ti 1 8 Ml "VSSumTi cf .MIX Petticoat wr havif ever cfler'd l.iJi ,1 nl,. I va -r. DO' AU these TettlcoJits go on sale Tuesday In the Basement Tuesday we pla.ce on sJe for the first time ALL THE i t' ! f v 7 -J t i .'! W i rr ' LIA Elite Cloak Co. and the 5th Atc. Tailors, New York From tie ua."J.trvu ct o;ti cuts aii UJ.ldt fn. m fan niL.tr; ? On Sale tn ttmmt. it . . fiut qu.'ility ot' L!k iuclud?: tb choi.' Li kirt. t'n.'m these two biy: stock. wortli up to $?.W beautiful b'ack plaid. stripes. vvu!t)x and trrt bad,r many elabo rately n:ai with wi.d rut't'!? aud tucks. Tbe display in our wiudow haw caused thousand. to marvel at the big bargains. Worth $5 and $7 Each, at 98 ip)98 WESCSB33BM .mwpii mm 5) riOOATS '"-"'a. 1 U.' -"il . 7 and Oa Sal la FOUR BIG TUESDAY BARGAINS ON OUR MAIN FLOOR 4K'.rr.!nK.l. ;orMt ':ovfps. vuli inwitiouH anil i)rnctttriMs: man.' wurr.Si inMar'.iona, beadins Swiss. naiam)c)ii aal :a.nbric:; ni!tm irwr,y of vrv efft:Uv(j dsi)3 WW'S uu to i r. 7c Wi)iua'i of lie ftaiahed. t'n- rtbiXT't cottoa b.o lury; also chiMrva's tine aa'i aay ribbii school h'jui' : blai'ic. tans a.ii color. or.i 2jr patr, pr pair, an 15c Bri 1 1 i a ut all sitk taffeta ribbons - plain .ind fancies; Xo. SO black and all vlors, worth 2'X at. vaid.lOo Dras 5iik at 39c and 49c Yd. Hi" iit"T u'onotcat ,h3ck. stripes and var ious 'Tid.Ut .jactjiauil novelties, fine pop- d !'?;' !''.M:iard.. mes- 39c-49c Two Basement Specials 3-4 aaitj il 4.'lotii. maie to selL at 20c a yard, dark colors on sale from the bolt Tuesd.i v., at. vard 5c Whit;? and colored crepe; for kimonos and dr-si n saciuies VUr nualitr, at from the holt Tuesdav. at, vard. . 3!c 9c Bargains in Art Dept. Main Fl. stamped Pillow Tops and Backs, in a larce number of conventional design, on linen; values 30c to 73c, also oO lithograph tops; regilar o)c values special Stamped centerpieces, on tan and white linen for French and outline work size 22. 24 and 26-inch 50c and 7oc values special, each.. wl Himalaya 27-in. Dress Suitings 27dnch dress suitings launder, well and will retain that natural .gloss and fine fin ishbargain square, main floor, at; ran! 29c WE ANNOUNCE FOR NEXT MONDAY, APRIL UTH A Lace Curtain Sale of Unusual Importance You will see in our 12 window displays on 16lh and Douglas streets, some phenomenal bargains in curtains that will go in this sale. All the lace curtains from our immense purchase go on sale Monday. All the drapery yard goods from the pur chase go on sale Tuesday. The varieties are enormous. r B&AWDEOS STORES i M a a 1 o 4 H i H n a a i 5 1 m a a B a n a n b tnaouaaian I ) V x k I I J fU' KU KK HiVMV: HMl If r":l!AYDEfJs; 12ic Inviting Bargains for Tuesday Tueidiv hi btvom known sls on of the Wst bargain days of the week &t Bennett's. Tas you to read each ad vertised itena. Men and Women's Handkerchiefs A large quantity men's all vliil'! hcr'i-ititchcd liandkcrvhicfs, also second in em broivUoed and lacv edge haudkerehiet's, all WvrtU T to 11V. tit C A Third Off on Summer Vesta Wry r.iee grade Kiehelieu ribbed garments, low ieek. sleeveless vests, lace triimmsl at ueck aud arm. A splendid Kv line. JOc A Kealljr Fine Towel Bargain U dozen Huek Towels, note the siie, full 22x4 inches; stivug. serviceable kinds, with red tvrders. A strap for rooming houj.es, hotel; or alt who need quantities; best ISc values 12VjC Bays White Goods Worth 20c K very bety who has little girts to dress wilt be glad of the chance to buy nice fine white goods in checks, stripes or embroidered 1 patterns, that regularly sell at 21V. for I2' Yard Wide Bleached Muslin Almost Half Muslin for less than stores pay at wholesa'e a very good quality, fine even weave and soft finish. The retail value is 1 lAVa yard Tuesday for OjC A Clean Up Lot of Art Ticking Five good patterns fancy floral aud stripe ticking, for draperies, box couches, etc. they are o2 inches wide and 2oc values; to close, at. vard IsC SIDE BAND LINENS ARE NEW-Flain white fabric with two-inch Grecian or plain fast color borler, in light blue, navy tan or brown. Makes stunning summer suits, dtvs.se? and sailor frocks for girls 20c goods, lfl for IUC 200 Wool Dress and Skirt Lengths The very- newest of now 1910 fabrics; because they are remnants are marked half off. Thev are lengths of 4 to 7 vards and are in all the best spring shades $1.25 and $1.50 goods 1 at 3 Match Sets Embroideries Beautiful Swiss goods, in bands, edges, tnsertions. flouncing: all la matched patterns, and very at- Tuesday. at. yrd JQ- traetle; goods worth to 39c a yard AU In two groups 1 JCiJC Shower Proof Foulard Silks These are the popular Foul ards of America: best known and mott wanted wherever silks are sold "Showerproof stands for trustworthiness in Foulard silks: most serviceable, richer in finish, most beautiful pat- OP ff terns and coloring, per yard, at OJCpi.UU Tuesday Sale of Table Syrup We have Just received a large Quantity of the well known S. W. C. brand Table Syrup, famous for it rich, delicious flavor. W'e offer It special as follows 2 4 -lb. cans, tor 10 10-lb. cans, for 35c 5-lb. cans, for 20 2-lb. cans, for 70c All other, grocery specials advertised Sunday, on sale Tuesday at prices Quoted T Handy Household Goods Reduced Sate ia Basement AYoodenrrare Department. n 9 9 H i a th actus vea Quality Goods at Lowest Prions X lAYDEWs Off Extraordinary Bargain Offerings all this Week in the Manufacturers' Stock Sale of Women's Roady-to-.VVear Outer Garments You'll e-itainly mis the oprtunity of the eaon if ou fail to attend these wonderful bargain sales. Something very special every day. $20.00 Tailor Suits $10.00 New sjr"mg styles, the best colors nnd fabrics; uuule ti sell at $15.1K to $20.00- big snap at $10.00 Lingerie and Qiugham Dresses New Long Spring Coats -(Vvevts, serges ami chiffon broadcloths, worth $15.10 all siz.es; great bargains 'IWsday at SS.II5 All tohrs iiiul while, trim- nnnl with lace, insertion and embroideries; to $7.50 values, at $i:.!5 Lingerie Waists;! values to $2.50 nil sizes; on sahn m 79t Heatherbloom Un derskirtJ Values to $2.50; the best ever, at . 00 Children's Jackets Values up to $2.lH; sizes (I to 14 vears, t $1.15 Wednesday A YauoV s5rfsNQ Wednesday That Will Surpass Any Ever in Omaha Extra Specials for Tuesday From 8 to :0 A. M. Lancaster Apron tllughams; one grade bettor than Amosktvag: 6 yards limit, at. yard 5k From U t W:S0 A. M. Trlde of tha Kami best 12 ic 8',-(nob Musllu wade; IX) yards limit, at. yard 5k Krmn lO to 10:80 A. M. Gem rillow Slips; regular prie I Tc slips limit. Mcb . ...yi High Grade Wash Goods Dept. rouioo OIILT 1 case of Kriuted Klaxon; round tbrtNtd, like the fluest linen lawn fast colors; regular price 15c a jard. at 84? AKTKRXOON OXI.Y 25c Pongee, all colors, at 121 HKiH tillADK WOOL PUK.ss (iOODS 50c Diagonal Suitings; all colors; for all day, at, yard 2-1 C a i pi a a a ai a' a a ! a B i - W FORGET gi J Krm J to a:;lO l M. Ivanhoo Ulack Sitlu; ft colors: Simpson's nxvnufiu'tiiix; regular price tic; 10 yards limit, per J ". t .S Fruni ;l to X-.na i. m. One enso of 72x00 Sh,yta, aoaiued Kureka; good, heavy cloth; regu larly fi9c; sheets limit, ench. now " . ar Extra Special for Tuesday Kor the benefit of our ctmto"m" ers who could not get down Monday, we have deeldod to con tinue the big salo ax advertised Sunday for Monday, nil clay Tues day, ou groceries butter, clteene, eIKs, nutterhie, crackers, teas, coffee, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. W'atcli the pntiers for the big Annual Shrubbery Snle. In Oar Popular Family Liquor Department 2 Quarts Golden IVost Beer 25c TRY IIAYDElTS FIRST rr PAYO folding Ironing Stands, wide basswood board solid oak stand, worth 11.75. at G1.19 Square Clothes Ham pers: fine, imported willow; regularly $2, at $1.19 I. X. 1m Step Ladders; each step rodded shelf for backet; reg ular $1.65 kind, at 1.19 - - AT ALL - - a I i : , 111 ft" - ft . ? Marine Expert Makes House to House Canvas reportml In tha lut monrh. and th hav ( L 4 atriClC S tO hiwn ilivlrteit into neighborhood groups, tr.r Erect Church Will Persoually Iaapect Hames from Waich, T7Uaid Cases Are 2.e portcJ' Dnriaj Last Month. . Dr. r..nn ' r. T.imiwlan nt n vr.i-riii. f?'nuli:i fit jr W4JK- ltnui!.n. sir'rt this afwrnonn m pcrwnal t.r of o5.nn(na m tliat : nut of urUnary In ih'. sretlnn. Hf 111 Di'?nnily mt.rvt w h Ai-aitH nn1 mwmtvrs of fsmllti In Otiahu. Wlurw tv;iHrll ft'nr h4 oeeucit tur!n tUirh. nit pomhlv fiii-Oier hank. lnu'l,lw WKtn !iwn1i. of HttulMt Cm nilHMlir (tniinHl mufr, will i'r.nmgn Xir. 1.iihik1 anil W.ll h i lm trvlr feom now until Id invraUiui ix nmH"M fr Bum MtM prpar1 ruaniv lei j.i- c.nnvnii.nci In ffaa";iamr.. BLx: Indivlil ual i'.aa will hn tnrimrrl lnt. witli th moT rnrnurn cai- by th Marin honpitil xp.rt. For Thin purpniio h haa prapanwl a Sft of bliinlt.t. Bavins; movn than tvi anra quent.oi-.a on thm. T. rxpiti'a will iinvm' personal hisfory, fAnnl? antrcstiem i in a ncneral wiv. all in.;rtnt.t connwterl Willi th J:uly liffl of tha person, wii Ua.t ihi fnvp. liiil of wirer nseit, kint and inantity of ml.U. vKi.raril. mi-at, in fact, vrvthln that i-a.i hav any pnnaibl bearnm on rii rvpholrt atitbrea. Dr Lumartrtn will ba rniiit tn thia anvaaa of patianta anil rhMr homs for Sttvnrai ilayi. at M. an.t if inquiry In IDA r-aaea doa noc brlnic reaulra aarufa tory :o hia minit bn will axranrl tha eaa vim u 'SA raana. Catholic Parish Dcide to Spnd Thirty Thoajand Dollars in Boildiny 3Tew Edifice. a a ! m .7 V" 9 n it. SB Our best selling argument: "TRY THEM." One pair -ells another always. Dor othy Dodd shoes please the eye and fit the foot. BEIMIMETX'S a 'aim FIRST-CLASS BARS, CLUBS AND CAFES. BOTTLED IN BOND -100 PROOF. Always Ask For It. CLARKE BROS. & CO., DISTILLERS. PEORIA, ILL a as h n B D Zl l l B.B l u H M a meerln of tha niftm:hr nt sit. Parnnk'a paj.ah. hid S.ir.day af tarn.xin. a drtr.'.aton wh raohd to procen.1 with tha prapa.-ar-ons for areetinc a naw ehuren. to coat at. Ia.t r It w'.ii b arecrad on tha lot wsera tr.a present, ail.f.na star.da, at Furteanth and r'a'w1 r atreerj aa.l .n vary i:iciy fara raar!lar arreer. The I praaant ehurph fara on F'aur-eanth atreat, ' but by eurtin off tha rear part of trv I '.b-itM nt room can reai.ly ha ma.1a t bufM A frl HIiMka - - t)fm near 'ni!t;ra on tha !o- fa1r Cnn ia ;o ne!r.t a eai.l or iinuir'.i. Dr. ICiafa tallaf trau New Dlxr.ovary --lireit thafu and praTenta Tha ennnm:ffa to daeMe whara tha n ennaumouon. 51W1 a,i, n oft. r.r aa.a bv l:f'.ea aha:i arar.f) ana tn a jopt a teai4n fteaion Dvua' o foe tha hnil.llnv ennamta of J. h N'nuch:on. John fary. Iin f.'on.ie.:. Tom O'Conr.e.i tn.1 Father J T Smlrh. Tha eomra! rrea or. way ami raaan ia m.1 up r,f Ian fonneri, Wllitam T.yman, Tn.-.maa J F'lyon. Jihr. rwer and j .1 hannjhan. Koth rorr.m'r teea a,-a t. meet Wednasflay aven.'ni to Wedding Rings The 'Tiffany Kin t tt,a proper ahape thene diya. Wa aio l.ave tha broad atyle or will make any ahape to order that you would like, hpend a few uilautea In our tor. l'k for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 131S Ilougla Street. o COMET'S TAIL 13 SUSPECTED i 6ft rtaa Terr-r1eteei at fit ' t"le f evw Wralh at Me, Halle . Ta aiify aiah-c!a Ea Pwrtor ta6 prwa. i ev- i! ,i 71 A Mr- ronovin. iiv'.n m fh aona of Wre 4parl4 from fhe hijr jrIn e'evator flra on mrh T want f a.eh airaet ba!.v. Wanlworth rtrwt, aifetid ahort'.v after midniihl bv the g'.ar nt toa flra and tha trmeni.ia yoloma of f.ymw aparka that enveloped tna atraer fh. w.n-a.i. prin, by tha Ftvwly' Moiher and a I io m;nta va oin theomch rha ra 1 of tha pmr." 41 a artad, and then fj lndiatilonaly eroaa.na: har-etf. One of tha Inferaa'int: fawr of thai h"ir f'ra wi r cibaer.-e me llvln oa o'lth ral avenue, fiaart.a. sail Twenty- ' eighth atet. and othar tra' eaat t. T m f.wii'A rreat. pensiad - on toa j ror.'a of their h'iae wiih wet blanliara and j ar.1n hoaa protai'tinj ta r homea from ' rh ahoorer of r. v)r rparia of ra whirl ii't f-om tha hnrnln elavatora and mlil Many of rhem kept their :: unt tl aearly 4 Iix-V In tli mornln. tart rha work of or.r.(atl.-n,- f .r f.ie .'hurrh h'liid.ntr ramps g-rv UNITED STATES COURT OPENS JTS APRIL TERM fitaaA Jarr Will le Kim a ae l4 Taea 4a r ff erw mnm nmtt ii4f. w tfce Neaen. April term of the t'nited fafea rouit for tha (matit d ialon opened Mon".ar anomln wtth Jdea W M Mir.cr ar 1 T (' V ir. er on th her-h In roiirt t'm Vo J Tha entlra mornip a de-.oted to t e hall of tha dvket tha iwtinmnit of trlil aea and tha he1n of niotiona t rrr.ar.1 od demurrer. j Tha f!rt of tha Jury rut will e tailed ; Wedneadav morntr.. Tha a;rnd J'iry wiil I rta empanelled Taeadav afternoon at I Aa tabalatJaa tar Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Dronchitis, uougns, D i phtheria, Catarrh . Inn ta Aalrwnaiia. l.ymm it anri V- bflk. Ii a ..naertr for 4..m a of h kthiii are Uaa u iMtm VAa readf l.iw. in atomenii r eeleae r ir-w H-a '' rendered ,tf tu-Ali atUrri. TsVrM ftf ft i MMACiT TeH)4 Vt r rlr f tAHn4 ALL DBUCttltTft irTli! eoaeAC lai) rIrm Cat ITsilL-. KfffW 5fF Yrtrir. YourNerves Yuf nerres must b fd wi'H pf. ricti blood, f there a.ll be rrpuble. Poorly fed nerves ars w iiertes; ad ws arvs Bn aer4usftes. AJ, Jack If altahaHa kamltmtt of aat Wslgis, hidchS, debfnty. Vesk iftrn nf ttivnhana mtken gtorm fa martmta Mrres ftd Oo4 food, ffSb Sir, and a-a. HmU hit iw. f , T,' A rer's aon-slroholio Safansfins. o'ckxk. But lwt!a w!. ha dona wlto th d atrlef rwirt doeka antii after fha f'ar.d j .ry he romp'ae1 If a work Tha civil vaf wlil ha looked af'er by hoth jMdea. Jids W. ff. Monaer preldio on tha en'ith and J ide T C. Mioar In tre north eonrt tnr.rrt. Tha r will remain her avonf twa weaka ar.d will then t to al lika f'-tf tn preada In aome of t coal land raaea t ha fried there durtn April perKrr.t idrria'r.f I tna road to Hif Keiun.a SELLING OUT rim atitio WALL PAPER AT LESS THAU COST 2CCS FAfiXAM ST. iiiai ! ,v, r- If 'f : TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; Uar liallar M TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER the neat I le tlurli Taper PILES FISTULA A II BVaatal Ulaaaiea oe i wlihnitt a a 1 r a a 1 operailm at"l araataad tn l.t a I.lfettm, No- t ttlorofor m, e.er or '.tiiff j rer eral anetheie ..! Vtamleatoin ! rra. 'Write For rea 9m, DR. E. R. TARRY 1.4 llbU, (tMt, Mil Foot Comfort FOR Tender Feet It's not a foot remedy you want It's shoe that fit your feet and tbat are made so as to cure foot Ills while you walk. Cushion Sole Shoes Boib nou-tonduoior of heat and cold Not a tender, foot but that finds Immediate com fort. Made in the common-sense l&st. and fitted with porous felt rushlon Insoles, to give a soft, firm foundation. The good points of (hese shoes are many, so many that we cannot begin to tell them all to you. S5.00 w """ "' 8 I.OO . y". .' v,w I Our Fire-Proof Storage i Mouse Proof Rooms J Under Padlock, of which you' jrarry the key. v ; ! Call and pee this place. You should know liow and where i I your goodr! are cared for. 1804-12 S. 16th St. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fnrnnra Bt. Rollablo Dentistry AT Tail's Denial (looms y D Is frt-n to all who tarn to ust It 3 B In their lioines i , i B itoMic nu.i:it. Artesian Water Free H The present ufcllullon resard lug thw rlly's drlnkhiK wutar. protnpls nis to liifm in (he pub Ha that Hie I'ure Arteasn Water 0f HOTEL ROME 1 u r 7 '