink in e district I.. IrfTif. et Itich- mond today appeared .iumtly for the poxernme:' MUST REFUND HALF WLLION ; KaiJ-ttad frtrera Hbt e-alaled ia Heal Fwtale I l'a I'mflts fa (!!. t'HliA'."i . April ti. K A.'. V.eid by con sent. tietween the '("hicaro A.- West ern iitdiniia RHilmad Ciimtia.Tiy and John ('. Fetzer. 1-ien.lamm Thomas and Charie I: Kafip . has it wa learned today, ordered tnat the men nanied Khali refund to ihe railway cimtia.ny Srii.tHKj. Ietzer i well known tn t 'hieajrti. tiavine 'been recetyer fo? a nuniler iif Impo-iant concerr.B. I BREWER WILL IS PROBATED : l.aie Jaallre lirivn kmilr t u liluti I aad Tire ltaask- 1 tr. j U ASKiNHTON. April (l-No eHitniBt of 'the value of the estate of th laie .lustier ' Brwei of t tie Ftittt-d States supc-m court is piven ir, ti 1 will which was filled for probate today Hi home in ihiB city with most of hi jiernonal property 1 tx- oueathed to hi widow. Hi col la at I Thompsons Po.nt w ith It contents bnd j aio I:J VK hi insurance ate left 10 bis 1 thre dauebter. Kill I IX I Llfcllt. IIIRC(T(IH Edw (l Hawrley Heada Mt.x.ari, Kaa. Ms aad Texas. f'Al-lAR. Tx April t At a meetme held her tnday of the MiaBouri, Kansas A Tcxa railroad in Texas, the follow ir.r d.rectir were elected: Fdwtn Ilawiey. Trank Trunibui!. A A Alien, J H Simpson. K. M. Renrden. J. M. Jaitise? . Faui 'M bpiefc. A. 1 titegrr. Cecil Lrf? on lidwiii Hawley was re-elected ( l.kurmati of lh ttoard of direc-tor and A A. Allen, president of ttie load sped away tu ttie west with a crowd foi-1 lowine He turned north on tirtei,th and , Fbrnam streeus. V. K. Wiisun. traffic ! tifrictr at that oonier. eae chaae and over- j took. Uie fugitive within a half block ! Tha pob( took his prisoner hat k tt. ; 'the I.arker UIik k lo aacertain the eauaej ; of the isnertl rommettion ab..ut th buiid- i me kaid jearn the ebarg against the man ' Tha rajtiye was lndet.tified by rc i Jk.kfsy. He av bla s tmi a C. C M tison. I j Wiiajn engaged in a fight with t. ! policeman when tney leached tt.e elevator' i in the l-.arker bliK k. but lb off k la! Wl. I son jttened the tiesl man. He felled Lis 1 prisoner witn a Plow or his fiat and vented a aitcond encai. pre- The prisoner will tie held fu: further tn esaiSktJun of bis reco-d. The juia hate learneo tint I Put reitnt iu..-l. Irom CLIcul UlllK to 1 '"1 yv'Uf.e'."?:- t ; t v ,tfri' P"v. II. 3f TAFT OPPOSED TO BOICOTTS! 1 President Makes Statement to Bethle hem Ensmess Men. DISPUTE SHOULD STAJfD ALOKE He a hnieramral i aaawt lro KB1e Meel ( eitrarl I Dim tlrk I .- v1 (inir I ) la the Maadard. VA s;ii.jTtiN. A pril t.. '' snia : Taft .old a d leeation "f fifty buwiny men from lit tniebeni and South Bethlehem. Pa-, that nt- did hot txliev in boy not t and that so tar a h w a c.icemecl he did not btliee disputes lb third parties war ranieU the abropaiior of povrrnmeiit con 1: hi ti w it. ti any corn pa ny. "1 bay not followed cloB' !r what has happened at iiethtetiem at Jill." said Pi-esi- 1 dent Taii i dun t know wliat th siate I nients are to which you refer. I can only Bay ttns that 1 am utrertv oppan d te th i prmcitiie of a boy coll. Kver.v iaaue oueht , o he wttied m its iJie.nt.'C -Ji",ia Beibkabem v. 01 k . not tip to 'contract, then trie po -' eminent ouelii liot to rr' the cxintractB 10 j it If it ih. tbn the contractu ounrtit to o o it without rera-"d o controverBie ttiat 1 the Hetulehem oompany may have with ;thild porta ' 1 Thertfor w itliou: ktiowine anythme ' aiioit iht factn. ) say to you that if lit hem does not do tnod work, ii is for j Ithe povernirieiil to find out M.d act on it.! i nd to refuse it contrai-tr on that pround. 1 and not because ii is concerned in u fipht 1 . or in a runirotersv with tt eniTilayefl. ' 'In so far as th public ur lh- pot em inent or k part of t h public i interested , in ttie controversy be. v. een the employes' arid in companies t hat is d termined on j the merit of thai corl rovers-r arid not , wiih reKtM ct 10 the po "Timent burinesn. , ! T.'tat is the position I orcttpy. It is the j position my adtnitiiHtrntion as far a 1 can ! control it w III occupy " ! Andrew Carnegie is Seriously 111 Friends of Steel King Perturbed Over Eis cal Condition. Are Much Physi- NEW YOF.K. Aiiril The friend of Andrew 1 'unicf it who returned here last riptit from the w sl were quite pcilurlied' today ocr In I'l.y Bical condition. At his. bom 11 was tieclatid ihat bt w a merely ; fiiiipued The fact that he required the , KHHiMiiri'T of two men in kliphtir.g from ; i,is car. and that hi apptarance indicated j physical unreal uiieasiness- 01 ailment has crtattd HHt.l.l WIIH MIUIM. ROOM Opera lar at Marakalllawi a Aeroaed f l akins Jrwrl ' Iron Wrert. MARSHALL.TUWN, la.. Aj.r.l a. 1 Specoe! Teiepran. 1 l:o bel t 1. iieaic. (iperatur in a local trlepraph office, was arrested this 1 aftemo.m and taken tD Toledo, Tama , couiry. t,er a charge w ill be filed against 1 tin' for in alleged theft of a rihp a: the Rock Island me 1. n; ar Green Mountain. Mari'ii I'l. The r.og 1 c-r tuint d sevt a dia naiiuis and s:x (ptals Ileai hay tie found Hie imp but admits taking s'.s pliicw slips from the Pullman car 111 the wreck. A Bee want ad is a mighty big thing. Turn to them. If you til to want a servant it will bniig your door. If jou want a pot.ii.kin it will find, obe lor ou. If ou live (stemetriiEg lo sell, it will sell il for jou. If jou have lost r-oraetbirg it will fltid it lor jou. If jou have found something it wi:i be the Irtt to tell jou who lue't it. I'ce "Want Ads art1 trearureB. You Lave done your vrLen you use one. Everybody read? Dee Van t AJ 'i'Loiie Douirl Just Cau't rre:;k A-vruy. Shooting Done o bv Soldiers of Twenty-Fifth I Court of Inqniry Also Finds that Of ficers Could Eave Prevented Outbreak. V AS1 1 1 N iJT'.i.N . Apr,! t. Th military . court of intiulr-y. which t untie lb last year lias tieen ti'v'esiiirHi nip the shootmp up of Ilrownst i.i. Tex., finds that the ' evidence clearly sustains the cha-rpe ihat ; the fthuotmp was don t.; soldier of tht- I Twenty-fifth Infantry, colored. ! The court is also of the opinion thbt if 1 the officer of the rejrimeht bad p"rfurmed their duues immediately prior to the shoot- i iua. the affray could not have occurred, ; and if they bad pt rf umed the dunes 1111- mediately after th shootmp aome of tl fruilty men would have been discovered. 1 Fourteen men belongine to the Twenty- j fifth infantry are declared to be eliplble j fov T-emlistmtihU Aa to the cha-ae. made by be mayor and elf.iens cf Erow nvtrle. Tex . lite cnurt I is of opinion that: j 1. The soldier of the Tuenty-fifi ti in ' funlri nt 1. 1 iiiIihiI at Fort l.row n. Tex., did Aupuat lu. M. shoot on the nicht tif tnto hoiiB ot 1he town of H'ow ns ill, lev.. (Kcutiifd by men. women and ctill ureu. ktlbuc Frar-k NatuB. a citizen of that t"wrt. seriously wouTiuina the liecte nant or police. M. V. lominpia'Z. and kill ing the. horse uhdt 1 him. ti'tte court is unanimous 111 its opinion ttiat ttie evidence sustain ttie rharies Accord ine to the term of ttie act creat ine tb board of Inquiry its ftndmes eve :nE'.. WYOMING CATTLE MEN RULE brwrn' tmarlatloi Holds Ita -aaal Krn.ia ia Coin Huaae at i ; CHtYEXNL". Wyo.. A?iril li. 1 Special 1 (Tin annua! meetine of the Wjomtnp tattle. 5 rowers' asiK:iat ion wr held at th coal t , ( hotiae TtieBoay. President V. t". Irvine jne 1 sidinp. A lai-pe numtier of cattlemen from 1 tiiis and ad.iolnitie at ate were in Btt nd fctice aniorip them luine T. W Tintrnou. jeci-etr- of ihe American National L.ive j str,ek BHHociation of Iienver. i 1 1 i The Wy oming Cattle Growers' aasot ia- Hon 1 ue oldest live stock orpanmation I in wj omme. if not in the west, it was orpamzed in the late '70s during the palmy , days of the ranpe cattle buBine and has ', been ac tlie cominuoualy since that time. i Ttie tamed inspector of the association, at On ik ha. Chicapo. Jienver sta- and ' either mai'ket centers, annually tuck un bundled of eptray . naving to ttie memtwrs trmiiBunda of dollar This one feature alon- niak it very profr.a.iie for cattle men to affiliate with the o-eariiraiiot:. Hie Liabilities. aiall Aaaeta. II -liabilities of Ii.. 1 CINCINNATI. April and BMtits or 4tl(' were listed by ; Joseph G. Fliersole, president and trea , urer .of e piano company ;u a jieuuon in j liankruptcy. filed tn the I niled Htate dis ! trict court today. The bankruptcy is I voluntary and tier Bona! to Mr. hloeiMole and . does nut involve hi firm. How Big is Omaha? $25 for those who hit the mark 102,555 in 1900. How many in 1910? Some Sample Estmates . 12. Si". ' imuitm. VA 4W.. ' I ' '".I'll . i l Ml::, i !..r"r.. I I 14" ("Hi. ,1,IM.C. I 142 . I HI! 21 ' ! z r.-i I 14a tli I 14ti PI i 14. S-:. j 14b. Mi. I ... lleien McCartl.;.. TKi TM. S. ei. . .Uuretto Kenti'iiy. m N. z' h. S. 1 1. Kennaid Wallace, ial'4 lodc H. C. Krehhs. VKik N . j.i, .'. W. Smith, T IK N. ',d loharina Hoimari I'lii; K. n Waller W. raheim. P.rst.el' is Inrte J purchaf. i 'll. N. ?4tti Owen itodre's lid N nit h ..C. F. Harrison N V l.if- pldu F. It. Wend law F'k'nsm - 1 r. Harmttit. M-3 P.urt I". t' Foareit. Tli hui John H. Hotiart. Station Tt M. I... Hanintuni. Z19 Bituiv W. J li Kudersdorft. flit. .1 S. ( i Olad tinned ?tlll Vtftist.r H. A. Tub". lhrd of 1 rade L G. Kiats. V. M. C. A Fill In, cut out and mail to The Bee Census DepL April 7 - is my guess of the number of inhabi tants in Omaha according to 1910 census. Name Address SIC J tor beat catimata. tl I r each of tares util bjt In c of tia firat answer txaa preference. Award on of&cia! ttouat I RECEIVER FOR INDEPENDENT Kew Telephone ComnanT in Federal Court for EeorgnniEation. LYSLE AEBOTT EECETVEE I riet.ll? Sait Marled li tae tteor Itialialltiu tenalmr and BiidiI haldera I'iaat ia 1 Be luala reed. T' e iii(Iiehden. Teletihu.i c "nipany of : Cm.a'u went into tti bands ot b irfurt Wednesda y b'ttrnoon upon the a','J'iint i"li of L.dson Rich, attorney for the Title In- j surance atid Trust company, in the Frilled Suites circuit court, iullowine the fump of . its bill in foreclosure in the same e.ou'-l. Lysle 1. Abbott of timuha was aipointed : receiver by Judpe W. H Munper. his bond i being fii.ed at CTi,(Ki. j The title of the lull in forecloBuee is The ! Titla ItiBurance and TruBt Comiianj acaini't the Independent Telephone Com pany. F. Bmsell t'ompany. Vndei eround i Cable Company. Auto-Electr lt tiuniiwL)'. , j Pa."tn ,ir,'nf 'i nrt.ii Foi'eclKiau' e 1 . is brottpht 011 a mtineape and deed trust I for '::. ..fliHi (iecuted Ajiril Z,. 1"T. ana u ' supplt mental murtpaee of Mny t. 10T, to i I secure th bond l.ue of IS '.Ctl .t"? and upon ' I v Inch pay ment ha defaulted In both in stances. This Is a friendly suit 14: recti upon be tween the committee of rcorpn tuition and the bondholder of the cotui.aii . It is ' p: ..posed now to put ome money into the , Omaha plant lo try to put it upon a pby J it.p basis. j I Receiver l.y si 1 Al.tio:; w ill enter 1 poti the 7eceivertiip as eoon as he has executed ibis bond and will have full charge of I the affairs of the concern Ieiidtnp the i di'-'osal ot the uit ir, foreclosure. FRANKING BILL IN THE HOUSE Meaanre laiMd Oraattna Vrlfleee l I' i-Pimitrain aad Their TV idaai a. WASHlXtJTftN. April t, - Ex-Fre clent Roiibi vt-lt and ail other ex presidents of the 1 nit'd States will lie pranted th frank ing prlvilepe durine tht ir lifetime under the term of a Vi!l paused by t he In his today by a vote of U0 to y ent y -six. The measure met Borne ojipoeit ion on the democratic ride. Mr. Sifcsun of Miasmsippi offer d an amendment excludine from the frankine privilep HI political correepond ence It was oted down, forty-four lo eighty-sir. ! "Knowme lb ex-president at well a we ; ao. snouted Bar. 01 t (dorado, "we 1 Bhouid provide an additional appropriation for the post office service.' I M:. SlisHtni then moted tht 1 ecomm.t nint iff the bill Willi instruct 1, mt, to tht com mittee ou pontt.ff ices and post roads to I report it with an amendment excludine political cot responderiee from the frbnk 1 lu? rrlriltge rranted bv th bill. Tht motion was defeated on roll cal. ninety -one t" iik;. many democrat voting in th jnepathe with the regular republican and 1 "insurpetus " 14r.BC i4i:.1. 4n.MB l.rfj.tsMe :,. ism. l.a hsi j.ii. a. 1M K:. lii ut" l.,'i in . lailil? lr.i.Ti.. ..L Tl.': 114 H lit. U7.tst l. tuiei i;.T.K. lr." 711. lliktm. Julia Alien S Ir lu-t ...Paul Hosiwick Anna Cohen. . Ada l.aut: iiHt-n Frances l.itgiii. .John it Pit 'JT. Ju'ia Ahen . . Mik Kaiamaji:, rm-eMt VS e'lail. J'ici: Ii-idr k -l'.'' e'ass Hi N'. lis: 1' N. ll.i r.'-'n s t.::: n ;,v7 W :i tiderson 1 t.'IT, I lofice j-i.r.; Va'i-t 27tt ( to he I'Jt: S 20: h Mary ieiLdatt L H I k-rT-av Jitis. t'a lforiiia Hymn i. W ilcox. 121 s "'id .Marparei B. Hansen. 4h Wemla'.rih Jonathan Fdwttds. Co. t'le-k o1i" C. E V iiipii..s1 rut; V. i,,, Herman tilsoii p.-tison Kositi M stnttt h Tl' N. "1 J". P.. Woodrow. rrii' I'owier Prrsentment Torm Climax in Srnka tinnal Cine Scandal. EEIEEEY EAIT "WAS LAEGE CKE Findings Show tLst Money Was Paid to Charles Stewart. AKOTEEE EAXK.EE MAKES FLEA l.aitl Mli.n r l M arkiaetnaa'k tatapan? Una mo iirfeiae lifler li t httrg.r vl frlliirj . 1 ro T'lT- Ml ii , PI, F 1 ' the ; i li - :;sht:ti: g la:. ti.U.; :.:.(! .nil .1 ' ! w ' i 1 1 ! :i It .isen. P ,1 i tti-.: t! t , il1 w loch IS ' ot I''"!: h N I'lesi-d Sle li'i'i'li Tia .u.. C : H";:-tet. pit ' K' HI' T lil'd ITK'Tl 111 li" ('a' cotT'pa". v umiiit 11I hiiHoa" 1 It most eoan; r Sltti .: ".a ; 1 ill open pn a of Uin'.l V inter, t VVtiihinu'tiati s iSfac rit a. a 1 Mr-: (vrt i:, i. v. thai hi' had ho dt feiis. I" mulit I K charge that la pave a f-"1 'imi tvlie former ("i'Cia ilmaii Mo"rn'isteln. Tht fuliow ihjr in al livev iHte.l form 1 some of tht most siarthhx f, tiding fraud jury's in -est ht nietit nii.oe pub! t he he liiptit : I Thai Friii, t. N Jlollstot. pretiilei.t of the 1'iesS' d Sieel Chi cimpum. uhd pic ' (lent of the Gevrriiin Nsti'c.ial bi.tik. of Allegheny and pi oniiriet th lfl' nt :'ed witn other hanks paid to Churl' r Stewnr: a fir-tll'T Select COUtlCllTIIHU. 1 he 1 urn of rc.MH'. Mo Ie-lared Brile. II That the money w a1- u la ihe usi d m :T nericlnp the yotes of i (nuai'men to pas'. an ord'iibiicf t.annne ihre barks in which H off slot interested a official (lepoi.i tiities of the city's rtrHions It That tht am. net-met t J..i th pa tnent of the tnonev to Stew art ' mud in t tie sprmp of IWIK and tt.ut th" late James V . I'rieiid. a! mat time an cf'icibl of tie. Pressed Steel Car rcrrpany , w as an apttod ' ale in tin : ransaei am. 4 That the oripitia! plan winch Friend had was to obtain the services of WiiUam A P.iakeley. who was then a practlctue attorney here, but w ho i now tne flisirn i attorney in charge of the graft prosecu tions, as a siak( holdet of the brltie money until the ordinance had pasned i, That Attorney t'.iafccli (lecniitd to act in ttie capacity named and warned nil tut4tt rf he rt in it y ur. h'' T,iP'"-'ioii and ol tlie liabiMTy lo pi ohecni ion t it went furl her. f.. Thai mib"(i,.t',t.t if Ml lilakclry' re fusal. Mes-ts. Friend end Hoffsiot com pleted an arvanpeniei t w ith Stewart whert'hy Hofle'.tit would liny ot cause in be paid to Stewai; me some named S.iil.i'iHJ '. That the transaction urn. e'-rantied I" lie made in New York City and tool, p ace there in June. In oi d r, if pnHMhlt . to avoid criminal liehi'ity in Allegheny county, tnother Ruak, lu1ed. h That Hi'ffsu.t did also sola t and s-cui'r from tin James N. "i otti.ti. cuMiiet of th Second Nbiiiiual bank of J'utshiirp, Hi sum or Il'l IW to in paid S:ew art to Itirui th selection of lh Second Nutl'itiul as oil ol the favored e.t depot it orie. B That Sit wart did demand from the in. v. deceased Fraud, who was ai ting a apt hi for the Second National hank, a bribe foi Sk wart s ote in favor of tla hank ordi nance. ill. That. :n accordance with tne finding-, ii be recommended that inda ttients'g tng con.'. piracy and hnii ry be le.umeel. 7'he banks uame-d ss ultimate pi Inctpaiw lu profit by the bribes u leged lo have been fiti id by Hoffrtoi to Siewarl are the Fann ers Iteposit Ninional ba'il.. the Second Na tional hank arid the Get-mat! Na,iaticl bain, of Allegheny. In audition tu iheee thru the Columbia Nations! bank of Pitl.-bing the German National hark ol Pittsburg and the Workingoians Savings and Truiu com pany of Allegheny were turned as city depositories m the ordinanc paeMt d J ulj s, ' JMi ovei the maycr' veto. V iater real ea eaaila. 'I tie pit-a of nolo i.iniender iiiiukt by P:-.'i,idei.t VVinit r of the t m k.ngnia'i- iiaviiigs anti Ti ust company today w. v no p-ss h etc nt.a ion thaii thr lepoit ol tne P'atid jury. lie was ctiaiged with tht pay ment e! f.'li.iKm oribe to ivn r' .s Anut in. a former seleri e .uin ilinan. Writ ti Wimci aj'peaied in t-ciuit.. Judge ft S j'ras". who lit pies dmg in lh" giaft eases, kskeil in bt ' exeiiHcd fii.iin bearing 'he cast. ' Judge Frazet eplaim l that oh uccnit.t Cf his long uiid iminikte' frielidahi' w., Mi. Wititei bt wanted to have iiothine 1 tin with the case Winter was then tul.i. before Judges Thomas 1 ("ci.evini and J. IM Swcartngen and entered th fit mul pa . Sentence was postponed Fiaiik N. H'.fto . I'resaed r't" I Car e as p' idtnt ' 'n.pstiV. on of :'. kind In the cl t in tUi laigest iraiu.ii ra-s of t ; try . l-eeerit ly figured pr"m neiiiiy lu , pi bile ey t w I, he a si i ik v a un ai piant in AI ( k ee lliolll h s SUS'pt lis Koi ks I 'in mi; the lovg on tht it w f ri many ri,.- and niany pt Hi i killed and the sia'.c ir a opei s called tint. Th refere nce to the al'uged plan lo hj . u hud Aitoriai Hiai.elty a i n a stake hoijci is in the full report of the e''h5 ju"., as it is in the ahst-act g vt'ii shoe, kiij the district "i"iii )' tcinght wouid tiu! i-ii.-n.ent lor publication upon !t. YANKEE SCULPTOR GETS BIG SENTENCE IN PARIS Is rreied far HealaliaB Ofrie-er aad tm I'iaed I .r Itallaea aad l.ltri ' Maalba. PAlila. April u-l.dai Ma' Adams seuiiitor of J'itniu r. il. fined IB' I .nd setitenotd to k:k 1'iontii In. J rmohmiil in ciay on th e barge i f bst:.e sesltnel a poll,- officer. Th litrnci- r'f ltr tshoii llirnt lu susiwnded durtl.e lb enot) rut dut ef ttie accused Mr. MkiAdbtm recent y mended a In. 11 given 1" the A-adtim Julien AskiKUta.n cf pumttrs. slid iluii'it the eteniiie t" tame Involved iu a titiaiiel whieh ltd t.. hi arrest. Slattwa px s IN E. la Th N'iriht wta-l- J.ble J htbk4 aad Haraed. . April l Te.eerain i lestern stktion at Moinenrii. heln v lb agent, wak robhed j last t..gbl kuj burned. Tntis is tiB Una. 1