THE HUE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. APRIL S. 1910. IT r J 1 'WAS 15DH0DUCE MARIE. AT C1e. I' r tl" V n n f . a. e e .. a- av . shorts. HA , c!r rib. tli l.iv. hn.on, nwr, r xd $. V ri-sr riht l:j; nort i.TPl-P'fi'll, Mrn. sprtrg. . tuikeja, 27c; duck. 1-. gese, Lck ef in Gram Belt GiTti ' c. Wleat Booit UPOETS INDICATE BIG LOSS hVTTEH H gr. famry. t-'ioa teai at jr. Receipts. Shipments t O'JT. MF II I'M 'hK. bu M Corn, bu Ll Oat, bu. .. ! Wall Street Asserts Thinnesi and Gen eral Dullnen Durinf Day. P ''vr Cl 4 minor ovn l:"""'. total ba.a-ir in general fui-d. f"' -'-5 0 Trust F'tind .oid rc'n. ! iff; .ter d..;'"- 4y e . 'lvr dollar of IviO. j J.. ? iip n'vpr rertiri'-ates outptandin OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindt Ten Cent. Hifner and Acute. i V, 7 i . ' TJT T TT I A ert W W VTAH e.--eA v lLtitiUUil J L.-UUit JTAliiiO ) steady .-:i , - niip ',,ke e'rnoe HI hrm 1 HOCiS VTXAK TO 1 IV CLSTS QTf feeted Wooed lamb bot. ih b-ont . nuu,) th decline. rnot ring go'ng at a h a Ska. Alarta- J K.4THER alater tra Exsx-eted ( . .laat Pwrmo t.rm Catlae tr Deellae -11a rbrerfaL r - OMAHA. April 4. ttl With no rain throughout Kihii or Ne-k-a. ar.d -only .aratter1 r.owett eise- Hrw wheat dTlri.i1 a better ton and tuying of better character. Both Kan las and Missouri slat crop reports mo - - arid K ia generally tr.ojrrt other winter bit ttatca will a m show heavy losses Further weakness In corn the fa- I ' ft. re; -f triat market: No demand haa de-i veioped and values declined fu finer, eon- I dition Kn trv barich. ' W bT M1 off again ldr. Wrtkri In orn ard lack of Tb bfaa. -.T h frt p-rmi-orrn held falrlv firm " O-trn r-ain" veajicr and weaker ndr L-T!ca pn nifrnm all pW L-ongn helped F the bear factrt Br covlng the. purchafea and tha caan mj'Jn wai aa a aa the option. PrtTiarr a heat re-e;pt wre Thfi.1) iHtelriif Phifrwoifw ta.W tur.i". aaalnet rere4pt taet vr rt bufh'la . an5 e:!taneni!-of ?1 W h'J'ela Prtmir cort rete:tp n ere I- b-jfhe aid ninifiiu wer, ?f bu-hel!". aamt -c'f taat n er ef st 0 bu-htls anl enlp ctn j t it," ) tvirae-i 1'iearanren ere LA buhl of corn. n'-n ii and wrreat, and flour eq'ial to .3" bifer"! E:vepat elnaed tfl 4 loaer on wheat and 1 hia-her on corn. ?- Uncal ai. of opltonp: 1 tHK GR.1 BELT Trtk af Low PrtMin Eiteada froaa Lake to ao Galf. OMAHA. Apnl 1 1J10 A.troufh. of low preffeura extendi from t!ie et end of Lake Superior "uth over the central va.ieya to Teta. Li(tht and pcattered rmjra ocurred during the lat fort'-.fM r-oura In the Mieecun and MiplV: pi val.evg and eit over the lake reaion. OMo valley and eaatern attea. The riTi were, very 1'fM and wideiy k attered al"n and M of tho Miaourl river. Cloudv and threatening wathr previ:a throughout tha upper valleya tn:a rr.ominf and rains continue In the lake reion. Ohio valiev and eaatern atatea. An area of hifi preeaure over'tee the wt and the weather ia murh colder wet of the M eeouri river r reenrj temperature lack Attiarfi earlr Oao Polat latewa latere! la To kacco Oeclatoa. aad Da Geaer- of 0 de- Wheaf 1 1 May'..) 1 Y July.. : 1 4 Corn ' . ' - Mir 1 'V- July... bi. Mar . r 47i, July...; 4u 1 e iunoori rmiclnl wi'h ' prev" throughout the mountain diairicta hou.lhri e-aTte5 : n1 """-'t- " we.,ner be .Vua.ton ... Itoal i ";u coM.r. with iprjl-Wjr fro. In tV i 'ii.pni. ..nil im neu reijre and colder "wther idvanc;r. over the vn.leya from tne it prospect of rain In thi vicinity ton cht or Tueiwlaj: ia not f av.rable. Folioalna; la the temjreraturea ar.d precipi tation compare"! with the iaat three vean 1310 lSkji. M' M.nim'im temperat'jra 4 42 Precipitation .cm Normal temperature f.r today, 4a ree. L'eHciencr In precipitation .ainca March 1. 1 59 Inchea. Iwflciency correcpondlrg period in ly. S of an Ir.-h L'ef rorrepondinn period 1n V., I of an inch. U. A. WELSH. Iocal Foret.a.ter. Cera aa4 Haeal Rrflta Malletla. for Omaha, Neb. f?r the twenty-four ; hours erdirj at t a. rr. . 7 t ti meridian I . ume. Monday. A Dril 4. i:!0: OMAHA LITRJCT. Temp Rain- Max. Mil falL 41 ; NEW T".RK. April 4 frnip feaIr t Interest were discernible through te tc dulinea of the day p dal ra : PtcK. aithoucn th- nt p-lce cr i ... j -r. inconFequeniiai. t.'ae nil Tne , I treme thlrn-ps of the mayn't In t"i per. ' od. hn there wra any ptirn-fs of animation I hip wap ir-.ntf.. i,i.iif--pt In tha td fluctuatiina at which ord "era executed in the little f urrv, h;Ph i Pucreede-1 the aapemblina; of the auprema ; court. I I fere had ben pome pe!Un by bear trader in the fvrn hour on th chance that , decision ad-e-Pe to the American Tobacco I Arir r t-y I company aould be banded down tolay. jA'nnoii n , But the point of aa that In th " fill n of buyir.g --rdri thre a f'uc- I ! tuation of from 11 .S.. to 11 on the pir- t r. L. l"' I chape cf a care block of Union ! "V f l1 ' , Facific. ! J' '-"w ' . " I Th- question map anitacp'ed whether the ! b- tr n J. Mntrplcep dipclope.4 In the market tr-.iif 1 . fP - 1 K rl 11. n . . .A t h . . . . I , . . today of the r.ew reform rule of the " of N J f. Ptork erhane diree'ed aa-alnt mampu- ! r'" Ohie 4t lat ve practlcep. A favorite device of the' ref. manlpuiatorp aap to cut tn an order for I """ ,v e lark Maaer Market. NEW YORK. Atrl 1-Mi.lSKT-On eady at 1 ,i3 per cn'. ruiirf rate z I per cent: eloemg Md. 1 per cent, offered at i 1 per cent I , il.MK LOAN.- Verv d.ill and afady . i afce I aaaba err "low Ip-xty dava per cet.t. rinetv dayp. 4 per; L-n, w. A aellera. kllf PTlCCa Art I t'RIMK MKRCA.NT1LK PAPER-4 r3 ; , Flfteea to TwralfFIti I per i ert. , SThRLIN'l F.."'"HAT';F.-Ftron '-h Ceata Lowe-r. ual bup.nepp m bankra tulip at U 4V-g j ' 4 4i f-ir Pit)-dar b'lip and at M P"i for) nir-ty dP: commerctal billp. 4MM-. t ant-m OMAHA Apnl 4. PII.VER-Par. S-'V. M-x'can d 'l'ar. 4K. ' POVTH OMAHA. i in I . i . . . r- .. . . i-.A.w 1 T I'" V i ro;:.m . t . ref la. 44 rr-Tipm . i r 4. r.. I Ailu-' hpi in I Am T A. T I An TWrro do W 3. Artrlej ; Open. Hih Low. Cloee.l Sat y J 1 "t i AIV' 1 TS if'w I 4U I 1 1 Oaaaha Caak rrtrtt tl Vi11 T: No StAMonp. Ashland. Neb Auburn. Neb M 4:'-, B kn Bow. Neb. sn 4(w Columbus. Neb... "5 , Oulben-Pon. Neb.. W Falrbury . Neb ... T 'Fairmont. Neb... h5 1 ir. Isiand. Neb . M Hartlngton, Neb. SJ Hustmgp. Neb.... ii Hoiilree, NVb... M Oakdale, Neb.. imaha. Neh... Neb hatd, Se.iwft4K 4 hard, iJcUll fll ; No 2 aprinat. u.?i i. : . I sprina. ji'eLOo : N'v I durum, iljWic;- No. J djmra. (g?Tc. i.'ORS-re'al wvhite. Mfi6Sc; No. 1 white MHH&f-V; No. 4 white. No. vel low. No... 2 yellow. .".l .n'V-; No. 4 'Tpktmib. vellow, 4tyb4PV: No. 2. K.irOc; No. t'Altt. la , l'is3c: No. 4, 4-4)iV': no Rrade. 'u4.r'C Carroll, la CMrTSStajidard. 4"9m,,c; No. I white. Clarinda. la.... SXic4 No. - 4 arhlta 3Kec; No. I yellow; Pibiey. la kiiC. Not -4 ryejlow. mixed. , ?loux .ity. Ia.. 37j3T1-c. .-- - BAHLfiY No 4-SSc: No 4. Uc. - RTESo, i T4r; No S, TSc. Cartot teceira. t'heat. Corn Otta Tiie 'i ii ' m -M:nr,eapoir , (imtlit 1 1W li Lniluth M M i 7l 7s 7s r 43 m ss 4? iP T) 4,1 44 4" 4-1 42 .01 ., .00 .') .( .00 .'1 . T .on .) for Fky. Pt . cloudy I Ft. cloudy Ft . ciouii Clear Cloudy ! Clear i Cl-ar Clear n . ciouoy . a urae amount or stock for ' all or none, j which waa effective often in moving- tr-e i prlc- without any actual transaction bei-ig ncespary. It was Inferred mat the new I rule in dlPcouraarina; puch orders, might be ! reeponplble for tha open apaces bare of ! order that were encountered when prices I moved today with any decision. ! The relapse of tne market Into I'tni I tion after it became known that no Ameri can Tobacco dt-cilon would come today. ae f.irce to this sunp-sitlon of other I caueea f .r the ngiect of th- market than the susponpe of waiting this imp r ait i Judicial decision. Stattptics of tha Journal or Commerce on the recent output of new ill. 1 n tst rf securities threw light on the causes of i I"' M '- the present symptoms of glut in the mar ket For the last quarter the total reaches the prodigious figures of V",4.;33.75 par t value, of which xtm.(e.7A were issued in i Ma-ch. Last year there were but tTKS.37S.SX) iptsued fr th; whoie quarter and bu J75.r5.40(i for March. That the money market Is unsffected bv c B A M r. t . B LAP. rf 4 . i'o)o. In4 m. Col. Mia. 4 . :. A s. r a P At H. rv (. D At R a 4o ref it D'tlllr' ft .. Erie p L 4 . io aea. 4S. m4o it 4e. se 4o senep B. . GB. Kier. iear i the gold export mcvem-nt and bv the low Cloudy surplus reserve shown bv the 'Saturday Cloudv bank statement is due to the lanquid de- v'' ' mana lor stock market Durrjoses. Bonds were htavy Total sales car value i.. Lnitea Mates bonis Bil. lVPlnt. w 4's .... loSJapan s .. t"!- 4i 4n V C. S" ink.. HIM a u.q to -Ml... HL 1 V II! ' M. K T t 4s... t"? So sen 4'- .. . .:KWc. Pa. 'If w . . R Id 4s v"v T C g Iws.... . SJ 4n .. SN T N H. H 11 - tr - WX 'l 1 t 4 . to rr . ' ilo rirl'.c . "S 4o 3o . S- L r".t m -a r 1-rK . V7 eo en. 4. . . ivMf aa. 4o . . . 12 L 8 f 'i I"' "to n. As.. 1 St L. . W e 4s ... . f So lot oli 4o . . .. "".a.tbooM A LU peso. Pacific csi. m f M1i do rr. 4a t. 4B. '' do . ret 4s ... Sreeo Ro'tWAT os ... Ts 4i aon. 4o , " few Pattne 4 ... 4a T (, rt to. 4o let a rot. 4s I . flnhhrr S ... Ptl' a. f-sol M M tlH'l fim- (."m. a Waba.ea lot is. 4 4o jot K. 4S.. r. A . 7W esters Md. OJ . . 7'"Weit. e er. er. im . km ... itl "Wis Control 4e SS lie FAc ct. its alt 0!lriJ. s . S -4 - U lH a r4 47i 4.4.M 11 l W1T I -n &5 i rs the rsceirna ef I P.ece pts were. catt.e. as i Es'imata Monday l " gama dav last week.... s 1 ' ! am day I weeks ago., t" j hame day J weeks i.. 1 , rame day 4 years ago Sarr nav last year 1 ! rattle, hoci and sheep at South Omaha for y. tha year to date, compared with last year iS'.A 1 Ire. I'ec JM.t 3T. - 56.I72 77 -tj 1-J aet.ARi H.' e.32 taoie no) the average S.jutn Omaha for tha last PCTTrT-The s-'-An.-n !i the s"iep bra at tn opetimg tru m-irr'nr d ffe-d - lltt'e from that of eariv n s--s l.t week Supply was norma'. crr.en-s la'gXv i-f la nib sttli In the f'eete bv.t p.vrr f - i p!?l'd on big concession on I k n 1 i f stryk and t-sde ws si w a-1 d aczv f-r-i s'art - flnih V"' en at ISit:- r r i-e IbMvers did rt sl: w verv muih lo'e'. . i srd It 1U Wi lluro tows .1 t oon hef re anvthirg !.ke a c'arsnce rd Inn f- z j quarter lower A fw .s f g'vl II ; iasnho a e"e included In rere'pts and th.p sold to mnch better ad' gntace thsn ".-oied strirgs but demat-i ws sij verv d . 1 at 'figures Just ho it To k.wer (--e Ptru.g of 'westerns went at I, li. I Sheep and ya"i."g we w pm .. s- p . ply as uisl. hut tfer was ''tt or no in- jirv frnn ali.e- and th smvmt of b nee transacted wsp tno magr to af broad et of vsliea Sl.n a' pr'ces even y lower wou'd be .; oest way to scribe this branch of th- t ade Wjotations on ''p srd .an-bs Spring lamha. cholc. 11 . 11 . sprmg tsmls. me1 -im t"i'Q. f"i ft cnor-e :mh. r : fai; t) c Urrb 7.'.os li, gon.1 light yeari'ns. t 3 iwvi heavy ar!h- j. t 1-oSi. f'; tnnl to choice w et V- I7...E 3: fair to f0.1 netners. 17 VAt it 7i; good to r -'-e ewea. V f"1. fair lo Iec. rod r .. -. i ; -f i 1 i i n-' . r-r nl nsrk. ,-..-. 1,'rHi. aV -bJ a,itvv'Vi f - frte rseo. rce r'- fro caees. :io t attaw N' o-k full cretmg fa-r to g M, lSHiC- Market. 1 I - id d Cat'la Hogs Sheep in follow inf price of hoga at Reprepentativo sales: 1M Vv .."4 4s. t2 ... :t .. r 4S M .. 1'S ... ss ... vet, ... n .. Vo 14 several dava with wmpinwss. Data. 1W. iLO 1W.'1T. March n 1 , M J J March a -. V w; ' V! i i i L March 54 ;l 4BV.; Hi 4 . I 5 IN Ar Fr. SrJ western lambs shorn "4 J n T'l western lambs 7 I n Ilf western lambs i f. 4s e eptem lambs l,v. S o;, . western wes tl 47 CM Colo-ado lamb "4 t i western lambs, culls, shorn . 4 jO M iftt lambs, shorn... " " western lambs 17 ,v t western lambs, shrn ta j i Ji western lambs, phnm r g ; 7l Cnlor-ad Mexican :an bp .... " : I jr.7 wete--n lamb. clipped "0 SM Colorado lambs 71 t i rillCAGO LIVE TO(K MARKET NEW Vi'HK, April 4 Tba rot ton market open d f rm at an I'Mr.i of ru .2 p-nnta cn a contir.uaii.-n of .Saturday's !at cov erirg movement ard as a result support frtm t pout hern twill e'r which was rm-vuruM the fltn showing of Liver p.. Weather ad is w er eons'dered fvrah'e. however, and after tha f'rst d n r. '.d trotn mrtp had ben supplied, the tnarkt eased off from the best under r-a -.rirg and 'oal bear pressura aa.nst tp. rw crop positions. COTTON-Future opned Trm. May. 14.1c; June. It"-', o'fered. July. 142c; Aug'jst. 14 lTi . f -ptember. 13 . Oe'aber, rvrrtnVr, life, Janusry. 11 Mo. p.'.t c lowed quiet five r. inls advan-e. M ddi.og upland. 14 middling flit, IN -c. S .-".' b: s r tssomlFd sislew aaol Drtea tralta. NE'V TURK. Apr'.! 4 -EVAPORATED A PFLES-Wuiet. but p-'ces are steady. On the spot f"r is un'M at choice at ijiy, pnm at trTV actw common to fair kti'V I'RIKI F KV1TS Prunes ara iull and prices bs.-e!v steady vjuotatlons range fiotn I'AaJt'.c for Callforrt up to 30-s ard S for Oregon Apricot trs quiet anl essv; choice, l-i'err.a, extra choice. 11 J 11V. fancy, lrgirvr Peachea are lna -tive, w tn pine pressure to sell: choice, A ,.-; extra riot.e. -7Jac: fancy, 7nj:Sc HAtslns are In poor demand and prioes are rsv. Le m-iscatces r auoted at i4 iSc'. thous n fancr eeerl at tBc. seed . s at Hit''- and Lcnd'm tayera at li IS H 1 JO. tsi Koala. April 4. "IL-Tur- f rm. a!- bbji ; reeipta. sh.pmeats. ' bbis.; nocks. Iff 71 w S6I, H Hi Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at , 11 si tha I nlon Stock sards, r-outb omana. ur twenty-four hours ending at J p. m- yes terday; RECEIPTS u. . cattle. Hog Sheep H r s. C.ear I It. cloudy Cloudy changed on call. M'nlmim temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. 7w rs "4 CHICAGO GRAIN D PROVI'lO' eatarea-s tha -rrsdlsg ss4 t lwwiac Prleea Board af Trade. .. rtliiAAA .Apr.' 4,lnd cations of a com-pie.t- lAieaa a diouth ci-ndJItiuna in tne , -au.hwe(4sa4 ".e)ieaepal eeiling of w heat . here r t jia . Jrleh - rwPulted in decline of . tuorr umu lc la a.1 deiiver es. t'orn and a r r''red-r. decline. Provisions le el first aH Mayr- ' ' Wheat mi subjected to Heavy pelllrg .i.pmrr all daw w-th 'The exr-ention of a A1 -iTt riftfTdfcrlrrtrjVriMt h(vjr. Domestic ' ard fore4grt nesri J itatlstic were almost ' Osetstln ii'.UM ta .ry.-c t tne bears. The t s;nr liurt-a A-lSued a spec;l forecast! ton a-, which indlcved general ra.ns for the! i'i!ir J. Ji.ted s-tew tins week. From i 1 ttnithed arlu in the day. Juiy j No. of Central. Stations. Cohimbua. O 17 Louisville. Ky 1 Chicago. Ill K St. l,iui. Mo 13 I'ea Moines, la 14 Minneapolis. Minn, .wt Kansas City. Mo.. J4 Omaha. Neb 19 72 12 Pt c'ouriv! -Nuber of ard principal quotations 7--i "n siucaa were as io.iows: Cl0u,1 Saioa His. lw. c twelve-hour ! Aiii-ckoiers yi i w I A mo: mated Copper 9S pi AmerirAn Agricultoral Am Beet Stair i American Ca I Aa c. a F Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. a L. pfd ... Am. i-w rurtleo. .. A men ran L,lnoeed Amoni-an l-oroot :o A ' ex A ' Am. ; Am. Temp Rain. Max. Min Inches. 4 e a: .v; 42 .3! .I o ; .40, Within the laat twenty-four hours moder- Am. T a R. s?d ee! Fmndno.. Sugar Refining Co. mornlns; in the lake region and Ohio lay. Colder weather is moving la over the 'WiEW YORK. ately heavy rains were quite general over j Am. Totwn-o ptd. ti. e corn and wneat region east of the , Asja-.tan Women Mitsouri river, aud rains continue tnn i Anron,u alining Auatmjm ' Arrtnocn pfd this morningv L. A W EI-H. Betbiehem i,eoi Ltical ortcaater. Weather Bureau. I Bmoklm Rapid Tr. I 4 ans .B Pkrinr CltttRil. . MARKET i centrot Lostber I cwatral Loathor pfd : CkMitral a! V -w ay sa tarloas rlllMli, . oak. ' cYitcAAo a Alton , t' Great Woe: orn r. o w. pfd t". oiejii.sO: winter straights. tailli;'-' m a ar ' p ! C. c, C. t L. tvHorodo F. a rolorwdt a aowtaom . . . NEW and lower April 4. FLOl'R Steady- to effect niIi: spring patents, winter straights. tiJwat.3r.; patents. JS.V'utf". spring clears. HMH' winter extras No. 1. f4..wt)4.Ai; winter exfras I No 1. H 3IX04. li. Kaasaa stralgnis. li Hri i ut r'l tl.Ws- St-ptemba-r. In the mean nil .iff .ircisi ll MS to ILCBV. The 1 . v, ,.V.,iL., .,t,mi'., 'w..; receipts. bbis.; anipoients. ' rvmhrta-.! Gas .... a ! Sfptemher st II. UBtjl .flS,. ' bbla. Kye flour, steadv; fair lo good. U om Prwlua Ki-eued llfjuidation. pemrlpaHy In May.Ji4S- rholce u farcy. I4-5.-a-4.aT.. : Dssawars HawB f' sr' t'tfi" of abutat le tn an deilvenes ("ORNM EA L Steadv ; fine white and yel- KenTor a Klo Grand c ....-- "A a result of the poor demand. oW. i ;: Lit', coarse. H.3Tla; kiln dried. I D t I. si ..- ; piet ii trt cari grain was off Vc to , fz 33. ! Dtailleri- pacwritiss . "!-. .No 3 I'!..' e:i:ng at ijWc. May sold! HVRrn:l Vo . wetern nim!nil I Krt -.'.ei S.'"c and ' t',tjinc The market , f. ,,. b.. New York. H.tu at net locf-a of SUJ.C to c. j WU ICAT-tipot. easv: No. I red. $1.14 bid. . ! n M il lit 0"c. ..; c l. f . and No. 1 north rn. tl 24. nominal. .ai re wtjj. owing to the break in ; f . o b, opening navigation. The option w o: and cm and to aUdaional reports I market waa firm early on buying by traders I te ina of a larae acreage seed-d to oat . on bullish state croD reoorts. but the Ken- ! Erie, lot pf Rrte 14 pfd lienor ai Elocu-t-s G-wat N--fl i'.im pM Ucowt Noruiorn Or ctf. mine's Cew-jwl un.ler extr-me,y favorable conditiona. The , tucky report was corrected frornr so to in j mt. Met. pf ;i.a;kr; clu-d we at net dt-ciines of ; Pr cnt Prices declined on thia and I Inuarnatiot-al Harrapter c lo Vr. 1 the .Increase in the visible. and report that i Int. ki-tw p'l -:-uvi.hi. criwe.1 f.rm at aain of 5c to'tnrt-a foaas or American -o. z rea -rnnt . im-mic-nii nvm- Z-'-c. Itte Mr deitreneai cl-wed as follows: PorK. 21711,. rmnl. H7-: ribs. $13 fjf Tise lea.ring lutur-a ranged a follows: ArticV t tpen. ' High. Low. ; Cl, 1 14S 1 HVv I e) V' AS i.'Sn'Sli li"'-S Wheat May 1 H?r', - Jul 1 t orn Mar " -'.f H i v . Sept. VA-JS-. May ' . J u I V Sept. Pork .May . " J ui y S-'-pi. Lard Max July epl May 13 m' n jiiv i u ! I 13 rr1! . r-ept . 13 la 1 13 M , 1 1P-, 1 i-w: 'had been returned to New York from Huil : At the close pricas wera 7c ret lower. 1 Mav. U 'al iJS. closed at tl 22: July, ill ll(l.I. clostd at tl-14-4: September. iH.lmOlll. iloaed at 8110. Receipts. JU.iajO I h... . r K . , "",VJ"'LZ"'' "' T " - in... .. t Minn V.VrV.- J-JJUl. r-svj. , - ' r . in i . li-. awiu j f P t 1 i . - - . o. tiu'-iC. uiiia nriaiiii -t-i-vil i. Sat'y. i ei: l uasv 1 ifT ' '-'Piion 1 Vf' . Sii pftSfts M'l'tHS t.3-. -4a 4.Ti :s. J 43 42', 4JSrt. 41'".? "S ' aitS 4'V'41 '-..-.t-w3Srt', . j m I f si "73 14 X, . li 7o as M ' 3 17 I- 571, n T;i, . 13 i , U i i 3i ?l I 14 70 f 13 37. 13 3i . li 25 J3 M 13 1 13 13 li 10 !4 W I 13 7w . 13 a It 1., ; 13 50 ' I 13 27 U. I u 15 21 i 13 5 is ars is 13 C 13 17'i 13 05 market s without transactions. closing at Ktile net decline May closed at 5c; July. 71c: September. 72c. R--celpta. 4 .43 bu ; shipments. 304 t7s bu. OAT8 Spot, easy; mixed. ! to H lbs . nominal; natarai white. W to 52 lbs.. 47!f 44c. dipped white. 34 to 43 lb. 4!ui2c. Option market was weak, with transactions ciosmg v' net low. May closed at 4V Receipt. .73.375 bu BRAN Quiet: western spring in l'SVlb sacks. $7 4. r 24 60, standard milling in ltu Ib sucks. 3 HAY Steadv: prime. tL12491.U: No. 1. L10t-il.l5; No. I. $3 4JO.S1-06; No. a, iktc HOPS Pull: state common to choice, lSs. 24i3Uc; Lk. nominal; Pacific cot l!w. 176ia."; lSstssi. nominal.. HIDES Firm, Central America. SfVi. Eogota. IT'iC. LEATHEK Firm: hemlock firsts. g2c; s-conda rit527c; thirds. I2-15c; rejecta at PROVISIONS Pork, attady: mess, xrr m l-"7 .Jstai snort clear. . -No 1 . ( an euotat!ans were as follows; famllv FLOCK dteadv.- wmter pmarns.- H.Jl- a ' Keef firm: mesa. t:S0nai0 a.Vi wvtctar - etiaighitk . 0113. apnnj 1 familv. Yi (US13 i: beef hams. t34.0"ti3. etraurhiah 44,rc0-4js,. baker. Li"Si . - Out mat. qjrlet: pickled bel ie. 10 to 14 RYE No. 1 euc " 1 !ba 1S S0.17.aI. pickled ha ma. !l.stTl7 00. . JA KLKY-F eed or mixing. SO(63e; fair to . i,rd fi;m. ir.iddie west prime. Ii4.3zl4 3S: .- a.awaiUn4tJ ..tyiCc. refined. easv. comment, t'.4 70: South sEEOis r-lax. No. 1 southwestern, fS 0; , a pnr. ii-, n: comoound. tl02f.flO.Su lnternauonaJ Pua lews CatrJ XansAS Cur SAubrn. K. C So. pfd Larfede Go LotiioTiil a N ft. L a s. m St.. k. a a , M , K. T. pfd i ilil-oal Ptu-ino NAXLoOAi Bior-ntt I NAXlonal Load V. R. R. of M. 3d pfd. New lark C-nu-AJ N T . O. W ; V1olk Wjer.. , Nortis AtpenrAa S-DTtS American Northern Pacific . ... I-arltir Mall Pennsylvania Poop-ie a os P . ( . c. a 9t. L : Ptttabur-f i tiJ 1 Prteand Bteel Car : PulimAn Palace car . . Kailpar s-eei sonng. . i Heading j Republic Stosti : R-epubilr otcwl pfd Hark loland O I Rots Island Co pfd . : at L a F M pfd Lou a w Timothy, No. 1 Hon h eatern, Cltiwar. 'A. Li - PROVISIONS Meas Doris, per bbt, J3 S tei'i 37V . Lard, per 10 lb.. 314 Short .rtba, sipsa iivae. l3aJiirt13i,-. Short dear sides i boxed). I14 2ial4ie . , - Total ciearancaa of wneat and flour were .et-ral tor 7. bu Primary recetots were -, u . .eampsired wnh liel.aiw bu. the! correepondlng day a year ago. The visible j supply of w heat in th United States tn- I -creased ' Lis. bu for th week The, amount or oreaostun on ocean increased son one hu prime city, 7tc; coun- TALlXtW Steady try. .a.7i-c. BUTTER Firm and active creamery ape cia'.s. SJr; extras 21r; third to first, Z-9 3ic: held, second to spex-lals. 34(?SOc: west ern fa torv. -"g3.-; western imitation crsamery. itVi3Sc EtH IS Firm, wes'efn storage selectionw. 2Vv4i.V; regular parked extra first. 2?'i I2V'. firs'. Zl-5 c. southern firsia,.nia T t TRY rreed. a-.liet: western chick. P-" er. lirulTc, fow .. WSu'Ia'-fC: turkeys. 17 I i 1. S ' Pfd.. c . w. . . . . . . . . - aioasBCTTieia s. m I.. outberv Pacific Soutbem Railway o. KAliwaf aid Tennooiioo Coppor To a Pa.?1tic t . St. l. a w T.R.L aw. pfd... I n'M Pacifl I ntoa Pacific pfd V Realty V. Rubber V. sioel t Steal pfd I' tail Copper . Vo -Carolina Cheai:cal Waboait WaooeB pfd teitrn Maryland c 'a w owtlnchouse Kler-tnc Wootern Talon Wbar.lng a L. B Eatimarad recespta for tomorrow: Wheat. eLT I: ::c 0, u: ho-i C Itr Grata aad Pro Li.... t ChK-ag raa frar.vv-B,st. Nw KANSAS CITY. April 4 WHEAT t'n rfl T I 2". -No. S red. l No. J hard changed to lc low-; N. t harl. ft loH-s t: 1 li: N hard. 1 14: No i 1 US; No t, tl 07; No. t red, II ltal-. No. rorf-eern II 00: No 1 aDrlna- tl (Wil 1l 1 1-31 1 Torn Nd I easn. S-'V; No. S cash. 67S c; No. 3 white. an; o. 1 white. o ns i7" .... j 'aj" 1. X -A ... " lt3 2' 'jv, bS ' .... 17. 4W t 1 6S W1 ' Ua lC-t It 1M U4W i m i y "es .... 7.4W 1114 Ill's i'w 'ti- ic 1 13 12 V" 1:1 lioo .... 1.1. TT4 7 . ... .) in :r w X.) M ' S4 "'i Hi" iuvm 4.TW) 143 I'' 0 4 ! MS i f . ... tan XI I l . 1 141a. )O0 40 i 73 T ' ht I'.t tit S 2s j 4rs r:s 11 "S st i : .... l.' Hi US Vaj 7 4t hjs last, uj- lav ss tr .... s.Tit : u K SI '..'.I " o 'v-i a ' l M . .. 2tt ' AI :.r 1SI pa ls ) 41 .... " it 4 . li IK to ;a, aii ' lw .... l.M 1, Ul Si1 6V .... im ii va SHI 74 7 ! 74 7 1141, 1I9 il JS, .... 1SS I.1" ia trait -t yw i"!; i"! yi r St-t 1! 411 41 1'W) ti i l-sr Ba US 4uj lt in lt I'M S i 4". 4&H 71S -4i 4IVs "'i 'rj4 T7 74 TSS 14 pel J3t :.s r:s - u s .... l.Jsi sis :s i t:s -'S im n U St 1S lSJ'-l '- t li v, c ... IV at J s .... 1 1 '.'. !1S I HI 4S 4t .... 1 &i- 7S .... 44i 4iS .... 1. 4t 401 . .. . m- 44 9m 7IH M Loadoa t4rar. Market. LONDON. April 4 American aecrurltlet were duil and feturlea during the first hour today. Professionals bought occasion ally and advanced prieea a fraction. At noon the market was duil. with price ranging front unchanged to c higher than Saturday's New York cloeing. London closing stocks: Consols, saonoy tit Louis!:; a NasA ..;. Id soeotini lkl). .11 t-WM . Kan. A T..41-e were tin- " "---fr- -' ' --v" - - on. on-ni were un I aqaoi ooa SSNorfolk W-satav-a..!' AtrDtoa us a pra at do prd . 'H Ontario Weatarn.. 44 ! Baltimor tc Obi ..liSPnnsTlTtnla 414 t.aA4ta raciric ...mnMM ain rkepspoak a Oki . tit ReetPmg Chi. Great Wostorn stouora RaiIw Cbl.. sill. St- P. .144 do pfd Da Bear H Smut hern Parlfia 13 24 44 "S t1 , Detror Rjo G. 1 do pfd grip 4? lt pfd do Id pfd Grnd Tmnk ...... Ill i-tni Central ... SILVER Bar. PS'S s ! -' IE , 41 Imca PseUlc f do pf . mc g. ttawl.. 4 r! pfd Wabash as d pfd .... 141S paniQ 4a .. steady at 24 d . S4S . as 1TH lsrft 1 Sf ..1MA n 4T W I per ounc. , MON EY 3Sa-4 per cent. The rate of discount in tha open market for snort and three months' bills, t't per cenu C . M. S. P t Missouri Pacific I nion pacm- 17 C. N. W., east C. A N. W.. west :3 t . M P.. M. 0 13 C. B. Q , east 1 C. B. v v . west 1 C. R I. P . t : Illinois Central Chicago Gt. vVestern.... 2 Total receipt 75 47 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 1 swift and Company J Cudahv Packing Co 1! Armour ar Co Krey Packing Co Cudahv Pack Co.. country .... St. Ciair Packing Co 1 Aurora Packing Co 31 W. B. Vansant Co M Benton Vansant A Lush.. 41 Stephens Bros -1 Hln V Son - F. B. Lewi - rtusion at Co J J. B. Root ft. Co 3 J. H. Bulia L. F. Husi I Wnlf ! u'Tr.arv A CarPV S. Wertheimer H. F. Hamilton ! Lea Rothschild ( Mo. a Kan. Calf. Co. Cllne at Christy SO Hogs- Sheep. s Ml n " 74 iti " 1 Baatoa Mlalag; gtack. quotation 1 Sol Degan Other buyera. i s Kl 13: 142 Is 9! t 7 13 BOSTON'. April 4 Closing mining stocks were: Alloacs AbaI. Copper A I. l. a c. An sotia Com- Ailantl b. c. c. c b a c c s. a m. Butt Coalition 1 al. a Anaona Cal a Horn Centenutal l-s I l'"per Rngo c. c. es i r dh v. at St 1 Franklin jr.a4 Girous on taac ; GcAngr ta ....... jp, 1 (reer.o CAnans . .. rv la: aoyai uoppvr.. re Krr Laiso -. Las topper La Salt Copper Bia 4 I I S5- . Miami C(par ... . 74SM"awk . aVa.seiad Con . kXipiaini Min .. . 7Surh Butt . 17 Nark Lak . '7 oil Dominion . Xa Oreo.a . 47 Parrott S. C. . QulBCT . ltvauina . 71 Swpprlor . Superior a B M . 13 Suparlor P. C. . 'Tarca .-4 11 i C. O . SL. 8. I- A. A M 174 4 pd Ssaf AA-!. JJWl!iB Mttdttniia " 7 II Mil. , I New lark Mlalaa stork 'w I NEW YORK. April 4. Closing ,4V I on mining stocks were: 1'iAitca . . Le4ill Oon. . S ; brunswtra Law ... .. I 33,v Cm. Tunnel stock .. U w . aa, II "S 1 It 42 B MA 4 I "' t un. ' Iroo ( al a riiirer Slirer Va. .IB ....lW l.rlti Ob let Vmcu OlStATM Opfclr .- ftandAr tlisa jAckat -. a :i 1 ..i .. 14 .. a .. ii .. 4i .. II .. :it .. SA .. MS .-. 44S s .. a .. 1 ..Ui . 1 . 11 Of .1.S38 cattle . W A SO & rrWOPBTfaiti M M B C OT" m "-"-"" -.. manna. m. 1 w. Staala aad Faaey Prlea. Far alahed y Isirrs aad Wkaleaalera. J BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to ! I irv 13V iw tl retail trade In 1-ib. cartons. 33c; No. L ! t 47 -s 'S to-lb tuba. IHc, No. 1, in l-!b. cart on a. , 15 Totala C A TTT.K Reoeiots i - - - i .. . w ..n thi ha. iiiiei uuiuvnnj win r . - - lr.g the amallest run for a Monday since July 5. when only forty-ai cara sra r- ported la at this point. Otwrr maritl li points were also poorly anpplied and Uia general teaaency waa unram w p . market. Tha apparent reason for ijca light rvins waa the han break that baa taJten plaea In price during tne laat ten daya the country apparently being; unwill ing to sell at current price. Cattle of all kinds were in good demand thia morning, both killers and feeders and th few . cars offered for sal changed bands raj-y readily and early In, the morn ing at prices that were safely 10c blgber than laat week. Titer were bl armrl anfluch to bring t&.Ott. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice cornfed ateera. 17 4vsil; fair to good corn fed stee-ra. fi.71t! ..', common to fair I cornfed steers. .7oav ; good to choice .quota- ; cowe and heifer,, tf..Vj.8; fair to good cow s ana neirera. s awra , cuuihivu ii to.ii cowa and hetfera. tl 5ow4.6a; good to choice I stacker and feeders. an TMjt.aft- fair to good istockora and feeders. 6wOiji.76: common to 'fair atockers and feeder. ttiBtrf 0: stork heifers, I3.756.5i; veal calves, ft OTtAjJads; bull, stags, etc.. t3.iii.7&. Reprentative sale: Steady kee Reaartrd Lower, CHICA'JO. April 4 -CATTLFIiec- ttp head; market steadv; steer. P" 2'H 50. cows 34 7rr pr-.f.-r,. t47.7l7ai. bulls, t4 Vtli.2;.. calve, tiOmoJ.Co, stock era and feeder. M.Ti'u.". HOGSReceipts. inO h. ad; market stoady; choice heavy. 310 l 5, but-her. tl trgl : light mixed. I10f(jin 7a. choice 1g . !. ""fi 1 .an. parking. IM pigs thi o 10 hi. ik of . 1 10 7ti3 10 . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 14 oti head, market ii2r.o lower. lier $7.ii , lamba f7-5"i:0.'kt. yearlings. fY4i9.1. I . .. Kaasaa tlty Lire tex-k Market. : KANSAS CITT. M i, April 4. -CATTLE 1 Receipt, ni-ad. including 4H south : erns; market l's&tic higher, cnolre export I tnd dressed beef steers. 17 4i.5": fair to I good. ti.7iv!7 3o. wt stern steers. KOI'', sto-ker snd feeders. 34 H0tu 50, so'ithern fteera ti.2ii0n; southern cows. t4ovXn5rV0. I nstlve cows. e4.fXrij ; native heifers. 34 70 fwla; bu Is, 13 75: valves. 14 pjit.7i. , HOOP Receipt p. 1 000 head. market opened strong, closed weak to tc lower; top. 110 75. bulk of sale. tift 10 75, heavy. 110 "fltjjr 10.75: pa-kere and butcher, tio vj U.TJV Itarht. tl0 2rjjl0: ptgs. . 75. SHEEP AND LAM BS-Receipts. 7'") hesd; market liSTTK: lower; lamba. fS K; yearling. t 51.0r: wethers. 17 125; ewes, M5(67.7i. stockert and feeders. 4 0ft2 00. St. Leala Lire Stark Market. ST. LOUIS. April 4 CATTLE--Receipts 1 50" head. Including SnJ Texan, market, lie higher: native shipping and export steers. AVS.50; dressed beef and butcher steerp. tt.75ii..o: steer under l.n', lbs., 14 73 67 0k: stoekers and feedera SI. $ !W : cow a and he'fers, t2.7V6 7i; earners. t2.1ii6315. bulia. I2 4ift6; cAlvea. t3.1Jj950: Texas and Indian steers. 14.759440; cows and heifers. I2 iu4 60. HOJS Racelpt, 4,via head: market Sfeady7 plga and lights. I.(te3 10 75 ; packers, tl 70AH ; butchers and best heavy. 310.70 eu - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1. head: market. 15c lower: native muttons, '&. 25. lamts .7JS6102.': culls and buck. t4.2f.tJ5.!; stocker. t4.(57e0. St. Jaaea-k Lle Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. April 4. CATTLE Re eeipta 1.S09 head; market strong to shade higher: steers. tSM"-7' -ows and heifer tl sn&TOO; calves, tt 00i 09. HOGS Receipts, i.lAt head; market steady; top, $10.75; bulk of, saies, nv MM. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReceiDts. 2 500 tr"!head: market slow, price lower; lambs. t.-uri. Otis SAVANNAH. pen bb hh.i Hi S1N Firrh: sale. -lS bbls : receipta. i5 bb : shlpmetjp. L2 bbls.i stocks, in bbis. u ote p. t4!nr!,4 r; D. t4-40. F. 34 ;-''. r . v. r. of OIL CITY, balance 14U 15k bb p . mn:. iT3 v.7 1471,: 1 34Sa. H tOt', I. N. W- .0; U. P Si ; Pa , April -OIL-Credit bh',.; runs April 1 and X average, 79.1 bbls : hip- bbls.. average. i7.f5 bbla. seS I OAS 1 J.7 l.ns 914 Lit 31 !" ... - 4.071 &.L this mom- Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis, Aprl 4 WH EAT No 1 noriirm. tl IVtil li. No. northern, ji y.Ki 13. July. l.oV FLOUR Ouli. OATS 4c .-... BARLEY Sample. MfTOyy, . Hay Market. OM AHA. April 4 HAT No. L tlO ; No. J. Ajuu. packing. fl-OC. Straw : Wheat, t7 OOi rye and oats. t 0. Alfalfa. tlSO. The sup rly of poor hsv is much heavier than th demand. The supply of good hay la shorter than the demand. Aagar Market. NEW YORK. April 4 SUGAR Raw, steadv; Muscovado. t test, i-; cen trifugal si test. lSc; n.rtlpe sugar. SI test. 3lc. Refined steady; crushed, 65t granuiaied. 5 2ic, po dered. 6.35c. Bank 4 learlags. OMAHA April 4 Bank clearings for to- dav were t3 14.;3 S2 and for th etwmrting date lat y WOULD STICK BY HIS FRIENDS corre- were C-5.564.34. 71 s n i , ss IS ltS f vw 7i"4 31c; In - d. tubs. wSo. packing stock, solid I u -pack. ltc; fancy aairy ruU. JOc Market i 'J l'-V as changes evtry Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, lac; young America, lite; Daisy cheese, Lc; Limberger. lie; brick. 14c to lc; doniestie olock. Swiaa, lc. Imported Sw :a. 3u. POULTRY Dressed broilera, r 59 a doa; for atorage. 16. for fresh springs. 17e; hena ISe, cocks. 11c; ducks, lbc; geese, lie; turkeys. 24c; pigeons, per dox.. tl-Js: lbs , Homer aquaba. 14 per doa; fancy aquaba rs per dox; No. 1. SJ per dux. Anv. l"x I Broilers, from Is to Is 'ba, 36c; l1 to I ' 1 lbs., 2ic; bens, 13; old roosters, Sc; young J;w j roosters, ltx:, ducka full leathered. 13c; ' geese, full feathered, 10c; lurkeya, 20c; 1IS ! auinea fowl, (3 per dox., pigeon, M par a. dox. FISH fall frozen) Salmon, 11c; pickerel, t-: whitefiah, lie; 10c; trout. 13c: cat fish, lac; large crappies. litTltc; smeita I lie; Spanish machertl, ISc; eel. 15c; bad- j dock. lie. flounders. 12c; frog legs, 40c per 1 oox. ...lM s . lil lVi J e: Ill luat 11 1311 !Ki I m I wt 4 13 4 VI 4 7 I 71 I o I at 4 N X 1'. 11. 13 74. H... u ... 4.... I ... cows. I ft' . i ... 7 s .147 ..'SI ..l"l ..1211 ..ixrt :J! ..11 s ..las 1 ..146 I Pr. 7 m 1 1 7 u 1 7 u 7 7 4 1 tl 7 M Which Asstertloa Dlqwalifle Beach Taylor as Jtrsr la !- g (ae. Beach Taylor was disqualified as a Juror before Judge Sears In district court follow, ing a long quit as to Mr. Taylor' friend ship with former Judge Shields, Arthur qross and Gurdon W. Wattles. The Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rail way company is being sued by Mrs. Bridgat McQuillan for tlO.OOO for the death of her son. Joseph Schoen. Since the accident tha mother has remarried. Pressed by C. J. t-myth, attorney for th plaintiff. Mr. Taylor admitted, "that other things being equal. I would naturally In cline in favor of my friends." Mr. Grows is claim agent for the street car company and Judge Shields has legal relations with th company, accordir.c to statements made in court. Stark la Slaht. I Receipts of lire stock at the five principal , NEBRASKA western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. ! MAY HAVE FROST oth Omaha Pt Joseph ... Kansas City St. Louis Chicago Totals .... 1.7 .... 1..VSJ .... m .... 1.500 ....11. ww ... J1.7J0 4.000 4.330 ; 4.1 5ri 2 5M ' I.Otm 7. j 4.rm 4 OO I is.ts) 14.000 ; 3500 S3SiVH 4 s i I 4kS 1 ss ; 71 ! 7S i 124S I.S 1 s l"S Is u 1-4 rj -" liS 44S .s 21s 4i S 4S 72s s c: No. 3 yellow. ihU cash. 43S343c. No 3 No. 4 white. 4"142c; creameries, Jtr32c; : No. 2 yellow. t.S. a1 N-). 2 whit. 414-J43V: standard. 44-i4."Sc. RUTTEPt F":rm: da ':e .rn2ec EGGS Firm: ar mark, cases Included. 0 624c; firets, lti;r; prim firsts. 21c. -.CHEKSE Steady; da;,a 14314; twins, lijlJV young America. l4V15c, long horn. 14SSl.rc. POTATOE Meadv; cholc to fancy, imj 2V-. fair to goixl. 232ic. FXIULTRY sFlrrn. ujrkes. lic; ehk-k-r lSci apnaga r"c VEAL eHeadr: 4 to -lb wta, tiec; 4 t' -lb. -wts..'yiisc7 15 t llvib. wta , Ilt A!2Hc. ' rhicagi Rece pts Wheat. H car: corn. ST cars; eiste-S ear Ftlmated Tomor--ow-Wheat, 33 ra.-s, c-rtv 2Ji car; oats. P42 car. CORN Unchanged to V lower: No 2 mixed. lo. No A. riujic. No. 2 white, trie; No 1. ','o'c. OATS I'ncliAi.ged to V lower; No. 2 white 4M47c : No. I mixed, 4304c. RYE 7275c. HA Y I t ( hanged to 2fc lower; choice tlmotrv. iio. choice prairie. $11 Owjjll.SS. choice alfalfa. I17uuflis.ini. BUTTER I renar.ged. creamerr. extras, St-V. firia. 2Ac. seconds, abic; packing tick. lt'-c. EOGS Unchanged; current receipts, new cases. til5; mieceilaneous caaea. I.10, aoutherna. t5 Si; storage parked. 45 Receipts Shipments. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oat, bu.. 7" ..St- A-aaAi eT LOUIS GeaeraA Market. April 4,-WHEAT-Caah 2 red. 11.1701 1W : Na track No. t 47 5Sltc kr: track N hwrrt. tlJ-Sat 14 A. VRN-M'aaa ek No. ! while 4Cvic OAT i'ash lower; track. Xv t 42 a 4 4.7c Nt I wttl. 4ijk s-, ,.. . RTF Firm at I,', FLOCR Unchanged, red wirier paten-p 5, extra fancy and tr-eht. 14 7r-. t7 H - hard winter clear t3htj4Mi. fr-Trmthr. -tdswr ) " ro R NTf K A L tl a BRAN-Unetikntred; sacked eat track Tl faji i x HA T Uriaired; timothy, tli 00fl 1 9 yi praine. tl2 y, ."IINI-Te Mr MP TWIN -!. PROVISIONS - Pork. lower. lobhirg 2d M- Lard. b.W: .prima steans. til 37HS a-Tj, ai.mata jower; poxeo xtra i ." - S Hal li 'S 22 1? ) 35'J s.4) wiaibl Sapply af Grata. NEW YORK. April 4 The visible supply of grain in th United States Ssturd.y. April I as compared by the New York Produce exchange, was a follows: Wheat, st4 bu , increase 1. 3M bu Com. 11.774 : bu : decrease SS maj ,u Oat I lai 00" bu : 2fJo. bu. Rve. ) bo : mcreaee 1 M) bu. Bariev. 1 ie 000 bu. : mcreaee bu. Th visibly supply of w.iest at Canada last Saturday a a 10.-47.1-. tit . an irc.-eaae af IT.Ss. Laeal Beearltle. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burnt, jr.. U4 New York Lif building, Omaha: Neb . etty ef l it) of Omaha 4S. '- Cwdaby Pvrktcg ro .. ... t'oiumbvia b . K U '-er m. 4 p .. I Uog BS.. U Ca 4a ita. I Nebra Manic. pais, I per rent : Ntrak Toi. aock. 4 pr cent . Nar-.k Piatt . i. C. 4. .U 1 Oman W ater O. ta 1V14 tuA Waiar ts . !M ; Omaha W air C Id pfd I (ntta Gas is. 117 ' (num C L a P. U. 1U Iit. L p'4. A Pr cent. OsiAb St. Rr M. 1114 C. B tu Rr Is ua ' 1 .mana a C- St R. pfd i riie!i a C B t. Rt. com itiu act E a pit Paclf.c T a T 6. 1SS7 Shrovepprt li. A A , t Ho Rr. Ca 4 a. Ifl-14 l"ri- S T stKg as. Ofaaaa T Wet S r neat. Bid. AMed, SB liM ltS l'S 14 lt S eS iw'S 11 s s ua :s 101 11 4 11 11 4 st tS I-4 us s tS s A Ut 14 at -4 n 7ts 4 , M . S M 't'" I7 : BEEF CUTS Ribs. No. 1. lf?c; No. X i 12' tc; No. i. 10c. Loin. No. 1. 18c; No. t 14ic; No. S, 12"c- Chuck. No. 1. tsc; No. 2. "se; No. 3. Sc. Round. No. J, Iftc; No. i SS. No. 3. c Pat. No. 1. ljc; ; N 2, :e. No. 3, 7e. . FRUITS Strawberries: Texas and Louis iana. 24-qt. cas. pr ckbe. fiOO: 24-pt. (caaea per cae. t2 5a3.t Oranges- Cali fornia Camelia brand Rediar.d Navela. 0-!-112-llM sixes, per box. 13.44: l:'iO-17ii-2i.V2i.-2oi s xe. per box. other Drands from Rivers de and other district, per box. t2 3 'i3 00. Lemonsr Llmon'era. xtrs fancv, 301 iJ sixes, ft nary 50; cho ce 3-S S'xes, per h-ix. 34 50 240 sue. ioc per box le. Bananas: Fancy aeiect. per bunch, tl 7 J 2tl: Jumbo, bunch. 12.751175. "trapes Im ported Mstagaa, per keg t'. Vty 5o. Grspe Fruit: Florida, 4 stxe t5 JO. Apple: R,n I;avi, per bbL. 13 50' New York Russets. medium :z. per bb ., ta.5: Cai'.fornia 11. 1 fnncv W. W pearmair.. per box. 12.10; .California extra fare W. W. PearmslnsJ 7. Red Wood brand, per box. t! 2i. eno ce Colorado Jonathan, per box. 17.0,1; .,,-a 14. . f anev Colorado Jonaths.n ner hn, ts . extra fancv Colorado R B'-aurte. per box : 123 feeders I"i9 ! feeders.. lof 4-) 12-50. Cranberries: Jersev. winter stock per' t feder. lt 4 0 1 feeder. M10 4 is bb).. Ii.tsfi5 50. Dates: Anchor brand, new j HOGS Hog trad racged from steady to l ib pkgs in box. per box. C 00. Figs'- nickel lower tnan Satutday. flat, Cal if orn a. loc s'xe. sue and movemtnt was at no time active. A VEGETABLES Irish Potatoes: Wiscon- 'w good loads of butchers were bough: up it:n ar.d native, per bu.. Jj-; Colorado, i early at f g :rs quotaply firm with laat oer bu.. l:'anc Sweet noafoe Kn. weeks c.oe dui anrr toe mure urgent I :i 4 4 4 1:1 u 7 li4J 4 M I 17 a l 4 liar: it H last i at 4 u an 12 HEIFERS. 4 H I 7 T Ml 4 II Tl 4 4 3 IT 4: 4 S9 4 i Ill 111 BCLI-S. 3 irrA t 7 1 1 ll 1 D 1 1 7b 4 a 2 I TS 4 SH I 1 H (li 2 1 111 A li ! ....... CALVE1 t AT 4 4 1 t 40 i !l 4U A 1 II 7 A 1 i Kl ill 1 I IS A li I 1 370 A ieJ T 1 4 o 3 ; W 4 I I ta 4 ii 1 i 414 4 AA 1 th I 4 11 7 STOCKERS AND FEE I 4 4 S6 I 17 4 4 Tl 3 4 441 4 Pt 4: pi ... . 471 I At 4 f 1" i I S 1 17 i 4 i li li I 7H4 A 1 JB U kl IN I .ltm 1M1 lit .11x0 .list lMt .3. .lest . SSI . 74) , .117 .lf .US . ta I A 4 ) 4 It 4 It 4 II 4 4 ti 4 IV A 35 I a I 41 4 ti 1 m a A A 3i .1A4S A ie lioA A (A Metal Market. NEW TORK. April 4-The market for standard copper was steadv today, with 1 spot and April quoted at t':2 .77ifj 13 i May. f:l sntjuoo, June, 12 KVgrlS.OU) and (July. tl2 8i3u0 The London lead market j was unchanged, with spot quoted at AT. t td. and futures at B 5. No arrivals wer reported at New York todav. Cuatom house returns showed exports of M5 tons Local dralers quote lake copper at t33 50 J electrolytic at A: 3.0045,13 js. and casting. tl2.754513 . Tin was easy witn spot elos I ing at tJSOSSeto. April, fa OOtjSXIO; Mav j ts.' 02s 33 15: June. t O61& 33 3(J. and Julv. tM.15.S3! 25. Sales were reported of iv I tons. July at 133 30. The English market recovered part of an opening los and closed firm, but at a considerable decline. I with spot uuoted at alio 12 W. and futures I at 153 12a d. Lead was sreadv. with spot I quoted at tt-404 50 New York and t4 2i 4 35 FTast St. Louis. The London market was lower at 11 15 Speiter was duil. (with spot quoted at 15.553 . New. Tork. and IS 87,irii.47's East Sc Louis. The Lon i don market waa unchanged at 23 Iron j was unchanged at 51s ASd for Cleveland warrants in Lordon Locally the market was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern tltOHij 1S.50; No. t foundry northern. No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern soft. tl7.7iHjM.25 IB T IM lit . IN 10 :a , is . ISO 2) 12S 7 5 7 TA 7 A 7 TA I St 1 m 1 1 At 1 1 i I u 1 n . K . Mil . l.iii . "1 . led . PI .1142 i 741 A m I wt I A 4 at I 4 to 4 AO oTtERS AND HElF'tita. :tz i Pi HFIFERS AND BULLS. - 4 .i COW 8 AND HEIFERS. r;4 s sa Murray Soper Wyo. feedera. Peit E . A feeders.. 10 'cders. VTt 4 0 1 feeder. M10 ( Caffee Market. 1 NEW TORK. Apnl 4. COFFEE The J ! market for coffee futures opened barely steady at a decline of f,ve 10 fen poinis under scattering ltquidati m and in rpon-e 1 to tne lower European rabies. Offerings I : were grsdually absorbed at the decline, but the buyers were at no time angrecslve. and ' while the ekiaing wa steady last prices , showed a net loss of tive to eleven points ' Sslee were reported of 1 250 bags. The I eompsratlvely small decrease Indicated by preliminary figure In the world s visible ' supply for the month of March and appro hns.ons that the forthcoming etovernment : sale abroad may develop ime wf-aknes , In the spot situation were probahlv factors i in the decline. Closing bid fottow Apr l I tKc. May. w.ic. June. F.c. July iix. August. October sr.d November. V: De cember. 4 95c; January. 1: February. ': March, t atv. Havre ek sed Sf lower 1 HamojTg was tt, pf lower Rio was , barely steady. 25 re' lower; 7s. 5-17. Santo. ' was autei and unchanged to V ret lower; ' 4a. 4-Xrt, 7s. 150. Spot coffee, qui:; Rio No i 17. Sc. Santo No, 4. H1,:-. Mild, quiet;; 'Cordova. IrStJl-sC With Law Trmperslares t W estward Caloael Welik Swage! Irhe ' aktllty f Free, Colonel Welsh of the weather bureau throws out the gentje Intimation that part of Nebraska will be visited by frost ' Monday night, but that thi particular lo ! cality may escape any severe effects of ' the frost. The temperature bet ea bouts wag 4 Monday mornlcr. but out at Cheyenna I It was 2. at Denv er X. Lander 1. Valen tine 34 and North Platte tt. I Freexlng temperatures prevail general:' j in the mountain districts, and the effect j of the cold in those sections may be com 1 manifest throrghout Nebraska Monday i night. The forecast being for decided. r ! cooler. I , ; M nod men Pleatr at Slows Fall. i SrOUX FALLS. S. D.. April 4. tSpeclal.l i The flftn annual picnic of tha Eaatern j S.uth Dakota Log Rollers' association will j be held In Sioux Falls some tlm during th month of June or July, the exa-t date not j yet having b-n fixed. It i expected th attendance will be the largest ever at a log ! rollers' picnic In South Dakota Four yeara 1 ago the association held its annual pica; in Sioux Falls, and tha attendants readied j about S.0X1. Efforts now ar being made to secure excursion train service on tha various railroad entering Sioux Falls dur tr.g the time the p;cn;c will be In progress. The members ft the Koyal Neighbors' or ganiratjon will Join with the members of tne Log Rallerp' ssgoc'atlon In making tha picnic a great fuccess. and the women wlli have a speaker of national reputation her for the occasion. The Speaker will be on of the foremost women in tn otder. Th log rollers are also irrangmg for a' speaker of national reputation. , Mlaaeaaalla l.rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Apnl 4 WHEAT Ma; tl l-'Strl 12 ; Jul, tl 13'pvl.lj rash. No Ttew Ysrk farts Slarket Th following quotations ar by Logan at Bryan. Hi South ttreet Llxeraraal Grata Market. LIVFRPOOL. April t-WHEAT Spot. wesnem winter. n stock May. aa sl. July. 7s Msd! New American mixed. As m! , dul : No. I 1 futute. steadv; I . , ..... AA.A CORN Spot. quiet; mixed. As 4-1. old American futurs dull; July. 5 AA,d PHAS "ar.adian. steady. 7 d F'LOUR Winter patent dull. I7s Uwlwlh Urals Market. rrUTH. Apri! 4 V HEAT Mav. Ju.y 111-.: -o 1 Donicrs, ill4', northern. V. 12, UAlS-if " Aaaer Toear-e ... Hat sto Ga. ... Boa rea i.r.a Autt Coanuew Ca.-tu Cb:n OtteX rona r--iiici' .. TrrlPl' Pit Cen'ral . .... tit ci.rv f. w .t.a Fraaklia G.rtB O ; H old re C ri Fioroa . 4i Goldnold rsr .. .- Green, raaaa . .. 17"t Inptrwtla . . 27 1 a r 1100 ... INs4a Caw-,.... . . 13S Neswaa-t'raa .. limns Coepwr . . 47 Raskid Coalnion A NaT Central . .. .1 A-'.4 Swift Fks C . .. . . 4" '- Bra r go Clo . . PO' afoes per bu . II 2a. Cabbage: Wisconsin. Holltnd peed, per ib.. 2sc. Celer: Cal-.frr,: Flcrlda per 12-lb. bunch, 0c. Oplons- Red. per lb 2 V yellow. In scks. -per ib . 7c Old v-Pjeiabie: Paisr.ips. CATr.t. be-ts. turnips, in sacks, per !.. 2c. Garl'.c: E'-a fanrv. w hite, per 'b . "lc. ed. trr 'h . 1. NEW SOUTHERN VEGETABLE Radishes: Per doa bunches n ps. Per dog lunch. Mr Cox bunchew. joe. Shsl.otts- Per dox b';rche. rljc parsley: Pr o. bunche. E-Oc. Beets Per dox bunrt-es. riOc Spinach Per bu.. 1! lbs. I' no Fgg plant 1 Fancv Florida, dox.. tl 50-82 0 Tomaioea. Fancv furnished 1 rlorld or C una per -baKet rra. 3 A': txteentn choice ? 00 Str'ng and Wax Beans: Per 'hamper about 25 lb tVOi7lA Cjcu-a- I ' per Mot nous, per anx . ji7Ta2efl '. ii,; HOME GROVAN VEGETABLES . 7" j Radisnes: Extra fancy home grown, per 4 1-1 1 dos bunches. 25e. Lettuce Extrt fancv .3: i leaf, per 4r . 4c; head le'fjce in ham - 1 i per. 10ii5l Parsley: I'ancy home s i grown rrer t"i Bunches Oc. order had been filled snd lower wires from the east had been posted, the best bid obtainable were ail of a nickel lower and moat of the later offering: had lo eil on, th a bas s. Suppiv- wa light, but shipping orders were notably carce. aa us-ial. with tne result thai practically all of tne hogt were SifrTnc Tor- 1 purchased by local ki'.era r.rrn.1. x., ; ReDreser.tative 'e. ri'i a. 1 noithern. li 11 47 1 .12; . at I T-tt .11 lj ufu a p-.t,i,r in ! 1 oft, per l-Towoa Mining I ; .7STnnur I'rpor Is 1 14 1 iiim topper t ( MISCELLANEOUS Oder: N-w Te.rk j per Sj bbl.. A3 50 liorwersd h. Two dose, (in case. tl.Sa Walnuts- Back, per lb. ic. California. No. 1. per lb.. 1: California. lb.. Its. . H.eko-r nuta: Large, per Ib . 4c; small, per lb.. Ac C coanuta: Per sack, ti to: per doa , tar. 1 11 .No. Taleda Saad Market. tsps' tsat. TOLEr0 o. April 4--EEDS-Caeh WASHINGTON. April 4 The condition ! clover 7 AO April. A ITS: tobr. t ii. of h treasury at th beginning of business 1 lecember. H Si Timothy prime, tilt. today waa as follow a j Als'k prime, 7 at. i.eneral Fund Standard silver dollars In I general fund. tl ..: current liabilities. - Batter Market. T working balance In treasurv EIXSIV 171 Admi 4 nf-TTtrns-i t2ili4. in bank to. credit of ; tic. Sale for the week. .m Ip. I ; gene t..t-: I lif.C I la A Ik. Pt a. A tk Pr. i 13 ... t - Lt ... I 7 I STAG. 1 144 M It 7A A 433 24 It 7f HOGS. it m . . . : 74 2s t 1 t ii lt 1 44 7 tea bh 16 4 74 m VJt 1 a tl ! is II 4 1 i-4 ... 1 ais n m 4t ri ..1 AJS AM t t t j 74 :n etitiis ti :u it 1 t at Sll 1JS S 5IS "i .... 3M ... It W IV4 . . 1 AA tt MA . . It tl Tl 2 1 . . It AA tt K4 St II I3S I TT '4 k .tf At XI US IS Us 1 r 3I MU 44 S4 I 4 (Ti 2.1 Ml It at 47 31 14 It 44 I 74 flu ' : ss IA 7 ... 1 i it 211 K a 71 Its . ltM 7t Ut lit it at 44 ri tt 111 41 7t lii A I ia ti l ...16 41 I I? Ill A II It as Kt . It tt 17 im ... At tt at aw tat it .17 2:1 . . At A 13 ... 4 i ts i i a l u t7 au ... 11 itt ASt ... 1 if It u .. MSA 41 II . It el 44 Ml tt M at lit 14 4 II i'S 4 347 ... It 7 m ta ...lei'.s tt ii ...ii ;i i-t ... j " n ... ii 7 ... I4i ... II t t rt ... 54) 7 - a. i a y, jxa ...t 41 ... tr itt mi tt . ti at) ... iT tt, . ... U 4 Julv. l.ard. Il.l3'yall: No. I 14s: No. t northern, northern. 17 07:15111 FLOUR First patents Minneapolis!. IS 55.V. t'-2;ir: f'.rif c.ears. eiears 105. tO. F LAX-ti S2' CORV-No. 1 OATS No. 3 whl'e JVt)-0sc. PTE N t 71ff74c BRAN In 10C .pound saks. t21 "0. tl U; No. 3 fin wood second H J-'dJI 4i. f o b. patnts. second Hayr Takea ta Pewlteatlar-y. DEADWOOP. S. I).- April 4.-I Special Telegram Sher'ff "Tlupkett left Sunday evening for Sioux Falla penitentiary with Charles Hayes, al as Bill Dunn, th mur derer w ho case went lo the supreme court and whose sentence was finally commuted to life sentence by Governor Vesppy, He had twice been sentenced ta hang. Vm rawer Bar ATlleratr. OSMOND. Neb. April A. Special Tele gram. 0mond Farmers' Grain and Live Stock association has purchased th 1 B. Mnn eievttor for 15 m. It will take pos sesion at once. leilow 51V41rV4c. Philadelphia lrl lco Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 4 PUTTER Steadv: extra western creamery. 3c: near- 1 by prints 3fcc Evl" S Firm. Pentisylvanta and other Herbert E. Gooch Co Brokers and D tilers OB.AU2-. rxrwrxno3tt gTocrB, Otaaka Office: lia award of Traa Bldav BU Tlpaaaa, XAouglaa tali " . . IndepaVaa, A-Blttl. Oldest aad lVargtat Saoaa la th a tat. DO YOU VVNT Reliable Advance Information ON GROWING CROPS? 0 Gathered by oar expert who are in the Held at all time. Our Weekly Report mailed FREE upon request. Finley, Barrel. A Company Dpt. C MoBhafcvock Blaxk CJaicagtt, IH. I