Tin: r,Ki-:: omaha. Wednesday, april g. 1010. OFFERED FOR RENT 4 part f f t I f '- wattaaed. intern. Dav- r,prt M thk xr.tv man: Iq-.h aparrr." :t tr.J Howard, flat la Put na a rwtf. LO.s Ka L l l. .S C. lii. isu Dodga. a new V I- o-u t modern, t room St. Lou. flat, j , finish, gat ar.d .ectric i i si I-, in4 Iocui Sua. Ca.il Web. 101. r. tr.o1 rn Hat. r Fl fine vs-d i ! : t'.nna Harney n(krria stwwawe. A v. I . tfeoeeri. cf TTii Ncitb eege St a. T'O vr (lituit rovm for iisht buu-e-VKpuMI. luin.a.ial br uriXurtiirtiru. caili ji.da affr o .wi.a. Uiij3 ia ClvUsE LNi rok on (aa: rrau rani. Cum)r. la.'ga roorr.i. TWO liftt trnitrtcr-Tg Toomt: ail Zl'M Cl M. thont, Ixiuf. 7ti4. nv3- TWO nlrt: furntl.rd hnikpirg I 'mitil RJrrtic required. 1357 Nortn Jir.ti. j HJ)M. M. m3rn flat. fln ard ar.d 1 larta attac 1716 a. Zr.n fct. rhona iari,r j XtOE room for h"-iekerplrn. f 8 2Mb Lmif.At til. modern. Put'M of 1 room ara r.oi. li pr . Cle In. Ill f. la.b; ft ior norta of nw Morrl tnraur. T11RKE or foir frwl rom L'ortpitte fjf bouiterptTt. X.i L-arnrt St. MOI'ErlN furniKd bouareHr.B roonia. M Utb. LK)uia 6610. rrRNI?HT.U roomi for light houaekei. jig : N. 17U St. TWO roorm for ligbt bouekeping. ZZlt Doug.aa St. HOVSEKEEPfNO and :eplrig toomi. liU Bjrt t. ; modern. chap. THREE unf urnfariad, roorr.a. on par. or (oor. lirht hou laiT N. 17 keHr.g th. TWO modern, furnlihcd rooma. UQua Pa cific St. LARGE light housekeeping room; mod trn 1UI Dwuguua. THRKE fin hrht honkeeplrg room; fuil floor, gas ar.d kaib; block from car. II tHM Ohio. P.'d 11 4 FT-RNIsHEU rootr.s f jr light botisekeep- j Irg; modern except heat; toilet, bath, hot i and coial waier, cookicg. gaa, etc. Newly 1 TWO file aulte of light room, roodern. jyt) Harney. bouaekaeping HOUSEKEEPING room. trlct!y modern bcuae; no children. 2744 Davenport. THE MA NX" EL. rt and Howard. 4-wm; papered, palnud and fdinianed Lbrougbout. a part matt. m. THREE light, r.awly-furniahed house Veepiig room; rent reaaonabie. Inquire !417 Howard St.. room C. third floor. MODERN t and S-room rottage; fur- Muhed for houaek-epicg. B-l-S- Jilji, Cai- I iomla. NIC'ELT fur-Tithed light rcoTi: gat. hath; reasor.ab.e. housekeeping 3KT Cast St. K1RNISHED a'eeptng rooms. hoiisekeeplng CU 8 lath. rooms and MODERN houaekeeplng ; cooking gat fur-! varied: isundry pr.vLeges; also parlor. Zi71 St. Mary Art. , , . " TTTIl 7 : Z , eXR RENT-Hcuaekeeplng room; Orst f.cor; II per week. Cll S. ltth. TWO modem room for housekeeping. 1 fumithed or unfurnUhed. Call Tuesday. ! HH N. r.t. FURNISH PTD rooms for light housekaeo- r.r- til H KmH ' LA ROE front bsemeDt Housekeeping. CIS N. 2uth. room for light 1 THREE furhfthed housekeeping rooms for rent. 40 X. Ut. SUITE of housekeeping rooms; also sleeping room. Ilia Capitol Are. HOUSEKEEPING . ltth. rooms, modern. w! ROOMS for light housekeeping, and double. IMS Webster bt. tingle THREK nicely furnished roona. 71J N lath eH- housekeeplng FOUR rooms for house Veer lnc first Loor. tiA2 Harney et. Walking distance. REFINED couple, no chdrr kttcfen. pantry; use of piana. kave parlor alone, mi l-oug aa. ; Ptrlsr, Can a, so NICELT couple; no f 'imished children. rooms far n No. linh refined bt. NICE. modern housekeeping easonable. Mil Burt St. all 6o. BJ, I tultt of housekeeping rooms. HOUSEKXEPINO toomt. cheap. !4(h St. 17U N. ; i IAROE furnished front room with small kitchen OA main floor. S.01 Burt Su FOUR modern elegant housekeeping rooms very reasonable; no children; on b.ock from rar. tl So. 4ih St. CLEAN, furnished1 room for housekeep rg. nice ce.ghborhood; ti per month, ill N. 19th &t. HANDSOMELY furniahed apartmenu: large cool rooma; fjie lummer place; a-1 modem. IM &. eat-O. 1.ARGE front room, housekeeping; month. 1911 Leavenworth. TWO room with gas; Dodg Si. H per week. TWO front rooms for 1-ght housekeeping. L39 N. 17tn. ONE housekeeping room, modern; also f jrcuahed rooma 24t9 llarr.ey M- TWO excellent rooms, 1 u. 114 m. Lat. gas range, mod- TWO or three rooms, complete for ho keepng X.I DavenporL lAHIE furnished front room with alcove. 1 '.c;,.' jnouern. 11 Capitol Ave. SUITE; n.eely Ca:t-jl Ave. furnished, gas range. L-l TWO nlceiy . furntstiej housekeep.ng . otiia. modern. C2 S. ata SL lOL'SKKEEPIXG room in s. lsia Chicago Sc. and (leaping rvi pleasant connected tnfurnlshed 0.1 eieeping ioms; aio one cice.y fu-- r-ned room; modem and rcaaoLiabia. Z'Ja . 11 1 SL liiilT housekeeping and sleeping room j loic. 1 lol'ERN furnished houekepir.g ivoma. .-. lsth; Douglas C1. 1 wei p.- three nicely furnished rooma. 'otplete for light housekeep.ng. t.i per iow.,. jt.j I 'aver port St. t NFUKXISHED. - St ground floor. S73 Har- MOI'.". h juseaeep.r.g room Jtwl Weo er Sr Phone Dougias iil L.4RGE front room and a.cove; f urisned 1.1 sirtctly modern nous able s:i Dog. A-Jwl. elegant ly :; reaaoa- w,Irataaeel gasaa ITll'R pleasant unfumtahed rooma; gas ard bath; oa two car line. ?.ej N. 3oth St. HOI 1'WO N. Ktfe back f-oosaa. (7 per month. lath. Wiuklng FOUR-ROOM TaL 147 H I aiaboo. Phaa Hara t!J. TWO or thee unfureuabad roe ma. aoodera i Dodg M. THRU tetn. iarg. asedera room. m Ka TWO err peasant rooms for lu.ht b keeping, fuiblalied er uof aiaut.e. tjidtj r af'er 1 o clock inruugh week. Z2n N. lata bL - tail tae Reaeee a ad Cwttage. HOC!. rooena Harney and Tweety- Aauif Jiil cai.f jmia SL OFFERED FOR RENT Meases mm4 I utltfti L eetlaaed. nK RENT-.- r.ci.y ir.ol"i :-r-'m r.ujw. -yj:e ki.an.i from lH.1f s car ..:.t. f l-t: Prar.de. a b.dg. tfi' y r.w. -n L. - K J. '.a .-es I le-K'joM trick house, gas. latn. fv.rr.'-e. ,lui;itiy, a-r&;es, ,1 modern, r-rst 14., k)i on premises. :.': Capitol Av. J FOR ! a: 1 & RLNT-i-i r or:.s r r in4 j..-e at .-.it r'".. ,n tne rear, i i; -.; t. ...sesetpi.-.g up- " HOUSE-Peter In Co. N.T.Llf Bid t KM?, 2 full iota I room, c.oee ir. 11 I rwmj. 2s-.h. near Capitol 22 C rooms, all modern S a r.n.. tr.ca a. modem a loon,?, i I m -.-m. tr.c I-A.NL AND LOT CO.. 174 N". V. L. .'a li.iis Kfd 1 CHKAP htM-tr for T-rwm bj-ie, r.l N -th Af . m'iam eic ;t r.a; In com-p.-te r-;i.r. new r. jrr.t'.r g. cemented bas nirnt. !a:.r. Jiy rtxiiu. Api.jr at K'i N. J:n fc"t- 1; JU4 i.ot. lui: :t..vT- I a.-. J I atr.. I." ;T S M . 4 rvKim f at - w. i: nriM.N. I -oard "f 1 ra 3 OiJl ' liUl'SE K K KKXT 117 N. m -d-rn icii.i. I'd N 4"t h St.. irnj:rn i-.v;.. c Ma-"Ti St , W. Jt ..L!UN. iu r AllNAM K'.'M? m.Hieir, n f.a: ait' ( id 7 heat. c!or l-n St. K.ue 4 ro-t":. rr-'.-rn, a! new nrrrg and iX'luork rew.y vamlf.'.nl, water paid. :..4 N ls.tr! S: . r.4 PKTEK TRV5T CO. C.rr.'.irtd F'r N. 1 L fiA. IV5ug S. S: . U-jr g'. ore I'io- k frcrn rar 1n,e. rr:im t:t:a.:v. Tater ard gita. ri'.rt ard ta'k stair WILLIAM L tVII,ruX 4!" K.rt-.tch Bik. I'uj.:a Si'C. hOUStHOLD GOOUS r-acccd Torwardedl CheHu frt.ot rate; moving' and aturlr.l Li,ruimui ueilvao Co. rL LKAg. XH, HUl'sti tUta. Garvia Broa.. IJ N. T. L. OMAHA Til 4k moThce Oev. 9ack. npyra, tora. h b. god; aturahoua. U2-M H ttia; ctllca It aV lilh ax. 'iu Lmugiaa j j. t AP.E TOL IN TX'JIBLET LET IS MAN. j AOiC YOLK KtMAU PAINE. HOsT- WICK i t-LATi-R. Tri TU N. V. Lii E. CARPET CLEANING Vat-- On ana Wn x siurkie Co lei. L. lnd. A-Lw9. nni-erc m a ail parts of tha city. JVJ t3i3 cu a em.w at Co. Be B.ag. STRICTLY modern 7 -room r.oue. IM arru St. near i-Hdgo su; cr Lr.e; i 'John t-l.tl. Brar.ueis fc.flj. I room brick doum, ail mowa, north part of city. 4-room, Lrjt Loor apartmeev. 13 N I cice rooma, 1:7 Clark SC. 19. Utb ,C. M. BACHMANN. j 44 paxton Bla. Teia. H. lUa. He. V. SM. ! VT ERN MiamL a ar.d a-room cottage. ZL24 HOUSr. lnauraace. RingwJt. Barker Blk. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE RENTING. Save, tin e and money, ail s.zes, aM prices. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & SLATER, U Floor, N. 1. Life Bidg. t-ROoM. modern. 1-0 Maple St. 917 -- - j .RoOM HOUSE, all modern. lArge lot, 'plenty of snade. south front. wLl ar.l for K . Ca'.l at Cuming SL Telephone 3 uirieee. LARGE and email office rooms on lit S , t. oppoaite poetoitace. UTt N. lMb 6U - end ti CONRAD TOTING, ttll Dodge at. i I'ESIRABLK off ice room. , H Bcird of Ti4e Inquire room lera FOR RENT Modern a-tore room. No. Kg N. Uih fcu. Hotel Lolal Blag, apply Loyal hotel office. ! KX'iR RENT tiood store room with larse Cellar. ;4s.V.'. in gol location for gTocery and me-at market, Lincoln. Neb. Addrtts . iX Lut.e blcnk. Lincoln. Neb. : Fan, ara Harnry Su4. bt atse Liat ft. 'Phons STORE ROOM, comer N. li.h and Nicho las. N. ltn has a future, inark it. See , Hook, llul X. 11th St, 9 to a o'clock. I ; T. J. ONE-HA LP STORE. 16 Leavenwotth OFFERED FOR SALE Vara Havre). DON'T BORROW MONEY furniture, piano, aauary. etc.. until ' THE J A. HCTTO.N CO, alt-ili Pax;n Block. FURN1TURL of two flats. and 7 rooms. A ba-gein for c-h. Oaner leaving city. 1M7 Leawnwortn. third floor. Pnone lK'UK as Kewaalear Heeaea. ONE 4-ROO.M. PAYING ,70 NET Per month, and owner reserves own living rooms; centrally located; snap at do NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Suit CI N. Y. L.fe Bidg. Red 19. Hardware. ' John 1 PATTON-EOWM AN HDW. CO. ! AGENTS P. A F. CORBIN BUILDER MJl! HARDWARE. CONTRACTORS' SUP PLIES. IbLi Far nam. l'hone Doug stol Maatcal lastraaaeat. FTMPHONT Grand Columbia Grapha phone, splendid IcsirumenL Priu fx and never sold for lea Will eel one. waica is brand new, ana in perfect condition, for t.?d Good reevsoa fM selung. Addreaa, G-14. be. Tra-ewrrearw. PX"OND hand tjroewrttar acid, repaired. Central Typewnur Excaangw. itfdT rwinar. Typewriters for Rent SLFL 131 Fdrriim St, Omaha. BtiacellBaeaa. FOR SALE National cash register, with tape, amost new; cheap if taken at ones Address K-MS. -ara Be. CLOVERSEUD for sale; W bo. cholcs rr.ed. red eed, must b fco.d h- W. Muir. GuLhr Center, la TYPEWRITERS ( s..ehii." i.sd ari,l reba.lt Uncerw.d. Olivers Rea.ir.gtor.s. Sn.itn lTemiei, iMonai. l s. L '. n..ths and o'.her n. aj.es 1 u.l s-ua-.irif-e Pri.ea . and H mai.ula -tu'er iK. r.d i;i l.e-t t-n:al pnea liwia ovr our sVaK b.f.'re buying, or write 1 for our t-aiKain !it. I 's:rit,uters L. C- :ni.lh &; two- T' r.ien. B. F. SWAN.-ON A. CO . IN'i", 131- Fartiam St Otnana. N-b. THREK i, .at.-r inch cable for sale. Apply George K Wrg.'.t H.-e bi in Foil SALE H TRAD pneer J 1 fuse faiti is a snap f "-1 1 an ua. wang.r. llariev. la. J-1 1 er.?me. 1. T. J. horse This Nfi- BALL'S safe pen uaad. 121S Paraan 1 FOR SALE 41 H P HART I'ARR GAS- , IOLINE KEildM-M. TRACTION ENGINE I WITH JvH.N I'EKRE PUW CO. -14 IN I 1C.ANG ILOvV B0TT0MS. Uaed a uri of! s-aon. Lai.cla at Beiievue are too wet and , sandy for big engine. W 11I be p:ea.ed to 1 show same tome ana at j;er 01 and : hotel. H. T. Clarke. ! HED CORN that will grow per cent er better. Calaioat fra. Aye b-os, Bia.r. Neb. Wat HAVE aaad a a a ache ai ma rels wbscb we win a a at sac aa.ee- Taey are tia tor ra's waiee t sbaa Call a4 nwuvsa Bee PuLI-aoiag Ce. ISO.VD-HAND acalea at 1&T Uuai; tvODA FOUNTAIN A aal haaai. aseaihiy paaeaiav easrigbl IsiieaAl bi OFFERED FOR SALE ! M lerella ifM rl!4. tRi'QS at rat prices. freight paid ea all C order; catalogue irea. boeraiaa A M CoaMil Drug C, oaravb. Ne. FOR IALE-.Niw and H-nand billiard I and pool tta. ma kau the wo-id ia er.ee i bar t.siuree, tor payments Bruns wick -Baiae-Conenoier. K. Mam 1st. SCHOLARSHIP sa lewd rg bust new rai Mr (or aa at (aouaL Addxe P k T.U.WL1IU01 Vil caaa. Bank Counter. Mi.i V or a. ato. PAPERHANGERi. um tba tat 6rnr Tak is.t or&a&m Paata Co.. Ill 8. Uia L.-rat. O-HA.VD oak couatar. tkavnd-carraa raar k. ca.hir piata; vtra w'.tkt about 4 ft-. 41 aha pa; aui fit ronra IB (aat vt4a Can b aa at aioraa &oia. For funaar pa.rtlcu.ara 'tttoaa Ijouca tV Haa atau4-b-s Ca. OSTEOPATHY lOUXEON I.NBT-. U X ! U Tai, IX IM Lr. Kauirta NkCboi W N I. k Bid. PATENTS O. O. BARXELU Fazio Elk. TaL Rad TUl I PATENTS wuird. prom, .ted and S'.U1 1 or cur fet r-turnd. n-nd fvr wun fre ' hfiC'k !.-! I'ai-M 1 ..i'inTit cTW"tioii. 614 7ta jit.. SVanir.(ttyri. D. C. BLryUA.S. t.1 Nattlla Bldg. Book traa, HIRAM A STLRGESS. registered patent attorney. U. o. and fore. tin pateu cured, a 19 N. V. Lite BiCtf. i el. L. IvJL WUIard EdJ). reglatared p-artltloner la C. a Patcsc otflca. N I. L. Bldg IX PERSONAL A HOME far women du..rg confinement. V l.ua buir.ei for iab.e Lr mother cannot care Xcr them. Lib lea kxadd. For itrm add.'tsa klrv Manna A. L. wi Banciolt cu, uuct, Nca. fDoai Lvu.a ML W. A. BURKE tPK.i'IALIs 1' IN i-'lEA.-LS or- WOMEN. I'm ate office a. re-tMriice, 4j.2 N. Z:n Ave., oinnna. Ntb. off.ee hour? to 7 it. in. i'iioue t.pter iN. VK rent and f .r all k.nds of macmnes. lnd. A-iuui. LOJg. lirA NEBKAsKA CYCLr. .o.. xiriii ana lia.'hcy 2ta. aawing PRIVATE HOME during confinement; j babies tor adopron. oood ban.aritan Sam ( torium, 74(1 J1 A.t., Council Biults, la. JUNIPER and Asparagus pllj for duv order of tb kluney and bladder, aoe box. Ctrmak pbanuacy. Ut4 S. Uih. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, bath, salt g.ow and maaejige. ltmi Dojge tt.. oppo sit postotLct, mi floor. I'Col.a ioug,aa .va. THE SALVATION ARM Y solicit Mst ol elothlRg. in fact anything you do Dot need We collect, repair and aU at U4 N. lit gt. for coat of cone. Uo a. 10 tbe wrertby poor. Call pbooa aJougiae txja and wagoa will caut. If you are stiff ering from rheu matism, catarrh, dyspepsia stomach, liver, kidney, gall stones or nervous and chronic diseases of any character, call on Dr. Theodore Milen, 42$ Ramge Bldg. Dr. Milen has made a life study of these diseases and gives free consultation and examina tion. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room 3UB old Boston Store B.dg , 4th floor, l S. IStn St. Stairway on Douglas Su EXPERT chfr.n packer; wed Slug preaeaut a specialty. US 4 Davenport. Ind. B-rTi. STRICTLY Private Home for confine ments, doctors' attention, trained nurse; babies for adoption. Stli Davenport. JOPIE WASHBURN'S book "The r-rm... world Sewer'' at ail book stores; pr.ee. U.H. PRIt ATK confinement borr.e. Mrs. Dr. K-icg. L4 N. 24U St- 'Phone Webster Xoi. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS MAS-SAGE Miss LaGrane. 1617 Dodge u; hrs. K a. m.-t AV ca. Basement fiat. Be an Actor or Actress 1 F.arn from CS to r.00 per week; complete course 7; diplomas given and engagements I secured. Addreea at once for f uii particular. THOMPSON AMUSEMENT Co, R.U CHICAGO ST, OMAHA. HINDOO ' stien-tea. TAPLEIa w;l butrl. sue. Br.U. DRUG CO. brace, MAUALll ka S. lith St.. Uiird flsor. CMAHA Ftammeiera ins. Rang Bldg. ABLENE DE vol, manicuring ar.d mas sage. -.4 S. lath Si. Flat , Phone D. 7ia wigs; teepee lor men. GRirriTu, BLK. aba 1 ft r-N ivfc.it DIVORCES obtained without delay or roise; criminal cae a specalty; Tt ears' eipenente. W. A CONXOLLT. 474-74 Brandes Bid. DOUG -S; IND, A-14J4. Sn-lrti A I bocks; Ger. McKeivy New Dep;. Jd-hand ' tr Eng. periodicais. 109 s. lith. FOULTRY SETTING hen. Phone tenon 146. EGGS from our 1-r-jie w I mouth Rock her s, V- a and see our a:oi.k. Dr. 1 Wood and. Kansas City. inner Earied P.y-hur.dr'-d. Come Van Dusen, liu j Rhode Island Red setting eggs Tel. S 91 ' EGGS from s'ng e comb bla'-k Minorca 11 j setting of I!.; i per j0 and $10 per Iju 1 j Mrs Mi-Cru ken. Route 2. Kansas City; 1 residence two blocks west of Iodson. i WANT TO EXCHANGE can fruit for 1 I chickens. Mrs. O W. Horanung, Route i. ' I Box 274A. Kosedale. Kan. 1 SINGLE rcmb F.uff Orrinr-tr.n efgs. 11 M , C pi-r U Roseiaan Poultry Yards Itavens , 1 wotj Station, Independence. Mj. Belt ! Fairmount SI. i EGGS from Uti.'ty Reds: both r-iT.h 1L2.7 pe' setting; ajtent for Old Tn:sty in Irutator; come see Her. at work. Prarsor. Xd Gaxfieid. Kansas City. Kan. 1 BUFF ORPINGTON F.ccs for ' ec per dotn. I hore Han.ey 4" U-rg 'ti SL FOR SALE S C. Buff Orrl'rron for batching, from pr.ze- irnmg birae. wirnin in lH slow. E H Konrr.ev.r. 5o41 Willard sr . Kansas City. Ka, Bll 'pnore West 2lv PRINTING "PHON E IND. A-ra for Lyngatad Prinua Alo, Iaio goed prtntlig a Caottoi A. a l DOUGLAS ccunty saves dollars. erlr. ty having thousands of my figures oo printing. Job T. Tnucpeou. Stef Ha. TaL VA'ea- RIES-H ALL PrL Co, tit. lu S. 14th; lnd. A I WATERS PRINTING C 122-44 & Ut. Miller A Iimiasorv 1212 Doug Both pnone. REAL ESTATE . StKAL fc.IT At te uCALlRI, RXrD AESTRACT OO, F.SL Iat; pra-an ervice: get our r,rtcea. 17at Ftrua tL FRED S. HAPRA. 417-411 Kirst National ban Li -if Dougiss 2Z1A BENJAMIN U. S. CO.. C77 Branoca Bldg, teeo. D. Pwrrtae. 13 Pax to a. Doug. TW1 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRl 8T CO, It 01 s-araaau. Ground Floor. FEM1NGTON-LINDBFRG REALTY CO. leLD. 111L 111 HrnJUi B.dg. New ho uvea. K. E. or ,x- T. C T.in'a ' B.uJva. REAL ESTATE C ITT PKvrKHM 9JR 8 At B (Continued I AMflaVACT OF TlfLK. P it. PADLtlt aV SON. Sa. IM Bt. KERR Attract Co.. . 17m 8t D. KS7. JOHN CAMPBELL 471 N. T. L D. PETER JESSES. JR., TaL Doug. CSX. GUARANTEE AbaLracl Co 1&3 FarnaJa. citt rnorEiTi ron iali THIS SPACEKESERVED. ri.OPEliTY UWXEKS AND HOME BUYERS. Thts r'KnM fr tfc bfit and rnoat aa t-ab.e property l!atl mrtth ul th'.i week. If you want to a-il quKk'.y. coma In acd aee u. If you ant to buy, tt via know ?at you art and vairh trla ai.ace. THE ABbC'TT REALTY CO. 4U-41 Frandia Blilg. Carl E. Bo.en. Mgr. Toug. I AM going aaray and my fcoma of T nlca larga rooma In 'irvt claaa eondiUoa la far aa-.e. lii-a. CaU t&7 a pa ui ding SL ALL MOL'ERN (-room homa, oak finib dcni"tiir. hot atr heat; rery desir aol. terra. onr. JRil Grand Ave. IXVE5TSIEXT J3.000 WILL PAT $JT PER MONTH Two buaea ana full lot on S. Jlh SL : j II (M) eaih. ba'acta rajry tarma. Looka all . rtbl, don t ItT NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, C4 N. T. Life B.OC. Red L. ROOM. NEW, MODERN. 1250 DOWN lne Tery eaay. Pared afreet, eonereta walk, larga iuti fioa naigbborhood; twa blo-ka to car. 6 ROOM MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. I tint raah. balance a tiif! mora tban rent. I Near -a v ad aoxat, aouftbeaat front; saax I car. j NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. CU N. I. Life Bw Pbona Bad 11 , In Center of City Brick bul'dmg; first-c'ass shape; 14 rooms; trtctly modern; oue-haif block off ltth St. In come F.yi per month. Price Hi NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Euit C4 N. T. Life B.dg. Red 1. TWO desirable lota In Florence, two blocks from Main St.. one biock from i cr.ool hou.e. For parUuilart call ownor. 'Pnone Harney S&7. COZT little home. !"?S Miami St.: lot ex 130. fr-rooms, fine lawn and shade trees; city water, gas. tXWO; can make tarma tLX BURDETTE -ro',m cottage with 3 lots, barn, chicken house, fruit, etc PRICE Cot. L:ok at it Must se'l. P O NIELSEN A Y . TtB N. Y. Life Bidg. Both phone. e-ROOM Bl'S'JALOW All roodern, hot water hat. oak finish; 2 acrs on FLORENCE BOULEVARD Price. 7.;; ore-third cash, talance at C per cnt- P O NIELSEN A CO . 7 N. V. Life Bldg. Both 'phones. FOR SALE New modern up-to-date 7 room bot.se. best you ever saw for the money. 12 Ma); Ola) cash and tii a month. W. R. Homan. Board of Trade NEAR FIELD CLUB Strictly mode i dwelling containing par lor, reception hail, dining room and kitchen on first floor: 1 bedrooms and bath up stairs; all finished in birch, nicely decor ated, gas and electric lights; excellent fur nace, corner lot, east front; located 1U 8. 3Mh Ave : paved street end good location: rice verj- monthly. reasonable. fTaO cash, baiance r. G. CARLBERG. MI N. Y. Life Bidg. C4 buys new 7-room rooden house, re ceptiou hall, living room" and dining room finished m oak. full fajeirent. lot MxlA, eoutneart comer nf Srard Capitol Ave WILLIAM lIJwrLCOX. all Karbach Blk ( ougiat 1X0. PRICE TOO CHEAP TO MENTION There is a parlor, back paTlor. dining room, klt.hen and large pantry downstairs, large, tunny, airy bedrooms and bath up stairs; full baseme-nt with laundry; nice r.e- lot: paved streets and right on car une HanHutii park GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brsndeis Blug. Omaha, Neb. Sacrifice Sale OWNER MOVING TO COUNTRY Eai-t front. 9-room house, ail modern: haa a f rst-. :a.-s hot water heating plant, good barn with room for 6 horses, lot MxlsV; room on lot for snot her house. Will accept reasonable can payment and f-rrrs on balance can be arranged to suit purchaser. Inquire or addrees cwner at H. J. Hughes lili N. 3Cui St. West Farnam District Lots $1,400 East front lots, easy walking disianca. The yare v,re a good buy. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO, 1 Suite C4 N. Y. Life Bidg. Red ! j GOOD INVESTMENT SNAP Meat maraet. including all fixture, gaso l.ne en.-. re. computing scales, kettle scd I smoke house. Six living rooms upstairs Will bring a rental of M per month. 'Owner has cleared tC.Ual annually and on account of leavln gcity C sell for 94 VjO i lo? XxSi. located near ltth snd Cuming. , Ca.l Douglas 174 Board of Trad B.dg. a-ROOM. WALKING DISTANCE. West of rtrrim district modern except be-:, lt el'illi; pri". tr easy frma NoWATA LAND AN D LoT CO, . Suite C.4 N. V. I-ifa B.dg. Red. lif W. O. JENSEN, builds hemes right; plana furnished. r.X'1 Spalding. TI Web. fcaa. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS 1.1 owners who war.L or must sell Tu.i.ly. Nctice the space uniVr Residence lr iperty For Sale. hi' h la ours untJ ,s id. j rov hi-d ,ur is saleable T.rcpe.'t . TilK Al.RoTT REALTY CO. 4U-C.i Hraaide.s B.dg. I Carl F.. P.; im. Mgr. Dong ' WILL TRADE ON CASH BASIS Than . v a " M ; i-M v r r l fruit ir-; f r-J jctrtro:, bUri. from Far ( ran i car; ir a Td n-at B.-vii.rc Hal! GALLA(iHER &: NEIM)N. 4!i B-ar.dr s B.dg Omaha. Nth. NEAT COTTAGE FINE LO CATION. JOT, Miami St lot lx!-; rtwlv pspered; fcite mpl flooring, lurre nnmi; c.ty water and gas; fine cistern; l cash ta ance same ss rent: se owner. a!7 M.aml SL A bargain irairTe vuT trict. built on art i ir ml harmonious lire, ha 21 bra"!d new houaea Small casn payment ar.d baic jnerth y. PAXKX REAL KiSTATE CO. VACANT- tn: short d:aran.-e tooth tf Farr.am: ore tf :he test f.al locat.oiv tn Oniana. or i.' ae'l I'nili lot St!i Chicago, larg east front loL paved street cor.erete wa.ka: very enewp, 2 corner iota, conc-ete. wais. ftiad trees, b cel. 1 l-.e snap at 1-V1 On Ivenporr. large lot on grade. Hot. car. t enijii it for tne pnoe. Nowata Land A lxit Co guit C24 N. T. I-iie Bidg p.wi tee -I N. T. Lift REAL ESTATE itv I'anrckii rK she tContlnuad ) CLOSE IN PNAP, i:.79 t-R . tri'-d. r bat . bia; lot; dandy rl lar; all prfrct ron.lHioo; good ardn ard fruit. ir. Mixt to rar. 1111 N Hat SL Pre, ti.'ho. S:io.-a, toia Agent. 410 laiton tiora. Choice East Front Lot Jn Wtl Firrtm diatrlct. If takan at or.e ! tkla l"t pan ba ha 1 at a vrry low prica. j NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. ! S ulta 424 N. T. Life B.dg. Bd 11 IN BENSON South front lot on Evans SL, near Bumham, 50x123 feet; for sale on easy payments $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. Frice $190.00. D WIGHT LLIAMS, Bee Office Tel. Harney 3070 after 6 P. M. REAL ESTATE riRX Alt D MAACH LAMt FOU IALI ALBERTA WHEAT LAND. For aaie, best Improved and raw wheal lard a up to KAVeuO acre en b oo la tbe beet part of Southern Aiberla, l-l per acre up. Ail Inquiries promptly answered. Hen derson A ki inkier, 114 First bl Weal. Cal gary. Alia. Colorado. 49 a . well Improved, on Mofftt mad 14 m. from P. O ; H a tn titnoihv, him native t.ay: 3 a. timber, f.ne pture; aouid han dle ICa) head Mock: adjudicated water right: sttractive but.ding. 1 m. of trout stream through ranch, good report location; fully equipped with Implements, foils, etc ; tele phone; five head t.x-k ITice. for all. lil.ito. part csjh. baiance easy terms. Box Tebtrr.afh. Colo. FUR SALE Fruit lands at farm prices in Arkansas Valley, between Canon City .ard Pueblo. Colo, from fix lo Li per acre. A fortune to be made In buying large tracts and retailing. Orchards In Canon City, at the entrance of Royal Gorge, are valued at SJr4 to Ji ,V0 per acre. Come out and be convinced. Sam Brown. Jr., & Son, X-4 Centrsl Blo'k. Pueblo, Colo, or all Main St.. Canon City. Colo. COLORADO LAND FOR tlALB BT OWNER t ACtut sw.eav acres oi gMMa una, inoexij smooth and roi.mg. use sou. to oe ao.a tn dc body. 13 to v miles east of Denver on tha Union Pacific R- R. south of Watklna, Bennett ana fcirauaburg. Tbia tract lie close to above towna The land la ail fenced and many times cross-fenced. Other Irr provernenvi. House, bams, ahedt, cor rala, private teiephone. etc Good aifa.fa ar.d hay land; a-so apr.nga and otbrr water lrga. Extra good proposition for sub dividing or colonising. No agents need ap- 1 p.y. Buy direct from owner. OAa CJkA.N 1 . r . I. I ..... f-nlA SXACRE mountain ranch; V acre ir rigated; ten-room house, hot and cold waterr dasiv mat telephone, large open range for stock. I7.S0U. Howard I. RueselL Fort Collins. Colo. Tt.GM acres of Irrigated land; . acret told tlnce last March. bOXKt an acr with a perpetual water right. Easy term. To be advanced tiO.W an acre May L The most attractive Irrigated project ever de veloped. It located m the tan Luis vai,ey of Colorado. COSTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO, No. 16J4 Chan. pa Street, Denver. Coio. FOR SALE Irrigated farm and ranche south of Snake river and Uruneau valley, southern Idaho, from tl to $m per acre; fine fruit and ajfalfa country: lo in formation for homextead and desert an trie. Harry Watklna, Box 111, Mountain Home. Idaho. llllnela. FOR SALE Fine summer resort hotel, with barroom; excellent oponunlty for a hustler; aviso new, spacious dancing pavil ion attached; large water frontage and beautiful oak grove with plenty of land surrounding- the whote place; best business proposition evr offered; price very low. Jos. S. Haas. Wauconda, IU. FOR SALE M6 acres lo Lee County, Florida, citrus fruit land for stock of gen eral merchandise. Write John Duncan. Ga.esburg. 1.1. FOR SALE Long Lake. 111. lots in Wil son subdivision. jUx ft.: lioO snd up: easy terms: northwest end of lake: plenty of shade trees, convenient to C. M. A SL Paul R. R- Owner on grounds every day. Mrs. H A. Wilson. Ingleside, III. FOR SALE SO-acre farm, with good Im provement, good location; near fine sum mer retort town, with good lake; good fishing: a barga.n; 170 per acre. For ssle 7-room house on the shore of Banes Lake: 5C feet wttr frontage: cicely located for summer residence, Sl.TW. Jos. S. Haas. Wauconda. III. ladlaaa. FOR SAL& Farm of 171 acre in south ern M.ch,gan: two sets of splendid build ings; f.x-J land. about 1 acres under cultivation: balance pasture land and timber lands. beautiful groves ' of timber. The Isrm borders on two 1 beautiful lakes: this would make an Ideal summer home f.--r Cnlcago people; can give I .tr,me.4 ate nntUbcl.,n of or. a aer of K , t : . . 1 lngi: nice house of seven rooms; two I small bank barns, and nice orchard. Will ' sell for me very low price of .(. D. M. , Best. Elkhart. Ind. ! FOR SALE Improved stock, grain and chick-n farms: close Chicago. C. H. Mar ine. Valparaiso. Ind. Kaaaaa. FOR SALE Genuine bargains: 240 acres Cass county. Minnesota. 9v5 ace. joo acres Sherman county. Kan, 96 acre; It a. rea Cheyenne county. Kansas. IS acre, perfect titles lull particulars on applica tion, R M. Be; tea or: h. Cedar Rapids, la. ! FOR SALE JS.OuO acres Kansas land at ( 1H' per acre, the best c Ionization proposi lion in the United States, or to hold as an I investment. .XJ to l(i.- acres s ihlrrigate-d I r.faifa land can be rrtalle-u at 111) per acre . in one year; no trades. Address R. E. j Spuigevn. o.athe. Kan. FOR SALE Choice Quarter in alfalfa In the famous S'ia U w Water VaileV of N Finnev Co, Kan, for aaie in number 10 u t purchaser For infjrmalion and prices adores H C. l!'jr. Garden C:tv. Kan. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented. ptmg from It to C per rent enL Best a.faifa 111 the wor.d Eaar terms. If not as repn sealed, will r4jia our exi'en--es "0"7VATA LAND AND LOT CO. , Ct N. T Ufa B.dg. Pnone Real 13J leera. FoP. SALE iiw' aire farm, umber, snd m il, ral land in St. Loui c i.inty. Mimes la , timber a'one worm more than ne price, only 94 W pr acre: haif a-ash. 1 r anc mi pay-rents Write Alfred Johns. m Cr. ator., la, Mia rl. PEACH OP.C H A R D We are offering for sa.e a Mm. ted number tf l-a re peacn orchards of bearing ace in tr.e famous Korko,or.g Pevch li,.tr,ct of M.ssourl These orchards are located .n t.-ie vet) heart of the Kj.sl.konor.g r.acri belt. 1: ni es from the ra iroad siat.o'i. Kach t.n acre c otir,a a boat 1 auo Ki be rta Peacn Vrees of fuil bear.ng ase The tr-es ar now In bud I'ui if g-.ven p-oper care ar.d cultivation will yield a heavy vrp tm? season We are offering these orcta-J facts at a very low pr.ee and on eaiv :e-ir. Write for f-ee 1.1 le l rated I ;e-V are priz-e. lerni eic ii ,1'snd Farm r,,i t-end Co. 94: Fietnicg Bldg. De M-:-.ea. la 1 F"R . liel fAI.K- Land ar.d Imptoi e-d farms a-iu-neast 94 soj-i ierd a-xl farms, f r'v lo ads acre, from t'i In iw per acre, easy terrr, Write and tell us what you wai.L We can suit you. Booklet fiee. F. Gram Really Co. Xeeltviil. Mo When you waat what you asm when you want M. say so thr.ugh Tb Bee Want ! Ad colurr na 1 REAL ESTATE FA MM AJD K4.MH LtlSD TO. IALB (Continued) Maaiaaa. CALATA. Mont. land-Land-l-and-l have ereral aeil improed rarchea f-r a e (deeded .and . fen.-ei. houeea. tarn. r-'l'' irr gated, rajairg tbe finejit kind of aifa ta. corn, a.) kmO of grain "d veaetabiea, t.rrher on part of ferm. a oeauti.nl r'Aae rurn.ng thrnugb the Sard, a apiendid p.aca tur game and f'.ahir.g. It u Ideal faim land m an :dai climate, t ftneat tate tn the union- Lard in any ie tract yow want Pru-ea from ei to t-i pr aire Good ruir.quifhment for aale. cloee to town. Loi for a e at price that win be dojbied In a e'y aiiort while, and In a town the grow ing of whUh 1 phei.wnenal. Sti.l aomc g.K) hi.metead. left within ten mi of town. Wnt ma for pamou.ara Tha T. 1' Wiii.am Real Estate Co. Ua.ata. Mont New Meilee, LANDS for sa'e in the rich Membre valley, bargain in deeded lsnd. rei.nquiari honietad and desert cialms, i.w cattle nd ranches for sale. It won't pav you to locate elaewhere until you investigate what ha Write for booklet. It will irtenat you. Addres Wining Real Esisle Commlsion A Purcfcaatr.g Co., Iteming. N. M ST bras sua. FARM BARGAIN. Must be sold on account at owner's health; well Improved HO acre farm rVt miles from tow a. price, CA per acre: easy Wrene J. T. Campbell, Litchfield. Neb. LAND buyers will busy themselves If they will only ask Lear.der Clark of Kear ney, Neb, for farms he bat for sal. WESTERN REAL ESTATE. Farm and town property where rsliroad right-of-way is bought through. Kink aid brwr.esteads. Dry land to com under gov ernment canaL ton t watt Addreat P. O. Box No. laL Uerlng. Ntb. PASTRURE 300 acres good pasture, good running water snd g-d shade. First farm weet of Florence, north side of C. St. P M A O. rail ay. CARL F. S SoRENSON. Phone Florence 41. 320 Acres 2 miles from Town 20 a ores broke, baiance In pasture; fine improvements. Price is $li.tX i down, balance 6 years. 7 per cent, optional pay ment Good proposition and bears Investi gation. Addreae C H. Towie. Hendley, Neb. 45 BUSHELS WHEAT LAND. PER ACRE. We own and cf.troi Iv.uu acres Cher erne county. Nebraska s choicest farm lar.d. now on the market. The heaviest crop yielding county in Nebraska for ten years, a. fa, la also a I'-ading crop. Ask for folder and full particulars. Agents wsnted everywhere Write for our proposi tion at once Railroad fares refunded if things not as represented. Fundingsiand & Severson. Sidney. Neb. Ranch in Nebraska tut acres, a complete ranch, plenty water, all good buildings; owner It making big monev on cattle, but wishes to move to the city In order to get better educa tional facilities for bis children, price. : cut Into quarter sections; this lav-d will soon sell at 15 per acre. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Suit CU N. T. Life Bldg. Red 1991 klaaiea 0EIaAH0A Wf hava MMN scree or eholoe land t select (rooa. rtnglig ui prtct tr fC M et par acre. This la a ia tba U and gas diaurtct and yea might get aa Ml wed with your laML hiOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, gvulte CM New York Lite Bdg. Oresroa. MAKE yourself Independent. An Oregon apple orchard tract of 4 or 1 acres will do It. We sell exceptionally f.ne apple land planted to standard commercial apple trees for tJSft per acre. One-fifth down, balance i per cent a month until paid. This land has a deep loam toil, in rain belt, needing no Irrigation. On R. R, school, church, stores, free mall delivery and ail conveni ences. Write for booklet, facts, location, etc. Oregon Apple orchards Co, Port land. Ore. 320 acres Government Land Free Advantages of Oregon, a book of 5? pages, explaining what each ot the M counties is best adapted for. also the amount of government land open to homestead; a map, ZlxJk. showing a.l new towns on railroad, including eevetern and central Oregon and counties in different colors drawn down to January L 1114; last map in L'. S. A. Also gives homestead laws and costs of getting tt or lejiy acres and a description of the state of Oregon In general; mailed for &c stamps or coin. Mm mo A Runey, U Hamilton B.dg, Port land, ore. th Dakota. LYMAN county. S. o, lacdt, rt to tn per acre. W r.te for map, etc F. A. Mar tin. Oleoma, 8. D. SEND for list of lands for sale by the 1 owner Legal description glvtn. G. H Carroll. Miner. S. D. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND The ruh is on for Stanley county land, seevrai new lints I of railroad now building in this county. 1 Buy now- and double your money in the 1 I next two years. Choice lands selling at ! from 112 to lis per acre. For map and in 1 formation write to Felland Realty Co, Ml ! Palace B-dg . Minneapolis. Minn. j I 1 I MR. FARMER, and Investor, I have for sale in Sianiey count. South Dakota, choice ; deeded land from 111 to IS per acre; these land are first-ciasa, located near the rail : road, also along tha line of the new pro posed road, aou is a deep, black loam, free I from stone or gravel, and will produce ; 3D bushels of w heat and 60 busbeis of oat j per acie. and all other crop In proportion, j when tbe land is properly tilled. There Is no place In the west today that offer the Inducements to tne home builder or the linvertor that Stan.ey county offers. Seeing la believing. Come out and look the coun try" over. Land will double .a vaiu here in t o ears' time. For infcimation write Hudson Land Agency, Mtiiand. S D. ! FOR SALE South Dakota lands, tU to l per acre, near town. For book'iT map ! and price on the moat, brst and cheapest , sd dress L I Hagaman. Pukwar.a. Brule , county. S. D. I FOR SALE by owner one of the brit I section farms In Gregory Co, S. I J, adjon , Ir g town, gone buildings. I-" acres under cu'tlvstion. For further information ad dress Box ZL SL Char.es. o. D. tin rl 1. 1 k....i. 1. . . . . . . . . .1 , land. 12 mi.es uonh of KimbaiL S. 1. The , laid ts fenced and all first-class, lillsb e 1 land. Puce. tH7 'Jt per acre. Will carry I I C5uti agalnat the land at C per cent. C. 1 F. Krueger, Kimball. S. D. I ttxas. FOR SALE Panhand e steers and lands; 'ar.ds in tracts ranging from 15 acres to j i..0 acres: g:d c lor. nation profjj-siti jn ; ) 1 good rami lands 12 raan. la.i.ire payable. I one-half the grain 1 rop veariy. 6 per cent. : Will accept cash payment at any lime. Steers is fallows. 1 ot and - er-clcia. I I.U. la. 2ev 2s All dehorned and hirh j jr-a le. W. A. Logue Land Co, Aimii.o. ' Tn I 1 ORANGE and fig orcrards psy immense 'ptofi-s 'Hue are tne riij money crofs 'Full Lea.-.'s fic and rr-;ije orcnard earn 'annuel.- t o 1., ; foi an arte You .an partiC.pate m ihe big profits mad. in the '..g a:.u ora-c 1'Ouaii y without leaving your pittent occjput.oa or lor-e'K n. 1..ICU..' i.e medium of the Acre-Bonds i-autd by the Galveston-Houston lni.rur nan l.ar..i o uu can become part owner in . cu-operat.ve f.g ard orange growinc c.nari oanmg 1 in acrea of choice f.g ana or.-.g larvd. 1 c inpan la tu.tuai- in and planung ir.ea in wi.l gatjiei ui.d nirke ine croja 1 ne Acre-rvonds are thsolu'el) eafe :.r,l v o or prollis will be laige. Tbe fomjany 1 com p-ed of the i lead it a t'lineM men and banker of Texae y-:e tola) for finnosume I'lus irsied book eipls.r,..g enure plan. It a liee An irtun lian ai M. rnae o, '. Au.er- '.iii f-ar k H.dg . Mi.us' .i. Tex UlU.i'J.V a. res Texas vrh'ol land fo. . sa,e by the sta.e. 11 m in t'i per a re; only oeu -fort, t tn cwah. 41 ve.i. on baiar.ce, 3 pvr cent iptrrest: g'HVl asri. ultura. la'd. ome dorit requir e reaiden. e. eri.'l cents I fo' 11 B-,. ,f Insti riK.r.s New r-.a't La, and de. r pnoo of lands J. J. Snyder, ' cc 1,1)01 lanq le aior, isil t-OCgreaa Air, I I Austin. Tex. Refereueea. Aunu. Nai. bar.a. I rOH HALE If you want a g-wd atiKk ! jarm in weei j eaas. nesnv .; acre, writ j J M Han..!, Minor. Tea. REAL ESTATE FARtf AU HIXH L A S U FOU AIK Teaa attaaea. I7.T? ACRES, inid bnd-. Cochran roun- I IT Tea. pr acre. a A, caah. bal- anca iorig tine. w in accept tra-le- up to l"Si. P lliard UatahaU Land Co.. Lub- hock. Tea ! FX'R SALE CokiniMOon proposition. I wa a rea in a aail.d bvl . rutover lamia. nar llouatun. Tea i"ne fruit, truck, po ! a:o ard cotton .and. ITIoa l. per acta, jjohn S Akin. H .uaton, Te. Irsrlala. FR SALE Historic Virginia estate Tl a.re fertile land, abtindast water, timber boundary; color.ial brlrk dwejing, anudern eeulpment. glorious views, perfect environ ment, statt.-n near: Vntveralty of Vitgima miles. Irice 16.W. 1 hi'tratad circular. Free register deatrlbuig ee,ect proper ties. H W. Hllieary Co. Charlotlesvii.e. Vs. Waewlauraeea. FOR Information and lit era tare ew farm land and Irrigated fruit lands ldahe, Ore gon and Washington call on Bt, or write a B Neville block. Croak. Nee. Sher wood Immig ratio. C ; J. W. Teeag. local manager. POULTRY. Dairy or Fruit Ranches, We have anything In the line of ranchea. Im proved or unimproved, froen la per ace J up. on eafy terrr,. on One road, cloee In. fine water, on R. t. I.. route Phowe ser vice, fine (kuI and le-vet. god market, can furnlnh buyer with work. Jsmet A- O Neil, Maryaville. Warh. W yeaalag. FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyoming line, consist of ,W acret of grasir.g and hay land, ranch 1 now j stocked with raitie and sheep; w ill eell I ranch with or without sheep For fur ; the-r particulars apply to Harry Talhaiu, I Jelm. Wyo. Mleeellaa eeave, ATTENTION. PUYEfT. AND HOME FEEKEKI We handle all kinds of far t In Oregon and Washington; large and small tracts; true deacrlpuoaa and price on application. Oregon Lands Information Bureau. Cut Board ofTrado building. Portland. Ore, REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR L and T-roota bowses. If price are) right ww awn eell you property for yow. NOW ATA 1 AND AND LOT CO Suite Ot K T. Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONET TO LOAN-Pajrn Iareetmeet Co. WANTED City loans, patera Trust Co. C0 t tiaCOt mads promptly, jr. (X Wtavd. WetA Bldg, lata and Fa tans. LOWEST RATE Bemia. tn-mztdU Bldgb BM) to ILett on home la Omaha. O'Keeft Real Fstat Co, kwdl M. T. Life. Deuglat r A tuVl WANTED City Vuavnt and warrant, rar warn Smith A Co . LZat Farnam CVt. W. "IV? ITER CENT MONET teaa oa , 4 Omaha hustceaa property. 1 THOMA BkE.VNAN, I "Loom L New Tork Llfa Cldf. LOAN'S to home owners and home build er, with privilege of making partial pay. inert aemi-enauaily. W. H. THOMAS. Kt rirtt National Beaut Bldg. GARVIN BROS, til N. T. Ufa. t50a U PM.K aa Improved property. re del. When writing to advertlaera don't fail to mention that you saw this ad la The Bee. WANTED 70 BUY BEST PRICES paid tor tecond-hend fur niture, carpel, tlovea. cioihea. ooea. Tel. D. CUL BEST price pwld for second-hand torel tur. carpel. . Iwchiug aAd let, Doug. U71. WE buy Insurance policies In old line companies. Write or calL Putnam Co. 604-e N". Y. Lfe B.dg. I buy. tell and exchtng secondhand good. Sol. ROSENBERG. 131 8. 14th. It. alas BALTIMORE fd hand store pays best price tor eu-nana lurnuur. cloibea. etc. u. Second, hand clothing, party, aftat-neoa Creese Job Peldnoan. D I1A lad. A-satC, GOOD PRICK for seecad-band elotbe. hoe and furniture. bavLNKBV Lowg- sast. NEB. PURNITUR.E CO. paya beat price for household goods. 30 N. 1UL. Red 1711. JUST starting business; second-band fur niture, stove, etc; highest price. Dougla liW. A -til call Lieben. 1117 Dodge St. WANTED TO RENT We aire Getting Numerous Call for houses, ail sixes. List wit ut. NOWATA LAND LOT CO, t N. Y. Life Badg. Had las. SWAPS WE handle exchanges of properties of merit. HARRY H. CULVER, MetM N. Y. Life B.dg. 'Pnone D. 7e. 74-ACRE FARM acjoining on of tht best towns In Nebraska. One larg modem house and smaller ones; orcnard. grove: residence are all in corporate limn of town. Bam. chicken house, hog house, all wun city water. Everything tnat can be found on the best improved fans. Will take part lncome-baa ring properly. Price . '.. Nowata Land A Lot Co.. Suit CZ4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red If. ! BRICK bldg . Lincoln paying fe.909 an nua. ly; prlc. l)v ail c.ear. Owner will exchange for clear land priced right. Otv full description first letter. Harry H Cul .er. Hut-UK N. T. LJe, You Want a Farm tb ether fellow want city property or tock of goods. We want tee commission, 'bend ut full description In lust letter and aiii gtt a trade. Nowata land & lot co. Suit C4 N. Y Lif Bidg. Red 199. WELL ESTABLISHED. GOOD PAYING Bus.nees In k.M Nebraska town; price. V &., will trade for Omaha improved or acrea near Omaha. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suit 34 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1M. 1 WANT sn titomobMe and lav some ?ood prope-ty to exchange for it; a good deail for right party. Address Y 2C, car Bee. CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau let siyie. tut I, tie used, made by Cunniig tarn and so.J i.-v. for 11 iaju. This carriage is row worth lsj in casn. but ws wou.d exchange 1: lor horses or for vacant prop erly 01 for w.:er- land Johnson, Dan forth Co. S. W. Cor. l:h and Jones ats. FOR SALE Or trade, on Dropter by draudc we,l macinije and on True' bor ing nschint boiri in gu.l condition. Ad dress P. O Bo kit. L.e.r. Neb- TAILORS B A. UNDvlLTIT CO, g9 PAXTON RLE. MAX Mo K Kit. StH BROWN BLOCK. V TUCHE Kr . lALLUte. heatr Building. DTtF'sVq Huttt Toxedn. fua dre UIk-..-5r-0,u,ll .light., ued. teug ess ehl on oia incrun. u x. j.in at. Uoug lat IA A 113. HARRY MARTIN. R. U U. A Bank Bidg. KILLED labor commands high wage rd sou,: craftmr,rup Justifies IL ate J A. KEltVAN. aUs-ail BrsiUei Bldg. C t and Crcaba. St 11 atleklag I coux Cn. cer tn: omahsns have failed bee sn ,1 la N. latai SL, eaypoMta tV14Lf f I M fga 4 Wbea you wan what yen want whan oj want tt. ssy to through Th Be Want Ad eclumn