:6 Tilt: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL fi, 1010. B7ATEMBXT Or CIRCULATION. tat bf Nebraska. IViugla County. s ! Oecrge H. Tichuck, treasurer of Th See i'tihltshtng Company. being duly iorn, say tMt th actual number ot full anil emnplet 'copies of The Hally. Morning, Evening anil Hunday Bee printed during tha roontli of March. 1 i... 43.TT0 II.. 17.. II.. .. to.. aa.aiu 43.110 3,030 43,00 41.SOO 43,140 4330 40.40 4S.M0 4a,0 t 4t.10 I.. 43,700 49, MO 40.0OO 41,600 48.04O 43,700 43,710 43,100 21 22 II 24 21 to.!! 11 48,010 12 43,980 12 41.700 14.... 43,130 It.. a,630 40,030 II 41,400 21 40,010 it 43,770 )0 40,410 (1 48,700 Total 1,300,400 Uetuined eOpies ' -10,700 Net total 1,315.00 U4iij Mcml'e 40,441 Ota. B. TZ3CHUCK. Treasurer. tHiin-L-rlbiHi in my presence and aworn to i.tiort i llun Vint day of Marctt, ID IK. M. P. WA.LKLH. , Notary Public. haaarrlacra leavlaat tk Its- . Ivrariir akaal4 ) Ik e iHUlIrs tm llaena. AdOraaa will ( .a ' mm walal. (low big Is Ornaba? Everybody g lifts That in certainly a pretty race be twecu Philadelphia and Pittsburg. How ran women get the suffrage?" awkg Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont. Walt for it. The moth ball and base ball go-up and down together. as the seasons come and go. it is at least evident that the big stick was not lost In the thick Jungles of Africa. Those' fellows "higher up" seem to be as hard to get at as turkeys around Thanksgiving. King Edward, It is said, "sees his doctor . every, day." But look at the king's pay envelope. Seems to be a spirit of jealous rivalry between the Mississippi and New York legislatures. If It is proved that one of the Morse jurors was insane It might pay Pitts burg to hunt up a few lunatics. Now some persistent person has raised the cry, "What shall we do with our millionaires?" Ask them to divide. Too bail Charley Fanning didn't ,tay there a little longer and lay a smooth road for , Mr. Roosevelt to travel to the Vatican. With Halley's comet due May 18, Mt. Etna. still rumbling, congress in session and. the fall elections in sight, this ought to be a rather lively year The fact that a Chinaman has or dered 150 seats at the Johnson-Jeffries fight proves beyond doubt that there is going to be some color to this affair. We have a sort of a sneaking idea that on the suggestion of Mr. Bryan for senator Edgar Howard will second the motion, county prohibition, kite tail and all. The senior yellow. Journal which her aided a f 2,000,000 , fire loss has marked it down to $700,000. That valiant flre-flghtor ought to be enlisted in the salvage corps. An increase of 21 per cent In Omaha's postoffice receipts for March, 1910, as compared with Maroh, 1909, is another prosperity straw that ought not to be overlooked. And now ex-Secretary of State Por ter nominates Mr. Bryan for United States senator. Thought Mr. Bryan had given Congressman Hitchcock an irrevocable pledge not to run. Over $1,000,000 of city money on deposit in the various local banks While the banks are paying the city 2 per cent interest, the city Is paying 7 per cent on outstanding interest bear ing debts. Good business, that. Senor Zelaya- promises never again to make trouble in South America. Dr. Cook pledges himself never to glvs another lecture before an American audience. Commander Peary says he ha's made his last Polar expedition. What is h lb, the millennium? The order for 150 seats at the Jeffries-Johnson fight for certain eminent Chinamen and the news that Wu Ting Fang is soon to run over to the United States got in about the same time. St. Petersburg says Wu's mission is one of business. Yes, well, that's all rlgh. The first tax returns coming into the county assessor Indicate a downward revision. But that wao to hav been expected as a result of th change of the revenue law by the late democratic legislature making assessors elective Instead of appointive. It is the oft taught lesson of experience that th assessor Is much more lenient to his ropstituenrs if he owes his Job to them. As between "becoming a liar and re maining a member of this body la good standing and speaking the truth and ' thereby Injuring myself finan cially, politically and socially," Sena tor Ben Conger resigns bis seat la tho New York legUUtur. After all. ho is entitled to some credit for bringing to light tho culpability of the boodlers and aiding In tho general work of purification-- ' A False Alarm. After all It appears that President Taft and former President Rooseelt are still personal and political friends and that the tales to the contrary are a false alarm. The fact that the presi dent and bis predecessor have been In touch with each other right along is corroborated, and must be Just A little disconcerting In certain quarters, though there is no reason for anyone being surprised. Diligent and persistent effort has been made In the last year to create the impiescion that Taft and Roosevelt had fallen out, that the administra tion's course In the Plnchot matter had been the means of severing a friendship that had existed for many years. Intimate friendships of the sort that has bound these men are not formed In a day, nor broken In a night. They are founded on mutual confidence and esteem and require as strong elements to uproot them. The probability is that if Theodore Rootsevelt 'decides to take an active part in the coming elec tions he will throw the whole vigor of his strenuous character to the sup port of President Taft's administration and will prove by actual deeds that he Is still for the man whose nomination and election as president he did so much to bring about. The charge that President Taft has been backsliding from the Roosevelt policies Is Just like the criticism made of Mr. Roosevelt when he succeeded President McKlnley and told the people it would be his purpose to carry to completion the work the late president left unfinished. But when the time came for choosing another chief magis trate this carping criticism was dead ened In the volume of popular acclaim that greeted the republican nominees, Back to the Railway Commission. The decision of the United States supreme court Invalidating the Ne braska law which undertook to re quire railroad companies to put spur tracks and switches to all grain ele vators alike, Irrespective of whether i they were on the line or not, practi cally puts t,hl8 question back to the State Railway commission. The law in question was the out growth of flagrant discrimination by the railroads in favor of the line ele vators and against the farmers' co operative elevators by withholding trackage facilities and cars and other accommodations. The supreme court, however, seems to have agreed that a law making it compulsory on the rail roads to build a spur and switch on demand without regard to the condi tions in each particular case, is equiv alent to taking the property of the corporation without compensation, and, therefore, confiscation prohibited by the federal constitution. A strict application of this ruling, however, without any other means of redress, would unquestionably work a hardship, in the other direction as much, if not more, than would this requirement on the railroads. Fortu nately, we now have a State Railway commission fully empowered "to take up any complaint and render and en force a decision- on the merits in volved. While the legislature cannot by law confiscate the property of the railroads under any pretense or In direction, the railroads are under ob ligation by their charters as common carriers to provide the necessary facil ities to take care of all traffic offered In an expeditious and reasonable manner. The building of spur tracks and switches could be ordered by the State Railway commission on the showing of any applicant who has been refused, and It would devolve on the railroad to make out that the de mand Is unwarranted and unreason able and Itq re3sal in no sense a dis crimination in favor of one set of shippers as against another. The an nulment of the law Involved in the supreme court decision, therefore, ought not to be serious in its effects, nor should it be assumed by the rail roads to be a license for them to go back to their old practice of playing favorites against particular elevators because put up by Independent or co operative concerns. The Hotel Problem. Omaha is still living in hopes that it will before long add to Its present equipment a big new hotel thtt will outrank all the others. We regret to have to admit that we do not Just yet see this hotel In sight, but that does not make It any less a consummation to be wished. The hotel problem, however. Is not exclusive to Omaha, but confronts nearly all of our large cities. In Chi cago, well supplied as the city is, the outcry is for still more and better hotels to accommodate the traveling public. Referring to this demand the Chicago American indulges some re marks which are equally appropriate here: Chicago needs and desires all the splen didly equipped hotels money and busi ness enterprise can procure. Tha great convention city of tha country oiuat have th two requisites climate and hotel ac commodations. It does not strictly mat ter whether new hotels are Individual In vestments or a part of a chain or a sys tem or a "trust" extending. to other cen tral points. Chicago does not car whether the hotels are put up by capital from New York or Berlin, Illinois or Paris, or whether th promoter proposes or does not propose to put up a similar hotel in an Francisco, Boston or Denver. The main point Is that Chicago ahall profit by such investment where It la needed and ts likely to prove profitable, and that Its own facllltiea ahall be Increased. No body ever has complained that any large city ever had too many first class hotels. Omaha In its way is as much ot a convention city as Chicago, and Omaha will match climate with the city on th lake at any season of the year, so that If Chicago Is not partic ular whether Its hotels ore put up by home capital or are part of the hotel trust, Omaha need not be more partic ular. In fact, if the promoters of the proposed new Chicago hotel want to put Omaha on the circuit for a chain of hotels, they will find an opening here they cannot afford to pass up. Progress of the Railroad Bill. The railroad bill before congress is undergoing Uie most thorough scrutiny in both houses, which encourages the belief that the people will secure the enactment of a law that will meet public netls and give general satisfac tion. Senator Root, who made a three days' speech on the bill, advanced its cause and facilitated its progress ma terially in accepting the amendment of Senator Cummins to the court of commerce clause, the feature of the bill on which the insurgent element concentrated its Are. Senator Root's action has been construed in the light of- a compromise, but friends of the measure regard It as a stroke in di plomacy. It has not, however, com pletely silenced opposition to this pro vision and It may be reopened later. Opponents of the bill have seriously attacked it also because of a section that permits what they' call "pooling agreements," but which Its friends In sist is a necessary and salutary ar rangement to maintain stability of traffic. This section authorizes agree ments between common carriers, sub ject to the act "specifying the classifi cations of freight and the rates, fares and charges for transportation of pas sengers and freight which they agree to establish," provided a copy of the agreement in each case is filed with the Interstate Commerce commission "within twenty days after It Is made and before or when any schedule of any rate, fare or charge or any classifi cation made pursuant to the agreement is filed with the commission." Here is a possible bone of contention, but the bill declares finally and specifically that nothing In it shall be deemed as "authorizing the making of agree ments for the pooling of freight in violation of the act of February 4, 1887." Friends of the bill have urged the point that there is a sharp difference between pooling traffic or earnings and agreeing on certain classifications and charges. The fact that this bill gives legal authority to a practice common for years this one of agreeing on classifications and charges ought not to condemn it. But the bill is attacked again because it simply requires the filing with and not the approval by the commission of these agreements. Senator Root insists this approval is entirely unnecessary. A point objected to by the railroads is found in the large powers it confers on the Interstate Commerce commis sion in passing upon any schedule that Is filed. This latitude is so wide as to allow a lapse of ninety days from the time the schedule is filed and takes effect and it is urged that within this extensive period the commission could virtually dictate any change It saw fit in the schedules. But the friends of the bill are giving close attention to this provision and in their determina tion to secure the ultimate passage of a good bill may be relied on to agree to no alteration that seriously weak ens It. Canada Bidding- for Americans. The Canadian government, accord ing to the federal Immigration com mission, has hit upon the novel plan of paying cash, premiums for American settlers. The commission makes some Interesting disclosures along this line in its recent report. They completely confute the popular Improision that this migration of American citizens into tho northern Dominion is alto gether a spontaneous desire to get land in that fertile country. The truth Is, as this report declares, that Canada has a systematic plan by which it is inducing this stream of colonization. It has its agents estab lished In sixteen cities of the United Rtates, chiefly in the west, and these agents work over a certain radius of country, so as to cover all the territory ' from which it could be reasonably ex pected to draw new citizens. For every man induced to go to Canada and settle there the Ottawa government pays 3 and for every woman a smaller sum. The success of this plan Is reflected in the fact that between 1901 and 1908 nearly 395,000 American men and women went into Canada as emi grants. Nor have these people gone entirely without financial resources, unable to boy land, and thus become permanent residents. The report shows they have bad an average of $1,000 per capita. This is a most remarkable showing and throws much light on a subject in which the people of the United States, and especially of the west, must feel a vital Interest. Whether It is their duty to undertake to divert this stream of emigration, it is at least their right to know the facts. In 1909 alone, It Is said, nearly 90,000 Americans left their own country for residences in Canada. Every man who has had his eyes open has known of this steady drift of landseekers toward Canada, but few have been fully aware of tho methods employed to stimulate this migration. Th common view of the movement bao been on of entire friendliness. Americans have believed it to be a good thing for some of their own peo ple to colonize tho great growing sec tions of Canada, plant American ideas and Ideals and create new markets for American commerce. But this virtual paving of premiums for American set tlers at so much per bead is so wholly novel as to give a new aspect to the situation and invite new consideration. Strikes and Politics. Strikes as a means of settling indus trial disputes are bad enough, but when employed as a vehicle for politi cal intrigue they are a worse menace. The street car strike In Philadelphia Is a forceful example of th grave consequences of such a combination. Not only property and public conveni ence,' but life, has been sacrificed as a result of this strike. In Philadelphia it seems that certain large corporations In the city and state, which were at outs, have used this strike to punish each other. They have used the strikers as catspaws to rake their cheBtnuts oat of the fire. They have Ignored the claim of the public for sate and uninterrupted car service and turned their backs upon the franchise rights derived from the public, looking only to the achieve ment of their selfish aspirations. Where, of course, strikers refuse to lend themselves to such a conspiracy, these evils, if not impossible, are at least minimized. But the strikers are always looking for every advantage and are ready to accept assistance. It is not unnatural for them to join hands with one or the other of these big corporations when the hand' Is ex tended. Whether the strikers in Phila delphia have knowingly gone into such a combination Is not certain, but it Is widely believed that they have had the opportunity. It is also the confident belief that but for this very outside Influence this strike would have been settled long ago. People who have granted franchise privileges to corporations and are entitled to first consideration get none when these crises arise and the corporation goes into a finish fight with some hated rival in politics. If the city of Philadelphia and the state of Pennsylvania, even at such fearful cost, have brought this evil so prominently before the people that, they will demand some redress the strike In the end might be counted partly good, with all its toll of life and property. Now comes a lawyer moving to quash indictments against ninety-one public officials In Pittsburg for the overpow ering reason that the foreman of the grand jury which Indicted them was disqualified because he did not reside in Allegheny county. There Is the stoutest tribute that has been paid to the Great American Technique In a long time. The expert of the Marine hospital who is to report on sanitary conditions here in Omaha will make a personal investigation of the households In which typhoid cases have occurred, and try, also, to traee: the source from that end. Why could not our own sanitary officials have done that long ago? Governor Shallenberger says he is coming to Omaha to campaign against Mayor "Jim" In the enemy's country. Fix the dates right and we may save tome firework money. PasKlnat of "Poor l.o.' St. Louis Globe Democrat. Before tho end of the year Uncle Sam must pay a claim of IS.000,000 to the Chero kee Indians. Poor IO la an expression that steadily grows more poetic, except for the government treasury. Square Meats and Sqnared Circle. New York World. Men grumble at tha Increased price of the square meal, but they are going to pay about IS&O.tKK) tf see - Jeffries and Johnson, meet In the squared circle. Which, after all, la a matter of beef in another form. Attacks Army'a Belt Line. Brooklyn Eagle. An average .walk of three miles a day foi army offices Is more reasonable than an annual test of fifty miles In three days. If the reform Is determined on, the depart ment will not have to distribute anti-fat remedies except in rare instances. I A Prophesy tkat Failed. Chicago Tribune. Inasmuch as Colonel Roosevelt got safely out of Africa, in good health and spirits and looking like a tralneu athlete. Prof. Btarr has been able to dra a long breath and feel himself relieved of all further I responsibility for the well being of th dis j tlngulshed traveler. ; K A KM EI1S' PROSPERITY. Iowa Stalwart Soands an Alarm os Tariff Tinkering. Des Moines Capital. We are not sure that the farmers of Iowa realize their own prosperity. Some times It Is Impossible to make one realize that he Is doing well. But the farmers of Iowa can certainly lay c aim to the best times they ever had. Home of them are wondering how long these conditions may continue. Home peo ple are saying that when the farmers be gin to produce more, prices will go down. Prof. Curtis of Ames, In a speech in Di a Moines, said that there was a shortage in the hog crop because of the decline In the price of hogs two years ago, which discouraged the breeding of hogs. But we are disposed to disagree with Prof. Curtis. Hogs are now sold before they are 2 yens old. At a less age than that they are converted into salt meats. The truth Is that everything Is high because th pro tective tariff Is keeping out foreign made goods. Keeping out foreign made goods means that the American people are doing their own manufacturing, hence have full employment at full pay. This condition has been true so long that (hose who live on aalaralea and by wages have become lib eral spenders of money. The farmer re ceives the benefit of of this liberal spend ing ot Incomes. Nothing can take thla condition of prosperity from the farmer ex cept a repeal of th protective tariff or Its Important modification. Th politicians are threatening to do these thlnga and we warn th farmers of this stats to beware of thes political achemee. Not a man la promising greater prlcta for farm products. Nearly every man la promising tower prices. And we ahall be ernased if any of the farmers of this state are induced to co-operate with th politicians toward th destruction of th preaenthday farming prosperity Army Gossip Matter of Interest Ow aad Back of th Firing X.la Oleaaed from tk Army aad Vary Bg-ltr. "experiments are being conducted by the army subsistence department with corned beef hash, as well as with corned beef, as a substitute for bacon In th haversack ration. It is desired to adopt a pound ot the hash or beef In lieu of the three fourths of a pound of bacon, and it Is be lieved that the former will materially add to the nutritive value of the ration, be sides making It more palatable. The pric of bacon has Increased to such a figure that It la desirable to find a substitute which shall be cheaper and still retain the surtainlng quality of the meal component. Th suhHlstence officers are not entirely satisfied with the arrangement of the haversack ration In the matter of cover ing some of the articles. It Is proposed to have the meat portion placed In drawn cans and to carry the coffee also In tins, which some of the experts believe will con tribute to Its strength and flavor. The Infantry drill regulations are being revised with a thoroughness" which amounts to a rewriting of the present edition. The work Is being performed by Colonel Joseph W. Duncan. Sixth Infantry, acting chief of Infantry on the' general staff, who Is In charge of the project; Major Clarence K. Ientler. Second Infantry, and Captain William S. (Jraves. Twentieth Infantry. The preliminary draft of the new text has been completed and work Is well under way on the copious Index. There will be a discussion of the new provisions by the general staff before the manusotipt Is sent to the printer. Some Important radical changes have been made, notably In ex tended order, which la practically entirely new. with the exception of the methods which are believed, in the opinion of a ma jority of Infantry officers, to be satslfao tory. such as the retention of deploying by skirmishers. The "school of the bat talion" and the "school of the company" remain much as they are now. Now that congress has turned down the proposition requiring the accounting of ficers of the treasury to annul the charged against army officers for other payments alleged by the auditor to have been made for exercising higher command, It Is ex pected the secretary of war will again take up the question In Its relation to the stoppage of the pay to those officers most directly Interested. The subject was brought to the attention of Mr. Dickinson during the last week, but he was not ready to commit himself to any decision. It may be that he will take no action at all, which leaves the matter Just where It has been all along, with the auditor's request for the stoppage of pay lacking departmental ap proval. This would permit the accounting officers to take the question Into court, but It is undei-stood that no such action is contemplated. There are those who be lieve the secretary of war should make an other effort to obtain legislation relieving officers from this obligation, If the question Is not submitted to the court, which the experts say would hand down a decision In favor of the officers. The permanent effect of the situation as It now stands la that an officer may not obtain an adjustment of a claim of any sort with this ruling of the cuditor standing unassailed. ' The War department has issued a new table of distances, prepared by the pay de partment, for the Information and guidance of disbursing officers of this department charged with payment of money for mile age or other travel based on distance. It is th result of a careful comparison and combination of the best officKl data avail able, the figures and routes being brought up to date and based upon the considera tion of comparative cost, distance, and time, which determine the choice of the "shortest usually traveled route" contem plated by law. This table will supersede all similar publications heretofore Issued from any branch of the War department, and took effect March 15. 1910. from which date it will be recognised authority for estimation of distances until corrected by competent authority. Th figures upon the right of the names in the table Indi cate the total distance. Where figures oc cur upon the left, they Indicate the miles of "free" and 50 per cent land-grant rail roads, over which officers, When traveling on duty and without troops, should pro cur transportation in kind from the quar termaster's department. It Is ordered that hereafter post commanders shall report without delay to the paymaster general the aV's :nment of old or the establishment of new 1'nes of travel to or from their respective posts, and when a new route Is opened, Involving travel by stage or buck board, shall report as to the carrying ca pacity for passengers, the number of trips mado a week, the distance and the author ity therefor, and such other Information as may have a bearing In the determination of Its practicability aa a route for pas senger traffic. There Is much animated discussion among aimy officers concerning the provisions of the tentative general order prescribing the physical test for members of the military establishment. The text of the order was published in the Army and Navy Register of last week and Its provisions are being conscientiously tried out under practical cordltlons by officers attached to the arm war college and those on duty at Fort Myer. Reports of th provisions of the older will be submitted to the chief of staff by April 10. So far as may be learned from the opinions expressed by those offi cers most familiar with the order, it meets wlih approal as a general proposition, so long as It Is evident there Is to be no modi fication of the annual physical lest beyond that which is specified In behalf of officers on duty in the tropics. Th reconimendii tions of changes likely to be made are. defined to Include an appeal for greater elasticity in the requirements of the dally physical exercise, whether riding or walk ing, so that due allowance may be made for Interruptions on account of rigorous weather, and It is evident there will have to be established Indoor equivalents In the way of athletics to take the place of the three-mile dally walk and the six-mile da'ly ride. These and other conditions are likely to be fully set forth In the reports, so that the finally adopted order will be satis factory and will not be unreasonable or excessive In its requirements. I'D In the Air, Washington Post. The high cost of living Is so proud ot its accomplishment It Is holding its head higher than aver. Our Birthday Book April , llio, ' Lincoln J. Bteffens, magasine writer and graft exposer, was born April , 1866. in Han Francisco, where graft Is said t flour ish most. He Is one of th pioneers of magazine muckrakers. Millard V, Robins, local observer for the I'nlted States army bureau. Is St years old. He was born in Potomac, 111., and cam her from Huron, 8. !,, whr b was reared and educated. , . srvT7 . --. '-, . .all l W North Dakota k..M Vj These still a' needs ese stales awaiting "No lind on ths Americin continent eicels that In certain tn'"jnt of North Dakota." taa Protestor Thomas Shaw, airicultnral and land eurt. 7r Rod Kivrr and Jamea Kivar Vallex are exceeding? fertile. The uvlandt ai admuablr adapted to "dry farminf." MUTAe Xarthtm Paiific I HI . . , , I Jj extends mt er throUPh I extends intt tr through Alinnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Ore gon. New rich territory being opened up by exten sions now building. The Homeseeker s Chan :e ! Tt Tie Sceaic Hifkway Tlroatb Ike Laid of rorlva Northern Pacific Railway E. S. UOCKWEI1, Slat. Pass. Agent. Phone Mala 1896. 313-14 Century Bldg., Des Moinas. la. A. M. CLELAND. General PasseniJer Aen, ST. PAUL PERSONAL NOTES. - While Mr. Morgan of New- York consents to be lifted at JtOO.OOO. It Is thought that In an emergency he could dig up a Utile more. Thirty-eight bankers are now In the fed eral penitentiary at Leavenworth, quite enough to hold a convention for devising a currency scheme. Benn IMttman, the venerable founder of shorthand system In tha 1'nlied States, underwent a serious operation In a Cin cinnati hospital, but his physicians say he will regain his health. Hecause of his advanced age no anaesthetic was UBed, but the patient went through (he ordeal bravely. The "flax king" has not calculated how much his last season's crop of jflax will bring him, but he has sold all that he raised on one section of land and that section brought him $tn.000. The "king's" name Is J. R. Smith. His dominion com prises a stretch of the plain In western North Dakota. If he were going to be a thief, Mr. Carne gie says he would steal more than JM.10. the amount the certain Pittsburg council men are alleged to have accepted for their votes. Every manufacturer knows the way to make money Is to get the highest price. But Mr. Carnegie, according to a familiar story, sold his steel Interests for only iOU,- 000,000, and when he told Mr. Morgan he' was sorry he did not ask JIOO.000.OHO more I he is said, to have felt faint because Mr. j Morgan replied that he would gladly have I paid it. I I CARHY1MJ Dft.MOCR ACV9 II Mill. An Ueraaloual Dinner Kstecuied a Helpful Innovation. New York Kvenlng Post. The Commoner comrratiilnteii tho ormn. try and itself on the grow ing popularity of democratic dinners, and begs to recommend the festal meal as the mot appropriate way of honoring the memory ot Jefferson the week after ntxt. "At this moment," It says, "when the principles of Jefferson are boldly assailed by ihe dominant party. It would he well If In every precinct throughout this country men could gather, not merely for the purpose of paying tribute to an Individual named Jefferson, 'nit for the more important business of holding aloft the banners upon which are in scribed the principles to which this na tion owes Its birth iiml to which It will owe Its preservation." Holding aloft the banner betwern the oyster and th soup may appear, at first sight, a rather tedious performance; hut in the long winter of discontent that has surrounded the democracy, It needs a little solid food to keep up the thinnest amount of coinage. Shut out for so long from the public crib, It has been a choice for the demo cracy hrtwfen starving and paying for its own dinner. It Is by no means h valueless habit In a great political party to practise faying ones way as one goes along. Let us hope that W hen the demo cracy does finally win Its way toward the public; fleshpots. it will come, not ravening for all It may devour, hut faith ful to the he.blt of self-support it has acquired in the lean years. "Gas Service Our Now Inverted Indoor Arc This lamp is the BEST high powered indoor lamp of ANY description on the market today. It has taken years to perfect It is perfect now. Think of this It gives 500 candle power directly v beneath it, it gives more light and better quality of light for less money than any other light ever produced, can be lighted and extinguished either by a single chain pull or at a distance and is so simple in construction that there is but a small hood and stack covering the working parts above the light globe. What there is of this stack is fin ished in white enamel, and is practically unseen. It gives a powerful, soft, well diffused light. Ask to see it at our office. ' Omaha Gas Company ,V;r ' 'f Jk 1- at Good Land Minnesota and have millions of acre of productive soil the men to aevelop them. 1 be country ri needsine products ana pays good prires lor them. The Cannon lull Country In Western North Dakota la beine oDrned un h n !'"' f lh Northern Pacilo very deurabi. low priced land bete. Mmncwta it a atate of treat povtlnilitl.a for the homeaeeker. Farming, dairying, and atock-raisiiif are niakini Mtnnenoia people wealthy. Hoth statu enio a healthful rliraats -cloardrrairand plratv of auothlne. Nearhr liiAikrli at St. Paul. Minneapolis, Dulnth, Superior, and Chicaco quirkir reached via ths Northern l'acifio bring tnghait piicea for products. Write tonight and 6ml out mar about thr-ia great atate. Don't delay. Land valuei steadily inrreaie aa bomeaeekers learn oftlia attractions offered. A two-cenl . stamp is all the iufoimatiou costs. Writs povr. WHITTLED TO A POINT. "tlrcHt hen ven?' crjed the drug clerk. "What's wrontj?" e.skeil th druggtxt. "I iiavi' that hoy hulr tonic iimtead ov couch syrup." i "Never mind. We make a profit of !M J per cent on each." Chicago Kcford-Herald Wlfcy This pudding Is a sample of thi now cook's work What do you think of Itl Huh I'd call it mediocre. Wlfey No, dear).. U' tapioca. Bostot Transcript. MIks Oldglrl-Indeed, I am not going tt answer any impertinent questions ahoul age when the census taker comes. Let hlrr find out the best way he can. Miss Pert Don't worry about the pool man. It's an easy guess Baltimore Amerti i ca o. "I wonder how Ooorge Washington man aged to get through life without uttering a single raisetioon. "oh, conditions were easier in his day, The public tlid not expect a constant flow of . CDlm-nms from lis eelehrlt les." Viah. ..rltt f f, lU..l.n,i,4 " Iiigton Star. "Algy. have you learned hv to run your automobile?" s "Have 1? Hay, old chap. 1 can scare a pedestrian half to death and not touch a hair of him!" Chicago Tribune. ' "Nobody should be allowed to purchnst anything from s pharmacist without a physician's prescription," said fhe cautious citizen. "Nonsense." replied the druggist. "You couldn't expect een a dnrtor to know the correct Latin for soda water and chewing gum." Washington Star. FLASHES FROM, THE COMET. The typhoid genua ran, riot In many a human sypstcm, The dot-tora probed for causes And measures, to re.-lst 'em; Some said it. was Hie water,. Some said, the settltn's from It; While others nald 'twas gases Kscaptd from Halley's comet. In I'liila., Pcnn.. there was a strik That soon produced a riot, And turmoil raged upon the street Where once reigned peace and quiet; Who started first the riming To prove wo citn hut. fall, Lut some folks think 'twas a ted-hot ston Hurled from that comet s tall. The enntfr psmen run riot In Washington, one day. The Insurgents reckless tried to fire The Cannon, In the tray; Jusi how the trouble started, The facts 1 cannot nail, But some think 'twas Ignited Hy sparks from the comet's tail. Poor Brother Welsh has missed his goes 'Bout that lion. "I'was no go; And the tiiesOnie pess (mist missed Iris way To tire land of I Tod You So; The gay spring togs were not despoiled By rain or snow or hail, And we owe Hint summer heat, no doubt, To the blazu of the comet's tall. The pig is now In clover. .k il enjoys II too, perhaps. As much as men enjoy car seat While women hang to straps; He fattens dally in Ills pen, 'While cows their' rights bewail; What raised the pig 1n the world's esteem 'Twns some kink In that comet's tail. When all Hie Iaiut1 rejoices. ' And cheers from shore to shore, King In returning Teddy And his broad sml'.e once niorjfy When little children dance v-H,T , And shout their uliid "aU hall"t I wonder If llall'-y s comet, too, Will rejoice nud v hh Its tail. V Omaha. HAY' LL NrTJ "3. Engraved Stationery WmdJing Invitation Anouncmint Visiting Cards All correct form in current ftncial ueuege enp"v- n th best manner and pi.nuu(itf delivered whan promitvcd. Embossed Monogram Stationery and other work executed at pricea lower than uiuatlv prevail elaewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorpor V3iv ",:-x l 1210-1212 Howard St. I'hwn I .A a 4 r (i