Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
For Nehi sks-Flioe .
For ln a-Showers; colder.
For weather report h Pag 3.
ton . tb homM Is read by th
morner aella goods for advertisers.
sixiui: con two ckntk.
Rnini of Miney Mill, Nye-Schneider-Fowler
Plant and Yarded Cart
Are Flaming Still.
Reaffirm Estimate of $1,000,000
Reached on Scene fay The Bee.
Policies Corer Most of Damage in the
Scourged District.
wrote to the former president at Khartum
I a full story of political events during the
Vapors and Fumes from Tangle of j ,!me ,he distinguished hunter was m the
, , j African Jungles. It also Is known that
DebriS Hang ADOVe. .William Loeb, Jr., who was Tresldent
. I Roosevelt's secretary, now collector" of cus-
toma at New York, has maintained com
FUGITIVES BACK INTO HOMES I mi.nlcatlon with Colonel Roosevelt both
Rehabilitations of Houses in Danger
Zone Has Begun.
.lr fin rt men I 'a Filthier Invade Pit of
Deal riicl Inn Willi 1 1 one Lines to
I n ii I Serlhlnir Tanule wt
Tultled llulns. i
Kir- Fta-tlng at midnight Sunday
ni;,ht, wiv'ng u'lt the Nyo-Scbnpldcv-l-'ouler
r-kalor, the Maney Milling
jiK.Pt una score. i.f box cars, Is bttrn
ii n .1. tbt! in. ns l to. In y. 1 h fire
n i.,;. ii s .i -.uunv (if Kiilblej ilatij;';' to
l ii i . which il lliii atviii'.l l.ibt
i,.;.. t :.t ! . v. 1 1 . t' wiiUu ufiy liani
i . .. . :.. ! . -ti!i::!io.4 of i;ie flaws
il't' where winds
tic (Nli-i!- in the
? I-1 wmk lrrm.
!- "l
bv in
r" ro
f '.
' nioM-'e
i t . v.
- .f :
Dl. !., sc
'- i 'mi lr?
?iil it few
t n Vr
-' r
i inl'i
1:1 !
t i v'nr
I i". Inl-Hv
- ! " v i i' In
i .' h? 1
i i'l'i) itin
I'nm 'irp t.i
. w h it it
oirli a considt T-
- " !') : )int pn
' . I.. . , f ? li, llllll -o (l,o l,,iild-
:,r:-' f v f,rn,0iin to JP, ii'i.fii.O on
vii'vf"r; 'Ci'or linr In th' vol
. i,M ...i,,.- r.. that In ctfi ori
i- t'-o ls nt thi Nye SehnPiriVr
i. .. iiirTjt ta fully em rivrl hv Insur
n T'-f estllnrfiM of ilmnagp v.ere innr I'.iiislile. How many olhrrs lost In
e 'i't'1Hy mrri-lnR by Snm lol I If'-i i't sccilonn !s not known. The tci
, . . . ., i ; c gale carried ihe the so fast that those
rh. tiKi IrMn t troarurcr of the com- " 1 " " ., . , .
wlio tiltrniptcd to rido ahead of it were
"V- i coinpriud to swerve from its path, and at
t i"n rn tf M:infv iniMintj plant Is ; one place the Llaxe made n lump of lSj
rt C 1 r 0 . 0 1 r , nrcorrtlnK to T. V. fe t ne.vss breaking and started on the
T'""!:". i mincer. ' ""'.trance
v. H' !n 10 rf cent of tho los.
.Innirs A. V.WW-, loral agont of tho
("hit nf o' Orfi'.U Western ratlronl, sat-J
.Tc.i 'ry that the eompnny has not rle
lirr.i'riel whether :h los to th? In-
rlcnrn r'rn t olpvatol
will ho hoavy or
Wo cannot co:ernl!n. said Mr. j
Kllis, "whRt our loss will be until w ;
''iike 1 in in n U In pert Inn of the grain'
'tnrl the Ir.ill ltns;. Without making a ',
tlos? Insnocilun It v.ntili! nem tint tho
Jreatist cltmiar,i ns that done to the
jVtlnt on tht hvillint, h'it ' do not
know whether our grain Is (lnmasei or
riot. There 1r a wide ronpe at which :
Oiir losses might he nlacinl, aril t hoy
tn be quite lisht or heavy. At pre.- i
put il would srem thst we tirl not s.if I
fr very honvy dsmago." '
Ailjastera Are llasy.
Insurkiuo adjusters maintain that j
thi reported damage exceeds the ac-
tual losses, even taking Into account i
the ('m-pi'tainty of the hox ear and In-j
i'.ppondiU ''1 'rotor losses, .loseph Har-!
krr, secretary for H. K. Palmer, Son
& Co., Insurance agents. mUl that he
thought the damage co' .d not possibly
exceed $1,000,000, and he did not
think that It would come within sev
eral nundred thousand of that amount.
The marks of the fire lie all over
the city. In the path of the wind a
continuous shower of embers and
spark rained down
district of the city
Turning street.
It was rt wakiful
on the residence
as far north a.-i
restless night tn of Omaha. People on the housetops
far norlh watched what little of the
f v theie wa within their view. Vp
and down the alley, throughout the
city householders ere on the alert to
MHii,p out tiny blaies that startal from
ih shower of Kpaiks. Many at ad for
hour on the outflde of ihelr homes
(Continued on Pa Two)
President Taft
In Touch with
Story that Senator Root and Col
lector Loeb Are Mediums of
WASHINGTON, April 4. -President Taft
In In no doubt about the attitude of Theo
ilnie Roosevelt. Ills predeipssm , towards his
administration. Roosevelt Is not depending
upon chance nfeetlng.i with American,
newspaper men or others for Information
as to the attitude of his successor towards
the problems besetting the executive. These
two sentences comprise the substance of a
report current In Washington today. This
report, to atale It d'rectly, was that while
there may have been no recent direct com
munication between the two men, President
Taft and former President Roosevelt have
been kept In touch with each oilier by
means of mutual friends. Neither con
firmation or denial was to be had at the
Whit House.
It Is known that Senator Root, who Is
Very close to Colonel Roosevelt, recently
by letter and cablegram.
Mr. Loeb has been a frequent visitor at
the White House of late and has seemed
to he on notably friendly terms with Presi
dent Tafl.
These Incidents. It is believed, have been
largely responsible for the story that Is
now current and for the st""- " that
1 President Taft reads with ci , the
report from abroad that M - Mr.
Roosevelt's friendship and tl " e mer
piesldcnt would not be adve
i his name used as a candidal:
j Taft.
I In fact It was said the presid
to a caller today that lie was.''
to know "a little of what Is
;the Hocsevelt party himself,
i No comment was obtainable I,
' lute House as tn the Incident
Praisie Fire in
South Dakota
Number of Homesteads in Newly
Settled Parts of Perkins and Meade
Counties Devastated.
PUCKRK. S. I).. April 4. (Special.)
.I ion t ih- prairie f'riM a short lime ate,
o.' one Kli'cll appc:u 4 In have been the
i..n- (lcv.i in live Imx t en little heralded.
Horn the fact that It did
i i m destructive i
o' k In lb" newly s ttl d sietiin of north-
.i.. M ..ile and southern Perkins counties,
iciuot'.' from conimuiilcitioii. , The loss
, h ie Poi milling ti! o lilsli 111 the can.:
u' n::y urn- inilividual u i dlt- tlut .Sully
to :t!0 ff: I". Will be Just as severely f?lt.
us in most ch?i I; was tho 1oh3 of hoino
iV iwiers vl Ii limheil i.ieiinK. lust aettliur
a ntsrt on their pra'.rle homes,
'i lie rtpoit giving of I oxers so fill
s leuii.el v.crr: Albert Betharda. los-l
ivcii'thliig team and otua and
the clothes the family wore when they
junipul into ll.e wanun to flee Irom the
Chin. i s, "Jii.s .Myiile. Word, lost everything
on her clui'.n and bn.cly escaped with hci
llfi ; l.udvig Heigs'eh. InM all his build
'iiBy: l'. Jenks, lo.t cveryihlnir but his
house; Ceorre Wali.ue. Inst all but his
, lions '; Alonzo Tensley, lost his hay nnd
bmn: A. 'ivertoii. barr, satldle and
huriics; Mrs. Kll.s. barn and supplies:
A. P. Williams, nil niithiilldings, hay and
a e.ilt; l. 1. Merchant, three horses;
Harry Herd. barn, hay, wnston and '!' In
money: Kuge:;e Hrow n. ninety tons of hay
:ird bain: Andrew .lurgeson and Hen
(iarnrs. their ' hoi's' s Many others lost
buy, slock and buildings.
I'lie swept over miles of territory
a!iil '.lie loves given are in a small space
tpposlte m nc of the titrip.
Roosevelt Meets
Pinchot in Genoa
Former President and Forester Will
Have Conference Next Monday
Neither Will Talk.
i;omk. April i. -Mr. Roevelt will meet
n fford I'lnchot at Oenra on Ap'll 11.
"After our Interview I shall hive nothing
to sit. said Mr. Roosevelt Dtiav, "and
I shall be surpilsed If Plnchot has."
M: Roosevelt said he had not hfard
from Mr. Plnchot sine? he had been In when he received a telegram from
Mr. I'lnchot at Copenhagen announcing
his coming vlsll to Genoa.
3 '- Mr.
U f 1
' i
Bridget Plays Hookey and
So Do Hazel and Mabel
If a certain pug dog named "Hrldget"
hud not been truant then Uaxel and Mabel
O' Hrleii would not have played hookey
either and would not have been brought
tearful and fearful before Juvenlne court.
Ilaxel and Mabel are 8 and 10 years, re
spectively, and Hrldget, who Is owned in
common, Is the Joy of their existence.
Without Bridget the universe is empty and
void of meaning and purpose. -
Sj when the dog with the retrousse nose
disappeared from the O'Brien menage at
Twenty-third and Jefferson, Hazel and
Mabel decided that finding him was far
ii.. re Important than going to school.
Four days they hunted In the highways
and byways and alleys of their own and
other neighborhoods and at length came
upon Ihe erring dog. Their cup of Joy Just
about to be quaffed to the dregs was
nevertheless rudely snatched away from
their lips by a truant officer, who had
been on a hunt of his own
.Judgo Sutton argued with the children
about the relative importance of culture
and canines, and the chl dren promised to
pursue the oung idea as eagerly as they
Statnte of 1905 Requiring Railroads
to Furnish Switching Service to
Elevators Unconstitutional
Decision Does Not Prejudice Ca:'
Arising Under Amendments.
Were Dissatisfied with Treatr..
the Missouri Pacific.
Jnatlre Holmes Holds Ihnt "Railroads
llavr lilshts" and that Properly
l aiiuot lie Taken M llh
ont rajhient.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April H-(Special Tele
giam.) Th supreme court today In the so
called elevator cases against the state of
Nebraska decided BKalnst the state In an
opinion by Justice Holmes. Justice Harlan
and McKenna dissenting. At the time of
their passnse. those cases were looked upon
as belnit extremely vital In the enforce
ment of the rate reKulatlon law passed sev
eral years ano by the legislature of Ne
braska and later developed by the then at
torney general, Norris Drown, now senator.
This case grew out of the Missouri Pacifi
company refusing to run a spur alongside
or near an elevator operated at Manley.
Neb., by the Manley Co-operative Grain
company of that place. It was shown by
the plaintiff in the primary ;cntirt and the
defendant In supreme court that the Mis
souri Pacific company had established a
number of stations along the line of Its
railroad In Cass county and that It main
tained a station at Manley, tht it had been
requested by the Mauley Co-Operatlve
Grain comnany to erect a sidetrack or
switch of sultahle length to approach as
near as four feet of the outer edpe of the
Manley Co-Operative Grain company s ele
vator, but the railroad company paid no
attention to the rr(U st. w hereupon the
elevator company brought action against
the railroad company in the sum of I."ifl0
Tried In Cns County.
The case va' tried in the district court
of Cass county without a Jury in lWi and a
verdict was rendered fir the state. An ap
peal was taken to the supreme court of
Nebraska, which affirmed the decision of
,1 .... K.l.-.. ifhnri.iii.nn IIia rntlrrtn.! I
1 !
company brought
I,. n.i,ll.r hufi.n Ilia
supreme court of the 1'nlted states and se-
eti.H n reverwsl todaV.
Justice Holmes in his decision reverses
the supreme court of the state, taxing the
costs to the state and remanding the case.
Judge Holme. In announcing the opinion!
uJiA .h 'v,iirn,,d. like othe, !
of I he court, said the "railroads, like other
awners of property, have rlchts that are
ner.tei'tefl hv the constitution and their
" 1 r
r.i...nitv enold not be taken without com- I
pensation. He held the law did take t lie
pn.perty of the railroad without compensa
tion and heme the law was unconstitu
tional. However, he said. It vas agreed that the
law had been amended so as to give the
railroau:i compensation for the taking of
their propel ty. He had looked at th st nute
as amended, he said, and found this was
so, yet as the case before the court orig
inated before these ajm-ndments became ef
fective, the delslnn of th Nebraska court
must be reversed, without prejudice to the
cases arising under the law as amended.
Two Western Bills. s.
Two hills of considerable Interest to the
west passed the house today through the
efforts of Representative Mondell. chair
man of the committee on public lands. The
first provides for a survey of the unsur
veyed lands within the railroad land grants
of for a forfeiture of unsurveyed lands.
There are approximately 12.300,000 acres nt
unsurveyed railroad land and apf raxiniati 1 ,'
an cipial area of public lands In the Fame
territory. The Intent of the bill Is to force
railroad companies owning land grant land j
to co-operate with the government in niak-
ing surveys sil as to determine just what Is .
railroad land and what Is public land. It 1
Is deemed wise that these lands be sur- j
veyed ns promptly as possible that they j
may become taxable by states and com- j
niunitles and secondly that the government j
n ay dispose of its lands which Join rail
road lands and In order that where railroad
lands occur within forest reserves about
3.000.000 acres of unsurveyed lands being in
reserves-government officials may be uble
to determine the boundaries of public lands
for the purpose of controlling and regu
luting the same.
The second bill provides that the
of Wyoming may select lands In place of j the evinlng he will be entertained at dln
those which will be overflowed through ! i r by foreign Minist- r Pavlgnou.
opj-iatlons of irrigation projects. Necesstty
for this legislation arises from the fact ! STARVES HERSELF TO DEATH
that In building the Shoshone dam, form- I
ing a great reservoir covering li.600 acres, I Mrs. 1). K. Kvnns of Tonrku, krn.i
considerable areas of land owned by the j har'cl with Arson Dies
state were wholly or partially submerged, I ,n '''
r . TOI KKA, Kan., April i. Mis. P. K.
(Continued on I'age Two.)
had sought "Bridget."
Mamie Jensen was also before Juvenile
court on a truancy charge. The Jensen
child has no dog; neither has she a dis- I
Inclination to study, but her father, Carl i
Jensen, who lives at 206 H street, South!
Omaha, Is the cause of the trouble. Mon- I
day, a week ago, Jensen was warned by i
Judge Sutton that he must not keep his I
duughter from school. Jensen heard the I
warning In silence and procefded to keep
Ihe girl out again.
"You stem to think the Juvenile court
Is a Joke," said Judga Sutton, grimly. '"It
Is not the child's fault. She Is a good
little girl. I do not wish to punish her for
your sins, but to teach you a lesson, 1 am
going to send" her to the lietentlon home
for week."
Pavld I-uud appeared In Juvenile court
and secured custody of three young chit
dren who have been kept from him for two
years. I.und's wife died and a sister-in-law
took the children for a while. I,und fslled
to pay her as promised and the woman,
being unable to maintain the expense her,
self, the children went to Juvenile court.
From the Washington Herald.
Refusal to Meet Colonel Roosevelt
Creates Wide Interest.
Will Prove MriHiK Card for Govern
ment, It la Tboniibl, Because of
Look Separation
PARIS. April 4. Nowhere In Kurope has
the failure of the pope to grant an audi
ence to Mr. Roosevelt created greater In
terest than In France, on account of the
long separation fight, and it Is expected
ni't'a n ati'diiir rarH fur the irnvprnmcnt
" "
j In the coming elections as supiMirtltiK the
contention of M. Hi land, the premier, mat
the recent agitation of the French episco
pate was inspired by the present Uitoler
ant attitude of the Vatican. , '
J1"' "'"V" "
t. lecall.i a conversation, which the
representative of that paper had with Mr.
Roosevelt u day or two ago, in which, evl-
J .1.. 1. I ..I, I .... R f -
"""J . .. ... -n
extrolled religious tolerance, pointing out
how tn America his friends Included minis
ters of all denominations.
"1 have a particular sympathy," said Mr.
Roosevelt, "for those who esteem that
religious faith is mystic. It even gives
a man a dynamic value, which becomes a
benevolent force for him and others."
Hecalln Killtor's Visit.
Mr. Roosivelt also recalled during the
course of the ititervlew, the visit of M.
Tardiiu. foreign editor of the Temps, to
the I'nited States when lie dined at the
White. House with high representatives of
all churches, Catholic bishops on that oc
casion fraternizing with I'rotestnnts and
those of Jewish faith.
"Tardtau must have noticed," said Mr.
Roosevelt, "Hint I was the friend of min
isters of all cults. 1 have myself mounted
a pulpit and delivired u sermon to the
faithful of your religion, who listened with
the greutcFt sympathy."
"That is a thing that would be rather
difficult in
' Eondcnt.
Kurope." remarked the corre-
"Yes, I think so, responded Mr Roosi -v.-U.
with vigorous gesture of li Ih head.
Hlll SKKLS, April I. Tentative plans f..r
the entertainment of Mr. Koosc velt here
bavo been completed. He will be given
a dlnm r at the American legation by Min
ister liryan on April 28, and following
the dinner will receive the members of
the American colony.
Next morning Mr. Roosevelt will have
an interview with M. Kenkm, minister for
' lhl' .'donles. regarding the situation
! the Itelgnmi Congo. On the same day
wt 1 havtV luncheon with King Albert at
the palace, and in the afternoon will drive
with his majesty to the Laeken palace, in
j F.vans, who waa arrested at Logan.
i was brought to Topr ka t answer
la .
charge i
f aistin died today, havlni;
starved herself to diath.
lit rat: ly
Crlciigo torn Klrin I'mIIh,
CHICAGO. April 4. Application for i
I eceivn suip was made here ti.dav bv the
was made here
burns-Yam s Grain company of Chicago
land Huff::l i. Mr. Bur:is explained that I
i the application was marie in onlrr id I
1 confer vi the mteiest of creditors. The firm I
Is Known ctileily as a caan corn concern
i . .
Start the week with
a little Bee want ad
to sell the useless
things about the
house. The Bee can
sell it for you.
Somebody wants it.
Somebody will pay for it.
Somebody is vatobing Tlie
l't'e's want columns to find it.
In general. 20 cents will do the
Call nouglaa 238 and you will
find a cheerful staff ready (or you.
Both in Season
' S-A; I M LITTLE. iffZtf J
--iiir V-' ' J0B W r .
Will Not Punish
Sugar Combine
for Contempt
Judge lacombe Holds that Subpoena
Requiring Witness to Bring
Books Too Sweeping.
NEW YORK, April 4.-Vnlted Slates
Judge Iacombe today refused to punish
the American Sugar Refining company for
contempt of court. The government had
SBked that the corporation be declared in
contempt for refusing to produce Its books
before the grand Jury Investigating the
sugar underweighlng frauds, in response
to a subpoena directed to the company
and aerveil upon Its secretary, Charles R.
Helke refused to produce the books' un
less sworn before the grand i Jury. The
government, believing that ground for a
claim of Immunity might thus be estab
lished, declined to put him under oath,
and the grand Jury consequently did not
obtain possession of the books. Judge 1m
combe said he regarded the subpoena
served on Helke as far too sweeping to
be reasonable.
A second subpoena, however, which was
served on the president and resident agent
of the company and restricted to specified
books, wks upheld by the court, which
denied the application of the company's
counsel to pot It ajdde.
Member of Grant's Cabinet, Who Was
Admitted to Bar In lows In
IK44, Dies.
FORTLANP, Ore.. April 4. Judge George
H. Williams, the last surviving member of
President Grant's cabinet, died here today.
Judge Williams gave up active work sev
eral years ago because of poor health, but
his condition had not occasioned alarm.
Me was admitted to the bar In Iowa in
1X11 and became district judge. In IS'iS he
was sent to Oregon as chief Justice of the
territory supreme court and drafted the
constitution of the state of Oregon. As
senator from Oregon he served on Ihe
Alabama claims commission and the Brit
ish Columbia boundary commission and
was appointed attorney general by Presi-
, dent Grant in 1871, serving until 1878.
In 1S74 he was nominated as chief Justice
! of the supreme caurt of the United States.
I tiu this nomination was not confirmed by
but this nomination was not conflrnjed by
cabinet he returned to Oregon to resume
the practice of law.
Two Tobacco I'lants Closed.
'.OUISVlMiK. April 4-The strike of
tobacco stemmers for higher wages, which
was inaugurated last week, resulted today
in the closing by the American Tobacco
company of two of its largest plants.
About 4.000 men and women are now on
How Big is Omaha?
Everybody Guess
$25 for those who hit the mark
1883 by census, of 1860
16.083 by census of 1870
30,518 by census of 1880
66,536 by census of 1890
102,555 by ceiisiis of 1900
How many by census of 1910?
Fill in, cut out and mall
is my guess of the number of inhabi
tants in Omaha according to 1910 census.
$10.0) for beat atlmata. S5 for ac'i of thrat next best.
In caae of tie flrat answer haa preference. Award on official count
Iowa Senator Delays Action on Rail
road Bill Slated for Saturday.
lie Declares that Two Weeks Mioulil
he Taken to Consider Amendments
and Hasty Action Would
Ba a Joke.
WASHINGTON, April 4,-Peclarlng that
no less than two weeks' time will be neces
sary to consider the amendments already
offered to the railroad bill, Senator Cum
mins today resisted the combined efforts
of Senators Hale and Elklns to obtain an
agieement to vote next Saturday on the
bill. The Iowa senator not only objected to
the proposition, but he pronounced It a
Senator Bacon made It evident that If no
one else had objected ha would do so. tie
contended that the managers of the bill
were not Justified tn asking for an agree
ment looking to a vote until they are able
to present a perfected bill.
Mr. Elklns brought up the question of a
vote after the close of a speech by Senator
Crawford advocating the amendatlon of
the commerce court provision of the bill.
"I don't want to rush senators," said Mr,
Elklns, "but we all want to get away from
here by the 15th of June. I therefore urge
that senators desiring to speak on the bill
or amendments will prepare themselves to
do so and give us an opportunity to vote."
Rlklns Regrnrded na Jocose.
Mr. Cummins regarded Mr. Cummins as
not only amiable but Jocular. There were
more than 100 amendments to this hill to
be considered, he said, and no less than a
fortnight would be necessary for the duty.
He suggested as a substitute an agree
ment that no less than three hours a day
be devoted to the consideration of the bill
and amendments until disposed of.
Mr. Bacon would not consent.
"Senators say the bill has been here
six weeks," he said; "it is not here yet.
Amendments have been offered today,
which none have seen, and we receive no
assurance as to when the bill would be
"Today's amendments are not of a kind
that surprise senators," responded Mr.
"We don't know," replied Mr. liacon,
when we haven't seen them."
Mr. Cummins brought the discussion to
an end by presenting an amendment strik
ing out the provision authorizing the sub
mission In advance of agreements to the
court of commerce. The senate than went
Into executive session and adjourned with
out further proceedings on the railroad
I ' '
Mistake Wfe for Ilnrarlar.
WK1.LINGTON. Kan.. April 4.-Mlstak-Ing
her for a burglar. James Vanderwoon
a farmer living seven miles southwest of I Bli..f trA l,.4 l.i.. .
,,.. niiiDu ma wiiii nere
early today.
to The Bee-iAprll 6, 1910
Roosevelt and Pope Pius X Cannot
Agree and Meeting of Two
Cancelled. i
Jorn Callan O'Laughlin and Merry
- Del Val Are Negotiators.
Conditions Named by Holy Father
Seem Beyond Arbitration.
Comment In Italy lllsaatrnna to tall
can as Kleturnt of Hellalna.
Ilehlnd Tronhle la
Delicate Una.
Ri iM K. April 4. Now that Mr. Roosevelt
has made public the documenis which the
Vatican had considered confidential. Cardi
nal Merry lel Val. papal secretary of
state, wishes the entire history of the
negotiations for the audience which the
former president sought of l'ope Plua X to
be known.
Cardinal Merry Pel Val Is credited with
the responsibility for the Vatican's part In
the matter and the following may be ac
cepted as his version;
Following the exchanges between Mon
slgnor Kennedy nnd American Ambassador
i Irishman and Mr. Roosevelt's decision not
j to be received under the terms Imposed,
John Callan l)' Uiiughllii. w ho was assistant
secretary of slate In V.'OD and n personal
! friend of Mr. Rooceve.t, called upon Cnrdl
I nal Merry Hoi Val. bearing an Introduction
from Monsignor Falconlo. apostolic dele
gate in the United States. Immediately
after being Introduced to the presence of
the cardinal Mr. O l-aiighlln said:
"1 do not come In the name of Mr. Roose
velt, but on my own account as an Ameri
can Catholic."
Cardinal Merry Pel Val said:
"Then what are we here for? It Is use
less to discuss the matter. If you do not
represent Mr. Roosevrlt you cannot moke
any arrangements or sp -nk for him."
Aaavter of Mr. O'l.auahltn.
Mr. O'Laughlin replied:
"What I consider Important is to tell
your eminence that If the two dispatches
eent by Monsignor Kennsdy are retracted
I can assure you that Mr.- Roosevelt will
accept an audience."
Cardinal Merry Pel Val said:
"I will not discuss Mr. Roosevelt's rights,
but give inc confidential assurances that,
.defaeto, Mr. Roosevelt will not go to the
Methodists and the audience will occur.
Mr. O'Laughlin refused to give this as
Durance. The cardinal then iald:
" ''Mr. HoosevtsU Is free to ao to th Math
oillrtn and dw whatever ha chooses, but
the pontiff is certainly fre not to receive
a man who would claim the right to Insult
him on the day after having been received
by him, ,or perhaps on the ame day, as
according to jour atatement he may leave
Home on the same day of the papal audi
ence, thus having only between noon and
evening Tuesday In which to see the
"It is of little connequonre whether he Is
a Catholic, Protestant, IraelKe or Buddlsh.
All religious persons merit the same es
teem. The Important thing lk to be honest
and sincere. So far as the form of belief
Is concerned, I believe that all honest peo
ple will be always on good terms with
Itnosevt-lt Seeks A ad lr nee.
Mr. Kuoseveii sought an audience with
the pope through American Ambassador
Irishman fend received a reply that the
holy father Would be 'delighted to receive
him, but th answer was coupled with an
expression of the hope that the audience
would nut be prevented by such a regreta
ble ipcldent as made an audience for
former Vict President Fairbanks Impossi
ble. Mr. Rousevfelt In turn stated that he could
nut accept any stipulation limiting hla free
dom of conduct. To the latter message tht
Vatican made answer that the audience
could not take place excepting on the un
derstanding flrst made known. On March
20 Mr. Roosevelt sent to Ambassador Welsh
man the following cablegram.
"Proposed preaentatlon la, of course, now
Mr. Roosevelt insists that the Incident be
treated as purely personal and earnestly
hopes It will not give rise to any bitterness,
tie appreciates the attitude of the Vatican,
but feels that as a free American cltlsen
he cannot consistently take any action that
might be construed as Involving a limita
tion of the freedoaH of bla personal con
He had made no engagement to address
the Methodists or other religious bodies of
Rome, but at the same time be thinks he
Bhould not make promises as to what he
will or will not do. It would appear today
that, so far as the Vatican and Mr. Roose
velt are concerned, the Incident Is closed.
Incident iltlrs Home.
The news that the former president has
abandoned his proposed vlsl to the Vatican
readied the morning papers very late, but
made a deep Impression. The Meesagero,
an antl-clerlcal organ, alone comments edi
torially on the matter. This paper says:
"When the news was fcpread It was re
ceived with Incredulity, many regarding II
as a malicious fabrication of the enemies
of tlie Catholic church, but when con
firmed it produced comment disastrous to
the Vatican. Men of every religion dally
visit the pope without first giving the itin
erary of the churches which they Intend
to visit. Why should the Vatican require
Mr. Roosevelt to Ignore the churches of
his own religion during hla short stay In
! Rome? The Incident will not add to the dip
lomatic fame of the pope's advisors.
"Mr. Roosevo.t us the h'ad of the great
American republic, followed the principle
enunciated by Premier Lusxattl, 'a free
church under a sovereign state,' "
The Messagero places the responsibility
for whut it terms a "blunder" on the
pope's entouruge, continuing:
"For it was a blunder to ask a certlfiratt
of acceptability from a man Illustrious
everywhere for his Intelligence and tbs
nobleness of his life. The liberty whlcl
Mr. Roosevelt is defending for all, be
could not renounce for himself,"
Two Autllrnre Asked.
Whllo at Uondokoro In February list, .Mr
Rourevell wrote to Ambassadir l.eishman,
saying that he would be glad of the honor
of an audience with King Victor Kmanuei
tContiuu'd oo Second I'ae